#rudolf is also there of course
lunatic-fandom-space · 5 months
I literally could not care less about franz joseph he is so unspeakably boring to me, but i wont lie sometimes i do think about him and der tod. like, imagine being that guy, you have a symbolic nightmare about your stupid empire collapsing in on itself where a weird gnc af man yells at you that you suck and that your wife is gonna get stabbed and then she does and then when youre finally dying said weird gnc af man comes up to you and kisses youon the lips. and you cant even properly react to it cause youre just fully dead after that
actually no wait, its worse than that. we know from the prologue that he ends up as a ghost and like, obviously the ghosts are symbolic of clinging to a romanticized ideal of the austria empire and by extension elisabeth and youre not supposed to look at the ghostland literally, howeverrr I am going to do exactly that. do you guys think der tod hangs out with the ghosts. just sometimes since i imagine hes pretty busy. Do you guys think when he comes down fj tries to talk him. honestly, i think he does, i think hes still mad at him and willing to argue with him did you see how feisty he was during am deck der sinkenden welt
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schadenfreudich · 1 year
Rudolf: Franz, I think he's flirting with me. What do I do?
Franz: Flirt back?
Rudolf, to me: You here often?
Me: ...? How do you have a husband?
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oswildin · 5 months
I Hate You {Loki x GN!Reader}
Summary: Loki hates you. Or does he?
A/N: Avengers AU, mentions of ‘damsel in distress’ but no gender specifics or use of ‘y/n’
Warnings: Mentions of blood/injury
This is now also an audio pov on my tiktok! You can find it here
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“Absolutely not-“
“No way-“
“Me with them?”
“Wouldn’t work-“
“Never in a million years-“
“I refuse to be on a mission-“
“-with him.” “-with them.”
Well, unfortunately for you, Fury didn’t give a rats ass that you and Loki did not get along. No, he expected professionalism and success. And that was hard when it came to Loki. He made everything so… difficult. He was arrogant, smug, annoying, grating and, quite frankly, a drama queen. Every mission he had been sent on had something happen - usually because of his penchant for mischief. He also deliberately did things around the compound to irritate you.
For example, the other morning he used your favourite mug, feigning naivety about the fact, labelling it an ‘innocent mistake’. But you knew better. And the glint of mirth in his eye when he said it told you all you needed to know. He also enjoyed moving your things - yes, you should know better than to leave your phone or keys or other items laying around in the common area, but at the same time, you were grown adults. In fact, he was over 1000 years old. Completely childish.
“Sounds like Rudolf has a crush.” Tony had said.
You hated each other. And Loki made that clear. He’d also often start arguments, especially in front of the others. Natasha suggested maybe he just enjoyed getting a rise out of you, or that he was trying to cover the fact that he did in fact like you. But you knew better than that. No, Loki Laufeyson just saw you as an easy target, knew you would react. It was entertainment for the God.
But anyway, the mission.
You both had been sent to a rather large warehouse, an underground arms dealer had been storing weapons there - of both alien and human nature. You’d both split up, entering from each end of the warehouse, covering both sides. Of course, you were met with guards, which you swiftly dealt with.
“You know, if you need a hand-“ Loki’s voice came through your earpiece, and you could practically hear the smirk in his voice. “All you have to do is ask.”
“Focus on yourself, Laufeyson.” You huffed, rolling your eyes as you began to venture further into the warehouse. “I don’t need your help.”
“Very well. Continue with your brute force.”
“It isn’t ’brute force’, it’s called combat.”
“Of course, my mistake.”
He knew what he was doing. You could envision the amusement on his sharp features, the glint of smug mirth in his blue eyes. God, he was so annoying.
“‘My mistake’ my ass.” You muttered, pursing your lips as you began to survey the area.
“I can still hear you.”
You paused for a moment, before clearing your throat. “Good.” You retorted, raising a brow. “Then you can hear how I don’t appreciate you downplaying my abilities in this mission.”
“I never said such a thing.”
“Just focus on the mission.”
“I can do both at the same time. I’m rather talented at multitasking-“
“Loki-“ You hissed, frustration mounting with your partner. The God went quiet, probably to bask in his small victory of winding you up. You rounded the corner of a large shelving unit, seeing a load of crates, clearly ready to be shipped off to whoever. You had to admit, it was strange it was easier than anticipated. You’d expected far more guards and security… No, something was off.
Approaching the crates, you pried the lid off one, seeing it was empty. You furrowed your brows, moving to another, doing the same. Empty.
“Shit.” You whispered.
One more.
Prying open another crate, what you were met with made your heart stutter in your chest.
“Loki, get out.” You told him lowly through the comms, letting out a breath as you quickly turned on your heel. “It’s a trap, they knew we were coming- Just get out!” You urged, beginning to run.
“What? What did you find?”
“An explosive, now move!” You exclaimed, legs sprinting away from the crates, the explosive device.
You had ten seconds.
Loki’s expression turned serious, brows creasing, lips turning into a thin line as your voice came through his earpiece. He cursed under his breath, feeling panic creep up on him. You were a mortal, yes, a competent one at that but still a mortal.
“I’m coming.” Loki spoke into his earpiece, turning to head your direction, despite your warning.
“No- Loki, just go!” Your frustrated, slightly panicked, voice came through.
“Too late.” He quipped back, speeding up his long strides. However, before he could hear your voice argue back, the loud sound of the explosion sounded from the opposite end of the large warehouse, shaking its foundations. Loki let out a breath, eyes wider than before. You hadn’t told him how long he had, you had. He felt fear grip him. He called your name through the comms, breathing turning slightly heavier. When he didn’t get a response, a shiver went through him. His long legs began to sprint, forgetting completely about the mission. He had to get to you. By the Norns, he hoped you were okay.
Yes, it was true. He did annoy you. He loved winding you up, he loved when you got angry, when you snapped at him, gave him attention. Maybe it was childish, but it was his default. Any attention was good attention, and oh, how he vied for yours specifically. It was also partly that he just… didn’t know how to get your attention any other way. He wasn’t exactly… Well versed in… Romance. Sure, he’d read novels, but it was very difference in practice. Especially as the God of Mischief.
“Say something!” Loki exclaimed through his earpiece, a command and a plea.
However, nothing.
His heart, yes - of course he had one, beat faster. Anxiety. Fear. Adrenaline. It was all coursing through his veins. Smoke began to appear, thick and fog like as he summoned a blast of magic, dispelling it with a wave of his hand, allowing him to clear a path. The roof of the warehouse had partially caved from the explosion, rubble and debris ahead littering the ground and shelving units. He called your name again, and again.
You groaned as your brows creased, feeling a pain in your leg as you tried to sit up. You winced, glancing down to see a large metal beam had landed on your right leg, holding you down. Cursing under your breath, you heard the sound of your name being called through the sound of your ears ringing.
“H-“ You coughed. “Here-“ You called back, voice raspy. “Over here!” You raised your voice slightly, forcing yourself to sit up, dust and dirt covering your form. After a moment, footsteps rushed towards you, clambering over the rubble as you looked up. Loki’s blue eyes instantly travelled over your form, looking for any injuries, before they landed on the beam and your leg.
“It’s okay- I’m going to get you out of here, alright?” Loki spoke calmly, despite his breaths being quicker than usual. You assumed it was from running. In fact, it was his panic. “I need to lift this-“ Loki shifted, rubble moving under his boots as he approached the beam. Luckily, it weighed nothing for a God. You winced as the pressure lifted from your leg, hearing the beam clatter loudly to the floor as Loki discarded it.
“You need to tell Fury-“ You began, slightly wheezy, moving to try and hoist yourself up. Loki’s brows furrowed.
“Forget about that-“ He told you firmly.
“Loki, SHIELD need to know-“ You argued, feeling his hand grab your shoulder to keep you on the ground.
“No, we need to get you outside and help-“ He rebutted, making you groan in irritation.
“Why can’t you just listen to me for once?!” You huffed, looking at him angrily.
“Because right now, you are more important than the mission!” Loki’s own voice raised, his words hanging in the air between you both. You blinked. “You’re hurt and you’re mortal-“
“Really? Throwing cheap shots at a time like this-“ You said defensively, moving to try and shove his hand from your shoulder. Loki let out an irritated growl.
“No! It’s because I care about you!”
“What?” You whispered, lips parted in shock. Loki closed his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath.
“I…” He sighed. “I care… about you.” He murmured, meeting your gaze, searching - looking for any sign of understanding, recognition, something. “And… I know- I know I may not… show it in a… conventional manner-“ You almost scoffed. “But please, let me get you outside and then we can deal with Fury.” He held your gaze, nodding faintly, willing you to accept his words, accept his help. He truly, just wanted you to be okay. Your eyes flickered briefly down to your leg, seeing the red beginning to stain your mission gear as you felt your muscle throbbing. You didn’t think anything was broken, but a gash was a gash. It could get infected, it could be worse than it looked…
Silently, you gave a small nod. You swore you heard Loki let out a breath - yes, he had been holding it, waiting with bated breath for your agreement. “Right-“ He muttered quietly, shifting to get closer, kneeling down. “Arm over my shoulders-“ He told you lowly. “This may be… uncomfortable.” He warned before moving one arm around your waist, another under your knees, shifting your injured leg as you bit your lip to stop from making any sound of pain. “Okay?” He asked, eyes scanning your features, seeing the way you were biting your lower lip. You quickly nodded, giving him a look that said ‘hurry up, please’. Loki’s blue eyes shifted, softening, hating seeing you in pain.
It was strange. Seeing such a look from the God of Mischief, whose eyes were usually home to mirth. He cared about you. Tony’s words echoed in your head. Had Loki truly… had feelings for you this whole time? And like some… school boy had been showing his ‘affection’ by… teasing you? Testing you? Being irritating to get your attention?
Your thoughts were disrupted as Loki finally moved, hoisting you up with him as he stood to his full height, keeping you securely against his chest as he carried you bridal-style. The urge to make a quip about not being a ‘damsel in distress’ lingered on your tongue. Loki gently carried you, trying his best not to cause any further harm or pain to your leg.
“You really care about me?” Your voice finally spoke, breaking the silence that had lingered between you both since his confession. Loki’s lips parted, as if he was about to deny it - out of instinct. The quickly pressed together again.
“Is now really the time?” He asked lowly, raising a brow. “You’re bleeding, and I’d rather you didn’t get blood on my attire. It’s Asgardian leather.” He commented, lips quirking ever so slightly as he watched your eyes roll.
“For Gods-“ You muttered. “Put me down if you’re gonna be an asshol-“
“Okay, alright-“ He cut you off, sighing. “Fine.” He huffed, clearing his throat as he headed towards the entrance you’d first entered the warehouse in, deftly avoiding any debris that was strewn about on the floor. “Yes-“ He said, tone still huffy. “I thought that was obvious-“
“Obvious?!” You repeated in disbelief, the conversation helping take your mind off your wound. “You irritate me, do things to deliberately annoy me, argue with me-“
“You do the same.” He interrupted, tilting his head slightly as his gaze flickered over your face. Your lips parted in confusion and, almost, offence.
“No, I do not-“ You shook your head lightly.
“You do.”
“No- I don’t-“
“You’re doing it right now, arguing with me-“
“Because you started it!”
You both were outside by the time you’d finished, Loki still holding you as he came to a stop, a hint of a smirk on his face. “Yes, and you are always so intent on finishing it.” He quipped, making you narrow your eyes at him. “It’s extremely entertaining.” He shrugged slightly, your arm that was slung over his shoulders moving with him.
“Oh, well, I’m glad I could be of service.” You said wryly, turning your head to glance towards your leg. “I suppose I should thank you.” You mumbled reluctantly.
“Ah, yes-“ He nodded. “You really should.” He paused, raising a brow, feeling much better knowing you were okay. The fact you were arguing with him was a sign of that. “Perhaps you could buy me dinner?” He suggested, tone full of mischief. “There’s a lovely place just opened up in the city, Stark mentioned it-“
“You mean the five star, gourmet restaurant that costs an arm and a leg?” You scoffed.
“Seems fitting considering you nearly lost one.” He teased, making you raise your free hand, whacking him in the chest. “Ow!” He whined, brows furrowing, lips pursed. “Usually heroes get a kiss from the damsel in distress, not assaulted.”
“I hate you.”
“And I hate you.”
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forestdeath1 · 3 months
It’s a purely “extended hc”, but Sirius's fanon leather jacket never was about punk/rocker style for me. I like the idea that his jacket references leather bars (an important phenomenon of gay history), which he initially didn't realise because he wasn't familiar with that scene.
So, the motorcycle, even though modified, is also part of the leather subculture, representing heightened masculinity. Marlon Brando in "The Wild One" had a significant influence on gay men and the representation of masculine gays (Brando himself didn't hide his bisexuality). Leather bars and the leather subculture were about appropriating sexual power, heightened masculinity, and moving away from mainstream sexual culture. Among gay men, leather symbolized a rejection of the stereotypes of effeminacy and passivity that had been associated with homosexuality since the mid-19th century. It was a deliberate move away from the image of the “sweater queens” and embraced a more rugged and masculine aesthetic.
In London during the 70s, there was the famous leather bar The Coleherne, which even had visitors like Rudolf Nureyev (a famous ballet dancer) and Freddie Mercury.
I like this because Sirius also had a pronounced masculinity that he saw as something absolutely normal, and it fits well with him, much more than the idea of him being influenced by punk culture and aesthetic. I mean, of course, canon Sirius never visited leather bars, but if we step a bit into fanon, this influence could be there – hence the motorcycle, the leather jacket, and so on.
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tryingtobemysterious · 4 months
Lizard Mukbang
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Low key me because I promised my friend that I would try new foods this year :p cw trying new foods
It was your 9th day in curacao, Hamzah and Martin decided to drive into the city and try some of the local foods, they invited you to tag along as you had nothing else to do
The ride into the city consisted of you sitting off to the side while Hamzah and Martin recorded for their video. They indulged in banter with the driver, Rudolf, while you just listened in and observed the scenery
The driver began describing some of the foods and while you tried being respectful, there was no way you could avoid the nauseous feeling you had while thinking of actually consuming lizard
You made a promise to yourself that you would try all foods while you were here, usually being a picky eater and sticking to foods that you know, but it became harder when it actually came down to it
To try to get your mind off the food you began distracting yourself by laying your head on Hamzahs arm and tracing little figures on him. He acknowledged you by stroking your hair and continued talking with Martin and Rudolf
Once you guys arrived to the plaza you followed behind Hamzah while he lead the way. You let both boys order and decided just to eat off their plates in order to not waste money on food you wouldn’t finish. You did order a strawberry lemonade but that was it
You guys sat a table and shortly after the waitress brought over your drinks. The reality of trying the new foods set in and the same nauseous feeling came back you began sipping your drink more often to try and rid the feeling
Hamzah being aware of your picky tendencies tried distracting you, he took you hands into his and began massaging them
“calm down, yeah? you don’t have to try it if you don’t want to. I’m sure they sell chicken strips or something”
As much as you wanted to take him up on the offer you know you can get chicken strips back home, it’s not like trying the food is gonna kill you. You’re just being dramatic.
“ I’m fine, I know I’m being stupid I’m just nervous for no reason” you admit embarrassingly
Martín chimed in expressing the same discomfort “I feel the same the fact that it’s lizard is upsetting my stomach but I’m sure it will taste like chicken”
Soon after the food arrived and it was a relief to see no actual lizard parts were visible you would just lie to your brain that it was regular cow meat
The boys took their first bites and their reactions gave you some relief, they liked the food
Hamzah began scooping up some food for you making sure to add a little of everything from his plate, he started moving the fork towards you and you welcomed it with an open mouth. He let you take your bite before asking
“it’s good right?”
You didn’t reply just nodding your head with a thumbs up
Of course you were being dramatic it’s food, it was the thought of it being lizard slightly freaking you out
He smiled and continued eating while also giving you bites from both his and Martins plates. You guys completely cleaned off the plates and decided to keep walking around to do some exploring.
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batbeato · 7 months
My partner keeps telling me to go on Tumblr whenever I launch one of my 20-10000 minute ramble-rants about Umineko at them so here I am AGAIN
Something that a lot of people love about Umineko (and I do too!) is how much Umineko centers its female characters: Umineko focuses a lot on the rich inner lives and emotions of these women, all of whom have been negatively impacted by ideals of submissive feminism and the needs of the patriarchy.
In general, in Umineko, there's this phenomenon that I don't often see elsewhere, where male characters' emotions and feelings are treated as less important, less interesting, etc. than female characters' are. This is interesting to me, and I think it makes sense - in many spaces and works, female characters are treated as caricatures - they are tragic dead mothers, loving wives, sexy girlbosses who secretly have a soft spot for the protagonist, etc. It's only par for the course that in a work where female characters are so celebrated and explored, it is male characters who suffer the fate of being reduced to more base qualities and have their feelings and emotions brushed off or waved over.
Umineko takes the concept of the absent dead wife, mother, lover and turns them into these complex, unknown ghosts who haunt the story: Kinzo's wife, Bice, Kuwatrice, Asumu. These are all female characters central to various plot points and aspects of the story, including thematic ones, but these women are very rarely, if at all, given space to truly express their inner thoughts. This is in contrast to the Ushiromiya women (Eva, Kyrie, Rosa, Natsuhi) who are so often able to express their innermost thoughts in these long, emotional sequences. Umineko doesn't allow space for these women to be caricatures, but instead seems to make space for them to be characters we simply don't have enough information on.
I think Asumu is the best example of this: she is a character with very little actual voice in the main story. Rudolf theorizes that she knew about Battler's true parentage and raised him with love regardless, but also worries that her death was due to his lies and infidelity. Her cause of death is never revealed. Kyrie talks about Asumu as a smart woman who played dumb and innocent to steal Rudolf from her, and there is the distinct concept that if Asumu hadn't died of Cause X, Kyrie would have killed her soon after. Battler sees Asumu as an uncomplicated, loving mother. And then, when Ryukishi released Last Note, we saw this different side of Asumu - an arrogant, jealous woman who took pride in her skill at puzzles and believed that she could have saved everyone, but also still a loving mother who loves her son, and even accepts her son's half-sister, Ange, in the end. Never a caricature, always cast in shadow, but with depths beneath.
But back to what I mentioned before - male characters being treated as those flanderized, flatter caricatures, with their feelings brushed off. It's very interesting to me, because it's not even just a case of male characters simply not having the screentime - they do. Battler and Kinzo get the most of it, but George also receives plenty of discussion as well.
Battler and George, however, are the male characters who I see the most flanderization of. Battler is a pathetic crying malewife twink bottom. George is a child predator who grooms Shannon.
George is a man who was raised by a hovering, overprotective mother with ridiculous expectations of him. She made him study every day and tried to instill values befitting of the power and status she hoped he would someday have into him. However, he saw how Battler, who was meant to be 'inferior' to him, getting along better with girls - even the one he liked - and grew jealous. His relationship with Shannon began because of this, but it also helped him to understand his own flaws, and he tried to change himself. Coming from a place of privilege, this is a difficult task. He also truly loved Shannon, even though he sometimes had a patronizing view of her due to his own instilled biases, and was even willing to go against his family for her. He isn't a perfect person, but he was attempting to change and grow.
Battler is a man with a deep empathy for others and is overly emotional at times - a trait I think is unfairly made fun of, given how men showing emotion is often portrayed as unmasculine, feminine, and shameful. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, and though clumsy and foolish at times, does his best to help others. He was raised by his grandparents for 6 years, so he is somewhat divorced from the privilege he now once again holds as a member of the Ushiromiya family, and makes mistakes because of that. He makes a lot of sexual jokes, but it's implied that this is due to being socially awkward after reuniting with the family he hasn't seen in six years. It's very difficult for him to truly despise someone, but once his trust is broken, even if he still loves them, it can be very hard to earn that trust back.
...I don't think the fandom needs to focus more on the male characters, per say. No one should be told they need to focus more on X than Y because enjoying X is more ethical, progressive, fair, etc. etc. But I would like to see people at least acknowledging the complexity of the male characters in Umineko more. The malewife Battler jokes are funny, I admit, but I'm tired of the child predator George jokes. Can we please leave people who ship Shannon and George alone? At this point, I'm beginning to worry about if they're alright... seeing a lot of hate for something they love can't be pleasant.
It's a general trend I see - liking a male character means you need to prioritize female characters more. Liking a het ship means you need to make it gay, or appreciate gay ships more. If a bisexual character dates someone of the opposite sex, this is bi erasure or erasing queer representation. But it's alright to like male characters, het ships, bisexual characters in het relationships, and so on. What isn't alright are the biases that are keeping queer media from receiving as much publicity, as much funding. What isn't alright are the biases that give male characters much more complex writing than female characters in many pieces of media. We as consumers can examine these things in the production and text of the works we enjoy, but I think there is too much focus on this ethical consumption of media.
...And that's how we end up making child predator George jokes - to reconcile the existence of a flawed, nuanced male character (who can and should be criticized of course) with the fact that Umineko is such a woman-central media. Umineko needs to be one of the 'good ones', the 'ethical ones'. So the male characters must be reduced to jokes, to one-liners. It is an overcorrection on a fandom level to reconcile with a society level issue, one that can harm fans of those characters and introduce toxicity to a place that should be about sharing love for a small universe we all enjoy.
(Whoops. This is why my partner told me to go on tumblr, huh?)
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boba-beom · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ late gifts | C.SB
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pairing: idol!soobin x non-idol f!reader
genre: fluff! oneshot
warning(s): lowercase intended, est. relationship, endearment terms (babe, bub, my love, love), light banter (teasing each other cutely), mentions of food, if I've missed anything let me know!
summary: after having a busy schedule with absolutely no free time, you finally surprise your boyfriend with a cute amalgamation of all of his favourite things.
wc: 1.2k
a/n: this is incredibly late, but what’s new ^^’ on behalf of soobin turning 22 (int) and bc I love this man sm, here’s something sweet <3 also ty @fairybinie for beta reading!!
taglist: @bb-eilish @iggynor4 @ericyjun @bluejin0812 @luvsoobs @yeonyeonyeonjun @junniieesbby @kyrkitten  @hyuntaena @day6andetcetera @amethysts-1620 @gorechoi-backup @dainsleif-when-playable @choiwrld @yjusei @feyregels @ahnneyong @potaeto-writes-on-wp @wccycc @tyungun @lizdevorak  @fairybin @laylasbunbunny @acaiasahi @fairyoftaehyun @cha0thicpisces @vatterie @yunkiwii @prodsh00ky
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your relationship with soobin was reaching it's first milestone, as well as his birthday that had just passed. if there were things you knew about soobin, it was the fact that this man would be grateful for something so simple as long as it was thought out with love and good intentions, that's all that matters to him. but as someone who likes to make the most out of these occasions, you came up with an idea of doing all the things he enjoys over the course of just one day.
it was a shame you weren't able to celebrate his birthday together, but he was in the midst of recording some content for the year-end award shows. despite his busy schedule, you always messaged him on the daily to wish him well with his agendas.
he gave you a date when he'd be free, and conveniently, so were you. with christmas around the corner, it was almost perfect timing to get together again.
“soobin!” you call after the tall, blond figure entering through the front door of your apartment. he kept the spare key with him so he could come over whenever he wanted to come see you — yet it’s been a while since he’s used it.
you're standing by the sofa in the living room and open your arms in his direction, luring him towards you.
"hey cutie, long time no see, huh?" he engulfs you into his warm hug. you let out a hum in agreement, your cheek squished against his chest as you take in the familiar scent of his signature cologne.
as your hands linger down his forearms he slowly intertwines his fingers with yours. "hey, babe?" you coo at him, "close your eyes for me until I tell you to open them, m'kay?"
"whatever it is, just please don't tickle me." he squeaks, his arms spread wide, cautious of your fingers wiggling against his waist as per usual.
his eyes are closed shut with his nose scrunched. it's tempting to take a picture of him like that but you were meaning to find the first gift out of many. you pick up the fairly large christmas bag; the one with rudolf's face and a crimson pom pom on the nose.
the bag's string was laced in your fingers until you grasped onto your boyfriend's wrist, placing the string onto his fingers, causing him to stop moving them around.
"okay, you can open your eyes now." you let out softly.
instead of opening his eyes in one go, he peaks down at the weight; one eye slowly opening and making out what you hung on his fingers. a light gasp fell from his pink-tinted lips, paired with his eyes immediately widening at the sight of the holiday-themed gift bag dangling from his hand.
"oh? but christmas isn't for another week–"
"it's your birthday and christmas gift." you grin, looking up at him.
he doesn't say anything, but raises his brows, cynical about your statement. you know that soobin isn't — and never has been — a fan of singular gifts just because his birthday is the same month as christmas. he doesn't mean to come across as selfish, but he just so happens to have more appreciation to those who consider his birthday and christmas as two separate occasions than one.
"you're a funny one, aren't you?" his arm wraps around your shoulders to pull you close to him.
"wow, I really thought I got you there." you whine at him with your bottom lip protruding. "it's your birthday present, love. go ahead and open it!"
you take a step back, the hind of your calves lightly grazing the edge of the sofa seat, and watch him break the tape from the top. he reaches into the bag and pulls out a fur-lined, khaki beige coat.
"oh! thank you bub," he gasps, "this is going to be my new favourite coat for sure." soobin's dimples dent into his cheeks as soon as he holds it up against his torso.
having your boyfriend as a winter-baby just means you get to gift him a lot of warm clothes, and you're sure he'll be wearing it throughout the whole winter season.
"I have something else for you," you sing-song. his eyes light up from your announcement, wondering what else you have in store.
"do I need to close my eyes again?"
"no, but..." you reach into your purse and hold up two tickets between your fingers.
"you got tickets for the avatar 2 movie!?" after placing down the coat, soobin wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up. you wrap your arms around his neck as he giggles into your chest. "you're officially the best girlfriend ever!"
"I wasn't already the best girlfriend ever? guess I should've just asked kai to come see avatar with me." you huff, wiggling your legs for him to put you down, but he wouldn't let go.
"fine, is that how it is? I guess these bebe rhexa tickets will just be for me and kai."
you wiggle a little more with your hands on his shoulders to push away from him but it didn't work.
"wait, really?"
"nono, you were always the best girlfriend, I just wanted you to hear it! and these tickets are for us, I promise!" he winces as he struggles to keep you in his hold.
it didn't take long for you to give up and slump in his arms, waiting for him to put you back down. it was quiet for a couple of seconds until you both maintain eye contact, causing the both of you to break into laughter.
"binnie, I know you got those tickets for us." you nudge his side just to receive a questioning expression taking over his face.
"how?" he cocks his head to the side.
"it doesn't help that you forgot to stop screen share on facetime after you were showing me photos from your camera roll of the behind the scenes from the concerts." he squints hard, trying to remember that exact moment, and sighs once he realises you're right. he purchased the tickets straight after showing you the concert photos, and now it makes sense that you went silent and were looking intensely at your screen.
"well, surprise! I can't believe I'm taking my favourite person to see my other favourite person!" the grin on his face never fails to melt your heart, your boyfriend is too precious and it's coming into realisation that you've missed having him around. you want to make the most out of this day.
you turn on your phone and start typing away, searching for something.
"don't tell me you're about to tell kai that I picked you to come with me to the concert instead of him." you hear the plea in his voice, but you continue searching for something to top off the rest of the evening.
"no, love. though I would do that, I'm looking for bingsu. now, choose the flavour you want." you smile at him, turning the phone in his direction all while he looks at your smile creases by your eyes.
"yeah, I definitely have the best girlfriend ever." he leans over you, laying a kiss on your forehead before choosing his bingsu of choice.
"happy belated birthday, my love."
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© boba-beom; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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nunalastor · 3 months
My own headcanon is that Alastor was born in either 1886 or 1895, putting is age at either 46/47 or 37/38.
The theory of electromagnetism, which proposed the existence of radio waves before they were discovered, came in 1865, written by James Clerk Maxwell. But this is way too early for consideration; that would make Al 66 years old.
However, in 1886 this theory was confirmed and radio waves (also dubbed "Hertzian waves") were first discovered by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (the guy where the Hertz unit was named after because of this discovery), he published his research throughout 1886-1888 so these precise timestamps might be slightly off.
And in 1895 the very first radio capable of long-distance wireless communication (2.4 km/1.5 mi only, but still) was constructed by Guglielmo Marconi. Of course, he doesn't deserve all the credit, as he used many models that came before that, for example the Branly detector by Édouard Branly invented in 1890.
Note: Basically all of these years and the exact dates these discoveries were made on are very ambiguous or take place over the course of multiple years. I tried to pinpoint a single date for every event but it is quite possible I messed up somewhere so please take these dates with a grain of salt.
I thought it would be fun if Alastor was born in one of those years as a nod to history, but none of these are based on anything concrete canon except for the age range of 30s-40s that we were given.
I always thought it was kinda weird for a 30-something dude to act like a parental figure to someone who was (biologically, not chronologically, I know Charlie is like 200) in her 20s, even if it wasn't genuine, so I've always thought he wasn't in his early 30s.
"A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field" by James Clerk Maxwell
"Electric waves; being research on the propagation of electric action with finite velocity through space" by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (author) and Daniel Evan Jones (translator)
"Marconi's Three Transatlantic Radio Stations in Cape Breton" by Henry M. Bradford
I really need to analyse more incest because my name makes no sense now. Anyone have any ideas?
-incest anon
the sources kill me every time 😭 mla formatted ask
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sh00kst3rs · 3 months
And we are back with another Leap/Ballerina AU content! Right now I'm at my dad's hometown and I'm getting burried alive by cats, literally! SAVE ME.
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If you're wonderin' who's the green man s'pose to be, that's rudolph! Oh wait— oh, no, it's 'Rudolf' my bad, man I wish he was an actual rudolph.
Also! Love 'im all you want but you could never make me like him, oui oui bonjour my ass but I'd like to see you choke down at least 8 baguette down your throat— Not to all the france out there of course, all directed to this man here only duhhh
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Here's an extra I hope this is what appears when you're having a nightmare 🥰🤩🤩
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feith-rikya · 1 month
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of "Vampire The Masquerade".
Tarot Deck Collection
The Fox:
Danya is a deeply playful but cunning Ravnos, sensual and mysterious, who can be also incredibly silly. Everyone who meet her can't help to fall for her charms.
The Vulture:
Jan is an opportunist Ventrue, always trying to use the others to his advantage, someone that will eat the carcass of his enemies to get ahead. But he is also a fun man to have around, for the right people of course.
The Wolf:
A lone wolf is a dangerous beast, a loyal one even more. Rudolf is a precise man, with a skill of abilities that makes him incredibly effective at killing people. But he is also loyal to a fault, once you touch something he cares about, you can awaken a deranged and unhinged side of him.
The Lion
A Lion never concerns himself with the sheep's opinion, and Anselm follows only his own lead and his codex. A king that never bows to anyone, a prideful man that will die for it. Stoic to a fault, with only a soft spot that will be protected at any costs.
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sillyyuserr · 6 months
Not exactly an analysis but possible parallels/basic comparisons <3
Comparing none other than terukane (teru x akane) and dangerously yours masquerade, a 1944 podcast/radio show, in summary is about a french spy named Catherine that is sent to make an American man Rudolf Stephan fall in love with her so she can kill him and gain information, but in the end she falls in love with him too, but he makes her think he never loved her so she can complete her assigned mission (or something like that?)
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i saw stuff ab terukane and dangerously yours on tiktok and thought it was so interesting so i wanted to make a thing ab it 😭 FYI this is gonna be alotta words and like zero pictures so turn ur brightness down and don’t kill ur eyes
just the basis of these two are incredibly similar, two people from opposing sides forming an unlikely bond, originally unwanted but now shared?
Comparison/Possible parallel 1:
the line
“if i betray you, i betray myself. if i betray him, i betray my country. my country is very dear to be.”
“dearer than i?”
“… no not dearer than you..”
feels not like a parallel, but so uncomfortably fitting for them. (Akane being in Cathrine’s place and teru being in Rudolf’s place) if taken from akane’s place, “if i betray you, i betray myself, if i betray him, i betray my country, my country is very dear to me” easily we could associate “country” with aoi or one of akane’s supernatural duties or wtv he does with his clock keeper shit
from teru’s place, “dearer than i?” The “i” would pretty obviously be teru
the basis of being in between sides, not knowing which to chose but regardless of which you end up choosing you’re fucked one way or another is a common ground for both catherine and akane, especially with what happened in chapter 112
Comparison/Possible parallel 2:
the line
“I will betray you”
“If you do, you will betray yourself at the same time”
“yes… yes i know”
also feels eerily similar to them aswell. Again akane in cathrine’s place and teru in rudolf’s. This also especially relates to what happened in the “betrayal” part between teru and akane. Again relating to akane not knowing which side he should choose.
in summary, the doomed lovers cathrine and rudolf have so much in common with teru and akane its kind of crazy. how could one possibly look at them and not think of terukane? Akane/Cathrine being inbetween sides (the two sides being their counterpart and their duties) and in the end choosing their duties but still hoping for a seemingly unachievable chance at their counterparts. Ive specifically avoided using words like “coded” or “heavily implied” because i’ve never been completely sure,
Taking it into account, AidaIro are Japanese, and in japan homosexuality isn’t exactly normalized. yes queer people are in japan, they are everywhere and always have been but queer people in japan often conceal their sexuality and from what ive seen simply mentioning homosexuality in the wrong crowd is frowned upon (although don’t take my word for it 100%, i don’t live in japan)
And from what ive seen, AidaIro are pretty “traditional”. Literally name one female character without a male love interest that isnt shijima mei or tiara.
although the whole “lemon and akane” thing happened, it really was just for fun and jokes, although it seems to be a running joke in their friend group that “akane likes lemon” so make of that what you will
queer people being in tbhk is very much possible, we’ve seen panels of boys wanting to be teru’s boyfriend, nene blushing at sakura and claiming she was duped by her gorgeousness, mitsuba constantly accusing kou of wanting to do “pervy” stuff with him, akane mentioning his confusion on how teru can attract both genders (when their current topic had nothing to do with that? Are you the male attracted to him akane?) and natsuhiko’s entire character, but the likeliness of there being multiple queer characters is much lower than just one, of course im not opposed to there being multiple, the more the merrier, but we need to remember homosexuality is not normalized, and in some asian countries homosexuality blatantly doesn’t exist. like you could propose to someone of the same sex and people would say “omg such bffs!!” and we don’t know much about AidaIro besides they’re both girls, both Japanese, one’s a writer and one’s an illustrator.
although this alone does not down-right dismiss the queer implications, it still makes you think. We can never be too sure
Make of this what you will :3 ive been thinking ab compiling every possible queer implication or hint in tbhk but i feel like that sounds stupid and no one would read it
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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J.2 What is direct action?
Direct action, to use Rudolf Rocker’s words, is “every method of immediate warfare by the workers [or other sections of society] against their economic and political oppressors. Among these the outstanding are: the strike, in all its graduations from the simple wage struggle to the general strike; the boycott; sabotage in all its countless forms; anti-militarist propaganda, and in particularly critical cases … armed resistance of the people for the protection of life and liberty.” [Anarcho-Syndicalism, p. 78]
Not that anarchists think that direct action is only applicable within the workplace. Far from it. Direct action must occur everywhere! So, in non-workplace situations, direct action includes rent strikes, consumer boycotts, occupations (which, of course, can include sit-down strikes by workers), eco-tage, individual and collective non-payment of taxes, blocking roads and holding up construction work of an anti-social nature and so forth. Also direct action, in a workplace setting, includes strikes and protests on social issues, not directly related to working conditions and pay. Such activity aims to ensure the “protection of the community against the most pernicious outgrowths of the present system. The social strike seeks to force upon the employers a responsibility to the public. Primarily it has in view the protection of the customers, of whom the workers themselves [and their families] constitute the great majority” [Op. Cit., p. 86]
Basically, direct action means that instead of getting someone else to act for you (e.g. a politician), you act for yourself. Its essential feature is an organised protest by ordinary people to make a change by their own efforts. Thus Voltairine De Cleyre’s excellent statement on this topic:
“Every person who ever thought he had a right to assert, and went boldly and asserted it, himself, or jointly with others that shared his convictions, was a direct actionist. Some thirty years ago I recall that the Salvation Army was vigorously practicing direct action in the maintenance of the freedom of its members to speak, assemble, and pray. Over and over they were arrested, fined, and imprisoned; but they kept right on singing, praying, and marching, till they finally compelled their persecutors to let them alone. The Industrial Workers [of the World] are now conducting the same fight, and have, in a number of cases, compelled the officials to let them alone by the same direct tactics. “Every person who ever had a plan to do anything, and went and did it, or who laid his plan before others, and won their co-operation to do it with him, without going to external authorities to please do the thing for them, was a direct actionist. All co-operative experiments are essentially direct action. “Every person who ever in his life had a difference with anyone to settle, and went straight to the other persons involved to settle it, either by a peaceable plan or otherwise, was a direct actionist. Examples of such action are strikes and boycotts; many persons will recall the action of the housewives of New York who boycotted the butchers, and lowered the price of meat; at the present moment a butter boycott seems looming up, as a direct reply to the price-makers for butter. “These actions are generally not due to any one’s reasoning overmuch on the respective merits of directness or indirectness, but are the spontaneous retorts of those who feel oppressed by a situation. In other words, all people are, most of the time, believers in the principle of direct action, and practisers of it.” [The Voltairine De Cleyre Reader, pp. 47–8]
So direct action means acting for yourself against injustice and oppression. It can, sometimes, involve putting pressure on politicians or companies, for example, to ensure a change in an oppressive law or destructive practices. However, such appeals are direct action simply because they do not assume that the parties in question we will act for us — indeed the assumption is that change only occurs when we act to create it. Regardless of what it is, “if such actions are to have the desired empowerment effect, they must be largely self-generated, rather than being devised and directed from above” and be “ways in which people could take control of their lives” so that it “empowered those who participated in it.” [Martha Ackelsberg, Free Women of Spain, p. 55]
So, in a nutshell, direct action is any form of activity which people themselves decide upon and organise themselves which is based on their own collective strength and does not involve getting intermediates to act for them. As such direct action is a natural expression of liberty, of self-government, for direct action “against the authority in the shop, direct action against the authority of the law, direct action against the invasive, meddlesome authority of our moral code, is the logical, consistent method of Anarchism.” [Emma Goldman, Red Emma Speaks, pp. 76–7] It is clear that by acting for yourself you are expressing the ability to govern yourself. Thus it is a means by which people can take control of their own lives. It is a means of self-empowerment and self-liberation.
Anarchists reject the view that society is static and that people’s consciousness, values, ideas and ideals cannot be changed. Far from it and anarchists support direct action because it actively encourages the transformation of those who use it. Direct action is the means of creating a new consciousness, a means of self-liberation from the chains placed around our minds, emotions and spirits by hierarchy and oppression.
As direct action is the expression of liberty, the powers that be are vitally concerned only when the oppressed use direct action to win its demands, for it is a method which is not easy or cheap to combat. Any hierarchical system is placed into danger when those at the bottom start to act for themselves and, historically, people have invariably gained more by acting directly than could have been won by playing ring around the rosy with indirect means. Direct action tore the chains of open slavery from humanity. Over the centuries it has established individual rights and modified the life and death power of the master class. Direct action won political liberties such as the vote and free speech. Used fully, used wisely and well, direct action can forever end injustice and the mastery of humans by other humans.
In the sections that follow, we will indicate why anarchists are in favour of direct action and why they are against electioneering as a means of change.
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anwiel13 · 4 months
Flake will play guest role in crime series “Tatort”
As HR confirmed upon request, not only songwriter Heinz-Rudolf Kunze and Christiane Rösinger (Lassie Singers) will be seen in guest roles, but also a third very well-known musician. Christian "Flake" Lorenz from the band Rammstein plays a doctor.
Of course they had to bring accusations in the article
The keyboard player of the German metal band, like frontman Till Lindemann, was recently in the media connection with the scandal surrounding the so-called "Row Zero". This is not an obstacle to his involvement in "Tatort", as an HR spokesperson confirmed when asked by teleschau: "The accusations against him made in the media were not brought to court. We are presumed innocent."
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europeanmusicals · 6 months
Hello, do you have access to the Rudolf proshot? The one on youtube got taken down and I couldn't find it on vk.
Thank you for all your post, your blog keeps me coming back to this stuff.
I had download it before it got taken down, including ripping the subtitles, so I've now uploaded the video and subtitles onto the Internet Archive for streaming and downloading: https://archive.org/details/rudolf-affaire-mayerling-act-1-hd-with-english-subs
And I'm also noticing Mozart das Musical things being hit on Youtube lately (had to edit out all the Mozart clips from 'european musicals being gay for 30 minutes" video as it got blocked worldwide for the Mozart clips) so a reminder I've had the proshot with subtitles on the Internet Archive for a couple years now. Someone commented about whether or not I got hit for any Elisabeth clips yet, I haven't, I don't know if anyone else has.
But I have a bunch of proshots with English subtitles on the Internet Archive as a backup in case they ever get taken down off Youtube. Of course I support purchasing copies of the proshots, however I want to back these up because most of the subtitles for these proshots are fanmade and not official, and when these videos with fanmade subtitles are taken off Youtube we could lose the subtitles, and sometimes the only English translation of the musical, forever. And I don't want those translations lost.
I didn't save the username of who uploaded the HD Rudolf proshot with subtitles on Youtube to be able to credit them as the subtitle creator so if anyone remembers or know the name please do let me know so I can add that credit on there.
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fitzrove · 5 months
I was talking abt this with @aboutyoutoo earlier and akösöföd like. it's just crazy to me that crown prince rudolf mania is somehow a constantly reoccurring theme in world history. Like it keeps happening and has been a thing for more than 150 years now akldlskd.
People would have mental breakdowns over him in the 19th century (there's the story about him and the Jewish girl in Prague which was more mutual, but then also just loads of stories of young people stanning him and even stalking him while he was alive, and then of course there's famously what happened to Mary Vetsera, the ultimate Rudolf stan 😭 BUT this kept happening even after he'd died...) but also, by the time the musical comes around, there's waves and waves of people who all independently Catch The Rudolf Bug and also start reading up about the historical guy and obsessing over him (in my travels looking for Old Elisabeth Fan Stuff online i've ran into this happening to different people again and again, in the 90s, in the 00s, in the 10s, in the 20s...). Idk it's so weird aksåspfpspfgl. Like you would think at some point people would start to learn that that way lies madness,,,,, but none of us ever do,,, the cycle repeats again and again......
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Even if we assume that the Ep7 Tea Party was the real truth of what happened on Rokkenjima and Confession being the thing that answers all the "dunnits" about the mystery, there's still a gap we didn't quite get to see as it was in the Prime timeline
How was the Oct. 4 in reality?
We've seen the first day of the family conference multiple times in the forgeries, both in Sayo's and Hachijos'. The events there were more or less the same, just peppered with new facts and elaborations as the episodes went on. But given that they were ultimately Sayo's tales (well, Legend and Turn specifically) written before the actual conference, I find it hard to acknowledge them as something that really happen. The penultimate Tea Party (the "Rokkenjima Prome") starts with the adults discovering the gold not long before the midnight, the Oct 5 beginning and all of the mess that followed afterwards technically happened on the next day, and there's no reference there to what happened before that. Of course the letter still was delivered to the family, most likely via Maria, but some character actions could be different. For example, I've seen people speculating that Battler's weird remarks about Jessica or trying to grope Shannon was Sayo's image of him she pulled from her memory of him as a 12-years old boy, so in reality he could've really acted differently.
I don't know what's the point of what I'm saying, but it would be funny to think about it as a chunk that rests in the catbox forever (unlike the truth behind the murders etc.). Also an idea for a fanfic maybe
(also, how did Sayo predict Ange's absence? She fell ill right before Rudolf's family departed, but afair the Legend it's already established that Ange won't be here. Might be misremembering things though)
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