#sasha sessorov
undyingmedium · 4 months
Time to run, she said. If their instincts hadn't been enough, if their wounds weren't bleeding enough, Sasha Sessorov made sure they knew - now that she had been freed, not even she had a reason to face one of the leaders of the Seraphims yet. Alexander was pissed, somehow still in peak shape, very determined to catch her alive and disintegrate whoever he found in his way between him and her, and he very well tried. Ilori had already done her best to keep everyone on their feet so far, but she was clearly strained beyond her limit and heavily compromised, so she was the first to listen to the advice. They could hear a very pained Kairon scream to run as well, and Sasha freed herself from her brother's unholy clutches too and made it as well thanks to his diversion. In no time, no one was visible anymore other than the tiefling.
They could not see Anika hiding behind a wall, oh so close to Alexander and his minions, as Kairon nearly lost his consciousness and was carried away with them. Her homicidal instincts were so very obvious, but the Deep One, still keeping her together through his possession, also forced her to just watch from a safe distance as another one of her... her...
She had a flash of the elven girl bleeding out in her arms so many years ago as they fell down the pit in the woods. At least, back then she could make sure she would not die. Today, she could not care for her friend as she would have liked.
Emma was right. Getting attached to the team was an easy way to get in trouble, lose sight of the objectives even. How many other confirmations did the medium need before she could start to act properly?
Well, shit. She was already too deep in it. The pipe would smoke like a chimney while she brewed bitter revenge.
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