#romantic adventrue
swkrullimaging · 1 year
InDesign Insufficient Gutter Space
 I was writing my first novel Spirit of the Wolf, and first book in the 6×9 publishing size when I came across this vexing problem when trying to publish. Adobe InDesign -Insufficient Gutter Space. Amazon said there wasn’t enough room on the inside margin. Oh no, I thought, am I going to have to reformat my entire manuscript? Repairing Insufficient Gutter Space So I went into my InDesign…
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hillnerd · 5 years
003 + Ron?
Ron 003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I love him so effing much. He’s my favorite. He’s so kind, funny, brave, multifaceted, and generally amazing? I can go OFF on how great he is for ages. It comes down to his essence- which I think SO many people miss (in no small part thanks to the movies)- but he’s so much more than the funny friend. He is a humble, generous, thoughtful, intelligent, and a noble fighter. He has a fire in him that I just think creates an amazing character.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hermione is my main- but he’s a character I can ship with a lot of others compared to some characters. Harry is the only active one beyond Hermione. I’ve enjoyed fics with Luna and Neville. I feel like he’s one of the most shippable characters.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Ron & Harry
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s the best character in the series. I honestly feel that way.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he got some more respect? Even from the author? I feel like he just gets constantly shit on and no one ever recognizes that or tries to act better.
my het ship: Romionemy fem/slash ship: Rarry (though I wrote a f/f/ Romione story one time :) )my OTP: Romionemy OT3: Trio
my cross over ship: Hmm… Again I’m not a crossover person. Uh… Princess Leia?
my kink: Ron Whump is a thing I love to read. I hate myself for it, but there we are! I love fics where he’s the protagonist- whether it be angst or romance or adventrue etc. I 
a head cannon fact: Ron ends up being a great cook. He’s great to work out fun ideas with for George-but his main role at WWW is the practical side of things. He’s very cunning and that comes in handy for a growing business. His contributions to WWW as far as inventions are more along security and practical things that could be useful. He’s good at thinking back to ‘when I was trying to get away with shit as a kid’, vs George is more about ‘this would be hilarious if--’ Ron ends up inventing the Weasley Wordsmith- parchment you can write letters back and forth without owls- and ‘saves’ them all. (Got inspired by Hermione’s parents computers) it revolutionizes communication in the wizarding world.
my gender bend: VeRonica Weasley- which I’ve written and even cosplayed- is much the same person - the main difference being if she was the first daughter after all those boys she’d be a much more confident person. If she was one of many sisters, though, then it’d be much the same. :P
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maireyart · 6 years
How do feel about Otayuri as a pairing? Does the age difference bother you?
I’m not interested in Otayuri per se, but I’ve read a couple of very good fics where Otayuri is a side-pairing, and enjoyed it. I don’t mind it if it’s written with depth and realism, but in general I’d prefer reading about the loyalty and beauty of their friendship (as a sideline in a Victuuri fic). About their dreams and dangerous adventrues :D Friendship can be no less deep and life-changing than something romantic.Let me also quote Adam our dear Rippon: “Not everybody is gay in figure skating… Man, maybe I wouldn’t be f*cking single then.” ;) 
The age difference? Do you mean it, like, Yurio’s age? But isn’t he aged-up everywhere anyway in Otayuri fics, etc.? I see no problem if he’s aged-up to the age of consent at least. But I’m not into teenage characters and teenage pairings in general. Not my world :D
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