#sakura looking like a kpop girl
naevis-callingae · 1 month
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easy. craƺꪗ !!! hot
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** Inferiority 순위 成績
↳ ੈ‧₊˚ ┊͙
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jihyoruri · 3 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 YOU’RE NO GOOD FOR ME (but baby i want you) huh yunjin x reader
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↳ warnings idol au/band au, oc band, chaewon is stressed, yunjin doesn’t listen and is down bad, swearing
paranoia has been the name that yunjin and probably everyone else in the world have has been hearing since the band’s teaser photos were dropped.
it’s not everyday that a band makes it big in the kpop scene especially internationally as well, most people don’t pay much attention to them, paranoia sm entertainments first ever band definitely had everyone’s attention.
the band has been on billboards everywhere in korea, their music playing in every store, it’s not everyday you see a band with such various sounds of music get this much attention, but yunjin was loving it.
the band intrigued her, there were three of them two boys one girl, the girl intrigued her the most, how does she survive with living with two boys? how did she deal with the press? how was she so talented? how was she so talented does she like girls?
yeah maybe she has a little crush on the lead singer of paranoia, but it was never gonna happen…
that was until she found out she was chaewon’s childhood friend.
“you’re friends with paranoia’s totally not super hot lead singer?!” yunjin exclaims, “and you didn’t tell me?!”
“her name is yn.” chaewon states as she puts milk into her cereal, “and why is it such a big deal?”
“because she’s cool and you can introduce me to her.” yunjin said in a duh tone. “she’s also hot.”
“you stay away from yn.” chaewon says pointing her spoon at yunjin, “and I mean it stay away from her.”
“what,” yunjin whined, “you’re no fun, don’t you want me to be in love to be happy.” she exits the kitchen and walks past sakura, “tell chaewon unnie that I deserve to be in love.”
“what’s that about love?” chaewon turns to see sakura walking into the kitchen rubbing her eyes tiredly.
“yunjin wants me to introduce her to yn.” she sighs, “never gonna happen.”
“did you seriously just ask me why?” chaewon asks dramatically, “yunjin doesn’t take relationships seriously and we already know about yn, that’s a disaster waiting to happen.”
sakura nods understandingly, “yeah, they’d destroy each other.”
“exactly and I will do everything in my power to make such they don’t cross paths.”
chaewon’s plans definitely did not go as planned.
she tensely watched as yunjin looked at the other side of the room where paranoia stood, yn standing between her two other band members as they listened to their manager give them a lecture about goofing around.
the band and the girl group were invited to a event and the huge difference between their behaviours were very apparent, one group had media and behaviour training the other obviously didn’t.
yunjin couldn’t help but smile as she watched the trio barely pay attention to their manager’s words making him manager even more annoyed, obviously fed up with dumb, dumber and dumbest he walked off and sat with the rest of the managers.
yunjin wonders how it feels to be them, they’re so carefree when it comes to their music and behaviours yet are still so successful and loved, they’re not held up to the standard that her and her group are held up to, if she acted how those three acted she’d definitely be blacklisted.
that would actually be a great conversation starter…
yunjin moves from where she’s standing to make her way to the band, more preferably yn but is stopped by chaewon’s hand, “no.”
“I’m just gonna say hi.” yunjin says brushing off the leaders hand, “I’m not going to do anything bad trust me.” and with that she heads to the trio.
“this girl…” sakura puts her hand on chaewon’s shoulder, “hey, calm down, maybe she really is just saying hi.”
yeah right…
as yunjin makes her way to the band, she can overhear their conversation, which makes sense cause they’re definitely the loudest in the room.
“he’s definitely on his last straw.” one of the guys known as wonbin says laughing, “his face was so red.”
“I actually thought this morning was his last straw, when jay blew up the toilet,” yn says hitting jaehyun’s stomach who shoots her a dirty look.
“in my defence, I swear the people at the restaurant put laxatives in my pasta,”
yunjin scrunch’s up her face in disgust but makes her way closer to the band anyway, she was starting to feel a little nervous but she didn’t want to give chaewon the satisfaction of her turning around.
when she stands in front of them wonbin is the first to look at her, while yn and jaehyun’s had their faces in jaehyun’s phone.
“uh hello?” he says causing the other two to look up.
“hey, I just wanted to say I’m like such a big fan of your music, it’s crazy how popular you guys got in such a short amount of time.” yunjin says her heart racing as yn’s eyes scan her.
“I would say like your music too, but I don’t listen to lesserafim,” jaehyun says shamelessly causing yn to hit his stomach again and wonbin reaches over to hit the back of his head both of them hitting him at the same time.
“ow! what the fuck, you guys so are abusive.” he whines.
“you open your mouth and stupid comes out.” yn shakes her head before giving yunjin a nod of acknowledgement, “what he meant to say is thank you.” she gives yunjin a charming smile which makes yunjin just want to melt into a puddle, “chaewon unnie has mentioned you a couple of times, it’s nice to meet you.”
“no problem, I actually saw your manager chew you guys out, it must be fun to be so carefree.” she says watching as yn adjusts her baggy jeans, the band were the only people at this event not dressed formally which made them stand out.
her eyes focus on the tattoos on yn’s hands and can’t help but open her mouth, “is that real.”
“yeah it’s real.” yn says, “and yeah he’s always on us, it’s honestly like our daily ritual to piss him off.”
yunjin couldn’t help but laugh at the girls words not even paying attention to the two boys who definitely caught on the why yunjin is actually talking to them, giving each other a look above yn’s head.
there’s silence and yunjin is starting to take in how awkward this is getting, “well, it was nice to meet you guys I’m gonna go get a drink, you guys should come.” she says to them but her focus was on yn.
“we’re good.” wonbin says, “but yn was talking about being thirsty so…” he pushes the shorter girl towards yunjin, almost making her trip on her big platforms.
“trying to get rid of me?” yn teases, “don’t go making out when I’m gone.” she says walking away with yunjin who can’t help but giggle like a school girl at every word yn says.
“I like hot chicks!”
“that’s what they all say!”
they walk over to the table with has the drinks, yunjin picks up a water passing yn one as well, she watches as yn leans against the wall beside the table opening the water bottle.
“so…” yunjin trails off, “how’s life of fame treating you? it must be crazy, you debuted what like three months ago and I can’t escape your faces on the streets.” she jokes mentally patting herself on the back when yn laughs at her words.
“it’s been fun honestly,” yn says tucking some of her hair back revealing yet another tattoo on her back which spells out paranoia in hangul, “experiencing having a fanbase is the most fun, it’s crazy seeing that much people love you.”
“lots of fangirls for you huh?”
“boys actually.”
yunjin eyes open in surprise, “that’s a shocker.”
yn adjusts the ring on fingers and looks up at yunjin, “how so?”
instead of answering yn’s question her eyes trail down to the tatted hand and then her neck, “how many tats do you have?”
“only three.” yn says taking a sip of her water.
“where’s the third one?”
“most people find out about it on the third date.” yn responds teasingly raising a brow at yunjin who feels her face heat up slightly.
“oh really?” the taller girl asks, “lucky aren’t they?”
“I like to think so.”
yunjin chuckles, she’s never met someone who can talk to her like how she talks to them, “will I be lucky like them?”
“you’re quite forward aren’t you?”
“I like to talk.” yunjin shrugs.
“let’s see if you can talk when I’m done with you.” yn says before laughing at the look of yunjin’s face, “I’m joking, chaewon unnie told me to stay away from you.”
yunjin opens her mouth to protest, but is cut off by yn patting her shoulder, “thanks for the drink.” and with that she walks back over to band members.
“what?” asks before following chaewon’s eyes that are looking at a breathless yunjin and a yn walking away from her, obviously in a completely different place from where the band was meaning they went off alone with each other.
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honeylations · 5 months
Prompt: With Le Sserafim in New York and you coincidentally having a runway show, she makes the time to meet up with you
Warnings/Notes: G!p Yunjin, eventual smut, model reader, golden retriever Yunjin
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“So I have a confession to make” Yunjin randomly blurts out during game night in some New York Hotel.
Sakura had just rolled the monopoly dice and took hold of her cat piece. “What is it?”
“You’re gay?” Eunchae sarcastically question, earning an eye roll from the American.
“We’ve established that already, yes, but no that’s not what I was gonna say”
“It better be worth pausing this Monopoly game because I am becoming richer by the second” Chaewon smirked and showed off her buildings in majority of the board.
“So I have a girlfriend” Yunjin breathed out, feeling the weight roll off her shoulders.
The red head doesn’t know why she felt the need to keep it a secret from her girls. It wasn’t like she was scared that they wouldn’t support her, it was more of the fact that she gets nervous about almost anything.
And Eunchae may also be a little of bit of a big mouth.
Once a small detail goes through the maknae’s ear, the whole kpop industry suddenly knows.
“Oh? Congratulations Yunjin!” Kazuha applauded excitedly, even giving her member a quick hug.
“I’m surprised you can even pull” Chaewon teased, feeling a wad of monopoly cash slapped in her face. “Ow!”
“Eat shit. Anyways, she’s super awesome~”
This particular side of Yunjin was an easy way for the members to bully her love struck puppy personality and Yunjin knew she wouldn’t be able to defend herself.
“What’s her name?” Eunchae was the one to ask, already planning on texting Kyujin about the news.
Yunjin fiddled with her fingers and giggled like a school girl. “Park Y/n”
All girls sat up on their knees with eyes wider than saucers. “WHAT???”
“Kill yourself Yunjin, there’s no way you’re dating THE PARK Y/N”
Yunjin slapped Chaewon with the monopoly cash again, tired of her teasing. “If you don’t believe me, she’s having a runway show tomorrow night. You can come with if you’d like. She can get us front row seats”
The eyes have gone wider and jaws were dropped.
“FRONT ROW TICKETS TO A RUNWAY SHOW?!?!” Sakura jumped up and about, squealing so high that the windows shook.
“I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll message Y/n and let her know” Yunjin said with a smile.
“It’s a coincidence that you both are in New York right now” The leader hummed and took her turn in rolling the dice.
She did a small fist pump when it landed on a double 6.
“Yeah I know, I’m just as surprised as you are. I’m planning to take her out on a date here soon and even introduce her to my family”
“Awwww our Yunjinie is such a good girlfriend~” Sakura smirked and playfully shook the taller member around.
Kazuha did a small applause. “I can’t wait to see her on the runway!”
The following night of the said Runway Show…
“Yunjin can you sit still?” Chaewon had hissed.
Chaewon could’ve been louder but she’d make a total fool of herself in front of the entire audience as the show was going. Well, not much of a fool as Yunjin right now.
The red head was fussing about in her seat, trying her best to get a clear view of whenever your turn was.
Which was literally in a second.
As you began strutting down with you beautiful model face, Yunjin squealed and started shaking her sign around that read: ‘I LUV Y/N <3’
“Wooohooooo! Go baby! You look so beautiful! Oh wow yayyyyy!~”
The Le Sserafim girls looked at their American member in disbelief. Did she suddenly forget she was an idol too?
“Huh Yunjin just how unprofessional are you gonna get?! Give me that and sit still!!” Chaewon growled, snatching the poster from Yunjin.
“Whatever. My girlfriend’s turn is over anyways” The red head grumbled before pursing her lips and waiting for the rest of the show to finish.
It felt like hours for Yunjin, but within minutes you had your bag over your shoulder and approaching your girlfriend and her group.
“Bebby!~” Yunjin made grabby hands and ran to you like an actual puppy seeing its owner.
Which was not much of a surprise for anyone.
“Must you be so loud whenever I’m on the runway? Be professional next time” You scolded but also melted into your girlfriend’s embrace where her large hands rested on your small waist.
She was squishing her cheek against your head and slowly pulled back with imaginary flat guilty ears. Her boba eyes grew wider and your body melted further. It was hard trying to maintain your nonchalant personality when your girlfriend was this fricking cute.
“I’m sorry bebby. I couldn’t help it. You look so pretty…I mean you always look pretty hehe”
You tried to be annoyed by her unprofessionalism but your smirk ruined it.
And Yunjin’s abrupt peck to your lips. “Mwah! Love you bebby”
“Ugh Yunjin quit being a love sap and introduce us to your girlfriend” You heard Chaewon hiss from afar.
“Right. Bebby, this is Kim Chaewon, our leader. Her temper is as short as her height-OW!”
“Piece of shit” The short blonde gritted her teeth when she slapped the back of Yunjin’s head.
“This is Miyawaki Sakura, the eldest. Then there’s me, your cute adorable girlfriend. And then Nakamura Kazuha, our Samoyed”
“Samoyed?” You repeated in question with a smile.
“Apparently that’s how my personality is” Kazuha shrugged and grinned, letting you slowly see why she got the title.
“Last but not least our baby girl, Hong Eunchae! We spoil her with love”
You softly pinched the youngest’s cheek and smiled at her giggle. “Definitely deserves to be spoilt. It’s a pleasure to finally meet Le Sserafim” you spoke calmly.
“Congrats on your runway event Y/n, you looked beautiful” Kazuha complimented sweetly.
“Thank you Kazuha, I’m glad you liked it. Yunjin told me you’d all be in New York so I thought it would be nice to get you girls a gift” you said with a smile and your manager instantly appeared with 4 bags of designer items that you collaborated with.
“Oh wow these are limited edition! Thank you so much Y/n Unnie!” Eunchae squealed with eyes as bright as the sun.
You would’ve thought she was Yunjin’s sister from how big her smile was. “You’re welcome Eunchae. Enjoy your time in New York”
“I will Unnie, I really will!”
“I’ll be going out with Y/n tonight for our date, I’ve already informed Manager-nim” Yunjin quickly reminded to Chaewon specifically in hopes she wouldn’t go ballistic but the leader hummed and nodded anyways.
“No worries. We’ll get going now. Oh and Yunjin-ah” Chaewon quickly called.
Yunjin’s brow raised in curiosity. “Hm?”
“Don’t stay out too late okay? We got content to film”
Yunjin saluted like a dork. “Ay ay captain!”
“Idiot. Take care and it was lovely meeting you Y/n!”
You waved at the girls but could feel Yunjin’s puppy eyes on you again. “What are you staring at?”
“Just how beautiful my girlfriend is. I love you bebby” she said and kissed your temple.
“Ugh. I love you too. Now where are you taking me tonight hm? You look so handsome” you smirked up at her and adjusted her blue button up long sleeve which was open at the collar.
“It’s a surprise bebby. This night will be memorable”
Well Yunjin wasn’t technically lying when she said memorable. She took you to a beautiful Italian restaurant, then surprising you with a bouquet of roses, and finally taking you on a walk by the beach where the moon shined bright.
Of course it wasn’t gonna just end there.
Because now you found yourself riding your girlfriend’s big cock in your hotel room. Both of your clothes thrown somewhere you’d have to dig through later but right now you were focused on milking your sexy girlfriend and the way she was STILL looking at you with those boba eyes.
“F-Fuck, stop looking at me like that” you moaned.
“Mmm, can’t help it. My girl is just so pretty riding me”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you clawed onto her shoulder harder, feeling the tip of her dick reach deeper into your pussy. “You drive me crazy, baby”
Not needing to say another word, Yunjin quickly admired the hickeys she scattered all over your neck and collarbones, then giving into her cravings of your lips. She made the kiss slow, letting her tongue work around yours and felt the movement of your hips falter.
But your tone got louder, shamelessly moaning into your girlfriend’s mouth that some of your saliva went down your chin.
“Tired, Princess?” She whispered into your mouth.
You nodded at her, being enough of a sign for Yunjin to lift you up and make you lay face first and ass up. You supported your balance by leaning on your elbows and looking back at your girlfriend who rubbed your ass and inserting her fat cock back inside your sopping cunt.
“Always tight for me aren’t you, Y/n? My good girl”
You moaned into the sheets from the use of your name instead of her usual nickname for you. One of the things you loved so much about Yunjin was how different she was during sex. She can be vanilla if she wanted to, but Yunjin thought where the fun was in that?
She loved making you wither under her touch. Hearing you cry for her name and beg for her to please you in all the right ways.
“Mmhm right there baby!” You screamed at the inhumane pace Yunjin was going at, the slapping sounds echoing throughout the room (and probably even outside the entire hotel).
Yunjin towered her body over your back and trailed kisses at your jaw, feeling her smile against your skin. “Your pussy is sucking me in so nice, baby. Gonna fill it up with so much of my cum. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
You nodded, clearly too tired to properly answer and the abrupt hold on your jaw made your eyes go wide. Yunjin squeezed your mouth open. “Open up and tongue out, darling”
Doing so, the red head spat on your tongue and forcefully closed your mouth before holding your throat. “Swallow.”
She hummed in satisfaction at your obedience, the knot in her stomach growing. “Hmm fuck, gonna cum Princess”
“Yes yes please cum in me, Yunnie” you mumbled with tears.
Yunjin was panting in your ear before releasing an aggressive groan, her hips snapping in a harsh but slower pace as she reached her peak. You felt the warm flood of cum fill your needy pussy to the brim, Yunjin then slowly pulling herself out to watch your creamy pussy leak.
“So hot” you exhaled, using two fingers to scoop the liquid and popping them into your mouth. “So tasty”
Yunjin guided you to lay your body down with your head on her chest, then pulling the covers over your sweaty bodies. She kissed your head and spent a few minutes helping you calm down by rubbing circles on your back. “You okay, bebby?”
“Yeah. We haven’t fucked in so long, I almost passed out”
“I missed you so much, bebby. Sorry we haven’t been going out lately”
You shook your head and placed multiple kisses on your girlfriend’s face. “Don’t apologise, my love. We still call all the time so just hearing your voice brings me satisfaction”
Yunjin smiled at your words. “Did you want to join us tomorrow? We won’t show your face on the cameras. As long as I’m with you, I don’t care about anything else”
“You know I have a photoshoot tomorrow, babe and plus I think your fans will go on a killing spree if they see us together”
Yunjin pouted. “I won’t let them touch you, bebby. I’ll use my magic force field to protect you”
You laughed into her neck and pinched her sides. “You’re such a dork”
“A dork you’re super in love with, am I right?” She wiggled her eyebrows.
“Yes. A dork I’m super duper in love with”
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jade-jini · 11 months
yunjin is the only thing i can honestly think off 😭 also i’d love to see how y/n and loser g!p yunjin got together 🤭
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(Look at this cute thing, I’m weak for her)
WELL OFC DEAR ANON lol. So continuing with how our loser g!p Yunjin and reader became all lovey dovey (sorry if it’s too long and if it took too long 😭) THIS IS ALL FLUFF.
As I mentioned, you guys are in the same program so you see her during class and often around campus, mostly just exchanging a few hi’s and comments about class stuff but it never became more than those short conversations. Yunjin can be a very outgoing loser, with her silly jokes and cute pickup lines and constant compliments. She was a sweet girl! Just didn’t feel brave enough to make a more bold move just yet:(. Sakura would always be like “NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT?!” And she’d be like “NEVER GIVE UP!” But then when she has the chance to turn her flirt into something else she panics and goes🧍🏻‍♀️
She was getting brave tho, she really was! Until that stupid jock mf had to ruin all the confidence she (and Sakura) has been working so hard to build. This guy was into you. At first he really thought Yunjin didn’t have a chance because how could a loser have one? but then he noticed how you’d giggle like an idiot with Yunjin and his brain went “danger 😐” so like a fvckin asshole the only thing he thought was to make Yunjin afraid to make any move at all, hurting her self esteem.
It was during a morning that she hadn’t see you around yet. She always looks forward to the classes you shared, and when she didn’t see you in your seat as always, she was so confused ‘cause you tended to be on time. She still had hopes that you’d eventually show up. However, her confusion turned into disappointment and sadness when half the class passed and you were nowhere to be found. Yunjin knew she was being dramatic but c’mon! Seeing you is her favorite part of the day :( she spent the rest of the class resting her chin on her books with a pout. Eunchae saw her friend and thought she looked like a sad puppy, she thought it was cute and funny but also had sympathy for her friend. During the little break they had before their next class that was in the same room, she tapped Sakura’s shoulder to get her attention.
“Yunjin unnie looks like a lost puppy when y/n is not around I swear” she told her while trying not to laugh. The eldest turned her head to her red hair friend and sighed with a smile as she shook her head.
“She kinda is if you think about it, I guess” she told the youngest, who couldn’t contain a laugh from escaping her lips. This caused Yunjin to look up to her friends with a frown.
“It’s not fair, why isn’t she here?!” Yunjin started, fixing her posture “Y/n doesn’t tend to miss class, and if she didn’t come to this one she might as well just miss the rest of the day and the classes we have together… ” she complained with a cute pout, but unfortunately somebody heard their conversation.
“Like you would know, wouldn’t you creep?” The guy said, while looking at the girl with a sarcastic smile (Idk bro picture a kpop boi here if you want ig-). “God you spy on her so much you know her schedule? AND you wanna talk like you’re close with her and know what she would do. You’re such a weirdo, that’s exactly why she wouldn’t look at you, you know?” He said with that disgusting mean tone, like he himself knew you any better.
Yunjin was surprised, she knew this guy and knew he wasn’t friendly specially with well, people who didn’t share his exact interest (aka if you’re a nerd), but she wasn’t expecting him to talk to her at all let alone insult her like that, I mean she has gotten kinda bullied before when she was younger but she has done her best to either ignore these people or to defend herself, to which her friends helped a lot.
“And who the fuck are you to talk to her like that?-” Eunchae started but Sakura stopped her grabbing her arm, making sure the girl didn’t start any trouble. The man just put his hands up and laughed.
“I’m just saying, y/n is way out of your league bro, you’re embarrassing yourself and most likely making her feel uncomfortable. Do you enjoy doing that?”
“I would never do that!” Yunjin was offended, she didn’t have any bad intentions with you. Did she cross any boundary? You would tell her though right? You looked like somebody who knew how to speak for yourself well enough, she’s seen it. “I’d never do that intentionally, and I’m sure she would tell me. So far she hasn’t shown any discomfort in any moment we’ve talked.” she said trying to sound a little more confident, mostly to also convince herself you actually didn’t dislike her.
“she’s just too nice to let you know!” He answered as if it was the most obvious fact in the world. “And who knows, maybe she laughs behind your back at your behavior and that’s why she keeps you close.” He finished before walking out of the room, not letting any of the girls talk back (Lord and Sakura know Eunchae was ready to curse Tf outta him) and leaving a mess in Yunjin’s head, filling it with a lot of insecurities and doubts. Girlie was gonna be overthinking about you all day and not in the sweet cheesy way she always does :(
“What. An. Asshole!” Eunchae exclaimed, getting a scold from kkura for the language “no I’m serious what’s wrong with him?? Who does he think he is?! Asshole…”
“Hong Eunchae!” Sakura said in a serious tone, making the girl simply huff and sit down with crossed arms and a pout (Manchae my kid). “Yunjini? Are you ok?” She asked in a softer tone while sitting in her chair next to her friend, who had such a sad and pensive expression “don’t pay no mind to that guy, he doesn’t know you and I seriously doubt he knows y/n.”
“Yeah exactly!” The youngest said “he’s probably just jealous that you always make y/n laugh.”
“Yeah but is it a ‘you’re so funny I’m enjoying this’ laugh or a ‘you’re pathetic and embarrassing’ laugh? Now I don’t know…”
“She’s not a bad person, unnie. You wouldn’t like her if she was, right? But if you’re feeling insecure, let’s see her behavior carefully and maybe we’ll be able to tell.”
the tall girl sighed, resting her head on her books again. Eunchae and Sakura just looked at each other (the oldest patting her friend’s head), not sure how else to comfort their friend, but hoping next time she sees you something good happens and you somehow get those thoughts out of her head.
Meanwhile, you decided to miss a class and went to this store you found online where they sell different types of merch about video games, animes, stuff like that, to buy some cool genshin impact photocards you saw online. You knew two things; 1. Yunjin liked that game a lot, and 2. She was probably not gonna make a move to get closer any time soon lol so you decided to give the game a try, and liked it a lot! And now you’re gonna buy some photocards for her as well as a way of making more conversation and getting closer.
Once you got them, you quickly put a Genshin Yunjin one on your phone case (some selfies for social media Ofc) and decided to finally go to class, excited to show this girl that you were basically crushing on the gift you got for her.
Your second class of the day was luckily one with Yunjin, so you were hoping to make it on time to talk with her a little bit before it started, and so you did! But weirdly, you caught the girl on her seat, very quiet while the friends of her who also shared this class seemed a little worried and empathetic with whatever was going on with the red hair girl. You took your seat close to them and waved hi to her friend, whose name if you remember well was Sakura. With a sign you asked her if Jen was ok, to which she replied with a “so-so” sign and a little smile. You nodded sympathetically and decided to maybe wait until later on the day to talk with her, now feeling slightly nervous yourself to make any move. However, while you were considering this option, kkura thought seeing you might cheer her friend up, so she elbowed Yunjin and let her know that you were in the room.
Once the girl looked at your direction, there was a sparkle in her eyes, the one that always appeared whenever she saw you or thought of you. However, once she remembered the mean words the idiot from earlier told her, her smile turned into a more shy, sad small one, and her eyes went to the floor.
“Yunjin? You’re not gonna say hi to her like always?” The Japanese girl asked her in a low voice, trying to motivate her dear friend.
“I don’t know, Kkura..” the sad girl said “What if I just make her feel uncomfortable? What if that’s what I’ve been doing? That’s not only embarrassing, but also not fair for her to feel like that, and not fair for me to keep my hopes high if I’m clearly out of her league. I don’t wanna get even more hurt and also I—”but your voice interrupted her sad rambling.
“Hey Yunjin, Look what I got!” You called, smiling that pretty smile of yours and showing her the back of your phone, hoping this somehow will help cheering her up. And it did! Yunjin’s expression went from sad, to surprised that you called, to excited.
“Oh. My. God. Is that a Genshin Impact special edition Yun Jin photocard ?!” She said in her peculiar loud voice and with a smile showing her perfect teeth. There. There it was. The excited and loud loser who caught your attention. “Omg, y/n! How did you get this? I didn’t even know you liked Genshin!”
“Well, constantly hearing you screaming about it made me curious!” You teased her while laughing, to which she blushed but didn’t stop smiling while listening to you “it was just a few days ago so I’m very new, I actually enjoyed it a lot so I decided to search info about the characters online, and went this morning to this cool store I found to buy some of these.”
“So that’s why you weren’t here earlier” Sakura commented, making you look at her a little surprised.
“Oh you noticed?”
“Yunjin did.” Eunchae answered while looking at her friend with a mischievous smile, to which Yunjin responded with a blush, a threat in her eyes and a promise for vendetta later. “She missed you and everything.”
“Eunchae!” She simply groaned, pouting at the embarrassment her friend made her go through. But to you it was actually really cute the fact that she noticed your absence.
“Well, please accept these as an apology then.” You said while getting the little bag that contained the other photocards and giving it to her. She was so surprised because a gift. For her? From you?! “I didn’t know who your favorite character was so I made sure to get as many as possible. Please take as many as you want, I mainly got them for you to be honest.” You admitted, feeling brave to confess your intentions, even with her friends around.
“Oh my~ this is so cute!” Eunchae squeaked while shaking Yunjin’s shoulder (visual representation), while the girl was just speechless holding the bag you gave her and switching from looking at it to looking at you, who couldn’t stop smiling, satisfied at her reaction while your hands were politely behind your back in a cute shy way. Of course, Sakura had to push her to get out of her shocked state. Yunjin shook her head to bring herself back before speaking.
“Omg y/n, I don’t know what to say, thank you so much!” She said, feeling touched by the detail. Yunjin was looking at you with such sweet eyes, you were making her fall deeper for you, and she didn’t know that’s exactly your plan.
“It’s ok. Just please make sure to leave some Yun Jin for me, she’s my favorite character you know?” You told her in a clearly flirty way and a wink, making sure the message was clear. This made the red hair girl’s eyes open wide as her face had no idea what to do, besides blushing and smiling like an idiot.
“Hehe, Yunjin unnie’s face is trying to match her hair.” Eunchae teased, making you and Sakura laugh at the taller girl.
“Hong Eunchae I swear to God.”
After that conversation, the professor entered the classroom, so you quickly agreed on hanging out after class to continue talking about your interest in common. Sakura had a class, and Eunchae went with her after mentioning she was grateful to be able to go ‘cause she didn’t want to third wheel you guys anymore, earning another groan and blush from her best friend. Talking with Yunjin was really nice, and she was really hyped and happy about sharing this topic, so much she decided to invite you to her place so you could continue there, watch some content and even play a little bit! She was excited of being able to teach none other than her crush how to play her favorite game.
Of course she didn’t realize the weight of her actions until you were actually in her room.
Oh god. Her crush was in her room. Alone with her.
Girlie went from excited to nervous once she saw you making yourself comfortable in her bed. Her bed was really soft and warm, and her room was cozy. It reflected her personality well. A nice combination of beige walls and white. Most of the room had warm colors, and the decoration was based on some posters, little shelves with albums and books, pictures and figures of video-games characters the girl was a fan of. She was very organized and clean, her desk having her computer and just a couple notebooks at the moment. You hoped you could spend more time there with her in the future (and no not only for the nasty 🤨).
“This is a really nice place Yun” you told her.
“Thanks, that’s one of the reasons I like spending so much time at home.” She said with a giggle doing her best to contain the blush in her cheeks because did you just call her by a nickname?😳 bro do it again.
“I get it, if my room was this nice and comfy I too would prefer to just stay and play all day.” You said as she lied down next to you.
“Well, you can always come and play with me!” She offered smiling innocently (aw my pookie wookie 🥺), but c’mon you had to tease her after saying that-
“You want me to come play with you, huh?” You said with an obvious teasing tone and a smirk moving your eyebrows up and down, now making it impossible for the red hair girl to not match her cheeks color with her hair.
“I mean! It’s always fun to play genshin with friends…” she said, trying to save herself from the embarrassment, but she felt it was too late so her hands went to her face as she groaned in a low voice. You laughed. She was so endearing, so cute. You couldn’t resist her and she wasn’t even trying to do anything at all. This is the girl you wanted. It just felt too right. It felt like home in your heart even before it did in your head.
“You remember I told you Yunjin is my favorite genshin impact character?” You asked her, taking her hands off her face but not letting go of them, to which she hummed in response. “And do you know why she is my favorite character?”
“Well, her playability in my opinion is really good. Her design and character description is also captivating, and since you mentioned you’re new to the game maybe that’s the reason you liked her. Although I must say I pr—” god this girl could talk. So what’s better than shutting up your crush with a kiss? Nothing bro. Nothing so that’s what you did. With a sweet kiss that she was doing her very best to correspond once the initial shock passed, as she’s been dreaming of doing since the moment her eyes fell on you. Your hand moved slowly from her own hands to her face, caressing it softly as her trembling hand went to your waist. As the seconds passed, her hands felt more comfortable, so she hugged you closer to her, to which you responded hugging her as well. Once you stopped kissing ( barely leaving any space in between your faces), you whispered in her lips “so again, do you know why Yunjin is my favorite character?”
And with her vision blurry and her mind clearly malfunctioning because of everything that was happening (but can you blame her tho?) she said:
“Who’s Yunjin?”
Bro are you serious.
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myysaints · 1 year
Hello, I saw your requests are open.... if you feel like it and like the idea I'd like to see Japanese kpop idol reader x yuki where reader had been an idol for like 7 years and she's very private like when someone asks about her TMI she's just like i bought this shirt on sale 😐 so when she was asked in an interview if she watches any sports or stuff her members sort of out her for being an f1 fan and then her group gets invited to a race where her and yuki get spotted standing a bit too close (nothing couple worthy but they did look suspicious)... ensure f1 and her fans on twitter being in flames where a lot of her fans are like, lol no I refuse to believe we might lose our queen to a guy that goes vroom vroom but it just gets quite after that so no one thinks about it until a picture of them kissing gets out and people are like I waited three and a half years, Asian man did it in one week only for her company to announce that they had known each other since childhood and they are childhood sweethearts with a 10 year history and like the whole f1 grid being like yuki! You had a girlfriend this entire time
So sorry if this is too specific, if you don't like it you can just skip the request 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
... (PART ONE)
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YUKI TSUNODA x f!japanese!kpop idol!reader
⌗︙・ summary — you’ve known yuki tsunoda all your life, but the world doesn’t know that. so when your relationship is accidentally called into the spotlight, fans understandably freak out – after all, who thought that these two worlds would collide?
genre — social media au, fc: sakura from le sserafim
notes — thank you anon for the request!!! it was so cute i spent the whole day absolutely going ham on this fic, which is why it's... so.... so long.... i also changed some details but they're very very minor. hope i did your request justice, and enjoy!
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yourusername uploaded to their story.                                29s
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[caption: Thank you alphataurif1 for having me at the Suzuka GP! 파이팅 🤍💙!]
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Liked by le_sserafim, yukitsunoda0511, alphataurif1, and 3,274,302 others
🏷  alphataurif1
yourusername  ただいま (I’m home) ~ 🇯🇵🏎
view all 1,009,284 comments
alphataurif1  かわいい (Cute) 😊
       Liked by yukitsunoda0511 yourusername  thank you admin!
yukitsunoda0511  幸運をもたらしてくれてありがとう (Thank you for bringing me good luck)!
yourusername  どういたしまして (You’re welcome)!おめでとう (Congratulations)!
hannitokki  begging on my knees for just one chance
landonorris  Seeing you in the paddock today made me fearless 😉
yourusername  too bad that didn't help you go faster ... dearhyunjin  LMFAOOOO SHE HUMBLED HIM REAL QUICK
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Liked by 932,882 others
f1wagupdates  Submitted by anon 🙈 SPOTTED! After the Yuki Tsunoda and an unknown woman (could it be the same girl from Suzuka?) seen entering the driver’s hotel lift together. The pair were clad in matching outfits. According to anon, the woman had a mask over her face and “looked like she didn’t want to be recognised”. 🤔 Who could this mystery woman be?
view all 546,237 comments
miradrivescars  THEYRE IN MATCHING OUTFITS 😭😭😭
ynsserafim  someone find where y/n is QUICK
isaluvsyn  they just finished their world tour right?? i think their last stop was in dubai channieslix  that was like 3 weeks ago babe im sure y/n is looooong gone and back in korea by now LOL
bitemelando  it’s the same hat as the one in the suzuka picture so it’s probably the same girl
verstrappon  yall gotta chill it’s just a regular schmegular black cap damn 🤣
minimumverstappen  kpop twt is gonna have a field day with this one lol
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...to be continued !
© myysaints
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tottenhamhotsperm · 8 months
as a wrestling and kpop fan I feel obligated to talk about this
the song strong machine j is dancing to is perfect night by le sserafim, a kpop girl group. here's a side by side comparison with a fancam of miyawaki sakura, one of the members. she is legitimately called kami (god) by her japanese fanbase which tells you a lot on what you need to know about her popularity. he was probably paying homage to her as a fellow japanese.
however, the plot thickens. here's another video of a wrestler:
someone look familiar? that's sakura.
sakura, although now an extremely popular kpop idol promoting in korea, has had several side quests in life. she started as a member of hkt48 at just 14, an idol group under the main group akb48 which quite literally has hundreds of members. they run on an "election" system, where the general public gets to vote for their favorite members and the most popular members generally get more opportunities/performances/merch/etc. so to stand out, she had to take some liberties whether it be pretending to be extremely shit at jump roping or have comically bad running form to garner laughs.
it's important to realize that japanese idols are seen more as entertainers rather than performers. rather than focusing their energy on perfecting their singing and dancing, they're more like a jack of all trades working more toward making their audience feel energized.
the clip of sakura wrestling is actually from a drama akb48 broadcasted called tofu pro wrestling where sakura inherits her dad's tofu shop only to find out she could only pay back the debt he left behind if she won a wrestling championship. so not only did sakura, but SEVERAL other members under the akb48 umbrella learn puroresu and perform in front of a live audience. great stuff.
she then goes on to become one of the most popular members of the group and travels to korea in 2018 for an idol competition show called produce 48, which brought together members of akb48 and korean kpop trainees who would be voted into a temporary girl group.
sakura, who was extremely popular before even going on the show, was voted into the final group called iz*one. (there was voting manipulation but sakura would've been in the final group regardless so I won't go into that.)
as an iz*one member she gains a massive korean fanbase while simultaneously maintaining her japanese fans. once iz*one's contract ended in 2021 and disbanded, sakura decided to stay in korea and would later join le sserafim in 2022 where she is now promoting.
all that and she's only 25! I've barely grazed the tip of the iceberg that is sakura's career, but it's honestly a treat whenever i find out about some batshit crazy stuff she's done in her decade-long career.
miyawaki sakura, one of the most popular celebrities in japan, was once a wrestler! something to think about whenever you listen to iz*one/le sserafim.
also here's a photo of her in the audience during kenny vs okada wk 11 LOL
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jxmis · 1 year
Birthday Girl
Pairings: Kim Chaewon x Reader
Summary: You go all out for your leader's birthday. When Chaewon finds out it was all your plan, she can't help but feel confuse and astonish. You two aren't as close with each other like how she is with the other members. Would your act of service finally get Chaewon to notice you?
Warning(s): none
A/N: Sorry, I'm terrible at summarizing. I wrote this all today. This is my first KPOP Idol related story!! I wanted to get a story out on Chaewon's birthday. Thanks for reading!
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You and Chaewon were never close. You'd both consider yourselves friends and groupmates. However, your relationship with each other aren't like her relationship with the others. It's not like she has anything against you or you with her. You both just never had a chance to connect with each other. Chaewon is a busy person and when she isn't Eunchae or Yunjin usually has all her attention. Let alone, Chaewon is known to be hard to get close to.
Nevertheless, you're closets with Yunjin. Not only are you both '01 liners, but you're the only person in the group who speaks English proficiently. Along with that, you both share a common interest in songwriting.
Your closeness with Yunjin led her to finding out your special interest in your leader. She noticed how you stare at her, it's a different type of gaze than how you'd look at the others. How you're a lot more shy when around her. She can make a whole list to prove how whipped you are for Chaewon! In which you caved and admitted to. Oh how you wished you never confessed to the raven-haired girl. The constant teasing is making you go crazy, afraid your leader will discover your secret.
Today is August 1, 2023, the day you've been longing for to come. Unfortunately, Chaewon is unable to spend her birthday with her family due to a busy schedule. With the tour preparations and all. You knew she had meetings to attend and some personal shoots today. So, she'll be occupied for most of the day. You felt bad that Chaewon has to spend her birthday working.
So, with the help of the other members, you have it all planned out. In hope this would make your hardworking leader's day better. You, Sakura, and Yunjin were in charge of the food. While you gave the maknaes the task of decorating the dorm.
You mainly focus on making the cake. You trust Yunjin and Sakura enough cooking the food. "Wow! The cake looks good Y/N!" Sakura says. You give her a quick smile, then proceed to make sure the cake is perfect. Yunjin can't help but chuckle at your behavior. Yet finds it sweet how you're doing all this for Chaewon.
You finished the cake awhile ago and everyone was admiring your work. You had to keep an eye on Eunchae afraid she'll eat it before the birthday girl gets home. You all finish up everything up and lastly got into decent yet comfortable clothing. You're proud of the work the maknaes did, they did a great job decorating the place. "I just got a text! She'll be here in a bit!" Yunjin yells out.
You all get into positions. Anticipation building up in the room as all eyes were on the door. A few minutes passes by and finally you all see the door nob moving. "Surprise!" Everyone shouts and series of "Happy Birthday!" echoes in the room.
Chaewon stands there in shock yet a huge smile then forms on her face. "Thank you, thank you! Wow, all this for me?" She says with such joy as she looks around the room.
"Unnie, you're getting old!" Eunchae shouts as she rushes to her pulling her into a tight embrace. Everyone shakes their head yet laughs at their maknae as they too make their way hugging their leader. You however, made your way to the kitchen preparing the cake.
"I can't believe you guys did this for me," Chaewon says still in disbelief.
"All thanks to Y/N. It was their idea!" Yunjin voices out, refraining herself from smirking. Chaewon raises her eyebrows not expecting to hear that information.
"Where is-" Yet before Sakura can finish her sentence, you make your way out of the kitchen holding the cake as you start to sing happy birthday. The others following along as well. Chaewon looks at the cake in admiration, tears starting to form in her eyes.
Chaewon can't help but just stand there speechless. All she manages to get out is "I- It's beautiful."
"Y/N made the cake too!" Yunjin says putting her arm around your shoulder smilling at you "innocently". You shrug her arm off of you. Again, Chaewon can't help but be surprised yet confuse.
"Well... make a wish and blow out the candles!! I've been waiting all day to eat the cake!!!" Eunchae yells out making everyone chuckle at the impatient maknae.
The night went on well, you're proud of yourself and your members for pulling it off. From the looks of it, Chaewon seems to be really happy as well. You're glad, she deserves to enjoy her day. However, You can't help but notice how Chaewon glances at you once in awhile. Maybe that's just your mind playing games with you. The exhaustion is probably catching up on you.
As everyone is in there own conversation with each other, Chaewon whispers to Yunjin. Wanting to ask her a question that's been itching her mind for awhile now, "Y/N really planned all this for me?"
Yunjin really took all her will power to stop herself from rolling her eyes at her leader's obliviousness. "Yes, unnie."
"But... why?"
"Y'know it's really starting to annoy me how naïve you are sometimes." Chaewon is taken aback by her member's response. "Just ask Y/N herself. Y'know... finally have a full on conversation with her." With that, Yunjin leaves Chaewon deep in thought, and joins Sakura's and Kazuha's conversation.
As you were cleaning up, one by one, the members call it a night greeting and hugging their leader once again. You thought it was just you now, but that wasn't the case. You hear someone clear their throat making you turn around. Your eyes widen seeing Chaewon standing there looking at you. And it seems that she's... nervous?
"Hey... uhh need some help?" She says breaking the awkward silence.
In which you respond with, "It's alright." You look at the time seeing it's an hour before midnight. "It's still your birthday, not going to let the birthday girl clean up. You've had a long day, go rest unnie." You turn back around continuing to clean the dishes. Yet of course, knowing Chaewon, she's one stubborn lady. She starts to put away the left over food.
"Unnie..." you say disapprovingly. Yet before you can continue, Chaewon speaks out.
"Y'know... there is still one person who has yet to greet me today." As you carefully turn around after putting the last plate away, Chaewon is already facing you with a slightly teasing smile.
You look at her with a sheepish smile scratching the back of your neck, "Oh.. uhm.. sorry it's just everyone was trying to grab your attention. And I already know trying to compete for it would lead me nowhere. So I didn't get a chance to greet you." Chaewon can't help but frown. She never realized until now how ignorant she's been towards you. She moves slightly closer to you, making you nervous.
"Well, you've got my attention now." That sent chills down your spine, your only hope is that she didn't notice your reaction. But that small yet quick smirk she made before it disappeared says otherwise.
You clear your throat, "Happy Birthday, unnie." She smiles at you.
"Thank you," you nod. As you begin to turn around and walk away, Chaewon speaks again, "Thank you for doing all this. Thank you for making today memorable. But can I ask why?" Her last sentence makes you look at her with a confuse look. Though you see the genuine curiosity on her face. Wow, she's really in disbelief that all this was my plan? You thought to yourself.
You shrug, "Why not? I mean, I know we aren't close like you are with the others. So I get why you're surprised that all this was because of me. Nonetheless, I still consider you as my friend not just my leader or group member. Besides, I... love admire and respect you, you're one of the most hardworking people I know. You deserve to have some fun and relax on your special day. Especially since I know you probably wanted to spend it with your family but couldn't. I thought this could make up for it." You stand there feeling uneasy as you see the look on Chaewon's face. Her just standing there looking at you silently doesn't help either. Seeing how her eyes show the range of emotions she is currently experiencing. Did you say too much?
Chaewon snaps herself back into reality as she sees you slowly and awkwardly back away. Without thinking, her hand reaches for yours making you freeze. Now it's your turn to be in-shock. "Let's fix that then," Chaewon says softly. You look at her confuse wordlessly asking her to elaborate, "Let's get to know each other. I'd like to get to know you more." Chaewon clarifies, looking at you with a nervous smile yet her eyes hopeful.
It seems as if there is more meaning to her words than what she's implying. Fortunately, knowing Chaewon, you're aware it takes time for her to let people in. Baby steps and you're more than fine with it. You're willing to wait. You smile at the older woman, "I'd love that."
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silantryoo · 2 years
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huh yunjin x nmixx!reader (fluff)
WARNINGS ; mentions of iz*one disbandment
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yunjin wasn't exactly looking forward to the mama awards, not as much as the others.
being a kpop fan herself, she knew that the awards would always be rigged against them, and it didn't help that they were doing a collab stage with people she didn't know.
her introverted self could not handle that.
she walked arm in arm with eunchae, the two chattering away as sakura was on her phone. chaewon and kazuha lagged behind the three of them, both trying to stay awake and barely managing.
"it's too early for this," chaewon complained, just wanting to be back in her dorm.
sakura shrugged. "at least it's only a couple hours. usually, practice lasts up to ten, right?"
chaewon grumbled, hating that the older girl was right.
the group entered the practice room, all overwhelmed at the extreme amount of idols that were there. there had to be at least three groups in the room already.
sakura and chaewon smiled as IVE made their way to the girls.
"chaewon-unnie! kkura-unnie!" wonyoung grinned at them, engulfing the shorter girls into a hug.
"don't hog them. their as much mine as they are yours." yujin joked, sending a playful look to her older ex-members.
both groups bowed. the two have been familiar with each other, with five of the eleven girls competing in the same show. even the maknaes, eunchae and leeseo, occasionally talked to each other.
"there's a lot of people here," sakura observed. "it's already making me tired."
gaeul chuckled. she sighed, looking at the idols huddled into their own groups. "it looks like people are still warming up."
sakura nodded. "we must all be introverts."
the two groups made their way to their own corner. both stretching and warming up for their practice for the award show.
it was fairly quiet, the girls far too tired or far too introverted to say anything. no one during four in the morning was energetic this early.
"gaeul!" a voice shouted from the entrance of the room as it slammed open.
yunjin watched with wide eyes as you raced towards IVE, slamming straight into the main dancer and picking her up. behind you, the rest of nmixx bowed in apology to everyone in the room.
"unnie, put me down!" gaeul struggled as you spun her around more.
many of the idols stared at you with a smile. aside from your visuals, you were known in the industry to be extremely bubbly and extroverted. it had become an inside joke in your company that you and yoona were the love children of your seniors, tzuyu and sana. both you and yoona looked similar to the two of them, but yoona had gotten tzuyu's personality, while you had gotten one similar to sana's.
you put the shorter girl down before bowing to the other IVE members. "sorry for the disruption. when i heard i was gonna see gaeul-ie again i got excited."
"it's okay, unnie," yujin smiled. "you know we don't mind."
you grinned at her, patting her arm gently. "you and wonyoung grew up so well."
yujin blushed. she, wonyoung and gaeul trained with you at starship until you had gotten an offer to jyp earlier that year. it was only natural that you guys had become close.
"unnie!" you heard kyujin call behind you. "get dressed! haewon-unnie said practice is starting soon!"
you waved them goodbye, not realizing that a certain idol had their gaze trained on you this entire time.
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yunjin furrowed her eyebrows, frustrated with the fact that she couldn't remember which group you were in, or what your name was. all she could remember is that you smiled at her the entire time while she was dancing to fearless (her own song), causing her to mess up multiple times.
yunjin groaned, slamming her head onto the car's headrest. "unnie?"
chaewon and sakura hummed.
"who was that earlier?" yunjin played with her phone case as she closed her eyes. "the girl who jumped gaeul-ssi?"
sakura bit back a smile, knowing where this was going. all the girls from le sserafim already knew about yunjin's preferences, it was just funny to them when it happened since it was so rare.
"y/l/n y/n from nmixx?" chaewon raised an eyebrow. "why?"
"nothing," yunjin made a face, moving her eyes away from chaewon. "just curious."
"i saw unnie watching her the entire time from far away." kazuha stated, earning a look of betrayal from the american.
the japanese girl shrugged.
"i saw that too!" eunchae laughed, pointing at yunjin's face. "she looked like this the entire time."
the other members watched as eunchae recreated a face that was somewhere in between 'wow, she's pretty' to 'i think i want to get married today'."
"what? no!" yunjin protested. the other girls looked at her, causing her to make a face of guilt. chaewon, kazuha and eunchae laughed, the youngest turning her head away. sakura looked at her in disbelief. "okay, maybe. can't i stare at pretty girls?"
sakura rolled her eyes playfully at yunjin's explanation.
"you wanna kiss her!" eunchae teased, making kissing motions towards yunjin.
chaewon covered the youngest's face in disgust, only for eunchae's affection to be redirected toward her.
"she's your age, y'know?" sakura mentioned as chaewon screamed behind them.
yunjin looked curiously. "how do you know?"
a louder, much more kazuha-like screech was heard behind the two.
"her and yuri are friends." sakura said, glancing over at the three as they play fought. "she used to visit us from time to time."
yunjin nodded, ignoring a scream that sounded more like the youngest. "do you know if she's, like... y'know?"
sakura shrugged, reaching for her noise-canceling headphones.
yunjin sighed, decidedly giving up no matter how pretty she thought you were. she couldn't just go up to you and ask, it wasn't like america here.
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it had been the second week, the last until the mama awards. even though her body was sore from all the dancing, yunjin found herself looking forward to the early practices. you had been selected to dance for IVE's eleven, and watching you dance was enough for her, even if she wasn't talking to you.
the entire studio was on break, and many of the idols had gone out, except a couple who stayed to practice more.
yunjin danced in the mirror, not realizing a figure showed up beside her.
"huh yunjin-ssi, right?"
she jumped slightly, turning around to the shorter girl.
"yeah." yunjin cleared her throat, extremely caught off guard. "um, that's me."
you smiled at her, fiddling nervously with the marker in your pocket. "lily said you were my age. you're born 2001?"
"i am." yunjin nodded.
"i know this is sudden," you could feel your throat bubble up with nervousness, but you tried your best to shake it off without the blonde girl noticing. "but could i get your number? no one else here is born the same year as us."
"s-sure! yeah!" she screamed internally ('jennifer, calm down'). "let me just, let me just get my phone."
"i have a marker." you interjected, pulling a black sharpie out of your pocket. you offered it to her. "just write it on my arm."
she felt herself blush in embarrassment. "i didn't memorize my number."
you nodded, accidentally linking eyes with a smirking jiwoo in the mirror. you looked back at yunjin. "then can i write my number on your arm?"
"huh?" she blinked for a second, trying to process what was happening as fast as she could. "yeah. yeah, of course."
"cool." you smiled brightly, part of her melting inside. you grabbed her arm, a spark suddenly running through her veins as you wrote your number. "i'm y/l/n y/n from nmixx by the way."
"i know." yunjin said, a bit too quick for her liking. her eyes widened, watching you giggle as you put the marker away. "i mean, who doesn't, y'know?"
you watched her as she blushed lightly. it was obvious to anyone watching the scene (i.e. your group mates) that yunjin was flustered based on the face she was making. you bit your tongue in between your teeth.
"you're so cute!" you giggled, your eyes turning into creases from joy. yunjin sighed shakily, not realizing that the rest of her team had already come back with food and was watching the entire interaction (which she would be teased heavily for once she got back to the dorms). "you're such a good dancer, by the way. very western-eques."
yunjin scratched her shoulder, "well, i am from the states."
"really?" your eyes shined brightly, realizing you met another english speaker. you cleared your throat as you spoke english, "i'm from the UK, actually."
yunjin felt her breath get taken away. not only were you cute, pretty, talented and her type, you were also british. that was double her type.
"you're british?" she asked with wide eyes.
"yeah, i am. born and raised there. until i moved here, of course." you smiled. you looked over her shoulder, finding that the members of le sserafim were watching you intently. "looks like your members are waiting for you."
yunjin turned around, meeting eyes with chaewon who gave her a knowing look.
"you better text me later, huh yunjin!" you teased the taller girl as you walked back to your group. "i'm looking forward to it!"
she nodded, looking at the number on her arm as her members rushed towards her, eunchae shaking her back in forth in excitement.
yunjin bit back a smile.
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> main masterlist.
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spadesolace · 2 years
polaroid love - 10. they're real (written)
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the cold air in the building of hybe entertainment was what first greeted y/n, having to do the face detection multiple times to get inside. luckily, jake was there to pick her up and let her in.
“was it always this cold here?” y/n walked side by side with her brother, hands shivering from the sheer coldness. she understood that it was summer but there was no need for the entire building to be freezing cold, despite it feeling nice after walking under the blazing sun.
“no, they usually leave it on a higher temperature but its been hot outside that they blasted it today.”
“on the day that i plan on visiting you and my unnies… anywho, bring me to enhypen first.” 
jake could only judge his little sister as they walked past rows of studios, some of which being filled by trainees, others are empty, and some back up dancers. he knew she was  planning something, there was no reason for her to visit enhypen unless it was to set him up with his crush.
“how about no? as much as the boys would want to see you again-”
“i’m not going to set you up. just want to say hi then head towards lesserafim’s.”
jake is easily persuaded as they went to enhypen’s studio, he couldn’t say no to his little sister even if he wanted to. going inside, they were met with the chaos of the boys running around while jungwon was nowhere to be found. y/n knew how chaotic it gets but she didn’t expect it to be like that.
“well, where’s jungwon when you need him.” jake laughed at y/n’s statement, knowing fully well that within the group, jungwon is the closest member to her. the group stopped as they waved at y/n, greeting her and talking about whatever they could, watching closely as jake stood next to sunghoon who nudged his shoulders. and to think he was scared that i’ll set him up… bitch can handle his own.
y/n didn’t stay much longer in enhypen’s studio only to be dragged out of it when eunchae had walked past. shouting a quick apology to the group as they walked together to lesserafim’s studio where chaewon and sakura was. the two oldest of the group could only hug their original youngest who somehow grew significantly taller than they remembered but still, loved wholeheartedly. chaewon couldn’t stop gushing how much she missed y/n despite talking everyday and sometimes hanging out when they’re both free. sakura, on the other hand, was talking about nmixx’s debut and y/n’s solo performance for the qualifying. the three chatted away as eunchae did what she’s known for, chaos.
in the span of ten minutes, there were now 5 more people in lesserafim’s studio. y/n looked concerned for a second, the sudden barging into the room, one of them holding stacks of albums, and two of them holding their phones close, although two of the girls immediately caught y/n’s eyes.
“wow… they’re prettier in person.” sakura and chaewon followed her gaze only to lead onto the two oldest members of the group, minji and hanni.
“SHE’S REAL?!” hyein broke the silence as her thought finally processed that her ult bias was in front of her. y/n was on the same boat as her; they’re real.
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synopsis: y/n did not intend to join the kpop industry but after her brother had convinced her, she's taken the industry by storm. what happens when she unintentionally catches the attention and heart for two members of the rookie group that's taking everyone by storm, newjeans?
@lesbianslovesminji @sserajeans @trsrina @invusblog @haerinstolemyhrt @txtbrainrot @ddenoudepression @cfvgbhndun-new-blog @lcv3lies @rd0265667 @somsomishy @dream-chasers-things @captivq @limbforalimb @dmndtears @buuhsworld @oshyci @ksnu @falling-intoo-deep @sserafimez @hyukasverse @forever-in-the-sky2 @cixl-writes
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
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You bought Yeosang's soft quiet stage character hook line and sinker. You'd heard rumours he'd been involved with girls before, Itzy's Yeji, Twice's Dahyun etc but figured they were just rumours. Yeosang seemed so nice and cute on camera you had no reason to suspect he was any different in real life...until you caught his eye. Your new comeback was getting quite a lot of attention. Your group Le Sserafim had a hot concept which you took to very well. It wasn't cute or school girl but powerful hot women and you loved it. So did the kpop world and several idols. Your leader Chaewon had warned you this might get you some attention and flirting but you didn't believe her. Then you saw idols watching you at award shows specifically Ateez. Your group was standing in front of them and as you led your group to the front you passed Wooyoung. He seemed embarrassed and immediately looked down. San said something smirking but Wooyoung hushed him and bowed to you. You bowed back not thinking much of it until you saw Yeosang swapping places with Seonghwa who was right behind you. You glanced at Yeosang and he looked right back at you purposefully making eye contact. You faltered at his gaze and the heat in his eyes which made your cheeks warm. He gave you a smile which you returned, your heart beating faster although you had no idea why.
When you got backstage your members immediately grabbed you. "Yeosang was checking you out!" Eunchae told you and you shook your head "no! Not Yeosang I mean he's so soft and gentle". "I'm not too sure, he was pretty impressed by you". "What do you mean?" you asked and she smiled "I'm on the side of the stage for part of the dance right? He was watching you the whole time and honestly? He looked pretty turned on".
Eunchae’s words were still swirling around in your head when you arrived at the after-party. You didn't let yourself believe it at first but when you walked in, the Ateez table paused and they all looked at you. You blushed and your members laughed grabbing your hands.  Maybe something was going on after all. You had a few drinks with your members before they got up to dance. You were all danced out so offered to stay with the table and guard it. Sakura offered to stay with you but you kept seeing her glance over the  Ateez table and guessed she might have another motive in mind for hanging back. Sakura had an on-and-off thing with Seonghwa and apparently they were on again. It was just Seonghwa and Yeosang left at their table too and they were chatting. They seemed to be discussing something before they stood up and made their way to you. Sakura tensed "are they coming over? Y/n you can't leave me alone with Seonghwa you know what I get like around him" she said. You nodded "I won't I promise" as the boys reached your table. It seemed pretty clear what they were here for. Seonghwa sat next to Sakura and Yeosang you. Seonghwa and Sakura were of course already acquainted and so after briefly introducing you and Yeosang, they started talking and joking around. You watched them amused before figuring you should talk to your assigned member. You remembered how Yeosang was usually a little quiet in interviews and were getting ready to start a polite conversation when Yeosang spoke which in itself might've been surprising but his words were even more so. "You looked so hot tonight" Yeosang told you watching you as his words sunk in. You blinked not really processing them "what?". "On stage, you looked so good" he said sipping his drink but still never taking his eyes off you. You immediately blushed "ow...thank you! I wasn't sure the outfit worked for me". "It did, so well but it wasn't even the outfit. It was just your whole attitude, it was so sexy" Yeosang told you a small smirk on his face now. You blushed "well that's good to know". You glanced across the table and saw Seonghwa had an arm around Sakura so figured she'd already lost that battle. "We haven't really spoken before, have we?" Yeosang asked bringing your attention back to him. You shook your head "not properly...only bowing when we pass one another". Yeosang nodded "that's my fault and I wanted to correct that ...would you like another drink?". You glanced down at your empty one and nodded "sure". Yeosang nodded and signalled Seonghwa. They both headed to the bar and Sakura sighed "he's so hot". "Yeah" you agreed and she paused "wait Y/n, what happened? You look so pink". You told her that Yeosang was definitely into you and she was so excited "I knew there was something special about him! I mean I heard rumours but never knew if they were true". "What rumours?" you asked and she smiled "y/n you must've heard them?". When you shook your head she leaned closer "he's apparently really skilled in bed. I mean you heard what he can do with his tongue right?". Of course that's when the boys came back. You were dying to know what Yeosang's special talent was but it was too late. "Miss us?" Seonghwa asked and Sakura smiled "maybe a little bit". You chuckled and she looked at you, her cheeks flushed, but you just smiled. Seonghwa was a nice guy and she can have fun with whoever she wanted.  Yeosang rejoined you and was just as captivating as before. He was not at all what he seemed. He looked angelic but was hot as hell, every word from his mouth made you heat up and when he put an arm around you, you leaned into it. Sakura and Seonghwa got drunk a lot quicker than you and they were soon pissed. They asked if you and Yeosang wanted to dance with them but you declined. You watched them dance which was basically an excuse to grope one another and Yeosang snorted "I always found drunk dancing so weird". His other hand was on your leg and you tried not to let it show how it was making you feel. You smiled "yeah I've never been a fan of it myself. The sweaty makeout isn't my move". Yeosang nodded glancing over at you "I thought as much, it didn’t seem like your sort of thing. I imagine it takes more than some vodka shots and shitty pop music for you". You nodded "yeah I guess it does". Yeosang smiled "then how about we leave here? I've got something to show you back at mine". You nodded "lead the way". It was a heated outdoor pool. That's what Yeosang wanted to show you. His apartment was gorgeous and as if you weren't impressed enough he led you out onto the patio and there it was. The water looks so nice and steamy and the view was amazing. Yeosang smiled seeing you take it all in. He got some drinks and poured you both a glass before coming to stand behind you "want a dip?" he asked hands toying with your waist. You paused "I didn't bring a suit". He shrugged "me either" and swiftly took off his shirt "I find you don't need it...underwear or nothing works just as well" as he shrugged off his trousers too. You struggled to not stare at how great he looked. Since when was the *quiet* member so ripped? He was so toned and his arms looked magnificent. He leapt into the pool before turning to face you "you can dangle your legs in if you really don't want to...I won't bite". You paused "I have an idea, can I borrow your shirt?". "Of course" he nodded and so you took his shirt and changed into that. That way your stylist wouldn't hate you but you didn't have to face him in just your underwear. Yeosang smiled when he saw you coming "you even look hot in that, why am I not surprised?". You walked down the step quickly, enjoying the warm sensation of the water and submerged your shoulders with a sigh. "The temperature is so nice". Yeosang nodded "I always keep it heated. Nobody wants a cold pool". "Why do I get the impression everything you do is carefully thought out like this? That you're a planner?". "I am" Yeosang nodded "when I want something my mind already starts coming up with numerous methods to make that mine...like you". You smiled "numerous ways huh? Okay tell me your other plans that didn't involve a pool". Yeosang smiled coming closer "my first thought was to dance with you tonight but then I realised I'd never seen you dance at clubs and if I had I would've remembered it". He took a step closer."plan two would've been to ask Seonghwa to ask Sakura for your number but that was too safe. I wanted to see you, to immerse myself in you" he said coming closer. "Then I supposed I could've just asked you back here straight away but I wanted to take my time with you, to savour you and that's when I thought of the pool". He was right in front of you now. "I wanted to see every inch of you and I am so happy I did". "Well not every inch” you said and Yeosang smiled. "Y/n the shirt is pretty seethrough" Yeosang replied. You glanced down shocked and realised he was right.  Your purple bra was pretty visible through the wet shirt. Yeosang smirked "you may as well not be wearing it at all". Fuelled on by his attitude and the alcohol you shrugged, set down your drink and took the material off. You tossed his shirt to the side and turned back to him "better?". Yeosang nodded "you have no idea..." sending a shiver down your spine "but let me show you". Yeosang gently set his glass down with one hand and with the other turned your face to his. He kissed you swiftly and you were surprised at how good a kisser he was. You expected him to be but didn't know it would feel this good this quickly. He took control immediately and showed you exactly what to do. Just when you were getting lost in it he separated and ran kisses down your neck making you sigh. "You're making such beautiful noises for me, keep going". You didn't have much choice, the noises were involuntary so you continued and so did Yeosang. Then Yeosang did one of the hottest things a man had ever done. He pulled away and looked at you "can I touch you?". It took you a few seconds to realise he was asking for your consent and you gave it to him enthusiastically. Yeosang smirked and dove right back in. Things progressed from the pool naturally to the bedroom and Yeosang carried you from the former to the latter. You heloed rinse each other down in the shower first which was just teasing. The smirk on his face as he did and then towelling you off proved it. When you finally reached the bedroom you sighed "no more waiting I want you". Yeosang smiled "I'm all yours darling"."
*** You woke up the next morning to find the bed empty. You blinked your eyes open and realised Yeosang was sitting in the seat across from the bed. He didn't have a shirt on and was just in his boxers. He had a coffee and was reading something on his phone but noticed you somehow. "Morning" he called putting his phone to one side and you paused realising you weren't wearing anything and pulled the quilt up over yourself "morning" you replied. Yeosang stood up and came to sit down beside you "no need to be shy, you look gorgeous" and he kissed you. You could've stayed there forever and the way Yeosang began to climb on top of you told you he would've been more than happy with that but your leader would kill you if you were late. You pulled away with a sigh "I have to be at the studio soon". Yeosang purred "how soon? Can't you be a little late so I can make you feel good?". You bit your lip "no it's a shoot so I have to be there". Yeosang sighed and sat to the side "I'd say we could be quick but when it comes to you I have to take my time". "Maybe another time" you teased and Yeosang nodded "I'll hold you to that". You reached your building just in time and your members wanted all the details. You began to explain it when they noticed the marks on your neck. "Y/n..." Kazuha said and you blushed "he was very good". When you got in the make-up chair though your stylist was less impressed. She tutted seeing the marks not hidden by your high collar or the ones revealed when you changed into your skirt. "I thought I covered them well" you said. She shook her head "not for a photo shoot. The ones on your thighs should be okay but you'll have to wear a turtleneck for the neck ones". You nodded "okay...sorry". She shook her head "don't apologise I just hope he's as marked as you are". You smiled "oh I definitely left a fair few on him" and she grinned back "good girl". You didn't see Yeosang again until a week later at a Kpop event. You weren't nervous about seeing him again but were surprised how you did feel a clench in your stomach when he looked at you. He bowed to you and your members, as did the rest of Ateez. You caught his eye accidentally but you couldn't read his expression. He was as angelic as ever and nobody would’ve guessed what happened between you. "Are you two a thing?" Eunchae asked as you took your seats. You shrugged "I have no idea". "You didn't discuss it?" Yunjin asked and you shook your head "no. I'm pretty sure it was just a one-night stand". The girls nodded and looked as G'Idle's Shuhua watched Yeosang very obviously. Your members found out after you’d spent the night together that apparently she was Yeosang's latest girl and she was the main reason you figured nothing more would happen between you. Now you noticed how many girls did watch Yeosang with interest and Shuhua was just one of many but Yeosang was great at playing his character and didn't even seem to notice. Later however you saw him whisper something to Shuhua as he passed and she blushed. That cute flirt was the confirmation you were just a one-night thing and it was fine. You'd had a good night and it was fun so you didn't mind too much. You were playing some drinking games with your other idol friends later on when you felt someone appear behind you. "Hey" Yeosang said in your ear and you paused. He smiled "what not happy to see me?". "No just surprised to see you so soon" you answered honestly. He smiled "well what can I say, I'm struggling to stay away". You blushed and his smile grew "you were delicious the other night. If you're up for another round I'm game". Your blush deepened and you nodded "yeah but I wanna finish this game". Yeosang smiled "of course, play until you're content love. Come get me when you're done" and with a quick kiss to your neck, he disappeared. You stayed with your friends for a while before disappearing back to Yeosang's luxury apartment once more. This time you stayed in the living room where he had the fire roaring and got you both some drinks. You flirted and joked and before you knew it were wrapped up together on the sofa, the bedroom seeming too far away for your immediate needs. You stayed over again and didn't have to rush away as quickly this time so thoroughly got to enjoy your morning together. When you left Yeosang gave you his number and told you to text him if you ever had need of him. So you quickly worked out you were in a friends-with-benefits arrangement and that was more than fine with you. You told Yeosang you would "if that ever happened" and he shot you a devilishly handsome smirk. You would definitely be using that number. 
You had no idea what you’d gotten yourself into but you thought you were going to enjoy it very much. 
This will be a three part series, click here for Part Two and Part Three. 
I know Yeosang is probably a sweetie but I like to think he might also have this side to him. 
I hope it goes without saying but I invented the Seonghwa and Sakura storyline just for the plot. That’s all, they’d be really cute together but this isn’t me shipping them or anything :)
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mrspark7777777 · 1 year
really anon??
i'm sorry but as an army and a fearnot, pls shut the actual fck up
they're under the same label (hybe)
he commented laughing under a tiktok of her viral moment (https://x.com/elsserafim/status/1692180175516291286?s=20) where she messed up her speaking part during their song 'fire in the belly', MANY other idols have made fun of it or referenced it, in fact most of south korea has as well, it's a meme at this point, which we know jk loves to make fun and reference things (jimin, g dragon, namjoon, basically all of bts lol, k dramas, ect)
he's a fan of music in general and likes gg songs. also boy is basically a tokki (new jeans fan) and would not surprise me if he was a fearnot (le sserafim fan), he played fearless (their debut single) in his camping vlog, he was asked to sing antifragile many times (including by namjoon, who also seems to be a fan of them)
bts as a whole have been nice and supportive of their juniors (as they did not really have seniors in the company or industry to do that for them), namjoon, hobi, tae, jimin, and jk have all either done a dance or sang a song from new jeans and/or le sserafim
le sserafim is filled with ARMY, most if not all of them have mentioned bts as someone to look up to/that they like, kazuha is fan of jimin and inspired by him as she is a former ballet dancer, yunjin was literally on army twt (https://x.com/saxophonist95/status/1651896094442373120?s=20), doing army selca day and very much a tae bias, they (like the rest of hybe lol) did the 'run bts' dance challenge, did tiktoks with hobi, jimin, and yoongi, one of my favorite interactions was when sakura and kazuha were asking jimin if he'd do a tiktok with them for 'unforgiven' (where he was the sweetest shy baby 🥺, giving older brother/grandpa energy 😭), yunjin and chaewon even sang part of 3D recently on a wv live (the "body to body" part) (https://x.com/Jungkook_SNS/status/1708553475356029022?s=20)
he commented under JIM BEAM's ACCOUNT, not le sserafim's or chaewon's personal account (like instagram or wv) about the SUGAR CONTENT OF THE DRINK, a question to the DRINK COMPANY. chaewon is just a new model for their highball drink ad, which we know jk likes to drink, including during his recent wv live and on suchwita, he's been dieting to the point he's not eating all day, drinking on an empty stomach, and getting fcking ivs for energy, all while he can't sleep (this boy worries me 😞😞)
gg stans love to fcking over exaggerate things, making jk out to be a pervert and p*do (even when chaewon is 23) bc of the bs people have been spreading about him towards women, to the point k antis are trying to get 3D (even the clean version) age restricted on k charts and get his 3D performance canceled
most of the people being weird about jk were not even fearnots (a lot of army also stan or casually like le sserafim), but unfortunately part of the fandom are also blinks, exols, or other kpop groups stans who don't really care about bts/jk and will do or say ANYTHING to make him look bad bc they're bts antis
jk literally said he does not have a girlfriend or feel the need for one, stop implying he's lying bc you're being weird or insecure about him interacting with something where a woman is present
let opposite sex idols be fcking friends, anytime male and female idols interact y'all make sh*t weird, most if not all of bts have female friends but for some reason (heteronormativity and homophobia) y'all can never be normal and just let them be friends. it happens all the time, especially with namjoon and jk. joon is nice to megan the stallion > he wants to fck her and y'all make him have a fetish with black women/people (people do this with jimin too...), joon is nice to halsey > he wants to fck her/is flirting, joon hangs out with so yoon (the girl he did smoke sprite with) > they're dating (even if there is a very likely chance she's gay/queer), joon attends somi's listening party (like jitb for hobi) > they're dating or he's trying to fck her
it's gets even weirder with jk bc since he was a MINOR people have been sexualizing him, he's thrown into the most bs dating rumors bc he sat near or looked at a woman (hell he doesn't even need to interact with them and psychos connect random sh*t as "proof"), plus i've seen/heard jk say/do things 1,000 times more sus with jimin, but y'all are going to look past that bc it's a woman jk's interacting with... most people (including me lol) don't think mingyu and jk are dating (outside of the jokes the fandom loves to make about anyone jk interacts with, except jimin) when they're out here hanging out together, getting drunk and looking at eo starry eyed while giggling on wv live, wearing matching outfits, jk was liking a shirtless tiktok of mingyu, they were in busan together, jk using mingyu's wv account to comment on one of their other friends' wv live, and many other things that were more sus. also that one time jk slapped his idol friend's butt at an award show and a fan (of that idol) started accusing jk of sa and bh had to sue
also tiktok algorithm is a thing, we know jk follows all hybe groups (including le sserafim), he likes memes and funny videos, he likes alcohol (especially highball), so it's not that far off to say that it might just have showed up on his feed (like i'll call out a solo on twt/x and suddenly my 'for you' section is filled with fcking pjms or jjks 😞, and i then have to spend a couple minutes blocking and clearing my tl), and not necessarily him looking it up bc he wants to fck her or is an obsessed fan (saw some chaewon solos and fearnots (including some big fan accounts 😐) say he's chaewon biased which might have led to kpop stans losing their sh*t)
also i found out chaewon fans (gg stans in general) have a tendency to be overprotective (some guy gave her a rose as part of a scripted thing on a variety show (i think??) which chaewon knew about and agreed to do and they (fans) lost it and threatened the guy to the point he came out and said he's no longer going to interact with female idols), and sometimes i get it bc south korea isn't the best place for women and even less in the idol industry (especially with the amount of grown ass male stans of ggs), like even when le sserafim on this variety show where one of the hosts has a reputation of messing with young female japanese idols (member of twice i think?) and he was making weird comments towards kazuha (she was 19 and is japanese) and every corner of kpop stan twt (including army) were upset and protecting her
pls let just jk interact with people (especially women 😞) without assuming he's fcking them, go outside and make friends (even of the opposite sex), and deal with your sex deprived bs elsewhere anon!
if y'all (kpop stans/weirdos) ruin my sseratan interactions istg....
i need eunchae and jk to interact badly bc that basically his daughter/twin (https://x.com/vyunmiin/status/1609513373414326272?s=20) (https://x.com/jjksamore/status/1610615833754992641?s=20), also i need to see yunjin around her bias (tae 🥺😭)
Damn. Anon came prepared. I don't think I need to add anything else. Anon, please accept this heart. Good job
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g0rechan · 4 months
Okay, random question: If ST was set in a modern day, what are your headcanons of that? Do you think there would be differences in the story or characters? I feel like it'll be hard to have a circus in the modern setting, but that could be a fun horror movie idea with a world with TikTok, like an urban legend almost "Be careful of this road, there's a circus full of monsters" or maybe it could be a weird money hungry cult
AH HELL YEAH I’ve got brain juice for a modern day shoujo tsubaki!
But first, I’ll answer your question, the closest thing we have to this story taking place in modern day is the live action, where it’s not really a freak show, but rather just some… oddballs in a circus. Hence why it was changed to “Red cat circus” instead of “Mr. Arashi’s amazing freak show”. Exploitation and abuse already happens a lot in those entertainment industries. So, sadly, I don’t think they would necessarily be demonized by society as much since Midori’s abuse and the exploitation of the freaks is kept a secret ☹️
Now, onto headcanons!
So Beni and Akaza are Gen X and grew up together. Beni was that one friend who would barge into their friend’s house without warning. They would hang out Thundercats and He-man.
Akaza also loved Dragon Ball and still does to this day. He had the whole manga stack in his room and everything.
Beni loved watching Rainbow Brite and Care Bears, Akaza would get so annoyed and tell her to turn it off. “I don’t wanna watch a girls cartoon!”
Speaking of which, Beni also had a bunch of care bear shit. I’m talking care bear plushies, care bear pajamas, care bear book bags, a lunch box, figurines, and so on…
Muchisute is a millennial and grew up in the late 90s-Early 2000s.
Younger Muchi LOVED Eminem and Limp Bizkit and would try replicate Fred Durst’s and Eminem’s fashion.
His mother would get so mad whenever she heard him listening to the uncensored version of “My name is” 😭 😭
He was also a skater boy and had been doing it since he was 6 years old.
He had a crush on Avril Lavigne when he was younger hehe
He grew up watching stuff like Pokémon, Dragon ball, Cowboy bebop, and adult swim cartoons like Venture bros, Boondocks, and Aqua teen hunger force.
One of his favorite movies was Kids and his favorite character was Casper.
Tbh, teen Muchisute was like a more depressed and quiet version of Telly (in my HC).
Him, Akaza, and Kanabun love GTA, Manhunt, Red dead redemption and a bunch of other violent video games.
Muchisute walked in on Bun playing GTA San Andreas and was like “oh hey I remember this game”
Kanabun responded “Remember?” Cuz he forgot that Muchisute was a kid when the game came out lmaooo. “Yeah, I played that when I was your age!”
Midori loves kpop bands like Blackpink and BTS, she can name all the members at the top of her head.
She has a wattpad account and she reads a lot of kpop, trolls, and mlp fanfics
Kanabun trolls her all the time and tells her the members all look the same lol
Kanabun would have a tik tok where he makes a lot of rage bait and troll videos
He also makes videos trying to replicate his favorite ytuber Ishowspeed in a very unoriginal and low quality manner
Midori watches a lot of makeup and art vids on yt shorts.
Middy loves drawing, she tries to replicate her art after Sailor moon and Cardcaptor Sakura.
Her favorite sailor scout is Sailor Mars.
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Watched LSRF's documentary and I guess I have some thoughts and a headache I need to distract myself from.
Overall, the doc was nothing special. Episode 1 was ridiculous. They filmed LSRF like they were the Beatles - incredibly dramatic music and a classic, heavy documentary style for a two! year old group. Thankfully, they toned it down a lot for the other episodes. I thought the last episode would never end... It stopped being interesting after Kkura's amazing and relatable reflection about happiness. After a lot of tears, they tried to make the last episode more about their bond and great story, but it was boring. This "review" has no structure, so bear with me. Episode 2 was about Eunchae, Kazuha, and Yunjin, while episode 3 was about Sakura and Chaewon - except they spent 20 minutes on Sakura and 5 minutes on Chaewon... as if there was nothing worth showing about Chaewon since she isn't regularly criticized for anything. She had a bigger spotlight in episode 4 due to her small break from activities, which caused by something she couldn't control - a flu. Clearly if no one is crying or feeling unwell, why have them on screen?
The biggest goal of this doc was to make LSRF look sympathetic and show how much they suffer and how hard they work. It's what you see in every idol documentary, so there's nothing outstanding about it - no offense. What was very noticeable to me was that in the first LSRF doc their staff looked like assholes, while in this one they were endlessly understanding and encouraging. Obviously, this is also a publicity stunt for Source Music. While the doc made a good job of showing the highs and lows of the girls lives, it was often less about showing their true selves and more about addressing every single critique they get.
Watching all 5 parts, I don't understand why stans were so shocked on Reddit. Compassionate? Yes. Shocked? No. Anxiety, frustration, exhaustion, fame/a dream not living up to expectations, etc. are all famous people 101. It's always the same regardless if they're Western stars, idols, or athletes. Many aspects of these people's lives are crap, due to pressure, lack of privacy, lack of time for themselves, facing public judgment, expectations vs. reality, bad contracts, competitive and perfectionist personalities, etc. But the doc didn't show anything you couldn't have seen in a random Netflix special. Also, not being happy or knowing what happiness is is pretty common at their age.
I'm not saying this to be unsympathetic or because I didn't feel for them, but I don't care about them enough to cry about it, and kpop stans need a reality check. This doc didn't really show the dark side of kpop, as much as the dark side of fame and success.
I was a bit shocked by how often Sakura broke down in tears though. She's very insecure and unhappy with her performance. She's also a perfectionist. Eunchae was the same, but she's too young to be in this industry. Her panic attack was the most concerning incident, but the dance teacher said it sometimes happened when she struggled for breath? Does she suffer from panic attacks or asthma? I don't understand if she actually panicked or just had shortness of breath.
Most of my thoughts while watching the documentary were about how stupid Source Music is as well as the industry in general. It's all terrible inefficient. Working hard isn't enough to get good results. They debuted a minor Eunchae who can't sing well, struggles with confidence, and looks scared or empty on stage most of the time. They debuted Sakura who can't sing and doesn't seem to ever have learned the basics. They debuted Kazuha who barely had time to learn to dance or sing... If they can't do the basics, it doesn't matter how much they practice, especially when they are fatigued and have no time to focus on honing their skills. Kazuha improved a lot, but Sakura and Eunchae haven't as much. They also have to pull off these tiring choreos and practice all day but it doesn't help that they seem to be too weak. If the company insisted on them working out and bulking up a bit, surely their moves would have more power and their endurance would improve? But maybe they would be "less attractive". And why waste time and tire the girls out shooting Easy for VEVO 8 times when the differences between takes were probably minimal?? I never saw the members happy about dancing and performing. It was all about perfection and reaching greater heights, but where was the drive to make music, dance, and perform? I didn't see a lot if it - only some excitement for the tour (and Yunjin who loves writing music). It kind of reminds me of BTS, who genuinely love performing and music, but at some point the pressure took some of the fun out it. I'm not sure LSFR love performing as much, which makes happiness harder for them. No wonder they have to work so much on their facial expressions. Every idol does, but when you really love performing it's a lot more natural. Kpop is just stupid. You can fake less than stellar singing in the studio and less than stellar dancing in MVs, but when idols are performing live, you can't fake anything. Most of them have 0 stage presence, poor singing skills, and so-so dancing. Why give idols choreos where all they do is jump around and there's no room for the idols to sing and the fans to appreciate the choreo? I was watching EN's new MV and the choreo practice and performance videos, and I can't remember a second of it. Most of their choreos are them jumping around like mad men in a rotating move while making sexy facial expressions (except in the cute choreos where they make cute facial expressions). None of it is memorable, appealing, genuine, unique, or interesting to watch. If companies were smarter, they'd give groups dynamic choreos, with hard-hitting moves as well as softer ones, with moments for idols to sing and engage the audience, and they would let the idols show individuality instead of perfect, boring synchronization. They would also invest more in talent and training. This is why there is no next BTS, and why SKZ and Ateez are the most popular and impactful boy groups right now. I don't get why companies don't get this. But it's easy for me to say, obviously.
This is just a rant. Thanks if you read all of it.
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60sgroove · 5 months
this is a rant. tbh i don't like kpop for the music i like kpop because the girls are pretty and i like seeing pretty girls have a fun time. i am the problem with kpop fans. it's me. i'm just being real i personally find the music to be straight ass or uninspired most of the time. there are some bangers that i enjoy for sure (antifragile, drama >>>>>>, hype boy, midas touch for example) but at the end of the day i am here for the aesthetic. if a group is having a comeback i am excited not for the music but for the looks that they will hopefully serve. the thing is is that I know this isn't actually unpopular but a lot of kpop fans are in denial. i'm sure there are fans who do enjoy the majority of the music but it has never been more clear that visuals outweigh talent in the kpop industry. sometimes you get the best of both worlds and you have an idol who is gorgeous (winter my fave) and can hold a note but sometimes you get straight visuals who simply cannot contribute musically to their group. i was thinking about this because of le sserafim's coachella performance. i am a sakura/eunchae stan and they cannot sing and i don't really care. i think they are sweet girls who add to the group in other ways. ig it sucks for kpop fans who want a listenable live performance but that just couldn't be me. every other day i see some video about how terrible an encore was (e.g. illit recently) and i'm just like yeah of course it was terrible??? the trend in kpop is to not sing live and to have pre-recorded stages and that is even for groups who CAN sing. like at this point idek how some people enjoy kpop when they have standards that belong back in 2010.
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loserlvrss · 10 months
꒰ 𝐁𝐔𝐘 𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 ꒱ 咲良/サクラ
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summary : your boyfriend has a track record of not being around, and your tipping point was him leaving you alone on christmas
genre : romance, kpop-idol!sakura x afab!reader, friends to lovers tws : language, implied cheating, emotional neglect author notes : little christmas ting, kkura's my girlfriend #reallyreal word count : 1.6k
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“y/n,” you looked from the glass cup your fore-finger was circling. The man across the table, your boyfriend of what seemed like all your time yet none of it all, was trying to gauge your attention on him. “i can’t be with you this christmas, i’m sorry i ha—”
you deadpanned, borderline a disgusted look on your face. “wait, are you fucking serious?” you expect let-downs on the regular, but he knew that this holiday was your favorite, and if you didn’t spend it with him, you wouldn’t spend it with anyone. he knew the last thing you wanted to do was be alone on christmas… after the last time.
“baby,” he began, but it didn’t even have an ounce of sincerity, “work has just been so busy, baby, i’ll try to get off but you know—”
“no.” you blurted defeatedly, knowing that if you didn’t stop him it would somehow morph into it being your fault he had to work. “no, you and i both know it’s no use. it’s fine, i understand.”
he smiled solemnly, you returning it half-heartedly, “thank you, i’ll make it up to you. i promise.” he began getting up, collecting his things from the chair next to him and pulling his winter coat to sit on his shoulders. “i have to run, and i’ll be late. so, i’ll just see you tomorrow, okay? don’t wait up for me, baby.”
you sighed, “you better make it up to me.”
he kissed the top of your head in response, promptly leaving you to finish the coffee sat in front of you all on your lonesome. it was almost embarrassing, causing you to look around and see if anyone was openly judging you.
sometimes, it seems like you find yourself debating if the good outweighs the neglect more than you find yourself just thinking about your boyfriend — like you should be doing instead of the latter — however, you really can’t tell if he loves you or just loves the idea of being in love with you.
the snow disappeared against your hands as you awaited your ride. you stuffed the bitter feeling deep inside, and tried to not focus on the descent of the situation. at least he always made do with making it up to you. he always kept his word, when sometimes you wished he didn’t; sometimes you wished just once he’d lie with your thoughts in his mind.
you watched as a black van pulled off to the side, the rear passenger side swinging open. the person in the car beckoned for you to follow as they swiftly pushed themselves to the other seat, making room for you. you did as desired, getting into the car and pulling the door shut. the warm air instantly found place around you, causing goosebumps to line your skin.
the atmosphere was quiet and calm, despite your racing thoughts and blood as the driver pulled back onto the bustling streets of seoul during rush hour.
you looked to your left, where a greyish-lavender haired girl was sat turned to you. her eyes were wide, mostly because you hadn’t said a word since getting into the backseat with your best friend in the entire world. she was wearing a fancy outfit in contrast to the casual style she’d usually opt for, and her makeup was still done. it made you wonder if she had just finished with a schedule, or if she was still in the middle of one.
“kkura,” you began, but you knew that she’d drop anything for you — and she has, evidently — making a slight blush creep onto your features, “did you at least tell them where you were going?”
“our manager and i are locked in,” she joked, twisting her middle and fore-finger together, “he won’t tell a soul.”
“what if you’re kidnapped one day?”
she gave you a knowing look, “you have my location on, dummy. it’s not gonna happen on your watch.”
you turned away, looking out at the fluorescent lights that casted against the moon, which had just started rising. there was a slight snow that you could only visibly see through the beams or as the flakes crashed against the windshield. sakura placed a hand on top of yours, telling you non-verbally to say what was on your mind; though you weren’t even sure anymore.
your eyes started to well in the comfort of her presence. you spoke softly, but still loud enough over the beeping and screeching of tires.
“he said he wasn’t going to be with me on christmas.”
“w-what?” she choked, twisting her body so that her leg closest to you rested on the leather, “are you fucking serious? again?”
"i don't know why I stay with him at this point. first it was valentine's day and now christmas. maybe he doesn't love me as much as i want him to."
"then he's a fool." she scoffed out, "you're too good for him anyways — i bet he didn't even get you anything, much less something good. i don't wanna be this person, but i love you and you should know you have options despite being committed to a man who isn't committed to you."
you were taken aback, taking more than a couple of seconds to process the truth-bomb she had launched on you. the more you think about it, the more the pieces fall into places you didn't want them to; but, you can't force a square into a circle. you thought you could take it, but how long is too long to feel alone before it starts to take a toll? maybe you weren't meant to be with him — no, you weren't — you deserved someone who would be there for you on a holiday that is literally dedicated to spending it with family and loved-ones.
once, you admit could've been a fluke, something you got over. then what was twice? just a coincidence? if this was something you were supposed to get used to, you thought you were doing a bad job at convincing yourself to just live with it.
in reality, the words i love you can only makes you feel so loved when actions speak louder — despite your efforts to keep them quiet.
truthfully, the only person who has ever showed you how much you meant to them was the woman sat at your side, comforting you when she should be yelling at you to break up with him. but, she knew you better than that, and sometimes you were convinced she knew you better than yourself. she knew you’d never do something simply because she told you to, she knew you’d think it over diligently, weigh out the pros and cons before jumping head first into something you can’t undo.
she knew you, when you didn’t even know yourself. she knew your desires and your needs. and you knew that she was one to put them above all else, otherwise she wouldn’t be sitting in traffic with you. she knew you and she loved you despite how stupid you could be sometimes when trying to please everyone.
“kkura?” your voice came out as a squeak, and her attention peaked with you meeting her eyes, “should i break up with him — for good?” you almost winced out.
there was zero hesitation in her voice, "yes." she said simply.
you didn't expect to give in to her desires, much less her as well, but maybe it was too much to watch someone she cares about be unhappy.
"you deserve to be happy with someone who treats you like an actual person and not an object that is bought and returned whenever he gets bored. you deserve — y-you deserve someone like —"
you kept staring wide-eyed. sure, you've heard sakura be adamant, however it was not often that it was on your behalf. but what else would you really expect from her? you thought you had an understanding over her, but the way she stuttered while looking all but through you (like you were so used to) flustered your mind.
her voice lowered significantly, "— someone like me."
"I mean, you deserve someone who would drop anything to come pick you up during rush hour, outside some random-ass coffee shop in seoul during the holidays. you deserve so much more, and i'm sorry that i can't take your side if you decide to stay with him. you know i'd do anything, but y/n, i can't do that."
"it's okay," you don't know why the desire to put a hand on her cheek arose, however you let it get washed away with the windshield wiper against snow. "i don't think i'm going to go against you. i think it's too much. i-i'm just tired, kkura. i'm tired of being the second choice."
maybe she was super-human and could read your mind; it would explain how she could always be at your side and seemingly never get in trouble for it. she reached out a hand and tenderly touched your cheek, wiping away a tear that you hadn't realized fell. "you're never my second choice."
you almost resisted the feeling bubbling inside you as her thumb soothed your burning skin. you almost pulled away from her touch — almost didn't give in to the temptation, the intimacy that felt so foreign but comfortable. you almost laughed when you realized that the boyfriend you needed wasn't even a boy at all; you know she treats you better anyways.
"kkura?" you voiced, asking breathily into the air. her eyes were piercing you, boring into the crevasses you weren't even scared of her seeing. she hummed a response, too caught up in staring at your lips moving to even verbally get anything else out. "will you spend christmas with me?"
you hadn't realized the proximity — or lack therefor-of — until her breath was hitting the bottom half of your face.
"yes," she practically sighed out in relief, almost like she thought you'd ask never ask, "but not as friends."
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hifumihime · 10 months
Not sure anyone will read/care about this but I need a spot to vent about this whole "Idols "recommending" Made in Abyss" thing that's currently trending on twitter because I feel like I'm losing my mind (also I have no one else to talk about this).
So, one tweet from an unverified account posted that several idols were out here promoting and recommending the manga/anime Made in Abyss to their fans... and like... that's not at all what happened? One of them mentioned in a live off hand that he was going to watch it (along with a list of other shows), but stated he probably wouldn't finish them because he was currently touring. He apparently has never brought it up again. Another had a volume on the floor in the corner of a photo he took on his instagram story. He has also never talked about it before or since.
I have not read or watched Made in Abyss, but I follow several anime accounts online and basically every single person was recommending this show when it came out in 2017. It's still highly regarded in the anime community. I have never seen a single person ever speak about the "sexual" moments in it. I was curious and decided to read the first 3 chapters and... yeah, there's one part right in chapter 1 that has a pretty gross illustration of the child protagonist, which I'm not going to go into more detail here because it did make me extremely uncomfortable. I will note that apparently the South Korean version of the manga/anime is heavily censored and also rated mature, but I've not seen what the censoring in question looks like, so I don't know how much they could have read/watched that in, say, the North American/Japanese versions.
My overall opinion, after sleeping on this, is that calling these idols predators or worse is an extreme over-exaggeration. I'm not surprised people are saying this because the tendency for fandoms to overreact and be the morality police are worse than ever before, but if we're really cancelling these people for reading "problematic" fiction/dead dove content, then I'd be right alongside them.
From my physical manga collection alone, I can name three series I own that would get me cancelled:
After the Rain: protagonist, a high school girl, falls in love with an older man (mid-40s?) who serves her at a family diner. She starts working there, and they develop a friendship. Spoiler: nothing happens between them
Cardcaptor Sakura: pretty well known magical girl series so I won't go into the plot, but like.... looking back on it, there were a TON of age-gap romances in here, one of which being a teacher and an elementary school student. I remember being in elementary school and reading it for the first time and being weirded out by it. Spoiler: nothing happens here either (though I have not read the clear card sequel series)
Daytime Shooting Star: Romance with a love triangle between her teacher (wow I'm realizing I read a lot of age gap/teacher/student stuff) and a classmate. Spoiler: she doesn't end up with her teacher!!
I can think of a ton of other non-anime related examples of "problematic"/dark fiction that I love too: Game of Thrones, Last of Us, House of Leaves, My Dark Vanessa.... One of the best books I've read last year was about a cannibal. I guess to twitter, I am also a cannibal?
I think the unfortunate reality of being an anime fan is that basically 80% of the shit out there has "problematic" elements to it, or as I like to call it, "anime bullshit". And I think a lot of kpop fans have not actually watched anime or read manga and aren't aware of this.
You're allowed to feel uncomfortable with fiction. You're allowed to be weirded out that an idol likes a dark manga that has children as the main protagonists, where awful things happen to them. But at the same time, people are allowed to read dark content as well and that does NOT make them pedos, abusers, etc. That is a horrible accusation to make against someone, especially with no proof other than the fact that they may or may not own a volume of an extremely popular manga series. I really feel like the internet as a whole does not realize that words have meaning, and accusing someone of such vile behavior because of the fiction they may or may not read is just... insane. It's insane behavior. Please go outside.
Anyway if you read all of this, congrats. I'm basically word vomiting this all out at 6 am because I'm bad at sleeping. Would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on the matter honestly!
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