#repainting the hug was so fun I started crying
thornywords · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Mike Wheeler
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I was wondering if you could do something with ambulon, possibly fluff? Love the imagines btw
Thank you for giving me an excuse to love on my favorite underappreciated boy. Also, thank you, I love all the inspiration!
The chipping paint was a sore point for Ambulon, like so many other things about himself, but unlike all his other unfortunate traits it was made so much worse by the simple fact that it was impossible to hide. Having an embarrassing altmode, the true reason for his name, even his past as a Decepticon... he could cover all that up no problem. But the constantly chipping paint job? No shielding that from anyone close enough to simply see him...
It was made worse by how often bots tried to offer tips; use a primer, pay for a proper redo, try some new sealant... He knows they mean well, but none of them know what they're talking about, not really. If it was that easy, did they really think he wouldn't have fixed it by now? The Decepticon purple paint underneath was just as fragmented as the medic coded red and white on top, and that wasn't going to be fixed by anything simple.
The truth was "Flaky Paint Syndrome" could have many causes despite manifesting as a single, embarrassing result, and while most bots had poor application or easily irritated mesh to blame, his problem was rooted in something far less corporeal.
He was anxious. Every hour of every day, something had him on edge, and the constant strain on his nerves resulted in chips of paint cracking away from his always agitated frame. It was lucky really, most bots as unsettled as he was developed spark static or overheated and warped joints, his constant buzz of disquiet just made him look somewhat sloppy. Such a personality probably made his occupation seem like a bad choice, but he was content to endure the struggle for the satisfaction of saving lives, and now that he was on the relatively stable Lost Light he was managing better than he had in a long time. Thus, he hadn't had any plans on changing his status quo anytime soon.
Until you had showed up.
He hadn't even met a human before you'd joined the crew, but even if he had, he never could have expected that you'd get tangled up in his life the way you did. Something about you had just... connected with him. Maybe it was the fact that you didn't make fun of him, either for his altmode or his appearance, and also hadn't judged him for his past... Not even the reason for his silly name had made you laugh! He just liked spending time with you, even if it was to do nothing in particular.
As a result of these feelings, a desire to impress you had formed, and he'd actually made an effort to keep up with his looks for a change. Granted, that meant daily repaints completely unaided and in secret, all in his room where he twisted and turned in a ridiculous effort to look good for the person who probably only saw him as a friend. Logic didn't play much of a role in feelings, however.
Of course, it was just his luck you'd walked in on him at this most embarrassing time for the kind of friendly visit he ordinarily would have been thrilled about.
The cry of surprise that had escaped him when the doors whooshed open was impressively high pitched for a bot of his size, but you'd probably been more focused on the paint his startled jump had sent spattering in all directions, though none of it had flown far enough to hit you by some miracle.
"Ambulon, are you okay?!" You shouted in alarm, seeing the flash of red but not his paintbrush and immediately thinking of blood. Though you knew bots bled glowing pink, the instinct to offer aid at the first impulse was just too hard to ignore. Without hesitation, you hurried to get to his side, only growing more concerned as he hid his hand behind his back. Even if this wasn't how you'd wanted your visit to go you cared far too much about the medic to be concerned about such petty things. "What's wrong? Where are you hurt?"
"Who? Me? Hurt?" He rushes in ongoing panic, backing up against a desk to put as much space between you and him as possible. Despite looking ridiculous backing away from someone as small as you, all he can think to do is hide his paintbrush in an effort to save his dignity. At least, what's left of his dignity as he sputters through an excuse made up on the spot. "I'm just, uh... You know..."
Painting a landscape? Applying color to his hab suite? Decorating his medical supplies!?
"Are you painting something?" You asked, moving your small body to catch a glimpse of a bot sized paintbrush in the hand he hadn't done a good enough job of hiding. You figuring out the problem actually seemed to make him panic more, and he twisted again to hide the offending object behind his back, looking down at you as if you'd just stumbled upon him burying a body.
"Of course not!" He said in a rush, lie falling apart when the thick application of bright red he'd applied to his chest dripped downwards from the force of his rapid twisting around. Cringing, he avoided your eyes like a criminal. It would be bad enough if you simply knew about his troubles in any level of detail, but to have personally seen his juvenile and ridiculous efforts to cover up his humiliating condition... Would it be too much to ask that he dissapear at this very moment?
"Ambulon, are you okay?"
Nope, he's not, he won't be ever again but it's very nice that you thought to ask-
"Seriously, look at me."
You're firm but not at all angry as you issue the command, starting to put the pieces together in a way that makes some sense. The medic has had paint troubles more or less his entire life, as you've heard, but they had started to dissapear right about when you showed up. Though you hadn't pried, it had been logical to assume he'd been fixing himself up. Regardless of the accuracy of your guess, however, you know that this bot needs help. As much as you care for him, you simply can't let him suffer needlessly. No matter how often he switches between seeking you out and avoiding you...
"I'm... I'm fine, I promise." He mumbles, feeling like a pitiful failure for not even thinking to lock his door. There's so much to be embarrassed by he doesn't even know where to begin being mortified, but it's obvious the fallout will be a spiral into further humiliation, so he still wants to stall. You'll laugh when you hear he's been fixing himself up in a ridiculous attempt to impress you, because of course it's absurd, and he'll never be able to show his face again...
"Why are you embarrassed about some paint? I figured bots touched themselves up every now and then." You said innocently, baffled as to why he'd react in such a way. Rodimus bragged about redoing his colors all the time, so you'd figured there were no issues in doing so. Was there some other reason this could be considered embarrassing? The only possible explanation required you to go on a bit of a limb, but for his sake you decided to chance it, gulping once before you hesitantly spoke up. "Did you do this for me? Have you been redoing the colors since I got here?"
Ambulon flinched, and you realized you'd hit the nail on the head.
"I'm sorry-"
"For what?" You asked incredulously, head swimming with emotions clustering to be felt first. There was surprise, giddy delight, bashfulness, and even confoundment at the idea you could be in this situation. A part of you wanted to celebrate, but there was still far too much to sort through at the moment. His look of hopelessness exemplified the problem.
"For being ridiculous! Look at me! Pretending if I touch up some rough patches, it'll actually do anything? Ha!" He said, giving voice to the unpleasant uncertainty that lurked just below the surface. Drowning in his insecurity, he frowned hard, the absurdity of what he'd been trying to do all but slapping him in the face. Forget the species difference, you were a vibrant and charming individual who deserved far better than he. What had he even been trying to do? The answer came out of him as he sunk down to the ground and let the brush fall, hugging his knees as the weight of it all pulled him down. "I wanted so badly to look good for you, I lost track of common sense..."
"But Ambulon-"
Unable to hear you, he kept right on going, lost in his own little fog of shame. "You weren't supposed to know... Nobody was supposed to know... But I blew it-"
You couldn't take it any more. The heartbreaking sight of the bot you thought was so delightful tearing himself apart was too much. Ignoring any common sense, you put yourself out for his sake, opening up your heart in the hope that your own vulnerabilities might help him feel better. A tender hand on his own preceded a gentle expression of reasurance as you looked into his optics.
"I'm flattered you want to look your best for me, really. But it's not necessary." You said, suddenly aware that your heart was hammering as you prepared to confess. It was probably about time you cut to the chase, after spending these months bobbing along in uncertainty, but that didn't make it any less scary to be so open. Hopefully it would all end well... "I think you look fine just how you are."
Ambulon felt his processor go blank, and all that he could do was fall back on his usual attitude with a surprised retort. "But I'm a mess!"
You laughed, but not in the way he'd feared. It was a good natured, loving, laughing with him and not at him kind of sound. "I don't care about some paint chips now and then, you goof. Why do you think I'm here?" All of a sudden your fear seemed to be turning into confidence, the anxieties you'd created for yourself melting away as the truth came out. Seeing a towering alien laid low by your simple feelings definitely made it much easier to express them. "I wanted to see you, purple and red and all, because I like you."
Something clicked inside of him upon hearing those words. So much shame and fear dissolved in what felt like an instant, his optics pushing up with his cheeks as he smiled the biggest and happiest smile he could, optics brightening the whole while. It was what he'd wanted more than anything but feared he'd never receive. Unfurling his legs, he leaned down just a tad to get closer. Heedless to everything about himself that had bothered him so much, he spoke softly in return.
"I really like you too."
"I know." You replied softly, looking to the brush that had fallen to the floor and the paint still drying on his frame as an idea hatched in your head. The two of you had a lot to talk about, it seemed, and you had the perfect way to pass the time while doing so. "Now, how about I help you finish up? Don't want all this to go to waste."
Realizing what you were suggesting, he picked up a much smaller paintbrush and handed it to you, still smiling as he helped you onto his desk where the paints laid out for use.
"I'd like that."
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A proper continuation of Possessed. I had this scene stuck in my head so I wrote it. There might be more but I make no promises because I'm bad at those and I'm just here to write whatever's fun to me at the time.
“You’re back?” Mario said upon answering the door. He sounded and looked genuinely shocked as if he’d expected to never see Booigi again. He also looked tired; bags under his eyes, his clothing a mess.
“Is it really that surprising?” Booigi faked a nonchalant attitude to hide how awkward this was. He’d considered not coming back at all but… he just couldn’t. He still cared about everyone his past selves had cared about even if it would be easier not to.
Mario half shrugged. “I don’t know. I just thought that since King Boo ran off that one time that you’d… but you’re not really King Boo so… I don’t know. It’s been a couple weeks though so… I just didn’t think you’d come back.” It was hard to tell if he was pleased or displeased by having that expectation proven wrong.
“Well, I’m back. You can send me away if you want though; I’d understand if you’d prefer to never see me again.” It would be heartbreaking but it would at least make navigating this relationship that much easier.
It might’ve been Booigi’s pessimistic imagination but Mario seemed to consider it for a few seconds before shaking his head and stepping back. “No, no, come in,” he said, welcoming him inside with a small hand flourish.
Forcing a cocky grin as if he’d expected that answer all along, Booigi stepped in and… immediately had to fight to keep a level face. The living room was a mess; empty pizza boxes, dirty dishes and laundry littered the floor, coffee table, and couch. It was absolutely disgusting, feeling him with equal parts anxiety and disdain. It was the messiest it had ever been as far as he knew.
“Sorry about the mess,” Mario said as he closed the door, sounding a tad embarrassed. “But uh… your new look is nice.”
“Thanks.” Luigi and King Boo’s fashion senses combined be halfway between casual and fancy with the preference for the colours green and purple. He’d gone out of his way to wear one the green dress shirts today, coupled with a pair of nice jeans it was almost something that Luigi would’ve chosen to wear if he had to dress nice for an event. The shoes were still the same white show-offish ones King Boo had bought because he liked them. He’d also repainted his nail alternating purple and green that morning in part because he’d wanted to but also to differentiate his look a little more.
The silence stretched between them for a few seconds before, needing to say something and wanting a distraction from the horrible mess in the room, Booigi broke it. “What have you been up to the past couple weeks?” Other then making a mess of his house.
“Well… not much really. I just… I don’t know. What have you been doing?”
“Talking to the ghosts at the mansion and… trying to figure out my new existence, who I am and all that shit.”
“Oh uh… any luck with that?”
“Nope! My two halves were basically polar opposites in a lot areas, making me a giant fucking mess.” And he hated it. Feeling so unsure about so many things kind of made him want to break something but also kind made him want to hide somewhere and never come out. He’d been tempted to drink himself into oblivion often, the only thing stopping him was knowing it was more likely to make it worse than to help.
Mario deflated, leaning his shoulder into the wall as he looked away. “Yeah, they were opposites; King Boo was the absolute worst and… Luigi was the best.”
The awkward silence returned because what were they even supposed to say to each other? What had Booigi even come here expecting? He still loved Mario like a brother but there was no way he could have the same kind of relationship with him that Luigi had had. Half of his soul had been King Boo’s for Pete’s sake and Mario rightfully hated King Boo. The fact that this whole thing was entirely King Boo’s fault could only complicate Mario’s feelings further.
Maybe Booigi should just excuse himself and leave. He wanted to talk to E. Gadd and Gooigi too anyway. Navigating whatever his relationship to both of them had become should be a bit easier, right? Since Luigi hadn’t known them literally his whole life. Mario might just need some more time to grieve, Booigi could give him that. But as he took a breath to say that, Mario broke the silence instead.
“I miss him.” His voice was almost a whisper and he didn’t look up.
Booigi’s first instinct was to respond with something rude because no duh Mario missed ‘him’, the tired look on his face and the horrible mess in the living room attested to that far better than words ever could. But there was nothing that could be done about it so why would Mario even bother bringing it up right now? If Booigi said that though, he’d regret it big time later. So instead, concealing his annoyance he said, “I’m sorry,” because apologizing for his existence was all he could do.
Mario didn’t respond. After a couple seconds more of silence, he turned away and walked into the kitchen. Now would be a good time to leave and Booigi probably should, he clearly wasn’t wanted right now, but… he followed.
“Look Mario, I’m not him, not really anyway, and I know you probably don’t want me around right now and I’ll leave soon but first… I just want to say that I still… feel like you’re my brother.” Whom he still cherished and looked up and always would.
In the kitchen, Mario paused and turned around to look at him again at last. “You do?” His eyes were filled with unshed tears.
“He’s like half of me, remember? So of course I do.” King Boo had hated Mario but those feelings felt distant, like a memory of a time long ago. It may not be a universal truth for everyone but for Booigi, in this instance, love was stronger than hate. Which didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of hate; he hated his past selves immensely due in large part to the fact that they’d hated each other with a fiery passion. He wasn’t sure yet if that translated into self-hate but he hoped that he could see himself as a separate enough entity that it wouldn’t. “I’ll leave you alone now though. If you ever want to talk my phone number’s still…”
Mario hugged him. It wasn’t one of his warm friendly hugs but instead one filled with sorrow and desperation. Booigi’s only option was to hug him back. And when he started softly crying on Booigi’s shoulder all he could do was hold him a bit tighter and hope it was enough to be a little bit comforting at least. It wasn’t much or anywhere close to enough but it was all he had to offer.
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bebepac · 4 years
Look Who’s Talking Now
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I am participating in @emceesynonymroll​​ ‘s wacky drabble prompt #38 “Please don’t leave” , which will appear in bold.   If you want to play along too, please reach out.  I’m enjoying these.  
This is chapter 9 of the Life of Riley.   To catch up on it, please click 
Summary:  Riley teaches Lucky tricks with a little help.  We start to see Riley’s athletic ability develop. 
Word Count: 1825 i know... i know. The prompt worked excellent with this, and honestly, I didn’t want to cut anything from it. 
Warnings:  Dealing with the loss of a child, via miscarriage, mild profanity, sadness, angst, supernatural vibe, ghosts, spirits etc.  If you are sensitive to any of this, as it does take a supernatural turn I suggest sitting this one out.  
Tagging: @dcbbw @queenjilian @loveellamae @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @nomadics-stuff @kimmiedoo5 @kingliam2019  @cordonianroyalty@lodberg  @aestheticartwriting@glaimtruelovealways @custaroonie @annekebbphotography @camersworld @queenwalton @xpandabeardontcarex​ @hopefulmoonobject @queencordonia @cordonia-gothqueen​ @janezillow @atha68​ @lovemychoices​ @my0123456789universe​ @indiacater​ @losingbraincellseveryday​ @yukinagato2012​ @the-soot-sprite​@furiousherringoperatortoad​ @marietrinmimi​ @sevenfuckslefttogive​ @ac27dj​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​ @islandcrow​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @acanthisorbis​ @flutistbyday2020​
He was always by her side.  He had been there since Riley could remember.  Her first memories are of him, always standing by her crib. He always smiled at her. He was always talking to her, keeping her company.  She would talk to him too.  Even before she knew words.  He understood her always.  He was funny and made her laugh.  
He grew as she grew, but he was older.  Riley knew he was different; he was not like her. She knew her parents couldn’t see him, and only she could.  He looked like Daddy.  She knew she liked him being around.  His name was Jaiden.  
When Riley started something, she was full speed ahead.  She didn’t know the meaning of the word "brakes." They didn’t expect talking to be any different.  From the beginning when Riley learned the sound of her voice, she would just babble, in her baby language all the time. Day or night, rain or shine; she was more reliable with this than the postman delivering the mail with her babble!  Sometimes they would wake up in the middle of the night. Riley would be giggling and babbling.  
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Riley being three, wasn't troublesome for Ren and Jason. Two wasn't terrible either. None of their life with Riley was terrible. They had enjoyed every second of being parents to that adorable, feisty, beautiful little girl.
They were simply happy they had a three year old child. She did everything earlier than planned and excelled at it.
You're with me today kiddo!" Jason said.
"Yeaaaa!!!"  Riley screamed smiling at Jason.
He picked Riley up, putting her in his car.
Jason had his workout gear on ready to do some training.  
He was in the boxing ring with one of his coworkers, when he glanced up, seeing Riley mimic every move he made.
"Your little girl is just like you.  You should get her some little gloves and see if she gets interested."  
"I might just do that. She runs with me in the mornings,  and she seems to be interested in all this. Maybe I should try some martial arts as well.”
He got Riley her first pair of pink boxing gloves that day.  
“Make a mean face Riley!”  Jason said as he took her picture.  She looked more sad than anything.  He chuckled at her facial expression.  Since she was a baby, Riley had very expressive facial expressions.  
“Jason….”  Ren said to him she sounded annoyed.
“Whaaaat?  She loves it!!!”   He was on his knees “sparring” with Riley.   He pretended to hit Riley and she hit him in the face while he was looking at Ren.
“Oooooh!!!!”  He said falling backwards laughing.  
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“I'm sorry Daddy!” Riley leaped  onto Jason, hugging him.  “And Prize Fighter Riley Brooks took down her opponent with one strategically placed hit, and the crowd goes wild!!!!”  Jason cupped his hands together and made the sound of a roaring crowd.  
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Ren shook her head laughing.  “Guess who got beat up by a girl…. Again.”  Ren smirked at him. "I'm beginning to think Riley is out to get you."
He tickled Riley and her infectious giggles filled the room.  “I love you Jelly Bean,”  he said to her.  “I love you Daddy.”    
Every time Jason went to the gym to work out Riley went with him. He set her up a little station right next to him, with small weights. Ren got the fluffy time with Riley, he got the training time.  
Ren lay in bed watching tv with Jason.   They could hear Riley's giggles from the other room.
“Man I wish there was a Jumperoo for 3 year olds.   But I don’t think it would even contain her.  She’s a workout running around the house.”
“And she’s so smart Jason.  She knows so many words for a 3 year old.”
“Yes she does. You’ve been talking to her like she’s your best girlfriend since we brought her home.”  
“I think it’s more than that, It’s so much more than that.  I see 3 year old children daily.  None have her vocabulary, and are able to string sentences together like she can. The only one that came remotely close was a child with an older sibling.”
“She’s our little Einstein, are you really surprised though? Riley has been ahead of every cognitive hallmark, since she was born.”  
The next day Ren was off work.  She was making Riley a snack in the kitchen. Riley was coloring when she left.  
As she walked out the kitchen with Riley’s sliced apples and grapes and peanut butter, she saw her standing in front of Lucky with her hand held out.  
“Sit Lucky,”  Riley said confidently and Lucky sat on her haunches on command.
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Ren gasped.  Jason had tried to teach Lucky tricks for years with no luck.
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Riley clapped her hands,  “Good Girl.” She patted Lucky's head, and she licked her face, and Riley started laughing.  
"One more?"
Riley looked like she was listening.
Riley put out her hand again, pointing at Lucky. She moved her arm in a loop.
"Lucky! Rolloller!"
Lucky did nothing.
Riley looked again to her left.
"Rol…....oller…….. Roll…....ollver…..roll…..over."
"Lucky! Roll Over!" This time when Riley made the loop with her arm Lucky followed her.
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"We did it! We did it Jaiden!"
Ren gasped, slapping her hand over her mouth, dropping the glass she was carrying, making a huge crash as it hit the hardwood floor.
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Riley covered her ears from the loud crashing.  "Uh oh! Mommy!" Riley said loudly.
t“Stay back there Jelly Bean!”  Ren screamed.  Riley stood stationary while Ren tried to pick up the larger pieces of glass.
“Damnit!" She said when she accidentally stuck herself with a small shard of  glass, that broke off a larger piece she was trying to pick up.  She sucked the small blood droplet off her finger.  
“Careful Mommy,” Riley said.   By the time Ren cleaned up all the glass, it was time for Riley's nap.  All Ren could think of was Riley saying his name. She couldn't know his name, she shouldn't know his name. They never talked about him.  HOW DOES SHE KNOW HIS NAME?!?!  
Jason was barely through the door when Ren grabbed him pulling him into the other room. She told him what happened. Jason looked not phased, not worried, while Ren was a complete basket case.
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"Well, did you ask her about it?"
"No, it freaked me out too much, and she had to go down for her nap."
Jason looked down. "When we lost him, I spent a lot of time in the nursery, talking to him. I found a lot of comfort there, and for the longest time, I was sure I could feel him there, trying to comfort me. He stayed for me, I know it. Then when things got so bad between us Ren, and we were both so bitter, I couldn't feel him anymore. I'll talk to Riley, and see what she says. I'll get her up from her nap."
He walked into the room, for a moment he felt transported back to the way it used to look when it was decorated for Jaiden. He shook his head.  Things went back to normal. They had since repainted, and Riley no longer had a crib, but a  "big girl bed" as they called it.
Jason sat on the edge of the bed.  Riley was already awake. "Hi Daddy!"
She jumped up into his arms. "Jelly Bean!” She hugged him tightly.
He pulled her to his lap. "Did you have fun with Mommy and Lucky today?"
"Yes! We taught Lucky tricks today."
"Who's we?" Jason asked her. "Did somebody help you?"
Riley nodded.  
"So Mommy helped you then?"
"Then who?"
She looked up seeing Jaiden standing next to where Jason was sitting.  He nodded.
"Who's that Jelly Bean?"
"My brother." She said pointing to the pictures, on the wall.  "That's him, when he was in Mommy's tummy."
Jason gasped. His eyes filled with tears. 
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"Can you see him Jelly Bean?"
She nodded.
"How long have you been seeing him?"
Riley didn't know the right word to say, until Jaiden told it to her. He would help her with words, and picking the right words to talk.
"Always." Riley responded.  Jason closed his eyes and opened his heart.
"He's here now right? I can feel him."
When he opened his eyes , tears fell down his cheeks.
Riley nodded.
"What does he look like?"
"Like you, with Mommy's eyes.  Why are you sad Daddy?"
"We miss him. We wanted to know him.  Tell him we love him."
Riley laughed. "He can hear Daddy."
Jason smiled despite his tears. Jaiden smiled the same way, looking at Jason. Jaiden reached out to touch his face.  Jason shivered, feeling a cold breeze.
"Did he just touch me?"
Riley nodded.
Ren was not receptive to any of this. Jason tried to get her to understand.  They started fighting. Every night for two weeks they fought. Ren wouldn't even go into Riley's room.  Tonight was the worst it had ever been. They didn't even try to be quiet with Riley in the house.
Riley covered her ears as Jason and Ren screamed at each other from the other room.  Riley began to cry, curling up into a ball on her bed.  
Jaiden appeared immediately,  "I'm sorry Riley."
"Why are they mad?" She asked him.
"Because of me. This is how The Big Sad started. I have to go. Being here is making Mommy sad again. I don't want her to be sad, or Daddy."
Riley jumped up approaching him. 
"Please don't leave me."
"I have to. I promise I will see you again."
"Can we hug?"
He looked up, as if pleading for an answer.  Then he smiled.  "Just this once."
Riley walked up to him. She held up her hand. He held up his.  Instead of the cold she was used to, she felt a warm hand against hers.
Riley's eyes registered shock.
"You're like me now!!!!"
"Only for a minute Riley."
He hugged her tightly. "I love you, little sister."
"I love you too, Jaiden."
"It's time for…."
Jason walked into the room seeing Riley hugging a boy, with dark hair like his. A boy that looked at him with Ren's eyes. Jaiden smiled at him. God, he looked just like him, as a child. Tears filled Jason's eyes as the boy spoke, his form fading away, leaving Riley hugging air where he was. "I love you, Daddy." Jason would never forget his voice, as long as he lived.
He ran to Riley, pulling her in his arms. She had just hugged him. He wanted to feel him too. Sobs shook Riley's small body.
"He's gone?"
Riley nodded burying her head in Jason's shoulder.
"I know baby…. I understand." He held Riley while she cried.
That night, Jason slept in the room with Riley. He had to, he could feel her sadness, the loss radiating off her. He knew what missing Jaiden felt like, and looked like. He was a part of her life for three years. Now little Riley, his sweet Jelly Bean, was grieving his loss too.
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Birthday Babe
Word Count: 2260
POV: Reader
Warning: None
Notes: So it was my birthday recently and this just sort of popped in my head. So consider it my present to you. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Peace, love and hugs!
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The alarm rang, signaling it was time for you and Jamie to wake up and start your day; which wasn’t unusual. However, today was a bit special because it was your birthday. Reaching over you turned the alarm off, as Jamie groaned next you; not wanting to wake up yet. You stretched as much as you could with his body draped across yours. Planting a kiss on your neck, he whispered “Good morning, baby.”
 Rolling over to face him, you kissed him fully on the lips; not caring that you both had morning breath. “Morning.” You waited for him to say more, like happy birthday or something simple along those lines; but instead he just started getting out of bed. Mentally you frowned. Last year Jamie, had made your birthday so special; taking you out to a romantic dinner, buying you a beautiful bouquet of flowers, not to mention the extravagant piece of jewelry that you wore all the time. This year, however, he hadn’t mentioned any plans at all. Maybe he was just going to spring it on you at the last minute, or maybe over breakfast.
 You got out of bed and went about your normal routine, getting ready for work. All through breakfast you kept waiting for him to say something. Finally, he asked; “So got anything special planned for today?”
 “No, I kind of left today open for us.”
“Oh wow, sorry babe; I’ve got a ton to do today with the team. You know, practice and then I think we have some media things to do; but I’m sure we can catch up later tonight.”
 He forgot. He truly didn’t remember that today was your birthday. You tried not to let the disappointment show on your face, though you had a feeling you weren’t doing a good job. “Oh ok, no problem. I’ll call you later and maybe we can figure something out.”
 He was standing at the sink, putting dishes in the dishwasher; as if you hadn’t said anything. “Yeah sure babe, sounds good. I really gotta run, have a great day.” With that he left, without even giving you a kiss goodbye; to say you were crushed was an understatement. You sat there a full five minutes without moving; then you finally got up and headed to work.
 Co-workers had brought you in cupcakes and during your break they all sang Happy Birthday to you, which was super sweet. At lunchtime, your parents called and wished you a happy birthday as well; of course, they wouldn’t forget, after all your mom was in labor for over twenty hours with you. In the afternoon, your best friend called wanting to know if you wanted to go out for dinner and drinks. “Let me text Jamie and I’ll get back to you in like five minutes, ok Jenna?”
 You: Hey Babe! Jenna called and wanted to do dinner tonight. I wasn’t sure if you had anything planned for us.
 Jamie: Nope, no plans. Have a great time.
 You: Are you sure? It’s not a big deal, I can come home and we can do something.
 Jamie: Yeah I’m sure. Tyler mentioned something about coming over to his place so I’ll probably head over there.
 You: Ok have fun.
 Jamie: You too!
 Seriously, you felt like crying, which was completely stupid. It was just another day, and really after your twenty-first birthday, did any others after that matter? You certainly couldn’t think of any. Texting Jenna back, you told her you’d meet her after work; and went about the rest of your day.
 “I can’t believe he forgot my birthday Jenna.” You’d only just sat down at the table and already you were complaining. “I mean after everything he did last year; I would never expect him to forget this year.”
 “Well, with the season starting and all, he has a lot on his mind. I’m sure he’ll make it up to you once he remembers.” Jenna was right, Jamie probably would do something over the top; once it finally hit his thick skull that he’d missed your special day. “Knowing Jamie, he’ll probably beat himself up about it too.”
 “I know you’re right. He has been a bit preoccupied lately, and it’s just a birthday; I shouldn’t be making that big a deal out of it. It’s not like I wanted anything special, just a cake would’ve been nice.” You both laughed. It had been a running joke in your circle. Two years in a row your parents had been on vacation during the day you were born. You’d whined and complained that there was no cake to make a wish on. So now when anyone asked what you wanted for your birthday, you always said a cake.
 “Well had I known he was going to forget; I totally would’ve got you the biggest buttercream frosted cake I could find.” Knowing Jenna, she’d be at Jamie’s house tomorrow with it; making him feel bad in the process. “You’ll have to settle for a piece of cheesecake for now.”
 “You’re the best Jenna!” Just then your phone beeped, a text from Jamie showing up.
 All the guys are at Seggy’s, probably won’t be home when you get there. Contractor came today and did the garage, make sure you use the front door when you come home. See ya late tonight! Love ya!
 He had decided a few weeks ago the garage needed repainted; claiming the paint was peeling, though you couldn’t see where. You text him back a quick, ok love you too. “Well looks like this day is just getting better.” Sarcasm dripped from your voice. “Wanna come over to the house after this, have some wine and binge some tv. Jame is bailing on me for the rest of the night.”
 “Sounds like a plan.” Thank god for best friends. You and Jenna finished your meal and dessert, then headed back to the house. Jamie’s car was nowhere in sight, so he must still be at Tyler’s.
 You and Jenna made your way to the front door. You rarely used this entrance and it took you a minute to find the right key; finally, you were able to open the door. The entrance looked like something out of a magazine. Balloons cover the ceiling and were scattered all over the floor; vases of roses were strategically placed throughout. Slowly you made your way through the exquisite maze. “What the...”
 It was the next thing that had your heart beating out of its chest. Dozens of people all yelling “Surprise!” Jamie standing in the middle of all of them, smiling brightly at you. You stood there, shocked beyond belief; he hadn’t forgotten. Suddenly you were surrounded by people, all of them hugging you and wishing you happy birthday. Your parents were there, Jamie’s family had flown in as well, all of your friends and a majority of his teammates and significant others; were all there to celebrate you. Overwhelmed was the only word that came to mind. Tyler handed you a drink, “Looks like Chubbs got you good (Y/N).”
 “Oh my God, he totally did. I can’t believe you were all in on this.” Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Jamie, standing back while everyone came up to you. Slowly you made you way over to him.
 He leaned down and kissed you. “Happy Birthday Baby! Were you surprised?”
 “Surprised! I totally thought you forgot! I was complaining so much to Jenna at dinner; I can’t believe she didn’t give you up.” His hand slid around your waist drawing you closer. “How did you do all this? It’s amazing.”
 “This was nothing.” He said referring to the party. “The hard part was making you think I forgot. I felt horrible this morning. I knew I was going to give myself away; so, I just ran out the door. Then I had to get you to come through the front door; by the way I didn’t have the garage painted. I saw you checking it last week.” He was chuckling.
 Playfully you smacked his chest. “Oh, you are so bad, but I love you so much. Thank you for everything.”
 Raising his eyebrows, he added. “It’s not over yet, there’s still cake.” Just then, Jenna and Tyler brought over a massive cake, candles flickering; as everyone sang Happy Birthday. Jamie held your waist from behind, as they came forward. “Make a wish baby.”
 Leaning back into him, whispering; “I already have everything I’ve ever wanted.” As the melody came to an end you blew the candles out; everyone chanting for you to give a speech. “Gosh, this was such a surprise. Thank you all for coming, it means so much to me. I’m so blessed to have each one of you in my life, and to share this day with me. I honestly never expected anything like this today.” You smiled back at Jamie. “In fact, I kind of thought this one here forgot; but I should’ve known better. Jame, you are the best boyfriend in the world for throwing me such a fabulous party; I’m so lucky to have you. I love you so much.” Everyone let out an awe. “Thanks everyone, I love you all too. Now let’s party.”
 Jamie, pulled back from you; using a commanding voice to get everyone attention. “Before we all get back to celebrating; I’d like to say a few words.” He turned you, so you could face him. “First off, I want to thank everyone for helping me make this day special for (Y/N); especially my co-conspirator Jenna. I couldn’t have pulled this off without your help.” You smiled over at one of your best friends. “I knew awhile ago, that I wanted today to be amazing for (Y/N); for as you all know, she’s the type of person that goes out of her way to make you feel special. From the day I met her, she’s supported me; not only in hockey but in everyday life, which I know is not always easy. I know that I don’t deserve you, but I’m so happy you picked me. Babe, I can’t throw you enough parties, or buy anything that will compare to all that you’ve given me, but if you let me, I want to try and make you happy for the rest of our lives.” He dropped down to one knee; you gasped along with everyone else, tears forming in your eyes. Reaching up he grabbed your hand before he continued. “(Y/N), as we stand here today in front of all our friends and family, I want them to know how much I love you. I probably don’t tell you this enough, but you’re my best friend, my world and the love of my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you. I love you so damn much, and I want to spend an eternity showing you. So, (Y/FN) will do me the greatest honor of my life, and marry me?”
 Tears flowing freely now, you nodded your head yes frantically; until you finally found your voice. “Yes Jamie, yes! I’ll marry you.” Everyone around you started cheering, yet it was as if they all disappeared; and there was only you and Jamie. He slid the most gorgeous diamond ring on your finger. Then in one swift movement, he got up sweeping you off your feet, and twirling you around in a circle. Leaning down you captured his lips in a passionate kiss, that stole your breath away. When he finally set you on your feet, your lips still didn’t part; it wasn’t until Tyler nudged Jamie that you two remembered you were in a room full of people. “This has been the best birthday of my life. I can’t believe we’re engaged.” You kissed him one last time quickly.
 “You’ve made me the happiest man alive; do you know that?” The two of you were still just smiling happily at each other.
 Finally, you took a minute to examine the engagement ring Jamie had just slipped on you. It was an emerald cut diamond, at least five carats, surrounded by dozens of round diamonds on all sides, with even more diamonds along the band. It was undoubtedly, the most exquisite piece of jewelry you’d ever owned; your hands were trembling just looking at it on your ring finger. Looking up at Jamie, you finally spoke. “I don’t know how you’re going to top this present next year.” You both laughed. “Seriously Jame, this has been the best day of my life.”
 “Even though you thought I forgot your birthday.”
 “Well no, that wasn’t fun.” A small giggle escaped your lips. “But the rest of tonight has been magical. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to be your wife. Thank you so much baby.”
 Hands on both sides of his face, you kissed him yet again. “Your welcome love; and let’s not make this a long engagement.” You looked at him sideways, questioning where he was going. “Because by next year, I’m hopping we’re going to be able to surprise everyone by adding another Benn to the family.”
 As you stood within Jamie’s arms, you couldn’t help but imagine telling all your loved ones; you were pregnant. “Well, we’re going to have to wait until they all leave before we get started on that Mr. Benn.”
  “If you insist, soon-to-be Mrs. Benn.” Leaning down he kissed you, letting you know how much he loved and cherished you. “Happy Birthday Babe!
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magnoliasinbloom · 6 years
AO3 :: Previously
Chapter 18
June rolled around, and with it, summer hols. I was set on sticking to my plan, regardless of how big I was getting, so I could be accepted into nursing school, build a career, and take better care of my baby girl. I knew Mum and Dad would be glad to help, but I couldn’t depend on them forever.
Despite all the sleeping in class, I passed my exams with flying colors. Jamie, of course, played a huge part in my success. I couldn’t have done it without his help and encouragement. Dad had started driving me to school in the mornings; my joints ached and I had a strange shooting pain in my hips. Dr. Raymond had mentioned this was due to my pelvis widening, to prepare for childbirth. I cringed at the thought; if all went well, and there was no reason to think otherwise, it would be a natural birth. In case of complications, we could resort to a cesarean section. I began to walk with a distinct waddle as my center of gravity completely shifted.
We were stuck in the middle of a strange heat wave—strange for Glasgow, anyway. The constant humidity made me moody, and often, just downright pissed for no reason. Jamie was another issue entirely. Whenever I was in one of my pissy moods, sometimes I would take it out on him. It wasn’t his fault—it was just that he was constantly with me, the one who was there to catch the fallout. He would then walk on eggshells around me, which would make me feel terribly guilty. I apologized, he would say there was nothing to forgive, and back to normal.
Sometimes, I felt strange around him. I would glance up from whatever I was doing and catch a look in his blue eyes, which made me blush hotly and I couldn’t meet his gaze. I couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
Jamie was very attached to the baby, for reasons I couldn’t fathom. He spent time talking to her, taking care of me almost as much as Mum. He was on break from uni too, and had loads of free time; he wouldn’t resume classes until September, like me. That would be after the baby was born. In between helping his da on the farm, he had nothing but time on his hands.
I’d go out for coffee (well, tea) with my girlfriends sometimes. But mostly, Jamie and I spent afternoons in the living room, at my house or Lallybroch. Jamie would read to my belly, claiming babies could hear everything inside the womb. He would sit next to me and sing—horribly off-key I must say—Queen and Beatles’ songs.
I secretly loved when he did this. He was so good at many things, but singing wasn’t one of them. It never ceased to amaze me how many things Jamie had going for him: sweet, handsome, intelligent, caring, sensitive… like I told him playfully, the girl who got him would be lucky indeed.
But then, thinking about this random, hypothetical lucky girl gave me a slight twinge in the chest that I couldn’t explain away.
~ ~ ~
June ended, and with it came July—the beginning of my eighth month of pregnancy. I paced about my room, between the tiny closet and dresser, picking clothes to pack my hospital bag. There was still a month to go, but it was better to be prepared. I folded t-shirts and loose-fitting pants inside, wondering how soon I could fit into my regular clothes. I included a set of baby clothes Mum and Ellen had bought for the baby for when I brought her home.
I was killing time before Jamie picked me up for a late lunch at Lallybroch. My mum and dad were out for the day. I zipped up the bag and sat on my bed. Our mothers had done a great job fixing up my room for the baby’s arrival. In no time at all, they had repainted the walls a soft sage color, added a tiny bassinette with soft blankets, a set of drawers for the baby’s clothes and things (which doubled as a changing table), and only had to remove my old desk to make everything fit. It was a little cramped, but I didn’t mind at all; everything looked beautiful.
I heard my mobile ping with a text. Jamie was here. I grabbed my purse and slowly made my way downstairs, gripping the banister tightly. Jamie was patient, aware that I was moving a lot slower these days.
As we walked to the car, he looked sideways at me. “Ye look nice.”
I smiled in thanks. I was wearing a dress Mum had picked out for me. It was maternity of course, and I had only agreed to wear it because it kept me cool in the humid heat. I preferred the maternity pants with the scary elastic waistband, hidden under flowy blouses.
Jamie drove within the speed limit, cranking up the AC and the music, chatting all the while. He seemed slightly wound up, distracting me with questions. There was little traffic on the motorway, and we made record time to Lallybroch.
“Claire,” Jamie said uncertainly. He took my hand and pressed it between his. “Please dinna hate me for this.”
“For what?” I asked, bewildered. I turned my head and suddenly noticed that there were quite a few cars parked around us.
“Keep in mind, this wasna my idea.” Jamie let go of my hand, and got out of the car. He came around to open my door and help me out.
“James Alexander etcetera, etcetera Fraser, what’s going on?”
He just smiled, shaking his head. He walked me up the steps and I could hear voices and laughter inside. I stopped at the door and refused to budge.
“Sassenach, come on. Be nice.”
“You be nice. Tell me what’s behind this door or I swear I’m walking home.” To Inverness to catch a train, at least.
“Alright, alright… but ye do realize I could just carry ye—” He stopped at the murderous look on my face. “Fine. Our mums, Jenny, and yer friends might have organized something for ye. Like a party.”
Oh. I considered; I didn’t particularly enjoy being the center of attention, but there was nothing I could do to avoid it. Jamie was still regarding me warily, expecting one of my recent temper explosions. I smiled at him instead, and he looked relieved.
He opened the door for me, and I saw Lallybroch was filled with people. Mum was there, standing by a table filled with food. Ellen was with her, arranging plates. Louise and Mary were chatting on a sofa. Jenny, Jamie’s sister, came to me, enveloping me in a fierce hug.
“Claire! How’ve ye been, love?” She seemed the exact opposite of Jamie—dark-haired, much shorter, but with the same slant to her blue eyes that marked them both as Frasers.
“I’ve been well! Tired, but okay.” I let her lead me into the living room. There were some of my schoolmates, all women. A baby shower—I took in the decorations, all delicate pastel colors. Balloons and stuffed animals and baby shoes were strewn about.
“If ye need anything at all, ye ken Ian and I are here for ye,” Jenny said. She and her husband lived in Glasgow too, but were busy with three children of their own. I knew Jamie enjoyed being uncle to them too.
Everyone turned to me excitedly, rising at once to kiss me hello and touch my huge belly. Jamie lingered by the door, until he caught my eye. He gestured outside and waved; I understood he would be leaving us girls to our party.
Ellen and Mum each hugged me as I thanked them for the surprise. “Everything is absolutely beautiful!” Even the napkins fit with the baby motif. I looked at the refreshment table—the food looked simply superb.
My mum leaned in and stage-whispered, “This was mostly her idea,” nodding towards Ellen. “She took care of pretty much everything. Isn’t it wonderful?”
“It really is, Ellen. Thank you so much.”
“I’m so glad you like it, dear.” Ellen put her arm around my shoulders and directed me to a sofa. I plopped down heavily; I was glad to be off my feet.
There were games and cake and gifts—lots of gifts. There were adorable pink and yellow sundresses, tiny onesies, and soft plush blankets. Ellen and Jenny had found a secondhand stroller and a high chair, for when the baby was older.
Better than all the presents, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the love and support they gave me. I couldn’t help but cry a little as I thanked them all for coming, and for the beautiful things they had given me.
Mum, Jenny, and I stayed to help Ellen clean up after everyone left, despite her protests. Brian came home around half past seven, and gave himself the job of piling the gifts I had received into the trunk of Mum’s car. I only stopped to wonder why Jamie wasn’t back yet, but I imagined he must have other things to do. Jenny hugged me goodbye with a reminder to call her anytime.
When we got home, the silver Peugeot was parked outside the house. Mum urged me inside, saying that Dad would help her carry it all in. Jamie was actually watching TV with my father. Dad rose to help Mum.
“Did ye have fun?” Jamie asked as I approached.
“I did, actually. Thank you. Did you have trouble, keeping the secret?” I grinned.
“A little. Especially since I know how much you hate being the center of attention.” He knew me well. “Besides, yer mother and Jenny would have killed me if I had so much as hinted.”
I nodded. “You’re probably right.”
My parents walked in, loaded with boxes and bags. Jamie went to help them. We all trooped up to my room, and they laid the gifts on my bed. Mum helped me sort through them and put them away in the dresser.
After she’d left, Jamie took on a shy expression. “There’s still something missing here.”
“What?” I shifted the gift bags heaped on my bed, thinking I had missed one.
“It’s downstairs. Let me get it.” He darted out of my room before I could ask more.
I heard him call out to my dad. I wondered why he would need his help. Then I heard them both grunting with effort. Their steps clambered awkwardly up to my room. Suddenly Dad’s back came into view. He and Jamie were lugging a rocking chair between them.
I gasped with delight. There was a huge white satin bow tied around it. They set the chair in the last unoccupied corner of the room, next to the crib. Dad shook his head, and clapped Jamie on the back.
I covered my mouth with one of my hands, afraid I was going to start bawling. I had always admired this particular rocking chair. It had sat in the Lallybroch guest room; it was an antique, the wood worn, weathered, and restored to perfection by Ellen herself.
“Just what the room was missing.” Jamie shrugged and smiled. He took in my expression and seemed even more pleased with himself.
“Jamie, it’s too much. I can’t accept this.” I knew she had rocked both her children in it. Despite my words, I couldn’t’ resist stepping closer, reaching out to touch the smooth wooden armrests.
“Mam wanted ye to have it,” he said simply. “She’s not takin’ it back, Sassenach, and I really dinna want to carry it down again. It’s too heavy.” I laughed.
“Thank you.” I moved towards him. Jamie looked slightly taken aback as I reached up and hugged him. My arms only came around the top of his ribcage. He hesitated for a second before putting his arms around me too.
As he held me, I felt strange. I rested my forehead on the center of his chest for a moment. Breathing deeply, I caught a hint of Jamie’s scent, warm and clean. For a moment, I forgot about my worries: how in less than a month I would be taking care of a newborn, what I would do if she wouldn’t stop crying, if I’d be a terrible mother. Everything faded into the background.
It was just us, Claire and Jamie. He would help me through this, as would all my family. I felt brave, in his arms.
I felt perfect.
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Prep School AU - Tyrus
Cyrus has been going to Riverview Academy Board School for all of his life
TJ has been going to Grant High School for a while, and when his mom gets a new job opportunity on the other side of Utah, he transfers over to RABS
TJ is actually pretty excited to transfer schools, because he did some research and RABS has a really good basketball program
He takes one Saturday to get all his books in the library, and he ends up checking out a bunch of other books
He is a Fitzgerald stan, so he check out Tender is the Night because The Great Gatsby has been checked out, or so he’s told
He checks it out in the catalogue, and it says that it should still be on that same shelf, but it’s not
He goes to find it again, and sees a boy going in that same direction, with that blue book in his hand
TJ: Hey, I’ve been looking for that book? Are you checking it out?
Cyrus: No, I’m done with it, so I’m putting it back.
TJ: You didn’t check it out?
Cyrus, rolling his eyes: You’re clearly new here. Just take it.
TJ: You’re kind of rude, you know that?
Cyrus: I’m not rude, I just prefer when I don’t have to interact with nerds like you.
TJ: So you pinned me down as the nerd because I have a few books in my hand?
Cyrus: I’d hardly call seven a few.
TJ: Most of them are for my classes, but some of them are for just reading for fun.
Cyrus: Reading for fun? Yeah, I think I pinned you down pretty well. I have to go. Chess tournament.
After he leaves, TJ stands there for a little while and watches as the boy leaves
He takes the copy of The Great Gatsby, and finds that it’s stuffed with notes and things in the margins, so he takes it back to his dorm to read later.
Good news for TJ, he’s room neighbors with the library kid, who he still doesn’t know the name of
However on the doors, the names are on small plaques, so TJ finds that the kid’s name is Cyrus
Later that day, while TJ is catching up on some reading, there’s noise coming from Cyrus’ room and then there’s a door slam, followed by loud footsteps
So being the curious, and caring kid that he is, he goes and knocks on the door.
Cyrus, opening the door: I swear, Reed, if you fuc-
He stops when he sees it’s the boy from the library, and he feels his cheeks go hot from embarrassment
Cyrus: Oh, sorry. Thought you were someone else.
TJ: Yeah, I kind of heard some noise. Everything okay?
Cyrus: Why should you care? You don’t even know me.
TJ, holding up The Great Gatsby: I know that you really love this book.
Cyrus: And how do you get that?
TJ: All the notes you left throughout it. I was going to reread it, but I found your notes way more interesting. You sure had a lot to say about the ending.
Cyrus: I just did that for my class. I don’t read for fun.
TJ: Right. Well sorry for bothering you.
TJ goes back to his room and the rest of the weekend is uneventful.
A few weeks later, he finds out that Cyrus is in one of his literature classes, but that he sits near the back.
Throughout the next few weeks, TJ finds himself moving in chairs towards the back to try and get closer to Cyrus, because it always looks like he’s scribbling something in the books he has.
At some point he gets a desk behind him and slightly to the left so he can see what he’s writing.
Cyrus has a copy of A Streetcar Named Desire, which just so happens to be one of TJ’s favorite plays.
Cyrus is scribbling things in the margins, and TJ makes a point to talk to him about it.
So later that day, he knocks on Cyrus’ door, and holds his own copy of A Streetcar Named Desire
TJ: I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than I can a rude remark or a vulgar action.
Cyrus:...what? I mean, I know that’s a quote but...
TJ: It’s one of my favorite plays. And probably yours too.
Cyrus: Why are you so insistent on talking to me about literature?
TJ: I’m sure you like it, even if you don’t want to admit it. Don’t worry, I won’t tell your chess buddies.
Cyrus doesn’t know what comes over him, but he lets TJ come into his room, and the posters on his wall that you can’t see when you walk in are covered in little tidbits of writing and literature.
TJ: And you called me a nerd.
Cyrus: I’m not a nerd, I just have passions.
TJ: I’m teasing, I think it’s nice. Haven’t met someone who likes literature as much as I do.
They make it an unofficial official thing to meet up on Saturdays in Cyrus’ room to talk about either the book that they’re reading in their literature class or one that they read for fun.
Cyrus discovers that TJ is a theatre person like himself, considering he reads a lot of plays
TJ learns that Cyrus never reads without a pencil in his hand to underline things that he liked, or to make notes in the margins of the pages
One day Cyrus repaints part of his room (the accent wall, if you will) so they hang out in TJ’s room while it dries
And that’s when he sees that TJ’s really into basketball as well
Cyrus: So, you’re a sports guy?
TJ: More like a sport guy. Singular.
Cyrus: I can’t play to save my life.
Cyrus isn’t sure why he’s suddenly opening up to this new person, considering he hasn’t known him that long, but every time he tries to say something snarky, it comes out as more teasing and flirty rather than rude
Winter comes along, which means basketball season, and Cyrus finds himself watching one of TJ’s games.
It is in this moment, looking at him seem almost effortless on the court, while parts of his hair fall over his forehead, that he realizes he has a small crush on TJ
Well, not that small. It was probably small a little while ago, but now that he’s admitted it to himself, it seems to be the only thing his mind can focus on
One time during a history lecture, he was staring at the back of TJ’s head, and when the teacher asked for the name of a battle, his response was “cute”
TJ did not let go of that for a whole week, but he didn’t know it was because of him
As Cyrus’ crush becomes more of a problem, as hanging out with TJ makes him more flustered, he starts to push him a way a little
It’s not a major thing at first, just little excuses to miss a literature chat every now and again
And maybe he doesn’t show up to many of his games anymore
TJ starts to worry that he did something wrong, and so he tries to find Cyrus, but the boy is really good at avoiding him
One day, he finds him curled up in his room under a blanket, looking severely distressed, so he comes in without even asking
TJ: Are you okay?
Cyrus, snapping: Yeah, I’m fine. I don’t need help.
TJ: You look like you’re about to cry.
Cyrus, voice breaking: I’m not! Everything’s fine, just leave me alone!
TJ, taking a step back: Okay. Sorry, I guess.
When he leaves and closes the door, Cyrus cries quietly, because he’s lost his only true friend
See, what had happened was that he was talking to a few of his friends about TJ, and they were teasing him about his obvious crush on the boy
But not in a playful way. They were making him feel bad about liking another boy, so they had pretty much cut ties that day
In short, Cyrus had nobody
A few days go by without TJ walking with him to class, or asking him if he’d finished a certain book
TJ ends up in the library one day when he’s supposed to talk to Cyrus, but he already knows he’ll say know, so he flicks through the library’s copy of  The Glass Menagerie
Cyrus ends up going to the library as well, unbeknownst to TJ, and approaches him
Cyrus: Time is the longest distance between two places.
TJ, jumping a little: Oh, hey. Nice quote.
Cyrus: Good choice of a play.
There’s a bit of silence before they speak again.
Cyrus: I’m sorry I yelled at you that day. I’ve just. . .had a lot going on.
TJ: It’s fine. Everything okay?
Cyrus, shaking his head: My friends cut ties with me.
TJ: What, why? You’re so great to be around.
Cyrus, blushing lightly: Thanks that. . .means a lot. They, uh, they kind of found out that. . .that I’m gay.
TJ: Cyrus, they’re assholes for cutting ties because of that. You’re still the same literature nerd you’ve always been.
Cyrus: I’m glad I told you.
TJ: Me too.
They hug in reconciliation, and in that moment, TJ realizes that he doesn’t really want to let go for a while, but that would be weird, so he does
They spend the rest of the day talking about the books they read while they weren’t together
So things have gone mostly back to the way they were. Every now and again TJ and Cyrus try and sit with more people during lunch, but they end up having their own conversation
So they start having lunch in the courtyard by the big oak tree when it’s nice outside
One time it starts raining, and neither of them expected it, but TJ had a jacket, which he gave to Cyrus to cover himself
When they get inside, TJ’s hair is a damp mess, and Cyrus decides he likes it best this way
Also TJ never gets his jacket back
The next few weeks go great, and the two of them are hanging out so much that other people wonder if they’re dating or not
One day, after reading the Great Gatsby for the millionth time, Cyrus decides to just suck it up and ask TJ on a date
Except he doesn’t know how
So, he does what any logical literature nerd would do: he copies down all the best love lines from TJ’s favorite books
He picks a day when they talk about books to do it, so it doesn’t seem to out of the ordinary
TJ: Okay, so I just finished reading Huck Finn, and I already-
Cyrus: Actually, is it okay if I go first today?
TJ: Yeah, sure.
Cyrus: I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.
TJ: You read Gatsby again?
Cyrus, shaking his head: No, just listen.
Cyrus: A line can be straight, or a street, but the human heart, oh, no, it's curved like a road through mountains.
TJ: Streetcar Named Desire, right? I love that quote.
Cyrus, sighing: Dammit, TJ, I like you.
TJ, taken aback: Wait, what?
Cyrus: I thought that maybe if I dropped a few romantic literary lines you’d pick up on it. Guess I was wrong.
And Cyrus is pretty discouraged at this point, but TJ just places his hand on top of Cyrus’
TJ: That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.
They smile at each other like dorks, and spend the rest of the afternoon sitting there together, hands intertwined
Cyrus asks TJ to go on a date the next day, and of course he says yes
Where do they go, you might ask?
They go to the local library (not the one in the school) and pick out books for each other. Then they go back to their dorms and one reads while the other sits there
They take turns, and after a little while, none of them can concentrate on the book because oh my gosh they’re on a date.
Cyrus: Hey TJ?
TJ: Mhm?
Cyrus: Can I kiss you?
TJ, flustered: I don’t know, can you?
And he can, Cyrus can and does kiss him
Cyrus: Yeah, I think so
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sanjuno · 6 years
Submission mk.II
Sanjuno, it is SO COLD here and I’m distracting myself with your Tumblr and found the ‘fics I haven’t written’ page. I am still cold but also interested and intrigued enough to be only mostly depressingly sad it’s all unwritten. 'Thin Line,’ 'Fire Shall Waken,’ 'Rumors, Slander and Heresay’ all sound like a festival of hilarious chaos but the one that caugh my eye was 'Fire of Will and Conquest.’ Just….Ace, my fiery boy, raised by NINJA. By Obito Go Die In A Fire Uchiha & Kakashi Troll Them To Unhappy Insanity B/C That Shit Does Not Fly Hatake. And I imagine ASL as Akatsuki’s honorary nephews.
……and Whitebeard.  The under the table “it’s good for you” slaver. Because consent is a thing and I cannot even imagine how Obito and Akatsuki who were manipulated puppets the last time will deal with their family’s kid’s experience with Whitebeard. 
Does Shanks know Ace is Roger’s kid? Does Marineford still happen? Because I’m now picturing 4 pirate ships (shanks, akatsuki, Ace & Luffy’s) sailing up to the execution like, “You’ve done it now.”
I’m having so much fun with these mental gymnastics and I’m so looking forward to the day you apply your awesomeness to this plotline.
Hahaha, well I’m sure if you hang around long enough you stumble across one of my metafic plot outlines in which you will be able to experience where my brain goes when I get a new idea for a fic. As for Wills of Fire and Conquest, it is a grand adventure from start to finish. Especially since this crossover is part of what I call the “Kakashi ghost-married Obito and now he is Akatsuki’s eternal Parol Officer” crossover series. The way my favourite ninja husbands scramble the different canons upside-down and sideways after reincarnation is glorious.
Seeing various members of Akatsuki get whapped over the head with Kakashi’s latest romance novel when they misbehave is the hill I have chosen to pitch my tent on. String up a hammock, I’m going to be here for a while. XD
Whitebeard comes very close to a pre-canon death when he pulls that shanghai shit with Ace in this ‘verse. Kakashi and Obito raised him well, and Ace knows better than to break his cover considering there’s no way he’ll be able to kill all the Whitebeard pirates before someone gets word out about Ace’s abilities, but dammit. Whitebeard has it coming for talking shit about Ace’s Kachan. The Moby Dick is saturated in pranks of unhappy jounin levels while Ace waits for the 100 day time limit to pass by.
Then on Day 100 Marco manages to find out what Whitebeard did to piss Ace off, passes that info on to Whitebeard, and Whitebeard apologizes for insulting Ace’s mother. Ace is mature enough to accept the apology and stops plotting Whitebeard’s ANBU-style assassination. He’s sulky about it, but he still stops planning to actually kill Whitebeard.
Then the Killing Mists rise up and the Red Dawn sails up next to the Moby Dick and Ace knows exactly how he’s going to rub Whitebeard’s face in it. Obito comes on deck with his KI raging full force and Ace leaps for him with a cry of “Tochan!” and a koala hug. Whitebeard is now grumpy and jealous, because he’s never had someone turn his adoption down so blatantly before. Obito glares at Whitebeard while the Spades grab their things and scramble over to the Red Dawn.
“I’m watching you, Edward.” Obito hisses before be takes his kid and his kid’s crew and leaves the Whitebeard Pirates in a cold sweat because the Red Dawn is a nightmare. It’s like Davy Jones got bored and repainted the Flying Dutchman so he could moonlight among the living.
As for Shanks, he does know that Ace is Roger’s kid. Mostly because he remembers Rouge’s kid brother Portgas D Crow mentioning that she was pregnant and Roger was going to get the mother of all shovel talks. But aside from Shanks and Garp pretty much everyone else believes that Ace is Obito's kid. With Kakashi, naturally. Because “strange things happen on the Grand Line”. XP
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steviemae · 6 years
after all these years // malachai
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You walked through the streets of Riverdale, with your new puppy. Taking in the town that you left after high school. Returning was a huge debate for you, but when you graduated and immediately got offered a job just outside of Riverdale, you finally decided to move back to your hometown. Your parents left, deciding to move to Florida where it was constantly warm and sunny since there was no more need to stay here with you off to college in another state. You moved into a house just down the street from your childhood home and you couldn’t be happier.
You walked along the old train tracks that seperated the Northside from the Southside, though there wasn’t much of a split anymore between the two side. Southside was looking much better than you remembered. You decided to turn back around and head to Pop’s, which wasn’t too far up the tracks, to grab some food.
“y/n? Is that you?!” Veronica exclaimed with a giant smile on her face, rushing around the counter to pull you into a hug.
“That it is! You look amazing and Pop’s looks so different, but i love what you’ve done to the place.” you looked around at the entirely different interior of your old favorite diner.
“Still retro and fun, but i updated the upholstering and some of the decorations and repainted. Menu is still the same so don’t you worry.” she sent you a playful wink leading you to one of the counter seats. You looked out the window, checking on your dog who was happily basking in the warm sunlight that beat down on the blacktop.
“I’m shocked you stayed in Riverdale honestly.”
“Couldn’t leave Pop’s. I love this place too much.” she said looking around the place with adoration on her face which made you smile, “sorry, duty calls.” she said as a group of teens waved her over.
You looked around, taking in the changes when the doorbell rang, signalling that someone had come in. You ignored it, pulling out a book from your bag. You froze in your spot when you heard that familiar voice behind you.
“y/n?” they breathed. Your breath hitched and your eyes widened. You haven’t heard that voice in years, but you never forgot it. You turned around in the stool coming face to face with Malachai.
“Malachai. Hi.” you breathed. You took in his appearance - his arms looking stronger than back then, his hair is slightly longer, but his eyes were just as you remembered and his smile was a little softer. You weren’t prepared for this moment, but everything hit you. Every emotion you ever felt came rushing back.
“Babe, come order.” a woman’s voice said from a booth. He gave you a soft smile and walked over to sit down. Your heart sunk a little as he sat down with her. Babe. Though things ended badly between the two of you, you still couldn’t help but hope that one day the two of you would end up back together, even after all these years.
Flashbacks ran through your mind like nascar racers speeding around the track. You felt like you were watching a movie on your life.
You ran as fast as you could, jumping over small messes on the floor, laughing as you dodge people who were in your way.
“You’re so going to pay for that when i get you, baby!” he playfully growled.
“Gotta catch me first.” you called behind you.
“Gotcha.” he grabbed your waist with his hands, pulling your back into his front, “you’re not as fast as you think. Now tell me why you thought it was a good idea to dump cold water on me to wake me up.”
“I thought it would be funny.” you said through your laughter. Malachai’s fingers moved to your sides and started wiggling in an attempt to tickle you, which worked. Soon you were on the ground in a fit of giggles on the floor with him laughing above you.
You smiled at the memory as another flashed in your brain.
“Happy valentine’s day, baby.” he whispered kissing your cheek. He handed you a long, skinny box with a red bow on top. You took it from him, sitting up in the bed and smiling widely. When you opened it, you were in shock at how beautiful the bracelet was. You took it out admiring each little charm on it.
“Each charm is a milestone in out relationship.” he took the bracelet from you, showing you each charm as he explained.
A picnic basket to represent your first date, which was a picnic by Sweetwater River. A plain silver door to signify your first kiss that took place outside your front door after your first date. A palm tree that represents the first trip you ever went on together. A tiny hotrod charm that represents the first time the two of you said i love you but also the first giant fight you two had, which happened in his car. The first time you slept together represented by an apple, a joke about the forbidden fruit he made right before he took your virginity flashed through your mind.
“It’s beautiful.” you said as your eyes welled up with tears.
“Don’t cry, baby.” he whispered, cupping your cheek, letting his thumb brush away the single tear that fell from your eye.
You felt your eyes sting a little as you remembered the bracelet which still sat on your wrist, with a few more charms since then but still one of your favorite gifts. You listened to them talk and laugh and you knew he was happy with her. Your mind drifted to the way things were between the two of you back then and you wondered if she kissed him that way you did. You wished you had the chance to love him like you missed him.
You never told him that you still wanted to be with him, that you still had every feeling you’ve ever felt towards him. He was the love of your life and there was a huge part of you that wanted nothing more than to find him and tell him everything, but you never did. And after all these years, everything came flooding back, overwhelming you as you sat on that stool at Pop’s. And it was just a quick “hello” then you had to go, and you probably will never know, you’re still the one i’m after all these years.
You stood from the counter and walked out of Pop’s. You untied Max before turning and taking one last look at Malachai, catching his eyes already on you. You sent him a soft but sad smile before turning and walking away.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 13
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(Using Jensen and Michael’s gifs. Not really them in the story. Just using their faces for reference as close to who i pictured) Let me know what you think plz :D
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 -
Tags –
All –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars
X all Rich. A - @abiwim, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
Hobbit – Soulmate - @evyiione​, @deepestfirefun, @rhaenaatargaryen
The small dinner went well enough at the Pace’s. After the cake you sat smiling next to Lee watching his hand fidget on his knee in his struggle not to loop his arm around you like he used to on the movie nights you were invited to. But after the tape from their holiday was over you rubbed your neck and stretched on your path to the door at his father’s yawn signaling his early trip to bed after his late shift at work. With Lee beside you the front door opened freeing you to the streets you followed to head back to your apartment. Each step as Lee rambled on your chest throbbed even more at the painful admission you just wished to be alone when he brought up his suggestion that you hang out with him and Jordan the next day. But ever the agreeable one you nodded and listened as he rattled off ideas as to what you all could do lasting until you got to your apartment building.
A few flights and you hoped the cramped apartment would be too dull for your friend to hang out in when he could be out racing after time with his beau. The tall figure of your landlord in the lobby made you pause though when he uncrossed his arms and pulled off the wall making you move closer to him. He wet his lips glancing between you and Lee before saying, “Jaqi. I wanted to talk to you.”
You nodded, “Something wrong with the apartment?”
His head tilted, “Sort of.” You raised a brow and he shifted on his feet, “I didn’t want to spoil your trip so I waited till you got back. Mrs Henderson moved out-,”
Your lips parted, “Moved out?!”
He nodded, “Her kids flew out and packed up the place. Something about a retirement village in Vermont.”
In a wavering voice you asked, “When?”
“Couple days after you left.” Silently you stood and nodded feeling Lee’s hand smooth over your back making you wish you were back in England even more. “Now, I promised your Dad I would get you into a better place when I could. Seeing as you already have a key made it simpler. So I moved your belongings in for you.”
You nodded again, “What is my rent now?”
He chuckled, “Well, she was grandfathered in so your rent was only twenty bucks cheaper than hers.” You nodded again, “So, if you’ll come sign the lease, I’ve already sent in your change of address form for you.”
Softly you answered, “Thank you.” Following him to his office to sign out the prefilled papers he copied and passed to you with the other two keys for your apartment then let you head up on your own at his phone ringing.
Gingerly Lee’s hand settled on your back and he trotted up the steps with you back to the turquoise peeling door you unlocked and opened instantly revealing the empty short hall large enough for a coat closet on your left with a small half bath on the right. The sitting room was on the left with the kitchen to your right. The master bedroom was in the back corner attached to your full bathroom, nothing fancy by any standard but it was leaps and bounds over your last apartment, even granting you a spare room barely big enough for a couch leaving you to wonder what you would possibly use it for. But your books were set up along the wall in the built in shelves in the sitting room along with your desk and chair, your cardboard shelves were set up in your bedroom across from your bed. The rest of the odds and ends were in your laundry basket left beside your mattress for you to move later.
Instantly the faded paint on the sunlit walls were cast in shadows from the decorative bars over them adding to the differing shades of violet and lilac on the walls marking where the pictures once hung around the nails once holding them. Softly Lee mumbled on his path back from leaving your bags in your bedroom, “They even took the curtains.” At the quivering of your lip he crossed the room to you wrapping you in a tight hug against his chest.
Barely above a whisper in a soft squeak you said, “She’s just gone.”
Lowering his head Lee tightened his grip around you feeling your warm tears soaking through his shirt, “I’m certain they’ll take care of her.”
“She must have been so scared.” Again the loss of your mother hit you as you realized that you could very possibly never see the woman you had taken the habit of claiming as your mother figure. Openly treating her as such, caring and protecting her while learning all you could about her life to somehow learn what she had to help guide you through your life while she still remembered the incredible woman she was.
Wetting his lips Lee lifted you in his arms and carried you to your chair keeping you in his arms to snuggle on his lap holding you until you finally calmed down again, just in time for your stomach to growl. On your feet you wiped your cheeks on your sleeves sniffling and moved to the kitchen, seeing your dishes on the counters and stove in your path to the fridge. The fully stocked fridge revealed they did not take anything from inside it, all thankfully still in date, but not for long making you settle into making your own pasta dishes with the surplus of noodles they had left complete with a meat sauce from the hamburger meat and veggies they had left. While that was cooking you and Lee put away you dishes and utensils into their new homes before you sat on the counter beside the stove peering into the sitting room asking, “Mango for the kitchen, dark cobalt for the sitting room maybe, and redo the wine and grey walls in the bedroom.”
Lee nodded, “I think the bathroom looked fine, aqua’s still in tact.”
You nodded and stirred the pot on your left, “At least he’s letting me repaint.”
He wet his lips saying as he looked over the place, “So, are you going to buy more furniture?”
You shrugged, “Eventually. I mean, I have a contract in London but I can’t just move there. That’s a whole citizenship thing.”
“Right. Plus, this is a great place for the price.”
You chortled, “Bath and a half, mini second bed, should be double what I was paying.”
Lee grinned, “Guess nepotism pays off every now and then.” Making you roll your eyes. On the floor of your sitting room you stared up at the walls with a sigh after Lee got called back home again when Jordan showed up asking for him. A blatant lie that you were ok finally got you the peace you now knew was terrible for you. So finishing your second helping of the pasta you put your bowl and spoon in the sink then grabbed your keys, coat, wallet and made your way out to the subway again off to Home Depot.
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Sighing you stood leaning on one foot in front of the wall of paint trying and failing not to cry. The sniffle escaping you made the tall broad man at the end of the aisle in an orange apron turn to look you over, seeing just a blotchy cheeked beauty holding a trio of paint colors, settling on a fourth. Turning on his heels the man neared you as un-intimidating as he could before asking, “Need some help, Miss?”
Turning your head to look up at him you raised the wine paint slip, “Would light grey or dark be better? For stripes.”
Wetting his lips he glanced at the color then said, “I think dark.” You nodded and he asked, “Did you want the paint today?” You nodded and he led you towards the paint counter as you grabbed the grey you wanted. At the counter he paused looking over the colors then you as you wiped a stray tear from your chin, “Bad break up?” Your eyes met his and he raised the paint slip, “The paint.”
Weakly you chuckled, “No, it, um.” You sighed then caught his brows inch up over his stunningly green eyes as his dark stubble raised in his curious grin, “My neighbor, she has Alzheimers, I went to England for two weeks, and apparently a couple days after I left her kids moved her out. And the landlord knows my dad, and,” you paused catching his eye again and he grinned at your blush and glance away, “Long story short, he got me the apartment, so, ya. It needs paint.”
He chuckled moving to start mixing the first color for you, “They are great choices. And I hope it works out for you.” Before he could continue the conversation an older worker came over to ‘supervise’ the now irritated green eyed gorgeous man in order to pretend he was thirty years younger and not making you feel like you wanted to crawl under a the display of yard decorations.  Four cans later along with a few other necessary supplies you shouldered the bags the younger man offered you seeing the glare he fired at the back of the old man’s head for ruining your conversation ending when another customer asked him for assistance with something on your way out.
With your windows open you started in the kitchen. Kneeling on the counters you carefully coated the pale yellow faded paint with the mango shade making you smile when you finally finished the job at the last drops in the bucket.
Next you moved onto the sitting room where you pulled out the nails in the walls, filling the surplus of holes from the nails you removed through your tears. With that done you moved onto the deep cobalt to paint the top half of the walls above the wood panels needing a bit of scrubbing.
Last, under the light of the dusty light overhead you shifted your step ladder hand painting each stripe before you went to set the brush in the rinsing bowl after closing the paint buckets you set by the door to be disposed of later with the nails you had removed. In a glance out at the stars you drank the juice you had pulled out of the fridge, through to your frigid living room you sat in the middle of the floor after grabbing your laptop you hooked up to the internet jack in the wall. Sniffling again you read your email from your dad, clearly already having been informed of the move he had written a few paragraphs comforting you through her absence as you waited on a reply from your message to Richard. Nearing midnight you took your pillows and blanket to lay out on the floor in your spare room leaving the windows open to let the rooms air out still.
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Groggily you climbed up off the floor still without word from Richard and moved to your bag of clothes to change your shirt, still in your jeans, socks and shoes from the night before then went to start your breakfast. When you had cleaned that up you closed the windows and collected the cans and trash from the night before to get rid of then return to your room emptying the random items from the hamper on your bed to put away. A ring from your pocket broke your concentration on staring at the people passing through the windows on the street below.
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Blindly you answered and couldn’t help but grin when you heard Richard’s voice, “I am so sorry. I, completely fell face first last night after I got home and, thank you for the calendar and the bed set. Are you, your message seemed a bit-,”
He paused at your soft sniffle, “Ya.”
“Darling, what’s wrong?”
You let out a weak chuckle, “I just. After I left here, my neighbor,”
“The one you take care of, is she alright?”
“Her kids took her out to Vermont, to some retirement village.”
“Oh.” His voice dropped uncertain what to say.
“I just, she was gone and the landlord gave me her place, and I felt terrible and then I bought some paint, and now I just have a 1.5 bed 1.5 bath apartment with, so many memories taking up all this empty space.”
“I’m sorry Darling.”
“No, it’s ok. I, ugh, the worst part about the day was I go to the paint store and I’m waiting and chatting with the worker, who is being really kind and attentive and, I will be honest, I was a mess, blotchy, I’d been crying and then this older worker comes over.”
“He gave you trouble?”
“He started flirting with me. I don’t get it. He was old enough to be your grandfather, Rich. And he’s acting like he’s some Casanova. I’m in tears and he’s trying to live out this fantasy that he could get my number. I mean, just, why, it’s not sweet or complimentary to me at all to be hit on by a man way old enough to know better.”
Richard couldn’t help but grin at your fiery rant, “Well I wish I’d have been there. I could have held you and forced gramps away. The other guy manage to get your number.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “He was being nice.”
Richard chuckled then wet is lips, trying not to remember your conversation about him being allowed to hook up when you were apart. “So, how did it go at Lee’s. You mentioned a dinner?”
“Ya,” you nodded moving to the kitchen to get another drink of juice, skipping the glass to hop up on the counter to drink from the bottle, “Small dinner and strawberry cake, family film before his dad had to call it an early night.”
“Strawberry cake? You hate strawberry cake.”
“Ya, well his mom’s allergic to chocolate.”
“There are fifty other flavor choices-,”
Your giggle cut him off, “I think it was what she had laying around. It’s not a problem.”
“It was a dinner for your birthday.”
“Well, it’ll be better than today anyways.”
“Why’s that?”
“I, um, agreed to hang out with Lee and Jordan today.”
“Ugh. That can’t be fun.”
“Lee,” you sighed, “He just gave me that puppy dog smile, it’ll probably just be them necking in the cinema again so I can just sit somewhere else and ignore them.”
“Is it at least a good flic?”
“The Faculty. The Elijah Wood one, Lee said we’d go see it when it came out months back.”
“Well I hope you enjoy the film at least.”
You weakly chuckled then turned your head to the buzzing on the wall from your intercom system as Richard said, “Ah, my other line. Heard something about a play yesterday.”
“We can talk later. Hope you get it Rich.”
He chuckled, “Try to have fun Darling.” After goodbyes you hung up then hit the button on your intercom, “Who is it?”
Through the line you heard Lee, “Hey-,”
Jordan cut him off with his friends, all saying something along the lines of “Get your ass down here!”
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With a sigh you grabbed your jacket, making sure you had your keys, wallet and phone then locked up on your way down to the group of teens already walking down the sidewalk when you arrived. A grin was all you got from Lee in his backwards glance at you before Jordan cupped his chin claiming a kiss from him. At their backs turned to you your smile dropped and you buttoned up your jacket easing your hair over your shoulder to smooth your fingers through your slightly knotted curls. The entire subway ride to the movie you walked quietly in the back and by what they were chatting about you knew you were in for a long day leaving you to plot your escape. Under the gaze of the slightly concerned ticket girl noticing the group leaving without you to get in line for snacks you flashed her a smile, “One for The Faculty and another for Ever After on the showing after, please.”
She grinned and took your cash passing you the tickets and the change then watched you join the others in line for snacks. By the time you had gotten your food you were alone in the lobby and thankfully when it was done you had slipped into the darkening theater, trotting up the stairs to a spot on the side near the back far from the group up front already cuddling closer before the credits rolled. Propping your legs up in front of you with your bag of popcorn in your arm you snacked away inching down in your seat avoiding Lee’s glance back at you already making tears sting your eyes. Forcing your emotions down you focused on your popcorn and the film, not minding the group until a bathroom break from Lee gave him a glance of where you had retreated to away from the couples he regretted inviting you along with.
Credits eventually rolled and just as you expected the group got way too caught up in their plans to shop to miss your not being with them after your bathroom break. A refill on snacks later you hurried to head into the thankfully empty theater at the near final airing of the romance flic freeing you to lounge at your leisure treasuring the fairy tale remake breaking your heart even more at your wishing you had your very own blue eyed Brit out here with you to pick you up and sweep you away from those who has cast you aside.  Sniffling again, thankfully covered by the icy chill outside you made your way to the subway again, sitting alone on a seat staring at the floor hoping none of the other few passengers spotted your quivering lip and stray tears. The doors opened and missing a concerned famous group of faces passing you you strolled out of the car and out to the road to head home again.
Breathing shakily you unlocked the outer door, checked your mail then trotted upstairs keeping your bangs in your face hoping to hide your heartbreak from the landlord checking the time and leaning out to see if Lee was outside with the other teens. The absence of the group made him groan and wipe his face at the echo of a sniffle from the stairwell at the clear loss of your only friend. Behind your door your lips quivered and you locked the door as you slid down to the floor in front of it covering your face trying to muffle your sobs until you forced yourself up and into your room to wrap up in the quilt that had been left behind with the landlord as your Christmas present from your former neighbor. Safe in your cocoon you stayed until your hunger brought you out to finish your leftovers on the floor of your kitchen in your struggle to keep from crying again.
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Sleep came again, restless and damaging small bouts of sleep until sunrise broke tearing you from bed into your frigid shower in the new clawed tub. Dried and dressed again you pulled together a lunch grabbed your school bag and violin case then made your way downstairs. Outside your outer door you froze just inches from Lee’s chest with a soft, “Oh.”
“Jordan’s a jealous ass.” Silently you gave him a stuttering nod through a flash of a grin in his turn to trot down the steps with you on the way to the subway taking you to school, “I dumped him.”
You peered up at him with your mouth open, “Wh-.”
He shook his head then flashed you a grin, “Like I said, he’s an ass.”
“I-,” You let out a confused exhale.
“I don’t know why he was so adamant about asking you along if he was just going to keep pulling me away from you all day.” He glanced at you catching your eye when you got on the train car, “But don’t worry, it’s not just about that. There’s some,” he wet his lips then stated a bit softer guiding you to the back of the car so you wouldn’t be heard, “You remember why we broke up?”
You nodded, “Sex.”
He nodded and swallowed dryly unable to repeat the reason with his slightly frightened glance over your face trying to gauge your response, “It’s, an, well not for me, it’s his issue. I, just, I just thought we could all have a day, you know, especially after your day before. Which again, he found out I was with you and showed up faking this whole emotional crisis. I should have just stayed with you.” He wet his lips again, “You um, what did you do, after Jordan led us on to the mall?”
“I saw another film. The Ever After one.”
Lee’s mood sank, “Wow, you um, I didn’t peg you for the sappy romance to cover your broken heart type.”
Forcing a smile you turned your head feigning a glance at the man moving to sit down in front of you both after he got on to shut your eyes holding back the tears trying to fill your eyes, with a shrug you replied, “I’m just a sucker for fairy tales.”
Making Lee chuckle missing you bite your lip to cover its quivering as you moved closer to the doors to get off easier at the next stop. “Aren’t we all.”
Again the cold air slapped you but it was nothing compared to the fiery gaze and gritted under bite on Jordan and his friends as they watched Lee walking with you to your first class. Your second class broke you apart and in the doorway of it you were stopped by Jordan and his crew as they forced grins pretending to be friendly with you for one reason or another you didn’t care to know. Without waiting for them to say anything you hopped over the desk to your left and passed around them making Jordan turn and follow you to sit in the desk right by yours, “Have you heard, Lee got a movie role?”
You nodded pulling out your notepad, “Yes. He told me over the break.”
Jordan scowled then smiled again easing his arm around your shoulders making you turn your head to face him instantly triggering his arm to jerk back at your glare, “I really don’t know what your issue with me is, and I really don’t care. If you have a problem with Lee take it up with him.”
Jordan leaned in saying, “I’m just saying Princess.” Tapping you on the shoulder with his finger, “You best learn your place. Lover boy got that part and he’ll be gone for months filming. When he gets back if you think he’s coming to be with you-.”
You swatted his hand away then shoved his desk away from yours, “Let me make this clear to you! I am graduating at the end of this semester. I got a job as a Principle Dancer in the London Ballet Company. If you have a plan to win Lee back, have at it, but leave me out of it, or, Princess, is gonna show you just how much damage she can do.” You popped your shoulders with a fake grin saying in a fake cheerful tone making your curls bounce around your sweater, “Kay?!”
Facing forward again your expression dropped and you uncapped your pen readying to take notes as the teacher stood from their desk eying you both with an irritated raised brow saying, “Jordan, back to your seat, now!”
Jordan scoffed standing up mumbling, “Two faced bitchy Barbie wannabie.” Shouldering his bag in his rise to walk back up front as you grabbed the desk puling it back into place for the French student you had been paired with for this class to help welcome her to the school for her first semester abroad who smiled at you thanking you softly in French as you smiled at her in return. Between passing glimpses of Lee, where he tried and failed to slip closer to you to talk about what he heard Jordan had said, you were followed closely by Adelene and her twin sister Celeste. Whispy blondes with striking red in their normally white blonde hair curled and resting over their backs in matching emerald sweaters and faded jeans and flats.
The pair were grateful when they learned they had lunch with you and had spread word to the other girls in the program from France with chestnut hair all filling your table with cheerful giggles that paused when Lee stole the final empty seat away from a guy hoping to hit on the girls around you. Wetting his lips he greeted the girls in French getting a timid response in return before he glanced at you asking, “What did Jordan say to you?”
You shook your head, “Nothing that you should be this upset over. Just that he wants you back and wants me to mind my space.”
Lee pursed his lips then nodded, “Mhmm..” Easing his lunch out, “Well, we’ll just see about who needs to mind what…”
Rolling your eyes you replied, “Don’t even start this. I told him to leave me out of it. Do what you like but I’m not gonna be sucked into his drama.”
Lee grinned nudging your with his elbow, “Hey now, I won’t let that happen.”
You raised a brow at him and tapped him on the nose making his grin spread, “You are a magnet for drama. You and that smirk of yours.”
He rolled his eyes and as you dug into your lunch he started chatting with the girls around you about their thoughts on school so far only widening their gossiping grins in their eagerness to learn more about you and the mystery teen so clearly head over heels for you.
Pt 14
18 notes · View notes
lastbluetardis · 6 years
And Babies Make Five and Six (12/16)
Summary: Sometimes the things we want the most stay just out of reach. But after an extra helping of heartache as they try for a third baby, James and Rose are blessed with double the joy. Triggers for infertility.
Author’s Notes: Oh look... I’ve added another expected chapter to the total. Ah well. Enjoy! And I’ve pretty much got the rest of this story written, so I’m hoping to have a new chapter posted each week from here on out.
Betaed by the marvelous @chocolatequeennk. This is also for @doctorroseprompts because it’s Doctor x Rose.
Ten x Rose AU
This chapter: NSFW, 7100 words
Ages of the Tyler-McCrimmons at the start of the chapter: James: 37, Rose: 32, Ainsley: 7, Sianin: 4
AO3 | TSP | FF | Perfectly Matched Series
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13 | Ch14 | Ch15 | Ch16
James felt Rose shifting beside him. He blinked open his eyes, feeling the grittiness of sleep lingering in them, and saw that the room was still nearly dark. When he thought she would slip closer to him and they would sleep a little longer tangled together, her weight left the bed and she strode into their ensuite.
He drifted back to sleep, assuming her warm body would be pressed up next to his soon enough, but it never did.
When he awoke next, it was to the pipes clanking as the shower turned off. The weak morning light glowing from the window told him he’d slept for another hour or two since Rose first awoke.
James sat up in bed and saw Rose’s running clothes pooled on the floor by the hamper. Scrubbing his fingertips into his eyes, he reached for his phone to check the time.
Half a dozen text messages were waiting for him, all of them from Donna. A sinking sensation settled in his stomach, and his unease was confirmed when he opened the messaging app and was immediately greeted by a pink-faced newborn in a white and blue striped blanket.
His ears seemed to ring as he looked into the fat, squished face of the baby boy. Joshua Lee, according to the words under the photo. Baby Joshua was tucked in Donna’s arms, fast asleep. She looked positively exhausted, but was wearing a smile he’d never seen on her face before. Lee was perched on the bed beside her, his eyes red from the tears James was all too familiar with.
His chest ached at the memory of the wonder and awe he’d felt the first time he’d seen Ainsley and Sianin. The first time he’d held them. He’d thought he’d never seen a more beautiful child, and he’d been overwhelmed with the love he felt for his new baby. Their bodies were so fragile in his arms, and he’d known he would do anything to keep them safe.
Jealousy sank its claws into his chest, sharp and cold, as a flash of hatred shot through James.
It’s not fair. It’s not fair. It’s not fair!
He so badly wanted what Donna and Lee had. He wanted a new baby with Rose. He wanted to see her belly grow round as their baby grew. He wanted to rest his hands on her baby bump and feel the signs of the life they’d made beneath his palms as their baby kicked and squirmed. He wanted to cry tears of joy as he held his child for the first time. Kissed their soft, sweet skin. Smelled that fresh baby scent.
He wanted.
He realized he was staring at his blank phone screen, lost to the numbness and agony spreading through his body. His eyes burned as he lifted his gaze to Rose.
“Oh, James.”
A moment later, Rose sat beside him on the bed and wrapped her arms around him, hauling him close to her. He tucked his face into her shoulder, breathing her in, but his throat closed up the longer she held him until he let out a ragged sob.
“Breathe, love,” she murmured, stroking her fingers through his hair. “Breathe. It’s all right.”
“I’m sorry,” he rasped.
“No, James. You have nothing to be sorry for.” She hugged him tighter and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “I felt the same way when I woke up and saw the texts.”
“I feel stupid,” he whispered. “I knew she was due soon. I knew I’d get this text, and yet…”
“It caught you off guard,” Rose murmured, her voice gentle and understanding.
“I feel like an arse, too,” he admitted. “I should be happy for Donna and Lee. And I should feel so happy and blessed because we’ve already got two wonderful, perfect, beautiful kids. And yet…”
He trailed off helplessly, but Rose nodded. She carded her fingers through his hair for a few silent seconds before she said, “Can I admit something to you? I’ve felt like a shitty mum for wanting more than two kids. I would feel guilty for being so upset that I wasn’t pregnant. It felt like I was saying Ainsley and Sianin weren’t enough. And I hated myself for that. I still hate myself sometimes for it. I love them both so much, and of course they’re enough. So I would keep telling myself I was perfectly content with my life as it was. But then I’d get my period and I’d be upset I wasn’t pregnant, and the cycle began again. Over and over.”
James gave her a soft, reassuring squeeze.
“You’re not a shitty mum,” James said. “Unless I’m a shitty dad for thinking the same thing. I talked to my dad about it some last year. About how conflicted I felt. He said he’d felt the same thing when he and Mum realized I was going to be their only child. He told me that feeling the urge to have more children doesn’t mean erasing the joy that our current children bring us.”
Rose sighed into his hair. “It’s hard sometimes. I want to be happy with just having two children. I really, really want to be okay with that. And some days it feels like I’ve made my peace with it. Then there are days when it seems like I will always have this bitterness.”
“I feel the same. And I think that’s okay. It’s okay for us to be upset and disappointed, because this is a huge thing that affects the rest of our lives,” he said quietly, finally pulling back to look at her. Her eyes were dry, but a little red, as if they’d welled with tears but she’d forced them back. “We’re grieving. Perhaps not in the most traditional sense, but nevertheless, I think we need to let ourselves feel whatever we’re feeling so that we can process it and begin to move forward again.”
Rose cracked a small smile.
“I think you missed your calling as a therapist,” she teased.
“Nah,” he said. “I couldn’t deal with this on a daily basis. I talk too much and sometimes don’t listen well enough.”
“You do with me,” she said.
“Because I am emotionally invested in your well-being,” he said. “I want to listen to you and make you feel better, and hold you when I can’t.”
“Yeah, hugging your clients would probably be against the rules,” Rose agreed, burying her face into his neck.
“And they’re probably not too keen on shagging the clients, either,” he mused. “There’s got to be some sort of conflict of interest.”
She laughed against his skin, and he smiled in response.
They held each other for a few more minutes, not saying anything, just enjoying their intimate embrace. As James idly stroked his fingers up and down her spine, he realized she’d donned one of his shirts.
“I can buy you shirts in my size, y’know,” he drawled, bringing up their old argument.
“I like wearing your shirts because they smell like you, and you know it,” she shot back, giving him a playful shove at his shoulder.
“I still dunno how. It’s fresh from the laundry. Our clothes should smell the same.”
“Well, they don’t. If you could squeeze into one of my shirts, you’d realize.”
“Is that a challenge?” James asked, pulling back to look at her. “Or an insult about my weight?”
“Oh, shut up,” Rose giggled, smacking him on the shoulder. “You’re the skinniest bloke I’ve ever met. You’ve just got a bigger chest than me.”
James let his eyes wander down to her breasts. He cocked his head to the side and stared blatantly as he said, “I’m not sure that’s a compliment, love.”
Rose laughed again, and the sound was music to his ears after the conversation they’d had.
“You know what I mean,” she said, and she brought her hands up to rest at his pecs. Goosebumps broke out across his skin as she rubbed her palms across them. “You’ve got a broad chest for such a thin man. The first time I saw you without your shirt, it took me by surprise.”
“A good surprise though, right?” he asked, though he knew the answer. In addition to her odd attraction with his forearms, he knew Rose loved his chest.
She rolled her eyes in reply and dropped her hands. It took everything he had not to whimper pathetically. He was appeased when she leaned forward and pressed a feather-soft kiss to his lips, a kiss of comfort and love.
“I think you are the sexiest, most beautiful man in the world,” she whispered, nudging her nose against his. “And I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have you as mine.”
His heart stuttered through a few beats and a giggle rose up his throat. He felt as though his body could burst apart with how loved and happy he was.
“I love that sound,” she said, smiling tenderly. She pressed a parting kiss to his lips and stood up off the bed.
He watched her walk away, enjoying the subtle spring to her step. When she moved to close their bedroom door behind her, she flashed him a wide grin and said, “I’ll put the coffee on for you,” before the door snicked shut and her soft footfalls disappeared down the hall.
She looked so happy, despite the start their morning got off to, and he found that her mood was infectious. Letting out a little hum of utter contentment, James tossed back the sheets and stood up to start the day with him beautiful family.
They spent the rest of the summer working through all of their home decorating projects and spending time together, both with and without their kids. By the time summer drew to a close, every room in the house had been repainted, and they’d replaced a majority of the furniture in the house. They’d donated their old couch, recliners, and their bed frame to a second-hand shop and admired the new pieces that were free of the stains that came with raising kids.
Furniture shopping had been a fun day out, as they flopped and bounced on couches, recliners, and mattresses to test their comfort. They’d upscaled their bed from queen-sized to king-sized, and they got a larger couch as well, a sectional that could comfortably seat six people. They got a new area rug to better complement the charcoal gray sofa and olive-green walls, and they replaced the coffee table, too.
They were pleased that all of the furniture lasted an entire month stain-free, and they couldn’t help but laugh that James was the one who created the first mess.
“Ah, shit,” he hissed as his coffee mug accidentally tilted in his lap from where he’d precariously perched it to turn a page in his book.
“Daddy said a bad word!” Sianin sang as Rose sprang up from the seat to grab towels.
“I know I did,” he growled, grabbing tissues to soak up the coffee on the cushions. He unthinkingly set the mug on the new coffee table and swore again when he saw dribbles of coffee slide down the mug and onto the polished oak surface.
“This is not your morning,” Rose said with a stifled smile as she reappeared with dish towels to help sop up the spill. When she saw the front of his jeans was soaked, her brows pinched. “Are you all right? Did you burn yourself?”
James glanced down at himself and smirked.
“Worried I’ve damaged your favorite part of me?” he crooned. When she rolled her eyes and chucked a towel at him, he said, “Well, rest assured, nothing’s injured but my pride.” As Rose knelt beside him to spray fabric cleaner across the sofa, James hovered his lips by her ear and whispered, “But maybe we should do a thorough examination of my equipment later tonight. Just to be sure. Can’t be too careful.”
Rose snorted and jabbed her elbow in his ribs.
“Why is Daddy’s lap your favorite part, Mummy?” Sianin asked curiously.
“Daddy was just being silly,” Rose answered. She stared pointedly at James. “Wasn’t he?”
“’Course I was. I love being silly because I love making Mummy laugh.”
“Go on and get changed,” Rose said when they’d cleaned the mess as best they could. “I’ll pour your coffee into a sippy cup then we can go shopping.”
“I think a thermos will do,” James said dryly.
“If you think you can handle that,” Rose teased. “Girls, get your shoes on. We’re going school shopping!”
Ainsley let out a gleeful whoop then grabbed Sianin’s hand to run for the shoe rack by the front door.
A half hour later, the family was wandering through a mall with an ever-filling cart of school supplies, this time filled with things Sianin would need for her Reception year. They could barely believe their baby was about to start school, but they were glad to see her excited about this newest adventure.
The weekend before school was due to start found the family travelling to London for the wedding between Mickey and Martha. Rose was looking forward to celebrating the love between her friends, but she also was pleased to have a date for the reception. At Donna’s wedding the previous summer, James had been out of the country and she’d gone to the wedding with just her kids.
She spent most of the reception dancing with James, swaying in his arms across the dance floor. And when she wasn’t in his arms, their daughters took turns dancing with him. She took a multitude of photos of the sight of her family dancing together.
James had taken her camera from her later on in the afternoon.
“You’re always photographing me with the girls,” he said when she tried to protest. “I want to return the favor. I promise I won’t break your baby.”
Rose rolled her eyes, but proceeded to give him a quick tutorial of the camera.
“Yeah, yeah. Point, focus, shoot. I got it,” he said, shooing her to the dance floor where Ainsley and Sianin were dancing together, their movements far too upbeat for the slow love ballad. “Go on, love. Dance.”
Rose proceeded to dance with their daughters, both together and individually, as well as with Mickey and Robert. James documented it all, his photos not nearly as lovely as those Rose could capture, but they were decent enough.
As the reception wound down, Robert took the camera from James and pushed him to the dance floor with Rose.
“Dad’s on babysitting duty,” James said, angling his head to where his dad was sitting with the camera. “I want to dance with my beautiful wife one last time before the party ends.”
Rose beamed at him, and he ducked down to catch her lips in a kiss. One of her hands clenched the fabric of his suit jacket while her other went into his hair to hold his head where it was. He smirked against her mouth and adjusted the angle of his head to deepen the kiss.
When they returned home on Sunday, they took the afternoon to everything ready for the girls’ first day of school. They made sure their backpacks were stocked with all of their new supplies and that their uniforms were washed, pressed, and laid out for them.
“Are you excited for tomorrow?” Rose asked as she tucked Sianin into bed that night.
“Yeah! I’m gonna learn lots and be smart as Ainsley!” Sianin’s eyes were bright and her wide grin showed off the new gap from where she’d lost her first tooth the week before.
“Yes you are,” James said. “You’re gonna learn so much and make loads of new friends.”
He leaned down a pressed a kiss to his youngest’s forehead and retired to his bedroom as Rose read Sianin her bedtime stories. He got himself ready for bed and slipped beneath the sheets, content to play a game on his phone as he waited for Rose.
She joined him twenty minutes later. He finished up his game as she went through her nightly routine, and set it to the side when Rose slipped under the sheets beside him.
“Big day tomorrow,” she murmured, nestling herself into his open arm.
“Yeah. Can’t believe she’s this big already,” James said, tracing idle patterns up and down her arm. “How are you feeling?”
“Great. Considering. I mean… this is a huge stepping stone for Sianin, but she’s so excited for it. And I’m excited for us to start this adventure with her.”
“Me too,” James agreed. He’d felt sad when Ainsley had started school, and he was pleased that no trace of it was present in his chest now. He felt nothing but eagerness for this newest chapter in his life, in his family’s life.
They slipped into silence, with James continuing to walk his fingers up and down her arm, then across her hip.
“D’you want to fool around for a bit?” Rose asked when his fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her sleep shorts.
He froze, not realizing where his hand had gone. He’d been touching his wife because he’d enjoyed doing so, not because he’d meant to start anything.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, pulling his arm from around her waist. “Not really. But if you want to…”
“Nope, I’m fine,” she answered. “But can we keep cuddling like we were? It felt nice.”
He smiled and wrapped his arm around her and leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead, then her lips. They kissed for many long minutes, kisses of love and togetherness that made James feel warm all over.
They gradually pulled out of their snog and lay on their sides, tangled together as they talked. They talked for hours about everything it seemed. They debated politics, played twenty questions, discussed books they’d read and wanted to read. On and on, until they realized it was almost midnight and their stomachs were sore from how often they’d been lost in stifled laughter.
“It’s been a while since we did this,” James whispered after he’d leaned over and flicked off the lamp, shrouding them in darkness. “It was nice.”
“Yeah it was,” Rose said, her voice sounding suddenly sleepy. “We should do this more often. I love talking with you.”
“Well that’s reassuring,” he drawled, and she snorted at him.
“I just meant that it’s so nice we can still talk to each other forever, despite having known each other for decades.”
“You’re making us sound so old,” he groaned.
“Pfft.” James didn’t need to see his wife to know she was rolling her eyes. “We’re in our prime, love.”
“I’m almost forty,” he said with a dramatic, long-suffering sigh.
“Yeah, but you are the sexiest, smartest, funniest, loving-est…” James laughed at her word choice and heard her echo it. “...almost-forty-year-old in the universe. And I love you.”
“Well, I guess that’s fine, then.” He squeaked when Rose smacked at his chest. He fumbled for her hand and managed to catch it to press a kiss to each of her knuckles. “I love you, too, Rose.”
She gave his fingers a squeeze, then took her hand back as she rolled onto her side.
“Can I spoon you for a little bit?” he asked.
“As long as you don’t wake me up when you change positions,” she said.
“You’ve never complained before when I’ve changed positions,” he crooned into her ear, slotting his body behind hers.
She laughed at him again, and let out a long breath as she relaxed back into him.
They awoke to two small bodies jumping on them the next morning. James wheezed out a breath when Sianin’s knee landed on his stomach, and he quickly shuffled her off of him before she could accidentally kick a more sensitive part of him.
“You two are up early,” Rose mumbled from beside him, sitting up.
“First day of school!” Sianin crowed. “You said we’d get a big breakfast!”
“It’s barely six,” James argued.
“And we leave the house at seven-thirty,” Ainsley said. “We don’t wanna be late!”
“We won’t be,” Rose said soothingly, but she slipped out of bed anyway and gestured for the girls to follow.
James groaned and stretched, then followed his family into the kitchen to help whip up the traditional first day of school breakfast. As everything cooked, he and Rose took turns sneaking off for a shower. And as Rose predicted, once breakfast was finished, there was still a half hour to go before they had to leave for school.
When the girls were finally dressed, James watched as Rose took the usual first day of school photos. She took individual ones of the girls, then a photo of them together, before she put her camera away and they decided to drive to the school, even though they’d be too early.
They all walked Sianin to her classroom, and James couldn’t help but laugh when she barely gave them a hug and kiss goodbye before she ran for the coat cubby that had her name printed on it.
“Sian, remember Ainsley will come collect you at the end of the day,” James called out.
“Yep! Bye bye!”
James shook his head at his youngest. Then, after he and Rose introduced themselves and Ainsley to Sianin’s teacher, they walked with Ainsley to her classroom.
The family soon settled into their respective school-time routines. With an entire day at her disposal, Rose found little things to occupy her time. She kept up with the household chores and finished up a few of the home renovations that hadn’t been entirely completed by the time the new term began.
She also used her newfound free time to catch up with friends she hadn’t seen in far too long.
“Penny! Hi!” Rose skipped up to her old friend and wrapped her in a hug. “Sorry I’m a bit late. I didn’t quite time the laundry right.”
“No worries,” Penny said, sitting back down in her chair. “So you had the day off?”
Rose shook her head. “Oh, no. I can’t believe I didn’t tell you—I quit my job.” Penny’s eyebrows rose, and Rose nodded. “Yeah, I was being driven mad by my supervisory role. I couldn’t do nearly the amount of commissions as they’d said I would, and that’s the part of the job I loved the most. I grew to hate going to work and with how stressed James and I were… Well, I decided I’d had enough of being so unhappy.”
Penny gave her a gentle smile and reached across the table to squeeze Rose’s fingers. “You seem so much happier than when I saw you last. By the way, can we not go six months without doing lunch next time? Damn, Rose, with you not working anymore, we could’ve scheduled something ages back!”
Rose’s cheeks warmed and she said, “I know, I know. Sorry ‘bout that. James and I have been so busy lately. We’ve basically redone all of the rooms in the house. New coat of paint, new furniture. We’re thinking of remodeling our kitchen next.” Rose dug her phone out of her purse and scrolled through her photos to show off her home.
“Oh, wow,” Penny breathed. “Wanna come redo my house next?” She then smiled softly at a photo, and Rose leaned forward to see what had caught her friend’s attention. It was a selfie of her and James in their war-zone of a living room. They were each covered in specks of paint, their hair having gotten the most damage after their paint-smeared hands had wandered during a snog. “You two look amazing, Rose. Are things… better?”
Penny had been the only non-family person Rose had confided in about how much she’d been struggling, and how hard she and James were working to build themselves back up again.
“Yeah, loads better,” Rose said. “I feel great, and James does too. We’re both back in a really good place.”
“I’m so happy for you,” Penny said, handing Rose her phone.
“Thanks. But enough about me. How’s your work? How’s Devon and the kids?”
Penny had changed jobs over a year ago, shortly before word had come that the company they’d worked at would be restructuring. She was working at a much smaller company that primarily dealt in photography, the art form Penny preferred the most. As she listened to her friend light up as she talked about the projects she was in the middle of, a pit of longing formed in Rose’s stomach and remained even after the two parted with the promise to meet up again soon.
When she got home, Rose fired up her laptop and opened up a basic photo editing software and got to work on touching up the first day of school photographs. She lost herself to her work until her phone alarm reminder her to go collect the kids from school. Saving her work, she tried to think of where she could go to get the pictures printed off. It was irksome to no longer have high-tech printers at her disposal.
I can talk to James about maybe buying one, she mused.
But as she considered getting a new printer, she began to wish she had better art programs on her computer and tablet. She had basic packages, but nothing like the wealth of technology and programs she’d had access to while at her job. As she drove to pick up the kids, Rose couldn’t help but make a mental list of all of the artistic equipment she wished she could have. However, it didn’t seem worth it to invest so much money in something that would be just for her own amusement.
Over the next several days, James noticed that Rose seemed preoccupied with something. Not in a bad way, but he could tell there was something on her mind. After checking in with her and getting the reassurance that it wasn’t anything worrisome, he let her have her space to think. 
His patience was rewarded one night when she came to him with a nervous but determined look in her eyes.
“I’ve been thinking…”
James glanced up from his e-reader to see Rose fingering the pendant of her necklace. He set the tablet to the side and pivoted his body to face her. They sat in silence for a few seconds as James waited for her to organize her thoughts and share what was on her mind.
“I’m a pretty good artist,” Rose said at last.
Though confused, James nodded and said, “The best I’ve ever seen. Picasso and Van Gogh and whoever else have got nothing on you, love.”
She rolled her eyes but smiled and finally released her necklace, only to take her thumb and spin her engagement ring around her finger.
“I was thinking that I miss making art for other people,” Rose said. “I’ve been drawing and painting and photographing over the last few months, but they’ve all been for me, or for our family. But… art should be shared.”
Several ideas floated through James’s head. Ideas about Rose submitting some of her art to galleries, or finding a new job at a studio, or making her own website to sell her pieces. But he wasn’t sure if what he thought she could do matched with what she wanted to do, so he nodded and let her continue to speak.
“I don’t think I want to get another job like the one I had,” she said, and James checked that idea off his mental list. “But… what do you think about me someday opening up my own studio?”
Rose shrugged as she finished speaking, and she dropped her gaze to the couch cushion between them. James caught her hand as it began its journey to her mouth, and he gave it a squeeze as he said, “I think that’s a brilliant idea.”
“Yeah? It’s not stupid or fanciful?”
“Of course not,” James said, frowning slightly. He squeezed her fingers again then said, “I’m here for you, no matter what. I’ll support you in whatever way I can. We could remodel the basement into a studio for you, or if you’d prefer, we could rent a flat or office space for you. Whatever you want, Rose, it’s yours.”
She finally smiled at him then scooted across the cushions towards him. “Thank you, James. Your support means a lot to me. I dunno when or how I want to do this, but within the next couple of years, I think I’d like to get something up and running.”
“Just let me know,” he whispered, opening his arm for her to cuddle into his side. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Whatever you decide to do, it’s gonna be fantastic.”
James’s groin felt tight as he slowly drifted out of his dream. He couldn’t remember what he’d been dreaming of, only that it had been nice.
Sighing, he flexed his hips a little to try to alleviate the building ache at the front of his pants. He was about to roll over and press himself against Rose to ask if she might like to make love before his alarm went off when he realized something was already rubbing at his morning erection.
He cracked open his eyes and saw Rose lying near his hip, her head propped up by her elbow as she lazily rubbed him through his pants. She looked up at him and smiled the smile that sent butterflies fluttering in his belly.
“Happy birthday,” she said, leaning over to press a kiss to the swell of his ribs. “D’you want to do something with this?” She gave his erection a soft squeeze, sending a thrill of pleasure through him.
“I was hoping we could,” he murmured, pressing his hips up into her hand.
They moved together to get his pants off, and Rose took her top off too. Her breasts swung with her movements as she returned to her position near his hip. His breath caught in his throat when he realized what she was doing.
Her mouth was hot and wet as she pressed lingering open-mouthed kisses to his erection, an endless circuit up and down his length. He leaned back into his pillow and let her explore him, torn between letting her take her time and wanting her to hurry up before the kids woke up and potentially interrupted them.
After a couple minutes of teasing him to full hardness, she took him completely into her mouth. He bit his lip against a moan as pleasure sparked down his spine, settling deep in his gut as the pressure built.
“God, I love this,” he groaned.
She grinned around his cock and picked up the pace. He reached down to thread his fingers through her hair, not to guide her movements, but simply to touch her. Her hair was silky between his fingers, and he was mindful of the tangles and knots from sleep.
Minutes passed and James nearly let himself get consumed in her ministrations. Her hand had joined her mouth, providing him with unbelievable friction. But he heard the rustle of fabric and a soft, wet noise that wasn’t her mouth, and when he glanced down at her, he saw her other hand was down her knickers, pleasuring herself.
The sight was almost enough to make him come, but he pushed down the swelling sensation and he tugged on her hair gently.
“Wait,” he gasped. “Rose, stop for a sec.”
She pulled off of him and frowned. “Everything okay?”
He nodded and said, “How close are you?”
She slowly pulled her hand out of her knickers. “Pretty close.”
“Excellent.” He tapped a fingertip against the base of his cock and said, “The birthday boy would like to be inside his wife, if she’s agreeable.”
Rose chuckled and rolled her eyes, but she pushed her knickers down her legs and knelt beside him after retrieving a small foil packet from their bedside.
“The birthday boy’s wife is very agreeable,” she replied, slowly rolling the condom down his length. “D’you want to top? It’s your day, after all.”
But James shook his head, wanting to see her on top of him. He braced his hands at her hips to steady her as she straddled his hips and took him inside of her.
“I love being inside you,” he sighed as he filled her.
“Here I thought you loved getting a blow job,” Rose said with a cheeky grin.
“Well, I love that too,” he said, gripping her hips as she began to rock on him. “I just love making love with you however I can. I love you.”
“I love you, too, James,” she said, before her head tilted back and she groaned. “God, you feel good.”
He nodded, thrusting his hips up into her to try to get her to make that breathy squeak he loved so much. It took a couple tries, but she finally let out the noise and he grinned triumphantly.
“You’re too pleased,” she huffed breathlessly.
“Bet I can make you come first,” he replied, arching his hips to drive himself harder into her.
“I’ll take that—oh, fuck—that bet.”
Before he could reach down to rub her clit and send her over the edge she was already close to, Rose caught his hands in hers and pinned them near his head.
“Oi!” he whined.
She breathed out a laugh as she leaned closer to him until she was almost lying flat on top of him. She squeezed her muscles around him, giving him a surge of friction and pleasure as she mercilessly rocked her hips into his.
“You’re cheating,” he gasped as the coil of pleasure tightened inside of him.
“No, I’m using my extensive knowledge and experience to win this bet,” she replied, setting an unforgiving pace above him.
“Cheating,” he muttered, but he soon didn’t care as long as her hips kept moving. “I’m close, Rose. You’re gonna come too, right?”
“Mhm,” she answered, biting her lip. “Right behind you.” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. It was sloppy and uncoordinated but so tender that James’s heart skipped a beat with the love he felt in the moment. She then placed her lips next to his ear and whispered, “Come for me, James.”
The words were his undoing, along with the puff of hot air across the shell of his ear. Trembling with goosebumps, James strained against her grip as he felt the coil of pleasure release. Rose let him go, and he hugged her hips tightly to his.
“Your turn,” he gritted out, trying to coordinate his hips to keep thrusting into her as he spent himself.
“Right there,” she grunted.
James’s eyes rolled back as his pleasure peaked, leaving him pulsing and throbbing inside of Rose as his heartbeat roared in his ears. He heard her whimper his name before the word died on a series of wordless moans and sighs.
His head finally cleared of the fog enough for him to watch Rose continue to ride her high, working herself against him in slow, lazy movements. God, he loved her. He loved her more than he could possibly tell her. His whole heart clenched with the feeling, and he sat up so he could wrap her in a hug.
His movements caused her to let out another hum of pleasure, and so he flexed his hips for her, delighted that this orgasm seemed to be going on for longer than usual.
“Oh, God,” she groaned, resting her forehead on the top of his head. “Jesus.”
“Just James,” he mumbled, burying his face into her neck. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
They remained in their intimate embrace until James felt himself slip out of her. Grimacing, he tugged the condom off and dropped it into the rubbish bin they kept beside the bed. Before he could coax Rose off his lap, she threaded her fingers through his hair to tilt his head back so she could press her lips to his.
Their kisses were unhurried and full of tenderness. James wished they could stay in bed for another hour or so because his arousal was slowly reigniting the longer he kissed his wife. He knew she could feel the evidence of it, because she smirked against his mouth and ground her hips down on his, encouraging his erection to grow.
“We shouldn’t,” he sighed, even as he wished she would keep moving on him like that.
“Sure we should,” she argued. “I mean… if you want to go another round.”
“Oh, believe me, I do,” he said firmly. His entire body was singing with renewed desire, as though he hadn’t just found his release mere minutes ago. “But the kid’s’ll be up soon.”
“They’re probably already up,” she replied.
“All the more reason we shouldn’t.”
“I can keep quiet if you can,” she whispered. But she pulled back from the kiss to look down at him. “If you want?”
He did want. He stayed silent for a few seconds, listening for the kids. The faint clattering of silverware on bowls echoed from the kitchen, and James hoped they were eating something somewhat healthy for breakfast.
Rose misinterpreted his silence and pressed a kiss to his forehead and began to shift off of his lap.
“No, no. Stay,” he murmured. “I want.”
James pulled her head back to his, catching her lips in another kiss before he coaxed her onto her back and grabbed a fresh condom before covering her body with his. There wasn’t a single place their bodies weren’t touching, and James let out a deep groan of satisfaction when Rose wrapped her arms and legs around him.
“My God, I feel like I could stay like this forever,” Rose moaned into his ear after he slipped inside of her. “You feel so, so good, James.”
“I know the feeling,” he hummed, nuzzling his nose into her neck to breathe her in.
“The kids should be fine for a few hours, right?” she asked, rolling her hips up into his.
“Definitely. They’re very self-sufficient children.”
“Then I vote we stay here all day.”
“I’m not sure they’re self-sufficient enough to drive themselves to school though,” James mused.
“That’s the next thing I’m teaching them.” She hissed and dug her nails into his lower back. “Oh, God, do that again.”
James grinned and arched his hips, rubbing his pelvis against hers as he did so. Gradually, their conversation dwindled and sighing pants and moans took their place. They smothered their sounds of pleasure into each other’s skin as they made love slowly. After sending Rose over the edge, James’s teeth sank into her shoulder as he grunted through his release.
As the final aftershocks rippled through him in time with Rose’s fingers stroking his spine, her phone blared at them.
“What happened to my alarm?” James mumbled into her breast as Rose grabbed her phone.
“I wanted a few extra minutes with you,” she answered. “I figured you’d appreciate that.”
“How many is ‘a few’?”
A guilty smile crossed her face. “Er… thirty?”
James laughed into her skin. “You impossible woman. You’re gonna make me late.”
“If you get in the shower within the next two minutes, you’ll be right on time,” Rose said. But she’d resumed trailing her fingertips up and down his spine, sending pleasant tingles across his skin and giving him no incentive to move. “I’ll have your breakfast and coffee ready for you, and you can be out the door by seven-forty.”
His entire chest warmed, and he pulled back to look at her. “You take such good care of me.”
A slow, broad smile lit up her face. “Well, of course. I love you.”
“I love you, too. So much.” He leaned down a pressed a series of kisses to her cheeks and lips as he said, “You and our daughters are my life’s greatest gift, and I’m so thankful have such a wonderful family.”
Just then, a barrage of rapid knocks sounded on their bedroom door.
“Are you done having private alone time?”
“What? I wanna show Daddy my card! Mummy needs to share Daddy.”
James bit back a laugh. He looked down at Rose, whose eyes were twinkling with amusement, and murmured, “I take back what I said. They’re absolute menaces.”
Rose giggled and smacked at his shoulder. He stuck his tongue out at her, then rolled off her.
“I’ll be out in ten minutes,” he called out. “I’m about to get a shower. I can’t wait to see your card, Sian.”
The doorknob jiggled. “Can’t we come in?”
“No, darling,” he said. “We’ll be out in a few minutes. Go finish getting ready for school.”
The pitter patter of two sets of small feet retreated down the hall, and James breathed a silent sigh.
“Her innocence is such a gift and I dread the day she realizes what her mum and dad do behind closed doors,” he said. “I was traumatized when I realized what my parents were doing during “private alone time”.”
Rose snorted and rolled her eyes. “Imagine learning your mum did that with a random bloke she met at a pub or a supermarket or the laundry. But nevertheless. I don’t want us to make a big deal of it to the kids. Yeah? What we’re doing is perfectly natural and I don’t want either Ainsley or Sianin to think it’s something dirty or secret or something to be ashamed of.”
“Agreed,” James said. “It’s just a little awkward, is all. I can see Sianin blurting out at school someday that her mum and dad have private alone time all the time.”
Rose let out a cackle and said, “Oh, she probably will. Bless her nonexistent filter. But you need to get up. You’re three minutes behind the very strict schedule I set for you.”
“Well, since I’m already running late…” He leaned over and brushed a kiss to the freckles on her shoulder. “You could just join me in the shower and make me properly late. Eh?”
She smacked her palm against the back of his head, and he pulled back with a pout. But she was grinning as she said, “You’re insatiable!”
“For you, my love?” He leaned down to press a final kiss to her shoulder. “Always.”
<-- Ch 11 | Ch 13 -->
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wannawrite · 6 years
[ one : the painter ]
19 / 05 / 10 ; jihoon’s safe haven
Is my existence on earth really such a big mistake?
Jihoon's back ebbed with pain. Cold, red blood spilt throughout his uniform like an epidemic as he propped one shaky hand on the floor, struggling to rise to his feet. With eyes narrowed defiantly at the three towering figures in front of him, Jihoon saw everything.
He laughed.
As if he were a sculpture, Seungcheol's fingers had carved into his skin sharp, double edged battle scars. A smirk had curved onto the older's face at the very sight of those things revealing themselves on the younger's soft, pale skin. They were Seungcheol's faithful, unwavering palettes, and they only existed to serve a single colour-the colour of pain.
Yet, this colour was the very source of Seungcheol's bright, heartthrobbing smile.
To girls, at least. Jihoon found it absolutely revolting.
Seungcheol, being the school's 'bad boy', had always resented art class with a fiery venegance. He had gotten grades no higher than an F, which was probably the result of his bad behaviour. However, Jihoon seemed to be an exception. His personal little puppet which he manipulated and toyed with, almost if he was having fun.
And so, Jihoon laughed. In his trembling, sickly monotone he laughed for all he was worth, whilst clambering to class with a hunched back. The laughs grew to increase in volume at the sight of Seungcheol's reaction, whose jaw had dropped in shock at the loud, triumphant sounds of joy ringing in his ears.
Before Seungcheol decided to make a run for it, a small, powerful fist grabbed hold of his collar. The older would normally escape from this quickly, but the element of surprise wasn't going to fail Jihoon just yet. Panic rose to Seungcheol's strapping, well built chest, and inwardly, his blood was boiling. He stared up at the younger with the anger of defeat, which only lifted the corners of Jihoon's lips to its max. Slowly, his eyes shut at the pain that choked his neck like a leash-under a circumstance where he was deprived of oxygen, even the strongest of people would crumble under its wrath.
He never thought he'd see the day where Jihoon would escape from his clutches.
He never thought he'd see the day where he was wrapped around Jihoon's little finger.
Like literally, Jihoon's hands were incredibly small, and the fact that he was pinning down a 55kg, muscle-made boy was just humiliating.
"Yah, Seungcheol-hyung! I've won." Seungcheol's boiling, brown eyes forced itself open to face a giggly Jihoon. A malicious smirk playing on his lips, Jihoon added, "It took you 15 whole minutes to paint me red, but it took me less than a minute to make your face go white."
A release of Jihoon's small, balled up fists sent Seungcheol's large, strapping figure crumpling to the floor.
His milky, lost eyes seemed to be in a daze after using up all his strength-the older's weight had took quite a toll on his fingers.
How annoying.
With great might Seungcheol forced his entire being back up again. His eyebrows were arched, and his face was tinted with the darkest shade of cherry. No one had aroused him this much before. His beagle eyes stared down Jihoon with the pure look of disgust, but the smaller boy stood there, unfazed.
"Hit me all you want, Seungcheol. I shouldn't have to cry and breakdown  just because that's what you want. You aren't my father, right?" Jihoon spat smugly.
Seungcheol quickly took chase after his junior, in which Jihoon reacted quickly. However, he was done. Done with being the victim, done with losing the battle with every passing day. He fought back the tears spinning in his eyes as he tried to find some way to escape from this dire situation.
I never deserved to be treated like this. No one does. Jihoon had started to weep as he sprinted, but from the deeper, neglected ends of his heart.
He would never cry in front of Seungcheol again. He had promised himself.
And Jihoon had never broke a promise.
From his blurry, peripheral vision, his gaze stumbled onto a school staff repainting the wall on the other corner.
Pleasure bubbled in his chest, for the pain that had once resided there was finally free to go. His smirk angled up further, and before Seungcheol could do anything else, his face-oh wait, no, his entire being - had thrown on a rather cheery shade of dark green.
Bitter, just like your soul, Jihoon snickered to himself as his eyes fell into small, condescending moons. His adrenaline soared with joy at the sight of Seungcheol getting beaten to a pulp, and Jihoon laughed harder. Seungcheol's accomplices? Nowhere to be found.
"Lee Jihoon! What are you doing to your schoolmate-" the staff cried in her croaky, granny voice, eyes scanning the scene with a look of indignance and slight horror. But of course, Jihoon cut her off.
He took two, precarious steps towards the exit of the school, and with all his might, squeezed out his most beeseechingly innocent smile, "Seungcheol, using the colour red is rather unoriginal, don't you think? Dark green looks a lot better on you."
With that, the boy fled from the school with quick, hurried footsteps, raising an arm to shield his tears from the prying eyes of the public.
Jihoon had left the poor school staff with two things: a large, unpleasing blob to clean up, and possibly, another name marked down for detention.
But with Seungcheol?
Only one thing remained-an unforgettable, bitterly learnt lesson.
Jihoon ran for what seemed like eternity, until he arrived at his usual spot-a large, lushy grass patch with a beautiful view of the sky-and sobbed.
He had won the battle with Seungcheol-but had undeniably, lost the war with himself.
Look at the sky, look at the sky... The vast expanse of the limitless, blue body had always offered a sense of peace to Jihoon's worn out mental state. It seemed to shrink his problems away-making them look so small, so insignificant compared to the galaxy out there.
But today, his sky was clouded with tears. It always was.
Jihoon's black locks sprawled out in between the grass as his head lulled backwards. His eyes fixated on the cool, big blue, and almost instantly, it cleanly occupied every corner of his eyes. The light tint of the sky seemed to embrace his figure, the trees, the houses lining the street-everythimg around him in one big hug.
His chest, which rose and fell in waves slowly stopped to a halt. The light, gentle wind stroked his skin and caressed his scars. It played around with the edges of his red splattered uniform-lifting its corners and revealing his small, soft tummy.
For the first time today, Jihoon let out a genuine, light-hearted laugh as he pulled down his shirt shyly, afraid that someone would see him in such a state. No school, no bullying...he wished to the ends of the earth, that he could just lie here forever, and...
The sky was his best friend, and he was certain it would remain that way.
Enveloped in a blanket of wide blue, soothing serenity, Jihoon was quietly sang to sleep, by the sound of the wind whistling gently in his ears.
wow !! much depressd !1!1!
uwu seungcheol is a meanie >:( (no pun intended)
- admin N
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All My Friends Are Heathens; Part 9
{ Part 8 }
{ Master List }
Summary: Octavia attempts to get the gang to start their own society in the woods in order to ditch school, Lincoln spills the beans about Bellamy having a date, cars are stolen, Clarke’s failing at being the Mom-friend... the usual delinquent nonsense ;)
*Delinquent group chat*
TheSuperiorBlake: who wants to abandon all adult responsibilities and create a Amazonian-like society in the woods with me??
i-make-it-go-boom: is this a Wonder Woman scenario where no men are invited BECAUSE SIGN ME TF UP
Murphy is getting on my last nerve
Jaaaaaasssssppper: Wonder Woman was a spiritual experience, I’ll dress in drag and do the hula if you let me in
Guns&Roses: Make him do the truffle shuffle
MillertheKiller: Lincoln, babe, don’t cry
I’ll be ur boo
TheSuperiorBlake: paws off Miller!!!
NurseGriffin: I’m listening
TheSuperiorBlake: everyone is invited you meatheads I just don’t want to study
Jaaaaaasssssppper: Cool cool
is booze involved then?
HeadbandWonder: ah come on! I don’t want to share a tent with anyone that smells like a gym locker :’(
NurseClarke: Guess we’re all sharing a tent with Bellamy ‘cause the rest of u guys smell like old socks
Bellamy smells like a forest after a light rain <3
TheSuperiorBlake: that’s oddly specific
MillertheKiller: Speaking of the freckled wonder... r shirts optional? Bellamy has abs that need to be appreciated
Trikru: that’s Clarke’s job
Iliad: Listen you toadstools I’m in the middle of a meeting 
If you’re going to compliment my physique at least wait until I’m available to appreciate the praise 
 Jaaaaaasssssppper: I vote to kick Bellamy out of our Amazon club he uses too many big words 
 TrashPrince: Seconded 
 Trikru: He can’t join anyway 
He’s too busy with his new beau ;)
Guns&Roses: WAIT IT’S NOT CLARKE?????????????
MOM SAY IT ISN’T SO????????????
 i-make-it-go-boom: Mom did u know about this??? 
 Greenbean: r u sad? 
Jasper and I will make u brownies 
And give u hugs 
Jaaaaaasssssppper: we’ll wrap u in blankets and take care of u mom UNLIKE SMELLAMY YOU SHITBRICK 
NurseGriffin: guys I’m fine 
TrashPrince: LIES 
TheSuperiorBlake: u guys leave her alone 
She’s in the first step of recovery: Denial 
NurseGriffin: I’m not in denial you meatheads 
MillertheKiller: only someone in denial would say that 
TrashPrince: As someone who has gone to therapy several times, I can say with all authority that mommy dearest is indeed in denial 
i-make-it-go-boom: as a certified mechanic, I’m obligated to fix this AND FIX IT I SHALL 
MillertheKiller: I’LL LIGHT THE TORCHES 
Jaaaaaassssppper: LET’S KILL THE BEAST! 
Greenbean: wut? 
Jaaaaassssppper: I thought we were quoting that beauty and the beast song 
TheSuperiorBlake: this convo really got away from me 
TrashPrince: #knockbellamyintonextyear2k17 
HeadbandWonder: let’s hit him where it hurts!! 
TrashPrince: I’m suggesting a mob and all u want to do is kick him in the junk?? UR uninvited from our mob Harper 
TrashPrince: fine ur re-invited BUT UR ON THIN ICE 
*Operation Fake Out*
NurseGriffin: listen i know you’re in a meeting and everything, but we should probs tell them we’re “dating” before they kill you
Iliad: Oh I’m not actually in a meeting
I went to get us coffee, I was gonna stop by your house and surprise you, but I didn’t realize until I got there that I left my wallet back at the library. -_-
I just said I was in a meeting so I didn’t have to respond to their idiocy
NurseGriffin: awwwwwwww!! <3 who’s the best fake bf ever?
Iliad: Chris Evans probably
Any of the Chris’s really
But I’ll happily take second place ;)
Anyway... once I get my wallet I’ll bring you coffee and we can talk about when we’re going to let them “catch” us on a date.
 NurseGriffin: Just make it fast, Murphy’s trying to start a mob
Iliad: Copy that, Princess
Trikru: u know what would be more fun than a mob?? Inviting Bellamy and his gf to dinner so we can get to know them 
i-make-it-go-boom: pass 
MillertheKiller: hard pass 
besides I already broke the driver’s side window on bellamy’s rover 
NurseGriffin: U WHAT????? 
MillertheKiller: Can’t talk I’ve stolen the rover Bellamy can’t escape
TheSuperiorBlake: Miller is the leader our amazon society doesn’t deserve but desperately needs 
 NurseGriffin: pls tell me this isn’t real 
i-make-it-go-boom: come pick me up!! I’ll repaint it and change the plates so the cops can’t find it 
Jaaaaaaasssssppper: Monty and I will wipe away all fingerprints 
 But within a month will have to ditch the car at the Mexican border, change our names, and start brand new lives in Canada from here on out you will call me Reginald!! 
Guns&Roses: I want to be Harper 
TheSuperiorBlake: I call dibs on being Murphy I’ve always wanted to be a sarcastic asshole with no concern for anyone’s feelings 
 TrashPrince: u r a sarcastic asshole with no concern for anyone’s feelings 
TheSuperiorBlake: feeling real attacked right now 
 Trikru: square up Murphy 
NurseGriffin: listen here children of Satan  
Jaaaaaaaassssppper: rude 
 TrashPrince: fair 
 NurseGriffin: Being Bellamy's car back and leave money for the broken window in the glove box OR SO HELP ME I WILL CALL ALL OF YOUR MOTHERS 
 TheSuperiorBlake: jokes on u I don't have a mother 
Guns&Roses: this just got real sad real quick 
NurseGriffin: don't bullshit me Octavia Blake 
We all know Indra is ur step-mother 
Greenbean: speaking of the freckled wonder...
 He's taking this rather well 
 TrashPrince: Doubtful 
He probably had a heart attack in the middle of his meeting He's probably being resuscitated as we speak
*Operation Fake Out*
NurseGriffin: Bellamy, the platonic love of my life
U beautiful cinnamon roll
my pseudo lover
Iliad: Is this about my rover?
NurseGriffin: Oh so u are still getting the group messages?
Iliad: Getting them? I crawled into the back of my car to grab a book I needed to return while I was back at the library and APPARENTLY MILLER DIDN’T SEE ME AND HAS STOLEN MY CAR WITH ME IN IT!!
NurseGriffin: OMG
Iliad: No I just like being a drama queen
sorry, I hit my head on the seat when miller hit a speed bump
NurseGriffin: I’m calling Kane
Iliad: Please don’t. I don’t want to have to explain why Miller’s blood is all over my car.
NurseGriffin: Bellamy I love you, but I’m not waiting for you to get out of prison if you murder Nathan.
Iliad: After all we’ve been through??
I’m hurt Clarke
NurseGriffin: Our fake relationship is not built to survive prison
Iliad: You’re supposed to be my ride of die!
NurseGriffin: ur about to die riding in your stolen car without a seat belt
*IceIceBaby direct messaged Iliad*
IceIceBaby: why is ur car speeding through the school parking lot like it’s a Fast & Furious moment?
Iliad: because i’m not driving my car
IceIceBaby: damn dude
ur missing out then
I’ll put the video on facebook for u
Iliad: my hero -_-
*Operation Fake Out*
Iliad: Clarke listen
Miller is driving my car so fast I can hear pieces falling off
Campus security has been chasing us for eight blocks
The entire Arkadia police force is probably gonna be here any second with a helicopter and I will inevitably be shot out the windshield like a rocket in the next few minutes
So in case I go out like a human bullet, there’s something I gotta tell you
NurseGriffin: Is this about the time u cheated off me in math?
Iliad: That never happened
And if it did, I wouldn’t waste my final breath on it
I’ll pay for that *hypothetical* sin in the afterlife
Iliad: I really didn’t want to tell you like this
I had it all planned you know
We were gonna go to the botanical garden and I was going to sit you down in a secluded little spot and tell you... which sounds kind of cliche now that I’m saying it.
I don’t know, I guess I always pictured it surrounded by flowers so I could tell you they didn’t compare to you
NurseGriffin: what’s happening right now?
Are you proposing to me?
Iliad: Clarke I’m in love with you
For real
I kinda, sorta, suggested the fake date thing so you’d see I could be a good boyfriend and maybe, you know, wanna date for real.
NurseGriffin: u tried to trick me into dating u??
Iliad: Not mfhrnedifnrkfkj
MillertheKiller: ABORT MISSION
TheSuperiorBlake: what’s happening?
maybe  a little longer, I hit my head really hard and then threw up climbing out the back window
NurseGriffin: why aren’t u answering my texts u jackass???!!!
i thought u were dead!!!
u can’t just tell me u love me and then not respond to my texts!!!
Guns&Roses: wait, but aren’t u dating someone new???
Trikru: i was trying to tell u that he was going out with clarke but NO ONE WAS LISTENING!!
TheSuperiorBlake: YOU KNEW AND DIDN’T TELL ME???
Trikru: i mean he never actually admitted anything but i had my suspicions
TheSuperiorBlake: all the guys minus jasper and monty are uninvited from the Amazon society
Lincoln especially
TrashPrince: WHAT DID I DO??
TheSuperiorBlake: i don’t know
and i don’t care
NurseGriffin: guy!!! not now!
Bellamy are u ok?
Iliad: i can smell colors
everything tastes like blood
NurseGriffin: where are u? I’m coming to get u
Iliad: don’t know
everything is spinning
MillertheKiller: two miles outside of Arkadia
can u get me too?
NurseGriffin: walk u cretin!!
u almost killed Bellamy
this is ur punishment
NurseGriffin: Bellamy stay where u are! I’m coming to get u!
Iliad: oh is it time for our coffee date already?
NurseGriffin: no ur going to the hospital
Iliad: not as fun but probably for the best
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milyanthony · 7 years
Story of my Dad
Once in the afternoon I came back home from school, I asked my Dad to borrow his car. He didn’t let me drive due to the bad weather outside. But I told him I could handle it. I was 17 back then. I promised my friends to catch up. My teenager ego brooke loose all my patience.. his high pitch was out of control. We had a big argument.
I slammed the door and locked it against him. I broke my mirror. I told him I wouldn’t go out of the room to see his face anymore!
I stayed in my room until the day after. I didn’t go to school because for sure, my friends would sarcastically mock on me.
I only got out to look some food, and when I realized my dad would be around, I came back to isolate myself in.
The next day I woke up in the middle of a night. I knew my Dad must have been sound asleep in his room. So I went out of my room to get some cold milk.
I crossed by my living room to reach kitchen. I saw my TV screen was still shining bright. There was somebody on the couch still. I tried to take a look closer..
He was still there. Sleeping. With his work outfit still on. Even the socks. It was already midnight.
On the table in front of him there were two bowls, the one that was already empty. And another one that filled by some melted ice cream.
He bought my favorite ice cream. Was waiting for me to go out of the room watching history channel together. Because he didn’t switch the channel to the midnight news one, as he always did.
I saw his shiny face. Looked tired. Woke up in the early morning for every single day to feed all the family.
His wrinkles were not too visible to compare when he got angry. He was all quiet, so I couldn’t hear his anger that slurred out of his mouth like the last time.
When I was 4 years old, he was a jobless guy. I could still recall how he spent days painting, and drawing. Making sculptures. He was the coolest Dad ever for me! He let me to straint paint with all over my body dirty. I painted on the wall of our house. We erased, then repainted again. That was fun.
Our house was small. We didn’t have cars. Only a classic bike of my Dad. That was his favorite. I always sat on the basket in front because my tiny body still could fit in it. My mom spent her mornings cooking for us. The days looking after us, and the nights making a lot of beautiful poems. We had a deaf cat named Lucy. My Dad brought it back to home when he found Lucy drowning in the small lake near our house.
I also took Lucy in the basket of my Dad’s bike. We strolled around the lake every morning. Gone fishing. And Lucy ran away free catching some grosshoppers. Dad also brought the painting tools along. My mom put drawing, story book, and some crayons in my bag. Because she couldn’t afford to pay my kindergarten. That got me a bit jealous every time I saw the kids at my same ages went back from school wearing their uniforms.
One afternoon when I was with Lucy and my Dad in the lake area. Did our daily routine. A few kids came toward me. They wore uniforms from the kindergarten nearby. They had nice bags and shoes.
They saw me drawing without saying anything. I shared them my crayons and some space on my drawing book. They looked shy at the beginning. Then another kid tried to look around what inside my story book. “Ah, that one. You want me to read the story?”
They nodded altogether..
So I read them a story from my book. They went to school everyday, but they were not able to read and draw as I did being schooless. I read the book like my Mom ever taught me, and they listened to all my story telling. Of course I introduced them my pet, Lucy. They loved Lucy too!
After that day, we always constantly met and played around together. They brought their parents, also their toys. My Dad was happy to see that, I had new friends except Lucy.
I told everything to my Mom, and I invited her to come and I would introduce to my new friends. There she came..
But that day was very total different than I expected. As the sun went almost down, Mom asked me to go home, leaving my Dad behind. I said goodbye to my friends, and Lucy would go home with Dad.
That night, I heard my mom crying. That was the first time I heard my mom’s voice shivering and yelling out loud. My Dad brought me and Lucy to our room, he turned the music on. Britpop. I didn’t hear the noise from outside again.
The day after I woke up in the morning.. I was looking for my breakfast and hot milk on the table as my mom always served.
The omelette tasted different. I asked my Dad where mom was. He didn’t answer, and continuously drawing. I spent the whole day and night with my Dad.. until I fell asleep and woke up again to the next day.
Mom was still not around.
I was looking for her, and started crying. My milk ran out, and I couldn’t find my crayons. Dan tried doing anything to entertain me. But I couldn't stop snobbing until night. Dad gave me hug, calmed me down on our terrace. A night sky was completely quiet. The stars and moon were so visible enough from down here.
Days went by.. without a mother figure in the house. Without a story before bed every night. Without a bubble bath every day. Without a glass of hot milk every morning.
Dad was changed. His hair was getting longer. But he never changed his life. Filled by art and his own wonderful world.
By the morning I woke up after dreaming about my Mom. Then somebody came in the room, and.. I was super surprised and tremendously happy! My dream came true, and my Mom was really there!
I jumped up to her and she couldn’t stop kissing all over my face. She left for 3 months..
She gave me a lil gift. That was a school uniform. That was the first day I went to school. I still remember, 5th of May 1996. And at the same day, my Dad cut his hair. He was happy to see me wearing uniform, got ready for school. Too bad I couldn’t bring Lucy along with me. So I left it at home. Dad, also changed his outfit. That was the first time I saw him wearing a nice shirt and trouser. Carried a bag. Never seen him with all of those things before.
And since that, Dad rarely showed up his face at the daytime. He always went home late. Worked hard. Forgot his drawings and sculptures. We sometimes went to the lake. But not stayed for too long. He started getting busy and kept being busy and busy. Until I forgot that we’ve had those daily fun activities as we used to do.
Until that night I saw his tiring face sleeping on the couch. Full of materialism all over his body. I couldn’t recognize him anymore. But when he slept, it reminded me of our good golden days back in the past.
So precious.
We were happy without big house and cars. Unfortunately, Lucy died when I was 8. And all the painting tools were kept in a storage at our place.
The day when my mom left, apparently she was really offended by the parents of my little friends. The parents kept questioning the reason why I had to stay inside the house without an education. Husband should support it, and it’s a mandatory duty of a father. Mom figured out the truth and forced my Dad to find a job, instead of being an useless artist. Unfortunately he couldn’t find any job that was suitable for him, my mom resisted to get back at home before my Dad found a new job to feed us. To give me a proper education as the other kids do.
Well, back on the night when I was 17. Now I understand why my Dad was really strict over me. For me, he couldn’t understand what I want, meanwhile, he always thought that I was still his little girl.
I know I will always be his little girl forever. I am the only child he has. I am the only treasure he can’t replace. and money still can’t buy happiness to live healthily and safely in the house.
No matter how drastically our lives changed. He’s still being a figure of family man who loves to protect his family. As our leader.
And right now…
I just got back home from the longest meeting ever at my office. Tired but can’t sleep. Sad but can’t cry.
I miss my Dad. I need him at my current lowest mental breakdown.
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