#rose day wishes for love
calicorobin · 29 days
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beanbag chair psychology
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celebmania01 · 8 months
Spreading Love and Romance: Sentimental Rose Day Shayaris for Your Beloved Husband
Rose Day is a special occasion to celebrate love and romance, and what better way to express your heartfelt emotions than through sentimental Rose Day Shayari for husband. These Shayaris, filled with love and affection, have the power to touch your husband's heart and strengthen the bond between you. In this article, we will explore the art of spreading love and romance through sentimental Rose Day Shayaris, providing you with inspiration to create a truly memorable expression of affection.
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1. Embrace the Language of Love
When writing sentimental Rose Day Shayaris for your husband, embrace the language of love. Use words and phrases that evoke emotions and create a romantic atmosphere. Incorporate terms of endearment, such as "darling," "beloved," or "my love," to imbue your Shayari with tenderness. Let your words flow with passion, creating a heartfelt connection between you and your husband.
2. Express Gratitude and Admiration
A sentimentaol Rose Day Shayari provides an excellent opportunity to express your gratitude and admiration for your husband. Reflect upon the qualities that make him so special to you, such as his caring nature, unwavering support, or the way he fills your life with love and happiness. Let your Shayari become a heartfelt tribute to the love and admiration you hold for your husband.
3. Capture Precious Moments
To create a sentimental Shayari, capture the precious moments you have shared with your husband. Remember the romantic dates, the laughter you shared, or the heartfelt conversations that brought you closer. Incorporate these moments into your Shayari, allowing them to be immortalized in your words. By capturing these memories, you create a sentiment of nostalgia and remind your husband of the beautiful journey you both share.
4. Use Poetic Devices to Enhance Sentiment
Poetic devices play a crucial role in enhancing the sentiment of your Rose Day Shayari. Employ metaphors, similes, and personification to add depth and beauty to your words. Use imagery to create vivid pictures that invoke emotions and sensory experiences. Poetic devices bring a lyrical quality to your Shayari, making it all the more enchanting and romantic.
Examples of Sentimental Rose Day Shayaris for Your Husband:
"In your eyes, I find a love that is pure, Your presence in my life, a love that will endure. Your touch, a gentle breeze that sets my soul on fire, Forever my love, for that's what you inspire."
"In every beat of my heart, your name resides, With every passing moment, my love for you abides. Your love, a symphony that resonates within, Forever by your side, where our love shall begin."
"Through the ebb and flow of life's uncertain tide, With you, my love, I find solace and abide. In your warm embrace, I find comfort and peace, Forever together, our love will never cease."
"You are the light that sprinkles stardust in my soul, Your love, the elixir that makes me whole. With each passing day, our love grows stronger, Forever yours, I am, and there is no other."
Sentimental Rose Day Shayaris have the power to spread love and romance, deepening the bond between you and your beloved husband. Embrace the language of love, express gratitude and admiration, capture precious moments, and employ poetic devices to create Shayaris that touch the heart and soul. Let your words become a timeless expression of affection that celebrates the love and romance you share.
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amelia-yap · 4 months
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//◕_◕ )👉👈
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I'm sorry, but why don't we talk about Witch Hunt more? Seriously, I think it might be my favorite DAO DLC. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the hell out of Awakening. Leliana's Song is good. The Golems of Amgarrak is... eh, bad. I didn't really like that one. The Warden's Keep, The Stone Prisoner, and Return to Ostagar are all amazing and I love them.
But Witch Hunt??? Y'all. I can't. I'm too emotional right now.
I have at least one dynamic from each game that I'm obsessed with. For DAO, it's the dynamic between romanced!Alistair, Tabris, and Morrigan. I've talked before about the dark ritual and stuff in this post, so let's just say that my Tabris, Rose, very much has unfinished business and a score to settle with Morrigan.
Tabris and Morrigan grew so close throughout the entire journey of DAO, y'know? Close enough that Morrigan claimed she thought of her as a sister, and Tabris felt the same way... and then in one single moment, it's just shattered.
There were signs that Tabris ignored, like the way Morrigan dismissed all the circle mages and claimed they should be left to their fates since they "allow themselves to be caged like cattle." Or how she disapproved every time Tabris wanted to help those down on their luck. Or, worst of all, when Morrigan disapproved when Tabris chose to kill the Tevinter slaver instead of making a deal with him to use the lives of the remaining elves to grant her more power... one of those caged elves being Tabris' father.
But she gave Morrigan the benefit of the doubt; she's sheltered and only had Flemeth as an influence and teacher, of course she's unempathetic and selfish, but there is good in Morrigan's heart. She can learn to be more empathetic and to care for others.
At least, Tabris believed that until Morrigan confessed that she's known about the ultimate sacrifice and the dark ritual from the beginning, that Flemeth sent her with the wardens with a purpose that Morrigan intends to follow through with. It's devastating and it broke Tabris' heart.
She just learned that a warden has to die to stop the blight, and that warden could be her or Alistair. Not only are they romantically involved, but they've been through all of this shit together, they're the only ones who fully understand what being a grey warden is like. They carry the burden on their shoulders, and they're probably going to lose each other to the archdemon.
And Morrigan waits until she's at her most vulnerable to ask that of her.
Again, I've gone into more detail about that before, but at this point Rose is done with people deceiving her. She's done with Morrigan... except she's not. It's the betrayal and knowing Morrigan got what she wanted that causes Rose to go searching for her.
To Morrigan's credit, she does give some answers. She claims she didn't thing the archdemon would show itself so soon, and she did what she had to because she didn't wish to see Tabris hurt or die. I believe her, and to an extent, Tabris believes her... but Morrigan still doesn't get WHY it's a betrayal.
Morrigan's right: She will never understand Tabris, and Tabris will never understand her. She can insist it's not a betrayal all she wants, but it absolutely is, and Tabris has never allowed anyone who crossed her to just walk away... except for Morrigan.
Until now.
Hearing that Morrigan manipulated her way into the trust of this Dalish clan so she could steal their book and run is just further evidence in Tabris' eye that she hasn't changed. Maybe it was always foolish to believe she could.
So... she stabbed Morrigan.
She didn't do it to kill her; Morrigan is the daughter of Flemeth and a powerful mage with healing magic, a mere stab isn't going to kill her.
No, it's about what the stab represents: "I am done with you."
And how the scene plays out? It's so dramatic and good, just the way everything slows down, the music, how they make eye contact as the stabbing happens just....
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I know it sounds really bad, and this is the part where I remind everyone that I ADORE Morrigan, but the stabbing ending is so satisfying from a story-telling standpoint for my playthrough.
It's so tragic and it hurts and I hate it.... but I love it, y'know?
I love Witch Hunt, like I haven't even talked about Ariane and Finn, or how the circle just has all these books on Dalish artifacts and translations of elvhen, or how other eluvians can be found with a shard from the broken one in the dalish origin.... like you're telling me that Merrill had a piece of the puzzle? If she had the knowledge, she could've found a working eluvian to study?? I'm going to gnaw my own leg off--
Listen, I could gush about this all day.
But now that I've completely finished DAO, it's time to replay DA2.
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manderleyfire · 5 months
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– Your problem is you're scared. If you had any courage, we wouldn't be in this mess. Who gives a shit what other people think? – What are you talking about? – You know what I'm talking about.
The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005), Dir. Rebecca Miller
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good-beans · 28 days
I love you! I love you! I love you!
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 3 months
I always think about how in multiple episodes it's basically canon that Blanche is bi but considers dating women to be more hassle (which is a whole rabbit hole to go down - does she struggle with societal homophobia when she's with women? Has she only been with fellow high maintenance femmes when shes really after a Dorothy type? Has she internalized the idea that her attraction to women isn't 'real'? Her reaction to Clayton adds to these questions). Not to mention how this goes together with her relationships with the girls; making to kiss Rose that one time (and Rose multiple times seeming very aware of Blanche's proclivities), begging Dorothy for 'relief' and being convinced she's attracted to women too.
Yes, anon! It’s really interesting to delve into Blanche’s psyche about all this stuff!
I started writing down my thoughts and ended up with a long ramble -- allow me to place it all under a cut, so I don't clog up anyone's dash, haha.
Personally, I think she has some strong mental blocks when it comes to her sexuality because of the way she was brought up. I mean, she grew up in Atlanta approx in the 1930s/1940s — I’m sure I don’t have to detail the kind of casual bigotry she must have seen around her during her formative years! Just look at the story she recounts in S1E13 A Little Romance:
“Now, you have to understand that in those days in the South a lot of things were still taboo. Certain people were not to mix. So Benjamin and I had to meet in secret. Oh, we knew if any of the bigots in town found out about us, there’d be a terrible scandal.”
And all of this because Benjamin was a yankee… can you imagine what ‘the bigots in town’ thought about homosexuality? Yeah, I’m pretty sure Blanche learned to suppress that part of herself very early on. We know she turns to denial when she’s faced with uncomfortable truths and emotions she can’t deal with, so I think she likely just refuses to acknowledge that part of herself most of the time, and it only comes out (pun intended!) when she’s not paying much attention to things, or when there’s something more important going on. See the two examples you point out: when she tries to kiss Rose she’s concerned with not being kissed at midnight, and when she propositions Dorothy she’s, well… she’s desperate to get some, if we can be frank.
When she’s in a more rational state, her reactions tend to be more measured… but not by much. She does advise Rose not to date women (S3E10 The Audit):
“Oh, no, honey, don’t do that! No job is worth having to date women!”
But she’s also really flattered at receiving lots and lots of phone calls from women, after her appearance as a ‘lesbian’ on TV (S7E15 Goodbye, Mr Gordon):
“By the way, Dorothy, if I were a lesbian, I sure would be a popular one. Look at this, 20 calls.”
And of course we can’t forget her reaction to finding out that Jean has a crush on Rose in S2E5 Isn’t It Romantic?:
“Jean has the hots for Rose? I don’t believe it, I do not believe it! […] To think Jean would prefer Rose over me? That’s ridiculous! […] Now you tell me the truth: if you had to pick between Rose and me, who would you pick? Who?”
All of these are (likely) intended to be jokes about her vanity and her libertine nature (in the same way as Rose’s observations are), but considering a lot of the writers of this show were queer themselves, it wouldn’t seem strange to me if they were intentionally peppered in to suggest that Blanche might be a bisexual in denial. It certainly fits her character!
I haven’t spoken about her reaction to Clayton’s coming out yet, but that’s immensely interesting too, of course. I think Blanche has the same attitude towards homosexuality that I see in a lot of (mostly older) people in my Country nowadays: it’s fine as a general concept, but when it comes to her family (or, God forbid, herself) then the problems come out. See for example what she says about Jean:
“Well, I’ll never understand what Jean doesn’t see in the opposite sex, but if that makes her happy, that’s fine by me!”
Which isn’t a homophobic attitude at all! If anything, if you take her upbringing into account, it’s pretty accepting. But then, when Clayton comes out to her (S4E9 Scared Straight) and tells her he wants to get married (S6E14 Sister Of The Bride), this is what she says:
“Oh, Clayton, please be serious. You're just saying that so I won't set you up with any more women. […] Well, then you're saying it 'cause you're trying to get back at me for something. Clay, I know you too well for this. After all, I know it can't be true. You're my brother. […] Clayton Hollingsworth. You look me in the face and tell me you really are… what you just said you are.”
“I'm having a little trouble putting this all together. Clayton, I just feel like I don't know you anymore.”
“[…] Dorothy, that's different. We're talking about going out in public. Oh, what are people gonna say?”
“Will you tell me why you want to put yourself and Doug through this? You know how people can be.”
“Oh, look, I can accept the fact that he's gay, but why does he have to slip a ring on this guy's finger so the whole world will know?”
Quite the difference from her attitude towards Jean, wouldn’t you say? I think there’s three elements at play here.
1) When Clayton comes out to Blanche, she feels disoriented because this is life-changing information Clayton has never shared with her before. While her reaction as a whole isn’t ideal, personally I think it’s understandable. Clayton is her baby brother; she’s known him as straight all his life, he’s been married to a woman for years before his divorce, and she recounts an episode from their adolescence when he was on a date with a woman and very clearly implicated having a physical encounter with her. He's done everything in his power to pass as straight until this point in time -- I don't find it strange that Blanche would be shocked at his coming out, especially given her upbringing (and the fact that this is set in the 80s! We can't expect modern sensibilities from the characters!). Once again, her reaction isn't the best (she can't even bring herself to say the word 'gay' at first...), but the shock per se isn't that surprising, imho.
2) Blanche is scared because of societal implications above all. She doesn't necessarily see being queer as something wrong, but she's been taught it's not socially acceptable and acts accordingly. Notice how she's worried about what people are going to say, and she struggles to accept that Clayton wants the whole world to know about his relationship with Doug.
Societal expectations in general are a big theme for Blanche's character, and often drive her development; another big example of this is her attitude towards Rebecca's decision to get artificially inseminated, but it's a bit of a baseline issue for her, I feel. She has this whole thing about her beauty and her (supposed) youth and her attractiveness that has some inherent elements, but it's mostly an issue of how other people perceive her, I think, and her response to her brother's coming out is easy to relate to this theme. I mean, she even says it to Rose in S7E15:
"Well, I don't mind being labeled a lesbian, honey, but since I'm not, you just ruined my social life."
So yeah. I think it's safe to say her main concern is societal disapproval of queerness: she wants to be accepted and celebrated by the people around her, and she thinks that being openly queer will destroy her place in her social circle (and she's worried about the same happening to Clayton too, of course).
3) This is sort of related to point 2, but it felt distinct enough to treat it separately. I think she might have reacted so badly to Clayton's coming out (and especially to his showing up with a partner) because he's open about his sexuality, and she's not ready to face what that means for her. My lovely mutual @\hecatesbroom recently published her latest amazing work the odd one(s) out, on the relationship between Dorothy and her brother Phil and how Phil's open queerness might have impacted Dorothy; I think a similar situation might have occurred between Blanche and Clayton after his coming out.
Blanche has a sort of advantage on Dorothy because of her bisexuality, in the sense that she has 'passing privilege' (I really dislike this concept, but allow me to use it to make a point): it's painfully clear that she loved her late husband with all her heart, and she's obviously attracted to men as well, so she can pretend not to like women without too much of a hassle (whereas, if you believe Dorothy to be a repressed lesbian, her situation is much more complicated).
The issue with this is that this 'advantage' is a double-edged sword: she might have the comfort of being socially acceptable, but she's had to suffocate a big part of herself to obtain that comfort. And so, what happens when Clayton -- her baby brother Clayton, the one who's always been just like her, who's grown up with her same environment and influences -- begins openly living as a gay man? I'm sure the situation must have had a strong impact on her, even if just on a subconscious level; I've always found it curious that she seems to have a harder time accepting Clayton in S6E14 than she does in S4E9 (she even calls his sexuality a phase), and while a part of it may be attributed to the higher social exposure Clayton's commitment to Doug brings, I think this may be a result of her inner conflict, provoked by watching her brother live openly while she's been suppressing a part of herself all her life.
Here I'm assuming she's never acted upon her attraction to women before, but there's some space to believe she has done so and has decided it's too much of a hassle, as you say -- likely because she'd for sure do it in secret, given her fear of societal condemnation. If she has been with women before, and decided to give up on it, I still think she'd be greatly impacted by Clayton's coming out: it means her baby brother is a) braver than she is, and b) going to openly face (and likely suffer because of) the same social issues she's run away from. In this lens, I find it interesting that she cautions him about how people can be, almost as if they've both experienced it.
Whew. Wow, this was a lot more than I'd originally meant to write, haha! Seems you sparked a big train of thought, anon! I think all of the Girls (with the possible exception of Sophia) are really fascinating to analyze with a queer lens, and Blanche is always interesting to me, of course. As a final note, I'd like to point out that she does come around to Clayton's sexuality and his relationship, in the end: as often happens, she just needs the Girls' help to put things back in perspective, understand she's hurting someone she loves, and correct her actions. I'd like to think living with the Girls might lead to her becoming more accepting of herself, too.
#this was so much fun!! you helped me pass the time on about two and a half hours of train rides anon :)#this is... Long lmao. but are we surprised? i always end up talking at length#and this subject is Very interesting to me for obvious reasons so...#there's a lot more that could be said i think. all her homoerotic moments with the girls?#dancing with rose? playing pretend with dorothy?#and all the times sophia jokes about them? 'you couldn't stay in the closet for one more day'?#all fascinating stuff no matter how you look at it#i really think her homophobia stems from societal expectations honestly. she *never* expresses the opinion that being gay is wrong per se#she doesn't think it's unnatural or against god or anything like that. the worst thing she says is that 'phase' comment imho#she thinks it's *socially unacceptable*. which is a whole different thing#and considering blanche's whole thing with being accepted by society i feel like a queer in denial storyline really fits her character#like. think of even just this:#blanche devereaux. known for being libertine and unashamed of her sexuality (to the point of being labelled 'a slut').#often described as 'selfish' and 'self-centered'. focused on satisfying her desires and wishes at all times#this woman? having to deny a part of said desires for her entire life? the contrast is DELICIOUS to me#this big fear of societal disapproval was the angle i went with for my blanche/rose fic! it was set at the end of s2#so this was really all i could explore. but it would have been fun to throw clayton into the mix#i really think seeing him be so open about himself had a profound effect on her#oh look at me rambling in the tags too haha. excellent observations anon! thank you for sending this ask!#if you have any more thoughts i'd love to read them!!#oh and also -- when does blanche say she thinks dorothy's attracted to women?#i don't remember it and i'm *very* curious about it#the golden girls#blanche devereaux#golden wives#ask
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goofyjelly · 3 months
in actual tears over a Columbo fanfic yall
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the-lesbian-orpheus · 3 months
I love and cherish by edits and stuff of my dramatic high fantasy guys, my minecraft guys, my silly little monsters, my dramatic sci-fi guys, my animated guys
But can we please also normalize making edits and stuff of like regular ass sitcom guys
Like where are the badass edits of Rosa Diaz, the crush edits of Tahani al Jamil, the ship edits of David and Patrick, the comfort edits of Chidi Anagonye
I say this as a person who lives in fantasy and whimsy content
I feel like we deserve both
(Ps I rambled a lot about this in the tags so maybe check them out :3 👀👀👀)
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stillbechloe · 8 months
was scrolling through my archive for shits and giggles so here’s my hyperfixations since 2012 according to Tumblr:
2012: Bechloe, Jenna Anne (YouTuber)
2013: Bechloe, Grace/Hannah/Mamrie, Orange is the New Black, Rose and Rosie
2014: Bechloe, Grace/Hannah/Mamrie, Orange is the New Black, Rose and Rosie
2015: Bechloe, Orange is the New Black, Rose and Rosie
2016: Bechloe, Orange is the New Black
2017: Bechloe, Orange is the New Black
2018: Bechloe, Clexa, A Simple Favor, Orange is the New Black
2019: Bechloe, Ocean’s 8, The L Word Gen Q, Gentleman Jack, Clexa, Someone Great
2020: Bechloe, Happiest Season, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Dead to Me
2021: Bechloe, Dead to Me
2022: Bechloe, The Sex Lives of College Girls
2023: Bechloe, Taylor Swift, A League of their Own, The Sex Lives of College Girls
2024: Bechloe, Taylor Swift, A League of Their Own
in conclusion that is why the name of this blog is stillbechloe, thank you for your time
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celebmania01 · 8 months
Spreading Love and Romance: Thoughtful Rose Day Wishes for Your Beloved
As Rose Day approaches, it is the perfect occasion to express deep affection and ignite the flame of romance with your beloved. Aside from offering a beautiful rose, heartfelt and thoughtful wishes can leave a lasting impact and deepen your connection. In this article, we will explore the significance of Rose Day and offer inspiration on crafting thought-provoking and romantic Rose Day wishes for your love.
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The Significance of Rose Day
Rose Day, celebrated on February 7th annually, holds immense significance as it marks the beginning of the enchanting Valentine's Week. This day provides an opportunity to convey your emotions and appreciate the presence of your beloved in your life. The red rose, symbolizing love and passion, carries the message of romance and affection that transcends words.
Crafting Thoughtful Rose Day Wishes
Words from the Heart: The key to crafting thoughtful Rose Day wishes lies in expressing your heartfelt emotions and genuine love. Let your words flow effortlessly, representing the depth of your affection for your partner. Speak of the joy, happiness, and solace they bring to your life, and let them know how grateful you are for their presence.
Acknowledge Their Qualities: Take this opportunity to appreciate and acknowledge the qualities that make your beloved unique and special. Reflect on their kindness, warmth, or any specific traits that captivate your heart. Incorporate these qualities into your wishes, making them feel cherished and loved for who they truly are.
Express Your Dreams and Desires: Rose Day also serves as a reminder to cherish the present and dream of a beautiful future together. Incorporate your dreams and desires into your wishes, expressing your commitment and dedication to a lifelong journey filled with love, passion, and moments of bliss.
Romantic Gestures and Imagery: Utilize romantic gestures and vivid imagery in your Rose Day wishes to ignite the spark of passion. Paint a picture with your words, filled with moonlit walks, fragrance of roses, and whispered promises. Let your wishes transport your beloved to a world of romance, where your love is the centerpiece.
Examples of Thoughtful Rose Day Wishes
"With this single rose, I express my eternal love for you. Just as this rose radiates beauty and captivates all who behold it, your presence in my life fills every moment with love and enchantment. Happy Rose Day, my love."
"The delicate petals of this rose pale in comparison to the tenderness of my love for you. On this Rose Day, I wish to remind you of the beauty, strength, and serenity that resides within you. You are my guiding light and the essence of all my romantic dreams."
"As the fragrance of roses fills the air, let it be the testament to the love shared between us. On this special day, I commit to nurturing our love like a beautiful garden, where passion blossoms with each passing day. Happy Rose Day, my dearest."
"May this Rose Day ignite the fire of passion within us, and may our love burn brighter with each passing moment. I am grateful for the love we share, and I look forward to creating countless memories together. Wishing you a day filled with love and romance."
Rose Day provides a significant opportunity to express your deep affection and ignite the flame of romance with heartfelt wishes for your beloved. By speaking from the heart, acknowledging their qualities, expressing dreams and desires, and incorporating romantic gestures, your Rose Day wishes will spread love and kindle the fire of passion. Let your words convey the depth of your emotions and create lasting memories for you and your beloved.
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iniziare · 4 months
Tag drop: Guizhong (don't mind me re-dropping this with the fixed ones, shh)
#guizhong. [ many things only seem to surface beneath the moon's poignant glow. wherever its light shines; the heart is wont to follow. ]#guizhong: ic. [ wherever her spirit may be among the countless grains of sand and specks of dust between the harbor and the mountains. ]#guizhong: countenance. [ and because they are afraid; they try so hard to become more intelligent. this i understand. ]#guizhong: introspection. [ although she did not live to see the splendid sights of today: she was as much a hero as any other. ]#guizhong: meta. [ her manuscripts lie unfinished in her abode. the blank pages give cause for contemplation on what might have been. ]#guizhong: little notes. [ she always sought to make everyone happy and one must say: she had quite the gift for it. ]#guizhong: wishes. [ it took a treasure hunt just to preserve the commandments that were once the lifeblood of a whole civilization. ]#guizhong: etc. [ we think of human life as like a lantern that's lit one minute and extinguished the next. but are we adepti so different?#guizhong: mortals. [ at their full potential; they could be her equal. a human who has as much to teach an adeptus as to learn from them. ]#guizhong: guili plains. [ as guizhong once said: “it takes every blade of grass and every flower to make a homeland.” ]#guizhong: liyue. [ perhaps she will look at the liyue of today and steal a smile when she sees the prosperous land that it has become. ]#guizhong: realm of clouds. [ a voyage to a sanguine sky. ]#guizhong: mechanical arts. [ in one's heart; i knew that she was indeed the superior talent in the mechanical arts. ]#guizhong: glaze lilies. [ they were far more abundant back then. the entire fields would appear to the eye as a veritable sea of flowers. ]#guizhong: adepti. [ until the moon set and the sun rose. and only then would the banquet finally come to an end. ]#guizhong: morax. [ whoever it was that revered her so much was very clever indeed. ]#guizhong: guili. [ with shortness of breath; i will explain the infinite. and how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist. ] delusiona#guizhong: marchosius. [ who would dare snub the stove god and his wondrous creations? at the sight: we would all drop any argument. ]#guizhong: streetward rambler. [ it almost felt like she was back again. sitting right there on the stone stool next to me; chatting away. ]#guizhong: cloud retainer. [ we each had our ideals; and neither one of us would yield to the other. ]#guizhong: skybracer. [ to who lived by the mountain; he was their savior. they thought higher of him than they thought of the lord of geo.#guizhong: osial. [ she would disrupt the silence around them with a hum; as if to sing along to the harmony of water. was this his song? ]#guizhong: sea gazer. [ he was quite the braggart when it came to those collectibles he was so fond of; he always loved to show them off. ]#guizhong: ganyu. [ if we planted flowers in the guili plains; do you think that one day we'd be able to recreate the sea of glaze lilies? ]#guizhong: v. descension. [ she descended whose dominion was over dust; and whose reach shrouded the skies for thousands of miles around. ]#guizhong: v. guili assembly. [ it's great to have it back but i want to go back to the world. and start with guili plains. ]#guizhong: v. archon war. [ they fought upon the plains; where black dust choked the heavens and a thousand rocks splintered. ]#guizhong: v. present. [ all wrapped up in a city that has existed for many moons to date. all these things: they are why people chase it. ]#guizhong: inquiries. [ hmph. she always had a way with words. ]
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coridallasmultipass · 8 months
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AWWWWWW!!!! I went to stick something in my scrapbook and in trying to find a blank page, I found the loot I got from my first Homestuck NYC meetups 2012-2014. I'm so glad I put the dates next to them and what character I was, too.
The gold "I try" star still cracks me up.
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camellcat · 10 months
don'tttt care I love intertwined by crossmyhearts amen god bless SUCH a fun idea I'm obsessed
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heavenknowsffs · 2 years
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In my Morticia Addams era
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good-beans · 4 months
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