#s6 to s15 is filler
sonnendeathiccur · 4 months
I think what many people do not get ( and what frightens me really bc it is so directly in your face) is how, well southern gothic supernatural is.
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 16
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You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler.
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S16E1 Reverse Cowgirl is CANON Since Betsy dies in it, it basically has major consequences for the Donovan family. S16E2 Cash for Gold is FILLER Marvin Marsh is in-and-out of retirement home since this one, but it's never explained.
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S16E3 Faith Hilling is FILLER It's about memes and fads and those will never stay relevant.
S16E4 Jewpacabra is FILLER Eric learns a lot about jewish faith and tells Kyle he's now jewish too. This will happen one more time and even then it won't stay like that.
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S16E5 Butterballs is FILLER Butters' grandmother never returns and Stan jacking off in Sad Diego happens again in the next episode which is... S16E6 I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining is FILLER We're even subjected to reconstructed events of a documentary instead of the real events.
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S16E7 Cartman Finds Love is CANON Nichole Daniels moves to town, Cupid Me is introduced, Nichole is from now on is in a relationship with Tolkien. In the middle of a mainly filler season, we have a surprisingly important episode. S16E8 Sarcastaball is FILLER Unrelated, but has anyone noticed how similar Butters is to Orel from Moral Orel? And their dads, Stephen and Clay are even more similar.
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S16E9 Raising the Bar is FILLER The bar gets raised in the episode, but I don't think that has actually happened in real life, nor seems to have happened in-universe based on the celebrities they cover later. S16E10 Insecurity is FILLER Yes, the Farmer Fred is in this, but it won't make the cut either way.
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S16E11 Going Native is FILLER Butters turn out to be Hawaiian and bring Kenny for an angry rant on Ben Affleck. S16E12 A Nightmare on Facetime is FILLER It's basically the prototype version of the season 23 plotline.
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S16E13 A Scause For Applause is FILLER Jesus Christ doping is not necessarily a part of the character in any other episodes.
S16E14 Obama Wins! is FILLER Since Obama was the president in the last 15 episodes as well, it doesn't change much that he will stay. Also, the plotline involving Star Wars not becoming Disney's property is silly considering they won't follow through with the idea and instead revert to following what happened in real life during season 20.
S16E1 Reverse Cowgirl is CANON S16E2 Cash for Gold is FILLER S16E3 Faith Hilling is FILLER S16E4 Jewpacabra is FILLER S16E5 Butterballs is FILLER S16E6 I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining is FILLER S16E7 Cartman Finds Love is CANON S16E8 Sarcastaball is FILLER S16E9 Raising the Bar is FILLER S16E10 Insecurity is FILLER S16E11 Going Native is FILLER S16E12 A Nightmare on Facetime is FILLER S16E13 A Scause For Applause is FILLER S16E14 Obama Wins! is FILLER
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14 S16: 2 out of 14
Overall: 99 out of 238
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inacatastrophicmind · 7 months
Hi! So I have never seen supernatural but after years of tumbler exposing me to it I caved and watched some highlight videos. Needless to say, I have fallen completely in love with the characters and I want to watch the show. However I have heard some things about the later seasons, so I need some advice. Do you think there are any seasons I should skip? I don't want to lose interest in the show just cuz one season sucked you know?
Each fan has a season or a couple of seasons that they hate or don't really like that much. In my case, my least favorite season is s14,while for other people it might be s6 or s11.
Still, I don't think it would be wise to skip seasons, because you will be lost when certain plot points are brought back in later seasons. My advice is that you skip some of the filler episodes in the later seasons, and well, I highly reccomend you to avoid the last episode of s15 at all costs because it destroys the characters and the whole story.
But even when the storyline wasn't at its best in certain seasons, I enjoyed just watching my favorite characters regardless of the plot, because I love them that much. So you have to ask yourself if you want to watch certain episodes that aren't that good just to see your favorite characters once more, and if that isn't the case, just skip the episode. I know certain people have skipped some of the worst and blandest episodes of SPN that weren't heavy plot realated amd they could follow the story without any problem, so you can do that. Every season has its good and bad episodes, even the ones that are less likedby fans. So yeah, I highly reccomend you to skip certain episodes instead of whole seasons.
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cinnamonkittenz · 3 years
Rating the ninjago season based on what I’ve gathered from binging the show in 3 weeks while not paying attention 70% of the time
(Spoilers obviously)
Season 1 / Pilot: not often on TV but a very good introduction to the story, love the concept of the skeletons and Garmadon being a knock off Hades, I wish they continued with that instead of the snakes, sadly kinda too fast paced but hey it’s supposed to be a movie I guess, 9/10
Season 2: what my local kids channel played for 5 years on loop, a classic but I’m tired of it bc I’ve seen it too often, has a lot of plot holes and the snakes are too goofy at times for my taste, terrible animation in comparison to the newer seasons, 5/10
Season 3: not as good as I remember it to be but their outfits slap, we finally get to meet PIXAL our queen, the trip to space was kinda random and unnecessary, but the shock when Zane died tho???? 12 year old me was devastated, 8/10
Season 4: really interesting premise, I wish they had committed to Zane staying dead or at least staying away for longer tho, the tension is lost halfway through the season somehow, we need more Skylor content, 7/10
Season 5: Nya has powers now?? And oh it’s just the thing we need to defeat the ghosts???? And airjitzu????? Really?????? Great writing very wow, but Cole being turned into a ghost had me shook so that’s really what saves this season for me, gonna have to subtract some points again tho bc Morro is yelling so much and so loud and it’s annoying, 5.5/10
Season 6: I like the idea of the evil dschinn in a bottle but the rest?? Dschinnjago (how tf is it even spelled)?? What the fuck where’s the creativity, and I hate how literally no one gets character development besides Jay and Nya, literally everyone else had no personality and then gets sucked into that sword, if you’re a jaya stan good for you but this season was so boring to me, 4/10
Season 7: okay this is a hot take bc apparently people kinda like this season and maybe it’s bc I paid even less attention than usual but it was so bad,,,,, snakes again? Can we come up with something different please? Yes the time blades are a cool concept but the rest?? And the character design of the villains is so bad, like seriously what the fuck, my eyes are bleeding, 2/10
Season 8: I was kind of sceptical when they suddenly started with that royal family stuff but Harumi,,, my beloved, the one and only girl boss, I think she’s the best villain of the entire show (yes her goal is kinda cheap but the reason for it and the way she behaves is just top tier villiany), the motorcycle gang is kinda fun as well, dad Cole has my whole heart, and the ending???? BRO?????? 9/10
Season 9: in retrospect it’s really just 4 gays raising a kid in the desert, gives me big mad max fury road vibes at least the aesthetic (i haven’t seen the movie lol), the junk yard baron guy and the faith plot are kinda cringe tho and the HTTYD scene with Kai?? They don’t even try to conceal that it’s a knock off, same camera angle and everything, the plot in ninjago city is like,,,, bro is this still a kids show?? This is straight up ‚a bunch of teens try to fight the fascistic regime in a post apocalyptic world‘, the whole season feels like a filler tho so 7.5/10
Season 10: that Lloyd / Garmadon fight really is something, have the creators forgotten they’re making a kids show??? Don’t remember much besides Harumi straight up dying and thinking that Skylor needs more screentime besides being a plot device, 7/10
Season 11: the beginning is veeeery slow which is kind of annoying and what happened to the plot with Aspheera?? Did I not pay attention again or....?? but the rest? Chefs kiss, love it, Akita my beloved,,,,, I didn’t see Zane as the emperor coming at first (although it’s pretty on the nose now that i think about it) but it’s so dark and so well written I love it,,, like I said a thousand times without the advisor guy and them not having to make it suitable for kids it could have been even better, the ending was so rushed tho and the conflicts were resolved way too easily, that’s why I have to subtract a point, 9/10
Season 12: this season could have used so much more superstar rocking jay content,,, seriously if you give Jay yet another season then fucking commit to it, the second half of the season is literally s6 all over again and I hate it, yes we get it jaya rules but please,,, give the other characters some screentime and development, the way the conflict with unagami is solved is,, questionable??? Like that’s not how it works bro, 6.5/10
Season 13: not at all what I expected it to be bc I had seen so much amazing stuff on here so I was pretty disappointed bc it didn’t feel like Cole’s season, the evil dad trope is overused so pls stop it, the uply (???) and their animated short slapped, we need to see more of Cole’s mom,,, pleeasseeeee, 7/10
Season 14: what the fuck?? Is going on???? Is this even a season??? What’s up with the western colonizers club????? I know it’s set up for s15 but I really didn’t like it esp the portrayal of indigenous people as savages (at least it has the vibe), 1/10
Season 15: listen I’m just not a fan of non human species in the lego world, the snakes were okay but these sea bitches look horrible, the evil son had a great voice actor tho, and the ending,,,,,, bro i still haven’t recovered, I never expected them to commit to something like that, 6.5/10
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strangermask · 3 years
Plasma got me thinking and how well a slow burn would work for the ship
And what would be the best place to start it?
Either after s5 (like a new s6 or just a filler) or after s15 with the right cards
And it’s just 👌
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feministsouthpark · 2 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 22
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S22E1 Dead Kids is CANON
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Sets up the main theme for the season, which is the fact that school shootings happen way too often. We get comfirmation that Nichole and Tolkien got back together since their breakup in S20E2. Stan gets shot at the end. S22E2 A Boy and a Priest is CANON
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Stan has his arms in a cast, which is the only way they ever acknowledge his incident from the previous canon episode, which means this one is canon, even if most of its content is basically filler. Clyde has his birthday party for which is probably the same birthday he invited others in S21E8. Stan also seems to love board games now, which is a follow-up to S18E6. S22E3 The Problem with a Poo is CANON
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This is the continuation of the Strong Woman arc from S21E10, in which she got pregnant, and now she is giving birth. Her children will return in later episodes and get their own arcs. Mr. Hankey also gets banished from the town. S22E4 Tegridy Farms is CANON
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If there is one episode that you won't ever question the canonicity of is this one. If the season premiere set the tone for the season, this one sets the tone for the next season and basically serves a new pilot for the remainder of the series. They were not joking around with this one. S22E5 The Scoots is LORE
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Kenny bonds with Mr. Mackey and while the scooters will appear later, other than their existence, the events of the episode don't matter much. S22E6 Time to Get Cereal is CANON
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How could it not be, when ManBearPig not only appears, after being heavily foreshadowed back in S10. (Yes, I know real life context is different, but by storytelling logic that is what has happened), but Satan is also back for the ride and sets up a new development for his arc, but that is to come in the very connected next episode... S22E7 Nobody Got Cereal? is CANON
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Satan v ManBearPig fight to the death. This is a big one for the series canon, which has had Satan go through a ton of development that helped him get to this very point. S22E8 Buddha Box is CANON
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The Strong Woman arc continues! Seems like this season is really good at switching between a few multi-season storylines to focus on. Eric also gets diagnosed with anxiety. S22E9 Unfulfilled is CANON
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Yeah, sure, why not? Tweek Bros. Coffee is no longer alive, due to Amazon, this might have helped Helen's independence in later seasons. The mall workers are now zombies from abandonment. But this is more obviously a set-up for the finale and that one IS canon, because... S22E10 Bike Parade is CANON
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This is the culmination of the season as a whole. Although if I really want to find a reason for this one to count, we see Ned to be alive after the events of S22E6, which made it dubious if he survived his incident with ManBearPig.
S22E1 Dead Kids is CANON S22E2 A Boy and a Priest is CANON S22E3 The Problem with a Poo is CANON S22E4 Tegridy Farms is CANON S22E5 The Scoots is LORE* S22E6 Time to Get Cereal is CANON S22E7 Nobody Got Cereal? is CANON S22E8 Buddha Box is CANON S22E9 Unfulfilled is CANON S22E10 Bike Parade is CANON *We learn how the scoots in the finale first appeared
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13   S2: 3 out of 18   S3: 6 out of 18   S4: 10 out of 17   S5: 8 out of 14   S6: 11 out of 17  S7: 6 out of 15  S8: 4 out of 14  S9: 8 out of 14  S10: 4 out of 14  S11: 4 out of 14  S12: 8 out of 14  S13: 3 out of 14  S14: 7 out of 14  S15: 6 out of 14  S16: 2 out of 14  S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game  S18: 8 out of 10  S19: 9 out of 10  S20: 10 out of 10 S21: 7 out of 10 + a highly lore based game + 2 DLCs S22: 9 out of 10
Overall: 146 out of 298 Personal notes: This season is heavily serialized, however unlike S20, not all 10 episodes follow the same storylines, mostly 2 episodes share a storyline and that's it. We have two two-parters and another two that are part of another storyline, a status quo changing episode and several cross-references between them all. South Park keeps finding new ways to handle continuity.
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 19
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You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler. S19E1 Stunning and Brave is CANON
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This is a big one. Principal Victoria gets fired and Peter Charles Principal replaces her at South Park Elementary. S19E2 Where My Country Gone? is CANON
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Herbert decides to be a politician which will shift the whole storyline for that character in a big way. Butters also gets into a relationship with Charlotte. S19E3 The City Part of Town is CANON
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Three packed episodes in a row! In this one the whole town is evolving, getting updates and new hangout places, we're deep in the gentrification. S19E4 You're Not Yelping is LORE
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David gets included with the boys, and I wish it would have stuck, but it really didn't, however in the next few episodes they act like it did. Gerald starts enjoying writing mean things on the internet, which is somewhat of an important character development for him. but it's not enough to be considered ultimately necessary. S19E5 Safe Space is CANON
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Reality makes Butters jump out of a window, which causes him to wear a neck brace for the rest of the season, and then he has to execute Reality. S19E6 Tweek X Craig is CANON
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The japanese have decided that Craig and Tweek are now a couple. Cupid Me also returns. S19E7 Naughty Ninjas is CANON
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Barbrady gets included in a larger conspiracy case which somehow inlcudes both Leslie AND PC Principal? S19E8 Sponsored Content is CANON
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The annual Jimmy episode actually invokes the main storyline of the season, fighting against commercials. S19E9 Truth and Advertising is CANON
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Leslie moves on from Jimmy and gets into a relationship with Kyle. S19E10 PC Principal Final Justice is CANON
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PC Principal expels Leslie, it's revealed that Mr Mackey fired Principal Victoria, and Herbert goes on to run for presidency, setting up the next season.
S19E1 Stunning and Brave is CANON S19E2 Where My Country Gone? is CANON S19E3 The City Part of Town is CANON S19E4 You're Not Yelping is LORE* S19E5 Safe Space is CANON S19E6 Tweek X Craig is CANON S19E7 Naughty Ninjas is CANON S19E8 Sponsored Content is CANON S19E9 Truth and Advertising is CANON S19E10 PC Principal Final Justice is CANON *There's a character who gets development in this episode and will be seen hanging out with the boys during the next 3 episodes with little to no lines.
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14 S16: 2 out of 14 S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game S18: 8 out of 10 S19: 9 out of 10
Overall: 120 out of 268
Personal notes: At one point I thought S19 will be the first full-canon season, ultimately You're Not Yelping doesn't have enough follow-up for that. However, just like S6 it doesn't have any clear filler episodes.
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 18
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You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler. S18E1 Go Fund Yourself is CANON
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The boys leave school and start a company. In a new experiment, season 18 did a premiere that gives the season its footing, though I'm not sure it was decided then they made this one, since the second episode of the season is the one that decided to add backstory and consequences to this episode. S18E2 Gluten Free Ebola is CANON
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The boys return to school and everyone dislikes them for their past actions. They try to become popular again, and Randy disguises himself as Lorde to escape from quarantine. S18E3 The Cissy is CANON
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Turns out Randy IS Lorde. And boom, just like that we have the main storyline of the season, which wasn't planned at all, it's all based on a Spin reporter bashing South Park for "making fun" of Lorde, apparently missing the joke that it's Randy. The notion that Stan is slowly but surely becoming more like his dad is also heavily included in the episode. S18E4 Handicar is CANON
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No, not because Lorde is in it, it's because it follows the Nathan and Mimsy storyline from Crippled Summer. Which will be continued even more later. S18E5 The Magic Bush is FILLER
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Laura Tucker has a video of herself gone viral, but after this episode, it's not remembered by anyone. S18E6 Freemium Isn't Free is CANON
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Stan and Satan are on good terms by now, the Marsh family addiction problem plays a major role in the story as well. S18E7 Grounded Vindaloop is FILLER
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Yes, it gets a callback in the season finale, but if you really think about it, none of the episodes are canon except this one. Which makes this one non-canon, when we are exploring the lore of the other episodes. S18E8 Cock Magic is CANON
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The reason this one has to be included is a reference from the following episode that doesn't make sense without context. S18E9 #REHASH is CANON
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Eric rises as a streamer. Lorde makes a huge mistake. S18E10 #HappyHolograms is CANON
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The villain (Eric) gets taken down by the hero (PewDiePie), and the story arc ends.
S18E1 Go Fund Yourself is CANON S18E2 Gluten Free Ebola is CANON S18E3 The Cissy is CANON S18E4 Handicar is CANON S18E5 The Magic Bush is FILLER S18E6 Freemium Isn't Free is CANON S18E7 Grounded Vindaloop is FILLER S18E8 Cock Magic is CANON S18E9 #REHASH is CANON S18E10 #HappyHolograms is CANON
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14 S16: 2 out of 14 S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game S18: 8 out of 10
Overall: 111 out of 258
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feministsouthpark · 2 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 20
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Warning: This one would be fairly boring if I did it the usual way, since every episode is part of a strongly serialized canon arc, so instead of pointing out every connection the episodes have, I'll just highlight some of the major events that will stay relevant even after the season finale. Also, spoilers ahead, as usual, skip to the end if you are a first-time viewer. S20E1 Member Berries is CANON S20E2 Skank Hunt is CANON S20E3 The Damned is CANON
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Eric wears a shirt that Stan asks about in S25. Heidi quits twitter which helps her connect a bit with Eric, who got all his electronic stuff broken by the rest of the boys. Herbert is running the presidency campaign from last season. Kyle is after a troll, who is in fact his father, Gerald. All the girls break up with their boyfriends. S20E4 Wieners Out is CANON S20E5 A Douche and a Danish is CANON S20E6 Fort Collins is CANON
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Charlotte breaks up with Butters and Butters beigns his incel phase. Heidi and Eric are officially dating. The danish people are working together with Heidi to reveal everyone's internet history. S20E7 Oh, Jeez is CANON
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Herbert wins the election with the help of Member Berries, and therefor will stay as the president of the United States for the next few seasons. Stan works on himself to win back Wendy. S20E8 Members Only is CANON S20E9 Not Funny is CANON S20E10 The End of Serialization as We Know It is CANON
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Eric loses his enthusiasm regarding his relationship with Heidi, however they are still a couple by next season. Herbert as a president still cares about Mr. Slave a lot. Gerald defeats the main villain of the season, Lennart Bedrager, and the internet is restarted.
S20E1 Member Berries is CANON S20E2 Skank Hunt is CANON S20E3 The Damned is CANON S20E4 Wieners Out is CANON S20E5 A Douche and a Danish is CANON S20E6 Fort Collins is CANON S20E7 Oh, Jeez is CANON S20E8 Members Only is CANON S20E9 Not Funny is CANON S20E10 The End of Serialization as We Know It is CANON
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14 S16: 2 out of 14 S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game S18: 8 out of 10 S19: 9 out of 10 S20: 10 out of 10
Overall: 130 out of 278
Personal notes: It's a fairly divisive or even hated season, however I think it's underrated and besides Oh, Jeez, an entertaining and interesting ride. It deserves some credit for being the first full-canon season, as @kennys-parka-jacket called it back in my season 6 overview.
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feministsouthpark · 2 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 26
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S26E1 Cupid Ye is FILLER
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I don't buy the relevancy. Kyle is now best friends with Tolkien and Stan is jealous, even though for the past season we had Stan and Tolkien bond and even in this season they will continue to be a duo. This really seems like a filler. S26E2 The Worldwide Privacy Tour is FILLER
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I really like the part when the prince and his wife move into Liane's old house, as they make use of the house being empty for the duration of the Hot Dog home story arc, but as they move out by the next time the house will be used, the impact is nonexistent. S26E3 Japanese Toiler is FILLER
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How I would have liked if the shooting turned out to be a season-long mystery of who shot Randy, I was looking at the characters of the crowd for way too long guessing, before I realized everything is pointless in this one. Well, not the real world message, but the in-universe events. S26E4 Deep Learning is CANON
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The easiest type of episode to recognize as canon is a relationship centered one. We get our confirmation that Stan's attempts - from S20E7 The Very First Gentlemen Oh, Jeez - to change and win Wendy over worked out. Bebe/Clyde are together as well, as are Herbert/Rick. S26E5 DikinBaus Hot Dogs is CANON
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While this is the end of the Hot Dog era, it ends in a way, that counts as loss for Eric, still feeding into the idea of how easily he can lose everything and end up being homeless. S26E6 Spring Break is CANON
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For Herbert is falling back into his old ways of campaigning, and depending on what happens in real life, this could have a ton of unwanted consequences... S26E7 Joining the Panderverse is FILLER
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It's mostly parallel universe stuff, while Randy fixes an oven. S26E8 (Not Suitable For Children) is CANON
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Roger Donovan finds a new partner by the name of Janice, and it seems like she's here to stay. Snow Day is FILLER
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Yeah, no... This is the latest season anyway, but I don't believe Mr. Hankey would ever return on the show, end of story. If he does, and thus this video game becomes canon, I will change this post to include that. S26E9 The End of Obesity is FILLER
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I have a feeling, that the "never mention Eric's weight again" idea will be forgotten like the numerous times Eric promised not to rip on jewish people anymore.
S26E1 Cupid Ye is FILLER S26E2 The Worldwide Privacy Tour is FILLER S26E3 Japanese Toiler is FILLER S26E4 Deep Learning is CANON S26E5 DikinBaus Hot Dogs is CANON S26E6 Spring Break is CANON S26E7 Joining the Panderverse is FILLER S26E8 (Not Suitable For Children) is CANON S26E9 The End of Obesity is FILLER
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13   S2: 3 out of 18   S3: 6 out of 18   S4: 10 out of 17   S5: 8 out of 14   S6: 11 out of 17  S7: 6 out of 15  S8: 4 out of 14  S9: 8 out of 14  S10: 4 out of 14  S11: 4 out of 14  S12: 8 out of 14  S13: 3 out of 14  S14: 7 out of 14  S15: 6 out of 14  S16: 2 out of 14  S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game  S18: 8 out of 10  S19: 9 out of 10  S20: 10 out of 10 S21: 7 out of 10 + a highly lore based game + 2 DLCs S22: 9 out of 10 S23: 8 out of 10 S24: 4 out of 4 S25: 5 out of 8 S26: 4 out of 9
Overall: 167 out of 329 Personal Note: I'm almost certain we'll have another special that I'll add to this season and I'm almost certain it'll be election-based and therefor canon. When it happens, I'll be back to edit this post. This one is basically just me predicting the future, but to be fair, they are pretty safe bets.
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feministsouthpark · 2 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 25
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S25E1 Pajama Day is CANON
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I don't feel like coming up with a whole lot of reasons if there's at least a single decent one. Herbert is working again as a fourth grade teacher and we get introduced to his new boyfriend, Rick. But I also like that the realtors get introduced this early. S25E2 The Big Fix is CANON
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Now, this IS the kind of thing that can only be made once. Gaslighting your entire audience by ceremonially changing a character's name retrospectively. This added new layers to the show as a whole, and by the way it's the start of the Credigree Weed arc. S25E3 City People is CANON
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Liane and Eric move and get a new home. And even if it gets undone a season later, it basically shows us how Eric is prone to losing his home, so we get a better understanding of the timeline ending with him being homeless. S25E4 Back to the Cold War is FILLER
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Eh, European politics doesn't seem to be the show's strong suit, they went way too easy on Putin, and it doesn't even have such content to be considered canon. S25E5 Help, My Teenager Hates Me is FILLER
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Although Jimbo jumping in as Eric's father figure is cute, the episode is the equivalent of a very fun filler anime episode. S25E6 Credigree Weed St. Patrick's Day Special is LORE
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It could be considered ultimately meaningless, but it does build up the Credigree v Tegridy arc of the finale. S25E7-S25E8 The Streaming Wars Part I & Part II is CANON
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One thing that bothers me a bit, is that every conflict introduced in this two-part episode special exlusive event gets solved by the end of it, and every development gets undone, still, it works as a proper season finale, bringing back the realtors for one last time. But the reason why it's canon is the ManBearPig arc, which seems to be consistently relevant in the post-22 seasons, so I can't just leave out the fact that he has a wife and a son, PigBearGirl and Chuck Chuck respectively.
S25E1 Pajama Day is CANON S25E2 The Big Fix is CANON S25E3 City People is CANON S25E4 Back to the Cold War is FILLER S25E5 Help, My Teenager Hates Me is FILLER S25E6 Credigree Weed St. Patrick's Day Special is LORE* S25E7 The Streaming Wars Part I is CANON S25E8 The Streaming Wars Part II is CANON *Elaborates on Tegridy v Credigree conflict
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13   S2: 3 out of 18   S3: 6 out of 18   S4: 10 out of 17   S5: 8 out of 14   S6: 11 out of 17  S7: 6 out of 15  S8: 4 out of 14  S9: 8 out of 14  S10: 4 out of 14  S11: 4 out of 14  S12: 8 out of 14  S13: 3 out of 14  S14: 7 out of 14  S15: 6 out of 14  S16: 2 out of 14  S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game  S18: 8 out of 10  S19: 9 out of 10  S20: 10 out of 10 S21: 7 out of 10 + a highly lore based game + 2 DLCs S22: 9 out of 10 S23: 8 out of 10 S24: 4 out of 4 S25: 5 out of 8
Overall: 163 out of 320
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feministsouthpark · 2 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 24
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S24E1 The Pandemic Special is CANON
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I considered this to be a filler episode, since none of it really gets addressed ever again, however there is one point I realized which makes it essential: This is the introduction of the covid arc. Many fans do and even Trey usually forgets this, but South Park isn't just a copy of real life. It's a fictional story, in which some things happen the same way as they do in real life. But many years from now, the covid phenomenon won't be as self-explanatory as at the time this episode special was made. So for inner world building, this is actually build up of a virus that will stay to be a major plot point for the remainder of the season. S24E2 South ParQ Vaccination Special is CANON
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The boys (except for Kenny) break up, Margaret Nelson passes, Herbert returns as a teacher and for some reason has a fourth-wall breaking moment that really feel like South ParQ building towards its ending. S24E3 Post-Covid is CANON
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First, I'm going to address this, that despite the different networks and what the DVD might tell you, this is part of the season by production code and by cohesive narrative as well. And yes, it is canon, part one of the culmination of the whole show. S24E4 The Return of Covid is CANON
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So this is it. South Park has ended. We have our grand finale. Of course the destination of any series is canon. Wait, do I hear more episodes coming up? Well, now we just have to see how those will fit into the timeline of this story.
S24E1 The Pandemic Special is CANON S24E2 South ParQ Vaccination Special is CANON S24E3 Post-Covid is CANON S24E4 The Return of Covid is CANON
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13   S2: 3 out of 18   S3: 6 out of 18   S4: 10 out of 17   S5: 8 out of 14   S6: 11 out of 17  S7: 6 out of 15  S8: 4 out of 14  S9: 8 out of 14  S10: 4 out of 14  S11: 4 out of 14  S12: 8 out of 14  S13: 3 out of 14  S14: 7 out of 14  S15: 6 out of 14  S16: 2 out of 14  S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game  S18: 8 out of 10  S19: 9 out of 10  S20: 10 out of 10 S21: 7 out of 10 + a highly lore based game + 2 DLCs S22: 9 out of 10 S23: 8 out of 10 S24: 4 out of 4
Overall: 158 out of 312 Personal notes: We have the second ever season to be considered fully canon! However this really is the conclusion of the story. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that more episodes exist after this, but one has to wonder how they will pull of a second conclusion, once the show is actually ending.
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feministsouthpark · 2 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 21
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Remember the fact that the whole idea of this guide is absurd and pointless? And yet, I feel like if every season was like this one, it actually makes sense. So here we go, with a season that actually could warrant something like this. S21E1 White People Renovating Houses is CANON
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Eric and Heidi break up and we get subjected to the main theme of the season, which is about toxic relationships. S21E2 Put it Down is CANON
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This one is important in that it actually moves three separate plotlines. Eric and Heidi's relationship (right after breaking up they got together again), Craig and Tweek's relationship (shown in a different light than earlier) and Herbert Garrison's presidency. S21E3 Holiday Special is FILLER
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Randy was a fan of Columbus and now he is ashamed of it. We never see anything related to this and neither does this relate to the rest of the season. S21E4 Franchise Prequel is LORE
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This is a prequel to the video game, Fractured but Whole, it provides some backstory. The Fractured but Whole is LORE
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And I have an important announcement, @skittering-roach was right, when I did the season 12 post I didn't think about how the episode S12E3 Major Boobage is essential for this game. So watch that one too if you wanted a list that helps you understand the games! Bring the Crunch is LORE From Dusk 'Til Casa Bonita is LORE
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If the New Kid wasn't such a canonicity questioning presence, I'd probably pass these two off as canon, since Mr. Adams from S15E14 becomes the step-father of Mike Makowski and Bradley returns from and shares details of his home planet. And I'm pretty sure both these events are fully intended to be canon. S21E5 Hummels & Heroin is FILLER
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Josh Gad guest appears just so we see Marvin Marsh in the nursing home. S21E6 Sons A Witches is CANON
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Heidi and Eric are in the center and Eric wants to murder Heidi for the first time, which sets off Kyle's alarms about this whole thing. The President also longs for his time spent with the guys in South Park. S21E7 Doubling Down is CANON
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Kyle inserts himself in Heidi's life, but in the end Heidi stays with Eric, however the price for this is giving up everything she previously stood for. The Member Berries return and continue to help Herbert with the presidency. S21E8 Moss Piglets is CANON
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Heidi changes. That's the main event, however Nathan and Mimsy also get a story just to make sure that the inclusion of their plotlines was necessary. S21E9 SUPER HARD PCness is CANON
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South Park elementary gets a new, permanent vice principal, Strong Woman. This episode is also a sequel to the movie, and Kyle is no longer a fan of Terrance & Phillip. S21E10 Splatty Tomato is CANON
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The first episode with a major spotlight on the White family. Strong Woman sleeps with her boss - one thing that will have major consequences - and Heidi finally leaves Eric for good.
S21E1 White People Renovating Houses is CANON S21E2 Put it Down is CANON S21E3 Holiday Special is FILLER S21E4 Franchise Prequel is LORE* The Fractured but Whole is LORE** Bring the Crunch is LORE*** From Dusk 'Til Casa Bonita is LORE*** S21E5 Hummels & Heroin is FILLER S21E6 Sons A Witches is CANON S21E7 Doubling Down is CANON S21E8 Moss Piglets is CANON S21E9 SUPER HARD PCness is CANON S21E10 Splatty Tomato is CANON *Made to be a prelude for the game **Has a lot of continuity nods, also watch S12E3 before playing ***Canon world-building with a non-canon character included
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14 S16: 2 out of 14 S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game S18: 8 out of 10 S19: 9 out of 10 S20: 10 out of 10 S21: 7 out of 10 + a highly lore based game + 2 DLCs
Overall: 137 out of 288
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 17
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You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler.
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S17E1 Let Go, Let Gov is FILLER Eric unveils that the government keeps Santa as a hostage, but nobody cares. S17E2 Informative Murder Porn is FILLER The parents learn Minecraft and then proceed to never talk about it again.
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S17E3 World War Zimmerman is FILLER Tolkien and Eric get development, however it's not grand enough to count it. S17E4 Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers is CANON Do I just like messing with everyone by caring so much about the goth kids canon specifically? Maybe, but the fact that the vampire kids teamed up with goths makes this one a big development for the rivaling teams.
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S17E5 Taming Strange is FILLER Ike gets hormones by accident, which is solved by the end of it. S17E6 Ginger Cow is FILLER Eric and Kyle accidentally create the peace between religions which Stan and Kenny accidentally ruin.
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S17E7 Black Friday is CANON S17E8 A Song of Ass and Fire is CANON S17E9 Titties and Dragons is CANON This is obviously a trilogy and it wouldn't make sense to grade them differently. The reason why they're canon is partly because they are the backbone of the video game, Stick of Truth, partly because how it deals with the main character dynamics, such as Scott Malkinson becoming friends with Butters and a more prominent character, and partly because it establishes backstory for Tom and Tammy Thompson (I know they are bit characters, but it all added up), and following through with the Vamps being on the same side as the goths!
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S17E10 The Hobbit is FILLER Wendy is against a fad, but in the end, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. South Park: The Stick of Truth is LORE
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At one point I wanted to include it as canon, however it's equal parts its own canon, as The New Kid doesn't appear in the show. But if you followed my guide, you won't have many questions playing this game, as I made sure to include the major references.
S17E1 Let Go, Let Gov is FILLER S17E2 Informative Murder Porn is FILLER S17E3 World War Zimmerman is FILLER S17E4 Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers is CANON S17E5 Taming Strange is FILLER S17E6 Ginger Cow is FILLER S17E7 Black Friday is CANON S17E8 A Song of Ass and Fire is CANON S17E9 Titties and Dragons is CANON S17E10 The Hobbit is FILLER South Park: The Stick of Truth is LORE* *It builds upon the series, but the series doesn't build upon it
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14 S16: 2 out of 14 S17: 4 out of 10 + a highly lore based game
Overall: 103 out of 248
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 15
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You know the drill by now, I’ll judge whether an episode has all the qualities of a canon one, or is it just shameless filler. S15E1 HUMANCENTiPAD is FILLER
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You see Liane's progression as a parent in this one, but there will be much clearer arcs for her in later episodes that will leave this one unneeded. S15E2 Funnybot is FILLER
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Our annual Jimmy episode got the short end of the stick again, this is the one gear that you can leave and the machine will still be working. S15E3 Royal Pudding is CANON
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You need the context of Canadians having royalty to understand later reappearances of the Prince of Canada. Otherwise Mr. Mackey's father is deceased now. S15E4 T.M.I. is FILLER
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Unless knowing which male characters have small dicks, that is. S15E5 Crack Baby Athletic Association is FILLER
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It's a character study on how likely Kyle is to be involved with Eric's schemes. S15E6 City Sushi is CANON
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This one is pretty big. You finally learn about Dr. Janus and his disorder that recontextualises the character you thought you knew until now. S15E7 You're Getting Old is CANON
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Perhaps the most continuity based episode of the season, or at least the only one that leaves us in a cliffhanger. S15E8 Ass Burgers is CANON
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Yes, in the end neither the previous episode or this one changed that much, but they are very important episodes. Stan's alcoholism will be a major part of Post-Covid, and Randy and Sharon having separated once explains a lot in later seasons why they are still together. The janitor and the farmer are a great duo who will return later. And this duo of episodes show where Trey and Matt's head is at going forward. S15E9 The Last of the Meheecans is FILLER
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The boys play border patrol on a large scale. Did you notice they reused the same fake-out twist as in Funnybot? S15E10 Bass to Mouth is FILLER
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A sequel to Death Camp of Tolerance, but neither Lemmiwinks' return adds anything to the overarching themes of the show, nor does Eric's pact with the school teachers. S15E11 Broadway Bro Down is FILLER
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I love this and I wish it mattered more, but ultimately it doesn't. S15E12 1% is CANON
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Eric has a war with his stuffed animals after the boys tell him to grow up. S15E13 A History Channel Thanksgiving is FILLER
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It's the classic four boys go on an adventure formula. S15E14 The Poor Kid is CANON
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Mysterion and Karen story. If you care about canon, you care about this one, easy as that.
S15E1 HUMANCENTiPAD is FILLER S15E2 Funnybot is FILLER S15E3 Royal Pudding is CANON S15E4 T.M.I. is FILLER S15E5 Crack Baby Athletic Association is FILLER S15E6 City Sushi is CANON S15E7 You're Getting Old is CANON S15E8 Ass Burgers is CANON S15E9 The Last of the Meheecans is FILLER S15E10 Bass to Mouth is FILLER S15E11 Broadway Bro Down is FILLER S15E12 1% is CANON S15E13 A History Channel Thanksgiving is FILLER S15E14 The Poor Kid is CANON
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14 S9: 8 out of 14 S10: 4 out of 14 S11: 4 out of 14 S12: 8 out of 14 S13: 3 out of 14 S14: 7 out of 14 S15: 6 out of 14
Overall: 97 out of 224
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