#rendering isnt GREAT but its BETTER
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i did my time and then, a house dropped on her head // the witch is dead, ding dong~! // move, bitch, this is my song!
text behind nikolai under the read-more
the text behind nikolai: - yearbook committee - drama club - oddball - ALWAYS at fyodor’s side - are they dating? friends with benefits? no one knows, and no one will ask. - VERY good at make-up - can successfully beat the shit out of you - okay, but seriously, what IS kolya’s relationship with fedya? - one time, i saw him come into school with the BIGGEST hickey - strong, but ALWAYS second.
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ive said this before but so much of what Retvrn Freaks glorify in early modern european art are just components inherent to the mediums being used at the time as opposed to like. an example of heightened skill that has been supposedly Lost in these degenerate times.... oil paint just looks like that. its very tonal and rich and even an artist with mediocre rendering skills will have their rendering skills improved by painting in oil. old oil paintings took years to complete not because the artists doing them were very skilled but because oil takes months to dry and they built up subtle washes over dried paint. tracing was also commonly utilized during that time period, and artists also often had small armies of apprentices who would do the hard work for them with no credit. these huge highly tonal oil paintings become significantly less impressive when you actually learn about their context.
#this isnt to like. diss or hate on oil painters or even all art made in europe during that time period#there are lots of great artists from that time period#but i also dont think that sort of art is more valuable than any other artistic movement#and i think posing these two very culturally european mediums as like the Pinnacle of art is stupid#another issue which isnt really to do with what im talking about here is like cultural ideals surrounding art...#if youre educated in a western tradition youre sort of encouraged to idolize realism and its associated artistic skills#eg: (anatomical accuracy - rendering skills - perspective)#and then favor mediums which lend better to those ideals. and then when you look at art from other cultural traditions#where the focus may have been on something different like color or symbol or narrative over realism you sort of see them as “lesser”#or theres the assumption that the artists who made those pieces were worse at art or unable to make highly realistic pieces#which is of course nonsense and also often racist (eg. colonizers in west africa assuming there must have been a greek colony#there because they found realistic statues and couldnt understand how people who currently made more stylized art could have made them)#but you even see this in popular assumption about european art pre-enlightenment too#like all those memes making fun of medieval manuscript faces. they drew like that because the narrative was more important than the realism#because the artists drawing them were basically illustrating bible stories#medium at hand also has a big hand to play here. art made for woodcut is gonna look different to art made for fabric#and oil paints arent uniquely european but they arent as widespread as clay or textile
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kuiinncedes · 10 months
bruh like
#my roommate great and all#but girl just copying from chat gpt for this project and like it's allowed and its fast and that 's fair and valid esp since this due tmrw#but i dont like it :c#i dont even know what i want to say but like i just feel so slow and dumb when shes just speeding thru copying whatever chat gpt says#without rly looking at it or anything idk idk#also fucking stupid thing is i was actually looking forward to writing part of this part of the project#bc i LIKE writing html i like writing the html template and rendering it :c#but she just chatgpt-ed it i didnt even realize#until she was like ohyeah we just gota figure this issue out and then its done (if it works)#and she'd already chat gpt=ed all the files#idk bro i just dont trust chat gpt like that lmao TT#i trust it enough but not enough to just copoy and paste from it so quickly#also im very tired so im just sad abt not being able to actually do part of this i fucking guess#but like better for us ig bc we dont have time#idk im just like#wanted to do more for this project bc i kinda failed at the last one as a group member#and i did do more esp for the first part but just like#doesnt rly feel like it idk ndfhbfdgjdbsfjdbfgkfdk#jeanne talks#wait the ...... template isnt even correct bc chat gpt did its own css style but we have style we can use#well ig it's fine and it's probably correct but#ugh idk lmfao just been generally feeling shitty abt academic shit this week anyway so yay#and like girl what the fuck am i supposed to do to help rn . i have no idea what all this shit is i didnt even see u copy and paste it ;-;#what am i doing here in this zoom then i actually have other work to do at this lovely hour of 2 in the morning
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feathernotes · 10 months
I want to talk about sustainability in your work process, featuring our fave: Backgrounds. How to simplify, convey, and deliver in comics! (examples include Phantomarine, Wychwood, Shaderunners and Ghost Junk Sickness) The usual suspect to burnout is often the workload involved. Many ppl who FULL HAM on pages that def need a detail cut for many reasons Main one being: You don’t need excessive detail to tell whats happening in a small panel, in fact, less is better. When you observe a page in its entirety, where does the eye travel? Where does the eye stop? Having a fully rendered BG in multiple panels can actually be a huge distraction, on top of the time it takes to get there. So how do you balance?
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In Phantomarine, the most detailed panel is the establishing one, it holds our characters and allows readers to understand the positions they're all in/standing at. Its one panel that provides a specific telling detail: the railings behind Phae indicate we're on the boat.
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In the bottom left panel,the artist uses the railings again, but doesnt have to render the lights, floor boards, or sea to show where we were, then uses the colours of said BG and mood to paint the rest of the page. This is where colours/gradients and small objects save the day! The same example is here, just flipped. The establishing shot shares DETAILS that you need to show the readers where we are, then the BG of Pavel eating food isnt over whelmed with background characters or other details that get in the way of the ACTION that is to be conveyed
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it would be rather distracting if we were to see Pavel eat that bowl, with sooo many more details involved in the panel- instead, the drapes, hues of light, and clever sound effects tell us what is happening. Wychwood does the very same with establishing shots, then KEY DETAILS to provide the reader with where the character is standing, without sacrificing the facial expressions and details of the CHARACTERS that we need to get across
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Most detail is in the top panel, the BAR that Julian holds onto is a KEY PIECE to show where they are in the BG already established. Perfect use of BG! Get used to thinking of those key details when changing scenes and establishing shots!
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Pick those key details to tell the reader where they are and draw that. If you have a library scene, please just draw that BG once! Take a specific bookcase or key feature, use blocked shapes and colours, and make it less detailed than the provided establishing shot. I also wanna talk about : Action Scenes Focusing on the ACTION of the scenes is SO important when you have them, and often details get lost when a creator focuses on details that can distract a reader! My advice? Most action scenes are best without/need little backgrounds. A few shots from Ghost Junk Sickness demonstrate this. We're paying attention to the action- we've been established where we are before, so let's play in the sandbox now.
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Have a panel or two peppered in there, with the same principal as above to ground where your character is, but do not add a BG in every panel. It instantly takes away from the action when it's not integrated as well, and it takes SO MUCH MORE TIME to draw that sequence!
Read More amazing tips: Here are some GREAT examples by the creators of ShadeRunners, HERE who break down how they do backgrounds ( AND CROWD SHOTS!!!!)
TL;DR: Comics are a MULTITUDE of skills and needs. It takes a lot of time and work to pull it off, so working with methods that make it easiest for you as the creator is what will help you maintain that momentum and stability you need! Good luck and get comicking!
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trainingdummyrabbit · 2 months
society if we actually finally got mad rat dead 2 and/or DLC
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first of all: real and true. its been several years and th madrat plushie still isnt finished being plushie'd iirc. its so funny. second of all: i have Opinions about this topic ok listen ok ok. im going to get a Little annoying abt it. apawlogies.
(so um, obviously, mrd spoilers. im being serious youshould play mrd if you havent already i love it dearly ok. thankyou.)
ilove this funny little game so much and id love to see it mentioned and appreciated more than it is with all of my heart. that being said; we do Not need a sequel. honestly, the dlc route i think would fit much better-- something id personally love to see. because again; the whole Coming To Terms With Death thing. mad rats arc revolves around that! getting to live the way he wants to; leaving his mark in a way he feels satisfied with-- thats the whole Thing. not only this, but heart and rat god's characters revolve around it too-- albeit in a different way.
what im saying is that a lot of the time, whenever ive seen discussion of a theoretical sequel, its always just kinda putting everyone back and everyone lives and thats kind of.. it. its hard to make a sequel to a game like this without kinda intrinsically doing that. but that also completely goes against what the story stands for as a whole. the whole mousewheel metaphor, yknow? it feels like itd kinda render everything mad rat and heart did kind of meaningless. like itd remove a lot of the weight of what the story presents.
what i personally think would really work, in terms of extra story, is something more akin to inter-story expansions. details where there werent things before; stages in between what we see in canon. because there's a Lot of things that simply remain unsaid (which i WONT infodump about here itll be an all day thing; what ill say is that this isnt a strictly negative thing) and being able to extrapolate a bit more on heart's-- and especially rat god's-- characters would be a Really fantastic option. heart, as a lead, gets a lot of introspection and screentime, but he also inherently revolves around whatever mad rat chooses to do. its hard to imagine he doesnt have things he doesn't-- or wouldn't-- express. (i think about how willing he was to die with mad rat; how he immediately followed along with him, supported him. what does this say about heart? who He was before all this? how he was before all this?)
and obviously . rat god. all i have to do is point to If We Could Be Friends. it speaks absolute Volumes about who she is and how she functions Despite her role in the story and how she presents herself. between that and everything at the end of Mad Rat Die, there is so much she simply doesnt express of herself. because she doesnt have to. she's Never had to. so to suddenly have to grapple with what you stand for being (successfully!!!) challenged like that-- listen. she has some Serious traits left unexplained, unspoken. as she is in-canon is genuinely fantastic, if horribly tragic by nature. but getting to see just the Smallest bit more of that attitude shine through with a theoretical expansion would kill.
i love how quiet all that is. it fits her. but to add a bit more definition would be Really great. i want to know how everyone would potentially grapple with that-- how she would grapple with that. what i most strongly imagine is a pseudo-noncanon almost dreamsequence type thing-- things still end the way they do, but it serves to simply allow them to be honest with each other, who they are, and really let them settle what fate chose to do with them. maybe they will meet again, in heaven, in hell.
also im tired of people acting like she has no character other than "wants to kill you" and "hashtag girlboss" me when i fuckig get y
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crowcryptid · 1 year
A bad tutorial on how to rip the models + animations from ultrakill and put them in blender
Note: Im using a blender addon to import the models, this is because fbx import is kinda broken by default in blender. The addon Im using is called better fbx importer and exporter. Its paid, but there are other ways to get it. Try without the addon first. If it doesnt work, DM me for a link.
This is NOT a blender tutorial. k? pls dont ask me blender questions.
You will need: Blender (free), AssetStudio (free), and if you want to make gifs, some sort of program like photoshop. I'm not explaining how to render things or make gifs.
ok. Begin.
Go to your install of ultrakill and copy the file path.
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Open asset studio and click LOAD FOLDER. Not any of the other ones. Paste the path to your ultrakill FOLDER. Not any of the folders inside that folder, just use the whole thing. Then. Wait. If you dont have enough ram, this wont work. If your pc isnt great this will probably freeze up. If that happens, sorry not much I can do.
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Once its all loaded, go to "asset list", then under filter type select "animator" and "animationclip". Search for what model you want. In this case, theres a lot. I dont remember which one i used but most of them should work. Some may have extra stuff attached, like swords.
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right click the animator and click "go to scene hierarchy"
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Select it. Again, this isn't a blender tut so the model you grab may be incomplete, for ex: sisyphus and minos have separate parts for their hearts/veins and sisyphus has a unique head made of 3 parts. Im sorry I wont be explaining all that :p This is just a basic guide. Experiment and you'll get it eventually.
BTW you can grab his weapon models but I havent figured out how to include them with the animations yet. If its even possible, idk.
Now for the annoying part. Finding the animation. If you just search for gabriel, you'll notice only 3 come up. I suggest sorting only by "animationclip" (do not use the search bar) and trying to find one. If you grab an animation for someone else, it wont work. This is just trial and error. For ease, I will be using the one called ZweiCombo (not ZweiDash despite the pic, i fucked up lol), I know this one belongs to gabe cause he is the only one with swords, well besides swordsmachine but you get what I mean..
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Ok, now create a folder somewhere and name it.
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Under model, use "export selected objects (merge) + selected animationclips" and export it all to the folder you made.
Now open blender and import the fbx file. If you press spacebar you should see something move. If it doesnt work then um.. you either grabbed the wrong animation, wrong model, or the fbx import got fucked. Trial and error. The textures also may be missing but again, this is not a blender tutorial. You can search that up, but to find textures if they didnt export at all, use filter type "texture2d" and search the character, you should be able to find all their textures. Some exceptions tho. For ex: gabes wings are named like "t_wings.png"
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done :]
There are other ways to grab the model, by grabbing the "mesh" not the "animator". I think works both ways, as far as I can tell?
EDIT: Forgot to mention that, as far as I know, you can only have 1 animation attached to the model you exported. This is why we made a folder. So if you want 5 animations from the same character, create 5 folders and export the model 5 times with a different animation selected each time. If an animation doesn’t work, I recommend just deleting everything you exported and starting again.
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skuthus · 2 years
Products I love
Seldom do you find an item or service that works so well, you don’t need to get another one. It’s a rarity these days to find anything of permanence, and it seems the concept itself has been eschewed by consumers and capitalists alike, both preferring a model of impermanent, infinite upgrades to a be all, end all product that lasts a lifetime.
However, for me, ownership matters. Being able to keep and reuse something without having to reactivate or repurchase it is essential to how I interact with the world around me. I find great pleasure in mastering an object, learning every way it can and cant be used, and once understood, using it like an extension of myself.
Many companies have spent lots of money convincing consumers that long-term ownership is antithetical to being wealthy, fulfilled, and productive. They of course have a vested interest in this position: If they can convince you they are right, they succeed in duping you into spending a lot more money on the latest products, or attaching yourself to an upgrade cycle that keeps you invested in their ecosystem, on their terms.
Their commitment to this position goes deeper and can be even more sinister. Some companies will even design their products with timed obsolescence, either with hardware that wears out or fails (batteries, backlights), with hardware checks or verifications (touchID buttons, processors) or most immorally, with software locks, like the inability to upgrade the product or inability to install a different OS.
If you think they do this for your benefit, you are a fool. Many arguments could be made: “the battery becomes dangerous after a certain amount of time”. Maybe so, but then why did the company *glue* the battery into the phone, and why isnt it easily replacable? “TouchID security has improved, its insecure to use a phone with the old system” Okay, but then why isn’t the consumer given the option to boot the phone with a different OS to use in a way that security isnt a factor? Such as a webcam or door bell or any number of infinite uses the phone still has. “We prevent the computer from being reused if its owner has not removed activation lock, rendering it into a brick” Sure, it might deter theft for now, but what about 10 years from now, when it sits in a closet, activation code and login long forgotten, and ends up at the local donation center? Will it never be reused again? all that goes into the trash?
I reject the notion that the company knows better than I do what to do with the product I purchased. I reject that I should essentially shackle myself to a product ecosystem for my own protection, and that I am somehow incapable of operating without the hand holding of some mega corporation who thinks of me as a number. I reject the condescending, hostile attitude companies have towards me, which makes them think kneecapping a products capabilities is in any way appropriate.
With all that being said, there is hope. Not all companies are as hostile towards users, though you still shouldn’t trust them farther than you can throw them. There are diamonds in the rough, that purposefully make products that last a lifetime, and treat their customers with the dignity and respect a paying patron deserves. Here is a small list of products I swear by, why I trust them, and how I use them.
1. Casio/G-Shock - I have owned Casio watches my whole life, some as long as 20 years. Between the two, G-shock has the more ‘lifetime resilient’ products, but standard Casio watches are so damn affordable, its impossible to fault them even if they arent as resistant to water or ballistic damage. Even their entry level watch, the F-91W, boasts 30m of water resistance, and is used by CEO’s and terrorists alike. Unbeatable for ~$10.
2. Leatherman - Leatherman tools have been a staple for tinkerers and handymen for 40 years. The tools they make are hyper functional, affordable, sturdy, and have a lifetime guarantee. For ~$100 you can get a tool that you will never replace, never break, and never regret. Any leatherman will do.
3. Gerber Shard. It’s $7, sits on my keys, and never fails to open boxes. I dont even think about it. It can go on the plane. It’s perfection.
4. Nintendo DSi - Probably not the nintendo product you expected to see on this list, but hear me out. The DSi is cheap (~$70 these days), its hackable, its very durable, and it can play GB, GBC, GBA, DS, DSi, and NES games with ease. The over/under on usability to price is insane. Get one, hack it, never get another one.
5. Kindle/Kobo - Whichever you choose, if you get the newer waterproof variants, you wont be disappointed. This is essentially a single use product, but it does that thing perfectly. Carrying my entire life of reading in my bag, to be accessible whenever I have a few minutes, is sublime. The screen, if you can call it that, looks like paper and once you get used to it, is superior to a book due to the backlight. If I died tomorrow, you would find this somewhere on my person.
6. Logitech Keyboard. Doesn’t matter the model, but choose carefully. The one you buy will literally never break. I have a K120 I bought in 2010, because it was $8 and I needed a starter keyboard. I used it until 2015, at which point I brought it to work, where it stayed in use until 2019, where it now sits in a box as a backup keyboard. It has far exceeded 10 million keystrokes and shows no sign of wear. It will outlive me.
7. Thinkpad X200/s - Thinkpad’s early ought compact server laptops remained a standard for infrastructure workers for a decade, which means companies around the world purchased millions of them. I purchased mine from a failed accounting firm in 2011 for $50. I upgraded the RAM and hard drive, disassembled the machine for cleaning, and rebuilt it completely in about an hour. To this day it powers on, works quickly, and runs modern operating systems. The resolution of the screen is 1600x900, which is more than enough to feel modern. Computers are often thought of as not being future proof, but Thinkpads prove that this is only true if the company building them doesnt give a damn.
8. Minaal Carry On Travel Bag. This one is on the expensive side (~$300) but I have never had a better experience with a product. Fits in carry on, carries 14 days of clothes and a laptop/tablet/ebook. Zips open like a suitcase, for packability. Comes with a rain jacket for the bag. Has a lifetime warranty, but is so incredibly durable that you probably wont need to replace anything other than the zipper pulls. I use it for every trip I have taken since purchased in 2013, and I will never stop using it.
9. Fisher space pen. The only pen I own, and it stays strapped in my bag for the occasional use. It was $15, is small, all black, and indestructible. Has a nice patina after years of sliding in and out of a bag. Ink is replaceable and cheap.
10. Doc Martens. These boots are legendary, hardly worth mentioning due to their absolute ubiquity. You probably already own a pair. If you don’t, get one. They are perfect, indestructible, fashionable, and affordable. Forget about Red Wing, forget about Timberland. This is all you need.
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soaps-ashes · 3 months
(UPDATED) my comms are open!!!
i lost the other blog where i talk about this so im making a new one whch is better sorted out!! wahey!!!
(i need money i love money pleaseee someone accept my comms pleaseee)
(also if yur not interested, please at least reblog! thanks! /nf)
(prices under the cut)
£2/$2 (drawing with no colours)
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(these drawing are great for pfps and such!)
£5/$5 (drawing fully coloured, but no rendering/flat colours!)
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once again, these are great for pfps!!
£10/$10 (fully rendered drawing!!)
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(this isnt my oc btw...)
£30-£50/$30-$50 (fully rendered drawing, realism)
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(these, imo, take the longest and are the most draining, so they're the most expensive!)
other info:
- the prices also vary if you want me to draw a whole body or just the torso+head
- i can draw characters, ocs, furries (kinda), celebrities and irl people (strictly for realism)
- all of these drawings will come with a blank background, but you can request for a background!)
- i dont do very well with deadlines, but i can try abide to them! my apologies if i go over the deadline!
- will NOT be drawing nsfw, (heavy) gore (if its light i don't mind), zoophilia, or proshipper stuff!
- i also accept nitro and robux!
- my artstyle does vary, so if you want a specific artstyle, go ahead and tell me! 
message me on discord (soaps_ashes) if interested!!
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quinnonimp · 2 years
two things. one, your art is absolutely wonderful. i love the warm tones and style. two. got any like. weird art tips. like just weird things you do that work really well. or just art tips in general lol. there's something bout your style that makes me go ':D' lmao
aaaaaa tysm !!!! very glad u like my style <33 means a lot
and yeah id say i have quite a few with the way im very experimental n passionate abt art !
>> i think my weirdest one is rly just the main way i render tbh ? like, as u can pretty easily see with my main art style is that its all very crunchy n pixelated, n thats all cause i have anti-aliasing off for my brush . i render in a pretty unorthodox way but it makes things so so so much easier and more fun for me, even if its more time consuming for several reasons
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heres a little bit of an infographic ive whipped up that hopefully u can get smth out of lmao . its 6am ive been up all night drawing as usual so im having a lot of trouble doing things properly sorry sorry
and the funny thing is this is aaaaaaaaall just cause i hate blending and am scared of committing to things (esp colors) so i just decided "okay whatever im gonna be goofy and just make it all pixelated idc anymore" and it worked !! (thanks homestuck) art is sm more enjoyable since i started doing this as it fits perfectly with the way my brain works and its helped me sm with getting better at colors bc of the way i have to do every single color manually (for several reasons like how i have to keep track of every color ((which makes me recycle them a lot more making things look more united)), gradients r the most fun to do but i have to make sure all the colors "blend" together nicely, i get to change them super easily, etc etc)
however these days i HAVE been trying to get back into working with anti-aliased brushes just to get out of my comfort zone n such, but tbh the only thing its helped me with is remind me how much more fun drawing aliased is and how absolutely dogshit i am at blending FDJHJKDF
also it makes me better at minecraft skins since im so used to working with pixels !
>> another little weird thing i have that honestly just goes against basic art rules is experiment by having ur values be as close together as possible without losing contrast . this is horrible as a tip, but fun as an experiment, and for me its just fun since i already know pretty well how values work and have enough experience to break the "rules" - because lot of times good shading colors r actually lighter than the original when put under b&w
so if ur like me i would recommend trying it out ! if u dont even know what values are then this ISNT good for u, do values properly as they really help
>> if u struggle a lot with side profiles, just learn from the gorillaz demon days album art . like literally im not joking that is THE thing that made me learn to draw side profiles and id say im pretty good at them now (however the effectiveness of this probably depends on the style)
and by learn from it i mean u can just trace it with any other characters, or study it, or reference it, yadaydayada . just do wahtever with it, damon albarn dgaf
obviously this isnt gonna magically make u great at side profiles but if u want a fun art challenge or ur a big gorillaz fan like me, it could get u kickstarted !!!! especially if ur doing it with ocs or characters u like that are in a band or something
ok thats all the tips ill be giving out tonight im a little sickly victorian child rn
hope it helped . uhm . bye
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leopoldainter · 4 months
Not even close you call this varnish no no notorious
Although conspiratorial mislead Mrs. Summers still is rendered speechless
Giles' comment had become so intense it could handle the moment
Over yonder you come across Mrs. Brinks enjoying some popcorn and Nanette regrets rushing in earlier, fucking gauldieen
onewanteitStart kids cheer! much90s reference
sounds pitch perfect
this was televised
itll b fine
gatomWaLKUNIT prodigious agumon and tentomon
tai looks at the card
miko get down from there
His mother pops in midatlamtic Leonardo Di Valrio rubs the rivets down and the olympian smokes weed has had it with shaving
cereal coercial contract terminated.
was enough money
we had the paki guy twice
i go to a different prisin right
do we look naked to you
i cant believe this
you had to use a fire cracker inside
its a sparkler
elaine, they're the opp
'cries again
thats vademon
theres noinvisible 'redlucentcy' mimi isnt in hawaii he's hallucinating agter revisioning eye crazy town laugh because what the dubstep is this runs
back to screen heres your prk chop smoothie rei
now i know why i pee outside
grabs an empty can
homer upsets chiropractors to action
ill just start marrying gays the
what im pga
why cant i be happy with chub vhub
i meant the iguana
some gets on the guys shoes next to him
pikachu runs between some dido'slegs and so theres lyrical translationsafety net up skirt catchem all seed stchell Y not add an elastic. k you killed the monitor
springy, that glie really gives it soome pop
the thing that carries the ballad, you get full health for a distant swing... an for the love of god it wont do it anymore
box moves
look whos just us two
and handsomely sky lady
try start
bored now...
cliks anywhere am me im bored spelled sword of like a side ways way to say A BICYCLE jeeze one million yen much swanp dui py fur you couldnt even roll up the rug.
optimis soccer club implodes at the bottom of the atlantic
hi,its rachel and just to point out my seats different from yours did you know the company's aid doubted the seaworthiness of tbe vesel to begin.
what does that
corporate greed
..me: but i dont see flushing...
comercial breakfast
stan, can we refilm we left when we found something we thought was better
i can
have you ever had town with a sex geologist
aye you
a rope made of foam
a dusty pinky
My taxadermyardvarks got a tennis ball hole space thank you very much
borat reference
here take cotton
you really shouldnt nuke panama
tornado ally
agent orange
dow chemical
ah. quaker
so she was not sora is what its saying
theres no mimi
he's imagining some girl
there's no digimon series yet
so of course vademon is not just a red kabuterimon but like a raisin talking to demidevimon a pip of the first doom gear toss
just say cake
thank ms tamogatchi
so what now
looks at my sorento post card.
toples woman smiling
not another teen movie francesca the limeade flavored old lady strung been kissing please.
shes only my fake wife
you're not paying
for drycleaning are you crazy, no i made him feel bad so he works for free
seltza salsa why not add...stevia.
im George
peach schnaps
my nose pairing
and my wedding
but... sullen
indian weeding
see boots
feel the bladder
you slept with the groom
jesus fuck elaine
i wasnt employed in college
mango the restitution
and you
free trip
the great conversationalist makes oit with the oh henry bar heiress
thats not marriage
thats hot
gay not that theres anything wrong with that
we're in India
remember oceans 11
art dealer
im avoiding you
the hello kitty factory
prodigiousoops hahaha my fingy
callingtimyjimnest moneyNest and smoke paint ball
Feel free to run and hide under the study table COMINTERN fiasco, bitch Angel
that guy has a shit bucket by his hot dog boiling pot.
now he has two pots
Spends an hour staring the microwave why can she see betty crockers penises. ABBA come back
who the hells the rudolph
this is your testimony
adresses shit pots a little to the rightluch
looks like he can not do it which it btwドXLink's awakening
feather pit oi. loosen fault line yeash
ill stop calling you doug guggenheim
thanks buffy's fine
my dads a dentist and people say my name reminds them of nature
close talker, they definitely are not banging
its televised people are watching
chocolate wax off
look the raisin has a ray gun like the worms 2
i have windows
starts hearing peoples thoughts
becca added black blood because the nukes were making the air liberally toxic
im going to kill everyone
clock tower
suicidal nerd im pretty sure its going tobe powder water pots so check the cafeteria
nuce vaseline
sharper image i can hear thoights todd book bek
thats apetizing
k so thats beer
its an all ages club
i hear weaping willows are bad for the water shed
howd you get here
you are a godess
ok so now i know why tara had no last name, are you a-sexual.
im talking to the mirror
thats the only
Xshale, drug dealer wing jugulo
kurivohNoMonsterSpellCombowildmapstokebs we got it started at 2000 OedgeryEach
we ignored the numericy translations
don't you people have university
i dont go to church with the shit i say id get hit with something steeltowed im in sudbury
nice i seedfrankly
goalie pull
open net
goalie plays
still aim five holr
F GHOUL RAPIER 24 Registrar nuggets
dressed fries now in tikamasala
they put up a coloured sign im sure they didnt just pick them up off the ground again
spices yes
no you didnt
oh right no i didnt your right
these arent my fries i want ketchupSwap pump pakets
no i paif
shes quite pretty when shes smoking on the sidewalk
tara last name
bond von rose
and oz
ok but
i was testing your computer
but in q husky gspoted way
Does she just want to kiss again, i think im dead
dead horny
what the hell
hahahaha W.
on the hood of a truck
without ropeskinlessnerdTwo trees
Atwood Of safe tea
circus act goes horribly wrong
i dont know maybe the preying mantis is asian or a lady bug is a dragonflay
he'll stink more whence the rays get to sizzlin
then you play the gama yeah sordid dua palmon, starts dog gone fluffelelephant shaped. ok
crimson whip thing
that ones jijimpn its gotem all going
so that makes him the bad guy
hell he stone gatomon...
papers shuffle
one true glove
is she where in smoke cheetah shes so short zara dont say anything
how long will you be in there
i told you i dont want to give anymore testimonials
whats shorter than short we could do that
and I will always love yourobaway from hudsons bay wealthy canadian shopping spree
its a lone star gift card
still some
this is hbc
rewards no
mrs. dion. debit or play us out
jiegleYpuffe uしもんsed sing, this time in theatres Jumanji robin williams girl friends ive aged, barely
up down up up up down steward
I used to really act
the queen makes babies, the babies need food
The queen needs fois
enjoy your biden presidency
urgency argentina
itll be a women next
that look
wow you
really do
have issues
ok yeah
those are my Carot Chocoutes
pfft anthem
a vice
and fart jokes
one thing
he left us all wanting
to know
if you
up with
spongebobshoppingcartgif.CategoricallyElong one
Nina:its sex
tries leaving the theatre
they're doctors
really juliana
and that does nothing
quite well
its dustbunny extravaganza
they used sharpies
to draw a face on their hands some lackluster
soldering licorice
electrict kurivohNoMonsterSpellCombowildmapstokebs
tap tap
duct tape
home improvement
you are on the wrong side of the fence
toothpaste nothingthanks
-T.Alken Scru itsoceanNuke case
and signing in on the space ship
sigorney weaver, gun in hand
salem gots rockin
i was in a kids book about holes in the desert
do the frog chest cavity again
do you believe
i git the time
-So Walkin,takes money this is italian vampirism alright.
she so looks...lezzy
thats french
hey baby
i love you19
que.,Champleins et peutetre come chose nova scotia ou nouveua brunswick un selle grande route de cement camion
grandeSt.Laurent key mer tla cacophonr. Trudeau le Piere oh mondieux premiere ministre quatre chose fuck! BLOCQUEvecauseMaybe we like red checks some times you know. scuitr ici. Pays nous Are Sayin we have a treaty
we cant rewards only promist
bronze guest
band singer
probably wears clothes
on her bod
we got white RAP
at the new
eightyninenine beam fires off foreverward
thats a flush
pee hole
the person
thats misappropriation you know better.
now hit me that was mean.
and a little plate.
struck moon
then said
bonusRoundsupertsack Here One Year Ahead or before the two towers were at least completed it is wicca so mayne doors opened because on my ends more than a smoke bonusRoundsupertsackits got
anti matter drtector
u know
just at the bottom
in case
but this time you can definitely tell that the scouts slogans....
-B.Clinton in Alcatraz
he just ate the entire meg
didnt mean to wake you
togepu.e ughhhAA
its my nips stewie we're your not licking seinfelds aunts shower wall
just say the other one...
Afro hirus two years tear down broke toe so bad too sad number sizzling back door three way
not familiar
how many times did you watch it
i came for a bachelor wedding
well buster i hope you worked on tranny jokes
r u serious
yeah i kno chandlerBings download I have dsl not aol
I usevA&E myself. Got the titanic and DaVinci code at half orice
Tumblr media
By mail
Ok yeah so what
did she just walk off the set of buttetfly effect
this is this ss anne our slot machines drop coins tokens and money, some Niclear Plant "Owner" left a button in the collection plate
money or gloria alread
ill be shouting
right over you
,this is how you expand clientele
GET IN THE VAN....tika eventuality a d chagrin
please i just want to pay for the room
want to help feed the starving.
breaks monopoly bored one handed
its final otterst. im an executive
oooo lets drink
im down mama
so you see, i am skinnier
but it looks like when it happened to peter
is this happening dispaceJamunji mess reisee rabbit
starts banging head with pan
did i taw tweety burd.
but padmala convenient goofyface didnt leave me much help with the fridge
I am
Not a cat
We can proceed while she finds her place
LOL in the hall
im cutting for lunch
hippo busts bench
he was heavy
welcome to pewter museum.RK Maroon what xan i pay you half dor now a shadowy lady figure
wonder if she's the hit one
dont we all mr.valient
-my Favorite marTian.moogle and bedazzled cuz, I'm older in that way.
she said saultry
thats why
and the royals,and Jim Carry
he stole your pajamas
want to look through my dresser
this guy doesn't show up for work on time let him thaw a bit.
hi littlr girl
did you want to sit on
and street bench
cuz maca
are you making lasagna
there's right
is lit
ican see she's bright
but i dont see litter
this is a chopper you cant reach usedhesinger.
lye onyx.by the TM34 ! and wait for the shore. it can take all of your mistakes but if your sure he can hold it twice or more.in
and also i can see you
dui.muTo kaanRivets
for the win.
jason stopped responding
its a fat woman try the beef smoothie and swallow.
whar does puke go
cancel feral duhha
falls off balcony
1 note · View note
angelicguy · 2 years
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isnt it odd how this is not like. poorly rendered. looks fine. but it looks... less premium than a modern game. i think if you showed this photo to someone from 2005 they would be like oh... thats what games look like in the future. that doesnt look great. tekken 7 looks like good artistic ideas rendered poorly. the lighting is so unlike anything in real life combined with the relatively low poly models. their faces esp feel very half measure. theyre not an anime style but theyre not expressly realistic. realistic muscles with super exaggerated facial proportions. for some reason it just doesnt make any sense from any angle its not achieving anything beyond looking ok and portraying a character design as a model
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and so with tekken 8 you have this insane leap but using words to describe WHY it looks so much better is difficult. the lighting is better... but how is it better. well theres a direction its coming from and the granularity of the face modeling+light modeling makes it scatter across the face in a way that you see every day in real life when you look at other people. he looks like he BELONGS in the scene vs kazuya above looks like a model that was placed into a scene that follows its own light and color rules. no light bounce against him whatsoever. he is illuminated in a direction but its not REAL illumination its just a rote source pointed at him. i know it seems obvious but its just nuts how "realism" in terms of graphics results not JUST from emulating real world light behaviors but focusing on SPECIFIC behaviors. that SEEM subjective but its hard to disagree w/ the idea that focusing on the light behaviors in the SECOND image contributes to graphical quality more than what they focused on in the first image.
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
Askplosion #12 1/4:
.:Asks Referring to Previous Miraculous Posts:.
Anonymous said:
I think that story with Delmar, Sabrina and Alya is only type of Alya demonization you accept.
(the post this anon is referring to)
I also accept “demonization” for like--comedic purposes. For example, if they had Alya be all in on the love square and all no Marinette you’re not allowed to give up on Adrien if it’s Lukanette endgame and Alya’s (and possibly the rest of the girl squad) “demonization” is for the sake of their dramatic reactions to the mere idea that Marinette would be both not into Adrien anymore and also into someone else.
I just think the idea of turning things on its head by making the people around Marinette the subject of jokes instead of it being Marinette herself.
Anonymous said:
Alya going "Need Some Help?" reminds me of Karma and Nagisa from Assassination Classroom(I said it right this time!). Obviously Alya is Karma and Sabrina is Nagisa(and now Karma's jazzy motif is playing in my head). And Delmar is probably(and by probably I mean almost fucking definitely) Kayano. For real though, I didn't even know Delmar's name until I read that ask/response now. I mean, like, that's how forgettable and underutilized he was. And no, Ms. Bustier isn't worthy of being Koro-sensei.
(the post this anon is referring to)
Still not familiar with Assassination Classroom so I will let the other anons who are familiar with the series silently judge for themselves. ;P
As for Delmar, don’t feel bad; his name actually isn’t mentioned in the special to my knowledge, and it was a tweet that confirmed his name.
Anonymous said:
Oh yeah, the "Astruc gets hit with a washboard" was SUPPOSED to be a shout-out to Koro-Sensei Quest, in which Karma gets hit with a washboard(don't ask where it came from or where they go when they hit the ground, the world may never know) every time he acts like a smug-ass little bitch. You know, like Astruc. Often, the washboard will ricochet off his head and hit a red button, which then opens up a pit which Karma then falls in. In other words, Karma getting Karma! If only Astruc could too.
(the post this anon is referring to)
khfjdgdg ahhh, yeah, thanks for explaining! I’ve always said that I’m not very media-savvy so sometimes I don’t know about more popular shows.
Anonymous said:
Eventually Salty Decadent Court
(the post this anon is referring to)
lol we just slowly upgrade our way through the salt ranks
Anonymous said:
I was thinking about your edit of Desperada, and how I would definitely love to edit the ATLA finale to cut out Kat/aang and Mai/ko stuff lol.
(the post this anon is referring to)
Oh yeah, that’d be amazing! I imagine it’d be difficult, but not impossible. Sometimes it might be better to sacrifice good shots or move scenes around for the sake of making things cohesive.
Anonymous said:
Kagami when adrien its back from NY: I'm sorry adrien, but I have feelings for two blueberries, we have to broke up
Adrien: eh? Broke up? We were dating?
(the post this anon is referring to)
I like how this ask doesn’t specify whether the joke is that Adrien might’ve just been way too “friendly” with Kagami and gave her the impression that they were dating, or a joke on the fact that the show itself doesn’t specify that they’re dating, or both.
A+ 10/10
Anonymous said:
If Adrien does get akumatised because of jealousy about Marinette, I hope someone (Kagami would be great) points out that Marinette was never akumatised for that reason even though she had waaay more scenarios that could have turned out that way. So don't blame yourself, Marinette!! (I also hope Kagami yells at anyone else *cough*Alya*cough* who tries to blame Marinette.
(the “Didn’t Need Burrow” that this anon is referring to)
We just want someone unambiguously on Marinette’s side, is that too much to ask?
Anonymous said:
"It's difficult to animate" hasn't stopped others before (Lord Shen, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, etc). You may do it as a hobby, but this are professionals who should have done more than the bare minimun.
(the post this anon is referring to)
I agree. I’m just trying to keep things like budget in mind. A bunch of free-flowing clothing is fine but I’m basically like--okay, but you don’t NEED the stuff that would hamper the budget to make things look good.
Anonymous said:
I don't know why, but I'm picturing Ladybug confronting Chat Noir after he gets back from New York like a mother scolding her teenage daughter for sneaking out at night.
(the post this anon is referring to)
Honestly? Accurate.
Anonymous said:
Clara Nightengale: I sensed Marinette was in trouble, so I came to this school on the doub-- Jagged Stone: It's okay, I already got her.
(the post this anon is referring to)
jdhgdjkfgkjfg Jagged and Clara walking down the street together all cool, Jagged still having Marinette slung over his shoulder, and everyone watching is just, “??????”
passivedecept said:
After reading your last bit i feel cheated that Jagged isnt included more
But it may be better that he isnt like luka's dad.
Can you imagion?
Luka: dad. I like someone.
Jagged: who?
Luka: a real nice and talented girl name marinette and- who are you calling?
Jagged: penny because we need a place for your wedding STAT!
Because i firmly believe if jagged had a son who was dating marinette he would do everything to get mari as his daughter in law.
Okay that was it. Love every fic and small bit you make. And i was wondering if you had your own fav. Like. What have your written so far that you like the best yourself?
(the post this anon is referring to)
Do you mean it’d be better because love square is endgame so it’d be messy? Because otherwise, not gonna lie, Jagged meddling and being super supportive sounds fun. :P I’m not here for love square meddling but Lukanette meddling is cute because both parties would be mutually aware of it and also be into it.
As for my favorite fic I’ve written? That’s probably too tough to answer, ahaha. For sure, it’s something Lukanette-based, but I know that doesn’t narrow it down much at all. It would also probably be one of my fix-its/canon divergences because I’m crazy for multiverse/alternate timeline stuff (I hate time travel, but I’m all about multiverse, I adore that stuff).
Anonymous said:
In one of your Didn't Need Burrow masterposts, when someone said that Marinette and Adrien had kids and a hamster who'll get Miraculouses, I somehow misread that as "the kids as well as the hamster itself will all get Miraculouses".
(the post this anon is referring to)
I’m sure at least one of my anons would snap back at that with a joke like, “well, with the standards set for who gets a miraculous, I wouldn’t be surprised.”
rogueinthedigitalworld said:
Would like to pop in for a second to say that yes, Maribat *did* start out as a spite ship, because the original creator was a heavy Adrien salter and wanted someone to replace him… and chose Damian Wayne, for some reason. Since then, Marinette has been shipped with all the Robins (and from I can tell, they’re all warped into actuallynice!Adrien with two gimmicks added from the *actual* characters). I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting something, but that’s the gist of it.
(the post this person is referring to)
Thank you for the response! Yeah, I didn’t know if it was like Spider-man and Ladybug - which I don’t think is a spite ship but I might be wrong - so I didn’t want to say that it was a spite ship without being sure (and obviously, some shippers of it could be just genuine shippers, who knows).
Anonymous said:
Okay, but seriously, when I first joined the ml fandom I was so confused about the maribat. I'm not really a big fan of either romance or comics (except for sandman lol) so I kind of filtered them out but it's kind of an experience tbh. I'm pretty sure it started on tumblr though- everyone sites it as the ozmav au
(the post this person is referring to)
Thank you for the extra clarification, anon! Yeah, I have that ship blacklisted (so I don’t see it around) but not really out of hatred for it; I tend to blacklist names/people/ships that I’m either indifferent to or don’t like (I immediately blacklist people who write angst, people who cross tag, and people who do onesided-Lukanette and don’t tag it that, even if it’s just one offense; I don’t play games, lol, if anyone does something I don’t like, I filter it out because I filter everything).
Anonymous said:
Your images of Luka and Marinette kissing are so super kyute! What program do you use to render them?
(the post this person is referring to)
Thank you! I made them myself!
The program I use is MikuMikuDance, using an edited version of the shader “GreenerShader 1.14″
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vampireqrow-moved · 3 years
um its my birthday so wait until 12:01am pst to block me if u hate this post 🥰🥰
long story short the pansexual label is redudant and actively harmful (its far from the worst problem bisexuals face but it is one issue) and i dont hate anyone who identifies as pan because A) those ppl are bi like me and B) i used to identify as pan myself.
if thats enough for you to block me and make a callout post for me then i cant stop you but pretty please either read this whole thing or just wait a few minutes for my bday to end 🥰🥰
anyways im kicking off this point with some personal experiences bc i love to talk to myself. i got introduced to the pan label at maybe 10ish years old, and started identifying with it pretty much right away. i heard about it before bisexual and it was pitched as attraction to all genders and of course trans people. i was of course a trans ally! i had trans friends! i was trans also but hadnt figured it out yet! the way i had heard of it, there was no bisexual, there was no need for bisexual, and identifying differently was excluding trans people, which I was certainly against. being bisexual was trans exclusionary and why would i exclude trans people? the 'hearts not parts' slogan was thriving around this time and i genuinely said it and meant it.
as i started to become more online, mostly through roleplaying websites and tumblr here, i started hearing of bisexuality. it was supposedly an older term, so older people still used it, but it was common knowledge that pansexual was the better, inclusive label and younger people should adopt the new inclusive language instead of the old and transphobic words like bisexual. /s
and then bi and pan solidarity was all the rage! pansexual wasnt erasing bisexuality, why did anyone ever think that? bi and pan were two separate and complete identities that were valid and had to be respected or youre a mean exclusionist. and an asexual person, hearing people labelled exclusionist always meant they were excluding people from the lgbta community who rightfully belonged, denying peoples lived experiences, and generally telling people theyre wrong about their sexuality because theyre too young. and all of those things were bad and had hurt me, so it would be ridiculous to change labels and support "pan exclusionists" because they were just as bad as ace and aro exclusionists, and they were all the same people. or so it seemed to me at that time.
then, 'hearts not parts' began getting called out for blatant transphobic by insinuating that pansexual was the only identity that loved people for their "hearts" and personalities instead of those gross gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and even straights who only saw people for their "parts". (STRAIGHT PEOPLE ARE NOT OPPRESSED. I AM MERELY POINTING OUT THAT PANSEXUALITY WAS SHOWN AS ABOVE ALL OTHERS.) many pan people, including myself, began to denounce the slogan and insist pansexuality wasnt transphobic, there had just been a coincidence that a transphobic slogan was everywhere and a huge part of people's explantions of and associations with pansexuality. hint: it wasnt a coincidence.
from my perspective, this is when i began to see people discussing dropping the word pansexual. that seemed to be a huge step from getting rid off a transphobic slogan, and these people were just meanies who hated microlabels. and i like microlabels! as a genderfluid person, and someone who has friends who use specific aro and acespec labels, ive seen how people can use them to name specific experiences while still acknowleging their presence underneath umbrella terms like aromantic, asexual, nonbinary, lgbta, and for some people, queer.
pansexuals dont do that. they dont label pansexuality as a specific set of experiences under the bisexual umbrella, they see themselves as a separate identity, and even if they started to, the history of biphobia and transphobic undeniably linked to the existence of pansexuality in enough to stop being worth using. but i digress. pansexualitys shiny new definition that many people cling to is that pansexual is attraction to all genders. bisexual is two or more genders.
which. frankly? doesnt make any sense. my guess is that its supposed to be inclusive of nonbinary genders and those a part of cultures who historically have not had a binary gender system in the first place. i cannot speak for the latter group, but as a nonbinary person, its not inclusive. anyone can be attracted to nonbinary people. literally anyone. theres no way to know if everyone you meet is nonbinary or not. whether or not a nonbinary person reciprocates those feelings and is interested in pursuing a relationship is completely up to the individual, regardless of the sexualities of the people involved.
bottom line is that you cant number the amounts of genders someone can be attracted to, thus rendering those definitions pointless. people can be attracted to all kinds of people regardless of gender, even if they are gay, a lesbian, or straight. all people can date thousands of nonbinary genders if all people involved are interested and comfortable with it. numbering the genders you can be attracted to diminishes the post of nonbinary, as it is not a third gender, it simply any experience not fitting within the western concept of the gender binary (if the person so chooses to identify as such. if you cant tell already, the nonbinary experience is varied between every single nonbinary person.) important to note also that no widely accepted bisexual text defines bisexual as attracted to exclusively two genders or even the "two or more genders". i know this is used a lot but please read the bisexual manifesto. its free online i promise.
some people also claim pansexuals experience "genderblind" attraction while bisexuals feel differently attracted to different genders. this is very nitpicky for whats supposed to be two unconnected idenities, but thats only part of the problem. this definition is also not in any widely accepted bisexual texts, and bisexuality has never excluded those who experience genderblind attraction. i am in fact a bi person who experiences genderblind attraction. this does not mean i am not bisexual. it simply means i experience bisexuality differently than other bisexuals, and thats wonderful! no broad communities like bisexuality are expected to all share the same experience. we are all so different and its amazing were able to come together under the bisexual flag.
last definition, or justification i should say, is that yes these definitions are redundant and theyre the same sexuality, but people prefer different labels and thats okay. i agree in principle. people can define themselves as many things like homosexuals or gays or lesbians or queers or even other reclaimed slurs, while still not labelling themselves under the most "common" or "accurate" labels.
but pansexuality isnt the same as bisexuality, which may sound silly but hear me out. it has been continually used as a way to further divide bisexuals, who are already subject to large amounts of lgbta discrimination. "pansexuality was started by trans people who were upset with transphobia within the bisexual community! it cant be transphobic OR biphobic!" except of course that it can and it is. to say that trans people cant be transphobic is absurd. transmedicalism is right there, but thats not what im getting at. all minorities can have internal and sometimes external biases against people who are the same minority as them.
pansexuality was started as a way to be trans inclusive at the expense of labelling bisexuality as transphobic when its not. transphobia is everywhere, and bisexuals are not exempt. instead of working on the transphobia within the community, the creators of pansexuality decided to remove themselves from it to create a better and less tainted word and community, and the fact that pansexuality is intended to replace bisexuality or leave it for the transphobes goes to show a few things. pansexuality and bisexuality are inherently linked because the pan label is in response to the bi label. due to its origins, it is inherently competing with bisexuality and it cant be "reclaimed" from its biphobic roots. pansexuality is not a whole, separate, and valid label. its a biphobic response to issues within the bisexual community.
to top off this post, heres something a full grown adult once said to me. in person. she was my roommate. "i feel like im pan because im attracted to trans people. trans women, trans men, i could definitely date them. but not nonbinary people because thats gross and weird." she saw pan as trans inclusive and defined herself that way as opposed to bi which is shitty!
also a little extra tidbit about my experiences identifying as pan. i saw myself as better than every bi person. all of them. even my trans and bi friends. whenever they brought up being bisexual i would think to myself "why dont you identify as pansexual? its better and shows people you support trans people." because i was made to believe bisexuality didnt and was therefore inferior. thats the mindset that emerged from my time in the pansexual community. i am so sorry to all of my bisexual friends even if they never noticed. i love you all and hope you have a great day. this also goes to any bisexuals or people who identify as bi in anyway, such as biromantic or simply bi. love you all.
ummm yeah heres some extra reading i found helpful and relevant. here and here. also noooo dont disagree with me and unfollow me im so sexy 🥴🥴🥴
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mo-mo-and-porkchop · 4 years
42. "This isnt going to have a happy ending" (Seven)
(Sorry this took so long.)
[Ala Alice in borderland on Netflix. ]
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Oscar stared at the ceiling of his latest dwelling - a small, studio apartment no bigger than a hotel room. A fan whirled quietly, pushing a small breeze throughout the space. He let his eyes drift to the singular window and out to the roadways and parking lots the complex surrounded. Thin walls allowed him to hear everything his neighbors went through, day in and day out. Drab colors covered the walls making the space even more depressing.
What a shithole.
However it wasn't the worst place work had sent him over the years. Given his station in life he had been required to live in some of the shadier places on Earth. Being a hired hand for the most powerful players meant you went where they sent you. No questions. If he had known his experience in spec ops would turn him into a glorified errand boy he would never have replied to his recruitment.
They're lucky they pay so well.
He sat up with a sigh and forced himself from the futon. A female living to his right was on the phone with, whom he could only assume was a friend, complaining about her most recent bout of dieting. Her cat ate better than she did according to her.
Oscar shuffled to his small bathroom and splashed cool water across his face. He'd been there a month already and his target had yet to show up. He huffed silently to himself. He tried to warn the powers that be to move on from their obsession. After the doctor's botched experiments, they turned all of their attention to a nobody, twenty something.
A fucking kid.
As he dried his face two male voices drifted through his walls, catching his attention. They stood just down the hall and were easily heard. He listened as they discussed benign details of their day and, judging by their voices, they were 409 and 411.
Buzz. Buzz.
He glanced into his apartment at a small kitchen table that doubled as a nightstand. His phone lit up before buzzing once more indicating a text had come through. He tossed the towel onto the edge of the sink and went for his phone.
He swiped up and unlocked his phone to see a picture of Dahlia smiling brightly on the beach. Followed by the question:
[sms: jealous?]
A soft smile tugged at his lips when he saw it was his sister. And yes, he was jealous. He huffed quietly and sent a picture of his current view.
[sms: not really]
[sms: stop bragging] was her reply.
A hard, loud series of knocks at his door pulled him from his phone with a slight start. He wasn't expecting anyone. No one knew he was there, save his sister. And his 'boss' never frequent his residences. They did all their business virtually. The less connected they were physically the better.
The knocking repeated itself and he went to check his doorbell camera. Oddly no one stood there. The hall was empty. Silence began to creep in from all around. Then all power crashed.
All power.
The lights, the camera, the ac, the hall lights. Everything electronic had gone down. Not even his phone was working.
'What the hell?' he asked no one as he tapped the screen and shook it a little. 
He wasn't sure what he hoped would have happened by doing it. It was like blowing on the game system when the cartridge didn't work - useless, but somehow hopeful. When nothing else worked he carefully opened his door, peeking through the hall.  His unknown knocker was still at large.
Seeing that things were all clear, he went to neighbor's and knocked. Maybe they knew more about what happened. Silence followed. He waited a minute and tried again. Still nothing.
"Hello?" he called through her door.
He knew she was in there. She'd just been bitching to her cat, jealous of his superior meal plan.
"I'm from 408."
Odd, but maybe she was cautious of unknown males. Although neighbors they knew neither beyond a simple greeting in passing. Something that happened rarely since he'd arrived.
He left her door and went to his other neighbor's. Repeating the same process, resulting in the same response.
His heart began to race as each and every door on his floor resulted in nothing more than silence. He seemed to be the only person there which was impossible. He rushed down the stairs and to the lobby, finding it eerily empty.
"Hey!" he called throughout the lobby as he searched for someone, anyone. "Hello?!"
Oscar left his complex and headed for the streets - which he found littered with abandoned cars and deserted.
What the fuck?!
"Hey!" he yelled louder, darting from car to car, his search still coming up empty.
At this point it felt as if his heart would break through his chest it was beating so hard. His mind raced. Panic was not something he was used and he handled it very poorly. The only one who was ever able to calm him on the rare occassions it did hit was his sister.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and stared at the black screen. It still wasn't working. He glanced around to try and find his bearings and noticed something.
The marquees had gone black. the street lights were out. Even the cars wouldn't start. Everything electronic was down. Like an EMP had hit, rendering it all useless. But that didn't account for the lack of people. Oscar had no idea what could have caused that since he remained. His mind went to the only explanation he could think of.
This was hell.
But he didn't remember dying. He'd been in his apartment minding his own business. The knocking was the last sound he heard. Not a gun shot or explosion. Just loud, hard knocking.
A month had gone by. In that time he'd searched nearly every part of the city and found nothing. No one. Each building was just as empty as the last. He scavenged supplies as needed and continued searching for anything to explain away this very real feeling delusion.
Suddenly a small tv screen lit up nearby - a lone light in the darkness. He squinted to see it clearer as he neared.
'Game arena this way.'
Game arena?  What the hell? 
A large arrow pointed to the right and looked where it pointed. As if on cue, a spotlight shown into the sky, illuminating a building a few blocks away. A glance between his phone, which still wasn't working, and the screen was all he took before heading where directed. This was the only thing different to happen since arriving.
He came to an apartment building slightly smaller than his. It too was dark save for the spotlights and some emergency lights running on a gas powered backup generator.  It was just as abandoned as the rest of the city.
Cautiously he entered the building. He'd been through a lot of shit in his day, but this was eerier than hell. The silence was nearly driving him mad. Nevertheless he made his way through the hall, arrows leading the way. He finally came to the end of the hallway. A small table with cell phones and an elevator were all that greeted him. The elevator was down and the phones were off, just like the rest of the city.
Great. More nothing.
He tried the nearby doors and found them all locked. He left to backtrack out when he finally ran into others. Instinctively he grabbed one up and held him against the wall, holding his hand out to keep the others at bay.
"What the hell is going on? Who are you?" he asked glancing between the three of them.
They remained silent, but by the looks of thing he wasn't going to get any answers from them. He could almost smell their fear. Once Oscar actually took the time to actually see them he realized he'd overreacted. They were young men.  In their mid twenties at best. Kids. He was an ex military turned merc who had done a great job of staying fit. He must have looked like a monster to them. He relaxed his grip and held up both hands in apology, taking a small step backward, keeping them all in his sights. 
"Sorry. You're the first people I've found since...getting here and I thought you might have been responsible for whatever is going on," he explained.
They silently shook their heads once they were able to overcome their surge of fear. "We are just as lost as you," one of them said.
He looked at the three of them, studying their body language - which told they were being truthful.
"Do you know what is going on?" a second one asked when the silence became too much for him.
Oscar simply gave him a look to convey how stupid he thought that question was considering their initial meeting.
"Right. Sorry," he said sheepishly.
"We don't know anything," the first one admitted. "We were goofing off and then everything disappeared. It wasn't until dark that we were showed the way here."
Oscar nodded slightly. Aside from the length of time they were here, it was the same as him. "I've been here a month if my count is correct and haven't found shit. Except you guys," he said glancing between them.
The one with the stupid question took a few steps, peeking around the corner. He saw the elevator and table full of phones. His demeanor seemed a bit more hopeful at the sight. "There are phones down here," he said to his friends before taking off for them.
"They don't work," Oscar called out, but the other two had already rushed to join their friend.
When they picked them up the screens woke up. Their faces were scanned and a woman's voice came through - explaining registration was closed in five minutes and the number of participants, which as of now was the three of them.
"What the fuck?" Oscar said picking up a fourth phone. It scanned his face and replayed the same message. "These weren't working when I found them," he said more to himself.
Before they could discuss the recent turn of events a woman emerged from around the corner. She was dressed in business casual attire and looked vastly out of place. She calmly walked toward them and picked up a phone, repeating the process as the rest. This time however the registration time had gone down by two minutes.
"What does that even mean?" the third guy asked when he heard her message. "Registration?"
"Its a game," the woman said, breaking her silence.
"Game? What do you mean game?"
Without a word she pulled out some kind of ID badge and threw it down the hall. They all watched as a lazer shot out and precisely hit the tiny card.
"Once you cross the barrier you have now choice but to play."
"What game?!" the first guy asked again, frustration and worry in his voice.
"We are all in this game," she began to explain. "Each one is different and if you don't complete their tasks you die."
"Their?" Oscar asked.
She shrugged her shoulders "Whoever is running it."
A second girl showed up and when she saw the groups of them she rushed forward, happy to find other humans. The trio of guys tried to stop her, but it was too late and she'd crossed the threshold. Quietly Oscar handed her a phone. After scanning her face the voice rang out that registration was closed and there were six participants. It continued stating the game's name - Dead or Alive - the difficulty - three of clubs, whatever the hell that meant - and the one and only rule:
Pick the right door and exit within the time limit.
Just then the elevator door opened with a sign on it's back wall simply stating 'Start'.
Oscar sighed and quietly told himself "This isn't going to have a happy ending" before heading inside it with the others.
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genius11rare · 4 years
Figured id try this. AH  Chit chat livestream notes / QnA  7-10-20
because i'm weird i like “documenting” videos and (in this case) Live Streams. figured why keep this to myself so here. maybe one day ill just post a google docs link for a viewing copy but idk. So heres what i got for today seeing as the chitchat part will likely be cut off for the “real” video i may as well memorialize it. not perfect and may be kinda nonsensical but its what i could come up with.
Matt has a window…. With a balcony blocking above , pointless window. Red Web (trevors podcast)  “where he gets in over his head on the internet” “think if i just show them the episode of Technical Difficulties where i made garden lights into solar chargers i can get that tax kickback?” , Jacks neighbor with the tesla solar roof , having to train people to know how to install it . Ryan: “what are the odds he cant look outside at any given hour of the day and see atleast one human with a big piece of paper scratching their head” Elon Musk Starlink satellites for internet worldwide, Ryan “not saying that's _clearly_  a supervillain plot but if it was it wouldnt surprise me” , Ubisoft Far Cry teaser… oh its live action movie teaser clip- oh shit that's rendered!!! , teaser pick of a young Vaas with scars…. Ryan “Did he get them in the womb!?!?!?  Wanna know how i got these scars? Born with them don't know…”  “What is your fave type of cake?” Ryan: Chocolate (Lava)… don't put a sprinkle on it OR ILL SLAY YOU Jack: I mean is birthday a type of cake… Funfettis great Jeremy: both are stereotypical , Boston Creme cakes and Rum Cakes. Matt: Yellow cake with fudge frosting. “Pets and significant others are safe , what item do you grab in a house fire” Jack: Animation cel of the Dino DNA scene in Jurrassic Park (think i got it) Ryan: i mean my life looks alot like this corner , if i could burn this shit down to start with a new empty house i might even be happy. (chat Ryan your insurance is listening)  Jeremy: don't have much i really care about , just “well that sucks it burnt up” . Matt: first ever smash trophy i won , only one i still have. Chat answers “Photo albums , Ryans DeadPool Suit” “what games hope to be announced on microsoft stream?” Matt :  Fable 4 (Ryan ”surprised theyd try to bring it back past the press that is peter molyneu” Matt ” well now nothing holding them back , not those trees!”) Jack: not so much games but LockHeart the mini streaming Xbox. (Ryan: all those types of things have failed idk why they think - well they also made mixer and that went tits up so sure why not) Jeremy: microsoft doesnt really blow me away , arent really anything that im like “i HOPE they announce a sequel” Matt: know this isnt the right crowd but Banjo Kazzoie? Just added in smash , Crash Bandicoots got a new game it makes sense nows the time… i mean the time was already before this but fuck it do it anyway. Steffie says we are at almost 10 mil views on Achievement Knievel (9.95 mil)  Ryan “which one was that” (Jack and Jeremy) “that's Im Still In The Air” Ryan “oooohhh… now i know why i blocked it out… thought we titled it like “the greatest stunt ever” or atleast that's what we called it while making it” “rather fight 100 duck sized ChilledChaos (yey my boy chilled!) or 1 ChilledChaos sized duck?” Ryan “feel like the duck cuz atleast it still doesnt have thumbs” - Jeremy “or teeth , what is it gonna do it can bill and flipper you” Matt “i mean a bunch of tiny Chilleds can work together to kill you” Jeremy “right they will figure something out” Ryan “tiny chilled more dangerous he can infiltrate spaces i wouldnt expect to find him” “tv show / movie you could watch again for the first time what would it be?” Jack: Breaking bad and Endgame … but only if its with a crowd who is ALSO seeing it for the first time. Matt : The Office Ryan: Full Metal Alchemist (oh anime time) , everyone talks about Brotherhood but i really liked the original. Matt:  Brotherhoods a bit better but original is still good on its own (paraphrased). Ryan : had that twist at the end of “dafuq did this show just go?” made a movie based off it… skippable though. Jeremy: Futurama , *or erase all my knowledge of Whose Line* “Fave piece of Merch put out?” Jeremy: Geoff tanktop with the tribal skull. Ryan: *puts on classic gray achievement hunter hat* Jack: Extralife Posters if those count , like the Xmen AH one behind Ryan that Jon (Risinger i assume) and Pat (IDFK) made. Matt: Tiki Mugs. Jeremy “do you use those , make pina coladas?” Matt “often! When i get caught in the rain (GDI Matt) “ Chat alot saying FrontBack ,  one said Jacks Varsity Jacket. “Trapped in quarantine with a fictional character , who?” Jack: Macgyver maybe idk (Ryan: How about Dr Manhattan he could just fix it)  yeah like Q from star trek. Matt: GlaDOS but in potato form. Jeremy “theres a lot of anime girls id be ok being stuck with but idk their name” (i love jeremy)  a Matt: you want Lust from Full Metal Alchemist - Jeremy: That sounds great , (Ryan *Nods*) i can picture that i like it or if we keeping the Futurama train then Bender… think wed have A LOT of fun , and he wouldnt get me the virus! Ryan: no he would , hed deliberately try to get you  sick. Jeremy: hed bring people in “what occupation / person where you most surprised to find out was an AH fan?” Jack: Fun story im looking to learn how to Sauder , someone messaged me saying they're a fan if you need help , *hes the guy welding StarShip* Matt: well… anyone smart really… Jack (and Ryan) : the Dr Who Set/Prop designer (Ben) hes done some stuff us (think he snuck in a name plate on a show of Jack and Ryan name or something , saw a tweet about that before) Ryan: not really any that's surprising… there was the time Macauly Culkin wore our shirt (press my awesome button) “our” being RT  Jeremy: Cool meeting Xavier Woods but like we know hes a gaming fan and watches a lot of content like ours… still on Whose Line Johnathon Mangum is a AH fan , even messaging me at one point. Trevor in chat “what if president trump rode up in a Salad Chalice shirt” , Jack: one guy who bought it , like “im hip with the kids” Ryan: can you imagine someone less likely to be seen near a salad? Matt: I mean ryan he thinks he has to drink them so…. Jeremy: also been having a lot of solicitors recently for some reason… really annoying and during a pandemic. Ordered a sign thats basically “fuckoff im not answering the door LEAVE” , have a ring doorbell (some kind of doorbell app where you can talk to people at the door i guess?)  but when im recording cant be like “hang on a second - FUCKOFF” Ryan: i DO feel like you have the kind of job you could do that , if anything youd put them in the video like “hey you're live right now what you need” … Jack managed to crash 7D2D on my local system already that's a good sign (brief technical difficulties music playing as it cut to ryans screen in the game) 
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spicyraba-neku · 5 years
here we go
Tumblr media
( @siletrea asked me for headcanons on zetta man and CAT so...)
Sho Minamimoto
He actually cries a fair lot in private so his tear ducts dry up to make himself look more like a man in public. It works.
He actually really does love math and has a masters degree for mathematics
He doesnt like chemistry
Intolerant to caffeine
He was accused of being too emo with hsi tattoos and his full black get up so he tied a bandanna around his head to put a splash of color in it
I'm sorry sho's perfect the way he is he's so open he probably overshares stuff a lot but since he talks purely in math others tend to fall asleep even when he's being ridiculously loud
His trash heaps are a thing because when he was a kid a relative he was close to told him that everything had a use, even trash. The relative probably meant something like fertilizer or fuel or some kind of building thing but precious sho 'recreationally' recycles it to make the trash heaps u know and love
Sho owns a junk shop
He's not gullible -- (SPOILERS) the angel mentioned in the secret reports had a hard time convincing him to bring out the taboo noise bc sho is a paranoid mother fucker
Some sort of ADHD, tho bc he's a reaper its rendered null and void. Reapers arent exactly human anymore, after all.
Dog lover. You can ask him to watch over ur dog and he'll do it at the cheapest price possible bc omg he loves dogs so much
He has definitely cried over a puppy pile once in a while. It makes the company he's with extremely pitiful and uncomfortable.
Sho plain doesnt give a shit about literally anyone unless they give a shit about him first
He might have flirted with neku on a dare once, which is why during the game he minimizes interaction with neku as much as he can which is GREAT when wonder boy (the asshole we know as joshua) grabs the tuna as a partner. Just. Wonderful.
Sho has never once gotten a math problem wrong.
He can recite the full Pi sequence
He loves soh-cah-toa
his apartment is,,,,so very bare,,,,, he rarely spends any time in it apart from food and sleep,,,,sho bby are u alright????
Can see numerical patterns in almost everything
He sleeps without a blanket but plenty of pillows
He bakes good cookies
Sanae Hanekoma
This dude adores coffee and should be the one to blame for Joshua's straight up black addiction
He loses the keys to his cafe more often than not
The cafe has been open for centuries, actually. People just assume its been bought and sold for years, but really its just sanae redecorating
He has sung Ilevan Poka ridiculously off key before
He got caught up with the Salem Witch Trials when he was touring the world pre joshua
Not fun times
He adores the Rennaissance Period
Him Ace AF
He made this device that made it look like he was smoking when he really isn't, the device just spouts smoke like no tomorrow bc he thought itd be funny and part of his Aesthetic
He used to have a moustache but bc josh is a little shit he decided to play it safe and shave it off
He can definitely look like Tony Goddamn Stark if he tried
He plays the piano, was the one who taught Joshua, actually
This man looks smooth but he really isnt. Its why he doesnt have employees in WildKat. Him awkward talker boi weirds out most of the applicants and they find better places to work. He's trying, he really is.
He doesnt get anime, but has memorized the entire pokemon list for shits and giggles
Whenever theres a guess that pokemon break, he takes a half-second glance at the shadow before he blurts out the name, making everyone lose their collective shit everytime he does it
Despite his lack of employees, his cafe is fairly busy. His Boullabillaise (????????) Is to die for, actually.
He makes copies of his secret reports
Bedhead every day all day
Ties are for losers
He didnt really care for Neku's name hence why he calls him Phones at first. He knew neku was important, but that was only as joshua's proxy. As he observed neku he began feeling fond of the kid and now uses Phones as a term of endearment that serves to drive Neku up the wall.
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