#rythmn guide
seanagtala · 1 year
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I think we know why there's no sky kids to be seen elsewhere
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bonefall · 1 year
A cruel fate that can befall a shattered pantheon, and the enemies of Firestar's Quietus
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With SkyClan homeless and exiled at the end of the Skyfall Era, StarClan itself was in chaos. 1/5th of their ranks broke from the sky to walk with their descendants into exile, with only some of the most powerful ancestors staying behind.
Skystar himself, Patron of War, was one of them. He scoffed that a Clan that couldn't hold even a sliver of land had failed his teachings, and deserved nothing.
Scores of cats died in exile, starved, exposed, killed by predators. Cloudstar desperately tried to keep his cats together as SkyClan dwindled. Soon, there were barely enough cats to maintain a Clan, let alone such a large pantheon.
When Cloudstar died, his successor Spiderstar found herself facing a new threat. One she couldn't defeat.
Over and over, there were rats who would attack the camp. Horrible, twisted creatures of many colors, with sharp claws like a cat and jaws full of needle teeth. They swirled like a storm around a central point, wound so tightly that it was impossible to see what lay at the eye.
While watching baby spiders fly away from their mother on little silk balloons, Spiderstar devised a Great Plan. SkyClan would live apart but connected, loosely, like a web. The Rats could not kill what they could not find.
As she watched her Clan disperse, some to humans homes, some to live as rogues, the blood roared in her ears. It pounded, throbbed into a rythmn, until the words of a prophecy became overwhelming,
[Rat ancestors disastrous-they-will-kill]
Could this be true? Would their ancestors save them from the rats, someday?
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(Below the cut; a guide to Ancestor Rats and how they are dealt with in Firestar's Quietus. CONTENT WARNING: BODY HORROR, GORE.)
Firestar's Quietus; The Secret of the Rats
Exactly as before, when Firestar and the spirit of Brokenstar gathered the SkyClan web together, the rats had one point of attack. They washed over the soon-to-be warriors in a wave, but they were able to fight them off.
Skywatcher laid on his side in the clearing, trembling and wide eyed, covered in horrible bites. At first they could barely get a word out of him, too shaken to speak. When he was finally able to force a word out, he could only mumble;
"I saw Lowbranch. That was my mother..."
And then, someone else came forward, sharing that one rat had the same stripes as their brother. Another recognized their son's tufts on another's ears. The camp buzzed with tension as the stories bubbled forth.
Everyone recognized something in the rats.
Something had happened to their ancestors. Something terrible. It became clear why they had never answered their prayers or sent a hero to save them. Brokenstar tried to reach them, but he could only hear a command echoing in the darkness.
"Neek urrspeekorreen urrsnyarhak, karrl urrsnakochya." "THAT WHICH CANNOT BE FIXED, MUST BE BROKEN"
It was only later, when they went to confront the rats once and for all, that they realized what those words meant. Stumbling out into the dim light out of the barn, they saw them.
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Those weren't just rats!
And the most horrible thing of all was the atrocity behind it all, the creature at the center of the swirling, agonized mass, the eye of the storm...
The Rat Leader; Cloudstar
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He promised to keep his Clan together. So he did.
As each life wasted away and his Clan dwindled, smaller and smaller, as their heaven crumbled above them and became too tiny to hold their ancestors, Cloudstar kept them in one piece.
When he died, that mission continued. Trapped as this cursed creature, Cloudstar was mindlessly commanding his cats like a storm around him, dragging in both the dead and the living in a desperate attempt to save the Clan he'd vowed to protect.
SkyClan could not mend until this curse was broken. These fallen angels needed to be released, by force, to rejoin a new heaven of modern making. Slipping into the body of Firestar, Brokenstar was able to lend all of his talents for one final fight. It was just like being back at Carrionplace.
With his purpose as the fallen 5th tree, a guardian spirit, fulfilled and the rats freed from their prisons, Brokenstar's soul grew sleepy with peace. Firestar buried the acorn necklace that he had used to channel him overlooking the gorge, where it quickly sprouted into a new oak.
Rat Ancestors; Tome of Beasts
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When an afterlife is destroyed, through mass death or supernatural attack, and the spirits within it cannot peacefully fade away or join a new pantheon, all of its souls can become earth-bound.
There are many types of entities and curses in this world, each one completely unique. Ancestor Rats are the form that this pantheon took.
From a distance, an Ancestor Rat could be mistaken for an odd, escaped domestic rodent. Their faces were an unsettling mix of rat and cat, with teeth laid out like a cat's but endlessly growing like a rat. They had the blade-like claws of a Clan cat, tearing through the skin and laying at various angles.
They had no physical needs, but were unable to handle being separated from their leader. Cloudstar himself, however, did need to rest in some way, returning to the barn where he died every day.
When one was killed, it would flash blue as if briefly turning into a shard of the sky, before leaving a completely standard rat corpse in its place. As long as Cloudstar was alive, the pulsar of each spirit would simply be dragged back into another rat after some time.
There was no escape until he was killed.
After the defeat of the Ancestor Rats, the spirits moved on to SkyClan's special heaven; Skypelt. Even after moving to the lake, Skypelt maintains its independence from Silverpelt, judging its own souls and staying separate (but connected) to StarClan-Prime.
With an abundance of rat bodies on their paws, SkyClan started a morbid tradition for a very special celebration. "The New Day" is celebrated every year with a grand feast, where a traditional rat meat dish called "Roasted Grandpaw" is served.
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egg-a1 · 6 months
Nobody is listening and Nobody is coming.
Her throat is still raw, arms like honey when she's taken from the room. They don't make her walk. That's a weird one, usually they grab her by the wrist or hand and pull and guide her. The robot that carries her is holding her gentle. Not precious, not like Mama would, or Bad, but it doesn't hurt. And if she doesn't look up at the blank face, she's a little less sick to her stomach.
It reminds her of the body in the woods.
And then she's on her feet again and fear is stinging worse than it ever has. In front of her was Parkour. Again. Massive, heaving jumps and points on the wall to cling to, bars hanging, it was something akin to an obstacle course- and she recognized it. It was for the bigger kids.
Was this a punishment? She thought she was big enough and brave enough to go outside, so they're gonna treat her like the big girl she was, was that it?
She doesn't have the energy to cry when they put her on the starting platform and start the timer, but she doesn't have the energy to jump either. She just sits there, on her knees, on her hands, and doesn't look down.
She holds her breath when she jumps.
One, two. Platform on the left, the right. She doesn't have to use her arms until she's crawling along the wall, getting higher, and then free-falls to catch a hanging bar. Her heart thuds and thunders in her chest, tired arms shaking under her own weight.
She's not big enough. She doesn't feel like a big girl. She feels so so so small.
Her feet land on the next platform. Habitual steps, a rythmn, but she knows how to preform. Her weight swings the platform, chains rattling, and she waits for the momentum to swing before she jumps for the next one.
It slides under her feet. Her heart lurnches as her knees abruptly give out, weak from all the fighting, and she barely catches the edge. Too-small wings flatter and flutter, terror welling up- and she's falling before she can even know she would. Her grip just didn't stay.
She's too small for the course. Too weak from the fight.
She's going to die here.
She's going to die here. She's going to die. She's going to die. She's going to die. She's going to die and the Lady isn't here to save her and She's going to die and Bad isn't here to save her and
She's drowning.
She's going to die,
And the burning starts, and she's burning, she's burning, she's going to burn alive, she's only been here for one day and she's already too weak, she's already fail, and she's going to die. She's going to die. She's burning alive. She's going- she's-
She's drowning.
Her eyes snap open, a sharp breath snapping open, cold, cold water rushing into her lungs.
That wasn't right.
A big, white paw pulls her from the pool. She's coughing and sputtering, gagging as chemically-tasting water pours out from her nose and mouth and eyes. The world muffles, blurrs, cold sticking to every part of her body. She's cold. Why was she cold? That's not right. That's not how these experiments go.
A paw brushes the hair out of her face and she whimpers, reaching to grab and push it away, eyes wide. The thing- the thing that wasn't her mom, wasn't even lose, didn't have their eyes, didn't smile- stares down at her with flattened ears.
This wasn't right.
This wasn't right. This wasn't right.
This wasn't right. This wasn't right. This wasn't right. This wasn't right. This wasn't right. This wasn't right. This wasn't right. This wasn't right.
The rules changed again.
That's not fair.
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27-royal-teas · 1 year
hey just so you know there is nothing like listening to champion right before going onstage. you pop in your earbuds and turn the volume way up and close your eyes and just exist in this universe with you and Patrick’s voice and andy’s backbone rythmn and Pete’s words and joe’s guiding guitar and you’re just like. hey. they believe me. I’m a champion, I can do fucking anything.
and then you get to the bridge?? the fucking bridge????? it’s so quiet and then suddenly you’re EXPLODING into sound, and it’s just, this song. this fucking song. I made it this far. watch me keep it up. try to stand in my way? I’ll kill you. I’ll do anything. I’m fucking unstoppable. anyway listen to champion before you have to do something scary seriously it will change ur life
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radellama · 7 months
1, 13, 25 & 31
1. Do you listen to music when you write?
Yes and no... I have a few playlists made for specific aus/characters to help me get in the mood and have fun rotating them, but I don't actually listen to them when I'm writing (with like. Only one or two exceptions)
That's because I struggle to concentrate on the writing if I am hearing words, and I'll just turn into a scribe and write what I hear haha. I have some playlists that are instrumental only for certain characters, or use other general playlists that are pretty chill, or if there's a soundtrack that belongs to the game/movie/ect I'll listen to some songs from it. Otherwise, those white noise tracks that are a few hours long, like rain sounds or sci-fi warp core- those REALLY help me. And sometimes I write in silence too, but cause I'm sensitive to sounds listening to appropriate white noise with my noise cancelling headphones on is often more helpful.
13. Describe your writing process from idea to polished
Ohhhh boy. I am kinda insane with this cause I love planning.
I'll usually have a core idea (specific scene, thematic motif, that kind of thing) and have that written down in my phone notes somewhere. Then, after thinking about it for a while and expanding upon that idea, I start trying to link them and see how they could be connected (will this dramatic moment work better before or after this other moment, what context would make this scene mean more, ect) and that will start to make a basic story roadmap. Then, when the ideas are starting to come together, it's often fun to discuss them with someone and bounce the ideas around a bit. These days I usually make an outline or some kind of list/guide for myself cause I find that I work better when I know I can refer to stuff so I won't stress over missing the important bits. Then, I start writing! I used to try write everything in the order it was supposed to be read, but that's too rigid and ended up feeling like an arbitrarily self imposed rule - why write in order if I'm not thinking in order? So now I just try to write the scenes that seem the strongest or most approachable in my mind, and slowly fill in the gaps when I've got stuff down. In this writing stage is where I switch between creative mind (just getting stuff on the page, trying things out) and critical mind (doing passes for spelling and grammar, seeing if what I've written actually makes sense or needs restructuring) and I'll go through these various passes until I can't realy change anything else and am satisfied. Then, however I post, I post!
I get stuck in perfectionist tendencies but I'm getting better, not everything I do is as cool as it was in my mind, but I get close enough. Sometimes I'm just ready to post cause I'm soooo sick of looking at it and can't keep sitting on it haha
25. Favourite part of writing
Tricky... I think I like writing dialogue or scenes that demonstrate a characters behaviour, esp in contrast (or complementary) to other characters within the story. Characters are so interesting to write about and I especially like when they feel real to me, and hope that they're interesting and entertaining to others when they read my characters.
31. Least favourite part of writing
Probs editing lol. I'm not the best at spelling, and I care more about a certain rythmn and flow to my writing over strictly correct grammar. Little quirks I guess, but it can get frustrating trying to balance between beautiful prose and wanky ramblings.
Send me some writing asks
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thevintagegossip · 2 years
The deep in me:
I feel sick inside
To think I was never free
That distractions made me
Nothing but a better me
When silence reaches
My minds full of weeds
Of grief
Of conversations I’ve had many times before
Playing on repeat
A rythmn that’s been instilled
A cycle I never turn on
It scares me to be a mother
One who felt like her own didn’t love her
That I was never enough
I feel like I’m never enough
No matter how many marathons I run
Or down to the Change in my pocket
To put gas in somebody else tank
To be quite frank
I’m scared I’ll never see
Where oceans in my eyes
Will always guide you home
But me to the pits of the deep
You’re swimming laps
And I’m trying to survive
Don’t get me wrong
There’s something beautiful about the deep
But only when darkness hasn’t been your whole life
When you only get one glimpse of light
One reason to live
You never forget how hard it was to breathe
When your hand made it to the top
But nobody reached
I’m scared not to just be a mom
But to live
If I admit that all of it was real
That means this was never a dream
And those who said they loved me
Abandoned me
And sometimes breathing
Is harder thank sinking.
Pulling yourself to land
With nobody to greet you
Only silence of what’s next
And a long ass road
To become the best.
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himitsu-crore · 2 years
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Hoot hoot 👀. 👁️👄👁️ It's lineless oh god o fuk (I'm tryin)
Testin ma patience wit dis heeeehoohooheeee
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marchtotheanthem · 2 years
Bruise - J.M.K
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Summary: You’re taking care of boyfriend!Josh afrer a weekend-long musical festival to find that he had been a little too slap happy with his tambourine — literally.
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x reader
Word count: ~ 1,000
Warnings: nudity, mild sexual content, tons n tons of fluff
Nights after shows were always most special for you and Josh, as it was during these times you cherished having a small piece of him that the large crowds of concert goers weren’t able to experience. Being a part of his post-show rituals was one of the most intimate things about your relationship. You adored doting on him any chance you got, and it was nights like these when Josh didn’t protest, as he always put every ounce of energy he had into performances, which meant requiring extra TLC. And tonight was no different.
The sound of running water flowing into the tub in the bathroom of the shared hotel room you and Josh had made your way to straight away after tonight’s performance. It was the second night of a weekend long festival and the moment he had stepped off stage, you sensed just how exhausted he was. Now, as your lips were connected and your fingers gently massaged into his scalp, he sighed into your mouth and you felt his body begin to relax for the first time in 48 hours.
“Thank you angel,” he murmured in between kisses, “I’ve been thinking about this all weekend.” You hummed in return as you began to plant soft kisses along his jaw and down to his neck while your fingers got started on his jumpsuit. He allowed his eyes to flutter closed as you worked the jumpsuit down his tanned skin, continuing your trail of kisses on his newly exposed chest. You successfully dragged the material down to his hipbones when he lowly hisses in pain, just loud enough for you to hear it. Alarmed, you immediately stopped your movement, meeting his eyes. He returned your concerned expression with a sheepish smile, almost embarrassed.
“I, uh,” he breathed a nervous laugh, “I may have been slightly over enthused with the tambourine this weekend.” He places his hands over your motionless ones to help slowly guide his jumpsuit further down his body to expose his hips. You sucked in a breath as you took in the sight of his right hip that was littered with a number of small purpleish red marks. Your mind instantly flicks to visions of Josh on stage, moving his head in perfect time to the music, curls bouncing, and his tambourine rattling brightly at the command of his muscular arms. Alternating between the palm of his hand and his hip, he struck the instrument to carry the rythmn of The Weight of Dreams while the crowd roars on in encouragement. Josh’s thumbs rubbing slow circles onto the backs of your hands snaps you out of your wandering thoughts and you find his eyes once more.
“Here, let’s sit you down,” you murmur. Josh doesn’t protest as you coax his legs out of the remaining piece of the suit with almost too much care, then motion for him to sit at the edge of the tub after you close the tap. He gave you a questioning smirk as you sank to your knees in front of where he was leaned against the bubble bath.
“Get your head out of the gutter, rockstar,” you jest, effectively easing the sexual tension in the air despite your suggestive position between Josh’s legs. He immediately throws his head back in a boisterous laugh in response, and you find yourself beaming back at him, admiring the way he glows in moments like this. Once his final giggles tumbled past his lips, he sighed and cradled your cheek gently in his hand, brushing away a few strays of hair in the process.
Your hand traced around the smooth skin of his chest, getting him used to your touch as it made its way to his hip. Continuing with your intention, you gingerly ghosted your fingertips along the surface of the scattered bruises. Without a second thought, you leaned in to press a gentle kiss on one of the purpleish marks, which you noted to be a stark contrast to the tan skin surrounding it. You contined the process for each and every mark in the area, with Josh slowly running his fingers through your hair in adoration. It wasn’t long before each of the bruises glistened from the trail of open mouth kisses you had left.
“So sweet for me,” he mumbles as you press your final kiss on his battered hip. His hand at the nape of your neck gently coaxed you to a stand so that your lips can connect once more. As your mouths continued to blissfully intertwine, Josh skillfully shed his boxers, cueing you to remove the rest of your clothes you had yet to shed. The two of you then made your way into the bath together, allowing the hot water and bubbles to fully envelop you. Josh’s arms instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him in the water until your back was pressed against his chest. You thought to yourself that this was exactly where you felt most at home. It didn’t matter if you were home in Michigan, in Nashville, or in a place where neither of you had ever traveled to before. As long as you had Josh, you were absolutely and positively exactly where you needed to be. Your head found its way to rest on his shoulder, and he took the opportunity to press a kiss to the soft skin below your ear.
“Feeling any better?” you question, running your fingers along his hip under the water to emphasize what you were referring to.
“Much better, thank you, doctor,” he chuckles into your neck before kissing it once more. You playfully roll your eyes at him before closing them as you start to drift off with your head on his shoulder still.
“I love you,” is the last thing you hear Josh whisper into your ear before the two of you doze off until the water in the bubble bath cools. At this point, you both were more than ready to dry off, crawl into the fresh sheets of the hotel bed, and fall asleep in each others arms until the sun rose again.
It was nights like these with Josh that you truly wouldn’t trade for the world.
A/N: Hello! This fic was inspired by an ask me and my friends found on here and we decided to each write a quick blurb about it. I know what you’re about to say— I KNOW I only post Josh fics but I quite literally was born in his lane. However, I do plan to do some Jake fics very very soon. Love you guys so much I appreciate any and all feedback. My asks are always open for requests, ideas, or just to say hello! <3
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babyflossy · 4 years
you have to wait | n.jm
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pairing; jaemin x fem!reader
summary; you weren’t sure how jaemin stayed so calm every time you decided to tease him, but you aren’t going to complain.
genre/warnings; softdom!jaemin, smut, fingering, dirty talk, pet names, daddy kink, teasing, overstimulation, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), lowkey kinda filthy
word count; 3k lmao i’m going to hell
if you were asked why you found teasing jaemin the most fun thing in the world, you wouldn't be able to give a straight answer. there was just something about the harsh angle of his jaw when he clenches it, and the way his fingers leave hot trails up and down your thighs when you sit next to him that is simply addicting. in fact, jaemin himself is addicting to you, and you are weak to his power over you.
tonight is no different and you see the familiar twitch of his eyebrow when you let your hand trail a little too high on his thigh. under the dim lights of the restaurant, you doubt anyone would even notice what you're doing, but you can tell it's annoying him anyway. a larger hand covers your own and he looks down at you with sharp eyes, pulling your hand off him and back onto the tablecloth.
for the next few minutes, you decide to let him eat in peace, sipping your drink every now and then, making sure to lick the excess off your lips a little too slowly. he doesn't fail to notice and you watch in satisfaction as his eyes drop to watch the movement. as if realising he's falling into your trap his eyes snap back to his food, adam's apple bobbing as he swallows harshly.
"don't you think it's a little hot in here?" your voice sounds innocent enough but jaemin freezes when you pull on the straps of your dress, the neckline slipping far too low for his liking. it's obvious to him what you're trying to do and he refrains from rolling his eyes. you were always one to push his buttons at times like this.
a few quiet moments pass, the lull of the chatter in the restaurant making it so much easier for him to focus on the trail of sparkles your necklace leaves as it slips far further down your chest. he gulps again, mind flitting between filthy images of you in nothing but that necklace and the dainty heels adorning your feet. then your hand is back on his thigh and his jaw clenches again, regaining his composure.
the way he murmurs your name is stern but not intimidating, simply a warning that you need to stop before he loses his patience. you pretend to contemplate his thinly veiled threat, thinking about the two possible outcomes. did you want him rough or not? you think back to last time you made him angry, the hickeys and the bruises from his fingertips and decide you don’t want it that rough tonight. with a sly smile you remove your hand, instead choosing to toy with the cutlery.
the rest of your dinner passes in much the same way; playing with the cuffs of jaemin’s suit jacket, twirling the pearls of your earrings with your fingers delicately, all whilst shooting him the same smile you hope is pure enough for your intentions to be concealed to the people around. at one point you manage to sneak your hand up the whole expanse of his thigh to the quickly hardening bulge and he nearly chokes on his water, cheeks flushing and strong fingers prying you off him. “you have to wait until we get home, baby.”
the words provoke a whine from you and jaemin huffs out a laugh, secretly loving how you always seem so desperate for him. after a few more pointed glances and lingering touches he stand abruptly, waving over the waiter and throwing a stack of notes onto the table.
you try to suppress a smirk as he guides you out the restaurant, hands on your hips keeping you in front of him to cover the obvious erection in his pants. hsi breath is hot on your neck as he thanks the waiter holding the door open for you.
once outside he pulls you beside him, an arm wraps around your waist and he looks down at you with an almost unimpressed expression. “you need to learn a lesson in patience, angel.” whatever commanding tone he’s going for is muffled by the giggle he lets out when you start pressing feathery kisses to his cheek.
“it’s not my fault you look like a literal god in that suit, jaemin.” the compliment tints the tops of his cheeks pink and you kiss his nose for good measure.
“well, you look simply delectable in that dress, baby.” his voice doesn’t change but he stares you down with something darker in his eyes that has your thighs pressing together. jaemin notices and smirks, pulling you to the car quicker.
the elevator ride up to your shared apartment is tense and the final ding signaling you were on your floor sounded like music to your ears. jaemin slips his hand into your and pulls you down the hallway, fishing out his keys and unlocking the door in record speed. he kicks it shut behind you and you’re pushed against the wood before you can register what’s happening.
jaemin’s lips are hot with need, pushing against yours with such ferosity you grip his shoulders to anchor yourself. for a moment, he drops to your neck and sucks harshly on the delicate skin under your ear, blowing on the spot as he pulls away and it makes you shiver. he wastes no time in fisting the fabric of your dress around your waist, tapping your thigh to tell you to jump. once your legs wrap around his hips he expertly manouvoerus you into the bedroom without breaking away from your lips.
moonlight shines through the room to your face as jaemin throws you onto the bed, taking a second to admire the ethereal glow of the watery filter. once against impatient, you lock your hands behind his head and pull his lips to meet yours in a fiery kiss. there’s nothing aggressive about it tonight, only hot and needy but still careful.
one of jaemin’s warm palms tips your head up to enable him to deepen the kiss, nibbling on your bottom in a way that makes you gasp. he takes the oppurtunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, sucking your own to the rythmn of his hands moving up your body.
they stop on your breasts, kneading the soft flesh under your dress and making you let out a moan that sounds desperate even to your own ears. it goes straight to jaemin’s dick, however, and he reaches down between your bodies to rub at the tops of your thighs.
sick of waiting, you break away to tell him to hurry up but words die on your tongue and morph to a whimper as his fingers ghost over your clit, settling on either side of the sensitive bud and pulling. the movement elicits another feeble whimper and a buck of your hips to try and get more. he chuckles, finally pushing your soaked panties down your legs and throwing them into the room behind him.
without the wet fabric blocking him, jaemin can pull his fingers through your folds, cursing at how wet you are. “fuck, baby,” he groans into your neck, “you need me that badly, huh?” you’re not sure how his teasing manages to still affect you after so long together but the words still make your thighs close involuntarily.
he treats you to one quick circle of your clit before he pulls away, dropping himself to lie inbetween your legs, head resting on your chest and eyes staring up at you deceptively innocenlty. you know what he wants you to do and you don’t stop the roll of your eyes. “go on, sweetie.” his voice is sickly sweet and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
“really? haven’t we done this enough already?”
“none of this sounds much like begging, baby.” as if to rub in his power over you, he pushes himself up onto his arms and makes to move away. “i can handle myself if you don’t want to–”
“no, no, no,” whatever pride you have left is buried immediately and you wrap your arms around his shoulders to prevent him moving away. “please, jaems, i need you so badly.” to your disappointment, he still doesn’t look convinced and you swallow the last remnants of your dignity before leaning up to his ear to whipser, “i need your cock so so badly, daddy.”
delight fills you when you feel him freeze, mocking smile fading from his face as his dark eyes meet yours again. “such a needy baby.” this is a good sign, you know, and you feel excitement fill you instantly as you realise what he’s goingto say next. "tell me what you need."
you could cry with happiness, instead choosing to crash your lips against his again. this time it’s messier, teeth clashing and lips bruising but he still pulls away with a smile. “fingers, please, i need your fingers, jaem–”
just as he’s making his way down your body he pauses and shoots you a pointed look. “ah, ah, ah. what do we call me?”
“that’s a good girl.” you hate how the words make your heart flutter.
just as you wished, you feel cold fingers prodding at your entrance. slowly, he eases two in and you groan at the stretch, leaning into his shoulder and pressing kisses to the base of his neck. the pace he sets is unforgiving and you moan loudly when the tips of his fingers tap the soft spot in your that makes your vision swim. “right there?” he coaxes another moan from you when he focuses on that spot specifically, pulling his thumb up to rub at your clit.
“fuck,” your breathing is uneven, chest heaving as you bite into his shoulder. all you can do is chant curses as the knot in your stomach tightens quickly. “i’m gonna cum.”
“already?” the teasing’s back. fantastic, you think dryly. “but, baby, i’ve barely done anything.” despite his words, he doesn’t slow down his fingers, instead choosing to do the opposite and speed up until the lewd sounds of your wetness overpower your whimpers. “let go, angel, daddy’s got you.”
you cum over his fingers with a cry, legs shaking and eyes screwed shut as his fingers keep their unforgiving pace. when the aftershocks have calmed down but his fingers haven’t you look down at him to find him staring up at you with a cheeky grin. the thumb on your clit presses down harder and your hips buck involuntarily at the overstimualtion.
jaemin’s free hand pulls at your dress’s loose neckline until your lacy bra is exposed. the hand travels inside one of the cups, pulling your nipple in a way you can only moan at. at this point, everything else has faded to the background, the only thing you can focus on his hands that are barrelling you towards a second orgasm before your first one has even worn off.
“you gonna cum again, princess?” just as his voice breaks through your blissed out haze, his lips drop to your clit, sucking the bud into his mouth. your teetering on the edge of bliss once again and the soft grazing of his theeth on your clit and his fingers pressing into your g-spot finally push you over. colours burst behind your eyelids and you chant his name like a mantra, unable to stop your legs closing around his head.
when he at last pulls away from you, you’re trying to catch your breath, eyes still shut and legs still jolting. "look at you, such a mess." he mumbles before his lips encase your own. you can taste your own sweetness on his tongue as he licks around your mouth.
it’s only then that you remember jaemin’s still completely clothed, his suit looking painfully tight over his crotch. as if reading your mind he sits up, slipping his arms through his jacket as you finger at his tie until it loosens enough for you to pull it over his head. now free of the most restrictive items, you grasp at his belt buckle before he helps you, laughing at the frustrated sigh you let out.
jaemin wastes no longer and pulls his slacks and boxers down his legs, kicking them off the egde of the bed. once free of the clothing, he pulls your own dress up and over your head, leaving you in nothing but your heels that you still haven’t taken off and his favourite red lace bra. he slips his hand under you to unclip the lingerie and pulls it from you.
“my heels–” you protest as he flips you over, pulling your knees up to get you in position.
“leave them on, they make your legs look sexy.” if you were in any other circumstance you would have laughed and teased him but the tone of his voice is deadly serious and you back off. “can you take me now, or do you need a minute?”
sure, your thighs ache, and you still haven’t caught your breath, but the fear of disappointing him is too strong for you to argue. “now.”
“are you sure? you just came twice in a row–”
“please, daddy.”
you hear him curse, rubbing the arch of your back before he leans down to kiss between your shoulder blades. “fuck, baby, you have no idea what you do to me.” hands grope at your ass and jaemin pumps himself a few times before bumping his tip on your clit. you tense as he starts pushing in but one swipe of your clit and you’re putty in his hands. literally.
the strength abandones your arms and your head falls into the pillows as he bottoms out, groaing deeply at the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. slowly, he pulls out and slams back in, the harshness of the action making you bite the pillow to muffle your scream. jaemin notices and loops his hands around your shoulders, pulling you up so your back is flush to his chest, one hand staying around your waist to keep you upright. “i wanna hear you, babygirl.”
his dick stretches you so perfectly you have to find purchase on his thighs to keep yourself grounded. your head lolls back onto his shoulder when he hits your sweet spot again, nothing but a high pitched whine leaving your lips. it’s different to your normal moans, desperate and sharp and it makes jaemin’s hip stutter. he doesn’t wait to tell you how you much he loves it. "god, the noises you make are incredible."
as if to prove his point, another strong circle over your clit and it draws the same noise from you. he keeps his fingers there, resting two on either side of your bud and pulling, just like he did earlier, but this time it feels so much stronger after all the pleasure that’s been loaded on you. “daddy,” you choke out, head turning to suck at the stop under his ear that pulls a moan from him. “i’m so close.” as the coil in your abdomen tightens his pace increases until your moans are so loud you’re sure the neighbours can hear.
jaemin doesn’t seem to care, however, only encouraging you on. "c'mon, angel, i know you can be louder than that." and you are, as he delivers a particularly storng thrust that pushes you straight over the edge of ecstasy again, your third orgasm crashing down onto you unforgivingly.
when the thrusting of hips doesn’t let up you go slack in his arms. “i can’t– jaemin, it’s too much–”
he shushes you before you can finish, dropping his head to press a gentle kiss to your lips. it’s delicate and loving and to oppose to how he’s handling you and it leaves you dizzy. “can you be a good girl and take it? do it for daddy.” you’re shaking as he chases his own high. you want– no you need– to show him how good you can be for him and you grip your hands over his where they rest on your torso. “i’m so close baby, you’re doing so well for me.”
with a few final thrusts and you clenching around him, he’s spilling into you, hips stilling to press himself as deep as possible into your tight core. the moans he lets out into your ear are raspy and deep and nothing short of angelic. you shiver as he pulls out, his cum starting to drip down your thighs and he sets you down on the mattress as if you were made of glass.
“you did so well, baby,” he giggles when he lays down beside you. all he manages to get out of you is a sleepy smile. “i’m gonna clean you up, okay?”
you don’t have the energy to reply and feel your eyes drooping as he brings a warm cloth to clean the sweat and cum off you legs. when he’s finished, he drops it in the bathroom and moves back to you, stroking your legs comfortingly as he pulls your shoes off, setting them gently in front of the wardrobe before finally slipping into bed with you.
the covers are pulled over you and you feel his arms pull you into him. “i love you.” you mumble a reply and bury your face into his chest, thoroughly worn out but also feeling strangely warm.
the last thing you remember before you slip into sleep is jaemin’s soft words as he kisses up and down the sides of you face and you smile.
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A Guide To Poem Writing (by me, who isn't necessarily an expert or a qualified teacher but goes by these to write without feeling limited)
First and foremost, I don't care what anyone tells you. Poems do NOT HAVE to rhyme. Nor do they HAVE to have a set meter or rythmn. They can be literally any format you goddam please, as long as they are written in lines and stanzas.
Poems can be centered around feeling, emotion, or just describing shit.
Poems can have dialogue.
Poems can have punctuation or they don't have to. Poetic license exists for that reason.
Poems can be as vague or direct as you please, but keep in mind your audience. Never assume they know what you're talking about.
Poems can be as long or as short as you want.
Poems are allowed to be dark. Write about what you want. Don't let people tell you: "all your poems are so depressing, write about something happy for a change!" Fuck them. It's your work, your craft. Do what YOU want to do.
You don't HAVE to share your poetry if you don't want to. But if you intend to, keep in mind your audience.
Types of poems!
Free verse- My personal favorite. Can be any format you please without rules or restrictions
Ballads- Poems in ABAB or ABCB rhyme that typically tell a story.
Couplets- Poems that are two lines long and have AA rhyme scheme.
Triplets- Poems that are three lines long and have ABA rhyme scheme.
Haiku- Japanese poems that are 17 syllables long. 5 in the first line, 7 in the second line and 5 in the last line
Lymrics- Poems that typically flow well to a distinct rhythm and usually start with "There once was______"
Illustrative poems- Poems whose stanzas and lines take on the shape of what they're talking about or what the theme is.
Poem type I kinda made up that may or may not have already existed
Pyramid poems- poems that have 5+ lines and each line descends or ascends in word count in numerical order. Ex.
Whirling wildly in endless chaos (5)
Dizzy, disoriented; it's overwhelming (4)
Grasping for stability (3)
Yearning for (2)
Stillness. (1)
How I write my poems
First I think of how I feel.
Then I think of an object or living thing that is a good metaphor for how I feel. I ask myself questions like "what does this object/ thing do? What is its purpose?"
I start writing, typically I make all my poems metaphorical as hell and rarely am direct with their theme.
I add many sub metaphors as well as other figures of speech and literary devices: Alliteration, personification ect..
I use a thesaurus. It is helpful to avoid using the same adjective over and over unless it's intentional.
I may use patterns, for example the first line of the poem may be the same or have similar words or phrasing.
I read and re read my poem and edit as I go.
I may challenge myself and write in one of the styles or types of poem above.
I think of a title. If I intend to share my poem, I usually allude to the meaning or theme in the title.
Happy writing!
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Cooking with Fire - Conclusion
Usually I prefer a slow insertion, but this moment didn't call for that. The head of my cock slips inside and then I push hard and strong all the way into you.  When my balls slap agaisnt your pussy,  you scream "oh gawd....yesssss...." Looking back at me, that naughty kitten look tells me you approve. Your hips meet my next thrust and soon we were moving perfectly together.  My hands find your breasts and then your nipples...  pinching and pulling, caressing and grabbing.  Everything I doing elevates your desire and your pleasure. I notice your hair moving over your back.  Reaching down I grab a handful and pull.  "Holy fuck.. yes" you scream. The sound and smell of our sex started to fill the room.  Every time I thrust into you, your juices spill out around my cock.  My free hand leaves your breast, sliding around your hip, then between your thighs.
My fingers applying pressure to your clit while making circular movements. This makes you moan even louder.  "Holy fuck.... David... oh... oh....fuck."  Your response encourages me, so I start pounding harder into you.  My cock nearly pulling out and then thrusting hard back inside you.  I feel myself edging closer, knowing I would soon be cumming inside you.  As if on cue, my next thrust sends you over the edge.  Your hips stop moving, your body starts shaking, then a wave of intense pleasure cascades through you.  I slow the speed of my thrusts, allowing you to feel every minute of your orgasm until it was over.  Once it was,  I pull out of you,  release your hair and turn you around.   I lift you up and sit you down onto the counter top of the island.  You wrap your legs around me and then grab my ass, pulling me closer to you. 
Once my cock was close enough to your nearly sated pussy,  I guide the tip just inside you.  This time I slowly push, enjoying every sensation as inch by inch my hardness penetrates your wetness.  Once fully in,  we start kissing again, our tongues exploring each other,  lips savoring each other's taste.  Once again we get into a rythmn.  You pull away and look deep into my eyes.  Then whisper in my ear..."David,  it's your turn to cum for me." The speed of my thrusts increases and our kissing elevates in passion.  Both of us building towards an intensely pleasurable climax.  I knew it would only take a few more thrusts. Our moans make it difficult to keep kissing. "Oh gawd David.... I'm going to cum again...oh..yessss"
Just as I start to burst inside you, I moan "oh fuck,  I'm cumming....." Then an explosion of your warm juices coat my cock.  We shake together as the torrent of our mutual releases culminate in one fantastic finish. 
Copyright ©️ 2020 by Poet Doctor
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poisonspivey · 5 years
I'll free your mind with my androgynous all over the place some might say chaotic and it's absolutely authentic energy.. Why in the hell do we gotta make strange kids feel like they are mentally ill or have some sort of identity disorder for feeling passion in music that makes their body move soul sway and voice carry with the wind? Euphoria watching the painted sunset on the horizon .... Tears when the moon falls from the sky at the end of a spring night.. The morning star kissing us goodnight as she guides us home.. I'm eccentric.. Das iz goot ya? Of course spelled that how I would say it.. I love accents... I speak word salad.. Syfi.. Code.. Twin speak.. Movie marathon .. Lyrics.. Test one two three.. Feel my soul light on fire when I'm everywhere but also no where at home in my mind.. David bowie annie lennox freddy Mercury... Robert plant jimmy Hendrix.. Grace slick.. Nancy Wilson... Anne Wilson.. And many other artists in other genres of music .. Artists in general DAMN THE MAN! Damn religion.. Damn the text books and social norms.
Dance in a cemetary under the moonlight with the dead souls at 330 am.. Sway to the rythmn of the waves at the ocean.. Inhale the sweet scent of pine in a rainforest.. The intoxicating breaths you take being really alive... FUCK text book psychologically in your face trolls.. Do you as long as its safe.. Never stop taking meds if youre on them..because yes we all need them time to time short and or long term.. Be yourself and indulge in the passion you feel living on the edge ...
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yanceyrenee-blog · 6 years
It Seemed A Nice Neighborhood to Have Bad Habits In
For Gotham's Writing Workshop week 3. What if Claire meet Jamie in her own time while in a problematic marriage to Frank. NSFW
" Well d*m him anyway?" Claire Randall paces back and forth in library. She tries to get control of herself. She doesn't want kicked out. She sure wasn't bloody ready to go home yet.
" Excuse me miss. Can I help you?"
She looks up and into the face of the librarian. He sure wasn't the standard librarian of her childhood. Instead of a older lady with her hair in a bun and a stern expression, the man that stood before her was huge. A bit over 6 feet tall. His height is topped of with a head full of glorious red curles. His blue eyes sparkle with intelligence and good cheer.
" Yes. I am looking for a book about do it yourself divorces."
" Oh. So sorry lass. They are in the back. Come along and I well show you."
She follows him to a very little used portion of the library. The books back there looked like they hadn't been used since the first world war.
" We keep them dusted but there still may be some dust we missed. This section is rarely used as you can see." he explains as he scans the legal section and pulls a few out. " Let me know if you need anything else ma'am."
" It is Claire. Claire Randall soon to be Claire Beauchamp." she says offering him her hand.
He takes it while saying," Jamie James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser."
" Wow. That is a lot of names."
He shrugs.
" Scottish ye ken."
She laughs something she didn't believe herself capable of after finding her husband in bed with that little whore.
" Let me know if there is anything else you need ma' errrr Claire."
" Thank you Jamie."
She watches him walk away thinking," He has a really fine arse. Focus Beauchamp. You are here to find out how to rid yourself of Frank."
She pulls the first book towards her and starts taken notes.
A few hours later....
" Claire." she looks up at her name. Her eyes are almost crossed by the small archaic print and her head spins with the legalize the books were full of. But she believes that she has enough information to get her divorce.
Jamie stands before her. He smiles at the sight of her.
" You have dust on the tip of your nose." he explains as he takes his handkerchief out. " Here you go lass." he hands it to her.
" Thank you. They were a bit dusty." she whipes of her nose and then her hands before handing it back to him.
" Aye. Sorry about that. I will have to get back here more often. Did you find the information you needed?"
" I did thank you. I got what I needed to get rid of the bastard."
" Would you like to tell me about it?" He asks as he restocks the books she had used.
" Thanks but don't you have to be doing what librarian's do?"
" Aye I am. It is six lass. The library is closed. Tis why I was coming to get you."
" Oh. Well seeing as I have no interest in returning home right now if you have the time to listen.."
" I do."
" Well then I will share my story of love gone wrong."
He takes a seat across from her. And she starts to talk.
" Frank and I meet when I was in nursing school. I was a nurse in the war. Frank was in the intelligent division. We married before he shipped out...
It was hard to reconnect after being away from each other for so long. But we were trying. Well, I was trying. I didn't know he had a little thing on the side. Until I walked in on them, in our bed, when I returned home early today."
" Bloody h*ll. The man is a fool. The cheat on a woman as gourgeous as you Claire."
" Thank you Jamie. It is nice to know that I am still attractive to the upside sex."
" Attractive. You are beautiful Claire. Don't you ken that?"
Her heart is pounding as she looks at him across the small table. She reaches across the table and touches the back of his hand.
" Jamie, have you ever heard the expression' What is good for the goose is good for the gander'?"
" Aye I have heard that."
" Well," she starts to stock his hand," there seems to be something between us and we are all alone."
" Are you sure lass, Claire? You are still a married woman."
" Not for long. And Yes I am very sure."
She stands up and begins to unbutton her blouse. Jamie just watches her for a moment to shocked to move. She gets it completely unbuttoned and stops to slip off her wedding ring, placing it on the table, before slipping her blouse off. Jamie finds his feet then. He comes up to her.
" Sure?"
" Yes," She swallows any other questions as she pulls him to her and takes his lips. He tastes like a hint of whiskey and a hint of mint. It doesn't take long for him to get into the spirt. His huge hands drift to her arse and pulls her flush against him. She moans into his mouth when she understands that what the other nurses would whisper about is true. That hand size does predict the size of other things.
He kisses her until they are both breathless. He then lowers his head to her chest and skims the top of her bra before lowering her straps.
" Crips Claire, you are so beautiful." his Scottish accent thinkened by desire.
" Touch me. Taste me Jamie. I really need you."
He lowers his head. He cups one of her breast, playing with the nipple as he draws the other deep into his mouth.
" Oh bloody h*ll. Yes just like that."
My gawd Frank had never done that. Foreplay was a foreign concept to him. She was his wife and was supposed to always be ready to do her wifely duty. He legs start to shake as Jamie continues to love on her breasts.
He lowers her to the floor. She reachs with shaken hands and undoes his shirt. He moves away long enough to slip it off before resuming sucking and licking her breasts. She runs her hands down his chest and finds his nipples just as erect as he has made hers. He groans as she starts to play with them twisting them between her fingers.
When her exploring hands move down and brush against the front of his trousers, he mumbles something in a language she is unfamiliar with. He reaches down and fumbles with the front of her skirt. They break apart long enough to get their clothes the rest of the way off.
Claire swallows hard when she sees Jamie. His hands don't do his cock justice. He is massive. She can't wait to feel him inside her. She reaches for him and tries to guide him to her. And into her.
He lays her flat on the floor and reaches between them. He finds her very wet. So okay. He lets her guide him into her warm, into her wetness.
" Oh oh oh gawd." she cries as her legs come up to lock him in place.
Jamie, for his part, speaks Gaillec words that Claire doesn't understand. He starts to move slowly within her. She moves under him, her legs still wrapped around him at the waist, her hands twisted in his hair.
" Oh faster Jamie. Oh bloody h*ll."
He speeds up. All he can hear is the sound of their breathing and the sounds their body's make coming together. Then he feels her tightening around his cock, her muscles pulling, kneading, sucking on him.
" Ahhhhhhhh!" she calls out.
" Ahhhh gawd." he can't hold back and explodes within her.
" Thank you Jamie." she says as she lays beside him. Her chest still pounds in the strange rythmn that come from orgasms.,'" That was my very first orgasm.
He looks over at her and grins.
" Well Claire. Ye are welcome. But I should be thanking you. It was my first time. I was a virgin."
She jerks up and stares at him.
" Are you bloody serious!"
" Aye."
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blogflex282 · 3 years
Digitech Rp2000 Patch Library
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Digitech Rp2000 Patch Library Hours
Digitech Rp2000 Patch Library Update
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Digitech Rp2000 Patch Library; Battlefield 3 Full Version Free Download Utorrent; Pdanet Full Version Key; Tv Serial Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki Cast; Veer Zaara Full Movie Mkv Free Download; In The Valley Of Elah Hindi Movie Online; Vijay Tv Sivam Full Episodes; Crack Rdp Windows 2008 R2; Yogi Bhajan The Mind Pdf Free; Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo E5700. Novation BassStation editor and patch librarian. Windows: Shareware: 2002-04-23: 0: 50db: Ripper 2000 Alpha 0.3: Patch Editor for Digitech RP2000. Windows: Freeware: 2001-03-05: 2: 50db: MDB Editor: Edits records in the MDB section in Yamaha keyboard style files. Windows: Freeware: 2008-03-10: 0: 50db: Rebirth Tb303 Sequences Collection. Digitech RP100 manual (user guide) is ready to download for free. download free, software Digitech Rp2000 Patch Library. 4/4/2016 0 Comments Patch Library (requires login. For example: patch library, review. Guitar effect patches for the Digitech RP1000. Patchlist - Upload patch - Request patch. Heavy rythmn guitar patch.
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NameArtistRatingDateUploaderDownlDistorcion Solos
(David Gilmour , Slash,Etc)
Luiss Guns
- own creation
- own creation
David Gilmour
- own creation
- own creation
- own creation
Jmp 1959 Marshall
hot aolo
david gilmour
Digitech Rp2000 Patch Library Hours
ArtistCommentsSubmitted by
Led Zeppeling
patches for carruselambra
the police
Doo Doo, Deda dada
Rumble/Link Wray
Distortion with footswitch controlled vibrato as on the Rumble track
john Petrucci
heavy rythmn guitar patch and fluid lead patch
joe satriani
I want a fuzz solo patch can u help me
Andy timmons
Electric gypsy
NameArtistRatingDateUploaderDownlStill Got The Blues
Gary Moore
Terry Crombie
Boston Sound
Tom Shultz
Kent Wheeless
Acoustic Guitar Sound
Areana Rock 80's hairband sound
Sweep picking
Hold on to your love
Sustainium plus
Distorsioned Metal
A7X, Megadeth, Slayer...
Best rock sound
Avenged Sevenfold
My Metal distorsion
Fer spain
brutal distortion solo
Judas Priest
Ozzy Osbourne
voodoo child
Jimmi Hendrix
voodoo child NO WAW
Jimmi Hendrix
sustain - distortion
Voodoo wah
For the love of God
Steve Vai
Victor Orellana
Knights of Cydonia Whammy Distortion
the muse guy
Van Halen
On My Own
Love Hurts
Rod Stewart
Digitech Rp2000 Patch Library Update
ArtistCommentsSubmitted by
Jason Becker
Perpetual Burn album
Would like early Clash Mick Jones settings for DigiTech RP80
Djent, metal distortion
Djent, metal distortion
Gravity - John Mayer
For rp50
Lenny - srv
Lenny by Stevie Ray Vaughan please.
Any Reggae beat
I want to have some reggae beat on RP 80, which beat you suggest me?
Little wing
motley crue
Drop d
Eric Clapton - Cream
For the Song 'Sunshine of Your Love'. I heard it called the 'Woman' sound. Thank you.
rolling stones
gimme shelter
Jeff Beck
Modern pure sustain
the shadows
Looking for the best settings for digitech RP50 for shadows
gerry rafferty
right down the line
joe satriani
crying instrumental
0 notes
barbh · 4 years
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1/16/21 - Rythmn Rythmn is so much more than "a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound".  It is the pattern of our lives, our habits & eccentricities. Do you have rhythms (bad habits) that need to be extricated from your life....pray.  Have you been sloppy about spending time alone with God....get up earlier, stay up later, watch less TV or spend less time online. Are you falling behind in a project....speed up the tempo by eliminating distractions. Whatever rythmn your life is in at this moment, ask your Heavenly Father to guide your patterns and shape you into who He created you to be. Then enjoy the beautiful melody that is created by your obedience. #HOPEWRITERLIFE https://www.instagram.com/p/CKG_NeUF2mI/?igshid=chchfskww2h0
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helioraiser · 4 years
a guide to my first four five six music shuffles because im bored and I can't sleep and nobody knows me here so I feel much better about talking and also this is my blog so I'll do what I want
I can't select a readmore on tumblr mobile so this is your excuse to scroll really fast for a minute????
no hell - cloud cult: this is what you listen to when you're crying about being human for the the 50th time this week and it HELPS. it's a little weird at points but it feels like everything you've wanted someone to say to you - the right things to say. it's holding your mistakes in your chest and being alright with it
the great affair is to move - forgive durden: WONDERLAND IS SUCH A GOOD ALBUM AND NOBOOOODY EVER TALKS ABOUT IT EVER AND IT MAKES ME SO MAD BC FORGIVE DURDEN HAS SUCH GREAT RYTHMN (RYTHM?) IN GENERAL AND IT REALLY SHINES THROUGH WITH WONDERLAND - anyways this is another existential dread song but tinged with such saturated hope that it hurts and this song especially is really great to listen to on winter walks towards sunset. if this was cue the sun or for a dreamer, nights the only time of day I'd have way more to say but tbh I'm just so attached to this song for Personal Reasons which is code for "I leaned out the windowframe at 12:30 AM and looked up at all the gleaming stars while this song played in the background and never forgot about it" which is more than enough for it being the weakest song on a strong album for me
memory machine - dismemberment plan: I'll be honest- I cheated on this one cause I just really wanted to listen to it ... emergency n I is such a good album and honestly imo I think I discovered it at the perfect time in my life. if you're reading this - give it a listen. it's like an album for life changes wrapped up in a REALLY really good melody. I'll be the first to say I don't know music words but it's ... fresh to listen to. there's a new beat for every song and it NEVER gets old. PLS listen to it I can't describe how many feelings this song and what do you want me to say and the album as a whole give me and it's genuinely just fun to listen to
also this song, specially, reminds me of the psiioniic, so there's... that... >_>
a private understanding - protomartyr: another existential dread song. like, insane fucking existential dread. this is depression music in the best way possible - it's strong and poetic and it hurts and it's about capitalism and (imo) hopelessness in the system of it so maybe that's a bonus for you? it was for me ... protomartyr in general is so so good. it's heavier than most of the other music on this list but it rips to the core of your heart and idk just listen to relatives in descent and tell me what you think. but not night blooming cereus because im way too attached to that song
oceanographer's choice - the mountain goats: OH MAN. I don't know why this song about loving someone you hate (or really this album about loving someone and hating them) has become my breakdown song but... here we are. Tallahassee makes me fuckin lose it in general but I associate this song specifically with making a self portrait of me as an explosion which might carry over for you. it's really high tempo which contrasts like half of Tallahassee in a really neat way and it feels like self loathing but in an active way which is really fun (?????)
the most beautiful bitter fruit - la dispute: la dispute as band is something I was much more attached to as a younger person but they still slap hard. and also this song in general made me gay. not REALLY but it feels like it did. it's about honesty thru physicality and sex n I feel like that can speak really deeply to gay n trans people to which I am both and also it goes mad hard so. there's that
anyways tata I'm getting tired again so goodnight. I might do more of this just because it's fun and I like clogging up people's dashboards and also none of TMBG's songs came up and that makes me feel bad SO. see ya
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