#respect for elderly
The Royal Standard 🤗
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ugartecoco · 6 months
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bay vs bvb 30.03.24
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critter-of-habit · 1 year
I have big visible arm tattoos and my septum pierced but this afternoon I was stopped by a little old man and asked to please help him work the fancy parking meters and oh did it make my heart happy
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radarchives · 10 months
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askchuuyanakahara · 8 months
(I just wanna say this is probably the best chuuya blog that I’ve ever seen, and I’m desperately obsessed with him. like genuinely I’m reallll picky with this sorta stuff but this blog is SO GOOOD. my other friend agrees as well!)
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(Eh, really? I'm glad you think so haha I personally think I end up writing him far too soft..
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I don't like cursing or anything so I never end up using bad language in my writing.. which I feel like takes away from Chuuya's character a little bit haha but it's a personal thing that I don't want to change just because of this.
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Though I do believe Chuuya is not an aggressive or angry person at all. Just something about Dazai triggers his fight or fight response ahaha!)
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Is Alastor aware of Vox’s children - specifically his daughter?
Personally I interpret that Vox was probably a parent who played favorites [unintentional or intentional] and assuming his relationship with his son was likely strained - Vox gave his daughter more attention & affection. Making the memories pop in a bittersweet way.
I could see Alastor being conflicted, depending on if he knew about Vox’s children before he reduced his former friend turned enemy to static. Alastor assuming he was a terrible father [easy assumption because it’s… Vox lol] and feeling so disgusted with a man who already fell into his distaste. We know Alastor’s daddy issues, I can’t imagine him being comfortable with a [absent father at best, neglectful & emotionally abusive father at worst] around unless he were his little plaything.
I can think of so many ways Alastor could torture Vox psychologically with this knowledge. Gaslighting Vox into thinking a porcelain doll is actually his baby, allowing him to get attached to said doll for a while — only to shatter it right in front of him.
“Oh! Well, you can always make a new one! Haha!”
Alastor’s pettiness levels are 100% showing here as the mentality of “replacing the old with the new” that Vox used to spout out constantly is being used — in reference to his “baby”.
Of course Vox is absolutely distraught, feebly sputtering and trying to pick up the broken pieces of the doll before quickly devolving into pure rage.
“I trusted you! She’s my daughter!”
Alastor is merely grinning, laughing even. Right at Vox’s face. Vox is cursing him out using every word in the book, get violent almost immediately - and if any of the hotel residents are there all Hell will break loose.
Alastor could also just say “Oh she’s dead.” Anytime Vox asks where his daughter is… that’s a lot simple than what I just wrote lol.
But yeah neat little scenario I wanted to explore, I absolutely love love love this AU!! Everything is so well-written and thought out! I hope I didn’t write Alastor too evil, or Vox too pathetic(?) :p
- 🐚
Yeah, Vox was... not a great dad. He just wasn't around most of the time and saw his role as breadwinner as the only thing he really needed to do in order to be a Good Father™. He loved his kids in his own, self-absorbed way, but just wasn't involved with them in any meaningful manner. He was never abusive towards them but still managed to traumatize them through the constant, vicious arguments he would get into with their mother. You're right though, he did prefer Sarah (his younger child) to Thomas (his elder child) quite a bit, and she ended up with far more fond memories of him because of it.
Alastor is vaguely aware that Vox was a father when he was alive, but never felt any desire to delve into that aspect of his life. Vox lowkey compulsively overshares with the people he'd attracted to and Alastor ended up learning a lot more about Vox than he really wanted to back when they were friends. I'd never thought about how he would feel about what kind of father Vox was though– that's an interesting concept.
My HC backstory for Alastor is that he was born out of wedlock and never knew his biological father. At age 6, he and his mother left his grandparents' house and moved in with his mother's white cousin and her husband, who agreed to pretend Alastor (who was white-passing) was their son in exchange for his mother working as their maid. When Al was 11, he caught a glimpse of his mother having sex with his "adoptive father"– he'd threatened to kick her and Alastor out of the house if she didn't agree to sleep with him. He grew to loathe the man and eventually smothered him to death while he was recovering from the Spanish Flu that had swept through the house and claimed his mother's life.
With that context, I don't think Alastor would begrudge Vox for being a neglectful father that much since he just sort of sucked in a way that most men from that time period sucked. He'd see Vox's memories of his children in a similar way as he sees Vark; irrelevant and harmless, but a weak point he could easily exploit if he felt it was necessary.
The concept of the doll is fucking brutal. Al would probably be aware of how easily Vox projects memories of Sarah onto various people/things since it happens occasionally with Niffty, but I think that'd be a type of torment restricted to when he's feeling especially sadistic for whatever reason. Alastor thinks of himself as having standards, although he's willing to bend on some of them if he can think of a good justification and already wants to do it. So yeah, basically Vox's kids are off-limits until they're Not anymore.
Thank you for the compliments! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I really appreciate long, elaborate scenarios like this; they give me a chance to talk about so many different things and get me to consider elements that I hadn't previously thought of.
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wambsroy · 27 days
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not the eyefucking 😭
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froghwon · 2 years
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Lee “National Treasure” Minhyuk ♡
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locallygrowndaikon · 10 months
🫵 old /jk
(I'm a Remembrance month so to me you feel ancient)
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kyros-tha-soldier · 9 months
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This year i better fucking see BOTH of them in the top 10 OP moms/dads lists in S tier or at least top three or I'll be so fucking mad and go BEAST MODE
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angelicamyers · 2 years
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oldtvandcomics · 6 months
I just wish death wasn't such an absolute taboo in our society.
My grandmother died unexpectedly. But, really? Did she really??
Once upon a time, a passer-by helped Death up when he'd fallen down alongside the road. To thank him, Death promised not to come unannounced, but to send a messenger ahead of him. Death sent illness, and fewer, and old age and grey hairs and aching joints. The man didn't recognize any of these as the promised messenger, and was genuinely shocked when Death showed up at his doorstep.
My grandmother died unexpectedly. She was old, and getting noticeably weaker for years now. The last two weeks, she could barely move her arms for pain in her shoulders. Eventually, she had to call a relative for help, who called a doctor, who called an ambulance to take her to the emergency. The next day, she died of heart failure. Unexpectedly.
She was, by a complete coincidence that we definitely won't need to worry about, almost exactly the same age as her father, when he died of sudden heart failure. Funny thing, these coincidences.
My grandfather also died unexpectedly. He had Parkinson's, and wasn't able to move much those last years. Just before his death, my mother took him to the hospital for a check-up, and left him there, then came back here where we live. According to my sister, she cried when she left my grandparents' city. At that time, we visited three times a year, so she knew perfectly well that she would be back in three months' time. Why would she cry? But no, my grandfather died unexpectedly.
The next one to go will be my aunt. It is pretty clear, has been pretty clear since she was diagnosed with cancer last year. We could, theoretically, like, prepare for it. But no, because you can't talk about death, so we can't even mention it unless I'm alone with my father.
"Thank you for helping me," said Death. "As a thanks, I will not come unannounced, but will send a messenger."
"That is a fine thing," said the man. "That way, I won't have to worry about you hiding behind every tree."
And if I say any of this out loud, then I'm an unforgivable asshole.
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omegaphilosophia · 13 days
The Philosophy of Aging
The philosophy of aging explores the nature, significance, and experience of growing older. It encompasses various dimensions including biological, psychological, social, and existential perspectives. Philosophers, ethicists, and scholars examine the meaning of aging, the value of elderly life, and the societal attitudes towards aging and the elderly. Here’s a comprehensive look at the key concepts and ideas in the philosophy of aging:
1. The Nature of Aging
Biological Aging: This involves the physical changes that occur as organisms grow older, such as the gradual decline in physical and cognitive abilities. Philosophical inquiry into biological aging considers questions about the naturalness and inevitability of physical decline.
Psychological Aging: This dimension examines the mental and emotional aspects of aging. It includes the development of wisdom, changes in identity, and the impact of aging on mental health.
2. The Experience of Aging
Subjective Experience: Philosophers explore what it feels like to grow older. This includes the changing perceptions of time, the accumulation of life experiences, and the emotional and psychological adjustments to aging.
Cultural Narratives: Different cultures have varied narratives and attitudes about aging. The philosophy of aging looks at how these narratives shape individuals’ experiences of growing older and how they influence societal treatment of the elderly.
3. The Value of Elderly Life
Wisdom and Knowledge: Aging is often associated with the accumulation of wisdom and knowledge. Philosophical discussions may focus on the unique contributions that older adults can make to society based on their life experiences and understanding.
Respect and Dignity: The ethical treatment of the elderly is a crucial aspect. Philosophers argue for the respect and dignity of older individuals, challenging ageism and advocating for their rights and wellbeing.
4. Ethical and Social Considerations
Intergenerational Justice: This involves the ethical considerations of resource distribution between generations. Philosophical debates may focus on the obligations of society towards the elderly, including healthcare, social support, and opportunities for meaningful engagement.
End-of-Life Issues: The philosophy of aging also addresses ethical issues related to end-of-life care, euthanasia, and the right to die. These discussions consider the autonomy, dignity, and quality of life of elderly individuals.
5. Existential Perspectives
Meaning and Purpose: Aging brings forth questions about the meaning and purpose of life. Philosophers explore how individuals can find fulfillment and meaning in their later years, despite physical and social challenges.
Acceptance of Mortality: Aging is intimately connected with the awareness of mortality. Philosophical inquiry into aging often includes reflections on how individuals come to terms with their mortality and the implications for how they live their lives.
6. Positive Aging
Active Aging: This concept promotes the idea of staying active and engaged throughout the aging process. It encourages physical activity, social involvement, and continuous learning as means to enhance the quality of life in old age.
Successful Aging: Philosophers and gerontologists explore what it means to age successfully. This includes maintaining physical health, mental well-being, and a sense of purpose and satisfaction in life.
The philosophy of aging provides a multifaceted exploration of what it means to grow older. It challenges societal stereotypes about aging, highlights the value of elderly life, and addresses ethical considerations surrounding the treatment of older individuals. By examining the biological, psychological, social, and existential dimensions of aging, this field offers valuable insights into how we can live fulfilling and dignified lives as we age.
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oceanlipgloss · 2 months
I...I think I just finished this Simeon fic. Oh God. It's been too long. It will finally, finally be discharged from the elderly home for WIPs. I'll post it tomorrow :P
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
I Am Not Immune to the beginning of "Skarloey Remembers." Edward (who, mind you, has just gotten another fresh lease on life—and who also has one hell of a story that he could justifiably be bursting with) spots Skarloey idle and lonely in his shed, wishing he could pull trains again. It's exactly the position Edward is in when canon opens. And so Edward arranges to be parked beside him and just... listens. Encourages Skarloey to keep going on in great detail about memories that are honestly pretty mundane to anyone else. But reliving them is the only relief Skarloey can get just then. You Guys. I Am Not Okay.
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slaphappyflapjacks · 5 months
Not me lying awake at night thinking of ideas for ten year old wow ocs. Couldn't be me.
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