#rin x akira
fleshseed · 10 months
Nitroplus really popped off when they designed Rin and Shiki because these fools look exactly like what all the MySpace emos were trying to look like in 2005
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curetsun · 7 months
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💗と❤️の組み合わせ最高〜! by 𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕚 ※If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source!
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p5x-theories · 9 months
New P5X trailer, which seems to be Perfect World officially announcing the third beta! Among many other things, including several new teammates, new features, some new highlight attacks and other animations, and the monstrous form of the second Palace ruler!
Google translating the description:
"The fetters of fate stretch and connect to form a bond. What kind of different stories will be written together? The day and night of the city, the heartbeat, experience and growth, those people and places that have never been seen before, I believe there will be something left behind this time. Face the "desire" itself, are you willing to get rid of the shackles of fate? At the intersection of different worlds, a fateful duel that breaks through time and space, people who have never met but seem familiar... will also appear again.
In the name of "Phantom Thief", ignite the flames of desire, subvert and take back this "world"! After making a "choice", it's time for "you" to appear!"
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valleyofheartz · 6 months
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Beginning of the End
pairing: Suna Rintarou x F!Reader
angst to fluff
WC: 3.1k
synopsis: when Suna begins to spend more time with his close friends, including his new sickeningly sweet manager, you start to wonder if you’re not as important to him as you thought.
content/warnings: neglect, mentions of beating up (no one gets beat up), jealousy, insecurity, no use of y/n, lmk if i missed anything!
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you make your way towards the gymnasium with a giddy smile as you hum the lyrics to Apple Cider. it’s a boring Thursday afternoon, and while you had the option of going home immediately, you figured you’d stop by Rintarou’s volleyball practice. after all, you’d baked some brownies and thought it would be a fun surprise for the boys.
you peek your head through the door to ensure no volleyballs are going to attack you, before slipping in and running towards the benches. you notice Suna spot you with his intense stare, and you give him a smile paired with a wave in response. he waves back before focusing on the rest of his practice.
you manage to get some work done throughout the hour, not disturbing the team as you know how serious the sport is to them. by the time you’ve finished your homework, they’ve begun to pack up and head to the locker room.
Atsumu, however, wipes his sweat with a towel before walking towards you.
“Hey, [Name], how are ya doin'?” he asks you with a crooked grin.
you finish zipping up your backpack before looking up, “I’m doing okay! Just waiting for Rin.”
he nods understandingly as the rest of the boys walk out, dressed in fresh clothes and looking much less… stinky. Rintarou eyes you and Atsumu as he lazily stalks over, draping an arm over you and pulling you close.
he bends down and kisses your temple, “Hey, baby. What’re you doing here?”
you pause, looking up at him unsure as you are aware of the presence of his team members. “I was waiting for you. I was thinking we could go back home together and watch a movie?”
he lifts his arm to rub the back of his neck. “Sorry, today the team is going out for dinner. Maybe tomorrow?”
you ignore the pinch in your heart at the lack of an invitation, but you justify it as it is a team dinner. and make no mistake, no matter how close you were, you were not part of his team.
“Oh, okay.” you murmur with an awkward smile. you look towards Osamu who stands off to the side, “Hey, ‘Samu, I made my brownies again since you all loved them so much. Here.”
you reach out to give them to him as he rips open the lid and stares at it with heart-eyes. he looks back to you, “Thank ya so much [Name], ya sure ya don’t wanna dump Sunarin for me? I could eat these for the rest of ma life.”
Suna immediately wraps an arm around your waist, tugging you into his chest as he glowers at Osamu. you giggle as Osamu merely raises his hands in mock surrender. the rest of the team digs in, including Atsumu who you notice still hasn’t changed. but that was none of your business.
what was your business, was the pouty messy haired boy in front of you who looked like a sad puppy.
“Hey. Where’s mine?”
you smile fondly, before unzipping your backpack and pulling out a neatly wrapped bag of brownies. they were decorated with caramel drizzle and mini sprinkle hearts.
Suna lights up at the sight, gently grabbing it from your hand and kissing the side of your face. “Thanks.” he whispers, causing you to shiver at the low tone.
“Should you all be eating brownies when nationals is just around the corner? I thought you’d be more strict about this, Kita-san.” a gentle voice comes from behind. you look over and find their manager, Akira, as she frowns at the team.
Kita looks thoroughly scolded as he stares at the brownie in his hand, his cheeks puffed out as he stops chewing.
your brows furrow as you notice everyone stop eating. you force a smile, “I thought it would be fine since it’s been months since I gave it to them.”
Atsumu nods as he finishes chewing, licking his fingers once he’s done. “Yeah, don’t worry about it Akira, yer new so ya don’t know this, but [Name] always bakes for us. It doesn’t hurt to have somethin’ sweet once in a while.”
she sighs, a dimpled smile coming onto her face, “I suppose you’re right, Atsumu. Well, when are we leaving?”
your face drops at the we. who is we, you begin to wonder. the team? her? everyone here but you? you clench your fist as you inhale quietly. you turn to Suna with a smile.
“I’m gonna head home before it gets darker, have fun at your dinner.” you kiss his cheek before placing your bag over your shoulder and leaving, uncaring of the fact that your exit was not the nicest.
perhaps this was the beginning of the end of your and Suna’s relationship. looking back, you should’ve noticed something was wrong. but what were you to do, other than ride the catastrophic wave as a rookie surfer.
things began to go downhill from there. slowly, but surely, you were losing Rintarou. it went from team dinners, to team hangouts, to spending lunch breaks with the team. it was the team, team, team, and team. and a quick glance at Atsumu’s Instagram let you know that Akira was included in every team plan.
that didn’t mean you didn’t try. because if there’s anything you ever did, it was try your best.
“Hey, Rin! Let’s get dinner on Saturday?”
he looks at you with a guilty smile, kissing your lips gently. you part, dazed, but he lets you down with his next words. “Sorry, team dinner again. Maybe next week?”
“Rinnie, was thinking of seeing the new Barbie movie with you. Wanna go on Friday?” you ask with hopeful eyes. the Barbie movie was gaining so much popularity lately, it was hard to go about your days without seeing spoilers.
he pauses, before running a hand through his messy dark hair, “Sorry, babe. The team already asked me to go with them. I can rewatch it with you some other time though?”
“No need,” you shake your head with a wry smile.
“Have fun, Rin.”
you end up going to the theatres alone and shoving popcorn in your mouth every time the couples next to you giggle.
the last straw was when he flaked on your usual Thursday lunch break meetup. the two of you would sit on the rooftop together and enjoy picking at each others food. it would often end in you being cuddled into his chest, enjoying the soft kisses down your neck.
the past few weeks, he hadn’t been present at all. he was physically there, but his mind was somewhere else. he’d be on his phone texting the team group chat you were obviously not in, and it was getting ridiculous. so when he fails to show up this week, you begin to wonder how much more of this you’ll put up with.
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he doesn’t text you back for the rest of the day, and while you wish you could say you were angry, you were more so disappointed. was expecting him to prioritize you asking for too much? was it unreasonable to want to be chosen first? was love meant to hurt this much?
you make your way to the gymnasium once again after class. your face that once held a happy smile is replaced with a blank look, as you are unable to force yourself to look something you do not feel.
you walk in without a care of the volleyballs being thrown across the room, but you stop when you spot Akira, dimpled brown-haired Akira, who is in your Rintarou’s sweater. the sleeves fall below her hands, and the sweater paws look horrifically adorable. she smiles as she talks with the team, handing their water bottles to them. you wonder if you are imagining the glint in her eyes as she hands Rintarou his, their fingers brushing lightly as she gives it to him.
“[Name]!” a loud voice calls. it snaps you out of your daze, but you wish it hadn’t. tears begin to build in your eyes, so you turn around and walk out. you quickly wipe them away, thankful that your eyes don’t get red easily as you continue walking.
but then you hear footsteps. someone’s running towards you. you know it’s Rintarou, but you can’t face him right now. you speed up your steps, but he catches up with you in no time and softly grabs your wrist, pulling you into his chest.
you rip your arm out harshly, frowning up at him.
he exhales, out of breath from practice and running. “Baby, what’s wrong? Why did you leave?”
he pauses, “Why do you look so upset?”
he moves closer to grab your face in his hands, but you take a step back, needing the space.
“Why… Why was she in your sweater, Rintarou?”
he frowns, eyes looking around as his mind scrambles to understand you. “Who? You mean Akira? She wasn’t feeling well during lunch so I gave her my sweater.”
your heart drops. so while you were waiting for him alone at the rooftop he was with her? your face twists; you aren’t sure what kind of expression you’re showing, but it must annoy Suna, as he scoffs quietly, sliding a hand over his face.
“You’re not upset over that, are you? Because I don’t remember you being so possessive like that.”
you bark out a sarcastic laugh, looking at him as you tilt your head, “Possessive? More like I’m fucking normal, Rintarou. With the way you’ve been neglecting me lately, this is just the cherry on top.”
you shake your head, ignoring his concerned eyes. “Go back to practice, Suna. I’m going home.”
you turn around, fully expecting to be pulled back, but nothing happens. you continue to walk, letting out a shaky exhale as you place your headphones on. tears slip out of your eyes as your vision begins to blur. you blink harshly, wondering why every situation seemed to leave you utterly alone.
“She said something about Akira being in my sweater.” Suna dries his hair messily with the towel in his hands before leaving it draped on his neck.
Osamu shrugs, “Well, that’s a valid reason to be uncomfortable in my opinion.”
Aran nods in agreement beside him. “Yeah, you considered that maybe you pushed a boundary of hers?”
Suna frowns, trying to ignore the flashes in his head of your heartbroken face. his chest aches. he hates not being on good terms with you.
Atsumu comes out from the showers, stretching his arms as he yawns.
“How was yer lunch with her today? Did she seem upset earlier?”
Suna pauses at Atsumu’s words.
Today was…Thursday.
he stands, scrambling as he rummages through his bag for his phone. he quickly opens your contact and looks at your texts. he sighs with a heavy heart at what he sees. why didn’t he get your texts?
he checks to the settings, finding that he had your contact muted. he knows he could have never done that, so he traces his memory back to whoever had his phone. the only time he left his phone alone today was when he was with Akira in the nurses room.
putting the pieces together, he shuts off his phone and tosses it back into his bag.
Suna looks for you on Friday, but you manage to slip away every time he got close. he sat in your usual seat in class, only for you to sit up at the front close to the door. when class was over, you quickly packed your bags and was out before he could blink.
when he looked for you at lunch, he found you surrounded by your friends. you must’ve told them something, because the moment they saw him they glared before huddling closer to you as if to protect you. he rolls his eyes at the thought but is happy you have such caring friends.
he waits by your locker after school, crossing his arms and leaning on the cool metal. he has practice, but he has priorities. and perhaps he neglected you for the past three weeks, but he knows he can fix this. he can be better.
but when you don’t show up, he wonders what the point of being better is if you’re not there.
his eyes trace the lines in the concrete as he walks towards the gym. the rest of practice he’s off his game, with sloppy spikes and weak serves. sure, he gets told off by Kita but it’s not as bad as the pain of potentially losing you.
Akira walks up to him after practice. she taps his shoulder. “Hey, Suna. I was wondering if you wanted to visit the Illusion Cafe with me this weekend? I know you love sweets and I heard lots of good things!” she smiles sweetly, but all Suna can focus on is the sweater she is wearing. it’s his.
more importantly, it’s yours.
he frowns, “No. I’m gonna spend that time with my girlfriend.”
Akira’s expression drops into a slight scowl. his eyebrow twitches at the mere sight. why would she be angry that he’s spending time with his girlfriend?
“Oh…Okay. Let me know if you change your mind.” she says with a tight lipped smile.
he looks back at the sweater before glancing at her face. “I won’t. Also, I’d like my sweater back sometime soon, thanks.”
her face reddens at his comment. she nods, embarrassed, before scurrying away.
Suna sighs, walking to the locker room and wondering how he was gonna get you to talk to him.
the team walks out of the gym, with Suna tuning their mindless rambling out. he stretches, finding his eyes seem heavier than usual. he hadn’t slept well last night, unused to you being angry with him that it left him so unsettled he couldn’t sleep.
“Oh, looks like the basketball team is also going home.”
it’s something insignificant. something Suna thought he’d look over at and forget the next second. but then he sees you.
you, with your arm wrapped around another guy’s arm. he’s tall, taller than Suna. muscular too, and his dark blue hair is captivating. Suna stops walking, causing the rest of the team to take a second glance at what he is looking at.
“Holy shit, is that [Name]? What’s she doin’ with those scrubs?” he distantly hears Atsumu say, but all is on his mind is he needs to get you away from that guy now. away from him and into his arms.
you’re laughing, happy for the first time in three weeks until you hear the rushed footsteps that are approaching you.
“[Name], let’s talk.” Suna demands. unfortunately for him, you’re not in the mood to talk anymore.
you unwrap your arm, looking at Suna directly. “No thanks. Maybe next time.” you quote his favourite line he’d used on you countless times recently. it seems he realizes, as his face crumples.
“Who’s this dolt?” the tall blue haired man asks, and Suna’s eyebrow twitches in irritation. who does this guy think he is?
you sigh, “Sorry, Aomine. This is my…boyfriend.”
Aomine’s brows raise. “Ah, my bad. Didn’t mean to get in the way.”
you shake your head, ignoring the other basketball members who surround you. “You’re not in the way, let’s go home, please.”
Suna walks in front of you, stopping you from moving. you exhale, exhausted from the long three weeks and wanting nothing more than to be in your bed.
“You want me to deal with him, [Name]?” Kagami asks from the side, sliding his sleeves up as Suna’s eyes widen.
a new voice comes from behind Suna, “Deal with him? Yer gonna havta deal with us too then.” Atsumu stands in front of Suna, eyes blazing with confidence. even Kita stands off to the side, seemingly ready to physically intervene. you want to laugh at the scene.
you shake your head at the almost comedic situation in front of you, before clapping your hands loudly. “Okay! That’s enough. Volleyball kids, go on your way. Basketball kids, also go on your way. Suna and I will talk as he walks me home.”
Suna’s eyes light up at your words, but you ignore his gaze. he wasn’t forgiven quite yet.
the rest of them begin to make their way out of the school grounds, except for Suna and Aomine. Aomine looks down at you, bending to your height, “You sure you don’t need me to do anything?”
you smile at his overprotectiveness, “No thanks, I got this. Thank you though, really.” he smiles and ruffles your hair, letting out a small ‘oof’ as you hug him tightly.
Suna stands off to the side, silently seething yet knowing he has no place to tell you what to do, especially not now.
Aomine leaves soon after, with a soft wave and a promise to beat Suna up if he tries anything funny. you glance at Suna who looks unsure and out of place.
“Let’s go?” you don’t wait for an answer and begin walking. you hear soft shuffling as he walks beside you and takes small glances that he thinks are discreet.
you arrive at a park near your house. you take a seat on the swings, Suna carefully doing the same. you wait for him to speak, as you’re all out of love and words to give at the moment.
“So… I think- No I know, I need to start this off by saying I’m sorry.” he stands, moving to position himself in front of you. he bends down, crouching to meet your gaze.
“I was very neglectful these last few weeks. I have no excuse, and I know I’ve hurt you.”
he slowly moves to grab your hand; you allow him, as he brings your limp hand to kiss the back. “I want you to know I made it clear to Akira that you’re my number one. You’re the one I always want, no matter what. I can’t even believe my dumbass made you doubt that.”
he shakes your head, looking down before glancing up. you notice tears building in his lash-line, causing you to sit up in alarm.
“I am seriously so fucking sorry for missing our lunch dates, dinners, and for giving her my sweater.”
you grab his face gently, wiping your thumbs beneath his eyes.
“I’ll burn the sweater, I swear.”
you roll your eyes, squishing his cheeks gently.
he grabs your arms, kissing your inner wrists softly as he looks up at you. “Will you give me a second chance? I promise I won’t fumble.”
the sweet moment is broken, then, as you scoff out a laugh. “You’re not going to fumble me, Rintarou.”
he smiles, cat-like eyes with a lazy grin. “Damn right. Gotta treat you like the princess you are.”
you pout, “Not a queen?”
he laughs, a deep raspy sound. he stands up and tilts his head down to kiss your nose.
“Princess, queen, anything. So long as you’re mine.”
"So, who was that asshole earlier?"
you shove his shoulder gently, "He's not an asshole! He's my friend. Didn't you know I'm friends with the basketball team? I used to be their manager."
Rintarou scoffs, "Yeah, I knew that, just didn't know those guys were so close to my girl."
you look at him with a blank face.
"Right, and I was the one who was possessive. Sure."
he whines softly, low in his throat as he moves his face into your neck, "I said I was sorry!"
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a/n: suna brainrot😵‍💫
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sigmasemen · 4 months
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multiple blue lock characters x reader
tags: romance, cute relationships, established relationships, fluff.
taglist: n/a currently
characters: alexis ness, akira endoji, ryusei shidou, nijiro nanase, ranze kurona, michael kaiser, bachira meguru, rin itoshi, chigiri hyoma.
word count: 2668
extra notes: i originally had sae in this but he didn’t make it into the 9 character count i usually do.
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- Ness is very strategic about dates and things of the sort. He always thinks about the best ways to make you feel special, how to plan things out for you to enjoy yourself, he's particular.
- Though he tends to stick to romantic dinners in a nice restaurant, private to just you and him, sometimes you suggest something a bit more daring. Like, "Let's go to a yoga class!" or "Let's head over to the local water park!"
- But, arguably, his favorite non-romantic-dinner-date is definitely when you two went out shopping. Not to a mall or anything, just a town square, traditionally built with intricate patterns in the rocks.
- Ness, at first, was just window shopping and letting you pick everything. Whenever you looked at something for a prolonged second, he grabs it, buys it, and gives it to you. Especially if it's matching.
- He's a bit touchy on dates. Mostly wrapping his hands around your waist, occasionally glaring at people who stare at you for too long then pressing a firm kiss onto your lips, face, wherever he can reach.
- Ness enjoys taking you to fancy wine and dine restaurants, though gets confused if you order something more normal. He always gets you extra food just in case. (On most dates though, he's cooking for you.)
- At the end of the date, he walks you home and has his usual V-shaped smile plastered on his face while he waits for you to tell him bye. He then leans down, presses a kiss on your hand, then trails kisses up to your cheek and smiles.
- "I will see you soon, my love." He then walks off, leaving you dazed (with, of course, a soft smile on your face.)
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- Akira blushes bright red whenever you do literally anything slightly cute on the date. If you give a small giggle, he'll grip the table with a huge grin and bright blush on his face.
- He holds open every door for you, pulls out your chair, adjusts your outfit when people are looking. He'll do anything for you and your praise.
- He loves his first date with you. He remembers you went to a garden, and as he was chasing you around in there, he somehow stumbled into the fountain. He looked sad that he had ruined his appearance, so you jumped in right with him.
- He adores going on as many dates as he possibly can with you. You're practically going on one every other day.
- Akira, whenever you're going up an elevator or doing something before a ride, will bounce on his heels and smile as he's excited.
- Each date is extremely eventful though. You cannot say you've ever had a bland one. Whether the idea is skydiving or Akira just accidentally does something dumb, it's a 50/50 chance.
- One time, you went to a zoo and stepped on a bug. You didn't really care, however your (lovely) boyfriend's arms and legs were wrapped tightly around you as he stared at the guts of it. Then proceeded to act cool until he saw another one.
- He enjoys when you touch the tuff of orange hair in front of others because he practically chirps like a bird.
- Always buys souvenirs after every. Single. Date.
- He also loves going on coffee or hot chocolate dates in the winter because you always shiver and he gets to give you his coat. He's very proud of himself after that.
- At the end of each eventful date, you lean on his shoulder while listening to music with him. He fools with your hand until you both fall asleep.
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- Oh expect the most eventful dates to the point your legs are trembling after from running around with him.
- He adores to pamper you and give you all his attention on dates. And grab your ass. Also a very important part.
- Most dates include going to parks and beating kids on the jungle gym, going to a carnival and competing to see who's better (if he wins, he gives you the stuffed animal regardless), going to rave concerts, or staying home and fucking. Whatever he wants that day.
- He actually took you to see A Clockwork Orange. You didn't understand what he saw in it, especially considering the foulness of it... However, he explained how he fucking loved the gore. Weird, but you had learned to accept it after seeing that kick to the face Rin got...
- Shidou adores randomly slapping your ass on dates and making you yell. He finds it hilarious and will press kisses all over your face as a thank you for letting him.
- He sometimes invites you on sudden notice to feed strays with him, which then spirals into a long and loving date.
- You teach him how to slow dance. He does it to impress you, but beyond that he'd suck.
- Always asking you to wear revealing outfits but accepts it when you don't. He enjoys how you gawk at his muscles when he flexes though.
- He also finds it fun to take you to cat cafes and to place all the cats on you, then take a picture and run.
- He buys you a lot of small trinkets, especially clips and plushies. He even gets a custom plush of him to put on your phone. (He has one of you on his too.)
- All dates end back at his place after a few rounds, having you curled up against his chest. For once, even though he feels empty as usual, he enjoys the sight of you on his chest. His breath and your face made you both drift to sleep.
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- Nanase is over the moon when you ask him out on a date. He's a bit scared to ask you out on dates but he appreciates when you ask him. The only time he ever asked you to take him out on a date was when he asked you to prom. (His mother was dolling him all up while he looked a bit embarrassed.)
- Most dates have you two holding hands or interlocked arms.
- Also getting dirty.
- Nanase sometimes takes you on remote dates to picnics so you can remain distant from everyone as it's nice to have just your company around.
- He loves dates where you two get to go on adventures together to try new things. Like rock climbing! (You found out he had a fear of heights with that.)
- A few times on your dates, he'd say a metaphor wrong to a snow cone vendor and you'd just giggle and kiss his cheek.
- He's very much a gentleman and will hold open doors for you constantly.
- Tried to slow dance with you when it was getting dark and it was raining, except he slipped and you both fell. It took a while for you to stop laughing.
- Usually you buy large drinks early on in the date to quench your thirst for the entire date.
- Whenever the date ends, you walk him home and shake hands with whatever parent is there at the time. You then wave and walk home. (He's texting you the entire way home to make sure you get home safely.)
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- He practically rushes to ask you out as he doesn't want any other guy to come sweep you up and take you away. 
- Dates usually are random, he'll go anywhere you want to go. The aquarium is the main spot. Not because he picked it, but because you did. You'll stare at the sharks for a few prolonged moments, then look at you and trail your fingers along his teeth.
- You always wear lipstick to your dates so you can press a kiss onto his cheek.
- He usually dresses pretty casual for dates. Shorts and a tank top. You always go all out and it's cute to see your contrasting styles.
- Sometimes you'll bring a Nintendo switch and show games to him that he enjoys.
- Most dates are actually at either of your houses as you two like having alone time together. Sitting in bed together, sharing his jacket as you lean against his shoulder and keenly watch the movie you had put on.
- He enjoys playing music in the background when you two do work out dates. By the end, Kurona is still going while you're face first on the ground.
- Kurona hates going to restaurants and instead picks up fast food for you two. He's always trying new things at places. Though he especially likes snowcones from a certain corner store.
- Dates ends with silent walks late at night, content with each other's company and nothing more. Though, not much more is needed for you to be satisfied.
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- Oh how he loves to spoil you rotten and pamper you. He sometimes runs his hands down your back and tells you how good you look. Asks you to wear outfits he specifically buys for you.
- He constantly takes you slow dancing and tells you that he has to show you off to the town. You're used to a lot of attention but it's even worse when Kaiser is flaunting you. Kisses you for the paparazzi.
- He pampers you a lot. Mostly dates on the town where he can show you off. Or he takes you in a helicopter and flies you around, taking you across buildings sight seeing.
- He loves how the cities reflect in your eyes and will randomly kiss you because of it.
- Always takes you to big, nice musicals and plays after renting out the entire theatre. He enjoys comparing you and his relationship to one of the relationships in the show.
- He adores feeding you German cuisine, says he made it but he most definitely did not.
- Most dates are very formal, however he doesn't mind any sort of date with you. He adores the look you get in your face after you've been pampered silly. 
- You have at least 50 different pieces of jewelry encrusted with a blue diamond or sapphire that he bought for you.
- Kaiser sometimes randomly reaches around your waist and presses firm kisses onto your neck, mumbling how beautiful your body looks in the outfit you have on. He just chuckles when you get embarrassed.
- All dates end with him dropping you off at home in some extra way, then telling your parents how great you were. He always has to make a grand gesture towards them as well.
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spooky-bunnys · 5 months
will there be part 5 of baby haitani? I need it!!
Title: Haitani Baby Brother FINAL
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Sanzu x Haitani Younger Brother
Warnings: Fluff!
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When (Name) opened his eyes, he was blinded by a bright light. He tried looking around vut his head and body felt like he'd been hit with a truck. As he carefully looked around he noticed he was in the medical ward in the Bonten's headquarters.
He smelled the air trying to find certain sents but couldn't smell anything over the scent of bleach and cleaner. So he did the next best thing he could do. He called out hoping anyone would hear him. What he wasn't expecting was your the door for the room to literally break off the hinges.
Startling the poor Omega. Realising who it was (Name) started crying. "Alpha!" Sanzu quickly wrapped his arms around his Omega. Tears in both their eyes. "I-I thought I had lost you! When you went down a-and the pups-" (Name) pushed him away shaking. "P-Pups. Where's the pups? Are they okay? Did something go wrong?!"
Sanzu pulled (Name) close and kissed him deeply. As he pulled away Sanzu smiled. "The girls are just fine (Name)." (Name) smiled brightly. "Girls? I had twin girls?" Sanzu nodded. "Yep two female Alpha's that look just like you. But with my eyes. I'm so proud of you Omega." Sanzu scented the very happy Omega.
A knock on the door interrupted the couples reunion. Takeomi and Mikey stood there. Each holding a wrapped pup. Mikey made his way over with a slight smile. "You did good (Name). Your brothers are getting you clothes and some food. They left just before you woke up."
(Name) nodded his eyes not leaving the blanket in his arms. Mikey chuckled and carefully handed (Name) the wrapped blanket. Takeomi followed, after grumbling for a few moments. The Omega started crying again staring at the pups he's been carrying for what felt like such a long time ago. "Hi my little angels." Sanzu carefully scooted (Name) forward a bit so he could sit behind him.
"That one on the right is the oldest. She has the Haitani's blonde hair and my eyes. We named her Akira. The one on the left has my eyes but I think she has a mixture of our hair. Her name is Akiko." (Name) nodded slowly. He still couldn't believe this was happening.
The door opened and the rest of Bonten came in. (Name)'s brothers coming in last with two bags. They all surrounded the bed watching the scene. "Their beautiful Haruchiyo." Sanzu smiled softly and kissed his temple. "Its all thanks to you my beautiful Omega. You've made me so happy. Thank you for giving me this family."
(Name) hummed. Purring silently and snuggled against Sanzu's chest. Ran placed the bag of food on the table by the bed. "Look at that. We're Uncles Rindou!" Rindou placed the duffle bag he was holding by the bathroom. "We sure are Aniki. Just think we could have more nieces and nephews in the future."
Takeomi nodded. "I hope we do. I'd love being an Uncle." Sanzu glared at him. "I've accepted the idiots as my pups Uncles but you haven't earned shit yet!" (Name) elbowed Sanzu. "Chiyo! Watch what you say around the pups!" Sanzu instantly apologized to (Name) and lightly scented him again. Ignoring the flabbergasted Takeomi.
(Name) waddled down the hallway. As he made it into the kitchen he sighed. "Girls! Come on! You're gonna be late!" Akira and Akiko came rancing into the kitchen. The now 8 year olds sat at the kitchen table. "But Momma we don't want to go to Uncle Omi's! Why can't we go to Uncle Mikey's!?"
(Name) sighed with a smile. "You're both definitely your sires daughters. He hates your Uncle Omi too. But Uncle Mikey is busy this afternoon with business with his company. Unless you'd like to join your father and I to our baby appointment?" Bpth girls groaned. "What about Uncles Ran and Rin?" (Name) sighed. "They're out of the country on business."
"But what-", (Name) placed two Bento's in front of the girls. "Everyone else is busy. Even your Uncles Kakucho and Kokonoi. Uncle Omi was a last resort. Trust me your sire was upset about it too." The girls pouted and huffed. (Name) smiled and kissed their heads. "If you behave for Uncle Omi, I'm sure your father wouldn't mind a cuddle pile later tonight."
The girls perked up. While their mother was their favorite parent, that hadn't seen their father in a while. "Promise Momma?" (Name) smiled softly. "Oh I promise. I'll make sure he's here at home by the time you two come back." The girls cheered and hugged their dam before grabbing their bags and bento's before going outside.
Takeomi had been ready to knock when the door opened. He opened his arms to hug the girls but they ignored him and instead got into his car. Takeomi sighed and pouted. "Hopefully this one likes me. If not I'm never gonna be the favorite Uncle!" (Name) snorted. "Even if this baby doesn't hate you, you wouldn't be the favorite Uncle Takeomi. Not with my brothers around."
Takeomi grumbled and waved bye before getting into his car. (Name) waved good-bye and went back inside. When he finally sat on the couch (Name) finally relaxed. Sinking into the couch. He checked the time. The appointment wasn't for a few more hours. He looked down at his bump and smiled. "You wouldn't mind a nap would you my Prince?" There was a small kick and (Name) smiled. "Didn't think so."
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lesboymetaknight · 1 year
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A friend of mine did this a while ago, you know who you are ;D, and it made me want to do one of my own. It took so long, because this went through many edits.
Anyways here they are from left to right, top to bottom:
1. Utenanthy (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
2. Madohomu (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
3. Anis x Euphie (The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady)
4. Rupphire (Steven Universe)
5. Midzel (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
6. Diakko (Little Witch Academia)
7. Usarei (Sailor Moon)
8. Alphyne (Undertale)
9. Kyosaya (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
10. Catradora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
11. Bumbleby (RWBY)
12. Ao x Mira (Asteroid in Love)
13. Princess Amira x Princess Sadie (Princess Princess Ever After)
14. Flutterdash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
15. Harumichi (Sailor Moon)
16. Yamada x Kase (Asagao to Kase-san)
17. Rankane (Ranma 1/2)
18. Papicoco (Flip Flappers)
19. Starfruit (Super Mario Series)
20. Akira x Fumi (Aoi Hana)
21. Chibitaru (Sailor Moon)
22. Rin x Miku (Vocaloid)
23. Nanofate (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
24. Bubbline (Adventure Time)
25. Whispangle (Sonic IDW Comics)
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ladyodaskonpeito · 7 months
This is my submission for the mini bang track of @thenightpool's MEDLEY! I had the pleasure to be partnered with Akira Clementine who created a lovely art to go with this story! Please check it out here!
Fandom: Free!
Pairings: Matsuoka Rin x Nanase Haruka, Yamazaki Sousuke x Tachibana Makoto
Rating: T
Wordcount: 10.9K
Haruka was cold expressions and icy blue stares, while Rin was playful pranks and cheery laughs. Rin wanted to become friends and maybe even more, Haruka just wanted the pool to himself and to enjoy his mackerel in peace. Just why are they so different? Rin being a dog and Haruka being a cat might explain it. But in all of Rin’s five months of life, he had never seen any cats navigate the water as gracefully as that.
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cookingforsatoru · 2 years
beauty and the beat by justin bieber would look good in you're rindou drabbleess!!
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↪ featuring ; Rindou haitani x Fem!reader
↪ summary ; you were in a club where bonten would always go, but The Younger Haitani has his eyes on you.
↪ warnings ; cursing, slight nsfw, mentions of killing.
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"Good Evening, Gentlemen! Please take a seat, we reserved this just for you guys!"
the waiter led the 3 Guys into the VIP seats and gave them their usual orders.
sanzu, ran, and rindou would always just talk bout ladies they wanted to fuck. or bout them planning how to (get Koko's credit card) get Mikey's attention and beg him to stop giving them assignments due so early.
'' is manifesting real? I need to get someone killed by Thursday"
the pink-haired man said getting really curios about that question
"We need to try, boss isn't giving us extensions." the older haitani said
a few minutes later they noticed rindou, not listening to their conversation and looking at a girl, dancing in the midst of the crowds.
"Someone got my baby's attention, huh."
"must be a lucky girl"
the two exclaimed, then the song "beauty and a beat" started.
the younger haitani smiled, so wide. for the first fucking time!
"lemme see the girl, rin! she's makin' you smile like crazy"
"there. see her?"
"oooh fuck, she is one of a kind"
"she is. I saw her in the cafeteria downtown once, twice? she's kind, sweet, n' everything. really"
"then go talk to her." his brother said wiht a wide smile, first time seeing his brother go crazy about a girl.
really changes him, so much.
rindou agreed and stood up, since he also wanted to get the girl's attention.
"hey, i see you here often"
"oh, but i've been here once. just tonight, sir."
looks like his excuse failed, but the rindou haitani isn't giving up that easily.
"oh must have been someone else, but you look really pretty, iv'e been talking about you eyeing you. not in a creepy way."
"oh okay"
"want some drinks?"
3 hours have passed, ran and sanzu wants to go home already.
they saw rindou leaving the cr with the girl in his back.
"So, you two had fun, huh"
"shut up. he's my brother btw"
"oh hello!"
"I saw a hickey, rinnie"
"shut up before i kill both of you"
"Alright, alright. but we're going home, say bye-bye to your girlfriend, now"
"oh, bye rin! it was nice meeting you"
"Don't worry, I'll meet you again."
"she was so fine! her body, her face, even her personality is hot."
"you have fallen, dude"
"i can't believe i have"
"even her body was so fucking hot when she dances and everything-"
sanzu said, rindou just chuckled but. he didn't stop.
talking and talking and talking about that girl. he was so in love.
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Taglist: @omakeomuomuu @thisbicc @galactict3a @rgtgt @chuuberrysworld @penguinlovestowrite-blog @ddeadcalm @obeymesimp11 @ashwasherelol @oikawastudiescutie @staymoarmyzen @leilalago @winterv-black @bobateasilverpearll @jcrml @sapphire-gemm @layla0mitsuya @rindousfavoritewife @mrssano04 @kzuyii @dr4kenlvr @softbabyjunkj @tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gangn @magxnoriaia @mimeen @valhomass @akira-kurusu @beebeedibapbeediboop @bontensbabygirll @wintercher03 @fueledbysano @chuunami @wuvmads
just message me if you guys want to be tagged :DD or if you are disturbed by my random taggings, please message me also!
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64 unique idols are gathered here to see who among them, truly, is worthy of being the top idol. this is a friendly competition and there is no threat of the idoluminati anywhere at all.
Side A:
1: Lily Hoshikawa (Zombieland Saga) vs Pearl (Splatoon) -> Lily Hoshikawa (WINNER!)
2: Minori Hanasto (Project SEKAI) vs Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4) -> Rise Kujikawa (WINNER!)
3: Rosie Mayfield (Style Boutique) vs Misa Amane (Death Note) -> Misa Amane (WINNER!)
4: Idol (Miitopia) vs Amari Katasumi (PriPara) -> Idol (WINNER!)
5: Mona Narumi (Confession Executive Committee) vs Mima Kirgoe (Perfect Blue) -> Mima Kiroge (WINNER!)
6: Rina Tennouji (Love Live!) vs Kanon Ichinose (Girls x Heroine) -> Rina Tennouji (WINNER!)
7: Ayu Yumesaki (Idol Royale) vs Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew) -> Zakuro Fujiwara (WINNER!)
8: Iris Sagan (AI: The Somnium Files) vs Sophy Houjou (PriPara) -> Iris Sagan (WINNER!)
9: Tsubasa Kazanari (Symphogear) vs Yumemi Yumemite (Kakeguri) -> Tsubasa Kazanari (WINNER!)
10: Minako Aino (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon) vs Tae Yamada (Zombieland Saga) -> Tae Yamada (WINNER!)
11: Momo Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) vs Miruki Amauri (Waccha Prigami!) -> Momo Kisaragi (WINNER!)
12: Shion Kamiya (Aikatsu) vs Uta (One Piece) -> Uta (WINNER!)
13: Yoko Okino (Detective Conan) vs Marina Ida (Splatoon) -> Marina Ida (WINNER!)
14: Ai Hoshino (Oshi no Ko) vs Rui Wakaouji (Tokyo 7th Sisters) -> Ai Hoshino (WINNER!)
15: Yukito (Yuki) Orikasa (Idolish7) vs Asahi Mogami (Phantom of the Idol) -> Yuki Orikasa (WINNER!)
16: Onpu Segawa (Ojamajo DoRe) vs Tsubasa Oribe (Fire Emblem) -> Onpu Segawa (WINNER!)
Side B:
1: Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) vs Yū Morisawa (Magical Angel Creamy Mami)
2: Airi Momoi (Project SEKAI) vs Barbara (Genshin Impact)
3: Yuni (Pretty Cure) vs Riamu Yumemi (THE iDOLM@STER)
4: Riku Nanase (Idolish7) vs Utau Hoshina (Shugo Chara!)
5: Urara Kusanago (Pretty Cure) vs Shun Shimotsuki (Tsukiuta)
6: Lisia (Pokémon) vs Maina Ichii (Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu)
7: Mem-Cho (Oshi no Ko) vs Haruka Sawamura (Yakuza)
8: Eri Karan (Digimon) vs Cheri Sono (AKB0048)
9: Arashi Narukami (Ensemble Stars) vs Mira Hanayashiki (Sekko Boys)
10: Jennifer Sumire Sol (Waccha Prigami!) vs Gold Ship (Uma Musume Pretty Derby)
11: Ayu Maruyama (BanG Dream!) vs Kou Seiya (Sailor Moon)
12: Rin Chan (Evillious Chronicles) vs Hiro Hayashi (King of Prism)
13: Ao Yodogawa (Selection Project) vs Akira Kogami (Lucky Star)
14: Ming-Ming (Beyblade) vs Mika Kagehira (Ensemble Stars)
15: Aira Harune (Pretty Rhythm) vs Hina Hikawa (BanG Dream!)
16: Kerori Crocell (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) vs Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa)
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fleshseed · 10 months
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Been thinking about Rin...(and Akira but when am I -not- thinking about Akira)
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shockensemble · 7 months
—Intro / Pinned! 📌
howdy hey! welcome to our humble little theater! we're the SHOCK! Ensemble (also known as the rat squad and the Planetarium Pantheon), a mixed origin (possibly) OSDD-1b system of 20+ theatrical ratties that decided to get a tumblr blog.
we collectively respond to Ei, and go by any pronouns; but if you know about us and who we are besides our host, we use our individual pronouns and names! we also use i/me and we/us interchangeably!
in terms of carrd... we have no carrd yet. but fear not! we're working as fast as we can to have it up! you'll get to know about us in more detail eventually ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ (HURRY UP EI -rin)
‼WE RESPECT ALL ORIGINS HERE‼ everyone deserves a chance at figuring themselves out, and making sense of their individual experiences. we are all doing our best out here! (unless you're a fakeclaimer, which we kindly ask to leave us alone!)
feel free to ask us anything!! our askbox is open and we love to talk nwn)!
interests you may see here, headmate/alter list/calls and more underneath the cut!!
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-; ༉‧₊˚✧user boxes credits
x | x
-; ༉‧₊˚✧interests (not all of them tho, just our main interests!)
anime + manga (ask about our favs!), pokemon, league of legends, rain world, project moon, persona, genshin, vocaloid + prosekai, vtubers, j-rock + j-pop (and other banger music we enjoy), sea creatures, art and writing
-; ༉‧₊˚✧ensemble (alter/headmate) list / calls!
—collective system tag/call: the ensemble [🐀🎭]*
*note: if a post has no tag, the author simply did not want to tag the post and/or it's a post made by some of us collectively
main fronters:
—Ei [🌙🐏] - any prns - 22 (body age)
—Critter [☄️🦊] - they/them - ageless
—Kuma [🐻🔆] - he/him - 25
—Rin [🍊🐈‍⬛] - she/he - 20-22
—Len [🍌🐈] - he/him - 20-22
—Yukisada [🪶❄] - he/they - 29
—Mirai [🌀🎐] - he/they - (physically) 27
—Mio [🎏🦀] - he/they - 25
—Emil [🐣🌸] - he/they - early 20s
—Donny (Don) [🎠🪻] - she/he/they - early 20s
other ensemble members you'll see here:
—Tristana (Trist) [💥💣] - she/they/he - (physically) young adult
—Nunu [🪈🧊] - he/him - 12
—Willump [🌨🎶] - he/they/it - (mentally) 15
(note: you'll never see neither of them alone! and please do not discuss anything 18+ with them -Kuma)
—Riven (Rivulet / Ruffles / Riv) [🫧🌊] - any prns + it - young adult
—Goro (Gojira / Goji) [🔋🦖] - he/him - (physically) 48
—Furina (Furi) [⛲🦁] - she/her - (physically) 26
—Neuvilette (Neuvi) [⚖💠] - he/him - (physically) 32
—Nahida (Nahi) [🍀🌐] - she/it - (physically) young child
(note 2: she's hundreds of years old and extremely wise and mature but please do not discuss anything 18+ with her either, it makes her uncomfy -Kuma)
—Aurelius [🌌🐉] - he/it/they - (physically) late 30s
—Olivier (Oli) [🔮📚] - he/him - (physically) late 30s
—Casper (Cas) [💀🌒] - he/him - (physically) late 20s
—Akiren (Akira / Aki) [🃏🚬] - he/they - 28
-; ༉‧₊˚✧other stuff!
we're friendly and love meeting people (systems and singlets alike!), but please keep in mind that aside from our host (Ei), most of us have wildly varying social energy levels. don't be afraid to ask who's around if you talk to us in DMs, tho!
we prefer tupperbox over pluralkit and simplyplural (we are too dumb to figure out the interfaces/commands so we gave up lmao -rin)
thank you for reaching the end of the intro post! here, have some candy as a token of our gratitude! 🍬
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Check out the Red/Blue Ships List here X
Continuation of my attempt to create a tierlist for every color scheme, here is the Orange/Black tierlist, which also includes Orange/Purple and Orange/Blue pairings due to the amount of overlap I was seeing in the color schemes. I was a lot more lenient here than the Red/Blue one on what counts as I figured there would be less, though I ended up with a lot more than I thought.
I don't know all the pairings here personally and just tried to include all I could find - If I left any of your favorites out let me know and I can retroactively add them (This goes for the other lists too).
Ships featured (In order of appearance):
-Sunati\Austen from Always Human
-Aki Hayakawa\Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man
-Allison Argent \Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf
-Aang\Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
-Wanderer (Scaramouche)\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Hermes\Charon from Hades (Supergiant)
-Zhongli\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Giyu Tomioka\Sabito from Demon Slayer
-Subaru Akehoshi\Hokuto Hidaka from Ensemble Stars
-Rue Kuroha\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Fakir\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Hubert von Vestra\Ferdinand von Aieger from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Felix Hugo Fraldarius\Annette Fantine Dominic from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Lorenz Hellman Gloucester\Leonie Pinelli from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Papika\Cocona Cocomine from Flip Flappers
-Philip J. Fry\Turanga Leela from Futurama
-Son Goku\Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball
-Kamisato Ayaka\Naganohara Yoimiya from Genshin Impact
-Sansa Stark\Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones
-Harrowhark Nonagesimus\Gideon Nav from The Locked Tomb Series
-Kyouko Hori\Izumi Miyamura from Horimiya
-Hercules\Megara from Disney's Hercules
-Benery\Gordon Freeman from Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware*
-Retsuko\Haida from Aggretsuko
-Vriska Serket\Tavros Nitram from Homestuck
-Rukia Kuchiki\Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach
-Jade Harley\Davesprite from Homestuck
-Jotaro Kujo\Noriaki Kakyoin from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
-James "Logan" Howlett (Wolverine)\Jean Elaine Grey (Phoenix) from X-Men
-Shoyo Hinata\Tobio Kageyama from Haikyu!!
-Katarina Claes\Mary Hunt from My Next Life as a Villainess
-Calvin "Freckle" Mcmurry\Ivy Pepper from Lackadaisy
-Honoka Kosaka\Umi Sonoda from Love Live!
-Thorin Oakenshield\Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
-Heath Burns\Abbey Bominable from Monster High
-Zelda\Midna from The Legend of Zelda Franchise
-Twilight Sparkle\Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
-Rainbow Dash\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Rarity\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Mondo Owada\Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa
-Sho Suzuki\Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
-Jack Skellington\Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
-Umetarou Nozaki\Chiyo Sakura from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
-Nobara Kugisaki\Maki Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nozomi Tojo\Rin Hoshizora from Love Live!
-Nami\Nico Robin from One Piece
-Yoo Sangah\Han Sooyoung from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
-Phineas Flynn\Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas and Ferb
-Puss in Boots\Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots
-Ray\Emma from The Promised Neverland
-Leon\Raihan from Pokemon
-Sonia\Nessa from Pokemon
-Professor Sada\Professor Turo from Pokemon
-Chloe Beale\Beca Mitchell from Pitch Perfect
-Popuko\Pipimi from Pop Team Epic
-Raeliana McMillan\Noah Volstaire Wynknight from Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
-Alfredo Linguini\Colette Tatou from Ratatouille
-Kanaya Maryam\Rose Lalonde from Homestuck
-Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito)\Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online
-Naruto Uzumaki\Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
-Kyoko Mogami\Ren Tsuruga from Skip Beat!
-Akira Okudaira\Fumi Manjōme from Sweet Blue Flowers
-Daphne Blake\Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo
-Clary Fray\Isabelle Lightwood from Shadowhunters
-Sun Wukong (The Monkey King)\Liu Er Mihou (Six-eared Macaque)
-Juri Arisugawa\Shiori Takatsuki from Revolutionary Girl Utena
-Osamu Dazai\Chūya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs
-Jasper\Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe
-He Tian\Mo Guanshan from 19 Days
-Sonic the Hedgehog\Miles Prower (Tails) from the Sonic Franchise
-Hijirikawa Masato\Jinguji Ren from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Ichinose Tokiya from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Hijirikawa Masato from Uta no Prince-sama
-Ash Ketchum\Misty from Pokemon
-Akira Takizawa\Saki Morimi from Eden of the East
-Fox Mulder\Dana Scully from X-Files
-Futaba Sakura\Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5
-Angel\Gaige from Borderlands
-Judy Hopps\Nick Wilde from Zootopia
-Riko Kurahashi\Natsuo Maki from Love Lab
*As a rule I use official art or personal edits for these but since that was not possible for Benrey/Gordon Freeman I used a fanart found here: X by Giaru-Orihidero - They are very talented so please check them out!
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Submission list
organised by @kindalikerackham (THANK YOU)
This is a list of all of the submissions. It will be updated continuously. Italics are still being decided in the polls, crossed out have been decided on “no”, bold have been decided on “yes”
By character name (or ship name if given)
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi from Persona 5 Royal
Alix from Miraculous Ladybug
Allison and Patti from Kevin Can F**k himself
Anna and Marnie from When Marnie was There
baron draxum and master splinter   rise of the tmnt 2018
Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe from Batman Telltale
Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect
Beca from Pitch Perfect
Betty and Veronica from Riverdale
Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby from RWBY
Blitzen and Hearthstone from Magnus Chase
Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1
Chad/Ryan from High School Musical
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Cory and Naveed from Ackley Bridge
Dani Ramos and Grace from Terminator Dark Fate
Darling Charming and Apple White from Ever After High
Dean Winchester
Drs House & Wilson from House MD
emma woods/emily dyer from identity v
Faberry from glee!(Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Fuffy, faith and buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finn and Poe from Star Wars
Firestar and Greystripe from Warriors
foot clan lieutenant and brute  rise of the tmnt 2018 
Ginji Amano & Ban Midou from GetBackers
goro majima and kazuma kiryu -  Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku
Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue
Hannibal and will from Hannibal tv show
H.G. Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek Beyond
hypnopotamus and warren stone  rise of the tmnt 2018  
Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
Jade and Bella from Rainbow High
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from Rizzoli&Isles TV series
Janis from Mean Girls
Jeremy and Michael from Be More Chill
Jess/Jules from Bend It Like Beckham
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (Netflix)
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (1897)
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug
Julian Bashir and Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Jun and Tatsuya from Persona 2
Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi from Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
kanji/naoto from persona 4
keith and lance from voltron
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
klavier and apollo from ace attorney
L and Light from Death Note
legolas and gimli from lotr
Legoshi and Louis from Beastars
leo and adam from tatort saarbrücken
lightcannon, Jinx and Lux from league of legends
Loki from The Loki show
Luca & Alberto from Luca
Luigi and Bowser from the Mario movie
marc and nathaniel from miraculous
Masumi Itachi from blue flag
Matsuoka rin and haru from Free!
Max from Miraculous Ladybug
Mel and Naomi from Vermonia
merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Milo and Bisco from Sabikui Bisco
Mobius and Loki from the Loki show
nana komatsu/nana osaki from nana
narumitsu - Ace Attorney
Naruto and Sasuke
Newt and Hermann from Pacific Rim
Nina and Lily from the movie Black Swan
Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli from Agent Carter
Quentin and Eliot - The Magicians
Ravenpaw and Barely from warrior cats
Raya & Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon
rei and nagisa   from Free!
Sam and Max
Sam and Bucky from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sherlock and John Watson from BBC Sherlock
Sherlock and Moriarty from BBC Sherlock
Shiro and Adam from voltron
shiro and keith from voltron
sophie and agatha from The School of Good and Evil
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  The Original Series
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  the reboot movies
Sterek  (Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf)
Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams from Hawaii 5-0 (the 2010 version)
stiles stilinski from teen wolf
Supercorp! Lena and Kara from Supergirl!
Superman and Batman from the DCEU
SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time)
Sylvie from Loki
Thiel and Boerne from Tatort Münster
Thomas & Newt from the maze runner
troy barnes and abed nadir from community
wednesday and enid from wednesday
Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss) from Attack on Titan
yu/yosuke from persona 4
Zari and Charlie from Legends of Tomorrow
Zoro and sanji - one piece
By Property:
9-1-1 - Buck and Eddie
ace attorney - klavier and apollo
Ace Attorney - narumitsu
Ackley Bridge - Cory and Naveed  
Agent Carter - Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli
Attack on Titan - Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss)  
Batman Telltale - Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe
Beastars - Legoshi and Louis
Be More Chill - Jeremy and Michael
Bend It Like Beckham - Jess/Jules
Black Swan - Nina and Lily
blue flag - Masumi Itachi
Brooklyn 99 - Jake Peralta
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Fuffy (faith and buffy)
Captain America - Steve and Bucky
community - troy barnes and abed nadir
DCEU - Superman and Batman
Dracula (1897) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Dracula (Netflix) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Ever After High - Darling Charming and Apple White  
Free! - Matsuoka rin and haru
Free!-  rei and nagisa 
GetBackers - Ginji Amano & Ban Midou
Glee - Faberry (Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Good Omens - Ineffable Husbands
Hannibal (tv) - Hannibal and will
Hawaii 5-0 (2010) - Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams
High School Musical - Chad/Ryan 
House MD - Drs House & Wilson
identity v - emma woods/emily dyer
Kevin Can F**k himself - Allison and Patti
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon) - Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi
league of legends - Jinx and Lux
Legends of Tomorrow - Zari and Charlie
Loki show - Mobius and Loki
Loki show - Loki
Loki show - Sylvie
lotr - legolas and gimli
Luca - Luca & Alberto
Magnus Chase  - Blitzen and Hearthstone
Mario Movie - Luigi and Bowser
Mean Girls  - Janis
Merlin (BBC) - merthur (merlin and Arthur)
Miraculous Ladybug - Alix
Miraculous Ladybug - Juleka and Rose
Miraculous ladybug - marc and nathaniel
Miraculous ladybug - Max
nana - nana komatsu/nana osaki from
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint - Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk
Once Upon a Time - SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan )
one piece - Zoro and sanji
Pacific Rim - Newt and Hermann
Persona 2 - Jun and Tatsuya
persona 4 - yu/yosuke
persona 4 - kanji/naoto
Persona 5 Royal - Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi
Pitch Perfect - Beca
Pitch Perfect - Beca and Chloe
Quentin and Eliot - the Magicians
Rainbow High - Jade and Bella
Raya and the Last Dragon - Raya & Namaari
Red vs Blue - Grif and Simmons
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - baron draxum and master splinter
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - foot clan lieutenant and brute
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - hypnopotamus and warren stone
Riverdale - Betty and Veronica
Rizzoli&Isles TV series - Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles
RWBY - Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby
Sabikui Bisco - Milo and Bisco
Sam and Max - Sam and Max
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and John Watson
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and Moriarty
Star Trek AOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Trek Beyond - Hikaru Sulu
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Julian Bashir and Elim Garak
Star Trek TOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Wars - Finn and Poe
Supergirl - Supercorp! Lena and Kara
Supernatural - Dean Winchester
Supernatural - Destiel
Tatort Münster - Thiel and Boerne
tatort saarbrücken - leo and adam
Teen Wolf - Sterek  (Stiles and Derek)
teen wolf - stiles stilinski
Terminator Dark Fate - Dani Ramos and Grace
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Sam and Bucky
The Magicians -  Quentin and Eliot
the maze runner - Thomas & Newt
The School of Good and Evil -  sophie and agatha
Vermonia - Mel and Naomi
Victorious - Jade and Tori
Voltron - keith and lance
Voltron - Shiro and Adam
Voltron - shiro and keith
Warehouse 13 - H.G. Wells and Myka Bering
warrior cats -  Ravenpaw and Barely
Warriors - Firestar and Greystripe
wednesday - wednesday and enid
When Marnie Was There - Anna and Marnie
X-Men (any) - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto)
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku - goro majima and kazuma kiryu
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hardcore-lonewolf · 1 year
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I love the Naruto World so much that I wish I was in it, I want to be a female Senju princess who's a god child to Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.
I'll love to be the last child of Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya Ogata, be the Sixth Hokage after saving the Leaf with Naruto Uzumaki, and is the main romantic interest of Sasuke Uchiha, a former student of Orochimaru Yashagoro.
I want Naruto to have a sibling, so I chose Deidara cause Uchiha Clan heirs tend to be rivals with Uzumaki Clan members and I don't to replace Hanabi for somebody else, so Hinata got a big sister now...how about Yume for the name...yes.
My name should be Misako, have a big sister named Akira who's the main romantic interest of Itachi Uchiha, and is the Chosen One with elemental bending powers as the Light Avatar who must destroy the Dark Persona.
I shipped myself with Sasuke, NaruHina for life, NejiTen, ShikaTema, SaiIno, KibaTama, ShiShi, ChoKaru, LeeAma, KankuAka, SoraKae, GaaMatsu, AsuKure, KakaHana, JiraTsuna, MinaKushi, Orochimaru X OFC, Itachi X OC, MY AU!Deidara X OFC!Hinata's Big Sister, ToneShion, IruAya, SuiKari, Sakura X OMC, GaiKao, KoteAnko, KabuGure, HayaYuga, IzuShizu, YamaYuki, ObiRin, Rin and Obito will be still alive, my dad's not gonna die too, Asuma deserves to live for his daughter, Neji stays living, etc.
There's ten tailed beasts from zero to nine; Satori the Reibi, Shukaku the Ichibi, Matatabi the Nibi, Isobu the Sanbi, Son Goku the Yonbi, Kokuo the Gobi, Saiken the Rokubi, Chomei the Nanabi, Gyuki the Hachibi, and Kurama the Kyuubi.
I want Team 02 [Yoruha - Hikaru, Nayumi, Migaku & Sakura], 03 [Gai - Neji, Tenten, Lee & Kaede], 07 [Kakashi - Naruto, Misako, Sasuke & Hinata], 08 [Kurenai - Kiba, Tamaki, Shino & Shiho], and 10 [Asuma - Choji, Ino, Shikamaru & Akane].
Sakura need to be shipped with somebody else rather than Sasuke, she was falling for him and broke her friendship with Ino for his heart.
If I was her, I'll choose my friend over my crush and keep my bond.
Misako got three childhood friends; Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke...it's that clear and simple.
Misa doesn't like fan boys at all like Sasuke don't like fan girls, they're from enemy clans and are best friends who's secretly betrothed to each other as a way to form peace to both family trees.
Watching all episodes and movies, I've learned many shocking plots and twists throughout my childhood.
Itachi's an amazing big brother, I wish Naruto has a brother and I gave him one...named Deidara rather than Menma cause I see that alternative future son of our ramen lover if he was married to Sasuke.
I want Naruto to have his first kiss with Hinata, which leads to this scenario...what if Misako was between both him and Sasuke during the episode where they were finding out their teams.
Misako will kiss Sasuke...again, here's the catch, they shared their first kiss at a young age cause they liked each other and can see their futures as a badass power couple.
Itachi had already predicted that his little brother was in love with Misako...like he was with Akira, Akira will prevent Itachi's death and tell Sasuke the real truth herself with her baby sister by her side.
I've read a fanfiction on Wattpad that has an original female character portraying as Nezuko Kamado, her name was Misa, I loved it and saw the major changes they've done...it was glorious...shout-out to the author.
I know one way to make Sasuke feel overprotective to Misako like she's understanding with him, I've made three characters we know as original characters named Hikaru, Nayumi, and Migaku.
Hikaru will portray from Toneri or Seimei, Nayumi will depict from Shion or Sawaii, and Migaku...I got something for him...Yoichi or Ren.
Misako and Akira, two sisters with their father's white hair, their mother's brown eyes, their father's red markings, and their mother's beautiful looks and gorgeous figure...I got their character portrayals...Heinrich Prinz (Akira) & Eugen Prinz (Misako).
Indra & Asura was in love with the Kishimoto Sisters named...Luna & Kira...
Kira will be the light that guides Asura to the Sun and into the Spirit World for a bright star.
Luna will be the shadow that escorts Indra to the Moon and get him away from the Phantom Zone for a dark cloud.
The sacred ancestry continues to Madara Uchiha's lover and Hashirama Senju's wife...Mito Uzumaki & Himiko Hyuga.
Years have passed, I want Misa to become the Light Avatar since the Dark Persona was her complete polar opposite...they're destined lovers.
I honestly want Misa to have two sons and daughters; Daisuke (OMC: Haruto Uchiha), Mikoto (OFC: Amara Senju), Yuta (OMC: Isamu Senju), and Sayuri (OFC: Kiyomi Uchiha).
I'm giving Naruto another son and daughter; Menma (OMC: Soha Uzumaki) & China (OFC: Naruko Uzumaki).
If you're confused with the names of the following OCs I've planted, search for their names on Google to get some clarification...it took me a few tries and I've finished.
Comment down below, reblog, anything you wanna do...go for it.
Do not report me, this is just my ideas...something I wanna do for my fanfics in the future.
Sayonara guys...believe it!
Also...who will win between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso?
If nobody wins and unexpected twists happen, who will return?
What if Damian Priest changes his mind and cash in on Roman, if not...on whoever wins between Seth and Finn?
Who will beat Dominik's ass and strip him from his title?
Will Santos dethrone Theory?
Can Ricochet take down a jackass?
Will Gunther stay undisputed?
Who will be Rhea's opponent?
Who will walk out as Women's Undisputed Champion?
Will Iyo win or lose her chance?
Will Shotzi get revenge on Bayley?
Can LA Knight conquer the Battle Royal?
Will Shayna kick this transphobic bitch's ass out of wrestling for good?
Will Solo join his brother?
Will Cody end Lesnar?
All these questions and more will be confirmed tomorrow night at Detroit...watch Peacock now, get your tickets, and get ready cause it's ride or die this year on 2023.
Let this tribal combat...commence.
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technomanticlover · 2 months
♡ F/Os by Series
•Obey Me - Lucifer
•Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss - Lucifer Morningstar, Angel Dust, Alastor, Lilith (Situational), Stolas Ars Goetia
•Twisted Wonderland - Idia Shroud, Ortho Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Trey Clover, Riddle Rosehearts, Vil Schoenheit, Neige LeBlanche, Divus Crewel
•Black Butler - Sebastian Michaelis, Vincent Phantomhive, O!Ciel Phantomhive, Gregory Violet, Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus
•Genshin Impact - Venti, Scaramouche/Wanderer
•My Hero Academia - Hawks, Toshinori Yagi, Dabi, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki
•Disney - Hades
•Lore Olympus -Hades
•Toilet Bound Hanako-kun - Tsukasa Yugi, Amane Yugi/Hanako-kun
•Call of Duty - Simon "Ghost" Riley
•Durarara!! - Izaya Orihara
•Cult of the Lamb - The One Who Waits
•Boyfriend to Death/The Price Of Flesh - Lawrence Oleander, Sano Kojima, Ren Hana/Fox
•Ao no Exorcist - Rin Okumura
•Tokyo Ghoul - Hideyoshi Nagachika
•I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - AM
•Heart No Kuni no Alice - Peter White
•Monogatari - Koiyomi Araragi
•Brothers Conflict - Tsubaki Asahina, Azusa Asahina
•Bungo Stray Dogs - Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edogawa Ranpo, Chuuya Nakahara, Nikolai Gogol
•D. Gray-Man - Allen Walker, Yu Kanda, Nea/Thirteenth
•Danganronpa - Komaeda Nagito, Kokichi Ouma, Junko Enoshima, Toko Fukawa
•Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma
•Ensemble Stars - Mayoi Ayase
•Fruits Basket - Kyou Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma
•Fullmetal Alchemist - Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang
•Haikyuu!! - Hinata Shoyo, Oikawa Tooru, Kageyama Tobio
•Higurashi no Naku no Koro Ni - Rena Ryuugu
•Osomatsu-san - Ichimatsu, Todomatsu, Karamatsu
•Ouran High School Host Club - Tamki Suoh, Kyoya Ohtori, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin
•Persona 4 - Naoto Shirogane, Yu Narukami
•Persona 3 - Akihiko Sanada, Shinjiro Aragaki, Ken Amada, Aigis
•Persona 5 - Akira Kurusu, Futaba Sakura, Ann Takamaki, Haru Oukumura, Yusuke Kitagawa
•Soul Eater - Death the Kid, Stien
•Spy x Family - Loid Forger, Yor Forger
•Sword Art Online - Kazuto Kirigaya, Asuna Yuuki
•The Case Study of Vanitas - Vanitas
•The Devil is a Part-Timer - Satan
•Mirai Nikki - Yuno Gasai, Amano Yukiteru, Akise Aru
•Tokyo Revengers - Kazutora Hanemiya, Manjiro Sano/Mikey, Ken Ryuguji/Draken, Chifuyu Matsuno
•xxxHolic - Kimihiro Watanuki
•Yuri!!! On Ice - Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Katsuki
•Angel's of Death - Danny Dickens
•Baldur's Gate - Astarion
•Coffin of Andy and Leyley - Andrew
•Final Fantasy VII - Cloud Strife
•Yugioh- Yugi Mutou, Atem, Yami Bakura
•Avatar the Last Airbender - Zuko
•Blood + - Charles
•Borderlands - Handsome Jack
•Castlevania - Alucard
•Deltora Quest - Lief
•Gangsta - Nicholas Brown
•Killing Stalking - Oh Sangwoo, Yoon Bum
•The Mortal Instruments- Jace, Sebastian Morgenstern, Simon Lovelace, Gem Carstairs, Will Herondale
•Aggretsuko - Haida, Retsuko
•Gravity Falls - Mason "Dipper" Pines, Bill Cipher, Alcor (Transcendence AU)
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