#rodimus has been sparked by megatron
cosmics-beings · 10 months
i just realized the majority of my rodimus/ starscream fics rodimus being sparked by different people and running to starscream to accept him and the sparkling or sparklings.
and since i like to make starscream birdbrained when it comes to rodimus he takes in rodimus and the sparklings.
And then there are those rodistar/megarod fics where megatron and rodimus are already established in their family, rodimus already has a sparkling on the way or something, and somehow starscream ends up squeezing his way into their relationship
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tinydefector · 6 months
Human's effects
More a silly little thing that I had to write out.
Warnings: talks about sex, xenophilia, kinks
Word count: 3k
Human Effects 2 - characters
Request are open
There were a lot of things that fascinated the cybertronians over humans. Their size, body types, skin tones and those soft they are. 
So many of them become so fascinated over the fact that such small and fragile creatures don't have plating to protect themselves but only wear soft fabrics. 
And it slowly leads a lot of Cybertronians to realising they were Xenophiles. 
A list of kinks and fetishes cybertronians discovered from it. 
-size kink 
-skin fetish 
- hair pulling 
- silk and ribbon play
- cum inflation 
-pet play
- vore
-fluid play and consumption 
- spiking warming
- Heart and spark syncing 
- new spike and Valve modifications to test on their human lover
There's originally a lot of unknowns about humans, and cybertronians are rather intrigued, for one the first times the a lot of the crew of lost light had encountered them was on black market and high priced pets, and companions. 
There were exceptions such as Perceptor, Ratchet and Megatron who had been around humans before but for a lot of the bots this was their first time seeing them. that is until they are assigned a human communications, relations Ambassador/ liaison. 
But after the black market incident it had led a lot of bots into research over humans. And it just spirals more with them discovering some rather dark history with cybertronians keeping humans as playthings. And finding out their ‘interface equipment’ isn't that different from their own, just more organic and smaller.  
A late night of drinking at swerve slowly devolved into conversation over their local human. Brainstorm sits nursing his drink of engex while he and others of the ship chat away. "So does it fascinate anyone else over the fact that humans don't have natural plating or any kind of protection for their squishy form?" He brings up, he himself had fallen down the rabbit hole of human porn but didn't quite know how to breach the subject with anyone else. 
"Oh Primus, look who decided to join us, thought you were holding up with your Conjunx Chrome!" Swerve said with a chuckle, placing more drinks down. He hopped up onto one of the bar stools and leaned in eagerly, His attention flicks to Brainstorm. "You bring up a good point, Brainstorm," Swerve replied.
 "Those squishy humans are really something else, ain't they? No armour, no defences - I'd be scared outta my circuits if I was just soft protoform all the time!, like i’m so surprised squishy hasn't been stepped on yet" 
Rodimus nodded in agreement. "Yet they've managed to survive just fine so far. There's obviously more to them than meets the eye. Like i've seen some of the things our ambassador can do like the strange stretching"
"I dunno," Skids chimed in. "Seems pretty fraggin' reckless if you ask me. One good shot and it lights out!" 
Rewind shuddered. "Ugh, don't remind me. Just thinking about all those organics and tubes and who knows what else squishing around in there makes my fuel tank turn." He made a dramatic churning sound effect.
Riptide laughed. "I saw a nature documentary once about these hairless ape creatures the humans evolved from. Now THOSE guys were squishy."
“What in Primus have you been watching?!” 
“some old earth docs that Percy’s has, bots got a lot of info on Terra and the planet's history” The bots shared a collective laugh at the image. Swerve took a swig of his energon. "Frag, maybe there's something to be said about living on the edge like that! Sure keeps things interesting, its still strange that they are somehow one of the top predators of their planet yet are smaller than half the things they eat"
Brainstorm goes quiet for a moment. "Have you seen how flexible they are?"
Swerve nearly spit out his energon. "Whoa hey, I don't need those kinds of vivid imagery floatin' around my processor thank you very much!, keep the squishy interface vids to yourself" he said, waving his hands animatedly. 
"You have to admit, the way those fleshbags can contort themselves is pretty impressive," Skids added. "Must come in handy for.. maintenance." He waggled his optical ridges suggestively.
Brainstorm nodded pensively. "Indeed. Their non-metal structure allows for feats we could never replicate by ourselves." He took a sip of his energon. "Always makes me curious what other evolutionary adaptations they've developed to compensate for such vulnerability. The potential for scientific discovery is endlessly fascinating with their species and ancestors."
Riptide shrugged. "As long as they don't expect ME to try any of their bone-breaking yoga moves," he laughed. "This chassis is meant for tough stuff, not Twister!"
"You think they would be soft, you know if you interface with one?" Brainstorm asked while downing his drink, the engex was slowly going to his processor loosening his lips. 
"Oh don't give me that look I know for a fact you all have thought about doing with a human at least once! Rodimus I know for a fact you eye them up everytime our little liaison walks past you" He calls out Rodimus. 
Rodimus nearly choked on his energon in an attempt to look innocent. "Wh-what? That's not - I never -" he sputtered in protest, flustered optics darting around at the other bots.
Brainstorm smirked as Rodimus squirmed uncomfortably on the stool. "Oh please, don't try to deny it, Captain. You're about as subtle as a combiner in a supply closet." 
"Roddy's got the hots for squishy, who knew!" Swerve giggled uncontrollably. 
Skids nudged Riptide playfully. "Hey, maybe we got a xenophiliac on the ship!" 
"Alright alright, knock it off you glitches," Rodimus growled, though the blue flush across his face said otherwise. "I was just... curious, that's all. They ARE a strange species."
Swerve tried to contain his laughter. "Ohhh I bet you are more than curious, if you catch my drift!, wanna get up close and personal" More raucous peals of laughter from the group.
Brainstorm stroked his chin in thought. "They do feel intriguingly delicate. I wonder if their flexible frames would be more pleasurable to interface with than our own rigid forms..."
"Have you seen videos of them, they stretch a lot, like a lot, like I know human skin is resilient but i didn't think they were that resilient " Brainstorm states remembering some of the videos he had seen online. Other bots peak up intrigued. 
Swerve choked again as his fuel tank nearly turned inside out. "Brainstorm! That's... more than I needed to visualise, thank you very much." 
Skids seemed a bit less phased. "Fleshbags gettin' their twist on, huh? Can't say I'm not curious now." 
Even Rodimus seemed intrigued despite his earlier protests. "Resilient is an   understatement. I've seen some of the contortions that humans can do - it's astounding that their protoforms don't tear apart." 
Brainstorm nodded enthusiastically. "Precisely! With the right lubrication and technique, I hypothesise an interface with a limber human form would provide entirely novel sensory data."
Riptide shifted uncomfortably. "Not sure I'm ready to dive into the fleshy deep end just yet.”  
Swerve shot him a sly grin. "Aw c'mon Rip, live a little! Where's your sense of adventure?" 
Rodimus tried to steer the subject elsewhere. "Let's maybe change topics before someone needs a wipe down. Or Primus forbid, Magnus overhears you lot"
"I hope I did not hear what my processor just heard" Ultra Magnus states while staring down at the group of drinking mechs. A Lot of bots in the bar snicker at the group getting in trouble. 
"Come on Sir, get that wrench out of you aft, join us!" Skids called out.
Swerve let out an audible squeak at Ultra Magnus's stern tone, almost dropping his engex in panic. "U-Um, Magnus sir! Fancy seeing you here. We were just, uh, discussing..." 
He shot desperate optics at the others for help, but they all seemed to shrink down in their seats under Magnus's disapproving glare. 
Rodimus flashed an uneasy grin. "Just having a friendly debate about alien species, you know how it is. Brainstorm was bringing up some, er, interesting biological points..." 
Ultra Magnus sighed wearily. "I'd rather not know the details, thank you. Some topics are best left undiscussed in public."
The whole bar erupted into laughter at the group's misfortune. "Ah lay off em Magnus!" one patron called out. "They're just havin' fun!"
Another bot piped up. "Yeah, loosen up that rusty chassis and join us! One drink won't hurt." 
Magnus scowled, unamused. But as the encouragement grew louder, he glanced around hesitantly...
Swerve spotted an opening. "C'mon Magnus, live a little! I'll even give you a two-for-one special." He flashed a hopeful grin.
The enforcer grumbled but his resolve was cracking. Against his better judgement, he pulled up a stool. "One drink." Swerve whooped and poured him a double.
They cheer as Magnus sits down to drink with them. Skids speak up. "So brainstorm you saying you'd hook up with a fleshy, get nice and personal with a human" he calls out with a laugh.
Brainstorm leaned forward eagerly. "Why of course! The pursuit of scientific knowledge knows no boundaries. Though upon further review, direct interfacing with an organic might require certain, ah, safety protocols." 
Skids peered at him suspiciously. "Exactly what kind of 'research' are you plannin' on doing Brainy?"
Swerve nudged Riptide with a smirk. "I'll bet ya 20 shanix Brainstorm's just trying to find an excuse to get jiggy with the humies!"
Riptide snorted. "No way, I ain't takin' THAT bet!" 
Rodimus dropped his face in his palms with a groan. "can we PLEASE stop picturing Brainstorm fragging humans?" 
Ultra Magnus coughed on his engex, catching the comment he'd really rather not have heard. 
But Brainstorm paid them no mind, lost in scientific contemplation. "The human capacity for sensory input and feedback would provide a rich study on cross-species interface protocol adaptability..."
"INTERFACE PROTOCOLS?!" Swerve shrieked. The table erupted into howls of laughter at Magnus's deeply uncomfortable expression. It was going to be a LONG night indeed.
“Primus Brainstorm you kinky fragger” 
"Fine then everyone servo up if your not at least somewhat curious or thought about it at least once" Brainstorm calls out to all of Swerve's bars patrons
"Oooh, Brainstorm's putting us all on the spot!" Swerve giggled with gleeful mischief. He raised his servo without hesitation. 
Skids was quick to follow suit, slamming his half-empty glass down. "Frag it, I'll admit it! Those soft squishy bodies got me wonderin' what else they're good for." 
To everyone's surprise, Rodimus sheepishly lifted a servo as well, avoiding optic contact with Ultra Magnus. Riptide shrugged and joined in the show of servos, if only to blend in. 
The majority of bots in the bar started raising their hands amid roars of laughter and drunken encouragement. Only a select few hesitated, shooting nervous glances at Magnus. 
The enforcement officer's expression cycled through outrage, resignation and back to outrage as his gaze swept over the forest of raised servos. "I cannot condone such deviant interest in alien biologies," he protested, voice stiff. 
But as more servos stayed stubbornly aloft, Magnus sagged with a weary sigh. After a long moment, he slowly, begrudgingly raised one massive hand as well. 
The bar erupted into ear-splitting cheers. Swerve howled with glee, banging his fists on the counter. "Look's like we've all got a bit of xenophile in us after all! Even you, Magnus my mech!" 
Magnus buried his faceplate in his servos as Brainstorm cackled maniacally. Once the bar settles back down its Swerve who speaks up with a smirk on his faceplate. "So... which one of you charming mechs are gonna be the first to try and get our lovely Liaison?" He teases. 
Rodimus sputtered into his drink at Swerve's question, flushing brighter. "W-what? I never said anything about actually doing anything!, it's all just fantasies Swerve!" he protested in a hissed tone. 
Skids rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, well they do have a cute lil' figure. Bet they'd be a wild ride..." 
Swerve grinned slyly at Rodimus. "Aw c'mon Captain, don't tell me you ain't thought about it at least once! I bet they'd be real fun to break in, get all soft and pliable..." 
Rodimus smacked Swerve upside the helm. "Knock it off!" He shot a pleading glance at Ultra Magnus as if begging for rescue.
But unexpectedly, Brainstorm was the one who spoke up. "While the organic's flexibility is intriguing, directly interfacing could introduce unknown health risks or cultural taboos. Outside the fact our people have kept humans as pets and companions in the past. A more ethical approach would be gaining consent for strictly observational research."  
Riptide frowned. "Not sure the liaison would go for that either Storm" 
Swerve sighed dreamily. "Just imagine wrapping those soft squishy bits all around you though... bet they'd feel amazing..."  
"SWERVE." Magnus's warning tone silenced the cheeky bartender immediately. He turned back to Rodimus with a sigh. "Despite certain... Curiosities, directly engaging an organics  such a manner would be unwise, dangerous even, not to mention our form are much larger and could harm a human."
Rewind nodded gratefully at Magnus, relieved the subject was shifting. But the mischievous glint in Swerve's optic suggested his teasing wasn't over yet. It was going to be a long night indeed.
"Relax Mags I'm just riling these drunk mech up. Unless you're interested in our sweet little ambassador" he teases, making other bots choke on their drinks. 
Ultra Magnus's icy glare could have frozen Swerve's energon. "Need I remind you this conversation is highly inappropriate and unprofessional," he said sternly. 
But to everyone's surprise, Rodimus let out an undignified snort of laughter. "As if Magnus would ever break protocol like that! He'd probably recite the entire Autobot code of conduct while fragging."
The whole bar erupted in howls of mirth at the mental image. 
Swerve was nearly rolling on the floor. "Can you imagine?! 'Paragraph 3, subsection B clearly states interfacing with sentient aliens requires prior diplomatic clearance forms in triplicate!'" he cried in a mockingly stiff voice. 
Skids were wiping away fuel tears. "Primus if MR. RULES AND REGS ever broke the rules, it'd be one for the history archives!" 
Riptide jabbed Skids in the side. "Ten shanix says he'd have them memorising regulations the whole time!" 
"Twenty shanix says they'd run screaming first!" Swerve shot back. 
The bets and ribbing escalated as more mechs joined in. Across the table, Rodimus shoved Magnus playfully. "C'mon Magnus, live on the wild side for once!" 
Magnus's rumbling huff was the only response. Watching his rigid commander finally loosening up filled Swerve with delight. Somehow, some way, he'd find a way to get Magnus to break protocol yet! It was shaping up to be the best night ever.
"Ohhh let's make this fun. I list some bots and you say if you think they would hook up with a human" Riptide states. "Rung, Drift and Ratchet" he calls out the names.
Swerve let out a dramatic gasp. "Ooh spicy!"
"Rung is definitely curious but way too professional. Might let loose over a couple cubes of engex though!" 
Skids broke into hysterics at Riptide's suggestions. "Rung and a HUMAN?! Rung doesn't even touch his OWN interface panel!" 
Rodimus snorted. "Can you imagine? 'My dear, it seems you're experiencing some psychological interfacing blockers. Please, tell me how that makes you feel.'" 
"Drift guy's definitely intrigued by other species, if you know what I mean. Plus he's artsy so he'd probably appreciate the 'aesthetic'." Swerve responds
"Drift might go for it, he's open to new experiences," Rodimus mused with a grin. 
Brainstorm nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, his spiritual philosophies suggest an openness to cultural exchange that others may lack. I think if he and ratchet weren't together its something he might try" 
"Ratchet. bah! As if that grumpy old rust-bucket would try anything so illogical. Unless she's a doctor too and starts quoting his favourite protocols... then all bets are off!" Skids laughed. 
"Ratchet? Nah, too much of a hard aft. He'd just bitch about human biohazards the whole time," Swerve giggled. 
"Well if Drift was interested I'm pretty sure that mecn could get ratchet to do anything with the bat of his optics" Rodimus remarks.
The table erupted in raucous laughter. Swerve took a playful bow. "Alright bring on the next victims!" 
Riptide rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, how about...Tailgate, Cyclonus, and Whirl?" 
Swerve cackled wickedly. "Tailgate would be way too nervous but he'd try for his Conjunx Cyclonus. Cyclonus would 100% use his broody vibes to charm her pants off but only for Tailgate. And Whirl? He doesn't interface, he destroys! So that liaison better watch her interfacing ports around that lunatic!" 
Chromedome interjects stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Tailgate would be way too nervous and shy, I think. He'd probably short-circuit just from holding hands!" 
Riptide nodded. "Cyclonus has always struck me as the kinky type. Wonder if he's into those squishy bits like Brainstorm thinks..."
"Whirl would frag anything that moves," Rodimus interjected with a grimace. "But I don't think an organic would survive the experience!"
Brainstorm stroked his chin. "Indeed, Whirl's interfacing protocol subroutines seem rather...enthusiastic. Consent might be a fleeting concept. Better to observe from a safe distance." 
Swerve shuddered. "Ugh, don't make me picture that psycho getting 'friendly' with a human! I'm tryna keep my fuel down y'know." 
The names continue being dropped. 
 " First Aid! I don't know if the medic-bot's got it in him to break the rules. But I betcha if he did, he'd be real gentle and caring-like. He'd have them feelin' better than new in no time!" 
Skids grinned devilishly. "Yeah but would they feel better? Aid's so straight and narrow I bet he'd put em in stasis lock from boredom!" 
"Now Perceptor on the other hand..." Swerve tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Bookish type, but you know there's a passionate scientist in there waiting to experiment. Think he'd go slow and methodical, really take his time 'exploring the specimen'." 
"his thirst for organic sciences might overpower his good sense," Rewind remarks. 
“optimus prime, Prowl and bumblebee ” Chromedome interjects with his own inquiries. 
Swerve pretended to wipe away exhaust fumes. "Primus help me, this is gonna be good... Optimus Prime is obviously Mister Morality himself, but you know he's got a secret wild side under all that virtue signalling. Just imagine how freaky he could get with some alien nookie!" 
The bar erupted in incredulous, drunken laughter and cheers. Swerve grinned impishly. 
"As for Prowl, I'm telling you that stick up his tailpipe is begging to come out and play. One roll in the berth with a naughty fleshy and he'd loosen up reeeal nice!" 
"And Bee? He's a sweet kid, but you know what they say, it's always the quiet ones! Between his cute lil' face and that tight chassis, he'd have the human lining up to frag that glitch right into stasis!" 
The bar absolutely lost it, bots falling over each other in drunken hysterics. Even Mirage was struggling not to fall off his chair. Swerve took an exaggerated bow as his audience howled. 
"Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all cycle! Now who's ready for the next round?" More shouts and clanking glasses answered his call. It was shaping up to be the wildest night at Swerve's yet!
 Magnus dropping Megatron's name that really sent them over the edge.
"Megatron?! With the liaison?!" Rodimus howled with laughter, nearly spitting out his drink. "That's the funniest thing I've heard all cycle!" 
But Swerve wasn't done. "Megatron? Now THAT'S an image! 'You pathetic fleshbag, you DARE try to mount the great Megatron?! Grovel before my interface array!'" 
Magnus adds more information which makes everyone surprised " He and the ambassador are rather close" He states
Rewind speaks up from Chromedome’s side. "Y'know... they do have a certain chemistry. I'll bet under all that scowling and chipped armour there's a softie just waitin' for the right tender touch to melt his spark. And they have got sass to spare  bet they could handle Megatron's brooding and snarl!" 
"Twenty shanix says he'd have them trembling and beggin' for mercy in no time flat!" Skids bet eagerly. 
"You're on!" crowed Riptide. "But I still think Perceptor's the real dark horse..."
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rawmeknockout · 5 months
Give me more CILF (Creator I'd like to fuck) writing! Please, I beg of you!
an assortment!
Rodimus is the young, hot, eager- to-please Captain that wants to spark you up soooo bad. There's just something so hot about the way you care so fiercely for your sparkling, it really gets his engine revving. He knows he's younger than you, but that doesn't make him any less of a mech! In fact, he's got all the energy and stamina a sire could need to look after any (potential) future sparklings you might have together. He's always looking to impress you, almost tripping over himself to prove he's the mech for you. Drift has heard enough of his delulu daydreams about how much he'd like to give you another. He's always been attracted to older mechs (hard not to be when your entire population is as long-lived as Cybertronians. He may be your boss, a headstrong and over-confident sort of guy, but he could be gentle if you wanted him to be! Let him show you!
Megatron is much quieter in his appreciation of you. It's not that the thought hasn't crossed his mind that you would look SO good carrying his sparkling, it's just that he's well aware how awful a decision that would be. Doesn't stop him from cranking his shaft to the idea. He's perfectly happy to look after the sparkling you already have when you need a break. Some might say he's the very last mech that should be in charge of looking after a sparkling, but he believes that some Autobots are far too self-sacrificing. Sure, he's now committed to the Autobots, but he still holds his personal belief that Cybertronians have value far greater than any self-perceived benefit to others. He will teach your sparkling that they exist first for themselves and for no other to take advantage of: be it a system or an individual. It just sort of helps that looking after your sparkling and ingratiating himself to them also puts him in closer proximity to you.
Ratchet won't ever admit it but the prospect of having a sparkling has always been so tempting for him. Of course, he was never in any position to have a sparkling of his own, first with his practice in Dead End and then the war, and now that he's quite a bit older the chances of that have gone down tremendously. In fact, he sees it as almost bordering on negligent to conceive one. But when he sees you with your sparkling his fantasies and daydreams of a domestic life come surging to the forefront of his processor. It's hard not to feel envy towards you, even if you're forced to care for your sparkling alone, but he tries to stamp out those feelings. You're not deserving of his resentment because he chose not to have bitlets. When he gets to know you better he feels all the worse for having been envious of you, and incredibly grateful that you would let him look after your sparkling. Even if the bitlet isn't his, Ratchet is attached to your offspring like no other and is always fussing after their (and your) care. If Drift notices a difference in Ratchet's demeanor, a certain wistfulness about him, he doesn't bring it up. He knows Ratchet would simply be reluctant to give himself what he wants, although Ratchet carrying the sparkling isn't the only option...
Whirl thinks it's hot. Okay, sure he thinks a lot of things are sexy that aren't supposed to be (that one time Brainstorm's optic was hanging from the socket, for example) but this one of normal! He insists. It's not everyday you meet a Cybertronian who has carried their own offspring. It's sort of an uncommon practice and definitely the most dangerous given the alternatives, but that's part of what makes it so sexy. Rung has informed him that is, actually, a little fucked up (not his words). Whirl would like to know what you looked like carrying. Not every carrier's frame will change drastically, in fact many don't if their armor is bulky enough, but maybe yours did. The fact your frame is so... powerful in a sense, resilient, and durable is kind of a turn on for him. But then again, Whirl gets heated if there's a gun pointed at him, so maybe it is fucked up. Your frame went through all the taxing processes of creating another Cybertronian, and you didn't die! What he wouldn't give to put your frame through it's paces again... Ultra Magnus has gently tried to convince you to get a restraining order against Whirl.
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singingcicadas · 7 months
Realized that even though it's a shame that there wasn’t much Drift/Megatron interaction in the story, we still got a fairly detailed one-sided account of Drift’s opinion.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Because this is in no way an accurate assessment of the mentality of the crew members on Necroworld. Drift's either doing some really bullshit armchair psychology or he's projecting his own feelings and assuming that they're shared by everyone else.
Once you break everyone down individually you can see that Drift’s theory applies to very few people:
Rodimus and Minimus have sort of an ambiguous friendship going on with Megatron. Rodimus literally chose to save his life when he could have let Megatron explode with Tarn. Minimus immediately proceeded to give himself congnitive dissonance b/c he thought Megatron betrayed them by running away.
Nautica Velocity Cyclonus Tailgate Ten have no preexisting history against Megatron.
Nautica has more Other Problems than to pay attention to Megatron.
Velocity’s conversation with Megatron after the psychological attack was nothing but caring and friendly. Megatron even felt comfortable enough to admit to her that he was happy. She and Nautica are amongst the few people who sees Megatron as a person first, before his deeds.
Cyclonus might even admire him a little with the romanticized way he talks about the Decepticon ideology.
Tailgate's knowledge about Megatron's past comes entirely from datapackets and documentaries. And his response to that kind of threat level is to pull a gun on him and then try to shadowplay the evilness out. Point is, Tailgate's method to dealing with threats is to be very hands-on, especially after he got his spark spasm superpowers. His way of coping is definitely not brainwashing himself into thinking 'he's not a threat' and being unconsciously nervous all the time.
Whirl hates Megatron with a passion but he also saved Megatron in the time travel. He views Megatron as less of a threat than the functionists.
Nightbeat doesn’t care about anything other than his mysteries; his response to threat of imminent demise at sundown is to go exploring.
Rung’s… Rung. He’s forgiving and compassionate, and also a professional therapist who should be capable of employing healthy rational methods to cope with Megatron being in his life.
Rewind, like Nautica, has a whole slew of Other Problems, I'm sure Megatron's not a very big priority right now.
Skids is dead.
That only leaves like three people unaccounted for and they’re all branded Megatron sympathizers for a reason: they all said no to Getaway when he asked if they were pro ‘mutiny and kick Megatron off the ship.’
Drift's only been back for seven days, even if he got filled in with everything that happened since, he's still in no position to be making that kind of assessment. He doesn't have the context. He wasn't there when Megatron was captain of the ship. He didn't even meet Nautica Velocity and Nightbeat before he left, he has no idea what they're like or what they think of Megatron. Even Rewind's not the same one from before. (Add: he also didn't know Ultra Magnus was actually Minimus in a suit)
Most importantly his entire response in the second two panels is the complete opposite of Ratchet's original question. Ratchet's question was "Is it me or is everyone a little skittish?" Skittish. as in nervous. uneasy. jumpy. Drift's like "Megatron's gone so they can relax." But skittish is the opposite of relaxing? and they only started being skittish after Megatron left? He's the only one to bring up Megatron in this?
Rodimus' reasoning in the first panel (sans Rodpod) makes much more sense.
TL;DR: Drift's nervous around his old boss and can only relax after Megatron's gone, so he assumes that everyone else must feel the same way too. Everyone else: not really?
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Rodimus having no idea he's a tank carrier because it's so rare and was outlawed way before he was born. Tank carriers are seen as a legend because no one has ever seen one. Because of this Roddy has no idea he is one.
Due to starvation and constant stress his coding has never turned online. But when he's on the Lost Light he feels safe and makes a home for himself. Especially after he bonded to Drift and Ratchet.
His coding activates and he becomes sparked. Except no one knows including himself. He thinks his symptoms are from bad energon, stress, not sleeping enough.
Ratchet knows something is wrong but when he scans him Rodimus comes up as fine because his equipment isn't made for tank carriers.
When he starts showing they all dismiss it as him eating more and no longer starving.
Then one day his valve starts leaking and he feels a horrible cramping feeling. Drift and Ratchet are busy working and he doesn't know what to do.
He lays in bed panicking as energon leaks out and he's in so much pain. He has no idea what's happening to him.
I love this ask so much. I’m making a long fic out of this.
The first memory in his processor was not like the first memory of other bots on cybertron.
His very first memory file was deeply embedded and locked within a personal file beneath a personal file that did not belong to him but another he did not know.
Two mechs who he never knew designations of, could not find a single photo or holovid of nor could he ask another who they were.
All he had to go on was this memory chip implanted in his mind with a first view of both himself and two others. A shared memory file, a gesture long passed and well hidden within Nyonian culture he dare not speak to another out of fear of experimentation and functionalist backlash that remained even after the fall of Cybertron.
A mech laying in a bundle of soaked blankets on a hard floor covered in fluids that looked to be in deep pain but smiling at him. As another looked worried beyond possibility as they just as equally gazed down at him touching his helm with a sensitivity he’s never even knew the most delicate wire deep medic to have.
A touch he’s never once felt comfortable giving to another in fear of their reaction.
Their species didn’t call for such delicacy and as such it was deemed an insult to be given. Seen for the weak really.
He didn’t understand what was wrong with him for the two mechs to treat him that way when the second mech that held him was the one in such pain.
His memory core always warmed and saddened at the sight of the two and he’s never been able to figure out why.
All he knows is that the two were whispering words and pushing feelings into his spark that he’s never figured out nor been able to talk about. Rodimus isn’t sure why this memory plays from time to time during the course of his life but it has.
Always at a pivotal moment.
When Nyon fell at his own servos.
When he was shot and killed by Megatron, becoming Rodimus Prime.
When he went to find the knights of cybertron and when he encountered the Djd and time traveled.
The day he almost lost his crew and ship only to bargain for their ability to keep said home on the promise of searching out materials and fuel for Cybertrons restoration and to keep Megatron off world to give their people time to settle and rebuild their lives.
It was a shot in the dark but thankfully his flames were incessantly bright and his finish wasn’t so bad either.
The memory flux always played during pivotal moments, though annoying no Starscream and Windblade and Bumblebee so they’d say yes was not a pivotal memory flux moment. It was a pivotal personal record of his. That particular memory flux only happened when a huge moment was happening.
So why on in the galaxies milky debris was he getting memory flux after memory flux night after night ever since he started fragging conjunx Ratchet and Drift?
The two were conjunx to each other and he was just a fun time short fling that they felt bad for and kept around. He didn’t like saying it out loud or thinking about it but he knew it was true.
The two would grow bored of him eventually and when they did he hoped he could handle it.
Maybe that was why he had the memory fluxs lately?
They were going to leave him.
Maybe he should beat them to it? Rip the adhesives off and get it over with? Play it off so it won’t hurt so bad in the future? Salvage what he could so it wouldn’t be so painful in the long run? Should he just up and leave? No. That might hurt them even if they wanted to be rid of him. Maybe he should just…slowly separate himself? That could work. Right?
He tried excusing himself that same night when the two came back.
He didn’t even make it out the habs door when Ratchet grabbed him by the waist and demanded in his usual grouchy tone for Rodimus to spill what was wrong.
He…burst out in tears after trying to pull himself free of Ratchets grip for a solid five minutes only for Ratchet to lift him with ease and set him on his and Drifts laps on their couch. Drift put two digits on his chin and turned his helm holding optic contact and suddenly he was crying telling them he’ll leave and its okay that they don’t love or want him. He’ll just leave and they never have to think about him again for as long as they live.
That..—that got him a very confused and concerned set of optics and em fields that didn’t know what to do at the sudden burst of emotion coming from their intended conjunx.
Rodimus was able to slip free of their hold and stand but the two were a lot quicker than he was at the moment and they grabbed hold of him before he could run off.
The two of them were completely confused by Rodimus sudden influx of emotions and tears and the insecurity they thought was majority replaced by reassurance.
They can admit they should’ve conjunxed him already but they were truly waiting until they landed on a beautiful planet to conjunx him, not just floating in space. Although, knowing Rodimus he probably would be fine with that. Maybe they should just conjunx and spark bond with him while they floated through space? If thats what it took to assure their intended conjunx and make him happy, they’d do it. But they also knew he deserved more than a rushed mating ritual.
“Roddy, we love you. We don’t want anyone else. We just want to wait until we’ve landed to conjunx you.”
“Kid, please, no more crying. We can talk about this,” Ratchet was not one for tears no matter how many patients he’s seen breakdown, it was never his strong suit. But seeing Drift or Rodimus cry? It physically tore his spark apart.
It seemed Rodimus couldn’t even stop himself from shedding his optics and so the two led him into berth where he curled into the both of them and buried his face ashamed and embarrassed and still so genuinely hurt and afraid. His emotions felt stronger than a normal em field should and Ratchet waited until Rodimus was deep in recharge to scan him fully from the tips of his helm flares to the sole points of his pede tips.
Every single scan he could think on came back normal.
His spark was its usual difference to the average spark readings since his spark was traumatized at what his files describe as a delicate developmental stage. It was an extremely rare occurrence to appear on file and it was never added more detail than that given their government never wanted even their medical staff to know what happened under the circumstances of safety. He’d done some digging once, he found it meant they emerged from the spark with dysfunction. He never got more than that and knew anything else would mean his offlining and so he worked with what he had.
Ratchet informed Drift of his clear readings and Drift looked as if he couldn’t believe what Ratchet was telling him.
“Maybe he needs to see Rung?”
“As if the kid will willingly go to a therapist,” Ratchet rolled his optics as he fought the urge to ignite a smoke tube. “We keep an optic on him,” Ratchet finally said after a long moment, “we can’t be obvious about it either. Don’t want to aggravate whatever this is,” he huffed with a shoulder drop.
For now they knew Rodimus wasn’t in immediate or any danger for all they knew but it was safe to say something was going on and they knew to handle it with extreme care and caution.
In the following weeks they found Rodimus was often tired.
Taking the time to recharge in multiple bursts within his office after actually completing his work, he would curl into a protective ball of sorts and recharge. He abstained from his usual meteor surfing activities which greatly pleased all of his crew but worried Drift and Ratchet past this quadrants moons. Rodimus never liked passing up the chance to meteor surf for anything let alone for recharge.
Multiple scans yet again from Ratchet and nothing.
His spark was still its normal unusual pace and his frame was healthy minus the minor nutrient deficiencies. He was in good health and it bugged the two to no end since they could only watch their intended recharge throughout the day always exhausted and slowing in pace. Rodimus would drop into a deep, snoring sleep that scared the two since he never snored and didn’t wake no matter how hard they shook him.
But no matter how strange this new tiredness was, neither Ratchets nor First aid or Ambulons scanners could pick up anything being wrong with Rodimus.
Eventually the two had to accept that this was a new norm for their intended and so they began to carry a blanket and pillow in their sub space so they could have Rodimus safely recharge on them instead of his desk.
Rodimus didn’t seem to notice how exhausted he always was but the crew did and they expressed concerns to which Ratchet said Rodimus scans were normal. Many figured it was his lack of self care catching up to their captain finally but Drift and Ratchet felt differently. They just didn’t have proof but they just knew it was something else.
Things only became stranger when Rodimus suddenly didn’t like his usual brand of energon anymore. Sure they knew he never really liked any energon specifically since he was so used to starving during the war and when he lived in Nyon. But now he purged at the smell and sight of certain fuel foods, cubes and drinks.
That made Ratchet lay him down in their berth that Rodimus began to pile soft blankets onto that admittedly did make recharge a lot better. Though the two weren’t originally a fan of the pillows they couldn’t say a thing when they saw how comfortable Rodimus slept on them. Especially now that he was purging at the smell and sight of energon he usually never had a problem with.
Rodimus relationship with energon wasn’t the best but that was because he’d consume fuel even if he didn’t like it. Now he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t even be in the same room as most fuels which terrified Ratchet and Drift who immediately noticed Rodimus getting smaller. They were one nano klik away from taking a pod and bringing Rodimus back to Cybertron for Ratchet to do an invasive frame search on him when the two accidentally drank their energon around Rodimus.
The mechs tanks growled something fierce and his optics were becoming static with tears as he looked from their energon to them as he held a servo on his tanks that somehow had a small swell to it even though Rodimus hadn’t eaten in almost a month. They were quick to rush their mugs of energon to him and when he grabbed both and poured both into one mug and drank the fuel eagerly, they were smiling so happily when he was able to finish it and not get sick.
Ratchet did a thorough scan on Rodimus when the mechs back was turned and he was drinking another mix of both Drift and Ratchets fuel in the sword mechs arms while Drift rubbed his spinal strut, Ratchet was shown a clean bill of health. It left him silently fuming as he felt like he was failing Rodimus but Drift gave him a look that told him to focus on their current success of Rodimus finally being able to fuel again.
From that moment the two were more than happy to see Rodimus drinking fuel made for their frame types. He always mixed it saying it was disgusting if he didn’t and neither argued since they wanted him healthy and fueling. So when he began to gain weight in his aft, thighs and tanks they didn’t complain one bit.
Ratchet wasn’t sure why he was gaining weight in those areas only and he wasn’t sure why Rodimus was steadily gaining the most weight in his tanks or why it was round and heavy with no jiggling. He can admit he was happy their intended wasn’t wasting away but he was concerned about Rodimus getting even more tired as he fueled more than before while having mild frame pain.
The frame pain with no readings as to why sent him over the edge making him growl with a deep rev of his engine and he was throwing a wrench through the wall before he knew it. The action scared himself and Drift but it scared Rodimus even more making the mech try hiding his optics as he slightly waddled from the room with an apology.
Ratchet tried stopping their intended but Drift interrupted and told him it was okay.
“This is..stressful and scary..you throwing the wrench through the wall is fine Ratty. But whatever is going on with Roddy.. is making him sensitive..we should give him a moment and you need a moment too just like I do.”
Ratchet hated when Drift was right.
He scrubbed his face plate with his servos and vented heavily. Nodding his helm, Ratchet went to drop heavily onto their couch as Drift went off to the training rooms most likely. For a while Drift can let loose and use his claws and fangs to get his frustrations out while Ratchet can let himself ignite his smoke tube and forget everything for a while.
They were both worried about what Rodimus was doing and they commed Minumus to check the cameras to keep a detailed optic on their intended which was immediately bypassed with Minumus going to sit with Rodimus to keep a much closer optic on the mech since he was worried for him as well.
Rodimus went to the lower decks with Minimus and sat near the heated oil where he felt his frame relax and some of the pain slip free. He told Minimus he could leave which got him a blank stare so he rolled his optics and asked if Minimus could get him the new blend of energon he preferred to which the mech did but ordered him to stay where he was.
Rodimus hated how he had to follow that order seeing as he now needed help to stand since his tank was getting too heavy for him alone to raise himself.
He just really wanted a moment to sort himself and pretend he wasn’t scared. He knew something was wrong with him. He knew it wasn’t normal to be drinking Drift and Ratchets blend of energon that wasn’t made for his frame type and it wasn’t normal to be this exhausted to the point he was tired even after a nap or deep sleep. Not to mention his frame was uncomfortable now and his tank was heavy like something weighed him down.
He wasn’t an idiot, he knew Ratchet was scanning him when his back was turned and when he was sleeping. He knew Ratchet didn’t know what was wrong and he knew Drift and Ratchet were extremely worried about him. He tried not to let his emotions and em field get the best of him but he often couldn’t keep the emotional flux to himself. Ratchet and Drift were incredible at dealing with them but he wished they didn’t have to.
Venting deeply, he shifted his hips a little to try and find a more comfortable position as he dropped his shoulders and sniffled.
He didn’t want to cry right now and he wished he wasn’t stressing Ratchet and Drift out but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t know what was wrong and the memory flux he now had every night was not helping.
It seems the last time he was truly stress free and beginning to fuel at proper times of the day is when this all started. A reward of sorts for following a healthy recharge and fueling schedule was a passionate two days and nights in berth with his intendeds.
He wonders if he somehow messed something up during that time? If he knocked something a-loose or he was sparked?
He laughed at the impossibility of the second option. Ratchet would’ve seen that and he was barren anyway.
Their people had hot spots for sparklings or carried within their spark chamber until it was time for the new spark to emerge and they were placed within their frame that the sire built.
His spark was desolate in that regard.
It wasn’t fit to house another spark and furthermore he didn’t even have the sparkling sub compact spaces. He would never be able to feed them nor grow them.
When he first found out he was…inconsolable and clawing at his frame from crying out of anguish and frustration. He couldn’t understand what he’d done to deserve being barren and he couldn’t fathom why it bothered him so much in the first place. He’d found out during his time living in Nyon and that place was in no way suitable for a sparkling. That same night he was plagued with the memory flux he could not decipher but knew meant something was coming.
Not long after Nyon was destroyed by his own servo at the acceptance of his people.
It hurt.
It still does.
Even now so far from home, cruising along the galaxy further from what he’s done he was pained by his past and the current situation he couldn’t help but feel was his fault even if deep down something was nudging at him telling him it wasn’t his fault.
He placed a servo on his tanks off instinct and allowed himself to listen to that odd buried feeling he recognized as a type of coding coming to light in his processor. He felt it whenever he was near a sparkling but pushed it down and ignored it until he’d forgotten it. After learning he couldn’t have a sparkling he pushed anything to do with them away. It was too painful and while ignoring it hurt he couldn’t help but do it. The fear of exploring it far outweighed his need to divulge in the curiosity.
“Here, Rodimus. Your energon,” Minimus handed him the heavy mug and he gratefully accepted, keeping a servo on his tanks. He felt…at peace and his tanks softened at the gesture and his nerves didn’t feel so high strung anymore.
“I just want to be alone right now Mins. Please?”
There was a moment of quiet that encompassed the room and he was grateful for Minimus sitting further down with his back turned as he began to talk to his own conjunx quietly. He could hear Megatron asking about him and he silently sent an apology message to both mechs who returned it with Minumus telling him vocally not to do so and Megatron responding the same.
Neither faulted him for being, sick? He didn’t exactly feel sick but he felt off and tired while also feeling..normal in a way? Now that he wasn’t purging and could fuel again he felt better, a lot better, but the pains and exhaustion that his weight gain granted him reminded him things weren’t normal.
He consumed his fuel, rubbing his tanks as he sat against the low heat boiler— well low heat for him, he was still a fire mech at spark—and drifted in and out.
Eventually exhaustion won over and he was recharging mostly comfortably until he felt someone place a servo on him and he woke with a mild start shielding his tank with the servo that hadn’t left its spot.
“Its just us kid, its okay,” Ratchet soothed, vocal cords scratchy and deep as always, hints of tube smoke on his breath as he bent down to lift Rodimus up.
Rodimus tried pushing him away and protesting but Ratchet grouched at him making him laugh.
“I’m not that old kid, my knee struts can pick yer aft up easy,” Ratchet smirked as he lifted Rodimus with his knee struts cracking a little. Rodimus felt guilty for having Ratchet pick him up when he felt it should be the other way around but Ratchet flicked his spoiler making Rodimus stiffen and clench his thighs together. Ratchet assumed immediately he was in pain but the moan Rodimus struggled to capture left Ratchet’s optic ridges raising and his dermas lifting with them a moment later.
The scent of slick was wafting into the old medics olfactory sensors and soon he was sending an image capture to Drift who pinged him back not a full klik later ordering they get back to berth where the two could reconnect with their intended and reassure each other that things would be alright.
Minimus was long gone by the time Rodimus was on the elevator with Ratchet nipping at his helm flares making him almost drip beyond his modesty panels.
Drift was right at the elevator doors pouncing the two with greedy fangs that left bite marks on both their neck platings. His servos were about ready to take rodimus and Ratchet apart in the public empty space until Rodimus fidgeted and pushed him forward so they could reach their hab sooner.
“Please,” he moaned once inside their door even as an unknown mech hurried past blushing at their heavy em fields, “please, overload inside me.”
Who were they to deny his sweet cries as they laid him on the berth, mindful of his tanks and sensitive spoiler that fluttered so much it ruffled the sheets and helped him arch up his frame as he slid open his modesty panel. Valve dripping and swollen with slick and charge that tasted heavy and sweeter than cyber nectar during the summer heat.
Drift and Ratchet’s panels retracted so fast it hurt when their spikes pressurized and fanned the warm air.
They couldn’t even get themselves to attempt foreplay with their beautiful intended.
Spikes slipping past swollen folds and deep biolights that glowed impossibly magnificent.
The medical officer in Ratchets coding couldn’t help the subtle scan he did on Rodimus as the mech cried from feeling their spikes slip inside him at the same time. His exterior node just as swollen as his interior nodes, valve cycling down on both the spikes that were struggling not to overload early inside the heated plushy walls that weren’t as tight as he felt they should be. They were warm, wet, swollen and greedily taking everything they had to offer even after months of being untouched.
He wasn’t so lost in the pleasure he couldn’t file that for later but a look from Drift told him he wasn’t as subtle as he’d hoped and he relayed the information. Neither were at all able to stop pumping their spikes inside Rodimus until they were buried hilt deep and the tips of their spikes were touching a wet bulge that opened and allowed them deeper inside.
It was something neither Ratchet or Drift had but Rodimus always had it. The very first time they fragged it scared Ratchet a bit but when he found nothing wrong on his scans he left it alone. Now he wonders if he should’ve investigated it more thoroughly.
“Ah, Ratch, Drift, please, oh- please, overload inside me,” Rodimus cried, writhing on their engorged spikes that pushed roughly into his swollen node and squelching flesh that gave way to the two and only the two.
Ratchet and Drift put their thoughts to the back of their processor as Drift lifted Rodimus’s leg carefully to reach deeper within and make Rodimus lift himself closer to the swords mech who purred. Fangs digging blood from Rodimus’s neck cables as he felt Rodimus and his tanks push into him and grip his shoulder strut so hard he dug his digits until the paint chipped and metallico lightly bled.
Ratchet didn’t appreciate feeling left out and used his digits to tease along the seams of his chassis, both servos finding the hooks and unclasping the tight chest panel that gave way to heavy chest pouches that were swollen and sensitive to the air hitting them.
Rodimus cried out half over loading from the exposure and light brush of his dark nozzle against Drifts plating and Ratchets delicate touch. The medic took note of the changes and something flicked within his optics that he found within Drifts.
They both couldn’t stop themselves from apologizing to Rodimus who cried static as he painfully overloaded the moment Drift buried both his and Ratchets spikes as far as they could within Rodimus valve past the valve caps and into something they’ve only ever felt in Rodimus. As Ratchet gripped Rodimus’s pouches and twisted his nozzles making him release an ocean of charge from his valve and fizzle out his optics from over stimulation.
The two were soft as they kept pumping into Rodimus but they couldn’t find it in themselves to stop as Ratchet checked his systems and helped Rodimus wake up.
Little speedster was fragged past his capabilities that night as he was stuffed with overload making him feel fuller than he now typically did.
Scan after scan on himself and Drift that came back normal with a high in nutrients they were pouring into Rodimus valve was all Ratchet got and all Drifts internal scanners told them. Rodimus’s scans were reading normal with signs of exhaustion that the two felt a little bad about but strict berth rest under Ratchets orders left Rodimus’s readings normal again save for the faint pain readings that Rodimus told them was discomfort.
After that he was confined to the berth and their hab where his tanks grew steadily and it was attributed to him fueling so often and recharging so much.
It was two months later that Rodimus was alone in their hab suite, tanks feeling tight and more than just uncomfortable. He wondered if fragging every day while stuck on berth rest was the reason. He couldn’t help how charged he felt. Ever since they left the lower decks two months ago he was constantly in need of their spike and would cry until he got it. At first it was concerning him but when Ratchet found he was just overly charged but needed nutrients that their frames were overly providing and pumping into him, things were a bit calmer and the two weren’t so on edge.
He was surprised the two finally left to their shifts after waking to Rodimus shifting uncomfortably and struggling to get up to use the wash racks. His tanks were heavier than he liked admitting though the two knew since they’d lift it for him when he stood up to take the weight off for at least a solid klik.
It seemed today that wouldn’t work seeing as it hurt to have either of them touch his tanks.
He actually flinched when Ratchet put a faint digit on his tank to see what was wrong. He groaned shifting away from the mech but asked for his help to the wash rack while apologizing. He didn’t mean to worry them but his waste compartment felt painfully full and his tanks were beginning to cramp into his back plating and his spinal strut was stiff and twitching with bad nerve flares.
He decided to stay in berth after using the wash racks with an audible sigh of relief much to the twos panic.
He was uncomfortable, felt swollen in a way he hadn’t while his frame was changing and his tank felt like it dropped the moment he let himself drop back onto their nest.
“Roddy, we’ll be back within an hour at most,” Drift assured more so himself and Ratchet as Rodimus nodded half way and breathed deeply through the discomfort.
“Comm us immediately if something changes,” Ratchet ordered, it was funny, he was getting so many orders thrown at him when he was co captain of the ship. He couldn’t bother to find the orders anything but endearing since they were worried about him.
“I’m gonna try and sleep,” he told them as he shifted deeper into the pillows that he now used to sleep sitting up since it was too uncomfortable to sleep laying down.
He wasn’t going to be able to sleep, he knew that, but they didn’t. He wanted a moment alone to work through the pain without either of them panicking. He hoped whatever this was would be finished before they came back. Ratchet was heading to the medbay to get the next few days off while Drift was just doing the most important part of his new shift that’d only take thirty minutes at most before he was racing back to their hab.
He felt guilty for making them worry but they told him not to think about that, he took those words to spark when he felt a staggering pulse of pain contract around his hips and across his tanks making him flinch and stutter a vent.
His servos instinctively rubbed circles along the sides of his tank as he vented shakily and slowly laid back into the pillows until he felt another pulse ripple along his tanks and a heavy weight crush against his valve panel that seeped through his modesty panel.
His optics were wide and confused as he felt another pain grip him by the tank and twist at him until he was gripping his own tanks venting harshly feeling as if something within him was strangling his insides with how tight they became.
He punched out a breath of nothing as his windpipe struggled to do anything more but flex at his strained attempts to inhale as his tanks lurched and dropped fully.
He didn’t have a clue what was going on or what was happening to him and he didn’t have time to figure it out when he suddenly felt his tanks squeeze tighter this time before suddenly letting go and his modesty panels slid open without his permission. Releasing a flood of fluids that gushed until it seeped into the berth and made a puddle around him.
He felt his frame getting a momentary break and he rushed the best he could to sit forward but his tanks were in pain and too low for him to do more than shift to his side where he got stuck when another pulse of pain wracked his frame and he felt something within his tanks shift and he punched out a yelp of pain as he gripped the soaked sheets feeling like his insides were being torn apart.
He tried to focus on breathing when the intense feeling came to an end but he could feel another one slowly building and he was cramping in this position so he rocked himself on shaky and weak arms until he was on his servos and knees with his valve burning in the exposed air and moisture coating his frame as he began to overheat.
The pain came in another wave and this time he was slightly prepared as he grit his denta and grunted the best he could as he vented harshly when it was over.
His vision was blurry from tears building and he swayed on all fours as the next intense pain slammed into his frame feeling worse than the last.
The next pulse of pain lasted longer than the others and he wondered for a moment if this is how he would die? Why did it have to be so painful? What did he do to deserve this?
The memory flux he long associated with dread came to the forefront of his processor and he bent down sobbing as he thought this was really how he would die.
He’d die from intense pain until his spark gave out and he would never know what the memory flux meant or who the two mechs who plagued his entire life were or what they were saying.
He sobbed into his arm as he felt another painful pulse ripple through his tank and this time it made his spinal strut seize and he coughed up nothing, struggling to vent as he let his upper half collapse into the ruined sheets and pillows feeling his spark tighten from the ongoing pain and he closed his optics. He didn’t want Ratchet and Drift to see him like this but he didn’t want to die alone. He didn’t want to die at all.
“Oh my sweet spark, I’m so sorry we have to leave you like this,” a voice he didn’t know spoke to him and looking around the room with bleary optics he couldn’t see another bot but the voice persisted, weak as he felt, loving in a way he never knew possible and so comforting he almost forgot the pain he was in.
He felt another large wave of pain crash into his systems and notifications popped on his hud in his native dialect he’d long forgot was different than standard cybertronian glyphs.
His memory flux came to the forefront as he struggled to vent and gripped his tanks as the pain pushed him over the edge to the point he felt he was being ripped from the inside out that he let a strangled yelp turned cry free into the pillow and his arm as his memory continued to play.
Everything was fuzzy and he couldn’t really hear anything beyond the memory flux nor could he stop himself from letting the bond open allowing Drift and Ratchet to feel his pain, knocking them still and breathless as they struggled to gather themselves and their systems that had to reboot from the unbearable torment suddenly unleashed from Rodimus’s end of the bond.
“My sweet spark, you look so beautiful,” the exhausted mech that looked like he did said breathless, while cuddling him in a bundle of blankets, “one day you’ll understand why we had to leave you and one day you’ll be able to decipher this memory we pass on to you. But for now it will only come in silence as a warning for when you need it. Be it good or bad,” the mech that was built like him and carrying a large tank spoke tiredly before kissing his helm with the help of the mech who had his colors.
“We love you so much sweet sparkling. But it’s dangerous now with the functionalists hunting mechs like you and your carrier. So we have to leave you with a trusted amica who will take great care of you, our beloved sparkling.”
The two mechs were crying and kissing him as much as they could like always but this time he could understand what they were saying and it made his spark melt and tighten.
“We love you sweet spark and every time you flux in recharge and see us it’s our warning of safety and love to you. You will only know our words and voice when you have a sparkling of your own so you know whats happening to you sweet spark.”
“We’re so sorry we can’t be there to love and take care of you. We’d give anything to see you grow and give you everything your spark desires. But we were caught and now all we can gift you is life and this memory.”
“My sweet bitty,” the mech the same color as him cried, “i’m your sire and I love you so much.” He sobbed for a new reason as pain wracked his frame, he could half understand what they were saying but the pain was unbearable and he felt something move inside of him that made him terrified and yelp.
“Always know this my love,” the mech who physically looked like him cried, “just know we love you and we never wanted to leave you,” the mech cried as a loud bang sounded and shouting started.
“We love you sweet spark,” the other mech spoke before standing and shooting at a mech who barged in. He watched as the mech who looked like him tried to get up and run only to fall and cry in pain, shielding him.
The mech who was his color shouted and used their frame to shield the two of them and a hole was blown into his spark for his efforts. He cried feeling a piece of him he never knew be ripped away and he watched as the mech holding him pleaded for his sparklings life and to do whatever they wanted with him.
The mechs remained silent and the mech holding him was shot in the helm.
A final act of love was the mech wrapping their arms around him to shield him from the fall.
The memory ended with the sounds of what he now knew to be his cries before ending and he opened his tear stained optics to his berthroom where he was alone.
His professor was half putting together what the memory flux was until he felt another sharp pain ripping his attention painfully and he let out a strangled cry as he felt pressure begin to lower in his tanks and the door burst open to their hab and a rush of pedes barged into the room before halting.
The sounds of vents heaving and the shocked em fields wrapping around him didn’t take his attention for long.
He felt another wave of pain rush him and he gripped the sheets tighter feeling his frame rock at the pain as he tried to alleviate the worst of his pain.
Drifts cry and Ratchets heavy pedes broke him from his pain and he felt relief at no longer being alone as he sobbed allowing Ratchet to begin checking his valve panel hearing him curse the worst he’s ever sounded as he let it slip that what came from Rodimus was fluid he didn’t know mixed with blood.
“Frag! Ratty whats wrong with him?!”
“Damnit Drift I don’t know!”
That made the room grow silent as Rodimus panted, accepting Drift lift him up and lean his weight onto the swords mech as he panted. Optics close as he felt a moment of relief.
He felt disoriented, overheated, tired, exhausted and in the worst pain he’s ever felt.
He shifted a little when he felt the beginning signs of pain coming and he knew he couldn’t handle being on his back or sitting half upright as he was so he shifted himself and Drift and Ratchet immediately asked him what was wrong.
“End..bed..end..” He panted the words out hoping they understood and when the two began to carefully move him to the end of the bed, he thanked them the best he could before gripping Drifts servo and squeezing in pain when another painful pulse rippled through his entire body making him grit his denta in a long whine and groan that turned growl at the end.
Ratchet was frantic running scan after scan as Drift tried to tell him to breathe and while he understood, he was tired and overheated and the words weren’t helping. For some reason he felt like he needed to have his knees on the berth and he needed Drift holding his front or at least up there with him.
He was shifting before he realized, stopping when another painful pulse stabbed him this time making him whimper and cry in embarrassment as his waste tanks opened and he pissed himself.
Ratchet was still scanning him frantically and got so angry he ripped the device from his arm and began to feel on Rodimus’s chassis plating near his spark before stopping to help Rodimus shift so he had his knees on the edge of the berth and Drift was holding him from the front while Ratchet held his sides and thats when he felt how tight they were. He’d never experienced anything like this and he was terrified because he didn’t know how to help and he was terrified they were losing their conjunx.
Drift was shedding tears as he tried to soothe Rodimus who held onto him and gripped his servo at the next painful pulse. Something about this one felt different and he was still apologizing out of breath for pissing on himself while Ratchet and Drift were trying to soothe him that it was okay when he felt something kick, actually kick, him from the inside and move down making him gasp out a sob.
He couldn’t breathe out the word, what, fast enough before another heavy strangled tightening gripped his tanks and something in his processor told him to bear down, the same voice of the mech who looked physically like him, and he was suddenly gritted his denta on the next pulse as Ratchet held his sides and Drift his front while holding him up in a close hug.
Rodimus gripped Drifts servo and bore down feeling something move down and he stopped venting as he did so, letting his whole frame sag once he stopped and thats when Ratchet moved down after Drift yelped from how tight Rodimus gripped his hand.
“Kid, whats wrong, talk to me, please,” Ratchet got down and looked at Rodimus valve when Rodimus suddenly bore down again and Ratchet didn’t know what to do so he let him.
He felt Rodimus’s tanks and felt that the top was hard, harder than what was physically possible for their species and he felt fear spike up in him all over again. He was running so many scenarios in his processor that he all but blue screened for a klik when Rodimus bore down once more and screamed, as he put a servo on his valve and his optics popped open with new tears.
“Roddy! Whats wrong?! Roddy?!”
Ratchet gently moved Rodimus servo, the first movement he’s done this past hour that wasn’t bearing down in pain while he sat uselessly behind him watching, and felt along the swollen and painful looking valve only for his optics to bulge out when he felt something.
“Primus! Kid! What is this?!”
“Fuck Ratchet! What is it?!”
“I don’t know! But it’s coming out!”
Rodimus gripped Drifts servo again and struggled to bear down. He was exhausted and the pain was too much. This was too much.
“Kid? Kid! Ya gotta stay awake! For whatever this is ya gotta stay awake!”
“Roddy? Roddy! Wake up Roddy! Come on wake up!”
He groaned feeling the two lower him onto the berth on his back and he whined feeling pain wracking him worse than before as Drift slapped his face plates to wake him up and Ratchet pressed on his chassis opening it up and lifting his nozzles to keep his spark going.
“Tired,” he barely got out as his vision went in and out.
“We know Roddy, we know. But you gotta wake up and then when this is over you can sleep as much as you want but for now you gotta wake up!”
“Come on kid! Don’t do this to us! You gotta wake up kid! You gotta live, please!”
Rodimus felt himself intaking air as Ratchet made his spark strengthen and he felt their tears on his face plates making him open his optics.
He hated seeing them cry and he hated being the reason…maybe he could try one more time?
He pictured the mech who looked down at him with so much love and the mech who first laid eyes on him as the other mech screamed and soon he was screaming too before cooing.
‘Huh,’ his processor felt something click but he didn’t through the exhaustion.
He shifted himself tiredly and with their help he sat up and shakily pulled his legs up and put a servo on one knee when Ratchet lifted them for him and he felt Drift sit behind him, putting his legs beside his to help them stay up. Rodimus gripped his servo and Ratchet stayed near his valve as he put a servo on his tanks feeling how impossibly tight it had become as Rodimus inhaled and pushed.
Pushed as hard as he could feeling something move further down and suddenly it felt like he was on fire the second time he bore down.
He couldn’t stop the agonizing scream he let out.
It didn’t even sound like him.
The sound of it stunned the two mechs with him and before he could apologize or do anything besides let his spark spin, he was pushing again feeling something press against his valve as he screamed bloody murder.
He was sure he crushed Drift’s servo with how tight he was gripping and shaking it but the mech didn’t say anything, just held him and let him crush it as he pushed again and heard Ratchet gasp as if Primus himself had gifted them something wonderful.
“Keep..keep pushing kid! Keep pushing! Its..its..yer almost done Rodimus, oh primus, yer almost done,” he beamed catching the two off guard.
Rodimus was too busy pushing but Drift was able to ask, “ratty? What is it? What is…primus..”
Drift could see past Rodimus since he was the taller of the two and he could see why Ratchet was crying and smiling for an entirely new reason.
With a vocal shattering shout, Rodimus gave the last bit of strength he had into this one last push and he felt the ring of fire covering his valve and frame slip free of him and dropped into Drift’s frame crying from an over abundance of emotions.
Nothing registered to him for a nano klik until he pushed out something that felt squishy and thick and he heard Drift and Ratchet gasp and then…and then a cry rang out in the room. A cry that made him open his optics and start crying for an entirely new reason.
He struggled so much to lift himself but Drift did it for him and Ratchet brought the crying, screaming, flailing, little bundle to him. Allowing him to cradle them in his arms and look at them. Really look at them as he held the reason his frame changed. The reason they worried for a year and some months. The very reason he was in endless pain for so many hours.
A sparkling.
A real, crying, tiny, strong engine sparkling that was all protoform and no metallico just yet.
Flailing little arms and legs in his hold, with unclear optics that looked just like Drifts shape and Ratchets color with beginning helm finials like Drift and heavy weight like Ratchet.
A sparkling.
Their sparking.
“Oh my gosh..Roddy..you were sparked..all this time you were sparked…”
Drift looked at their sparkling like they hung the stars and Ratchet hadn’t stopped crying since he realized.
“We have a sparkling Ratty! We’re sires! Oh my gosh we’re sires!”
Drift’s em field was drowning the room in happiness just like Ratchets and all Rodimus could do was cry in happiness as he held them.
“My bitty,” he sobbed, “you’re my bitty,” he wailed hugging them close. Finally understanding the memory flux.
“I love you so much,” he cried, “I love you so much,” he sobbed, kissing their helm and counting their digits before looking at their spark. It looked exactly like his own.
He felt fear and the two were on guard thinking he was having another when he shared the memory flux through the bond.
They suddenly understood his fear.
It was kept quiet and only high command and first aid knew that Rodimus had just emerged a sparkling from his tank.
The two cleaned their berth as Rodimus held their sparkling, allowing them to feed from Rodimus nozzles that began to leak energon milk. Megatron stood guard outside with Minimus listening on their comms as Ratchet scoured the forbidden archives and found information on tank carriers and how functionalists offlined them all save for a few. They hid their existence and didn’t teach medics about them. Thats why Ratchet couldn’t detect them and thats why Rodimus didn’t know.
Ratchet said a whole slew of words none knew existed and when he left to call the high council, they knew many would disappear for a while.
The crew was alerted that a sparkling was on board but not how they emerged.
Rodimus was immediately confined to berth rest and Ratchet manually checked him over while he was asleep.
Drift was holding their sparkling as Ratchet gave Rodimus an actual diagnosis and planned for a special energon diet to make up for the metals he was low on that their sparkling soaked up.
“He really grew a sparkling and we didn’t even know,” Drift let their sparkling grab hold of his digit and laughed quietly when Ratchet stole their sparkling with a smile.
“They’re beautiful,” Ratchet smiled, going with Drift to lay beside Rodimus who was knocked out cold.
“I’d do anything for them,” Drift smiled, kissing their delicate helm.
“We owe the kid big time,” Ratchet half joked.
“Absolutely,” Drift smiled, inhaling the scent of their sparkling with Ratchet.
A grumble from Rodimus and the two rubbed the side of his tender tanks and he sighed going back to sleep.
“I can’t wait til he wakes up. Then we can think of names,” Drift whispered giddy.
“Let the kid sleep,” Ratchet smiled kissing their sparklings tummy, “he’s more than earned it.”
“Mm yeah,” Drift smiled, “he has.”
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Me again I loved the peceptore easily scared younger sibling can you do another one where buddy gets kidnapped by decepticons and they get really almost have a spark attack please if you don't want to that's fine
How to give someone a spark attack? Simple. Just call the DJD.
Hope you enjoy!
Perceptor's younger sibling gets kidnapped by the DJD
SFW, Mention of injury, nothing too graphic, Angst, Familial, Almost death but everyone is fine, Romance, Cybertronain reader
The DJD had invaded the ship.
Thankfully it wasn’t the whole team, just a small party.
That was probably why the Lost Light managed to get them off the ship so quickly.
“What’s our status?”--Rodimus
Megatron flinching a bit at the damaged control board.
“So far, no casualties reported. But also, no injured, but the numbers will probably show up once everyone has been accounted for.”--Megatron
Rodimus looks a bit miffed.
“What about communications within the ship?”--Rodimus
“They are still in repairs Rodimus.”--Magnus
Rodimus looks even more sulky.
Drift notices this.
“Do you want to go see Buddy?”--Drift
“…Probably not the best idea so far. Anyways they’d try and kick my tailpipe if I tried to see them with the crew still in disarray, not to mention they still need to report the damages and injured. They are probably with Perceptor too.”--Rodimus
Drift nods knowingly, but a bit proud of how much Rodimus has started taking his responsibilities as Co-captain over his significant other.
Primus knows what Drift would have done if he didn’t get a chance to go see Ratchet right after the attack.
Perceptor in the meantime had a sinking feeling as he helped with the ship’s internal repairs.
Something was wrong.
Something was very, very wrong and he couldn’t lay his digit on it.
“How about we take you to Swerve’s for a drink? Or even go see Buddy?”--Brainstorm
Perceptor shakes his helm.
“There’s still much to do, not to mention communications are still down and Buddy still hasn’t reported back the injured or if there were any casualties—”--Perceptor
“But this is about something else.”--Brianstorm
“…I do not know how to explain it Brainstorm. But something horrible has happened and I don’t know what it is.”--Perceptor
Brainstorm pats Perceptor’s back in sympathy.
“We just came back from an invasion of part of the DJD, I think that having your nerves still winded up is justifiable. Let’s just go to Swerve’s to get some of the edge off. Anyways the diagnostics still need time to work, which leaves us plenty of time to drink.”--Brainstorm
“…One drink.”--Perceptor
Brainstorm pats his back a bit more enthusiastically.
“Well then, let’s go!”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm and Perceptor walk to Swerve’s.
“How much you want to bet that Buddy is clinging onto Rodimus?”--Brainstorm
By the time Perceptor made it to Swerve’s he saw Rodimus chatting with Drift and Ratchet.
The scene felt wrong without Buddy standing by Rodimus.
Where was Buddy?
Maybe they were somewhere else in the bar? Or getting some drinks for them and Rodimus?
The feeling in his tanks didn’t go away with the drink.
Brainstorm noticed too as he saw him constantly looking around.
Rodimus looked puzzled when he finally saw the two scientists at the bar.
Where was Buddy?
Perceptor turns to see Rodimus with Drift and Ratchet behind him.
“Where’s Buddy?”--Perceptor
“Buddy? I thought they were with you?”--Rodimus
“I thought they were with you?”--Perceptor
“Somethings not right.”--Drift
“It isn’t. And Buddy’s at the center of it.”--Ratchet
“Buddy was supposed to send in the injury report an hour ago. They still haven’t done that yet. They aren’t usually this late either, extremely punctual.”--Ratchet
“…Do you think something…”--Drift
Perceptor and Rodimus share a worried look.
“Rodimus! Perceptor!”--Nautica
Nautica, Whirl, and Swerve part their way through the crowd looking worried.
“You might want to look at this. Its Buddy.”—Swerve
“And you’re not gonna like it. Jumpy’s gone.”--Whirl
It isn’t until they see the CCTV footage that they realize what happened to Buddy.
One of the members of the DJD had overwhelmed them and had taken them to their ship.
Buddy had been kidnapped.
It was all servos on deck to try and locate them.
Rodimus made sure that every resource was being used to find Buddy. On the outside he was much more steely than usual, he was on a mission that he was not going to fail.
On the inside, however, he was a mess.
How long had Buddy been missing and he hadn’t noticed?
He didn’t even go visit them to see if they were okay!
What kind of partner was he!?
Rodimus vows to make it up to Buddy when they find them.
They will find them.
Perceptor had holed himself in the lab making sure every single scanner was working to their full potential.
He didn’t look too indifferent from the outside.
But his closest friends could tell otherwise.
He was overdoing things again and the nervous shake in his servos was noticeable.
Brainstorm did have to talk him into taking a break before he blew a gasket.
Percy just wanted his younger sibling back.
But knowing the survival rate of anyone caught by the DJD…
He knew that he needed to prepare… in case…
They eventually locked in on Buddy’s energon signature.
The Lost Light eventually found a sole damaged escape pod.
That’s where Buddy’s energon signature was coming from.
Rodimus and Perceptor quickly banded into a small team to get inside the pod.
Rodimus melted the door ripping it off its hinges.
Perceptor quickly ran inside.
He found Buddy lying motionless on the ground in front of the control panels. They were heavily injured.
Perceptor drops his rifle when he sees Buddy.
Perceptor falls to his knees and quickly looks for any sign of a spark pulse.
He’s nearly stops when he doesn’t feel anything.
Ratchet and First Aid come racing in.
Perceptor gets pulled away from Buddy by Brainstorm.
His optics don’t leave Buddy’s body even as it gets covered by Ratchet’s.
Rodimus is being held back by Drift who looks equally distraught.
“Perceptor! Perceptor what—”--Rodimus
Rodimus nearly drops when he hears the sound of the energy pulse.
Perceptor starts shaking a bit in Brainstorm’s hold.
Brainstorm is trying hard not to shake too as he squeezes Perceptor closer.
Drift had to physically hold up Rodimus while Brainstorm held a fainted Perceptor in his arms.
Buddy was quickly admitted into the med bay as patient number one.
When Perceptor came back, Rodimus, Drift and Brainstorm told him what the medics thought of what happened.
From the looks of the other injuries, it was clear they had been in a torture session. There were clear signs of burns, melted metal and tears in the armor.
But by some miracle they made it into an escape pod.
The suspicion from the medics was that as soon as Buddy had finally gotten out of the DJD’s radar, their spark gave out.
They had that spark attack that they warned everyone they would have one day.
They were going to be out for a while.
Percy couldn’t bear to stay in the med bay after seeing their state.
Rodimus had no problem with it and promised to let him know if anything happened to Buddy’s health.
For once Perceptor was glad to not receive anything from Rodimus.
Many bots had come to visit Buddy in the med bay even to leave bits of inner most energon.
They were one of the lucky ones to have survived the DJD in relatively one piece.
It wouldn’t be until a few weeks that Rodimus would comm Perceptor in.
Buddy was finally awake.
Perceptor bursting into the med bay.
“Where are they?”--Perceptor
Velocity points to the far end of the med bay.
“They are in one of the private rooms.”--Velocity
Perceptor speed walks over and opens the door.
Buddy was there.
They were crying, frame shaking a bit holding onto Rodimus servo like a lifeline while burrying part of their face into his neck cables.
Rodimus was doing his best to not cry and soothe them.
“Oh Roddy, Roddy, Roddy. My Roddy…”--Buddy
“Shhh… its okay now… you’re safe now…”--Rodimus
“My Roddy…”--Buddy
Buddy slowly peaks out of Rodimus neck cables and bursts into another wave of tears.
Perceptor quickly moves to the other side of the berth and holds their servo gently in his.
“Oh Buddy…”--Perceptor
“…Your servos are shaking Percy.”--Buddy
Perceptor gives them a watery smile and presses their servo on the side of his faceplate.
“First time for everything correct?”--Perceptor
Buddy smiles weakly.
They gently rub their thumb on their big brother’s cheek.
“I’m really safe? Or did I not make it?”--Buddy
Rodimus squeezes their servo a bit.
“You’re safe. You made it. You’re home.”--Rodimus
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thanksjro · 5 months
More Than Meets the Eye #51 — Ten Has Done So Much for All of You, and for What? You Don't Deserve Him.
So, obviously, last issue ended rather poorly for Team Rodimus and Pals. It doesn’t look like the start of this one going much better, as a mass of baddies bombard the late Necrobot’s “Fortress”. Whirl, being Whirl, wants to go out and face his certain death head-on. Everyone else is more than fine to wait for death to come to them.
Rewind, showing off the skills he’s picked up as a videographer over the last several thousand years, gets the security cameras up. I’m assuming that Censere had these installed to keep an eye out for bored space teens who might have wanted to graffiti his millions of plinths. Too bad it didn’t save him, or his property, as outside, Tarn is shooting the ground with his twin fusion cannons. He’s having to hold his arm in place with his other hand, as I’m sure the kickback of firing two lasers at once must be something fierce. He finishes and commands his troops to cease firing, everyone withdrawing.
The Lost Lost Lighters are super jazzed about this, Brainstorm stating that they must have heard about Tailgate’s Power Punch, an attack with a name so banal, it surely must kill anyone who faces it, if only so they don’t talk shit about it after the fact.
Megatron, however, knows what Tarn’s pulling, as he’s a theatre kid, and everyone knows that the really intense theatre kids follow their scripts to a T, and will murder you for trying to ad lib like some filthy fucking improv performer.
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By doing this, he’s honoring Shakespeare.
Swerve has begun to bawl like a baby over how bad the situation has gotten, likely recalling all the awful shit he witnessed the last time he crossed paths with the DJD. Magnus, who still has his arm off, because Velocity is all about uplifting her fellow women, demands that they try to call for assistance, then apologizes for swearing, even though he’s absolutely at the very least said “damn” in the past. Maybe he’s confusing the total inability to curse with the IDW publication law that you’re not allowed to say “bitch” until your series has been truncated by 50%. Or maybe he only allows himself to swear in the presence of poor snack management. Anyway, it’s not like it matters— Megatron’s just informed everyone that Tarn also likes to cut the phone lines in situations like this.
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All of this, because you wanted middle management for your faction.
Because Megatron never baked any sort of loophole into the DJD’s way of handling shit, because how the fuck could he have possibly known he’d one day have to denounce his entire reason for existing to satisfy the commercial whims of Hasbro, the gang is going to have to figure out some way to defend themselves or escape in the next eight hours. Rodimus orders everyone to split up and look for clues, blowing off Ten in the process.
Velocity calls Swerve, the closest thing to a doctor besides her, to come look at the Necrobot’s corpse, which appears to have turned into a pile of ash. Swerve informs her that this is what happens when someone who’s old as balls kicks it. Now, it may concern you that Velocity, who was the only doctor for a ship of over 200 until this morning, doesn’t know what a dead old man looks like. However, we must recall that age-related spark burnout hasn’t been a thing until very recently for Cybertronians, and Caminus, the colony Velocity is from, is marginally younger as a society. It probably just hasn’t happened in her circles yet.
Velocity and Swerve play around in the pile of old man dust, until she pulls a key out, with “1/001” written on it. Her search party will be focusing on finding what this key goes to, as it was surely important, given that it was on Censere’s person at the time of his death.
Over on the DJD’s ship, The Peaceful Tyranny, Deathsaurus stares at the corpses Tarn’s nailed to the wall of his room. The nails have Decepticon insignias on the heads, because of course they do. These are the same corpses Tarn had on the wall of his office in Grindcore. Tarn asks if Deathsaurus is impressed with his first editions, and when Deathsaurus is understandably bewildered by this question, Tarn explains that these are corpses that were sent home after dying in the mines of Messatine, who had Megatron’s writing etched into their organs by Terminus, so that said writing would reach the outside world. Tarn thinks it’s pretty fucking cool, but Deathsaurus is, again, bewildered by this interior design choice. In general, Deathsaurus is bewildered by a vast majority of the ways Tarn chooses to live his life.
Tarn, opening the mouth section of his mask to drink a shot’s worth of energon, likely totally unable to see as he does so, since the eye holes don’t line up anymore, says that if Deathsaurus was a true intellectual like Tarn was, he’d understand that trying to chase down a ship with quantum jump capabilities is really difficult when you no longer have a sneaky little double agent to give you exact coordinates, so grounding their targets was the best option. No word on how Tarn feels about the ship he super-nightmare-death-murdered being perfectly fine now.
Deathsaurus really just wants to know why they backed off after having their targets cornered, because he hates Tarn and his stupid little games, having been working with him for at least a couple months by this point. Tarn, however, has the audacity to be smug about how all the Autobots are probably tearing each other apart out of fear, as the sun makes its way across the sky.
Back with Velocity’s search party, Nautica’s joined the one-and-a-half doctors in the Key Quest. Velocity asks Swerve about why Ten came down with the rest of the group, and in Swerve’s defense, it’s not like anyone knew this was a murder trip until after they’d arrived. When the brain attack happened last issue, Swerve hadn’t disclosed what exactly he’d heard— now, however, he admits that he’d gotten an earful from Ten about the Ambus Test, and how just because he’s made up of the corpses of multiple religious hermits doesn’t mean he isn’t a person too, and also once that union gets going, he’s gonna sic lawyer-mode Magnus on him.
Anyway, they found the door that key went to.
Back with Rodimus in the main room, he’s collecting the notes of all the other search teams. Rung’s face has been shaded to look like he got lip fillers. Rodimus isn’t pleased, but it isn’t because of Rung’s gotten work done.
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Nightbeat, however, DOES have good news to pair off with the bad. News so good he starts using metaphors, which confuses and frightens Magnus. Nightbeat has found the quantum travel device the Necrobot used to travel to the deaths he recorded, and what do you know? It’s got just enough juice to get everyone out of dodge and into the loving embrace of safety. Hooray! Time to form an orderly queue, going from most to least obnoxious paint job.
Then Team Killjoy shows up, Velocity and Nautica letting everyone know what’s behind door #1: it’s a bunch of organics in stasis.
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I will say, the inverse of Transformers fans collecting robot toys mint in package is decidedly more disturbing.
Whirl isn’t horribly keen to die over a bunch of squishy nobodies. Nautica states that the organics are vulnerable and need protection. Skids, really wanting to be in that straight-passing relationship, agrees that the DJD will totally kill these guys, because they learned their technoism from SOMEONE MEGATRON. Chromedome, who has had his husband back for maybe six months at this point, really doesn’t want to stick around for the sun to set. Cyclonus asks just why the fuck there’s a bunch of dudes in the basement. Tailgate wonders if it really matters, considering the situation at hand. Magnus, needing direction in his life, makes sure that Rodimus hasn’t decided to take a nap standing up like a horse. Brainstorm, who has been oh-so-subtly trying to edge the door to the quantum tube shut, makes the point that they could do a lot of good after the fact, if they left now and then vowed to protect a slew of organics afterwards, which would eventually even out their sins, probably.
Rodimus feels pretty good about this proposal, but he loves looking like the most appealing, middle-of-the-road choice, and says that they have some time to talk this out. However, we’ve forgotten that we’re riding with Mr. Ex-Peace Through Tyranny, who does nothing in half-measures and loves to be contrarian to Rodimus at every given opportunity.
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This turn of events is such a shock to Rodimus, he shouts at Ten for trying to show him something. Poor Ten.
Rodimus reminds Megatron just what exactly they’re up against and what he’s signing himself up for and for what variety of living creature, but Megatron is aware of all of these things. Looks like the talking to Skids gave him on the duplicate Lost Light finally sank through his thick skull, and he’s ready to be a big boy about this whole Autobot thing. He then informs everyone that he’s not doing this to make a point, and that anyone who wants to dip is welcome to do so, as long as they’re doing it for themselves.
Of course, it’ll be a cold day in hell before any Autobot lets Megatron out-Autobot them, and it’ll be an even colder day before Cyclonus leaves his not-boyfriend alone on Murder Planet. Oh, and the fact that organic life is just as valuable as mechanical. Totally. Everyone defaults to stay, Rodimus closing the door to the quantum tube.
Swerve then offers a real heel-clicker of an alternate escape plan: what if… we just stole the DJD’s ship, stuffed it full of the organics, and flew away before anyone noticed? Now, this is, of course, an immaculate plan, which no man could ever find fault in, but Whirl is not a man, but rather a machine, and does question where exactly they’d be getting the keys to such a ship. Cyclonus is trying to be a bit more of a supportive friend to Swerve, since the last time the guy felt left out, they all had to project their consciousnesses 400 miles out and pay NYC rent, asks if there is more to this perfect, perfect plan, crafted in one of the finest minds of any generation.
There is not.
So, we’re gonna steal a ship.
Ravage offers to track the smell of unwashed bachelors and Megatron body pillows to see where the DJD parked. Rodimus gives him his blessing, marveling at the skillset at his disposal, as Magnus makes a fucking wild face of incredulousness and Ten sulks in the corner.
Before he runs off, Ravage brings Megatron a phone and asks that he talk to Tarn, because surely if anyone can get him off the warpath, it would be his old boss.
Back at the Peaceful Tyranny, Tarn, Deathsaurus, Nickel, Tesarus, and Vos are going over the plan for the day. Sure hope Deathsaurus can parse Primal Vernacular. Tesarus reminds Tarn of the time they went after Heretech and he turned a storm shield into a forcefield that held them off for days, but this band of Autobot nerds aren’t Heretech, now are they? Even if they do have an ex-Wrecker, a Skids, and the power of love on their side.
Then Tarn tells everyone to shut the fuck up, because he’s getting a call on his electric razor.
Back at the “Fortress”, Megatron stands astride the space scooter, looking horribly depressed, as he prepares to have a little chat with his most murderous fanboy. Rodimus questions this decision, having clocked that even on his best day, Megatron wouldn’t just whole-heartedly decide to effectively kill himself for the sake of 50-60 organics he doesn’t even know.
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Of course, we’ve seen that at least one planet in the Magisterian system still has life, as the Scavengers had to use holomatter avatars at some point, as seen in issue #45. Perhaps if Megatron knew about this, he wouldn’t be so keen to go on a suicide mission.
Over with Ravage, he passes by Skids’s plinth, which I’m sure isn’t an omen of any kind, and discovers that the smell of B.O. and hot pockets he was following wasn’t attached to the Peaceful Tyranny, but rather a base the DJD and Deathsaurus’s boys threw together. Also, Ten’s been crawling after him in an attempt to keep hidden this whole time, over what was likely multiple miles. He didn’t do a good job in the slightest, but points for tenacity, buddy. Ravage understands that Ten’s just trying to help in some form or fashion, so Ravage gives him a special job: bullet sponge.
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Deathsaurus’s men, Helex, Kaon, and the Pet all see Ten up on the hill. Kaon in particular looks very excited at the promise of a plaything, so much so that he lets his rabid little chihuahua off-leash.
Meanwhile, Megatron races across his personal field of spark flowers, on his way to rendezvous at his plinth with Tarn. I wonder who suggested this meeting spot? When Megatron arrives, he demands that Tarn at least face him with his, well, face, but Tarn says that his mask IS his face, even though we know it isn’t, because Tarn couldn’t commit to the bit hard enough on this particular front for some reason.
Megatron offers himself up for surrender. But enough about his crisis of morality, let’s get back to Ten.
Ten, former Legislator that he is, fights valiantly, throwing four guys in the air at once, even as the Pet scratches his collar bone and Helex punches him in the head, his face telling me that he’s gonna do horny mouth shit with Ten’s brain if he manages to get ahold of it. Kaon’s in the background, shooting electricity into the sky. I think he’s just happy to be here. This nonsense up on the hill allows Ravage to sneak over to the base to check for a ship that DOESN’T smell like wine, jockstraps, and viscera.
Back with the Autobots, someone finally remembers that Ten’s a person, and asks where the hell he’s gotten to. Magnus isn’t sure, though he knows where he HAD been. I expect better from you, Magnus. Ten is your little buddy! Your brother in artistic arms! He even left something for your enjoyment, while he went out to help Ravage!
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After having solved the issue of their defense system, Ten went out and got his ass shredded for multiple pages, where he was repeatedly shot and set on fire and torn limb from limb and electrocuted (I guess someone finally pointed Kaon in the right direction). It seems like the end for Ten, but his assailants are suddenly shot and dealt with, blanketing the hill in silence.
Silent enough to hear the equivalent of twenty USD in Australian dollaridoos, having been converted into English pounds, rustling around in a British guy’s wallet.
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mychlapci · 3 months
The emotional and mental ramifications of Rodimus getting sparked when he’s hot rod by megatron only to have megatron shoot him in the spark making him become Rodimus prime. The sparkling survives because of the matrix and now on the lost light he’s heavily sparked & no one knows whose sparkling it is but Megs is like “ooooh i fucked up,” because rodimus isn’t axting angry he’s completely icing him
mhmm there is something kind of really hot about Rodimus waddling around with a huge belly, telling people he doesn't need the sire because he can handle this all on his own!
the reason he and Megatron don't get along is not just because Megs has been appointed co-captain of his ship, it's the fact that the deadbeat sire of his sparkling is now trying to wriggle his way back into his life when Roddy has fully made peace with being a single mom...
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theoceanoasis · 2 months
Hi i hope you aren’t tired of Dratchrod asks if you do please let me know
Dratchrod where drift and ratchet find a picture of Rodimus holding a sparkling standing next to a mech wearing ceremonial conjunx robes. They are in complete shock because the sparkling looks just like both of them and they never know Roddy was conjunxed before or ever sparked.
They see another photo of Rodimus and the sparkling and the mech and he’s heavily sparked.
They all look so happy and they are just so surprised because roddy always says he doesn’t want sparklings or to be conjunxed.
They see a holovid next that shows Rodimus waddling towards the mech that holds their crying sparkling and they see him open his chassis to fuel their sparkling before sitting with the mechs help and continue his painting. A painting created by a famous unknown mech from before the war.
That mech was roddy.
Roddy had a whole life he never told anyone about and they are so crushed because they see how in love the two are and how happy they are wonder what happened.
Its when they see two sparkling deceased papers that they understand.
Roddy joined the war because it took his bitties from him and the mech in the photos and holovids that loved him dearly and still loves him dearly is Megatron.
Megatron went crazy from the loss of their sparklings and suddenly the two being able to comfort each other and know everything about the other but choosing not to be close or alone makes so much sense.
Roddy was respecting them by staying away but Megatron still wants and loves Roddy he just respects Roddy’s wishes.
Making themselves at home they waited for Rodimus shift to end. Drift was looking around and Ratchet was trying to stop him from snooping.
"Leave him alone the kid deserves privacy."
"But Ratty. There's got to be something here that will explain why Rodimus is so hesitant to bond with us."
Ratchet shrugged.
"It's none of our business."
Drift sighed looking guilty as he turned away from the shelf he'd been looking at. When he accidentally knocked something off the shelf.
Ratchet hissed and went to pick it up when he froze.
Drift looked down and gasped because inside there was a picture of Rodimus when he was still Hot Rod. He had the biggest happiest smile they'd ever seen. He was wearing traditional Nyonian Conjunx robes. With an adorable little sparkling on his hip.
Looking closely they were shocked to see the sparkling looked just like Rodimus and Megatron. Who was standing next to him with an arm wrapped around his waist as he wore traditional Kaonian Conjunx robes.
The two of them were smiling and seemed to be having a good time. Drift picked it up and was unable to stop himself from flipping to the next page.
This time they see Hot Rod sitting in a nursery looking like he was trying not to laugh. He had a hand on his sparked belly and his sparkling was standing in his crib, pointing at his sire. Who is trying to build something.
"I didn't know Rodimus had sparklings."
He frowned, because he thought Roddy told him everything. Only to find out he had an entire secret life he had no idea about.
"Neither did I. My records don't show him giving emergence. He must have done that in secret."
Ratchet looked shocked and also annoyed that he didn't have that kind of important medical history.
He flipped to another page of Megatron holding their crying sparkling who was reaching out for Roddy. They could see his chest open and they both blushed.
"I thought he never wanted sparklings and every time we ask if he'll bond with us he refuses. Yet here he is with a sparkling on his chest and another one on the way. While he snuggles against his Conjunx. It's like I don't even know him anymore"
He gave the book a frustrated look and Ratchet put a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sure Rodimus has his reasons."
He flipped through another page and Ratchet seemed surprised as he pointed at a famous art piece, that had been found in some ruins near Kaon.
"I know that painting."
They stared at the photo where Roddy was painting. His sparkling was drinking from his pouches and Megatron was looking at his work after he'd obviously helped him sit down. With how big his belly had gotten.
They looked so peaceful and happy. He wondered what happened. Flipping through a few more pages they both gasped.
On the page was a death certificate for two sparklings. Even though they weren't his he felt a tear fall. He couldn't imagine the grief Rodimus must have felt and it explained a lot about his reluctance to get close with everyone. Always trying to keep himself at a distance.
It also explained the weird relationship he had with Megatron.
Ratchet pointed at the date and he looked surprised, although it made sense. After his sparklings passing Megatron became angry. He wanted to tear Cybertron apart and had gone mad with power.
"Rodimus joined shortly after. I remember doing his medical, exam but I don't remember any signs of him being sparked. But I could have missed it with his condition."
Ratchet looked the death certificates over sadly. They've all lost things in the war some more than others and Roddy has lost a lot.
Looking over the pictures he realizes they needed to do right by Rodimus. Wven if that means they are no longer together.
Looking at the photos. Things they didn't even think about were now analyzed after the information they learned.
Rodimus never wanting to be alone with Megatron. The two having a weird connection like they knew each other in a deep and intimate way. Which helped them work together as a team.
It was obvious from there interactions that Megatron still loved him. He didn't think he'd ever stop loving him. Even if he had to do that from a distance. He couldn't imagine how he must have felt watching them court Roddy.
Looking at Drift he could see understanding wash over him. Although it was sad they both knew what they had to do.
When Rodimus got home they were honest. At first he was upset and yelled at them which they deserved and then he broke down. They comforted him and there were a lot of tears. They told him they'd always love him. But they knew he loved Megatron in a way he could never love them and they wanted him to be happy.
Rodimus had been a mess by the end of it but he'd gone to speak with Megatron. The two of them went back to their room knowing everything was going to work out for those two.
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starscoffeecreamer · 3 months
Hi 👋🏽
Rodimus having a sparkling that he keeps hidden on the lost light.
The sparkling is still a baby ( their species ages slow from emergence and up so babies and toddlers for a long time ) and its obvious who the sire is. The bitty looks just like Megatron and even has his optic color and frame type. Except they have Roddy’s helm flares.
He’s good at keeping people from knowing he’s a carrier and has a sparkling. Not even Drift or Ratchet know but that all changes when Getaway and overlord happens.
Roddy doesn’t send drift away and roddy goes back on the ship completely ignoring their cries for him to stop and he single servo murders the bots who get in his way and he brutally kills Getaway for opening the hidden door.
Megatrons on the ship with them and he renounces his oath to no violence without words.
The moment he sees Overlord grab Rodimus’s spoiler and Rodimus starts fighting the mech like a vicious animal, Megatron snaps.
They had a long thing that never actually ended but was complicated.
Megatron grabbed Overlord by the helm and reminded the mech why he was the leader of the decepticons for so long.
I’m making everything different i know but hear me out lol
Drift and Ratchet run up to Rodimus and Megatron with a barely living Overlord at their pedes as Rodimus ignores them all and races into the hab no one knew was built on board, not even Drift.
They immediately pause when they hear the sound of a sparkling crying and everyone just freezes.
Rodimus is franticly searching for his sparkling and he runs into the back room to see a mech holding them with a knife next to his sparkling.
He zeroes in on the knife and before the mech knows it they’re burned to a crisp and Roddy’s sliding across the floor and catches his bitty who cries from the fall and fear, wanting their carrier.
Rodimus coos at his sparkling, standing to get a better look at them and be on guard for anyone else. He’s looking over his sparkling when a rush of heavy pedes meet his audial and he knows who it is.
Megatron doesn’t think as he gets right against Rodimus’s spoiler with his optics large and wide staring at the mech he’s long been in love with and the sparkling in his arms that looks so much like him he doesn’t even need to ask.
In all honesty even if the sparkling wasn’t his own he’d still claim them as his. For Rodimus it would be worth it.
Rodimus doesn’t bother trying to hide them from Megs but he does curl around them when another set of pedes greet them and Megatron turns telling them to leave. He sounds like his old self when he does it and it makes the two freeze in the door way.
“Its fine, regroup with the others. Start the rounds with Magnus, you’re dismissed.”
Its odd to hear Rodimus give an actual order like a captain instead of his usual way but he does. He can’t let anyone see his sparkling, not when he almost lost them and his nerves still haven’t recovered.
“What good would it have done? We were still at war and you didn’t want a sparkling remember? Nothing was greater than the cause remember? So no. I wasn’t risking my sparkling by telling you or anyone else. Only First Aid knows they’re here and now you and two others…fr-,” he sighed heavily and went to move away but Megatron grabbed him by the sides of his waist and he could feel the leftover sparkling fat that explained the sudden frame gain.
“I wanted a sparkling and I wanted a sparkling with you, but I didn’t want to poison them with my actions, past or present self,” he urgently opens, keeping his optics on Rodimus’s so the mech knew his honesty.
“I didn’t want you getting hurt and thats why I said that. Had I known..I would’ve..I wasn’t ready to let go yet then but I would’ve never left you or put you in harms way. I would’ve helped you do whatever it was you desired. To the best of my ability sweet spark.”
“Don’t! Don’t do that! You know what I wanted! I wanted you! And I wanted you to stop! I wanted..,” Rodimus stopped yelling and immediately sighed so he could coo at their sparkling that began to fuss.
“Its okay Mera (meh-rah) its okay,” he cooed, fighting tears as he felt Megatron cup a gentle servo along her helm and slowly take her in his palm.
“You..remembered the name from my story..”
“I remember everything,” Rodimus looked away and was glad the room was empty of the others.
He showed Megatron the proper way to hold her and the big mech broke down crying when he saw her optics.
Rodimus .. apologized for not telling him but Megatron knew why he didn’t and he was glad.
Their sparkling was safe and if that meant she was safe from him, he could not fault Rodimus in any capacity.
“Stay here with her..comm me if she gets hungry and doesn’t take her bottle. The fuels in the fridge over there and she likes her milk warm. Don’t heat it too much my milk can overheat from my outlier and catch fire. She’s immune to fire but her tanks aren’t ready for anything other than warm milk. Cold mill will make her spit up don’t give her that or I’ll make you unable to enjoy fuel the way you desire, you hear me? And don’t forget to support her helm while i’m away helping repair the ship.”
Megatron listened to everything Rodimus told him and he wanted to kiss the mech for allowing him into his daughters life.
“Not another bot is allowed near her other than First Aid who will come by to check on her I’m sure.”
“And Megs?”
“Not a single dent or scratch on her frame or you’ll never be able to sit properly or see the light of day again, got it?”
The larger mech nodded and Rodimus rubbed his helm along Mera’s who cooed and giggled, smiling at their carrier.
Rodimus tries dodging Drift and Ratchet but he can’t and the look he gives them makes them drop it for now.
Its after the ships repair do they corner him and he sighs, allowing them to see his sparkling who was trying to eat her servo while drooling on Megatron who couldn’t care less. Just happy to have her in his palms.
They didn’t expect Roddy to really have a sparkling and had to sit down for such a shock. Seeing him pouch feed her while casually working on data pads was even more shocking and Megatron covered his exposed pouches with a blanket while blushing.
He didn’t want to share any part of Rodimus and Rodimus knew that which is why he rolled his optics but didn’t say anything.
Drift called secondary creator status for him and Ratchet and Rodimus said he’d think about it which was a huge plus.
I’m sorry for writing this long thing in your inbox..i got started and didn’t want to stop…please don’t block me 😭
NAH IT'S FINE! I love when people plot in my inbox fr
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tinydefector · 5 months
Other characters' reactions to Megatron in a romantic relationship with human liaison reader.
Question's and Quiries
Megatron x human reader
Warnings: non
Word count: 1.6K
Request and ask open read pinned post.
Megatron masterlist
Many aboard the Lost Light would be shocked and concerned to discover Megatron in a secret relationship with the human ambassador for the ship. As Ex leader of the Decepticons, whose sole purpose has been conquest and destruction, becoming emotionally attached to an organic seemed unfathomable to many of the bots.
Word of the unlikely pairing would spread quickly through the vessel's corridors and hab suites. Many Autobots who suffered under Megatron's tyranny for vorns would recoil in disbelief and distrust, and even other bots more worried about the human, were they in a decent state of mind, were they being threatened?. Even neutral crew members found it difficult to accept. Had their captain truly changed after all this time? Or had he simply developed a new, disturbing method of manipulation? Either way, keeping the ambassador closely aligned posed serious risks. 
Rodimus was the first to hear rumours among the crew of the Lost Light that Megatron had taken a human ambassador aboard as something more than a diplomatic liaison. He had heard it from Swerve who had apparently heard Megatron drunkenly confess he adored them, loved them even. 
"Megatron? In a relationship with an organic?" Rodimus laughed incredulously. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Maybe if it was Optimus, but Megatron? He hates all other lifeforms." Rodimus had stated which made Swerve hit him with a cloth. 
"I'm telling you he was mopping around the bar drinking Energex like it was nothing, trying to work on poetry, he's fraggin smitten with the Ambassador!" Swerve states while cleaning more glasses. 
"The mech may scare the shit out of me but he becomes a sobbing mess when drunk, I can see why he never drunk during the war, could have ended it so much earlier with a drunken poetry night" Swerve jokes, trying to calm his own racing spark after the earlier interaction with the ex warlord.
Swerve, ever the gossip made news spread like wildfire.
Rodimus, Tailgate, Cyclonus and Skids and heard it from him. Rodimus told it to Drift who told it to Ratchet, tailgate told it to Whirl who shouted about it publicly. Skids had told it to Rung, who in turn relayed it to Ultra Magnus. 
"Can you believe it?" Swerve asked other members at his bar, optics wide. "The big, bad tyrant of the Decepticons has gone soft! I never thought I'd see the orn." Though said lightly, there may be an undercurrent of hope in his voice.
Tailgate, on the other hand, would be fearful yet curious. A secret admirer of the human ambassador, they were friends in his eyes, he nonetheless knows of Megatron's violent past. The idea of a human so close to the warlord would fill him with terror...yet also he himself was with a Decepticon,  ex decepticon.
As for Cyclonus, his reaction is the hardest to read. Stoic and stalwart, the former Decepticon says little. But observation of his microexpressions hints at deep surprise. 
When Rodimus approaches Drift with a similar story, having heard it from several sources, Drift doubts begin to fade, he had watched them for a while but now it seemed as if he theory had been confirmed. "This can't be true... Can it? Why would Megatron bother with a human?, he isn't very... open to contact”
From there Drift finds himself in the medibay, Ratchet let out an exasperated sigh when Drift told him about the rumours. "Megatron, caring for an organic? I'll believe it when I see it with my own optics. That mech is still as twisted and dangerous as ever, no matter who he chooses to consort with.”
When news finally reached Magnus, an emergency session was called. Shouting matches erupted as Rodimus and Ultra Magnus demanded explanations, one in shock and excitement the other wanting to make sure This wasn't a ploy. How did this happen under their watch, and what were Megatron's real intentions? The safety of the crew and their mission was of utmost priority, something the ambassador's unusual relationship with the former warlord could jeopardise. 
As chaos reigned aboard the ship, few knew what to make of Megatron and his human companion. But most agreed their unforeseen bond, if genuine, heralded great uncertainty for the future...Cybertronians had never tried courting outside of their own species, and so many questions came from it. 
Rodimus couldn't believe it when the rumours started spreading. Megatron, in a relationship with an organic? It seemed too bizarre to be true. Rodimus decided to confront Megatron directly to find out if it really was true. He had found Megatron deep in discussion with the human, hands gesturing animatedly as they spoke. The familiarity between them was unmistakable. 
"So the rumours are true," Rodimus said abruptly. "You and the... ambassador?" 
Megatron turned, his optics glowing dangerously. "What I do is no concern of yours, Rodimus." He tries to defend before eventually sighing and confirming. Megatron said impassively. "They enjoy listening to my writings, and I enjoy watching them when they work on their projects. Now leave us in peace." But when he confronted Megatron about it directly, the warlord didn't deny it. A smile crosses his face as he talks about them.
 Rodimus shook his head in disbelief as he hassled Megatron for more information,  how did a relationship like that even work, the size difference itself, one being Cybernetic and the other Organic. 
Ultra Magnus was deeply uneasy about the whole affair. An organic aboard one of their ships was risky enough, but for them to be fraternising with Megatron of all bots it worries him. He had fought against Megatron countless times and seen the depths of his cruelty.
"Are you certain of this?" Ultra Magnus asked gravely.  "Megatron and a human?" Ratchet could only nod grimly in response, he continues working as Drift sits off to the side. “Shocked me when the Ambassador came in for a health check, learned too much on megatron's interface life, for a lifetime” Ratchet confirms. 
"What does this mean for our relations with humans?" Rung wondered aloud. "Will they still see us as allies?” he asked, slightly worried. 
 It seemed impossible that the Decepticon could truly care for another. He feared this relationship was merely a ploy by Megatron to manipulate the ambassador and advance his own goals.
 But watching them had changed his feelings on the matter. Watching Megatron lift them up to watch the stars throughout the observation deck. Listened to Megatron laugh, a true laugh when in their presence. How Megatron went out of his way to make sure they were content. 
"I do not understand," Rodimus said slowly, turning to his companions. "Has Megatron gone soft? Or is this some new trickery, like dont get me wrong I'm glad that they are happy but does it feel unreal to anyone else?"
Brainstorm, ever the scientist, was endlessly fascinated. "Just think of the advances we could make by studying their physiology up close!" he said excitedly. "Too bad Megsy's being so selfish, keeping them all to himself." Nautica smiled and reminded him that they was a person, not a lab experiment. But privately, even she wished to learn more about these "humans.”
Drift frowned thoughtfully. "The ways of the spark are mysterious. Perhaps even one as Megatron is capable of love." His optics linger on the Larger mech who was discussing paperwork with the human sitting on the table in front of him. Red optics look down at the human softly as they chat softly amongst themselves. 
Ratchet scoffed. "Love is it? I'd believe Unicron had a change of sparks before Megatron. Mark my words, this will end in nothing but trouble and spilled energon. That human has no idea what kind of Mech they're dealing with." 
Tailgate let out a squeak of surprise. "Aww, they look so cute! He looks like a love sick sparkling!" tailgate was wrapped in Cyclonus' arms as they watched the two. 
Drift shoots Ratchet a look, in turn the medic sighs at his harsh words, he knew all too well what it was like falling in love with a Decepticon, he was being. A hypocrite and he knew it. 
And yet, as they watched, Megatron's actions remained gentle, protective even, as he spoke softly with the ambassador. Rodimus found himself hoping against logic that Drift was right - that even the coldest spark held the potential for warmth. 
Rodimus ran a hand over his faceplate. "Primus help us, the Senate is NOT going to like this." He states while downing his drink. "We'll need to address them, try to do some damage control before this blows up in our faces. Once we get back to Cybertron”
As for the senate, they were outraged that Megatron would fraternise with an organic, Megatron has a long and deadly history of oppression, war crimes, and casual disregard for other species. 
 Many councillors would express grave concern over any influence or leverage Megatron might gain through the relationship. 
Some would even demand the ambassador be removed from the ship for their own protection. Cooler heads would argue for letting the relationship play out, while closely monitoring for signs of abuse or manipulation. 
Ultimately, the senate would likely ban Megatron from direct contact with the ambassador until a full psychological evaluation could be conducted. 
 But after Optimus steps in stating it was inhumane and cruel they allow the two back together.
That night, Megatron spends it under the stars with his lover, both of them trading stories of poetry, philosophy, and astrology. In his spark, this was where he wanted to be, with them, and he would fight to keep that spot by their side. 
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arceespinkgun · 7 months
One thing I've been fascinated by in the G1 Marvel comics (especially the UK, future stories) is the dynamic between Rodimus and Kup—in the cartoon, they were together for most of the movie but then only interacted a little in the rest of season 3. Kup being a supportive mentor to Rodimus was still a thing, but I don't feel like it got to shine much.
In the comics, by contrast, they're inseparable! I feel like Kup's role as a mentor is de-emphasized since they met when Hot Rod was already a soldier under Fortress Maximus's command, and then Kup joined the troop himself, but they're very close comrades. I really liked Kup's spotlight issue that showed their first meeting—it revealed that old, shell-shocked Autobots used to drift out in space to die as not to burden the rest of the forces (!) and Kup was in this position until Hot Rod needed rescuing. Hot Rod's brashness and desire to do good sparked something in Kup because he was reminded of his younger self. In a way, they saved each other?
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There's a comic in one of the annuals that I really think showcases their relationship well. Hot Rod's told that Kup's going to transport a tape containing the secrets of Autobot City's construction, and that Hot Rod needs to stay back at the Ark on guard duty no matter what. But when he sees Kup getting beaten up by the Stunticons on a monitor, Hot Rod goes against orders to save Kup and gets beaten up instead, and the tape gets taken by the Decepticons. Then this happens:
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But... there's a lot more to this, too. Huge spoilers ahead: in one really memorable future story, Rodimus has to seal Unicron away inside of the Matrix. But that means Unicron keeps attempting to corrupt him from the inside. Eventually, this comes to a head when Rodimus despairs enough that Unicron is able to take over and start slaughtering the other Autobots. Kup can't bear to fire upon Rodimus with a blaster set to anything but "stun," but as Arcee keeps pointing out, there might be no other way to stop the slaughter than to use lethal force.
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This hesitation is a huge departure from how Kup usually is. In fact, in an earlier issue, Galvatron tries to bait Rodimus into losing control of himself and Kup encourages Rodimus to do it—Arcee is the one who has to talk Rodimus down! In another story, Kup demands that Optimus kill Ratchet because Ratchet and Megatron have been fused together—Kup is very much a hypocrite, and I think that's really strong writing. It shows how important Rodimus must be to him.
That being said, Kup is right to think Rodimus is still in there somewhere. Rodimus was still in the Matrix, fighting against Unicron... but when Kup realizes this fight has something to do with the Matrix, he rips it out of Rodimus in order to save him.
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This means Rodimus's chance to destroy Unicron once and for all was lost. And about 500 years in the future, the fact that Unicron is still inside Rodimus causes the corrupting influence to remain, eventually even turning Rodimus's student to the side of evil and potentially dooming the entire transformer race. Rodimus seems to be left friendless and alone, either ill or dying.
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So Kup's love for Rodimus both may have doomed him to a lonely death and have caused the demise of all transformers. If that's not tragic, I don't know what is!
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Three's A Crowd
Continuity: IDW1
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Megatron/Rodimus/Starscream, Megatron/Rodimus, Megatron/Starscream, Rodimus/Starscream
Characters: Rodimus, Megatron, Starscream
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Polyamory, Established Relationships, Frottage, Threesomes, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Light Bondage, Light Dom/Sub, Under-negotiated Kink, Not Beta Red
Summary: In which Rodimus gets more than he bargained for when interrupting an intimate moment.
Crossposting: AO3 | Dreamwidth
Fic under cut. See AO3 for complete notes. Related to: A Bouquet of Firecrackers (AO3)
Rodimus knew what he was doing; that really only added to his culpability in the situation. It underscored the embarrassment that was starting to seep into his spark as he stood there in the doorway to Starscream’s room with his hands faux triumphantly on his hips, spike out and up.
Megatron, on his back on the berth with his wrists lashed to the corners, blinked at him in confusion. Starscream, seated on his legs with his hands out of sight between them, glowered over his shoulder at the intruder.
He had presumably been busy pressing their spikes together before being interrupted but Rodimus couldn’t exactly see through him.
The weight of their shared gaze made Rodimus feel like melting into the floor and disappearing down a storm drain never to be seen again.
He couldn’t even really claim ignorance after overriding the door’s access codes and shouting: “Player three has joined the game.”
There was no coming back from that, let alone also having his spike out for everyone and Primus to see.
He and Starscream had never been friends, barely tolerating each other in the same house solely for the sake of their shared partner. Group, uh, activities had never really been on the table, but… he had heard some fascinating noises from beyond the door just before he’d burst in.
Wrecking the mood like a large red character from Earth media that neither Megatron nor Starscream would recognize. At least he hadn’t said “oh yeah.” One saving grace.
“In case you couldn’t figure it out on your own, Rodimus, this is a private event—“
Though he shouldn’t have been surprised, given that what Starscream’s modus operandi.
“Oh, Starscream, don’t be so selfish.”
Oh. Maybe there was some hope, after all. Good thing he hadn’t put his spike away then.
“That’s rich coming from you.”
Starscream clicked his tongue in aggravation, but the rhythmic bouncing of his elbows meant he had resumed his stroking. Megatron let his head and shoulders fall back to the berth.
Rodimus, however, wasn’t sure if he was being invited or if Starscream was just ignoring what Megatron said. A common enough occurrence in this household.
“Are you going to get up here or not, twerp?”
An invitation then.
Rodimus hurried over and scrambled up onto the berth… only to pause with his leg in the air and his hands on the berth’s edge.
“Where, uh… am I supposed to go?”
His guess about the spike situation had been spot on; Megatron and Starscream were pressed together, with Starscream’s hands mostly wrapping around both shafts. Prefluid seeped out of both spikes with the slow pumping motion. It made his own spike twitch in want at the sight.
But Rodimus wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to fit into this picture.
A drop of his own prefluid involuntarily dripped to the berth.
“That’s your problem.”
“Uh, Megs, help me out here—“ His leg was getting tired being held out in the air like this, like he was demonstrating a poorly choreographed kick. His actual kicks were so much cooler.
“Rodimus, you might recall that I’m a little… tied up at the moment.”
“Did you just tell a pun?”
Megatron chuckled, the whole berth jiggling under his weight.
“Who can say.”
Starscream loudly cleared his throat, apparently tired of any banter that didn’t serve his purposes. Rude. He was allowed to talk to Megatron too.
Rodimus stuck his tongue out at him before just plopping himself on top of Megatron’s middle. After some awkward scooting, he ended up straddling hips right above the spike tangle that Starscream had been busying himself with.
The angles would be a little weird, but surely they could make this work.
“Hey, let me just, uh, get in there—“ He tilted his hips forward, lightly tapping his spike against the backs of Starscream’s hands. He probably couldn’t grab all three of them at once; that would be ridiculous, but…
Those hands just kept at their work, sliding up and down, the knuckles occasionally brushing the underside of his own spike as it bobbed in the path.
“No? What? You expect me to just watch?”
“Actually, I expect you to go away,” Starscream said, not so much as faltering in his rhythm, “but Megatron insists on indulging you. He’s gone soft.”
“That looks pretty hard to me—“
“That was rhetorical,” Starscream hissed, cutting him off.
Megatron bucked up underneath them, nearly unseating Rodimus whereas Starscream hardly budged other than to shift the posture of his wings for balance. From the motion, Rodimus’s spike smacked into the others, leaving a small lavender smear of his fluid.
Starscream sighed.
“This is why your hands are on timeout—You’re terrible at holding still and can’t keep your hands to yourself.”
Rodimus actually liked that last feature, but maybe now wasn’t the time.
The only way to get anywhere would be to make a bold move of some kind. He stuck his hand around behind Starscream’s forearm, grabbing his spike and stroking upward.
Starscream bristled and squawked, immediately pulling his hands free with all the offense of someone who had just been unceremoniously goosed.
“Let go of me, you—“
“Look, I’ll get your side; you get mine, okay? It’ll be the easiest way with three of us.”
Probably. It would at least sandwich them all together.
Starscream narrowed his optics at Rodimus, full of judgment as usual.
“Please don’t rip my spike off though; I’d like to keep it.”
There was a scoff but a blue hand quickly wrapped around the back of spike, pressing its sensitive underside against Megatron’s in the middle. Rodimus shivered.
“Prove it then.”
“What?” he asked, starting a quick pumping motion with his hand on Starscream’s spike, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
His thumb and fingertips dragged along Megatron’s sizable spike between them, as much as he could reach though that was unfortunately rather limited. His hands weren’t that large, so his palm was mostly taken up by the shaft of the mech who, most days, would rather he disappeared. No wonder Starscream had been using two hands.
If only it wouldn’t in the way of their arms, he’d try it himself. There wasn’t really enough room here for effectively jerking it, so to speak.
“Prove you want to keep it; prove it you actually want it.”
Starscream’s hand squeezed—too hard—to make a point.
“Ow—“ Rodimus winced until the pressure was released. “How am I supposed to do that? Of course I want it.”
“Overload then. If you don’t do it quick enough, you don’t want it and I’ll relieve you of the burden of your spike.”
“Are you serious? You can’t be serious. That’s ridiculous.” Rodimus looked at back over his shoulder. “Megs, is he serious? There’s no way he means that; he can’t mean that. That’s kind of extreme—Doc, you’ll put it back on for me, right?”
Other than softly groaning and arcing up, however, Megatron didn’t intervene. Apparently he was content to let Starscream and Rodimus work this out themselves. Or he knew something Rodimus didn’t, which was entirely possible.
Starscream chuckled and slid his palm up and down, the way eased by their combined prefluid smeared along the smooth interlocking plating. Rodimus wasn’t sure if he ought to be scared or not, but the way those fingertips lingered on the ridge where the head joined the shaft sent shivers up his spine.
He turned his head back around to watch.
“Hurry up; I don’t have all day,” Starscream warned, all while pressing his own hips forward and rutting into Rodimus’s grasp. Of course he would enjoy being in a position of power over someone else—That would explain why Megatron was tied up actually. “Get on with it.”
As if he weren’t the one drawing this out by keeping his hand moving at a teasingly slow pace.
“What’s the rush?”
“If you like using your spike, you’ll hurry up, understand? If you’d rather not, if you’d prefer to use other parts of your array instead, you don’t have to hurry. You won’t need to worry about it.”
The grin he received was cruel, but shallow. Maybe this was some kind of joke. This had to be a joke. It was hard to tell when Starscream was joking and his jokes were usually at someone else’s expense. Was he being punished for interrupting?
Rodimus did, in fact, prefer to use his spike, but… surely Starscream wouldn’t really just rip it off of him if he didn’t overload to the seeker’s liking. That would be insane, absolutely deranged behavior. There was no way—Megatron wouldn’t let him do that, right?
Somehow, despite the unease in his spark, the thought of desperately needing to overload or else made his spike twitch and throb, more fluid beading up in the slit on the head.
“Quickly now, before I get bored.” Starscream hummed to himself, still idly dragging his hand up and down, a stark contrast to his threat.
“Come on,” he pleaded, frantically jerking his own hand up and down on Starscream’s spike as encouragement. “That’s not fair! I can’t just overload on command!”
Starscream groaned, rutting more forcefully against the spike squished between them.
“Then you must not really want to keep it, hm? It sounds like you should be honest with yourself.”
Said a notorious liar.
Not that Starscream’s well-polished hand didn’t feel wonderful, aside from the alleged danger.
“If you don’t want it, I’ll just take it.” He squeezed Rodimus’s spike tightly at the base and gave it slight jerk. For a brief second, even as he moaned, Rodimus feared he had just popped the damn thing off, but thankfully it was just an reiterated threat. “I won’t even charge you for it.”
“Don’t do it—I’ll… Just wait. I’ll overload, I will, but I….”
He just needed time.
He bucked his hips forward, trying to get more stimulation as he rubbed the sensitive underside of his spike against the back of Megatron’s. Tension was beginning to build in the tip of spike, a dangerously fuzzy sensation threatening to radiate downward.
“Are you sure? Better hurry up. Get on with it.”
“You’re the one moving slow!”
“It’s hard my fault if you aren’t enjoying it enough.” Starscream leaned forward, practically in Rodimus’s face as he leaned his free hand on Rodimus’s leg for better leverage. He still thrust roughly up against Megatron’s spike. “You don’t have that much time left to prove you want this. You should take this more seriously.”
Megatron shuddered underneath them, as though he was trying and struggling to hold still while he was all that separated Rodimus and Starscream. He was stuck in the middle between their unmatched, desperate wriggling, but hadn’t yet objected to being caught in a strange jousting contest.
“Hurry!” Starscream hissed against the side of Rodimus’s head, twisting his hand around the tip of the spike in his grasp, wringing a groan from Rodimus’s throat. “Hurry or I’ll—“
The threat never came as they both released, Starscream shouting and Rodimus yelping in surprise.
They were both covered in messy spurts of fluid, but at least the hand that had threatened to remove his spike retreated to a safe distance.
Smirking, Starscream sat upright again, his relaxed wings hanging down behind him.
Ventilating hard, Rodimus flopped backwards against Megatron’s chest, ignoring the muffled grunt as he inadvertently smacked the larger mech in the face with one of the fins of his spoiler.
As his armor pinged from excess heat, he was stuck with a moment of clarity.
“… You were just messing with me the whole time, weren’t you?”
Starscream scoffed, idly stroking the one stiff spike remaining, the one that had been pressed between them.
“Obviously, what good would actually ripping off your spike do? Besides, if there were an actual problem, you should have used the safeword. That’s what you get for interrupting where you weren’t invited, you obnoxious—”
Rodimus leaned up on his elbow.
“Wait, hold on. What safeword?”
“Bah!” Starscream lightly smacked Megatron’s spike. “I would have expected you to have told him the safeword long before now! What have you two been doing all this time? Vanilla lovemaking? You should be ashamed!”
Maybe he should have just taken the embarrassment and left when he had opened the door earlier.
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cozzzynook · 4 months
Drift and Rodimus fragging for the first time. Drift thinking he did a really good job until he noticed Rodimus seemed unsatisfied. He tried to deny it telling him that he was the best frag he'd ever had.
However Drift knows he's lying and bothers him until he admits that during the war he interfaced with Soundwave and it was amazing. No one else could compare and it wasn't his fault.
Hear me out…
This is how Drift finds out Rodimus when he was Hot rod was a decepticon slut who fragged Soundwave multiple times to the point some of Soundwaves minicons are Rodimus’s sparklings as well.
Rodimus has fragged Soundwave on multiple occasions and he’s fragged Dreadwing and Skyquake together on multiple occasions as well. Rodimus admits he has a few sparklings and they’re all well taken care of and with decepticons.
Its why the decepticons bring no harm to him because he’s a high ranking decepticon carrier.
He’s got two sparklings with Soundwave, a set of twins that belong to Dreadwing and Skyquake—Drift knows their spikes are huge, he’s surprised Rodimus never ripped his valve taking the two.
Hot rod surprises him when he admits he’s been intimate with Tarn but not in a sexual way more of a Tarn drank his milk straight from his nozzles as a comfort and he’s acted like a carrier towards him ever since. Its just something he could never push away and the decepticons didn’t try to stop it since it made Tarn more stable.
Rodimus admits he’s fragged the seeker trine just once but he and Starscream are really just friends who helped each other with rut and heat cycles with the trine getting their turns as well. They really only want Bumblebee and he was more than happy to see his little brother get conjunxed with the three.
Drift didn’t see that coming but he should have since Bee is always sparked with a bitty too big for his tanks. No wonder the trine are always carrying him in their arms and the little bug doesn’t complain.
“Oh and then there was the time I fragged Deathhead. He’s actually such a sweet spark in berth he made me giggle and blush the entire time. Oh and it was nice having a frag sesh with Lockdown and Swindle, but really I just wanted to watch. They’re so cute and in love even if they don’t say it. Those two have been dancing around each other for millennia.”
Rodimus even tells him how he’s fragged Megatron on a series of occasions and that he has three sparklings with the former warlord who took great care of him and their sparklings.
“Honestly the only reason we didn’t conjunx was because of Optimus..He didn’t do anything it’s just…you know what nevermind. Point is, if I ever get sparked again I’d want him or Soundwave to be the sires. Dreadwing and Skyquake have a mate now and I don’t want to intrude. Though Soundwave does look like he needs a break..maybe I should bring all the minicons with me for a while so he can relax?”
Rodimus is just lost in thought while Drift is looking at him so surprised and horny because he wants that forge carrying his sparklings.
But then he stops and asks a very important question.
“Why didn’t you frag me when I was Deadlock?”
“Hm? Oh! You’re in love with Ratchet. Thats why. I’m still rooting for you two to conjunx,” Rodimus smiled before comming Soundwave and offering to take the minicons for a while.
Drift is just stuck because Rodimus is right.
He’s also stuck because not even a day later Rodimus is taking care of minicons, Tarn who snuck aboard and Megatron who eyes Rodimus taking care of all these bots like the surprisingly great carrier he is while playing with a vial he knows just has to be innermost energon.
Drift is comming Ratchet with a plan to keep Rodimus to themselves before he knows it, hoping he’s not too late when he sees another handful of cons walk in wanting the same thing.
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Could you please do the old Predacon buddy meeting the Lost light more specifically ultra Magnus and the co-captains =]
Steel Mauler's going on a trip to the Lost Light!
Hope you enjoy!
Steel Mauler meeting Rodimus Prime, Megatron and Ultra Magnus
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Steel Mauler looking at Rodimus.
“… Hi—”—Steel Mauler
“Calm down I’m not going to hurt you! OH MY PRIMUS YOU’RE ON FIRE!”—Steel Mauler
Rodimus refuses to admit that he screamed at Steel Mauler.
Steel Mauler is reminded a lot of Bumblebee and Smokescreen when seeing this young mech.
They are surprised to see that he is one of the Co-captains of this extremely large starship.
They haven’t seen one of those in eons.
Rodimus is one of the bots who give them the tour around the Lost Light.
He is a bit confused on why they seem a bit sentimental about some of the bots on board but understands when they say that in their universe, the war is still going on.
Steel Mauler nearly has a spark attack hearing that he was a Prime and is frantically asking what happened to Optimus.
They are floored to find out that the matrix thing works differently in this universe.
“Your Matrix really doesn’t work the same?”--Rodimus
“No, and truthfully, I am not entirely sure how my Matrix works.”—Steel Mauler
“I mean at least yours is still active.”--Rodimus
“Ha, you say it like yours is broken.”—Steel Mauler
“…Rodimus… this is the part where you say ‘sike’.”—Steel Mauler
“…Say sike right now.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler is not afraid to put Rodimus in his place with some rash decisions he makes along the way.
Yes, he’s the captain but someone needs to be the voice of reason when Magnus is trying to correct his grammar to distract him.
And who is not going to listen to a giant Predacon.
“And this is Megatron—”--Rodimus
Steel Mauler pounces at the grey mech.
Steel Mauler looks at Rodimus puzzled.
“Who thought that was a good idea?”—Steel Mauler
“May you please get off—”--Megatron
Steel Mauler puts one of their wings on his face.
“You hush. Rodimus, explain.”—Steel Mauler
They are glad to see another good Megatron, at least  this one’s going through redemption.
After that brief misunderstanding and explanation of Megatron’s case they find themselves stuck close to the mech.
Megatron thinks that they don’t trust him.
That’s not the case.
Steel Mauler wants to protect this older version of their friend.
“Protect me? Why would you want to do that? You don’t even know me.”--Megatron
Steel Mauler looks at him sadly.
“I knew a version of you. He was a good friend to me”—Steel Mauler
“That still doesn’t explain why?”--Megatron
“…Call it what you will Megatron. Maybe sympathy, or me wanting to fix something that can’t be fixed in my world. But I know what happens to highly classified Cons when they defect. Takes one to know one.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler walks away leaving a stunned Megatron in their wake.
One of the few bots on board that is not afraid to call him a hypocrite when it comes to certain subject relating to organic life.
So many bots thought they were going to see Megatron go up against a Predacon that day.
Steel Mauler has been alive longer than all of their friends, they don’t give a rats aft.
Megatron unknowingly gets attached to the older Predacon the longer they stay on the ship.
Ultra Magnus
“And this is—”--Rodimus
“Ultra Magnus! It is an honor to meet you, well this version of you.”—Steel Mauler
Magnus looks at the Predacon in front of him.
Steel Mauler is just glad to see a familiar face.
“Rodimus why is there a Predacon on board?”--Magnus
“… why am I not surprised…”--Magnus
“Who’s Brainstorm?”—Steel Mauler
Magnus wants to put Brainstorm in the brig so badly but now he has to deal with a Predacon.
… An incredible well behaved and mannered Predacon.
New friend gained!
They even got Rodimus to turn in some of the paperwork on time!
Steel Mauler does tell him of his alternative back on earth and is glad to see him here too.
He’s not crying.
But the older Predacon does get sent to the med bay after they saw a hollow Magnus all grey.
Steel Mauler groggily wakes up in the med bay.
A green minibot is by their side.
“Umm, hello there.”—Steel Mauler
“Primus Steel Mauler, you gave us quite a fright when you fell on top of--.”--Minimus
“Why do you sound like Magnus?”—Steel Mauler
Time skip to load bearer explanation…
“Does that make any sense?”--Minimus
“Yes, in a way. But earlier you said I fell on someone, who did I fall on?”—Steel Mauler
Minimus points to one of the nearby med slabs.
Ratchet is scolding a very dented Drift for thinking he could single handedly catch a giant Predacon.
Now Steel Mauler is wondering if their Magnus is also a load bearer…
They are not afraid to call Magnus on being too up tight with the rules around the ship.
Magnus does take in what Steel Mauler says and does reflect on it.
He trusts the Predacon’s judgment and lets loose some of the more harsher rules. Not completely though, he wasn’t mad.
Magnus saw Rodimus sneaking a Rodimus star to them for being the ‘Magnus Whisperer’.
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crying-fantasies · 7 months
This is a life... (4)
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4: By you | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
There is no outside light around the room, and he is proud to say it is due to the blocked windows than an electric failure on this part of the city, much has happened since the Lost Light returned to Cybertron, they didn't last long out there without energon, and while Prowl isn't even remotely content by how lenient the council have been with the poor decision making of Rodimus Prime (why did they even reinstituted him in the first place?), Ultra Magnus (a new traitor of the Tyrest's accord) and Megatron (the survivors of the functionist universe all swear they would burn their own sparks if anyone even touched their savior) he can say it was still an advantage for him, he couldn't tear open the starship like he wanted but at least he could replicate it's engines.
And it was worth it, no more fluctuations in the electric flow, no more lose of energy, no more blackouts.
No more cold habsuits where you needed to curl like a ball to retain warmth, now you sleep peacefully with no worries of waking up in the middle of the night to fetch a heated blanket, he prefers this a lot, but he is still worried to some degree, numbers never lie, his statistics on what is gained and what is lost are in constant change due to the surrounding even if war has supposedly ended.
Prowl still believes it was a bad idea to give a whole batch of humans to Rodimus of all bots, his predictions and test proved it would end badly at one point or another, frag, he even had in his results that Rodimus would end up being tangled with some of the very same humans, but nothing could have predicted he would sire a sparkling with a human.
Rodimus, of all bots, was entrusted with the most little, delicate and soft sparkling in the history of Cybertron, no minibot or mechanimal protoform could compare, it was a miracle the newspark wasn't vivisected to try to understand how it even existed, in other times it would've been the first course of action, he could even hear Sentinel's voice booming in echoes inside his helm, demanding answers over such atrocity but the former primer was no more and the council was way too lenient, nevertheless it would work out since the humans were now more interested than ever to try to evade extinction, cybertronians could give them space travels and now even carry on their DNA, it was tempting enough.
The benefits of keeping it alive outweighed the ones ripping it open so Prowl didn't object, in fact, he took advantage of it.
Prowl could see it, the benefits coming from a new found objective of repopulation from both sides, he could feel it, with his own goal now completed, he has finally given you what you wanted, and it was recharging above your rising and falling chest, recent forged bright blue optics looking at him in a way you referred like looking dead in the eyes, without fear.
It had be maddening, worry was pouring from him when your feet was way too near the hotspot and he was ready to take you back home, but such excited organic pedes only got nearer to the hot metal, eager and smiling at him, calling his designation and saying he better hurry up while others looked at him with barely covered incredulity and even hard conflict, you seemed oblivious to it and he was grateful for a moment, it didn't last long since as soon as you had it he wanted to get rid of it, as you were crying over your burned hands but refusing to let go of the life that came to you almost at the nanoclick, even when the new spark started to pulsate and almost gave an electric pulse hard enough to knock you out, he also touched it, and while he wasn't opposed to the idea from the beginning he couldn't do much more when you embraced the new spark against your soft body, chanting and calling it your child between tears and mucus tainting your relived smile.
You were happy, and so was he.
And it was starting to be unnerving how such innocent optics so similar to his were looking with such intensity, almost demanding questions of it's existence, or why it was in the middle of you both, or why he even had such assumptions on the processor when this thing was as self conscious as any new spark.
Still, it was silent, and he was grateful once again, only having a pair of little bits soon to be door wings in the back and little servos that clinged to your night clothes, snuggling comfortably over where your human fuel pump was doing it's work, not even once looking to any other place, both looking intensely to one another before it does a face of anguish.
Your pitiful cry snaps him of the questions of why the protoform did such a face, he remains calm, knowing it's the lasting pain on your hands, give life, in your own words about your world, always brings physical pain for the mother, and while you try to say your pain isn't as great as the ones human mother's have to endure during and after the birth he is fast to remind you how your heart almost gave up.
So near to dead, just for this thing.
So much pain, for this protoform that doesn't even really have an ounce of your blood, only a mimicking resemblance of your organic signature.
He wants to ask if it was really worth it when he has to tend your bleeding wounds once again, but Prowl knows better, you'll smile and say that Chainbreaker is worth enough, if not for everything while you rock him with your free arm and chant some organic song.
Prowl wants to ask you if it would be worth to have him alone again, a sparkling in hand while mourning you if things didn't go as he planned, your heart failure was a possibility, what he didn't have in his plans was how you denied to have the new spark away, making all the more difficult the work of the medic staff already in waiting that he had prepared.
So he just puts medicine on your wounds, as it is his job, while you almost fall asleep since such pain will leave your body for the next hours or so, the sparkling once again recharging against you, strangely bitting on his left servo even while recharging, Prowl would never get used to how you two move in deep sleep since cybertronians don't tend to even flinch, Chainbreaker purrs, doing grabbing servos at him, and he tries to understand what this thing wants.
"Your hand", in other circumstances he could've corrected your speech, he didn't have hands, he had servos, put it didn't matter as he just did as asked and gave you what was asked, he could've feel the familiar sensation of your hand, of your skin, but his sensors only perceive the sensation of your medical protection as you put him near the sparkling, little servo grabbing to his own with as much force as it could and doing a strange kind of smile.
The sparkling looked too much like him, even the smile, but it made you laugh, as tiny and silent as it could be to not interrupt the youngest rest.
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