#saskatoon ex
jaerie · 1 year
Visiting some old friends
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onmytape · 1 year
Colton Dach on the Showbound Podcast
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spending the summer doing shoulder rehab from his injury and working on getting “stronger” and “faster”. and went back to kelowna after the mem cup to pack up his stuff because he didn’t have a chance after being traded to seattle at the wjc 
his grade 9 bantam team only lost two games all year (with zellweger, guenther, savoie?) he and some of his teammates skipped school on 2018 whl draft day because they knew they were getting picked high
on playing with kirby in saskatoon: “it would’ve been nice if he didn’t make the show at 18 so i could’ve played with him there [longer]”
took him 30 games to score his first whl goal. “wasn’t very positive” with himself
names Tristen Robins ("offensive weapon”) and Kyle Crnkovic as memorable players on the blades
When asked if he thinks the dub is the toughest league in the chl: “i played against the other two [at the mem cup] and going into it we’re like okay we’re just going to bully these kids, we’re just going to run them out of the rink and i’ll give it to the quebec team. Was probably the hardest, toughest guys to play against.” 
One of his teammates tried to look up the fights of the ohl players before the mem cup and (because of the limits of fighting in the league) couldn’t find anything to study and gave up. 
“Growing up I was always a feisty kid and I always thought when I get to the dub I'll be able to handle myself” first dub fight at 16 against a 20 year old. lost horribly.
Kirby spoiled that colton was getting drafted by chicago because he told one of their friends to grab the hawks hat after getting a text from someone in chicago’s management before the pick was announced.
Thought he was going to st. louis because he had the most conversations with them before the draft 
Montreal asked him which animal he’d be and he answered grizzly bear “bigger guy, not so fast but physical” and at the end of the conversation one of the montreal guys said “i don’t think you’re a bear” Guenther and Zellweger were present at the zoom call. “Zellweger said he’d be a wolf or a predator or something like that” 
Colton found out he was traded to kelowna while he was in chicago with kirby driving to the rink and duncan keith called kirby and told them colton was traded to kel before either of them knew
About kelowna: “they were great guys. It was awesome. Still best friends with a lot of them.” 
Kirby’s trying to sell colton his car so he can buy a new one. Colton doesn’t want to show up to camp without having played a single pro game with a g wagon. 
He was roommates with reid schaefer at the world juniors. Their room faced the hotel exit so they anxiously watched guys leave as they didn’t make the cut. Schaefer got a call that his car was being towed in seattle and Colton’s dad kept calling to ask if he had made the team yet. The phone calls made them think they were getting cut. 
Didn’t have high expectations because he was told during a meeting “just to let you know you're not here because of your play this season so far, you're here because what you did in the summer at our camp”
When asked what happens when they cut one roommate and keep the other - during the 2022 summer wjc zack ostapchuk and his roommate were told to pack their stuff and it wasn’t until the roommate had already left and ostapchuk was about to leave that they told him he wasn’t actually cut 
After losing to czechia nobody on the team talked until the next afternoon. Captain shane wright didn't let the team play sewer ball before the next game so they would focus better
About bedard: good ping pong player. Colton mentions coach chippy’s videos about bedard’s wrist curls 
Almost got kicked out of the media box during bedard’s ot winner vs slovakia because he was being too loud and banging on the desk while the staff was trying to work 
On the playoffs: played kelowna first, says his ex teammates knew how to trigger him on the ice and chirped him with inside stuff when he skated by the bench 
Calls guenther the “powerhouse” during playoffs 
After guenther met crosby he texted colton on instagram and colton was like “i hate you so much right now” 
After being drafted to chicago colton got a text from kane to congratulate him and made some comment about getting the “better dach” 
Calls seattle thunderbirds fans “unreal” 
“one funny story actually after we won, you know, boys did their laps with the trophy and take the team photos, two of the guys went out to the parking lot to get the coolers of beer and drinks so you know the guys can have some fun in the dressing room and they get locked out and because we're in the states it's 21 you know like you can't - they're not supposed to drink - right yeah, everyone's under 20. the commissioner is walking by and he's the one who told everyone that we can't drink or something like that in the room. the commissioner walks by outside these guys are stuck outside sitting on the cooler drinking beer. in full gear as well. just sitting there and he comes up shakes her hands says congrats and walks away. it was pretty funny”
“Partied friday night, saturday, sunday, skated monday/tuesday” after winning the whl champs
After they got back on the bus after losing the mem cup, the team was dejected and crnkovic stood up and yelled “we’re still champs” to rile the boys up again
considers himself “grumpy in the mornings” 
crnkovic is the funniest guy on the thunderbirds but the worst chirper. colton considers himself the biggest chirper.
Saunders is best dressed, crnkovic is the worst and can’t tie a tie.
says Ciona is most likely to be a coach when they’re done playing “lot of patience” “good leader” 
"Stranded on an island for a month with three seattle thunderbirds?" “Bryce pickford for sure. He would know how to handle a situation out there. Maybe Milic. You know if he brings his guitar he can sing some songs out there so that’d be nice. Maybe gunner (Guenther). Just get some laughs out there. Create some chaos. He was my roommate so it was pretty funny.”
“Any funny coach stories?” “I wouldn’t say it’s really funny it’s kind of awkward. So in kelowna last year we had to put one of our dogs down and my mom called me and told me that the night before and I go to practice the next day and I told one guy on the team and everyone's skating around it's kind of, everyone's not talking, just a quiet day and the coach comes in he's like what? what the hell? like did someone's dog die last night? and oh you know I just I sat there I'm like oh no wiping my eyes. one of the guys comes up to me gives me a hug and he's like, "yeah Colton's dog.”'
about bedard and media: “I always went behind him on the bus [at wj] so I can get a little extra air time on TV” “no he’s definitely, he does really good with that stuff. He’s very well media trained” 
On seeing kirby: they call after every game, don’t always talk about hockey. Call each other on off days to play video games. Colton went to montreal for kirby’s bday for a week while his shoulder was separated. “That was pretty special. I haven’t really got to watch him play since he’s been in Saskatoon.” 
(jun 25th, 2023)
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deadexgirlfriends · 9 months
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dead ex girlfriends performing at amigos in saskatoon || 16.09.23
photo by brennen weimer
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angels-and-demons · 1 year
Incorrect quote! Featuring a Marvel crossover (bc I had a thought, and needed to make Masky and Moon Knight exes).
[Nico, Masky, and Toby are at a Proxy Party in the Underrealm]
Nico: Huh... who's he?
Masky: hm? Oh... [groans]
Toby: Ooh, I smell drama. Spill!
Masky: Well, judging from the outfit... I'd say that that's Marc Spector... he works for Khonshu. Egyptian god of the moon.
[Toby and Nico nod]
Masky: He's got DID, like me.
[Masky stares at him, with a certain... sadness to him]
Masky: ...and he might also be my ex...
[Toby looks shocked]
Toby: Wow... dad lore.
Masky: I'm... sorry. Did you just call the worst breakup of my life "Dad Lore"?
Nico: the worst? Yeesh... How bad was it?
[Masky hisses]
Masky: ...let's just say... after the resulting argument, We're both no longer welcome in any Harvey's diners across the entire Canadian province of Ontario.
Masky: ...and a few Tim Hortons in Saskatoon.
[Masky's eyes widen]
Masky: ...shit. Kids, he's coming over-! Hi-iiii there, Marc...
[He smiles awkwardly at Marc. Marc keeps his neutral expression]
Marc: ...Masky. You're looking well.
Masky: Uh, thanks. I could say the same about you. God, its been ages, hasn't it?
[Marc nods bitterly]
Marc: '02, Ontario and Saskatoon.
[Marc looks at Nico and Toby]
Marc: ...who're these kids?
Masky: Oh, right-! Uh, Marc. This is Toby. He's my apprentice. We're both working for the, uh... Slenderman. And this.
[Masky puts his hand on Nico's shoulder].
Masky: ...is Nico. He's Toby's boyfriend.
Marc: ah, young love...
Masky: and he's also the son of Hades.
Marc: Damn... Uh, good for you, I guess...
Masky: kids, this is Marc Spector. We, uh...
Marc: ...we used to date.
[Masky nudges Nico and Toby on]
Masky: Alright. You kids go have some fun. We're gonna talk about boring, adult stuff.
Toby: Masky, we're both sixteen. We're not kids.
Masky, jokingly: Not adults either. Now scram.
[Nico and Toby go off, hand in hand to do cute stuff and get food, leaving Masky and Marc alone]
Masky: So... How are... Jake and Steven?
Marc: ...fine. And how have you been?
Masky: Uh, yeah. Fine too. Tim's been okay. Uh, work and stuff... that's all been fine.
Marc: Anything... new?
Masky: Oh, uh... I'm married now.
Marc, gritted teeth: Really? That's great. So happy for you.
Masky: Yeah. He's like, my best friend. So, ya know...
Marc: Great, great, great...
[They stand awkwardly for a moment]
Marc: Well, I should-!
Masky: I've got to-!
[They both dart off in different directions, incredibly embarrassed by running into their ex].
Masky: So... what are you kids up to?
Toby: He's won the breakup, hasn't he?
Masky: Shut up-!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“'C. C. F.' Denounced AS 'RED',” Vancouver Sun. February 23, 1933. Page 7. ---- ORGANIZER PAID FROM MOSCOW, SAYS LAVERGNE ---- Woodsworth Denial ---- SASKATOON. Feb. 23. Denial of the statement that he was a "paid agent of Moscow" was made today by George H. Williams, member of the executive of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, replying to the charge made by Armand Lavergne, Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, in the House yesterday. 
"I challenge Mr. Lavergne to make the same statement outside of the House of Commons, where he would be subject to a charge of libel," Mr. Williams added.
By Canadian Press OTTAWA, Feb. 23. A direct attempt was made in the House of Commons Wednesday to link the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation with Red Russia. 
George Williams of Saskatchewan, a member of the executive of Canada's newest political party, was branded a "Bolshevist, a paid Moscow agent," by Armand Lavergne, Deputy Speaker and Conservative member for Montmagny, Que. 
While members of the Common wealth party in the far corner of the Chamber cast angry looks at the Deputy Speaker but made few inter ruptions, Mr. Lavergne read from a French magazine to prove his charge against Williams. 
At first Williams was described as the Saskatchewan organizer of the Commonwealth but J. S. Woodsworth corrected this. 
'PAID AGENT OF MOSCOW" A denial that Williams was a Communlst was inserted in the running debate by Woodsworth. ‘I have again and again heard Williams denounce the Communists and Bolyshevists not want Russia set up here." 
"Miss Agnes MacPhail said that the Communists and Bolshevists hate the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation," proceeded Lavergne. "How could they?" he asked, "if I understand alright, the organizer of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation in Canada is George Williams, of Saskatchewan, and I say before this House, without fear of contradiction, that George Williams is a paid agent of Moscow."
He proposed to give his authority for the statement. An article in La Revue Des Deux Mondes declared that the Communists "work also in the immense Prairies of the Canadian West, principally in Saskatchewan. The organizer of the party was George Williams, ex-president of the Farmers' Union." 
Lavergne proceeded to declare that there was an agitation on foot to destroy the institutions of this country by revolution. 
MacINNIS BLAMES CZARS Angus Maclnnls (Lab., Vancouver South) said the present government in Russia had arisen out of conditions that had preceded it and nothing else. 
He painted to the House a picture of Russia under the Czars, and recalld the bloodshed which had attended the suppression of labor troubles many years ago. 
Everywhere was to be found evidences of the intolerance of the Government and its supporters who failed to realize that in the Canadian Co-operative Commonwealth was the best protection against Communistic doctrine, Mr. Maclnnis said.
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leopoldainter · 5 months
. exe
If doth raki,keep your gloves on
Red river
Lois real
Some body
Actually no
Not that
Brics were established order a yonderous imposer. Non profit. Wave lengths. Are broaderd
Rona can't shade its store sign so easily
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drewkopp · 6 months
Burning Out: A Dramatic Monologue - Part 3: Cooldown
I’d love to get some feedback on this piece and the other two parts that follow, which were written as part of a collab between my local writer’s group and the local theater group. I’d specifically like to know if I captured the narrator’s psychopathy through their voice and if their character arc is clear. Each part has to be under 500 words.
Dear Diary
I’m sorry I left you to gnaw on that little cliffhanger for a few months, but I’ve been too busy to check in with you.
A lot’s changed since we last spoke, but one thing’s stayed the same: I still don’t feel like putting other people’s property to the torch.
Don’t worry; my creative juices haven't gone dry or anything. My art’s just taken a bit of a new form, that’s all.
Molotov’s helping me shear away my artist’s block. You remember Molotov, right? The punk I kidnap- removed from an unsafe situation? Yeah, them
Neither of us ended up frozen because Molotov made magic happen with a bottle of hand sanitizer they swiped from the refugee center’s bathroom. Their technique was still mediocre, but I didn't mind giving them a pointer or two. Last week, they got our campfire going with nothing but a stick, a handful of dry leaves, and a dictionary so soaked that the only words I could read from it were  “Hope,” “Springs,” “Eternal,” and “Marmalade.”
Molotov also came up with the idea of selling fire. Huh. Writing that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.
We were passing through the skeleton of what I think used to be Saskatoon when we ran into a herd of ex-frat boys trying to turn their three-seater sofa into a cooking fire by using a shattered Budweiser bottle as a magnifying glass. 
My apprentice offered to help them get a blaze going if they shared a bit of the deer they wanted to grill up. Did you know Deer Heart Salad is a thing? I didn’t. Yet another fascinating nugget of Molotov wisdom.
Being a fire merchant scratches my artistic itch better than I thought. If you’d told me that most people don’t know how to start a fire before the apocalypse, I wouldn’t have believed you. It doesn't matter which direction Molotov and I wander; we always find at least one poor smuck who doesn't know how to relive their ancient ancestor’s greatest triumph.
It’s a pretty satisfying dopamine cycle, honesty: Molotov and I meander around until we find some poor soul whose mind has not yet been opened to the ways of pyromancy, then we hook them up if they can match our prices. 
Even when we don’t stumble upon any customers, lighting a campfire and sitting under the stars with Molotov makes me feel like I’ve done something right. I’m almost okay with counting my anti-hypothermia fires as art.
I think I’ve finally realized why I lost my mojo. My work… it’s an act of rebellion. Before, it was a rebellion against a civilization that decided by lottery whether or not people were worth taking care of. Now, it’s a rebellion against the ignorance that civilization allowed to fester.
Being a fire merchant should be enough to keep me busy.
At least until civilization thinks it’s safe to come out of hiding.
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newsakd · 1 year
[ad_1] The Saskatoon Ex begins Tuesday and families are looking to get out and have fun while sticking to a budget. Susan Kuzma, signature event manager at Prairieland Park, said Aug. 8 is $12 Tuesday at the Ex and is a place for everyone no matter their budget.“Everyone gets in for $12,” Kuzma said. “All of the entertainment is free so it’s a good day to come to the Ex.”The Saskatoon Ex runs Aug. 8 to 13.“All of the big concerts in the grandstand are free, all of the entertainment, the racing pigs, the lumberjack show, the fire eating, all of the stage shows are free.”Kuzma said the Ex only had to raise admission tickets by $1 in 2023. Story continues below advertisement “With the extra PST now on admission tickets, it basically was to cover that. On Sunday, seniors 60-plus are in for free so that’s a great promotion.”She noted that if you are parking a car with more than five people in it, you get to park for free.“That will save you another $10. There’s also some midway promotions as well, so on Wednesday it is 30 coupons for $21 and on Sunday kids 10 and under can ride all the rides for $25,” Kuzma said. She added that the park has free water bottle filling stations to help curb the cost of drinks at the fair. Trending Now Kitchener mayor fires back at Piers Morgan for pot-shot on Justin Trudeau social media post Sandra Bullock’s partner Bryan Randall dies at 57 after private ALS battle “If you want to bring your picnic lunch and sit at our many hundreds of tables, picnic tables, you can bring your picnic lunch and have it here. We are not forcing people to have to purchase on park.”Safety measures were also enhanced at this year’s Ex after bear spray incidents last year.After tickets are purchased, people will have to go through a metal detector before they can enter the fairgrounds. Bags, strollers, wagons and more will all be searched by security.“Bags will all be searched instead of randomly searched,” Kuzma said. “We have also put up a double fence to stop things from coming in from the outside.” Story continues below advertisement Prohibited items include skateboards, bear spray, lawn chairs, alcohol and drugs. A full list of prohibited items can be found on the Saskatoon Exhibition website. &copy 2023 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc. [ad_2] Source link
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occupyhades · 1 year
'Men like to strike women': Judge slams culture of domestic violence in Sask. during murder sentencing | CTV News
A man who killed his ex-wife’s cousin will spend life in prison with no chance of parole for 15 years, a judge decided on Thursday at Saskatoon’s Court of King’s Bench.
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naffertiizakkaraa · 1 year
Pagina 137
( 137 ) Y después de salir de Thunder Bay volvieron a conectarse con La Carretera 11 para darle y bonito para Winnipeg México antes de que se convirtiera en La Carretera 12, pero era un grande y largo camino para recorrer.
ESTV.- Ambiguos, tomen muchos líquidos porque esta es la peor parte ¡!!!
Y cuando llegaron a esa bonita ciudad mexicana corrieron todos al baño y tomar un shower como dios les dio a entender.
ESTV.- 15 minutos y nos vamos ¡!!!
Y después le dijo al jefe de helicópteros coreano Chang So View…
ESTV.- Combustible para mis rotores ¡!!!
CSV.- a la olden mi genelal ¡!!!
Y enseguida le dio la misma orden al jefe de helicópteros japones Makito Kotelo Malak…
ESTV.- Alpiste para mis pajaritos ¡!!!
MKM.- i a las pajalitas tamba ¿???
Y por órdenes del makito algunos soldados subieron paquetes suficientes de comida porque como sabemos no podían perder ya más tiempo para comer.
ESTV.- Arráncate ¡!!!
ahora manejaron por La Carretera 1 para conectarse por El Freeway 16 para ir rumbo a Saskatoon para intentar llegar a Edmonton México.
ESTV.- tiempo estimado mi general romanov ¿???
EDM.- aproximadamente 26 horas, mi general azteca ¡!!!
Y como era muy largo el trayecto la muchachada tuvo que comer en los carros y viajando…
ESTV.- 10 minutos en Edmonton México ¡!!!
Y cuando pasaron le pegaron para La Columbia ex Britanica México por El mismo Freeway 16 con la idea de llegar a Prince George como el caballo blanco.
ESTV.- manque llevemos el hocico sangrando no le sacamos al parche ¿???
Y cuando llegaron a Kitwanga México se desviaron a la derecha por La Carretera 37…
ESTV.- Y sigue la yunta andando ¿???
Y siguieron subiendo, pero abriéndose a la derecha para alargar el camino aún más…
ESTV.- valever ¿??? Y solamente para llegar al poblado de Upper Liard México…      
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justadram · 2 years
I'm so glad that you have further plans for "You're not so...". I am curious though, is there is a significant age difference between Jon and Sansa in the fic? Also would love to see a glimpse of Sansa's ex husbands in the one-shots you're planning
Oh, does it seem like there's an age gap? There isn't. Same as in canon, they're not so different in age.
I think the only thing I've ever written where I increased that age gap beyond their book age difference was in A City of Fortune and Failure, where I maybe doubled it (from 3 to like 6 years, although I don't have my age chart handy for that fic anymore, lol), or Saskatoon Berry Pie, which runs closer to the show actors' age gap.
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wearethesame77 · 2 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Warning Given Before Outbreak,” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. November 7, 1932. Page 1.  --- Prison Authorities Recently Removed Trouble-Maker From St. Vincent de Paul --- Canadian Press MONTREAL, Nov. 7. Warned some week ago that a riot was impending at St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary, authorities transferred Sam Behan, convict number B-16, to Portsmouth penitentiary at Kingston to separate him from Chester Crossley, negro prisoner who lead the unsuccessful revolt here on Friday, the French language newspaper Le Canada said today. 
Informers also told the authorities that ex-convicts planned to dynamite or burn the home of Col. P. A. Piuze, warden of St. Vincent de Paul. Theft of some dynamite from the prison quarries lent weight to the report and a double guard was maintained over the wardens home for some time, the newspaper says.
Canadian Press ST. VINCENT DE PAUL. Que., Nov. 7. An official investigation was expected to get tinder way today to discover the underlying cause for Friday's riot in St. Vincent De Paul penitentiary. Over the week-end the situation was quiet and although ordinary routine had not been restored, there was little fear of a further outbreak. The injured are reported to be recovering.
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Since we can only do indoor gardening at the moment. I wanted to share that it's a great time to start planning out what we want to grow next year. With the rising cost of food due to diesel prices its a great time to learn to grow your own produce. Here are a few suggestions. 1.The three sisters planting a traditional planting for native Americans. It includes squash to shade the ground and keep moisture in. Corn to provide a place for the last to climb. Beans that add nitrogen for the corn and climb up the corn stocks. Making them sturdier in the wind storms. This is a practice that has been used for thousands of years. The beans can be dried as well as the corn. And honestly we chose to do zucchini and let's just say EVERYONE we knew had zucchini till Dec it keeps very well in a cool dark dry place. Or grated and frozen. 😂 2. Grow foods your family will eat. It's cool if you want to try growing some exotic fruit but focus on picking things your family will actually eat to prevent food waste. 3. Research the crops your growing to see what can be companion planted ex tomato and basil basil keeps pests away. Research growing conditions some plants like a nutrient rich soil. Some like carrots and root vegetables, like sandy loose soil. 4. If your soil is very dense and you like potatoes growing them the first year in the area your trying to fix is a great option remember to rotate your crops every year though. 5. PLEASE research invasive speices before you plant. No home grown food is worth the devastation these plants can bring. Be very careful about buying wild flower packets that don't have a list of everything in them. 6. Look up native food plants! Saskatoon, haskaps, fireweed, Prarie turnip, bitter cress. They are the gifts that keep on giving. You can buy seeds from @ALCLA 7. HAVE FUN! It doesn't mater if you get one tomato or 1000 tomatoes the point is you helped give life to a plant and to have fun learn along the way. #growyourownfood #grow #growfood #threesistersplanting #yyc #bloomingbeegardening #Canada #Gardening #highprices #groceries #tomatos #native plants #alcla #nativeplants #trending #followme #tiktokyyc (at Calgary, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9KQOXPwZy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alleventsalert · 3 years
Saskatoon Ex 2022 - Saskatoonex.com
Saskatoon Ex 2022 – Saskatoonex.com
Saskatoonex.com – Saskatoon Ex 2022 are organized by Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation. It will be held on 09 August – 14 August 2022 in Saskatoon, Canada. Saskatoonex.com | Saskatoon Ex 2022 You just need to follow the steps to participate in Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation.(Saskatoon Ex). Open your default internet browser.Type www.saskatoonex.com in your address bar. Fill in all…
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mavy1 · 4 years
Just found out Saskatoon berries are actually apples not berries and I have never felt so betrayed
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