#rosalia's guilt
mytastessuck · 2 years
Atsushi Kitajoh: Rosalia's GUILT
A nice contemplative piece from the acclaimed, addictive, absolutely INFURIATING Trauma Team games. This piece is so beautiful, I almost feel bad for ruining it with this Spongebob quote:
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Let's hope Rosalia pulls through.
Song Score: Matthew VIIII.27/10
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deepfriedtrout · 9 months
hold on. trauma team!schnetto au. i think i’m cooking.
i’m gonna read a recap of dr. kimishima and little guy’s parts before i elaborate more on this.
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ellatoone7 · 6 months
❄︎ Trust in me ❄︎
Alexia's favourite girls series
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Emilia has some concerns over her future
Emilia had known for a while that maybe football wasn’t her life. From her very first session when she was a lot younger, she always had more of a fascination with picking flowers and making daisy chains or doing cartwheels across the field instead of kicking the ball. She had started gymnastics a few years ago and had taken a very keen liking to it. 
However, as she got older, she wanted to prioritise gymnastics, but the guilt of quitting football was slowly creeping up on her. It didn’t help that her older sister absolutely thrived on the football field, Emilia couldn’t help but notice how her Mami’s eyes absolutely lit up with pride as she watched Issy playing football. The last thing Emilia wanted was to disappoint her Mami. Her Mami, who went above and beyond for her and always showed up no matter what. Her Mami, who had won so many different awards for just how good she was at playing football. Her Mami, who always made her feel safe and so incredibly loved. 
Emilia was always encouraged to communicate her feelings to her parents, something that was instilled into her since she was much younger. Now she was eight years old and for the first time ever she was a little bit scared to talk to her Mami. Emilia had been working up the courage to tell her Mami that she didn’t want to play football anymore, but it just so happened that Isabella had won a very important match and Mami was bringing them to get ice cream to celebrate. Mami was smiling so big, and Emilia didn’t want to be the reason her Mami got upset. 
It didn’t take a lot for Alexia to notice something was wrong with Emilia. The normally animated girl was unusually quiet as she shovelled some ice cream into her mouth. Isabella was on cloud nine as she conversed with her Mami on the tactics of the game and whether they should stick or change it up slightly. “…Tal vez deberíamos poner a Lola en la delantera el próximo Partido.” Emilia’s head dropped even lower as she listened to her Mami and sister converse. Alexia got increasingly more worried as it had been at least an hour with complete radio silence from Emilia. They were on their way home now, all packed into Alexia’s Cupra as she turned the volume of Rosalia’s new song down a little. 
Isabella was still mumbling away happily as she brushes a little bit of grass off her kit. Emilia was staring at her older sister, Mr Biggy clutched in her arms and Alexia thought that maybe Emilia was a little jealous over her sisters win. Completely misinterpreting the situation Alexia looks through the mirror with a small smile, “Hey Meels, you have a big match coming up too. I can’t wait to come watch you play.” Emilia’s heart clenched in her chest at the hopeful look in her Mami’s eyes and she forced a tight smile and a nod which seemed to placate an oblivious Alexia who had made the situation much worse.
Isabella smiled softly at her younger sister, “Meels, you can wear my green boots, the ones that you loved.” Emilia once again nodded before curling in on herself that little bit more. Emilia decides then and there that she wasn’t going to be selfish and just work harder at football. She didn’t want to make Isabella or Mami upset and maybe she would enjoy it. She loved watching Mami play when she used to play for Barcelona, and she loves going to Isabella’s games. 
Emilia’s mind raced with all her favourite people and most of them played football, all her Tia’s who raised her on a football field, and she was now just throwing it away. Before Emilia knew it her eyes were filling with tears as she tried to swallow around the lump in her throat. The blonde tried to breath and calm herself down, but she was all worked up now and she wanted some comfort from her Mami while she still could. “Mami, No me siento bien.” She sniffled as the tears started falling down her flushed cheeks. Alexia quickly found somewhere to poll over so she could give her daughter her full attention. 
Alexia unbuckled her seat belt and turned her body around to make sure Emilia hadn’t gotten sick. She was in full Mami mode, and it felt like her heart stopped beating as Emilia cried. Isabella held her little sisters’ hand with her own frown of concern and started gently rubbing her back in hopes to provide some comfort. “¿Qué pasa nena?” Alexia questioned as Emilia struggled to catch her breath until eventually, she reached out just like she used to when she was a little bit younger. Before she knew it her car door was open, and she was in her Mami’s arms. She buried her face into her Mami’s neck as she whimpered softly, clinging into her jumper as her Mami sways her gently. 
Alexia was distraught as she tried to calm her daughter who she hadn’t seen this upset in a very long time. Alexia wished you were here in hopes of getting Emilia to open up, but Daniela was way too little to leave the house yet, so you stayed at home with Val. Emilia whimpered again and Alexia needed to get her home and hold her until all her hurt went away. Isabella had also got out of the car to wrap her arms around both girls. “¿Se siente mal?” Emilia had a history of motion sickness and still had trouble with long car journeys, but she had never cried like this. The only response she got was a shrug as she sniffled softly, “Vale, mi princesa, we are nearly home just a few more minutes.” 
Alexia felt as if her heart was being ripped out of her chest as Emilia cried for her the minutes she put her back into her seat. Isabella tried to be a replacement, but Emilia wanted her Mami. Emilia was sobbing now completely overwhelmed by her big emotions as she squirmed in her seatbelt, whining for her Mami as she got into the front seat. Alexia tore of her jumper in hopes to calm Emilia down with her familiar smell, Isabella held it close to her sister as she gently stroked her hair. Not even Mr Biggy was comforting Emilia and she hated hat she couldn’t stop crying. 
Alexia had to drive slowly as her hands had started to shake slightly and she would never put her girls in risk. Alexia didn’t stop talking the whole way home, eyes frantically checking her mirror every time Emilia cried out her name. “Mami! I need you!” Isabella cooed pressing kisses to Emilia’s temple as Alexia pulled into your driveway. Alexia’s heart was absolutely shattered, her baby needed her and nothing in the world mattered more than getting her into her arms. 
“Estoy aquí mi bebé, estás a salvo. Estamos en casa y te tengo siempre mi princesa.” Isabella ran into the house bringing Alexia’s jumper and Mr Biggy as she made sure Emilia’s bed was nice a cozy. “Hey, Is, You’re home how did you get…?” You immediately noticed something was wrong when Isabella didn’t stop fidgeting with Emilia’s bed. “What’s wrong Issy?” You gently asked as you grabbed her hands, “Something’s wrong with Emilia Mama.” Isabella fell into you as she yearned for her own comfort, your mind raced with endless possibilities, but you remained calm and held your eldest close. “She wouldn’t stop crying and calling for Mami.” You shushed her gently as you focused on making her feel better. 
You slowly kneeled, still a bit sore from just giving birth a few weeks ago. ‘Look at me Issy, everything’s okay. Mami has Emilia and we will find out what’s wrong, there is nothing to worry about okay.” You felt Isabella relax in your hold as you placed kisses against her cheek, “You are the best big sister ever and I love you very much.” Isabella smiled feeling a lot better now that her thoughts had been reassured. With one last kiss and a promise to let her stay up a bit later tonight, Isabella was guided to go have a shower after her game. 
The minute you caught eyes with your wife you knew something was very wrong. Emilia had Alexia’s shirt in such a tight grip that you were worried her little hand was going to cramp. Alexia was walking slowly into the house as Emilia cried softly into her neck, you approached at the same pace, gently stroking her blonde hair and coaxing her out of her Mami’s shoulder. Emilia whimpered at the interruption but when she saw it was you, she cried out your name, your wife gently passed her on to you. She didn’t go far as her arms slithered around you and pulled you both into her body. 
You took some time to cradle Alexia’s head and press kisses to her temple, she looked heartbroken as she leaned further into you. “It’s all okay, we are right here Meelie. What hurts baby?” Emilia shakes her head as she looks around wildly, eyes swollen and red. “Do you want to go lie down?” Emilia nodded softly as you readjusted her with a slight wince. Alexia was on full alert mode and her hands hovered your body as you placed a reassuring kiss to her lips. “Can you check on Dani, I put her down about twenty minutes ago?” Alexia nodded as she sighed softly, “Everything is going to be fine Alé.” Alexia kisses you again and coaxes Emilia out of your neck so she could give her the most loving kiss as she smoothed out her hair. “Te amo tanto mi princesa, eres mi todo.”
To her relief Emilia smiled softly and kissed her Mami’s cheek. “I love you too.” It was sniffled but it brought some much-needed relief into the heart of the former athlete. You brought her up to the safety of her room before quickly cuddling up with her, Mr Biggy found refuge in her arms, and you helped her put on her Mami’s jumper. She had calmed down significantly as she grew tired from crying, now she just wanted to talk to her Mama about the situation. “What happened sweetheart?” You noticed her looking at you intently which normally meant she had something on her mind. 
“I’m scared.” Her small voice rang out as she cuddled closer to you. “Why are you scared Meels?” You guided her, knowing that she was ready to talk now. Emilia pouted as her eyes filled with tears again and you shushed her gently, rubbing her back until she calmed down. “You can tell me and Mami anything, you know that my baby.” Emilia nodded as her eyes shined from her tears. Her small fingers wrapped around Mr Biggy’s ear as she mumbled something you couldn’t understand. You pulled her impossibly closer, offering your left hand so she could play with your wedding ring something she always used to calm herself down. “I didn’t hear that Meels.” You gently told her as she took a deep breath.
“I don’t…want to play…football anymore.” She stuttered as the words tumbled out; you could see the tension leave her body as she finally told you, her problem. You were incredibly relieved that this is all it was, but you knew exactly what the problem was and why Emilia wanted her Mami so bad in the car. “Meels I know, your gymnastics is starting to clash with it. Mami had been talking to your football coach to prepare them for your leave.” Emilia sat up slowly as she processed the information she was just given. “Mami won’t be upset.” You giggle softly at the pout on her face, “Meels, Mami is going to be so relieved when she hears that this is why you were crying.” Emilia perked up, “Really? Promise?” You held out your pink as she beamed brightly, “Pinky promise.” 
You kissed her head, “Your Mami loves you so much not just for the things you do but for being you. Do you want to know a secret?” Emilia nodded with a curious head tilt, “Mami was the one who suggested you do Gymnastics when she saw your cartwheels.” Emilia nearly burst with joy as she clung onto you tightly. “I am so proud of you for telling me. Did you get very overwhelmed?” You asked trying to figure out how her emotions might have taken over so you can be more prepared next time.
“My thoughts made me worried. I didn’t want to upset Isabella or my Tia’s.” You kissed her again, as she cuddled Mr Biggy. “Your Tia’s love you so much Meels and Isabella will be delighted she gets to keep the goals all to herself.” Emilia giggled as you tickled her, “I want Mami.” You nodded knowing that your wife wanted Emilia right now too. It was as if Alexia knew her daughter was looking for her as there was a soft knock at the door. Alexia had calmed down a little bit now that she was home with her family, Daniela was so tiny, and Alexia softly rocked her as she snoozed. Alexia would be lying if she didn’t say she was walking considerably slower past Emilia’s door, but it was worth it when she heard her favourite sound, Emilia’s giggle. 
Emilia lit up at the sight of her and Alexia had to stop herself from running to the other side of the room to get to her. Alexia got under the covers as Emilia fell into her. Your eyes told Alexia all she needed to know; it wasn’t anything horrific. You let them have their cuddle before encouraging Emilia to tell your wife what was wrong. Emilia settled on top of her Mami before locking her fingers with hers, “Mami I don’t want to play football anymore.” There was no shift in Alexia’s smile as she stared up adoringly at her daughter, she sat up and cupped her face. “Te amo mucho mi princesa. I don’t care what you do as long as you are happy.”
Emilia smiles happily as she rests against her Mami’s chest. “You have a gymnastic competition next week and all you Tia’s want to come. Is that okay?” Emilia nodded tiredly as she cuddled Mr Biggy, “I would love that.” Alexia kissed her hair softly before lying down and bringing her to her chest. “I’m going to stay with her for a bit.” You nodded softly as you leaned down to kiss her. “You are the greatest mother Alexia Putellas, never forget that.” 
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belovedmusings · 1 year
“You have to trust me.”
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18+ Explicit Smut 🚫Minors DNI🚫
You and Satoru get into an argument before he heads off to face Sukuna. You worry for his safety since the incident of his sealing is still fresh in your mind, begging him to let the others help, but he insists he has to do it alone. Hot, emotional sex follows.
Relevant tags: AFAB reader w/minimal gendered language, reader with no defined characteristics for inclusivity and realism, angst, hurt/no comfort, before Ch 236, established relationship, unprotected sex, creampie, missionary/mating press, intentional baby making
Recommended songs to listen to while reading: Privilege (The Weeknd), lovely (Billie Eilish), Lo Vas Olvidar (Billie Eilish, ROSALIA)
A/N: I have a follow-up to this where he survives the fight so that you can have some comfort after this hurt. I’ll link it at the end :’) for now enjoy some angst.
Expand to read:
“Satoru, please,” your voice tapers off at the end, the ache in your heart stinging with its intensity. “Please, don’t do it alone. You can have help. Yuuta—”
“This isn’t his fight,” Satoru insists, “I don’t want to involve innocent kids in this if I can help it.”
“So you’re just gonna go off and get yourself killed instead?”
His brows furrow, eyes frozen on your face. His lips part in disbelief, and after a moment of being stunned, he laughs incredulously.
“Seriously?” He asks you, “Do you really think that lowly of me? You think I’m marching off to my death right now?! You think I’m some weak little twerp or something? That’s all I am to you?!”
As he raises his voice, you start to feel guilt rising up in your chest. You hadn’t meant to say it like that. Here he is, about to fight for the sake of the world and you’re belittling him and undermining his strength. You’re telling him you expect him to lose, even if that wasn’t your intention. You’re supposed to be his support pillar—he doesn’t just let anyone in.
The anger fizzles out of you like ice water on hot coals. Instantly, you feel cold.
“No, Satoru,” you shake your head, remorse bubbling up so violently tears spring to your eyes. This is the love of your life, the man who has been nothing but sweet, patient, and kind to you. Sure, back when things were normal, he used to tease and get on your nerves, he had to work a lot and his time was stretched thin as a result, but he always made time for you. He always thought of you, brought you your favorite treats from his missions, latched onto you when he came back because he missed you.
Apparently you started sobbing at some point while you thought about all of that, because the next thing you know, he’s wrapping his newly thickened arms around you and pulling you into his sturdy chest.
“I didn’t mean to yell at you,” his voice is subdued now, full of guilt. “I shouldn’t have raised my voice. It’s just that—”
“That’s not…” you sniffle, shaking your head as you try to find the strength to get a full sentence out in the midst of your break down. “I believe in you, Satoru, I do, I didn’t mean—didn’t mean to say that…”
He hugs you tighter, rubbing up and down your arm. You continue.
“I’m just so fucking scared, Satoru, I’m scared.”
More sobs wrack your body and he can only sigh heavily, trying to hold you as close to himself as he can.
“I don’t want to do this to you,” his voice is thin, like he’s trying hard to keep it even. “I hate that I can’t give you a normal, easy life with me.”
You huff, wrapping your arms around him. “That’s not…I wouldn’t trade what we have for the world, Satoru, for the world…”
“I just hate that this is causing you so much pain,” he replies. “I’m supposed to be taking it away, not making it worse. God, I really am the worst, aren’t I?”
You shake your head in disagreement, planting a kiss on his neck to protest his statement. His breath hitches, and the next moment, he’s raising your chin up with his index finger, ducking to connect your lips. You make a small noise in the back of your throat and kiss back, arms winding around his neck to draw him closer. You feel him hug your waist, and go willingly when he backs you up.
The backs of your legs meet the edge of his bed, the one that you’ve become so familiar with it’s more comfortable than your own at the place you rarely sleep anymore, and you realize that this might be the last chance you ever get to share it with him.
Another sob escapes you before you can stop it and you grab the collar of his shirt tightly, pulling him down with you. You fall onto the mattress, Satoru catching himself so he doesn’t crush you as he kisses you passionately.
You trail your palms down his chest, down his abdomen, over the tight black shirt he has on, then back up again just to feel him. Satoru is here right now, in your hands, on top of you—you need to cherish this while it lasts.
You break the kiss as your crying worsens, unable to stop lamenting the fact that you can’t freeze time in its place right now.
“Shh,” his sugary voice hushes you, “Shh, focus on me. I want this to feel good for you, okay? We can’t have you crying your way through it, silly, then you won’t remember a thing.”
You sniffle, trying to wipe at your eyes. “I don’t want to just r-remember you…I need you to be okay.”
“I am okay,” he says, pecking your brow bone sweetly. “I’m right here. Just feel me. Nothin’ else. Don’t even think right now, thinking’s not useful.”
You huff shakily, eyes fluttering shut as you feel his mouth go for your neck. He scrapes his teeth over your jugular to shock pleasure into your senses, successfully distracting some of the anguish right out of you.
“That’s it,” like this, his voice sounds almost like a purr, and you shiver, arms wrapping around his shoulders to grip at his back. He leaves a wet kiss where his teeth were and swipes his tongue over the spot, starting to suckle. You give him a soft noise in response, relishing in the fact that you know he’s leaving a mark on purpose. It’ll be there at least for a few days, or more if he really tries.
“Make it dark,” you breathe, “Give me as many as you can, please.”
“You don’t have to beg me,” he murmurs below your ear, sending heat pulsing downward. “I’ll give anything you want from me.”
You suck in a sharp breath. “Anything?”
At your eager question, he chuckles lowly, lifting himself up to meet your eyes. “Hmm. You have something specific in mind, don’t you?”
Your face heats up involuntarily, but the urgency of the situation has you forcing your bashfulness down. This might be the only time to ask. You had wanted to wait until the two of you were settled, maybe married if that’s what you agreed on, but now there might not be another moment. This could be it. And you know that if you don’t tell him what you want now and something happens, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life.
With that thought, you take a deep breath and raise your hand to cup his face, brushing a few strands of his fringe away from his eyes.
“I want your baby, Satoru.”
You see the moment the words register in his brain. His eyes light up with something you’ve never seen before, and he smiles as if you just gave him the sweetest, most sincere compliment he’s ever heard.
“Yeah? A piece of me forever, huh?”
You nod, a grin tugging at your lips even as droplets continue to spill down your cheeks. “Yeah. Our love personified.”
He chuckles wetly and you think you see his eyes turn glossy, but he’s kissing you again before you can confirm it.
“It’s yours,” he says against your mouth. “All yours.”
You lose yourself in the long kiss that follows. All you can feel is him moving on top of you, tongue dancing with yours so intimately it would have the angels in the room blushing.
You raise your hips when he tugs at your pants, taking your underwear with them. He sits back on his haunches to slide them off your legs, eyes gentle as he gets between them and pushes his hands up underneath your shirt.
Sitting up quickly, you allow him to lift it off of you, discarding it behind himself. Now, you’re completely naked, but he’s still clothed.
“No fair,” you say, eyeing his shirt like it’s offensive, and he laughs.
“Say no more, say no more,” he replies, “Just lay down for me.”
Your stomach flutters with butterflies as you do as he tells you, looking up at him kneeling between your legs. You watch as he crosses his arms to peel his tight shirt off of his sculpted muscles, smooth, fair skin coming into view. He’d put a Greek god to shame, you think. He’s so tear-jerkingly beautiful it threatens madness in your mind.
“Like what you see?” He taunts mischievously, standing up to untie his pants and push those along with his boxers down his hips. His reddened erection springs free and you stare unabashedly at it, never having got used to the sight fully. He’s huge, both long and thick, all smooth skin except for a prominent vein on the underside. You used to joke with him early on in your relationship that it was the main reason for his cocky attitude, that you’d probably act the same way if you had a dick like that, and it always made him laugh. You love making him laugh. God, you love Satoru so much.
“Oh, you definitely like what you see now,” he snorts, climbing back onto the bed. “Gotta admit, it’s hot as hell to see you objectify me like that.”
“I wasn’t—”
“I’m nothing but a glorified sperm donor, mistress.”
You make an incredulous face. “What? I’m not—you don’t even—”
“Shh, I’m just teasin’,” he grins at you, leaning down to peck your lips. “I know you love me.”
You blow out a puff of air like a deflating balloon. “Satoru, I swear to god.”
He chuckles, shutting himself up by kissing you again. “That’s just how I show love.”
You chase his lips, hearing his words for the ‘I love you’ they truly are, threading your hands in his hair.
His big palms find your hips and he centers them for himself, lining up and grinding his stiff member against your wet core.
“Mmh,” you moan, moving with him, “Satoru…”
He sighs shakily, grabbing the crook of your knee to push it up, giving himself more room to move. His grinds become more forceful and it has you stuttering little gasps, nails digging into his back.
“Already scratchin’ me up?” He asks, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. “But I haven’t even put it in yet.”
The laugh you reply with is half-assed, need distracting you, and you find his eyes. “What’s stopping you?”
“Oh? Someone’s impatient,” he chuckles, stamping a kiss to your nose. “All right, all right. Better give you what you want.”
He takes ahold of himself and lines up, breathing a heavy sigh as he sinks into you. As soon as he does, you make a noise in the back of your throat, hugging him closer to you. As he bottoms out, you can’t help but press more chaste kisses wherever you can on him—his cheek, his jaw, his neck, his collarbone. You just love him. You love the feeling of his body on top of yours, the warm weight unique to him, how he fills your arms up, tangible and strong. You breathe in deeply, the sweet musk of his skin filling your senses. It’s your favorite scent in the entire world.
He pulls back and rocks forward again slowly, taking care to get you used to his size. So much has happened lately that you haven’t been able to get intimate a lot, so you have to let him ease you back into it.
As he works you open on his cock slowly, you take to caressing the smooth skin of his back, eyes closed to revel in the sound of his heavy breaths, strained with the effort to control his movements so as not to hurt you. You love how solid he is under your palms. You could touch him forever. If he survives this fight, you swear that you’ll never let go of him again. You plead mentally with any deity that may hear you to protect Satoru.
You kiss the soft underside of his chin and hold him closer, holding onto that thought. Protect him. Keep him safe. Keep him alive. I love this man so much, just please don’t take him away from me.
He chooses that moment to start picking up the pace, the dull ache it gives you enough to thankfully keep you from spiraling further. You sigh, bending your knees further to give him more room. Your legs then wrap around him, ankles crossing at the base of his spine, and he responds by going faster. The room begins to fill with the sound of your bodies meeting over and over, his length molding you to his shape with every push of his hips into yours.
On a particularly hard thrust, you gasp, tightening around him, and it causes him to groan right after you. His voice is so sweet. It was one of the things that stood out to you about him when you had first met him—the way he always seemed to have perfect control over it. He speaks with ebbs and flows to contour the meanings of his words, to give them his special nuance that perfectly colors in his personality. He’s just so animated when he speaks. If he’s annoyed, you’ll hear it. If he’s playful, you’ll hear it. If he’s happy, you’ll hear it.
Right now, as he works through stuttered breaths and hitched moans, delivered exhales of your name weaved into declarations of his bliss, you hear the pleasure you’re giving him. That control starts to slip and words start tumbling from his lips, voice thin and shaky, a tone reserved just for you.
You turn your head to lay a kiss on his lips, landing on the corner of his mouth, but he understands what you need, sweeping you into a languid, passionate make out session as he rocks in and out of you. You hear him make a sort of wet noise before he doubles down on his efforts, pushing deep inside of you and starting to roll his body.
“Satoru,” you hiss in surprise, mouth falling open as his abdomen grinds against the sensitive bud above the place he’s buried inside of, heightening the goosebumps that break out on your skin. Your head falls back and he takes the opportunity to start making as many marks on your skin as he can with his mouth. Like this, you feel yourself getting close, and that has you remembering what comes after this.
He’s going to leave, and he might not come back.
This might be the last time you ever get to have him.
“I love you,” you say, just needing to get the words out, needing him to know. “You’re so important to me—thank you for everything, Satoru.”
His breath catches in his throat and he finds your gaze, reaching up to cup your jaw in his palm.
“Thank you for everything,” He replies sincerely. “Thank you for loving me. For dealing with all my bullshit and sticking by me.”
“Always,” you shake your head, eyes filling with new tears. You sniffle, feeling that choked desperation start seizing your chest again. “Always, Satoru.”
He smiles at you but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Those beautiful luminescent oceans only reflect the deep sadness the both of you feel, and to see it glaringly obvious in his gaze breaks your heart. He can’t fake his happiness this time, not even for you. He’s human too, and being here with you like this in what might be the last time threatens to undo him.
Satoru swallows thickly and concentrates on his movements to distract himself, forcing himself to focus on the noises you make as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. He wants this to last forever just like you do, but you both know he’s needed by more people than just you.
Your climax approaches and with it, your emotions swell up inside of you. You remember meeting him for the first time, you remember when he started pursuing you, how happy he was when you agreed to a date, how hard he’d tried to win you over yet how effortless he made it look. Every time you two shared a laugh, every time he was there while you cried, how he always managed to put a smile back on your face. How sweet of a man he is to his students, how proud you can tell he is whenever he talks about them, and how his eyes light up whenever he eats a treat he’s fond of. God, you just love him.
“Satoru,” you whimper, orgasm hitting you abruptly. “Oh god, I love you so much.”
He exhales forcefully as he feels it, managing a few sloppy thrusts before he’s cumming as well pushing as deep as he can go in effort to fulfill your earlier request.
As you start to come down, the fear and despair come back tenfold, overtaking you in a fit of sobs. He wraps his arms around you and buries his nose in your hair.
“I’ll win,” He whispers to you, “I will. I’ll come back and we’ll raise the little shit we just made together, okay? They’ll probably grow up like me but I hope they’re more like you, baby.”
You hiccup loudly as you cry harder, clinging to the image of a happy family with him for dear life.
“It’s gonna be okay. You have to trust me,” He insists, inhaling slowly. “I have to go now.”
You hold him tighter, squeezing your eyes shut to commit this to memory before he’s pulling away, lifting himself off of you and grabbing his clothes quickly.
He dresses in silence, your cries the only thing echoing around the room. All you can manage to do is put on one of his button-ups from the foot of his bed, wiping furiously at your eyes.
Too soon, he’s clothed again, and it’s time for him to go.
He walks over to you again and takes your chin gently in his hand, tilting it up so that your eyes connect. He smiles softly at you.
“You know that I love you, right?”
A deep ache seats into your chest. He’s said it in a million ways before but never in its original form, those simple, crater-heavy three words. You nod, sniffling as another wave of lament threatens to pull you under.
“I do,” you confirm, forcing it out in a strained voice. He nods to himself, leaning in and pressing his soft lips to your forehead.
You feel the moment that he uses his technique to flash himself out of the room, because his warm presence that naturally takes up a lot of space vanishes and leaves absolutely everything feeling cold and sterile.
You break down again, head falling into your hands.
Shoko had told you where everyone would be watching the fight take place. You want to be there, and you will go, but you need to be alone first.
You just hope with all of your might that you won’t be left alone with only a piece of him to succeed his legacy. You want him to be there too. You need him to be there.
You need him to be okay.
A/N: i gave myself an ouchie on the heart while writing this. whoops. also wow is he gorgeous in that picture at the top?? anyways here’s the second part where he survives bc i should be gege instead so he’ll be okay :-)
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doomed-prophetess · 9 months
On Ijekiel and Jennette's relationship
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It has dawned on me that Ijekiel and Jennette hardly know each other. From my perspective it looks like Jennette spend the first few years of her life either with her aunt Rosalia or the Margaritas. Perhaps she was first shoved from one family to the other for neither was willing to take risks, which would further explain her anxious attachment style that is often associated with an inconsistent parenting pattern.
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Then Roger bought Jennette home as his ward with the intention to marry her to Ijekiel one day. 7~ year old Ijekiel did not know how to describe Jennette when Athy asks him what kind of girl she is, the only thing he knows is that she has become his responsibility from now on.
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One might expect that they would grow closer over the years but almost 10 years later Jennette still doesn't know anything about him. Not even simple things like his favourite color or his hobbies.
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Jennette craved his attention but due to her status as a hidden royal and the special treatment she received from Roger, she was in a position where they could never be equals. Interestingly in this case there has occured a rare gender reversal. The girl is the dominant one and the boy the subservient one. Ijekiel did everything that was asked of him not by his own volitation but because he treated it like an assignment that was given to him by his father.
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Truthfully young Ijekiel seemed somewhat indifferent towards Jennette. Like he couldn't make more of her than a basket full of kittens. He played her games but he never introduced his own hobbies to her or felt comfortable to share his inner thoughts with her. There is a scene in the novel around chapter 56-62 where Jennette asks Ijekiel to go shopping for dresses with her and it looks like he wants to refuse but eventually he agrees when Jennette persists. Jennette thinks bitterly to herself something along the lines of: "Sometimes it feels like you wouldn't want to spend time with me unless I asked you to."
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When Ijekiel left to stuy in Arlanta he seemed much happier than when he was with Jennette.
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Once I said I saw Ijekiel and Jennette more as siblings but I don't think so anymore. They were put into a situation where they were not allowed to view each other as family or grow close to one another as children. I believe Roger send Ijekiel to study in Arlanta to prevent the Westermark effect. All Jennette wanted was a family and Ijekiel was more inclined to give her that than romantic love, which would have shaped up to become a problem for Roger's plan.
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Before Ijekiel travels to Arlanta he promises to write her letters and visit her during his holidays, yet this still doesn't seem to have bought them closer. If anything Ijekiel's time in Arlanta made Jennette all the more lonelier. (I also doubt that Ijekiel spend his entire vocation with Jennette since he was also friends with other students like Cabel Ernest and they visited each other frequently.) When Ijekiel takes Jennette to a cafe and Athy eavesdrops on them, Lucas notes that their conversation seemed contentless and boring and while this could be just Lucas being Lucas, I have to agree that their chats were not very deep unless Athanasia was concerned.
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Ijekiel buys Jennette dolls and ribbons to compensate her for the love his family is not willing to give her and this behaviour persists until their late teens when she has long outgrown the age where you play with dolls, but Ijekiel still continues to gift her toys because he doesn't know how else to comfort her. To Ijekiel Jennette is still the little girl he left behind in tears when he traveled away to study in Arlanta. Which makes their marriage in The Lovely Princess all the more sadder. Their relationship is build on abandonment issues, duty and guilt. They weren't lovers. They were not even brother and sister to each other. They were hardly friends.
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How I interpret their relationship: Jennette did not love Ijekiel, but he was always there for her when she was grieving. Isolated as she was it was easy for Roger to foster her dependency to Ijekiel and make her believe that she would want him romantically. In truth Jennette just didn't want to lose any more people and marriage was a way to tie two people together for the rest of their lives. As for Ijekiel, I believe that he pitied Jennette and treated her as his responsibility but in another world where they were not aquainted through family they would not even be friends. They don't seem to share any common interests. They didn't know each other. At times Ijekiel might have resented her secretly but she also gave him a clear goal and stability in life. Athy's death in The Lovely Princess broke them both and they might have coped by finding solace in one another.
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zomhara · 3 months
i dont know what came over me to make these
GUILTed Derek Stiles
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- infected with the Bliss strain of GUILT
- PGS expressed as Kiriaki wings and Paraskevi tail
- little effect on personality
Stigmatized Markus Vaughn
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- infected with special versions of all Stigma strains
- increased body size
- personality is heavily affected, mostly by Cardia
Bloomed Erhard Müller
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- infected with Rose-Z (enhanced Twisted Rosalia)
- arms rotted away, "phantom arms" used in their place
- personality is mildly affected, higher aggression apparent
lab au potental?
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seventhdoctor · 1 year
Trauma Team Artbook Character Bio Lore
...As gleaned from running artbook scans from 2014 through a sketchy machine translation in the year 2023. I won't post the exact translations for fear of mistranslations ending up reported as fact on wikis and so on, but here's the gist of what Google Translate yields.
Is named Erhard Muller, a fact that already made the rounds in the 2010s
His nationality is also listed as German, though he clearly spent most of his life in America
Most of his backstory isn't anything new compared to in the games, but the artbook does provide a timeline: adopted by Professor Sartre at age 9 after his parents died, enrolled in medical school at age 12 and hailed as the youngest ever to do so, age 13 when Rosalia was adopted, age 16 when the Cumberland Institute incident happened
Erhard and Rose weren't super close siblings, but got along well enough and they had happy lives until the bioterrorism attacked
The government 100% knew Erhard wasn't the culprit when they arrested him - he was the public scapegoat because they couldn't find Albert Sartre, their real person of interest. They never stopped looking for Sartre, and S01's work to reduce his sentence was a quiet compromise for the fact that they, y'know, ruined this kid's life
After learning the truth, S01 is disappointed at his father's betrayal but also chooses to take blame for Sartre's crimes and work off his sentence rather than expose Sartre as the true culprit
Not in-game lore, but according to the concept art section he was nicknamed Chris (CRS) during development. Other people will be funnier about this than I am
Maria Torres
Has the shortest bio and the least amount of new information along with Tomoe, honestly
Born in the slums
Was already at the orphanage at age 10 when Rosalia (age 3) came there
Ended up in rehab of some kind after the orphanage fire
Hank Freebird
Also doesn't have much new compared to the game, sadly
Joined the military out of a sense of justice, left out of disillusionment following John's death and used the medical knowledge he gained in the military to become an orthopedic surgeon (not that this wasn't already implied in the game)
His bio specifically calls him out for being kinda clumsy/goofy. Poor guy
Tomoe Tachibana
Honestly the only thing that's new is a bunch of names, so this is the one time I break my rule and cite a translation directly. TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, IT'S STILL A MACHINE TRANSLATION
The only daughter of the Tachibana Zaibatsu, a global organization run by a family descended from the leader of the Koga Shinobi Army, Hisayori Tachibana.
Gabriel Cunningham
Nationality is listed as Great Britain. Surprise!
His wife Lisa left him with Joshua and went to her parents' six years before the game because she didn't like his lifestyle
Lisa was willing to get back together if Gabe was ever willing to talk to her properly, but as seen in the game he kept his distance. He and Lisa met occasionally over the next six years, but he never saw Joshua - which is of course why Joshua never recognized him in the game
His decision to go through with the divorce was about acceptance of his failings and a desire to do right by Joshua and Lisa
Naomi Kimishima
All right, so that bit in Second Opinion where she took a Savato sample after cutting ties with Delphi and used it to bargain amnesty with Caduceus [Europe in the US version; US in the JP version]? Yeah, apparently she transported that sample by CARRYING IT IN HER OWN BODY for Caduceus to extract
Her fatal condition is a result of that, though it's already implied to be a result of GUILT in the game anyway. It was a sudden development a few years later, followed by Derek's six-month diagnosis
There's also details about her illness! Apparently her specific brand of PGS or whatever involves excess serotonin and dopamine production, which she needs meds to regulate.
It also means she's no longer able to operate on the living, which is why she transitions to forensic medicine as part of her plea deal
[Insert grimace here] I don't want to get too into this because this bit because 1) machine translation fears, 2) even perfectly translated it's not likely to be accurate to actual philosophy/terminology anyway, 3) I'm not a doctor I don't know what I'm talking about…
But the bio then starts talking about pranayama and prana, defining prana as life essence and...saying Naomi lacks it because of her condition and its effect on serotonin? I'm not entirely clear on this and I'm hesitant to say anything for sure; the main thing is that they take her illness and use the concept of prana to connect that to...
Her new ability to hear the dead! Apparently Naomi reads the prana left behind in a corpse and translates it into the person's final words via her phone; the worse the damage to the corpse (e.g., skeletonization), the less prana remains and the weaker the voice she hears is
Whether any of this relates to the Healing Touch is not mentioned. IDK man
Technically this was in S01's bio, but it relates more to Naomi: Jacob Tillman originally wanted Naomi to perform his surgery and keep it secret. Naomi was already unable to perform surgery on living people at that point, though, so S01 was Plan B
Rosalia Rossellini
Admired her big brother Erhard :(
Albert Sartre
Adopted Rosalia to study the virus in her blood (that is, he already knew about it by the time he adopted her in case that's ever a timeline question)
Additional Note
If someone with actual knowledge of Japanese corrects me and anything I've written in here, absolutely believe them over me. I'm not the translation hero anyone still in this fandom in the year 2k23 deserves, I'm just the stopgap until maybe one arrives someday.
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prismonautic · 6 months
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hello everyone — i’m back from my little sabbatical with a pretty ubiquitous ward. what you put into this ward is what you get out of it, and the limits of this ward are the limits of your creativity + resourcefulness. if you’re nifty enough, you’ll be able to use this ward for any type of purpose freely.
think of using this spell as downloading a program — in order to gain access to the copy of the program you’ve downloaded into your device (which in this case, downloaded into your reality), you must agree to the terms of use and understand the consequences that will ensue if you misuse this spell. it’s embedded into all copies of the spell cast, and any attempts to tamper it will be met with consequences ranging from the ward being disabled, or you being blocked from accessing any of the spells and spirits i’ve created in general.
anyone who is seeing this likely doesn’t have to worry about any backlash from the spell — the main rules:
A) don’t attempt to use this spell to intentionally harm / sabotage me or my loved ones with anything in their lives. this WILL work against you.
B) don’t attempt to change the source coding of the servitors (in this case, the three sisters) of this spell. while you can have them do various things + there are few limits to what you can stretch the spell to do for you — don’t try to control these spirits as if they were your own. this spell can be an incredibly useful tool for you and benefit your life, but don’t get too hasty about changing around the spell’s composition.
C) you can create something separate INSPIRED by this spell (w/ credit!) please treat this creation of mine with respect — in the best case scenario, any infringements will simply not work. if mimicking this spell comes from a place of envy, jealousy, or any baneful energies that encourage you to steal it and claim it as your own, your work will work against you. please use this with an authentic heart.
unsure of any of the conditions above before using? want some clarity? need to be reassured? feel free to dm me and i’ll address any concerns that you have.
now that we’re through all the formal stuff, let me get into the spell.
notes: why would i need this?
you know how in more popular forms of paganism, there is mythos that gives context to the energies that you’re working with + give you a deeper sense of how that energy will work with you and your purpose? it’s like that.
much like how devotees to aphrodite know her origins, correspondences, and relations to certain energies — those who work with the three sisters should know some lore to have a grasp on what they’re working with. it’s like how a person devoted to apollo would know the lore he has as a bringer of plague or healing would know his lore before appointing him in supporting a healing spell.
this mythos isn’t literal - this fictional story is a simple aide to preparation for the spell.
by reading this simple story, you’re already connecting to the energy of the three sister’s ward.
use this short story as a little mirror of divination to see if you’re compatible for this spell. if you feel creeped out / too intimidated after reading, this spell may be too heavy for your energy. i don’t recommend those who are strictly “love, light, harm none” to engage with this spell. if you’re someone that feels guilt for fighting back against things that seek to harm you, this is not for you.
if you feel vindicated/allure/relief/hope at the idea of having strong protection that is both offensive + defensive towards those who seek to harm you, this spell is definitely going to serve you well.
this story is written with heavy amounts of metaphors. it’s not designed to be read as you would read prose - think of it as poetry. you fill in the gaps of this story with how you resonate with it.
The Three Sisters of the Forest originated from a solitary witch named Rosalia, who created and summoned them in order to protect the forest she dwells in from being decimated and dominated by enemy ritualists that aim to use the forest for their selfish purposes.
These enemy ritualists, were only enemies because they disregarded her forest’s wellbeing and brought harm to it in the process. They excessively harvested the abundance of her plants, leaving the flowering bushes near the lakes barren.
Scorned and with a pounding heart, Rosalia decided that all the harm brought into this forest would turn into beneficial and nurturing energy for the forest.
She summoned the spirits of the three lakes of the forest: N’vai, U’nai, and Ktaa.
Each lake spirit had a different personality and different attributes of the element of Water. While the lake spirits were different in performance, they shared the foundation of water’s energy. Fluid, transformative, yet destructive.
N’vai was the western-most lake spirit of Rosalia’s forest. She was like a fly-trap. Her lake is surrounded by colorful fruits and animals that were appealing to the eye — but for anyone who knew better, all of the appealing colors were a trap. The nature around her trapped the greedy and baneful. Those too haughty would feast on her abundance of fruits, and be left there to be paralyzed and at the mercy of the nature around her. Gradually, all the entities there would become one with the fertile soil around her lake. Venomous, she is. The wise know to avoid what seems easy to conquer.
U’nai was the eastern-most lake of Rosalia’s Forest. She was absorbent and resistant to anything coming her way. Spirits passing through U’nai’s lake made sure to not stay there too long, for they would have a fate of eternal slumber within her area. Like Midas’ touch, all the entities around her would slowly slip into becoming one with her. Some dying spirits experienced it as sinking into quicksand. Others experienced it as feeling a euphoria they melted in, until they went into a deep eternal sleep. Regardless of how their fates came, U’nai has worked with N’vai protecting undesirable energies away from the final lake spirit of Rosalia’s forest — K’taa.
K’taa was the southern-most lake of Rosalia’s forest. She was the spirit closest to the cottage of Rosalia, and where seeds would go to flourish. Her waters guaranteed growth and nourishment to any energy she was told to give power to — she loved sleeping at the bottom of her lake, letting each breath of hers give life and power to the water. Rosalia would use K’taa’s water for scrying, blessing, clarity, healing … it felt like K’taa was the purified life force of those who scorned U’nai and N’vai, transformed into pure energies used to the benefit of Rosalia and the peaceful inhabitants of her forest.
The lake spirits heard Rosalia’s plea, and fulfilled it by unifying and creating an energetic ward around the forest — this ward, however, was special. It knew to target those who were desecrating the fruitful parts of the forest for their own.
Under these wards, these enemies turned into flies that were going to unknowingly decompose in their traps.
The Three Sisters of Rosalia’s forest united to materialize the protective spheres of energy surrounding Rosalia’s forest, emphasizing their unique traits in each layer of the sphere.
Rosalia’s enemies were met with destruction the next night they came to disturb the peace of her forest again. N’vai was the outer sphere of the ward, and they met her wrath for daring to attack the area — no being that comes with malice in this forest shall come out.
The soil upon the bare feet of the enemies shot feelings of needles through their feet. It was like each grain of dirt looked up to stab the feet of the enemies who stood above them — shooting pains made them collapse to the ground, paralyzed. Their deeds were stopped right then and there, and their process of being decomposed into being pure energy that circulates the forest.
Any enemy that decided to tread here sealed their fate. They will become the pure water that waters the fruits in this forest — they will be the nutrients that the trees leech upon to continue standing tall. No weapon shall prosper in this domain.
The ground slowly swallowed them up, one by one. While N’vai struck them down and swallowed them into the Earth, U’nai would absorb and neutralize their beings into part of the forest — U’nai would feed what she got to K’taa.
From how the waters K’taa produced became more potent, versatile, and sacred, along with the peace she experienced with no ill-willed beings treading on her forest — Rosalia knew that her forest was now protected.
Who needs to waste energy on actively fighting when you can simply use them as a resource anyways?
No ill will shall cross into her domain without consequence.
this is a long-term ward that has offensive capabilities, and it’s best that you’re using this ward for something you’re VERY SERIOUS about guarding. if you wouldn’t fight to defend it, do not ward it with this spell.
do the grounding, centering, and cleansing you need to do before / during / after the spell. i’m not responsible for what’s up if you fail to do that.
1) Write your petition to the Three Sisters of Rosalia’s forest.
Your petition will consist of the subject you want protected, what you are protecting the subject against, and any other clauses that you would like to include while working with the Three Sisters ward.
Your petition should be clear and direct, addressing each problem you want warded off — and preferably, how you want specific events to be dealt with. The more detail you push into your ward petition, the better this ward will function on your behalf.
If you’re having trouble writing the petition, visualize your ideal outcome + petition actions that the ward can do to bring that ideal vision to life.
If you want help with this, you can commission me to write a detailed and strong petition for your subject — we’ll discuss the needs of your ward 1 on 1, and work on your petition until you are satisfied.
2) Name your petition, and turn the name of your petition into a sigil.
It’s like compressing a folder with a ton of information into one .zip file. It’s more effective to sigilize the petition than have the entire petition laid out in the casting circle — trust me.
3) After necessary energetic procedure (cleansing grounding centering etc) on any piece of paper, draw the casting triangle below, and draw the sigils in THIS ORDER: N’VAI —> U’NAI —> K’TAA —> YOUR SIGILIZED PETITION.
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4) Near the casting circle, repeat the following incantation TEN times, observe any visualizations that arise as a result:
“N’vai protects endlessly, U’nai transmutes endlessly, K’taa’s fruit of abundance shall always bless us through her graceful energy — may the Three Sisters of Rosalia’s lake rise and bring these petitioned desires to me.”
(nuh-vEYE, Oo-nEYE, Kh-Taah, pronounciation, if you need it. “ai” is like “EYE” here.)
5) Close the spell with “The deal is sealed, the wall is raised, all undesirable energies are destroyed today.”
6) Take the paper and burn it somewhere safe. If burning is not an option, destroy it by soaking it in water and tearing it. The spell is over, and the ward is fully raised and activated.
In the event you want to edit your petition (you probably will), keep your petition written out somewhere safe + editing. The ward will update with the changes of the petition, since it is connected to the sigil you destroyed in the casting triangle.
You can communicate with the Three Sisters through any divination method that’s most comfortable for you. I’ve found that dream-work is a solid medium, along with clairvoyance + clairsentience.
In the event you want to dismantle / relocate the ward, re-do the ritual but have the petitioning sigil be a petition of removal.
i think i covered all i could.
if you’re interested, intrigued, abhorred.. like this post and follow me to show your appreciation <3
any love is met with much love back, and if you follow my page follow the link below!
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take care, my oneironauts <3
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rimeiii · 8 months
I'm watching the past GDQ Trauma Center speedruns (notably the all XS New Blood run by Thurler and the any% Under the Knife 2 run by TrjnRabbit) and my Trauma Center brain is going BRRR rn, especially as someone whose fave doctor in the entire franchise is CR-S01...
Trauma Center AU where MC is Zayne's patient and they're infected with GUILT/Neo-GUILT/Stigma/the Rosalia virus. They're desperately trying to stay alive but it's looking bleak, as some of these organisms actively harm the host - especially GUILT, which definitely counts as a bioweapon.
Or...or. Hear me out here. We're entering spoiler territory for the original Under the Knife and its remake Second Opinion so I'll put it under the cut, but imagine...
In the original Trauma Center, there are people known as Sinners, who are human hosts barely kept alive to serve as the breeding grounds for more GUILT cultivation. Canon says they're kids-teens, but what if we tweaked that around for More Pain...
What if our MC is one of those Sinners? Just barely lucid to register Zayne's presence as he desperately tries to keep them alive, using his Healing Touch to freeze their vitals as he treats whatever symptoms the GUILT inflicts onto them, until he finds a cure for the GUILT...
For added pain, I think MC should be a host for Pempti (in-universe, this strain took several separate operations to research and develop a nanomachine to aid in killing it, and it fills the lungs/liver with liquid - until it starts getting attacked, where it'll periodically release tiny organisms to inflict lacerations/create tiny tumors/drain your vitals) or Triti (one of the most annoying strains for players because it will multiply nonstop if not extracted properly, and calcification of organs doesn't sound fun either).
With MC being a host for any of those GUILT strains, the organization behind GUILT, Delphi, has MC's life as a bargaining chip. They use MC's life to basically force Zayne to work for them, otherwise the MC and the other Sinners would be killed. Pressed for time and desperate to save his love, along with realizing he's technically enabling Delphi, Zayne soldiers on through to find a cure...desperately hoping that it won't be too late, that MC will survive - even when all signs point that MC won't survive.
On a more lighthearted note, however...
Imagine MC asking if Zayne can speedrun surgery like these speedrunners, he's going to be so fucking horrified and/or offended LMAO. Mostly because the commentary is funny in the context of speedrunning, but aren't things you want your surgeon to say. Some choice quotes in the GDQ speedruns include:
"(vs the Cheir and Kyriaki dual boss in New Blood) Hey buddy can you make more lacerations? (Cheir makes more lacerations) Thanks!"
"(farming chain on Cheir lacerations, and Cheir is almost dead, still on New Blood) Doctor, please end the operation." "NO."
"So we're going to boost vitals..." "Yeah that's kinda necessary after you put the patient through 7 cardiac arrests..."
"(finishing the first operation in all any% speedruns) This is going to be the last time we're disinfecting the wound before applying the bandage. Gotta go fast!"
"Yeah so we're going to let some of these aneurysms burst..." this happens on almost every any% aneurysm operation, they're so bad i still hate the three patients brain aneurysm stage from Under the Knife 2 to this day. oh also, bringing scalpels to excise aneurysms willy nilly on the brain.
"(vs Brachion X stage, New Blood) There is no chain requirement here so you are allowed to let the toxins reach the end..."
"(vitals at 0, which is technically 0.x ingame, so the patient isn't dead yet) Nice vitals..." "The patient is alive, that's what matters!"
"Okay so ignore the glass shards in the heart for now..."
"Don't ask how an entire ribcage got stuck inside their lung."
"So, we're now operating in the back of a moving car!"
"Ironically, the best way to boost chain is to let your patients suffer."
"Welcome to the anime malpractice simulator!"
"The way to stop his crankiness is to poke him with a scalpel until he stops bleeding. (shrugs) It's medicine."
"Two malpractices make a positive, right?" "Yeahh, but we'll end up in the thousands...don't know where that bounces at."
Zayne left completely dumbfounded by the commentary. "Things you don't want to hear your surgeon say", indeed.
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midmourn · 2 years
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Pandora’s Box ✶ cover
read it on wattpad ( x ) or quotev ( x )
HOW MUCH DOES it take to kill girlhood? Losing your parents to someone you thought you could trust? Said person kidnapping you and traveling across the country under a new identity? Forcing you to stay quiet about your past by threatening the life of your little sister? Valeria Medina thinks it starts with having to murder a stranger— someone who tried to help her and her sister— to save herself and Rosalia from Isobel. There is no coming back from that.
      WHEN IS A monster not a monster? When you love it. The monster hiding behind Valeria's pretty face wants to eat, and eat, and satisfy its hunger. Valeria refuses to let it out, refuses to give in to Isobel and make her the monster she wants her to be. Valeria knows you must do what it takes to survive, and sometimes that means to become the greater monster. She will do what it takes to save her sister from the screams that taunt her mind as she sleeps, to stop her from becoming Valeria.
      VALERIA BARES THE weight of the world on her shoulders so Rosalia doesn't have to. She does Douglas' dirty work for him, meeting up with shady people in brightly-lit, newly built Starcourt Mall to complete the drug deal. They see her as a God, willing to do anything she says, and they might as well have made a deal with the devil instead.
      GOD HAUNTS HER, awake or asleep, innocent or guilty. He speaks to her, sweet taunts and false sympathies for the life he's given her. The clock is ticking, and her thread is snipped shorter and shorter. Father forgive her for she has Sinned, worse than murder, she loves a woman far more than she she has ever loved God.
      ROBIN BUCKLEY MAKES it seem right when all is wrong. Her awkward fumbling for the right words to say that should be annoying isn't, and Valeria finds it quite endearing. The warmth feeling leaves her chest each time she catches herself, and she finds herself with a distraction in the form of illegal substances and a sweet boy who doesn't deserve this.
      THE BITTERNESS, THE rage, the guilt, the disgust, the pain, and the hatred is all locked in a box with Valeria's name written in red on it with the key broken in half and thrown away. But Robin, with her healing hands, catches it and wants nothing more than to unlock the box of the Sins and Secrets of Valeria Medina. Even if it means her demise.
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cogaytes · 1 year
final round of roisin's reading rumble!
@camelspit @arson-anarchy-death
name: adeen rosalia vacker
ability: pyrokinetic
adeen's father, elas vacker, was the sister of luzia vacker; her mother, lyrie vacker (née heks). like his sister, elas was a flasher, and lyrie a guster.
adeen manifested as a pyrokinetic at age thirteen, toward the end of level two—one thursday ability detecting session found her locked in a freezer for two hours with the other prodigies, only to realize that anyone standing near her found themselves noticeably colder, and the ice at her feet had melted. she had been sucking body heat away from anyone nearby. at the time, pyrokinesis was one of the most celebrated abilities, brought to fame by the success of councillor fintan pyren, who had invented a type of containable flame called balefire. lady nuria oriane, a close friend of adeen's aunt luzia and an accomplished pyrokinetic who practiced often with councillor fintan, was chosen as her mentor.
adeen struggled significantly with keeping her ability under control at first, becoming known for lighting the tips of her hair on fire by mistake whenever her temper flared. she would wake up wreathed in flames whenever she had a nightmare. her parents did their best to be supportive, but especially as a member of such a prestigious family, the rumors spread amongst citizens—and the other prodigies—were often cruel. adeen pretended not to let it bother her, but worked tirelessly to gain control over her ability until she was no longer bursting into flames at inopportune moments.
adeen began to excel in her pyrokinesis sessions, demonstrating ability far behind her age, to the point where when she was fourteen (just a few weeks away from starting level four), lady nuria invited her to witness a historic experiment hosted by none other than councillor fintan himself. he was to teach four experienced pyrokinetics—including lady nuria—how to summon a new type of fire he'd discovered, with adeen as an observer studying their technique to learn from hit herself. but the pyrokinetics grew arrogant. they assumed everblaze—as fintan called it—was just like any other flame: harmless to them, and easy to control. they held the lesson in the lighthouse at brumevale, to be close to the sun. the fog in the air and disconnected steps meant that when it all went wrong, the fire never reached the ground. but the lighthouse was wood, and it caught ablaze mere seconds after everblaze was first summoned. the pyrokinetics never stood a chance. only councillor fintan managed to escape in time.
after the untimely deaths of five elves—one a child—calls went out to limit the practice of pyrokinesis altogether, and even councillor fintan himself voted in favor of the ban despite it forcing him to resign from the council. luzia vacker, having lost her friend nuria and her young niece in one fell swoop, was among its most vocal supporters. adeen's planting was held several days later; only a few burnt hairs could be recovered from brumevale. her tree never seemed to grow much larger than a sapling, and the bark was dark and flaky in places, like it was charred.
fintan learned to bury his own memories very quickly after that, to save himself from breaking from guilt. elas wasn't so lucky; they say he was never quite the same after losing his daughter. now, when another short pyrokinetic with wavy blonde hair and pale blue eyes visits his cell, fintan can't help but be reminded of a face. it's buried too deep for him to know it as that of the mentee of one of his best friends and partners in crime, the little girl who was like a niece to him as well.
adeen, in shannon naming tradition, is gaelic for "little flame)
i chose her parents' abilities to be a blend of elemental and light, explaining how they could potentially combine into pyrokinesis
luzia vacker canonically was an avid supporter of the ban because she lost a close friend in the accident; i chose to add on a niece as well
the pyrokinesis "symptoms" are all inspired by ones marella canonically had
since ability detecting for frosters involved being in a furnace, i tweaked it for pyrokinesis
brumevale had a "complicated history" in canon and i decided that a) it would be fitting to have this be what tiergan refers to and b) it could explain how and why the neverseen found and destroyed it
fun fact adeen never got the chance to reach marella's age
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adeen, age 14
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wanderling (black is supposed to be charred bits; imagine the leaves and fruit paler)
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"God or Gods, does it matter?" PART 14
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The base of the story :
“York is envied by the Vikings and during the battle, Ivar sees a Saxon girl fight with one of his warriors. The protagonist has a brother with the same disease as Ivar.”
The next morning, Ligeia was empty of any kind of emotions and feelings. Her dark circles, speaking for her. Ivar has thought about her words, all night, depriving him of sleep. Ligeia’s stomach hurt. The thought to kill more people made her sick. Feeling nauseous, she didn’t eat when she wakes up. She is also very quiet. Ivar announced to his army to get prepared, that it was time. At the announcement, her shoulders are sagging. Why is he so damned stubborn?! Secretly, she has always thought that he was smart, but right now, he was stupid. All this is for something that happened in the past. Something that technically Lagertha has the right to do. Also, Aslaug wasn’t a saint, her attention was clear because she is a volva. And has a mother, she wasn’t great either. That’s good that she takes care of Ivar, but not at the expense of the other boys.
Ligeia was putting on her armor with a heavy heart, deadly silent. Apollo watches her quietly but terrified inside. He realized that if something happened to her if she… dies on the battlefield today… he pushed away his negative thoughts. Rosalia was playing with her chessboard. “Ligeia?” Someone called her behind the curtain. “You can come in.” She answers. Harald appeared ready to battle. “Are you ready?” He questioned. “I am.”
No, she is not. She gives a last glance at her brother and sister and leaves. The lump in her throat intensified with every step she takes. She arrived next to Ivar’s chariot, not even looking at him once. Harald and Hvitserk updated her on the plan when a scream gets their attention. She looked behind her and saw Rosalia running in her direction. Apollo is struggling to follow her, calling her name. “Lili!” She cries. Ligeia knelt down and reception her baby sister jumping into her arms. “Lili, where are you going? Pollo said, that you are leaving.” She said, grabbing with her little hand the collar of her clothing. “I have to go somewhere…” she starts trying to find the best words. “With Ivar, for protecting you.” She continues looking at Ivar for the first time this day.
“I think you are big enough to know that, I probably not coming back.” Ligeia has her heart in her throat and clears it out. The big blue eyes of her little princess, full of tears, break her heart. Because she knows what “not coming back” means. “Are you going to see Mom and Dad?” Tears falling down her rosy cheeks, Ligeia swipes them off with her thumbs. “Maybe. But I will try my best to come back to you. To both of you.” She stated, looking at Apollo who was behind Rosalia. “I love you so much, you are my everything.” She takes Rosalia in a tight hug, then she kissed her all over her face, and did the same for Apollo. “Promise me to be strong for both of you if I don’t come back.” She begged in Apollo’s ear during the hug. “You are coming back.” He said. “I need to hear you! Please, promise me!” She was now holding his face in her hands. “I promise to be strong and take care of both of us.” She sighs in relief, closing her eyes, a solitary tear falling down, she kissed him on the forehead, stands, dries her tear away.
When putting some distance between them, she can still hear Rosalia cry, cracking her heart even more. Men moving, she pushes herself through the crowd. Ivar gives a glance in Apollo and Rosalia’s direction and met Apollo’s eyes. A strange feeling in his chest, guilt. Ivar gives the signal and the army walks to their battlefield. Astrid glances at Ligeia from time to time, more concerned than usual about her quiet behavior. She looks tense. All the warriors are in place, Harald, Astrid, Heahmund, and Ligeia make their way into the first line.
Heahmund speaks up in old Saxon “I can’t wait!” He said, with adrenaline rushing through his veins. “Why, does that beautiful sword of yours thirst for blood?” Asks Ivar in the bishop’s language. Heahmund takes his sword out and touches the blade tenderly. “Perhaps my God intended it to slake its thirst upon pagan blood… that’s why I’m here; to do the Lord’s bidding.” “And mine, bishop Heahmund. And mine.” Ivar makes sure that he remembers that he is also following his orders. Ligeia rolled her eyes, to the bishops rambling. Looking straight to the horizon and cross Bjorn's eyes. Through her eyes, she speaks to him, and he understands.
Harald turns to Ivar. “What do you think?” Asks the tattooed man. “I have a feeling that Bjorn is playing a game.” Stated Ivar was suspicious. “What kind of game?” Wants to know King Harald. “Well, what if he is keeping a lot of his army in reserve? What if this battle is just a feint? What if his real plan is to outflank us and drive on and try to destroy our boats?” The possibility of being defeated bloomed in Harald’s mind, so at the moment in decided to trust the young Viking. “What should we do?” He demands. “I'll pull back a third of our army to protect our ships. It is a risk. But it would be far worse to lose our entire fleet.” Harald sighs deeply, looking at Astrid. “So, I think we should send Hvitserk with some men into the woods over there, and try and outflank them, dividing Bjorn's forces.” Proposed Ivar. “I agree. If you take Astrid back with you. I don't want her to die.” Added Harald, taking Astrid by surprise. “No.” Objected Astrid. “Yes.” “I am fighting!” “Not today.” Insists Harald. “Astrid, go with Ivar.” Recommend Ligeia calmly. “I want to fight by your side!” Protest Astrid. “We will have another occasion for that.” Promised Ligeia, smiling at her friend. Two men grab Astrid and put her on Ivar’s chariot. “Ha!”
The chariot move away and Ligeia follows it with her eyes and Astrid looked behind her shoulder. Ligeia slightly lowers her head, telling her that it will be fine. She was left with the King and the bishop. Getting her sword out, holding her shield in the other, she starts to think what the hell she was doing here?! The opposing side launched the attack. Then Harald followed. The first wave with Bishop Heahmund. Ligeia was going to follow him, but Harald stops her with his sword, so she steps back. Watching the battle unfold in front of her eyes, she has a bad feeling. Something was wrong and they were going to fail. The second wave. The fight was fierce, men and women fighting with rage, not scared to die. In the third wave, Harald and she enter the arena.
She fights with strength, blood all over her face and hands. Her breathing was chaotic, screams of warrior and pain, ringing in her head. Her tight hurt. Everything went in slow motion. She looks around her, terrified and sad to see all this life taken. The movement on her right brings her back to reality. She didn’t hesitate and sank her sword in the body in front of her. Lagertha and her troop ran to them. Bjorn and his soldier coming front. They are surrounded. Harald seeing this doesn’t hesitate. “Blow the horns! Summon Ivar !” The poor man blows the horn twice before being killed. Ligeia starts to feel exhausted and overwhelmed, and scared. She was fighting with the blond woman she has seen on the hill. She was stronger than her, much stronger, she avoids the attacks with difficulty. Her shield was broken, only her sword was left. She stumbles back, knowing that it was the end. “Retreat! Retreat!” Screams Harald leaving the battlefield.
The blond woman raised her arm in the air and prepared to shoot her with her blade. “Torvi, no!” The blond woman froze and looked behind her. “Don’t kill her!” Scream Lagertha. Ligeia looks at Lagertha confused. “Go.” She tells her with a movement of the head. Ligeia slowly steps back and takes the same direction, has the others retreating. Ivar was waiting for them, with Astrid. Harald arrived at him. Ivar looked at the soldier remaining. “Where’s Heahmund?” He asks. “Your Christian’s dead. Come.” He said frustrated. “Where’s Ligeia?” Asks Astrid not to see her friend. “I don’t know, probably dead too.” He said. “No, she can’t be! I gotta find her!” She stated, going in the direction of the battlefield, but Harald stops her. “If she is alive, she will come back to the settlement.” “But…” she tries to insist but Harald cuts her off. “No but. Let’s go.”
The night sets in, with no sign of Ligeia. Ivar was worried, he didn’t know what to say to Apollo and Rosalia. He was biting his fingers, mind working. Is she dead? Is she alive? Where is she? All those questions turned in a loop in his head. Ligeia was exhausted. Walking slowly, with her injured leg. Her eyes were blank. “Someone’s coming!” Scream one man, making Ivar lookup. “It’s the Christian woman!” He straightens up, grabs his crutch, and gets closer. He can see men making way, and she appeared. Limping, holding her leg to help her walk. “Ligeia!” Scream Apollo, but Ligeia doesn’t react and keeps walking passing next to him.
Apollo follows her with his eyes. He never sees his big sister like this. She looked so… scared. She was like in another world, not even blinking. Ivar swallowed with difficulty, he feels terrible but also relieved to see her alive. The night set in, Ivar decides to go to his tent, tired of this major defeat. He takes off his shirt and threw it somewhere in the area. When he turns around, he straightens quickly surprised to see Ligeia is standing at the entrance. Her hair untied, in her nightgown, and a shawl on her shoulders, covering her upper body. She looks so small like this, he thinks. Why was she in his tent? That was the real question.
She slowly gets closer and without letting him analyze the situation, slaps him real hard, making him turn his head to the side.
“You left me for dead.” She said with all the hatred she got. “You left me there to die!” Her voice goes up in volume. She pushes him on his chest, making him stumble a little to his surprise. “I thought I’d never see my brother and sister again!” She pushes a second time with all her strength, tears rolling down her face. “Men’s life wasted because of your selfishness!” A third time, and he fell on his bed. She puts herself above him and tries to hit him. She succeeds in giving a second slap but then he finally goes out of his lethargy and tries to stop her. “Enough!” He growls in a deep and warning tone. “I fucking hate you!” She cursed. He ends up locking her arms behind her back.
Him sitting, her on his lap, their faces close. Her hair was messy, and her nightgown has slightly dropped on one shoulder. “I am sorry.” He whispered. Ligeia Brest going up and down because of her breathing. “I am sorry, I should’ve not let you come with us.” He confessed. They just looked at each other. Ivar gazes slide to her lips and when he met her eyes, the atmosphere change. The tension was so thick that it can be seen by the eyes. Ligeia felt the atmosphere changing, and in Ivar’s eyes. There was something that she has never seen, something powerful. Their faces were inches away from each other.
Ivar’s grip loosened on her wrist, and without warning crashes his lips on hers. Surprisingly, she responded with fervor. Her hands now free, she supped his face, getting closer. His arms surrounded her waist, hands resting her other back. He made his hands travel her back, waist, ass, and thighs. He slides them under the tissue and squeezes the flesh, making her whimper. Something in his body was shaken, of the sound she just did. The kiss was angry, frustrated and a fight for dominance. Realizing what is happening, Ligeia’s eyes shot open and she pushed him away and get as far away as possible from his body. He falls on his back and didn’t move.
“Stop this nonsense! This war is stupid and I am sure in your heart you know it.” She said putting her finger in his direction. “You can live with your family, but you are willing to destroy it for something that even isn’t your concern. Be a man and take the right decision for goodness sake!” Then, she stormed out of the tent. What in the Hell has just happened? She shakes her shoulders and puts on her straight face and goes back to her tent. They both didn’t find sleep that night, too distraught about the feelings they felt during the kiss. Ligeia was feeling ashamed, to let him touch her like this, but at the same time, she liked it.
tags : @youbloodymadgenius @al-lwiisa @akaward-potato @funmadnessandbadassvikings @heavenly1927
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bettycanavosio · 2 years
🌩️, 💙, 🔪 & 🌏 for any oc !!! :)
i definitely need to flesh an oc out so i’ll do that :)
🌩️ | are they scared of lightning?
rosalia is not scared of much tbh. so i wouldn’t say she’s scared of lightning!!!
💙 | do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn’t around?
honestly probably not. she’s good at detachment and thinks missing people is a weakness, even if it is her husband. she’s prepared herself for imminent abandonment so she’s pretty good at being alone.
🔪 | how do they react to injury/misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
her instant reaction is to resolve it. she often doesn’t let emotion take hold and will try to fix the problem before it does. as a result she appears indifferent, but really she just can’t let any other emotion slip through. but even thinking through things logically doesn’t make her feel any less guilt.
🌏 | will they give up the world for someone they love? is this decision easy for them?
i think she’s fixed on the idea of self-preservation above all, but if it comes to it, she’ll probably sacrifice. but it would not be an easy decision by any means.
from here
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untimelytales · 2 years
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[ gael garcia bernal, cis man, he/him. ] ✧・゚ is that [ jack russell ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ forty ] year old originally hailing from [ werewolf by night ]. if they had to choose a side they would consider themself [ good ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ loyal ] but [ naive ] and have [ two ] children. i could almost swear i heard [ reniego - rosalia ] playing when they appeared.
jack was born in mexico to loving parents, his mother and father keeping the familial curse of lycanthropy a secret. they wanted him to live a relatively normal life, though his father would be gone once a month. he was a big mama’s boy as he grew up, learning how to cook and clean and take care of others from the woman. he even aspired to be a nurse just like her. unfortunately, the sudden death of his father – an accident, he’d been told – plunged his mother into a deep depression.
he did his best to support her, working and taking care of her. he even dropped out of school so he could devote more time to his new role. but, the night of his eighteenth birthday was a disastrous one. the curse activated and turned jack into a ‘monster’, the confusion and fear causing him to lash at anything and everything. at one point, he’d attacked his mother. he was about to end her life when her eyes met his. though he couldn’t think as himself, there was something that caused him to stop what he was doing.
he ran away quickly, far away from home. when he woke next, he was in an unknown town. the blood staining his skin told him that it was all real – the memories flooding back to him soon after. he vowed to never go back to protect his mother and decided he need to create a new life for himself in america. in the united states, he changed his name to ‘jack russell’ to further distance himself from his past.
over the years, he learned how to mostly control the beast that he turned into. he would isolate himself on full moons so no one would get hurt. there were some unfortunate hiccups along the way, each mistake bearing down on him. but, the image of his mother cowering beneath him would never leave him. he devoted himself to helping those who were like him – the ‘monsters’ of the world, hunted down by the few humans who knew they existed. during this endeavor, he met ted.
he barely dated, but when he did he cared for his partner whole-heartedly. however, though he dreamed of having a family, he never wanted to push his curse onto someone else. fate had another plan in the form of an unexpected child – cecil. jack couldn’t leave his child, foolishly hoping that cecil wouldn’t inherit the curse. his girlfriend and cecil’s mother, however, couldn’t stay. this left jack to be a single father, doing what he could to provide for his child in new york city.
he never told cecil about the curse – a mistake his father had made as well – and excuse his monthly outings. he ended up adopted a daughter as well, the girl’s parents lifelong friends and murdered by hunters. jack promised to care for and love both of his children, working endlessly for their comfort. if it ever came down to it, he would give his life for theirs.
news came to him that his mother had passed, guilt causing him to take both of his children to the town he grew up. he’d always made sure they stayed connected to their heritage, but always avoided talking about home. it was an emotional trip that he sorely needed.
unfortunately, the curse did not pass over cecil – causing jack to feel even more guilty for what he’d forced his child to live through. while he tried to teach cecil everything he needed to know to deal with being a werewolf, he still distanced himself just because he thought cecil hated him. they fought the last time they saw each other before cecil and lucia were taken away.
memory trigger: seeing either of his children cry.
                           basics:                               full name:  jack russell                               nicknames:  n/a                               gender:  cis man                               pronouns:  he / him                               sexuality:  bisexual                               age:  40                               occupation:  home nurse                               species:  werewolf
                           appearance:                               faceclaim:  gael garcia bernal                               height:  5′7''                               eyes:  brown                               hair:  brown                               piercings:  n/a                               tattoos:  n/a                               other distinguishing features:  toothy smile, sometimes weird face makeup                               style:  casual, layered
                           personality:                               traits:  loyal, naive, scattered, dogmatic                               likes:  hot chocolate, the holidays, fuzzy blankets                               dislikes:  fish dishes, aggressive people, conflict                               fears:  losing his children                               phobias:  n/a                               hobbies:  knitting, reading, cooking                               skills:  combat, cooking, nursing                               quirks:  n/a                               pet peeves:  n/a
                           family:                               mother:  unknown                               father:  unknown                               siblings:  n/a                               birth order:  only                               spouse / lover:  n/a                               children:  cecil and lucia russell                               pets:  n/a                               notable close relatives:  n/a
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ourlastpage · 2 years
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[ gael garcia bernal, cis man, he/him. ] ✧・゚ is that [ jack russell ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ forty ] year old originally hailing from [ werewolf by night ]. if they had to choose a side they would consider themself [ good ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ loyal ] but [ naive ] and have [ two ] children. i could almost swear i heard [ reniego - rosalia ] playing when they appeared.
jack was born in mexico to loving parents, his mother and father keeping the familial curse of lycanthropy a secret. they wanted him to live a relatively normal life, though his father would be gone once a month. he was a big mama’s boy as he grew up, learning how to cook and clean and take care of others from the woman. he even aspired to be a nurse just like her. unfortunately, the sudden death of his father – an accident, he’d been told – plunged his mother into a deep depression.
he did his best to support her, working and taking care of her. he even dropped out of school so he could devote more time to his new role. but, the night of his eighteenth birthday was a disastrous one. the curse activated and turned jack into a ‘monster’, the confusion and fear causing him to lash at anything and everything. at one point, he’d attacked his mother. he was about to end her life when her eyes met his. though he couldn’t think as himself, there was something that caused him to stop what he was doing.
he ran away quickly, far away from home. when he woke next, he was in an unknown town. the blood staining his skin told him that it was all real – the memories flooding back to him soon after. he vowed to never go back to protect his mother and decided he need to create a new life for himself in america. in the united states, he changed his name to ‘jack russell’ to further distance himself from his past.
over the years, he learned how to mostly control the beast that he turned into. he would isolate himself on full moons so no one would get hurt. there were some unfortunate hiccups along the way, each mistake bearing down on him. but, the image of his mother cowering beneath him would never leave him. he devoted himself to helping those who were like him – the ‘monsters’ of the world, hunted down by the few humans who knew they existed. during this endeavor, he met ted.
he barely dated, but when he did he cared for his partner whole-heartedly. however, though he dreamed of having a family, he never wanted to push his curse onto someone else. fate had another plan in the form of an unexpected child – cecil. jack couldn’t leave his child, foolishly hoping that cecil wouldn’t inherit the curse. his girlfriend and cecil’s mother, however, couldn’t stay. this left jack to be a single father, doing what he could to provide for his child in new york city.
he never told cecil about the curse – a mistake his father had made as well – and excuse his monthly outings. he ended up adopted a daughter as well, the girl’s parents lifelong friends and murdered by hunters. jack promised to care for and love both of his children, working endlessly for their comfort. if it ever came down to it, he would give his life for theirs.
news came to him that his mother had passed, guilt causing him to take both of his children to the town he grew up. he’d always made sure they stayed connected to their heritage, but always avoided talking about home. it was an emotional trip that he sorely needed.
unfortunately, the curse did not pass over cecil – causing jack to feel even more guilty for what he’d forced his child to live through. while he tried to teach cecil everything he needed to know to deal with being a werewolf, he still distanced himself just because he thought cecil hated him. they fought the last time they saw each other before cecil and lucia were taken away.
memory trigger: seeing either of his children cry.
                           basics:                               full name:  jack russell                               nicknames:  n/a                               gender:  cis man                               pronouns:  he / him                               sexuality:  bisexual                               age:  40                               occupation:  home nurse                               species:  werewolf
                           appearance:                               faceclaim:  gael garcia bernal                               height:  5′7’’                               eyes:  brown                               hair:  brown                               piercings:  n/a                               tattoos:  n/a                               other distinguishing features:  toothy smile, sometimes weird face makeup                               style:  casual, layered
                           personality:                               traits:  loyal, naive, scattered, dogmatic                               likes:  hot chocolate, the holidays, fuzzy blankets                               dislikes:  fish dishes, aggressive people, conflict                               fears:  losing his children                               phobias:  n/a                               hobbies:  knitting, reading, cooking                               skills:  combat, cooking, nursing                               quirks:  n/a                               pet peeves:  n/a
                           family:                               mother:  unknown                               father:  unknown                               siblings:  n/a                               birth order:  only                               spouse / lover:  n/a                               children:  cecil and lucia russell                               pets:  n/a                               notable close relatives:  n/a
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oracleofdiscord · 6 years
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