#sav hopes her power doesn’t go out
tarvastries · 2 years
hail thunder lightning 60+ mph wind and severe rain?????? I take it back I don’t want these east coast thunderstorms anymore take em away plz
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tickfleato · 3 years
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a pair of serpentverse characters that i was GOING to wait to post until i had a loredump on kobolds but we all know when i say something like that it just means i never end up posting it. so here are hesha and sav! also will do a little loredump here, and info on them under the cut:
hesha is part of a clan of dragon-kobolds (i don’t have a conlang name for em yet), which are a cultural group that involves a large family or group of families that makes a deal w/ an old dragon to serve it in exchange for the rights to its corpse. to a dragon this always seems like an enormously good deal because basically no dragon believes that it will die. to the kobolds this is also an enormously good deal because dragons which die of old age* leave corpses that are incredibly large and thus incredibly valuable. even when living, the dragon is a good power source and protector.
since this is a very multigenerational deal (dragons take a LONG time to die especially when they’ve got a bunch of kobolds to feed them and care for them once they’re too big to move around much) big settlements end up built around the dragon’s lair, called dragon towns. note that it’s not just kobolds that do this, but they’re the best known.
the particular dragon that hesha’s clan worked for was called ning leleng in the language of her particular cultural group. ning is an honorific reserved for dragons and leleng means something like silver or other bright metal. this dragon also went by argent or silver-feather in some other languages. 
i don’t think i ever figured out what hesha’s name means, but sav just means little or young. their full name would be ‘leleng sav’ or ‘ning sav’, basically they’re just named baby dragon... i mean, hesha’s the equivalent of an 11 year old she’s not great with names.
note also that these may change! the thing about conlanging is you gotta hope that a word doesn’t mean something awkward in a real language... 
their story starts shortly after leleng dies. the dragon town is raided & hesha, one of the few survivors, ends up escaping with a dragon egg that was very near hatching. a quest ensues...
*dragons technically don’t experience senescence but as they grow indefinitely throughout their life, they’ll eventually get too heavy to support themselves and die. more on that here
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shelbazoidz · 3 years
Okay, I think I posted this on accident last night or there was some kinda glitch, either way I panic deleted it so... mama mia here we go again?? Its literally just based off a stupid joke I made last week about Lena calling Kara hot and everyone hears her say it over the comms.
Happy Accident.
A normal mission. Everyone was thankful for the break from the absolute chaos of the last few weeks. Nyxly hadn’t shown up in days since the last totem and the team was currently at a loss. When the emergency call came in they had all prepared for more magic nonsense, but that wasn’t what this was. This was something they knew how to handle.
Kara supports the crumbling side of the building as the rest of the team evacuates the few workers that weren’t able to get out on their own. The partially constructed office building had structural issues that had been conveniently covered up. That was until part of the building started to collapse. A piece of concrete thumps Kara on the head as she pushes the support beam into a more upright position.
“As long as the rest of you doesn’t come down, I’m fine with that.” She says to herself as she waits for everyone to get out safely.
“You’re clear, Supergirl.” J’onn calls out over the comms after another ten minutes. Slowly Kara let go of the bending support beam. It groans and creaks before slumping to the left but doesn't budge any further. Kara lets out a relieved breath, walking out from underneath the building.
“You’ve got some rubble in your hair, Supergirl.” The sound of Lena’s voice in her ear makes her smile.
“I do?” Kara brushes some of the dust out of her hair. “Wait, how can you see me?”
“Local news is there and there is a camera pointed right at you.” Lena hums back. She'd been watching the whole ordeal as Kara held up the building, her strong muscles flexing under the suit. Seeing the raw power Kara possesses is still absurdly impressive and if she were honest with herself its also absurdly attractive.
Kara searches the crowd of people, seeing a reporter and his cameraman make their way over to her. “And it looks like I’m in for an interview.” Kara flashes a smile at the camera as she puts her hands on her hips, hoping Lena is still watching. The look in Lena's eyes whenever she takes this stance always makes her run a little hotter.
“Have fun.” Lena jokes, seeing Kara smile a bit harder on the screen at her words. She watches as the reporter starts bombarding Kara with questions. That same easy smile remains on her face as she answers the first question in that tone of voice she only reserves for Supergirl.
“God she’s hot.” Lena mutters into the empty room. As soon as the words are out her mouth, Kara falters over the question she had been answering.
Lena tilts her head a little, wondering what went wrong until Kelly’s voice comes through.
"Lena...your comm is still on." She replies hesitantly. Lena’s hands freeze over the books she was about to grab.
"What?" She must have heard her wrong.
"We can all still hear you." Nia says, feeling mortified for her.
"Oh my god." She rips the damn thing out of her ear, staring down at it in horror. “Oh my god.” It's the only phrase her mind can really come up with right now. Maybe they didn’t know who she was talking about. But she had JUST been speaking with Kara before she said that. Her hand runs through her hair in a panicked motion. “Well maybe I can just catch a flight to the nearest uninhabited island and stay there...forever.” She groans as she paces the length of the room. Her brain quickly tries to think of a way to cover her own ass but nothing useful comes for long drawn out minutes.
Apparently she’d been pacing for a while because the elevator chimes, announcing the team's return. Lena stills as they all walk in, noticing that Kara is not present. Somehow she is both hurt and relieved by her absence. Nia makes eye contact with her but quickly pretends to busy herself around the room. Everyone had apparently decided to not bring it up to save her the embarrassment. But the pretending was equally bad, if not worse. Lena tries to stay in the room for as long as possible, trying to keep the casual conversation going but every passing second is eating away at her.
"I have...some things in the lab I need to do." She blurts out and before anyone could stop her she quickly takes the stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator. A heavy silence in the room follows after.
"Sooo…" Brainy starts but the sentence doesn't have a destination. This was out of his depth.
“Are we going to touch that or let them work it out?” Nia asks for him and everyone debates the question for a few moments.
“Maybe just let them work it out. I think that might be for the best. Although do you know where Kara went?” Kelly asks, looking at Alex.
“No clue but I’ll call her.” It had been nearly an hour since Kara said she would be back.
The sun sits low in the sky, lights from the city begin to sparkle under the approaching nightfall. Everything looks so peaceful from up here. Kara’s eyes follow a sailboat that is out on the water, miles away. She tracks it as it rocks and sways over the calm water. It had been nearly twenty minutes since she moved from her spot high above National City. Her initial lie to herself was that she was patrolling and totally was not avoiding going back to the tower. After doing her millionth lap around the city she’d stopped and just floated, getting more and more lost in her thoughts.
Each time she tried to process what had happened, her brain would freeze. The mere thought that Lena Luthor thought she was...hot made her bury her face in her hands. Maybe she heard it wrong or they were having some kind of communication issue. Neither of the lies sounded convincing to her. Another idea comes to her mind and it fills her with a flash of hot jealousy.
Maybe Lena had been talking about someone else?
It's possible and her jealousy only grows further at the thought. Kara tries to shake the emotion from her mind to no avail. Lena was allowed to be interested in other people, it's not like they are dating or anything. Yet, an extremely large part of her hoped that she was wrong. But that just circled her back to not knowing how to talk to Lena again. She lets out another frustrated noise, floating backwards so she could look up at the sky.
The swirling emotions freeze when her cell phone rings. Hesitant hands reach down and pull it out. The sight of Alex’s contact picture makes her let out a relieved breath. She wasn’t sure she could talk to Lena just yet. How the hell would she word what she wanted to say? She clicks the answer button before her mind could drag her back to over thinking. “Hey.”
“Hey Kara. You okay? You’ve been gone for a while.” ” Alex asks as she leans over the railing of the balcony.
“I don’t know.” She trails off, rubbing the back of her neck.
“Are you hiding?” Alex hears Kara groan on the other end of the line.
“Yes...am I a jerk for doing that?”
“I mean, taking time to gather your thoughts is fine, but you will be a jerk if you avoid her for the rest of the day. I don’t want to push you into anything. I just think she’s pretty embarrassed that we all heard.”
“I'd be too.” Kara says low enough that Alex doesn't hear. The thought of anyone knowing about the many times she'd been completely entranced by Lena's beauty was beyond embarrassing. “I’ll be back in a bit.” She replies finally.
“Okay, I’m sure you guys will work it out like you always do.”
“Wait!” She says before they hang up. “What do I say Alex?”
“I can’t tell you that. You know how you feel better than I do.”
“Do you think she was talking about someone else?” Kara can’t help but voice her concern.
“Kara, get your butt here and ask the person that said it.” Alex's reply makes her let out a sigh. She was right and playing twenty questions with her was not going to go anywhere.
“Right right. See you in a bit.”
“See ya.” Alex clicks off and Kara looks towards the tower.
“Well, here we go.” She says to herself before flying back.
Lena stared down at the book in front of her, not really reading the words. Practicing magic was not on the list of things she could focus on right now. That list was occupied by one thing currently.
She heard her. Everyone heard what she said and she wished the ground would have just opened up and swallowed her. There was no way in hell she was going to be able to look any of them in the eye again. How in god's name would she ever talk to Kara again without dumping all her feelings out. She and Kara had just gotten back to a good spot in their relationship and she had to go and throw a wrench in it. Their friendship meant the world to her. Kara was her world.
"Fuck." She mutters under her breath. If this slip up cost having Kara in her life, she wasn't sure what she'd do. A soft knock on the door frame drew her out of her thoughts. As soon as she saw who it was, she stilled.
"Hey." Kara says. Her eyes are glued to the floor as she takes a single step into the room.
"Hello." It feels difficult to get the single word out.
"So umm...I won't beat around the bush because that'll just be painful for both of us." She starts and Lena nods in agreement. Her fingers fiddle on top of the table as she waits for what Kara has to say, mentally trying to prepare for the worst.
Kara takes a few more steps into the room, her boots tapping soundly on the floor. She slowly lowers into the seat and finally brings her eyes up to look at Lena. Neither of them spoke for a few moments. Lena won’t meet her eyes as she looks at her. She lets her eyes trail down to where Lena’s fingers are fiddling nervously. She watches for a few seconds and then hesitantly reaches out, her hand gently stopping the nervous movement. “Can you look at me?” She asks softly.
Slowly Lena looks up, connecting their eyes. Even in her stressed state, the look Kara is giving her manages to make her relax. Kara gives her a gentle smile before clearing her throat.
"I heard what you said and I um-...I guess I just have one question before I say what I need to. Okay?”
It takes all of her to not look away as she asks, “Were you talking about me?”
The single question makes Lena remove her hand from under Kara’s so they can start tapping on the table again.
“Yes.” It comes out barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I wasn’t paying attention and I didn’t know everyone could still hear me. I’m so sorry.” Her voice wavers as if she might cry and Kara feels her heart ache.
“No no, Lena, you don’t have to apologize. I’m not offended.” Lena immediately looks up at her and Kara lets out a nervous laugh, running a hand through her hair.
“You’re not?” Lena tries to fight off the hopefulness that immediately comes rushing in.
“No I’m not. It's the opposite if anything. And umm... if it makes you feel any better, I thought the exact same thing when I first saw you." Kara forces herself to hold eye contact even though she knows her face is probably reddening.
Lena blinks a few times. "You’re serious?"
"I am. When I first met you, I think my brain stopped for a second because all I could think was ‘oh my god this is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life’." Kara flushes harder but continues. "And I still think that...every day I get to see you." The admission is like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. This conversation had played a million different ways in both of their heads but this was not how they thought it would go.
“So we’ve both been feeling like this since day one?” Lena can’t help but laugh.
“I guess.” Kara gives her a shy smile, doing the little head duck thing that Lena loves so much. She reaches up and takes Kara’s hand again.
“As happy and relieved I am that you feel the same, I’m not sure I can look the team in the eyes again.” She jokes and Kara laughs, squeezing her hand tighter.
"I could make us even if that helps?" She raises a brow.
"How so?" Suspicion is etched across Lena’s face.
"You trust me?"
"Of course." The answer comes easily, making Kara beam. She watches as Kara clicks on her comm again so everyone can hear her.
"Hey guys?"
"What's up?" Alex answers. Lena realizes what Kara might be up to and puts a hand over her mouth to not laugh. Kara looks at her with adoration as she starts speaking.
"Lena Luthor is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life and I'm so deeply in love with her." She smiled when Lena stopped laughing, her eyes going wide. She’d expected Kara to say something silly...but not that second half.
"What?" Nia practically yells, as Kara takes the comm out of her ear.
"There. Even." She smiles as Lena shakes out of her stupor.
"You love me?"
"Yes. I love you, Lena. It's not just that beautiful face I fell for, it's all of you." Her nerves came back as those green eyes stare into hers. Wordlessly Lena stands and rounds the table, swiveling Kara’s chair so she is facing her.
She takes Kara’s hands in her own again. "I love you too. I swear I’ve been planning this conversation in my head for years but right now I can’t really find the right words to express how much I truly, deeply love you Kara."
“Then show me.” Kara leans forward in the chair, hoping she isn’t over stepping. A warm hand slides up her arm to cup her cheek as she lets her own settle on Lena’s hips. Just when their lips are about to touch Kara starts chuckling.
"What?" Lena hums against her lips.
"I can still hear them freaking out upstairs." They both laugh softly before pressing their lips together.
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deanandthephantoms · 3 years
We're a Perfect Harmony PT.4 - Reader x Charlie
A/N: Sorry it took so long for this next chapter to be posted i really struggled with this one. Thanks for the advice and encouragement to keep me going @julie-thefatones and @happinessinthedarkesttimes you're both gems <3. - Hopefully you'll all enjoy this new part!
Summary: Charlie and Y/N meet again in real life after a year of face timing.. Will it be just like last year or will thing be different? How will Y/N deal with her feelings for Charlie? And what happens when Emma is suddenly around all the time? We’ll find out in this chapter..
Wordcount: About 5700
Other Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3
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Playing pretend..
A year had passed and summer came around again. There however was one major difference with last year. Around this time last year I felt scared and anxious because I was about to go on this camp with all those people I didn't know. Now I felt super excited cause I was about to see all of my friends again after such a long time. Madi was the only one I had seen a few times cause she lived somewhat close to me. I had talked to the rest regularly and had of course seen Charlie almost every day over Face time. There however was this tiny voice in my head, a voice that was telling me things would be awkward. I was afraid things would be different, afraid they suddenly wouldn’t like me anymore and possibly the biggest fear; afraid that Charlie and I would not have as good of a time as we had last year, I for some reason was afraid our real life click had vanished. Even though I knew that would not be the case and I desperately tried telling myself that, I couldn’t help but feel nervous on my way over there. The fact that I had developed feelings for Charlie didn’t help either. I didn’t want to like him like that and I would do everything in my power to deny the fact that I did. I was so lost in my own anxious mind I didn’t even notice the fact that we had arrived on camp..
Once I got off the bus there was the same big crowd as there was last year. This time however my eyes instantly fell on the boy I was most excited to see. I felt my heart jump a little and butterflies emerged in my stomach at the sight of him. At the same time he seemed to have noticed my bus arrived. And as soon as our eyes locked he dropped everything he was holding and came running towards me. “ NUGGEEEEETTT!!” He picked me up from the ground and spun me around while giving me the tightest hug “ YOU’RE FINALLY HERE!!” i wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him as tight as I could. Being in his arms made me feel like all my doubts and fears were never even there. I just felt calm , peaceful and happy. ”It's so good to finally see you again Charlieee” he then put me back down to look at me with the brightest smile “ what do you mean? you literally saw me last night, you dork.” he says playfully. “ yeah, I know. But you know Face time is nice and all but it doesn’t beat seeing someone in real life right?” “ oh I get it, I definitely missed doing this” he says while pulling me in for another tight hug. “ Me too” I mumble into his shoulder. We let go of each other and I start to gather my stuff from the bus, when Charlie sees me struggling with a big and heavy bag he comes over to me and laughs “Let me get that for you.” and without allowing me to even say anything he takes the bag from my hands. He then walks me and all my stuff to my bedroom and when I open the door I see Madison is already there. I see a grin appear on her face when she sees me and Charlie who’s still carrying all my stuff. “HIIIII Y/N and Charlie!” she greets us. “Maaaaads!” I say while pulling her in for a hug, trying my best to hide the girl’s stupid grin from Charlie. Not that he would think anything of it, but I wasn’t gonna risk it either. I then let go of her and finally take my stuff from Charlie’s hands. “Thank you” I just tell him with a smile. "No probem" He smiles at me before pulling mads in for a hug "Goood to seee you mads!" He then leaves us alone suddenly remembering he had literally dropped all his stuff for me.
“Sooooo remind me again how there’s nothing going on between you two?” Madison says the moment Charlie left the room. I let out a groan causing Madison to laugh. “I already told you. We’re just friends Mads, Charlie was just being nice.” “Just being nice? Really Y/N? Me and Charlie have been friends for years. He has never dropped everything for me or Sav or Jadah or basically anyone.” I wasn’t even gonna fight her on this.. I knew nothing would change this girl’s mind. So instead I just said “Look Mads, whatever it is that may or may not be going on, can we not talk about this when he’s around?” “Don’t worry. I won’t mention anything. Even if I wanted to I can’t. Emma is in our group this year so..” I know I told Emma I would like to get to know her better this year but I’m not sure how I felt about the fact that she was in our group now.. Super selfishly I may be a bit scared it would have it’s negative effects on the time I would get to spend with Charlie. I couldn’t think like that though, she was his girlfriend if there was anyone deserving of his time it was her. “Oh wow, I didn’t see that one coming. I bet Charlie is very excited about it, I know he tried to get her into this group last year but back then she didn’t want to..” there's a short silence “Charlie didn’t tell you?” Mads seemed genuinely surprised by this fact. “No.. I bet he just forgot about it or something..”
There was no time to think anything of it because Savannah and Jadah came bursting into the room, we all just screamed gathering in one big group hug in the middle of our room. Mads couldn’t help but tell Jadah and Savannah about how Charlie had carried my bags for me which made them once again tease me. But once I asked them to not do this when he was around they promised me they wouldn’t and I trusted them. We talked and giggled while unpacking our bags and then our last roommate came in.. “Hello Girls” She said. She sounded and looked somewhat shy and or uncomfortable I couldn’t tell for sure. But I did know she could use a hug. I got up and embraced her into a warm hug. “Hi Emma! I heard you’re in our group this year. That’s cool!” and I wasn’t just saying that to be nice.. The way she came into the room reminded me of how I had felt last year. I felt for her and wanted to make sure she actually felt welcome. My gesture seemed to have taken her by surprise “Hi Y/N, I eh I am yeah. Thank you.” She smiled at me. A genuine one. Who know maybe Emma and me could actually become friends after our rough start last year..
When I was done unpacking I decided to go out and see if Jeremy and Owen had arrived yet. Emma came with me so I took this chance of getting to know her a bit better. I learned that she had an older brother and that she had a great connection with her parents. She loved baking and wanted to work with small kids in the future. That was gonna be something we could bond over. That’s when is saw the boys. “JER , OWEN!” I yelled all excited before running up to them and pulling the both of them into a hug. “Y/N!” they both yelled back “You actually came back!” Owen added. That’s when Charlie threw himself into the conversation. “Of course she came back Owen. She just couldn’t miss us any longer.” He said clearly teasing. i shoot charlie a look and he just sticks his tongue out to me. “Glad to see you two getting along” He then said to me and Emma before throwing his arm around Emma and giving her a quick kiss. Oof.. I was gonna have to get used to this. I’m sure I would have to see a lot more of this now Emma was in our group. It’s not that it bothered me that much, I mean I expected to see them together. It was fine. But I couldn’t stop myself from hoping they would not be stuck together like that the entire week.
Just like last year we were placed into smaller groups and during our first activity we met this new boy called Sacha. He was kind of cute and on top of that he seemed really nice. That’s when a plan started to form.. The girls were pretty sure about the fact that I liked Charlie heck i was convinced everyone could see it.. I needed a form of distraction, something to keep everyone from obsessing over how i actually felt. And that’s where Sacha came in.. What if I just started casually telling people I thought Sacha was cute I mean he had blonde hair and blue eyes I had once mentioned that was my type.. Surely that would get their minds of me and Charlie? Since Sacha was new to the group I decided to invest some time in genuinely getting to know him, making sure he felt welcome and all that. Just like the rest of the group he was into music and loved playing the guitar and had the ambition to become an actor. I couldn’t help but think this guy was gonna get along with Charlie quite well.
As if I had summoned him Charlie came up to us and sat down beside me. – actually, he couldn’t sit closer to me if he tried..- “Hey guys!” “Hi Charles” I said to him with a big smile. – I really had to stop reacting to him that way..- "Sacha and I were actually just talking about how he loves playing the guitar.” “Oh? Awesome! We should totally jam sometime!” and just like that I was sat between two boys fangirling over guitars and guitar players I had admittedly never heard of.. “Aaalright” I interrupted the two. “I’m gonna go find the girls.” I give Charlies leg a quick pat before getting up and walking off.
I find the girls outside on a bench “heellooo, what are we talking about?” I say while joining them. “boys, actually.” Savannah says with a grin on her face. “Jadah was telling us about this dude she met.” Boys? Great. Time to put my Sacha plan to action.. “ahh I wanna hear all about it Ja!” “Soo.. since we’re on the topic of boys.. What do we think about Sacha?” I ask nonchalantly. We all seem to agree on the fact that he seems nice and pretty cool. “I was just talking to him. That’s until Charlie interrupted us.. I think he’s kind of cute actually..” Madison looks at me with a suspicious face. Then Emma speaks up “ohh, You like Sacha?” “well I mean.. I’ve only just met him. But he is totally the type of guy I would usually fall for..” “Who is?” I hear Owen ask behind me. Before him and Jer join us. “Y/N likes Sacha.” Emma just happily replies. “Ohhh does sheee?” Jer says and I instantly see two boys with a teasing smirk looking at me. I had not expected it would be so easy to convince people.. Although I could tell Madi was not convinced at all, but she promised she wouldn’t say anything so it was gonna be fine.. I think.
Later that night our group was chilling by the campfire. Charlie and Sacha both had brought their guitar and were jamming away. Emma was resting her head on Charlie’s shoulder and was actually engaging in our conversations. I found myself taking in the scene and being completely fine with it. I felt happy and at peace it was only the first night and i was already wishing it would never end again. That’s when almost everyone of our group decided it was bedtime. “You coming too Y/N?” Madi asks me. I shared a quick look with Charlie before replying “Yeah, I eh, I’ll be right there.” Apparently Madi got the message loud and clear and wished us a goodnight before leaving with Sav and Jadah. Emma shared a kiss with Charlie before quickly following after the other girls. I hugged Owen, Jer and Sacha goodnight.
And then it was just me and Charlie. Suddenly I was not completely sure what to do.. so I just sat there just looking at the boy I very secretly liked. That’s when he scooted closer to me and just casually threw his arm around me before breaking the silence “I’m glad we still have our little late night moments together..” I felt myself relax at his touch and automatically just melt into him. “Yeah me too. I was actually feeling really selfish for wishing we still would have this..” I admit. “How is that selfish? We both agreed that last year the late nights were our favorite part.. Hoping that would happen again this year isn’t a bad thing Y/N.” “Yeah.. I don’t know. Now that Emma is in our group I thought she would be around a lot more and that would maybe mean the end for our late nights. But you know she’s your girlfriend so wishing for time alone with you felt wrong? You must be happy with the fact that she agreed to join our group though? ” “ yeah.. I get that.. and honestly it totally could have been that way. She can be a bit clingy and sometimes has some trust issues when it comes to me and spending time with others.. but yeah I’m happy to see she seems to be pretty chill and trusting this week. I hope she’ll open up more and really become friends with my friends you know. Would make it all a lot more fun for the both of us.“
“Well.. I guess, for us, maybe it helps that she thinks that I like Sacha.” I blurt out before even realizing it. I had become way too comfortable with telling this man everything.. “oh.. Do you?” I swear I heard a change of tone in his voice but that might have just been some diehard wishful thinking on my end.. “I.. I don’t know. I’ve only just met him Charles.” “I mean i get it, he’s a pretty cool guy. He’d be lucky to have you Nugget.” “Oh stop it. I really am not as brilliant as you still seem to think I am. ” “Eh. YES YOU ARE Y/N. and getting more and more brilliant every day actually.” “Well, that’s all on you then. Since you’re the only thing that has been in each and everyday over the past year.” He laughs. The sound of that fills my heart with even more love for him. “I’ll gladly take that credit. I’ll make sure to tell Sacha you’re only this awesome because of me.” “Ah yes greeeeat plan Gillespie! Maybe he’ll date you then.” I laugh. “Oof imagine the great music that would come out of it! But no. He’s all yours “Y/L/N.” Charlie and me joke around like that for a while before deciding it’s time for bed. When we arrive at my door Charlie pulls me in for a tight hug. “So good to finally not have to do this virtually.. Sweet dreams Nugget.” “Sweet dreams Charles.” He holds onto me a little longer just hugging me in silence before he lets go. “goodnight” he says and with a smile walks off to his own room. That smile was one day gonna be the death of me.. good thing the owner of that smile didn’t know that..
The next morning I woke up to the sound of my roommates chatting away. “Morning sleepyhead” I hear Madison say as I open my eyes. “Morningg” I groan which makes the other girls laugh. “It got that late already huh?” Savannah says teasingly. “You guys know me.. I don’t need a lot of sleep.” “uhu. Sureeee you don’t.” Sav says again. I just sigh as a response and get myself out of bed to get ready. As I get out of our room to freshen myself up I bump into Charlie who is standing in front of our door. As I’m about to say sorry he just wraps his arms around me ‘Good morning Nugget!” every bit of feeling dead and grumpy instantly disappears . I rest my head against his chest for a good second. “Good morning, Charlie.” Realizing the fact that the other girls may soon get out of our room I wiggle out of his grip and just smile at the always happy look on his face. “I was actually about to go freshen up, I’ll see you at breakfast okay?” “You look perfectly fine to me you know. But okay, I’ll save you a spot at the table.” “Thanks, Charlie” I smile at him before making my way to the bathroom.
Once I’m done the other girls are done as well and together we make our way to breakfast, and as promised Charlie saved us all a pot at the table. Emma sat down next to him giving him a quick good morning kiss. I find my old familiar spot across from Charlie and Sacha sits down next to me. “Morning Sacha!” I greet him. I instantly feel multiple eyes on the two of us. Pretending like I’m not noticing that but happy with the fact people are apparently believing that I like him, I continue my conversation with Sacha and soon enough the others join in.
Later that day we had some sports activities. It’s a very hot and sunny day so the minute the activity was over our group made it’s way to the shadow under some trees. Charlie was the first one to fall down into the grass and I was quick to follow. I don’t know what took over me but I decided to use him as a pillow. I sat down next to him only to slowly fall back and let my head rest on his stomach. Surprisingly no questions were being asked about this and no comments we’re being made.. Emma lies down on the other side of Charlie resting her head on his chest and Owen lies down next to me , using my stomach as a pillow causing me to giggle at the tickle of his hair. Before we knew it we we’re just one big pile of people using each other as a pillow.
We just chilled like that for a second not saying much. I felt every breath Charlie took under me and I noticed that was a weirdly calming thing to me, without even trying my breathing matched his. Never had I ever felt as at peace as in this moment so i couldn’t help but feel just the tiniest bit sad when we had to get up to freshen up before dinner. There really was no denying this man had an influence on everything I did, liked and felt. There was no denying that I liked and possibly even loved this boy. I was gonna have to be careful with my actions if I wanted to make sure no one else knew about that.
Later that night Emma came up to me "Hey Y/N? Can I talk to you for a second?" I feel myself getting nervous, what could this possibly be about? "Yes of course. What’s up Emma?" I follow her towards a quiet place on the campground. ‘I..I just wanted to talk to you..’ she sounds sad. I sit down next to her putting my arm around her shoulder “Are you okay Ems?” “Honestly I don’t know. I’ve been feeling insecure and Charlie is not making it any better at the moment. “ “oh.. I’m sorry. Do you know where the insecurity is coming from?” I say hoping to kind of avoid discussing Charlie with his girlfriend. “Well. I’ve always been a bit anxious and insecure.. I’ve been bullied a lot as a kid but even at home it was always about my brother and it’s like I almost don’t exist? Don’t get me wrong you’ve all been super nice. And I know you’re all Charlies friends and he hasn’t seen you all in a year and so obviously he’s gonna be excited to hang out with all of you but I guess I just feel a bit left behind?” I had no idea about the fact that Emma had somewhat of a same life story as me. I know what being bullied can do to a person.. “Wow. I’m sorry you had to go through that Ems.. and I get that, that all makes you insecure and anxious I’ve been struggling with that as well.. But this is a safe place, you don’t have to feel insecure or left behind. You’re always welcome to hang out with us. I’m sure Charlie wouldn’t mind either.” “Yeah you say that now, last year we got into a fight over me jumping into a conversation between you and him and during the last year we’ve gotten in a few more fights that come down to the same topic of me not wanting him to do something or me wanting to come along to something he’s doing..”
I wasn’t aware of the fact that there had been more fights between them.. Apparently Charlie had not been telling me everything, not that he was obligated to do so but I just thought he did? “Oh.. I did not know that.. sorry. But can I be honest with you Emma?” “No you couldn’t have it’s okay. and yes. Actually please do. “ I take a deep breath before speaking again “ Well.. I of course have not been there for all the fights.. I know of the one of last year cause Charlie told me about it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to join us. It’s the way you did it.. If you would have just joined us everything would have been fine. But I got the feeling you we’re trying to make very sure that I knew Charlie was taken.. and that’s what he didn’t like. I think ,and you can correct me if I’m wrong, maybe you’re scared of losing Charlie? If so, don't be.. I know Charlie really loves you. I think all he wants from you is trust that he will be faithful to you and maybe some space sometimes to do his own things. But I also know for a fact that he wants to spent time with you and he wants you to spent time with his friends so you can all hang out more.. Maybe just have a good conversation with him about where you’re coming from and what you would like and / or need from eachother?”
“yeah.. You may be right there. I know I was acting horrible last year, I just really thought you were on your way to steal Charlie from me.. Sorry about that. You and Charlie both did not deserve that.. I don’t know though.. I believe that he loves me and all but if you’d ask him to name a list of things he loves most in this world I’m pretty sure things like food and music would come first and then maybe at one point he’ll be like oh yes and Emma of course.” I can’t help but smile just a little at the amount of love this boy indeed has for food and music but quickly compose myself again. “ I’m not sure Em.. Sure he loves music and food and stuff he makes that very obvious. But from things he told me I know you’re so so important to him.. Just talk to him about all of this okay? You really gotta be honest about your feelings with him..” “Yeah.. Thanks Y/N. I appreciate you listening to me and actually giving me advice on all of this.” “ yeah no worries. Any time. “ I say while giving her a smile. We fall silent for a second and I stand up holding my hand out to her “ So are you ready to get back to the others?” She nods and takes my hand. We make our way towards our group and once we get close I share a quick look with Charlie, a look that tells me he wonders if everything is okay. I just give him a reassuring smile and the smile I get in return is the end of that small silent conversation. After playing some fun and very competitive boardgames with our entire group, it in the end is just me and Charlie again.
We end up finding a quiet spot in the middle of a field and just like earlier that day he lies down in the grass and I lie down next to him with my head resting on his stomach, one of his hands now reaching up to softly play with my hair. We just lie there in silence for a while looking up at the stars admiring the beauty of it all, and in my case very much enjoying this warm and fuzzy feeling this boy was giving me right now. I feel Charlie taking a deep breath underneath me before he breaks the peaceful silence “Soo.. was everything okay? That conversation with Emma I mean..” I take a second to consider my options, should I tell him? It doesn’t feel right to hide something from him but at the same time it is not my place at all to talk about Emma’s feelings.. I decide on keeping our conversation private.. “Yeah. No eh she just needed to get a few things of her chest. Don’t worry about it. It was nice getting to know her a bit better actually. She even apologized for last year..” “She did? I’m really glad to see you two getting along.. I’m happy she found someone in you she can open up to. I sometimes feels like even I can’t be that person for her..” I sigh. “I’m sure that’s not true Charlie.. at the very least I know she wants you to be that person. And for what it’s worth.. You are that person to me..” Not my very best line when it comes to hiding how I feel but this boy needed to know it wasn’t his fault at all. I can feel him let out a small silent laugh. “For what it’s worth? Really nugget? You do know that hearing that means a lot to me right?” “Does it? I mean you’re just so easy to talk to, and you’re always so nice and understanding. I would quite literally trust you with my life, Gillespie.” “Well for what it’s worth Y/L/N, I trust you with mine as well.” I can’t help but smile at that.
“Hey Charlie, can I ask you something?” I say softly, not being mad about it if he wouldn’t hear it. but he does.. “Yeah, anything. You know that..” he says still playing around with my hair. “Why didn’t you tell me about the whole Emma coming to camp and being in our group thing? Not that you had to! I’m just curious?” He’s silent for a while.. “Charlie..?” “Honestly? I guess.. Seeing how things we’re last year, I maybe was afraid you wouldn’t come if you knew?” he says and I let out a little laugh. “It was not that bad Charles.. She just didn’t like me very much.. But that did not bother me enough to not come here.. I’ve missed all of you too much over the past year..” “I missed you too much” I barely even whisper. “Good. cause I really need you here. “ I could not deny that hearing that made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. He needed me? I reach up with my hand to grab his free hand and give it a light squeeze. “Well, I’m not going anywhere. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Although maybe I should be going to sleep..” as I’m about to get up and let go of his hand he grabs mine tightly and pulls me back down “Naaah-aah. You can stay here a little longer.” He says teasingly.
“You really think you’re teasing me by doing that? Gonna have to try harder than that Gillespie. “ I laugh. “Is that a dare? Cause I will. But in this case no. I’m not teasing. I Just would like us to stay up a little longer.” I lay my head back down on his stomach and he instantly finds his way back to my hair. “Fine then. I’ll stay. And yes, maybe that was a dare..” He starts to laugh as soon I said that. “What?” I ask him. “You have no clue what you’re getting yourself into Nugget. I’ll have you know that annoying someone and teasing them is actually one of my talents.” “uhhu. Right. I think you’ll soon learn that I’m not THAT easy to annoy.” “Oh it’s so on now.” “Bring it, Gillespie.” We just lay there a little while longer talking and teasing each other. My head never leaving his stomach and his hand never leaving my hair. Until Charlie notices I’m getting more and more silent.
“Really Y/N? You’re falling asleep on me? You could have just told me that I was boring you , you know. “NO THAT’S NOT…” “HA! See. Already got you there.” He laughs. “You’re the actual worst Char.. but no. I was actually just very comfortable and that made me sleepy. You make quite a good pillow you know.” “Well thank you Y/N.. I trained long and hard for that. We’re gonna have to get you to bed now though." he starts to sit up causing my head to slide towards his lap but I don’t plan on moving any time soon. When he’s fully sat up he just looks at me and my head that’s now in his lap. “Come on nugget. Time to go!” “Naaah-aah. We can stay here a little longer.” I smile up at him mimicking his words from before.
“Are you sure about that?” He leans forward a bit his face now sort of hovering above mine with a suspicious smile spread on it, and I feel a slight panic grow in me. What is he doing? What is he thinking? When I don’t move but also don’t say a word he continues. “Well alright then..” and that’s when he starts to tickle me making me laugh uncontrollably and as soon as I get the chance it roll away from him. “Fine. You win, we’ll go to bed” I say while getting up, offering him my hand to help him up as well. He takes it and I pull him up. “Good decision nugget. Good decision” he says teasingly and I playfully hit his arm “Oh shut up Charles..” when I’m in bed my brain is racing. What was happening between me and Charlie? I mean we were just friends obviously.. but I couldn’t deny that we were in someway getting a whole lot closer? And why did it feel like I was in the middle of the relationship between Emma and Charlie? I was gonna have to figure out a way to get out of that position.. and I was gonna have to try a whole lot harder when it comes to hiding my feelings for Charlie as well. I basically told him he’s my person and I like laying on top of him? COULD I BE ANYMORE OBVIOUS? My mind keeps running like that for a while before I get, 3 hours of sleep at most.
The next morning I am the last to join everyone at the breakfast table, somewhat surprised to see my spot across from Charlie is saved for me. “Good morning” I greet everyone feeling more dead than alive. A bunch of happy and cheerful good mornings are being thrown my way while I sit down. I can hear everyone talking but what they’re saying isn’t even really getting through to me that’s how tired I am. At this point I’m just staring in the distance trying to stay awake. That is until I literally get slapped back to reality by Charlie. I just look at him, mouth wide open in pure shock. Not that it was hard or painful but I never expected him to do that.. “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” He just laughs, which normally would make me feel all better but in this case made me more annoyed which apparently was showing cause the laughing stopped. “So you are alive! Had to make sure since we were talking to you and you were not responding to a single word we said. ” “I’m Sorry..” he adds after noticing the fact my facial expression has not changed one bit. I relax my face even though I’m still shocked by the fact that he did that. “It’s okay. Sorry guys I just really have not slept the best last night.. But I’m here now, what we’re we talking about?” Glad no one asks me about why I had a bad night we just fall right back into the conversation they we’re having beforehand.
The rest of the day was, lucky for me, pretty easy-going we were just chilling in the sun and Charlie and Sacha had both gotten their guitars out and we were all singing songs together. I could not stop myself from thinking that the whole guitar playing thing somehow made Charlie even more attractive. Sacha wasn’t bad either though.. maybe I just had a thing for guitar players? That’s until out singing gets interupted by Charlie’s phone ringing, he gets up and walks away from us before picking up. When he gets back though I can tell something is wrong.. my thoughts being confirmed by Charlie who picks up his guitar and gives us a quick “excuse me for a sec..” before storming off..
Continue reading in Part 5 :)
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gowithgabby · 3 years
Remember the Daze.
Character BIO(s):
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Kylie Julien McCarthy
17 years old
Born on September 2nd
Nickname: Ky pronounced like “Kai” (by everyone) Kay-Jay (only by Sav and Jessa), Jewels (by Noah)
Goals: Yale, aspiring to be a Doctor
Interests: Reading, Baking, Beach Days, Mathematics, Literature, Pizza
Crushing on Noah Collins, her best friend since Kindergarten
Summary: One of the best students at Laguna Beach High School, Kylie is articulate, well spoken, mannered, good at multitasking, fairly great at planning, and organized. The kid has a good heart and a good head on her shoulders. A straight A student, member of the school decathlon team, the senior class VP. Kylie is very sweet, honorable, and level headed often acting as the voice of reason in the female portion of her friends. Kylie was born to a successful lawyer, George McCarthy and his partner, Christopher Julien, a ambitious magazine editor. They used a surrogate to have their children, Kylie does know of her birth mother and maintains a relationship with her but she loves her fathers very much. She has a little sister named Violet, who is starting her freshman year at Laguna Beach HS. In all of her 17 years, Kylie has been very complacent in her actions. This year, she is hoping to take the big step in really getting what she wants. She just hopes that it doesn’t blow up in her face. 
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Noah Joseph Collins
18 years old
Born on June 27th
Nickname: Joey, Jojo (Only by Kylie and his mom)
Goals: Yale, aspiring to be a Lawyer
Interests: Listening to music before his time, Pizza, Video Games, Reading, Writing, Debating, and Traveling.
Crushing on Kylie McCarthy, his best friend since Kindergarten
Summary: You might think Kylie is the best student at Laguna, but Noah is her academic rival. While he is on the basketball team, he doesn’t care much for the glory that sports brings, not neglecting his athletic skills. He prefers to bury himself with books, educating himself and enriching his mind. You would think him and Kylie would be trying to tear each other down to be the best but it’s actually the exact opposite, they work off each other and build together. This is mainly due to being each other’s best friends since kindergarten, having fond memories of each other. Noah split his lunch with Kylie when she forgot hers on their first day and they’ve been tight ever since. He has dreams of Yale, his father’s alma mater. He is gifted, the editor of the school’s newspaper and he is the senior class President. He is the son of New York Times best selling author, Layla Shaw-Collins and her equally successful husband, Duane Collins, who made his wealth being the most sought out talent agent in LA. He has an older brother named Aaron whom is starting his junior year at Cornell and an older sister named Luna who is a sophomore at Spelman college, a historic black college.
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Savanna Wyatt Birkhart
17 years old
Born on October 31st
Nickname: Sav, Savvy, Wyatt (by Ethan)  
Goal: UCLA, aspiring to be a Model
Interests: Modeling, Singing, Cheerleading, Bonfires, Volunteering, Traveling, Shopping, Horror Movies, Yoga, Romance Movies, Makeup, Sage, Hot Wings, Indian Food.
Dating Levi James, boyfriend of 4 years. Crushing on her best friend, Ethan Mahoney (possibly)
Summary: What’s to say about Savanna Birkhart that hasn’t been said already?, dubbed the golden girl of her senior class due to her being head cheerleader and girlfriend of arrogant, Levi, the football star. She makes good grades to keep her GPA somewhat untouchable, she dreams of UCLA. Daughter of Carter Birkhart, a successful property realtor and his award winning actress wife, Farrah Sayers-Birkhart. From the time that the biracial girl was placed in her mother’s arms as a baby, she was genetically “blessed”, taking the best of both parents. Doomed to be popular of her face and wealth, don’t think she feeds into the stereotype of high school. Far from entitled and spoiled, she’s openly friendly, down to earth, charitable, honest, warm, caring, and very naive…especially when it comes to her boyfriend, Levi. Everyone is friends with Sav, she’s a good person to be around. She has an older brother named Silas, who is climbing the ladder to be a PR agent in LA, alma mater of USC and she has a 10 year old younger brother named Six, who was born on Christmas Day. Lately, she’s been finding herself in a somewhat love triangle, between her boyfriend whom she loves and her best friend, Ethan, who she also loves but she’s not sure if it’s friendly love or something more. She’s best friends with Ethan, Cali, Kylie, Noah, and Jessa but gets along with everyone fairly well.
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Levi Nathaniel James
18 years old
Born on May 15th
Nickname: LJ
Goal(s): winning the state championship, Stanford, aspires to be CEO of his father’s company
Interests: Partying, Drinking, Working out, Having Sex, Traveling, Sushi, Indian Food, Sports
Dating Savanna Birkhart, girlfriend of 4 years. Unbeknownst to his naive girlfriend, he tends to cheat on her when he goes on family trips or with his dad out of town. He does love her but sometimes he cheats.
Summary: Born to a pair of sun-kissed blonde power couple, Levi is the son of Fortune 500 - Forbes listed CEO of JamesCo, William James and his former model turned socialite wife, Uma Peterson-James. From the day that he was born, Levi has been told that he is powerful, he has money and a lot of it. There hasn’t been anything he wasn’t given, awarded, provided. Textbook jock, Levi excelled in football (mainly), basketball, lacrosse, soccer, and surfs in his free time. He’s QB of the football team and he relishes in the fact that he has Sav on his arm, he’s perfect and he only wants the best for his ego. He mainly focuses on his girlfriend, sex, parties (lots of them), drinking, and sports. He is not the best friend you would want however, very few outside of their friend group knows how he got Sav, by betraying his former best friend from childhood, Ethan, who still harbors a love for Savanna. Recently, he’s been noticing Ethan’s less than quiet advances on Sav. He doesn’t like it, but he has also been holding in secrets from his girlfriend, his cheating and a deeper one that might not only fuck up his relationship with Savanna but destroy the bonds that are deep rooted with their friend group. Levi does have a softer side that only his parents, Savanna, and his sister get to see. He has a little sister named Chelsie, who is a gymnastics prodigy in the making at only 12 years old. He’s best friends with Talan, he’s friends with everyone but he doesn’t care too much for Ethan still being accepted in their group of friends.
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Maia Genevieve Langley
18 years old
Born on July 5th
Nickname: Mai, Langley
Goal: Juilliard, aspiring to be an Actress
Interests: Flowers, Hot Girls, Cute Boys, Designing, Makeup, Sneakers, Cupcakes, Acting, Slumber Parties, and experimenting with different hair colors
Crushing on Bodhi Desai and her female classmate, Hanna Richardson
Summary: Everything about Maia screams sensitive, mainly Kylie’s best friends but she does hold close friendships with everyone in the group, Maia is overly sensitive, fiercely loyal, a ride or die friend, and occasionally shy. A little bit on the hyperactive side, openly bisexual and her parents are okay with it, modern day hippies…what can you say?! She had her first same sex experience with a girl at summer camp when she was in the 7th grade. Her friends do tend to walk on eggshells with her due to her over-sensitivity to avoid triggering her. A flair for the dramatics, Maia knows her name will be in lights one day. She wanted to just move to LA and not go to college but her parents are still a little old-fashioned and want her to be educated and perfect her craft before she attempts the struggling actress thing. She was born to a Japanese-American Self help guru named Mina Sato-Langley and a English father named Jeremiah Langley, he was a footballer in England before transitioning to the states and settling into ESPN anchor fame. Maia is the eldest of four children, having two younger identical twin brothers named Hunter and Finn Langley, who are freshmen at Laguna Beach high school. She has a younger sister named Bay Langley who is 6 years old, Maia was 12 years old when her sister was born, she was a what you call a “surprise” baby. Maia has spent the last four years in awe of Bodhi but he doesn’t pick up on her flirtatious banter or he ignores it to avoid hurting her feelings.
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Bodhi Abraham Desai
18 years old
Born on March 19th
Nickname: Bo
Goal: Cornell, this school is said to have the best culinary arts program; aspiring to be a Chef with his own restaurant
Interests: Mixology, Baking, Cooking, Soul Music, R&B, Comic Books, Alternative music, Old movies, joking
Crushing on Cali Hernandez
Summary: Known as the Lovable Goofball, Bodhi is down to earth, laidback, friendly, and most of all, silly. He is the son of British Indian award winning Bollywood turned Hollywood actor named Deepak Desai and his acclaimed Screenwriter wife, welsh-Irish wife, Alys Davies-Desai. He has a younger sister named Billie, named after his parents love for Billie Holiday, who is 11 years old. Bodhi dreams of being a chef one day with a restaurant similar to Wolfgang or Gordon, his culinary idols. He would love to take his culinary skills abroad and studying in France, India, Italy, and many other countries. He is quite skilled in mixology, teaching himself the art of mixing drinks from YouTube and picking up tricks from hired bartenders at his parents parties and events. He makes decent grades enough to make his parents proud, he excels in chemistry having a love for science since he was in elementary school. He surfs in his alone time and is a beast on the beach when it comes to frisbee and volleyball. He’s best friends with Noah and Ethan. Close friend with everyone else in the group.
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Calista Pilar Hernandez
17 years old
Born on December 31st, a New Year’s Eve baby
Nickname: Cali
Goal: UCLA or USC, aspiring to be a Decorator
Interests: Shopping, Makeup, Vlogging, Chinese Food, Boba Tea, Cheerleading, Beach Nights, Partying.
Dating Talan Everett, boyfriend of 4 years. Crushing on someone in the group but refusing to say it
Summary: Calista is the hot-headed BFF to Savanna Birkhart, while they’re both cheerleaders and share some interests, but ultimately are opposite, where Savanna is down to earth and warm, Cali tends to come off as spoiled and cold. Outspoken, brash, a slick mouth and sarcasm stewed to perfection. Do not call her a spicy Latina, she hates the way Hollywood has stereotyped women with attitude. She’s fiery and will let you know about your wrongs, proud of her heritage. She’s of Mexican-Cuban descent and Swedish through her mother. Cali has a younger brother named Javi, who is a sophomore at Laguna Beach High. Raised by her single father, Javier Hernandez Sr, a famous architect that made his wealth building homes and iconic businesses for the elite. Her mother, Enya Nilsson was a influential fashion designer with several collections, one even named after her daughter, Calista. She lost her mom at 8 years old, making her father a widow. He buried himself into his work and left his cards accessibly to his kids, Cali stepped up and helped her various nannies with her younger brother who was only 6 when their mom died. Like her best friend, she’s sexually active with her boyfriend, Talan. She and Savanna were already going to be best friends, due to their mothers. Enya and Farrah being friends. Farrah even walked on the runway for her designer friend a few times, somehow falling pregnant with their daughters weirdly around the same time. She’s been having issues with her boyfriend, Talan lately.
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Talan Gray Everett
18 years old
Born on April 10th
Nickname: Tal
Goal: Wharton Business School, aspires to be Advertising Executive
Interests: Drawing, Gardening, Growing his own Weed strains, Smoking pot, Surfing, Painting, Working out
Dating Cali Hernandez, girlfriend of 4 years. Crushing on Jessa Filipov, his best friend of 6 years.
Summary: Talan is by far the most reliable guy next to Noah in his group of his friends. Son of A-List Party Planner, Britney Westin-Everett and successful Nightclub-Exotic Strip owning Mogul, Alan Everett. Talan has a younger sister named, Serena who is 15 years old and a sophomore at Laguna Beach HS and a older half brother on his father’s side, Gilliam, nicknamed Gill, who’s a senior at NYU. Talan spends his days smoking weed, drawing, surfing, skate-boarding, playing volleyball, and mainly keeping his GF, Cali and his best friend, Jessa from ripping each other’s hair out. While he knows Cali is not always a BITCH on wheels and Jessa is not only known for her body count, he doesn’t understand why the young women don’t care to much for him having the other in his life. He often wonders had his life would have been different if he chose Jessa over Cali back in the summer of 9th grade. Would Cali even still be his friend?. He knows they’re both different outside of school and when they’re alone with him. Don’t let his pot smoking ways fool you, Talan is very articulate, calculated, wise…even honorable. He has a green-thumb and he frequently grows his own cannabis in grow houses on the shores of Laguna. He does plan on going to study business. He’s a skilled artist and creative with everything. He’s sexually active and you would think with how close he is with Jessa, he cheated on Cali. But he has not, he’s been extremely faithful to his girlfriend, he does love her. Even though lately they have been on murky waters.
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Jessa Beatrix Filipov
17 years old
Born on September 23rd
Nickname: J, JJ, Jess, Bea
Goal: NYU or FIT, aspires to be a Stylist
Interests: Dancing, Twerking, Parties, Salads, Gyros, Burgers, Cheerleading, Beach Days, Themed parties, Hip Hop, Pop music
Crushing on Talan Everett, her best friend of 6 years. Despite him having a GF, Cali
Summary: Jessa was not born in Laguna Beach, Cali will let you and everyone know this information. But she was born in the Nation’s capital to a pair of Bulgarian-American parents, her mother was a high society debutante, Petia Alferov-Filipov and her father, Darian Filipov, was the son of a Oil tycoon who was working his way to senator in his state of DC. However her high society days were cut short when her parents were killed in a car crash when she was 12 years old. Not having any family that was willingly to take her in on the east coast, Jessa was placed in care with her paternal aunt, Yoana Filipov, who was 23 years old at the time. Her aunt is old enough to be her older sister and is not much of a guardian. Her aunt is an heiress who doesn’t need to work, naturally she let her niece do whatever she wants. Only showing up to parent-guardian type things if it’s really needed, signing permission slips and sending her niece money. Jessa quickly made friends in the first few weeks of moving to LB, quickly making her debut as the 10th friend in their group of 9. Jessa “grew up and out” developing physically before the other girls in the group, making her unwisely the first one to adhere to her sexual exploration and interests. She briefly dated Noah, even took his virginity in 9th grade before letting him go as he continued to love Kylie from afar. She does not believe in labels or dating unless she’s really in love and she’s only been in love with one person, Talan for as long as she can remember. A cheerleader, a party girl, and sexually liberated (her words), Jessa is not everyone’s cup of tea…mainly Cali’s. She and Cali actually share a lot in common, both being confident in their looks on the outside but insecure on the inside, sexually active, slick mouthed and sharp tongued, you would think they’d be the best of friends…but they aren’t and Talan is the reason. Plus she also never really like Cali due to her attitude and spoiled demeanor and ability to keep secrets and lie, she is however best friends with Sav and Maia and occasionally Kylie, as she respects the girl’s morals and values to wait. She’s got a good heart and she does believe in love, having seen it firsthand with her parents. She doesn’t want to rush into something that will bite her in the ass. Until it’s something real, mainly with Talan, she doesn’t want a relationship, keeping it casual.
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Ethan Lewis Mahoney
18 years old
Born on April 22nd
Nickname: E, Ma-Honey (by Sav…a childhood nickname because she mispronounced his surname in pre-K) and Mahone (by Sav and Noah)
Goal: NYFA or USA, aspires to be a director
Interests: Photography, Smoking Weed, Directing, Writing, Making Films, Comic Books, Hot Wings, Tacos, Horror Movies, and Spicy Foods
Crushing on Savanna Birkhart, his best friend since Pre-K.
Summary: Ethan prefers to spend his time, directing school plays, photographing things, his muse is often Savanna, often taking a lot of her photos for her portfolio. But he’s not a creep about it, she asks him and he obliges because he loves her and knows that she will be a phenomenal model one day. He works for the school newspaper as the head photographer after Noah asked him to when his OG photographer graduated two years ago. While no desires to be a sports guy, Ethan does enjoy watching them. He’s more on the artistic side, preferring to be on the opposing side like behind his lenses or making the productions. He’s the son of Celebrity Chef, Eleanor White (formerly Mahoney) and her philandering Award winning Actor ex husband, Lyle Mahoney. Ethan is the middle of three children that the couple bore before divorcing, he has an older sister named Isla Mahoney who’s currently working at Vogue as a social media advisor, and he has a younger brother named Noel Mahoney who’s the same as age as Sav’s younger brother, Six. He has dated in the past and even had sex a few times, but none of them compared…compared to Savanna. She’s been the object of his affection since he was in preschool, he loved her even before he knew what love was. They even shared their first kiss together. Ethan was right on track with own planning tactics to telling Savanna how he felt until Levi happened. Levi was at one point his best friend, he swooped in and asserted his claim on Savanna, buying her off with lavish gifts and court side seats. He didn’t blame Sav, Levi gave her a story of lies that he always been in love with her and he was too scared to make a move, the gifts didn’t get her…the lies of Levi did. From then on, Ethan had to watch the girl of his dreams be paraded around like a trophy by his former best friend. Things have been rocky ever since, with both guys only getting along for the sake of Savanna. But he wants it’s to be different especially after he hears some interesting news about Levi’s infidelity…he’s just hoping Savanna will believe him and not Levi.
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sourcherrybomb · 4 years
SoKai Week 2020 - Day 1 - Paopu Surprise!
Synopsis: Sora and Kairi decide to take a breather and share a Paopu Fruit with each other. However, Sora finds himself in for an unwelcome surprise when he finally bites into one... 
Sneak Peek: Sora could only imagine the dumb look on his face. This was not going the way he imagined it. Kairi had seriously beaten him to the punch?
Tags: Romance, Comedy, All Ages, F/M
Prompt for the Day: One Heart / Paopu Fruit
Words: 1.4k
Fanart By: asgardianartist (Fiverr / Instagram)
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Native to the Destiny Islands is a particularly peculiar fruit in the shape of a star. Trinkets made in its image are seen as good luck charms and are even known to people who have never stepped foot on the world. But to the residents of the Destiny Islands, the paopu fruit means so much more than just simple ‘good luck’.
If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They’ll remain a part of each other’s lives no matter what.
All that time ago, before their adventures and misadventures, these were the words Riku told Sora. At the time, he got flustered when his friend teased him at the idea of sharing one with Kairi. However, it’s not as though Sora had completely dismissed the idea; the day right after in their secret place, in between the space of a rough drawing of he and Kairi, Sora secretly drew a hand giving her the fruit.
It wasn’t until Sora, Donald, and Goofy defeated Ansem the Seeker of Darkness that Kairi would find out. 
Not long after the Destiny Islands were restored, Kairi found herself in the secret place. Reminiscing while looking at the myriad drawings of various quality, she stumbled upon Sora’s addition to the drawing of them. After letting a tear fall out of her eye, Kairi herself adds to the sketch her own arm extended towards Sora, paopu fruit in hand.
It’s been more than a year since those events first transpired. Sora, Kairi, and Riku are now back home on the islands before their ultimate battle. 
Sora and Kairi, bathed in the twilight of the setting sun, sit on a paopu tree while passing the time away. Riku rests himself directly on the beach below them.
Sora, noticing his friend, asks Kairi, “Hey, why’s Riku all alone?”
“He said he needed time to himself,” she notes. “Let’s let him be.”
As Sora sits distracted by his silver-haired friend staring into the sunset-lit ocean, Kairi silently strengthens her resolve. She was going to share this paopu fruit with Sora, and nothing, not even the looming thought of Riku teasing them without end after the fact. And plus, it’s not as though Sora would be against sharing it with her. There’s that drawing of them, the race he and Riku did, as well as all the things he did for her during their first adventure together. With a battle to the death at their doorstep, now would be the best time to share any thoughts or emotions that have been lingering around…
But what if Sora is just being nice?
No! Kairi thinks to herself. She knows that Sora is basically a paragon of kindness who can be a bit of a dolt sometimes… Okay, many times, but even he should be aware of what repeated acts of kindness and/or heroism do to a person!
Before Kairi goes through an entire internal debate in the span of seconds, her arm subconsciously moves towards a paopu fruit she may have secretly left there when no one was looking. Although now that she thinks about it, Riku did stop by here before heading down to the beach. He did have this smug grin on his face as he passed by the two of them...
As more and more thoughts rush through her mind, Kairi’s hand has already brought the paopu fruit in front of Sora. 
“Here!” she says. 
Sora could only imagine the dumb look on his face. This was not going the way he imagined it. Kairi had seriously beaten him to the punch? The whole reason he wanted to bring her here was so he could be the one to hand her the fruit! Now his whole plan has basically gone up into flames and can’t even bring out any words besides a simple “Huh?"
As Sora mentally reprimands himself, Kairi silently chides herself for basically shoving the fruit in his face and not coming up with a smoother way of handing it to him. 
“Tomorrow’s fight will be our toughest yet,” Kairi says as she softly smiles. “I want to be a part of your life no matter what. That’s all.”
Sora, who at this moment currently is still in panic mode due to his botched plan, can only take the paopu fruit in hand.
Wait, Sora thinks as he looks up and smiles at Kairi. I might be able to salvage this.
“Kairi, I’ll keep you safe,” he tells her.
Not to be outdone, Kairi shakes her head. “Let me keep you safe.”
Raising the fruits to each other's mouths, Sora and Kairi each take a bite from the paopu fruits. 
If only this moment could last forever, Kairi thinks as she stares into Sora’s eyes.
Oh my gosh, this tastes horrible, Sora thinks as he does his best to hide his disgust. 
The young man has never tried the fruit before today, but he expected it to taste way better than the overly saccharine mouthful he got. To Sora, it tasted like someone had used a shovel to feed him a mouthful of sugar, or maybe like drowning in Pooh’s coveted honey! As much as he wanted to swallow the fruit and get it over with, the taste was preventing him letting it pass through his mouth.
Just power through it, pretty sure the legend only says I need to take a bit out of it, not eat the whole thing, Sora continues to think to himself. Ohhhh man, I really hope Kairi doesn’t make me eat more of this.
So are we supposed to eat more of this? Kairi thinks to herself. Honestly, the legend is pretty vague. Like, are we supposed to share one or feed each other one… Legends need to be worded better. 
As she goes for another bite of the fruit, Kairi can’t help but notice Sora’s face. Is it… twitching?
“Hey Sora, you okay?” she asks. “Can’t help but notice you haven’t gone for another bite…”
Oh crud.
“Yeah, totally!” Sora says, his mouth muffled by the sickeningly sweet fruit. “Just sav-ughh… Savoring the taste!”
“Hmmm…” Kairi raises an eyebrow. “Sora, would you mind swallowing what’s in your mouth right now?”
A look of terror flashes in Sora’s eyes.
“Sorrystillchewingonthisbite,” he says in a rush. 
Covering her mouth, Kairi mischievously grins. “Oh, is that so? Well, with the way you’re talking, I think I notice room for one… more… BITE!”
Before Sora could even react, Kairi shoves her paopu fruit into his mouth faster than one could say “Sora, Donald, and Goofy.” Sora, disoriented by the vicious sneak attack, falls over and swallows the excess fruit in his mouth alongside the chewed up slop that was being kept in his cheeks. As he writhes around on the ground, not from choking, but rather the fruit’s taste, Kairi begins to laugh harder and harder until she falls from the tree they were sitting on as well.
Down on the beach, Riku and his Replica nod at each other as they silently judge Sora and Kairi making a fool of themselves, casually forgetting the small audience just a couple yards away from them.
As Sora spits out the Paopu Fruit from his mouth, Kairi somehow begins to laugh even harder at the ironically sour face on his mug.
“Oh ha ha, very funny!” Sora complains. “Next thing we know, we wouldn’t have an issue rescuing Roxas since I would’ve bitten the dust anyways!”
“And I suppose me... dying of laughter would have… woulda brought back Namine in the process as well, huh?” Kairi asks in between heavy breaths.
Soon enough, Sora stops pouting, Kairi’s breathing becomes more relaxed, and the two of them start to quietly giggle.
As the fiery sunset fades away into a cool starlit night, Riku quietly leaves the island, leaving Sora and Kairi to their own devices.
The two continued to lie on the ground, staring into the night sky, stargazing like the two would always do when they were younger. Normally, Sora would be telling Kairi stories about the stars and various constellations. However, tonight the only sounds a person could hear would be the ocean waves washing up onto the shore.
Occasionally they would turn their heads and lock eyes with each other. Both had so many things to say to one another, but it was like no amount of words in the world could be used to convey their feelings and emotions.
However, neither person saw this as a problem. Whenever Sora or Kairi had something to say, but didn’t have the words, they would just tighten their grip on the other’s hand.
Hello there, the name’s SourCherryBomb and this little oneshot is the start of a return to form for me. I’ve written under a different name years before, but I’ve decided to wipe the slate clean. It’s for many reasons, the main one being that I cringe when I look at my old works. That’s just growth, I guess.
Shoutout to the Sokai: Destined Oath Discord server for introducing me to the SoKai Week 2020 Event and an even louder one to @paintedwithapalette​ for being my Beta Reader! Check her out, you’ll love her fics.
Thanks for Reading!
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saharamae21 · 4 years
Never Ran Smooth (Part 17)
Hey guys. This is going to be a little bit of a longer author’s note, but I thought I should update you all on a few things. I’ve been really under the weather mentally in the past few days. I think its being on my own and a few other personal things going on in my life that have just made everything seem less okay than normal. Due to this, my updates have been getting pushed back and my sleep schedule is completely messed up. I’m trying really hard to get back to the point where I feel alright, so if I miss a day of updating/writing anything at all, I’m sorry. Writing has been a huge outlet in my mental wellbeing in the past couple of weeks and I am so overwhelmed (in a good way) with the amount of support I’ve received. Thank you all.
If we have unearned luck
My brother checked on me periodically throughout the rest of the night. He brought me ice for my bruises and painkillers to ease my suffering. However, after the parents were in bed and fell fast asleep, Jasp called it a night too. I tried to just lay there and fall asleep, but my mind was racing with the possibilities of what could’ve happened to my friends. If Barry did this to me, what’s stopped him from hurting everyone else. I forced myself up and hobbled to my car. I snuck out of the driveway easily and made my way to the chateau, praying JJ wasn’t there. In the back of my mind, I knew he didn’t mean what he had said, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Plus he could still be upset with me right now and I just didn’t even know what to say to him. I parked quickly and peaked in the window. I saw Kie and Pope chatting on the pullout couch, but no sign of JJ. I knocked quickly and Kie let me in.
“Jesus, did you get hit by a bus?” Kie said loudly. I could hear the shower going in the room over, meaning JJ was here. I shushed her and sat down painfully. “Did your dad do this?”
“No,” I said, trying to get comfortable. I shifted and felt my ribs arch. I winced and finally just stopped moving. “Barry did this.”
“You saw Barry?” Pope asked nervously.
“Yeah. I came to warn you guys,” I forced the words out. I heard the shower stop and felt my anxiety raise. “I needa go.”
“You cannot drive home like this,” Pope said.
“If I’m not home when my dad wakes up, he’s going to kill me,” I said. I gritted my teeth and tried to get up, but Kie held me back. I heard the bathroom door click and began to panic. I could see JJ. He couldn’t see me like this. I got up quickly to try to leave as the door opened, but I moved too quickly and fell to my knees.
“Sav!” Kie said, kneeling next to me. I swallowed hard and looked up to meet JJ’s gaze. I felt my breathing pick up. He stood there in his tan shorts and bruises covered his chest. He was as beat up as me.
“Did Barry get you?” I asked. His face went white. He took a step forward and stopped as if he didn’t want to get too close to me.
“No? Why would-Did he do this to you?” he asked. Finally, he reached down and lifted my shirt. My side was straight purple. It hurt just from him looking at it. “Why didn’t you go to the hospital? Your ribs could be broken!”
“I’m fine,” I said, pulling my shirt back down.
“This is all my fault,” he mumbled. I felt uncomfortable, but I still forced myself to my feet.
“I need to go,” I said and JJ grabbed my wrist.
“You can’t drive like this,” he said. “Come on. I’ll drive your car back for you. Can you walk?”
I nodded, looking at Kie and Pope for backup. Kie looked at me apologetically and slung her arm over Pope’s should.
“I have to drive Pope back so he can rest for his scholarship interview in the morning,” she said. “Plus, we think you guys need to talk.”
With that, JJ was driving my car back to my house. I sat quietly and uncomfortably in the passenger seat. He never his eyes off the road, but I could tell he had something to say. When he was thinking it really showed on his face. His nose scrunched a little bit and it's almost as if I could see the gears moving in his mind. We got to the north side of the island and JJ finally opened his mouth.
“I’m sorry Sav,” he said, never taking his eyes off the road. “I never should’ve said any of that. You were try-” “It’s okay,” I said, interrupting him. Even if he didn’t mean them, it didn't mean there wasn’t truth behind them. “You were right.”
“What?” he asked, his eyes darting over to me. I felt him step on the breaks, but I couldn’t look him in the eyes as I explained what I meant.
“This was the first time I ever felt like I belonged anywhere and I got carried away,” I mumbled. “I wasn’t kidding anyone though. I was just some girl trying to invade a world that didn’t want her in it. I’m naive and will believe anything. That's why I’m not truly loved by anyone. You don’t have to apologize, JJ.”
“What did your dad say to you Sav?” he asked as we pulled into my driveway. I gathered all my courage and told him.
“And because you believe that, I will never love you,” I said. Almost the exact same words JJ had said hours before. I saw him tense out of the corner of my eye and got out of the car. I felt my ribs crack at the movement and felt my breath hitch.
“Sav!” JJ said a little too loud. I looked around frantically while covering his mouth. The sudden lunge at him made me collapse into his chest. My breath was frantic and rigid. JJ grabbed onto my arms, supporting my weight. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”
“JJ, I can’t go,” I said, trying to convey my emotions in my voice. “Please just help me get to the boat.”
He gently scooped me up into his arms and cradled me, carefully avoiding the bruises. I could feel his heart beating in his chest. It was a small pitter-patter and it made my heart swell. Then I got a whiff of the familiar scent of weed and mint and it all became too much. I squirmed a little and told him to put me down, but he didn’t. “Savannah Grace, stop squirming,” he said, tightening his grip. I squirmed a little more and my elbow collided lightly with his side. I felt him wince and remembered all the bruises on him.
“Oh my God,” I said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit a bruise. I-I-”
Tears welled up in my eyes and my thoughts came back. He squeezed me a little in his arms as if to comfort me without hurting me. I finally gave up and just nestled into his arms. It was the least I could do in this situation. He was caring for me and I was being a brat. He slid the door open and turned the light on.
“You can just put me on that couch there,” I said.
“Where’s the bedroom?” he asked, ignoring my wishes. He walked straight down into the main cabin and looked around. He set me down gently in the main bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. I could see the guilt and pain in his eyes.
“What happened?” I asked, knowing that not all the pain was from me. I knew something was hurting him deeper under the surface. Even after everything that happened, I still loved him. It was weird that I didn’t know how to act around him or what to say to him anymore, but every ounce of my being still needed him by my side. I sat up carefully and scooted over on the bed, so he would have some more room. I could see the sad look on his face switch back and forth from neutral to heartbreak. He looked as if he was being tortured from the inside out. He took a deep breath, but nothing could’ve prepared him enough to tell this story. He spilled everything about his father. About how he blames JJ for his mom leaving and about how alcohol and drugs have affected every aspect of his life. I reached out and took his hand in mine and he just looked at me for a second.
“How don’t you hate me right now?” he asked, his tears threatening to overflow. I gave his hand a squeeze and smiled softly at him.
“Because I know you,” I said. “Or I like to think I do. I know that you don’t control your emotions the best and that you mean well even if it doesn’t always come across that way. By pushing me away, you hoped that you wouldn’t be the reason my life fell apart. Maybe I would get back on the path my dad wanted and everything in my life would be okay, but were far from that.”
“Sav…” he said.
“Just listen,” I demanded. “The relationship my family has is toxic and runs towards the goal of money and power. That’s not my goal though. I’d rather have people I love and care about next to me at all times. I’d rather have you, JJ” I said, staring at his hand in mine.
“I can’t give you anything,” he said. “Your side is like this because I-” “JJ,” I said sternly. “Don’t worry about that. Instead, worry about how to prevent it in the future. Worry about protecting me, not the things that have already happened.” “I just don’t want to hurt you,” he said. “What would I do if you got hurt again because of something I did?”
I let out a yawn and laid back down, pulling on his hand. I wanted him to stay with me. I moved over, making room for him to lay next to me. I heard him protest softly.
“Just stay with me. Please, just for tonight, stay by my side,” I said, reusing my words from that first night. The night before it all fell into place. I felt him slip under the covers with me and pull me softly into his arms. I placed my head in the crook of his neck and felt my whole body relax into his. I sleep so nicely next to him...
Tag List : @jjmaybangme @thebendslikebendover @justcallmesams @jellyfishbeansontoast @obxmxybxnk
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
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Book: TRH AU
Pairing: Liam x Riley, Savannah x Bertrand
Chapter A/N: Takes place in Chapter 19, The Last Apple Ball. Some dialogue and situations are canon with a few creative differences. I haven’t written much in the last 2 months soooo Im a little rusty, hopefully, its not too distracting.
Series A/N: Evil Savannah, Loss of Baby Warning!!!!! Language, murder, attempted murder, bombing, infidelity and angst (Oh the angst). This is not The Fall of Cordonia; I currently have no plans to go on a ravenous murdering spree of the entire court.
Song Inspiration: Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve
Series Summary: Riley and Savannah are both expecting, but, when disaster occurs, both give birth. Only one woman returns home with a baby, one she knows doesn’t belong to her and will go to great lengths to protect her noble status and her secrets.
Thanks @dcbbw for bouncing around ideas with me and my lovely, pre-readers @burnsoslow and @jessiembruno
Excuse any grammatical errors. I proofread it before posting, but, always miss something.
Savannah’s eyes widened with earnest pleading, her lip quivering desperately at her Aunt Leona. It was now or never, her cozy life and marriage could continue on, her secret remaining buried, or it could all vanish in a matter of minutes.
Bianca swept a tousled strand of her daughters brown hair to the side, unable to look at her for fear of bearing witness to the evil her sister and youngest child had conjured up. This was not the same little girl she left behind all those years ago; this Savannah was capable of doing unthinkable things.
Leona gave her niece a nod, quirking her brow in anticipation; the grin she spirited was almost as if she were in a state of amusement. She made very little attempt at hiding her giddiness over what she considered a true and just form of karma. Her arms outstretched, “We have to do this now”, she whispered urgently.
Bianca grabbed Savannah’s arm, mindful to keep her voice low, but, fervent, “Don’t do this, Sav, I’m begging you”.
Savannah shoulders slumped from the weight of her decision; the chaos of the moment exacerbated by monitors beeping, carts rolling, lights flashing and the medical jargon she had been inundated with earlier. The events of the evening still fresh in her clouded mind…
His perfect blonde, coiffed hair, those striking blue eyes, the brawny, regal exterior with that million dollar smile; Savannah couldn’t take her eyes off Liam all evening. She had always been completely mesmerized by him and who could blame her, he is charming, rich and the epitome of the royalty she had longed for. Not that being the Duchess of Ramsford was insignificant or lightweight, it certainly came with all the prestige and wealth she sought, however, the only caveat being, it didn’t include-him.
Her chocolate brown eyes swept across the lavish ballroom, filled with gold and crystal, diamonds and filigree, intricate delicacies on the finest china, to a short-statured man sipping on lemon water as if it were a priceless chardonnay. He removes a pearly, white handkerchief from his inner suit pocket and proceeds to carefully dab at the beads of persperation on his forehead and upper lip, briefly catching her sullen gaze. Savannah feigns the brightest smile she can muster at him in the moment; Bertrand would return it with his own counterfeit one.
She gathers her black clutch and slowly rises from her chair at an empty dinner table, wincing slightly at the ache in her lower back and swollen feet, shifting her stance to adjust to the added weight she was carrying. She smooths down the black, silk chiffon that had bunched around her enlarged midsection and straightens her posture, tilting her chin upward slightly, trying desperately to emulate the gathering dignitaries and nobility.
Savannah proceeds to weave her way through the crowds and bustling staff, as graceful as she could at nine months pregnant. She realizes her presence is largely overshadowed by the other expecting woman in the room.
Riley…the Queen…Liam’s Queen.
She halts her movement and studies this woman, whose husband has a protective hand placed gently on the small of her back, stepping into the center of the ballroom. The swell of Riley’s stomach is perfectly rounded, her complexion flawless, her hair is shiny and smooth and not a strand out of place. Her peach and white sparkling gown flows gracefully behind as Liam spins her elegantly into the first waltz position.
He looks down on her lovingly, proudly, as the spotlight beams upon them and the orchestra begins to play. In that moment, he has her on display before the hundreds of adoring eyes and onlookers that are instantly drawn to this young, attractive couple. Stepping in sync and rhythm with each other, a little slower than normal under the circumstances, Riley flashes her signature bright smile at her soul-mate. The radiance she exudes on her face, is one only Liam can bring out in her. Gliding effortless across the floor, they are having the time of their lives and in every sense of the word, completely and hopelessly in love.
Savannah’s heart sank, longing to be that woman who held Liam’s heart so unconditionally, who became light as air in his arms.
At one time, Bertrand made her feel that way, practically falling over himself to be near her. If Chuck had not spoken so freely of their short lived rendezvous during the wedding ceremony, perhaps things might have been different. Her pregnancy announcement could not have come at a more opportune time. Bertrand was not about to let her give birth again to their second child, alone. Savannah can only hope that the child she is carrying has the Beaumont blood running through its veins and not of the gruff ranch hand from Texas. This baby allowed her to be forgiven and bought her time to enjoy the affluent lifestyle she felt was rightfully owed to her. The marriage, however, had turned into nothing more than appearances for Bertrand and a means to an end for Savannah.
She absentmindedly grabs a glass of champagne off the tray of a passing waiter, bringing it to the edge of her lips, hesitating. She watches the royal couple finish their dance, Liam’s hands resting on Riley’s stomach as she nuzzles into his broad chest. Bitch! She downs the glass, savoring its refreshing burst on her tongue. Savannah no longer gave two shits who saw her, grabbing an abandoned tumbler of whiskey from the table she was standing near, tipping it back in one swift motion.
“Give me that!”, Bianca ripped the near empty glass from Savannah lips, causing small droplets of leftover liquid to dribble down her chin, onto her dress.
With a contemptuous stare, Savannah used her bare hand to wipe away the dribble on her face, “Have you lost your mind, mother?”.
“Have you lost yours”, Bianca bit back, “what is the matter with you…drinking. You are due any day now”, she slammed the empty tumbler down on the table.
Leona scoffed at her sister’s dramatics, “Lay off of her Bee, I drank during my entire pregnancy”, she remarked, sipping at her own glass of whiskey.
“Yeah and where is your child now, Lee? That’s right, he doen’t exist?”.
Leona shrugged her shoulder with a coy grin.
“Both of you are complete morons, now just shut the hell up!”, Savannah silently screamed back, overly annoyed by their presence.
Riley and Liam
“Hey, Leona!”, Riley yelled as she quickly approached the trio with an entourage of Liam, Drake and Maxwell following closely behind. Leona turned to face her just as Riley’s open hand crashed across her cheek. “You’ll not get an ounce more of hospitality out of me after what you did!”.
The ballroom went completely silent, chatter muted, music stopped playing, all heads turned towards the disturbance . Liam stood behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her chest to hold her back, knowing how pissed she was. He, himself, was furious over the information Amalas had just shared with them. There would be no excuse sufficient enough, that would ever justify endangering his wife and their unborn child.
Leona reached for her stinging cheek, dumbfounded by this action against her, yet, she knew before anything further was spoken, why. “You…you know?”
Bianca turned to her sister, “Lee, what’re they talking about?”
“I…I betrayed Liam and Riley. I put them in danger and their baby in danger…I never meant for anyone to get hurt”.
“What did you do, Lee?”, Bianca asked with a curious glare.
Leona shifted nervously, noticing the eyes of the entire court was thumbing their noses at her. Her own nephew, a commoner like her, stood in place with his hands on his hips, staring at her derisively, like some lowly criminal. Those feverish eyes, those sneering glares, those scowls of shame, from the very same people who had always looked down on her family. Everything fueled her anger at once and she remembered why she did what she did in the first place. She snapped callously, “I told those photographer where to find Liam and Riley at anytime… I got paid nicely for it too. I was getting revenge for all the wrongdoings they’d done our family.”
“So you admit it”, Liam asked.
Leona nodded imperviously; it wasn’t that she didn’t care that her actions may have had serious consequences, it was that she would be damned to give them the satisfaction of knowing such. She would not let those snooty royals have that kind of power of her.
Riley pointed her finger at the older woman, who had caused so much grief for she and Liam, baffled by her unsympathetic demeanor. “Leona Walker, I hearby banish you from this palace and all of Cordonia. I never want to see you again.”.
Leona sneered backed at the Queen, whose face was now flustered and her breathing labored, “You can’t do that”.
Liam released his hold on his wife and stepped around her, “I assure you she can”. He motioned for his head guard to approach them, “Bastien, please escort Ms. Walker from the premises and see to it that she leaves the country at once”.
“Yes, sir”, he bowed, gripping Leona"s upper arm, nudging her forward, a stunned Bianca staggering after.
Liam took Riley’s hand and pulled her flush to him, wrapping her vigilantly into a warm embrace. “Darling, are you okay?”.
She snuggled Liam closer, as much as her sizable baby bump would allow, melting with exhaustion in to him. “I’m so tired, Liam”, she mumbled, almost inaudibly into his broad chest.
He chuckled to himself, “Love..”, he remarked, before kissing the top of her silken, brown hair and tipping her chin up to him, “go to bed, I’ll finish up here”.
Riley slid a hand behind Liam’s neck, gently tugging him down to her, placing a tender peck on his lips. “Has anyone ever told you how sexy you are”?
“Hmm, I think Drake has a few times…maybe Maxwell”.
Riley grinned at him, “well, they can’t have you. You are all mine, King Liam”.
He leaned down to kiss her again, stroking his thumb across her cheek, “I am all yours, My Queen”.
Savannah rolled her eyes as she eavesdropped nearby; gag me with one of Bertrand’s precious spoons. She cautiously watched Riley maneuver her way through the crowd, deciding she would confront her about the travesty of kicking her aunt out of the palace and Cordonia, away from Liam. It wasn’t that she cared a great deal for Leona, she barely tolerated her, but, it was Riley and that was all the excuse she needed. She grabbed another flute of champagne, sipping liberally as she trailed after her.
The Last Apple Ball had been eventful to say the least. Cordonian and International nobilty and wealth had attended, along with Liam and Riley’s closest friends and family. Liam was overly pleased by the show of support and anticipation over his soon-to-be born heir…his baby. As anxious and impatient he was to meet the newest love of his life at any given moment, he couldn’t stop thinking about the discovery he and Drake made earlier. He wanted Godfrey found immediately; he needed to confront him over the poisoning of his mother and he wanted answers desperately. The King’s guard was busy sweeping through the palace and local area for any signs of him at this very moment. He hadn’t shown up to the ball, which was peculiar considering he was a large part of the planning that went into it.
“You look like you could use one of these”, Drake remarked, handing Liam a scotch on the rocks.
Liam gave a grateful, but, weary look to his lifelong friend, taking Drake’s offering, “Thanks”, he stated, gulping on the drinking, “but, what I really need is Godfrey. I need answers, Drake”.
Drake took in his crestfallen face, noticing the new worry lines that were forming on Liam’s forehead. He gripped his friends shoulder, reassuringly, “They’ll find him, Liam…he can’t get too far”.
Liam sighed heavily, “I hope so Drake…I can’t let anyone else hurt my family”.
Riley made her way out of the ballroom and into the rear corridor, where it was mostly empty, with the exception of a butler sweeping nearby.
She knew it was Savannah before she even turned around. Riley took in a deep breath and made a concerted effort to wipe the dread she knew was written all over her face. Shit.
“Savannah”, she regarded, her tone friendly, but, with a great effort, “I was just about to retire to my chambers”. You gold-digging mooch.
“You WILL hear what I have to say first. How dare you throw your…your commoner weight around like some power tripped hussy. Did you take pleasure in kicking my aunt out of this country…it sure seemed like it?”
Riley narrowed her eyes at Savannah, “Are you seriously that stupid, need I remind you, you were common longer than I was. You should be thanking Bertrand for taking pity on your sorry ass and keeping you around all this time”. Riley let a relieved breath she didn’t know she was holding in, “Damn, that felt good to say”.
Before Savannah could retort, the lights in the palace went dark. Both woman stood in place, unable to see anything around them; the sound of increaing chatter and confused commotion echoing from the ballroom.
In the ballroom, Liam reached into his suit pocket and pulled out his cell phone, tapping the button to turn on the flashlight. Two members of the King’s guard quickly approaching him protectively. “I have to get to Riley, now”
“I’ll go with you”, Drake added as he stepped behind Liam.
The lights flickered back on, but, before anyone’s eyes could adjust back to the light, a loud voice in the back of the room screamed, “It’s a bomb!”.
The blast came suddenly and shook the foundation of the palace and exterior rooms, causing pieces of the ceiling, windows and walls to blast out. Screams soon followed as another blast occured, causing even more damage. Piles of rubble and debris flew throughout the room with cries of anguish and horror filling it.
Liam eyes slowly fluttered open, his soot filled lungs were making every breath torturous. He made an effort to lift his head, but, it wouldn’t budge. Tears formed in the corners of his dusty eyes. I just want to see my baby.
His whole body shook violently before it began to relax ever so slowly. Liam"s broken heart and breaths finally stopped.
Perma tags: @emceesynonymroll @romanticatheart-posts @burnsoslow @dcbbw @ao719 @eileendannie @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @jessiembruno @hopefulmoonobject @texaskitten30 @drakesensworld @janezillow @merridithsmiscellany-blog @mskaneko @beardedoafdonutwagon @queenjilian
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 1
And here we go !
This is the last chapter of Liam’s 1st year at the university. It’s a long one, so be ready ;)
A new pov will replace Barbara starting now, I hope you’ll like it.
Damian-Nicholas Smith Carrey Friday March 8, in France
When people said him that he could write a book about his life, he never imagined what kind of book it would be. But now, he had quite an accurate idea. He would call it : 'How to change from the most famous hunter to a stupid and naive man in love'. He had gone through step one for a long time now : have a fucking ridiculous teenage crush. And now, he started step two : be in a relationship with your so-called crush. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey wasn't someone easily flustered. At least on paper. But when it come to the baboon, it was a true disaster. He must have left his pride back in the US.
"What do you think ? Isn't this one better ?" asked Liam.
The junior looked at him, his brows furrowed. They were doing shopping for souvenir. Well, the baboon searched little things for his siblings and Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey tagged along.
"I dunno. There are the same to me."
One was a key chain with the eiffel tower, the other with the Arc de Triomphe. Both were low quality products anyway. But the baboon finally picked one, and they went out of the store.
"Where are we going next ?" asked the blond lad. "There is plenty of time before our departure..."
"I bought everything I wanted." replied his boyfriend. "So I thought we could hum... take some time for us ?"
He blushed when he said the last word, which made Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey blush too, and then they both blushed even more. This is an endless circle of  pathetic shyness. I mean, I eat ass every other day, so why am I so prude right now ?
"Fine." he agreed anyway. "Lead the way."
They honestly had a good time. It was fucking weird to enjoy this at much as sex. Maybe even more. They went for walk the length of the Seine. Liam ate a box of pastries along the way and they talked about this and that. This is the end of my damned life. I'm having a silly conversation with someone. It must be the first time since... I don't even fucking remember. They were on their way back when Liam sighed.
"I'm happy to have you Dami." he whispered.
All this romantic bullshit was so embarrassing. Do I like it or not ? Just get a grip dude ! Not only he was having a damn date with his boyfriend, but he also looked like the flustered one here ! No one must ever know it happened. The baboon took his hand.
"I'm serious you know ?" he continued. "I mean, I'm still very worried about a lot of stuff... Nate is my main concern, but I'm also still preoccupied by my father. And I can't deny my story with Kilian is giving me an headache. But I'm really happy to know you're here."
"First of all baboon, it doesn't suit you to be so serious." replied Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey while trying to regain composure. "Secondly, there is nothing in what you said that can't wait tomorrow. You've the right to enjoy a little time for yourself with someone you love."
Liam blushed. He kissed his boyfriend to thank him. Holy crap. I'm getting good at the cheesy stuff too. Well, it wasn't surprising : Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was good at everything.
This evening on the plane, the junior felt a weird dread through his whole body. Suddenly, he stressed about his relationship. But there is nothing new... I mean, we already were a couple before. So what is different ? He quickly put his finger on it. I said to the baboon I loved him. I confessed my weakness. The hunters shall never know. Nobody in the university, for that matter. There are already too many fucking people aware of our relationship. I don't trust anyone about this.
"Hey dude."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey glared at the sophomore who hailed him. It was the dipshit called Matthew, Theo's heir.
"What the hell are you doing here ?" he asked. "Want to suck my prick ?"
The cocky lad (it was obvious this guy was an arrogant bastard) smiled.
"Maybe another time. I just wanted to say D.R sent me the contract regarding Barbara. She has to stay away from Colton and all his friends starting now. So you won't see her again much."
"Don't give me that crap, idiot. I don't care about the roach. You can fuck her, so go on. Isn't it what you wanted since the beginning ?"
Matthew's smile grew larger. I can definitely see the ressemblance with this shitty Theophile now.
"Just go away, moron." he concluded.
Liam Sunday March 10 back in the US
"This trip has done some damage..."
The young lad bite his lips. I knew I had indulged a lot but that's quite a change...
"Do you dislike it ?" asked Nate, while slumping on his bed.
"Not really..."
He had been ages since the last time Liam had looked properly at his reflection. He was pleased with his general body shape. His face was finely chiseled. He had strong biceps and triceps. His legs were robust but thick just like his chest. His pecs were nicely standing out. Even his back was kind of burly. But where three month ago he had a blossoming six pack, he had now a modest amount of squishy flab. His bulging waistline was easily noticeable since he was only in briefs. But he wasn't dissatisfied.
"I think I like myself." Liam whispered.
"And that's a good thing." mumbled his bestfriend, his eyes closed. "You have nothing to be ashamed about, trust me."
The chesnut lad outlined a smile. I'm glad to see Nate is talking more and more. He was also pretty sure Dami won't judge him for a little bulk.
"I mean..." resumed the other lad. "You're even well-endowed."
It made Liam blush like hell. (Not that he didn't take the compliment.) (Who could blame him ?).
The freshman expected things to improve since they came back from France. After all, Nate was getting better, Nick was actually making some progress at swimming and Dami literally confessed his feelings. It looked like the unicorns were finally powerful enough to repel the forces of evil. (After all, he had been feeding them with his dreams for months now !). So when a girl went to talk to him during his training this afternoon, he completely ignored her. (Not on purpose of course !). He was just so happy that he couldn't focus on anything. He went throught weight lifting and then legs exercises without noticing the many people who accosted him. He left campus without taking note of the lustful looks around him. I think I'm happy. The talk with Kilian had freed him. He was so glad to know the force of evils failed to take his ex-boyfriend. Anyhow, he finally went to work. As soon as he arrived, Judy came to him.
"Oh god Liam here you are ! I was so worried !" she shouted.
He blinked, not sure to have heard right. (Not that he often didn't heard people or anything...). What was she worried about ? Did he forget something important ? Something life-saving ? Maybe the aliens were gonna attack soon ?
"Liam focus ! I'm trying to have a conversation here !"
Judy clicked her fingers right under his eyes, breaking his thoughts.
"Are you alright ? Did someone do something to you ?"
"What ? No." he replied, surprised. "Why ?"
She frowned.
"Are you and Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey still a couple ?" she eventually asked.
Liam blushed. I think I'm supposed to keep it a secret but... He could trust Judy, right ?
"We are." he replied. "But what is your point ?"
"Be prudent when you're not with him okay ? I never thought I would say that one day, but I think you're safer with him around. Even if I still bet he'll hurt you in the end, like he did with everyone else."
Liam nodded. Their boss was calling them. I'm not sure I understand what she meant... However, he was certain Dami wouldn't said "I love you" so lightly. I'm special to him, I'm at least sure of that.
When he arrived at their flat tonight, Nick announced Nate wasn't there. Apparently, he had left for a talk with Archibald. It reminded Liam there were still things he wanted to improve in his life. My bestfriend and my poor family situation should be my priorities. He had no doubt the unicorns would agree on this. Besides, everything was linked to the forces of evil anyway. He grabbed a slice of pie in the fridge and joined his roommate. (Of course a pie made by Dami. Now that he had tasted his boyfriend's pastries, it was very hard to eat anything else to be honest.). (Once you visited heaven, you wouldn't come back, right ?).
"I can tell he's doing better." said Nick while staring at the screen of his console. "But I also can tell he went through something very disturbing. What do you think they're talking about so often ?"
"I don't know." admitted Liam. "But Dami assured me Archibald was a good guy so I trust him."
Of course, the chestnut lad wanted to help. And yes, I want to know what happened. (Curiosity is not a sin). (Glutonny is, but Liam didn't think much about it).
"Yeah well, until now we can say whatever he's doing is working." agreed Nick. "You should go to sleep... Wait, are you snacking ?"
Liam took a mouthful of his pie and chewed happily.
"This is just too good." he explained.
"You were sooooo against food at the beginning of the year." laughed his roommate. "I never imagined you were such a foodie."
Well... Seems like I changed my mind.
Nicolas Monday March 11 – Tuesday March 12
< Imagenius : yo what's up ? >
< TheSavior : long story short it sucked. I m better looking at my screen and playin'. Wht abut you pal ? >
< Imagenius : long story short my roommate is fuckin' loud while talkin' with her new friends. I hate people with actual life you know ? They remind me I'm a loser >
< TheSavior : won't say I know the feeling cuz I dont. >
< Imagenius : lol becuz right youre so popular >
< TheSavior : at least i hav friends outside a lame chat bruh >
< Imagenius : bruh >
< Abeautifulwomen : guys I do to. >
< Imagenius : as if a man who claims to be a girl could. Anyway Sav can you send us another pic of  this cute roommate of yours ? Pretty please ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : Same. But hey Ima are ya gay ? >
< Imagenius : Joker ? >
< TheSavior : need 2g. I'll turn the chat off. I don't hav any another pic >
* Abeautifulwoman is offline *
* Imagenius is offline *
* TheSavior is offline *
Nick sighed and looked at the clock. Almost midnight. Nice. I can still play. He slowly stood up and headed to the kitchen. First of all, he needed supplies. The raven-haired boy opened the fridge and grabbed a slice of pie and a beer. Two beers. He knew Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey had cooked it for Liam but whatever. His friend wouldn't mind. Nick came back to his room and turned his console on. A sligh whine came from his roommate's bedroom. Nate was having a nightmare again, he guessed. It was happening every other day. Not like if I could just ask what's wrong. If he doesn't talk to Liam, he won't talk to me. The lad drank his beer and started to play. He was good at it at least. He finished the level rather quickly, only to notice he had already ate the pie and emptied the beers. Again, he stood up and headed to the kitchen. Not that he was hungry, but he liked to play while chewing something. This time, he opted for ice cream. And beer of course. Then, he took his playing up again. One hour later, he was done with two more level. And he had devoured the ice cream. So once more, he stood up and headed to the kitchen. No wonder I'm fat. He put his snacks on the counter and patted his belly. When he had entered college he had been a twig. But the sudden freedom allowed him to indulge without his parents constant nagging. Maybe he had enjoyed it a bit too much. When he had come back at home for the christmas holidays they weren't very happy about his changes. Himself had been surprised to discover he had already hit the freshman 15. Now this limit was beyond him. I checked when we came back from France. I weight 89 kg (196 pounds) now. Almost 200. Nick shrugged. He didn't really care. He took his snack and continued to play.
The next morning, he got ready quickly. Unlike Liam, he wasn't dozy on the morning. Well, Liam was dozy all the time so bad comparison. They left together for the first lecture. When they arrived, the first thing Nick noticed was Barbara. The girl hated him for some absurd reason. She was so obnoxious. Then, he glimpsed Rebecca. Another one he couldn't understand at all.
"And to think I've been interested in her..." he mumbled.
Liam didn't hear him. That was the good thing with this dude. I could've been screaming, he wouldn't notice. They joined Colton who greeted them warmly. Nick turned on his gameboy but he wasn't paying attention to the screen. He knew the game by heart since middleschool anyway. Instead, he looked at his friends. He often did that without them noticing. Everyone assumed he was just another nerd but he was an observant nerd. Their trip in France had took a toll on Liam waistline aswell. If I'm looking closely enough, I'm sure even Colton's ever slim frame must've softened a bit. Nick was pretty sure this one would lost it in one day or two. As for his dreamy roommate... I think he will keep it on purpose. He seems to like it. Well, both of them were handsome anyway. The raven-haired boy didn't have this luck. He heard someone laugh behind him. The person whispered something about pokemon being a lame game. Another talked about his little bathing in the Seine. Not a day I want to remember. Seriously, classes were so boring...
Noon eventually came. Nick hit the buffet of the cafeteria like a ravenous beast. He needed his daily amount of junkfood to functiun properly.
"What do you think about the math assignment ?" asked Colton. "Shall we work on it tonight ?"
"I finished it already." he revealed. "But I'm sure Liam would be glad to do it with you."
Of course, his roommate wasn't listening. He was looking away while munching on home-made cookies. And new thing, he was crooning. I know some very weird people but they can't hold a candle to him. Nick discreetly kicked him under the table.
"Uh... What ?"
"Welcome back to earth." he said. "Colton wanted to ask you something."
Nick didn't listen to their conservation. He had glimpsed Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey in the crowd. Another strange dude. Since I came here, I met too many real character. He looks pissed. I mean, more than usual. He was talking to a girl. Well, probably insulting the girl to be fair.
"... Swimming tonight ?"
The raven-haired lad turned his attention towards Colton.
"No thanks." he replied when he had guessed the question. "I'm not very... at ease when there are so many people watching me."
His friend smiled.
"Of course."
* TheSavior is online *
* Abeautifulwomen is online *
* Imagenius is online *
< Imagenius : yo ! Day was booooring. How was yours ? >
< TheSavior : Same as usual. Couldn't wait to be back in my flat >
< Abeautifulwomen : Mine was fine. I don't actually leav my flat. Lucky me ! >
< Imagenius : Btw guys there is something up in my college. I heard ppl sayin a big hunt started. Don't know what that meant but they were very excited. Apparently, the prey is one of a kind ! >
< Abeautifulwomen : Funny. Do you think they hunt human ? >
< TheSavior : I'm sure they're talkin abut a treasure hunt or smthg. We shuld play. >
< Imagenius : Nah Sav it was about a real person. They want him but idk why. Maybe he did something wrong. Beauty yu didnt hear anythg from your boss friend ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : He doesnt control every college in the country duh. Last time he called he was very very very very very angry :3 I got a dick pick thanks to that ! >
< Imagenius : You really are gay. >
< Abeautifulwomen : I told yu im a girl >
< TheSavior : Come play and stop the chichat. Wdc abut a fke hunt nor ur fke dick pick >
< Imagenius : Aye sir >
< Abeautifulwomen : Aye sir >
To be continued
Tadaa. Something is going on in the community, but what could it be ?! I can only tell you Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey will have a lot of work to do. Liam is in a happy bubble, but you know me, it won’t last long.
And welcome Nick. He has been a steady presence in the background since the beginning, so he earned his own pov. He’s on a group chat with two other people... Maybe you’ll be able to guess who they are ;) 
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Why me?
Part 27a - The Proposal 💍
Riley is forced out of Cordonia unknowingly to her friends, and moves back to New York.
She is later faced with her past from Cordonia and is hiding a few new secrets. With the help from her New York friends and friends from Cordonia will she escape her current situation and find her happy ever after?
Tags- @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @butindeed @bbrandy2002 @ibldw-main @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @texaskitten30 @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @nikkis1983
This chapter is split into 2 parts.. it was far too long for just one part...
Drake entered the building with Maxwell, he knew Riley wouldn’t be arriving for a few hours but panic started taking over. He had hoped she would enjoy what he had planned, and all the surprises. He was grateful for the all support from the Beaumont’s, Savannah, Liam and Bastien. Knowing they were all helping him, made him feel like the luckiest bastard in the world- having these fantastic friends and this wonderful woman in his life. Life was as good as it could get.
“So, Liam’s just text me. Himself and Bastien have just finished placing the clues in the locations and have arranged staff to help out. I just hope she likes everything and doesn’t get bored.”
“Drake! She will love it! And welcome to the family!”
Riley had managed to get a quick power nap, the fatigue from the pregnancy was slowly but quickly kicking in. She was disturbed by a quiet knock at the door.
“Hi, Riley. How are you feeling? Drake said, you have had really bad morning sickness. If it helps, ginger biscuits helped me when I was pregnant with Bartie.”
“I’m fine, thank you. I’m sure it’ll pass soon. I’m just so tired, I have to get ready to go to Ramsford. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you’d be there helping the gentlemen prep?”
“I offered, but they said I should come over with you and the ladies. Riley... whilst I’m here... I just want... I just want to apologise for my past behaviour. I was stupid to think what I thought. And I was stupid for even thinking it was your fault for Drake’s downward spiral. I know you and Drake haven’t been treat well by others, but I know you two are perfect for each other. I’m sorry.”
“Savannah... it’s fine, you don’t have to apologise. Let’s clear the air and start a fresh? I’m to blame for most of this. I left him on more than one occasion. My head wasn’t in the right frame of mind- not like I can blame the baby brain on my decisions. I love your brother, I always have done. And I know this baby will be loved by the both of us with every inch of our hearts.”
Savannah hugged Riley, and she hugged her back. Savannah was happy that she was soon to have a sister she had always dreamt of having.
Drake went to find his sister at the Beaumont’s and handed Savannah a note to give to Riley- explaining his intentions. He had told her that Bertrand, would drive her upto the Palace to meet Riley and the other ladies. The two women haven’t always been close until now, Savannah knew her brother loved this woman and she was thrilled for them both.
“Here Riley, my brother wanted me to give you this. Just to let you know, I’m so glad we’ve cleared the air, and I can’t wait to meet my niece or nephew!”
Riley nodded and smiled softly at Savannah, there was no need to hold grudges anymore. She took the note from Savannah, looking confused.
Dear Brooks, I have a confession to make, please don’t be angry with me - there is no formal dinner tonight at Ramsford. We are all gathering there later, but we don’t know what we will be doing yet? Prior to this, this evening is dedicated entirely to you - the love of my life! You have been through so much, and I want to prove how much I love you by spoiling you! I’m choosing to embrace the fun and excitement of tonight and have planned a treasure hunt for you to complete; along with Savannah, Beth, Hana and Liv.
You are not allowed to use your cell phone, one person will record your reaction to every clue - follow the clues that I have provided and above all, laugh and have fun! Tonight is all about you! See you soon! I miss you!
I love you always, Drake x
“So Sav, how do you like treasure hunts?”
Riley and Savannah got ready to meet Hana, Beth and Olivia, to begin the treasure hunt. Riley was still figuring out what she did to deserve this, and was intrigued to find out how it would end.
“Since when did Walker become like this? He does know we aren’t kids anymore right?”
“Olivia, it’ll be fun! C’mon let’s read the first clue.”
Clue #1
People knock on me to enter, and say hello. I am also the portal to all things outside... once you find me, enter through the portal and there you will see...
“It’s got to be a door? The front door? The palace entrance?”
Hana said immediately, Riley thought Hana would be an expert at these things she’s just far too intelligent and talented at anything.
They headed towards the palace entrance, and saw Bastien waiting for them smiling- before handing Riley another envelope.
“Ladies, Lady Riley. Here’s your second clue.”
Clue #2
You use this to get from A - B, jump in have a spin to the next destination. Can you guess where it is? Historians will tell of the day when Cordonia nearly collapsed because the Prince went out for.....
Riley and Hana remembered as they both shouted in unison. Drake said this, that night they all snuck out for a cronut.
The ladies got in the SUV driven by Bastien and headed towards that same bakery. As they entered the bakery, Olivia wasn’t impressed.
“Do you know how much calories these things must contain?”
“Don’t knock it until you try it Olivia! Myself and Riley was brought up on them... from New York with love...”
“Fucking Americans! You’re all odd- you know that? So where’s the next clue?”
“I don’t know? Let’s search the place?” Riley answered.
Savannah had finally noticed a table with a note and a jewellery box, it was on the table the friends had sat on that night.
“Guys? It’s here...”
The other four ladies headed over to the table, Olivia now recording Riley’s reaction as she had no interest in eating the high calorie desserts.
Clue #3
Open the box, Brooks. Inside you’ll see a surprise... think about the surprise gift- think hard! And that will be where your next destination will be... hint - Classic Americana, only you and I will appreciate a simple dish...
“Oh my god! This is beautiful! A pearl bracelet...”
Riley began to cry, she couldn’t believe how much effort he had done so far and wondered why he was doing all this? First the golden locket and now this. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was to call Drake Walker hers.
“The next destination girls, is the beach. Drake went to the effort to persuade Liam to let us have an American style bbq during the social season- to make me feel at home. And pearls are found in the sea.”
The women arrived at the beach, and were all shocked at what they had seen. It was like deja vu for Hana and Riley. There in front of them, was a table with five chairs surrounding it. On the table was a full classic Americana bbq- with cocktails and a mocktail for Riley. They noticed a note and an envelope with the forth clue in it.
Ladies, take your time at this destination and fill your boots! Does it back some memories Brooks and Hana? Hope you both feel at home Beth and Ri. Enjoy, Drake x
They spent time demolishing the food that Drake had provided, enjoying the company with each other. Bitching about court gossip- before opening the envelope containing the next clue.
Clue #4
Only four people in court will feel at home at the next destination. There you will see something that will make you spin- and I don’t mean your head coping with an hangover.
“So four people... four people who aren’t Cordonian born I assume? There’s only me, Riley, Drake, Savannah and Beth that would fit this description....”
“Four Americans! The American Bar Hana! Where we went for Drake’s birthday! The bull... it made Drake spin and spin off.”
“Yes! Well done Riley!”
They walked into the bar, memories flashing into Riley’s mind. How she had blagged him a free drink, how he rode the bull and looked so damn sexy, and finally when Drake hinted that he finally like Riley more than a friend- describing her as one of his weaknesses.
The barman, handed them a note and an envelope on arrival.
So ladies, now is the time for a bit of fun! I’ve organised a cocktail making class for you all- make sure Brooks doesn’t drink it though! The bar staff will provide you with some mocktails my love. Don’t get too drunk Sav, Olivia, Hana and Beth ;)...
Riley really enjoyed spending this time with her friends, realising how crazy they actually was whilst they was drunk- however there was two friends missing. She missed Lola and Daniel and wish they could have been here with her.
“So because I can’t taste test your cocktails to declare a winner, and your all wasted - I think you all are winners! And you all are my best friends! I love you guys...”
The girls all formed into a group hug. This friendship between them all was to last a lifetime.
“Right let’s continue this treasure hunt...”
Clue #5
Tarts can have this in it. Cider contains this. Certain types of juice contain this too. The second part of the clue- it can be made into a table, a chair, a decking or even a tree house....
“Well, the only tarts I know are; Madeline and Kiara! So I’m baffled with this clue!”
“Olivia!” Hana squealed.
“Well it’s true, they have broken me and Drake so many times- so yes they are desperate tarts right Liv?”- Riley smirked.
“Damn right!”
“So, I know I’m new to all this, but I’m pretty sure Leo has mentioned a place called- Applewood? Apple tart, apple cider, apple juice... the furniture mentioned is wooden? So Applewood?”
“Beth you’re... not only a pretty face...but obviously a good listener!”
“What can I say Olivia? I love my husband!”
They got back in the SUV and Bastien drove there- Riley sat in the front with him. He noticed that a sudden cloud of melancholy was surrounding her.
“Lady Riley, are you okay?”
“Yeah Bast. Why would he send us to Applewood? It was the start of all the shit that happened- Tariq, the scandal...”
Bastien remained silent, still feeling guilty that he was involved in the scandal, and now knowing it still affected her. They arrived shortly after and walked through the entrance. There was a table with a fresh bouquet of flowers, and again a note and an envelope.
Brooks I’ve never bought you any flowers, so I thought you’d like some.. I know you are probably wondering why I’d bring you back here? But it has a meaning. It was the first time I protected you and I would do it a hundred times over to ensure you are safe- you mean the world to me! It was when I finally plucked up the courage to tell you I cared for you, the first time we had a real connection. The first time I felt close to you, and I pushed you away- I regret this. But now it’s all different. We are together and have a miracle on the way. Thank you Riley, for everything you’ve done for me. Go to the boutique and pick up the surprise I’ve left you. I love you x
Riley thought her hormones couldn’t take this any longer- she was now an emotional wreck. She could have sworn she saw the others including Bastien also having tears in their eyes as she read it out loud.
“Bloody hell! Since when did the grump become a soft bastard? What have you done with the real Drake, Riley?”
“My brother fell in love Liv.. it’s that simple. He can’t keep up the grump act up forever..”
They all laughed before heading down to the boutique. On arrival, they opened the door and saw a dress hung up on the rail with a tag on it...
Reserved for Brooks..
Try the dress on beautiful, then put the blindfold on for your second surprise.
Riley tried the dress on, with Savannah assisting her with the zip. It was a form-fitting, elegant, shiny golden dress. Savannah smiled at how beautiful her sister in law to be looked, before placing the blindfold over her head to cover her eyes.
“Savannah, you better hold on to me! I can’t see a thing and remember your nephew or niece is at risk here!”
“That’s the whole point of being blindfolded Ri. I’ve got you! Don’t worry.... so Drake told me about this part of the surprise. You have to feel for something... that’s all I can say... I’ll help guide you don’t worry.”
Savannah led her to the area where the surprise was. Riley placed her hands forward and felt two people infront of her. She felt awkward feeling their distinctive features- before a big grin appeared on her face. Everyone knew, that she now knew who it was.
She quickly took the blindfold off, and saw that she was correct. Nearly knocking them over as she hugged her two oldest friends tight.
“I... I... I can’t believe your both here!”
“Well, my sister is married to the prince of this country, and Drake rung us when he was in hospital asking us to come. Liam sent the royal jet over to pick us up. We’ve missed you!”
“Drake rung you?”
“Yeah, and Daniel had crazy Maxwell invite us to a Beaumont Bash? He promised me lots of shots after last time! By the way- here’s the last clue..”
Clue #6
The final destination... this place is associated with cold blooded creatures who don’t need a high metabolism to keep warm. There may also be something who likes to spread their feathers....
“Final destination guys. And it’s to the squid and peacock house also known as Ramsford! Let’s go!”
They exited the manor, and saw a limo waiting for them all. Riley couldn’t believe how much they had crammed in, and how much Drake had thought about it. She now knew that he probably hadn’t rested earlier on as he was planning all of this. She was grateful. She loved him. He was perfect and he was all hers.
When they arrived, they knocked on the door and saw the Cheshire Cat grinning at them all. Maxwell had obviously been pre-drinking.
“Welcome to Chateau Beaumont everyone! Ri, you look beautiful sissy.”
“Thanks Max, where’s Drake?”
“Here, open your final clue... and you’ll find him.”
Riley screwed her eyebrows up. Why couldn’t Maxwell just get Drake now they had all arrived? She was desperate to see him after all what he had planned and done since this morning.
Clue #7
It can contain a million stories but cannot tell them- distant memories.
One time there was a lot of dough...
He’s in the study! The pictures of the brothers, the books, the achievements, and the envelope of cash for Savannah. I’m coming Drake!
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catch22inareddress · 6 years
Master list Updated November 08
Please feel free to message me if you would like a forever tag or just want to talk about Marvel. I love it so much!!! GIFS ARE NOT MINE
I have a tag list link here: LINK
Comments are welcome and loved!!
All series are completed Twin Phœnix which is still in progress. Thanks for reading.
James Buchanan Barnes
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Twin Phœnix (Biker Bucky AU): In-progress
On the run, two sisters find safety in a small town in California with a close-knit group of friends that welcome with no judgment. Fleeing from their past and hiding from the man that tried to kill them can they actually start anew? Friendships form and as the young woman begin to shed their former selves the past catches up with them. Can the motorcycle club and the men that they have grown to love and form a bond with save them? Will they rise like a Phoenix from the ashes or crash and burn from the mistakes of their past?
Warnings: Warnings: Violence, angst, smut, strong language
Warnings: Violence, angst, smut, strong language
Chapter One: The Rarity of it All
Chapter Two: Breaking the Shackles
Chapter Three: Feel It In My Fingertips
Chapter Four: In All the Ways We’ve Fallen
Chapter Five: Nothing Lasts Forever
My Soldier of Winter Completed
The story takes place after the Accords and revolves around you, the reader. You are the Goddaughter of Tony Stark and his protege. You have helped with the Avengers since its birth and when the Accords were in talks before Steve found Bucky in Romania, you and Tony had a fallout.  You could no longer be a part of something that you didn’t believe in. You have helped Steve, Bucky, and the fugitives from behind the curtain you have not seen them and have not met the infamous Winter Soldier. They have since made a tense amends with Tony and a new threat looms in the future requiring the team to unite against the enemy for the greater good. You are in the crosshairs as the successor and ultimately seen as Tony’s daughter and those who want to hurt him are after you. However, you have built a new life for yourself this past year and refuse to speak with him and are not yet fully aware of dire circumstances that you may be in but willing to risk everything to do the right thing. Bucky is your soldier and your protector.
Warnings: Violence, angst, smut, strong language and mentions of torture.
Chapter One: Longing
Chapter Two: Rusted
Chapter Three: Seventeen
Chapter Four: Daybreak
Chapter Five: Furnace
Chapter Six: Nine *NSFW
Chapter Seven: Homecoming
Chapter Eight: One
Chapter Nine: Freightcar
Invidentia Series Completed
After Civil War Tony decided that the Avengers needed a facelift and brought you in. Someone from a long line of military background making you damn near military royalty. Tony had followed you from a young age and knew you would make a perfect addition to your loyalty and quick wit. You put others above yourself. Just what the team needed to mend itself. A year later the team is mended and you’re close to Bucky but how close is too close? Especially when he sees you struggling to break it off with a man that is breaking you. You’ve mended the team and out everyone needs in front of your own. Now it’s your turn to be taken care of.
Warnings: domestic violence and smut. Strong language
Chapter One: Concido
Chapter Two:  Secundo Casu
Chapter Three: Extremo Agmine
Chapter Four: Versus Finem
Deserve Her Series Completed
After you broke up last year with your boyfriend he turned abusive and wouldn’t stop stalking you. You work with the Avenger but on the analyst side and don’t live in the tower. You’ve come to work shaken the past few days and the team has taken notice especially Bucky. You and he have become close over the past year. Other than Steve, you are the only one that he confides in and has even let you past his walls.
Warnings: Strong language and some violence. Triggers domestic violence
Chapter One: Deserve Her
Chapter Two: Becoming His
Chapter Three: My Savior
Wasteland Completed
On a mission in Siberia to check a military silo for intel you and Bucky are left with a dead end and stuck in a snowstorm. Things need to get heated to stay alive. Warnings: Smut and Language
Part one
Part Two NSFW
Sassafrass Completed
The newest Avenger is feisty and just what everyone in the tower needs. Everyone that is sav,e Bucky. He’s not quite sure how to take the foul mouth beauty who dishes it out to everyone and doesn’t take his shit. Will she be more than Sargeant Barnes can handle or just or the perfect dame for the job?
Warnings: Language and eventual smut
Chapter One: Sassafrass
Chapter Two: Part Deux
Chapter Three: Third Times a Charm
Chapter Four: Sliding into Home
The List Completed
So this is for #Emsmarvelouswritingchallenge @writemarvelousthings with the prompt
“Quick! Hide behind the sofa!”
I hope that you enjoy this because I had hella fun. Its pretty much smut with a smallllll bit of plot. Sorry, I'm not sorry. MWAHAHAHAHA
The List
Steve Rogers
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Abandoned Series completed
When you arrived at the Tower you were quiet and traumatized having been experimented on by an expelled HYDRA doctor. Bucky and you formed a relationship and while you were still learning your powers and just when you let your walls down with Bucky, he abandons you for a year with radio silence from the Avengers. Now he’s back and your not the same innocent little girl that he left behind. He may still want you but do you still want him? Especially when the last person you thought you would ever fall for is the first person you run to.
Warnings: Smut and Language
Chapter One: Missing You
Chapter Two: Stepping Stones
Chapter Three: Cap’s New Mission
Chapter Four: Memories and Misunderstandings
Chapter Five: Breaking the Walls
Chapter Six: Never Alone
Language Series completed
You came to the tower as a shy strategist with no friends and starting fresh in a new city thanks to Tony Stark.  With the help of America’s golden boy, Captain America, you were welcomed in the Avengers fold with open arms and had friends and a family now. So what if you could repay him and help him dirty up the perfect image to get some of his friends and teammates off his back, would you do it. Hell yes! This is the story of a girl next door who helps dirty up the all American boy next door all while in the dreaded friend zone she’s desperately trying to get out of.
Warnings: Language (although it’s in the title) and Smut
Chapter One: Learning a New Language
Chapter Two: Language Ma’am
The Three Times You Sang To Steve Rogers completed
Requested by @Shorteststories97
For as long as Steve can remember he’s had to be the perfect soldier and leader to the men and woman that follow him. Never showing weakness and always being the perfect man and soldier. After you have joined the team a year ago you found the perfect Captain but you have also managed to break down his walls ever so slightly and see the real Steve. Will you be the one that can finally let him be him?  Not a leader, not a soldier, just a man who may be broken but still deserves the world instead of always saving it.
Warnings: Language
The Three Times You Sang To Steve Rogers
Stolen Choices Completed
Summary: TRIGGER WARNINGS: Domestic Abuse
From a young age, you were thrown into a life that you despised by people that made choices for you. When the first opportunity to make your own arrises would you make the right one? Or would you sign your own death warrant?
After years of having your decisions taken away from you, it’s time for you to take your rights back. It started with going to SHIELD and handing over HYDRA secrets that your husband left behind when he left the county in hiding. Little did you know that Captain America would step in and start making the decisions for you. By SHIELDS orders, you were to help him infiltrate your social circle as your new security detail in hopes of gaining access to your husband.
Just when you thought you were done playing the pawn in a never-ending game of chess it turns out you have a few more moves to make.
Chapter One: Cindered Conscience
Chapter Two: Tarnished Man
Chapter Three: Revelations
Chapter Four: Down the Rabbit Hole
Chapter Five: Staking Claim
Chapter Six: Simply Ravenous
Chapter Seven: Fight Club
Chapter Eight: When It All Crumbles
Chapter Nine: Putting it Back Together
Love is a Verb: Completed
This was a request from anonymous for a Captain America imagine where he is shy and gets a blowjob. I also based this in part on a song by Incubus called Here in My Room.
Y/N is a talented therapist tasked with assisting the World’s Mightiest Hero’s in check. To allow them the opportunity to talk about the horrors seen or just vent about someone stealing their last cookie from the pantry. She strives at being not only a therapist but a friend.
What happens when the lines between doctor and patient get blurred? Especially when the object of your affection is the very guarded and timid Captain America himself.
Warnings: Language, smut, general Steve Rogers Cuteness.
Love is a Verb
Sebastian Stan
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Carry you- Completed
A request based on the song Carry You by Ruelle ft Fleurie (Link in Fic)
You and Sebastian's relationship is on the rocks because of your previous agreement to keep it private. You’ve had to watch him from behind a screen and have him deny your status for far too long. Your self-doubt and anxiety have taken over and you are nearly drowning in it. Is it too late for him to save you and carry you through? Can he redeem himself and his actions of putting you in the shadows?
Carry You
Thrice Tipsy
You and Chris had been friends since childhood, you were nearly siblings. Over the span of all of your years with Chris you had known your limit with alcohol and yet it seemed that over the course of your new friendship with Sebastian you constantly ended up drunk. It didn't matter if it was your first meeting or because of him or just a random event, the man always caught you at your worse. He was your friend though, right? Seeing you at your worse really shouldn't matter except well when your drunk you always threw yourself at him and he was ever the gentleman. Always making an extremely awkward morning after.
Warnings: Angst, general swearing, smut
Chapter One: Incident Numero Uno
Chapter Two: Dos...Equis
Chapter Three: Thrice Unlucky
Chapter Four: Suddenly Sober
Halloween Confessions Completed
You have yearned to meet Sebastian from afar for years. When the stars aline and you are hired to do a contemporary dance routine at a Halloween Party that he will attend, will you have the courage to follow through and finally meet him? Tonight is all about Halloween and Confessions….now, where is the bar because your gonna need a stiff drink?
Halloween Confessions
Our Colors: Complete
Sebastian has always had you as his best friend and confident. One night changes it all and he sees you in a different light. Every color explodes around him and he sees you the way that you have seen him for years. What happens in the morning though? Will you still want him or will it be the closure that you needed? As both of you go through the events of last night and come to terms what happens when you come face to face with one another? The true colors will be exposed for the final time.
Our Colors
David Budd (Richard Madden)
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Bodyguard Completed
You lived the chaotic life of a celebrity with red carpet affairs, charity events, and notable friends. However, your life is turned upside down when a stalker sends threatening letters and starts breaking into your home. Your friend, Tom Hardy, enlists a buddy from the London's Metropolitan Police department and gets you your own protection detail. What will happen when you fall for the man that is normally reserved to keep politicians safe? He has a troubled past that haunts him deeply and you are currently struggling with the trauma of a stalker and living in constant terror. Can you save each other before your stalker catches up with you and his past pulls him into the deep?
Warnings: smut, violence, smut, angst
Chapter One: Broken
Chapter Two: Heavy
Chapter Three: Putting Your Guard Down
Chapter Four: Failed Missions
Chapter Five: When Darkness Turns to Light
Chapter Six: The Finality of It All
Chris Evans
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Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice Completed
Halloween has always been your favorite holiday, and with the past few years being very hard on you, this one was special. New home, new life. What the hell were you supposed to do when a very handsome and clumsy Chris Evans falls into your bookstore hiding from fans? Do you rescue him or throw him to the werewolves. Tonight is the night where you could dwell on the past you’ve been running from or focus on new beginnings. Which one would you choose?
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Richard Madden
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Masquerade- Completed
What happens when a shy woman gets the chance to go to a Halloween masquerade party and put all her fears aside? The opportunity to be a different person for one evening. When she meets a charming stranger and has an evening unlike any other she thinks that perhaps it can lead to more than one night.  When reality comes tumbling down will she stay or run away?
Life is much easier when you can hide behind a mask.
295 notes · View notes
sunflowerstache · 6 years
Not So Bad In L.A
A/N: Hi again guys! I’m so sorry it took so long to update, I was having so many technical problems posting, but I finally made it work! I really hope you enjoy this chapter, it was super fun to write! I love hearing from y'all about what you think of the storyline so far or any questions, comments, suggestions you may have so please let me know! I absolutely adore hearing from you guys! Again, thank you so much for the support, I love you all immensely!
Chapter 2: Take The Time To Waste A Moment      January 28, 2017
Word Count: 4.8k 
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You knew you really had nothing to be complaining about, because in retrospect, you understood your career is relatively laid back compared to many others. But does that stop you from hanging your head and groaning every five minutes? Absolutely not. You and the girls had been in Los Angeles for about a month now, and you all really couldn’t be happier. Bri and Sav were spending every day at their internships at The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM for short) in hopes of being recruited once their six months was finished. Bella, as per Nick’s prediction, had found herself spending many nights with the lucky guys she had deemed worthy of her time. And you? Sure, you’ve gone out and seen some of the beautiful city you moved to, but you had just gotten a new job and were doing everything in your power to make a name for yourself.
“Y/N come on! You’ve been cooped up in your room forever.” Bri walked into your room and flopped down on your bed, “We’ve been in L.A for like a month and you’ve barely left the apartment.”
“IfeellikeImadeamistake.” You mumbled, throwing your head in your hands and she asked, “Huh?”
“I feel like I made a mistake.” Spinning around in your desk chair to face her, you tossed the pile of magazines, that currently lived on your desk, in the trash can, “I thought coming here would help me, ya know, like get into the headspace I need. But I’m just so stuck and I have to submit this by Tuesday. And I can’t be late with it ‘cause it’s my first article and I just got hired and I don’t want them to thin-“
“Hey! Slow down Usain, you’re gonna get hysterical in a minute and you know I can’t handle that.” She smiled, moving to sit up on the bed, “Take a deep breath please.”
Doing as she said, you felt your heart rate slowly being to go down and you rubbed your hands on your jeans. “There ya go. Alright, listen up sister. You’re fucking talented as shit, you got that?” Bri stared at you and waited until you nodded softly, “They wouldn’t have hired you if they didn’t love your work and think you were talented.”
“Yeah but I wasn’t under as much pressure for any of the work in my portfolio. What if I’m just not good anymore? What if I just can’t write when there’s actual things at stake… like paying bills or like buying food!” It had been quite a while since you had had a breakdown over work. While living at home, you didn’t have to worry as much about how well your writing did when you submitted to local magazines. It was something you did more as a hobby during high school, and then during college you started getting paid for it. But now, everything was riding on it. Yes, you had gotten hired by a great company who obviously thought you would succeed, but this is a whole new ball game for you.
“I mean I’m not gonna tell you that you’re wrong, ‘cause it is gonna be a lot different than when you were writing in high school and college. And yeah, the stakes are a bit higher, but Y/N, come on. You know you’re good. You wouldn’t be where you are if you weren’t. You’re such a talented writer and you’re an insane videographer. I mean you have fan accounts for fucks sake.” She laughed, getting up from the bed and walking over to kiss the top of your head
“Thanks B. Always know you can set my head back on right.”
“You know it girlfriend. Also, you better have a great time tonight, it’s the first time you’re actually going out since being here.”
Bri’s comment made your eyes widen, like they were going to pop out of your head, when you realized what day it was, “Shit Bri, I gotta go pick up Nick!” Shooting up from your chair, you ran across your room to throw on your yellow vans and denim jacket to pair with your black leggings and white t shirt. Nick was flying in today and you knew if you were even seconds late, you would never hear the end of it. Mental breakdown forgotten, it was finally time to see your favorite British lad.
“Look, I’m still not gonna tell you where we’re going tonight.” You had made it in time to pick up Nick, granted he was an hour late which lead to a conversation about timeliness - even though you were aware he had no control over his flight - and now here you were. Sitting on your couch, surrounded by all four of your best friends.
“Yeah, but we at least have to make sure she looks cute. You never know who you’ll run into.” Bella wagged her eyebrows as she lifter her glass of roséup to her lips
“What’s that supposed to mean? Do you know where we’re going?!” a small gasp slide past your lips as you realized your friends all knew what was happening tonight.
“Well I mean, I had’ta get someone’s opinion.” Nick shrugged, “I just should have assumed that tweedle dee was going to tell tweedle dumb and dumber.”
“Ya know, I just really find it unfair that I’m the one attending whatever the hell is happening tonight and literally everyone but me knows what it is.” You stood up from the couch and pointed in the direction of your bedroom, “But let’s go. Show me what to wear my all-knowing friends.” The five of you made your way out of the living room and towards your bedroom. Your place was quaint. The brightness of it had been what drew the four of you in in the first place. The walls throughout were various shades of white and windows littered the walls, providing much needed natural light. You had the cutest fireplace in your living room, accompanied by your grey couch, gold coffee table, and tons of green plants.
“I’m thinking something super simple but still hot.” Bella walked straight over to your closet and began digging through your items.
“You’ll be on your feet all night, so get cozy.” Nick grinned, leaning back in your desk chair and flipping through one of your magazines, “You in this one?”
“No.” you mumbled, walking to your vanity to grab some hair clips for Sav so she could start your hair. the same time Bri yelled, still picking out your outfit, “She had a breakdown before she picked you up earlier. Doesn’t think she’s good enough to write anymore!”
“Gee thanks B, why don’t you just post about it, so everyone knows.” Dropping down to the floor, you sat criss cross in front of Sav – who was waiting on your bed, so she could start her process
“What d’ya mean you ain’t good enough? You have a degree in this shit Y/N of course you’re good.” Frowning, Nick woke up your computer and began reading the unfinished piece on your desktop, “This is bloody fantastic. They’d be stupid not to love it.”
“I don’t know. Just second guessing myself I guess.” You shrugged
“THIS!” Bella shrieked, running out of the closet holding a black, off the shoulder, long sleeve shirt and black booties, “This is what you’re wearing. With jeans. Super simple but still sexy. Nick what are you doing?”
“None of your business.”
“You know, you’re staying in my home. Maybe I’ll just take all your shit out of the guest room and put it on that couch down on the corner. I’m sure that man would love to have a cuddle buddy tonight.” Sav was easily the wittiest out of the four of us, always coming back with jabs quicker than any of us could think. This is how you imagined your life in Los Angeles. Surrounded by the best people you knew and getting ready to have an amazing night. You just wish you weren’t being kept in the dark. Bella and Bri laid down on your pink duvet, behind Sav, while Nick continued to read some more of your unfinished work on the computer.
“Yeah. Jeans and that shirt are good. Simple is good tonight.” He said, shutting your computer off and standing up from your desk, “Add a cute bag or summat. I’m getting dressed”. The girls helped you finish getting ready, adding “that belt you got from that store in Georgia! Remember that place with the old redneck guy and the weird painting of redneck Elvis!” as per Sav’s request. You let to meet Nick out in your living room and just like your expected, he looked like his usual self. Ripped black skinny jeans, his black and tan striped sweater, and a pair of brown Chelsea boots. “Looking dashing as ever darling.” He peered up from his phone as he heard your heels clicking into the room.
“Don’t butter me up Nicholas. I better have a fan-fucking-tastic time tonight or I’ll take Sav up on her offer.” You threatened, everyone in the room hearing the joking tone behind your empty threat, “Let’s go.”
“No need for the hostility. Just texting my mates to see if we can head over.” The girls, who had perched themselves back on the couch, snickered hearing Nick speak about the friends you would be meeting up with, “Alright, all set. Just gotta take a wee!” He quickly ran back down the hall as Bella grinned, “Have fun tonight.”
“Oh shut up will ya. Shouldn’t you be at what’s his face’s house by now?”
“Ready?” Nick strolled out, placing his hand on your back to lead you towards the door. “Let’s blow this popsicle bar.”
“Stand Nick. It’s popsicle stand.” You chuckled, stepping through the front door and starting your first night out in Los Angeles.
“Really? This is our exciting night out?” you proclaimed as Nick nodded, “My first real night out since moving to L.A and your big surprise is to take me to the Forum?”
“Hey! If it wasn’t for me, you’d still be sitting at your desk, probably pulling your hair out and talking shit about yourself. So, you should really be thanking me.” The two of you had gotten dropped off at the side entrance of the building, and were now making your way into the venue, maneuvering up staircases and through the crowds. You always loved going out with Nick and looking to see if anyone recognized him. It happened more often when you were in London, but every once and while, he would get spotted instantly in the U.S. Today, however, you didn’t really see anyone noticing him.
“Wait, who are we even seeing?” you questioned but all he did was shake his head, “You’ll see. Come on, gotta find our seats. Making your way up yet another set of stairs, the sound of your heels clicking being drowned out by the opening act, who was finishing their set. “Wow Nicholas, getting a private box for the show, how very posh of you.” You laughed as you both walked up to the man checking tickets.
“Hush with the 20 questions, would you? Just be a normal person and be grateful I brought you here in the first place.”
“I would be grateful if I knew who we were seeing.” You replied, begrudgingly, as the two of you walked down the small hallway where it finally opened up into the small, private seating area. There was a small group of people standing down by the railing, while some were off to either side, pouring drinks and enjoying the end of the opening act.
“You must be daft. We walked by at least five posters. Go down and enjoy, I gotta say hi to some people and grab us drinks.” Nick responded as he slowly left you standing in the middle of the entryway
“Nick!” you whisper shouted, “I have no idea who any of these people are. You can’t just leave me here!” Due to the loud instrumental of the opening act walking off stage, he didn’t hear your complaining and continued to walk away from you. Sighing, you decided to make your way down the small set of steps and join the small group against the railing. Looking at them, you felt your breath freeze in your lungs as you recognized one of the females to be Kendall Jenner. Like THE Kendall Jenner that you were just watching on TV earlier that day. This was already an interesting night. They glanced your way and gave a small smile when they didn’t recognize you, before turning back to face the stage and continue their conversation. You had to give it to Nick, you were happy to be out of your apartment and finally doing something fun. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to experience Los Angeles, you did! You just wanted to perfect your job before getting to wild and screwing anything up. You turned your head quickly when hearing Nick’s very loud laugh coming from behind you.
“Stupid Nick.” You mumbled, quietly to yourself, “’Let’s go out’ he says. ‘You’re gonna have a great time’ he says. Sure, just leave me here to fend for myself why don’t ya dickhead.”
“I hear talkin’ to yourself means you’re actually a genius.” A voice spoke up from behind you, sounding eerily familiar, yet completely unknown. Turning around, you opened your mouth to lay into whoever had snuck up on you, but it was like your body shut down. Your eyes widen quickly, before you regained composure, and turned back around to face the stage.
“I guess just call me Albert Einstein then.” The man laughed at that and you looked down at your hands resting on the railing, now picking the skin on your pointer finger.
“Well, very nice to meet you Mr. Einstein. Very fond of your work.” He replied, moving to stand right up against the rail next to you
“Oh yeah. E=MC2was a real dozy.” You laughed
It was quiet for a minute, well, as quiet as it could get with thousands of talking fans and music playing throughout the venue. You were still trying to wrap your head around who was standing next to you. Who you were speaking with, and quite frankly, how you were able to form coherent sentences. “’M Harry.”
“I know.” You had a small smile on your face as you gently looked up at him, and when you did he was nodding, like he already assumed you knew him, “Y/N.” He looked down at you after that and when your eyes met, you felt your nerves come pouring out. “I – I mean, I’m-. Y/N’s my name. Not yours. Cleary it’s not yours, you just told me yours. And obviously you know that’s not you – your name. I’m Y/N.” you could feel your cheeks getting warm, as they turned a light hue of pink, at your embarrassing rambles.
“Figured that’s what you meant.” He smiled, “So, you’re friends with Nick.”
“Unfortunately.” You chuckled, but instantly regretted your comment as your remembered Nick and Harry were best friends, “He’s great… when he doesn’t take me out for the night and then ditch me.”
“One time, he took me to dinner with some people from BBC and then proceeded to leave without me, forgetting he brought me with him.” Harry recalled, turning fully so that the two of you now faced each other
“I’ll do ya one better. Like a year ago, he begged me for weeks to come out and visit him. So, finally I agree and tell him when my flight lands. Get into Heathrow and call him to come pick me up, only to find out he went to New York with Rita. So, I ended up spending a week in London by myself.” Talking with Harry was surprisingly easier than your initial thought. The nerves had dissipated and now, for some reason, it was like you were talking with someone who you’ve known for years. Maybe it was the bashing of Nick that made you feel more comfortable, or maybe it was because you had wanted this moment to happen for so long. Either way, you were living your fantasy.
“My two favorite people! What’s going on?” Nick grinned, walking away from the bar and towards you and Harry.
“Just discussing all the times you’ve been flaky.” Throwing his arm around Nick’s shoulder, Harry went in for a hug, “Good t’ see you mate. Been a while.” The two of them stood and spoke for a minute, so you decided to walk over and grab a quick drink. After all, you would be spending the night at an event with one of your long-time celebrity crushes. A rum and coke, or two, would definitely be in your cards tonight. All of a sudden, the lights dimmed, and loud cheers were head echoing through the venue, so you quickly finished pouring your drink and made your way back over to Nick, and subsequently, Harry.
“Okay, you gonna tell me now who’s playing?” you asked returning to your place beside Harry, who whipped his head around to Nick so fast you swore he would have whiplash.
“You didn’t even tell her who was playing tonight? Some friend you are.”
“Oi! I was trying to get her out of her house and help her make some friends. She just moved here for fucks sake!” you could see the smile lines start to creep up in the corner or Nicks eyes, indicating that he knew the two of you were just yanking his chain. Harry turned back to talk to you when the sound of drums filled the air, and chills instantly covered your body.
“KINGS OF LEON?! Nick you’re joking!” you screamed leaning over the railing, and around Harry, to look at Nick
“Told you you’d enjoy yourself.” He laughed, taking a sip of his drink and shrugging.
Kings of Lean had been one of your favorite bands for years and always being your go to drunk karaoke band. You had told Nick one night, during your last visit to London, how much you would die to see them live and how much they meant to you. Not only did he come through and hook you up, but he also brought you to a show accompanied by none other than THE Harry Styles - someone he also knew you adored. The talking was kept to a minimum during the first half of the set, everyone thoroughly enjoying the atmosphere. But none the less, you got to have some great conversations with Harry. He was surprisingly laid back for someone of his notoriety. It was interesting to watch Harry be a part of the crowd instead of on stage. During his time in One Direction, he had been notorious for being quite wild on stage, so seeing him on the opposite side was a sight to see. He swayed to the beats, threw his hands in the air every so often, played the air guitar occasionally, and sang his little heart out. Not to mention stole a few quick glances at you when he thought you weren’t looking. You were. Obviously, you had all lost your shit during “Eyes on You” and “Sex on Fire” – those being some of hypest songs during the first half of the show. The music slowly began to shift from loud and in your face, to quiet and soothing. The band opting for taking a small break from rocking out and providing some acoustic songs.
“So, you just moved here. Where from? If you don’t mind me asking.” Harry asked, noticing your lack of interest in the current song
“Charleston, South Carolina.” You nodded, always loving talking about your home
“Ahh, I love it down there. So beautiful and everyone’s always so kind.”
“Who’ve you been talking to? Definitely only nice to you ‘cause you’re Harry Styles.” You laughed, but then your insecurity came lurching back up and felt horrible for saying that, “Not that there’s anything wrong with you being Harry Styles. ‘Cause there’s not. Ya know, any - anything wrong with that.”
“Cute when yeh ramble.” It sounded so natural coming from his lips, but you could swear your heart rate increased tenfold. Harry Styles just said you were cute. You. “So, why make the move to L.A?”
“Work mostly. My friends also kind of had a hand in the decision, but we’re all just trying to make it in our fields I guess. Just like everyone else.”
“And what field is that?” he scrunched up his nose, “Sorry, ‘M being nosey aren’t I?”
“No, no it’s okay. I adore my job, so I love talking about it. I’m a travel writer for “Travel and Leisure Magazine”. I get to work from home, or wherever I am at the time, and just write about the culture or food or experiences there. And I just submit the work to my boss. Basically, I write to inform the readers about potential vacation spots or locations to move to.” You beamed, loving getting the chance to talk about the one thing that made you the happiest
“That’s amazing. I’ve always loved traveling, one of the greatest parts of my job really. And getting paid to travel and write about it must be thrilling.” He looked so in awe of you and your job that it made your heart tingle.
“It really is. My whole life I was stuck in South Carolina. Grew up there. Went to college there. And I just knew there was so much of the world I wanted to see. So, I declared my major, got a job at a small magazine and was able to start traveling for money. That’s when I met Nick.”
“Good for you. Seriously, that’s fantastic. How’s L.A helping you with all that?”
“It’s good! I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately, just worried I made a mistake coming all the way out here and that – surprise, I’m actually a horrible writer.”
He placed his hand on the small of your back and leaned in closer to speak to you as the music got a bit louder, “I’m sure you’re fantastic. Wouldn’t have made it out here if you weren’t eh?” 
“Thanks.” You blushed, “I don’t really think I would have decided to make the move our here if it wasn’t for my friends. Two of them are trying to break out into the fashion world, so they convinced the rest of us to move with them.”            “Show me some of their stuff sometime, I’d love to take a look.” You always knew he was the most into fashion out of his band, but you never in a million years thought you would be talking to him about it.            
“Sometime huh? Think we’ll be seeing each other again?” you joked, turning back to watch the rest of the show, as the acoustic set had just finished, and the music was picking back up with the song “Find Me”.             
“I hope so.” Your cheeks were in a constant state of warmth the rest of the show. Nick had brought the three of you more drinks, enough to the point where you were feeling pretty loose by the last two songs of the night. You were having the time of your life – watching one of your favorite bands, with one of your best friends, and a man you had only hoped of meeting in your dreams. The notes of “Waste a Moment” began to play and you stopped your jumping around to hold onto the railing tightly with one hand, the other placed over your heart. You could feel your blood pumping through your veins and nothing else existed other than the stage and the four men standing on it.
“You alright?” you heard from your left, but you couldn’t form any words
“Song just means a lot to her. It’s her brother’s favorite.” You heard Nick yell over the sound of Caleb Followill’s voice. All too soon, the guitar and drums faded and the band was screaming their “THANK YOU”s to the crowd, while the lights began to get brighter.
“Y/N.” Nick sounded from right behind you, a hand on your elbow, requesting you turn around to face him, “Come on, let’s go.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Sorry,” you breathed out a laugh, “Just really love them.” Looking to say your goodbye’s to Harry before walking out, you saw him putting on his red coat while saying his own goodbye’s to some friends – Kendall included
“Nice to see you again Ken. I’ll see you soon.” You could hear very quietly fall from his lips, before turning back to face you and Nick, “Mind if I walk out with you?” Stunned that he wanted to spend more time with you tonight, you shook your head and held your hand out towards the stairway. This time, on your way down the stairs, you felt all the eyes on your group. Obviously because of who was walking with you, and you knew you’d be seeing his, and possibly your, figure all over the internet tomorrow, leaving the venue.
“You ever get used to all the staring?” it was something you had always wondered
“It’s always a bit weird to have hundreds of people just staring at you. So, I wouldn’t say it gets any less weird, just get more used to it.” He looked a bit sad by the statement, and you couldn’t blame him. Years of being in the spotlight has to be difficult. “Hey, before we go our separate ways, I just wanted to ask you. Uhm-“ he stopped, hearing a fan scream his name from across the parking lot, “My birthday’s next week. And ‘m having a bit of a gathering at a restaurant with some mates. I know Nick’s coming. Why don’t you tag along with him?”
You stopped in the middle of the walkway, forcing Nick, who was holding your hand to make sure you didn’t get lost, stop in his tracks as well. “What’d ya say to her Styles. Swear, I’m never gonna be able to bring any friends around you anymore.” Nick groaned
“Just invited her to my party next week. Piss off.” He glanced down to you, “Of course if you’re not free, don’t worry about it. I know it’s last minute.”
“She’s coming.”
“She’s right here and can speak for herself, thank you Nicholas.” Rolling your eyes, you looked at Harry, “Yeah. Sure. I’d love to come.”
Nodding to himself, he looked very pleased, “Great. I’ll be sure to brush up on my theory of relativity for you Mr. Einstein.” He smiled and then pointed with his thumb behind him, “Well, I gotta go, so I’ll talk to you both later, yeah? It was a pleasure to meet you Y/N.”
“Yeah, you-you too Harry.” Watching Harry get into his car, Nick’s grip on your hand tightened and he spun you around, “What the bloody hell just happened?!”
“I don’t – I don’t even know bro.” you giggled, not even sure yourself what happened tonight
“Did I just unknowingly play match maker?!”
“No Nick! I was a blubbering, stuttering idiot. You did nothing. Except leave me. I’m still pissed by the way. Who does that?”
“I would say sorry, but it looked like you had a great time tonight, what with your pink cheeks and all.” He chuckled, “Let’s go, before your moms have an aneurism because I kept you out past curfew. I really want them to like me, maybe they’ll let me take you out for a second date.”
“Oh, shut up you idiot.” You laughed, pushing him away from you and off the curb into the parking lot cement. Kings of Leon had a special place in your heart. In your entire family’s heart. And now, they held even more of your love. For they had given you a night you had only ever dreamed about. If this was what living in Los Angeles was going to be, then it really wasn’t so bad in L.A.
TagList: @staceystoleyourheart @faith8993 @theasstour @emotionally-imbruised @isitjamiemoriarty @swayingnoodlelove @hes-a-rainbow @harrygivenchy @customhucci @artdecobae @bridge-to-terabethia @pinkflowerharry @carolinaghosts and also tagging @meetyourmouths @meet-me-in-the-kitchen & @pendantstyles because they’re three of the absolute sweetest most genuine humans I know and also three writers i look up to/admire with my whole entire being and heart and hope to do them justice one day
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name: halimah rose santucci
fc: paulina singer
age: 19
born: january 26
siblings: savannah santucci
gender: female (she/her)
sexuality: ??? who’s to say
powers: astral projection (associated abilities of dream walking and possession)
the most important person in hallie’s life has always been her sister, savannah. even if she’s only ten minutes younger, sav is halimah’s baby sister and she doesn’t know what she’d do if anything happened to her.
the twins have always complemented each other. sav got them into trouble and hallie got them out. hallie is scientific to sav’s creative. sav is steadfast to hallie’s breeziness. hallie is protective to sav’s recklessness. they worked in tandem, as a unit. they were nigh unseperable.
while it seems like sav has always known she wanted to write (she’s always been brilliant at dreaming up stories), hallie jumped between hobbies and interests fast enough to give you whiplash. she was always trying something new, until her interests snagged on science - more specifically, biology.
life was good for hallie - she was loved, and loved in return. she was in advanced classes. she was protective, lively, wicked smart with a hidden mean streak and bad taste in guys. she was 17 and she was heading towards a bright future. and then she died.
okay, that’s a little dramatic. her heart didn’t stop for more than a few seconds, max. she’s fine now. don’t even worry about it. the thing is, no ones sure why the Incident happened - some remnants of kiara’s mafia ties? bad luck? nonetheless, the driveby felt targeted, and landed both of the twins in hospital. that’s when things changed.
turns out, the whole dying thing kind of...knocked something loose? messed with something in hallie, and she woke up with the ability to astral project. definitely freaky. definitely in denial about it. definitely thought she had died for real the first time it happened.
perhaps even more concerning - for hallie at least - was the divide between her and her sister. when bad things happened, hallie surrounded herself with people and sav isolated herself from almost everyone. the things is, she’d never isolated herself from hallie before. and that almost hurt more than a bullet.
all of a sudden, home didn’t feel right. she couldn’t stand being the centre of attention when it was like this, everyone fussing over her. so, after talking it over with her mother, hallie packed up and left a week after being discharged.
she went travelling, keeping in contact only enough to let people know she was still, you know, alive. and honestly? it was freeing, refreshing. she’s got a better handle on herself, and how she fits into the world. she’s not entirely convinced that the whole projection thing is anything more than super weird and realistic lucid dreams, but other than that she’s getting stuck into marine biology and medicine, and trying to figure out where she and savannah stand after being separated for this long.
savannah santucci: her twin and other half, she feels guilty about leaving but hopes that the distance has done them good. they’d still do anything for each other, and she knows savvy could never hate her. they’ll be okay.
aiysha and zuri leu: okay hallie loves both these girls but she’s always been closer to zuri. that girl’s her best friend and tbh if she were going to be roommates with anyone she’s at the top of the list. zuri was also the recipient of postcards from weird landmarks while hallie was travelling.
caspian swann-mcqueen: they met while hallie was travelling and just clicked. which was great when they were just having fun but now?? there might be feelings??? which wasn’t the plan?? no thanks????? there’s definitely some denial here y’all.
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catte-bard · 6 years
Little Secrets
Ever the helpful little warrior. There are very few individuals in need that Bellona could turn away. 
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The waterway always smelled strongly of salt. And it burned Bellona’s sensitive nose whenever she ventured down into the area. Hence why she usually avoided the place. That and it wasn’t like there was ever anything down here of enough interest to her.
With a grunt, she set down the heavy wooden crate she had been carrying with her. Looking around, the small area underneath the city seemed still and unoccupied. A thick layer of dust covered everything. It appeared no one ever really ventured down here. So she thought anyway.
It made for a good place if you wanted to keep something concealed.
Bellona picked up an old piece of wood laying on the floor and walked over to one of the walls. Then rapped it against the stone.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
The sound echoed throughout the chamber. She paused before knocking again.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
“Hello? Is—is that you, adventurer?” A voice called from somewhere within the room.
Good. He hasn’t left. Bellona let out a breath. “Yes, it’s me and I’m alone.” She called. “So it’s safe for you to come out.”
A few moments of silence, then there were some shuffling noises. And eventually a man emerged from amongst the crates. His hair mussed and his clothing looking untidy. Light-haired and brown-eyed, the man could have passed for a Hyur if it were not for the third eye upon his brow.
An imperial soldier that Bellona had come across hiding within the city. He claimed that during the battle, fear took hold of him and he fled the war-zone, taking refuge somewhere within the city. But when he came out of hiding a few concerned Ala Mhigan youths had spotted him and then alerted the nearest adult---which had happened to be Bellona---to his presence. He had sworn he hadn’t wanted to cause anyone any harm and just wanted to get out of Ala Mhigo. Begged her not to turn him in to the Eorzean forces.
“I know what you’re thinking: a defenseless Garlean rat, just my luck! But please resist the urge to cut me open and trample my entrails! I did not choose to enlist. I too want nothing more than to flee from here, but I cannot find my way out—it’s like a blasted maze! I don’t want to hurt anyone, I swear it!”
He had sounded so frightened—looked so terrified when he found himself cornered by her. The man had thought she meant to kill him. Cut him down with no questions asked.
And Bellona could only take pity on him…
She couldn’t bring herself to turn him in. So she decided to help him instead. When the resistance soldiers had arrived, looking for the man, Bellona had told them she hadn’t seen anyone. Perhaps the children who had claimed to see him were imagining things? Or maybe the imperial soldier had moved on elsewhere?
The lie bought, they had left. And Bellona now had the task of smuggling an imperial soldier through a city of people who would very much like to flay him till he was bloody.
But even if she could get him out the city, where could Bellona harbor a fugitive like him? Perhaps with Cid? Hm…nay. The man was already barely tolerating Nero. To add another dubiously trusted Garlean to the mix would probably give the poor engineer an aneurysm…
Ala Mhigo’s waterways then occurred to her as a temporary fix until she could get the man somewhere safer. They were secluded and not many people had reason to go down there. There were only two entrances, one could only be utilized if a person had powerful lungs or were kojin-blessed. And Bellona doubted there’d be many such individuals around.
It would have to work for now. Until she could figure out what to do about her new “acquaintance”. The waterways were a good hiding place but would only remain so for so long. Someone would eventually stumble upon her little secret down here. And then there would be quite a lot of explaining to do that she’d rather not.
Best not to dwell on thoughts like that though.
“I brought you some more things.” Bellona told the man as she took up the crate again and walked it over to the lone table in the room. “Some fresh water and some food. I also brought a few extra pairs of dry clothing since I know it can get rather damp down here..”
The Garlean quietly sauntered over, peering into the crate. Bellona found him to be a soft-spoken man—a bit on the meek and shy side. Their conversations were often short and simple. Though she saved him, it seemed that the man had not yet decided to trust her completely. 
Despite his wariness, he hasn’t given her any churlish attitude. So she supposed that was something.
“You know, I can’t thank you enough for doing this.” The man murmured. “I’ve heard much about you, Champion of the sav---Eorzeans. I thought you would’ve simply gutted me. Ended me like any other imperial. But you spared me the sword and even imprisonment. For that I will be forever grateful.”
“Well don’t get too grateful just yet. This is the only safe place I could find you and it’s all damp and smelly.” Bellona tells him.
Honestly, she felt bad for making him stay down here. The dust and the salt hung heavy enough in the air to irritate even the healthiest man’s lungs. And it was cold, damp. Not at all a proper living space for any being. 
The ex-soldier shrugged. “It isn’t ideal and I don’t like having to sleep on the hard floor. But it’s better than rotting in a cell.”
“Still I won’t have you waiting down here for too long.” Bellona promised him.
“Won’t you get in trouble for helping me?” The man asked as he sat down on a nearby stool.
She didn’t even want to think about the Alliance’s reaction if she were caught. The disappointment…the betrayal. The woman was taking a mighty gamble by helping an imperial soldier. Something like this could easily end with both of them thrown in a cell.
A sigh came from the Miqo’te. “I’ll be in trouble only if I’m caught.” She looked at him. “And I won’t get caught.” So I hope anyway…
Her luck sometimes had a habit of turning awry.
He tilted his head, giving her an odd look. “Why did you help me anyway?” He asked after a few silent moments. “I am an imperial. A Garlean.”
“As am I.” She hesitantly says. “It may be hard to tell but I was born in Garlemald. Raised within the imperial capital.” How strange it felt to admit that aloud to someone; especially since it was something she fiercely kept secret. But perhaps he would trust her more if he knew they came from the same land?
“You?” It was hard to resist the urge to squirm under the soldier’s gaze on her, studying her hard. Looking for any features that might give her heritage away. “I…I thought you were different. You don’t speak like the Eorzeans. And they trust you? I thought they hated us Garleans?”  
That left Bellona quiet for several seconds. “They only trust me because they don’t know.”
There were very few people who knew of where she came. And even then, it took her a long time to trust them enough with such a truth. The Scions, D’jahv, Vurrelle…None of the Alliance leaders knew though. None of Eorzea knew.
He seemed in awe at that. “You’re a defector then?”
His voice oddly lacked the disgust she was expecting. Though perhaps he feared judgment of his own cowardice if he judged her for her betrayals?
Her ear flicked. “I couldn’t support what the Empire was doing. I was discontent. So, I left and came here to Eorzea in hopes of…well in hopes of finding something better.”
“You know, with strength such as yours, you would have done great things for the Empire.”
“I would have done terrible things for the Empire.” Bellona corrected him. “No one deserves to have their home stolen from them.”
That caused an awkward silence to settle between them.
And thinking she touched a nerve, Bellona decided it was time to leave. The Miqo’te had only come here to drop off supplies after all, not for idle chatter. Though honest, this has been the most the man has ever spoken to her before. “I’ll be back in a few days to check in on you.” She murmured as she walked away.
It wasn’t like she was trying to befriend the man anyway. She had merely taken pity on him. A small part---perhaps the part that remained with Garlemald---of her just couldn’t bear to leave him to whatever fate awaited him if alliance forces got a hold of him.
“I never got your name…” She heard the soldier suddenly speak up. “You…you saved my life and I feel like I should know you name.”
Bellona stopped. She told herself that she wouldn’t let the man know too much about herself. Returning the same distrust and wariness he gave her. But she supposed it couldn’t hurt to let him know her name at least? Especially since they’d be cooperating with each other for a while…
And he’s has yet to prove himself to be anything but a coward. So… “Bellona.” The adventurer told him. “You can call me Bellona.”
“Very nice to meet you, Bellona.” His words were bumbled and awkward as if he were trying to decide if he actually meant that. “My name is Valens. You’re very…brave to stand against the Empire. But you say you come from Garlemald as well? Doesn’t it feel strange to fight your own home?”
Doesn’t it feel wrong?
“Yeah…” Bellona turned to face him once more. “Yeah it does. It hurts terribly having to fight against something I still care about. But so does being part of a legacy that only serves to hurt and conquer.” She quietly says. “Something has to change.”
Valens looked down. “And you think helping the Eorzeans with their war will bring the change you wish to see?”
Bellona watched him carefully. His words didn’t sound malicious…just curious. “I don’t want there to be any war. All I want is for Eorzea and Garlemald to coexist together in peace. And I don’t think it should take war or violence to gain that peace.”
He looked back up at her. His gaze seemed to be searching her face for something. “You really believe what you’re saying, don’t you?”
Bellona blinked at him in surprise but slowly nodded.
“I think it can be accomplished. Without bloodshed.” She says. “I will not see Garlemald become what the nation of Ishgard used to be.”
Trapped in an endless cycle of war.
“I..see.” Valens says as he considers her words. The man then clears his throat and stands up. “Well, I’m feeling quite tired now and would appreciate it if you granted me solitude so I can rest. I thank you for the supplies, Bellona.”
I see? What’s that supposed mean? Never mind that for now. The woman pushed it to the back of her head. “Of course, I’ll check on you later.”  She says as she turns to leave. 
She supposed it was time for her to depart anyway. Stay too long and someone might start to wonder about her whereabouts.And if they were worried enough they might come looking for her...
“And not to sound too ungrateful,” She heard Valens call behind her. “But would it be possible for you to get me some sort of bedroll? If I am to be staying here for an extended period of time, I’d at the very least want to be somewhat comfortable.”
Bellona rolled her eyes. “I’ll see what I can do. Until then, you stay out of sight, my friend.”
She quietly stalked out the waterways. Luckily there hadn’t been anyone out on the street at the time to question what she had been doing down there. Giving one final look around, Bellona hurriedly set off down the road.
She felt so suspicious slinking around like this. She was suspicious. She was committing a crime—committing what could be considered treason.
Harbouring an imperial fugitive under the city! It was perhaps one of the most reckless things she’s done. But...it felt like she was doing the right thing. Or did she just tell herself that so she wouldn’t feel guilty if someone ever confronted her about it?
Gods, she hoped she didn’t end up regretting this.
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like, he took his own eye out to seal his pact with her and they thought it was hilarious that that was the way he was going to go about it when they said they wanted to see through him. And, by doing so, they grew more compassionate and a little more patient and started to actually enjoy the relationship they shared, mutual or not. and by the time inquisition ends and his pact is nearly done (because while desire said they’d give him power, sav just really wanted to be happy and he thought power was the way to do that. instead, he honed skills and confidence and found friends and a place to belong and the strength to stand up for himself) desire doesn’t....want to leave. 
nor do they want to possess him, because they’re not all demon anymore. they’re laughter and passion and hope and maybe desire...wants to see more of that, too? but what is a demon without a promise? so sav opens more himself open for them and they go willingly and they realize that they can both see and the eyepatch is gone and under it is a bit of the fade. a dull green just as eerie as the bright yellow. 
they can see the sky and the grass and the magic that makes them up and everything inbetween. and they can see the mana of mages at work and the ripples they make in the veil. they can see lies and deceptions, dark foul vapors compared to the white, whirling motes of laughter and words spoken out of love. and when desire speaks they’re surrounded by it.
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savannah-wilkinson · 6 years
Who: Savannah Wilkinson (featuring an ex-boyfriend & Beau Wilkinson) When: The end of fifth year Where: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
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Savannah Wilkinson swiftly made her way through the halls of Ilvermorny nodding politely at students as she passed, her smile tight and not quite meeting her eyes for once. Her hand curled tightly around a piece of parchment and she fought to keep her temper even as her eyes scanned for her boyfriend. They’d been dating for nearly the whole school year and she knew his schedule by now. He was likely just coming out of Charms and she planned to catch him on his way to Transfiguration. It didn’t take her long to spot him, laughing with his friends and she squared her shoulders as she approached.
“David, hi, can I speak to you for a moment?” She asked reaching out to rest a hand on his arm in order to catch his attention. He turned and gave her his usual dashing smile. Normally that smile would make her knees go weak, but today her anger only flared at the sight. Surely he’d know what she wanted to speak to him about. “Sure Sav” he replied easily, nodding a goodbye to his friends and leading her around the corner for privacy. As soon as they were out of sight, Savannah thrust the piece of paper out for him to see. “Would you like to explain this to me?” She asked, her voice thick with emotion.
The fact he even reached for it with a straight face had Savannah’s stomach tying itself up in knots. This wasn’t some sort of joke, was it? “This is my campaign announcement.” He said easily, as if he didn’t understand why she would ask such a silly question. Of course it was his campaign announcement, it said so on the parchment. “Campaign announcements don’t go out until next week.” Savannah countered, crossing her arms and trying to keep her voice from shaking with emotion. “Oh you know me, I like to stay on top of things.” He said with a grin while tucking the piece of parchment into his pocket. His joking tone might have even made her blush but she was too upset to catch on at the moment.
The sting of betrayal matched that of the tears in Savannah’s eyes and she shook her head. “I thought you said we’d run together.” She asked for clarification, thinking back on all of the times they discussed the upcoming election. He knew that she had intended to run for President and while he had originally planned to run as well, he very quickly adopted the idea of a joint campaign. Savannah had been excited for months assuming that meant he would run as her Vice President and today she had been completely blindsided when his campaign announcement was delivered to the student government meeting that morning.
“Oh Savannah,” He breathed, obviously noticing the way in which her eyes glistened, His hands rested on her upper arms and she was torn between wanting his comfort and recoiling at his touch. She hated the way she cried when she was angry, it never helped her case any. “Of course we can run together.” He assured her with a soft smile and Savannah shook her head in confusion. “Every officer recommendation has been filled out on your announcement already. My name isn’t on it.” She said pointedly, confusion helping her fight back the tears more easily. Her boyfriend only chuckled and she swore she wanted to hex him for it. Instead, she merely yanked away from him and flashed him a frown. “I didn’t mean as an officer.” He clarified, keeping his easy grin. “Not when you’d make such a lovely first lady.”
Savannah Wilkinson felt her jaw drop at his statement and for the first time in her life she sputtered for words. “H- Have you lost your ever-loving mind?” She finally asked in disbelief. “I’m not throwing this election to play the part of arm candy for you. I have held every single position in the student body government besides President. I have years of experience on you, I have implemented policy initiatives and I have headed committees before you ever even joined student government. You can run for President all you want, honey, but you won’t beat me.”  Her words were colored with the anger and betrayal she felt in that moment, especially considering he had known she planned to run for President all along. “I’m not afraid to run against you.” She assured him with a shake of her head. “But you best be prepared to lose.” She didn’t care if he was her boyfriend or not, if he thought she would throw an election for him, he was wrong.
Gone was the charming grin on David’s face and Savannah took satisfaction in that. Good. He was listening. Maybe now he knew how she had felt when she saw his announcement this morning. “I’m not going to lose to you, Savannah, because you’re not running.” He said confidently and Savannah scoffed. Like hell she wasn’t. She’d had this campaign planned since before she even started her first year at Ilvermorny, and she wouldn’t let an unqualified political opponent tell her what to do, boyfriend or not. She opened her mouth to explain that very fact to him, but before she could do so he cut her off. “Perfect, sweet, innocent Savannah Wilkinson. That’s the girl everyone wants to vote for, right? And if they knew that girl was a lie?”
Savannah felt tears sting in her eyes once again and she shook her head in disbelief. This boy, a boy she had fallen head over heels for, one her parents had said was so nice, this boy was threatening her with what? A dirty campaign? Rumors? Blackmail? “What are you talkin’ about?” She asked, crossing her arms protectively and taking another step away from him. She needed distance from this boy she had known so well only just a day ago and now was a complete stranger to her. “I mean, perfect, sweet, innocent, pureblood girls don’t do what you did, Savannah. Or should I say what we did? In that empty classroom, in the Thunderbird dorms, or at that party over Christmas break…”
The tears Savannah had been holding back finally spilled freely down her cheeks and she quickly swiped them away. She didn’t want him to see how much it hurt that he would use those moments against her. Moments where she had given over her trust to him completely. She was a fool for thinking that she loved him and an even bigger fool for believing him when he said he loved her too. He’d played her and she had been too blind to realize it. Even when he’d turned in that announcement, she had some small glimmer of hope that they would work it out, that it was all some big misunderstanding. “Screw you.” She shot back quietly, though there was little sting in her words. Instead disappointment and heartbreak were much more evident as she took a shuddering breath. “No, see, you already did that Savannah. Now you can either support my campaign or get out of my way. Otherwise, I’ll be sure to let everyone in on our little secret.”
His grin returned once more and she wondered how she had ever found it charming. That predatory glint in his eye, the smugness she saw in the way one corner of his lips tugged up just a bit higher than the other. How had she not seen it before? “Now, my First Lady doesn’t sound so bad, does it?” He asked and Savannah laughed humorlessly as she blinked back more tears. “It sounds worse, actually. If you’re running for President, you run alone.” She said quietly before spinning on her heel and walking briskly down the hall to find a place to cry alone.
It was in the empty classroom on the fourth floor that Beau found Savannah with her knees curled to her chest and crying sometime later. It was also there she told him everything. How the boy she thought she loved had turned on her and had quite possibly taken everything from her. Beau had been an attentive listener, and had sat with her until she had no more tears left to cry. Only when she heard he later wound up with the school nurse did she know that he had tried to defend her and lost the duel.
By that point rumors had started about why Savannah Wilkinson’s beloved brother had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend. Had the perfect couple broken up? Why? How? The answers students made up to fill in the blanks were, for once, less colorful than the truth and Savannah realized the power she could wield if only she could shape those rumors in her favor first. It was then she approached David once again, a grin on her face and her own campaign announcement in hand to inform him she would be running after all.
The look on his face was a memory she tucked away for safekeeping, something to look back on should someone ever try to make her feel small again. She would be running as perfect, sweet, innocent Savannah Wilkinson alright, and should he say anything to imply she was otherwise she assured him that it would be all too easy to spin such rumors in her favor, and that they would only help her campaign. After all, who wanted to vote for a conniving, manipulative, jerk who would go so far to sabotage another student’s campaign?
Later that summer when Aunt Seraphina asked about the nice boy from a good family, and what had happened to their relationship, Savannah had stared out the window at the bright Georgia sky and replied truthfully “He broke my heart over the school election.” She hadn’t seen her great-aunt’s reaction but she heard a hint of surprise in the older woman’s voice when she said “Oh? And what happened?” Savannah only turned to her with a soft smile and a gave her a slight shrug. “I won.”
Word Count: 1681
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