For Clyde Langer this Father’s Day
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
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wellamarke · 1 year
imagine if there are 3 Mr Smiths in RTOTW Vol 2.
Mr Smith the computer
Mr Smith his owner’s son
Mr Smith the son’s husband
Also Manpreet Bachu as Sanjay please and thank you?
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truckingrave · 6 years
NO FILTERS- What A Day, RTOTW, Racism In Trucking?, SWIFT Transportation, Alcoa Ops
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #75
Honestly, I see people going crazy because of Black Friday and I have a simple message for those people; you're all fucking idiots. Rather then acting like sensible people and being orderly and patient (like we've seen in a lot of areas of the country, to which I say good on you peeps), you run in like animals, trampling people and acting like animals so stores can off-load old models of shit you don't need. It's truly pathetic and hey, I'm no fucking saint, but for fuck sake act with some decorum and sanity.
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Random Thing of the Week, Week One: FES
For our inaugural post on this newly created blog, we'll look to a little known organization by the name of The Flat Earth Society. 
Now, you probably hear that name and decide they're a long forgotten relic of the past.  Not so, readers.  Although they're not as strong as they once were, at a few hundred members as compared to their peak three thousand or even the majority of the world long ago, many still adhere to the seemingly dated belief that our beautiful blue marble is in fact a plane.  Many versions of the Flat Earth hypotheses even discount one of our four fundamental forces, gravity, and even claim that man has never achieved space travel of any kind by asserting massive conspiracies involving every spacefaring power since the Cold War!
As an explanation for this seemingly absurd way of thought, most members of the forums will freely admit to  disregarding the scientific method for an analogue by the name of Zeteticism.  One tenet of this way of thought is a lack of bias in testing, as occurs by forming a hypothesis to prove or disprove.  At first glance a fair counterpart to the normal method, they however dismiss most anything not observed directly by themselves, helping them dismiss photographs from space and experiments too expensive, difficult, or precise for the everyman to perform.
There is much more to the Society's view of the world, but this is only meant to give you a taste of something odd, so the links to a surreal world of oddity and anachronistic views are below.  One warning, though, if you make the decision to participate in the discussion rather than lurk the forum for amusement:  The site is a troll magnet for obvious reasons, with the most prominent at the time of posting being users sceptimatic and EarthIsASpaceship.
See you next week!
FES Home Site:  http://theflatearthsociety.org/cms/
FES Wiki:  http://theflatearthsociety.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
FES Forum:  http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #74
How did I spend my Sunday? My one day off from work and only chance for rest or to get shit done? Well by playing an awesome game called "Town of Salem" with thelonewalker1, hedgybrick and my awesome fiancée loneswolf.
Totally worth it.
Sweetest dreams, peeps. Until next time...
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #73
I'm honestly fucking shit of the bickering between Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and America. I just want to step outside the argument and lock all four into a fucking room until they've resolved their shit. I am so sick of the petty shitty arguments because people are too fucking lazy to pick up a fucking book and learn something.
I was reading an argument between Americans and the British...over fucking Chocolate Oranges. CHOCOLATE ORANGES?! ARGH! Can we just fucking stop now?
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #72
Nothing helps kill a cold like a Chicken Tikka Masala. You should be able to get them on prescription. I know guys, I'm a fucking genius.
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #71
Scottish Independence
So Scotland voted 'No' on Independence with 55.42% (against Yes' 44.58%). Pleased to hear it, but The Telegraph calling it an "Overwhelming majority" is somewhat stretching it. It's a difference of less than 11%. Calm down, Telegraph.
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #70
All Work and No Play...
Dammit, I started doing some work online and ended up still being awake at 1:25am. I've got to leave the house in about 7 hours. Got to get to bed. Sweetest dreams, peeps. Until next time...
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #69
Currently going through years-old emails, revisiting the past and realising how many people just aren't around in my life anymore, some for the best and some much to my sadness. Nostalgia...it's a weird bugger.
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #68
RIP Joan RIvers
Hand on heart, I never liked Joan Rivers and never found her funny, however she has a family and my sincerest condolences and thoughts are with them at this time. Losing someone you love is never easy, so I can only hope her family can find some peace and will enjoy the joyful memories she gave them.
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Random Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #67
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Ladies and gentlemen, may the panic and bitching commence.
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Thoughts Of The Wanderer - Episode #66
Keeping Kayfabe
It baffles and annoys me when people bitch and moan about wrestlers whose characters are in a feud are then seen hanging out together in real life. You hear shit like "keep the kayfabe" or "live the gimmick" but really, it's fucking ridiculous.
Nobody bitches and moans when various members of the Avengers cast hangs out with Tom Hiddleston who plays Loki. Nobody cried fowl when Christian Bale and Tom Hardy are seen chilling together, despite playing Batman and Bane respectively. I certainly didn't hear anyone getting upset when David Tennant and John Simm would be seen relaxing on set when they're playing The Doctor and The Master. However actors are given a certain level of leeway where wrestlers are not and frankly it's absurd.
Wrestlers play characters. Whilst it is true that in many cases, their gimmicks are in fact exaggerated versions of their own personalities, they are still playing a character. Wrestlers do not owe it to fans to keep up the pretence outside of the wrestling business. If two wrestlers' characters are feuding, but they happen to be close friends outside of the business, then they have the absolute right to enjoy that friendship/relationship without a bunch of whiny bastards crying about "keeping an illusion". Wrestlers all ready risk their well-being and even their lives for their brand of entertainment and whilst it is easy for some people to mock them because "it's fake", the simple fact is wrestlers all ready give enough for their fans.
For people to fucking demand that wrestlers enjoy no personal life outside of the wrestling business for the sake of fucking storylines, is beyond disrespectful. This is the 21st Century. We know it's a scripted, very athletic form of entertainment. If you require people to consistently play their gimmick 24/7 because your imagination is that damaged, then wrestling is not for you.
But hey, that's just my opinion.
Until next time;
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stevejones313 · 10 years
Thoughts of the Wanderer - Episode #65
Friendship & Love
You can have all the popularity you want. You can have all the money you want. You can have whatever material shit you desire. The two things I require in life are love and friendship and I have both in fucking spades. I have the joy of having an amazing fiancée in loneswolf and some of the greatest people I have ever met as my brothers and sisters. There are many who I have been close with and have lost a certain closest to. You know who you are and whilst I can only apologise for the loss of closeness, be assured that you are no less a friend to me.
There is a lot of people I could mention, but allow me to get to the point. If you are a friend of mine, whether you are 'just' a friend or a brother/sister in arms, know that I fucking love you. I love you with all my heart. I may not express it well. I may not even talk that much to you, but know that I fucking love you. I don't let people in my life easily. Also know that I am terrified about losing you all every day. I have seen friends leave this world to vices and demons and every day I can't help but wonder "who is next?"
So when I say "I love you" it's not thrown out to get likes. It's not just said because I want you to think "gee ain't he sweet" - I say it because I fucking mean it. You can think of me as the biggest cunt you know and that's fine, because I can be a right bastard at times. I say it because I fucking mean it.
So whilst we may not talk much and hell, you may secretly hate me guts, but if you are someone that I would say "yes, I am their friend" then know that I love you.
And I fucking mean it.
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