#sanemi x black female reeader
ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
Sanemi as a Dad (Labor and Delivery)
Been sitting in my drafts for a tic. MORE SOFT BOY SANEMI! TW: Pregnancy, Food, Maternity shit, Vaginal Birth, Epidurals, Pain, Soft Boy Sanemi, Crying, Shinazugawa fluff READER IS BLACK Minors Do Not Interact
This is a side story that relates to future events in Ohagi n Chill. Feeding my ONC peeps. If you are new here- Please Reblog! <3 Prequel, Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4
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Is chill while you are waiting to be induced or to hit active labor
Had your bag packed months in advance
Sneaks in snacks to the maternity ward if they aren’t allowed
Brings your favorite handheld and console to your maternity room
Makes sure your birth plan is followed
Stays out of your nurse's way
Pro-skill at calming you down and building up your confidence
If you are having a c-section he will hype you up and be with you the whole time (if allowed)
Insists on wearing PPE
Has a high-def camera ready
Isn’t bothered if you squish his digits while pushing (It’s his kid after all)
Speaks when you ask for reassurance
If an emergency happened, he would need to be escorted out cuz he is your ride or die
When baby shows up he melts
Why is this man still holding MY BABY!?
Reluctantly gives you the baby and melts watching you both together.
Takes amazing photos.
Has already followed your instructions regarding cord clamping and placenta and relayed them to the nurses ahead of time
Encourages skin to skin
Bought you things to wear the newborn so your hands are free
Encourages whatever feeding style you want and will beat the shit out of anyone pressuring you.
Holds baby in carrier when you are wheeled out to your vehicle after your mandatory 3 day stay in recovery
(Blurb written as a Vaginal birth with Induction)
The night before you needed to check in you were a fucking mess. Sanemi was watching you pace and rearrange the baby’s room for the nth time. He learned way back in your early second, trimester to stay out of your way when nesting took over.  As much as he wanted to interject and tell you things will be ok and to just settle down, he knows that his words would fall on deaf ears. Instead, he used his trump card. Going to the freezer he grabbed a ziplock bag of frozen brown liquid.  He set it in a stockpot with some water and let it boil. Staying by the stove to make sure nothing caught on fire.  The aroma calls to you and pulls you into the room. “Wats thaaat?” you ask knowing exactly what you are smelling.
Sanemi smirks lifts the partially melted liquid in the ziplock out of the pot, drains the water then dumps the bags contents into the stock pot. “You know what this is.” he says calmly, his eyes smiling.  You cheer and waddle over to the stove and inhale deeply. He comes behind you and wraps his arms around you, rubbing your belly, gracing your neck with Featherlite kisses.  “Gumboooo!” the words come out of your mouth mixed with a moan of pleasure.  Your lover smiles into your neck, pleased he has distracted you.
“Go sit down. I’ll bring you a bowl. I got rice already done. You want the crab legs, claws or both?” He turns and guides you to the living room. Making sure you are tucked in comfortably on the couch while he waits for you to respond. “Both! Why is that even a question?” You stare at him like he is insane. “Just making sure. If you said anything but both or claw I would have to check you in early. Something would have been wrong.” he chuckles as he dodges the pillow you chuck at his head.
Sanemi tosses the remote at you then goes to get both of y’all a bowl of deliciousness. When he comes back you are watching “Ring the Doula”.  You enjoyed watching him squirm at all the crazy situations women had to give birth in back in the day and he enjoyed your enjoyment of his squickness.  It was a weird relationship.  
You ate and stayed like that till it was time for your check in. Sanemi carried all of your supplies and the baby bug out bag to y’all new Lexus RX. You got situated in the front seat while he preset up the car seat and set everything inside. He gives you control of the radio while you drive over. Singing along with you when he knows the tune. 
He looks calm as hell but it’s a Lake Placid effect. Under the surface he is a nervous wreck. Is he going to be a good dad? Will be able to provide enough support for you during labor? Will you throw him out the room? Will he be allowed to stay in the room? Are y’all crazy ass mutuals going to show up? These thoughts raced through his head as he parked, guided you up to the check in desk for L&D, got you comfortable in your room then went back out for your things.
He asks permission before he sets up your favorite console under the TV.  You are playing on your handheld console as him and another nurse get things situated. They play a friendly game of Boku no Yaiba: Training Camp Chronicles since there isn’t anything going on the floor at the moment.  Your OB shows up and gives you a brief rundown of how things will go. In an hour she will be back to start the induction process. You give her a thumbs up and ask if she wants to play at all. She declines needing to tend to another patient.
Your room quickly becomes the hangout spot. Nurses taking breaks to play games while they check on your monitors. Baby doing well. Sanemi gets reprimanded several times for being overly motherly towards you. Everyone reminds him baby isn’t here yet, you are fine, he doesn’t need to check in every 30 seconds.  He grumbles off to the side and texts Tengen on the phone with righteous indignation.  You snicker watching him mumble to himself.
The nurses cast curious glances at his scars. The both of you are aware and try to ignore it.  Eventually you have enough and summon him to your bedside so you can kiss the ones on his face. Making him blush while asking what is going on.  You shrug and go back to your game. His eyes look from you to the handheld gadget. Sighing he scoots you over and snuggles up next to you. Arms wrapped around you lovingly.
Your contractions started shortly after you nodded off to sleep. At first you thought they were gas. As the intensity grew it became clear that what you were feeling was 1000% NOT gas.  Your lover and fiancée was sleeping peacefully next to you. Limbs tangled up in yours.  Initially you decided to quietly suffer through assuming since them feeling wasn’t gas that it might have been Braxton-Hicks.  As the pain grew stronger and the time lessoned between the crests of pain something inside told you that you were going into labor. 
Carefully you tap the call button on your bed then nudge Sanemi awake. “ ‘nemi. Wake up. I need help.” You whispered to him. Anxiety rising quickly. Groggily he rises up and looks at you completely out of it. “Mmm? What do you need?” he asks barely awake. “I don’t know. It just hurts.” you whimper back to him.  He untangles himself from you pats the blankets in front of you, asking you to scoot forward silently. He slides in behind you after you move up and begins to rub your lower back while leaning his head against you. Murmuring words of confidence and encouragement to you.
As the pain increases you start to whimper more audibly. The nurses enter the room and are startled at first at the sight. Sanemi has his shirt off and that initial look at how badly marred his body is jarring to them. They are professionals though. Moving quickly, they ask what is the situation and he updates them. One pages your OB to ask what she would like to do as far as cervical checking and the other offers you the option of several pain relievers.
The information plus pain is a bit overwhelming for you. Sanemi picks up on it and envelops you in a hug. “It’s ok. Just say what you want. Nobody will judge you.” A nurse says sweetly next to you. “You are the star of the show. We are your supporting cast.” the other nurse chimes in happily. Your love peppers kisses along your neck to encourage you to say what you want. “I want the pain gone but I don’t want to seem weak.” you say quietly.
One of the nurses takes your hand and rubs it sympathetically. “There is no correct way to have a child. What matters if that you are comfortable. Content mothers make for smoother births. Even if you have a c-section it’s easier when mom is calm and happy. Let us help you.” she speaks in soothing tones.  Tears fall from your eyes and you ask for a walking epidural, feeling immense relief you aren’t being judged. The nurse beams at you and releases your hand. Immediately she requests an anesthesiologist. 
Your doc appears at the same time as your anesthesiologist. She does a quick cervical check and says you are at 7cm so making good progress but not quite there. Your pain doc promises you some quick relief and give you’re a spinal shot of the magic juice to take the pain away before he gets the walking epidural set up. The immediate relief is amazing. You moan happily.  Sanemi chuckles off to your side and thanks everyone for their assistance. Pulling your head into his bare chest as he comforts you.
Your doc and the anesthesiologist leave. One of your nurses stay with you and the three of you talk about Boku no Yaiba a little bit. You nod off again in Sanemi’s warmth.  The nurse politely excuses you and he nods in acknowledgement. 
Sanemi gets lost in thought as he thinks about the large change in his life about to happen.  Here you are in his arms peacefully sleeping away (which is grand!) and he is having a hard time wrapping his head around the event to come. How will he support you? Can he do what he needs to do? What you need him to do? Will he be his father?  These thoughts invade his mind once more. No matter how much you reassured him you were not his old man it was hard for him to believe he wouldn’t become like his father in the long run. 
He simmered in his thoughts before your nuzzling into him sleepily broke him out.  Sanemi shook his head and smiled down at you. He would not become the trash his father is.  Sliding his phone out of his picket he decided to answer the group chat that had formed in anticipation of baby’s birth. The messages were the normal well wishes and requests for updates. His little brother was particularly worried since you had left your special ghost king plush. He tells Genya to come on by and drop it off. It should be ok if he stays. Will give Sanemi someone to support him as well if he falters and needs to leave the room to regroup. Or his little brother can stay in with you.
Returning his phone to his pocket Sanemi leans backwards and pulls you more fully onto his chest. Hands stroking your sides and as he tells you how beautiful and amazing you are in your sleeping. Willing your dreams to be pleasant and happy. He observes how your dark sienna skin practically glowed and was flawless. Aesthetically, pregnancy had done you well. Your hair was thicker, fuller and you had the cutest, most amazing 60’s style panther fro he had ever seen. He loved it. He loved you.
You began to stir, nose wrinkled as you grimaced. “I think I need to go to the bathroom?  Something feels weird.” you grumble out sitting up and stretching.  Sanemi gave you a side eye from behind you that you weren’t able to see and he tapped the nurse call button. When one came in the room he asked for another check. Your waters had been ruptured at the start of the induction so you were on a time clock to get this baby out but that wasn’t what his gut was worried about.  Something told him that kiddo may be making an appearance.
You consented and he got off the bed to kneel beside it watching you with adoration and concern. The nurse barely started to check when her eyes went wide. “Oh my, that is a head. That is.... I’m going to call your OB. Somebody decided to stealth their entry into the world now that mama was relaxed.” she cheerfully stated then hurried out the room.  Your brain skidded to a halt as the words processed.
“Noooo.” you started unsure of your abilities to do this. Sanemi was up and tucking your head into his chest before you could finish that thought. “You got this. I am here. Genya is on his way because you forgot that damn plush. We’ll both be here for you. Whatever you need.” he reassured you.  Slowly you nodded your head. He grabbed a scrunchie out of your bag along with a brush and quickly did your hair up in a single puff.  You thanked him and asked him to stay with you.
Sanemi chuckled and kissed your forehead. “Awwwe, they are so cute and adorable. I am going to get cavities.” You both heard as the team walked in. Half of them setting up the weigh/ warming station for baby along with anything else they would need. The other half were at the foot of your bed. “How would you like to do this?” your OB asked you. Puzzled you tilted your head.
The room was awkwardly quiet as you didn’t know what she was talking about. Sanemi’s throat clearing broke the silent and he asked what was on your mind. “There are options?” he asked. The Ob nodded seriously. “Yes, you can stand up, kneel on all fours, sit, lay down, whatever is more comfortable for you.” she said.  Your eyes light up as you think of the options. “I would like to stand.” you say confidently.
Carefully you are helped up. Two nurses flank you and Sanemi stands in front of you. Supporting your body. The OB watches your monitors and gives you the all clear to trust your instincts and bear down when you need to. You do as you are bid trusting your body to do what it needs to do. Sanemi encouraging you the whole time, keeping you motivated and not letting doubt enter your mind.
The L&D staff watching with happy smiles at the touching scene playing out in front of them. The two of you were so into your own little world you didn’t notice Genya’s arrival or register his gasp of surprise.  He was so proud watching you and his big brother working together as one solid unit. Sanemi’s eyes were full of love and you were locked on them. It almost felt invasive for everyone else to be there with you both.
The OB called for you to do one final push and you nodded, giving your all into that last push. You felt the pressure in your groin disappear as the baby came out and your OB caught them.  You nodded to Sanemi and he released the hands supporting you to cut the cord while the two nurses braced you.  Another set of nurses guided him over to get baby cleaned up and taken care of.  Faintly you heard instructions for you to push out the placenta and you did as you were told. Your eyes locked on your newborn. Instinct telling you not to let them out of your sight.
The soft, angry wails of the child finally met your ears and you relaxed. Guided to the bed to get yourself cleaned up and comfortable. Sanemi barked at his little brother to give you the button up you had prepared for after delivery. Genya jumped into action and found the green BNY top and handed it to you, turning away to give you some privacy.  Gently you put it on and thanked him.  He nodded still facing away.
“Child” Sanemi ribbed his little brother. Ruffling his hair. Genya and you both went to scold him but stopped upon laying eyes on Sanemi.  He was smiling with tears streaming down his face. A tiny bundle wrapped in a BNY blanket tucked against his chest. He was the very image of a proud father. Looking down at the babe, Sanemi’s doubts vanished and all he could think of was how beautiful this tiny person was. Skin brown like yours, purple eyes like his. The hair was salt and pepper which was unusual but adorable on the tiny kidlet.
Reluctantly he gave the child to you when you coughed and asked for your baby. Genya snickered and Sanemi boxed his ears growling at his baby brother to shut the hell up.  You tuned them both out as you focused on the tiny person staring up at you. Turning the bundle so you could lay them on your chest, skin to skin, without flashing everyone in the room.  You booped your baby’s nose and marveled at how much they looked like the two of you.
Genya leaned over and introduced himself to your tiny human. Proudly asserting himself as Uncle. Telling the tiny baby all the things they would do once they were ready. You listened happily wondering how much Sanemi was going to let the two of them get up to as your child aged up.  The man on your mind was on the phone letting your friends know the good news. Mother and child were safe and getting to know each other. They could come over but try to keep the visit short because everyone was tired. None of Tengen’s flashy shit or Rengoku’s loud bullshit.  You rolled your eyes knowing that wasn’t ever going to happen. Nice wish though.
Genya slipped out along with the rest of the staff after your family unit was taken to a recovery room. Sanemi climbed into the bed behind you and held the both of you. Proud papa vibes rolling off of him and blessed mama glow on you. The three of you were picture perfect, which is why Genya snuck a picture of the moment before dipping back out into the hallway waiting for the rest of the group to arrive. Giving your new addition the time to get acquainted with their parents and some quiet time for the three of you.
Smiling he made a silent prayer and took out the charm he bought for the little one. Happy his brother had found someone to love and start a family. Joyful tears rolling as he thought of the times to come. He kissed the amulet and prayed for everyone’s continued safety and happiness. Then he simply stayed outside smiling against the wall and listened as the two new parents fawned over their child.  Sanemi roughly dragged him out of his musings saying that this was a family moment and Genya needed to get his ass in there.
Your family unit had grown by one and everyone was happy. Looking forward to what the future would hold and what mischief the newest Shinazugawa would get up to.
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
Power went down like 3 hours ago. ETA is an hour till it's back soo update schedule time!
Hope y'all enjoy! <3 Please remember to smash the like, reblog and follow buttons if you like my content and I am open to anon asks! <3 They DON'T have to be Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba only. <3 I enjoy many fandom's and if I don't know one then ty for introducing me to something new! <3
Ohagi n Chill Part 5 should be up by next Wednesday
This Friday is the next installment of the Mafiaverse!
Little Fish next Monday
Thanks a bunch!
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