#right now only four will be available for adoption
the-shy-artisan · 1 year
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Little update for the Beastos!
Making slow progress with cutting and shaving, there’s a lot of white pieces involved lol So they don’t look like much now, but soon they will start to take shape! c:
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notmyneighbor · 6 months
Let Me In ~ Doppelgänger Francis Mosses/The Milkman x Female Reader
Chapter 8
Word Count ~ 4.6k
Rating ~ Explicit
CW ~ sexual content, slight breeding kink, body horror, minor violence
Also available on AO3
taglist @luthien-elvenia-asher @fishfetus @gaudesstuff @nekee-lilac02 @msdevil333 @rrnrjn @maskedpacific @yoongiwantsme @that-0ne-simp
Fanart used with permission @kaworinx on Instagram and TikTok
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You always have to be extra careful when one of the Sverchzt sisters is asking to enter the building.
Twins, and both of them nearly identical, save for the location of the mole on the cheek: on the right for Selenne, the left for Elenois. Both employed as models, with the same hourglass figures, full, painted lips, long lashes, and breathy voices accented with something exotically European sounding. You always feel very plain and lacking around them; it was like being back in school again as the shy, unpopular girl, envying the pretty cheerleaders that seemed to have it all.
But you don’t feel inadequate today, still buoyed up from your feelings of being with Francis’ doppelgänger all weekend. You look over the identification card and entry request, finding everything in order. The elegant woman is on the day’s list of expected entrants, too. You’re nearly ready to hit the switch to grant her access into the apartments, still reminiscing about your fiancé, when something in you, some sixth sense kicking in, cautions you that you should probably call the apartment, just to be certain. There is nothing visually you can identify that is incorrect about the haughty woman on the opposite side of the glass, who is now folding her arms across her ample chest, the polished nail of an index finger tapping against the porcelain skin of one slender forearm. An impatient gesture you’ve seen Selenne make before, dozens of times. Nothing suspicious about the documents, either. But still, you feel it is better to be safe than sorry.
You already know all the residents’ phone numbers by heart now, the quick four digit extensions granting you rapid access.
“Hello. Elenois speaking. My sister and I are both at home today. We are not expecting any visitors.”
“Thank you.” You keep your expression calm, hurriedly flipping the plastic shield down and depressing the button to sound the alarm, catching one last glimpse of the doppelgänger, the crimson polished nails now scratching at the glass pane, the eyes with the lids shadowed in lavender streaked and bloodshot, the plush lips parting to expose yellow fangs dripping spittle before the shutters finish descending. You phone the disposal team, still maintaining your composure.
Close. That had been too close. You had to concentrate. Focus.
The day progresses and you find yourself getting back into the rhythm of things. Wondering how your pretender beau had decided which members of his squadron to sacrifice, sending them to the building to meet their doom to throw the DDD off the trail. What would happen when the numbers dwindled, when there were none left to send? Did the faded mark he’d left behind still shield you? Or did it only make you more desireable, like what had happened with the replicant who looked like Izaack Gauss?
You’re picking at the peeling varnish of the battered desk during the afternoon lull when someone walks into the building and your heart stops.
Not the original, and not your doppel, either. This one is nearly a dead ringer, except for the nose that’s not quite right, the tip slightly larger, the nostrils a little more flared.
It had never occurred to you that there would still be other versions of the milkman walking around. Where has he been all this time?
“Mmm…hello.” The customary greeting the genuine version had always adopted. He slides an ID card through the slot.
“Entry request?”
“I’m sorry, I forgot. Here it is.” The smile breaks your heart. His smile. Only not.
You stare at the document for long moments. Everything looks correct: the document expiration date present and set for the future; the serial number identical to what you have on file; the logo of your organization in plain sight; the stated reason for the alleged milkman’s absence logical. All of the elements appear as they should, save for that slightly mismatched nose in the photograph and entry request.
“Is there a problem?”
Your eyes lift to meet his. Why are you drawing this out?
“Your appearance,” you answer distractedly.
“Yes? What about it? Doesn’t it match the picture?”
You shake your head, reaching for the alarm button. “I’m sorry.” It’s foolish, being this sentimental. No reason for it. You know the real Francis is gone. You know it’s not the invader you’ve fallen for.
Alarm blossoms on the fake milkman’s features. His hands clasp together. “Wait, please…I’ll leave. Just…I don’t want to die.”
You freeze. This was new. The doppels always reacted with anger when their cover was blown. You’ve never had one beg for their life before.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
Was it true? Were there others that were willing to coexist peacefully? Had you incorrectly assumed they all sought the same goal, replacing humans and ruling over the planet, the one remarkable exception being your lover?
Or was this just a new tactic that they’d adopted, evolving, learning, adapting better to human weaknesses?
You had no way of knowing which it was.
“I can’t,” you say. “I’m sorry.” You slam your fist against the alarm switch before the replicant tries to escape, that same soft, pleading look haunting you as the shutter descends. The cleaners arrive and you cover your ears with your hands. You don’t want to listen to it. You can’t.
There are tears in your eyes when the figure in the yellow hazmat suit declares you are now able to return to your job.
The replicant milkman—yours, you note with relief—arrives later that afternoon, hastily adjusting the cap on his head, offering a brief glimpse of the perspiration from the heat outdoors lining his brow, his tousled brown locks damp, plastered against his forehead. He’s already smiling before he’s even reached the window, hurriedly thrusting his document and ID card through the slot, and something else, something that sounds metallic against the shallow stainless opening at the bottom of the window.
You reach for it, realizing what it is the second your fingers close over the object: your engagement ring.
The DDD had ceased its surveillance of the security booth, the resources and manpower needed elsewhere, apparently, so their is no longer the camera or the person watching it to worry about. You stare at the solitaire diamond, at the pretty filigree decorating the band on either side of it, and the tears that had been threatening to spill earlier come pouring out of you, a messy amalgamation of guilt and fear and relief releasing in that sudden cascade.
“Sweetheart, you like it that much? I’m so glad, I wasn’t sure…” His voice trails off. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
You shake your head, absently hitting the buzzer to let him in, then hitting its partner to shut the door behind him.
The door to the security booth opens. “Oh, Francis.” You throw your arms around his neck, burrowing along his shirt collar while he rubs soothing circles on your back.
“What is it, love?”
“I’ve had such a terrible day. I almost let in a doppel by mistake this morning, and just a little while ago there was a doppel that looked like Francis.”
“Sweet girl.” His arms tighten around you.
“He begged for his life, Francis. I’ve never seen that before. It was so difficult to call the team. But I had to. I had to do it. I didn’t know if he really meant he wouldn’t harm anyone, or if he was lying. I couldn’t risk him hurting the residents inside.”
“Of course you did, love.”
“How many copies of him are there? Just roaming around the city?”
“I don’t know. But it wasn’t Francis and it wasn’t me. They were just trying to trick you, and you didn’t fall for it. You did the right thing. I know it was difficult for you. I know why, love. I’m here now. I’ve got you.”
You remain in his arms, letting the comfort he’s offering seep into you. He does understand, better than anyone else ever could. After a time you draw back, sniffling. The ring is still clutched tightly in your fist. You relax your palm, spreading your fingers so you can admire the piece of jewelry again. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin the moment. It’s lovely, Francis. Perfect.”
The imposter smoothes the last of the tears away and kneels down, gently plucking the ring from your right hand, then reaches for your left one, sliding the diamond band onto your ring finger and kissing the back of your hand.
The sound of a throat being cleared at the window interrupts the moment. You jump, startled. It’s the pilot.
“Dropping off more paperwork, doll?” Steven Rudboys grins, sliding his card and request form towards you.
You blush, aware of your fiancé rising to his feet beside you, frowning. Of course he doesn’t understand the reference, from that day when you’d visited the doppel so early on, when he’d slipped you the invitation to come to the apartment.
“I suppose congratulations are in order,” the man with the Mohawk says, his eyes lingering on the ring. “I always knew you two would end up together. Took you long enough, Mosses,” he adds, shooting the imposter milkman a sharp glance. “Don’t know what Afton and Stone are waiting for. I thought for sure they would’ve set a date by now. Bet you two don’t wait that long to tie the knot.”
Your cheeks are scarlet, your eyes focused on the documents, checking the day’s schedule. On the day’s list. A quick phone call just to confirm what you already know, allowing the man to enter the apartments once you’ve spoken to his father, heaving a sigh of relief when he’s finally gone from sight.
“I don’t like him,” the pretender says, his voice nearly a growl. “I don’t think Francis ever did, either. Too intrusive.” He turns his attention back to you. “Maybe not the best timing for the ring,” he observes ruefully.
“I’m sorry. I love it. Truly. It’s just been a very hectic, stressful day.”
“Don’t apologize. You have every right to be feeling that way. I think…I hope…I can help with that. Come see me as soon as you get off shift, okay? And be careful. If you need me, call.”
You nod, kissing him before he exits the booth and heads towards the elevator. You stretch your hand out, turning it slightly, watching how the light plays over the facets. It was official. You were engaged. You doubted it would take long for the rumor mill of the apartment building to circulate the news. Poor Francis. He’d be bombarded with well wishers and busybodies. Rudboys was probably going to keep at him mercilessly.
The rest of your shift passes by blessedly uneventfully. It is nearly time for your workday to end. Time to return to your lover waiting for you upstairs, the doppel you’re betrothed to.
You tap your knuckles on the door of apartment 3-02, greeted by the copy of the living space’s former owner.
He’s shed the troublesome cap, the ebony bow unknotted and draped around his neck, the first pair of buttons on his shirt undone. He smiles at you. “Hello, future Mrs. Mosses.”
“Hi. Can I come in?”
“Do you have proper identification?”
“I seem to have forgotten it.”
He clucks his tongue. “Then I can’t let you in, I’m afraid.”
“Do you accept bribes?”
His lips twitch. “Maybe.” The opening widens. “Come in here.”
You enter and the door closes behind you. “That was easy. I don’t think you’d make a good doorman,” you tease.
“No, but I make up for it elsewhere, don’t I?” He murmurs and you hum in agreement as he slides a hand around your waist, dragging you against him. “It’s torture being away from you. To go from having the weekend together to this long absence all day…” His lips touch yours, traveling to your neck.
“I know. I thought about you all day long.” Your hand rests on his chest. He covers it with his own, toying with the ring on your finger. A little room to move the band, but still secure around the digit. You didn’t wear jewelry often, but the size you’d told him had been the correct one. “I love it, Francis.”
“I’m glad.” Another kiss on your mouth. “I’m hungry for you, love.”
You feel it in his kisses. No longer gentle. Tongue stroking yours roughly. Teeth nipping. You cross the hallway to the bedroom with your fiancé. Unfastening clothing. Yours. His. Impatient to be naked. A button tears from your blouse. “I’ll mend it later,” you say distractedly.
Your back is tucked against his chest, the pair of you standing before the dresser mirror. Your breathing is loud, nearly as loud as his. You would have been mortified to be making so much noise even a month ago. But you have no reason to hide it now. You’re engaged. No one on this floor was going to pretend they didn’t know what goes on with young couples behind closed doors. You’ve heard Afton and Stone going at it before. Not nearly as often or as loud as you and your doppel, though.
You’re about to bend to slide your thigh high nylons off but the copycat halts you, his hand clasping yours above the scalloped lace edge that clings to your leg.
“Leave them on for me? I like them.” He snaps a garter belt playfully, dragging a hand over your lace panties. Something else that was new. You normally wore sensible undergarments beneath your work clothes. But now you had someone to admire what clung to your intimate places. He caresses the space between your legs through the delicate fabric, dragging his hand up to begin massaging your breasts encased in a matching brassiere. “Gorgeous. So beautiful, love.” His mouth worries along your shoulder.
“Are you going to mark me again?”
A pause, his hands and lips freezing. “Do you want me to?”
The low pitch of his voice drags across your core. You’re still frightened of it. But you want it, all the same. You want this creature to claim you. “Yes. Do you?”
The doppelgänger’s lips are by your ear. “Yes, love. But you shouldn’t watch…”
Your eyes meet his in the mirror. “I want to. I want to see you…”
“Sweetheart…” Hesitant. Perhaps more afraid than you are. To be seen. Exposed. To let the monster off the leash, as it were. Allowing the demon within out to play.
“I trust you.”
He moans softly against your hair. “Are you sure? Are you absolutely certain?”
“I love you.”
A whimper. The thing inside anxious to be let out, scratching and gnawing at the bars of its enclosure, that barrier of human flesh that had once belonged to Francis Mosses. Nails raking across your abdomen. Not enough to puncture the skin, still careful, the barest scrape of the unsheathed claws you can just see emerging now. Tearing at the fabric covering your sex, the material fraying, the embroidered threads coming loose. The crown of chocolate hair lifts and you see his eyes: the doppel’s eyes, peering at your from behind Francis’ sleepy dark ones. Red like blood, like the vessels that burst in surrender, like the lining of those shadowed lower lids. The white sclera of the orbs iridescent, shimmery, identical to the outline of the alien creature clutching you, an unsteady shift in the very particles and atoms that comprise him, things unseen, things not meant to be viewed by a mortal eye. The neat ivory teeth no longer tame incisors and molars, but transformed, sharp like the cuspids of a vampire, ravenous, the drool dripping from them onto your skin.
It is still not what he truly is; that monster well concealed, struggling to maintain control in this tenuous bridged state, not quite one or the other, partly human, partly doppel. What remains of your panties are shoved down, his leaking cock pressing against the curve of one cheek of your buttocks. He pushes against you and you grasp the edge of the dresser, the stained and varnished wood supporting you at a slight angle as he guides his erection inside of you.
Your body is already gushing arousal, welcoming him in. You catch sight of your heaving chest in the mirror, your lingerie encased breasts lifting and straining to burst free, much like the replicant thrusting into you.
He says your name, and it is not Francis’ voice at all. This a summons from deep within, heavy, full of gravel, dragging across your flesh like sandpaper. The wavering, mirage-like border of his pulsing frame feels hot, sticky. Your lashes flutter. The bottles of cologne lining the dresser’s surface tumble down. So deep. He’s so deep inside of you. Shoved in to the hilt each time. And still you want him even further. Impossible. But you crave it. That complete violation. Was this what it felt like to be taken over? You’d imagined it to be painful, terrifying. Instead it was sheer bliss. Your eyes link with his through the oval shaped looking glass once more.
“More, please, Francis…”
He jerks you away from the dresser, still impaled on his cock. Here is the pain you’d anticipated, that searing kiss of teeth piercing your shoulder, sucking the skin over the bone, a burst of stars in front of your eyes, fireworks ricocheting within you as you come undone, your insides splashed with something molten, soaked with your lover’s release. Wet skin, wet pussy, drenched prick, sweat and cum and that thin trail of blood seeping from the wound he’s created, laving rapturously at the taste of you, that very human taste in his very inhuman mouth.
His body shudders against yours. Aftershocks, not from orgasm but the shift back to how he appeared before, the glow dissipating, eyes cleared and gentling, the sharp hooks tipping each finger a replica of Francis’ blunt edged nails once more. Only a few red welts betray those nightmare claws’ existence, where he had become a little too lost in the passion, tattooing the soft flesh of your abdomen. The door to the invader’s cage is sealed shut once again. You hold him upright as much as he holds you steady, slipping free from your entrance, the hot spill of seed leaking down your thighs, seeping into the stockings. You can feel the tremors still spasming, your own nerves quivering with the remnants of pleasure, echoing against you as your lover’s body shares the same sensation. The panting breaths grow quieter. The sound of the Rudboys’ television next door disturbs the stillness. You’d completely missed the audio cue of the curfew horn.
“Sweet girl.” It’s all he can seem to manage, this whispered into your hair. It’s the milkman’s voice again, but it sounds raw, raspy. The vocal chords had been strained, never meant to produce the sounds they had earlier.
You rest your hand on the one clutching your abdomen, the glint of your engagement ring winking, a stubborn sparkle in the glow of the lamp, struggling against the growing darkness in the room as the day’s natural light fails beyond the curtained window.
The blackberry jam, pulled from the refrigerator several hours later, is perfect.
Perhaps one of the best batches you’ve ever tasted. You’ve snuck a sample from the unsealed mason jar, unable to wait. You’re already imagining how good that flavor will be when it’s smoothed over the biscuits you’re making with your doppelgänger, his fingers kneading the dough mixture you’ve just created. There is a stray bit of flour dusting his nose where he’d absently stroked an itch along the bridge and you wipe it clear, the touch becoming a lingering caress. He pauses, fingers still dug into the dough, looking at you with that same kind of wonder as he had earlier, after the incident in the bedroom.
As if he cannot believe what you’d asked for, accepted so willingly, eagerly; of the control over his true form he’d been able to maintain, keeping you safe.
Pats of butter melt quickly on the sliced biscuits pulled from the oven. You’re sweating. You need a shower after this for certain. You slather on a generous layer of the sweet fruit spread, offering a bite to your fiancé. He chews, nodding approvingly. There is a stray bit of jam on the corner of his mouth. You cannot resist lapping at it. Licking his mouth open. Tasting the sweetness there. Marveling at how quickly the desire is rekindled. Perhaps you would never be sated. Always this ache, this gnawing want in your center.
Drenched in the shower together. Back out again. Night sounds through the open window. The measured footsteps of a patrol. Soft chatter. A dog barking. You miss your farmhouse. The crickets and the scent of lilac blossoms and your lover in your bed, on cotton sheets that smell like the outdoors, hung on the line to dry in the clear air.
“Francis,” you murmur, your mouth tracing the outline of the crest of one hip, you hand curled around the other. Tasting the soap on his skin, the slight masculine musk as you wander along his groin, swiping your tongue across his cock.
Your shoulder throbs, pulsing in time with the neediness within. You want it again already. Not just the sex, but the other. A strange kind of addiction developing.
Your pussy aches to be filled again. You suck his erection and moan, hastily tucking your hair out of the way. Ravenous. An animalistic slobber. Lips loose. Shoving down as far as you can tolerate. Past it. Insistent, fucking your throat with his dick.
A little gasp of surprise from the doppel. “Easy, love. Don’t waste it. Want to…”
You release his spit soaked member, planting wet kisses back up his stomach, his chest. Crawling over his body until you reach his mouth. “What do you want, Francis?” Your voice a whisper, matching his.
“Oh love, you know what I want.” This huffed beside your cheek. You’re teasing kisses along his jaw, nipping at an ear lobe.
“Tell me. Tell me how you want to fill me up. With your cock. With your cum. Breed me, make a baby…”
You don’t know where the words come from. Another gasp. A growl. You want to impale yourself on him but it’s not the ideal position for getting pregnant. You allow him to shift, moving your body with his, pinning you beneath him.
“Is that what you want, sweet girl?” His hands press into the pillow beneath your head. There are a proper quartet of them now, piled plush cushions for you and your alien lover.
“Yes. Please, Francis…”
His knee parts your legs. Pressure. He’s inside you.
Your head lifts off the pillow and he captures your lips, pressing you back down. Working inside of you slow and steady, fucking you back open.
“There you go, love.” His mouth gentle on yours.
“I need…”
“What? What do you need?”
Your shoulder is on fire. “I want you to mark me again.”
“No, love. It’s too soon for that.” You feel him shake his head, the faint stir of air beside your cheek with the motion.
“It felt so good.”
“I know.”
“Put the light on, then? Let me see you. Let me see what’s inside…”
“No.” His voice loud now, his hips still against yours. “No, it’s too risky.”
“You can control it. I know you can. I trust you.”
“You don’t understand.”
“So explain it to me.”
“Sweetheart, I can’t. Not now.”
“Why not?”
“Because why?”
“Because I’m afraid,” he confesses against your neck. “You’ve no idea the strain. The desire to tear free. It would destroy Francis’ body. The urge to devour you…” He kisses your throat softly. “Let me love you like the man I appear to be.”
“I love you. You, what’s inside.” You touch his cheek.
“I know, love. And the way that makes me feel is indescribable. I don’t need to be out of this body to experience it. I adore you, sweet girl. Let me show you how much. Like this,” he says, his hips lifting and pressing, guiding his cock back into your hollow.
Your pelvis arches to receive him. It scares you how much you want him. Your body shakes with the intensity of that desire. Craving that violence, that feeling of teetering on the brink of destruction. His, yours. The human mouth on your shoulder. Sucking. Kneading with teeth that aren’t nearly sharp enough. But it stirs whatever he’s injected you with. A venom, a toxin, not poisonous, not lethal, but a chemical that you need more of. Bringing you closer to what you’re so desperate for. It doesn’t take you long to climax, the doppel’s own release close behind. He lifts your hips and legs, propping them against his chest, keeping his seed deep inside you, stroking along your stomach.
Willing there to be a spark of life there, the way all life has begun, according to the words in the holy book still sitting on the nightstand, a burst of light in the darkness.
Another day at the DDD security window.
The doppelgängers have been clumsy so far. Woefully inept at replication. You didn’t need specialized training to recognize the imposter for the shoemaker with a mustache as a fake, a single eye in the center of his forehead making Albertsky Peachman look like a cyclops. The clone of the mother of the student living on the second floor had correctly replicated the placement of the blue and green irises, but the phony Nacha Mikaelys’ jaw was strangely formed, the flesh pulpy and uneven, making it appear like oatmeal.
The best part of your workday arrives on schedule, slipping a new gift into the slot this time. “Tickets to the theater for this Sunday. I know it’s not the movie you mentioned, but…”
You grin. You can’t even remember the last time you’d gone to see a movie. And now you’d be seeing it with your fiancé. “Casablanca! Oh, it’s wonderful. I have something for you, too.” You exchange an open envelope with the doppelgänger.
He slides the contents free, unfolding the letter and scanning it quickly, a smile lighting his features. “They’ve invited us to see them.”
You nod, still beaming, watching the invader tuck the letter from your parents back into the envelope. “We’ll visit the following weekend.”
“I look forward to it. Still nervous, but looking forward to it. How was your day, love?”
“It went well. Yours?”
“Better now.” Another smile. “I’ve got another surprise, too. Left it in the truck because I was anxious to see you. I’m making dinner tonight. Well we’re probably making dinner. I’m not optimistic about Francis’ cooking skills,” he adds, lowering his voice.
You couldn’t blame him for doubting it. The man’s pantry and refrigerator had been nearly empty, and you had the feeling it wasn’t just because he’d been overdue for a trip to get groceries.
Thinking of the solitary, simple life of the milkman rinses the joy from your features. No real family to speak of, either, according to the doppelgänger, save for a cousin that he’d had little to no contact with. He really had been alone in the world. Isolated. You could have done something about that. You should have. But it was too late now. And you had your doppelgänger instead. The being your heart was so full for.
“Love?” The replicant sees the change in your expression, frowning now.
“I’m okay. Yes, I’ll help you cook. It sounds fun.” You’re not relishing the thought of working over a hot stove in that stuffy third floor living space, longing for the upcoming change in the weather. But you like the idea of working beside your partner. Preparing a meal. And what would come after.
The bite on your shoulder throbs, reminding you.
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lotus-slumbers · 3 months
Yandere batfamily x addict reader?
Would they exploit and manipulate the reader, making em solely dependent on the family for their fix — either to originally trap them at the manor or continuing to supply em forever, because it makes the reader dependant on them, acting all cuddly and desperate. or would they reform and sober up the reader? Have em go through a whole rehabilitation process style.
Gotham’s not safe for the poor reader, imagine all the villains who’d kill em for the drugs they’re so dependent on? But it’s okay! Because the Wayne’s will protect em. Whether the reader wants them to or not isn’t up for debate.
If you’re uncomfortable with this topic I totally understand. Just send me a message to say pls??
Yandere! Batfam x Addict! Reader Headcannons
Tw: addiction, substance abuse, etc.
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— If there was anything that could accelerate the Batfam abducting adopting their darling sooner, this would be it.
— In their eyes, this is a type of abuse. Abuse from all of those around you and nobody is safe from the pointing of their accusatory finger. Not even those people who truly are innocent and have tried to help.
— You may notice people around you drawing away, avoiding you. Maybe some friends who you used to talk with who shared the same addiction, others a dealer who supplied you.
— Though, you may not notice this at all because they'll work quick.
— The term "self-harm" is thrown around once while discussing your habitual substance abuse and that's it. That's all it takes to make them snap and agree unanimously that, yes, this is for the best. Today is the day, if they have everything completely set up for you or not.
— Within twenty-four hours, you'll be in the manor with your family. Right where you belong.
— Rich people get same-day delivery!! Woohoo!! 🙌 🚚
— Of course, that isn't the only motivator for the Wayne's to take you. As much as it pains them to see you suffering at your own hands, they understand just how well the scum of Gotham can and will hurt you.
— They'll take care of the vermin that supplied and enabled you all the same. They have a duty to Gotham, it was going to happen eventually, just now there might be a little bit more passion to it... They won't tell you about it, though.
— The Batfam would most definitely attempt to nip the problem in the bud, forcing you to go cold turkey immediately.
— Bruce will have everything thought out. He's spent countless hours since learning about your issues researching in depth everything he could possibly need to know.
— They have patches at the ready for you when you start to feel the effects of withdrawal. They have stress balls and plenty of activities to try and keep your mind elsewhere and on other things.
— And eyes on you, always.
— And a bracelet, pressed snuggly against your skin and seemingly impossible to get off, to monitor your health. Reports directly at their fingertips, whenever they want it.
— They want you in the best condition they can have you. Not just physically, but mentally too. Bruce would most likely like to have one-on-one conversations with you, about life before, your transitioning here, and, of course, how you are doing with withdrawal.
— If he thinks you're not doing a good enough job with him, he can always pay for the best help available. With his amount of money, nobody has to know either... So don't think of asking them to help you. You won't be believed or they simply won't do it.
— Bruce, Dick, and Jason would probably be the worse about lecturing you on it. Mention withdrawal to them or any desire to return to what you once had... Oh boy, good luck.
— Bruce would go on and on about your health. How he loves you. Wants what is best for you, even if you cannot see it. A deep look of disappointment and concern behind his eyes. He won't school it, he wants to to see it. Feel it and stop. Grow into the person he knows you can be, with their help. Let him protect you.
— Dick is fairly similar to Bruce in this regard, although he is a little more relaxed, trying to be on your level while also acting as your "older brother," something he takes much pride in. He'll probably baby you more than the others, offering to help find alternatives and promise rewards for your efforts (not that you have much of a choice in the matter).
— Jason, though? Jason Todd, the little boy who grew up on the streets? Watch the lives of those he loved so much be ruined and so cruelly snatched away by these exact things? No way. It hits way too close to home, especially since it's you.
— He's understanding towards you so long as you don't push too far. One mention of wanting it and he's on your ass, telling you off about it. He'll help with withdrawal. He'll help you get over it, be a shoulder to lean on and a friend to laugh with, but, God, don't you dare threaten him like that ever again.
— Tim helps with Bruce and his plans most of all, going through all the little details to help plan out the smoothest way to go about this.
— Damian is pissed that you would even ever do any of this in the first place, beating you in his weakest, more frustrated moments but this reaffirms to him that you need him.
— Really, this reaffirms all of them that, despite any guilt, they may feel for the "crimes" they committed for you, it was the right choice. That their darling needed them, desperately.
— They'll never give up on you, not in your darkest moments or theirs. They love you, through and through, and would give the world to you if only you asked.
— But they'd never, ever let you do that to yourself. Your last high was the last time you would ever, ever be.
— They know they could supply you, that it could be an easy way to control you and gain your love. Love that they are so desperately longing for, wanting to be returned, but they won't do it. They can't do that. Not to you of all people.
— It goes against their very nature, as it would harm you.
— You'll learn to love them eventually. It isn't like there is a real rush. You're not going anywhere at all. They'll take the long, high road.
— Batfam will protect you to their last breath and love you through and through. You don't need to do a thing.
— The only reason they would ever supply you is if they truly had no other options. If you were super-powered in a way they could not find a way to contain or around people they couldn't take you away from. Which is a highly unlikely possibility.
💜 A/n: Sorry that this took me so long to get to. Hopefully, it's not too typo-ridden and you enjoy it!
This is not meant to glorify any type of substance abuse or any type of addiction. This was my first time writing for such so please, if I made a mistake in my handling of the subject, reach out and let me know!
For substance abuse treatment and mental health referrals, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
You are loved beyond measure.
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Ok. So Dani and Damian are around 23-26. You can decide. Fair warning this one’s pretty long
So while Dani was traveling the world, she meet Talia Al Ghul.
They became friends(?) and regularly meet up for coffee and tea and such (Dani is not part of the LOA) (Talia wanted to adopt her but she said no) (Dani knows of the LOA but not of Damian. In my mind a demon heir would be confidential information)
Damian leads the Wayne foundations (as well as the Martha and Thomas Wayne foundations) which involves lot of international travel. With his vigilantism and his job, Bruce forces him to put out applications for a secretary. He’s been moonlighting as the Vulture for a couple of years.
Dani, with her years of traveling in now fluent in multiple languages (one of her obsessions) and decided to attend collage in Star City, moving to Gotham after a degree in international business relations.
She applies at Wayne Enterprises for a job, and gets invited for coffee with Talia via coffee message.
Barbara Gordon intercepted the message and sends Damian and Tim to watch her meeting with a mystery person.
They are slightly confused as to Talia is meeting with a seemingly normal civilian. And thinks this that she must be working with the Leauge (no matter how pretty her laugh was)
Talia, who realizes that if Dani won’t allow her to become her daughter, then daughter-in-law is the next best thing.
He realizes how royally he fucked up when Bruce introduces him to his new secretary, Danielle Jane Masters-Fenton.
So now he’s working with a (presumed) LOA assassin, one who’s (probably) infiltrating the company to get to his family. And Talia is try to set them up for some reason.
However, no one believes him when he tells them of his theory. Not even Bruce, who did the actual interview. (He also thought that she would make a good match for Damian, and bonus points if the rest of the family thinks so as well)
Part of Dani’s jobs description is to accompany her boss on international trips, which can take anywhere from 3 days to a week. And it’s pretty difficult when your boss hates you for some reason but can’t fire you because of his dad. Even harder when you’re forced to become a antihero (Vapor) to clean gothams curses and ghost cults and have an odd relationship with the Vulture
There are so many shenanigans that can happen
- Dani and Damian going on a routine business trip and having it run late, plus with the time zones, they are exhausted and forget to book the hotel room. The take the last available room, which happens to have only one bed. Neither one cares.
- mass Arkham breakout, and Dani retunes to work with a fractured left wrist. She says she got injured in the breakout and when Damian goes to her because he’s concerned suspicious he asks her more about it. Dani panics and tells him it was alright because Vapor was there and saved her (she actually got into a brawl with sulker)
~Vulture immediately seeks out Vapor to find out which rouge Dani her and Dani figures out his identity because Damian was the only one she mentioned anything about Vapor to she panicked okay??
- another trip but Damian doesn’t speak the local language (Dani knows more) and the company’s daughter insults Damian to their face because she assumed neither of them spoke the Language. Dani ripped her a new one, and because of her outright hostility (which has never happen before) Damian doesn’t renew the contracts with the company and instead spends the rest of the trip trying to cheer up Dani’s mood.
- Danny. Sam and Tucker all visit her in Gotham and the everlasting trio all go to an animal rights protest that ends up with them in a brawl. Damian also ends up brawling on their side and the four of them get thrown in the same jail cell while they wait for someone to bail them out. Tim arrives for Damian at the same time Dani arrives for the trio. To spite them, Dani and Tim have a long conversation in front of their cell instead of letting them out. (The group approves of Damian)
- a ghost attacks Dani and Damian on their way to the airport, Dani whips out her ghost busting moves. Damian finally decides to admit to himself that he’s in love after watching her tackle a ghost to the ground and make him beg for mercy (technus should’ve known better that to pick a fighter against her. in Gotham. With her crush boss watching)
- Dani kills the Joker, and a member of Black Masks crew saw her, so Vulture was assigned to be her bodyguard of sorts
- Dani is planning an international gala for the Waynes and is very stressed out. So stressed out, that a week before the gala she realized she didn’t think to accommodate for any rouge attacks and spends the next 3 days in her office. Damian eventually drops her sleep deprived butt home.
- Dan visits Dani in her office
- wingman Jon
- International business meeting hosted at WE. Rouge attakd the meeting and Dani gets injured. Damian sees red
- Waynes go to a masked gala in Wisconsin, hosted by Vlad Masters. Dani and Damian share a dance (while wearing masks) and a ghost ruins the party
- M A K I N G O U T W H I L E D R U N K
- Damian figures out Dani’s identity simply because he realizes they laugh and smile the same
- “Danielle.”
“Your birthday is coming up, correct?”
“It is, what about it?”
“What would you like?”
“Damian, you don’t have to get me anything.”
“Tt. Ridiculous. What would you like?”
“Get me a (super rare sword from medieval times)” (she was joking)
“Consider it done.” (He was not)
Eventually Ra’s finds out about Dani and her connection to his grandsons and daughter and decides to kidnap her as blackmail.
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lani-heart · 6 months
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genre(s) -> hybrid au, non-idol au, university au paring(s) -> ehyphen ( individually ) x reader(s) warning(s) -> angst, violence, crimes, bullying, drinking, etc.
abstract -> what can go wrong in a world of hybrids?
-> uploading will start May 18 //Schedule tbd -> taglist open !!
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abstract -> Freshman in college and put to socialize with the other kids from wealthy families. y/n and Riki Nishimura being childhood friends and hybrid / master weren’t anything like other owners. Instead, Riki misbehaves and is rude when around others wanting his owner for himself. Getting her in trouble a few too many times had got him worried that he’d be replaced like her father had warned him. So instead of waiting to be replaced… There's a new etiquette class available at the same school as his owner. How convenient… now was that gonna guarantee him a spot by her side forever?
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COMPLETE -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || “perfect hybrid” CHAPTER TWO || etiquette CHAPTER THREE || misunderstandings  CHAPTER FOUR || fake relationship CHAPTER FIVE || for you
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abstract -> Seeing how Riki is treated, Jake, jealous and tired, runs away from the adoption center. Only to save a girl from the predatory men on the streets of Seoul. Not knowing he’s a hybrid, they both have the time of their lives… while he pretends to be human. How scandalous… the daughter of a wealthy known CEO to be caught with a stray hybrid?
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COMPLETE -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || outcasts CHAPTER TWO || luxury CHAPTER THREE || abandonment CHAPTER FOUR || forbidden  CHAPTER FIVE || anything
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abstract -> Haechan always liked to interfere where he didn’t belong. Making a scholarship student take a hybrid and making a bet she’ll regret wasn’t on this year's calendar. Especially with how mean and rude he was… no way he was the well-behaved and sought-after hybrid the rich kids wanted. But… was sweet and caring, at the end of the day, however, he wouldn’t turn his life from riches to rags… right?
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ON GOING -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || temporary CHAPTER TWO || scholarship  CHAPTER THREE || mean CHAPTER FOUR || insecurities CHAPTER FIVE || forever
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abstract -> The principal's spoiled daughter returns from her trip to China only to find that her artist's block hasn't gotten any better. Who knew a cute and innocent fox would fix that? However… she swore never to own a hybrid so she could only admire him from afar as his owner turned out to be everything Sunoo hated. Even through that hatred and pain… she still saw him worthy enough to be her muse. 
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COMING SOON -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || artist block CHAPTER TWO || exhibition CHAPTER THREE || envy CHAPTER FOUR || disappointed CHAPTER FIVE || muse
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abstract -> Never adopted… I mean who would want to adopt a hybrid with big antlers on his head? It was a shame that such a pretty face had such an ugly thing growing out of his head. Would you want to adopt him? Even after he tried to cut them off risking his life in the process? Even after your parent's threats?
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COMING SOON -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || ugly CHAPTER TWO || doe eyes CHAPTER THREE || antlers CHAPTER FOUR || empty CHAPTER FIVE || pretty
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abstract -> The figure skater hybrid was sought after being sold for millions… but he met his match to take care of a clumsy woman. He was famous after all why should he have to take care of an idiotic woman like you who forgets to look both ways when crossing the street? Especially when you’ll end up forgetting him… all over again? 
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COMING SOON -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || spring CHAPTER TWO || lies CHAPTER THREE || hate CHAPTER FOUR || truth CHAPTER FIVE || winter
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abstract -> Daughter of two renowned lawyers who just busted a case on the black mart hybrid traffickers damned their daughter with a hybrid. They thought it was a good thing to have someone to go home to after a long day… well that wasn’t true when he tried to run away every day. Until… one day she decided to not go find him.
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COMING SOON -> preview
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CHAPTER ONE || service CHAPTER TWO || escape CHAPTER THREE || law CHAPTER FOUR || riot CHAPTER FIVE || liberty
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 12: Fake Dating
When You're Lyin' Here in My Arms | @nickelkeep Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 7,240 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, Idiots to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Everyone Thinks They're Together Summary: Cas' twin sibling Hannah is getting married. No big deal, right? But when the invite comes asking who his plus one is, well... Cas knows that it's not a good sign. In a panic, he asks his life-long best friend Dean to pretend to be his boyfriend. There's no way that can go wrong... Right?
A family affair | @milfdean4dilfcas Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7,332 Main Tags/Warnings: idiots in love, fake/pretend relationship, light angst, pining, Post-Episode AU: s15e18 Despair (Supernatural), the finale does not exist in this house, toddler jack kline, Parent Dean Winchester, Parent Castiel (Supernatural), Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Dom/sub Undertones, the smut is in the last chapter Summary: When the preschool director mistakes them for a couple, Dean and Cas decide to play along to avoid awkwardness. As they pretend to be a loving pair, they're forced to navigate the challenges of hiding their true feelings from each other. But as they fake romantic gestures and affection, the lines between reality and fantasy start to blur. Will their fake relationship become the catalyst for real feelings, or will it drive them further apart?
Welcome to Pit & Paradise | @seidenapfel Rating: Mature Word Count: 11,193 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The Empty deal never happened, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Case Fic, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Coming Out, First Kiss, First Time, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester Summary: When Claire calls, asking for help to hunt a shifter in an LGBT+ resort, Dean and Cas suddenly find themselves as husbands on their honeymoon. Forced to play a couple, Dean and Cas both have to face their hidden dreams and feelings. It’s all fake, or isn’t it?
The Exception to Every Rule | @mittensmorgul Rating: Mature Word Count: 58,784 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Actor Dean, Bodyguard Castiel, Stalking, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Bed Summary: When Sam was accepted to Stanford, he finally convinced Dean to move to Los Angeles to pursue his acting dreams after sacrificing for four years to support Sam throughout high school. Dean never imagined landing the starring role in a Hollywood blockbuster film franchise, but in just two years he’d gone from obscurity on the Lawrence Community Theater stage to become one of the fastest rising stars in the country. He's adapting pretty well to this new life in the spotlight-- until one unhealthily obsessed fan prompts Dean’s agent to hire a specialist from Seraphim Security to watch over him. Enter Castiel, one of Seraphim’s newest “Angels,” and the only one available to take on Dean’s case a week before Christmas. With Dean’s life on the line, Castiel does his best to maintain a professional distance, but with every passing day they’re both finding themselves making more and more exceptions to their rules.
A Crash Course in Computer Safety | @debatchery Rating: Explicit Word Count: 85,269 Main Tags/Warnings: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Slow Burn, CIA!Cas, nerd!Dean Summary: On the day of his 29th birthday, Dean receives an email from his old nemesis: Michael Milton, the guy who got him kicked out of college and stole his girlfriend. The email contains encoded images with top secret CIA/NSA intelligence – and now their only copy is in Dean’s brain. Both agencies send their best operatives – Castiel Novak and Victor Henriksen respectively – to handle their accidental asset and protect the invaluable data in his head. To justify their sudden appearance in Dean’s life, they adopt covers: Victor as Dean’s new co-worker and neighbor, Cas as his new boyfriend. Needless to say, Dean’s brother and his girlfriend are thrilled to see him in a relationship they believe to be real. Clearly, there’s no way this could go wrong. (NBC’s Chuck AU).
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie goes live two days before he is supposed to leave for his Vegas shows, mainly to remind his fans that they added another night so tickets were available but also to talk about his favorite subject, Steve. He’s all smiles and giddy, sitting in his car.
He looks into the camera and says, “Do you hear that? I don’t know if the speakers are picking up the frankly ear-shattering volume of Tears for Fears emitting from my house right now, but I can hear it in the driveway. I fucking hate this band and Stevie knows it.”
“We are two days out from Vegas and he’s stepped up his passive-aggressive bullshit, so you know what?” Eddie grins. “I’m going to romance him so hard that he can’t keep up the act. So, come along. We’re planning a date.”
Eddie goes to four places – a flower shop, a fancy chocolate store, the grocery store, and Steve’s favorite restaurant for take-out. He gets a big bouquet of flowers. He gets a ridiculous amount of chocolate. He gets the cheesiest romcom he can find on Blu-Ray, a bottle of cheap wine they got when they moved into their first apartment together, and ice cream.
“I know, I know,” He says to camera as he’s walking through the store. “I can see the comments now – Eddie Munson’s idea of romance is the same as your broke ex-boyfriend, or whatever. Steve and I have been together since the eighties, we’ve done all the big grand gestures, and what you learn is that being together is the only thing that matters.”
Eddie drives home and walks into the kitchen where Steve is baking – something he only ever does for school functions and when he’s really pissed off – and he turns off the Tears for Fears album. Steve looks up at Eddie with his chocolate and flowers and says in a voice that is full of barely-concealed anger, “Are those for your best friend, Diane?”
There’s a pause and then Eddie says in a voice that completely drops the Eddie Munson larger-than-life persona that he adopts for online into something instantly annoyed when he says, “Are you fucking kidding me?“
“I don’t know, Ed. Why don’t you text Diane and ask her since you want her to know all of our fucking business.”
You can only see the pattern on Eddie’s reusable grocery bag when he drops everything on the counter, but you can hear how tense it is in the room when Eddie laughs, “You are so fucking unbelievable sometimes. You’re pissed at me because I asked our neighbor for her number that you wouldn’t give to me. I’m taking precautions because I’m leaving town, Steve.”
“Why’d we get a fucking dog then, Eddie?” Steve asked, snapped at him. “I didn’t want a dog but we got one to reassure you. To put your mind at ease and – and it doesn’t fucking matter? You’re still going to go behind my back and talk about my shit to – to fucking Diane like I’m not even a part of the conversation? If Ozzy’s not enough why do we have him? Why not hire a fucking nurse if you think I’m so incapable-“
“I don’t think-“
“You’re treating me like a baby that you need to find a babysitter for.”
“You cracked your skull open and laid on the ground for days the last time I went out of town! You were non-responsive. I thought you were dead. I trust Ozzy. I think he’s enough but what if he’s not? I’m sorry that our neighbors hate you and I had to ask the one you don’t like, but I’m not apologizing for worrying.”
Steve starts to respond but that seems to be the moment that Eddie realizes that he’s still live streaming because it cuts abruptly. He does not post anything for the rest of the day.
When he does post again, it’s a short slideshow of him and Steve having the date night he’d planned and a short little apology for ‘Mom and Dad’ fighting. The video is captioned ‘All good.’
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armins-main-hoe · 2 years
Odd socks | Neteyam’s twin
There is now a full fic available to read. If you’re interested, here is the link to the masterlist. 
Reader as Neteyam’s twin sister. 
I was showering when I had this idea come in my head, followed by many others about how this twin would fit in with the story. Not proofread!!
When Neytiri was first pregnant with you both, she had obviously began to show her baby bump quicker since there was the two of you inside her. As months went by, she and her mother began to wonder why her stomach was so big when there was only meant to be one child in there. It was only when Mo’at felt Neytiri’s stomach and felt 2 pairs of feet kick.
It was very rare among the Navi for twins to be born. In the few cases were twins where born, either one child was born weaker and passes away or the mother passes away herself. This worried everyone. For the remainder of her pregnancy, she would pray to Ewya, pray for both of her babies to be born healthy and let her live to see them grow. At night, Jake would come and lay down with her, they both would talk about who the two babies would take after, the challenges they would face in parenthood with two babies at once. 
However, they soon discovered that Grace’s avatar was also pregnant, how it was possible was a mystery but both Jake and Neytiri agreed to adopt her child. They already had 2 on the way, another one couldn’t hurt. (I believe kiri is slightly younger than Neteyam right? pls tell me if I am wrong-) 
Once Neytiri had given birth, Mo’at was the first to realise that you had 3 fingers on your left hand and 4 on your right. While you brother only had 3 fingers on both of his hands. When both you and Neteyam were put side by side, nobody could tell you both apart had it not been for your right hand with 4 fingers. Jake gave you the nickname ‘odd socks’ for it, you would laugh with him whenever he would call you that until you were old enough to know what ‘odd socks’ were. 
Raising three babies at once was difficult at times. Especially after the three of you learn’t how to crawl. You in particular had to always had to be under supervision as you had developed a tendency to crawl away a lot. You would take any chance you could get to run away. Jake found it amusing to see you dash away on all fours as fast as your tiny hands and feet could take you. Of course, you never actually got very far before you would be picked up by either your father or mother. You would coo at them with a tiny frown on your face afterwards. 
“I’m sorry but you’re not old enough to go off on your own yet odd socks.” Your father would say to you as he carries you back to your mother and siblings. Once put down again on the floor to play with your sister and brother you would try to crawl away again. “Do I have to tie you up or something?” Jake would joke. 
You began to walk first out of you, Neteyam and Kiri. It happened when Jake and Neytiri went out hunting together one day and your grandmother was taking care of the three of you. She had managed to keep you three seated still by telling you all small simple stories but you soon lost interest in her story as you heard something fall behind you. You turned around and saw a wooden carving of a navi man, a toy you and your siblings play with. You were about to crawl away but you heard your grandmother call out to you. 
Turning back around you waited for some chance for when you could crawl away. You got that chance when Mo’at turned around to get something she wanted to show you three. You giggled to yourself as you began to quickly crawl away. Neteyam watched you crawl away and smiled as he also joined you in escaping and Kiri followed him. 
The wooden doll kept rolling and you kept crawling after it. The doll the rolled down some stairs. You remember how adults would go down the stairs on their 2 feet and then tried to do the same. Using the wall beside you as support you tried to stand up. Each time you would fall down, both Kiri and Neteyam would giggle. Mo’at soon found the three of you and saw you standing up. She clapped and laughed, cheering you on. 
Jake and Neytiri had arrived back home after another successful hunt, the two of them made their way to Mo’at’s place to get the three of you back. Once they did find the four of you, Neytiri gasped as you walked towards them, sure you were quite wobbly and fell down once while on your way but both her and Jake were so happy. 
Once the three of you could walk and run, there was no stopping the three of you. Neytiri got pregnant again, this time with lo’ak. This meant that most of the time it was Jake trying to catch the three of you running away. You were quick on your little feet, eager to experience the world and put anything that looks interesting into your mouth. 
The first time you three saw lo’ak, he was sleeping soundly in your mothers arms. You three looked at him in awe of how tiny he was. Which all newborns tend to be. Neteyam slowly reached out to hold lo’ak’s hand, you watched his hand take the tiny baby’s fist in his palm. “Tiny”, you told your dad who chuckled and nodded while ruffling your hair, “You were once that tiny too, though you really aren’t much bigger than him anyway.”  
There were times when you and Neteyam would pretend to be each other, You would undo your braids and try to messily recreate each other’s hair style. You both would walk up to your parents and hide your hands behind your back since you had an extra finger and they could easily tell you apart by just looking at your hands. However, you mother always managed to know who was who and then would tell you off for making your hair so messy. You’re dad on the other hand would pretend not to know just to amuse you both because he remembered how when him and his twin brother would do the same when they were younger.  
While growing up, out of the four children Jake and Neytiri have, you had grown to be the social butterfly. You were friends with practically all of the the children in the clan. You were even friends with some of the children that were older than you by a few years. Neteyam was a but more reserved than you but he still was open to being friends with anyone that approached him. Kiri was only friends with others who kept to themselves like she did, she had not taken a liking to those who were very loud. Lo’ak would stick with either you or Neteyam and hang out with whoever you were with at the time. Neither you or Neteyam mind whether Lo’ak hung out with you or not but he did soon find a friend for himself. 
It was the four of you, and after just a few years it was five. Tuktirey, your youngest sister or Tuk as your family mostly call her. As she grew, your parents noticed how much she acted like you, lively and bouncy, eager to see everything. There would be times when you and Neteyam would take Tuk out exploring in the forest, though you three never really went too far from home, to her it seemed as if you guys were miles away. 
You liked it when you could take your siblings out to the forest with Neteyam, it was fun. All of you would challenge each other to see who could climb the highest, it always came down to you and Neteyam and it varied each time who would win out of the two of you. Sometimes it would be races and little Tuk would get frustrated being last each time so you and your siblings would purposely slow down so she could win one time. Other times, you would find places to sit down and talk about how your father came from a star and the battles him and your mother fought. 
Soon you and Neteyam had to choose an Ikran. Neteyam went first, he had made it seem so easy as he managed to make the bond with his Ikran rather quickly. However, as you were watching him, you noticed another Ikran behind his, one that looked identical to his. Just by looking at how similar the patters and colours were, you wondered if that Ikran would choose you. You had made eye contact with the other Ikran and it opened its mouth to let out a screech at you. “Quick, looks like that once chose you.” Your father whispered to you, he was only standing right behind you, gently pushing you forward to win that Ikran over. “ Go get her odd socks.” You gave him a quick ‘really dad?’ look for the nickname but walked up to the ikran. 
Now you were much closer to the Ikran, up close you could see just how identical the Ikran was to Neteyam’s, only difference being that it’s colours were ever so slightly darker. You struggles a bit longer than Neteyam did but you were soon able to make the bond. You could feel the adrenaline run through your veins as you told your Ikran to fly. Naturally, it flew straight down, you panicked and quickly told your Ikran to fly back up. As you flew back up you could hear your parents cheering you and your brother on. Once your Ikran levelled out, you caught up to Neteyam and the two of you flew together for a bit before being joined by Kiri who also got her Ikran a couple minutes later.  Soon, Lo’ak and your parents caught up to you three and your whole family flew together back home. 
While growing up, you guys were often visited by Spider, a human boy who was left here since he was too small to go back. He would play with you guys as kids but once you grew up, you weren’t as close since you didn’t really get the time to spend much time playing, as did Neteyam. This meant that your younger siblings got closer to Spider much more than you and your twin brother did. This only was because both you and Neteyam were the Olo’eyktan’s eldest children, it could be either one of you that become the next clan leader. Not only that, but your father was Toruk Makto. This meant that the two of you had much more to live up to. 
However, just to escape all the responsibilities, sometimes you would go flying on your ikran on the rare day off, often joined by your twin brother. The two of you would go flying and fly for a few hours, always being back home before eclipse. There was this one time lo’ak joined you two and the three of you tried showing off all the cool tricks you could do with your ikran while flying, your younger brother nearly fell off trying to do a flip. Once you and Neteyam made sure he was safe, you both couldn’t help but laugh. Lo’ak felt embarrassed but a small smile was ghosting his face as he heard the two of you laugh, he knew you both were stressed the past few days and was happy to hear you both enjoy yourselves. Even though he often acts like a headache, he does care about his older brother and sister.  
Though both you and Tuk were similar it often led to small arguments where you get told off in the end because you were significantly older than her. For example, Tuk looked up to Neteyam a lot while growing up and saw him as another father figure. This meant that if she could she would spend time with him whenever. This included stealing him away when he was spending time with his other siblings. “Tuk I know he is your favourite but you can’t steal him whenever you want you know.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yes I can! Come on Neteyam!” She tugged on his arm. 
“No you can’t” You held onto his other arm, the two of you had been pretty busy the last two days and you had decided on going out to fly. You already were pretty annoyed to start with and Tuk was just fuelling your annoyance right now. 
“Guys, how about you don’t pull my arms off-”
“I am his little sister, he has to come with me.” Tuk argued with you.
“I was his sister before you were!” You argued back.  
Unfortunately, even though Neteyam promised to spend time with her later, Tuk threatened to tell your mother that you were leaving her out You were even more annoyed and Neteyam did give you an apologetic smile before he was dragged away by your little sister. You sighed to yourself and went off to go do whatever Lo’ak and his friends were doing. (Tuk did apologise later though, Neteyam probably talked her into doing it.)
You remember this one time you found a particularly pretty rock when heading back home from training one day. You thought that you could turn it into a necklace. So then for the next few days, just before you are meant to go to sleep you would dedicate some of your time to work on that necklace. You added some coloured beads to it too. Once you had finished it you held it up in your hands to admire it. The sunlight shined through the opaque rock and let out a orange pool of light to spill out from it. “That looks beautiful. Did you make that?” You heard your sister speak behind you. You turn around to look at Kiri. You smile and nod. She sits down besides you, getting a closer look at the necklace you made. You smile and go to put the necklace on her. “Here, I want to see how it would look on you.” You tell her. She smiles back at you and watches you put the necklace around her neck. It shines around her neck. “You look pretty.” You compliment her. She smiles again and thanks you for it, moving her hands up to remove it and give it back to you. You stop her and tell her that she can keep it. You don’t wear necklaces anyway. She thanks you again. giving you a tight hug before going to continue on with her day. You always saw her wearing the necklace and never saw her without it. You would smile each time you saw it around her neck. 
Like you when you were younger, Tuk would often disappear while exploring on her own. This meant you and your siblings would have create a little search party amongst yourselves to quickly find her before your parents find out and give you an earful of how irresponsible you are. One time you found her looking at a baby ikran from afar. You put a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at you. “When can I get my own ikran?” She asked you. “When you are ready and being ready doesn’t mean disappearing whenever you feel like it.” You gently scold her. She gives you a sheepish grin and looks back at the baby ikran wobble over to its mother who busies herself eating. “Come on, lets go back and tomorrow I’ll take you flying on my ikran.” She gasps in excitement and the two of you go back home, talking about the future and how she will beat you at flying with her future ikran.  
While Neteyam and Lo’ak would go with your parents with the war party as spotters, you would go with a group of hunters who would hunt food for the whole clan. Though you weren’t with your siblings or parents while hunting, you had plenty of friends so you never felt lonely. In fact, you quite liked hunting and your aim with the arrow got far better each time, being able to hit your target from much father distances and even with a few objects in the way, you still managed to hit your prey. You ever learnt a few new tricks with your ikran. Over time, you became one of the best hunters among your age of Navi. There was something about flying in with your ikran, pulling out your bow and arrow to hit your target, watching your arrow hit your prey fight where it kills them that makes you start to breath a little harder. You get an adrenaline rush each time but you always wanted more. You wanted an actual fight. Though you never told anyone this, you did try to convince your father to allow you to join your brothers as spotters. He agreed and the first time you joined them you gave in to lo’ak’s idea of joining the fight while Neteyam would roll his eyes at the two of you. You and lo’ak got told off by Jake later that day. Since that day, you were only allowed to join your brothers as spotters if absolutely necessary. 
Over dinner, you would talk with your siblings about your day, Neteyam and Lo’ak going over what they saw at spotters, you talking about how hunting went and what new hunting tack ticks you discovered, Kiri complaining how your grandmother wouldn’t listen to her when she kept saying how one type of medicine is much better than the current one they use and Tuk would talk about how she found a baby bird in the forest. 
You liked how everything was. Each day was exciting, there was always so much to do. You prayed to Ewya that everything would stay the same. Though there was that uncertainty in the future about who would take over your father, you or Neteyam and you were sure that when the time comes, it won’t be so easy to decide but that is for the future you to worry about. Right now, you decided to enjoy what you have. 
It was often your two brothers that would come back wounded from being spotters, even though they aren’t meant to actually be involved in the fighting but there were times when the hunt would be particularly rough, causing you to injure yourself. Whenever this would happen you would walk over to wherever Kiri happened to be, which was usually by your family tent. She would patch you up while teasingly scolding you. Sometimes Neteyam or Lo’ak would be there with you and she would actually scold them. You would lightly laugh at the sight, joining Kiri in telling your brothers off. “Hey, you’re injured too. Kiri why don’t you tell her off for a change.” Lo’ak would complain. You would stick your tongue out at him, telling him that you aren’t in here for medical attention as much as he is. You do worry about your brothers coming back hurt more than you but at the end of the day, you can’t do much since you aren’t always there with them. You are told to go hunting while they go to other places where violence is always a threat. 
(Jake doesn’t let you go bc he knows you’d be worse than Lo’ak when it comes to resisting the urge to join the fight. So he makes you go hunting instead. Though those one off times where you do join them, he has to keep an eye out for you and Lo’ak and Neteyam, the poor boy, has twice the amount of idiots to look out for.)  
(Also if Jake ever wants to talk to you through the throat microphone he would say your code name is ‘odd socks’) 
(You roll your eyes each time he says that.)
(I’m gonna have to make a pt.2)
(bye bye)
You can read pt.2 here
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kippykasey · 11 months
Double Trouble
Summary: Who knew a vampire, Freddie Kruger, and Ghost face could have so much fun?
Word Count: 1021
Characters: Sam and Colby and Reader
More spoops from Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays
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Halloween parties aren’t normally a thing you normally do. At lease not since you were younger. Now you are dragged along with your friend to not only a party but a block wide event. One house had a haunted ‘barn’ maze set up in the large side lawn. There was a whole garage decked out as a witch hut where the drinks were being stored and handed out. There was one house specifically set up to entertain the teens. A projector was set up playing the horror classics. Lights, music, smoke effects where everywhere. Which is probably how you lost your friend with in the first hour of arriving.
Your hand clutched onto your drink of choice as you slowly walked around trying to find your unaccounted for friend. You admired the different themes and the fancy technical displays. Every time you thought you seen them it just ended up being a stranger. After a while of looking you just gave up and sat on the edge of a stone wall between the projector set up and the road that was packed with people dancing.
Someone dressed in the black gown and hooded mask of Ghostface, calmly leaned against the wall next to you. “Waiting for someone?” The deep voice confirmed that this was most definitely a male.
Your head tilts to look over at him. “Nah I lost my friend already. Not really used to all this.” You gestured to the surrounding area with the hand holding your drink, the liquid swirling around.
“Well we can’t just let you sit on a wall all night like some kind of gargoyle. Colby.” He stands up straight, his arm draping over your shoulders as he holds up his hand.
You shook his hand and introduced yourself before Colby gives you a nudge to get off the wall. You get off your perch and were instantly guided through the crowd and towards the witch hut where you run into a blonde wearing a signature stripped shirt the recognizable burn scar mask tucked under his arm as he got himself a drink. “Sam I adopted a vampire.” Colby jokes making the blonde turn to look over with a smile.
You introduce yourself to Sam and he passes a drink to Colby who stepped away from you to remove his mask. With both of them not wearing a mask you recognized the two from their ghost hunting youtube channel. “I see why you’re wearing the masks.” You comment looking between them. They looked at each other before turning back to you.
The three of you head off to the side where some picnic tables were set up for the food that was available earlier. You sat around one of the tables each with your own drink. “So you recognized us huh?” Sam looked up at you as he sips his drink.
“Honestly now that I know its you I would have known Colby by his name and face alone but I thought it was a voice changer or something. Not to mention I don’t really know too many people with the name Colby. Realistically I would have overlooked what you guys but I was watching your videos while getting ready to come.”
Colby chuckled and you three talked for a while before agreeing to walk through the fake barn maze. There was a small line which allowed small groups no larger than 6 in at a time. Colby and Sam put their masks into the drawstring bag that was hidden under Sam’s costume as you waited and you all were able to toss your empty drinks in a garbage right before entering into near darkness.
A winding path greeted you three where between the two and a half winding corridors were four automated animatronics that provided a good jump scare before opening up into the first room. The red and yellow lit room was decorated with fake hanging body limbs with the center having a table with delimbed torso. Just as you got around the corner a female whimper drew your attention to a caged area where a disheveled girl was locked inside pleading for you to help her. As you moved closer a chainsaw roared to life behind you as a leather face dressed man charged out of the hidden corner chasing the three of you out of the room and into the next section.
As you made your way through the last 3 rooms you have been positioned somewhere between the two. You swear Sam jumped a foot off the ground when he was caught off guard at the last jump scare. Your thoughts were confirmed when you left and Colby began to laugh and called Sam out on it. From there the three of you bumped into each other as you walked on to the next thing you were off to do, which was carve some pumpkins which really just became a but if a mess of pumpkin guts that was tossed about your table until your group was asked to leave.
The two put back on their masks and you gladly took videos of them going around scaring poor people passing by. When your friend finally texts to meet up, you took a group picture with the two who were enjoying making trouble scaring people and sent it with the location to meet up. Sam and Colby hid them selves and waited until your friend arrived popping out and gave your friend a good scare before the three of you exchanged numbers agreeing to join them on a future ghost hunt before you left with your friend.
“Told you, you would have fun.” Your friend walks backwards, their phone out and up.
“Yeah, yeah.” You roll your eyes seconds before your head is bunched between your shoulders from the flinching reaction of two ‘Boos’ on either side of you accompanies by a Freddy Kruger and Ghost Face masks.
You turn playfully hitting the laughing guys on the shoulders as the turn to scurry away.
“Trouble I tell you. They are trouble.” You comment turning to your friend with a large smile.
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elipheleh · 7 months
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mary & george feature in tv & satellite magazine. airs in the uk on tuesday (5th) at 9pm on sky atlantic & sky showcase. boxset will be available on sky boxsets/NOW.
text under the cut
Hollywood star Julianne Moore adopts her best English accent this week when she plays Mary Villiers, a mother-of-four determined to secure her family's future, in Sky's seven-part drama Mary & George.
When she learns that King James (Tony Curran) is in a sexual relationship with his adviser, the Earl of Somerset (Laurie Davidson), Mary realises she could gain considerable power and influence if her son George (Nicholas Galitzine) becomes the King's new favourite.
'Mary is from a kind of middling aristocratic family,’ explains Moore, 'She's living in less-than-ideal circumstances, looking for a way to educate her children and keep herself alive. The only way she's really able to do that is through her relationships with powerful men.’
After sending George to France to learn refinement, Mary endeavours to get him noticed - and King James is soon enamoured with the handsome young man.
'At the beginning, the relationship is very transactional for George’, explains Galitzine, 29. 'I don't think he develops feelings for James until a few months, perhaps years, into the relationship. George definitely has something to gain, but the love is very much real between them.'
Although the King is aware of the power games being played around him, he finds it refreshing that George comes from outside the usual circles of the royal court.
‘James is comfortable when hes in the company of his lovers - he wants to forget about being a king,’ says Curran, 54. ‘He wants that distraction of feeling safe with another person, as opposed to lords and politicians constantly grabbing at him, wanting him to make decisions about affairs of state.’
The series is based on the nonfiction book The King's Assassin by Benjamin Woolley, and Moore was drawn to the project by the way Mary seemed ahead of her time.
‘There was something outrageous and direct about her’, says Moore, who won a Best Actress Oscar in 2015 for her role as an early onset Alzheimer's patient in Still Alice. 'She seemed to have her own desire for power and agency in a situation where she might possibly have none. It's interesting what she achieved at a time when women couldn't even own property.’
The cast also includes Trine Dyrholm as Queen Anne of Denmark, Niamh Algar as Mary's confidante, prostitute Sandie, and Nicola Walker as the Queen's lady-in-waiting Lady Hatton.
Mary & George's salty language and revealing sex scenes may surprise some viewers, but the stars believe it reflects the earthy instincts of its characters as they grapple for power.
"The sensuality in the show isn't crass in any way, says Curran. 'It was certainly interesting for me. I'd ask the producers, "What am I wearing today?" and theyd reply, “Your birthday suit, pal!"’
'It's not a typical period drama because of the licence it takes with behaviours and sexuality,’ agrees Moore. 'It's beautiful and opulent and a wildly entertaining romp through history.’
Who’s Who (top right of image)
Mary Villiers
Julianne Moore
The deeply ambitious mother lives on her wits and wants to create a lasting legacy for her family.
George Villiers
Nicholas Galitzine
Mary's second son gains new-found confidence and charm after an educational visit to France.
King James
Tony Curran
The first joint ruler of Scotland and England, the King is seldom seen without an entourage of male companions.
Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset
Laurie Davidson
The King's current favourite is determined to stop George from usurping him.
Queen Anne of Denmark
Trine Dynolm
The Queen would prefer her husband's favourite to be someone she can control.
Niamh Algar
Mary's confidante is a prostitute in a high-end brothel, making her privy to the secrets of the rich and powerful.
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kay-wren · 1 month
I'll Come Running - R.C. - Chapter 39
*** Rafe drove away from JJ's house in a panic once he realized that Jessie really was gone and JJ really didn't know where she was.
Rafe couldn't contain his emotions, leaving him no choice but to pull over. Rafe stared out into the space of the dark road in front of him, only lit by the night sky. All the realization hit him at once as his lips quivered and he narrowed his eyes, trying not to let the tears spill out.
He almost hit Jessie. Over a simple conversation that she was totally justified in having. She wanted him off the coke. But she started it right? Rafe thought that argument was childish. He felt nothing but childish after the temper tantrum he threw at both Jessie and JJ. Rafe wondered what was wrong with him, he had been angry before, but he felt a new sense of helplessness... like he was spinning out of control and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Rafe finally let it all out. The sobs were ugly and reckless as he lost control of his breathing. Rafe had nobody there to calm him down, only the voices in his head.
Be a man. Men don't cry. Rafe heard his father's voice. The same words he heard when he was ten years old, and from that point forward. The words be a man plagued him everyday of his life. Those words were enough to make him dry his eyes, wipe his face, and somehow go completely numb inside. Ward always had that affect on Rafe.
Deciding not to let Jessie have any more of this night, Rafe called the only person he knew could fix this, but fix was a strong word, it was more like putting a bandaid over a bullet hole. Rafe didn't care.
"Man, what do you want? It's too late for this sh-"
"I'm coming over." Rafe interrupted Barry, who sounded less than thrilled.
"Man you were just here?!" Barry replied annoyance and disbelief. "Are you already out?!"
"Not yet, but I will be." Rafe responded with numbness that chilled even Barry through the phone. Rafe simply hung up and Barry knew it couldn't be good.
Barry did the only thing he could think to do: call Jessie. Him and Jessie had a very odd relationship, one that was constantly moving and changing, one minute she would be a smoke buddy, the next minute a buyer, and the next a bitch. It all depended on each other's mood, but in a weird way, Barry always felt bad for Jessie. After all, Jessie only started buying for her father, eventually letting it trickle into her life as well, and now Barry had a front row seat at watching the drug trap another man that Jessie cared about.
Barry called Jessie over and over again, to no avail. The fact that she didn't answer really concerned him, his mind began to wonder to the worst possible scenario, especially with Rafe being so... unpredictable at the moment.
Barry blew up Jessie's phone, every passing ring only adding to his worry, until he saw Rafe pull up. At this point Barry was just plain mad, knowing that Rafe must've had something to do with Jessie not answering her phone.
Barry was anxious to meet Rafe right in the middle of the yard, not letting Rafe come to him like he usually does.
"What the hell, country club? Why your girl ain't answering her phone?"
"Shit, I don't know man. Just leave me alone." Rafe mumbled as he put his hand in Barry's face and walked right past him towards the front door of the trailer. Barry couldn't believe the balls Rafe had on him at the moment, clearly not caring about anyone or anything. It was only a preview of the facade he would adopt for the next four years.
"You don't know? Bullshit you don't know Rafe! You know damn well where Jessie is! You better not have sent her into hiding until the bruises heal-"
"I didn't touch her, okay?!" Rafe screamed, not being able to take the mental gymnastics any longer. "And I'm not bullshitting you... I don't know where she is man!" Rafe explained still heated. He finally looked down at the ground then back up at Barry with more sadness behind his faded eyes. "She left."
"What the hell does that mean, she left?" Barry asked, trying to adopt the same demeanor of not caring, even though he clearly did, at least in a "she's my best customer" kinda way.
"She left. Are you slow or something?" Rafe laughed maniacally as he furrowed his brows and walked closer to Barry. Rafe had no regard for his life any more, and at this point he was looking for a fight— another defense mechanism he would become very familiar with over the course of the next few years.
"No I'm not slow you piece of shit!" Barry mouthed back as he shoved Rafe back. "You're just being vague as hell and it doesn't sound very convincing."
"Well I'm not worried about convincing you." Rafe whispered with a twisted smile. He began to look off into the dark distance. "I'm not worried about convincing anyone." He explained with a dark glint in his eye that Barry hadn't seen before. "So you got more coke or not?" He asked, this time a little more in touch with reality.
"Yeah..." Barry trailed off as he was trying to read whatever Rafe was fantasizing about behind those eyes, he was unsuccessful. Barry just walked inside, looking over his shoulder, feeling like Rafe could easily kill him quickly and quietly with the way he was acting.
"Take your shit and leave." Barry snapped as he took the money from Rafe.
"It was good to see ya." Rafe said as he turned and walked away with a smile Barry couldn't see.
Rafe climbed back into his truck and sped off, pulling out his phone to call the only other person on this island he could count on. 
"What the hell, man? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Topper's voice sounded through the other line. 
"Yeah, yeah, man, whatever. Hey, party at my house tomorrow night. My parents will be out of town. Invite anyone. Party of the century man." The line went dead for a couple seconds. 
- - - 
Music was blaring. Bodies were taking up almost the entire first floor of the house. If there was one thing about Topper, he knew how to throw a rager. Kooks, tourons, even pogues were at the Cameron's that fateful night. But Rafe said anyone, right? At that point Rafe didn't really care, the more people the better. Every person was just one more distraction for Rafe Cameron to forget about the one person he wanted to see there. To say it didn't work was a lie, it did work, and that's what threw Rafe into four years of sex, money, and drugs. The parties, the drugs, the fights, seemed to be the closest thing to numbing the pain. 
Rafe made his way around to everyone at the party, slapping his friends on the back and saying hi to everyone he could. The smile on his face was bold, but not the same one he used to beam when he had his Jessie around. 
"Dude, you were right. This is the party of the century! I'm pretty sure some girl is topless in the pool right now." Topper laughed as he met Rafe in the kitchen to pour himself another drink.
"I knew it would be, thanks to you." Rafe replied as he squeezed Topper's shoulders. "But hey, the real party's upstairs." Rafe trailed off with a smirk and a raise of his eyebrows. Topper searched Rafe's bloodshot and watery eyes for a semblance of what that meant, and he thought he had a pretty good idea. Up until tonight Rafe was decent at hiding his coke addiction from his friends and family, Jessie really was the only one who ever saw it, and for good reason. 
"Dude... what do you mean?" Topper asked with a hint of worry to his face. He figured Rafe's newly disheveled and reckless state had to be tied to whatever he was referring to upstairs.  
Rafe didn't reply with words, only a swift nod of the head as if to say come with me.
The sound of the party faded into the distance as Topper followed Rafe up the winding wooden staircase, to be met with a new smell, one that replaced the smell of sweaty bodies and alcohol and was replaced with a smell of skunk and other substances. Topper had a feeling he knew where this was going. 
Rafe opened the door to a spare bedroom, smart enough not to let anyone use his room for such activities. After all, his room was a mess anyways, he hadn't cared to clean it ever since Jessie left. He had let himself go in just about every way possible, and his room was no exception. 
Topper was met with a sight to behold, plenty of people doing lines right off the glass table and  enough weed to go around for the rest of the night. 
"Dude," Topper harshly whispered as he pulled Rafe's shoulder so he would face him. Topper looked less than impressed, and Rafe didn't look too fond of the judgement Topper was so clearly giving him either. "Are you insane? W-What you're into hard drugs now? Is that why Jessie left?" Topper snapped with furrowed brows. He had never seen Rafe so wild and careless, the kook king was typically anything but those two things. 
"Don't" Rafe snapped back with a little too much force, he stopped himself from laying a hand on Topper as he withdrew his fist and let his hand hang loosely beside him. "... talk about Jessie, okay? She's gone. And this night isn't about her." Rafe mumbled with a sly smile, trying to play it off like he didn't almost just pummel his best friend over speaking the name of the love of his life. He had successfully managed to dodge those questions and those feelings tonight, and Topper clearly just ruined that streak, making Rafe feel like he definitely needed a line now. 
Considering the newfound mix of emotions Rafe was feeling, he did just that. He went over to the glass table, not bothering to pay anyone considering it was his coke and lined up the white powder just right before taking a quick drag and sniffling soon afterwards. Topper still couldn't believe his eyes, he genuinely thought he was dreaming. 
"Okay, seriously," Topper began as he rubbed his head, "did someone slip something in my drink or did you just do coke right in front of me?" Topper asked. Rafe just stood up from the couch and laughed. 
"Dude, you're not hallucinating. And you need to chill, it's just something to take the edge off." Rafe replied as he patted Topper's shoulders. 
"Why're you doing this Rafe? Why're you throwing your life away? You know that's where this leads, right? You're starting to act like a po-"
"Shut up, man!" Rafe corrected Topper as he gave him a swift and forceful shove. Rafe gritted his teeth as the words left his mouth, clearly fed up with the accusations. 
Rafe already felt his life had been thrown away, and that was long before Jessie ever entered the picture. Rafe got dangerously close to Topper, this time looking him dead in the eyes with his chest moving rapidly and his blown pupils looking strait at Topper's normal ones. 
"The rest of my life is going to be filled with kook dinner parties, kook business deals, and all other kook shit. For just one night, I wanna have a little fun." Rafe said through anger, doing a great job at disguising the hopelessness he had been feeling since Jessie left, the same hopelessness he had when he met her that night at the Island Club, the same hopelessness that Jessie so effortlessly relinquished him from. 
Whether it was through fear or pity, Topper received the message loud and clear, only nodding his head, not daring to peel his eyes away from Rafe for one second for fear of what he could do to him. Rafe noticed one thing in particular about the past 24 hours. Barry and Topper seemed to look at him differently, with a newfound fear-no, respect- for Rafe Cameron. Rafe thought maybe this is what his father was meaning all those years, maybe this level of reverence was what Ward was trying to instill in him, and he just never found it until tonight. Rafe started to relish the way everyone looked at him, like he held all the power in the room, like he was unstoppable, unapproachable, and untouchable. He loved it. 
What started as a night meant to mask the heartache turned into a lifestyle of commanding the room. 
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silverarmed · 3 months
hi! i’m sophie (she/they, 24) and sooo excited to finally be here! on the menu today we have a heavily revamped muse of mine, seo miyun or as she prefers to be called, yun. she’s a 28 yo maintenance worker with cyborg physiology, currently not on her second, third, but fourth chance at a better life. further info and links can be found under the cut. to avoid me ending up in jail, feel free to message me first to plot + i'm also available on d*sc*rd! <3
links stats / story / powers / trivia
summary tws: child abandonment, child abuse, drug abuse
her first chance at a better life was given to her shortly after her birth. her single mother dropped her off at the steps of an orphanage, hoping a caring family would adopt her. instead, she was taken in by one of eden’s most radical anti-metahuman politicians. the moment her ability manifested at the age of nine, her adoptive parents locked her away from the outside world, ashamed of the monster that infiltrated their home.
her second chance was given to her at the age of fifteen. her extended family found out that she was a metahuman and told the press. she became somewhat of a political symbol, especially that she was surrendered again. instead of letting someone else adopt her again or going to the aeternal academy at eighteen, she decided to reconnect with her biological mother instead.
her third chance was given to her at the age of twenty-one. after finding out that her unemployed mother had been spending her hard earned money on alcohol and drugs instead of paying the bills, yun moved out and got affiliated with daemon. she was a fighter with a decent winning streak for about four years before she was caught taking kickers and sent to seongdong correctional facility.
her fourth chance is given to her now, at the age of twenty-eight. thanks to her good behavior, she’s out a few years earlier than she should be, keeping a low profile as one of the maintenance workers in the apartment complex.
because of her primary ability (cyborg physiology), her brain is half biological and half technological. this means she's pretty sharp-witted, but also not as in tune with her emotions as other people are. also has a monotone, borderline robotic voice that can be pretty distressing to deal with at first. infamously hates literature and modern art because she just doesn't understand it.
yes, the blog name did not lie, she does have a silver arm — her right one, in fact! it's her only visible technological part for now. (fun fact: her daemon fighter alias used to be silver for this reason... but she hated it, please don't call her that.)
^ shoutout johnny silverhand
likes fixing things for tenants free of charge (she just wants to feel useful and capable) and playing video games in her spare time. uses her minor ability (electricity manipulation) to cheat when someone is mean to her in vc. 🤷‍♀️
veeery basic connection ideas
event #2 related: someone who dragged her along to the trip! she wouldn't go on her own (doesn't want to get her silver arm rusty + it heats up in the sun and it's just ew) but if someone begged her, she'd probably say yes!
yun has never had romantic feelings for anyone (surprise, surprise) so maybe someone who has a little crush on her and makes her question how anyone could even like her. (she’s questioning so anyone around her age is welcome!)
someone who regularly breaks the electronics in their unit and has her on speed dial. (she came to silver line about four months ago.)
a daemon regular or secret admirer who misses seeing her fight. (she started about seven years ago and retired three years ago.)
i was not here for the first event HOWEVER! it is safe to assume she was just down there working on the generator the whole time. maybe someone who brought her a snack or two as a way of saying thanks?
people who hate her and think she’s a bitch because she’s so cold and blunt all the time. little do they know, it’s just the cogs in her brain.
an angsty “two people trying to heal together but they keep treating each other like shit” connection, anyone? (bonus points if they have similar problems/backgrounds.)
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So I promised a background/minor character design appreciation post...
(Part one because this will likely get long)
Starting with the imps, due to the order in which characters of different species are presented on the wiki
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Ah, Pringles. Of course. What a guy. He is very shaped. (Especially the hair and collar. I happen to be a sucker for male characters with that kinda "cat fluff" hairstyle.) Love the weird little cuff on his tail, it's so unnecessary but it fits. Dapper boy. Gotta love him
(As far as I can recall he gets bitches in Ozzie's, which, like, good for him!)
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There's this kiddo from Loo Loo Land. I like her shapes as well, very exaggerated. As depicted here she kind of reminds me of some concept art girlies from the Art of Encanto book.
Actually, I think I have an image...
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...I'm not the only one who sees it, right?
(Anyway, it's still available for free to view online. Very interesting stuff.)
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Ahh... this guy. Or gal, actually. Turns out this is Skye Henwood's impsona, as well as my favorite character in Western Energy. Me and my friend were deadass ready to adopt her on sight. So tiny!! So shaped!! Look at that ridiculously huge bowtie. The littol suit. I want a pocket-sized imp now. Would carry them everywhere in my purse. Speaking of...
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That's exactly what she did! Another crewsona (Sam Miller), and this design is incredibly slay. The feathers. The tail. Big, flowy, swooping shapes. (Not a big fan of the hands, though.) Very majestic creature overall.
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Moving on to a few background Wrathians from Harvest Moon. She's a cutie. Not much else to be said. I like her outfit with the little boots and gloves as well as her pigtails.
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I think these two could be related.
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She looks so silly, I love her. Her hat and horns are disproportionately huge and it's precious.
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Her name is Square, and she has major resting bitch face energy. I appreciate her instantly. (Long sleeved shirt + short shorts is a good combo.)
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This guy from the Ozzie's elevator scene (Aspen) looks like he'd have quite the story to tell over a couple drinks of hard liquor. Slutty, but in a tired way. (A certain saxophonist cat from another piece of online media also fits that description.)
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HER!! I love her so much. Everything about her honestly. The colors!! The legs!! The underbite!! She has no official name, but I call her Pomegranate. Or Pom for short. Got some of my own lore for her and everything.
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Haven't watched Queen Bee, so I didn't get to see Dennis in action, but from this still alone I conclude that he's pretty cute. (However dude could use to pull up his pants.) Didn't really deserve to get yelled at, anyhow. Justice for Dennis!
Though I do have an old Dennis character, and he's a dick, so maybe Blitzo was on to something.
I like the girlie on the right too. Women with :3 smiles automatically win me over. The ripped pants and loose tank top go well together, and the splotch of magenta on the waist isn't obnoxious.
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Mamma Mia, an imp with not purely and overwhelmingly red skin? What a spectacle. She looks way more like a black character than Velvette. And due to her subdued skin tone, the pink looks nice on her. (Which can't be said for Millie in one of the pieces of summer merch. Who thought pink on her was a good idea?!) Cool hair texture as well, feels very poofy.
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Some bite-sized imp clowns from The Circus; their names are Eenie, Meenie, and Miney. How charming! Though, as I recall, doesn't that old children's rhyme go on to have four-
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I think this might be Barbie Wire. We were never told explicitly, and she isn't even mentioned in the episode itself, but she looks closest to that design.
(Though I just noticed her horn stripes are too thick. Nevermind, then. Seems like she didn't even get that brief cameo in Blitzo's nearly episode-long childhood flashback despite being his twin sister, which should suggest that they were pretty close.)
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I like this chick, though.
And that's it for now! Let me know if you'd like to see a part two though I might just go ahead and make it anyway
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catierambles · 1 year
Feral Instincts lore dump (strap in)
I kinda heavily implied it, but Imma just come out and say it
In Feral Instincts, if there is a Female Alpha, the packs are matriarchal. If there is one, she runs the show. If there isn't, it's just whoever is Alpha leads the pack. Sy's is special because, before Stephanie comes along, there's four Alphas who all, basically, shared responsibilities and one Beta, who just kinda hangs out.
To break down pack hierarchy
Female Alpha: Leads whatever pack she's a part of, uniting multiple packs into one large pack if the opportunity presents itself and everyone is in agreement.
Male Alpha: Will lead a single pack.
Beta: the second-in-command. the second fiddle, basically. If the Alpha isn't around and shit needs to get done, they'll step up and handle it. Mike never had to do this with Sy and the others because there were four of them, if one wasn't available, one of the others were. Now that he's with Stephanie in the pack she made with the others in the apartment building, he has to step up and start taking on responsibilities.
Omega: pack moms, basically, but can be male or female. Females are more common, but male Omegas do exist. Male Omegas deal with some shit just because 9 times out of 10, Omegas are female so being an Omega is seen as feminine. Toxic masculinity exists everywhere, kiddos. They're nurturers, caregivers, healers. Alphas, male or female, are driven to protect and care for them. Hence why they thought Steph was going to be an Omega before her first shift. They had this overwhelming urge to protect her, so they figured she was going to be an Omega.
Null: Not an Alpha, Omega, or Beta, just kinda there. They're not ferals because their minds didn't break from their first shift, they're still in control of their actions and aren't abnormally violent.
Ferals: They exist completely outside packs and pack hierarchies. Ferals are insane, clinically insane, cannot separate right from wrong, fantasy from reality. They're violent and unpredictable. Jordan Lewis, the feral that kicked this all off, is abnormal even among ferals because he can hide it. "One hell of a Bundy mask" as Sy put it, referring to Ted Bundy, who came across as this charming, attractive, kind, would never hurt a fly, person, when in actuality, he raped and murdered an unknown number of women. He confessed to around 30 and was convicted and sentenced to death for 3 of them, including one 12-year-old girl. Ferals are dangerous, but since Lewis can hide it as well as he can to have relationships and convince people to trust him, that makes him extra dangerous.
Then there's something I might introduce called "Blue wolves". Before the Alpha/Omega/Beta/Null terms were adopted as the norm, they were referred to as the phases of the moon. Alphas were Full (full moon) wolves, Betas were Half (half moon) wolves, Omegas were Crescent (crescent moon) wolves, and Nulls were New (new moon) wolves. Then there's Blue wolves, referring to the Blue moon. Female Alphas aren't common, but Blue wolves are rare. Only occurring once or twice out of every ten thousand wolves. So rare that most don't even believe they actually exist, or don't exist anymore. These wolves manifest as more than one nature. Alpha and Omega, Alpha and Beta, Beta and Omega, not just one or the other, in any possible combination. They're also called Hypostatic wolves, where, in biology terms, Hypostasis is when two genes which are not alleles of each other exist in the same organism, with one sometimes overriding the other. Happens a lot in regards to pigmentation in plants, apparently. The plant may have the genes for two pigments, but one will override the other and the plant will be the winning pigment.
...that got a lot more involved than I originally planned. If you made it this far, mazeltov have a cookie.
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dragonsaffron · 1 year
A Proper Introduction
This post has been sitting in my drafts for literal months at this point, but in response to the impending collapse of Twitter, I figured it was time to finally make a post about my writing so that I could start advertising on this platform.
So, hello, my name is Saffron (though some call me Becca). I am a autistic trans lesbian polyamorous dragonkin (she/they), and I’m a writer. As of right now, the bulk of my writing is available for free online. My main projects are my web novels, which I typically write two of at any given time, releasing chapters every other week on a regular schedule. The publicly available chapters of my novels are available in three places: you can read them on my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/saffrondragon), on my wordpress page (https://beccawritesbooks.wordpress.com/) or on Scribblehub (https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/9163/saffrondragon/). Warning: Scribblehub is a free story hosting website, so although it has better support structures (bookmarking, ratings, etc) it is also full of weird hentai.
Like I said before, I have a Patreon. As of right now, there are two main benefits to being a patron of mine: at the lowest tier, you get early access to chapters of my books, usually between two and four chapters ahead of the free version depending on how well the writing is going at that time. There’s also a higher tier, which gives access to a collection of short stories I’ve written for Patreon (some of them smutty, others not), and the ability to vote on which short stories I will write next.
And now we get to the reason why I’ve been procrastinating writing this post for so long: now I have to try to summarize all of my various works! The Selene Series: Marcus Farrier is a physics graduate student who gets isekai’d to Selene, a steampunk world where humanity evolved to only have one sex. There, Marcus takes up the name “Emma”, and rapidly gets caught up in the chaotic and deadly politics of Selene, and begins having some revelations about their past, their gender, and how they got to Selene in the first place. The Selene series is actually my longest-running writing project, with four years and two-and-three-quarter books under my belt out of a planned four in total. Currently on hiatus, but I will return to it someday.
The Earthborn Emissary: Alex Sierra is living a normal life, with their girlfriend Miri and their best friend Quinn, until the day they fall ill, go into a coma, and wake up to discover that they’ve just emerged from their chrysalis. Alex is actually an Emissary, an insectoid alien from a species that has been driven to the brink of extinction by a genocide; now, their adoptive parents are going to have to take them into space in search of the other members of their species. My longest single book so far, and the closest thing I’ve come to writing what I would consider to be a “YA” novel. My most popular book, though I don’t quite know why. Currently completed, though I may write a sequel someday. The Chained Flame: My most recent and personal favorite of my novels. It’s a loosely-plotted dark fantasy story telling the life of Lindír, prince of the kingdom of Hvalheim, who was cursed at birth to have the body of a dragon. After growing up in the castle dungeons, Lindír finally finds his freedom, and ends up travelling the North as a wandering entertainer, a savage raider, a royal champion, and more. A very tragic book dealing heavily with the theme of traumatic upbringings. Also features a dragon protagonist who does not at any point become human, nor does he particularly want to. In-progress as of the writing of this post, but barely a week away from completion. I also have a couple of short stories posted, as well as two erotic Locked Tomb fanfics on my AO3 account. I generally post new chapters of my novels every second week, Selene updating on Thursdays and Chained Flame updating on Mondays. 
So yeah, that’s what I do for a living! I’ll probably start making announcement posts for new chapters, both in public and on Patreon, as well as any Patreon exclusives, votes, or anything else writing-related that I’m doing. Indeed, I might be making some more posts later today, so keep an eye out for that. Thank you in advance to anyone who spreads the word, and extra thank you to anyone who actually goes the extra mile and starts supporting me. To all of my followers who aren’t interested in my writing, you can block the “becca writes books” tag, which will cover all of my writing-related posts.
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
hey dude, saw your post about abortion, and based on your url i'm assuming you're a woman. you're saying you believe that no matter the consequence you are going to stand with the group that is limiting the rights of women. That if a ten year old gets raped she should be forced to go through months and months of stress her body is not meant to handle that she may die from, but if she doesn't she will most certainly be even more traumatized. If a teenager is too immature to adopt, why are they suddenly mature enough to have a child of their own? That if a woman's preventative measures fail during sex she should have to have a child now (though the man *might* have to pay child support *maybe*). That women should be forced to bring a child into this world even if they *know* they don't have the means to raise the child and it may starve and die, and if it doesn't their childhood will still be deeply damaging and traumatizing. That you support women getting unsafe abortions (because studies show abortion numbers don't go down when it's banned, just the survival rate). Anti-abortionism is getting legislation passed that forces these situations. And all of these are real examples that have really happened. If someone is going to die from kidney failure and another person has a healthy kidney, we don't force the healthy person to donate a kidney to keep another person alive: that would be a violation of bodily autonomy. Telling a woman to not abort a fetus is the same thing - telling her what to make sacrifices to her own body to keep another person alive.
So why did you post that?
Hello Anon,
I posted that because (as I state in my bio) I'm a Catholic, and a scientist, and I believe that from the moment of conception, the zygote/embryo/fetus/infant/child is it's own person with equal rights and dignity. All of those designations are medical terms for a small human at different stages of development: from even the first day, the child has its own DNA. At four weeks the heartbeat starts, which is usually when women have missed one cycle and realize they are pregnant. At 12 weeks, by the end of the first trimester, when most abortions are performed, all organs are fully formed and simply need to grow.
This is an issue of bodily autonomy, but it is the child's life that is being violated. It is a human rights issue, not only a women's rights issue. This is not the same as the kidney transfer example because a child is not a part of the mother's body. A more accurate example would be asking if it is right to kill someone perfectly healthy for their kidney to keep another person alive - No matter the consequence, I am going to stand with a group that acknowledges the unborn child is a person, and wants to protect the rights of both the mother and the child throughout the pregnancy.
That being said, I understand where your concerns come from and I do not want to dismiss your anxiety and frustration. I do care about each and every one of those women you mentioned and so I'm going to provide some resources that may help you understand where I'm coming from and how we all can help mothers in crisis.
Rape is a horrible crime and nobody (man or woman) should ever suffer that experience. The child conceived out of rape did not have a choice in the conditions of their creation. They are just as much a victim as the mother. In the case of any complications, an abortion clinic will not have the resources available to care for both the mother and the child. Any woman in a life-threatening pregnancy should go to the ER instead, and these woman should receive counseling and support, not a surgeon telling them their problems will be gone after they get rid of the child. Abortion is also proven to be extremely traumatic for many women, and there is no way to look at this situation that isn't thoroughly miserable, but performing an emergency C-section as soon as possible is still preferable to making that young woman also suffer the death of her child. I encourage you to read Kathy Barnette's story: she was conceived in rape when her mother was 12 years old and her testimony is extremely powerful.
Less than 1% of abortions occur for cases of rape, incest, or life of the mother. The rest are elective, due to family pressures, lack of support from her partner, financial struggles, still being in school, or a myriad of other reasons. Again, a child does not have any choice in the conditions of their conception. Pro-Lifers support legislation that would require the father to pay child support through the pregnancy, longer paid maternity/paternity leave, and other relief programs to support women in crisis pregnancy situations, and until that legislation is passed, we are setting up women's shelters and resource centers to help by putting our money and time where our mouth is. These services such as pregnancy tests, prenatal and parenting classes, essential supplies, counseling, post-abortive medical care, adoption support and funding, maternity housing, and more are (depending on location) very often completely free. Planned Parenthood does also supply these services, but always at a charge, because they know women are desperate. If you or someone you know is in this situation, seek out help through 40 Days for Life and their associated national organizations.
The pressure to abort and the increased risk of death from "back-alley" abortions in these situations comes from a societal problem that can be solved with proper support structures. Additionally, abortion clinics are not held to the same safety standards as hospitals and crisis pregnancy clinics. In my home state of Pennsylvania - in the very liberal areas of Allentown and Philadelphia, there have been several cases of the department of health refusing to investigate violations because "it's wrong to get in the way of a woman's right to abortion" leading to the deaths and endangerment of minority women. This year, the Allentown Planned Parenthood was cited for violating the state requirement to test women for the Rh protein. Kermit Gosnell was an active serial killer as recent as 2011. The investigative journalist who uncovered this story has produced a film and true crime podcast about this clinic, which I encourage you to watch and listen to.
After Roe v Wade was passed, abortion was supposed to become safe, and rare. It is neither of those things. 60 MILLION children have been lost to abortion in our generation. That's roughly one third of my peers. To top it all off, Margaret Sanger, the founder of PP, was a notorious racist, and most locations today still target underprivileged minority neighborhoods in the inner cities. Sex and Disability selective abortions are mostly still legal, and so baby girls and disabled kids are especially at risk. How can that be feminist? Despite being the most common genetic disorder with 1/800 kids being diagnosed and a very high survival rate and quality of life, roughly 90% of children with Down Syndrome have been aborted. this is eugenics, plain and simple.
Abortion does not help women or solve the problem of a society that does not support mothers and families and the minorities of the world. All it does is hide the problem and perpetuate this broken system behind a veneer of "progressiveness". I apologize if this upset you, but this is my opinion, and if you do not agree, you are welcome to unfollow me. Usually I keep this blog politics-free and post all non-writing stuff to a sideblog, but I accidentally missed that post, and for the sake of completeness, I will post this publicly here as well. My DMs are open if you want to continue this discussion.
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