#sarah plain and tall crossover au
jomiddlemarch · 3 years
the long way to you is still tied to me but it brought me to you
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Nina hadn’t expected Matthias to say anything and he hadn’t, but fortunately, she hadn’t had to rely upon him as she had when she’d first arrived as his new bride, each day at Fjerda full of questions only he could answer.
Ina, always the minister’s wife first, busy with mending all the cast-off clothes had been donated by their sister parish back East, had been quick to mention the number of years Matthias had been homesteading, how old he’d been when he’d staked his claim and how he wasn’t one to make a fuss except when it was Berit’s birthday though his own was easier to mark as it didn’t fall in the depths of winter like his daughter’s nor at the peak of the harvest. John Stone, the dour, stolid neighbor Nina had discovered was the first to lend a hand, the last to leave plowing, tireless in the face of any calamity, whether it was a blizzard or a blight or a sickly cow who couldn’t drop her calf, had remarked Matthias could use a new scythe and adze in Nina’s hearing, which couldn’t have been anything other than a hint, and voluble Jess, who ran the general store, made sure to inquire about whether Nina had enough flour and white sugar just before telling her about an unexpected delivery of lemons he’d received, a rarity and one Matthias was right partial to, even if he hadn’t let on to his missus.
Eugenia Kostyk, stopping by with a kitten from her cat’s latest litter to help keep down mice in the barn, was the most direct. She’d started as soon as she’d untied the ribbons of her bonnet and taken it off, giving the calico a gentle shake .
“You know Mr. Helvar’s birthday’s coming up in a few weeks, Miz Helvar,” she announced once Nina had accepted the kitten, naming her Zenobia in hopes of making a warrior out of the little ginger scrap.
“That’s been conveyed to me, though no one’s volunteered the date,” Nina answered, smiling. Eugenia always reminded Nina of a crabapple tree, all pink and white blossom in the spring, with a sweet smile for her friends which never quite matched the one she gave to her husband, a spare, dark man who seemed most at ease when his hands were occupied repairing something broken.
“The 19th,” Eugenia said. “You reckon you’ll have enough time to prepare? Only I don’t mind helping out, even if you just need me to mind Berit for an afternoon.”
“I know she’d be glad of the chance to visit with you, but I’ve everything well enough in hand,” Nina said. “She’s positive your dressmaker’s dummy is enchanted, I had to tell her not to say a word about it at Sunday School, less she’d be set an extra psalm to learn for her punishment.”
“I don’t think Mrs. Rietveld would be that strict,” Eugenia replied.
“She wouldn’t. It would be her papa who scolded and they’d both be miserable over it. I explained we’d only speak of it at home, so no bad fairy tries to steal the enchanted dummy away,” Nina said.
“He’s lucky, Mr. Helvar,” Eugenia said.
“Lucky?” Nina thought of the slightness of Berit’s shoulders and her bad ear, the delicate lilac muslin dress folded at the bottom of the chest at the foot of their bed, Berit’s mother’s wedding dress saved for her daughter, the calluses on Matthias’s hands, the bleached straw his gold hair turned when he worked fourteen hour days in the fields.
“That when he wrote, you came, you and no one else, Miz Helvar,” Eugenia said. “I don’t think anyone could suit him better—”
“He’s an easy man to suit,” Nina began.
“No, he’s not,” Eugenia said. “That’s why he’s lucky. I’ll be off now, Mr. Kostyk will be worried if I’m not home before dusk. And you have a supper to get I imagine.”
“Among other things,” Nina said.
“Nina, how did you—you didn’t have to, this is too much,” Matthias exclaimed when the 19th arrived and he came in from the fields and found Nina and Berit standing in front of the table he’d made himself. There was a roast chicken on a platter, dishes of mashed potato and boiled parsnips, a new muslin shirt draped over the back of the chair he used, an adze tied with one of Berit’s rose velvet hair-ribbons, and a lemon tart, missing meringue but pretty all the same, a pie crust filled with summer sunshine.
“I have my ways and of course I did,” she said. “And it’s not too much, not nearly too much—”
“It’s too dear,” he said.
“You said the egg money was mine, didn’t you?” she asked, using the pert tone that usually wrong-footed him unless he was entirely comfortable or a little drunk on the moonshine John Stone brewed and doled out from an ancient jug.
“I did, but I didn’t mean for you—”
“I spent it how I wanted,” Nina said. “You never ask for anything, so I can see how this seems like too much, but it isn’t. And Berit and I had such a good time preparing everything for Papa, you can’t wish we hadn’t had such a lovely day.”
“This was more than a day’s work,” Matthias said, but he’d accepted it, she could hear it in his voice and see in his blue eyes a warmth that made her blush.
“There’s one more gift,” she said, very quietly, once she’d sent Berit to wash her hands at the kitchen sink. Matthias looked at her, glanced at the table and around the room. She smiled and reached out to take his hand. She held it against herself just as he had after the first time he’d called her little red bird. “It won’t come for several months, but you won’t mind being patient. It’s harder for me. I can’t wait to introduce you to my truest love.”  
For @fericita-s​, enjoy!
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Below we have listed a group of fics that can fit into the category of “Outlander, and...”
Crossovers show up in many shapes and forms, whether that be characters from different worlds existing in the same one, or simply the concept of one story applied to the characters and world of another. The list below is in alphabetical order, with the crossover listed underneath the title. We hope you find something that catches your interest!
*We have put this category list under a “Read More” for length reasons*
Ah Dhia, I married a witch by LowlandSassanach
Outlander / Harry Potter
10 years after the battle of Hogwarts, and the 26th anniversary of their parent's deaths, Harry Potter's twin sister Daisy is sent to look after the henge at Craig Na Dun, the ancient magic. What happens when Jamie's ghost causes her to fall into the tallest stone and into the past.
The Anniversary by @mistresspandorawritesthings
Outlander / Supernatural
It has been ten years since Jamie's beloved wife Claire was killed by literal monsters. Ten years since he started down this path, ridding the world of vile darkness, once abomination at time. Ten years since, and Jamie's raid of a vampire nest gets interrupted by two brothers, hunters themselves.
The Archaeologist's Daughter by Cait1in
Outlander / The Believer’s Daughter
Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp did some things her senior year of high school she never dreamed of doing 1. Run away to New York City 2. Tattoo a unicorn on a pop star 3. Fall in love with a Scottish graffiti artist
Beauchamp, Plain and Tall by @thatsoccercoach
Outlander / Sarah, Plain and Tall
When Da writes a letter asking for help at home, Claire comes. Will she become a part of their family? Will she stay?
Blanche et Rouge by catrinwrites
Outlander / Moulin Rouge
When a young Scottish writer arrives in Paris in 1899, he finds himself thoroughly entrenched in the Bohemian lifestyle; a chance encounter with performer and courtesan La Dame Blanche at the Moulin Rouge changes his life forever.
Librarian’s Note: You will need to be logged into an AO3 account in order to read this fic.
The Bone Crush by @writtenthroughtime
Outlander / Harry Potter
Hogwarts!AU for the #OLPromptExchange on Tumblr.
"...above all, he could have wasted his afternoon staring at a stone wall, instead of gaping blankly at Claire Beauchamp as she strolled into the room. Yes, as far as days went, this certainly wasn’t bad."
Claire of Broch Mordha by @mo-nighean-rouge
Outlander / Anne of Green Gables
Three vignettes into the life of orphan Claire Beauchamp as she grows up.
Clans of Anarchy by JeSuisPrest
Outlander / Sons of Anarchy
Jamie Fraser was born into a crime dynasty, but is that what his father really wanted for him? Claire Beauchamp, his long lost love, escaped her fate once, but now that she's back, will she be sucked back into his dangerous world?
Crossing the veil by fardareismai
Outlander / Doctor Who
From a Tumblr prompt "Rose Tyler meets Claire Randall-Fraser and they bond over their time-travel experiences" but it's not much like that at all.
Covert Operations by @sablelab​
Outlander / La Femme Nikita
James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp are operatives that work for a covert secret organisation called Section One. Their terrorist target is Sun Yee Lok, the hard to pin down leader of the Rising Dragons’ Triad that is responsible for several deaths and other atrocities in Hong Kong. In their attempt to capture him and eliminate the triad for good, they come across other triad members and pursue these people in the hope that they will lead them to their leader.
dear darling by Sabaxoxoxo
Outlander / My Sister’s Keeper
A completely self-indulgent Jamie/Claire 1950's college AU oneshot.
I've always liked Campbell and Julia's back story in My Sister's Keeper and so I've mashed that together with all my '50s dreams for Jamie and Claire and called it a oneshot.
Dirt In The Skits by @notameeksassenach
Outlander / League of Their Own
What happens when Claire Beauchamp-Randall joins the All American Girls' Professional Baseball League.
Double Agent by erinmangerer
Outlander / Alias
Claire Beauchamp's life is full of secrets. When one decision crumbles her world around her, she must lean on old relationships and new allies to find justice and reclaim her life.
Dr. B, Medicine Woman by @crossinginstyle
Outlander / Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman
Claire Beauchamp is trying to make her way as a woman doctor in the 19th century. After the death of her uncle and only supporter, she decides to risk everything to travel to a small frontier town in Colorado in need of a doctor. There, she meets Mac, a mysterious, quiet man who lives among the Cheyenne, and becomes a sudden mother to three orphaned children.
Friendship of Stone by trashofalltrades
Outlander / Captain America / Agent Carter
While stationed at a French hospital in WWII, Claire runs into Captain America who in turn introduces her to Peggy Carter. A lasting friendship ensues that spans not only decades, but centuries.
Helpless by SapphireSassenach
Outlander / Hamilton
An AU where after Jamie gets flogged at 19, he flees to Revolutionary America and meets a daughter of a wealthy man (Claire) and falls in love.
The Highlander and the Sassanach Agent by LowlandSassanach
Outlander / Criminal Minds
Set after the third season of Outlander and the tenth season of Criminal minds. When Claire goes back to 18th century Scotland and finds Jamie he decides he wants them to go back to the 20th century to meet his daughter. But they overshoot it by about 40 years and end up in the 21st century in Virginia, why did the stones send them there? And why does Jamie feel drawn to SSA Jareau in a totally platonic way. Two people; Black Jack Randall, and Tivon Askari.
The Highlander and the Witch by  kitcat12
Outlander / Harry Potter
A blind witch from the Lakota Sioux tribe lands in 1743 Scotland on her way back from a Standing Rock Lakota pipe line protest. She meets Rupert, Angus, and the rest of the gang. Will she survive the Highlands, or will she want to go home? Adventure awaits as she navigates the Highland culture, while trying to keep her Lakota traditions alive.
I always need you by @bonniebird17
Outlander / Suits
Jamie Fraser and Claire Beachamp working together at the law firm, Cameron Randall Mackenzie. The lawyer and secretary. Twelve years and their relationship has been a blurry line of you are the most important person in my life with we don’t speak about what how we really feel.
Librarian’s Note: You will need to be logged into an AO3 account in order to read this fic.
If I never went to Scotland, how different would things be? by  LowlandSassanach
Outlander / Criminal Minds
Maisie Hotchner, on a summer vacation from Virgina Tech, comes upon the standing stones at Craig Na Dun and is excited (her major being ancient civilisations). But she's caught up in the time travelling side of the stones. She then tells everyone she meets she needs to get to America, the only place that feels familiar, she arrives in Wilmington on the Gloriana (same ship as Roger) and eventually is caught up in the Fraser's drama.
I’ll Be There For You by @abreathofsnowandwaffles
Outlander / New Girl
I knew I was in trouble when he moved in. I had known somewhere deep inside, that sharing an apartment with Jamie Fraser was going to be a problem. But, I had needed the help to pay the rent and he was the only suitable person who met my obscene standards.
He was clean, respectful, and didn’t mind my coming and going at odd hours.  He was a hard worker, Adso loved him, and all the references on his application had stellar reviews about him.  He was also extremely charming and good-looking. I had started to fall for him the moment he came over for a tour of the apartment, though, I hadn’t wanted to admit it to anyone- let alone myself.
The problem was, I was with Frank, and he had a girlfriend—But Jamie Fraser was my best friend, and that was all.
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by @ladyviolethummingbird
Outlander / Groundhog Day
Jamie Fraser is a successful news anchor in London and is none-too-pleased at being sent on assignment to his home town in Scotland. Having not been back in over a decade Jamie can’t wait to leave, a plan delayed when he is forced to relive the same day over and over and over...
In a Pub, Briefly by gelasticjew
Outlander / Captain America
Claire Beauchamp and Peggy Carter crossed paths while training to serve in World War II, and now they're catching up on leave.
Invisible string tying you to me by Cait1in
Outlander / Treadwell Academy
Claire and Jamie keep having chance meetings but they are love struck idiots, and will they ever act on their feelings? Claire is new to the city and has secrets... Jamie is a tattoo artist that’s too romantic for his own good... what happens when they meet, and meet again, and again?
Let's Remake the World by gjwandkids
Outlander / Harry Potter
The Harry Potter/Outlander crossover that wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down. Weaving the two stories together while keeping the main plot of both.
May We Meet Again by @sassenachpetals
Outlander / Star Trek
Claire Beauchamp was thrust into the position of Chief Medical Officer years ago after an away mission gone wrong. Six years later, her life is set to take a turn that will make her question everything she thought she knew about that fateful day.
Outlander / Sound of Music AU by @anoutlandishfanfic
Outlander / The Sound of Music
The plot of Sound of Music with Claire as Maria and Jamie as the Captain von Trapp... and a few more outlandish changes woven in.
Outlander Forever by Kazroo
Outlander / New Amsterdam / Forever
While not a cross-over in the strict sense of the meaning, I have appropriated several plot devices from both the current show about immortals, Forever, and another earlier show about an immortal, New Amsterdam (which starred Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) that I actually preferred the back-story for, and pulled them into a purely Outlander character-scape. The Outlander references are a mix of the books and the TV series, so don't jump down my throat on date differences! Simply put, Jamie Fraser is immortal, and his path is about to cross once again with Claire, and Brianna, the daughter he has never had the chance to meet. Picking up where Dragonfly in Amber left off, what happens if Claire can't go back, but Jamie never dies?
Outlander Who? by geckogirl7
Outlander / Doctor Who
The TARDIS unexpectedly lands in the 18th century Scottish highlands. The Twelfth Doctor runs into a cave to hide from the redcoats and meets an odd couple hiding out there. The three have a lot more in common than they realize. AKA I just really want the Doctor to travel to Scotland and hang out with Jamie and Claire.
The Painted Woman by  BL4CKB377Y
Outlander / Star Trek
Zahra is a badass soldier/warrior/femme fatale from the 23rd century who has a dark past and scars of her own. What happens when she suddenly finds herself in the midst of an era and a people who oppress her from all sides, and only one man who seems able to accept her for what and who she is?
Rewrite the Stars by @thefraserwitch
Outlander / One Tree Hill
Jamie & Claire spend some time at Jamie's grandfather's cabin discussing the stars and what they mean to one another.
Simply Irresistible by @ladyviolethummingbird
Outlander / Dirty Dancing
In the summer of 1987 Jamie was 19 and spending two weeks with his family at Dunsany’s - a holiday resort in the Lake District. He didn’t expect the trip to be very eventful; that was until he met a beautiful curly-haired dancer named Claire.
Outlander / The Mummy
1920s- Claire and Uncle Lamb are on an archeological dig in Egypt alongside a competing camp- led by a mysterious red-headed Scot- in hopes of uncovering a long hidden secret treasure.
Soul on Fire by inpurifyingflame
Outlander / Harry Potter
Claire Beauchamp is entering her seventh year as a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when she is sucked into a beginning rivalry between sixth year Gryffindor Jamie Fraser and Head Boy and ex-boyfriend Frank Randall. Balancing school work, a future career, friendships and potential romance, Claire has to decide what it is - or who - she wants.
Spellbound by @clairefraserloves
Outlander / Harry Potter
Jamie Fraser is looking for peace at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He finds so much more.
The Time Traveler's Family by @abbydebeaupreposts
Outlander / The Time Traveler’s Wife
Strange the things you remember, the people, the places, the moments in time burned into the heart forever. Jamie Fraser has lived a life different from other men, for most men don’t have wives and children with temporal displacement disorder.
Women of Balnain by @suhailauniverse
Outlander / X-Files
Special Agent Claire Beauchamp finds herself working a case of a missing young woman and unexpectedly partnered with a highly unorthodox Detective who challenges her in ways she never thought possible. Little did she know, this was the beginning of a journey that would change her life forever.
You Are The Music In Me by @thetranquilteal​
Outlander / High School Musical
Whilst on vacation, 17-year-old Claire Beauchamp finds herself onstage singing karaoke with none other than North High School’s all-star athlete Jamie Fraser. After a night filled with fun and laughter, the two make plans to meet at their shared school when the holidays are over. But fate intervenes and Jamie is left standing alone on the steps wondering what happened. 15 years later, Claire finally returns to North High School and discovers that some things never change - including her connection to Jamie Fraser.
The Arrow by @nealnathanielyote
A comic book/modern/dystopian AU 
Doctor Claire Beauchamp knew life wouldn't be easy in a crime-ridden Inverness. She is a doctor, though, and wants to help however she can. She just didn't think it'd involve some dude in green leather shooting arrows at corrupt people. Who the heck still uses a bow and arrow as primary weapons anyway?
*Please let us know if there are any fics that fit this category that we’ve missed!*
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jomiddlemarch · 3 years
If I have to pick a scene without shirtsleeves rolled up, going to go with a straight up naked scene, the end of this gem from There are always things to miss: He frowned as he said I do like you and it wasn’t easy for Nina to simply nod and draw him back down; it wasn’t easy until he rested in her arms, spent, and murmured Don’t go, little red bird and Nina was not the second Mrs. Matthias Helvar but the one he’d let himself love.
Thanks! I do have a real fondness for this crossover fic!
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