#rick space frogs
rue-dixon · 1 year
Daryl Dixon with a daughter headcanons
- his entire parenting style would be, "do as I say not as I do."
- when he's fixing a car, his bike, or even his cross bow he'll ask you for help and ask you to hand him tools. While also trying to teach you how to do it so you can do it yourself later on.
- would probably totally forget to explain to you what periods are so when you get it for the first time you think you're dying and he has to talk you down.
- reads you bed time stories when you were younger but would interrupt himself every few minutes with some sort of comment or criticism. "Then the princess kissed the frog an- seriously? She's gonna believe the talking frog??"
- will always let you sleep with him if you have nightmares.
- has woken you up with snoring a couple times.
- teaches you how to hunt, gather, and shoot of course.
- wants to be involved in your hobbies, so if you draw, write, read, paint, sing, it doesn't matter. He wants to be included in them and will always complement you on them. Will watch you too if it's something he can watch you do.
- tries not to smoke around you too much when you were younger. Because he remembers how bad his moms smoking affected him as a kid, but will be less and less careful as you get older. Tells you not to smoke while simultaneously refusing to ever quit himself.
- brings you back gifts when he goes on runs. Especially during the prison era, brings you back things to decorate your space to make it feel less like a cell. You have so many trinkets, jewelry, stuffies, or anything the goes with your hobbies from him. Good thing he doesn't have to pay.
- when you outgrow your clothes or need new ones he'll go with you so you can pick them out yourself. But will also ask Carol or Michonne to come along as well because they know more about these things.
- is surprisingly very calm when teaching you how to drive. Has you drive up and down empty highways and around empty parking lots. You don't need a license of course but still should learn the proper way.
- if you're lesbian and come out to him he'd probably like snort and be like "I know.. so who's the lucky girl?" And give you a very cocky smirk before looking away.
- sometimes he gets sad knowing he can't give you a better life than you deserve.
- would not shelter you, like at all. If you were Carl's age, he would've already taught you to shoot way before him which caused Carl to fuss at Rick. But he'd still try to shield you from anything super bad or grossem.
- if you have a bad fight later that night when they two of you will be getting ready to settle down for the night he'll try his best to apologize in the way he knows how. So either giving you something, helping you or apologizing for something specific. "M' sorry for yellin' at ya."
- hugs, but mostly hair ruffles and pats on the back.
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rollypoliesonarock · 1 year
No one asked, but here's a vest tour! I've added a bunch since I last talked about it here, so here's the update!
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Here's the full front and back
Most of this I made myself. The patches were mostly made by hand embroidery (anything machine done was probably given to me as a gift), with the exception of a couple that were just markers on white fabric.
Under the decorative patches is also a layer of random fabric patches, mostly from leftover projects scrap fabric, or old clothes I didn't know what to do with.
There's also some random paint splashes in green and red, and a ton of pop tabs and safety pins thrown around in empty spaces.
The pins I made were made from painted bottle caps, and held on with a pop tab and safety pin combo, with the edges of the bottle cap bent to hold it in place
The vest itself I got from a family member's friend, and said family member didn't want it. So she gave it to me to put patches on. I used it as a formal jacket for a year, but I didn't like how the sleeves felt, so I cut them off and ended up putting patches on it anyway. I've been working on this vest since last January, but many of the patches and stuff were transferred from my old jacket that I have other plans for, but that's for a different post.
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Inside, plus the snack pouch
so much white embroidery floss, I'm surprised I'm still able to scrape up some in my embroidery floss drawer
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Front top left (from the perspective of someone looking at me)
Gay frog pin is the only pin I own I paid for, I found all the rest for free from various events and also the library likes giving people free pins
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Front top right
Got the Vulpix pin from some random lady at the empanada restaurant because she liked my nerdy jacket. A few months ago I reconnected with an old friend, who recognized the art style. So that's kinda neat
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Front bottom left
I used to have the heart/brain patch sewn on an older jacket (that is no longer with us). I am never attempting to stick a needle through that thing again. Easily my most painful patch I own. Also a little keychain ring so I can clip stuff to my vest
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Front bottom right
The worm's name is wormy, named by my friend who loves him. Wormy has been through a lot, and before finding a safe home on my vest, rotated between being a room decoration and a cat toy
The hotelier patch (the house on the pocket) is probably my favorite music based patch I've made. I spent way too much time on it, but I think it turned out nice in the end!
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Back top
the trans flag section in the center is my favorite part. The peace was never an option patch is usually peoples favorite, and I get compliments on it regularly. It's hard to see, but the patch at the bottom left of the flag is the chemical formula for testosterone
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Back bottom left
The QR code is a Rick roll, and also fully functional. When I made it, a picture of it was floating around between my friends between various group chats. I had one friend who tried to go to lengths to avoid getting tricked, until one of his friends sent him the picture, and he actually scanned it before realizing it's the QR code on my back. He was (jokingly) upset at me the next day. I want to make another qr code to a song I like more, but that one took longer than most my other patches do, so I'm not sure it's worth it.
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Back bottom right
The Kos-mos patch (blue haired girl on left) is my favorite non music patch on here. It just feels like one of my most well made patches. Not much to say here, I just like the patch a lot
So yeah, that's my vest. No clue how many patches are actually on this, or how many hours I've put into this thing already, but it's probably a high number whatever it is.
If this gets at least 0.5 notes Ill talk about my other patch stuff, of which I've got a lot of.
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year
Magnolia in May (Part One) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x Greene!f!reader Regency AU
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Song Inspiration (in honor of Speak Now Taylor's Version): Enchanted by Taylor Swift
Summary: Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumors of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing.
TWS: mentioned infidelity, abandoning children, and rumors.
[[ A/N: Is a Southern accent accurate for this time period? No, no it is not. Do I care? No, no I do not. Pride and Prejudice vibes. You are the sister of Maggie and Beth, and the daughter of Hershel. For plot purposes, I've decided you're the oldest. I was twirling my hair and giggling at this soooooo... And yes it is a quote from The Princess and the Frog. Anyway, thanks for reading!! ]]
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"Oh, please," Maggie laughed, "-a rich man? Here? Never."
You added in a shushed voice, as it was late in the night, "Last man I saw around here was Mr. Knightley, and I'd surely say he's much too old for my taste."
The giggles filled the candle-gleamed room, it was coated in a special shade of orange -almost like a sunset. You thought it'd be a nice painting were you to ever find the motivation to paint.
The rumor that had been spilled in the quiet of the night was a man with a vast fortune on the hunt for a wife -nothing was known about him. Just that he was rich and wife hunting was enough for some people. Most people.
"I heard he's quite handsome," Beth whispered -across the room in her single bed, while you and Maggie shared the double.
You quipped, "I supposed someone imaginary might be so."
The pillow that went flying across the room only allowed more giggles to surmise in the dim room -an aura of pure joy.
Beth, who was now smiling but still wished to be taken seriously, "I'm serious! Cassandra a few towns over said she saw him in his carriage."
"I'm not so sure you should be looking in carriages, Beth," Maggie retorted -laughter on the tip of her tongue.
"You two are despicable," hissed across the space, as yet another pillow flew toward the bed.
It was such a far-off idea, really. A visitor? Here? Really? Alexandria was a far too quiet town for anyone to even travel to. Everyone knew everyone and so a visitor would only be talked about rather than be approached; eyes across the road, everyone would be waiting for a mistake. For something to spread.
"If there is such a man," you spoke, leaning back against the bed after the giggles were silent and the candles extinguished, "-I'd say he's rather brave for it."
You woke up that morning to the birds chirping -bright and sing-songy. It was like an alarm to you, pleasant noises against the cold of the morning and you thought just for a second... Maybe you could sleep in just a few more moments.
"Girls! We must be up and ready," her voice echoed up the stairs -pointed and sort of squeaky, "-I have some grand news!"
Naturally, your Headmistress had halted those plans -always eager to instill proper behavior. It was her job, after all. Your father had hired her, shortly after your mother had passed -a sickness not even your father could fix. It was a difficult decision, but with three young daughters and no mother, you never really blamed him. In order to excel, you needed to be married, and to be married, you needed to be proper.
"If I could, I'd hold the house on my own. But, I'm getting older and I'm not what I used to be."
Your father was much looser on restrictions, and you and your sisters would've never gotten this far with your Headmistress Elisa, tragically. She was quite the bore.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you pulled yourself up -beautiful birds washed out by Ms. Elisa's fussing. Quickly brushing your hair back into something more presentable, you shook and woke both of your sisters, whispering that you'd stall until she came looking.
"Headmistress, Father-" you spoke, adjusting your dress (the one you'd hardly worn because it was terribly out of fashion) and stepping out into the open, "-good morning."
Your father was at the table, head flickering between a file laid at his fingertips -a patient, you assumed. He often took cases home that irked him or needed more thought than what he could do at the clinic. Drastically careful with the personal details, you really only learned of medical issues instead of the faces behind them. Your father was adamant in never went farther.
"Good morning, darling," Elisa smiled, a little frustration in the pull of her lips -probably at the noticeable lack at your sides, "-good to know someone listens to me."
And then she paused, eyes racking along the dress you'd chosen in a split second -as you knew she would.
"Oh, no no no-" she echoed, tsking as she pinched the fabric in her hands -eyes analyzing the fabric, "-this won't do, Dr. Greene, we need much better dresses for the girls-"
"Headmistress, I'm sure I could find something more fitting, I foolishly assumed this was just breakfast-"
"Better dresses?" he questioned, file laid closed by his hands, "Whatever for?"
That was when your sisters had joined, hair not perfect but much better than you thought it would be on the time limit. Their dresses were much the same, evidence of a lack of current fashion trends -you flinched at the Headmistress's gaze settling on it.
"Well, now that everyone is present," she spoke, tone clipped and posture impossibly straight, "-Alexandria is expecting rather prolific company."
Father straightened then, attentive to the prospect, "And who may this be? Would I know them?"
"You must-" her voice was almost dreamy at the prospect of such a lavish living, "-the man's rather well-known in Atlanta, rather, the family is. Rhee, darling."
Your father paused seeming to take in the information -like he was trying to remember if he'd known the name, or maybe specifically the person.
"But-" your Headmistress grinned, the most excited you'd ever seen her, "-there’s even more! The younger man of the Rhee name, he's close friends with the man who owns the large estate only a few miles off of here."
"It's safe to assume they'll both be around, then?" Beth asked with the shyness that reflected her age -she was rather doe-eyed.
It had always caused you to worry, your youngest sister out in the world. She was capable, really, just a smidgen naive, and such a beautiful girl can't afford to be naive.
Before the headmistress could answer, Father seemed to add some things together -the furrow on his brow prominent, "Wait, the man who owns the estate? You mean the one off the road around the Henleys?"
"The one with the lavish fountains, yes," Elisa answered, a bit disinterested in this turn of conversation.
"I know Mr. Grimes," he stated -a sort of empathy deeply seeded into his tone, "-and knowing him makes me certain he is not looking for a mistress. Not after the first one."
You pursed your brow, a bit confused by the wording, "Is the man a widow?"
Your father faltered, a bit of uncertainty flattening upon his lips, "Well, not quite, dear. He lost his wife, yes, but not the way you think."
"If you count 'running off with a soldier' losing her, you mean."
Father's face stiffened, "Miss Elisa, it's rather disrespectful to speak of a man's life that way."
"Just the truth, Hershel," she leaned in to you three -whispering the rest, "-I heard it was the man's own best friend."
"If you must know, I'd much rather tell you correctly. Mr. Grimes is a man I rightly respect," your father sighed, a bit of defeat on his tongue but you honestly couldn't say you weren't interested, "-She did run off with a soldier, General Walsh -I believe. And it was Mr. Grimes most trusted companion, a friend from youth from what I understand. Left him and the children about 2 years ago."
Maggie, who'd been silent until now, asked, "Children?"
"Yes," your father added, a little forlorn, "-he's to raise them himself. I find I empathize him."
"More reason for him to be on the look," your Headmistress tsked, "-who wouldn't want a maternal figure for their children? It'd be truly shameful."
You bit your tongue at the implication, heavy stares at your father, "I'm sure he has their best interests at heart, Headmistress. It's not right to assume a man's honor just on rumor alone."
"Not right, indeed," Father agreed, turning back to his file so slightly, "-if he is looking for a mistress, as you say he is, he'd be a wonderful suitor for you girls. So, I'm not very opposed."
And then the Headmistress was off again, fiddling with each sister's hair and pulling out old fabric for ribbons (she asked for new ones, and was met with the conundrum of dress or ribbons). She'd especially fussed over you, being the oldest of the group -she wished to have you married first. "The longer you wait, the harder it'll be, trust me, deary."
Needless to say, you were quite joyous that Headmistress had still sent you on your weekly visit to the shops.
It had intially started much like how this morning had -a wish for anyone to ask for your hand or even begin courting you. After that ended (only because any man in a ten mile radius was either not rich, happily married, or much too old), she'd requested you simply because you were the most trained.
Maggie was in a bit of a rebel streak, Headmistress surely feared any time she left the house without supervisor, and Beth? Well, she was rather well-composed but still naive. The first -and last- time she had gone, she'd spent much more than you'd probably spend in a month. Local men had swindled her and she hadn't even noticed.
You were a middle ground, already having your rebellious streak and fully knowing how to stand your ground.
That morning the market was busier than you expected, as you navigated through the stalls each one only smelling better. Your first stop was always fruit, as the better stock would always be taken early you urged to get the best... reasonably.
The man who ran the stall was kind, had a wonderful smile and always remembered your name, you found you always remembered his : Mr. Elliotts.
He was old, and seemed to only really have the fruits to his name -he was rather fond of talking and had told you a lot. You knew much about the man, and dreaded the day he'd close up shop -you'd miss him if he did.
"Hello, miss," his voice was big and grand, tone ever-so-happy to see you, "-I've got quite the selection for you today. All your favorites."
"After my heart, Mr. Elliotts?"
He laughed, a jolly sort of laugh you would've expected Saint Nick to have when you were young, "Funny, don't let your father hear that one, eh? I've got all types of berries for you, specially grown."
"Oh, thank you," you said, grateful.
Mr. Elliotts was not a clean man, you knew that much, his facial hair was overgrown, and his face was always dusted in a healthy spatter of dirt. It had always just seemed more natural to you, than the other cleaner stalls decorating the square. You knew very well you were often the only customer of his, just because he looked like he'd gotten the fruits himself.
"No problem," he grinned -big and toothy.
Once the conversation had settled, you'd ordered your berries with a sense of ease -merely pointing gently at the types just in case he couldn't hear you. You were comfortable with him and were rather fond of his presence. So even after packing away the fruit you'd bought into your basket, you still stayed near.
After the first few stories though, there was something odd.
On your arm, the basket rested -poised prettily, properly. It felt like a familiar weight at this point -used to the trips that you'd become rather excited about. But what wasn't was the slight tug on your dress -you'd barely noticed it, merely feeling like a gust of wind.
On instinct, though, your head turned to check it -eager to keep your dresses in good condition so your Headmistress wouldn't lose her head. And when you had, you'd met an unfamiliar face.
It was a little girl, her hand cinched on your dress and pulling on the fabric -intent on getting your attention. She was blond, a mess of curls gracing her head only alluding to what she had been up to earlier that day -you couldn't help but smile at her.
"Well, hello, little one," you hummed, crouching down to her side and looking around for anyone that had been looking for her, "-where are your parents?"
The little girl didn't speak, as you thought she might know a few, only leveling with your basket -brown eyes heavily focused on the fruit within. You pursed your lips, watching her as her little tiny hand extended toward you -open and shutting her fingers in a grabbing gesture.
You smiled, still flickering in the crowd for anyone with that familiar worry, "You want one?"
Still crouching down, you fished into your basket -grabbing one that she could hold and gently placing it in her palm. Her grin was a little toothy, as she with ease ate the blueberry -dribbles of the vivid blue making a mess along her mouth.
And then, a voice with an unfamiliar accent spoke about the crowd, "Judith? Where are ya? Have you seen a little toddler 'bout yay big little pink dress, blonde curls-"
Without so much as an extra thought, you gently grabbed her clean hand -keeping her close to your side. Your eyes wandered to match the voice of the man, guiding Judith back to her home. The market was a little too busy to go just on noise-
And then, you saw him.
A tall man with pushed-back brunette curls that were elegantly brushed behind his ears, and a pinch of worry in his eyebrows. He was currently turned to an older lady -crouched slightly to speak to her appropriately. You could see the brush of stubble across his jaw, and a hint of bright blue eyes.
You spared a thought, he's quite pretty. Before pushing it away, and trying to gather his attention, "Sir? Hello, excuse me-"
The man spun to your attention, blue eyes settled intently on you -a bit in shock. You immediately realized he was quite finely dressed for such an occasion, a neatly pressed white shirt and brown vest -a sort of detailed satin. Sleeves elegantly rolled up from the heat, he still looked starchly overdressed -you brushed at your dress insecurely. He seemed to start to say something-
"Dada," the girl, Judith, squealed -escaping your hand to run to him.
The man stalled for a second, eyes still set on you -before seeming to shake his head back into shape. He crouched down to match her enthusiasm, arms open wide and grinning, "Jude, thank god."
Pulling the girl to his chest, he stood. Eyes uncertainly settling on you, but still with an expert air of gratefulness, "Thank you so much, you really don't know what you've done for me, Miss uh-"
"Greene," you answered, unused to such affection displayed by a father -you found it rather charming, "-Ms. Greene. And really there's no need, I'm glad to help. She's a sweetheart."
"No, no, really-" he spoke, still a little uncertain, "-Is there anything at all I could do for ya? You have no idea-" And then he paused, looking towards his daughter with a peculiar eye (the smudge of blue still prominent on her lips) and then your basket.
"Oh, right, sorry-" you apologized, straightening the basket on your arm with a sort of nervous fidget, "-I just bought them from a stall, Mr. Elliotts, she seemed to want one. I apologize if I overstepped-"
"Could I buy ya more?"
You stalled, "I... what?"
He paused, thinking over his own words, "Well, she ate one and I'd like to thank you-"
"Sir, she only ate one," you answered -smiling at the odd idea he'd explained, "-trust me, it won't be missed."
"I insist," he carefully spoke, Judith bouncing gently in his arms a passive sort of affection you found rather endearing.
You opened your mouth, rather unused to such forward generosity -especially for something so simple as what you had done, "Well, it wouldn't-"
And then, as if the world had heard the offer (and hated you), the church bell rang -a sort of melodic noise that brushed over the center. You usually enjoyed it, keen on the tone that settled over your skin, but this time, you didn't.
"Oh, is that the bell?!" you stopped yourself, frantically looking up at the swinging golden symbol, "-I'm so sorry, I'm going to be late for breakfast. Perhaps next time?"
"'Course," he responded -the low rasp of his voice sounded quite melodic itself, you noted, "-'til I see you again. Enjoy your breakfast."
"Right, yes-" you shook yourself out of your stupor, and you think you heard him laugh, "-you and Judith enjoy your day as well, okay?"
"We will," he said -a semblance of a grin brushing across his face, you turned a bit crimson at it. All perfectly white teeth and dashing charm, "-Goodbye, Ms. Greene."
That was the last you heard, as you hurried across the courtyard -not very eager to listen to your Headmistress screech about timeliness and its importance to a proper woman. You'd imagine she'd nearly die if she could see you running through the courtyard now, actually.
You thought, just for a spare second, it might be worth it.
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imagitory · 5 months
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@andrewmoocow Personally I find them to be misguided. There is a very well-done analysis video I've cited before that talks about the animation and why it ends up looking like AI, and I think it really addresses this argument better than I could --
-- but TL;DR, the animation looks "fake" largely because of stylistic decisions (l.e. turning off motion blur with the thought it would look "more like 2D") that weren't well thought-out. And I actually think the film's writing issues run into the same problem.
Because here's the thing -- writing high fantasy is not as easy as it looks. I can testify to this because I myself am writing a draft for a high fantasy novel right now.
All these years, Disney has been in an advantageous position with their animated films largely being adaptations of previous works, since they're already given a lot of the parameters a writer needs to build a world, plot, and characters. In a Snow White adaptation, for instance, you need a vain queen, an innocent princess, a prince, seven dwarfs, a magic mirror, and a poisoned apple, as well as a fairy tale world where these things fit comfortably. And since so much mainstream fantasy is largely inspired by medieval Europe, that aesthetic remains very familiar with audiences to the point that you need a lot less explanation for things. We don't really need an explanation for the political landscape of Cinderella because we see "fairy tale kingdom" and immediately know it's an absolute monarchy led by generally amiable rulers. We're not surprised when fairies appear in Sleeping Beauty, or when a magical sword predicts who should be king in The Sword in the Stone, or when Tiana and Naveen are turned into frogs in The Princess and the Frog, or when trolls appear in Frozen -- all of these magical conventions fit within the usual fantasy aesthetic and really don't need any explanation or backstory. I'd hazard to say that most people -- aside from those nitpicky critic types who get all hung up on how many servants are in Beast's castle just because they saw a bunch of extra silverware in the Be Our Guest sequence -- just don't bother questioning these things. And the original material also gives some shape and form to the adaptation's story, characters, and overall feel. It doesn't matter how close the finished product matches the original idea or even how familiar the audience is with that original material -- it still provides a jump-off point and sense of focus for the writer(s), the same way fanfiction (even an AU fanfic) can, in contrast to original content.
All right, well, what about those Disney projects that aren't fantasy? Well, in the case of stories like Treasure Planet, Robin Hood, and Mulan, they're still based off preexisting properties that people will find familiar enough that the writers can focus more on the adaptation's unique additions and not focus on detailed backstories and explanations about how the world and societies depicted in the story work. It's a lot easier to just focus on the fantastical elements like the space tech, talking animals, or Mushu and the ancestors if the rest of the story and cast are relatively easy to understand. Even in the case of original stories like The Lion King (which admittedly was largely inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet, but I digress), Lilo and Stitch, and Lady and the Tramp, they still exist in a non-magical world that closely resembles ours, with only superficial changes like animals being able to talk or the existence of aliens. Even quasi-historical settings like The Great Mouse Detective and Atlantis: The Lost Empire look enough like our real-world equivalent that their settings are largely recognizable to us.
In just about all Disney animated films, the screenwriters didn't have to world-build that much. They didn't have to put the character development and plot on hold to explain the rules of the universe these stories take place in that often -- not unlike how writers like Rick Riordan didn't have to explain as much about the country his hero Percy Jackson lives in, because his books are an urban fantasy where our real world is just "plused up" with magical elements. We don't need to know if gravity works on the story's characters the way it does for us. We don't need to be told about the political landscape, history, or terrain of our location. We don't need to ask whether dying is something our characters can come back from.
Wish, on the other hand, is an original story in a high fantasy setting that doesn't resemble our world. People might try to claim it takes place in the Iberian Peninsula, but come on -- Rosas is a completely fictional country in a world that has magic we don't know the rules of and countries that faintly resemble cultures from our world, but we don't know the histories of or how similar they actually are to their real-world inspiration. We also have a cast of characters we've never met in any other media and a story and messages that we know nothing about beforehand. This means that we have no preexisting framework going in for what's possible and impossible in this world; no frame of reference about who these characters are and what their histories are; and no parameters that the plot, characters, and themes must fit inside, whether based on the fantastical story being adapted or a real-world setting that's a lot like ours. And I don't think that Disney really thought through just how challenging it can sometimes be to tell this kind of a story without stuffing the script with a lot of "tell" and not "show," which, as just about any film person can tell you, is the exact opposite of what you generally want. In film scripts, you want to show your audience a lot more than you tell them -- this not only takes full advantage of the visual medium and communicates your point in a much more natural and artistic way, but it also lets your audience think for itself and come to its own conclusions.
Now of course, can you write a high fantasy original story that's easy to follow and evokes a lot of emotion in your audience? Of course! But it does take time and a lot of careful and creative world-building. J.R.R. Tolkien was the king of such things. George R. R. Martin has done it. Neil Gaiman has done it. Ursula K. Le Guin has done it. Even the writer of the Nimona graphic novel, ND Stevenson, did a good job of it! But I think it's quite clear that Wish's script was not in the works that long -- development of the original idea started back in 2018, yes, but it wasn't until January 2022 that it was announced Jennifer Lee was writing it and Julia Michaels was brought on to write the songs, so the film's current trajectory likely wasn't pinpointed until then. And if the film was released in November 2023, then that means Wish's script was finished in under two years. Although there are successful Disney scripts that I daresay needed only that much time (Frozen, for instance, was quite rushed, by all accounts), once again, those scripts were done for stories with some sort of preexisting framework that allowed the writers to skip explaining certain visual or contextual short-hand in favor of focusing on their own creative flourishes in character and story. They were written with a tighter focus on the plot and its players without the need to build a complete stage under them.
The reason some people want to cry "AI!" when they look at Wish's writing is that they're looking at a script that makes the rookie writing mistake of exposition-dumping in an attempt to make its audience care, rather than evoking emotion. That kind of exposition-dumping is something that most novelists usually have to trim and rewrite in future drafts of their work: it's a mistake done while the writer is trying to world-build enough that their audience understands all of these original rules, societies, locations, and characters they're not familiar with. This exposition is then often trimmed down before publishing, and when adapted for the screen it's often trimmed even further or even completely rewritten, in favor of more visual methods of conveying the same information. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz writes about Dorothy traveling down the Yellow Brick Road and about the long journey that takes her and her friends through a lot of side adventures on their way to the Emerald City: it's the famous film adaptation that cuts out the Kalidahs and puts the whole trip to jaunty music for the characters to sing and dance to. Wish could've communicated to us the importance of the wishes to their owners through more visual means, but instead feels the need to reiterate this idea over and over through written dialogue. And again, this is a common mistake by writers when they're inexperienced in creating completely original content, as opposed to spin-offs, sequels, or adaptations of other people's work.
AI writing is generally known for repetitive phrasing and sentence structure, lack of accuracy, and lack of a personal touch. As much as I'll agree that there are a lot of character and world-building choices in Wish that don't make sense, I don't think that's the same thing. There clearly was a story someone (or multiple people) wanted to tell about a person hoarding the precious ideas of other people away, even if it means those ideas can never be shared with the world -- it just wasn't a story that ended up being told that well. And I think this is why Wish is almost worth seeing -- it serves as a good example of why certain writing decisions work better than others and how writing for fantasy projects and/or "family entertainment" is an art form that's worthy of respect when it's done right.
To sum up my stance on the matter -- I think Disney just bit off way more than it could chew and then didn't give its writers enough time to properly digest it.
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daichinom · 4 months
chap. 7
Daryl Dixon x Grimes Reader
Season 1
⚠️Warning: spoilers, blood, mentions of death and suicide, medical terms, angst, typical TWD violence and gore, vomiting, child injury, allusions to gunshot wound
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You were handing out the freshly washed clothes, walking around the camp, you nodded to Carol, -"hey Y/N… I don't want to be nosy but… I found this.."- Carol said timidly, you approached with the basket in her arms, and then you saw that she showed you a grenade, -"keep it… just in case…"- Carol looked at you doubtfully, as she hesitantly kept it, -"sure?"- She asked, to which you You nodded, as you continued your journey.
When you finished you sat parallel to Lori, who was putting away Carl's clothes, she looked at you, but you just looked down, -"do you hate me?"- she asked, literally looking at your skull, -"why?"- you asked to her question, -"because of Rick"- she said, seeing it from a mature point of view, it was not her fault, what would they know that Rick would wake up from the coma or if he was even alive.
-"I don't hate you.. I just.. can understand you.."- you said, only to be silenced by the screams of Sophia and Carl, who quickly ran wildly towards the adults, the men quickly left, and then found a walker.
-"Are you hurt Carl?.. Sophia?"- you asked the children, who denied, at least they weren't bitten, everyone's muscles tensed when they heard Daryl Dixon's voice, who called the missing idiot, - "Merle! Get your ass here" - everyone stood on the sides, Carl hugged your hip as they watched the Dixon approach.
-"Daryl, calm down, there is something we need to talk about Merle"- Shane said, automatically drawing Dixon's gaze.
-"There was a problem in Atlanta"-
The silence meant one thing, but it became dense and almost at gunpoint.
-"Did he die?"- he asked, looking at everyone.
-"It's not easy to say so I'll say it"- Rick intervened,
-"Who are you?"-
-"Rick Grimes"- your brother said, Daryl couldn't help but look at you out of the corner of his eye.
-"Rick Grimes?.. From Y/N, Lori and the boy Grimes?"- He asked, in an attempt to verify, your brother nodded.
Nobody knows at what moment, but suddenly Daryl out of desperation wanted to lunge at your brother, who was quickly thrown to the ground by Shane, caging him in a key.
In the end, everyone organized to go look for Merle Dixon, going by the truck, apart from Merle they were going to look for some weapons, so there was a real reason to go, you didn't want Rick to go.
-"I have to go, Y/N… It's my fault that man is tied there like an animal…"-
-"And what about us?.. We just got you back.."- You said, trying to persuade him.
-"No one deserves to die like this Y/N… You know this more than anyone"- Rick said, you had nothing more to debate with.
-"Aunt Y/N.. I don't want dad to leave"- you heard Carl, who was looking at you, you knelt at his height, -"my boy… your father is going to save a man, and I hope he will serve you as a lesson, because one less life in this world is one more of those things you found this morning"- you told him, trying to get him to find something good, even if it was Merle Dixon's garbage.
It didn't take long for you to return to your tasks, -"I'm going to go wash clothes"- you told Lori who was going to collect firewood, -"do you know where Carl is?"- She asked you -"with Shane, remember that they were going to hunt frogs" - you told her, going down the rock path to go wash the clothes.
When you approached, the women welcomed you, to which you greeted, while they made a space for you to do it, you washed your clothes until the last, so sometimes you didn't have time and without realizing it there were moments in which you barely and You had a clean pair of underwear left.
You saw in the lobby how Lori took Carl away from Shane, for a moment you saw that Shane saw you watching him, so you quickly went back to your business.
-"Why do we do slave work?"- Jacqui said, making us all silently agree with her, -"because that's how it should be"- Carol responded submissively, while she handed Jacqui a pair of wet clothes. He put them to dry, suddenly he took out some reddish panties, immediately the girls started to smile, you looked up and saw that they were yours.
-"Will you ask for a passionate night Y/N?"- Jacqui asked jokingly, getting a giggle from everyone, -"God, stop that"- you said without being able to hide her smile while the others chuckled.
To finish, they began to say what they missed about the old world, Amy her computer and her cell phone, Jacqui her coffee maker with double filter, Carol her labadora, Andrea her car and navigator, -"I miss the vibrator.."- you murumated, trying to be discreet because Carol's husband was behind you smoking, everyone smiled and gave daring glances, but general laughter broke out when Carol said she missed him too.
-"What are you laughing about?" - challenged the man, taking a drag on his cigarette, -"we tell each other war stories Ed"- Andrea responded, the man gave a pathetic look at what we were doing, this only made you scrub the clothes a little faster, you hated the way the man treated Carol and the girl.
-"Any problem Ed?"- You asked looking at him, -"it's none of your business, concentrate on your work"- he said, as he stood behind Carol's crouching figure, keeping an eye on her.
Andrea made a gesture of indignation and you just shrank in place, enduring the discomfort. -"You know what Ed? If you don't like how we wash the clothes, I invite you to do it yourself"- said Andrea, handing him the garment, Ed threw it back to her, -"a college bitch doesn't tell me what to do"- she said , and then pulled Carol's arm, the girls resisted and there began to be a lack of control, drawing Shane's attention.
Suddenly, Ed slapped Carol's face hard, making you stand up, hitting him and pushing Carol away from him, Shane moved quickly, grabbing Ed and starting to slam him into the ground, smashing his face, in a way for comfort you hugged Carol, who was crying profusely.
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almondamaretto · 10 months
about me !!
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hi, i'm eloise ! my birthday is february 14th, and i am indigneous. my pronouns are she/her and i am unlabeled.
i have been a fan of the triplets since winter 2021, and i was one of the very lucky people to meet them on the versus tour ! theyre genuinely the nicest ever
some info..
i was born and rasied on a peach farm in eastern tennessee ! guess my favorite food
when i was 16 i moved to massachusetts, aka the best decision of my life ! lol !
i like to go by ellie or loey !
i am a 2nd generation stoner n my favorite smoking buddy is my little brother. by little i mean 13 months younger than me oops
some of my favorite artists are SZA, fleetwood mac, sublime, brent faiyaz, the weeknd, beabadoobee, deftones, frank ocean, and mac miller !
some of my favorite shows/movies are rick and morty, handmaids tale, the walking dead, ed edd and eddy, sleepy hollow, the princess and the frog, the scream franchise or any slasher film, gravity falls, adventure time, and pretty much any spider-man film !
more !!
i am indubitably a matt girl !! 😋😋
i love meeting new people and talking to people ! if you would ever like to reach out and make friends with me please do !! 🩷🩷
i will definitely be writing on here, mainly for matt and chris, but for nick x bsf as well.
dont be a bad person. and thats that. no bullying of any kind; no racism, homophobia, ableism, pedophillia, etc; and no hate of any kind will be tolerated.
if you intentionally being negativity into a safe space, take a reality check pls.
i only write for the sturniolo triplets rn ! i may expand later on, but for now just the triplets.
i am up to write anything; fluff, angst, smut. but please keep in mind my experience in writing smut is currently very limited !!
regarding requests...
i am always open for requests ! writer's block is something i know all to well, and i love to hear other people’s ideas !
however, requests asking for gross shit (incest, rape, piss/shit, etc) will be ignored/heavily judged !! ☺️☺️
please please have an amazing day !!
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nekobami · 3 months
30 DAYS, 30 ANIMATIONS!!! ... But I completely lost my sh#t so I'll make it just a little task.
HIII!! Whatever day was that, was the first anniversary of my account on Tumblr, which I started doing a challenge similar to this one. So, in this month, I will be going a little more far, and doing small gif/MP4 animations of my ocs and characters I like <3
You can send requests of animations on my inbox or anywhere you want.<3 ocs or cannon characters! (Most will be Rick&Morty themed, ofc)
(I won't consider this a challenge anymore since, well, I had a LOT of external trouble, so I'll just make it calm and cool. I'll still make some effort and complete all the requests I can)
(I will try to learn new things but I'll be mostly trying to have fun)
Day 01: Cake Morty.
Day 02: Slug Jerry
Day 03: Rick n Morty Frog Blink
Day 04: Priest Rick Sanchez (Other's OC)
Day 05: Coffee Rick (Other's OC)
Day 06: Space Beth (Request)
Day 07: RICK H-7
Day 08: W.N DEMON
Day 09: Ray (Other's OC/Request)
Day 10: (Not yet)
Day 11: (Not yet)
Day 12: (Not yet)
Day 13: (Not yet)
Day 14: (Not yet)
Day 15: (Not yet)
Day 16: (Not yet)
Day 17: (Not yet)
Day 18: (Not yet)
Day 19: (Not yet)
Day 20: (Not yet)
Day 21: (Not yet)
Day 22: (Not yet)
Day 23: (Not yet)
Day 24: (Not yet)
Day 25: (Not yet)
Day 26: (Not yet)
Day 27: (Not yet)
Day 28: (Not yet)
Day 29: (Not yet)
Day 30: (Not yet)
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Opposite Ends 
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Chapter 13 | Together
C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 | C10 | C11 | C12 | C13 pt 1 |
Chapter 14 is out now - enjoy Sweet peas, P. x 🌿
Pairing | Eddie x Female reader 18+. Steve x Robin x Female reader platonic friendship
Series summary | Dustins older sister got brought into the group during the events of Starcourt mall, 3 months on she's in her senior year and the kids are starting high school. After everything that went down she feels that she has to keep them safe at all costs, that includes keeping them way from the charismatic 'freak' Eddie Munson that runs a club based on their favourite game. They've both hated each other since freshman year -with good reason-, but when keeping distance between the kids and Eddie means putting herself in the firing line, boundaries get blurred, intentions get lost & the heart speaks louder than the brain.
The story is told from both Y/N & Eddies point of view.
What to expect | Slow burn enemies to lovers, Angst - with a happy ending, fluff & smut (in the later chapters). 18+ to read this story.
Series Warnings | Mentions of abuse, drug use, 18+ smut content
Chapter word count | 6.5k word count
Chapter warnings | Mention of physical abuse, violent descriptions
Any & All comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Love, P. x 🌿
Authors Note | Here is the other half of the chapter :( 🖤 Okay I've got my laptop back (finally 😫👩🏼‍💻) only 2 more chapters to go until the end. I am PUMPED. Let's do this.
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Eddie | March 1986
It was well and truly dark, eery shadows moving in the spaces between the trees that our flash lights didn’t meet. Y/n had shot me a look as I shoved branches out of our way and nodded up to where Dustin was slipping further into the darkness, pleading with me in her eyes as I nodded to show her that I understood. 
The pitch black engulfed me as I sped up after him, flinching as the branches of new saplings scratched at my face. 
“Somethings happening.” He muttered as he glanced down at his compass clasped between his hands excitedly, tearing off again as I broke free of the tree line.
“Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?” My feet shuffled uncertainly as I swung my head around, my stomach rolled as the gnawing feeling of not being able to deny that I recognised where we were headed, ate at me. 
“I think we’re getting close.” Dustin turned to look at me over his shoulder with a satisfied grin as the moonlight reflected off the flat surface, I shot forward just as he moved to take a step into the lakes edge. 
“Watch your step, big guy.” I gripped the handle of his backpack to jerk him away from it, slapping his chest as the others filed out besides us.
“Oh man.” Steve caved over as he tried to catch his breath, swearing as he gripped his hips and tossed his head back. “You gotta be shitting me.”
“Yeah.” I sighed as the croaking of frogs and birds screeching, cut me off. “I thought these woods were familiar.” Henderson moved to my side as her eyes glimmered, leaning over the water’s edge as she glanced in the direction of Ricks place, hidden behind the thick tufts of trees that curved around us. 
“Lover’s lake.” Robin whispered as the gentle swells lapped at our feet. 
“This is confounding.” Dustin shook his head in disbelief as everyone else grimaced in the same show of shock.  
“There’s a gate in lovers lake?” Max glanced at Dustin and I screwed up my face to remember what y/n had told me that first night they came to the boat house. In between all of the other supernatural shit like fleshy monsters and an upside-down world, gates hadn’t seemed as bad in comparison.
“Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna’s the same way?” Nancy’s voice was loud across the lakes surface as she spun to face y/n. 
“Yeah, only one way to find out.” Y/n pointed her hand at the boat that was washed up on the shoreline a few paces from where we all huddled, three flashlight beams swivelled to outline the metal panelling. 
Steve clapped me on the shoulder as he raised his brows at me, nodding for me to follow as he jumped down onto the bank of dirt. Y/n shot me a panicked look as I passed her, grinning with false confidence as I let the backs of our hands brush against each other. 
My face dropped as I followed the mustard outline of Harrington’s back and reached down to clasp the edge of the boat.
“On three. One. Two. Three.” Steve huffed and blew out his cheeks as the metal groaned and we uprooted it, dropping it further into the water as the droplets splashed onto our jeans. 
“Easy. I…I said easy, man” I rolled my eyes at his whining voice as I felt the mass of warm bodies step up behind us. 
“Sorry, dude.” I scoffed, not surprised that King Harrington would be upset over some damp clothes. 
“Here you go.” He reached out behind us to take Robin’s hand, I grunted as I felt her fingers twist at the top of my hair as she pushed down against both mine and Steve’s head, ignoring his offer of help. 
“Yeah, I’m just gonna do that. Thankyou.” I lurched to the side as she slipped between us, the boat rocking under her weight as y/n laughed silently behind me. 
“Yeah, that works to.” Steve sighed 
I jumped in lightly straight after Robin so I could help y/n into the boat. She jolted in surprise with a small smile as I held my arm out for her and bowed my head, my chest warming at the blush that flared across her cheeks, so strongly I could almost feel the heat from her. 
Wheeler slid in straight after her, breaking Robin’s glare as it flickered between y/n and I, a toothy grin spreading across her face as y/n dropped my hand and scrambled to find a seat.
“Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us?” I shoved the front of Dustin’s cap as I watched his clunky shoe lift into the boat, snapping his head back as his face dropped in surprise. “This thing holds three people tops, okay?” He glanced back at his sister for support but she just shook her head.
“It’s better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max.” Her eyes slid from Little Henderson’s to mine as I crouched along the seat beside her, reaching into my pocket for my pack of smokes.
“Keep an eye out for trouble.” Nancy drew herself to her full height and faced Dustin. 
“You keep an eye out.” He glowered, his face screwing up in betrayal. He leant back in mock surprise, taunting her. “It’s my Goddamn theory.” Y/n’s eyes slithered dangerously at his tone but Robin beat her to it.
“You heard her.” Robin jeered. 
“Who put her in charge?” Dustin pointed in outrage at her as he looked between me and Steve for help, sighing as I grinned and held my hands up hopelessly.
“I did.” Robin shot back, shrugging with confidence. 
“Compass.” The boat shook as Nancy took a step forward, holding her hand out expectantly as y/n laughed.
“Hey! There you go.” Steve tossed his backpack at Dustin’s chest, sending him hurtling back a few paces as he grunted and pushed the boat out from the bank, barely missing the water as he jumped into it at the last second. 
“Ow.” Dustin cried out as Robin handed me an oar and started paddling with her own. “You said three.” Dustin accused, holding his hand in the air angrily as Max shook her head beside him. 
“Sorry.” Steve whispered, waving half-heartedly as we propelled out into deeper waters.  
“Bed time at nine Kiddo’s, miss you already.” Robin stood up to wave at their figures being swallowed up by the distance as Dustin held up the finger at her, grinning as she plopped back down and nudged y/n’s shoulder. 
“Hot enough for you?” She grinned, y/n had her eyes on my arms as I grunted, pushing the oar against the still waters. She flinched as Robin’s words sunk in, spinning away from me like she’d been caught doing something wrong. 
“Uh what?” She blustered, clasping her hands together in her lap. 
“The temperature.” Robin grinned like a wild woman as Steve shook his head and Nancy peered down at Dustin’s compass, biting back her own smile.
“It’s hot as shit, I’m sweating. Might need to take a swim.” Her short curls bounced as she leaned over the edge, staring into the black depths as y/n regained her composure and sat up straight, her own stare sweeping over the streaks of moonlight quivering on the surface. 
“I know you think you’re being funny, but if Dustin’s right, that might be exactly what we have to do.”
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Robin groaned as her arms dropped, her oar knocking against the side of the boat and after an hour of rowing, I didn’t blame her either.
“Woah, woah, woah, woah slow down, guys.” Steve’s flashlight blinded us as he swung around and Nancy called out, a slight whirring sound emitting from the compass as she held it out for all of us to see. The wood dropped against the floor with a plank as we pulled the oars out of the water, spraying splotches over everyone as we piled them between our feet.
“Woah.” The indents on the metal disappeared from view as Steve pushed the light right up against it. Y/n bent her head close to mine as we all lent in to look at what Nancy was pointing out, swaying as the boat rocked beneath us. 
Robin jumped as the static on the walkie crackled and Dustin’s voice rang through it. 
Guys, what’s going on? Come on guys, talk to me what going on? 
Robin tugged the antenna upwards as she brought the radio to her lips, peering down at the dial spinning manically as y/n sat back and huffed, pressing her hand into her face. 
“Compass has gone all wonky.” Robin groaned into the walkie to press the importance of her meaning. I gripped the side of the boat behind y/n’s back and reached down to grab the flashlight that Steve had dropped, shining it on him as he tugged off his shoes and peeled away his socks. 
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy’s voice harboured a warning as it built up on the preface of an argument. 
“Somebody’s gotta go down and check this thing out.” Steve’s voice was breathy as he snapped back with his reasoning. 
“Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain, and a certified life guard for three years, then.... It’s gotta be me, no complaints, alright?” Steve raised his brows in my direction like he was in danger of receiving a rebuff from me, leaning up over the side of the boat as y/n groaned at his subtle brag. 
“Hey, I’m not complaining, I do not wanna go down there.” I dipped my hand into my pocket to grab the plastic bag I’d saved, dumping the rolling papers and my lighter on the floor as I wrapped it around the flashlight. 
Robin and y/n shared a sly grin as we all watched Nancy’s eyes glue to Harrington’s hairy chest as he tugged his sweater over his head.
“Hey. Goodluck.” I glanced at y/n’s smirk to make sure she didn’t have her eyes on Steve’s nudity, palming the flashlight into his hand as he mumbled a thanks and tossed his jumper into my arms. He didn’t see me roll my eyes as I fished a lone cigarette from my pocket.  
“Gross.” I glared in light anger as Robin pinched it from between my lips, angling her arm back to toss it into the water before y/n’s hand shot out to steal it from between her fingers, bringing it to her own mouth as she arched a brow cheekily and lit it up for herself, handing it back to me as it blazed in the dark. 
“Steve. Be careful.” Nancy’s eyes dipped as Steve’s met hers, and Y/n’s eyes met mine over the smoke as we both glanced away, embarrassed, feeling privy to a moment that was not meant for our eyes. 
Steve nodded and took a deep breath, bending his knees before he glided through the air and launched himself into the cold water, splashing us loudly as the boat rocked dangerously and he disappeared under its depths. 
I felt her warm finger tips as she wrapped them around my wrist, sliding along the seat as she pressed her knee against mine and pouted for the cigarette, I gave it up with a smile, unable to resist her charm as she took a deep drag, tracing the outline of her soft features as she let the smoke hiss through her teeth. 
“Where are we at Wheeler?” Robin’s anxious voice snapped me out of my distraction as I reluctantly tore my eyes away from y/n’s lips wrapped around the smoke. 
“Closing in on a minuet.” Nancy’s tone was hard as her eyes squinted at her watch, her voice barely keeping back her own waves of fear.
An uncomfortable silence settled around us, only filled by our short breaths and the slight waves lapping at the edge of the boat as we all watched the water. Each second that the surface stayed still, the the glassy top of it settling from Steve’s departure, riddle the tension with anxiety. 
“Christ.” The water gushed loudly, drowning out my scream so that it was barely audible, the water frothed with angry white bubbles as Steve broke through it, gasping for air as he shook his hair out of his eyes, the wet strands plastered to the side of his face. 
“I found it” He gasped. 
“You found it?” Nancy gripped the ledge as she leaned towards Steve, watching him swim closer. 
“Yeah, I found it.” He nodded, reaching out to the side of the boat for support as he gulped to get his breath back. Y/n shot up from the seat next to me to crouch beside Nancy, clenching her jaw as her as reached out to rub Steve’s arm. 
The touch sent a white hot flash of fire through me, freezing me to the spot as I tried to breathe through my jealously, having to remind myself that they were just friends -good friends- no matter my opinion of him. I flinched as Robin bent over and fiddled with something between our legs, her hands shaking as she yelled into the walkie
“Dustin you are a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate –“ Her eyes flashed up to mine in confusion as there was a burst of static and the line dropped out.
“It’s pretty wild. It’s more a snack size gate than the mama gate, but still, it’s pretty damn big.” Steve’s head turned between Nancy’s and y/n’s, his face smacked with shock as he shook away the water that rolled over his lips, pushing his hair back from his face. 
We all clamoured towards him, practically piling on top of each other as the boat dipped, dragging Harrington under the water for a split second as his knuckles strained against his hold on the side of it.
The world fell silent for a moment as he reappeared, looking at all of us in shock before he glanced slowly over his shoulder, his muted scream dying as he disappeared beneath the darkness once more and did not resurface. 
“Steve!” The solidness beneath our feet rolled dangerously as the girls curled over the side, their hands dipping into the water without success as their cries mixed together. 
“Nancy what happened?” Robin flailed her hands around as Nancy stood up, hovering over the side, breathing heavily as she paused. 
“What the hell was that man?” I yelled, turning side to side aimlessly until y/n gripped my knee, her eyes widening as she leant me some of her strength through her firm touch.  
“Wait, wait wait you’re not going in there are you?” The boat rocked again as Nancy lifted her leg up against the side of it, and my hand shot out to stop her.
“Just wait here.” Nancy spat through her teeth as her muscles tensed, jumping into the water smoother than Steve had. 
“Goddamit.” I growled as my eyes flashed up to y/n’s, the look on her face made my chest tighten as her eyes swept the water, her brows knotting together. Robin moved out of the corner of my eye, sliding up the edge backwards as she chewed on her tongue. 
“Nonononono, what are you doing? She said wait.” I blinked with each no, raising my shaking hand between us.
“Yeah I heard her.” She scoffed, her eyes sliding behind me towards y/n.
“She’s in charge.” I pointed to the waves circling out from where Nancy had just dived into. 
“Are you kidding me? I made that shit up.” Robin’s scowled up with me juvenile surprise as she blocked her nose and tumbled back out of the boat. 
“Don’t you go. Don’t –“ I reached out pointlessly as her legs skimmed the water, kicking up great splashes of freezing cold water towards us. 
As soon as Robin’s boots disappeared under the water she shot up from the floor of the boat, it swayed under her weight as the beginning of one of my outbursts echoed into the air. 
“Goddamnit, lying, son-of-a-bitch.” My yell died on my lips as she dropped her jacket off her shoulders, grasping the edge of the boat with a fierce look on her face. 
“No, you are not going in there.” My voice dropped as my hand wrapped around her wrist, locking her in my grasp as I tossed my head, angry heat zapped between our touch as she glared at me and shook me off. 
“Eddie I’m not arguing with you. They helped me save you. It’s our time to save them.” She didn’t look back as she dived under the black waters, trusting and knowing that I would always follow her to the ends of the earth, even to some under water gate to another hellish dimension to save King Harrington. 
“This is so stupid, so stupid, shit shit – “ I slammed Steve’s jumper down as I paced the length of the boat, swearing as I tumbled instead of dived into the freezing water, following the dark outline of y/n’s legs as she swam deeper towards the bottom of the lake. 
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Y/N | March 1986 
The red glow burned around me as I kicked through the slimy membrane layer of the gate, screwing up my face as it sucked in against my skin. The pressure of the water threatened to send me spiralling back up to the surface as my hand shot up through the gate, an unnatural shiver trembling through my body as my fingers were met by cold air. 
Two sets of hands gripped onto my arm and tugged, suddenly the pressure switched directions as I was practically hurtled through the gate, the sinking feeling of being airborne before I crashed against the ground. I coughed water from my lungs as I curled over and gasped for the air what was knocked from me, squinting through my eyes as a drenched Nancy and Robin pulled me to my feet. 
Eddie’s hand shot through straight after me, his rings biting into his skin as he gripped the sides trying to find purchase. I dropped to my knees at the gate’s edge, reaching back down through it to rip at his leather jacket, grunting as I pulled him through, Robin rushed to my side and with our combined strength – and a move that defied gravity – Eddie tumbled through the opening as his sneakers kicked him free of the mushy casing. 
Eddie fell against my chest as he swiped at his jacket, breathing heavily as he swept away the slimy pieces that clung to him like they were spider webs. His jaw slackened and his eyes blew wide as a groaning crack of thunder, almost animal like, battled overhead, a blood red flash of lightening danced behind the clouds as it doused everything around us in the same angry glow as the gate. 
The Upside Down 
An alternate dimension that mirrors our world — or at least our world if it was a toxic hellscape overrun with creepy, moving vines, filled with murderous creatures linked together in a hive mind system, and was riddled with electrical storms.
It was a barren landscape filled with dangerous flora and fauna that thrived in the upside down,  peppered with toxic vines and crawling with monsters. It was a damaged image of our world, containing the same locations and infrastructures as 1986 Hawkins, but much darker, colder and obscured by an omnipresent fog, while ash-like spores drifted through the air around us. It harboured the kind of silence that told me it was devoid of human life, instead being overrun by ropy, root-like vines, tendrils and biological membranes that covered practically every surface that I could see. 
Nancy jumped over a thick pile of writhing vines that curled in on themselves like snakes, running without stopping to take a breath as Steve’s screams cut out over the thunder. 
The fear set in as dark, sharp shapes dipped and dived through the air, one of its long tails shot out and wrapped around Steve’s neck, jerking him onto his back as the duplicate oar he was swinging around as a weapon, slipped through his fingers. 
We were close enough now, hurtling over the cracked floor of Lover’s lake, to hear the wet, fleshy sounds as two more of the airborne creatures landed besides Steve and tore into the sides of his stomach, a row of hundreds of razor sharp teeth flashed in the dim light as they opened their wide mouths and buried themselves against him, dancing out of the way from his smacks that grew feebler, his strength slipping away as the sharp tail tightened around his neck.
Nancy’s scream of no mixed in with Steve’s gasps as his lips turned blue, swiping up the oar and slamming it against the creature – now that I was up close, grabbing my own wooden weapon, it resembled some kind of deformed bat, it’s mouth eerily similar to Demogorgon.  
The Demobat squealed like a kicked dog as it flew away, narrowly avoiding Nancy second hit as she smashed the other one still chewing away at Steve’s flesh. 
“Y/n quick hold it!” I slammed my foot down against the tail wrapped around his neck, paralysing fear shooting through me as his lips turned blue and everyone’s screams mixed together. I leant back as it’s needles for teeth narrowly missed my leg, Robin hurtled to my side as she slammed her flashlight against it, yelling for it to get off as Nancy pummelled it with her oar.
Eddie voice strangled as he yelled out a chant of ‘Kill it Kill it’, trailing off as the sky roared overhead and he spun around, lifting his weapon up as the sky darkened and more deathly shapes appeared hurtling straight for us.
“Eddie no.” My shout bit off into a scream as Eddie’s yell of warning fell on deaf ears. I was knocked to the ground as bat blindsided me, clawing onto my back and pinning it down with its weight as it’s hot breath growled into my ear, wet slim dripped down my spine as Robin screamed manically, grabbing a hold of it with her bare hands and pulling me with the creature as she tried to trip it off my skin. 
I screamed out for Eddie as a bat flew down, it’s claws outstretched and angled for him as he barely spun around in time, his oar connecting with it in a wet crunch as the wood splintered into shards. He swore as he tried to reach for me, another screeching creature flying between us until he impaled it on the sharp end of the stick he held, stabbing it against the ground until it’s wings crumpled and it stopped flailing. 
I watched through tears as Steve chomped down on the bat with its tail still wrapped around his neck, crying as the one ripping shreds into my back took what felt like a thousand strands of hair with it as Nancy grabbed a hold of it with Robin and pulled it from me, slamming it against the ground as it struggled to fly away before Nancy put her oar straight through the belly of it. 
I collapsed to my knees, gasping for air as squeals pounded down beside me. Steve slammed the bat against the cracked, dry lake bed as the bones of the creature shattered, blood spurted across my face, drenching my already wet hair as Steve stomped on the bat, pinning it to the ground as he pulled its tail with all of his strength, tearing it in two. 
Eddie tossed what remained of his weapon away, yelling every swear word he knew as Nancy rushed to Steve’s side, a red bolt of lightning cracked overhead as he tossed the bat’s body away. 
“Jesus H. Christ.” Eddie stomped his feet in a classic tantrum before he noticed me curled over, speeding to my side as I wrapped my arm around my middle and couched up a stream of blood. His soft hands wrapped around my elbow as he pulled me to my feet, cupping the sides of my face as his eyes searched mine. 
“What?” I spluttered in surprise as he bit back a small smile. 
“Nothing baby… you just look… uh really metal.” I felt the blood of the bat drip over my parted lip as it curled into a grin, the raw wounds on my back stinging brought tears to my eyes. 
“Are you okay?” Nancy voice was breathless and urgent as her hands rested lightly on Steve’s shoulder.
“Well they took about a pound of flesh.” He turned so we could all see the gaping, ragged red holes edged in the shape of the bats teeth. 
“But other than that, yeah, never better.” Steve shook his head as I hobbled over to him, letting Eddie take most of my weight as he slung my arm over his shoulder. 
“It’s okay Harrington, I’m sure the ladies will really dig those scars.” I lightly punched him on his arm as Nancy dropped her eyes, spinning away as I smiled and squeezed Steve, pulling him in for a bloodied hug as I mumbled that I was glad he was okay. 
“Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?” Robins flashlight shook as her hand trembled, prodding at the open body of the bat that Steve had demolished. 
“What?” Steve shook his incuriously as the Nancy and I sighed, Eddie’s face flashed in worry like he completely agreed with Robins fear. 
“Robin I think we have bigger problems than Rabies right now.” I snapped, gripping Eddie’s arm as my head swam. 
“It’s just that rabies are, like my number one greatest fear. And I think we should get you to a doctor soon because once the symptoms set in, it’s too late. You’re already dead.” The short wet strands of her hair twisted around the base of her neck as she cocked her brows questioningly. 
There was a beat of heavy silence, mostly picking at Robins naiveness before we all flinched. A handful of bats fluttered to the ground as Robin shot to my side and Eddie’s arm tightened around me, unconsciously moving closer together as the creatures snapped their mouths at us. 
“Alright. There’s not that many.” The bats screeched in union, laughing at Steve’s words. 
“We can take them.” We all shot Steve a doubtful look.
The chittering chorus of a hundred more creatures like the few we had barely survived fighting off, screeched in the near off distance as a flash of red illuminated the heavy swarm of them flying straight for us. 
“You were saying?” Robin scoffed.
“The woods, come on.” Nancy pawed at Steve’s arm, turning towards the dead forest at the edge of the drained lake bed. 
We didn’t stop to talk before we gasped and took off, Eddie linked his fingers through mine as Nancy sped in the lead and Robin sighed, muttering something about ‘more running’. 
Our pace was slower as we jumped and side stepped the black tendrils that curled around our feet, bringing our shirts up to cover our faces as the white, toxic spores billowed around us, filling our throats as we choked on the air we couldn't avoid. 
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The combined screaming was deafening as the swarm roared overhead, the bats slamming into each other as the red lightening ducked and weaved between them, listening to the chittering of their teeth that was strong enough to tear through human flesh. I clutched Eddie’s arm tighter to me as the clap of thunder had all five of us, everyone with the same look of fear on our faces, cowering back against the safety of the upside down version of Skull rock. 
“Oh… okay. That was close.” Robin stumbled to her feet as the mass of bats disappeared into the clouds, my eardrums throbbing as a certain silence fell around us again. 
“Yeah, too close.” Eddie’s voice broke as he reached back to me, helping me to my feet as I brushed the dirt away from my jeans. 
“Oh sh… shit.” Steve’s arm scraped against the rock face as he collapsed against it.  
“Steve? Jesus.” Nancy rushed to his side before any of us could, Steve’s face paled as he gasped for air, swallowing his pain with a grimace. 
“I’m fine.” He argued, waving Nancy off as her hands fluttered effortlessly  around him.
“No, no, no. You’re not. You’re losing blood. Come on, sit okay?” She held onto his shoulders as Steve collapsed to his knees, cringing in agony as both Robin and I crouched besides Nancy, Eddie hovered behind us, wringing his hands as Steve cried out. 
We all bit back groans as Steve’s hands moved away from the haggard wounds at his sides, his hands coming away bloody. 
“Uh okay, so that good news is I’m pretty sure wooziness is not a common symptom of rabies.” Robin started rattling off at lightning speed, as she always did when she panicked. 
“But um, if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling really aggressive like you wanna punch me, let me know.” Steve’s eyes met mine as we shared a smile over her usual antics. 
“Robin, I love you. But shut up.” I raised my brows at her as I nodded at where Steve had thrown his head back, groaning. 
“Robin?” Steve grunted, panting as he opened his eyes at her.
“Yeah?” She sighed, gripping onto Steve’s arm as she waited. 
“I kind of wanna punch you.” I laughed along with Robin as I turned to Nancy, helping her tear away at her pants as she ripped shreds from them to form makeshifts bandages. 
“Sense of humours still intact. That’s a good sign.” Robin grinned, shaking her head. I held the fabric taught for Nancy as she tore the rest of it out from behind her, holding it up to Steve. 
“You ready?” Her glance was apologetic as he leant up from his heels. Robin pinched at my elbow, tugging me to my feet as we gave them some space. 
“Yeah. Just do it.” Steve bit back a cry as she wrapped it around the wounds, the blood seeping through it almost instantly as he tossed his head back, running his hands through his hair as his chest shuddered.
“Too tight?” Nancy asked, glancing up at him shyly. 
“No, that’s good.” Steve shook his head. 
Robin caught my eye as we watched the tension fly between the two ex-lovers and I had to hide my smile, my own confused thoughts reflecting in her face as Eddie stood between us, his face screwed up as I noticed and pulled him away before he could say something that would embarrass all of us. 
“All right.” Nancy sighed, tying the strips of cloth together. 
“Thanks” Steve breathed. 
Eddie’s brows raised at me in a question, a smirk playing around the corner of his lips. 
“Don’t ask.” I whispered, bringing my hand around the nape of his neck as I pulled him in close to me, burying my head against his chest. Eddie hissed a beath between his teeth as my hands moved up under his jacket, slipping against something wet and I pulled back to look at him accusingly.
“Take your shirt off.” Robin shot me a wild look as she kicked rocks, Eddie laughed as he looked around embarrassed. 
“Right now? In front of everyone?” His eyes gleamed, waiting for me to laugh but I just shook my head. I shoved him over towards the rocks across from us as I jogged back over to Nancy. 
“Can I use some of this?” I waved down at the pile of cloth bundled between her and Steve, she nodded and didn’t look up at me, lost in their own world. 
Robins eyes followed us as I herded Eddie around the rock formation, holding my grumpy expression in place as I tugged at the hem of his shirt. Eddie slipped his jacket off as he tried to keep his face calm, his eyes on mine as I bit back to rise in my throat. He had deep claw marks just below his clavicle, not as deep as Steve’s but still enough to make my stomach roll. 
“Why didn’t you say something?” I snapped, glancing up at his guarded eyes as he watched me work away at his wounds, pinching away the embedded fabric as I chewed down on my cheek, hating every gasp of pain that escaped him. 
“You got hurt as well, you weren’t complaining.” He glanced away as I paused, staring up at his jaw. 
Eddie was trying to be brave 
My heart clenched with the need to protect him, not wanting him to be in a situation where he felt like he had to be brave. I shrugged his words off, being gentler as I wrapped the bandage around his back. 
“I lost a chunk of hair and got a knock to the head. The scratches on my back aren’t anywhere as bad as this, must have been a smaller one that came after me.” I smiled as Eddie wrapped his hand around my wrist, holding my hand against his beating heart as its pace picked up. Warmth swirled around us as his eyes dropped to my lips, his own curling up into a smirk. 
“I didn’t think we’d be back in this position so soon.” He nodded to the natural rock seat I had him pressed against, his grip tightening around me as my thoughts flashed to this morning when he’d had me bent over it.
“Behave.” I grinned, unable to keep my voice steady as he ducked his head, glancing up at me through his lashes.  
“Thank you for taking care of me.” He lurched forward to press his lips against my forehead as Robin’s voice rang out, annoyance clouding it. 
“Yo love birds, I don’t want a repeat of earlier so cut it out or I will find a hose.” Her face was serious as Eddie slid his shirt back on and we walked back out into the open, meeting Nancy and Steve halfway. Eddie disappeared from my side as he climbed the angled rock, pressing his hands on his hips as he reached the top and straightened up to stare out into the forest of dead trees.
“So uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?” Dark shadows bounced along the lines of Eddie’s face as he slowly turned to face us. 
“Pretty much.” I nodded, crossing my arms over myself as I glanced around. 
“Wait watch out for the vines. It’s all a hive mind.” Nancy dropped her grip around Steve, letting him slouch against the boulder as she shot forward, holding her hand out towards Eddie as he froze.
“It’s all a what?” Eddie gulped, flexing his fingers as he glanced down in panic at his feet.
“All the creepy crawlies around here, dude. They’re like one or something. You step on a vine, you’re stepping on a bat, you’re stepping on Vecna.” Steve grunted as he waved his hands around at all the decaying, moving parts of the Upside down around us. Every single part of it apart of Vecna.
“Shit.” Eddie swallowed hard as he took careful steps back down the rock, waving a cluster of white spores away from his face.
“But everything from our world is still here right? Except, people, obviously?” Robins curious glanced fluttered between Nancy and Steve’s faces as I waited for Eddie at the bottom of the rock, reaching out to steady him as he jumped the last few steps.
“As far as I understand it, yeah.” Nancy nodded.
“So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate.” Robin pointed around at us in earnest. 
“I highly doubt that the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin. But uh guns, yeah sure.” Steve rolled his eyes but I dropped my hand from around Eddie’s arm, spinning back to face them.
“No, that’s actually not a bad idea.” Robin smiled at my support as my eyes slid to Nancy’s. 
“Well, we don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns, in my bedroom.” Nancy looked abashed for the first time as we all stared at her incredulity, Eddie scoffed beside me as his jaw slackened.
“You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural. In your bedroom?” Eddie’s eyes bulged in his skull, staring without shame at Nancy as she sighed. 
“Full of surprises isn’t she?” Robin nodded, clasping her hands together as she bounced on the balls of her feet.
“A Russian Makarov and a revolver.” Nancy clarified, sensing that Eddie didn’t believe her. 
“Yeah, you almost shot me with that one.” Steve slid up beside her, looking at a little better as he bent closer to Nancy and grinned. 
“You almost deserved it.” Even I dropped my eyes at her sultry tone, glancing back up as Eddie’s arms jostled beside me as he pegged his vest at Steve’s chest, sending him hurtling back a few paces. 
“For your modesty dude.”  Eddie cocked his head and Robin and I shared a laugh, glad that Eddie was up fed up with their flirting the same as we were.
The ground split apart beneath our feet, shaking into our bones as an earthquake thundered beneath us. I grunted as Robin tumbled into me, sending us both flying into Eddie’s open arms as we fell to the ground, holding onto each other for dear life. The dead branches snapped from hollow tree trunks as the air around us blurred, rumbling so violently that it rattled my teeth together. 
Chipped rocks clattered around as the ground froze, our heavy breaths panted together as Eddie wrapped his arms around me, holding both Robin and I to his chest as we sat up, peering around as we shivered around in fear and the baying of some hidden monstrosities screeched around us, sending goosebumps along my skin.
“Yeah, so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me.” Eddie’s pupils were blown so wide his eyes were almost entirely black, I nodded as I glanced up at him from where I was pressed against his shoulder. 
“Yeah, me to.” I gasped. The ground settled as everyone caught their breath, Eddie rubbed at his knees from where he’d fallen onto sharp rocks, shaking his head with a small smile as I reached for it with a pout on my lips. 
“So, what are we waiting for?” Steve slid Eddie’s vest on, clicking on the flashlight that he’d somehow managed to keep a hold of, strutting past us as we scrambled to our feet. 
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➢ Eddie Tag List } @dotslabyrinth @chanaaaannel @lem0nb0iii @xcarabear @projectcampbell @munchabunch @grungegrrrl @sammararaven @ches-86 @alinepichi @halbhohehalluzination @kalalikalas @thetrashqueen23 @bruh-tato-chap @sagittariughs @c0rroded-coffin @averagemisfit03 @eddiesgffff @churchmuffins @mrsdollardog @ms1oftheboys @pearlsyeaaa @hanahkatexo @bex-tk1 @thatonecluelessbitch @briasnow-blog @aftermidnightwriting @blue-eyed-lion @@figmentofquinn @brittanyyydamnit @edsforehead @ick90 @hesvoid34 @notyuralycat @nevermore66 @readsalot73
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Copyright © 2022 by P.McCann.
All Rights Reserved.
170 notes · View notes
Characters included in bracket
The Onceler from the Lorax (11)
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman (10)
Link from The Legend of Zelda (8)
Ambrosius Goldenloin from Nimona (4)
Enjolras from Les Miserables (4)
Chip from Just Roll With It (4)
Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs (4)
Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede (3)
Hong Lu from Limbus Company (3)
Silver the Hedgehog from Sonic (3)
Julian Bashir from Star Trek Deep Space 9 (3)
Homestar Runner from Homestar Runner (3)
Keefe Sencen from Keeper of the Lost Cities (3)
Marvin the Magnificent from Jacksepticeye (3)
Ballister from Nimona (2)
Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle (2)
Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket (2)
Hunter from The Owl House (2)
Nico di Angelo from PJO (2)
Prompto Argentum from Final Fantasy XV (2)
Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club (2)
Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet (2)
Hamlet from Hamlet (2)
Daniel from Camp Camp (2)
Lear from Pokemon (2)
Asmodeus from Obey Me Shall We Date (2)
Nathan from Misfits (2)
Scout from Team Fortress 2 (2)
Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa (2)
Alfredo Linguini from Ratatouille (2)
Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss (2)
Jermey Heere from Be More Chill (2)
Shin Tsukimi from Your Turn to Die (2)
Rui Kamishiro from Project Sekai (2)
Luke Skywalker from Star Wars (2)
Nei Huaisang from mdzs (2)
Lester Papadopoulos from The Trials of Apollo (2)
Vince Noir from The Mighty Boosh (2)
Rick Pratt from The Young Ones (2)
Haruka Sakurai from Milgram (2)
Lilia Vanrouge from Twisted Wonderland (2)
Riddle Rosehearts from Twisted Wonderland (2)
Kuzco from The Emperor’s New Groove (2)
Ennon from Good Omens (2)
Eric “Bitty” Bittle from Check‚ Please! (2)
Mars from Project Nought (1)
Twink from Q-Force (1)
Mike from Roleslaying with Roman (1)
Icarus from Greek Mythology (1)
Kajiyama Fuuta from MILGRAM (1)
Damien from Dream Daddy (1)
Mills from Be my Villian (1)
Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
Tobias from Faroff (1)
Venti from Genshin Impact (1)
Kyoya Ootori from Ouran High School Host Club (1)
Bo from She-Ra (1)
Zazie from Trigun Stampede (1)
Leviathan from Obey Me Shall We Date (1)
Demon Eric from Good Omens (1)
Hypnos from Hades (1)
Jenson Endo from The Prince of Southland (1)
Yule from Wild Beast Forest House (1)
Lyney from Genshin Impact (1)
Kyle from She Ra (1)
Sampo from Honkai Star Rail (1)
Tartaglia from Genshin Impact (1)
Oscar from Tea for Two (1)
Ezra from Tea for Two (1)
Shut from Pretty Cure (1)
Merlin from Fate Grand Order (1)
Felix Escellun from Last Legacy (1)
Asra from The Arcana (1)
Julian from The Arcana (1)
Florian from Tea for Two (1)
Marlon from Tea for Two (1)
Errol from Tea for Two (1)
Billy Kaplan from Young Avengers/Marvel comics (1)
Chuuya from Bungou Stray Dogs (1)
Belphegor from Obey Me Shall We Date (1)
Haku from Spirited Away (1)
Anasui from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean (1)
Mizuki from Kamisama Kiss (1)
Kurama from Kamisama Kiss (1)
Sigma from Bungo Stray Dogs (1)
Gowther from Seven Deadly Sins (1)
Yukito from Cardcaptor Sakura (1)
Ren Ichimoku from Hell Girl (1)
Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke (1)
Shuntaro Chishiya from Alice In Borderland (1)
Bailin from Bailin and Li Yun (1)
Li Yun from Bailin and Li Yun (1)
Kappa from Castle Swimmer (1)
Siren from Castle Swimmer (1)
Jack from Check, Please! (1)
Al Leon from Appare-Ranman! (1)
Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog (1)
Shang Qinghua from The Scum Villian’s Self Saving System (1)
Lio from Promare (1)
James from Pokemon (1)
N from Pokemon (1)
Bruno from Encanto (1)
Diego the Squire from Nimona (1)
Finnian from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler (1)
Satan from Obey Me Shall We Date (1)
Ingo from Pokemon (1)
Akito Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
Hatori Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
The Man with the Yellow Hat from Curious George (1)
Laurent de Vere from The Captive Prince (1)
Miles Maitland from Bright Young Things (1)
Lance Mcclain from Voltron Legendary Defender (1)
Lelouch from Code Geass (1)
Edgar Valden from Identity V (1)
Hercules (pre training) from Disney’s Hercules (1)
Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion (1)
Connor from Dear Evan Hansen (1)
Orpheus from Hadestown (1)
Charlie Price from Kinky Boots (1)
Wallace from Pokemon (1)
Keith Kogane from Voltron (1)
Double Trouble from She Ra (1)
Shigure Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
Ayame Sohma from Fruits Basket (1)
Langa from Sk8 the Infinity (1)
Jaskier from The Witcher (1)
Fay D. Fluorite from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (1)
Karube from Alice in Borderland (1)
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idkwidatp · 9 months
Hi welcome to my introduction because I realized I haven't done that yet
Shows books video games YouTubers and movies I enjoy:
• 911
• 911 lonestar
• Sk8 the infinity (anime only)
• Sanders sides
• My hero academia (anime only)
• Haikyuu (anime only, I have not finished season 4 or seen any of the movies)
• Steven universe
• Heartstopper (show only)
• ugly betty
• Star vs the forces of evil (I've seen the whole show but didn't remember a lot of it so I rewatched it but I haven't rewatched the last two-three episodes)
• She-ra
• Empire records
• Hamilton
• Heathers (movie and musical)
• Six the musical
• The owl House (I FINALLY finished it)
• One topic at a time
• The click
• over the garden wall (the show not the graphic novels)
• Coraline (I haven't really read the book but I do have an idea as to what happens compared to the movie)
• The corpse bride (I've only seen it once because it got taken off of max)
• Avatar (I watched like the first two episodes and then skipped to season 3 because I love toph and I don't think I actually finished it)
• Jaiden animations
• Coffee talk episodes one and two
• Animal crossing (only new horizons)
• Pokemon shield and violet (I have absolutely no clue as to what the fuck I'm doing in either but especially violet)
• Mom (as in the TV show)
• Melissa and Rick by Alex gino (I need more people to read these books)
• Friends
• Mike and Molly
• Everybody loves Raymond
• Benny & joon
• Office space
• Overboard
• Opal by Jack stauber
• Shop: a pop opera
• Funkyfrogbait
• Athena p
• Law and order SVU (I've seen all of season 16 and like half of season 21 and most of if not all of season 24 and random episodes that have celebrities I like in them like the one with Billy porter (that is my favorite episode))
• Gravity falls
• bungo stray dogs
• Yuri on ice
• saski and miyano
• dead end paranormal Park
• assassination classroom
• demon slayer (I haven't watched season 4 yet)
• Homophobes
• Transphobes
• Racists
• Abelist people
• anti furries
• Anti therians
• Anti semitic people
• people that are pro Israeli
Other things I enjoy:
• Mushrooms (I want to learn more about them)
• Frogs (they're so freaking cool and I want to learn more about them)
• Astronomy (once again I want to learn more about it)
• Psychology (for the millionth time I want to learn more about it) (the main way that I learn about psychology is through Sanders sides)
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bricknmortar · 2 years
why rick’s daemon would be a scorpion: an explanation literally no one asked for
so anyways i’m absolutely reeling from the finale so i’m gonna just put all of my free time into this dimension/au. this is a whole lotta word vomit and i probably missed stuff and will come back and add it later but i’m like 99% sure this is the most fitting animal i could find for him. this is primarily based on symbolic associations
Scorpions are heavily associated with toxicity and poison, as well as anger and danger - which need I say more lol?
they are also symbolic for betrayal, vengeance/revenge, deceit, and violence in general which come on guys
scorpio is also a constellation, so there are links to astronomy and space
While scorpions are violent, aggressive animals in media, they are also stealthy and quiet - which many overtly aggressive animals do not have as a trait because they are often apex predators, and rick can be fucking unseen when he wants to
which brings me to my next point - rick is an absolutely dangerous man but he’s also sensitive and has been shown to literally lose his shit when someone makes him feel insecure. i feel like dangerous bugs kinda capture that vulnerability?
scorpions have also been historically associated with both medicine and poison and their venom was believed to have curative properties in many civilizations around the world. they have links to both science and the medical field due to their long rooted history in ancient apothecary. they are also tied heavily to life and death which - rick literally has the power to heal or poison, kill someone or bring them back to life - idk i just think it’s really fitting
scorpion mothers are like pretty widely associated with being horrible mothers - literally killing and eating their young when they do not have enough food. while this can’t be taken literally, it can very easily be interpreted as exploiting offspring and family for personal gain - which come on thats like the whole show
in aesop’s fables, there is a story called “the scorpion and the frog” in which a scorpion asks a frog if he can ride on it’s back as to travel across a river. the frog is suspicious that the scorpion will sting him but the scorpion assures him that he will not - because he will die as well. halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog and the scorpion drowns. it’s meant to be an allegory about not being able to escape one’s own nature, even when it is a detriment to oneself. It also feels very “dragging people down with you” and honestly all of it just screams rick to me
despite the fact that you can kill one with your shoe (or, in rick’s case, your words), these things are tough as fuck. they survive in the hottest deserts on planet earth and everywhere else except antarctica, and can hold their breaths underwater for six fucking days (which idk is funny considering the scorpion and the frog fable but i think is also very rick)
scorpions in christianity are literally symbols of the devil himself, and by extension, deciet, lust, sin, ect ect ect. yeeeeah
speaking of lust, scorpions are often used as a symbol for lust and sexuality and i’m just going to flat out say it that rick is a slut (which is honestly his most redeeming quality because sluts are cool as fuck) and uhhh also there are too many rick fuckers for this not to be an association
“wait,” you say. “rick would have a daemon that couldn’t die as easily as a scorpion would!” but have u considered that maybe he wouldn’t? this man is so fucking sensitive that his grandson called him boring and he freaked out (twice!) and was so emotionally wounded he had to purposefully scar him to “teach him a lesson”. a daemon represents someone’s soul, and idk rick’s soul has been pretty fucking scarce in the show. scorpions are small and inconspicuous and able to sneak and be almost invisible - i think rick’s daemon would probably hide in his coat and/or pocket most of the time which i think could be really symbolic for rick literally HIDING HIS SOUL and avoiding being emotionally vulnerable with the people around him because he knows how easily he can get hurt. that sense and fear of emotional vulnerability is such a staple to rick’s character.
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!!Temporary pinned!!
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Hi welcome to our page!
We are the Chaoticlimes system
The host is Denny, Me (Pepper) and Spamton are co hosts, I am helping Denny with making this pinned post
We are a system of 16, we are a DID system (yes we have DID)
We are intersex and we collectively are systemfluid, genderqueer, daisy gay, abrosys and polyamsys and our collective pronouns are He/they/it, our collective name is Limez
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Members and pronouns
Denny - They/it/xe/ne/bun (He/him accepted) (Xe/xim, xe/xem, ne/nym, ne/nem)
Pepper - They/it (she/her accepted if only referring to Pepper)
Luca - It/zem (They/them accepted)
Rick - He/him
Yosh - He/him or name
Tash - Void/he/it
Stocks - He/xim
Spamton G. Spamton - He/it/them/nya
Jevil - He/they/it
Mia - they/it/nya/meow
Minmin - They/it
Nacho - He/it/they/ze
May - They/them
Zwapz - He/they
Razch - They/it/vamp
Razz - He/it
»»————- ♡ ————-««
We are extremely tired of system discourse, queer discourse, neurodiverse discourse and disability discourse
We (especially Denny and Yosh) are not afraid of fighting back or biting scumbags
If you’re here to start fights or discourses over small things like flags, identity, gender, orientation, mental health, systems/plurality, personas, oc’s (especially Mary/Gary stues), disabilities and/or neurodivergency please fuck off, we do not have time or spoons for you - Denny
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Not sure what you're looking for
»»————- ♡ ————-««
We post content involving clowns, horror, body positivity, feminism, LGBTQIA2S+, MOGAI, anarchy, furbies, animatronics, furry, body horror, food, Pokemon, My Little Pony, space related stuff, frogs, autism acceptance, neurodivergent acceptance and anti ableism
Art that we post usually have this content
Horror, clowns, body horror, horror, gore, My Little Pony, Pokemon, animatronics, robots, demons, angels, anthros, ferals, humans, humanoids, aliens, monsters, certain kinks, nudity, violence, vent art, self ship, self insert, body positivity, trans bodies, queer couples, fat bodies, chubby bodies, anarchy, feminism and characters from media (Take Undertale and Super Mario Bros as some examples)
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Ableism, demonisation of cluster b disorders, fatmisia/fat phobia, queermisia (queerphobia), flag or sexual/romantic/tertiary orientation discourse, flag discourse, exorsexism (anti enby), intersexism (anti intersex), anti xenogender, anti neogender, demonisation or stigmatisation of mental illnesses psychosis or disabilities, general nastiness, catcalling, think it is okay to harass minors or anyone in general, harassing our alters or us in general, harassing individuals for their hobbies (geek, furry etc.), general nasty people, people who send unsolicited gore (fictional AND/OR IRL) to people to trigger people
General DNI criteria, if you stigmatize or demonise cluster B disorders (This includes using narcissistic and/or narcissist as insults), if you stigmatise or demonise mental illness disabilities and psychosis, if you believe or do eugenics, BMI scale, Anti-recovery, act like assholes towards individuals struggling with addiction, Sysmed, Proana, Promia, Fatmisic, Ableist, Kodocon (loli/shotacon/both), Proship/Neuship/Comship, Anti-anti, Pro/neu/com contact (you’re a predator), Overall nasty people, Pro-fetus, Pro-birth, Pro-life, TERF/SWERF/TIRF/TEHM, Radfem, syscourse/flagcourse (People are literally fucking dying out here Susan), exclusionists or neutral on exclusionism, exorsexist, intersexist, anti cringe, support/promote or even neutral on Autism Speaks and ABA
Scott Cawthon endorser, JKR endorser, Emily Gwen endorser
Think mspec sapphics can't: use butch/femme, reclaim the d-slur, use the ⚢ symbol, call themselves lesbians
Think that fiction can't or doesn’t affect reality (It indeed can)
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Teeth divider by @mmadeinheavenn
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spacefrogsmerch · 2 years
Spacefrogs Merch
The Space Frogs are a comedy duo consisting of Rick ( Garrido) and Steve (real name: Steven Schuto). In addition to the main channel SPACE FROGS, they own the channel SPACE GAMING. They used to have three channels, Space Radio, Frogs and Gaming, until they merged Space Frogs and Radio and rebranded Space Frogs to Dead Frogs. Buy Spacefrogs Merch Here!
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Spacefrogs Merchandise Official Spacefrogs Merch Store New Spacefrogs Merch Shop Spacefrogs Merch 2023 Spacefrogs Merch Long Sleeve Spacefrogs Merch Women's Tee Spacefrogs Merch Hoodie Spacefrogs Merch T Shirt Spacefrogs Merch Shirt Spacefrogs Merch Uk
#spacefrogsmerch #spacefrogsmerchandise
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amanitaknowsbest · 8 months
I figure everyone has the Keith David Reference Point. For some people, it's The Cat from Coraline, other Spawn from... Spawn, Halo, Pitch Black, Saints Row, Gargoyles, Adventure Time, Rick and Morty, Mr Rogers, Amphibia, Princess and the Frog, Final Space, and so on.
Mine was Mass Effect so whenever I hear his voice I'm like "*sniffle* Ima do you proud, space dad".
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space-owl · 1 year
I said it before and i’ll say it again; if the concept of something is too stupid for me I won’t watch it.
Voltron? What do you mean they can ONLY defeat the evil if they re in a big robot? Why is that big robot so precious? The enemy side has like 1000 space ships that are larger!
Amphibia? Why are they all frogs? Why IS there a frog dimension? Is this a Rick and Morty episode? I won’t finish it
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? … do I really have to start with how STUPID that concept is?
The only thing that’s the exception for me is Centaurworld. Yes it’s stupid. But it KNOWS it’s stupid! Meanwhile the other shows take their concept a 100% seriously
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nostarsleftinthesky · 4 years
Wenn ich in den Spiegel gucke denke ich vielleicht 'man bin ich hässlich' aber wenigstens bin ich kein Wichser
Rick, Space Frogs
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