#retail shenanigans
beesonhoneytoast · 11 months
“a dubious little creature” -my coworker when i showed him this thing
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Cass hums along to the music playing in the store as her and Tim restack a fallen tower of empty soda boxes that were set up for a sale. Tim liked to help out sometimes. Cass was just there with him.
Cass (pausing while Tim continues to stack boxes): Is the store going to be okay with us doing this?
Tim: Yeah, I do this all the time in this store. They don't pay me and I can clean up the messes the store has. Everyone is happy.
Cass shrugs and resumes stacking the boxes. They finish with the tower stable and clean.
Tim: All right let's go.
Cass: Okay.
Cass and Tim leave the store as a worker waves at them.
Worker: I should tell him and his friend to stop doing that... But he does a good job every time.
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thecryptidart1st · 9 months
Realized this week at my job that William truly has a favorite holiday:
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
The Official Unofficial Rulebook for The Garrison
1.) Under no circumstances is Athos to be scheduled for a morning shift.
1.a) if Athos is scheduled a morning shift, don’t talk to him unnecessarily until the store’s opening at 9AM.
1.b) Do not try to talk to Athos at all before he’s had his second coffee.
2.) Aramis is not allowed to take candy as a reward
3.) do not try to defend Constance. She can do it for herself much better than you can.
4.) if someone uses the code word “Milady”, get them off the floor and into the back or break room immediately.
5.) Aramis is not allowed into the back room when truck is being unloaded. This is for everyone’s safety, including his own.
6.) Aramis is also not allowed to put out any food items.
7.) whether you are off or on duty, always follow Constance’s rules for the fitting room. This is an order, not a request.
8.) There is no singing of Christmas Carols before November 1st. No matter what Aramis and D’Artagnan say.
9.) if anyone mentions “Savoy”, call the police immediately and give them the code word. They’ll understand.
10.) there are to be no contests of any sort in the back room. Period.
11.) if Aramis has an energy drink, prepare for a lot of things to be done. And to be left behind in doing said things.
12.) If you are being harassed, ask Porthos if there is any coffee from the Court of Miracles brand in stock. He’ll come running.
13.) D’Artagnan and Aramis are not allowed to work more than 8 consecutive hours together.
14.) If D’Artagnan asks to take your shift, tell him no. Failure to do so will result in an hour long lecture from Tréville on your day off and D’artagnan’s next double shift being transferred to you.
15.) the blue cabinet in the break room has food for anyone who needs it, no questions asked. Tréville only asks that you be considerate in how much you take.
Poll under the read-more:
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ladyinthebluebox · 8 months
akjshdjhdkjd 2/3s of my PC arrived today and i didn't manage to order RAM and new SSD to clone my system to yet LMAOOOO. it was supposed to be here next week what the fuck is that lightning fast customer service, i was supposed to mentaly prepare to fucking over my whole computer and now i will be like. sitting here looking at the box with this green beast SSTRESSING TEH FUCK OUT OF MY MIND FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
I just ordered a bunch more incense cones. Self care.
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crowfonder · 5 months
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andy-the-8th · 9 months
getting the next chapter close to post-ready; we are finally getting a long-awaited and iconic character from the movie
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pfhwrittes · 7 months
You’re so sweet!! I actually do work in call centers/corporate customer service now! It’s a LOT easier for sure, in many ways, but one of the things I miss that you illustrate SO beautifully in the Retail Hell AU is the camaraderie you have with the other people you work with, how you all become protective of each other, how you all waste time on the clock together, and how nice it is to work with people who have your back. I am thrilled to accept your hybrid hug/high five/handshake!
Please don’t feel obligated to pick up a fic you’ve put down for me! IF you want to and IF you have time I’d love Price or Ghost but truly you write all four boys so well I’d be thrilled with any of them. And again, NO PRESSURE! You put it down for a reason and if you need to keep it tucked away that’s absolutely okay, I appreciate just the offer!
✨♥️🗡 you're back! yay!
hey quick question, how are you getting on with being made to sit/exist in one spot for your entire shift instead of constantly moving? when i did a brief spell in a contact centre work they had to give me a bluetooth headset so i could wander up and down the row without pulling the cord out of the weird phone set they used. good times.
oh thank you! i'm so glad i manage to show that it's the goofing off with colleagues who become your friends that really makes it! i used to love the unofficial huddles i'd have with my team/friends from other departments whenever a team leader or manager wasn't looking. or putting away go-backs and running into someone and we'd very leisurely take a turn about the store to catch up on gossip.
i ended up working in so many departments (front end, seasonal, decor, showrooms, stockflow) that i somehow managed to make friends with nearly everyone in the store. it was great. especially when the stockflow manager would swoop me out of the store on my lunch break for a cheeky milkshake or when the showrooms guys would stop mid-consultation to ask if i wanted to look at their bathroom design. (or when i'd play hide and seek with the seasonal team in the garden centre during the summer and whoever got found would get soaked with the hosepipe)
i've got a little something bubbling away for you which i'll post separately when it's done. thank you again for being so nice and inspiring me to pick up retail hell au again. ♥️
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bereft-of-frogs · 8 months
things I’m saying to the tumblr void to avoid saying this to my coworker’s face: I need you to get a hobby besides complaining
(*I finally called him out because he was like ‘😱 we have a lot of work today’ when we got in and I was like you wished this into existence. You complained all day yesterday. And his response was ‘yeah I’d rather it be busy I go nuts’. Ok then 1) what was the point of the first message 2) please get a hobby)
(**he also should never work in healthcare he’s get eviscerated the first time he complained about it being quiet, the Q word is taken very seriously, like saying Macbeth in a theater, never say ‘quiet’ in an ER. Despite not having worked in healthcare for like 10 years now the lesson stuck)
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Fact: my boss regularly sneaks up on the employees who are sleep deprived and/or new and screams like a sci-fi banshee.
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Fact: my coworkers have been whispering of revenge.
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Fact: my boss has a spider phobia.
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Fact: I own a pop-up spider prank box.
To be continued...............
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princesscallyie · 10 months
So they gonna drop my hours kinda low but I still gotta work 5 days a week… the whole reason I was alright with the hours dropping so I can get a 3rd day off…
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negative-speedforce · 9 months
Alexa, play "I HATE EVERYBODY" by Halsey-
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andrewisdoing · 1 year
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Today at work was “Crazy Hair Day" and as always, Liam brought the heat.
I absolutely was here for it….like ALL OF IT!
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quirklove · 2 years
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*Geten vc* fa la la la la la la FUCK YOUUUUU
he’s such a Grinch but he’ll still make a little blizzard White Christmas just for you if you want
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caffeine-hifi · 2 years
of all things why am I autistic about Printers
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