#ruth connell x reader
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
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Requested by @victoriasagittariablack
Prompts - Iron - ‘We work together on this movie/show but we broke up and now our characters are romantically involved.’ & Auburn -  we’re both heading home for the holidays but our plane ends up snowed in at the airport. You have soft blankets and i have snacks, and in the end it doesn’t turn out so bad. & Primrose - “But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.”
A/N - I literally write Rob Benedict or Matt Cohen as the readers best friend in  all my SPN real people fics so, sorry! Trinity is your character’s name on the show.
Working with someone you were dating had its ups and downs. You had never tried to keep this information a secret, you’d spoken about it honestly when prompted at panels and interviews. Sometimes being around your girlfriend, Ruth Connell, all day and night was great, you savoured the moments you spent with her. At the same time though it was hard, sometimes you had arguments and then you had to work with each other like nothing was wrong, other times it was just a bit overwhelming to spend near on 24 hours a day with somebody. 
You had problems, every couple did, you tried to keep it real both publicly and privately. That’s why you were a bit lost at the moment. The Supernatural cast were all together at a convention, Ruth, you, Jared, Jensen, Richard, Rob, Mark (Pellegrino & Sheppard), Matt and a few others out of the main cast. 
You where sat on the bed of the hotel room that you and Ruth were sharing. Tears welled in your eyes but you absolutely refused to let them fall. Ruth stood across from you, leaning back against the dressing table, looking just as good as you felt.
Ruth had continued an argument you two had been having before catching a plane out here together, about how you two were drifting apart and then she said the words, the words that made your heart clench and your eyes water. ‘Are we even working together anymore? I mean, would it be easier if we broke up?’ 
And now here you were. Begging yourself not to cry as you climbed off the bed and over to your suitcases, thankfully you hadn’t had a chance to unpack. 
“Y/N, where’re you going?” She asked as you went to leave, before you turned to look at her you squeezed your eyes shut. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
“I’m not staying in here Ruth. You want to break up, that’s ok, I won’t force you to stay with me but please give me space because I can’t-” You cut yourself off with a sob and saw Ruth move towards you. You shook your head and left the room, feeling like the walls were closing in on you.
Sure your relationships had its ups and downs but you never ever wanted it to end. You loved Ruth, still do, madly. You dreaded the thought of going into work after the convention, your characters would begin to date on the show, how difficult was that going to be? 
Once you got a safe enough distance away from your old room you broke, tears fell down your face and sobs escaped even as you tried to muffle them. You had no idea what to do, it was a convention and everyone was staying in the same hotel, though some had to stay in another one due to this one being full. You’d never get a room.
“Wow, Y/N! What’s wrong?” You couldn’t speak but gladly welcomed the arms that wrapped around you tightly, letting your cry your eyes out into their shoulder. Rob your mind supplied as you cried. God, this was so embarrassing. 
He gently eased you out of the hug some minutes later, not wanting you to be in the corridor were anyone could see you. Rob looked at the suitcases by your side and his eyebrows knitted together in both confusion and concern. The safest thing to do was to bring you to his room until he knew what was wrong.
“Come on, let’s go.” He said softly, grabbing the suitcases for you and leading you back to his room.
He sat you on the bed and shot a text to Richard telling him he wasn’t go to make lunch and he sat with you. He pulled you back into a hug and let you just sit and cry.
It was about ten minutes later when you had calmed down enough to talk. You pulled back from him, letting him wipe the mix of tears, massacre and foundation from your face as you did. God, he must think you’re such as mess right now.
“Sorry.” You managed to whisper causing him to look at you like you’d grown two heads.
“What are you sorry for? Y/N/N, you know you can talk to me, right? What happened?” 
Wiping your own face, you took a deep breath and told Rob everything. The increase in arguments, the distance that had grown between you even though you were always together, the anger, the pain, the stress. Everything. To Rob’s credit he sat there whilst you vented, whilst you got angry then sad, and listened to every word.
“You know,” he began, “it’s not healthy for a couple to be around each other for that amount of time. It’s normal that you’re both getting frustrated because well, I guess, you’re so focused on trying not to, uh, not to ignore each other that you put too much pressure on spending time with each other.”
You took in what he said and you agreed whole heartedly, it wasn’t right and you were getting stressed out because of it.
“I know but, ugh, I got this job before I started dating Ruth, you know? It would have been different if we had been dating before but we weren’t. And Rob, this job, it’s my dream job! I can’t give that up. I love her but God, tell me what to do.” You said with a pout, causing him to laugh.
“Ok, ok, you wanna know what to do?” He asked, a slight grin playing on his face. You’d been friends with Rob since the first day you started on Supernatural, he was one of your best friends and you trusted him a hell of a lot. 
“Yes, tell me!”
“You come out with me, Rich and Matt tonight. You have a good time and you do your panels and photo ops like you normally would. You have a good time at this con and then we’ll figure something out before filming, yeah?” You thought about it. It didn’t seem like the most responsible, mature, response to your problems but it sure sounded good. Who could blame you if you just took one night to yourself, one night to focus on you before over thinking and stressing about everything? Besides, you’d asked Rob what to do, it’d be rude not to listen,
“Let’s do it.”
 You had freshened up your makeup and put on one of your outfits that you’d packed before heading downstairs, arms locked with Rob. 
You hadn’t actually seen anyone apart from Ruth and Rob, focusing mainly on checking in and throwing your suitcases in the room before doing so. Clearly there was a change in events but once the elevator opened and you saw people you knew dotted around you relaxed, a genuine smile making its way onto your face. You looked to your left when you heard a whistle.
“Look at you, gorgeous.” You grinned when you saw Rich leaning against the wall near the elevator and made your way over to him, greeting him with a hug and a kiss of the cheek. 
“Not looking so bad yourself, Mr Speight.” You told him causing him to laugh and throw an arm over your shoulder. You knew Rob had told Rich and Matt what had happened but you were relieved when Rich didn’t mention anything.
“Wow, where’s my hug?” You rolled your eyes but stepped out of Richard’s hold to wrap your arms around Matt. He gave you a tight squeeze as he kissed your temple causing a lump to build in your throat, ignoring it the best you could, you pulled back and smiled at him. 
The four of you headed out of the hotel you were staying at and headed to one of the many bars nearby. Matt offered to buy the first round and before you knew it the first round was gone and many later there was a new set of shots being placed before you. You threw each of them back before grinning at Richard.
You woke the next morning with a groan, eyebrows knitting together when you heard someone laugh and somebody else shush them. You slowly peeled your eyes open, screwing them shut again at the light, before opening them again and seeing Richard and Rob on the bed with you. Rich looked as good as you felt whereas Rob looked fine. You shot a glare at him before sitting up.
“Morning sunshine, ready for your panels this afternoon?” Rob laughed causing you to groan. You, Ruth, Kim and Briana had a group panel later on this afternoon and the thought of it made you feel worse than the hangover. There was no way you were cancelling though, you knew the fans spent so much money to be here and you wouldn’t ever disappoint them like that.
“God, Robbie do my panel for me.” You pleaded as you leaned against Rich’s shoulder, his head falling on yours.
“I would if I could.” He told you and you groaned. This was going to be the longest panel of your life but you had to do it, just grin and bear it. What could go wrong?
“So, Y/N, your character Trinity and Rowena are finally getting together this season, something the fans have been wanting since you were introduced to each other. I was just wondering what that means for your real life relationship and how do you feel that the writers added that relationship in?”
Everything. That’s what could go wrong. 
You’d taken a shower and some headache tablets, finding the hang over wasn’t actually that bad once you’d freshened up and ate. You’d gotten ready and walked over to the convention centre with Rob, Rich and Matt who had their own panels. 
You’d greeted Kim and Briana with hugs but then stopped when you saw Ruth, you felt like you needed to be professional but it really hurt. Kim and Briana noticed the tension but thankfully said nothing, whether Ruth had told them or not you had no idea.
You always felt you were quite honest. You let the public in on such a huge part of your life, tried not to have too many secrets for people to exploit but now, after listening to, what was it, Sasha’s question you had no idea what to do. You couldn’t say your relationship was great because that was bull and you had no  idea what you relationship was anymore. Sure you broke up but what more than that. Could you ever be friends with the women you love?
“Good question. You know I think it’s amazing that girls have these two very strong-minded women to look up to and see that yes they’re lesbian and bisexual but that doesn’t have to define you or hold you back. I like how the writers don’t base a character of their sexuality, meaning that like even with Charlie, you know, the way she was announced as lesbian was so chill and not her defining quality. I think it’s going to be important for people to have these characters to look up to and aspire to be like.” You said honestly, that part of the question was great, loved it, it was just the other half. You paused whilst everyone cheered, including your costars on the stage.
“When it comes to mine and Ruth’s relationship, honestly, I can’t answer it because we haven’t had a chance to explore Trinity and Rowena yet. Either it will be just like filming is now or it could have some affect. I really don’t know the answer to that yet.” People cheered once you answered and you let out a sigh of relief, smiling at Kim as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder and squeezed. Ok then, they definitely knew. You couldn’t be mad though, after all you’d told Rob and given permission for him to tell Rich and Matt.
Thankfully the rest of your panels for the weekend pasted fairly quickly and without incident. Now you were all headed to the airport together, most of you heading to Vancouver but some like Matt, Kim and Briana were heading home. 
The thought of filming was filling you with dread but still you knew you had to act professional. So many people looked up to your character, and to you, and you knew you had to prevail. This was your job, there was no time to get caught up in personal drama. You knew when you began dating Ruth that there was always that chance you two could break up and you’d just had to deal with it.
Sighing to yourself you got out of the car, picked your suitcases up and checked in, saying your goodbyes to Matt who headed towards a different terminal. You sat with Rob and Richard, squeezing Richard’s hand to try to soothe some of the anxiety he was feeling over flying. 
You looked over and saw Ruth was sat with Jared, Jensen and Misha. You couldn’t help but frown. You’d asked for space and she’d given it to you so why were you feeling so, so, God you couldn’t even explain what you were feeling. That was frustrating, everything about this situation was frustrating. 
Taking your hand out of Richard’s you stood up and grabbed your bag.
“Where you going?” Rob asked quietly, giving you a smile as he did. You smiled back before answering.
“The plane doesn’t get her for another hour and a half, two hours. I’m just gonna go stretch my legs.” He nodded at you before turning back to Rich.
You chanced one more glance at Ruth, who was watching you with sad eyes before she turned back to Jared who was saying something to the group.
With a frown you walked away from your costars and friends before heading to one of the coffee shops that were in the airport and ordering a hot drink to fight the slight chill you felt in the winter weather. 
You couldn’t even get a chance to come to terms with everything. You were aware you were constantly in the spotlight, whether it was paps or fans, someone had a camera and if you broke down in a Costa coffee shop it would definitely be front page on Twitter’s news section.
Two weeks of filming, that was it until you wrapped for Christmas and then you were back at it again for another six months, so the new season was ready for next October. God, two more weeks until you were alone. You hadn’t even thought about where you were staying, currently you and Ruth had a cute place in California that you stayed at when you weren’t in the UK, Canada or another state filming. 
“This is such a mess.” You mumbled to yourself.
You looked up when you heard a delicate voice saying your name hesitantly. 
“May I sit with you?” Ruth stood with her own hot cup of tea, looking at you with hopeful eyes. You figured you’d have to talk to her before you started filming and this was as good a time as any.
You nodded and gestured to the seat in front of you which she took.
“Look, Y/N, what I said-” You cut her off.
“You were right. It wasn’t working, Ruth, but now we’ve got a job to do and people depending on us.”
“I know but we can get past this right? At least speak to each other when we’re in the same room without a script? This is the longest we’ve gone without talking to each other, dear.” 
“Maybe one day but it hurts too much now.”
Filming was back in full swing, today you were filming episode three. You were shooting five scenes today, four of them involve you and Ruth. One scene was you two sort of coming out to Sam and Dean but not really. There was no official coming out but it was obvious you two were dating, you and Jensen would have a scene together later were you’d talk about it whilst researching. You loved how coming out for your characters on the show was done so naturally, no need to explicitly come out and everyone was accepting. 
Thankfully, Richard Speight was directing the episode and you felt a bit more at ease.
“Y/N, to set.” You headed over, hugging Rich when you saw him and got into position. 
“Ready. Episode 3, Scene 6, take 1 and action.”
Trinity walked into the room, coming to a halt when she saw Rowena stood behind the table with a book and some ingredients in front of her. You turned to Sam with a raised eyebrow.
“She agreed to help us find a way with the book.” You shrugged your shoulders at him before making you way over to Rowena. You stopped before her and she paused in her chopping, looking over at you. 
“Hey.” You grinned at her before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. God this felt right, you couldn’t help but think. It brought tears to your eyes as you felt that constant feeling of hurt stab through you. Pulling away from the kiss, the grin still plastered on your face, Rowena reached over and brushed some hair out of your face.
“Hey yourself.” She greeted before turning back to her work. 
“Mind giving me a hand, dearie? Grind those for me.” She gestured over to the mortar and pestle that had some ingredients in it. You reached for it with a shaky hand that you hoped the camera didn’t pick up and got to work. You knew this was going to be hard, you thought as the others around you spoke their lines, but not this hard.
You somehow managed to get scene 6 done in only a few takes before they were ready for you on the other set stage. This was your scene with Jensen, or Dean.
“So,” he began, a smirk settling on his face, “you and Rowena, huh?” You grinned at Dean whilst simultaneously rolling your eyes.
“Shut up.” You warned.
“No, no, I gotta ask. Gotta make sure my girls not gonna get hurt.” 
You let out a laugh, it should have been humorous but it came out more like a choked sob. 
You clenched your eyes together before hearing Rich call cut. 
“Sorry.” You choked out before Jensen wrapped his arms around you.
“S’alright, nothing to be sorry about. Let’s take a quick pause, yeah?” You nodded against his chest feeling stupid, you were the one banging on about getting your job done yet here you were crying on set whilst shooting a scene. 
Richard came over and handed you some water, holding your shoulder as he did. You thanked him and gulped it down before taking a deep breath. You were aware Ruth was on set, could see her looking at you if you looked to the side hard enough.
“Sorry, I’m ok.” Jensen and Rich both looked like they doubted you but got back into place.
“Take it from your line for me Jens.” Richard said. 
“Episode 3, Scene 8, take 2 and action.”
“No, no, I gotta ask. Gotta make sure my girls not gonna get hurt.” Dean repeated and you let out the laugh you were supposed to.
“First of all, not your girl,” You said with a fake glare, causing him to laugh. “Second of all, she’s not gonna hurt me and if she does, trust me I can handle it myself.”
“Yeah, I know you can. Doesn’t mean I gotta like it though. My girls growing up on me, dating 300 year old witches. What is it with this family and Supernatural creatures, I mean Sam and Ruby, you had the hots for Lucifer-”
“I did not!” You denied, rolling your eyes at him.
“Yeah, sure, ok, let’s go with that.” He laughed. “You happy with her?” Here you got choked up but recovered swiftly.
“You know what Dean, I am, I really am. Never thought I’d get to experience what I’m feeling in this life but with Rowena, it’s, it’s, God Dean I can’t describe it but I think I could really love her one day.” You painted a love-sick grin on your face, letting it fade slightly once Jensen drew you in for a hug.
“If you’re happy then I’m happy, kiddo.”
“And cut. Beautiful guys, beautiful.”
That was the longest two weeks of your life. You’d had to kiss Ruth more times than you could count and it hurt more and more each time, like a knife twisted each time you kissed. Your friends were supportive and you were so thankful for them.
You were even more thankful that the two weeks was up and you were finally heading back to California. It had started snowing in Vancouver and you wanted to get out before the snow storm hit. 
Your flight was the same one Ruth was taking. Considering you were going the same place it made sense but still you felt sad. The anger had faded and now you were just sad. This was also the first time in a long time you had nobody to go back to when you finished filming and it sucked.
You often told yourself you could get through things life threw at you. Always asked yourself ‘what could possibly go wrong?’ and then guess what happened, everything went bloody wrong.
Take now for example, filming was shaky at best but now you were heading home. What could possibly go wrong? Right. Everything. Everything could go wrong.
The snow storm had hit and now you were snowed in at the airport. Literally no way home and you weren’t dressed for the winter chill that could be felt from within the airport, no you had a thin pair of sweats, a t-shirt and light jacket on because you thought you’d be stepping off the plane to be greeted by California’s weather. Nope.
 You’d been at the airport an hour when you couldn’t take the cold anymore. You had stood up and started pacing after an announcement had been made that it looked like everyone was stuck here at least overnight and tomorrow. The snow was heavy enough to lock you in the airport, that’s the last time I ask myself what could possibly go wrong.
Ruth looked at you with sad eyes. She knew you hated the cold. Winter mornings were some of her favourite moments with you, when you pouted at her to stay in bed with you and you’d cuddle up together underneath a thick duvet and a mountain of soft blankets on top of you. Some morning TV playing quietly as you warmed up, gently, lazy kisses shared as you spoke about everything and nothing at the same time. Why had she let you go? 
“Y/N.” Ruth’s voice made you look up. You saw her pull out some blankets from her overnight bag she packed, a bag filled with things that would be useful in case of an emergency such as this. You always told her she’d never need it, you’d never been so glad to be wrong.
“Come here.” You obeyed her and sat next to her, grimacing slightly as you sat on the floor but sighed happily as two blankets were place over you. She frowned as you shivered and ended up taking her coat off and making you wear if, even though you protested, though truth be told they were half-hearted at best and she could see that. It made her grin.
“I have snacks.” You told her, pulling your own bag close and pulling out some of your favourite snacks. You gave her a bag and got one for yourself. 
“You know, if you had let me finish that day in Costa, I would have told you that I didn’t actually want to break up. Blimey, I love you dear. I’ve never loved anyone like I’ve love you but with work and everything it’s just been one stressful day after another and I guess it snowballed into something bigger.” 
You turned to looked at her and she couldn’t help but smile at the sight of your red nose and the pink blanket that was pulled tight and tucked under your chin. 
“You really didn’t want to break up with me?” God you sounded like a twelve-year-old with her first boyfriend or something. 
“Of course not, look at ya. I’d be a fool to let you go.”
“I tried to hate you,” You said honestly, watching her face fall, “I did. I thought it’d be easier to deal with but mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” Her face lit up as she laughed softly. 
“I’m sorry, dearie, for even suggesting we break up. You think we could still be together? We communicate more, tell the other when they need space and just try to make things a bit better.” You thought about it, there was nothing to think about though. You loved this women and couldn’t picture yourself with anyone else.
“Yeah,” you said with a grin, “I think we can make it work.” She rolled her eyes at you, smiling just as widely at you as you were her. Without thinking about it you leaned forward, kissing her softly and savouring every second of it. Kissing her as Rowena had been agony but now it was pure bliss.
When you pulled away, you both just stared at each other, smiling like two love-sick puppies.
“Ok now that we’re back together, will you please cuddle me? I’m freezing!” You exclaimed causing her to laugh but do as you said, placing a kiss to your head as she did.
Things were far from perfect, there was no denying that, but with a little work and communication what could possibly go wrong?
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Team Free Will x Reader
Summary: Y/N is on a road trip with the Winchesters. Even though tensions build when they take a wrong turn, Y/N has a way of livening things up. Cas and Rowena show up too, it’s gonna be one hell of a ride...
You might want to give Oh, Pretty Woman a listen
“Dude, I think we’re lost.”
“Sammy, I know these roads like the back of my hand. We’ll get there.”
“I don’t know Dean, we’ve been driving for-”
“Sam, just shut up, I know what I’m doing!”
“Do you though? Because we’re-”
“Boys, Boys! That’s quite enough!” Rowena said, exasperated.
Sam and Dean twisted in their seats. “Stay out of it!” they called in unison.
Y/N smiled and caught Castiel rolling his eyes from his spot beside her. The Impala cruised along a deserted backroad as the Winchesters and company drove to their next case in Denver, Colorado. While the boys argued up front, Rowena, Castiel, and Y/N stayed quiet, squished against each other in the backseats.
“Dean,” Castiel groaned from between Y/N and the witch. “I don’t see why I can’t just meet you in Denver. Is it absolutely necessary I endure the drive? It’s so... confining.”
“You wanna hunt with us?” Dean asked, flicking on the headlights.
“Yes, of course.”
“Then suck it up!”
The angel huffed and folded his hands over his lap. Y/N shifted to give him a sympathetic smile. “Sorry Cas, I would give you more space except SOME PEOPLE-” She widened her eyes at Rowena. “Can’t seem to pack lightly...”
“I told you before dear, it’s a bag of essentials! Foxglove, Heather, spell books... and maybe some clothes...”
Y/N leaned over Castiel to quirk a brow at the witch.
“I couldn’t very well keep my bag in the trunk!” Rowena argued. “That’s where the boys keeps their little play things!”
“They’re weapons, Rowena. THOSE are actually essential,” Sam scoffed.
“Brutish more like,” she mumbled.
Castiel suddenly turned to Y/N, his nose almost touching her own. “Would you mind opening a window?” he asked solemnly.
She held back a laugh at the angel’s awkward proximity. “Sure Cas. Just give me a second.”
Y/N turned to roll down the crank. “It’s stuck!” she cried out after a few moments of fidgeting.
“Hey hey hey! Take it easy or I’m stopping the car!” Dean insisted, worried that someone might damage Baby.
Sam grinned. “Dude, you sound like dad.”
The next mile was driven in silence until a deep rumbling noise sounded. Sam rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Dean, are we stopping soon? I’m hungry.”
“Check the console Sammy, I’ve got jerky.”
He wrinkled his nose. “I’m not feeling heart failure right now. Just stop at the market.”
“Market? What is this, the shire? I’ll stop at a diner soon.”
A tension filled the air as the Impala drove on, never breaking its stride. Bored, Y/N leaned her head against the window and started humming. She tapped her fingers and was nodding off when she heard something.
“Pretty woman, walkin’ down the street...” Castiel said slowly.
Y/N turned up and grinned, delighted that Castiel knew the song. Facing him, she hummed, keeping up the tune.
“Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet...” Rowena chimed in, flipping her hair back
At this point, Sam nudged Dean and started to sing along, tripping over the lyrics with a small laugh. “Pretty woman, won’t you pardon me...”
The car was suddenly filled with off-key singing as Y/N, Castiel, Rowena, and Sam raised their voices, trying to get Dean to join in.
He held back, his lips twitching in a hidden smile. “Oh god, you guys are so lame,” he finally relented with a chuckle.
Dean flicked his hand towards the car’s radio and pressed a button. Roy Orbison’s Pretty Woman sounded throughout the car and everyone cheered, singing along to the rock hit.
“And we’re back on track!” Dean yelled over the noise. “Denver, three miles ahead!”
He angled the rear view mirror towards himself and smiled. “I think we have some time for a pitstop. Who’s hungry?”
The hunters, the angel, and the witch drove on, a new sense of allyship between them as they finally settled down and sang together. Y/N looked around and grinned as Sam and Dean shared teasing glances at each other up front, and Castiel and Rowena nodded their heads along to the song’s beat.
Still smiling, she leaned back and gazed out the window. Cruising with the Winchesters was always an adventure.  
Might I suggest Bleeding Heart?
I thought this would be a cute idea, enjoy!!!
If you’d like to be tagged in any future Supernatural fics, just tell me in the comments... or visit my taglist! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Supernatural fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Dean, Christmas with TFW series, etc…) Requests are open btw!!
Tagging the rockin’:  @the-chaotic-cow @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @adaydreamaway08 @stitchintimefan @andthevillainshallrises @justyourlocalwhore @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me​ @eliwinchester99​  @cosbloos​ @danzalladaggers @starstruck-loner​
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imagine-a-dream · 3 years
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Imagine being Rowena apprentice.
requested by @gabrielasilva1510
Learning magic was a hard work. The task become even harder if you have not had no natural powers, but Rowena MacLeod was not the one who was afraid of a little challenge. Especially when you were such a dedicated student.
Admittedly, it was hard to stay focused in her presence, but you were determined to be a witch (and at this point you would do anything to please her). So you were working your butt off to perform the best you could. And after a few weeks of sweating and swearing you finally had cast a charm of obsession on this random waiter.
"Fabulous!" It was a delight to see her proud smile and hear her praise. "Alright, dearie, I think you're ready for the next level."
masterlist | request rules
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sibsteria · 3 years
An Unrequited Love
Prompts: None
Summary: Reader doesn’t share the love Jared has for her.
Character: Jared Padalecki x fem!reader x Rob Benedict
Warnings: None, I don’t think
Parts: 1
a/n this will be a small, few part series, I’m thinking. this part is so short so I apologise xoxo
‘‘Stop this, Jar!’‘ 
I giggled as his hardcore tickling nearly caused an injury.
‘‘You had it coming, you don’t just steal a man’s beanie.’‘ Jared helps me up only to whip me in the face with the beanie, clutched in his hand.
‘‘Excuse, you.’‘ I roll my eyes playfully and walk to the other side of the green room, where Ruth and Briana had nested. I failed to notice the look of pining Padalecki shot me, but Rich didn’t.
Rich’s POV
‘‘Hey, soooo, surely I’m wrong, but your head seems to be a little preoccupied lately.’‘ I nudge my head over to the gal who left the scene a few seconds ago. 
A look of bewilderment crosses his features as he stammers, in denial.
‘‘Wha- R-rich? Dude, c’mon, it’s not like that.’‘ He waves me off in dismissal.
‘‘Of course it’s not,’‘ I roll my eyes at the larger man, ‘‘I’m the master of subtext, I’m picking up your potent scent of yearning, dude.’‘ I wiggle my eyebrows at him, suggestively.
‘‘I just care a lot about her, you’re not smelling anything.’‘ A nervous laugh rattles his chest.
‘‘Try to deny it, but I’ll have you know, you aren’t the only one that’s into her. You have some preeetty solid competition.’‘ I attempt to leave his side, a strong grip attaches to my shoulder, that being Jared’s hand.
‘‘Woah, woah, woah...who?’‘ His eyebrows are scrunched up, as if concerned.
‘‘Why are you interested?’‘ I couldn’t help but play coy.
‘‘C’mon, man, just tell me.’‘ His face looked so serious, I felt a little amused.
‘‘Observe...’‘ I cracked my fingers, gesturing out to the green room, cast members littered the space. Our eyes landed on Y/n, currently in a deep conversation with Rob, who had joined the girl group. A tentative hand lay on Rob’s forearm, Y/n’s of course. I could feel the heat rising from the tall man beside me.
‘‘What? No...they’re just close. Best friends.’‘ He was uneasy of himself, I almost felt bad for him, but he didn’t know what I knew. What I saw.
‘‘Don’t dwell on it dude, Bobb-o might not have such an effect on her. You never know.’‘ I finished off before taking a seat next to Matt, who offered me a bottle of water. After that little chit-chat, who could refuse.
I knew all about Rob’s feelings for Y/n.
But I also knew about Y/n’s feelings for him.
(end of Rich’s POV)
I couldn’t help but get lost in Robbie’s eyes as he spoke to me, I was unaware of the hand I had rested on him, until he glanced down.
I sharply retracted my hand, not wanting to make it weird for him but his left hand reaches up and is placed on my upper arm.
I smile at him, trying to keep the butterflies at bay.
I was drunk on him, constantly. The smell of his jackets that hung from my shoulders, so graciously borrowed. The buzz of his skin as it connected with mine. The rough of his voice as he filled my brain with his words. His calloused fingertips finding refuge on my forehead as he sweeps rougue strands of hair.
It was enough to make a girl fall ass over kettle. 
Though, he’d never feel the same. It was a lost cause.
‘‘Hey, so I was thinking, it’s karaoke tonight. Would you like to sing a duet with your best friend?’‘ His tone was laced with hope and excitement.
‘‘Always, what are you thinking?’‘ He trails me as I walk over to the refreshments.
‘‘Well, I’ve heard you talk about this song like it was the only one ever written, so how about ‘Lucky’?’‘ His answer made me gasp.
I wasn’t a big Jason Mraz fan but this song made me feel bubbly inside.
‘‘Benedict, I love you!’‘ I swing up to wrap my arms around his neck. If only he knew just how much I meant that.
‘‘You too Y/n/n, be prepared, I go hard when there’s only acoustics.’‘ I felt the way his hands squeeze at my waist, making me nuzzle into his neck.
‘’It’s going to be perfect.’’ I reply.
‘So perfect...’ A thought bounced around Rob’s mind. 
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candescentclitoria · 4 years
Soulmate Tracking
Chapter 1
Pairings: Rowena Macleod x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Does angry Rowena count??
A/N: HI! So this is something i wrote on my main blog a while back, but decided to move it here, I hope you enjoy.
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A low angered growl emits from Rowena's throat, her blood red nails digging into the flesh of her pale palm as she realizes her pendant is missing. The pendant she carries on her person daily, the one to help her find her soulmate. It was laid in its velvet case the night before, protected by a silver lock, and now it is gone.        Rowena quickly gathers her things, gently placing her grimoire in the bag, then tossing everything else she needs in there as well. Gripping her phone, she calls Sam, her heels clacking against the floor with every angered step. 
    "Rowena? You rarely call me, what's-" Sam is cut off by Rowena, her angered tone replacing his calm one. "Someone stole my damned pendant!" Sam pauses on the other side, letting out an exasperated sigh. "You called me for this, a pendant?"     "It's not just a pendant Samuel, okay? It's.." Rowena pauses, her lips coming together as she sits in silence. Sam calls for her on the other end of the line. Is she really ready to admit she wants love? Ready to admit that her 'love is weakness' statement was a lie?      With a quick sigh, she finally gives in. "It's to help me find my soulmate." She admits, her voice cracking as she tears up in worry and anger. "I lied Sam, I lied about how I believe love is weakness. I don't. I want to find them, I want to find my soulmate." A whimper escapes Rowena's throat, her lip quivering as tears fall down her pale face. "Please Sam, help me get that pendant back.."     Silence is heard on the other line, yet it is quickly interrupted by a voice. "Oh, uh sure. Just...just let me get my things and I'll head over." A small smile grazes over Rowena's face, her eyes closing as she sighs happily. "Thank you Sam!" She whispers quietly, hanging up. She turns to grab her bag and brings it over to the fireplace, sitting in the velvet chair in front of it.      Slowly, her salty tears cease to fall, her mascara smudged the slightest bit. Rowena pulls out her compact mirror and her mascara and slowly, she starts to fix her face, using a makeup wipe to remove the smudged mascara.     A heavy knock emits from the hotel room door and Rowena jumps up. She walks over and peeks through the peephole of the spruce wood door. Sam's light chestnut hair and ivy green eyes glance into the peep hole at Rowena's emerald orbs. Rowena slowly and cautiously opens the door, her head peeking around the corner. "Samuel."
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
Don’t Wake Me Masterlist
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Dean is having a hard time dealing with the Readers death. He can’t even sleep because when he does, he sees you dead in their motel room. Sam is worried about him and enlists the help of Rowena to help Dean. Rowena makes a tea to help Dean sleep and when he does, he sees you alive. Soon, Dean relies on this tea to sleep drinking it bigger and much more dangerous dosages. Can Sam and Rowena get Dean to stop before he kills himself?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven-FINAL
Story is Complete 
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bts-spnlvr12 · 3 years
Upcoming Mini-series
Hi guys, I just wanted to let you know that I'm planning to a write a mini series somewhat based on a YouTube series from my favorite Youtuber, Aphmau!
It's going to be called Emerald Eyes, I'm trying to come up with a summary as I write down ideas for this series, using things from the series from YouTube but adding my own twist to it.
It's a Jensen Ackles x F!Reader story, so it may or may not be the greatest as this is my first mini-series, but it'll be a lil while before I even post the first chapter, but hopefully it'll turn out okay. I may post some more details later but it's still a W.I.P., so here's what going on!
Bye y'all!
(teaser to some of the characters in the tags below!)
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read on archive of our own
read on wattpad
read on fanfiction.net
summary: ❝Asterope Malfoy had always wanted nothing more than to make herself gold, whether it meant being her parents' golden child or breaking free from her family's extremely dark and shockingly evil reputation. After being sorted into Hufflepuff, Asterope chose the latter of options, she changed her name, disowned herself from her family, and did everything her family wouldn't do. The last thing she wanted or needed was to wind up in the Triwizard Tournament, have a year long identity crisis, all the while falling in love with her best friend Neville Longbottom, the only one who believed that she was golden.
While Asterope couldn't have predicted the mess she would end up in, she should've known it wouldn't be easy. After all it was well known that things never did go easy for the members of the noble and most ancient house of Black who tried to free or better themselves. Take what happened to poor Andromeda Tonks, or Sirius Black, or the late Regulus Black. Traitors to the Black family have met cruel fates dating back centuries and unfortunately, Asterope was no exception. She would find herself the centre of decade old prophecy that could end with her dying as a villain painted black rather than a hero made of gold.❞
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marvelfangirllll · 4 years
Not mine but close enough
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Rowena X reader (non romantic)
This is from my Wattpad Fandom_TRASH__ I teared up writing this as it hits close to home.  Having a single parent.
"Dude you're staring at her again" Sam whispers towards me as I watch Rowena re-apply some of her lipstick.  "Oh sorry" I quickly looking away.  "Ye know dear, I get I'm beautiful but this is only lipstick, didn't ye ever watch yer mum put it on?" She says looking over at me.  Sam got up and left knowing how this was gonna go.  "No actually, my mother and I weren't close and Its been my dad and since I was six, no phone calls no happy birthday from her.  I've also never had a woman stick around."  I let out with a sniffle and wipe my tears. "I wasn't trying to make ye cry Darlin" she comes over and gives me a hug.  "Its just hard but I'm thankful for the men who've stuck around to love me".  I hold onto Rowena.  "Darlin forget them pesky women who left you.  I may not be yer mother but I'd like to be a woman who sticks around for ye. I may not be the best mother for Fergus but being with you might help me out too to be a mum again." She says.  "Now get up and let's go out do some mother daughter bonding, what do you say lass".  "Hell yeah" we then head out.
We had a blast going out.  We got manicures and pedicures.  We tried on some clothes...she even convinced me to get a sexy dress to try to seduce a certain Winchester.  She even taught me some basic magic.  She may not be my mom but she's as close as I may get.  A wise man once told me, "family don't end in blood but it doesn't start there either." Family cares about you, not what you can do for them families there; for the good, bad, all of it. They got your back, even when it hurts.
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Things Done Differently 3
A/n: Supernatural RPF
Link to Chapter 2
Pairings: Richard Speight Jr x Reader
The following days went smoothly for Richard and yourself. The two of you didn’t leave the house or the bed for the most part.
“These hormones of yours are really wearing me out, sugar. Not that I am complaining. Six months of just using my hand was miserable.”
Richard said with a smile as he watched you pull on some clothes. You smirked before trying to wiggle into a pair of leggings. With a sigh, you gave up after a few tries.
“I blame you for this.”
You said with a smirk as Richard sat up and attempted to fix his bed ravaged hair.
“I didn’t hear you complaining, especially last night, middle of the night, and this morning.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I’m not complaining, silly. I never believed people when they said that when you get pregnant you turn into a horny mess. Well, now look at me you could bend me over whenever you want.”
Richard raised an eyebrow and was clearly considering your words.
“In that case, I better go buy me a supply of Viagra or something because sweetheart I’m not as young as I used to be.”
The two of you exchanged a smile.
“You haven’t needed any assistance so far. I have to run downtown and meet a client with my brother.”
Richard frowned.
“Ah gotta go meet Mr. Personality huh?”
You gave him a small frown.
“Rich, please. I know that you two don’t like each other.”
Richard held a hand up.
“Like isn’t a strong enough word, darlin. More like hate each other's guts and hope the other will drop dead.”
You pulled on a knee length sweater and tucked it around your stomach. For the past few months, you had been so used to trying to find creative ways to hide the fact that you were pregnant. The realization that you didn’t have to still hadn’t really kicked in.
“Richard, I’m not asking much of you just please for our daughter, try to get along with Andrew. Like it or not he’s going to be a part of her life. He’s my business partner. Carmichael records isn’t what it would be without my brother. I can’t do it all on my own.”
Richard frowned feeling guilty. He stood pulling on his jeans before going to you.
“Sugar, I’m sorry. He just bugs me. You’re right our daughter doesn’t need all the drama. I’ll see you when you get home..”
He leaned down pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, deepening the kiss. Richard sighed against your mouth.
“And this is what led to you getting pregnant. You better get going. I don’t want your brother coming in here seeing me half naked.”
You turned with a smile and walked out of the room.
Half an hour later, Richard sat in the living room waiting for Rob, Matt, Jensen, Jared, and Ruth to show up. Tonight was the night that he was going to let some of his friends other than Rob in on his secret. Part of him was ready to get the news of your pregnancy out in the open so the two of you could walk out in public and not feel you were hiding. The other part wanted to keep his daughter as safe as possible. Even if she wasn’t born yet, Richard wanted to keep the kid safe from all the sets of eyes in Nashville that would be on her once she was born.
Richard looked down at the magazine on the coffee table. It was Andrew and yourself on the cover of Nashville Star magazine. Richard sighed looking at you carefully. You were dressed in a loose black dress that clearly hid your stomach. Richard sat down with a groan. He hated knowing that because of him, you had gone to all those crazy lengths to hide your condition.
Looking at Andrew, Richard frowned. He knew that he had to find a way to get along with the oldest Carmichael. If there was anyone that could quiet some of the crazy that the unplanned pregnancy was about to cause it would be Andrew Carmichael. Even though Richard was annoyed at the thought of going to Andrew to keep the reporters off of you; he had a feeling he would be doing it. Sure, Richard could put his two cents in on everything to the reporters but that would cause even more of a circus fest. Andrew could smooth things over. Richard had seen him do it plenty of times when it came to an artist who was going through a rough patch. Andrew could have made Britney Spears 2007 meltdown look sane.
The doorbell ringing pulled Richard from his thoughts. Looking down at his watch, he was relieved to see that it was time for his friends to show up. Getting out of his head was the best thing at the moment. Getting up and walking to the door, Rob looked concerned as soon as Richard answered.
“Hey buddy! Didn’t know you bought a new house.”
Jensen said cheerfully as he walked in with Jared behind him. Matt grinned.
“Did you have someone decorate it for you or did you suddenly become awesome at interior decorating?”
Richard smirked as they sat down on the couch. Rob hadn’t out of earshot before turning and looking at Richard.
“Is everything okay? You look stressed.”
Richard shrugged.
“Just a lot on my mind. I’ll be good.”
Rob didn’t look too believing as he walked to join Ruth on the couch. Taking a deep breath, he decided just to let everything come out in the open. Feeling nervous around his friends was something that was not like him in the slightest. Anyone that knew Richard in the slightest knew that being shy or keeping secrets from his friends was not the man he was.
“So Rich, what is with you?”
Jared asked with a smile. Richard sat down .
“So I uh…have a girlfriend.”
Jensen looked surprised and nodded with a smile. Ruth clasped her hands together looking excited. She wasn’t about to say it but they had all been worried about Richard over the past few months. He had not been his normally cheery sarcastic self. Seeing him withdrawn and clearly acting when on stage was not her normal friend.
“Well, that is wonderful dear! You have seemed so moody lately.”
Richard nodded.
“She’s pregnant.”
The whole room went silent. Everyone looked between themselves before looking back to Richard. Matt tilted his head to the side.
“Come again?”
Jensen and Jared were mouthing what the fuck to each other before Jensen turned to Richard.
“We see what you have been doing!”
Matt meanwhile, was grinning.
“Is there something that you’ve forgotten to tell us and does it have something to do with all the love bites you’ve been sporting? That’s right I see things because I am your friend! Wait a second! Rob did you know about this?”
Rob nodded, hoping to keep everything as calm as possible. He was worried about Richard from the moment that he walked in the door. Jensen chuckled.
“Well, that explains everything! Rob how in the hell did you keep this to yourself? I figured you would have blabbed by now.”
Jared got up and went to stand beside Richard.
“Rich probably threatened to kick his ass. Rob is the only one that threat will work on. He’s the only one smaller than Rich.”
Jared said with a smirk before resting his arm on the top of Richard’s head. Richard quickly pushed Jared off with a frown while Rob crossed his arms over his chest.
Rob squeaked. Having enough at the masculine ball-breaking fest, Ruth stood up.
“Okay boys that is enough. Richard, how far is she? How long have you been together?”
Richard looked up finally.
“She’s 6 ½ months. We’ve been together for over a year…just the past six months we were kind of broke up because I wanted to keep everything hush-hush.”
Matt looked like he had just figured out a grand puzzle.
“SO that is why you were coming back to Nashville all the time! I knew that there was something that I was being left out of! I thought that I was supposed to be in on this friendship. I feel so left out right now.”
Richard chuckled.
“I am sorry that you haven’t been included in the latest chapter of this train wreck called my life! If I could have….”
The sound of the door closing pulled Richard from his thoughts. He almost yelled the moment that he saw you standing in the doorway. From the look on your face, you had heard everything he had just said and wasn’t happy. Matt was the first one to say something. Matt looked awestruck looking at you. You were definitely as pretty as in all of the magazines.
“You’re Y/n Carmichael.”
You smiled politely.
“You must be Matt.”
Matt grinned.
“You really are pregnant!”
Everyone looked at Matt like he was absolutely nuts. Richard rolled his eyes.
“Did you think I was lying?!”
Matt shrugged.
“Just thought you might have been trying to pull one over on us.”
You chuckled before looking down at your watch.
“It's nice to have met you all. I’m sorry to run but I have a plane to catch in two hours and have to pack. I hope to see you all again.”
Richard’s less than amused expression became even more grave.
Your eyes went to your boyfriend.
“I have a meeting in Texas in the morning with a potential client. Andrew decided to just spring it on me an hour ago. I should be back the day after tomorrow.”
You turned with a smile before walking into the bedroom shutting the door. Once you were out of the room, Jensen turned looking at Richard.
“Dude I think she heard what you said about your life being a train wreck.”
Richard ran a hand through his hair.
“Ya think? I didn’t mean it like that!”
Jensen shrugged innocently.
“You might not want to sit here and tell me. You may wanna go in there and talk to her.”
Richard groaned before turning and walking into the bedroom. The last thing he wanted was to lose you all over again because he made some crazy comment that he didn’t need to make in the process.
Walking into the bedroom, you stood to put random outfits into a suitcase. You didn’t even look up when he walked into the room cluing Richard in that you were upset.
“Y/n, about what you heard sugar.”
You looked up before holding up your hand.
“You don’t have to explain.”
You wanted to say more but didn’t. You wanted to let Richard know what you were feeling but that would just escalate to an argument. The last thing that you wanted before a trip to Texas was an argument with your boyfriend. You knew that if you wanted to keep Richard, fussing at him was the last thing that you needed to be doing!
Richard hadn’t moved from his place by the door for a moment before going to sit on the bed.
“Y/n, talk to me.”
You shook your head.
“There is nothing to say. Everything is fine.”
Richard ran a hand through his hair as you kept putting random clothing items in the partially full case.
“So are you coming back?”
You looked up.
“Of course.”
“You’re packing like you are about to run or something.”
You looked up again.
“I’m pregnant. I need lots of clothes. If I am not burning up one moment I am freezing to death the next. That calls for a lot of material.”
Both of you were quiet for a moment before Richard spoke again.
“You know, Y/n I am an actor I can spot someone lying from 100 feet away. I know you heard what I said and none of that pertained to you.”
You zipped your bag before looking up like nothing had happened.
This was the point that Richard was beginning to get aggravated!
“Damn it, Y/n don’t do this! You are doing just what you used to! Instead of us talking about our problems you are just shoving them deeper and deeper into Pandora’s fucking box. It's like I can’t get you to trust me no matter what I do!”
You froze at that. Your pretty face went sour like you had eaten a ton of sour Skittles. Turning and looking at Richard, your eyes looked too much like Andrew’s for his liking.
“Fine, you wanna know what I thought when I heard you say that your life was a train wreck? I wanted to tell you to just leave. Just go like you did before and leave me to it. I tried to think that you were back here because you were actually in love with me and it wasn’t some sense of masculine sense of duty. Now I am starting to think that I was right in the first place. I am not staying with someone who considers our child a mistake or contributing to what you call a train wreck.”
Richard looked totally floored by that one. He looked like someone had crept up behind him and yanked the rug he was standing on out from under him.
“What the hell?!!! I never called our daughter a mistake and I sure am not staying with you out of a sense of male pride!”
You narrowed your eyes.
“Calling it as I see it.”
You turned and walked from the room without another word leaving Richard between shocked and furious! You meanwhile, knew everything that you said was wrong and that you shouldn’t leave angry like this. You knew Richard would never in the right mind mean the train wreck comment to be about you, however, you couldn’t help feeling hurt. Tomorrow you would probably regret everything that just happened but tonight you wanted to be miserable.
The next thought to enter your mind was the fact that you had to put on a grand act around Andrew. If your brother knew that Richard and yourself were already fighting that would offer no favors in the future. In fact, Andrew would probably just be hating Richard more than he already did. Putting on an act around Andrew was hard to do in the first place. You could only hope that your brother would buy your pregnancy hormones as being the reason that you were upset. For the past six months, if she started randomly crying or became irrationally angry Andrew would peek over his computer at you like a frightened church mouse. However, now that he knew Richard was back if you showed up with puffy swollen eyes from crying he wouldn’t hesitate to say it was Richard’s fault; pregnancy hormones be damned.
One of the shocking things with Andrew was he had been surprisingly tender with you in your “predicament.” You didn’t even remember him being this tender with Ashton when she was pregnant with his own children! This was probably what contributed to Ashton’s sudden dislike of you. She sure as hell didn’t let an opportunity to let you know of her displeasure.
“I couldn’t even get him to go get me food in the middle of the night. All you have to do is say that you are hungry and he will go running for you.”
You had been tempted to say that being your brother’s pet since the time that you were born definitely seemed to have its benefits as well as its disadvantages. You decided to remain silent on the matter. You weren't about to stir that pot in the disaster known as Andrew and Ashton: married couple.
Settling yourself into your car, you looked down seeing your brother’s name on the iPhone’s screen.
“Nose like a goddamn Doberman.”
You muttered before answering the phone.
“Hi Andrew.”
Her brother’s voice was instantly inquisitive.
“Have you been crying? What’s that guy done to you now?”
You winced.
“Richard didn’t do anything. I just…don’t want to leave him for a few days.”
You mentally congratulated yourself on a good save as Andrew sounded grossed out.
“Forget I asked. I was just calling to see if you were on your way.”
You sighed, as she pulled onto the highway.
“I am. See you in fifteen.”
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Mother Of The Year
Season 13 Episode12-Various and Sundry Villians
Pairing: Rowena x Sam
Plot: loosely based on the the season 13 Episode12 Various and Sundry Villians. In my mind, this is how Rowena actually recieves the page. All characters belong to the supernatural franchise. Feedback is always welcome!  Please do not post or use my fics without my written Permission.Thanks!
"Why are you so frustrating?" Sam says running his hands stressfully through his hair. Rowena was in the back seat adjusting herself. The Impala was truly a place for a young man,musty and hot. One of the seat belts she had accidentally sat on earlier was sharp, she imagined from a fight with some sort of monster, she guessed the backseat of that car was not used much.God maybe they weren't young men. Regular young men tend to make good use of their backseat she smiles to herself with the thought.But, what could you expect.....they were hunters.Hunters who saw life in black and white.
"Why are you protecting Lucifer? You know what he did to us.If you saw his face, you know what I see every night. He's responsible for my nightmares and for killing my wee Fergus!" Rowena shot back.
"O please! Don't play like Crowley was your best friend. You hated him! You undermined him at every turn ." 
" I tried to keep him away from the likes of you..... " Rowena strained, feeling the veins popping up in her forehead but forcing herself not to come off as any more angry than she was feeling. She felt the heat building in the back of the Impala.It was  somehow dreadful in Lebanon at this time of the year, especially in an old car with a busted air conditioning unit. "Besides that doesn't make me a bad mother, at least I didn't sell him to a demon. At least I was around long enough for my son to know me." Sam whirls around
"You sold your own son so excuse me for not considering you mother of the year." He states coldly. "Plus, it's better for us not having more people close,people that could get hurt." He says turning back in his seat. 
"Yeah that's why." you say bluntly. 
"Rowena-Do you really think because we had one shared experience you have me completely figured out ?" 
Rowena leans forward, crossing her arms on the back of the front seats. He turns toward her and looks her dead in the eyes. Watching her tred, she calmly says-
"Sam Winchester, always the nice one.Let me ask you, are you a boy who needs his mommy? or are you a man ?"
Sam looks at her, his gaze stiffening. He weighs the question of if Rowena is just trying to get close to him to trick him into getting the page from the book .But, possibly she just wanted to know about him, to be sure he didn't wait to get Dean's okay before making a move. Fuck it. He leans in, snaking a hand through her long red hair, kissing her. The pressure from her lips is not what he expected at all. Honestly, he didn't know what he expected, just to prove a point initially but, here there was a little something more. Their mouths together in understanding, in need. Maybe being destroyed by Lucifer did connect them in some way. He felt his cock tighten in his jeans and suddenly he was wishing there was not a seat in between them. He wanted to feel her, to know if she felt as small as she looked, to know if she had learned anything in bed over the centuries of being alive that could make him make him cum hard. He feels her break away and is caught off guard by the sudden stop , he leans in more and Rowena just smiles down at him.
"You boys are so predictable." Rowena says, smiling into his mouth and kissing him again. Then he hears her tear a sheet of the book, and catches her hand coming up next to his head. He smiles back at her knowing there is no way he could let her take the page. She kisses him hard and then quickly pulls back, moving her hand to the sharp seat belt she slices her palm on cold metal and let's out a whispered "Xi" while placing her hand on his chest. It was a simple enough Chinese mind control spell,she knew it wouldn't last long enough but it would give her enough time to slip the tattered page into her purse. She closed her purse, checked her lipstick in the rear view mirror, smiled at Sam and then snapped her fingers. He wakes up, looking around slightly disoriented.
"What happened?" he gruffs.
"Woah there big man.You fell asleep." Rowena laughs from the backseat."Your brother doesn't have a rule against that does he ?" She joked.
" No-no" he chokes, fully waking up, with a smile.He rubs his eyes and Rowena takes him in, so tall and long. It really is a shame he wouldn't just let you take the page. The two of you could have actually had fun while Dean went to ask around town. 
" You are a handsome man, Moose." Rowena smiles, her lips stretching tight around her lips. Sam looked at the smile lines playing at the edges of her mouth and thought Rowena must have been pretty when she was younger, a million or so years ago but still......younger. 
" I don't like Moose" he retorts,turning to face the windshield and lifting his eyebrows to create the most linear frown lines you had ever seen. Rowena settled into the seat, a smug smile on her face. You were the best mother you could have been, considering the circumstances. Fuck Sam Winchester.
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obscure-imagines · 6 years
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“i guess i’ll just sit here and wait till the little wee witchy Winchester arrives.” Rowena said, taking a sip of her tea. 
Sam sighed and left the room, followed a few minutes later by you, “this better be important if you woke me from my nap.” you sighed.
when you realized it was Rowena in the room you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, smiling at her, “hey.” then you realized, “oh! you must be here about the help we need for a hunt! so there’s this spell i need to do but i am no where near advanced enough to figure it out-” you began.
“well why dont you show me the spell darling? i’d be more than happy to help.” she grinned sweetly at you, “i’m always ready to help such a kind, sweet thing like you.” 
********* gif credit @kingofthecrxssroads
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honeypiehotchner · 6 years
dancing on my own -- part eight
I am a LIAR but not totally. I’m procrastinating (ironically enough, the essay I should be writing at this moment is about procrastination). But I need some cuteness in my life right now. So I wrote this.
Words: 2,245
Summary: Rob is being a total cutie, but subtly. Some rambling from Sarah at the ladies panel. Then some green room cuteness.
Warnings: it’s so cute??? I blushed writing it
The masterlist is here, by the way.
Saturday is a big day for everyone. We’re packed with panels, photo ops, autographs, a contest here and there, and the concert at the very end. We’re insanely busy.
This is the excuse I give Briana when she catches on to Rob and I’s unnaturally bubbly and friendly behavior. Granted, it only took her half an hour after I got down to the green room to notice—
It’s not a big deal, really. Rob met me at the door with a coffee. And I mean, come on, not a big deal. He used to all the time, but then stopped when…all that mess happened. So it’s not a big deal that he started doing it again.
Or that there was a heart next to my name on the side of the cup.
Not a big deal. “You’re reading too far into it,” I tell Bri, shaking my head as I sip my coffee.
“I’m reading just enough into it!”
I give her a look. “He came to my room last night, we talked, and he went back to his room. End of story.”
She raises an eyebrow.
“If anything, we…cleared the waters.”
“Cleared the waters!”
“We talked about a lot of…unspoken stuff, you know. Like he apologized, and we talked a little about Lily and how therapy helped me a lot and just…stuff we had wanted to talk about but didn’t know how, I guess.” I pause, laughing at her facial expression. “It’s too early for me to deal with you.”
“That’s good!” She keeps her words calm, but I can tell she wants to squeal like a teenager. Thankfully she keeps it inside.
Kim and Ruth come down a little later, followed by Rachel who will be joining us for the panel later today. Bri, of course, has to tell the girls about how Rob and I “cleared the waters” last night. And they, of course, commence to teasing me about it, which I both expected and…wasn’t totally dreading.
I haven’t felt this giddy in a long time. Sue me.
Thankfully while all this is happening, Rob, Rich, and the rest of the band are out and about, wandering off somewhere. But they should be coming back soon. I think our panel starts in a while.
“What time are we on?” Rachel asks.
“I was just wondering that,” I chuckle. “Anyone?”
One of the handlers, Lindsey, hears us talking and answers for us. “In thirty minutes.” Then she pauses, glancing around. “Where is everyone?”
We all laugh, Kim replying with, “They ran away.”
No less than a second later, though, the band comes back in…minus Rob and Rich.
I hear Lindsey mutter, “Fucking hell,” under her breath, causing me to snicker. “Am I gonna have to call Hillary?” Hillary is their handler, who should be with them when they’re not in the green room, but they all tend to sneak away.
Billy laughs loudly before saying, “No, they’re coming.”
“Eventually,” I add, smirking.
They wander. It’s a running joke.
The joke doesn’t last too long this time, though, because Rob and Rich do come back to the green room a few moments later. Well, Hillary comes in first, followed a moment later by the boys. We applaud them loudly, breaking into laughter when Rob flips us off.
They walk over to the table where all of us girls are sitting—Well, Rob does…Rich follows with this mischievous grin on his face.
I give him a strange look before focusing back on Rob who had originally said hey to me and placed a hand on my arm. “Hey. Where were you guys?”
Rich just about chokes from trying to hold back some kind of retort. Rob glares at him before answering me. “Just walking around.”
I raise an eyebrow at the both of them. “Okay…”
“We need to go start talking,” Rich announces, clapping Rob on the shoulder before turning away toward the band.
“I guess that’s my cue,” Rob laughs, those eyes of his sparkling. “See you in a few minutes.”
“See you,” I smile. And much to my surprise with how neurotic he is, he leans down and presses a kiss to the top of my head before walking away.
 By the time I turn back to the girls, I am a blushing mess. And they are all trying to look completely unfazed, even though I can tell every single one of them wants to point it out and say something.
But they don’t. I only get four extremely knowing smiles before Rachel asks who all is singing at the concert, and our conversation moves to that before we have to go onstage.
Thirty minutes later, we are being ushered onstage. We all choose to walk around the curtains to the ramp so we can walk up with Rachel. The screams are deafening, as they typically are, but it never fails to make us grin.
And I absolutely can’t help myself from smiling so wide when I see Rob standing there, singing his heart out. He glances at me through the corner of his eye, a grin breaking out over his face when he sees me.
We’re acting like we literally didn’t just see each other a few minutes ago.
I catch a glimpse of Rich, who is smiling and shaking his head at us as the song finishes, the crowd applauding the band and screaming some more.
“Atlanta, Georgia,” Rich begins, but then stops himself, looking to me. “Sarah? Any words?”
I gladly take over. “Hi Atlanta!” More screaming. “Are any of you from this area? Or around here?” More screaming. “Good! Okay, that makes me so happy. I’m from here, twenty minutes south, so this is my home. I’m also currently working here, so I’m in the city a lot for filming at the moment. It’s good to be in my hometown for one of these things.” I pause. “How many of you traveled in for this?” More screaming. “That’s a lot, okay,” I pause to laugh when everyone else onstage with me raises their hands. “I know you guys did. Anyway. Thank you for coming to visit! I hope you give yourselves some time to explore before you go back home. And thank you for showing interest here! Creation saw that and heard you guys, so keep spreading it so we can keep bringing these guys back.” Another round of screaming.
“Would you like my job?” Rich teases, causing me to laugh. Rob laughs too, hanging onto the mic as he studies my face. I could feel him looking at me the whole time I spoke, and I tried not to focus on it, but I did a little. “I couldn’t have said it better myself. We’re gonna get off here and let you hang out with them. Have fun, ladies!”
We all tell them goodbye, waving as they exit. I wave toward Rob, earning a wink and wave in return.
Butterflies. That’s weird.
Okay, panel time. Focus.
I do focus, actually, and manage to make it through the panel remaining focused. This panel has always been a sort of wisdom/motherly panel, meaning most questions are asking for some advice or indirectly asking about something the person needs to hear. Which Kim, our ever-present wisdom provider, absolutely loves.
And eventually, as I knew it would, there is a question about how I am doing.
“I’m doing really good,” I smile. “I talked about it yesterday, but I’ll briefly talk again just for those who are wondering and weren’t here. Um, I’m a lot better. I got the help I needed and actually listened and worked on myself this time, so when I say I’m doing good, I mean it this time.” I look around me at the ladies sitting next to me. “I thankfully had an amazing support system, not just from these ladies, but from my family – who is actually here today. My parents and little sister are out there somewhere,” I chuckle. “But I am in a lot better shape than I was when I left. I just also wanted to thank all of you guys,” I gesture to the crowd, “for being so unbelievably supportive and kind about the whole situation. Really, thank you.” I quit talking and start applauding, the crowd and the girls joining in with me.
I feel Bri’s hand on my arm as the clapping is beginning to die down, and I look over, seeing her mic at her lips. “I just want to say – and her family can probably attest for this – I have known you for, how long now? Five, six years?”
I nod. “I think.”
“And in those six years, you, right now, are probably at your happiest and brightest that I have ever seen you. And I am just so damn proud of you for getting the help you needed and helping yourself get better.”
Rachel, on my left, leans over into a hug. Briana joins, Kim and Ruth following a second later as the crowd cheers. But we’re all trying not to cry from the looks of it.
 “I love you guys,” I laugh, wiping under my eyes.
After the panel, we’re back to hanging out in the green room while Misha does his panel. I have some photos and autographs today, but that’s not until after lunch.
Rob made the mistake of leaving his guitar unattended by the table, so naturally, that’s the first thing I pick up. All of the other girls are gone, surprisingly, so I’m alone for the moment. I thought about finding Anna in the crowd and hanging out with her during Misha’s panel, but I think I need some quiet time to myself for a minute.
I lean back against the wall, sitting on the floor, as I mess with his guitar. I haven’t played in literal years. I can’t remember the last time I held one of these things. Piano is different; I’ve played piano nearly every day since I’ve had access to one after rehab and all. But I don’t have a guitar, and…I used to play Rob’s anyway.
 Anna must have me in a Taylor Swift mood because the first song I can think to play (and remember) is ‘Begin Again’.
I start humming, only singing really in half-voice because I’m just messing around. “Took a deep breath in the mirror/He didn’t like it when I wore high heels, but I do/Turn the lock and put my headphones on/He always said he didn’t get this song, but I do…” I smile softly, thinking about that boyfriend I had – Andrew. He really hated it when I wore my heels. He wasn’t much taller than me to begin with, so I think the heels made him furious. I hate that I stopped wearing them whenever I went out with him. “Walked in expecting you’d be late, but you got here early, and you stand and wave/I walk to you/You pull my chair out and help me in, and you don’t know how nice that is/but I do.” I breathe. “And you’d throw your head back laughing like a little kid/I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny ‘cause he never did,” I smile, already hearing Rob’s laugh echo in my mind. “I’ve been spending the last eight months/thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end.”
My phone buzzes under my leg, prompting me to stop playing.
My cheeks are red before I can even think.
>Rob: I don’t want to interrupt…but you sound really pretty
I roll my eyes, yelling out, “Just come in already.”
The backstage door swings open, Rob walking in…without Rich or the band, surprisingly.
I furrow my eyebrows. “Where’d they go?”
“Lunch,” he replies. “I’m supposed to be meeting them…but I remembered I left something.”
I raise an eyebrow.
“Okay, I didn’t leave anything,” he laughs, his eyes sparkling again. “And they’re bringing lunch back.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he groans, sitting down on the floor next to me. “We need to rehearse for tonight.”
“Oh, right,” I chuckle, sliding his guitar off my lap. “When are we gonna have time?”
He sighs, widening his eyes. “After the contests and stuff.” He pauses, looking over at me. “You’ve got this.”
I laugh. “Oh, I know I do.”
He gives me a wide-eyed look, which only furthers my laughter until we’re both laughing, leaning into each other and holding onto one another until we can calm down.
“It’ll be okay,” I finally say in all seriousness. I nudge his arm, smiling. “I’ll have you up there with me.”
He looks surprised. “Having me up there helps?”
I nod. “I think we’re both so neurotic we balance each other out.”
He hums then, trying not to smile. “That makes sense.” He reaches over me – literally over my body, and I have to restrain myself from saying anything, but I think the blush that crosses my cheeks says it all – to grab his guitar, the body knocking into our knees as he props it up on his lap. “What were you singing earlier?”
“Oh,” I laugh. “It was a Taylor Swift song. But it’s your turn, you pick.”
And so, he starts playing ‘Help You,’ another one of my favorites from them.
I’m not ashamed to say that by the end of it, my head is on his shoulder as we harmonize randomly, softly.
And I’m even less ashamed to say I fall asleep.
Tags: @itsfunnierin-enochian @sirraxa @sherlockedtash88 @shanghai88 @natasha-cole
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sibsteria · 4 years
valentines [spn cast and characters]
summary: how much do they care for it? what do they do?
warning: fluff, smut-ish, my frazzled single brain
Misha Collins:
• he won't admit that he kinda loves it
• he'd definitely cooks
• but always gets distracted
• by you
• if you have kids, they are away that night
• the traditional dinner doesn't last long before you're both attached by the lips
• whatever alcohol is being consumed has a cute romantic twist
• you're up all night
• so many hugs
Richard Speight Jr:
• he kind of cares for it
• like, a sweet gesture is as far as it goes
• a gift and a movie
• but also
• he so buys heart printed boxers to make you laugh
• and you do, you laugh so hard
• like, everything is so serious and going smoothly
• and his pants are off and just-
• absolute hilarity
Sebastian Roche:
• it's more of a 'if you do, he does' situation
• you'd bake together
• even though he's awful at it
• everything comes out half decent and edible
• he just wants a chill day
• hardly any movement and you don't leave the house
• I repeat
• don't
Rob Benedict:
• fucking cringy bitch, he likes it enough to make you blush all day
• writes a small song about you both
• obviously on an acoustic
• he recreates your first date because he's that guy
• meaningful gifts rather than expensive ones
• the affection king
Mark Pellegrino:
• he doesn't care for it but will do anything to make you smile
• rolls his eyes at the cringy sexual jokes you aim at him
• but then he makes up for it by bringing them to life at the end of the evening
• y'all just kind of act like it's a normal day
• with more affection
• mostly from Frankie
Alexander Calvert:
• thinks he has to impress you, so he tries
• definitely a flowers guy
• the kind to steal kisses at any given moment
• a romantic at heart, but he hides it well
• that evening though-
• the hottest sex you've had in your life
• he wears the necklace
• it's a cold opposite to the heat of the moment
Felicia Day:
• when I say valentines, you say romance
• she's the queen of making you feel loved
• she can't pull herself off  away from you
• wine and her romantic spotify playlist
• you wear her t-shirt and nothing else, all day
• the sex? absolutely spectacular
Mark Sheppard:
• he cares for it more than he'd like to
• but not enough to give you the satisfaction of a romantic dinner
• did someone say takeout? mark sheppard did
• you don't even care, just not being alone on valentine's is enough (yes I'm looking at you)
• bed ridden and pyjamas
• sweet hugs that last forever
Ruth Connell:
• you try your hardest to refuse all the romance
• in no way is she going to let that happen
• chocolates, flowers, candles, dinner, music
• she doesn't waste time
• big softy
• has no clue why there's heart shaped confections and objects everywhere
• asks Sam and Dean what's going on
• if you two aren't dating he will absolutely ask you to be his Valentine in a traditional way
• valentine's alcohol bottle? check
• sweet card? check
• innuendoes that make you choke on your spit? bingo
• if you are dating already he'll give you a bouquet of chocolate roses
• you'll get him a custom tie with everything he loves on
• pb&j, bees, dean
• he has no idea what is going on, but wants in
• to be frank, he doesn't give a shit, but loves you so-
• he will wear the moustache with or without your protests
• try every line in the book to bed you
• chocolate ! covered ! everything !
• -and that's just for him
• turns your room into a valentine's dungeon, hearts, banners, flowers (so many), everything is pink and red and- ugh
• you hate it but kind of love it
• and you love him for doing this without asking
• he will talk you into some food play with like, chocolate and whipped cream and shit
• you get it in your bellybutton and slap his head away before he can get it, wiping it off yourself
• wants nothing to do with the 'holiday'
• you reassure him it's fine and that you don't care
• but your thoughts say different
• so he caves and writes you a poem
• it's the most beautiful thing you have ever heard
• man has a way with words
• and you have your way with him
• the one ability he can't give himself is the love he feels for you
• he hardly says it, but he doesn't have to
• because you know
• from the way he looks at you, treats you, talks to you
• it's so obvious
Jack Kline:
• much like Cas, a discussion between him and the Winchester's gives him the knowledge he needs
• omg sweet baby is obsessed with Valentine's day
• he keeps handing you things, one after another throughout the day
• not everything is store bought
• 'I made this for you!' you fucking melt 'I saw it online and- I thought of you, I wanted to make it so I could make you happy'
• but you don't need things to make you happy
• he makes you happy
• and when he hears your thoughts say that he just-
• he almost cries, he hugs you tighter than anyone ever could
• 'you make me the happiest'
• he's just a big bundle of cuteness
• just, no
• neither of you care
• you torment all the couples on dates, making things go wrong
• making them spill things on themselves
• the waiters 'slip' with their food
• a little more sinister ones like- making it look like their s/o is cheating
• and if you don't like that, he will stop
• deep down, it kind of is a date
• two people who love each other to the ends of earth, doing something that makes them happy
• he takes a break from rough fucking to make you feel adored
• even though you always feel adored
• because Lucifer himself, is taking up his time with you
• he asks you if you want to do anything and you say no
• he's so confused and sceptical
• he's lowkey kind of hurt that you don't want to spend romantic time with him, lowkey
• oh, if only he knew your plan
• you ask him if he wants to watch a movie
• he hops at the opportunity to do something with you and goes all out
• expensive wine, snacks, flowers, so many snacks
• he lets you pick
• he looks at you like your his world
• and then Titanic starts
• his soft grin drops and he rolls his eyes
• 'really?' 'really.'
• he doesn't really care though, he has you
• tells everyone to fuck off so he can have time with you, completely alone
• he just wants to be loved, and so you do that exactly
• you muster up all your romantic stops, and bam-
• you pester your angel friend to help set up décor and snap up some things
• he has no idea until he actually sees it for himself
• he wants to cry, but uses everything in himself not to
• no one has ever done anything like this for him
• he know your special, and he knows he can't let you go
• that night, if you don't already have it, he offers you immortality
• to be with him forever
• you'd be the queen of hell for eternity
• you instantly say yes with no hesitation
• he is taken back by your acceptance
• but in a heart melting way
Charlie Bradbury:
• she loves it when she has you to spend it with
• you send each other valentines card memes throughout the day
• fancy takeout with candles and music
• bathing together because intimacy
• you but new lingerie
• so does she
• 'love that colour on you' you make her blush so much
• she likes to think she hold the reigns in the relationship
• she is so wrong
Rowena MacLeod:
• like, no
• she'll kiss you like her life depends on it but
• not much goes on
• you might treat each other to a stamina spell so you can really stay up all night
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Red-Haired Juliet
Characters: Rowena x reader, Sam
Word Count: 1069
Summary: Based on this imagine by @spn-imagines-nation: Being the one in charge of Rowena's questioning. Set between 10.19 and 10.21.
Warnings: Angst(ish)
A/N: It's Ruth Connell's birthday today, and she was just excellent in last night’s episode, so here – have a Rowena fic. (Happy birthday, Ruth!)
Also, this got a lot angstier than I intended it to be.
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You hold your phone over your steering wheel and squint to read the coordinates on the screen as you drive up to the abandoned building outside Lebanon, Kansas. Windows line the walls, a few of them broken, the rest cloudy with dust and dirt. From a faded logo painted on one wall, you can make out the word Distillery.
You pull over and start a text to Sam, asking if you’re in the right place, but you notice him standing outside the entrance, hands in his jacket pockets.
“Hey,” he greets with a tired smile as you walk to meet him. “Thanks for making the drive.”
“Yeah, you’re lucky I make house calls,” you say, pulling him in for a hug. “Where’s your brother?”
Sam glances at the ground, to the side, and everywhere but at you, before finally speaking. “Dean can’t know about this.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Too intense for Dean Winchester?” you speculate. “What kind of crap are you dragging me into here, Sam?”
“You still specialize in biblical monsters, right?” he asks.
“A long time ago. Not so much since you guys eighty-sixed Armageddon,” you shrug. “Why? You got another seven sins problem?”
He shakes his head. “What do you know about the Mark of Cain?”
“The curse? It was the big, bad wolf of plagues in its time. There are stories, all really deep and dark.”
“Dean has it,” he says, abruptly.
You blink at him. “Dean has… ‘it’? What’s ‘it’?” you ask. “Diabetes? A dream? The clap?”
He chuckles, but the humor doesn’t reach his eyes. “Uh, no.” He clears his throat. “He has the Mark.”
His words scramble in your mind, and you struggle to sort them out. “The Mark? Dean has the… Mark of Cain?”
Sam nods.
“How did that happen?”
“Well, it’s a long story,” he sighs. “But we need to get it off him before he turns into a demon again.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “I don’t know, Sam. This one might be above my pay grade.”
“Look, we already have a lead, a spell from the Book of the Damned, and we have someone translating. I just need you to take a look at what we’ve got and maybe give her a little… incentive.”
“What kind of incentive?”
“Whatever you need to get some answers.”
You raise your eyebrows at him. “Who are we dealing with here?”
“Someone you know,” he says. “A witch.”
“I know a lot of witches.”
He turns back to swing the door open and gestures for you to walk through.
You pad into the dim building, patches of broken glass crunching beneath your feet. He leads you across a hall and down a short flight of stairs into a wide room.
“What’s this, then?”
The familiar voice rings through the room as a black-dressed figure comes into view, a cloud of red hair surrounding her head. Chains bind her wrists, clinking as she straightens from a position slouched over a table.
“Reinforcements,” Sam answers.
“Her again?” she sneers.
You place your hands on your hips. “Wow, Sam. You really scraped the bottom of the barrel for this one, didn’t you?”
“Why don’t you send in that angel of yours?” she suggests. “At least he has a sense of humor.”
“Rowena, it’s been days, and you haven’t gotten anything from the Book,” Sam says. “I thought you could use some encouragement.”
“Patience is a virtue, Samuel.”
“So’s a conscience,” you retort.
She scoffs. “Oh, what do you know?”
“Hey,” Sam warns her. “(Y/N)’s here to make sure you’re doing your job while I’m not here. Of course, she wouldn’t need to be here if you’d made any progress.”
“I’ve told you, the darn thing is encoded! My hands are tied, quite literally. There’s not much I can do, especially without my magic.”
“Figure it out,” he says, then turns to you. “I’ll leave you to it.”
You nod as he turns to leave. His strides plod down the hall, and the door hinges creak.
When the thud of the door closing echoes through the hall, you bolt across the room and pull her into your arms.
“Rowena,” you breathe into her hair.
She wraps her arms around your middle, the links of her shackles clinking with the motion, and lets out a whimper.
You pull away, hands grasping her shoulders to examine her at arm’s length.
“Talk to me. Are you okay?” you demand.
“Oh, I'm fine,” she brushes off. “Better now that you're here, my dear.”
You frown. “I'm serious.”
“And so am I. He's just got me under lock and key until I can figure out this spell. Nothing you need to worry your wee head about.”
You hold her wrists in your hands, inspecting the shackles, where ancient symbols have been etched into the iron.
“Courtesy of the–” she grimaces– “Men of Letters.”
She spits the name in disgust, and you recall the stories she told you about the time she spent with them all those years ago.
You grip her icy, trembling hands in yours and wince at the thought. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.”
She turns her hands over so her fingers interlace with yours. “It’s not as if you locked me up.”
“Well, what can I do?”
She shrugs. “There’s nothing either of us can do until this book is translated and maybe he releases me.”
“All right. Then, we translate it.”
“You don’t understand,” she says. “Breaking this code – it could take days. Months, even.”
“Then, it takes months. But we’ll figure it out, and we’ll get you out of here.”
Her eyes widen, glistening. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course. Hey–” you raise a hand to brush a stray red curl from her face and cup her cheek– “I’ve left you alone here for too long already. We’re in this together. Got it?”
She nods slowly into your palm.
You rake your hand through her hair to the back of her neck. Her eyes flutter shut, and you press your lips to hers.
She snakes an arm around your waist and pulls your body flush with hers as you slide your other hand up her thigh.
“Hey, uh,” you gasp between kisses, “remember how we said we were going to work on the Book?”
“Oh, screw the Book,” she says and pulls your lips back to hers.
I’ve been waiting forever to start writing Rowena fics, and Ruth’s birthday was the perfect excuse. Hope you all liked it!
Check out my masterlist for more!
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rowenaslittlewitch · 6 years
But I Love You
Summary: Reader can’t take the fighting anymore and intends on leaving Rowena to go and live with her brothers.
Characters: Rowena, Reader, (mentions of Sam, Dean, Cas and Crowley)
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Lots and lots of angst
Word Count:1,757
A/N: Reader is kind of an ass hole in this but I wrote this at a time when my mental illness was kicking my ass so it was mostly to vent. It ends on a high note though I swear. I’m sorry if Rowena is so OOC in this, I’ve never written sad Rowena and I don’t think I am very good at it yet. As I said, this was more of a vent piece for me. 
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    “Don’t leave…please?” Rowena asked softly, tears in her eyes. You were messily stuffing clothes into a duffle bag without bothering to fold them, shirts and pants mixed in among guns and knives. You couldn’t care any less about the neatness of your packing, not on a night like this, a night when everything had fallen to shit. You had been fighting for weeks, her always angry that you were hunting and you angry for how reckless she was being with her magic. You were both too stupid to realize you were angry because you cared about the safety of the other, but instead you both retreated to a place where words were thrown and threats were tossed around as if they meant nothing.
    “What do you want from me, Rowena? It won’t get any better, you know that! For weeks all I have heard was how much you hate when I go hunting and how much you hate my brothers. Don’t you think I know that you hate them? They aren’t exactly fond of you!” you screamed, looking up at her with red rimmed eyes. “How do you think it makes me feel when my girlfriend can’t stand the only family I have left? And when they hate her in return? And don’t even get me started on Cas and Crowley!” you shouted angrily.
    “What the hell does my son have to do with my affairs?” she demanded, her own anger rising up.
    “Everything, Rowena, everything! Do you know what its like to be the hunter, the Winchester, who is sleeping with the mother of The King of Hell? Do you know what that does to me? It puts a target on my back! There is already a big enough target on my back considering who I am and who my brothers are but dating you only makes it worse!” you screamed, zipping up your bag and no longer looking at her.
    “Then why the hell have you stayed as long as you have?” she demanded angrily. You could tell she was frustrated and upset, but you were so consumed by your own anger you were having trouble caring about hers.
    “Because I loved you!” you shouted, slamming your hands down onto your bag and looking up at her again. “I stayed because I loved you, because even if I lost my brothers and Cas and every hunter friend I had I didn’t care! Because I loved you! But look where that love got me! Sharing a bed with someone who denies part of who I am on a daily basis! When you hate the hunter in me, you hate me! This is who I am Rowena, saving people and hunting monsters is what I do! And you’re damn lucky you had me to protect you all this time or my brothers would have put a bullet in your head years ago! And maybe I should have let them!” you screamed, tears streaming down your face.
    It was too late now though, you knew it was too late, there was no taking it back. You knew you had gone much too far, you never should have said something like that to her, something that hateful and cruel. But you had let your anger get the best of you and you weren’t thinking. You swallowed thickly as you watched her lips part in shock, her bottom lip started to tremble. “Rowena…” you started, your hands starting to relax, more out of defeat that anything.
    “Don’t!” she shouted, putting her hand up to stop you from both talking and coming any closer. Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she shook her head. “Don’t…you…dare,” she said, turning and walking out of the room. You sighed and shook your head, you couldn’t lose her like this, even if you did deserve it; and by Chuck you deserved to lose her after what you said.    
    You followed her out of the room and out into the hallway, pushing her against the wall. “Get the hell off of me!” she screamed angrily, trying her best to push you away. It was no real use though, physically you were much stronger than she was. “You wanted to leave so much, then leave! Leave and don’t you ever come back!” she screamed, trying to break away but you had put your hands on her shoulders to keep her in place and make her look at you.
    “Not until you listen to me,” you said calmly. She growled angrily but you pressed your body to hers so she couldn’t move as she stared at you in anger. “I am so, so, sorry,” you whispered, your cheeks wet from tears. “I never, ever, should have said something that horrible to you. I didn’t mean it. I just…” you swallowed thickly as she tried to push you off again. “It hurts to love someone who can’t stand what makes you who you are,” you said, her body suddenly stilling. “I love you, more than I ever loved any girl before you. But I…hunting is the only thing I have ever been good at,” you defended.
    You slowly let go of her shoulders and stepped back, sniffling softly “I love you, more than anything. But I can’t change for you, I won’t,” you said, walking back into the bedroom. You grabbed your bag off of the bed and passed her as you headed to the door.
    “Y/N…Y/N, wait!” she shouted, chasing you down the hall and catching you only as you were unlocking the front door. “No, no this isn’t supposed to happen,” she said, shaking her head. “Why can’t this be like all our other fights? We scream and we say things we don’t mean until the real reason we are upset comes to the surface and then…” she trailed off because she was having trouble catching her breath as she watched you stand there about to leave her. “And then you pick me up in your arms and take me to bed. And I promise not to lose my temper again even though we both know that isn’t true,” she said, a breathy laugh leaving her lips, your own tilting up sadly.
    “Because this isn’t like our other fights,” you said, turning to look at her.
    “But it can be! You can still pick me up and take me to bed, you can still tell me you love me no matter how stubborn and annoying I am. Y-You can still make love to me and make me feel alive…” she said, her words getting softer and softer as she spoke.
    “It’s too late, Rowena,” you said, turning your back to her and opening the door.
    “But…but I love you…” she whispered, though it was loud enough for you to hear. The tone in her voice sounded as if those words were supposed to be obvious, as if they were supposed to fix everything. As if you couldn’t leave because of her love.
    You froze as you registered her words, the door half open and your grip on your bag suddenly loose. The heavy bag slipped from your fingers and landed on the ground with a thud and you turned to look at her. She had never said that before. “You…you what?” you asked, your voice not quite all there.
    Rowena shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other as she looked down at her hands so she didn’t have to look at you “I love you, you stupid girl,” she said, tears falling off her trembling chin and landing on her hands. “I love the way it feels when you touch me, like I belong to you but in a way that doesn’t make me feel like an object. I love the way that you laugh, especially when its at your own crappy jokes that no one thinks are funny but you,” she said, softly laughing again, though ended up sniffling. “I love that you smile differently when you are smiling for me, like…like it’s a secret smile just for me. I love the fact that you hold me just as tight in your sleep as you do when you’re awake, I love that you always put my pleasure before yours, I love that you care if I’m safe or not. I love your scars and your freckles, the smell of your shampoo and the way your lips taste. I love you…more than any mortal woman could ever love you,” she said, her tone almost pleading for you to believe her.
    You always sort of believed that your relationship was a game to her, that you always loved her more than she loved you, or that maybe she didn’t love you at all. But hearing that, hearing her be willing to sound vulnerable and human, it broke your heart. You stared at her for a long time before kicking the door shut behind you, walking over to her and wasting no time in grabbing her face and crashing your lips against hers. She gasped, then a sound almost like a whimper left her before she kissed you deeply in return. She clutched at the fabric of your shirt as if trying to pull you closer to her, though you weren’t sure you could get any closer.
    You broke the kiss to reach down and put one arm behind her legs, the other behind her back as you scooped her up bridal style in your arms. “What are you doin’?” she asked, searching your gaze, most likely disappointed that the kiss had ended.
    “I’m taking you to bed, because I love you, no matter how stubborn and annoying you are,” you said, echoing her words from earlier. A breathy laugh escaped her lips as she smiled at you, arms wrapping around your neck as you carried her to your bedroom.
    “You’re not going to leave?” she asked gently, looking up at you as you laid her down on the bed.
    You shook your head, laying over her and kissing her softly “No, and I was wrong to want to,” you said, brushing your nose on hers. She sighed, gratefully, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around your neck. “I’m staying right here, where I belong,” you added.
    She smiled and slowly opened her eyes, looking up into yours “I don’t care if you go hunting,” she whispered. “As long as you come back to me,” she said.
    “Always,” you promised, your forehead resting on hers as your heart beats both calmed and your bodies relaxed. “Always.”
Tags: @marril96 @fromflametofire @victoriasagittariablack @darktweet @rowenaswife @freshlovekat
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