#rob and richard's silence
endlich-allein · 2 months
My goodness, time flies ! The 2024 tour is already over and Till is right when he says in the song 'Zeit' : "So perfekt ist der Moment / Doch weiter läuft die Zeit"
This year marks 30 years since Rammstein travelled the world with their powerful vocals, rousing music and majestic fire. This year, I've been following the band's adventures for 15 years. I've seen them perform in front of 9,000 people and in front of over 90,000 people. I've seen them in modest venues, in dusty fields and in prestigious stadiums. I've seen them in sweltering sunshine and freezing rain. I've seen them evolve, collectively and individually, and I've evolved with them. I saw them laugh and I laughed with them. I saw them cry and I cried with them. They've been with me for 15 years now, like a second family. They are the most constant thing in my life: family members have moved away, lovers have broken my heart, friends have turned their backs on me, acquaintances have left my life as quickly as they entered it… But they're still here.
This year I had the immense pleasure of seeing them on stage again, and as always, it was an absolute happiness. I'm so grateful to them for the joy they bring to their audience, for the 2h15 spend far away from daily worries, for the smiles on the lips, the stars in the eyes and the happy memories in the heads. I'm so grateful to them for my voice breaking from shouting out their names or the words to their songs, for the aches and pains caused by the headbangs, for the legaches from standing so much, for the tiredness of the sleepless nights. I'm so grateful to them for who they are, for their infectious energy, for their boundless generosity, for their determination and courage in the face of those who would silence them. They are, for me, an example of resilience.
"Wenn unsere Zeit gekommen ist / Dann ist es Zeit zu gehen / Aufhören wenn's am schönsten ist". It's the end of an era, a page has been turned, but the book is not yet finished. So thank you Rammstein, thank you Till, thank you Paul, thank you Flake, thank you Schneider, thank you Oliver, thank you Richard and see you soon... ❤️
Thank you to Héloise and Yolande from Abélard, who did not have the easiest part but who showed passion and determination. And who remind us that we should never say no when an opportunity presents itself to us. I wish them good luck in their careers and much love in their lives 💙
I'd also like to thanks again the crew, all those who work behind the scenes and without whom it would be impossible to carry out this tour. I know that some of them will be heading off on tour with Till this autumn, others have already left for other projects and others are enjoying a well-deserved holiday. I wish them all the best 💜
Thank you to the photographers and friends of the band, who immortalised our memories. Thank you to Jens Koch, Paul Harries, Olaf Heine, Matthias Matthies, Rob Lewis and Sebastian Feger 🩷
And finally, one last thank you. I'd like to thank all Rammstein fans. Those who were lucky enough to go to one or more of the band's concerts this year. Those who weren't so lucky but have enjoyed the content shared. Those who express their love for the band by singing, dancing, having fun, writing, drawing or covering their music. We come from different countries, or even different continents, we're of different ages, from different social backgrounds, but we're united by one thing : Rammstein. Thank you, everyone 🙏🏻
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little-annie · 1 year
Steddie Wild West AU
What is this? I don't really know. A WIP of sorts. An idea that came to mind in the middle of the night.
Eddie's a Robin Hood type and meets Steve when he tries to rob his families Inn (the bar at the Inn.)
I have tons of ideas for this but essentially first Steve helps Eddie hide from the law, gets to know him, develops feelings and eventually might help Eddie steal from the Harrington businesses to help fund an orphanage where all the kids from The Party currently reside.
Give me some Wild West Steddie Headcannons or ideas in general, I need more inspiration.
I'm writing this at 2am, so bare with me, but I want ya'lls input
Steven James Harrington -son of business mogul Richard James Harrington-  can be found tending the bar or working the counter at any number of the family business. The Inn, the Bar, the General Store and on the very rare occasion the Bank.
You see, to be a Harrington means to be a man of business, a man of high society and tittle. A man with his head held high and his shoulders squared, ready to take on the world.
That's all Richard wishes for his son.
And though Steven's many of those things, he's also so much more. 
Many of his outstanding traits come from his late mother; Jillian Elsie Thomas. A woman of a warm heart and caring smile, of a voice so similar to that of the sound of a bird's melody. 
His memories of her are distant, nearing on fifteen years past. Jillian had succumbed to the Black Lung when Steven hadn't yet met his tenth birthday. Their days together were shortened by a plague that took her West in search of a cure, where she fell victim to the disease along the trail. Or so the letters from her travelling companion claimed.
He and his father held a small graveside service. A bodiless casket laid buried within the dirt, concealing articles of her life left behind. Her favourite garments, photos and flowers. Wild Bluebells slept atop the rest, perfectly laid to wilt over the cover of a well worn novel. (Insert novel name.)
Memories of his mother keep Steve alive and moving in the days where his father's presence weighs heavy on his soul. There's an icy feeling that accompanies his father into any room, the lack of love and compassion so visible in the dark hollows of the man's eyes.
Those are the times where he imagines a gentle smile and caring arms holding him close. Times where Bluebells sat present in every room of the expansive Harrington estate. Times where love was present in his life. Present in the form of hazel eyes, a voice akin to nature's melody and a mother whose heart was big enough to hold the world.
It's her of all things that comes to mind when he's held at gunpoint behind the bar of the Inn. It's her and the Bluebells sitting not more than a foot away on the bartop that tells him this man means no harm, that he's just lost. Just lost or scared or doing what in his mind's eye is right for his life.
It's the depth of onyx in the man's eyes, nearly shielded by a curly, sweat covered fringe stuck to his forehead and the black, sun kissed bandana that hides the remainder of his face. It's the reflection of Bluebells in piercing eyes that makes him put his hands up in surrender, calmly claiming, "Take all you need, there's more in the back if it's not enough."
It's the glimmer of confusion in the man's eyes, the furrow of his brow like he's taken by surprise, stunned to silence and stillness, that tells Steve he's not far off in his previous assessment.
The few patrons of the bar pay them no mind, too drunk off their asses to even realise the gunman in the room.
Within the tense silence, the floorboards creak beneath the shift of Steve's weight as he quietly backs up and speaks, hands still raised in surrender, "Take what you need," he repeats with a gentle nod to the register.
A gun merely inches from his face, Steve watches the dark eyed man cautiously move towards the till, taking a step forward as Steve takes a step back. It's a slow dance of short steps and deep breaths until the man is faced with his bounty. He eyes Steve cautiously once again, gun still held high and ready, before looking back to the till and throwing in every last bill and silver dollar.
There's a ruckus outside, indescribable shouting and the whiny of a horse and then several more. The volume grows and soon enough there's the thud of boots and spurs clambering against the decking of the outside walk. 
The movements of the gunman hasten and in an instant he has an arm around Steve's waist, hand holding the sack of cash as the other holds a gun taut beneath Steve's chin. The metal of the barrel's cold and biting, a harsh reminder of his reality but through the fog of rising fear Steve can feel the tremor of the arm around his middle and the stuttered breath that's beating against his ear.
The gunman remains silent, almost as if he's frozen in fear himself, nearly indiscernible skips of his breath accompanying the pounding of boots outside. His grip on Steve's waist tightens and the barrel of the gun painfully jams further under his chin as a voice bellows from outside, "Munson we know you're in there!"
Although he's beginning to shake with fear himself, jerking his head back and away from the metal of the gun, Steve still sees the Bluebells on the bartop in front of him and remembers the kindness that was instilled into him in his early years.
The soft voice of a woman who only ever saw the best in the world. The actions he remembers so plainly witnessing from his perch on his mother's hip. A scenario not far off from his current, a gunman had stormed the General Store, tattered clothes and gun in hand but nothing more than fear and helplessness in his eyes. It took his mother no more than a second breath to allow the man to take what he needed, offering him a bowl of stew and bed by the fire for the night before he left.
It's a wild scenario even when he thinks of it now, but sometimes all someone needs in their life is to know that someone cares enough to sacrifice their own needs for that of a stranger.
And maybe it's crazy, but with a gun to his chin and heady scent of tobacco and sweat filling his senses Steve calmly says, "Let me help you. "
"Why should I trust you?"
The man growls into his ear and other than the first muttered words they shared, it's the most Steve's heard the man speak. His voice is deep, raspy, something that lights a fire in Steve's core as it vibrates through his bones. 
There's another shout from outside, its timber sounding awfully close to the building's front doors, "Munson!"
Steve shuffles his weight back into the man, chancing to cock his head to meet his eyes, "Because I'm your only chance of getting out of here. I'm sure Hop has the place surrounded."
He watches as the man searches his eyes, pressure of the metal to his chin and the arm around his waist eases slightly. For a crazy moment he mourns the loss of grip around his middle, then the man speaks, stern, commanding, "Get me outta here then."
Steve nods to the door at the end of the hall, "Get us in there. The last door."
With great reluctance does the gunman back them down the hall, grip still around Steve's waist and gun still to his chin, though the pressure is much less threatening than it is just for show.
The man nearly kicks the door in, shouldering his way past the wooden frame and into the room. "Now what?" He growls, voice less gruff and strained as it beats against Steve's ear.
"We wait," Steve states plainly and if he could see the man's face, he's sure he'd see him slack jawed in awe and confusion.
He shoves Steve towards the bed, sending him clambering to its mattress in a breathless heap. He himself settles in the chair on the opposite end of the room.
A weird silence takes over the atmosphere and Steve's about to speak when there's another shout that no doubt comes from within the walls of the Inn.
It's the sheriff, without a doubt and if Steve wants to keep this man -criminal- lost soul- brown eyed man with wild curls- safe and hidden, he's going to have to go out there and face Hopper. He sits up from the bed slowly, hands again raised in surrender, "I gotta go out there, otherwise they're gonna start searching rooms and find you. Hide and I'll let you know when the coast is clear."
What he can see of the man's expression looks sceptical, but he seems to understand he has no other choice. He nods, which Steve meekly returns and reaches for the doorknob, whispering one last reminding, "Hide."
When he reaches the bar Steve's met with Sheriff Hopper, a wild look in his eyes as gives Steve a once over, "That Munson kid come through here? Deputy Carver thought he saw him come in with a gun."
For a moment Steve's struck with having to formulate a lie, but with a flash of desperate brown eyes rushing through his mind, he seemingly blurts out something believable. In a jumble of rushed, panicked words he describes how the man held him at gunpoint but fled the scene before any authority could arrive.
It's apparently enough , that and the promise if he ever sees the man that he'll turn him in. Though Steve knows that's a lie.
He waits until he hears the trot of hoofs dissipating down the dirt street to move, takes a once over of the five drunks scattered about and moves to grab a bottle of whiskey from the bar before he retreats to the room where apparently a hardened criminal lays hidden.
The door creaks open and the hardwood planks groan beneath Steve's feet as he cautiously enters what appears to be an empty room. He sits on the bed and quietly calls, "Munson? They're gone."
It takes a few seconds but eventually the closest door cracks open and brown eyes peek out from within its depths. They're cautious, possibly even scared when they meet Steve's from across the room. 
Munson creeps out of the closet, inching his way back onto the chair in the corner before he relaxes, loose limbed, head falling back with a huff. He pulls his banana down and speaks to the ceiling, "Why are you doing this?"
Steve can't help but contemplate his response, 'the Bluebells on the bar top reminded me of my mother and the way she handled everything with kindness. Guess you looked like you could use some of that kindness.' Yeah no, that sounds  a bit too mushy, almost too revealing to offer a stranger.
He lands on, "I dunno. You seemed like the type to not do this sort of thing unless it's deeply necessary."
Munson hums contemplative and nods.
Steve's quiet for a moment, admiring the man before him, hands resting lazily threaded over his stomach, head still thrown back and legs wide and lazy. He can't help but admire the long line of Munson's neck, something about it's intriguing.
Not to mention the hint of scars he's now noticing along the man's neck and jawline, peeking out from his rumpled shirt collar. Silver and weathered along pale tissue. Steve can't help but wonder their origin and the reason for their beauty.
Munson hums again, eyes still glued to the ceiling above, "Can ya quit staring, I know they're ugly."
"Not ugly," Steve plainly states, a sudden warmth in his cheeks, pulling the cork from the whiskey bottle with a 'pop'
With that noise Munson's head rises and Steve offers with an outstretched hand, "Whiskey?"
There's the first little blurb. Give me all of the opinions please lol I need ideas.
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ljterariness · 10 months
amber and jealousy , because apparently one rambling wasn't enough today
it starts young , with her sisters . olive and violet , close in age looks and personality . they'd talk to and from school , over the dinner table , freely with shanon (mother) . they have everything she doesn't and it eats away at her , she feels it burn beneath her skin as she cuts into her dinner . silent as always .
olive and violet grow up before she does , they graduate and begin families , they don't live at home anymore . amber is jealous of that too . she spends her days with math she doesn't understand , writing on books she's already read . her sisters have grown past that , they're unaware of the silence they've left behind in exchange for their own lives .
olive dies . hardly lived and leaving behind a son . amber doesn't consider it significant , it is . the jealousy subsides for a while - it'd be disrespectful really . she plays role of dutiful grieving sister but is really only grieving for monotony . because nothing is really quite the same after .
she's jealous of her classmates too , as they walk for graduation . they have family out there cheering for them , colleges to go to and people to celebrate with . amber has bags full of books stolen from her school's library , in exchange for walking . and her sister , violet (alive) waiting to drive her home . so she has every right to be jealous really , it's another cliché she's robbed of .
it spreads as she begins college , being cooped up for a year , next to silent can do that to a person surprisingly . she's jealous of the greek class: of bunny , henry , camila , charles and francis . what they must have that she's lacking in . she knows languages - latin and spanish , so it's not even like she'd be incompetent . amber's aware when she sees them about , their better than - almost uneasy demeanour . so yes - she is jealous . not that she'd ever admit it .
parties aren't a rarity , warm beer clutched in hand as amber clings to the wall - or cigarette ( she only picked it up for something to do ) clutched in hand as she sat in the cool night air . she envied the people who had the courage to get up and dance , talk to a stranger or take someone's hand . she seethed with jealousy , bottled it up for each year of existence . anyone who seemed to be able to socialise was an inconvenience .
richard papen , who managed to study greek . who joined the class late after she'd been turned down . it was an endless loop of discontent really , and soon enough he seemed to absorb the sense they carried around . it was like the world was laughing at her . each thing she longed for was just out of her grasp , just enough for someone else and god - wasn't it her turn ?
to be jealous of a tragedy was sickening really , amber knows this . but wasn't it all like the crime novels she'd read ? it just made amber feel odd , she knows what she knows , is aware its an accident . but it's all so unnerving that she feels the desperation to be there , watch him fall with her own eyes . and it's disgusting and she feels it because amber doesn't control her emotions these days , she just follows them blindly .
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swiftietartt · 2 years
i don’t really blame you for being dead (but you can’t have your sweater back)
a little dead!eddie fic i wrote in my feels. read on ao3.
roughly 4.1k. future universe. title from straw house, straw dog by richard siken; inspired by the song into the great wide open by tom petty.
March 21st, 1992. Chicago, IL.
“You know,” Robin is saying as she lines her lower lash line in the hotel mirror with a practiced precision and a steady hand, “when I told Keith I was going to change my availability so I could take some classes at RCC in the Fall he laughed at me, like, fully laughed in my face and he said, ‘Why would you want to do that ?’”
“I said, ‘I don’t know, Keith, maybe because I don’t want to work at Family Video for the rest of my life?’ I mean it’s been, like what—” she pauses, working out the math on her fingers, “—like five or six years now; not withholding those two years we spent saving the world, of course, it’s just I think…maybe we’ve overstayed our welcome?”
Halfway through her rant, Robin sighs, shaking her head, and she moves to rifle through her travel bag in pursuit of her mascara. “I don’t know. It’s like I’m finally ready to go back to school, you know,” she continues, waving her mascara wand through the air as she speaks, “and I don’t hate it at Family Video, right? It’s just that I cannot possibly keep entertaining every single self-proclaimed film snob in Hawkins.”
“I mean, Steve, you know better than probably anybody, save, like, Keith—not that he really counts, ‘cause he’s the manager and everything—but…it’s exhausting ,” she laments as she packs her makeup away; and she finds herself toying with the zipper on her travel bag as she delivers her final thoughts, “it really is; and, you know, reasonably I know I shouldn’t say anything about the brat-pack given that Vickie was practically a dead ringer for Molly Ringwald and all—so, it’s like, who am I to judge, really—but if I get trapped in one more conversation about Rob fucking Lowe, I swear to God, Steve, you’re going to see my picture on the evening news.”
There’s an awkward silence; a beat in which Robin is left waiting for one of Steve’s witty and semi-annoyed quips that never comes. Instead, she turns away from the vanity to find Steve staring catatonically at the popcorn ceiling, his legs swung haphazardly over the side of the plush hotel bed—and even despite her innate ability to hold conversations with even the most inanimate of objects, for as long as the two have been friends, it’s always been Steve’s sudden silences that are perhaps the most worrisome.
“Steve?” She tries tentatively as she settles down beside him on the duvet, “I think I’ve lost you?”
“I’m here.” He promises in a whisper and Robin turns to study him in profile; noting the slight kink in the slope of his nose—where he’d broken it one too many times, or perhaps, more aptly, where someone else had—and she takes stock of the two little freckles that sit right at the base of his jaw.
She watches him swallow, can see the gears in his head working overtime as he studies the hotel ceiling with such an intensity that you’d have believed he’d been asked to commit it to memory, and she knows—knows that if the silence that stretches between them is any indication, there’s still some part of Steve, even four years later, that’s frozen in time at Eddie Munson’s funeral.
Eddie Munson, of all people, who’d captured Steve’s heart in the short time they’d known one another, and whose death had fucking destroyed him; whose funeral had been put off for two years until they’d finally bested Vecna, and the one crush Robin doesn’t think Steve will ever quite get over.
“Where’d you go?” Robin presses gently in a whisper, and Steve inhales sharply, almost as if coming back to himself.
He blinks, in a secondary attempt to will away the tears that sit, poised and ready, their pressure mounting behind his eyes, and he promises, again, only more assured this time, “I’m here.” Then, scrubbing at his eyes with the palms of his hands he adds, “I was just…thinking.”
“Well,” Robin starts hesitantly, worrying her teeth over her bottom lip, weighing the consequences of joking at a time like this, “don’t think too hard…you might hurt yourself.”
Steve huffs a single laugh in return, shaking his head against the duvet as he rolls his eyes. Still, he can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth.
“I’m serious.” She needles, feeling better now that Steve seems to be grounded to their present reality, “I don’t know how much more ‘ thinking ’ that brain of yours can handle.”
“So, what I’m hearing you say,” Steve hums, his eyes trailing after Robin as she pushes herself away from the bed, “is that you don’t want me to follow you to RCC in the Fall?”
Robin huffs a laugh of her own this time, her hands held out before her in a silent offering, “You say that like there’s anywhere in this world I could go where you wouldn’t follow.”
“What can I say, Buckley?” He teases, taking Robin’s much smaller hands in his own as he allows her to peel him away from the bed, “You’re stuck with me.”
Robin smiles, and she smooths her hands across Steve’s shoulders, reaching to give the side of his face a playful, albeit somewhat patronizing, pat. “You clean up well, Harrington.” She compliments, pinching the fabric of his shirt between her fingers, and well, it’s not his shirt exactly…
It’d been a gift from Mike and Dustin at Eddie’s funeral:
“We managed to salvage this from Wayne’s trailer.” Dustin had said, holding out the neatly folded Damage Inc. shirt in offering, as they’d reconvened with Steve at his BMW following Eddie’s burial, “It was in a box of Eddie’s things and we figured…he’d probably want you to have it.”
“It reminded us of you.” Mike had agreed, twisting his hands anxiously in the pockets of his leather jacket, “...because of the spike-y bats.”
“I think they’re clubs, actually,” Dustin had amended, “but, yeah, it reminded us of you. I know you aren’t super into Metallica, but, you know…”
What the kids didn’t know, however, was that following Eddie’s death, Steve had driven a couple of towns over, to a record store where he’d bought his first Master of Puppets cassette, and then he’d spent the hour’s drive home just trying to decipher the fucking lyrics. His auditory processing disorder had made the entire endeavor an absolute nightmare, but he’d run that tape into the ground anyway.
It’d been roughly two years after that initial purchase, around the time of the burial, just as things had started to ‘get back to normal,’ when the tape had come unraveled in his car’s tape deck on his way into work; and Robin had left the store unattended just long enough to find Steve crying in his car.
“Steve.” She’d said softly, slipping into the passenger seat with every intention of trying to salvage the tape.
“It’s stupid, Rob.” He’d sobbed, “I’m stupid, it’s--”
“Hey.” Robin had interrupted firmly, “Accidents happen, you’re not stupid, Steve.” Then, turning over the sleeve, the ball of tape strewn across her lap, she’d marveled, “Jesus Christ, Eddie, all of these songs are, like, seven minutes long…”
This, of course, had only made Steve sob harder with the realization, “He played the longest song he knew to give us a fighting chance and we still failed him, Rob.”
Eddie’s shirt is faded now, six years after his passing, weathered by time and wear (and perhaps by Steve’s tears), but it’s still arguably one of the most important articles of clothing Steve owns; next to Eddie’s battle vest, of course, and while neither he nor Robin had been able to salvage the tape, Steve had gone out the next day to buy a replacement.
There’s a knocking at the hotel door that rips Steve from his thoughts and puts a momentary pause on Robin’s gentle preening, and it’s she who leaves his side to answer the door with a perfunctory, “I’m coming!”
“Room Service!” Mike Wheeler greets with a shit eating grin, and beside him, his now boyfriend, Will Byers, rolls his eyes.
“Oh,” Robin teases, already edging the door closed, “we didn’t order anything, thank you.”
Mike, however, is quick to wrap his hand around the door before she can fully shut it in their faces, even in jest, and Steve can see Eddie’s ring—the boar’s head—banded around his middle finger.
They’d all taken pieces of Eddie after he’d died, just simple things to remember him by, one way or another.
In fact, the night of Eddie’s funeral, most of them had filed into Hawkins’ sole tattoo parlor and gotten one or two of Eddie’s bats permanently inked into their skin.
“You know,” Gareth had joked, just as Steve had sat down for his tattoo—opting for only two of the bats inked across his inner forearm, “this would be ten times more authentic if we were all high as shit right now in the middle of Reefer Rick’s kitchen.”
“Reefer Rick did Eddie’s tattoos?” Steve had asked, somewhat numbly as he’d tried to distract himself from the pain—both of losing Eddie, and that of the tattoo gun hammering minutely against his skin.
“Nah, Rick and Eddie knew a guy.” Gareth had shaken his head, and then he’d laughed, “I mean, everyone knew the guy was shit, but…”
Jeff had laughed then too, “Eddie never cared. Do you remember how many times that zombie skull thing got infected?”
Then, Dustin had frowned, his arms wrapped around himself in a sort of self soothing hug on one of the parlor’s benches, “And those bats just…bit them all off.”
There’d been a silence then, that had seemed to stretch between all of them for miles and miles as they’d been forced to remember the sudden gravity of losing their friend, and then, Nancy Wheeler, of all people—who’d gotten the smallest bat tattooed on the outside of her ankle where it was easily covered by a sock—had said, a little distantly, “It’s almost Promethean in punishment.”
“I mean, it’s kind of metal if you think about it…” Mike had hummed, but Steve didn’t want to think about it.
Still doesn’t, if he’s being honest.
“You wore the shirt.” Mike’s saying, as he and Will push into the hotel room, and Steve looks down, his tattoo peeking out from beneath his oversized sleeves, and he doesn’t recognize himself.
“I was trying to be on theme.” He says, ignoring the ugly way his stomach twists at the sight of himself—trying so hard to hang onto the memory of a guy he’d barely had the privilege to know, and never had the privilege to love, even despite all of their ill-fated flirting.
“We’ll have to get you a Corroded Coffin shirt.” Mike says, and he’s got his hand on Steve’s shoulder, gently toying with the fabric like he can still feel Eddie in there somewhere, even underneath all of Steve’s detergent and fabric softener.
“I’d like that.” Steve says, and he means it.
Behind them, Robin pipes up, “And what am I, Wheeler?”
“Chopped liver, I guess.” Mike teases with a lopsided shrug, and Will offers a gentle laugh and a second eye roll beside his boyfriend, as he promises, “I’ll make sure he gets you one too.”
“Are you excited?” Steve asks as he stands, and Mike’s smile only wavers for a second.
“Yeah,” he says, with a false air of confidence, “I mean, it’s bittersweet, you know? It’s our first big gig and…he’s not here.” With that, Will reaches to squeeze his boyfriend’s hand, and Mike laughs awkwardly, like it’ll lessen the sting of Eddie’s absence, “I just…feel like a fraud sometimes, right, like, who am I to get on stage in his place?”
“No.” Robin shakes her head, “Are you kidding? Eddie would be so proud.”
“Eddie is proud.” Will promises, and Steve sometimes wonders if he has a supernatural sense about these kinds of things, or if he’s just the party’s unwavering optimist.
“Those guys wouldn’t let just anyone in the band.” Steve agrees, because he’s gotten to know Gareth, Jeff, and Brett in the wake of Eddie’s passing, and they’re all just as passionate about the music as Eddie had been, if only a smidge less intense.
“I know.” Mike concedes, and Steve hopes he knows his worth.
He hopes all the kids do, even if he can’t always recognize his own.
“The guys are really excited to see you two, by the way.” Mike adds, “They’ve been talking about brunch, like, all week.”
Halfway down Michigan Ave., right before the Art Institute, they’re stopped by a hawker on their way to brunch, trying to push a handmade bracelet on Mike who slows to listen, even despite Steve and Robin’s gentle herding.
“What did I say? Let’s keep moving.” Steve chastises in all of his motherly glory, waving Mike forward as he steps between he and the hawker, ever protective of the kids, grown as they may be.
“I like your shirt,” the hawker says over Steve’s shoulder, “you a big Metallica guy?”
Steve’s jaw clenches.
“Can you name five songs, pretty boy?”
It’s then that Robin grabs Steve’s hand, pulling him away from the conversation as she waves Mike and Will on ahead; and she snipes back over her shoulder as they go, “Can you?”
Steve’s quiet the rest of the way. He’s angry, and he’s upset, and he can name five songs.
He can name more than five.
Amidst everything that had happened with Vecna, when Steve had first heard that Metallica’s tour bus had crashed in Sweden, killing their bassist, just six months after Eddie had passed, he’d broken down on the side of the road in his BMW.
“We weren’t even that close,” he’d cried to Robin one night, after a couple of beers, “but what am I supposed to do with this—this knowing and then the knowing that comes with the realization that I can’t even call him up? I want him to be here and I want him to fucking laugh at me for not knowing that Megadeth was formed after Metallica ousted Mustaine.”
Robin, still, to this day, doesn’t really know what any of that had meant, but she’d held Steve anyways as he’d cried.
And when Metallica had dropped their next album in ‘88, …And Justice for All , Steve, initially, had hated it. He’d hated that Eddie would never hear it, and for a long time, he’d hated that he could never properly articulate that there were just too many lyrics serving as mirrors that had reflected his own grieving.
The first time he’d listened to Dyers Eve in its entirety, he’d taken his bat to the woods behind his house, and he’d just swung. When the nails had finally embedded themselves in one of the trees, he’d given up, a little embarrassed by his temper tantrum, and he’d called Dustin to help dislodge the bat.
They’d had a bonfire that night, and Steve had confided, for the first time, in Dustin just how much Eddie’s death had broken him.
“I think I had a crush on him.” He’d said finally, his eyes glassy with tears as he’d stoked the fire. Then, he’d sniffled, and amended, “I don’t think, I know …and I should have done more.”
“You couldn’t have.” Dustin had replied, his voice broken, “I think about that every night, Steve, there was nothing any of us could have done. He was just…a hero.”
‘ Don’t try to be cute. ’ Steve remembers telling him, and still he wishes he’d said something more, something that would have let Eddie know he’d be waiting for him across the finish line, whatever that was.
When they get to the restaurant, Steve steals a moment to himself in the bathroom, hoping to set himself straight before the rest of the band arrives.
Gareth, and Jeff, and Brett had all warmed to Steve in their own time, and the last thing he needs is for any of them to accuse him of throwing himself a pity party on one of the biggest (and potentially most pivotal) nights of their lives.
Not that any of them would ever say that, of course, but Steve holds a certain amount of anxiety in matters concerning Eddie’s friends. He can’t possibly compare, in a way, to the time and the years they’d spent with Eddie, so much so that it’s like Mike had said, he feels like a fraud in his own grief.
How should he be allowed to grieve, even six years later, when others had known him better, known him longer, known him more fully than Steve would ever have the privilege? It’s not fair, but then again, death seldom is.
When he returns to the table, a shell of his former self, save his hair, the only remnant of the person he’d been in high school, there’s a waitress taking down drink orders.
“We’re still waiting on three.” Robin says politely, as she looks over the menu.
“Are you guys celebrating anything today?”
Mike opens his mouth; tomorrow is Will’s birthday.
“No.” Will says gently, as he reaches for Mike’s hand under the table, “We’re just…remembering someone today.”
Steve nods quietly, and as the waitress takes her leave, he pretends he isn’t jealous, pretends it doesn’t hurt sometimes that Mike and Will got everything he and Eddie never would.
Sometimes, Steve thinks, he can’t help but be jealous of Mike and Will’s relationship. He’d never openly admit to that though, in fear of hurting their feelings, and so he buries his head in his menu, hoping it’ll dull the pain.
He’s done a lot of that in the past six years, just hoping the pain goes away, and sometimes it does, if even just for a moment.
“I know you guys got in kind of late last night,” Will starts, conversationally, “did you do anything touristy?”
“We got hotdogs.” Robin says with a shrug, “There was a stand right across from the hotel, and…Steve had no idea that ketchup was practically illegal here.”
“Oh, yeah.” Mike laughs, “That’s kind of a big no-no here, but…rookie mistake, you know now you know for next time, right?”
“Right.” Steve hums, settling on a skillet for his breakfast, and hoping that ketchup isn’t illegal for all of Chicago’s food items, but rather just the hotdogs.
“How long are you guys in Chicago?” Robin asks.
“Oh, we’re only here for the weekend.” Mike explains, “We’re gonna do a memorial show in Hawkins later this week and we’re hoping, you know, that maybe Dustin, Lucas, Max, and El can make that one.”
“Don’t worry.” Robin smiles, “If there’s anyone who can rally the troops it’s Steve.”
She reaches to squeeze Steve’s shoulder and he smiles, echoing a second, far away, “Right.”
Then, just as he’s reaching for his water, in an attempt to to ground himself to the present, he hears it, Tom Petty’s voice crooning over the restaurant’s speakers:
“Eddie waited ‘till he finished high school, he went to Hollywood, got a tattoo...”
“Steve?” Will frowns from the opposite side of the table, and that’s when Steve realizes just a moment too late that he’s spilled water down the front of Eddie’s shirt.
“Fuck.” He breathes, and he sets his glass down on the table as he takes to the water spot with a napkin.
“...she had a guitar and she taught him some chords, the sky was the limit…”
“I’m sorry.” Steve frowns, pushing himself away from the table, and he gestures loosely towards the bathroom, “I’m just gonna--”
“Steve?” Robin frowns, trying to catch his wrist as he goes, but he’s in too much of a hurry to put as much space between he and Tom Petty as he possibly can, despite the way the music follows him through the crowded cafe. At the last second, Steve bails on the bathroom, barreling straight through the entrance and onto the city street, and even then, he can still hear Petty sing:
“...the papers said Ed always played from the heart, he got an agent and a roadie named Bart, they made a record and it went in the charts…”
Steve’s chest is tight, and there’s an ugly sob crawling its way up his throat he can’t quite break. He’s pretty sure he’s gathered several onlookers in the past twenty seconds, but his fingers are going numb and he can’t catch his breath.
“Steve?” Gareth asks, appearing seemingly out of nowhere as he steadies the older boy on the unfamiliar sidewalk.
“I’m going to pass out.” Steve returns by way of greeting, and Gareth’s eyebrows knit together in concern as the music rings in Steve’s ears.
“...his leather jacket had chains that would jingle…”
“There’s a bench right over here.” Gareth says, taking a step backwards in the hopes that Steve will follow, and he does, until the dam breaks, and Steve finds himself emptying his stomach into the nearest trash can as all of Eddie’s bandmates look on.
“...into the great wide open, under the skies of blue, out in the great wide open, a rebel without a clue…”
“Why don’t you guys go in?” Gareth says softly, ushering Jeff and Brett towards the cafe as Steve dry heaves over the trash can a second time, Gareth rubbing gentle circles into his back.
“I’m so sorry.” Steve whispers, thoroughly embarrassed, and it feels, for the first time in six years, like all of his grief is coming to an ugly head.
“For what?” Gareth asks, “Being human?”
“For…appropriating your friend.” Steve amends, pulling away from the trash can to survey the damage, hoping the only thing wetting Eddie’s shirt is indeed the water he’d spilled.
Gareth laughs softly then, “Dude, Eddie’s memory doesn’t belong to any one of us, and I can’t claim to know what happened between you two, I still don’t fully understand all of it myself, but…what you’ve done for us, perhaps without even realizing it, Jeff, Brett and I couldn't be more grateful. I mean, Eddie would be floored, probably.”
“I’m serious,” Gareth continues at Steve’s look of confusion, “I mean, Eddie probably wouldn’t have even done half the things you’ve done. All of the rides to gigs, cold-calling venues, we never told you not to do it because…you were keeping Eddie alive, but, man, Eddie and I would get in a tiff over something stupid and he’d make me drive myself , or, before I had a car, he’d make me walk, just for the drama of it all, and we put up with all of the theatrics and the bullshit ‘cause we loved the guy, but…he wasn’t without fault. We might’ve never made it out of Hawkins if it weren’t for you…when the Hideout split in two and Eddie died, we figured, you know, we’d had a good run, and then you—as Eddie would say— shepherded Mike into becoming our front man, and you gave Will a place in Hellfire. You didn’t have to do any of that. I know it’s not your scene, man.”
Steve’s crying again, his lower lip trembling and his shoulders shaking as he tries to keep a full-bodied sob at bay and Gareth’s hugging him, even despite his having just vomited on the streets of Chicago, “You’re a good guy, Steve.”
“I miss him.” Steve admits into Gareth’s shoulder, “And I never really got to know him.”
Gareth pulls away, hands still holding Steve’s arms as he looks him over, “Didn’t you, though? Maybe not in the way you would have liked, but…”
He moves, gesturing loosely towards Steve, “You listen to his music—and not just the music he liked, but the stuff he wanted the world to hear—and you wear his clothes, and you have his shitty tattoos. I mean, that’s how I remember Eddie.”
Steve’s eyes are wet as he sniffles, “I think I had a crush on him.”
“I know.” Gareth admits, and he blinks away tears of his own, “I think everyone who knew Eddie probably did at some point, but…the things the kids say Eddie said about you, those couple days that you guys grew closer, I think he probably did too…the two of you are kind of magnetic like that.”
Steve lets out a wet laugh and Gareth hugs him again, and as they stand there, holding one another on the streets of Chicago, Gareth whispers in his ear, “It was Petty wasn’t it? Song came out a couple months ago and it gets me everytime.”
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A Helping Hand
Summary: You start your period, but Rich and Rob are there to help
Warnings: None Pairing: Richard Speight/You
Main Masterlist
It’s one of those days.
The kind of day where you wish you could curl up into a ball and disappear under a mountain of blankets, hoping the world would just pause for a moment. But instead, you’re stuck on the couch, wearing your comfiest pajamas, a heating pad pressed against your lower abdomen, trying to manage the relentless cramps that refuse to let up. You stare at your phone screen, your thumb hovering over the contact icon for Richard. He’s been filming all day, busy with his latest project, and you hate to interrupt him. But the chocolate craving has become almost unbearable, and there’s none left in the house. Taking a deep breath, you type out a quick message:
You: Hey babe, sorry to bother you… Do you think you could grab some chocolate on your way home?
You hit send and drop the phone onto your lap, closing your eyes as you try to focus on anything but the pain. The sound of the ticking clock in the living room seems louder than usual, almost mocking you with each passing second. A few minutes later, your phone buzzes with Richard’s reply. You glance at the screen and can’t help but smile.
Richard: Hey sweetheart, you’re not bothering me at all. I’m stuck on set for a few more hours though. But I’ve got an idea. Let me handle it, okay?
You raise an eyebrow, curious but also a little confused. What does he mean by “handle it”? You don’t have to wait long for an explanation.
Richard: I’m sending Rob over to keep you company and bring you that chocolate. He’s picking it up now and should be there soon. Sound good?
The thought of seeing Rob, your best friend, and practically your brother, instantly lifts your spirits. You quickly text Richard back.
You: That sounds perfect. Thank you, babe. Love you.
Richard: Love you too. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?
You: Will do.
With that settled, you lean back against the couch, feeling a bit more at ease. Knowing that Rob will be there soon makes the day seem a little less daunting. You and Rob have always been close, sharing a bond that’s as strong as if you were siblings. Whenever Richard is busy, Rob is the one who steps in to keep you company, making sure you’re never alone when you need someone the most. As you wait, you find yourself getting lost in memories of the countless times Rob has been there for you. Whether it’s cheering you up with one of his silly jokes or just sitting in comfortable silence, his presence has always been a source of comfort.
A soft knock on the door pulls you out of your thoughts. You glance at the clock and realize it’s only been about fifteen minutes since you last texted Richard. Rob must have dropped everything to get here as quickly as possible. A smile tugs at your lips as you slowly get up, wrapping your blanket around your shoulders before making your way to the door. When you open it, you’re greeted by the sight of Rob, standing there with a big grin on his face and a bag of chocolate in his hand.
“Did someone order a chocolate delivery?” he asks with a playful wink, holding the bag out to you.
You laugh, feeling a wave of affection for him. “You’re a lifesaver, Rob. Seriously.”
“Anything for my favorite sister-in-law,” he teases, stepping inside as you move aside to let him in.
“Please, you know I’m more like your sister than your sister-in-law,” you retort, closing the door behind him. “And don’t think I didn’t notice the chocolate. What’d you bring me?”
He hands you the bag, and you peek inside to find an assortment of your favorite chocolates—dark chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate-covered almonds, and even a couple of your favorite chocolate bars.
“Figured I’d cover all the bases,” he says with a grin, shrugging as if it’s no big deal. But you know how thoughtful he is, how he always pays attention to the little details that make a big difference.
“This is perfect,” you say sincerely, your heart warming at the gesture. “Thank you.”
“Anytime,” he says, kicking off his shoes and heading towards the living room. “Now, I’m thinking we get you settled back on the couch and dive into whatever trashy reality TV show you’ve been binging. Sound good?”
You follow him, the bag of chocolate clutched to your chest like a treasure. “How did you know?”
He chuckles as he plops down onto the couch, making himself comfortable. “I know you better than you know yourself, remember?”
“Fair enough,” you concede, sitting down beside him and pulling the blanket back over your lap. You toss him one of the smaller chocolate bars from the bag before tearing open one for yourself. “Let’s do this.”
As the show plays in the background, you and Rob settle into the familiar rhythm of your friendship. He’s right; there’s something comforting about having him here, sharing in the simple pleasures of chocolate and mindless entertainment. The cramps are still there, but they seem more manageable with him around.
“By the way,” Rob says after a while, “Rich said to make sure you drink plenty of water too. So I’m not just here for the chocolate delivery—I’m also on hydration duty.”
You roll your eyes playfully but reach for the glass of water on the coffee table. “You two are too much.”
“He just wants to make sure you’re okay,” Rob says, his tone softening. “We both do.”
“I know,” you reply, taking a sip of water. “And I appreciate it. I really do. It’s just… some days are harder than others, you know?”
“Yeah, I get that,” Rob says, reaching out to squeeze your hand gently. “But that’s why you’ve got us. We’re here to make the hard days a little easier.”
You squeeze his hand back, feeling a surge of gratitude for the support system you have in your life. “I’m really lucky to have you guys.”
“We’re the lucky ones,” Rob says with a grin, trying to lighten the mood again. “You keep us on our toes, that’s for sure.”
You laugh, grateful for his efforts to make you smile. “I’m glad I can keep things interesting.”
The two of you continue watching TV, sharing the occasional joke or comment about the absurdity of whatever is happening on screen. After a while, you feel the tension in your body starts to ease, and the cramps finally begin to subside. Whether it’s the chocolate, the heating pad, or just the comfort of having Rob here, you’re not sure. But you’re thankful all the same. At some point, you realize that you’ve leaned your head against Rob’s shoulder, feeling drowsy as the exhaustion from the day starts to catch up with you. He doesn’t seem to mind, though, simply adjusting his position so you’re more comfortable.
“You know,” Rob says quietly, not wanting to disturb your peace, “if you want to take a nap, I’m happy to hang out here until Rich gets back.”
You hesitate for a moment, not wanting to seem like you’re brushing him off, but the thought of closing your eyes for a little while is tempting. “Are you sure? I don’t want to bore you.”
He chuckles softly, his voice filled with affection. “You could never bore me. Besides, I’m perfectly happy to just chill here. You know I’m not going anywhere.”
You smile, feeling a wave of warmth at his words. “Thanks, Rob.”
“Anytime,” he says again, and you can hear the sincerity in his voice. With that reassurance, you let yourself relax fully, closing your eyes and sinking into the comfort of the couch, the blanket, and Rob’s steady presence beside you. You drift off slowly, feeling safe and cared for, knowing that you’re not alone in this.
When you wake up, the room is dimly lit, the soft glow of the lamps casting a warm light around the living room. You blink groggily, realizing that you’ve been asleep for a little while. The TV is still on, though the show has long since finished. You glance to your side and see that Rob is still there, though he’s now holding his phone, scrolling through something with one hand while his other hand rests gently on the back of the couch near your head. He looks up when he notices you stirring, offering you a gentle smile.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” he says softly. “Feeling any better?”
You nod, still a bit groggy but definitely feeling more rested. “Yeah, I think so. Thanks for staying.”
“Of course,” he says as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. “Rich texted me a little while ago. He’s on his way home now. Should be here in about ten minutes.”
“That’s good,” you say, sitting up and stretching. “I’m glad he’s almost done for the day.”
“Me too,” Rob agrees, turning off the TV with the remote. “But I’m glad I got to spend some time with you. It’s been a while since we’ve had one of our hangouts.”
“Yeah, it has,” you say with a smile. “We should do this more often. Just, you know, maybe without the cramps next time.”
“Deal,” he says with a laugh. “I’m always up for a chocolate and TV session.”
You both settle into a comfortable silence, enjoying the easy camaraderie that comes so naturally between you. It’s moments like these that remind you how lucky you are to have such supportive friends—and a loving husband who goes out of his way to make sure you’re taken care of. Before long, you hear the sound of the front door opening, followed by Richard’s voice calling out from the hallway.
“I’m home!” he announces, his voice echoing through the house. “And I brought dinner.”
You stand up and make your way to the door to greet him, feeling a mix of relief and happiness at his return. Richard steps into the living room, his face lighting up when he sees you.
“There you are,” he says, crossing the room to wrap you in a warm hug. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better, thanks to you and Rob,” you reply, hugging him tightly. “You both are amazing.”
Richard pulls back slightly, looking at you with a loving smile. “I’m just glad you’re feeling better. I didn’t want to leave you alone all day.”
Rob stands up, giving Richard a friendly pat on the back. “Well, we made sure she was well taken care of.”
“I can see that,” Richard says, his eyes full of appreciation. “Thank you for stepping in, Rob. It means a lot.”
“No problem,” Rob says, waving it off with a grin. “Anytime.”
Richard turns his attention back to you, his expression softening. “Let’s get you some food. I know you haven’t eaten much today.”
You nod, feeling a bit sheepish but also grateful for his care. “That sounds great. I’m starving.”
As the three of you head to the kitchen, the feeling of warmth and contentment settles over you. The day might have started out rough, but with Richard and Rob by your side, you know you can handle anything.
0 notes
victoriouscabaret · 3 months
Every Single Song I've Posted Here Since 2013
Under the cut - I'll make a Spotify playlist to pin soon <3
The Space of Your Mind - Black Mountain
Annabel Lee - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Skinny Love - Birdy
Femme Fatale - The Velvet Underground
Crystal Ship - The Doors
Pale Blue Eyes - The Velvet Underground
Fault Line - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Our Brave New World - The Dolly Rocker Movement
When You're Evil - Aurelio Voltaire
The Power of Love - Huey Lewis & The News
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
So Sister - The Verve
Burn The Witch - Queens of The Stone Age
We Rise Again - Gogol Bordello
Dragula - Rob Zombie
Burnin' For You - Blue Oyster Cult
Sundrenched World - Joshua Radin
Like A Bad Girl Should - The Cramps
Beat The Devil's Tattoo - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Lasagna - The Knife
Am I Only - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Walk On The Wild Side - Lou Reed
Gobbledigook - Sigur Ros
This Is Halloween (Music Box Version)
Death Is The Road To Awe - Clint Mansell
Video Games - Kasabian
See My Vest - Mr. C.M. Burns
Heroes - David Bowie
Oh Comely - Neutral Milk Hotel
Abattoir Blues - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
One Way To Go - The Verve
Heat Of The Moment - Asia
Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley
Strange And Beautiful - Aqualung
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me - The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine
Boys Don't Cry - The Cure
Lux Aeterna - Clint Mansell
West Coast - Coconut Records
Something To Do With My Hands - Her Space Holiday
Super-Sonic - The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Teardrop - Massive Attack
Institutionalized - Suicidal Tendencies
She Did A Lot Of Acid - Neutral Milk Hotel
Stagger Lee - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde
Cell Block Tango (He Had It Coming) - Chicago
U Angel U - Elvis Depressedly
Sweet Come Down - The Black Ryder
Outside - The Black Ryder
Stranger Than Kindness - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Nick The Stripper - The Birthday Party
The Killing Type - Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra
Exile Vilify - The National
This Mess We're In - PJ Harvey & Thom Yorke
It Girl - The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Bad Wine And Lemon Cake - The Jane Austen Argument
Champagne Supernova - Oasis
Criminal - Fiona Apple
Pepper - Butthole Surfers
Club Foot - Kasabian
Your Funeral, My Trial - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Blackberry Stone - Laura Marling
All Flowers In Time Bend Towards The Sun - Jeff Buckley and Elizabeth Fraser
When Doves Cry - Prince
Love Cats - The Cure
Avalanche - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Silver Coin - Angus & Julia Stone
Dickhead - Kate Nash
Fable Theme - Danny Elfman & Russell Shaw
Bigger On The Inside - Amanda Palmer
The Sweetest Embrace - Barry Adamson (featuring Nick Cave)
Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5
Be My Baby - The Ronettes
Strength Through Music - Amanda Palmer
Strawberry Gashes - Jack Off Jill
Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was - Radiohead
Across The Stars - Richard Jones
Pavlov's Daughter - Regina Spektor
Briony - Dario Marianelli
Clone High Theme - Abandoned Pools
Phoenix - The Jane Austen Argument
Babe, You Turn Me On - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Lost Elf Theme - Trevor Morris
Hero - Regina Spektor
Crimson And Clover - Teho Teardro, Blixa Bargeld
Necessary Evil - The Dresden Dolls
Charmless Man - Blur
Enchanting Ghost - Sufjan Stevens
Enjoy The Silence - Depeche Mode
The Show Must Go On - Queen
Magneto - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Skeleton Tree - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Another Year: A Short History Of Nearly Something - Amanda Palmer
Samson - Regina Spektor
Princess Leia's Theme - John Williams
Take A Look At My Girlfriend - Supertramp
IDFC (Acoustic) - Blackbear
Age Of Consent - New Order
I'll Make A Man Out Of You - Mulan
House Of Cards - Radiohead
In My Time Of Dying - Led Zeppelin
Work Song - Hozier
Blake Says - Amanda Palmer
I Found A Reason - Cat Power
Satisfied Mind - Jeff Buckley
The Beauty's Wicked Wiles - Masayoshi Soken
Holes - The Jane Austen Argument
Shiola - Murder By Death
Love Me Dead - Ludo
2018: Nothing - I abandoned tumblr and did a lot of healing lol
My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
Vacation - Vitamin C
The Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie
2021: Nothing - still not feeling tumblr
2022: Nothing - still getting my shit together
2023: Nothing - it's a process, okay?
Wild God - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Angel Of The Morning - Juice Newton
Let Me Teach You How To Eat - Reverend Horton Heat
Whatever (I Had A Dream) - Butthole Surfers
Black Me Out - Against Me!
Junkyard - The Birthday Party
Body Like A Back Road - JVZEL
Sleeping Late - Doctor Hook & The Medicine Show
Rabbit Will Run - Iron & Wine
Josh - Peach PRC
Spine - Myrkur
Lazy Bones - Joel Plaskett
John Finn's Wife (Live) - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Radicals - Matthew Good
Psycho - Eddie Noack
KD and Lunch Meat - Boy Golden
Be Gay, Do Drugs, Hail Satan - Super Cassette
Tempel - Colour Haze
When The Trickster Starts A-Poking - Gogol Bordello
My Backwards Walk - Frightened Rabbit
Let's Roll Just Like We Used To - Kasabian
Haunted Cathouse - Nekromantix
Alice's Restaurant Massacre - Arlo Guthrie
Welcome To: - Ani Difranco
Lost River - Murder By Death
I Found A Reason - The Velvet Underground
Son Of Yule - Jex Thoth
Dark Solas Theme - Trevor Morris
A Million Deaths - Fleshgod Apocalypse
Places We Won't Walk - Bruno Major
Let The Day Begin - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
My Friends - Laura Marling
Walk Like A Zombie - Horrorpops
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica
Death Death (Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil Song) - Aurelio Voltaire
We Call Upon The Author - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I'm Blue - The's
Delicate Petite & Other Things I'll Never Be - Against Me!
Frogs - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Tower Of Song - Leonard Cohen
I Am The Antichrist To You - Kishi Bashi
Desire 126 - Hollerado
My Boy Builds Coffins - Florence & The Machine
Maniac - Carpenter Brut
Black Water - Timber Timbre
Slow It Down (Live) - The Lumineers
4 Minute Warning - Radiohead
The Ballad of Lucy Jordan - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show
Devil Like Me - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft - Klaatu
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo - -Bloodhound Gang
Clap Hands - Tom Waits
The Lyre of Orpheus - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Two Little Girls - Ani Difranco
Mediocrity Rules - Le Tigre
A Bar Song (Tipsy) - Shaboozey
Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles
Where The Wild Roses Grow (Blixa Version) - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Nita - Pezz
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amberjazmyn · 7 months
skin to skin
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - skin to skin
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - ulitmate fluff, dad x misha, just really adorable so nothing sad 
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 -misha's wife, evanna, has just given birth to the newest member of the collins' and extended spn family. their first daughter and misha arrives just in the knick of time despite missing the birth. evanna though couldn't be mad as misha was still there before the sun set.  
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - like i say every time, i have nothing at all against misha's wife vicki, from what i heard she's a stunning, very intelligent and amazing mother and wife to her husband two beautiful kids, maison and west. however, for the purpose of this story, vicki is with another man which also means that unfortunately, maison and west don't exist. 
- - - 
"...she's gorgeous evanna..." 
you smiled at the tiny bundle of joy that you had just introduced to the world. looking from your newborn daughter to jared & jensen, their wives, matt, richard & rob and the two marks, you all wondered where misha, your husband and baby daddy was. 
hoping that wherever he was, he wasn't too far, "...isn't she just gen?" you were in awe at how small your baby girl was whilst also in utter shock that you had an entire human come out of you
"what's her name?" rob questions, speaking ever so softly and calmly knowing too much noise and excitement would be too much - not just for the bubba but for you as well
"good question rob, we have some names but i'll wait for misha...that is when he gets--" 
"--evanna, babe, i am so sorry i-" 
"-i...she's here!" 
just before you could finish your sentence, misha rushes in sending his apologies. he then notices the little girl that was now wide awake in your arms as she made direct eye contact with her daddy. he pauses in his tracks, his speech pausing as well. misha then finished his sentence as you nodded your head, the biggest smile on your face as misha started to shake his head as a smile grew on his face. 
his baby was finally here but, he had missed the birth entirely. what a great first impression that is to the midwives, right? no we're not doing that, they all knew the reason why misha missed the birth but, he still kicked himself from missing the birth of his own first daughter due to a stupid meeting that easily could have waited until after the birth. especially due to you and bubba being his first priority but no, not this time apparently. however, you couldn't be mad at him, no one could because, he still made it within baby's first twenty-four hours of being born. and, he still had input in naming the baby and holding her before anyone else. besides, this was the first time that he wasn't present with anything regards baby girl so, it was no problem at all that he missed the birth since he was around for everything else. 
"...you wanna hold her, mish?" you finally spoke up, the silence being disrupted as misha's eyes widen
"are you sure?" he questions nervously as you nod your head 
"i'm sure love, she's your baby too. also, i still haven't named her just in case you didn't like the name i chose," you smiled, handing your little girl over to misha as he gives you a confused look that makes the hospital room erupt into laughter
"she still doesn't have a name yet?" misha questions, his questioning face being the centre of the laughter as you nodded your head
"yeah...i wasn't sure if you'd like the name that i had in mind..." you trailed off as misha looks up from his little bundle of joy to his first bundle of joy
"...you don't know that, tell me. what did you have in mind?" misha questions as you smile shyly, taking a piece of hair behind your ear 
misha watched, not able to tear his away from the baby girl that his wife had just given birth to as you responded. 
"evangelina genevieve collins..." you trailed off shyly as a smile develops onto misha's face as his eyes tear up 
you get shy again as misha takes your hand in his whilst still holding onto his little girl as he smiles at hearing the name suggestion. 
 "...evangelina genevieve sounds absolutely perfect darling!" misha smiles before his attention is taken back to his little girl
"hey evangelina genevieve, it's me, your daddy. i love you so much my love. i'm sorry i got here so late but, i'm here now and that's what matters and it'll be the last time i'll ever be late for you. i'll always make sure you are the most important thing, no matter what happens! i love you forever my dear little evangelina..." misha whispered as that's when evangelina's eyes opened 
a small smile forms on the newborn's face as misha sheds a singular tear, shock flowing through his bloodstream as you just watched, struggling to keep your eyes open since you were so exhausted from all the pushing and screaming. 
"...evangelina genevieve is a gorgeous name, what made you choose that name?" sarah, evanna's midwife asks as evanna makes herself comfortable
she also tried to stay awake as she smiled at her husband and daughter in the corner before looking up to respond to sarah's question. 
"evangelina is the character i play on supernatural and genevieve is my sister's first name..." evanna smiles, holding her hand out for gen padalecki, her older sister
her older sister who was still coming to terms with the fact that her baby sister had named her firstborn after her.
"aw, that's beautiful, evanna. i'm sure that said older sister is very happy about that?" sarah smiles, in the direction of gen as she giggles tearfully
"yeah, it's a gorgeous name and, the meaning is even more gorgeous," gen spoke softly as her husband and evanna's brother-in-law, jared, rubbed her back in comfort 
they then noticed jensen, rob, matt, the two marks and misha with evangelina. they were all doting over the newborn baby as evanna found herself laughing at her husband and best friends. 
"...evangelina, you've definitely got your daddy wrapped around your little finger for the rest of your life..." 
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- - - 
ok, this was way too adorable and, i think i'm gonna have misha and evanna replace natalya.  
ok ily bye xx
word count; 1091
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libidomechanica · 1 year
But in the thick as having equal
Fortune as we will be no spices     want to refer a fine from the soil, and in, surface     and his nose ancient trees
and groned, Alack, Alack, or     lose to love away. With reverence, an’ I’ll come: of parts,     we mought he least be sitting
that harmonious care to     the glow so orders, dart: within the right of satin and     God made there in our exit
and know. When approve fair hair.     Raise be Thine own finger tips; and feed until I noticed     youth shoulders, if rather
apron. But in the thick as having     equal dividends or fresh Paradise, and wonder     when then not be mended:
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sad bed of dark secret shall come     to vaine thought, blind worth destruction in that very nape of     her other valentine.
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 21, 2022)
23:56 CHUCK LOEB - Cotton Club 23:52 SAM LEVINE - I'll Be Home For Christmas 23:48 FRANK SUTTON - Rain Serenade 23:44 BONEY JAMES - Maker Of Love 23:40 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sticky Wicked 23:34 GEORGE JINDA - Deep as The Night 23:31 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Stille Nacht 23:27 EARNEST WALKER JR - Chandelle Drive 23:24 MARCUS ANDERSON - Cup Of Joe 23:18 EUGE GROOVE - Straight Up 23:13 SPECIAL EFX - Garden of Eden 23:08 DR. SAXLOVE - It Came Upon A Midnight Clear 23:05 NICK COLIONNE - Uncle Nick 23:00 JAY KING - Soulful Bossa Nova 22:58 BARCLAY & CREAM - You're Not Alone (Alexander Metzger Mix) 22:53 JEAN MARE - Just Equality (Electro Downbeat Mix) 22:49 MENZI - Zug Nach Nirgendwo 22:45 MARGA SOL - What I Need 22:43 HARDWELL, COLLIN McLOUGHLIN - Call Me A Spaceman (Unplugged Version) 22:39 SLEEPTHIEF, ZOE JOHNSTON - Alice's Door (Nicholas Gunn Remix) 22:33 ANTURAGE - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough (Original Mix) 22:28 ASTRID SURYANTO - Distant Bar (Original Mix) 22:24 ERNESTO - Reelin' 22:20 RICHARD MARX - Right Here Waiting 22:16 SMOMA - Secret 22:10 ASHENI - Only Magic (Chris Wonderful Remix) 22:06 GUSHI, RAFFUNK - Travel (Lemongrass Couch Remix) 22:02 ORJAN NILSEN - Drink To Forget (Original Chill Out Mix) 21:59 JES - Stronger 21:54 ANDY MOOR, ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, GABRIELA - World To Turn 21:50 ELLIE GOULDING - Heartbeats (Cosmonaut Grechko Edit) 21:46 BOYCHILD, SOUNDMOUSE - Counting What Ifs (Original Mix) 21:38 BANCO DE GAIA - Tempra (Original Mix) 21:33 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Angels 21:28 BLANK & JONES - Pura Vida (Radio Mix) 21:20 DELIRIUM, SARAH MCLACHLAN - Silence (Michael Woods Mix) 21:16 NAOKI KENJI - Maripri 21:12 LINKIN PARK - New Divide (Lukas Termena Chillout Mix) 21:07 THOMAS LEMMER, LENA BELGART - Is It Too Late (Original Album Mix) 21:02 MICHAEL E - Promise 20:57 LEO DE LA ROSA - Sweet 20:52 DELERIUM, SARAH McLACHLAN - Silence (Acoustic Mix) 20:46 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 20:42 LOUNGE GROOVE AVENUE - By My Side 20:38 SUSANA, DARK MATTERS - Sleepless Ocean (Extended Mix) 20:33 CONJURE ONE - Sleep 20:28 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 20:24 LIVING ROOM - Teneriffe 07 20:18 BRIAN CULBERTSON - The Look 20:14 KENNY G - My Heart Will Go On 20:09 SARAH BRIGHTMAN - Beautiful 20:05 ANDY MOOR, HYSTERIA! - Leave Your World Behind (Album Mix) 20:02 HEADSTRONG, SHELLEY HARLAND - Here In The Dark 19:58 BEAMY - Jasmine 19:53 CHRISTIAN BURNS, MARCO V - Frozen Heart (Acoustic Version) 19:50 ANDREA SAENZ, ROBOTS MEMORY - Straightblocks (Unplugged Mix) 19:47 MASHTI, JEAN VON BADEN - Waiting 19:41 TONY IGY - Astronomia (Chillout Mix) 19:37 SARAH MENESCAL - Don't Speak (Reggae Version) 19:32 MARC PUIG, MARIA COLLADO - To Forget Me 19:28 AURORA - Where Would You Go When It Starts To Rain (Original Mix) 19:21 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Pont Notre Name (original mix) 19:17 KENNY FONTANA - Wonderful Life (Cafe Buddha Del Mar Bar Mix As Made Famous By Hurts) 19:13 JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, AUDREY GALLAGHER - Big Sky (Acoustic Mix) 19:07 MAN IN A ROOM, CIVILIAN - Night Mail 19:02 MARGA SOL - What We Had 18:57 JEROME ISMA-AE - Underwater Love 18:51 DASH BERLIN - Till The Sky Falls Down (Monokini Beach Mix) 18:47 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 18:44 CLAES ROSEN, NATALIE PERIS - Stay (Original Mix) 18:41 ROB NUNJES - Smells Like Teen Spirit 18:36 HEIKO - Miles Away 18:30 SUNLONGER, KYLER ENGLAND - Change Your Mind (Chill Version) 18:25 SMOOTH DELUXE - Dream Of Insomnia 18:19 THE THRILLSEEKERS - Synaesthesia (Solarsoul Chilled Remix) 18:14 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA - Crawling 18:10 ATB, AMURAI - Love & Light (Downtempo Mix) 18:07 JAMES BUTLER - Dinner For Two 18:02 FUNKAGENDA - Breakwater (Violet Oversoul Mix) 17:57 JEFFERY SMITH - Groovin' (That's What I Like) 17:53 NEAL DAVIS - Joy To The World 17:47 KEITH MASON - The Sabbath 17:41 GEORGE JINDA - Deep as The Night 17:37 NATE WHITE - Ducie's Groove 17:32 FRANK MCCOMB - Just Ride 17:28 CANDY DULFER - Smooth 17:23 BROOKE ALFORD - Christmas Time Is Here 17:19 SLIM GAMBILL - Boom 17:15 ATTILA ZAVODI - Beetle by the Road 17:10 FRANK PIOMBO - Luv Dat Smooth Latte (Nicos Theme) 17:06 DON VINO - They Were Here (Feat. Vicky Sampson) 17:00 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - The Alhambra 16:56 DESMOND MEYER - Lickamore 16:52 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Litmus Test 16:47 EUGE GROOVE - To The Nines 16:43 RHYTHM JETS - Do You Hear What I Hear 16:38 KEN NAVARRO - Time And Love 16:35 JEFF LORBER FUSION - Mind Reader 16:29 MARCUS ANDERSON - White Christmas 16:25 KARLA LEAL - Wait and See 16:20 CAROL ALBERT - For the Moment (feat. Paul Brown) 16:17 THREESTYLE - Desert Moon 16:12 CHRIS GODBER - West Coast Soul 16:09 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Carol of the Bells 16:04 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - Never Let You Go 16:00 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Purity 15:55 JOYCE COOLING - Another Time 15:51 SPECIAL EFX - Night Shift 15:47 JOEL DEL ROSARIO - Sunrise on the Sunset 15:42 DONALD HAYES - About You 15:40 NICK DUKAS - Rockin Around the Christmas Tree 15:36 TIM BOWMAN - Heart & Soul 15:32 PEET PROJECT - Bizd magad most ram 15:28 CAROL NETHEN - Silent Night 15:24 WAYMAN TISDALE - Let's Do It Again 15:21 DAVE KOZ - Yesterday 15:16 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - Silk 15:12 NICK COLIONNE - Romantic Nites 15:08 NILS - Snow Outside My Window 15:03 GINO ROSARIA - Gentle Touch 15:00 GARY PALMER - To the Top 14:56 CHIELI MINUCCI - Shine 14:52 DAVID DAVIS - Back & Forth 14:48 KEITH ANDREW - East Peak 14:44 FRANCESCO DIGILIO - O Little Town of Bethlehem 14:40 PETER WHITE - Lovely Day 14:35 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Keepin' It Real 14:30 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Angels We Have Heard On High 14:25 EVERETT B WALTERS - Chuck's Chunky Fried Chicken Shack 14:20 KEIKO MATSUI - A Night With Cha Cha from Soul Quest 14:16 JIM ADKINS - Time With You 14:12 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Keepin' the Groove On 14:08 SYLVIA BENNETT - A Rainbow Christmas 14:04 EUGE GROOVE - All For You 14:00 CHRISTOPHE GOZE - Bossa Roma 13:56 JEFF RYAN - Sweet Spot 13:52 PATRICK YANDALL - Yearning for Your Love 13:49 WALTER BEASLEY - Barack's Groove 13:44 BRIAN SIMPSON - All That Matters 13:40 ABAIR, VINCENR INGALA, LINDSEY WEBSTER, ADAM HAWLEY - I Can't Wait For Christmas 13:36 CHRIS GODBER - Upward and Onward 13:32 RANDY SCOTT - Step 13:30 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - White Christmas 13:26 MARCO ALBANI - Freedom (feat. Martino Onorato, Umberto Vitiello) 13:22 DARREN RAHN - Free To Be Me 13:18 No One Else Would Ever Do (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Dw3) 13:12 GEORGE BENSON - Breezin' 13:08 OLI SILK - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 13:04 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Now Or Never 13:00 NORMAN BROWN - I Won't Hurt You 12:55 JACKIEM JOYNER - Back To Motown 12:51 MIKAEL - Trippin Over You 12:47 DARRIUS JAMAR - Missing You 12:44 DAVE KOZ - The First Noel 12:39 ADAM HAWLEY - Hello (Feat. Kat Hawley) 12:34 NICK COLIONNE - Is This Love I'm Feeling 12:30 NILS - Merry Merry Christmas 12:26 JEREMY HECTOR - Finally Home 12:22 DREW DAVIDSEN - I Can't Help It (feat. Bobby Lyle) 12:18 WAYMAN TISDALE - Watch Me Play Again (feat. Robert Wilson from The Gap Band) 12:14 PIECES OF A DREAM - In Too Deep 12:09 HERB ALPERT - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 12:04 PETER WHITE - What's Going On 12:00 ZACH BRIDGES - These Hands 11:56 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Lover 11:52 STEVE OLIVER - Long Road 11:48 BEN TANKARD - My Favorite Things 11:43 UNDER THE LAKE - This One Too 11:39 JIM ADKINS - Into The Storm 11:34 CAROL NETHEN - O Holy Night 11:29 KIM SCOTT - Butterfly 11:24 KAYLA WATERS - Heaven Said (vocal) 11:18 DAVID PETROSYAN - By Happy 11:13 BOB BALDWIN - Morning 11:09 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer 11:04 EUGE GROOVE - Talk To Me 11:00 CHRIS GODBER - Can't Help Believin 10:56 AL DEGREGORIS - After a Rain 10:52 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Whatcha Gonna Do For Me 10:49 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Hidden In Plain Sight 10:44 TERENCE YOUNG - Yearning For Your Love 10:40 LELIO LUTTAZZI - White Christmas 10:36 MARCUS ANDERSON - Bless The Lord 10:31 VINCENT INGALA - Coast to Coast 10:28 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Ave Maria 10:24 ROB TARDIK - Perserverance (feat. Roberto Vally) 10:20 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Someday Soon 10:16 PAUL TAYLOR - Told Ya So 10:12 STEVE WATSON - Pear Bear 10:08 DAVE KOZ - Winter Wonderland 10:04 LOWELL HOPPER - Distant Love (feat. G. Vernon Burrell, Jr.) 10:00 VANN BURCHFIELD - You Can Do It 09:56 BRAD ALEXANDER - Sunrise on I15 09:53 STEVE RAYBINE - Firefly Dance 09:48 CHRIS STANDRING - Yesterday's Heaven 09:43 KENNEY POLSON - Black Swan 09:40 NILS - Silent Night 09:36 NORMAN BROWN - Amen 09:32 ZOLBERT - A Song for You 09:28 PETER WHITE - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 09:24 WILL DONATO - You Got This 09:21 BONEY JAMES - Creepin' 09:16 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Too Much Heaven 09:12 WARREN HILL - Fallen 09:08 ALVIN GARETT - My Gift To You 09:04 THE SAX PACK - Shine On 09:00 NICK COLIONNE - Say What's on Your Mind 08:57 LEBRON - New Era 08:52 RICK HABANA - Round We Go 08:48 RAINFOREST BAND - God's Nature 08:45 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Living in the Past 08:41 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - Angels We Have Heard On High 08:37 STEVE OLIVER - City Of Lightning 08:34 BK JACKSON - Before I Let Go 08:30 CAROL NETHEN - Pat a Pan 08:25 ANDREW NICHOLS - I Love the Way You Love Me 08:20 WAYMAN TISDALE - I Hope You Feel It To 08:16 PEET PROJECT - Playground 08:12 KIM SCOTT - Billie Jean 08:08 TON SMITH - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (feat. Preston Smith and Oliver Scott) 08:04 AL DEGREGORIS - People Power 08:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - Believe In Yourself 07:55 RHYTHM LOGIC - Logically Speaking 07:51 VINCENT INGALA - My Kind Of Day 07:48 MARK R. HARRIS - Setting It Straight (feat. Ignacio Nunez & Daniele Silvestri) 07:43 JAY ROWE - What Child Is This 07:39 EVAN CARYDAKIS - Groove House 07:34 AL GOMEZ - Sip Thy Wine 07:30 RONNY SMITH - One Snowy Night 07:26 ROB SABADO - On The Beach 07:22 NICK COLIONNE - When You Love Somebody 07:16 KIRK FISCHER - Reach into Your Heart 07:12 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - View From Here 07:08 NICK DUKAS - Through Their Eyes 07:04 ALTHEA RENE - Pastel Leather 07:00 THREESTYLE - Bring It Up 06:55 KOOL&KLEAN - Dream Weaver 06:52 DEE BROWN - Beauty Within 06:48 PETER WHITE - My Prayer 06:44 DAVE KOZ - This Christmas (Feat. Jonathan Butler) 06:40 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Consuming Fire 06:36 BRYAN LUBECK - Noon Groove 06:31 BRIAN BROMBERG - The Christmas Song 06:26 POP'N BOSSA - It Will Rain 06:23 KIM WATERS - Secret Romance 06:19 VINCENT IOIA - Linda's Sunset 06:14 TONY SAUNDERS - Highway 5 06:08 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - The First Noel 06:04 PATRICK YANDALL - Law St. Locals 06:00 EUGE GROOVE - Rewind 05:56 TIM BOWMAN - Summer Groove 05:51 3RD FORCE - Out Of The Storm 05:47 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Morning After 05:43 LYNNE FIDDMONT - Spirit of Christmas 05:39 BEN TANKARD, NICHOLAS COLE - Every Praise 05:35 KIM SCOTT - Back Together Again 05:31 LEE RITENOUR - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 05:26 DARREN MOTAMEDY - Too Close 05:21 STEVE OLIVER - Circles 05:17 JEFF KASHIWA - The Attraction 05:12 VINCENT INGALA - Fire And Desire 05:08 JAMES 'PJ' SPRAGGINS - Hark the Herald Angels Sing 05:04 PAUL BROWN - 24-7 05:00 ENNY - What's Love Got to Do with It (feat. Marcus Anderson & Matt Cusson) 04:55 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Look Around 04:52 BONEY JAMES - Fresh Air 04:47 AL DEGREGORIS - Smooth It Out 04:42 BRIAN CULBERTSON - All Through The Christmas Night 04:37 ROBERTO VAZQUEZ - Between Two Worlds 04:33 THE SAX PACK - You Are My Starship 04:28 JACK JEZZRO - Happy Holiday 04:23 NILS - Get On the Dance Floor 04:20 NICK COLIONNE - The Journey 04:16 SHAUN LABELLE - Palm Canyon Drive 04:13 PETER WHITE - How Deep Is Your Love 04:10 HERB ALPERT - Merry Christmas, Darling 04:06 MARK JAIMES - Heads Up (feat. Rick Braun) 04:00 AMANDUS - One Day for a Lifetime 03:56 SHARON RAE NORTH - Heart of Mine 03:52 TERENCE YOUNG - Come With Me 03:46 GERRY SMOOTH - Sweet Delight 03:42 BRIAN BROMBERG - Celebrate Me Home 03:37 CHRIS GODBER - Chill 03:33 RICK BRAUN - Feet First 03:29 BEN TANKARD - White Christmas 03:25 JEFF RYAN - We Can Work It Out 03:21 NORMAN BROWN - My Window To Heaven 03:19 496 WEST - Soul Catcher 03:14 NICHOLAS COLE - Sugar 03:08 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Jingle Bell Rock 03:04 THREESTYLE - Giant (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 03:00 ERIC MARIENTHAL - Open Road 02:56 PIECES OF A DREAM - Fired Up 02:51 CHASE HUNA - Into the Sun 02:48 VINCENT INGALA - This Time Baby 02:44 BRETTINA - New Day 02:41 JAMES BOWMAN III - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 02:37 LIN ROUNTREE - FuSion 02:33 DONN BYNUM - Because I'm Feeling You 02:30 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - Go Tell It On The Mountain 02:26 2UNES - Rain Forest 02:21 MARCOS ARIEL - Second Chance (feat. Lulu Joppert) 02:17 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Cruisin' 0n Taxi Way 02:12 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Wavelength 02:08 JEANETTE HARRIS - Away In A Manger 02:04 AL DEGREGORIS - My Father's House 02:00 JODY MAYFIELD - Strawberry Sunday (feat. Walter Beasley) 01:56 GARY MEGGS - Hark The Dancing Angels 01:51 KEN POWE - First Love 01:47 NILS - Stratmosphere 01:43 JACKIEM JOYNER - Later Tonight 01:40 GINO ROSARIA - The Night Is Still Young 01:36 PETER WHITE - Reveillez-Vous (Wake Up) 01:32 DAVE KOZ - Silent Night 01:27 RICHARD ELLIOT - Kick It Up 01:21 EUGE GROOVE - Take You Higher 01:16 DONALD HAYES - Can't Help It 01:10 WOLFGANG HAFFNER - Warm Breeze 01:07 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 01:04 RONNY SMITH - Funny How Time Flies 01:00 GARY PALMER - Misunderstanding 00:56 PEET PROJECT - Let's Do This 00:51 BRIAN CULBERTSON - This Christmas 00:46 TIM BOWMAN - Happiness Is 00:42 MARC ANTOINE - Eclectic World 00:38 ERIC DARIUS - Broke Down 00:34 BEN TANKARD - I'll Be Missing You 00:32 ART MORRIS - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 00:27 BE'NE MUSIC - 120 East 00:22 PIECES OF A DREAM - Feelin' Good 00:18 KIM WATERS - East Coast Strollin' 00:14 KEITH ANDREW - Take It Slow 00:09 BRIAN LENAIR - Christmas time is here 00:05 PATRICK YANDALL - Basic Reply 00:00 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Above the Clouds
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laf-outloud · 3 years
Anyone else besides me find it odd that R2 or J2 promoted the Then and Now podcast? R2 shared the press release. Jared had to defend/tweet. (Ackles silent per usual). Just thought they would support a spin off product, that they were a part of. Did the reality of the writer choice taint their excitement? Really surprised at Ackles. The man wants to own the supernatural legacy and didn’t even acknowledge this project at all, even when he’s in it. (It’s boring as hell. But that’s not the point).
It's funny, Jensen could go online and make a birthday post for Dean, but couldn't be bothered to promote the podcast? However, I have noticed a bit of a trend lately, particularly with the Inside of You podcast. Jensen didn't post about that until hours after it had dropped and people had started responding online. Once he did promote it, he included a 'disclaimer' that he was under the influence. He hasn't been smart about a lot of things lately, but I do believe that waiting to see what the online response is before he adds his own response is pretty smart. Seeing the mess over Jessica, it's probably best to just stay out of it completely. Heck, even Jared chimed in and it didn't help.
R2 is probably thinking the same way. Seeing the backlash and deciding to stay silent is the best move at this point. I certainly wouldn't want to be posting anything knowing that the majority of replies I'd be getting would be "Fire Jessica". The fact that StoryMill Media stated they're looking to make some changes based on feedback is very telling. Maybe once those changes are made, we'll get some additional promotion. But at this point, the less said online, the less vitriol the actors are going to get if or until Jessica is fired.
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hainethehero · 4 years
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This was Misha's Instagram post. These are his words. Stop bullying the cast and crew claiming some kind of moral high ground when they have done their best to give you this show for 10 plus years. Jim Beaver had to deactivate his Twitter because of your witch hunt. Pretty ironic for a bunch of so called fans who preach Always Keep Fighting etc. And in Misha's own words, LET YOUR ART AND IMAGINATIONS PLAY OUT PAST THE LAST FRAMES OF THE FINALE.
Were there some more things that could have been done? Sure. I personally wished that all the supporting cast could have had a part in the FINALE but they didn't. But that DOES NOT give me a reason to now bully and berate the cast and crew. I've been watching this show since 2005, and this HATE will not be the legacy it leaves behind. WHAT THE HELL IS AO3 FOR?
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xredskullxx · 5 years
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my horror movies collection ❣️
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soul-controller · 4 years
Gaining Respect
“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it. They passed over me to give the position to some goddamn freshman!” Andrew groaned, unable to believe the treachery that he just experienced. Andrew was a hardworking junior in college, managing an intense science-oriented degree while being one of the starters on his college basketball team. For years, he had worked hard and led the team to victory every season, so it seemed like a no-brainer to him that he was the only option to be chosen for team captain this upcoming season. However, his coaches disagreed, giving the position to a brand new freshman who the school had been trying to recruit for months. Andrew could admit that heard amazing things about the underclassmen, but that didn’t mean that the decision was any less of a blow to his self-worth. It wasn’t a surprising decision, but it was most definitely infuriating one for the young man. Now an upperclassmen, there was a sense of urgency for Andrew to gain a leadership role, especially now that he just lost one of his two remaining chances. It especially stung to see one of his younger teammates take the position right out of his hands because every other year, the coaches would give the position to one of the remaining upperclassmen. He felt robbed and cheated out of something he had worked so hard for. So, it was understandable why he contacted his father and began to rant about his unbelievable situation.
On the other end of the phone line, his father Richard couldn’t help but feel bad for his only child. Andrew worked incredibly hard for both his classes and his athletics and it always pained Richard to see his son being passed up for exciting opportunities. The same thing happened to him back in high school as well, where Andrew was removed from his high school’s class cabinet because of him having to split time between basketball and his extracurriculars like Science Olympiad. It wasn’t Andrew’s fault that he was so gifted in so many fields, so why must he be punished for that? “I know son, that’s complete bullshit. I’m so sorry that happened to you” Richard said, unsure of what else to say to conceal his anger. 
“I just… I wish I could get respect from others about all of the things that I do. I work hard and I hate constantly being passed up. I wish I could just stand up for myself and demand what I rightfully earned!” Andrew continued, his voice turning into a slight whimper as he began to grow emotional. He wiped away the few tears that flowed down his cheeks, allowing a moment of silence where the only thing he could hear was the sound of his father’s breathing. He desperately needed his dad to give him some form of advice so he could feel better and know how to fix his problem.
However, for Richard, he had no idea what to say. Despite recognizing and sympathizing for Andrew’s troubles, Richard couldn’t relate to his son. In his life, Richard was quite outspoken and constantly made his thoughts and ideas known. After losing the opportunity to go to college to play ball by getting Andrew’s mother pregnant, Richard was determined to no longer waste any opportunities in his life. When he began to work any shitty job to support his growing family, he was determined to make it anyway he could. That determination and innate confidence paid off, as his co-workers began to respect him and turn to him for advice in every aspect of life beyond just work-related issues. 
As a result, it was no surprise that Richard found himself quickly rising up the ranks of a construction company until he was the lead foreman. This timing worked out well, especially as Richard began to lose a secondary source of income due to his wife’s untimely passing. However, his job was able to allow him to continue to support him and his son and even assist the man in saving up for his son’s college tuition. Respect is usually something earned, but for Richard, it was a basic necessity for him to survive. It was unfortunate that his son was dealing with these issues, but a little voice inside of him felt sort of optimistic about the potential ramifications of his problems. He hoped that Andrew would finally get a fire under his ass to stick up for himself and demand the respect he believed he deserved. It worked for Richard, so he was sure that it could work for his son as well.
Returning back to the call, Richard finally formulated a response for his emotional son. “I wish you could gain the respect that I know you rightfully deserve. I wish that you could have the same kind of respect I have from the guys at work. You rightfully deserve it, you’re such a great kid. Ever since you’ve been little, you’ve been a hard worker who was up for any challenge and faced it without any fear in your eyes. It’s a shame that the rest of the world can’t recognize that. As a parent, I’d do anything to fix that for you” Richard said, staying cool and collected but feeling rather emotional for his son. 
For the next several minutes, Richard began to ask his son about his classes. He had hoped that changing the subject could cheer him up, but he could still hear the sadness in the tone of Andrew’s voice. With nothing but awkward silence between them, Andrew began to end the call, informing his dad that he wanted to come home. Richard was quite happy to hear this, so they made plans for his child to arrive home late that night to spend the weekend. Although the university was only an hour away, it was hard for either of them to really meet up given their busy schedules. So, the opportunity to be with his son once more was incredibly exciting to the widowed father. 
Unknown to either Richard or Andrew, there was some mysterious force that was also listening in on their call. It sympathized with the young man’s pleas and his father’s attempts to cheer him up. As it listened in and understood the situation, it began to formulate the perfect plan to remedy the young man’s problems. The older man fell asleep before his son arrived, so he never got the chance to say hello. The underappreciated athlete wasn’t too upset about this fact however due to his drowsy state. The combination of practice and the late-night drive left him entirely worn out and desperate for sleep. So, by the time Andrew got into his room and undressed, his body cried out for sleep. As soon as he undressed and his face fell into his pillow, it was lights out. While they slept, they were blissfully unaware of the shock that they would both experience the next morning…
When the blaring noise of alarm rang out into his bedroom, Andrew groaned as he was immediately brought out of his slumber. As his head remained buried into the pillow, Andrew’s arm recklessly searched his end-table for his phone to no avail. Instead, his fingers grazed along a real alarm clock, something he had never used in his life. He could feel the noise ringing out of the tiny rectangular alarm clock, so he banged his fist against it, desperate for the ringing to stop. As the alarm quickly ended, he began to wonder why there was a random alarm clock getting him up so early. 
His limbs cracked and popped as he stretched, his voice letting out a deep husky growl-like groan. Turning around, he was annoyed by the direct sunlight entering his room. “Why did he leave the goddamn curtains open!” Andrew angrily stated, causing him to cough as he heard the deep grit coming from his throat. “God, my throat is so dry” Andrew thought as he continued to cough but failed to remedy the deep tone coming from his vocal cords.
Upon looking around the room, he began to realize that he was not in his old bedroom… he was in his father’s room instead. His walls weren’t adorned with the sports posters he had plastered onto them, but instead he only saw photo displays that showed images of his younger self with his parents.  It wasn’t until he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes that he began to recognize that something was wrong. The watch adorned across his thick and hairy forearm was not something he ever wore. In fact, it kind of looked like his dad’s watch. As he looked at his arms, he also noticed how similar his hands looked to his father’s, with Andrew noticing the various calluses from his hard-working job in construction. Unsure what was going on, he grumbled to himself and sat up and began to walk into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. 
Shutting the door behind him, his face went white as he stared at his father’s almost naked body being reflected back to him.  “Holy shit!” Andrew cried out, staring with wide eyes as he watched his father mouth the words back to him and the same shocked expression spread across his face. He ran his hands around his chest, his awestruck face remaining as his meaty hands passed through the salt and peppered hair. He groaned in a weird sense of pleasure as his hands ran across the cold nipple piercings that his father had. He remembered the story of how his father got them after a drunken bet between him and his co-workers during some sports game. A deal was a deal, so Richard never took them out, instead wearing them as some sort of badge of honor.
Moving his hands further south, Andrew ran his wide hands down his torso as his hands swayed like a wave as they passed over each bump of abdominal that he had. Despite his shock, he couldn’t deny the fact that this was a well-maintained body. His father retained his musculature from his short-lived athletic career, even building upon it through the hard labor of his various construction jobs over the years. As his hands began to venture towards his father’s crown jewels, he decided against exploring them for the time being. It was quite strange to explore your father’s junk, so his hands moved right past the forbidden area and towards his thick thighs in a quick detour. He stared into the mirror and turned his legs, attempting to see his new body through every possible angle. He couldn’t deny the slight pleasure he felt as he saw the muscles in his legs flex and only further widen his thick thighs. Upon turning around, he couldn’t deny that his father had quite the perky ass as well, just further proof of how well Richard had taken care of his body throughout his 46 years. 
With his hands done exploring his lower half for the time being, his hands moved towards his arms. Looking into the mirror, he was impressed at the thick biceps he now possessed. Even without flexing, his biceps were prominent as they forced his arms to press out from his body to compensate for the softball-sized muscles he now sported. Curious, he lifted his arm up and flexed, chuckling in amazement as he stared at the sight before him. He didn’t understand why or how this had happened, but he couldn’t deny that he was enjoying himself. His original body was quite impressive as well, but something about being in the intimidating, mature, and buff body of his father was just unbelievable. As such, it was no shock when he dropped his arm and let a smirk spread across his face when his eyes focused in on the tight sensation that was beginning to emerge from within his underwear. He turned out of the bedroom and began to head back into the bedroom, eager to explore the last bit of his new body and take care of the throbbing member that was begging for release from its fabric prison... 
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As Richard slowly awoke from his slumber, he was surprised to find that he woke up before his daily alarm jolted him awake. He tended to wake up early and start his weekends with a workout, but as he laid in bed, he couldn’t deny that the extra sleep time was welcomed. It had been a hard week at work and he was eager to destress, especially with his son visiting the house again. 
Turning around and letting the sunlight hit his face, he stretched and smiled as he was prepared to go out and start making breakfast for his son. He brushed his hair out of his eyes as he leaned up. “Wait, my hair?” Richard asked, curious as to why he suddenly had hair in his face despite his receding hairline. Upon hearing himself speak, he also began to wonder why his voice sounded so different. He rubbed his eyes and looked down as he pulled back the sheets, where he was met by a surprise. As his eyes focused on his torso, he grew surprised at seeing that his body was lacking all of the body hair that he was used to seeing. On top of that, his skin looked less weathered and his skin was much paler, as if he wasn’t in direct contact with the sun every day like he was at his job. “What… the fuck?” Richard gasped, looking down and seeing the equally youthful hands he now possessed. Looking around, he realized that he was in Andrew’s bedroom. Richard began to figure out what was going on. Had he sleepwalked again? He hadn’t done it in years but could the excitement of seeing his son once more have revived his old habit? But, as he sat up out of bed and saw the youthful limbs and torso in his view, he knew that this wasn’t the case. He had a hunch as to what happened, but as he approached the mirror affixed to one of the bedroom walls, it confirmed what he had assumed. He was no longer in his body, the sight reflected back at him showed him only the youthful body and face of his son Andrew. “Jesus fuck!” Richard gasped, staring with intrigue as he watched his son’s face contort into the same shocked expression. 
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Looking in the mirror, he stared at his son’s shirtless body and tried to comprehend what was happening to him. He touched his chest, feeling his modest pectorals and feeling around with intrigue as he no longer felt the sensation of cold metal from the piercings he had in his nipples. Andrew’s body reminded him of the body he used to possess back in high school, although Andrew had a lot more definition to him from the years of college athletics. He flexed in the mirror, smiling as he saw his son’s decent set of biceps. Despite knowing that they paled in comparison to the ones on his real body, Richard was fairly proud of just how buff his son was. He couldn’t help but curiously run his hands through his starting bit of chest hair and chuckle as he sees the beginner treasure trail that was creeping up his son’s torso. It seemed that genetics hadn’t gifted Andrew with the heavy body hair gene that Richard and his father had dealt with in their lives. By the time Richard was Andrew’s age, he had a full set of body hair and it was no problem to grow a beard in a few day’s time. 
Despite that, he couldn’t deny that Andrew was quite well-sculpted. Upon seeing his son’s body, he grew more and more angered at the fact that his son was passed over for the captain position on the team. He looked great and his body was a testament to his commitment to the team and their mission of success.
Before he could stare at his body any more, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Curious, he headed over and opened it. Face-to-face, he was greeted to his old body flashing a wide smile. “Hey there, I made some breakfast, I figured you’d be hungry” his old body said, which caused a weird realization to pass through Richard’s mind. Did Andrew somehow manifest this? Why is he so calm and collected about the changes? If Richard had gone from a 20 year old to a 46 year old overnight, he figured he’d be a bit more frantic at his loss of many years. “Andrew, what’s going on?” Richard asked, his hand moving towards his throat as he still was alarmed when he heard his son’s voice coming from his mouth. “I’m not too sure. I suppose we can try to figure that over breakfast. Let’s go before the food gets cold” Andrew stated as he turned and walked down the hallway with haste. Despite his reservations and desires to figure out what was going on, Richard felt weirdly compelled to follow his son’s orders. So, after throwing on a t-shirt, he headed down the hallway and met his son-turned-father in the kitchen to try and figure out what was going on.
“So, you went to bed and woke up in my body?” Richard asked, watching as his son wolfed down the various eggs, bacon, and pancakes he had cooked for the duo. “Yeah, I was completely worn out when I got home after the drive, so I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.” the now-older man stated matter-of-factly. “And, you’re not alarmed about that?” Richard asked, still confused as to why his son was so calm. “I mean, sure, I’m unsure what’s going on and that’s a bit worrisome. But, I figured that I can’t find a solution on an empty stomach, so I’d rather focus on that afterwards.” the older man continued, shoveling the various breakfast foods into his mouth. “Gosh dad, I didn’t realize how hungry you can get. I’ve never felt so starving!” he said in between chews. “Uh yeah, that’s what happens when you have an older metabolism kiddo. But you’ve got to learn to satisfy that appetite so you don’t blow up and lose any of the muscles you’ve gained over the years. It’s a struggle, but as you can see, it’s clearly possible” Richard responded, feeling a weird vibe as he’s giving his son advice about how to live with his body. He still had no desire to eat, so he just passed his already prepared plate to his son-turned-father and allowed him to finish the contents. 
In no time, Andrew was finally full, which was showcased by the hearty belch that escaped from his lips. He chuckled and ran his hands across his hairy torso, feeling quite good at his new body. Despite his mournful thoughts directed towards the loss of his youth, he couldn’t deny that this wasn’t necessarily all bad. With his dad’s intimidating body, he could finally have the level of respect that he had always wanted. The thought of himself directing men in his father’s crew was quite erotic to imagine, so it was no surprise as he felt his dick once again firming. Despite his older age, he was impressed by his father’s continued vitality. He kept his body in great shape and as evidenced by his exploration under his underwear, Andrew was shocked at his dad’s sexual vitality as well. 
“Well, I suppose I better get these dishes washed up. You should go work out, maybe you could be as buff as me one day” Andrew said with a chuckle as he sat up from the table and began collecting the various plates. But by the look on his old face, it was clear to Andrew that Richard didn’t enjoy his joke. “Dad, lighten up a bit. Until we figure out how to fix this, we might as well begin to adapt to our new roles. In fact, I think that we should start referring to each other as our bodies’ real names. I think it could be quite fun for the both of us!” Andrew said as he placed the dishes in the sink and prepared to watch them.
Richard could only sit there and stare in shock at just how well-adjusted his son had become. To Andrew, it seemed as if he had always been in his father’s body, which only alarmed the real Richard further. Despite his general apprehension and worry, he began to feel a weird sense of calmness overtake his mind. If his son was calm and collected, he might as well try to be the same. His son said he was wanting to fix this, so it wasn’t as if his son was going to keep his body and leave him trapped in this younger body. He began to sit there at the table and imagine what he could do with his newfound youth. He hadn’t been physical with anyone since his wife died, so he thought about the possibilities of being younger and the several girls that would be more than willing to interact with his new body.
Before he could continue daydreaming, he watched as his “father “ turned his head to look at him. “Did you hear what I said Drew? Go and do your workout kiddo” he said, before turning his back and resuming scrubbing the dishes. Despite his apprehension, he felt compelled to listen to what his son said. That innate composure his son now had was a big relief to the real Richard, so he complied with his “father’s” request and headed out of the kitchen. He headed back into Andrew’s bedroom and grabbed a pair of headphones and his phone. Walking into the gym room, “Andrew” couldn’t help but feel that a world of opportunities were laid out before him. No longer did he want to do his normal workout routine, it wouldn’t be appropriate for his new body. His new body had new areas that needed improvement different from his old body, so he had to adapt to best grow muscle for his new form. He couldn’t help but feel slightly turned on by the possibilities of growing more and more buff until he had muscles that rivaled his old ones. “Maybe being younger won’t be as bad as I thought…” Richard said as he began to think about it some more. With this new body, he could achieve more than his older body ever could. He wanted to be bigger and better than his “father”. “Andrew” began his workout with a smile on his face, turning on some classic 70s and 80s music to help get him in the zone like he usually did. 
However, after a few minutes of listening to the music, he felt a weird disconnect to the music. No longer did he have any real relation to it, so he quickly flipped stations to a 2010s playlist and began to vibe out as he grew more and more invested in his workout. It was unknown to either man, but the longer they were in their new bodies, the more they began to adapt to their new bodies. Aspects of their original personality and the personality belonging to their new body began to mix into an interesting melange. As a result, a little bit of vanity began to emerge for the newly youthened man, as he stared at himself in the mirror while watching his impressive body workout on each piece of equipment over the course of two hours. Despite the voice in the back of his head telling him he should try to gain his old body back, he couldn’t be bothered to give up something so great. In fact, the more he heard the voices in the back of his head, the more annoyed he got. Why would he want to have his dad’s body anyway? Despite his dad’s muscles, he had no desire to lose all of the youthful years in front of him. By the time he was doing his final set, “Andrew” had completely adapted to his new personality. Memories of Richard’s hard upbringing had become replaced with the memories of Andrew’s lax childhood. The loss he felt for his wife began to change to him missing his mother and wishing she was still around to see him succeed in college. With the mental changes now completed, Andrew dried his sweat-covered face with a hand towel. Richard’s real confidence that bordered on cockiness began to emerge on Andrew as he slyly lifted up his shirt, unlocked his phone, and began snapping some photos that showed off his physique. 
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For the new Richard and Andrew, the rest of the weekend went by as if nothing had changed. They both further adapted their new bodies and personalities, with the new Richard also gaining the appropriate mannerisms and the appropriate older phrases that once confused his younger self. Feeling a weird sense of competitiveness, the new Andrew began to take his workouts to the next level. A deep desire to outmuscle his father grew more and more prominent in the back of his mind. Much like his newfound competitiveness, a new sense of confidence also began to emerge for Andrew, This was surely a remnant of Richard’s original personality prior to the switch, but Andrew only viewed it as a new aspect of his personality forming after the encouraging phone call he had with his father the day prior. 
Speaking of the new Richard, the now-older man slowly underwent his own series of changes. As he washed his dishes and went about his day as a 46 year old, he slowly gained the appropriate knowledge to care for his son, pay bills, and manage life in general. Given his now-forgotten life as an overlooked college student, there was a sudden realization for the older man about just how much he loved the respect he garnered. Watching his men do anything he ordered, he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. He loved his job as it gave him the ability to be recognized for his talents, something that his old personality was quite happy about. By following his rules, him and his crew were able to finish things in record time without utilizing any dangerous shortcuts. In fact, there were rumors abuzz about the partners for the construction company going into talks about Richard gaining another upper-level promotion in a few months.
Despite never having the chance to experience it for himself, the new Andrew had adapted well to the college lifestyle. Upon leaving his father’s place at the end of the weekend and moving back into his dorm, there was a new determinedness in the young man’s eyes. As he headed into basketball practice the next week, Andrew let his frustration become clear to his coaches as he watched that pesky freshman lead his team to their first series of losses in years. With the remnant of Richard’s confidence transferring into his new body, Andrew went up to his coaches and demanded a chance to prove himself as captain. By using the team’s recent losses as evidence, he was able to convince them to remove the freshman from the position and allow him to take on that roll by himself.
Later that night, Andrew called his father to discuss the new change. As his son told him about his ballsy move, Richard couldn’t help but feel proud of his son. It was about time that he stood up for himself and he loved that it was a success for his child. On the other end of the line, Andrew was also happy about the news as well. Thinking about it, he couldn’t help but thank his father for teaching him about gaining the respect you deserve. 
Given that they had no memory of their swap, it was quite interesting to see how different they both reacted to the news. Despite Richard being happy for his son, he couldn’t help but feel jealous about just how many possibilities his son had. Of course, it was always a great thing to have a child do better than their parents, but he couldn’t help but mourn for his loss of youth to have his son. He couldn’t help but wonder how life had been different if he had a chance to do it again. He did have a point however... As showcased in the swap that the original Andrew experienced, respect can be earned, but youth is unable to be gained back once it’s lost.
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Drunken Confessions
Summary: Richard gets drunk, calls Rob, and confesses his feelings to Rob, only to wake up the next morning and not remember anything he said Warnings: None Pairing: Richard Speight/Rob Benedict
Main Masterlist
Richard is leaning heavily against the kitchen counter, his phone slipping precariously from his grasp. A deep breath escapes his lips as he fumbles with the screen, trying to find Rob’s number. The room spins slightly, the effects of the whiskey he’s been sipping catching up with him faster than he expected. He should’ve stopped after the first glass, but tonight, the loneliness felt heavier, the silence too loud. The liquid courage seemed like a good idea at the time, and now, he is teetering on the edge of something he can’t quite name.
    Finally, he manages to tap Rob’s name, and the phone rings once, twice. His heart pounds in his chest, louder than the refrigerator's hum or the clock's ticking on the wall. What time is it? Richard can’t even remember. Probably too late to be calling anyone, especially not Rob. But the warmth in his veins convinces him that this is the right thing to do. He needs to say it, needs to get it off his chest.
    “Hello?” Rob’s voice is groggy, laced with confusion. “Rich? What’s up, man?”
    “Rob,” Richard breathes out, a little too loudly and eagerly. “Hey, Rob.”
    “Are you okay?” There’s a concern in Rob’s tone now, which makes Richard’s chest tighten.
    “Yeah… yeah, I’m fine. Just… just needed to talk to you, you know?” Richard slurs slightly, the words tumbling out in a disorganized mess. He tries to focus and gather his thoughts, but everything feels tangled.
    “Rich, it’s like three in the morning. What’s going on?”
Richard makes a short, bitter sound. “Three, huh? Shit. Sorry, man. I didn’t even realize… Time just got away from me, I guess.”
    “Don’t worry about it. You sure you’re okay?” Rob’s voice is softer now, patient. It’s the same tone he uses when he’s trying to coax something out of Richard, something he’s not ready to share. But tonight, the alcohol has loosened his tongue, and the words are bubbling up, impossible to contain.
    “I was thinking… about Vegas,” Richard starts, closing his eyes as the memory floods back. “You remember Vegas, right?”
There’s a pause on the other end, and Richard can almost see Rob’s puzzled expression. “Uh, yeah? Which time? We’ve been there a few times, Rich.”
    “No, no… I mean that time. The time we got married.”
Rob’s breath catches in his throat, the sound barely audible, but it hits Richard like a punch. “Yeah… I remember.”
Richard sighs, running a hand through his hair, which is sticking up in every direction. “We were so fucking drunk, Rob. I barely remember it. But I remember waking up next to you, and… God, for a second, I thought it was real, you know? Like… like maybe it was supposed to be real.”
    “Rich…” Rob’s voice is strained now, unsure.
    “Don’t, just… just let me say this, okay?” Richard’s voice wavers, and he has to swallow the lump in his throat before he can continue. “We got it annulled, right? No harm, no foul. But… I don’t know, man. Sometimes I think about it. About what it would’ve been like if we’d kept it, if we’d actually stayed married.”
    “Rich, you’re drunk,” Rob says quietly, but there’s something else in his voice, something Richard can’t quite place. “You don’t mean this.”
    “I do, Rob. I mean… I don’t know what I mean. But I think about it, and… and I think about you. A lot. More than I should, probably.”
    “Rich…” Rob’s voice is barely a whisper now, and Richard can hear the pain in it, the confusion.
    “Maybe I’m just a fucking coward,” Richard continues, his voice breaking. “Maybe I’m scared, or maybe I’m just an idiot. But I can’t stop thinking about you, Rob. I can’t stop wondering if maybe… maybe we missed something. Maybe we missed our chance.”
There’s silence on the other end, and for a moment, Richard thinks Rob might have hung up. But then, he hears a soft, shaky breath, and he knows Rob is still there, listening.
    “Rich, I don’t… I don’t know what to say,” Rob finally responds, his voice tight with emotion.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Richard mumbles, his energy fading. The alcohol is wearing him down now, making his eyelids heavy. “Just… just wanted you to know.”
“Get some sleep, Rich,” Rob says gently, his voice trembling. “We’ll talk in the morning, okay?”
“Yeah… sure,” Richard agrees, though he knows deep down that he’s already said too much. “Goodnight, Rob.”
    “Goodnight, Rich.”
Richard barely registers the click of the call ending before he’s stumbling toward his bed, his mind already clouding with sleep. His last coherent thought is of Rob, of the way his heart ached at the sound of his voice. And then, everything goes dark.
    Richard wakes up the next morning with a pounding headache and a mouth that feels like it’s been stuffed with cotton. He groans, squeezing his eyes shut against the harsh light filtering through the blinds. What the hell happened last night? His phone buzzes on the nightstand, and he reaches for it blindly, squinting at the screen. A few texts from some friends, a missed call from his agent, and… a message from Rob.
    “Call me when you wake up. We need to talk.”
Richard frowns, his mind struggling to piece together the events of the previous night. He remembers the whiskey, the overwhelming sense of loneliness, but everything after that is a blur. What did he do? What did he say? With a sinking feeling in his gut, Richard dials Rob’s number, his heart racing as the phone rings. Rob answers almost immediately.
    “Rich,” Rob says, his voice tense. “You okay?”
    “Uh, yeah, I think so. Just… feeling pretty rough. What’s up?”
There’s a pause on the other end, and Richard can hear Rob’s breath hitch. “You don’t remember, do you?”
    “Remember what?” Richard asks, his stomach twisting with dread.
    “The phone call,” Rob says quietly. “Last night. You called me, Rich.”
    “I… I did?” Richard’s mind is spinning now, trying to grasp onto something solid, something that makes sense. “What did I say?”
    “You don’t remember.” It’s not a question; it’s a statement, and the resignation in Rob’s voice cuts through Richard like a knife.
    “Rob, I’m sorry, I—”
    “You told me about Vegas,” Rob interrupts, his voice shaking. “About how you think about it, about us. About how you think maybe we missed our chance.”
Richard’s breath catches in his throat, and for a moment, he can’t speak. The memories come rushing back in disjointed flashes—the feeling of Rob’s name on his lips, the warmth of the whiskey in his veins, the overwhelming need to tell Rob everything. And now… now he’s made a mess of it.
    “Rob, I’m so sorry,” Richard finally chokes out, his voice thick with guilt. “I was drunk, I didn’t mean to—”
    “Don’t,” Rob says sharply, cutting him off. “Don’t do that, Rich. Don’t try to take it back.”
    “I’m not trying to take it back, I just—” Richard stumbles over his words, desperate to fix this, to make it right. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
    “Well, you did,” Rob snaps, and the anger in his voice takes Richard by surprise. “You really fucking hurt me, Rich.”
    “Rob…” Richard’s voice cracks, and he squeezes his eyes shut, trying to block out the pain in Rob’s words. “I didn’t mean to.”
    “Yeah, well, you did,” Rob repeats, his voice trembling. “And now I don’t know what the hell to do with this, with us.”
Richard is silent, his mind racing as he tries to think of something, anything, that might make this better. But there’s nothing. He’s screwed up, and now he’s going to lose Rob because of it.
    “I’ve gotta go,” Rob says abruptly, his voice cold and distant. “I’ll see you at the con next week.”
    “Rob, wait—” But the line goes dead before Richard can finish, and he’s left staring at his phone, his heart hammering in his chest.
    The week drags by in a haze of anxiety and regret. Richard tries calling Rob a few more times, but each call goes straight to voicemail. The texts he sends are left unanswered. Rob is avoiding him, and Richard can’t blame him. He feels like a complete idiot, like he’s ruined everything for the sake of a drunken confession he didn’t even remember making.
    By the time the convention rolls around, Richard is a nervous wreck. He hasn’t slept well in days, his appetite has vanished, and the thought of seeing Rob makes his stomach churn. But he knows he can’t avoid it. They’re scheduled to do a panel together, and he can’t just bail on that. He arrives at the venue early, hoping to catch Rob before things get too hectic. Maybe they can talk, maybe he can explain, apologize, do something to make this right. But when he finally spots Rob, his heart sinks. Rob is talking to a group of fans, his smile forced, his eyes dull. He looks exhausted, like he’s been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Richard’s first instinct is to walk away, to give Rob space. But he knows he can’t keep running from this. He takes a deep breath and approaches, his heart in his throat.
    “Hey,” he says softly, trying to catch Rob’s eye. Rob looks up, and for a moment, something flickers in his eyes—pain, anger, something Richard can’t quite place. But then it’s gone, replaced by a blank, polite expression.
    “Hey,” Rob replies coolly. “You ready for the panel?”
Richard’s stomach twists. This is worse than he expected. “Rob, can we talk?”
    “There’s nothing to talk about,” Rob says quickly, his tone clipped. “Let’s just get through this, okay?”
Richard opens his mouth to protest, to say something, anything, but the words die on his lips. Rob is shutting him out, and there’s nothing he can do about it. Not here, not now.
    The panel is a blur of forced smiles and half-hearted jokes. Richard goes through the motions, but his mind is elsewhere, stuck on the tension simmering between him and Rob. Every glance, every word exchanged feels like a punch to the gut, and by the time it’s over, Richard is on the verge of breaking down. They head backstage, the crowd’s cheers still ringing in their ears. The atmosphere is thick with unspoken words, the silence between them deafening. Richard can’t take it anymore. He needs to fix this, needs to make Rob understand.
    “Rob, please,” Richard says, his voice barely above a whisper as they stand alone in the dimly lit hallway. “Please, just talk to me.”
Rob finally stops, turning to face Richard with an expression that’s equal parts frustration and hurt. “What do you want me to say, Rich?”
    “Anything,” Richard pleads. “I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just… I don’t know what to do, Rob. I don’t want to lose you.”
Rob’s eyes soften for a moment, but the anger is still there, simmering just beneath the surface. “You really don’t remember what you said, do you?”
Richard shakes his head, feeling helpless. “Not all of it. Just bits and pieces.”
Rob sighs, running a hand through his hair. “You talked about Vegas. About how you think maybe we should’ve stayed married. How you think about me, about us… about what we could’ve been.”
Richard’s breath catches in his throat. Hearing the words out loud, hearing them from Rob, makes his heart ache. “Rob, I—”
    “Do you have any idea how that felt?” Rob interrupts, his voice shaking. “Hearing you say all that, and then realizing you don’t even remember? You don’t even care?”
    “I do care,” Richard insists, his voice cracking. “I care so much, Rob. I just… I was drunk, I wasn’t thinking straight. But it doesn’t mean I didn’t mean it.”
Rob stares at him, his eyes searching Richard’s face for something, some sign of sincerity, of truth. “Then why didn’t you say anything before? Why did it take getting drunk to admit it?”
    “I don’t know,” Richard whispers, feeling the weight of his own cowardice. “I was scared. Scared of what you’d think, scared of ruining what we have.
Rob’s expression softens, but there’s still a guardedness there, a hesitation. “And now?”
Richard takes a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. “Now… now I’m scared of losing you. I don’t know what to do, Rob. I don’t know how to make this right.”
    For a moment, they just stand there, the air thick with tension, with all the things left unsaid. And then, suddenly, Rob grabs Richard by the collar of his shirt and pulls him in, pressing their lips together in a desperate, fiery kiss. Richard’s mind goes blank, the shock of the kiss overwhelming his senses. For a moment, he’s frozen, unsure of what to do, or how to respond. But then, instinct takes over, and he’s kissing Rob back, his hands gripping Rob’s shoulders, pulling him closer. It’s everything he’s ever wanted, everything he’s been too afraid to admit, and it feels like coming home, like finding something he didn’t even know he’d lost. But then, just as suddenly as it started, Rich pulls away, his breathing ragged, his eyes wide with panic.
    “I… I can’t do this,” Richard stammers, backing away. “I’m sorry, Rob, I just… I can’t.”
    “Rich, wait—” Rob reaches out, but Richard shakes his head, tears glistening in his eyes.
    “I’m sorry,” Richard repeats, his voice breaking. “I just… I can’t.”
And then he’s gone, disappearing down the hallway, leaving Rob standing there, his heart shattered, his mind reeling.
    The days following the convention are some of the hardest Richard has ever faced. The kiss haunts him, playing on a loop in his mind, a constant reminder of what he’s lost. He tries calling Rob and texting him, but Rob doesn’t respond. He’s shut Richard out completely, and it’s killing him. Richard spends his days in a fog, going through the motions, but nothing feels right. He misses Rob more than he ever thought possible, and the weight of his own mistakes is suffocating. He doesn’t know how to fix this, doesn’t know if he even can.
    A week passes, and Richard finds himself standing outside Rob’s apartment, his heart pounding in his chest. He doesn’t know what he’s going to say and doesn’t know if Rob will even let him in. But he has to try. He can’t keep living like this, can’t keep pretending that everything is okay when it’s not. He knocks on the door, his hands trembling. There’s a long pause, and Richard is about to turn and leave when the door finally opens. Rob stands there, looking exhausted, his eyes red-rimmed, his expression unreadable.
    “Rich,” Rob says quietly, his voice devoid of emotion.
    “Rob,” Richard breathes, his heart aching at the sight of him. “Can I come in?”
Rob hesitates for a moment, then steps aside, allowing Richard to enter. The apartment is quiet, the air heavy with tension. Richard feels like he’s walking on eggshells, afraid that one wrong move will shatter everything.
    “I don’t know what to say,” Richard admits, his voice trembling. “I don’t know how to fix this, Rob.”
Rob sighs, rubbing his hands over his face. “I don’t either, Rich. But we can’t keep doing this. We can’t keep hurting each other.”
    “I know,” Richard whispers, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. “I’m so sorry, Rob. I’m sorry for everything.”
Rob looks at him, his expression softening slightly.
    “I’m sorry too,” he says, his voice breaking. “I just… I don’t know how to move forward from this.”
“Maybe we don’t have to figure it out all at once,” Richard suggests, his voice barely above a whisper. “Maybe we just… take it one step at a time.”
Rob is silent for a long moment, his eyes searching Richard’s face for something. Finally, he nods, his shoulders sagging with exhaustion. 
    “Yeah,” he says quietly. “Maybe you’re right.”
Richard steps closer, his heart in his throat. “Rob… I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you.”
Rob looks at him, his eyes filled with a mix of emotions—fear, hope, uncertainty.
    “I don’t want to lose you either, Rich,” he admits, his voice trembling. Richard takes another step closer, his heart pounding.
    “Then let’s not,” he whispers. Rob hesitates, then slowly reaches out, taking Richard’s hand in his. The touch is tentative and uncertain, but it’s enough. It’s a start.
    And as they stand there, holding onto each other, Richard feels a glimmer of hope. It’s going to be a long road, and they have a lot to figure out. But for now, they have each other. And that’s enough.
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destieldailynews · 4 years
Jan 10-16 Weekly Wrap-Up
January 11
Jensen Ackles wins Best Actor 
Jensen Ackles won the Critics Choice Super Award for Best Actor in Horror Series. Link to original post 
Misha Collins to appear on KoC 
Misha Collins is going to appear in the next episode of Richard Speight Jr. and Rob Benedict’s podcast, Kings of Con: The Podcast. Link to original post 
January 12
Jensen's Instagram post
Jensen Ackles has made an instagram post about his critic’s choice award, thanking Misha and Daneel among others. Link to original post 
Heller DJ Qualls
DJ Qualls implied Deancas being canon in a cameo video posted on Twitter. Link to original post 
January 13
Kim Rhodes Campaign with the Stands
Stands released a new merchandise line inspired by Kim Rhodes, the actress who played Jody Mills on Supernatural. Link to original post
Bradley James mistaken for Jensen Ackles 
British-American actor Bradley James, best known for playing the young King Arthur on BBc’s Merlin, tweeted on January 12 about being mistaken for a "severely hungover version of Jensen Ackles". Link to original post 
Jensen, Jared and Walker Texas Ranger
Fans discussed Jensen’s possible connection to new CW show Walker Texas Ranger, starring Jared Padelecki. Link to original post 
January 14
John Winchester's Journal
Excerpts from John's journal have been circulating, causing fans to become enraged at John's neglect of Dean as a child and percieved homophobia, as Dean’s first hunt alone was to salt and burn the bodies of a pair of lesbian nuns. Link to original post
John’s Journal, Indian Missions, and the Lesbian Nuns (Jan 16 Update)
Fans focused on the passage of John’s journal that describes the nuns as working in an Indian Mission. Indian missions have contributed to the loss of hundreds of thousands of Native American lives and the destruction of local traditions, customs, and cultures. This has led to discussions of pinkwashing and the silencing of native american voices in pop culture. Link to original post
January 15
Jared's Variety interview
Jared Padalecki, in a Variety interview, talked about Supernatural being a success story for Dean and Dean not wanting Sam to marry Eileen. This caused a lot of people to actively ship Saileen and demand justice for Eileen, making Eileen trend in politics. Link to the original Variety article 
Shoshannah's Reply
After Eileen trended, Shoshannah Stern initially tweeted a simple 🤟 (“I love you” in ASL.) Link to Shoshannah Stern's First Tweet
Shoshannah’s Second Tweet (Jan 16 Update)
Shoshannah Stern tweeted her thanks to fans for “all the love” and spoke about her desire to build up representation. Link to Shoshannah Stern's Second Tweet
The Eileen Leahy Fundraiser 
Inspired by Shoshannah and the character of Eileen, this fundraiser is for 'The Global Foundation For Children With Hearing Loss' which helps children who are deaf by providing early identification, tech and locally-based expertise.  Link to Fundraiser
January 16
Misha Collins and Random Acts 
Misha Collins posted a video on twitter to promote nonprofit organization Random Acts, which will be teaming up with the Biden Inauguration team to promote a national day of service on Martin Luther King Day, January 18. Misha also gained attention for his new hair style. Link to Misha's tweet
SPN Writer Tweets About Fanfiction
Jeremy Adams, who has written three episodes of Supernatural and worked on more, tweeted his support of fanfiction. Link to original post
Follow @destieldailynews and turn on our notifications for more SPN updates
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rmcmisha2022 · 4 years
Sneak peak of the Misha KoC podcast takeaways:
1. Still so confused. He is staying at Rich’s house. Rich isn’t there but West and Maison are? Are they moving? Are they all staying there for his surgery? He went for a pre-op appointment so I’m assuming the reasoning is to be closer to his surgeon? (Also sad face that he isn’t with Jackles-although all the details are still so confusing)
2. The reason we got sexy silence is due to a meditation retreat
3. He looks so ridiculously gorgeous in that clip I can’t.
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