raventheempress · 7 years
So... I had a dream last night...
Where Oshu was having a feast to celebrate a recent victory, and Shigezane and I were drinking together. We get super toasted and disappear at some point, no one knows where we run off to. So, the feast ends, people wander off to beds or just sleep where they passed out drunk, and a few hours before sunrise, Shigezane and I climb up on a roof and start singing Bohemian Rhapsody, very loudly, with ardent passion.  Kojuro, obviously, gets upset with us for waking him up, and causes poor Shigezane to fall off the roof and into some bushes when he yells at us to stop. So then, Shigezane and I are sitting in the garden, facing the brunt of Kojuro’s lecture. Cue the sun finally rising, and Kojuro stops speaking mid-sentence, as he looks behind us into the training yard, where we had constructed a very stern looking Kojuro-Scareacrow, overseeing a flower bed so that he can lecture them on growing properly. There, sitting in the flower bed, is a stray cat with hunched shoulders, looking up at Kojucrow, and paying attention as if it is actually being lectured. Seeing this, Masamune, who had been standing off silently until now, bursts into rambucious laughter. Fast forward to Masamune sitting on the other side of me, as the stray cat hops up on Shigezane’s shoulders so we can all be lectured together.
I have never wished I could draw more in my life because I would turn this into a mini-comic so freaking quick.
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generic-photobird · 6 years
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“Fall Doll” source- [generic-photobird]
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