#rishella nichols
theplottdump ยท 1 month
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Rishella: It's a real shame you wont make the Gala Dog. Cabbagepatch: Museum's got a strict no pets policy. I think the boy picked it just to piss me off. Rishella: Then maybe I'm starting to like him more than I previously thought.
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Cabbagepatch: Besides, I have my own work to focus on. Rishella: ๐˜–๐˜ฉ? How go your machinations lately? You've been rather quiet- something of a blessed rarity from you. Are we laying low?
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Cabbagepatch: Much slower than I'd prefer. My kin have unfortunately discovered the location of my palace at Champs Les Chiens. They now incessantly whimper on my doorstep- whining for shelter and asking for money. Rishella: ๐™๐™–๐™ข๐™ž๐™ก๐™ฎ. Cabbagepatch: Tell me about it.
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Cabbagepatch: S'why I've been thinking about going into real estate. I need a new place where my insufferable siblings can't find me to continue my experiments in peace.
I'm currently scoping out a few properties on Mount Komorebi.
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Rishella: The Hong's Territory? My, Queenie won't like that. You always find the most dangerous trees to bark up Dog.
Cabbagepatch: Iโ€™ve got a few other places on the back burner.
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Cabbagepatch: What about you? How's the family?
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Rishella: They suffer daily- half of twitter thinks the whole lot require therapy, and my idiot son in law wonโ€™t silence himself about his ugly little car. Cabbagepatch: Fantastic. Rishella: Thank you, I try.
As always Cabbagepatch is by @ice-creamforbreakfast and Rishella is from @obigem's Legacy!
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obigem ยท 1 year
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It was a mere days before Andrea had spoken to her mother on the phone letting her know baby 4 could be here soon. Her mother insisted right then and there on coming over immediately, but Dre told her to wait for an invite.
But Rishella Cecilly Nichols didn't wait for invites.
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It was important for her to be there to assist with the childrenโ€”specifically the babies.
Her daughter had 4 now, 2 still in diapers, and whether she wanted to believe it or not, she needed her help. But Dre was letting her do little more than dishes. That wouldn't do.
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Rishella decided to take her golden moment to make her presence known and valued upon a chance crossing with Dre in the living room.
"Andrea, dear, everything alright?" She ventured.
"Fine, Mother. Just trying to get my steps in between Brickie's feedings and Droby's naps."
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"It's a large undertaking having a newborn, and infant, and a toddler under one roof."
"Yes, mother, but we have it handled."
"Do you? I hardly see you."
"Because 2 in diapers and one mastering pottying is a hefty undertaking, Mother. But we have it under control."
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"I know you've been saying that, Andrea, but your father and I have been talking, and we think we shoud stay the week to help out with the babies."
"Now, Andrea, you're absolutely drowning. Please, let me help. It's what I'm here for! I won't take no for an answer."
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Andrea took a moment to breathe. She knew her mother wasn't asking to do this from a malicious place, she was just fighting the knee jerk reaction developed over years to expect the worst from her.
She sighed, "OK. But just the week."
"Plenty of time to give you a break!"
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theplottdump ยท 1 year
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Maximilian: Enough of this farce! As Doctor Ego's dedicated successor we all know that chair was promised to me Queenie!
Plus- there is still the chance he may yet return to reclaim his position!
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Rishella: Max you know that's bullshit. One, you do not have the votes; and Two- it is a simple fact that Doctor Ego, if not dead already, has been locked up tighter than the top knot on the Brutalist's High School Years Hairstyle. (Brutalist: ๐˜๐˜ฆ๐˜บ-)
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Rishella: That man has disgraced us, and using him as a boon to your campaign will earn you no respect from myself or anyone at this table.
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Max: I see.
If this is how the league feels, then it might possibly be time for a change of alliance.
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Queenie: You know the consequences of walking out that door Max. Is this your final decision?
You would rather put your own operation, your own life at risk, than accept the inevitable reality of working under my leadership?
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Max: I am aware of the consequences. And I've made my decision.
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Queenie: Then I'll give you a running start.
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Shooby: I swear these meetings get more and more boring every season. It's hardly worth the rocket fuel anymore. Simcraft: And can I just say- anyone who thinks a volcano lair is a good idea has never smelled fresh magma.
It's tooโ€ฆ sulfur-y.
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๐˜ผ๐˜พ๐™ƒ๐™„๐™€๐™‘๐™€๐™ˆ๐™€๐™‰๐™ ๐™๐™‰๐™‡๐™Š๐˜พ๐™†๐™€๐˜ฟ: Didn't shit yourself in front of your co-workers.
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obigem ยท 1 year
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"Hey, hey, relax!" Cam finally spoke up after watching the slow erruption of fireworks biding his time for the right moment to step in.
"Rishella," Cam looked to his mother-in-law, "we appreciate your offer to help out with the babies."
"Butโ€”" Dre tried to continue his thought.
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"No, there are no 'buts.' You and Raymond can take our room and Dre and I will stay down here."
"What?" Dre wanted to break Cam's neck.
"Now, Cameron, I always knew you were reasonable." Rishella smiled.
"Luckily we just put fresh sheets on the bed. Head up and get comfortable"
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Once her parents jumped on the invitation to take up residency in their bedroom, Dre wasted no time.
"Cameron Henry Fletcher, what the hell was that?!"
"Relax, babe."
"Relax? Don't you dare tell me to relax! You're supposed to have my back on these things, not side with them!"
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"I do have your back. Forever and always in all things in life."
"Then what was that?"
"That was me doing us a favor."
"A favor?"
"Babe, we have 2 kids in diapers, one still figuring out pottying, and it's been over a year since we've had a break and time for just you and me."
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"By letting your parents take our bedroom, I just gifted us a week's worth of us time behind a locked door none of the kids have access to. Besides, you're stressed. You need a break."
"Cameron, you sly little devil."
"Not everything your parents do is out of spite, love."
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Cam pulled his wife into his arms. "Whether they meant to or not, they just gifted us a second honeymoon. And the best part is it's free."
"So, what exactly would you like to do with this second honeymoon of ours?"
"I've got a few ideas." Cam lifted an eybrown as they kissed.
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So while the Nichols made themselves comfortable in their bedroom with plans to make things easier on them.
They took the pressure off themselves, and did just as prescribed.
They took it easy.
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obigem ยท 1 year
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Lucky for the Nichols, the Fletchers had recently done renovations, adding a finished fully furnished in-law suite in the basement.
"So, since you and Daddy will be staying the week, you can make yourself at home down here. Cam and I just finished it. It's nice, isn't it?"
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"Nice?" Rishella looked around the place. "I guess...for a basement, dear."
"Mother, it's not just any basement. It's all new carpeting and paint. There's a full kitchen and bathroom down here along with a bedroom. If we wanted to we could charge rent for a tenant down here."
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"It's just, it smells a bit musty down here, sweetheart. And you know your father doesn't sleep well under those conditions."
"Musty? Mother, it's a brand new basement. It can't be musty."
"Yes, I'm sure that's true, dear, but....down here is so far away from the babies."
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"The whole point of us being here is to help out with the children. Down here we'd be so divorced from them. Don't you think it would make more sense for your father and I to stay some place closer?"
"The closest you could get is Cam and my's bedroom." Dre laughed.
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"Now, that's a great idea!"
"Mother, I was kidding."
"But I'm not! Think about it dear, your father and I can take your bedroom, be close to the babies, help out with feedings and changings. And you and Cam can stay down here."
"Mother, that isn't the plan." Dre glared.
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"Cam and I can't be that far away from the babies. I'm still nursing. They need us."
"Sweetheart, you've got a month's worth of milk in the freezer, we can use. Let us give you a break!"
"Andrea, your mother is right." Her dad interjected. "You deserve a break."
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"So now you two are teaming up on me? Even you, Daddy, after you said those things about taking my side more at the vow renewal?"
"Andreaโ€”" Rishella tried to interject.
"No! I should've known you'd swoop in, try to take over, make me feel like I'm not living up to motherhood!"
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theplottdump ยท 2 years
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Queenie: Please my friends, I know it has been a long day, but we are almost done. Cast your vote with a verbal yay or nay when your name is called.
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๐˜ฝ๐™ง๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™œ. Brent: Yay. Vexus has proven himself to be a valuable asset to the League and I see his power only growing with time.
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๐™๐™ž๐™จ๐™๐™š๐™ก๐™ก๐™– ๐™‰๐™ž๐™˜๐™๐™ค๐™ก๐™จ. Rishella: Yay. Queenie: Any reason? Rishella: Do I need a reason? The boy has my vote.
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๐˜พ๐™–๐™—๐™—๐™–๐™œ๐™š๐™ฅ๐™–๐™ฉ๐™˜๐™ ๐™ˆ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™๐™—๐™–๐™ก๐™ก๐™จ. Cabbagepatch: Nay. The human welp is weak and looks like he cries easily.
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๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ญ๐™ž๐™ข๐™ž๐™ก๐™ž๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™‘๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐™†๐™ก๐™š๐™ž๐™ฃ. Max: Nay. As much as I hate to agree with the Mutt, the boy is an over thinker. We need someone with strong convictions and the ability to make quick powerful decisions!
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๐˜ผ-๐™€๐™”๐™€? ๐˜ฝ๐™ง๐™ช๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ก๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ? Brutalist: Nay, too flashy for my taste. A-EYE: And the room is starting to feel more crowded with so many extra ancillary characters. Nay.
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๐˜ฟ๐™ค๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ง ๐™Ž๐™ž๐™ข๐™˜๐™ง๐™–๐™›๐™ฉ. Simcraft: Yay. You know some of us can appreciate a bit of dramatic flair Brutalist, and do not think I do not see you eyeing my Henry when you no one is looking Bot. The boy should be allowed in.
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Queenie: and with my Yay that brings us to a 4-4 tie.
๐™Ž๐™๐™ค๐™ค๐™—๐™ฎ. You have the final vote. Yay or Nay?
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obigem ยท 2 years
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She glided down the aisle and joined hands with her husband when she made it to the end.
"Hi." Andrea said shyly.
"Hi." Cam said back.
"Hi Mama, hi Daddy!" Cordie called out from the front row.
"Cordelia, quiet now. Mommy and Daddy are getting married." Rishella shushed her.
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They both took a moment to chuckle at Cordie's cute outburst, and then a moment of silence as they both gazed into each other's eye's and readied themselves for their exchange of vows.
"Andrea, wow, just look at you. I had it all up here exactly what I was gonna say, now blank."
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"But that's how it always is with you. I have everything so figured out, and then you show up and my mind goes blank and I'm just left so in awe of you. You're such a rare beauty, not just on the outside, but the inside too. Your heart is the purest thing I've ever known."
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"I feel so lucky to be loved by such a pure heart, one that has no idea how amazing she truly is because you are the most amazing person to have ever graced this world. I hardly feel like I deserve to be the one you walk it with, but I'll never stop being thankful you chose me."
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obigem ยท 2 years
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"It's not a problem. My husband ran into your father in law in town searching for furniture for his home. Altus loves to craft, so they became fast friends. Then he dropped by for lunch one day, and I got to know him too. He told us so much about you, I felt compelled to help."
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While Andrea and Ani chatted, Cordie eyed Ani curiously out the corner of her eye before finally speaking up.
"You're really big for a magical fairy," she said as she squinted her eyes at Ani.
"You're right," Ani giggled, "fairies are smaller, I'm a different kind of magical."
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obigem ยท 2 years
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The fact that her mother was letting her try on a dress that she liked was a small victory.
However, there was no overlooking how much fury she had to swallow from her mother making it a problem she was pregnant. After everything, she'd celebrate this wedding and baby with Cam.
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Rishella let out a palpable gasp.
"So, do you like it? I know it's a little revealing, but the lace I think gives it a really traditional touch, and I love how it hugs my curves. It's elegant, and I feel really good in it, so sensual, and like aโ€”"
"Harlot?!" Rishella screeched.
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obigem ยท 2 years
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They all talked, getting to know each other for what more time they had before their next appointments beckoned.
"It was so nice meeting you, Ani. I feel so secure with the ceremony in your hands."
"Of course, leave it all to us. Tomorrow's ceremony will go wonderfully!"
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Henry gave Cam a big hug, "I'm just so glad you're here son and I'll finally be able to see you get morning. I'm more excited than you know."
"Me too, Dad. Me too!"
"Andrea," Rishella gave Dre the eye, "We can't dawdle. The dress shop awaits."
"Yes, mother, I'm coming."
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obigem ยท 2 years
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"A painting?"
"You have to have heard it before. You're so beautiful! I'm sure people tell you constantly."
"You're too kind. I don't know about people, but my husband saying it to me is enough. But you should talk, Henry never told me his daughter in law was so stunning."
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Now you're the one being too kind," Andrea blushed.
"Not at all, you're glowing..." she hesitated searching for her name.
"It's Andrea. But my friends call me Dre. And thank you, you really are kind. Cam and I are thrilled you've been assisting Henry with our vow renewal."
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obigem ยท 1 year
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But before they could go on their hunt โ€”
"My word! You're notโ€”you couldn't be." Rishella said in incredulous shock as she approached Mel.
"OK, I'm not. What aren't I again?"
"That little friend of my daughter. But you used to look like a raggamuffin, piercings colored hairโ€”"
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"Why you look almost normal now. Still piercings, but I never woulda guessed you were the same teen mom from before."
"Ummm, thank you?" Mel rose an eyebrow.
"Mother," Dre sighed. "Remember, manners and boundaries. Stand down, and apologize."
Rishella still needed some work๐Ÿ˜…
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obigem ยท 2 years
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Andrea let out a gasp as they approached. "Oh, Cameron, it looks so picturesque. Can you believe we'll be renewing our vows here?"
"It's gorgeous! Dad really outdid himself finding this gem."
"Yes, I suppose this place has good bones to it," Rishella reluctantly agreed.
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"Do pretty fairies live here, Nana?" Cordie looked on at the venue with wonderment.
"Fairies don't exist, baby." Rishella patted her head taking a mental note to press her hair later.
"Well, it does look magical." Andrea said, not wanting to discourage Cordie's wonder.
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"Well, you ready to give this place a tour?" Cameron said as he gave Andrea's hand a squeeze.
"As I'll ever be." Andrea said as she gave his hand a squeeze back.
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obigem ยท 2 years
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The two were able to eat breakfast as normal after that.
Things hadn't figured themselves out yet, but Andrea was still committed to giving herself time for things to feel settled. And for now, Cam was at least satisfied that Dre had opened up to him.
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The venue viewing was ahead of them, and they were all looking forward to it.
After breakfast, Cam and Dre got Cordie ready, and as promised, Rishella tagged along. Raymond opted out of viewing the venue, trusting Henry's choice, but Henry promised to meet them there.
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obigem ยท 2 years
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"Andrea, don't get snippy with me! They sound like hippie names, you can't expect me to catch on that easily."
Andrea gritted her teeth deciding not to press her mother on her rudeness for the sake of her sanity. "Well, Henry will be taking us over to their venue tomorrow."
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"Perfect!" Rishella said with a smile. "We'll head there first thing in the morning to get a look at the place, and then I can take notes on everything we need to fix. Then we'll be ready for dress shopping!"
"Fix? Mother, what do you have you planned?"
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"What any mother of the bride would have planned," Rishella dug in as she took a bite of her salad.
"I just want you to remember, Mother. It's still my wedding, so don't get carried away. It's what I want."
"Andrea, fine! Just eat your salad. It's slimming."
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obigem ยท 2 years
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"Mother," Andrea said in a very measured tone. "relax. I will find something really beautiful at the dress shop here, the venue will be gorgeous, and the wedding will be memorable. Now, we're all tired why not rest up a bit and have lunch in an hour, yes?"
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Cameron couldn't help but be so impressed, and unavoidably attracted, to how together Andrea was keeping things with her mother. He could ease off his guard just a bit.
"Fine," Rishella huffed. "I could rest my eyes a bit. Hopefully this place serves acceptable meals."
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