#rhevlous omega // son of a wendigo
shatteredminds · 2 years
Word- Want
Letter- U
Uzara Fayline Frost
Elysia Marita Frost
Rhevlous Cian Omega
Seton Weylin Omega
Uzara hummed happly, the twins were napping for now. Hungry little devils they were, but she supposed that it was normal for children to be hungry like that. After all they were toddlers, and from the observations she did of humans with their spawn whilst pregnant with her children... human children did eat a lot.
She couldn't wait for her mate to get back. She understood that he didn't trust himself around their children, littlegos as he calls them, due to how young they are. Though she appreciated that he would come and visit, bringing partly dead humans to the den so he can teach Elysia and Rhevlous the swiftest way to dismember the mortals. Which parts of the human body taste best and will satiate their hunger for the mortal species flesh for longer periods of time.
Though she wanted him to be around all the time, like he used to be. She wanted to wake up next to him when night falls. She wanted to cuddle up with him during storms again. She wanted share prey a human with him every few days again.
"Want, want, want Uzara. Stop being so greedy." She mumbled, poping a peice of the soul she just diced up into her mouth. Savoring the tart blueberrie taste that it held.
She wouldn't deny the fact that she's greedy, after all her species was notorious for for conquering the other tribe's in the arctic. But she just wanted to have her mate live with her again.
"Be happy that he come home once every two weeks Uzara, it could be worse... he could have abandoned you and the twins." She says, voice barely audible.
After a half hour of munching on the diced up soul she glanced up at the clock. It was getting close to the time the twins that the twins would be waking up, wanting to be fed again.
She didn't have any regrets about creating them with with magic alongside Seton... but she couldn't deny the fact that she wanted him back living with not only her, but their children.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
So Spencer has been hunting down the Wendigo that killed her mother for months now. Funny thing is, said wendigo happens to be Rhevlous. Aka the younger twin brother of Elysia.
He happens to be a wendigo highly sought after by other demon hunters due to the fact that he has killed many of the hunters that have come after him.
He won't fight Spencer due to the fact that he knows she's semi immortal so there would be no point. But he does tease the fuck out of her by being in the same small town for awhile before disappearing again when she gets there.
Pisses her of to be honest but hey, she been able to improve her skills such as pickpocketing, lockpicking, and so one because of this.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Sneezes- Coldarder, Deaevidra, Ragnar, Elysia, Rhevlous, Seton, and Uzara
Despite his height and appearance it's quite soft.
His phisicall form destabilizes slightly so he's more misty then normal.
Kitten sneeze
Loud af
Ragnar had to get it from someone lol
Doesn't cause and earthquake like Ragnar but will cause tremors.
Quiet cat sneeze
Multi sneeze
"Phu, Phu, Phu"
Hair ends up being really messy
These 1/3 of a chance she stays in her human form, 1/3 of a chance whe go into wraith form, 1/3 of a chance she'll shift into a cat.
Loud but sounds like an elk call
Has given people that he desides to eat a heart attack when he suddenly sneezes
Dad sneeze
Loud af. Like really loud. So loud that the Vittagarðr's can hear it even though he's in the Hypëřbøřiän vail.
Earthquake, aka the Vittagarðr's and their on island children will now shake violently and have killer headaches.
His kids nicknamed the Earthquakes he causes Dadquakes lol
Violent sneeze
Multi sneeze
Hair becomes very fluffy
"Tss, Tss, Tss"
Mildly loud
Duel sneezes
"Zhit, Zhit" (<Bassed off my dad's sneeze lol)
So now he's a deer... time to lead hunter into the forest and eat them
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Pride (for anyone)
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Rhevlous is a very prideful wendigo. Being 30,988 years of age and as far as he knows the only living member of his family due to him not being aware that he is an uncle. He won't lie when he says he misses his older litter mate Elysia, but he also won't admit is.
He prides himself on his stealth, the fact that he's never been caught, and some of the legends of him being the big bad wendigo that everyone's afraid of. Knowing that he is the source of some of those legends gives him quite the big ego.
One way to knock him down a few pegs is to point out the scar on his neck as he got it from hacking up some bodies for food and he slipped slitting his throat on a sharp rock.
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