daenystheedreamer · 1 year
people forget renloras arent twinks they might as well be muscle gays 😭 loras is a gymbro and renly has the BARAtheon genes where he’s naturally yolked
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kingsmoot · 1 year
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aelyxmagnus · 4 months
A list explaining how renly is hadrian reborn:
1. Hadrian and Renly both lost their parents when they were young, Hadrian was around 10 when his dad, Hadrianus Afer died along with his mother, while Renly was around 1 year old when Steffon and Cassana died off the shore of Cape wrath. Hadrian was taken in as a ward (not adopted) by his cousin, the future emperor Trajan, who seems to have not have liked his cousin much, just looked after him and set up his education, similar to how Robert and Stannis just had Cressen and the Storms End staff look after Renly. Hadrian was very interested in Greek Culture and much more Hellenistic, earning him the mocking nickname of the Greekling, similar to how people make fun of Renly for spending more money on his wardrobe than a woman.
2. Neither Hadrian nor Renly were born into the ruling family, We all know what happened with Robert’s rebellion, while in Hadrian’s case, the emperor Nerva was forced to adopt Trajan due to fear or rebelliousness. It is said that it was Hadrian who told Trajan of the news of his adoption (doubtful). After their relatives were placed onto the throne, neither of them got very important jobs (or in Renly’s case, not do much with the power.), with Hadrian having a normal roman public career, which might have got him some power in the old republic, but which was mostly just honorary by this time.
3. Both of their successions/usurpations of the throne were spearheaded by women, in Renly’s case Olenna and Margaery are two of the most important people that allowed him to claim the crown, while In Hadrian’s case, it was claimed by Plotina(Trajan’s wife) that Trajan had adopted Hadrian on his deathbed, which could not be easily verified as Trajan had died returning from a grand Persian campaign, leading many to suspect, me included, that this was a fictitious story.
4. After killing some senators who might have opposed him, Hadrian shocked the Roman world by withdrawing from Trajan’s Persian conquests, realizing (correctly) that the empire had overextended. Similarly, Renly offers Robb further autonomy and even allow him to keep calling him king, which goes against everything that Aegon’s conquest did by having only one king in westeros, similar to how Hadrian’s abandonment went against the roman ethic of imperial expansion.
Now, we come to the part I have been wanting to deal with and which is the reason I started writing this: their love lives, more specifically, I think Renloras is a reversal of the Hadrian Antinous story
Both Renly and Hadrian were gay. Neither of them seems to have shown even the slightest interest in sleeping with their wives. Hadrian was also quite controlling of his wife, famously sending away Suetonius, author of the twelve caesars for being too friendly with his wife, Trajan’s grandniece, who he seems to have almost loathed, but was on very good terms with Plotina, who shared his hellenistic values. We don’t enough about Alerie to know what her relationship with renly was
Somewhere on his many travels, Hadrian met a boy called Antinous, who might have been only around 13-14 when Hadrian first met him, while Hadrian would have been around 47, while Renly and Loras have a much less troubling age gap of five years, cuz even grrm knew that was too much of an age gap I guess. It is said that Hadrian was deeply in love with Antinous, whether Antinous was or was not will probably never be known, similar to how some readers think Loras was just a fling for Renly (I’m unconvinced by that), but Hadrian was fucking obsessed with this dude, similar to how Loras was to Renly. Royston Lambert says of their relationship: “The way that Hadrian took the boy on his travels, kept close to him at moments of spiritual, moral or physical exaltation, and, after his death, surrounded himself with his images, shows an obsessive craving for his presence, a mystical-religious need for his companionship.”
Then their deaths. Similar to how most of westeros is confused about who killed Renly or have the wrong culprit in mind, usually Brienne, we don’t know how Antinous died, except that that it was an ‘accident’ on the Nile, with some reports that Hadrian killed him in a blood magic ritual, which almost certainly didn’t happen seeing how Hadrian reacted to his death, (although if we assume it was true, there is a sort of parallel with Hadrian’s reaction and Stannis’ thoughts about Renly, but that’s off-topic.)
Hadrian deified Antinous after returning to Rome, and built temple after temple for him, with many towns enthusiastically taking up the worship of the new cult to curry imperial favor. Loras might not have gone to such a great extent, but his mass killing spree is exactly what might be expected of a young man in love who finds his lover killed, while Hadrian’s obsessive building is what an old administrator who built so much stuff that historians say we could make a good account of his reign with just them, is also sorta expected.
There’s a further parallel if we’re going by perceptions of hadrian:
“The caprice of Hadrian influenced his choice of a successor. After revolving in his mind several men of distinguished merit, whom he esteemed and hated, he adopted Ælius Verus, a gay and voluptuous nobleman, recommended by uncommon beauty to the lover of Antinous.2” (Edward Gibbon, The decline and fall of the roman empire.)
Gibbon seems to think that Hadrian appointed men to powerful positions just because their beauty attracted him (as a hadrian lover, I thoroughly disagree.) . As the post linked above makes a pretty convincing argument for, the Tyrells are a pretty good stand-in for the beautiful men, in both a figurative and literal sense with Loras.
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noxcompendium · 10 months
hi there!
- name's rafa - 23, he/him - proudly trans and bi - i made this blog to scream talk about my current fandoms which include but are not limited to: hp & game of thrones. i'm also in the process of getting into lord of the rings and superwholock. - i mainly ship: renloras, drarry, hinny, & jily! and also any mauraders ship, really. i also think about sansa stark so much it is embarrassing, truly! - if you're into any of the above and want to chat, please feel free! i've been trying to make more friends recently and i think i hold pretty good conversations! (possible conversation starter: any random headcanons you have! or what you love about your current otp!) - goes without saying: while i do post about hp, i don't endorse jk rowling's views and am committed to de-platforming that motherfucker in any way i can. cheers!
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perunikaart · 4 years
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Six fanarts ASoIaF edition!
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sansaeryshitandmore · 5 years
Loras: we could have been together...
Renly: we would have been so great, you and I
Margaery: you are just on different teams for charades, drama queens
Loras: you are sitting on sansa’s lap, you have no say in this, hypocrite
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omhamlet · 6 years
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We were too close to the stars I never knew somebody like you, somebody Falling just as hard I'd rather lose somebody than use somebody Maybe it's a blessing in disguise (I see myself in you) I see my reflection in your eyes
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janiedean · 6 years
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asoiaf pride fest | @asoiafpridefest
day five: favorite song for an lgbta+ character or ship 
↳ loras(/renly) + empty sky, bruce springsteen
Blood on the streets Yeah blood flowin’ down I hear the blood of my blood Cryin’ from the ground
Empty sky, empty sky I woke up this morning to an empty sky [x]
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samemetha · 7 years
Au where Westeros had gay rights and everyone was happy and in love
Alternatively: Joffery takes away said rights and the reason Robb starts a rebellion is bc his relationship with his husband, Theon, is threatened. Everyone joins in and kills Joffery.
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sneakydraws · 7 years
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i haven’t touched GoT in two years but i care deeply about tyrell siblings being happy n gay in some higschool au
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daenystheedreamer · 2 years
renloras meet the family. renly is like ok half of them are homophobic and the other half hate tyrells and they’re all really weird im sorry if they say anything to you i promise ill make it up to you. ten minutes into the dinner loras has slapped joffrey, called cersei a cunt to her face and suckerpunched robert
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kingsmoot · 1 year
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daniellelarusso · 7 years
I cant stop crying over Loras and Renly and how unfair it is that they were forced apart when they are absolute soulmates
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glenlorence · 7 years
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“if you were an ice cream flavor you would be my favorite one”
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perunikaart · 5 years
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Loras and Renly probably somewhere in Highgarden
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rcsedknight · 7 years
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renly baratheon x loras tyrell   |   modern au.
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