#rest in parrot Paco..
kathegoose · 7 months
i have a headcannon that mimi can randomly start repeating random words he ever heard in different voices and off context like a parrot
fnaf ruin secret ending leaked:
"What are you?"
"I said NO PINEAPPLE! Meet me at Rockstar Row, meet me at- Mimic."
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percontaion-points · 10 months
Everlife chapter 8
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Chapter 8
The end of chapter 7: 
“We’ve got problems,” Archer says. 
“Tell me about it,” Tenley mutters. 
“The army...it’s already here.”
The start of chapter 8: 
Anger and frustration mount as Lina’s message plays through my mind. Neither of which will do me any good right now. Lashing out will make a bad situation worse. 
My emotions cannot dictate my actions. Right. I block the message and all its implications—for now—and focus on the matters at hand. 
Bea growls at Killian, the cutest little bundle of ferocity I’ve ever seen. 
Killian growls right back, though there’s no heat to the action. 
Unable to trust my husband at my back, I step away from him and toward Archer. Bea goes quiet, but turns her focus to me, as if daring me to make a move against her charge.
 “How many soldiers?” I ask him. “How many Generals?”
I love how Archer says that the army is there, but it takes a full business day for Ten to actually bother to reply. 
Do you see what it is that I’m dealing with here? Imagine that THE ENTIRE BOOK is like this. (Because it is.)
One of the reasons I choose to live in Troika? The people (supposedly) support each other in the best and worst of times. The people (supposedly) love each other. Didn’t take me long to learn that people are people, and no matter their realm, they are flawed. They make mistakes. Even Troikans sometimes let their emotions get the better of them. 
I figured out that Troika was going to be a steaming pile of shit almost as soon as the first book introduced us to the concept of this realm. The most frustrating part is that it took her this long to reach the same fucking conclusion!
Raanan’s guardian is a donkey named Pop Tart. Spot, one of the zebras, is working with Clay. Paco the parrot stakes his claim on Reed by perching on his shoulder. A black Lab named Frank remains glued to Clementine’s side. Gloria, a deer, is paired with Dawn.
I think the most insulting part about this scene is that, out of the 5 characters listed here, we’re only familiar with TWO OF THEM. 
When Ambrosine dies, his shadows will die with him. At least in theory. Myriadians could be freed from his evil influence, able to live life on their own terms. 
Something tells me that the next 300 pages will prove that this is not going to be the case. 
“I’m proof spirits can be saved from Many Ends,” Reed says, “but you forget. I never experienced Second-death while there. Others were not so fortunate. I witnessed countless murders. There, spirits vanish.” He snaps. “Just like that. What if they are dead for good?”
For fuck’s sake. How the hell does anybody even believe that after witnessing shit like the resurrection? There are probably five billion other afterlifes out there. 
“Bomb,” I scream, diving for Biscuit to cover him with my body. Boom!
Chapter 8 summary: Archer comes with the news that Lucy and some rando named John are moving in for them, but Shamus has turned and run off like the chickenshit coward he is. There’s also a message that Dior has been killed in a car crash earlier that morning, and that the TLs have discovered a warehouse full of people infected with the darkness.
This leads Ten down a weird thought spiral that takes up so much fucking time. She thinks about how Eron and Ambrosine are brothers, raised at the same time, with the same things. Yet she wonders why it is that Ambrosine went dark, without actually once thinking about possible child abuse. She decides that if she kills Ambrosine, then it will magically free everybody else from his dark influence. I said what I said about that. 
There’s this really dumb bit where Killian reminds her that he can read her mind. It serves no point, so let’s move on. 
There’s so much fucking padding in this chapter, and it takes so many left turns through really weird side-plots. Again, none of which actually serve any sort of point at all. 
But eventually, Ten asks Biscuit to take her to where Shamus is, so the two of them leave. After a while, they leave the city behind, and come to a forest. There, a shadowy figure lobs a bomb at Ten. 
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Life’s Fabulous Adventures
     Life, where have you been for the past few months? 
     That is a great question, my birdy friends! So strap in and get ready for my big update. 
     First and most excitingly, the newest member of our flock came home yesterday! Meet Paco, a 23-year-old double yellow headed Amazon parrot!
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     I adopted Paco and brought him home yesterday. His owner didn’t have time in her schedule to give him all of the attention he needs, so I decided to take him on. So far, he is literally the most gentle bird I have ever had the pleasure of working with. He’s in good health, and I am excited to get him socializing with the rest of our flock. 
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(Paco even likes my dad who most of the other birds don’t really warm up to for a while! He was removed from the steering wheel once the picture was taken - no worries!)
     Life, how do you find all the time and space to keep on taking big birds that need tons of attention???
     Oh, ho, ho, my dear followers. This is where we get to what I am most excited to share with you all!
     First, a little backstory: 
     My experience with birds started when I was 3, I got a parakeet named Blue (I was very into Blues Clues), and I have had birds my whole life since then. I got an African Grey when I was 6 or so, and shortly after that, my mom and dad starting rescuing birds in need. My little brother followed in my footsteps and began caring for birds at the age of 6. He is almost 13 now and has a GCC of his own (he helps me with my cockatoo, Punk, all the time, so he’s very experienced.)
     I have worked at a zoo with troubled birds, and I finally got my first bird of my own since childhood at the age of 17. This was Thrash, the Sun Conure in my profile picture. Since Thrash, I have been finding birds in need and, with the help of my bird-loving family, have acquired a flock of 6 parrots who all get along great.
     Now, five separate cages AND play areas take up a lot of space in my bedroom in our little rental house, so...
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(family members for scale)
     It’s one super long room at the very end of the house. We’re remodeling most of the room beside it, taking out the cabinets and shelves at each end, installing a bird bath sink, and then it will be ready to turn into the ultimate bird paradise!
     It will fit each cage, separate play areas, and a place for me to work on my art while I monitor everyone. 
     I’m just so excited to share this next adventure with you all, I hope you all stay patient with the updates. I have been super busy jumping between portfolio work and house remodeling.
Until next time, my beebs.
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