#s24o kirbycove bikecamping
bikeit · 5 years
s24o bike camping @ Kirby Cove
After a few years of trying, I finally snagged the coveted Campsite #1 at Kirby Cove, and gathered a group of friends + kids for a Sunday afternoon ride there... the weather was perfect and clear, the company was good, and the vibe was relaxed.
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We could practically see the campsite from the bridge...
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And down we go along the gravel road...
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A one-minute walk from a beach looking up at the bridge:
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Dinner was grilled haloumi, hot dogs, and foil-packet vegetables with good olive oil:
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Then whiskey watching the waves crash in at night...
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A few of us broke camp before dawn the next morning, to get to our Monday jobs... I was riding the subversive-feeling weeknight-camping-and-bonfire high all day.
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0 notes
bikeit · 5 years
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Monday morning just after sunrise, heading straight from overnight camping in Marin to work = magic...
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