maxevvans · 7 years
JOUDIE! I'M SO EXCITED FOR STAR CROSSED!! I haven't watched it yet. I hope it's gonna be on hulu. I'm so glad you're watching it too!!!
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vendegast · 8 years
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d-l-dare · 3 years
“Based on a True Story”
Spreading lies isn't exactly the most kosher thing you can do. You might not be fortunate enough to know all the details in a situation and use what you believe to get people to side with you, but when the truth comes to light, the worst thing to happen is the realization that you were wrong. But what if the end result of being proven wrong was far worse than you could imagine?
Traditionally, being a writer that specializes in horror is something you might get hate for. There are some people out there that think horror is dead or is something that only works if it's blended with something else. Little do they realize that horror is far more than a plot twist to make someone's blood run cold. It is instead something that is created to make people think about the reality they live in and how quickly things could turn dark.
I was in the midst of writing yet another horror story when a friend messaged me online. I tried shrugging it off and continuing to write, as it was so difficult to get back into the right head space for my stories.
It took about two more messages before I picked my phone up to turn it on silent. Upon turning my screen on, I caught a glimpse of what they had to say, "SamReads is talking about you again." I grunted and rolled my eyes to this. I unlocked my phone and read even more of what they had to say, "Sam apparently believes that the things you write about are fake, no matter how many 'based on a true story' disclaimers you put in your stories."
I didn't really expect everyone to believe these horror stories I wrote were based in reality. After all, some people are extremely spiritual and will believe any ghost story you tell them, while others will roll their eyes at it, thinking back to the bad scary movies they've seen, claiming to be true. It's films like that that give true horror a bad name.
Normally I didn't care what anyone had to say about my stories, but the fact that Sam was such a big influencer that even I, who doesn't watch many videos online, knows who she is, claims that I'm lying to my fans. It's about the only thing that can truly upset me about my work.
Yes, all the horror stories I write are heavily based in reality. Some stories, I recounted nearly word for word, while others I had to change names and a few small details for convenience sake. But nonetheless, I never lie about my stories. There's no way the world would believe her over me, but at the same time I had no evidence proving my case. Unless I made it so.
I opened my website and, sure enough, there was a slew of angry comments by a bunch of random people, claiming that my work was trash all because they thought it was all fake. I had to find some way to prove myself correct.
I took out my journal and began to write. I scribbled down words just as soon as they entered my mind, making everything flow as smoothly as though I was saying it aloud to someone.
As I wrote, dark thoughts passed through my mind, warping my view on reality in the process. I wanted the story to be one of the best things I'd ever written. I write about all the criticism and the hate I'd received. I wrote about Sam and how she bashed my writing and turned her entire community against me.
Eventually, I finished the story. However, with this story, I wanted it to end in a shocking way, something that no one would ever see coming, yet would prove me right on the fact that everything I was writing was true. It may have very well been the darkest thing my mind had ever created.
I opened my website and published the story. It didn't take long for everything to take affect. I refreshed the page and all the hateful comments were gone, leaving only the positive and encouraging ones behind. I checked Sam's channel and she was live streaming, just as I'd written. I decided to tune into it. She was talking about some kind of massive conspiracy that I was trying to destroy her fanbase after she attacked me.
She was looking at the story I'd just published. I laughed as her hair began to fall out in chunks. She paid no mind to it, just as I'd written. That was, until she screamed at the dark shadow looming over her. She turned her head to look at something and let out a blood curling scream before the live stream cut off.
See, there was a little detail I left out. I don't find scary things out and write about them, I write about them and they happen.
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samreads · 7 years
Spring Cleaning Readathon: Final Day Recap & Wrap-Up
Currently Reading: Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller
Final Read Count 
Books Read: 8
Voltron Legendary Defender
Saga, vol. 1
Saga, vol. 2
Miraculous: Tales of Lady Bug and Cat Noir vol. 4
The Best Kind of Magic
My Letter to the World
The Love Interest
The Tijuana Book of the Dead
I really need to read the ARCs I still currently haven’t finished
Read Gifts for book club
Write & post daily updates
Collect at least one quote from each book I read
Read all my library books…?
I didn’t actually complete any of these goals, but I almost did and that’s pretty awesome! I have one ARC left. I didn’t pick up Gifts at all (whoops). I missed two days for the daily updates. I collected quotes in all the books I read (except the graphic novels) and I read all my library books except for two. Not bad. Not Bad at all. 
It was an overall really great reading week for me. I read 8 books (sorta). I didn’t end up reading and finishing Mask of Shadows though because family. 
Thanks so much booksbeyondimagining for hosting!
read-a-thon posts //
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thenightling · 5 years
Hypothetical on Alexander Burgess in the new Netflix Sandman
A recent conversation had some Sandman fans speculating on Alex’s age when Morpheus escapes.  Either over a hundred years old or a grandson instead of son of Roderick Burgess, forcing another generation into the timeline, to make Alex either the grandson, or father or Morpheus’ captor at the time of his escape.
There’s actually a much simpler way to handle this.   I don’t know which method might be used for the show but the simple method is this.  Alex is born to an ancient father.  Alex born in the 1940s or even 1950s, while Morpheus is already imprisoned. There.  Now you have Alex at the right age from the comics.  Problem solved.  
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greatthingposts · 6 years
Just Pinned to Great: samreads-blog: https://ift.tt/2p5RF0T
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spnkinkevents · 7 years
do you have a tag for reader fics and I'm just not seeing it?
Reader inserts are all going to be tagged with the character they involve, so the two main ones for example, would be “samreader” and “deanreader”
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superbadassnatural · 3 years
One Last Fight
Summary: The hunt goes wrong, and Sam finds himself unable to stop the inevitable. Square filled: Blood Pairing: Sam x Reader Word count: 764 Warnings: character death, blood, angst A/N: this was written for @spndarkbingo​. Please, enjoy!
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A gasp echoed within the concrete walls of the warehouse. Your eyes widened and dipped to the knife buried between your ribs. You whimpered, looking up at the demon as a devilish smirk spread on her lips.
Sam’s head whipped in your direction. His heart nearly stopped as panic settled in his mind.
“No,” a scream cut its way past his lips. He rushed to you, legs moving on their own as his grip on the demon blade tightened. “No, no, no, no.”
The woman pulled the knife, its dents ripping your skin even further. You gasped. Before your knees could meet the ground, the demonic eyes glowed an orange hue as Sam plunged the blade into the back of the demon’s head.
Your hand clutched to your wound, fingers clasping the ripped skin. Your legs started to falter. Sam’s arms were quick to wrap around you and not let you fall. He lowered you to the ground slowly. Tears welled in your eyes when the metallic taste of blood hit your tongue.
“Hey, hey,” Sam called, his hand pressing to your wound. “Stay with me, okay? Stay with me.”
Small ragged gasps left your throat as the airway closed. One of your hands flew to your neck, nails clawing at your skin, and the other to Sam’s arm, fingers biting into the fabric of his flannel. You panicked. Blood started dripping from the corner of your mouth as you spluttered.
“No, no, no, no,” his eyes lifted from the injury to your face. He blinked back his tears. “You’re not dying on me. You are not dying on me.”
The blood gushed rapidly, in time with your heartbeat. The more you panicked, the more it flowed. It came thick and warm against his hand, his finger coated in red. He pressed harder, trying to stop the bleeding.
Your body convulsed as you tried hard to breathe. You couldn’t die. Not now. Not like this. This couldn’t be your last hunt. This couldn’t be the last time you were seeing Sam.
Tears coursed down your face. You spluttered, your own blood suffocating you.
Everything moved in slow motion before Sam’s eyes. He saw as you fought to breathe. The sounds of your suffocated gasps and splutters echoed in his ears. There was nothing else but you in his arms. Sam didn’t hear his brother desperately praying for help. He didn’t see Dean on his knees in front of him, fear all over his features. His solemn focus was on you.
The convulsions started to cease slowly. The blood didn’t come in red jets anymore. It came in a constant flow against Sam’s palm. He knew it wasn’t stopping because of the pressure he was applying. No. Your heart was stopping. It didn’t have enough strength nor blood to pump through your veins to keep you alive. It was failing.
Your hand fell on top of his, giving it a faint squeeze before laying limp. Sam sobbed. Your eyes became dull as your mouth hung open in a small circle. A single tear rolled down the side of your face.
“No,” Sam cried. “Don’t leave me. Please, don’t leave me.”
His large hands cradled your face. The scarlet blood on his palm stained your skin. His thumb stroked your cheek as he sobbed.
“Come back to me, please.”
He closed your eyes, and his heart shattered in his chest.
“Sammy,” Dean’s hoarse voice called for his brother, his hand resting on his arm. Sam glanced up to his big brother. Dean would fix this.
“We need to bring her back,” he said adamantly. “I need to do something. I have to bring her back.”
“Sammy, no,” Dean shook his head, silently pleading. “I can’t lose you, man. You know it never ends well.”
“I don’t care what happens to me.”
“Well, I do,” the hunter wiped his tears. “I can’t lose you. I won’t let you throw your life away. I can’t let you do that.”
“Dean, I need to bring her back,” Sam cried.
“You think she’d want that? She’d want you to give up your life so she could live? She wouldn’t want that. She’d want you to carry on.”
“We need to try something. There’s always another way.”
Dean couldn’t stand seeing his brother suffering. It broke him to see Sam that way.
“We can try something, okay?” Dean said, hand running through his hair. “But I won’t lose you in the process, Sam. I won’t. You have to promise me that.”
Sam sighed, biting his bottom lip and nodding. “I promise.”
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Please, consider sharing your thoughts with me via reply, reblog or ask! I’d love to know what you think of this one.
Hunters: @hobby27 @thewinchesterandreidwhore @tatted-trina6 @doozywoozy @mogaruke @babypink224221 @leah-winchester6-blog-blog @deascheck 
Sam’s Babes: @maya-craziness @chrissylexi @danneelsmain​ @samwinchesterjaredjensen   @percywinchester27 @deascheck 
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samreads · 7 years
Spring Cleaning Readathon: Day 1 Recap
Currently Reading: The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich
Books Read: 
Voltron Legendary Defender
Saga, vol. 1
Saga, vol. 2
I loved the Voltron comic. I mean, I knew I was going to, but it’s nice to be reassured (lol). Finished Saga vol. 1 and 2. I’m surprised by how sexually explicit it is...? No one ever talked about or said how explicit it is. I know it’s rated M, but I mean come on, could’ve warned a girl. 
Anyway, I’m gonna try and binge read The Love Interest tomorrow. Will I do it? Who knows~
[and that’s day 1, end scene!]
read-a-thon posts // 
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books-secretgetaway · 9 years
omg can I send you some of those Inuyasha asks?! 11, 12, and 13! :D
Of course because INUYASHA!
11. Would you rather have cut puppy ears or a fluffy wolf tail?
Ears! Cause they’re adorable and I’d probably squeeze them constantly like Kagome does to Inuyasha
12. Which of the Four Souls would you be: courage, friendship, wisdom or love?
I would say wisdom
13. Which female character would you be best friends with?
Sango! I’d probably have more in common with Kagome but I’d be too busy trying to steal Inuyasha from her. 
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bookphile · 9 years
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samreads replied to your post: I hate, hate, hate how in movies a cha...
Ugh! I hate that too. Like, I need these to see dude. And same here! I love my glasses and I look freaking fierce with them.
And it happens every single time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character keep their glasses. Or suddenly they just wear contacts all the time -- it’s like, no, that’s not how it works. Even if they got contacts, they’d still be wearing their glasses half the time until they get used to them  And/or they never actually show signs of needing glasses, like they take them off like Peter Parker after the spider bite and suddenly they got super vision or some shit. 
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maxevvans · 9 years
Oh god I just finished reading Pink by Lili Wilkinson and... what? One of the reasons why I hated it is because the author is biphobic. I mean that’s the only explanation for it since this book is about sexuality, because otherwise, why would someone write about something they haven’t done any research on whatSOEVER. 
Bisexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior toward both males and females, or romantic or sexual attraction to people of any sex or gender identity; this latter aspect is sometimes termed pansexuality.
<spoilers and rant below>
It starts out w the main character, Ava, who the readers assume is gay because she has a girlfriend, wanting to transfer to another school. Over the course of the book, she meets a group of ‘Stews’ (stage crew students) and eventually becomes friends with them. She also realizes she’s attracted to not only females but males as well. On this discovery, she dumps her girlfriend (because she doesnt want to transfer back and pretend her transfer never happened) and meets Sam (whom the narrative suggests Ava’s attracted to). Even though the words lesbians and straight has been thrown around throughout the book, there was no mention of Ava’s actual canon sexuality which is bisexuality.
This book had so much potentially (sexuality, feminism). Even the feminist rants made me feel like the author doesn’t exactly know what feminism is (looking at the main character’s parents). When some good feminist points were brought up, it felt cheapened by how much the main character’s parents were pushing her to be different and a lesbian. Do people refer to their parents by their first names? Chill the fuck down, you’re like 12. I didn’t feel connected to the main character at all, the author didn’t give the reader a chance to later sympathize w her. I mean she’s been planing on cheating on her girlfriend for like half of the book and then when she finally makes out w a guy, she’s like oh shit.
By the end of the book, she literally learns nothing for example that she’s an idiot or like hello bisexuality is a thing. She leads Sam on: after he confesses how he feels about her and she tells him she feels the same way and shit, she’s like let’s just be friends???
The author could’ve taken advantage of this book to bring awareness to bisexuality instead of making the main character confused about her sexuality from the beginning to literally the end of the book.
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vendegast · 9 years
so uh, if y’all have any not-too-long books that are just like, light happy reads? i would appreciate y’all sending recommendations my way.
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samreads · 7 years
Spring Cleaning Read-a-Thon
// Hosted by booksbeyondimagining
I’m gonna take part in a readathon! It begins May 20 and ends May 29 and not timezone specific. 
I want to try and read nonstop this weekend and see how many books I can read. 
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Gifts // Voltron Legendary Defenders // Saga vol. 1 // Saga vol. 2 // Revenge and the Wild //
Not Pictured: The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich, The Best Kind of Magic by Crystal Cestari (ARCS that I need to read ASAP).
I really need to read the ARCs I still currently haven’t finished
Read Gifts for book club
Write & post daily updates
Collect at least one quote from each book I read
Read all my library books...?
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injeghafa · 9 years
thank you! :D
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