#renata violet brotp
ericsonclan · 11 months
Prisha: The moon looks beautiful tonight
Violet: Yeah
Sophie, whispering: Should we tell them that’s a tortilla you threw at the window?
Renata: Nah
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ericsonclan · 1 year
So I've been getting into Charmed again the series that stared in 1998, the original series with Prue Piper and Pheobe. And when watching, I can't help do wonder what charmed power the Ericson kids will have or be whitelighters. I can see my oc Maya, and Violet mirror Piper and Leo's relationship. But instead of a straight couple, it is a lesbian one.
So if anything, what kind of wiccan power do each person will have in the charrmed series can be a powers like the Charmed ones or whitelighter who can heal and orb out.
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Sorry we took so long to answer this.
We've never watched Charmed before so these answers are based on our very basic Wiki knowledge of what Whitelighters. From what we understand Whitelighters serve as guardian angels to witches and should have a platonic relationship with them. Though it's inevitable that role gets broken. So we've broken the Ericson kids into witch and Whitelighter pairs.
Louis: Witch (He'd love that witchy aesthetic)
Marlon: Whitelighter (he looks out for his dumbass bestie)
Sophie: Witch (She uses magical spells in her art)
Violet: Whitelighter (Also a tired blonde looking out for her dumbass bestie)
Renata: Witch (She's just a sexy witch gal)
Minnie: Whitelighter (Anxiety driven Whitelighter who tried not to fall for her sexy witch ward and failed)
Aasim: Witch (The nerdiest witch of all time)
Ruby: Whitelighter (Literal embodiment of an angel. The best healer. Also breaks the rules and gets with Aasim)
Brody: Witch (Who specializes in protection spells if that's a thing)
Omar: Whitelighter (He's a god, baby)
Mitch: Witch (The witch that wants to fight the world)
James: Whitelighter (The Whitelighter that has to clean up all of his chaotic witch's messes)
Clem: Witch ( She's the chosen one obvi)
Prisha: Whitelighter (A very dedicated and studious Whitelighter. In love with a certain other blonde white lighter.... NOT MARLON)
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ericsonclan · 1 year
Babe, Wake Up, It’s Pride Month
Summary: Clementine gets a friendly call from Duck kicking off Pride Month.
Word Count: 924
Read on AO3:
Clementine yawned as she started to make her way towards the bed. She was ready to get under the covers and watch the latest episode of Rupaul’s Drag Race with Louis. Her husband was currently completely absorbed in whatever was on his phone. He kept typing away while Clementine got into bed and kissed him on the cheek.
“Whatcha up to?”
“Getting the text ready for midnight.” Louis mumbled and before Clementine could say anything he spoke again. “It’s time! Send!” He whacked his thumb against his phone then went back to frantically typing. “Aasim, you’re next!”
Clementine’s lips parted, ready to ask what was on his mind when suddenly her phone started to ring. With a quick glance she saw who it was.
“Hey, Duck,”
“Happy Pride! How’s my favorite bi doing? Feeling gay? Because I sure do!” His voice blew up her phone, making Clementine hold it back from her ear.
“Hell yeah I’m feeling gay! And happy pride to you too,” She glanced over and saw the mountain of a text her husband was preparing. That’s why he was so glued to his phone. “So, you just calling to say ‘gay rights’ or are you wanting to party?”
“Seriously?!?! Hell yeah! Yo, Knox, wanna party at Clem and Louis’?”
Clementine could hear Duck’s partner say something but it was too quiet to tell what.
“Tell Oakley we won’t be too loud,” Clementine added.
“Okay, they said yes anyway but I’ll let them know! I gotta call one more person and then the pan squad will be there!”
Duck hung up without another word and Clementine shook her head. Oh yeah - maybe she should make a few more calls.
Violet grumbled as she kept hearing her phone ding with texts. She tried her best to ignore it and instead burrowed her face further into the crook of Prisha’s neck. She knew what those texts were gonna be. Pride celebrations could wait; all she wanted to do right now was be with her wife. Fate didn’t seem to agree with those plans though as there was a knock on their front door. Violet sighed but ignored it until it kept going and going.
“Mmm, what’s that sound?” Prisha mumbled as she tried to blink the sleep out of her eyes.
“It doesn’t matter. Whoever’s there is gonna go away,” But Violet was proven wrong when the knocking continued.
“I’ll go check who it is,” Prisha slipped out of bed before Violet could say otherwise and blindly wandered through the apartment. She double checked to make sure her pepper spray was within reach if worst came to worst. Unlocking the door, she opened it and was immediately surprised when colorful confetti of pinks, oranges and white hit her directly in the face.
“Happy Pride, ya gay!” Renata beamed at Prisha who looked completely exhausted and confused. Her feelings only deepened as Sophie popped her head into view.
“Whoa! Congrats on being gay!” Sophie blew into a rainbow party horn causing it to shoot out and whack Prisha in the forehead.
“Why are you two here at three in the morning?”
“Because it’s Pride Month! Now we gotta hurry - to the Everett household!’ Renata declared then was off like a shot with Sophie right behind. Prisha stood there for a moment then silently closed the door. It was too early in the morning to deal with this.
“Minnie, Min!”
Minnie heard her wife’s voice as she was shaken awake.
“Babe, wake up, it’s Pride month!”
Minnie groggily opened her eyes and saw Renata’s bright smile.
“Yay! You’re finally awake!’ Renata started to kiss all over Minnie’s face while the ginger started to wake up.”
“Ren, what time is it?” Minnie looked over at the clock and saw that it was five AM. Way earlier than Renata usually got up but not so much for her.
“Come on, we gotta go!” Renata pulled at Minnie who was still waking up.
“What? Where?”
“To the first of many celebrations!” Renata wiggled her eyebrows playfully then kept pulling her wife along. It took Minnie a while before she realized they were heading to her old family house. When she arrived she was met with a flurry of confetti to her face.
“WOOO! You’re gay!” Sophie grinned then disappeared back into the kitchen. Minnie followed behind Renata who was busy helping Tenn make colorful pride pancakes.
“Hey there, Firefly,” Walter walked over and gave his daughter a hug. “Happy pride,”
“Thanks,” Minnie was still a bit groggy. “Oh yeah, happy pride,” She watched as her dad let go of the hug and wandered back into the kitchen.
“Matthew, we’re gonna need some more coffee,”
“You got it!”
Minnie watched her family for a minute before she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Glancing down she saw that she had a ton of texts with the most recent being from James. As she opened it she finally registered what it said.
Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈 I hope you have a great start to the month. Also I was wondering if you wanted to join me on a walk later today. I found a great new hiking spot
Minnie smiled down at the message then sent one back.
Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈 and yeah sounds good
She clicked through all the messages and worked to reply to some when she heard her wife’s voice again.
“Minipie, come on, you gotta celebrate too!”
“Okay, okay,” Minnie smiled then put her phone away. She could tell this was gonna be a great Pride month.
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ericsonclan · 2 years
*Violet teaching Louis how to drive and taking Sophie and Renata along for the ride*
Violet: That’s a pothole. To the left!
Louis: Take it back now y’all! *Drive into pothole*
Sophie, sticking her face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth :D
Louis:  I don’t think that’s how the song goes
Violet, annoyed: Just take me home
Renata: Country Roads
Louis: To the place
Louis, Renata and Sophie, in unison: I belong!
Violet, completely done: Home! Now!
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Ericson kids as mha characters 👉👈
OOO! This is fun! We decided to not include Tenn, Willy, or AJ since they wouldn't be in the same superhero classes as the others.
Okay, let's go!
Clem: Deku- main character, strong desire to be a hero, would sacrifice her safety for others
Louis: Kaminari- He's goofy but is also powerful, would also fry his brain with his powers
Violet: Todoroki- tragic backstory fits, hates dad, powerful but controls it well
Marlon: Ojiro- Idk we think Marlon would have being a sort of monkey dude and he would kick ass by whacking people with his tail
Mitch: Bakugo- explosion powers, a hothead Mitch would be a lot nicer though and have more of a friendly rival with Clem
Brody: Uraraka- gravity powers, a sweet kind person who wants to help others, Although when anxious she might have some trouble with her powers
Omar: Tsuyu- easy going but blunt plus Omar would vibe with having the frog-like abilities
Ruby: Ibara- she has plant abilities and Ruby would like that
Aasim: Iida- both nerds, serious but caring and we think Aasim would enjoy having that hero ability
Minnie: Kirishima- she vibes with the ability and would want to give her all as a hero
Sophie: Ashido- bubbly, friendly, and Sophie would have a lot of fun with her acid powers
James: Tokoyami- he would look dark and mysterious but is a pretty chill dude. Also, the shadow and James would be besties
Adding some of our ocs too!
Prisha: Momo- she enjoys inventing things and is a huge nerd so the ability fits her
Renata: Aoyama- she is just as over the top, she would love the belly button beam and would always be smiling
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Competition Flows Through Their Veins
Summary: AJ and Allison have a competition for who can take down the most walkers when suddenly something happens that stirs up bitter memories.
Word Count: 2035
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Willy had spotted ten walkers all spread out in front of the gates. None of them seemed to be a huge threat but it was better to be safe than sorry. That’s what Clementine had always thought and it seemed that over the years people had agreed with her on that. Normally a few of them would already be out there, clearing out the walkers with Rosie in tow. But today before Clementine could send out Aasim and Omar she heard a booming voice.
“Clem!” AJ barreled forward, his knife and hatchet whacking against his hips as he moved forward. Skidding to a halt, AJ ended up kicking some dust into the air making both himself and Clementine cough.
“AJ, what’s wrong?” Clementine looked over at him with concern, giving a few sharp coughs to get the dust out of her throat.
“Nothing! I just...” AJ paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “I want to clear out the walkers by the gates with Allison. We’re gonna make it a competition.” AJ spoke proudly as he brushed a finger under his nose to stop himself from sneezing due to the dust.
“AJ…” Clementine picked up on the fact that he had heard the worry in her voice.
“We’ll be super safe! I already got Aasim and Willy to agree to give us backup if anything goes wrong,” AJ watched Clementine closely. “I’m strong.”
His words made Clementine look over at his eyes and notice the hardened determination in them.
“I know you are, kiddo. I don’t doubt that for a second,” Clementine gave a soft smile. With a deep breath she spoke once more. “Alright, but I’m taking watch with my bow just to be safe.”
“Okay,” AJ gave a short nod; he knew that if he wanted this competition he had to agree to the base rules Clementine put in place. Clementine’s smile remained and she ruffled his afro fondly. “Alright, go get set up and remember-”
“I know, I know, always aim for the head,” AJ ran off, giving a small smile back at Clementine before wandering off to find Allison and share the good news.
Soon everyone knew of this competition. Some of them were more for it like Louis and Willy who knew that AJ and Allison could handle themselves and that there were plenty of traps in the area to use if needed. Others were more cautious about the whole thing such as Prisha and Aasim who were well aware of the world’s random cruelty that it bestowed upon the living. Still, all of them knew that Allison and AJ were both too stubborn to stop the competition now. Competitiveness flowed through their veins and they were both incredibly ambitious when it came to becoming stronger.
After a couple minutes those in support roles were in position while Ruby and Omar stayed inside the dorms with the little kids. Clementine stood on the watch tower while Aasim and Willy stood outside, right by the gates.
“Good luck, Allie!” Willy leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Allison’s cheek. The romantic gesture made Allison grow flustered and she stared at her boots.
“Thanks,” Allison brushed her hand against his before giving it a small squeeze. “AJ is totally going to lose this one,”
Those words set a fire in AJ who puffed out his chest. “I’m winning and when I do, that new weapon you’re making with Willy is gonna be mine!”
“Okay,” Allison casually strolled forward, taking out her spear hammer. “But when I win and you lose you have to give Garbage a bath,”
“Ugh, why?” AJ looked over at his best friend.
“I don’t know,” Allison shrugged, “I think it would be funny.”
AJ frowned at those words and with a grumpy grumble took out his knife. “I’m winning, dummy.”
Allison laughed at that. “Keep telling yourself that,” Her eyes scanned the area and she spotted the first walker she wanted to take out. Dashing forward without warning, Allison swung her spear hammer. Using the spear end to hook into the jaw, she dragged the walker along and slammed it into a tree with a sharp lower branch. The branch burrowed into the walker’s gut, causing blood and intestines to coat it. Allison quickly spun her weapon, switching to the hammer side, and with a deadly blow caved in the walker’s head. Brain matter began to spill out of its misshapen head as its body went limp. “That’s one.”
AJ huffed and mockingly said her words under his breath before he spotted his first walker. Jogging forward, he stayed a few paces away in order to properly take this walker down. Waiting for the ideal moment, AJ kicked out the walker’s leg then proceeded to plunge his knife deep within its eye socket. The eye popped from the attack, spurting its juice onto AJ’s face.
“Bleh,” AJ spat a couple times to make sure none got in his mouth. Allison’s quiet laughter made his eyes shoot over to see her smug, competitive smile. “Whatever, stupidhead. Watch this,” AJ unclipped his hatchet and with a mighty throw sliced through the skullcap of a walker. With a thunk the hatchet embedded itself into the tree just as the walker it had sliced through fell down, lifeless.
“Not bad,” Allison swung her weapon, her aim missing the mark slightly due to the sudden swaying movement of the walker. The spear ended up hooking underneath its cheekbone too firmly and with a strong tug Allison tore off its lower jaw. Flicking it onto the ground, Allison unsheathed her knife and jabbed it into the walker’s head before it had a chance to move any closer.
Allison’s move made AJ’s eyes shine with awe. That was so cool. He definitely wanted to beat her in this competition now. Plus with her compliment on his last move he  knew he had what it took to win.
“Wooo! Go, Allie! You’ve got this!” Willy cheered on his girlfriend then proceeded to cheer for his best friend as well. “Go, AJ!”
“Yeah, go AJ! Show those stinky deadheads who's boss!” Louis called out from the gate and watched as AJ took down another walker by plunging his blade right through the back of its skull before retrieving his hatchet. AJ turned around and saw Louis who gave a big thumbs up and smile. Louis continued to watch AJ before glancing over at Violet who seemed a bit tense. “Gonna cheer too, Vi?”
“Maybe,” Violet’s eyes watched Allison from behind her glasses. Her hands were wrapped tightly around her arms as she crossed them.
“Loosen up, Vi,” Louis hooked his arm around her shoulder. “Everything will be okay. First sign of danger and the smelly patrol will have all of us to deal with.”
Violet gave a small nod. Louis studied her expression for a moment and decided to try and lighten up the mood.
“Or is it that you think Allison can’t take the heat?”
“Heh, she’s gonna win. Allison is gonna kick AJ’s ass.” Violet smirked over at her best friend who returned it in kind.
Hear, hear,” Prisha smiled as she walked forward. Immediately Violet’s tension seemed to dissipate if only a bit as she let her arms fall to her side before taking Prisha’s hand in hers. Louis could see the same concern that Violet had in Prisha’s eyes as well. He looked over at Clementine. After seeing that she was tense too, Louis slipped away just as Prisha and Violet started to cheer Allison on.
Allison was in the midst of bludgeoning a walker’s head but for some reason it was still moving. So when it opened its mouth Allison speared it through to make sure she got to the brain then tossed it to the ground. Her score was tied with AJ’s now.
“Are you doing okay?” Louis slowly climbed up the ladder to the watchtower and noticed Clementine glance back his way. Immediately her eyes softened and the two shared a quick kiss.
“What are you doing up here, Lou?” Clementine smiled as Louis’ fingers intertwined with hers for a moment.
“I thought it had to be lonely being up on this watchtower alone. So I thought I’d grace you with my company,” Louis leaned forward and stole a soft kiss. “And kisses,” The two shared a smile before Clementine remembered the competition and looked over at AJ. AJ grinned confidently as his hatchet sliced a walker’s face nearly in half.
“Look at our little man go,” Louis hugged Clementine’s shoulders for a few moments.
“Yeah, he’s really grown up,” Clementine held on to Louis’ arms for a couple of seconds, letting her bow rest by her leg. “Allison is no pushover though,” She nodded over at Allison who dodged and sliced through a walker’s fingers before spearing it through the head and tossing it onto a rock.
“Yeah, it's really close. Only two walkers left,” Louis commented and the two continued to watch on in somewhat silence.
Only two left. Allison knew she had to get both to win. One was over by that weird-looking tree that Willy had climbed in order to impress her on their first date together. A soft smile pulled on Allison’s lips at the memory before she refocused to find the other walker. Once her eyes caught sight of the walker’s location, however, she felt her heart tighten.
It was wandering over towards the old car that had crashed right outside the gates. Within the car was a small garden of pink flowers. Flowers that Allison had placed in memory of Renata. Flowers that she had kept safe ever since she planted them after Renata’s passing. Allison gritted her teeth, her anger and sorrow mixing within her gut as she sprinted forward.
“You get the fuck away from that!” Allison’s sudden shouting drew everyone’s attention as the walker mindlessly grasped at a pink flower. Allison dug her fingers into its soft, rotten back flesh and spun it around. Taking out her knife, Allison began to blindly stab the walker out of pure rage as tears stung her eyes. The walker groaned, its milky white eyes staring blankly into Allison’s as it continued to try and consume her flesh and blood. All of her attacks were in spots that wouldn’t put it down.
“Allison!” Willy notched an arrow and aimed at the walker while Prisha and Violet pulled open the gate door to go and help. The world around Allison seemed to fade away as she lived in her emotions, watching as the walker’s teeth threatened to bite her until she finally plunged her knife into its skull. The walker fell down to the ground, limp, any sign of life drained from its eyes. Allison stared at the walker before spitting onto it. She remained frozen in her spot until she felt arms wrap around her.
“Allie! You’re safe!” Willy held onto her tightly and pulled her further into the hug. Allison felt her throat burn as she glanced at the walker then at the pink flowers.
“Allison!” Prisha ran forward along with Violet. “You weren’t bitten, were you?”
“No, I wasn’t,” Allison mumbled but the others still checked her for bites.
Soon AJ jogged forward, fresh blood on his blade from the final walker he took down with a stab to the side of its head. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” Allison whispered, still wrapped up in Willy’s arms. “It’s a tie.”
“Yeah, it is,” AJ took a deep breath then furrowed his eyebrows “What do you wanna do? Another competition?”
“No, I don’t,” Allison’s eyes focused on the flowers before she glanced over at her best friend. “Let’s just say we both won. Okay?” “Okay,” AJ gave a short nod and watched as Allison slipped out of Willy’s arms. Slowly she walked forward and picked one of the pink flowers.
“We should probably head inside,” Allison walked in and soon the others followed. Not sure what to say or do, they watched Allison as she examined the flower. Slowly she twirled it between her fingertips, a single thought soon appearing in her mind. It was time that she visited an old friend.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
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I have TWDG shirts for my dolls now! 🥰 These we’re made by kleinervogelshop with art I commissioned from @emcdraws and I couldn’t be happier with the results! I’m gonna treasure these forever! 💓
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ericsonclan · 3 years
How To Outsmart a Fox
Summary: The other monsters try their best to throw a surprise party for Renata.
Word Count: 2816
Read on AO3:
“Alright, I wanna first say thanks for coming to this secret meeting,” Louis smiled over at his group of friends.
“Why are we here again?” Omar asked as he stood by the door, having been pulled into this room when he had spotted some of his friends.
“It's about Renata’s birthday surprise party. It's tomorrow,” Clementine answered then noticed that the door was slightly open. “Hey, Omar, could you close the door?”
“Yeah, sure thi-”
“I’ve got it, my darling!” Louis dramatically took off his hand and sent it on its merry way. The hand walked on its fingers with a bit off a sway over to the door and tapped it shut. “Ta-da!” Louis beamed and only got some claps from Marlon and Clementine. “Thank you, thank you. Now, back to business,”
“Wait, hold up. Where’s Sophie and Minnie? Shouldn’t they be a part of this?” Brody asked as she wrapped her sealskin over her shoulders tighter; she always got nervous about secrets.
“Soph can’t keep a secret for shit,” Violet answered before Louis could.
“And Renata can get any secret out of Minnie,” Ruby added, noticing that a lot of the monsters were gravitating towards Violet due to it being wintertime. With her being a werewolf she had a warmth that stayed constant throughout the snowy months. It seemed like only Prisha was getting to experience that warmth though as she sat beside her girlfriend, holding her hand.
“Yeah, that sneaky little fox would flush weeks of prep down the toilet if she figured it out,” Clementine sighed as she traced something on Louis’ hand. The gesture distracted the frankenstein for a moment before he snapped back onto the task at hand.
“Clem is right! That’s why we’re going to give Minnie a false lead and throw Renata off the trail!” Louis beamed, proud of his plan.
“Who’s going to do that?” Mitch twirled around a pencil on his finger with boredom.
“Yours truly! Me and Clem are gonna tell Minnie it's going to be at her place so if Renata is the sneaky fox we all know her to be, then she’ll end up in the wrong place!”
“Okay, but then how do we get Renata to the right destination?”
Prisha’s question made Louis pause, his smile fading.
“I am not sure! But we will figure that out when we get there! Everyone knows your duties for tomorrow when we meet at the forest by school. Oh! And no spilling the beans to Sophie! Dismissed, besties!” Louis chimed then strolled out, hand in hand with Clementine. One by one the other monsters left, going about their usual Friday schedule, excited to finally get to the weekend.
Renata strolled forward, her fangs poking out happily as she walked down the hallway with her best friend. Her tail seemed to be constantly curled into the shape of a question mark and her eyes kept trying to spot any sort of sign of birthday party planning. She was sure that something was in the works but she couldn’t figure out what.
“I wish I could just hide away in my nest and sleep through math,” Sophie let out a sharp yawn, making her feathers bristle up.
“I wish I could be in Min’s nest and sleep the rest of the day away - I can’t wait till tomorrow!” Renata’s tail curled further into a question mark as she held her books close. Sophie smiled over at her friend and was about to say something when a friendly voice appeared in front of them.
“Well, well, if it isn’t my favorite mischievous fox,” Therissa moseyed on forward, the bandages on her arms swaying a bit with her movement.
“Hey there, Therissa,” Renata smiled up at her friend. “Oh, some of your bandages are loose,”
“Oh shit, really?” The mummy worked to get her bandages back on. “Thanks, would’ve been a bit embarrassing if Bethany saw me like that,”
“Even though she’s invisible? What if she’s here right now?” Sophie held a teasing smile on her lips.
“Nah, she’s got a cute outfit on today, I’d spot her anywhere. Just wanted to catch you and give a quick happy birthday to the birthday fox,” Therissa patted Renata’s head who seemed very proud of that title. “Got any fun plans tomorrow?”
“Yep! Sophie and I are having an all-you-can-eat ice cream sundae breakfast then I’m going on a date with Minipie!” The huldra’s fangs stuck out even more as she grinned. “Then who knows… maybe a secret party,” Renata winked at Therissa who didn’t react in a way that gave the huldra any answers.
“Damn, if there’s a secret party let me know, I’ll drop off my present then,” Therissa strolled by and gave a small salute. “Best of luck getting through the rest of Friday!” With that she disappeared down the hallway. Sophie and Renata watched her for a moment then kept on walking.
“You’re not hiding a surprise party secret from me are you, Soph?” Renata glanced over at the harpy.
“If I am, I'm doing a pretty good job because even I don't know the secret,” the harpy laughed, which soon turned into a series of happy twitters when she spotted Marlon. Flying forward she landed on her boyfriend, wrapping him up in a hug. The gesture nearly made his head pop off but luckily the harpy and the dullahan worked together to make sure that didn’t happen. Renata stared at them for a second then looked around; she could swear something was happening around here.
Minnie woke up, glad it was Saturday but not glad that she had nearly blown the secret Clementine and Louis had shared with her yesterday. Renata was always persuasive and usually tried to get her way; it seemed like she had begun to sniff out the surprise party. At least that's how she acted when she tried to get Minnie to spill the secret. It had nearly worked too.
With a sigh Minnie sleepily flew up and out of her nest bed. She had to get dressed and leave soon. According to Clementine and Louis they were going to throw the surprise party here. Sophie was already out with Renata eating way too much ice cream this early in the morning. The last thing those two needed was a sugar high but it was Renata’s birthday so she got to do whatever she wanted. Strolling towards her wardrobe Minnie tried on a  few outfits, trying to find something nice to wear for the birthday date with Renata. After a few different flops she finally found a cool jacket that was warm for the winter and showed off her muscles and feathers and jeans that made her look pretty badass if she said so herself. Working on her hair, she grabbed her sunglasses and clipped them on her shirt before flying down the stairs. She still had half an hour to get to the ice cream parlor but she figured it was better to get there earlier than later.
Renata scarfed down the chocolate, caramel and peanut butter icecream at an alarming rate. Chowing down on the toppings, she looked over to see that Sophie was moving even faster through the sugary treat than she was. The huldra tried her best to keep up but soon got a brain freeze, clutching the sides of her head as her tail curled round her waist.
“Gah! Brain freeze!” Renata stomped her feet on the ground.
“Shit! I’ll get you some water!” Sophie flew off frantically, leaving behind a small trail of feathers in her place. After a minute she returned and Renata quickly chugged the water.
Ah! Thanks! Well, I’m full. How about you?”
“I’m pretty full too,” Sophie looked down at her phone, noticing the time. “Minnie should be here by now so we should head outside. I’ll cover the bill, you can just call me Lady Moneypants,” Sophie smiled then paused for a second. “Don’t call me that,”
“Too late, it's my birthday. Now let's go, Lady Moneypants!” Renata hopped up and strolled outside; she was immediately hit with the cold of the winter.
Sophie instantly felt her teeth chatter. “Maybe it wasn’t smart to have something cold during the winter,”
“Probably, but it sure was tasty!” Renata felt her tail puff out, shook by the cold. Soon her mind was elsewhere though when she spotted her girlfriend leaning against the wall and trying to look cool even though she was cold. The huldra’s teeth poked out as she scampered over to the harpy.
“Minnie!” Renata surprised the tall harpy with a passionate kiss. Minnie was shocked for a second but soon deepened the kiss then shared another one.
“Happy birthday, Ren. Ready for our date?” Minnie smiled lovingly at her girlfriend.
“Yep!” Renata’s hands slipped along Minnie’s hips then rested in her back pockets.
Minnie felt her face turn as red as her hair and a series of flustered tweets and chirps left her lips.
“It's to warm my hands,” Renata had a flirtatious smile on her lips.
“Just hold her hand!” Sophie called out, walking backwards.
“Hmm maybe. I don’t know, it's my birthday!” Renata replied with a smile.
“Okay, I’ll see you at home, Minnie,” Sophie gave a short wave.
“Wait! Don’t go home!”
Minnie’s reaction made both Sophie and Renata look at her.
“Why not?”
“I, ummm...” Minnie’s mind was blanking. Shit, she was going to let the secret out. “I used one of Dad’s books for my nest,”
Sophie’s eyes were wide as a shocked chirp left her lips. “One of his adventure books?”
“Yeah,” Minnie hoped her twin would buy it.
It seemed like she did. “I gotta buy another book! Don’t worry, I’ll cover your ass!” Sophie flew off, leaving a trail of feathers in her wake. Minnie felt a seedling of guilt sink in her heart.
“Minipie,” Renata slipped her hands back, “What are you hiding?”
Minnie looked down at her girlfriend with big eyes - she knew!
Renata gave a grin, figuring that she was on the right track. Curling her tail, she tickled Minnie’s chin then grabbed her hand. “There is a party, isn’t there! At your house!” Renata started to run, her speed made Minnie’s talons stumble about as she gave chase.
“Shit, fuck, wait, it was a secret!” Minnie called out but the huldra was locked onto her destination. Weaving between different humans who gave a few stink eyes, the couple made their way back to the harpy’s house.
Throwing open the door, Renata was ready to get hit in the face with confetti. “Happy birthday, me!” The huldra shot her arms up, her tail stuck in its usual question mark shape. She waited a second then waved her arms. “Guys, I caught onto the secret! I’m ready for the surprise party!” Renata waited but nothing happened. After a minute her smile faded and her tail went limp. Walking over to the staircase she sat down, her tail draped over the step. Minnie felt her heart drop; she hadn’t seen Renata in a funk like this.
“Hey, maybe they just gave me the wrong time,” Minnie took Renata’s hand but she could tell Renata was too sad right now to care.
“Nah, I was being stupid. Guess I got my hopes up for nothing. It's okay though, all my huldra friends always thought I was annoying growing up too,” Renata cracked a smile, trying to brush aside how hurt she felt.
“No, the others aren’t like that! They aren’t bullshit friends! I must’ve fucked up somewhere along the way with the party info!” Minnie pulled Renata into a hug but she didn’t return it. It seemed like today had brought up some bad memories.
Renata didn’t really say much for a few seconds. “Let’s just go on our date,”
“You sure?” Renata gave a small nod.
“Okay, then-” Minnie stopped when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out, she saw that it was Sophie. “Soph, now isn’t a good time,”
“Hey, I need you to get Renata to the forest by the school,”
“What?” Minnie’s nose scrunched up. “I don’t have time for games,” The harpy’s voice went softer. “Listen, Ren is really sad,”
“Shit! Really? Bring her to the forest then. Trust me!” Without another word Sophie hung up. Minnie blinked at the phone for a second then stuffed it back in her pocket with a huff. Whatever, maybe one of her sister’s dumbass jokes would make Renata happier.
“Change of plans, we’re going to the forest by school first,” Minnie waited for Renata to get up but she didn’t move at first. After a second Minnie decided it was best to just carry her there. The huldra always did enjoy hugs so this could make her feel better. Holding Renata in her arms, the harpy felt the huldra wrap around her like a koala.
“Just give me a minute and I’ll be happy again,” Renata whispered into Minnie’s ear.
“You don’t have to be,”
“I wanna. I hate feeling like this, I didn't think I would again. I’m not gonna let shitty sadness win. Just need another minute for your hug to recharge my battery!” Renata’s voice wavered, battling between conflicting emotions.
“Heh, I thought that only your hugs gave back energy,” Minnie walked outside and made sure Renata was as warm as she could be as she held her.
“Nah, your hugs are magical too, Min,” Renata nuzzled her head against her girlfriend’s neck. Her tail was still limp though.
“Okay, take all the energy you need,” Minnie kissed Renata’s cheek then kept walking. As she made her way to the forest she saw the looks humans were giving. She glared back at them; who gave a fuck about them right now. It was none of their fucking business if she carried her griflriend around. The harpy felt her feathers ruffle as her emotions bubbled. She focused ahead, her talons clanking against the sidewalk as she moved as fast as she could to the forest. Whatever Sophie had in mind it better be something great.
After a while Minnie reached the forest. Wandering forward, she wasn’t sure what she expected but she definitely wasn’t expecting fox balloons. Confused twitters left her lips as she continued on, making Renata poke her head up. Her eyes caught sight of the balloons too then the colorful tent in a clearing in the forest. In an instant her tail curled back into its usual shape. Happiness shimmered in the huldra’s eyes when she spotted the huge sign in the snow for her that read “Happy Birthday, Renata!”
“Holy shit!” Renata’s mouth was ajar when suddenly tons of monsters jumped out from behind the trees.
“Happy birthday, Ren!” Sophie dumped a bunch of confetti from the sky, coating the huldra and her twin completely.
“This is for me?” Renata let go of her girlfriend and landed on the ground. She looked around, spotting the pile of presents and a lumpy looking snowman in the shape of what she assumed was supposed to be her. Her favorite snacks were on the table and all her friends were here.
“We wanted it to be a surprise!” Louis smiled over at the huldra.
“That’s why we didn’t give Minnie the right location, we knew she’d crack under the pressure,” Clementine nudged the harpy’s side with a playful smile.
“But we tricked you! Outsmarted the fox!” Louis grinned proudly.
“That’s why Sophie didn’t know until half an hour ago,” Violet explained, making her best friend nod with a frown.
“Yeah, apparently I couldn’t be trusted with a secret,”
“Oh yeah, that totally makes sense,” Renata’s fangs poked out when she saw the shocked expression on Sophie’s face.
“Well we have tons of games - it will be the ultimate birthday hootenanny!” Ruby exclaimed, her eyes dancing with joy and excitement.
“OOO! Then let’s get this party started right!” Renata took a few steps back then leapt up in the air. With a heavy thunk she landed smack dab in the letter ‘R’ of her name. Her tail flopped over and she soon shook off the snow on her face before pouncing again and again in the snow. The other monsters got to work on getting the party started. Soon enough Renata was laughing with a special fox birthday hat on her head while munching on some food and chatting with the others. The huldra found herself dancing with her friends, using Therissa’s mummy wrappings to twirl around before getting into a fierce dance competition with Louis. As the party continued on, Renata took a moment to look around at everyone. She had tons of friends after all, ones that wanted to spend her birthday with her. That thought made her heart grow all warm and fuzzy. This was definitely the best birthday ever.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Lupine’s Eve
Summary: Prisha is enjoying some time with Violet during lunchtime when suddenly Violet starts acting odd...
Word Count: 2173
Read on AO3:
Prisha leaned the back of her head against the tree. It was such a beautiful day today. The calming spring breeze, the sounds of different monsters enjoying the freedom of lunchtime, and Violet resting in her arms. It was perfect. The werewolf’s natural warmth seeped into the vampire’s cold body, warming it up slightly. Prisha sighed happily and wrapped her arms further around Violet, causing the werewolf’s tail to wag faster.
Tilting her head up, Violet looked into Prisha’s eyes. “I’m glad I met you,”
“I’m glad I met you too,” Prisha leaned forward and stole a quick kiss, making the werewolf’s tail whack around at an accelerated pace. The vampire’s heart warmed at the sight and she wished to speak further adoration, going as far as to say the words that she truly felt. After pondering it for a moment Prisha decided to go for it. Lifting Violet’s hand up, Prisha pressed a kiss to it then summoned the courage to say the words. “Violet, I lo-”
Prisha’s words were instantly cut short though when Violet bit down on her braid, growling lightly. Violet munched on it for a second then glanced up, locking eyes with her girlfriend. Without waiting a second Violet released Prisha’s braid and scampered off. The vampire remained frozen in shock.
What on earth just happened?
Prisha waited a few minutes for Violet but soon found herself growing more and more concerned. Violet had acted odd just a few moments ago; perhaps she had gotten a head injury and sustained a concussion. The vampire started to wander around the campus, running into some friendly faces and some not so friendly ones. Each time she stopped to ask if they had seen Violet and each time she was met with the same response until she bumped into Marlon and Louis. The two best friends were currently laughing loudly as they swapped heads, wondering how many monsters they could spook like this.
“Prisha!” Louis beamed while his head was snugly on top of Marlon’s body. “Here for some music time? If so, I have to rain check - Marlon and I are about to go spook some fellow monsters!”
“They’re gonna freak out!” Marlon’s smile mirrored his friend’s. He fistbumped Louis’ wrist which immediately popped off again.
“Damn it,” Louis sighed.
“I came here hoping that one of you had seen Violet,” Prisha jumped back into the conversation, drawing the monsters' attention.
“Oh, Vi? She went tearing across the lawn a minute ago. It was pretty fucking weird,” Marlon motioned over towards the torn up grass that lead towards the picnic tables.
“Thank you and be careful with each others’ heads! I’m sure Clem and Sophie would be heartbroken if you two did something that caused any permanent damage,” Prisha gave a goodbye wave to her two friends then sprinted off, following the damaged grass.
After a few minutes she reached the picnic tables where Sophie, Minnie and Renata were all having a bug-eating contest. Renata and Sophie seemed neck and neck in the race to finish their tasty snacks first but Minnie was the dark horse of the race and soon she had not only caught up but overtaken the lead. Polishing off the last few bugs she gave a loud crow then without thinking she cupped Renata’s face and kissed her deeply.
“I won! Take that, Soph!” Minnie gave a smug smile over to her twin while her girlfriend seemed to be looking off into the middle distance with a dreamy look in her eyes. The huldra definitely felt like she’d won in her own way.
Prisha was about to make her way over there but stopped when something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. Violet’s tail was wagging at a fast pace, her ears twitching this way and that as she slowly snuck towards the table. Her neck was extended as she tried to bite down onto Brody’s lunchbag. The selkie was too caught up in the excitement of starting a garden club with Ruby to even notice.
The dryad was practically radiating joy as she spoke with her best friend. “Oh, this will be grand! Our own garden, right here at school!”
Ruby’s smile made Brody’s grow and the two kept talking as Violet inched closer and closer to the lunch bag. Suddenly her eyes locked with Prisha’s. The vampire shook her head no which caused Violet’s ears to flop down but she immediately didn’t listen and snagged the bag. Her sharp teeth tore through the brown paper as she scampered off on all fours.
“What the hell?” Brody jumped up, pulling her sealskin closer around her shoulders, trying to figure out what had happened as the contents of her lunch were scattered across the ground. Prisha wanted to sprint after Violet and learn what was going on here but the correct choice was to help her friend out first. So the vampire helped the selkie and dryad, making sure they were both okay before running after the werewolf.
After a few more minutes of searching Prisha spotted Violet again who was frantically trying to catch her tail. The werewolf spun around again and again until she spotted Prisha. Violet’s tail was out of control as her eyes widened. Without warning she sprinted forward and circled the vampire a few times before tackling her with a hug.
“Oof-” Prisha collided on the ground and was stunned for a moment as the werewolf continued to hold onto her.
“I see you are having a fun Lupine’s Eve,”
Santiago’s voice made Prisha tilt her head back to see the mothman smiling down at her.
“A what?” Prisha got up but Violet continued to hold onto her.
“Lupine’s Eve is a werewolf holiday where the full moon appears during the day. It makes werewolves act feral while in their human forms. You really didn’t know about this?” Santiago quirked an eyebrow as he pushed up his glasses, his antennae twitching in amusement. “I understood me not knowing it till I met Javi but with you and your vast years of life, I suppose I assumed you did,”
“Vampires and werewolves tended not to be on good speaking terms. So we didn’t learn much of their holidays or customs,” Prisha explained as she saw Violet being distracted by a leaf fluttering in the wind. “So I suppose you have your hands full with Coach Garcia then,”
“That is putting it mildly,” Santiago gave a deep sigh and was about to speak but again when the werewolf in question sprinted towards him.
“Santi! Santi! Santi! Santi!” Javi ran around his boyfriend then got distracted chasing his tail for a moment before he turned around. “I LOVE YOU!”
Those words made Santiago blush deeply, his wings fluttering with joy. That is until Javi started to lick his face copiously. “Ugh, Javi, no, bad!” Santiago pulled out a spray bottle and sprayed his boyfriend. The werewolf’s tail grew puffed at that and he growled for a second but it soon changed into a whimper. After a split moment though Javi’s attention had turned elsewhere. His tail flicked this way and that as he watched a rather chunky squirrel bounding back to a tree. A playful glint entered his eyes and he was off like a shot.
“Javi, don’t harass the squirrels!” Santiago shook his head; today’s schedule was already a mess thanks to this.
Prisha watched as the mothman chased after his boyfriend for a second before her eyes looked off in the direction where Violet once was but she was no longer there. Shit. Prisha swore her heart would’ve stopped then and there if it wasn’t already dormant. Her eyes darted around left and right when suddenly they landed on her beautiful, blonde and feral girlfriend who was marking a nearby trash can. Her shoulders brushed against the pungent trash can again and again until she caught sight of the vampire. Her ears turned down and out as she growled, protecting her territory.
“I’m not going to steal your precious trash can, Violet,” Prisha sat down a few paces away and sighed deeply. The frantic calls of Santiago made her glance back to see Javi on all fours running across the baseball diamond with a tennis ball in his mouth he had stolen from a few monsters who had been playing a tennis match. This was going to be an experience.
And an experience it was. Violet kept marking different things as he territory throughout lunchtime before trying to drink a puddle of water then scampered off and accidentally ran into a tree right when the bell rang. Prisha silently picked up her girlfriend and carried her to the next class. Her plans for this lunchtime were shot and the courage to share the words of her heart had vanished.
Luckily Violet was better during classes but the vampire figured that was because she had rubbed her shoulders against Prisha, marking her. With that done Violet had sat in Prisha’s lap and stayed there throughout all the classes, her head tilting back and wanting attention every few seconds. Prisha would press a kiss to her head or cheek and play with her hair while she wrote down notes. The vampire’s cool outer facade didn’t stop the other monsters’ eyes from being on them; if Violet learned of how she was acting she would be utterly humiliated.
Still for the most part things went smoothly... at least until the final period of class where Violet kept growling and trying to attack a bird through the window. Luckily it was study hall and the ever positive imp Mr. Omid made sure that Violet didn’t get in any sort of trouble. As soon as the school bell rang Violet barreled out of the room and outside to the front of Ericson High.
“Violet, wait up!” Prisha called out as she grabbed the few books she needed and sprinted after her girlfriend. She soon found Violet playing a friendly game of tug of war with Javi.
“Glad he has a buddy now,” Santiago smiled, his antennae buzzing lightly. “My arm was growing sore throwing the stick again and again. Besides, it's easier to read a book with two hands. I see you made it through the day,” He smiled and turned a page in his book as Prisha collapsed onto the bench.
“That’s one way of putting it,” The vampire spotted a few more books in front of the mothman “Mind sharing your wealth of books?”
“Not at all. Not when it comes to someone who actually handles books with care,” Santiago shook his head at the thought of mishandled books.
“Oh, I completely understand your frustrations,” Prisha saw Santiago’s eyes flicker with appreciation at those words. The two monsters soon became lost in the joy of discussing books while both of their werewolf significant others fought for dominance in the tug of war match. The werewolves continued to have fun playing tag and fetch until the afternoon gradually turned into the evening.
“Before I leave there’s one thing I forgot to tell you,” Santi said as he placed away the books in his bag. “Javi told me that werewolves still transform on this night but they are usually fairly tame and far too exhausted to do anything as they normally would,”
“Good to know, thank you,” Prisha smiled then made her way to Violet. It would probably be best if she just spent the night at her dorm. All she had to do was make some calls and everything should work out. The vampire led the way to the dorms while on the phone as Violet was busy chasing her tail.
After a few minutes the pair was in front of dorm room 203. With a small yawn Prisha pushed open the door and helped Violet prepare for the full moon transformation. After clearing a few things out of the way, Prisha gave her girlfriend some space to transform. It was a sight that Prisha was used to: the creaking and rearranging bones, the fur, the overly dilated eyes, but still she always could sense how painful the experience was.
Within minutes Violet had fully transformed. Instead of her usual wild energy she immediately collapsed on the ground. Prisha carefully picked her up and placed her in bed, tucking a blanket around her before kissing her cheek. “Sleep well, Violet.” Prisha paused for a moment then decided to speak the words she felt. “I love you,”
The werewolf’s tail wagged excitedly at that but she remained still, deeply asleep. Prisha gave a soft laugh at that then pulled out her desk chair. She supposed she could get some homework done while Violet was sleeping. Although homework never seemed to last long when it came to a vampire doing it. Prisha stared at her math assignment for a second then glanced over Violet’s way. A small smile pulled on the corners of the vampire’s lips. She was truly glad she had met Violet.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Strong and Swift
Summary: Brody and Mitch transfer to Ericson High and get through their first day together before going out and completing their first mission in New York as spider heroes.
Word Count: 3869
Read on AO3:
“All I’m saying is that brunch is a very valid and delicious way to hang out with friends,” Louis strolled through the hallway, his backpack dangling off one of his shoulders.
“Louis, drop it,” Violet mumbled as her hands struggled to hold all the books that she needed for today's classes.
“Well, Clem, I guess you’re the swing vote. Is friendship brunch a thing? Yay or nay?”
Clementine looked over at her friends then focused back on the hallway before her. “Hmmm, I guess we’ll just have to go to brunch and find out.”
“Yes!” Louis pumped his fist while Violet let out a tired groan. The three of them continued to discuss the matter as they made their way into their homeroom class where Javi was leaning back in his chair tossing a baseball in the air.
“Oh hey, you three are early,” He gave a happy smile at the sight of his students.
“No,” Violet sat down in her chair with a groan. “Your clock is wrong.”
Javi looked up in shock then glanced between his phone and the clock. His eyes darted back and forth to check it. “Oh no,” He pushed his chair up to the clock and started to reset it while the classroom became full with the different students.
“Morning, Mr. Garcia,” Sophie’s cheerful tone drew the teacher's attention.
“Hey, Sophie.”
“Whatcha up to?” Renata popped out from behind Minnie with a curious smile.
“Changing the clock. Time was totally wrong and would've been really awkward when the new transfer students showed up.”
Minnie’s eyes widened at that statement. “More transfer students?”
Javi gave a light hearted chuckle. “Yeah, who would’ve thought. Must be that they think Ericson High is quite the place.” He got off the chair and spun it around, taking a seat in it. “You three should get in your seats.”
“Right!” Renata jogged over and slid into her chair; the twins soon followed suit. Javi gave the students a few more minutes to file in and get settled before he rose up.
“Good morning class, as a few of you might already know we are getting in a few new transfer students today.”
Clementine glanced up from her spot. That’s odd. Why are there so many transfer students showing up? The timing seems off.
Suddenly a knock on the door drew all the students’ attention.
“Oh, I bet that’s them now,” Javi lightly jogged to the door and swung it open with a bright smile. “Come on in, you two,” He stepped back, giving the two students a chance to walk and stand in front of the class. On the left was a tall guy with short chestnut hair and green eyes. He seemed to radiate a sort of grumpy energy from. His eyes glanced around the room, challenging anyone to speak up and say something. On his right was a girl who was shorter than him with beautiful pale blue eyes. Her auburn hair was slicked back and her hands were by her sides balled up, most likely due to nerves based on the expression on her face. She seemed nervous but something about her was genuine and kind.
“Well, why don’t you introduce yourselves to the class,” Javi leaned back in his chair with a warm smile.
“Name’s Mitch,” the guy spoke, looking around at the room for a few seconds before focusing his eyes elsewhere. “From Atlanta. Moved suddenly and ended up here.”
“Thanks, Mitch,” Javi said with a smile then looked over at the girl. “It’s your turn.”
The girl looked over at the teacher before taking a deep breath and uncurling her fists. “Hi there, I’m Brody. I’m also from Atlanta. My folks moved because of a new job so I look forward to getting to know all of you,” Brody’s eyes fell back down and for a split second Clementine could’ve sworn she saw Mitch reach out his hand and give Brody's a small, comforting squeeze.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you two. Now as for seating, you can take the seats behind Louis and Violet,” Javi motioned over to the two empty spots behind them. Louis gave a friendly wave while Violet looked up for a second, a ghost of smile on her face before she looked away again. Brody took her spot behind Louis and Mitch sat behind Violet.
Louis immediately turned around in his chair. “Hi, I’m Louis,”
Brody looked surprised by it. “Hi.”
“Louis, if you could turn around again, we can get started on taking attendance.” Javi’s voice caused Louis’ face to change to a guilty look before turning around with a sheepish smile. The rest of the day seemed to go fairly smoothly. Nothing besides the new students seemed unusual for a normal day at Ericson High and soon lunch had rolled around.
Brody sat down at the empty table with a tired sigh. Mitch sat beside her, giving a small, sympathetic smile. Slowly his arm reached around her shoulders.“First days always suck,”
Brody nodded in agreement. “Yeah they do, but everyone seems nice. I just wonder why we got assigned-” She immediately stopped when she noticed Louis waving excitedly over at them and making his way over to their table with Clementine and Violet.
“Hey, mind if we join you?” Louis sat down, placing his lunch tray that was stacked high with pudding and pizza. Violet and Clementine sat down on opposite sides of him.
“Yeah, sure,” Brody gave a kind smile that seemed to cause Mitch’s tension to decrease.
“So, you said you two were from Atlanta?” Clementine leaned forward and opened her apple juice box, taking a long sip from it.
“That’s right,” Mitch responded and took a fry from his plate. “We went to the same school, Prescott High.
“It was a really nice school.” Brody added with a fond smile.
“But you had to move?” Violet’s voice caused them to look over to her. She had a huge pile of nuggets on her plate. Way more than seemed humanly possible to consume in one sitting.
“Yeah,” Mitch grumbled. “Some shit came up and my family had to move.”
“Well, enough with that,” Louis dramatically opened his first container of pudding, thrusting a spoon into it. “Tell me, how did you crazy kids get together?”
Clementine shook her head good-naturedly while Violet gave an annoyed sigh. “Really, Louis?”
“What? It’s a valid question. They could ask if any of us are dating anyone. We’re not, by the way.” Louis flashed his classic charismatic smile.
“Oh, well...” Brody awkwardly twirled her fork around her plate.
“I asked her out to the dance on a dare,” Mitch had a smug expression on his face that instantly dissipated when he saw the look on Louis’ face. “What?”
Brody reached up her hand and grabbed Mitch’s. “It was a weird starting point, but we quickly got along and we’ve been together ever since.”
“How long have you been together?” Clementine took a bite of her burger.
“Three, maybe four years?” Brody looked over at Mitch for confirmation.
Mitch shrugged. “That sounds about right to me.”
“Wait - so you got together when you were what? Thirteen or fourteen?” Louis looked shocked as the spoon slipped out of his slightly opened mouth. Before either Brody or Mitch could answer that a Hispanic girl with dark brown hair jumped onto one of the chairs with a  chaotic smile.
“Hey there, just want to stop by and meet the two new hot people in our homeroom,” She offered her hand. “I’m Renata. Rhymes with frittata if that helps,”
Brody awkwardly took it. “Brody, but ummm, what was that about hot people?”
“Well obviously I was talking about you two.” Renata playfully kicked her legs.
“Where’s Sophie and Minnie?” Violet’s words were muffled by the chicken nuggets she was currently inhaling.
“Yeah, aren’t they always with you?” Clementine looked up from her food.
“Usually yes, but right now they’re trying to convince Omar to try the latest masterpiece Sophie has concocted.” Renata tossed forward a pudding cup that spun around the center of the table.
“Pudding?” Mitch looked confused. “That’s already been fucking claimed.”
Renata shook her head and held up a finger. “Hot pudding.” Her eyes wandered over to another table, making the others do the same.
There they saw a girl with long red hair arguing animatedly with a shorter guy with an afro who had his arms crossed. A girl with short red hair who looked identical to the other one was laughing lightly with a happy smile on her face. Only every now and again did she speak up. The other girl lifted up the pudding cup to display it before dropping it and shaking her hands wildly. Renata laughed at the sight. “Sophie really is trying her best,” She turned back to face the others. “So, anyone game to try it? I promise it’s worth it.”
“Nope,” Violet stated, simply finishing off the last of her chicken nuggets. Brody and Mitch looked shocked by the sight.
“I will take the risk!’ Louis dramatically rose from his spot and with one fluid movement gulped down the hot pudding. His face winced from the heat, but soon melted into a joyful, content look. “Holy shit! This is no joke!” “Right? Right?” Renata bounced excitedly in her seat, smiling at the people at the table.
Louis looked around the cafeteria with a wide grin which disappeared after a few seconds. “Damn it, I thought Gabe and Mari would be in the cafeteria but they must be in the newspaper room with Nurgul. Gabe would lose his mind over this.” Louis said, looking round.
“Well, have no fear,” Renata reached forward and snagged the empty pudding cup. “We have the mastermind behind it all,” She pointed back at Sophie who had spilled the pudding all over her pants and was now jumping and dancing around as Minnie burst out laughing. Minnie held out a napkin while her hand shook with laughter.
“Say no more, I’m sold. It was nice talking to you two, definitely wanna hear more, but now I’m on the quest for more hot pudding,” Louis gave a playful smile and wave before standing up.
“See ya,” Renata winked, giving a casual salute as she strolled over to the twins.
Brody and Mitch shared a look before laughing.
The rest of the day went smoothly from that point on. All the teachers seemed nice and understanding and the classmates helped whenever either Mitch or Brody didn’t understand something.
“All in all, not a shitty day,” Mitch smiled over at his girlfriend.
“Nope. I think I’m really going to like this school.” Brody’s hand swayed along with Mitch’s, their intertwined fingers locked firmly together as they exited the building.
“Mari, wait up!” Gabe rushed forward, his camera bag hitting his hip while he tried to catch up with his sister. Mariana looked back at her brother with a playful smile.
“Come on, slowpoke! If we keep going at this pace, we'll never reach the pizza place.” Mariana stopped when she saw the red hand appear on the display, signalling that it wasn’t safe to cross. Gabe leaned over and caught his breath for a moment. “Are you sure this pizza place is any good? Why can’t we go to the usual one on Broadway?”
“Because I heard that this one really does have the best pizza in New York. Sure it’s only been open for a few weeks, but Uncle Javi swears that it's the best he’s ever had.” Mari’s smile faded when she saw the unsure expression on her sibling’s face. “Tell you what: if Reggie’s Pies and Fries isn’t the best pizza ever, I’ll buy you a four pack of pudding.”
Gabe’s eyes danced with excitement at the suggestion. “Make it six and you’ve got a deal.”
Mariana looked at him with a  competitive smile. “You drive a hard bargain. Deal!” She shook his hand firmly. “You’re buying the pizza today though.” She turned to start crossing the street while Gabe looked dumbstruck for a second. Running beside her, he spoke up again. “Fine, but you’re paying next time.”
“Of course,” Mariana looked down at the black camera bag that was flailing around as Gabe walked. “Do you really need your camera today? It’s not like we’re gonna stumble across some spider people or anything.”
Gabe smiled proudly while holding his camera bag. “You never know. I have a good feeling about today. Especially after that newspaper meeting with Nuri.”
Mariana opened her mouth to comment on that statement when her phone started to buzz against her back pocket. Gabe’s phone was vibrating as well with the same loud sound. It was one that they recognized immediately. Pulling out their phones, the siblings looked at the Amber Alert that stated to look for a black Sedan with the license plate 7TYP290.
Gabe and Mariana looked at each other with a sad expression. They hated whenever these popped up, but that wouldn’t stop their ever constant vigilance to keep an eye out for the license plate just in case. That was when they heard a loud screeching noise followed by a crash coming from about a block away. They looked up to  see a pillar of smoke emitting from a white car that had collided with a blue minivan and black car. People started to gather around it, staring in horror and awe at the crash site before them. Gabe and Mariana ran over without hesitation.
“We should help!” Gabe sprinted forward towards the scene of the accident.
“We should call 911,” Mariana was trying to unlock her phone when Gabe let out an excited gasp. Mariana’s eyes shot up to see what had gotten her brother’s attention. Bumping into her brother with a soft thud, Mariana caught a glimpse of what it had been. There standing on the street sign was a female silhouette. Her eyes were sheltered by a pitch black mask that covered her face all the way down to the bridge of her nose. A hood covered her head, the hem of which was silver. Her body was covered in a skin tight black bodysuit that had silver detailed webs on the torso. The silver on the tips and edges of her black gloves shone in the sunlight.
“Holy shit. Is that-”
“Mimic!” Mariana practically squealed with excitement, finishing her brother’s sentence.
“We’re here to help,” Mimic spoke with a gentle voice when another spider person landed beside her. They were dressed in a  black leather biker jacket, dark denim pants and red shoes. A red spider stood prominently on the back of the jacket before he rose up. His black spider mask looked commanding with its red web detailing around it.
“Step back. We don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”
The crowd listened slowly, stepping back from the scene.
“That’s Goliath. I can’t believe it!” Gabe stared in awe.
“I thought they were based in Atlanta.” Mariana looked over at Gabe with a confused expression then turned her attention back to the two spider people.
“They should be.” Gabe watched as Mimic landed softly on her feet and stood absolutely still, pointing towards the left back car door of the minivan.
“Goliath, two kids.”
“On it,” Goliath moved forward and wrapped his fingers around the edges of the door. Crumpling the metal like paper, he lifted off the door.
“That was his super strength. It’s even crazier in person,” Gabe mumbled, too caught up in the sight before him to think to take photos.
Mimic moved beside her partner. Kneeling down, she looked at the two kids.
“Hey there, we’re gonna help you out, okay? Does anything hurt?” Mimic asked in a soft, comforting voice.
N-no,” The older sister was holding onto her younger brother who was crying in her arms. “But our dad...”
Mimic looked back at Goliath. “Check the front door, but be careful.”
“Of course,” Goliath moved forward and ripped open the door, finding the father whose leg was bloody and broken. “Mimic.”
Mimic stood up with the two kids, one in each of her arms. “I’m going to leave you with my friend. He may look mean, but he’s super nice.” Mimic walked over to Goliath and gently handed him the kids.
“Hey there,” Goliath had a surprisingly gentle tone to his voice. “We’re going to go over here for a few minutes.” He placed the kids and knelt before them. “Gotta help the others, okay?”
The older sister studied his face for a minute, reluctantly nodding. “Just help our dad.”
“I will,” Goliath looked over at the younger brother. “Be sure to watch out for your older sister okay, buddy?”
The little boy nodded, his eyes shining with determination.
Mimic had carefully extracted some of her webbing. Her fingers danced while the webbing carefully wrapped around the father’s leg. Gabe and Mariana watched in amazement as the webbing caused the bleeding to stop.
Goliath jumped over and with care carried over the father to his children who showered him with love and care. “That car is clear. Check out that one next, Mimic,” Goliath pointed to the white car that was smoking profusely. Mimic got back into her meditative stance, a shiver running down her spine when she sensed the presence within the vehicle. “Front right hand side.”
Goliath moved immediately, saving a middle aged lady and carrying her over to where the other survivors were.
“One left,” Mimic whispered to herself as she strolled to the last car.
Mariana looked at the black car with a look of concentration. That was a black sedan, right? Her eyes widened in horror. The license plate! What is it? Her heart stopped when she saw it: 7TYP290.
“Gabe,” Mari nudged her brother’s gut and gestured over to the license plate. Gabe looked at it, the realization hitting him only a second later.
“Mimic! Careful!” Mariana called out, causing the spider person to pause right by the front door. Suddenly a man lunged out of the door, stumbling around and swinging a sharp switchblade. Mimic’s body reacted to it immediately, moving in the unnatural way as if she had no bones in her body. The attacker froze when he stared at the spot she once was.
“That was Mimic’s signature evasion move.” Gabe let out a sigh of relief that the hero had made it out. Mariana felt her shoulders relax for a second before tightening again when she saw the fight wasn’t over.
Goliath ran over, trying to close the distance in time as he watched the switchblade try to land again on Mimic. Goliath shot out his barbed webbing, wrapping around the assulant ‘s wrist and stinging him sharply. Letting out a pained gasp, the man released his weapon.
Mimic appeared suddenly in front of him and kicked him in the gut then proceeded to wrap him in an immense amount of webs that stuck with squelching sounds onto the street sign. Mimic froze when she felt another presence nearby.
“Goliath, the trunk.”
Goliath tore off the trunk cover, revealing a young girl tied and gagged with a tear-stained face. “I’m going to take off the gag, ma’am.” Goliath carefully took off the binds and Mimic helped the girl over to where the others were. The sound of an ambulance and police sirens wailed out, signaling that they were nearby. Mimic looked around for a minute before landing her sights on Mariana.
“Make sure that man gets his leg checked out.”
Mariana could barely believe that a spider person had spoken to her. She couldn’t form any words and simply nodded.
Mimic gave a relieved smile. “Thanks.” With that Mimic and Goliath shot out some webbing and swung off into the distance.
“I can’t believe it….” Gabe looked at the sky where the two spider people had flown past.
“We met spider people!” Mariana exclaimed. The siblings excitedly high fived when Gabe stopped mid-high five, causing Mari’s hand to hit his face.
“It’s weird though,” Gabe looked at the webbed assailant. “There sure are a lot of spider people showing up in New York.”
“That’s true.” Mari paused, intrigued by the information.
“Oh, crap!” Gabe yelled as he clutched his camera bag. “I forgot to take pictures!”
Mariana let out a sad sigh and placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Oh well.”
Gabe looked at where he saw the heroes swing off too. They can’t be that far away . “I’ll be back.”
“What?” Mariana looked confused as she watched her brother run away. “Gabe!”
“I’ll be right back!” Gabe cupped his hands over his mouth to make sure his sister heard him before turning back and focusing on the task at hand. He wanted that picture.
Brody landed easily on her feet as Mitch soon joined her. Taking off her black mask, she felt her hood slip down as she let out a relieved sigh, leaning against the alleyway. “That was close.”
“Yeah, but we kicked ass. Especially you, Brody! You were so fucking hot,” Mitch pulled up his mask, the crinkles on his leather biker jacket increasing with the movement. In a single movement, he cupped the sides of Brody’s face and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Brody looked surprised for a moment before leaning into the kiss, her hand traveling up to grasp the back of Mitch’s head.
That was when it happened. The sound of a camera went off, causing Brody to throw on her mask and Mitch to pull down his.
In seconds Brody shot out a web, snatching the camera from a Cuban boy with an orange beanie who looked shocked by her action. Brody opened the camera and took out the film, tossing the camera back to its owner. “Sorry,” she apologized, shooting up a web and launching into the air.
Mitch gave a sassy smile that was lost under the mask. “We don’t do pictures.”
After the pair was far enough away, they landed on top of one of the buildings. Both of them took the risk and took off their masks once more. Mitch gave a small smile towards Brody. His hand gently intertwined with hers.
“Don’t worry, we got the film.”
“Yeah, I know. Just glad our first mission went well.” She had a warm smile on her face when her eyes grew large. Tilting back her head, she let out a long, exacerbated groan.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“I forgot I still have my English assignment to complete,” Brody mumbled, letting her face fall forward in defeat.
“Fuck! I do too.” Mitch’s frown deepened, softening only when he glanced over at her. “Hey, wanna drop by my place and we can finish it together?”
Brody looked over at him with an appreciative smile. “That sounds great.”
A smile appeared on Mitch’s face at her words.
Leaning forward, Brody placed a quick kiss on Mitch’s cheek, causing him to blush.
“Ready?” Brody put her mask back on.
"Yeah!” Mitch scrambled up to his feet and did the same.
With that the pair attached their webs to a nearby building and swung down back to the normalcy of life.
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ericsonclan · 3 years
The Renowned Nine Tails of Luck
Summary: Carley gets ready for another interview at Ericson High with one of the most famous monsters in West Virginia.
Word Count: 2354
Read on AO3:
Carley took a deep breath as she checked her hair and makeup in her little hand mirror. Today was finally the day that she would get to interview one of the most famous monsters in West Virginia. No, that didn’t do that model justice; the world had fallen for the beauty of Sisiratoka Yamaguchi. Carley was nearly ready to get started on the interview. Glancing over, she saw her cameraman Doug trying to focus. She watched as the hybrid monster fumbled with his camera. His white werebeast fur blew in the wind as his antlers nearly hooked onto one of the handles of his camera set.
“Gah!” Doug spun around to try to make sure his antlers didn’t get caught.
“Doing okay, Doug?” Carley called out to her friend who gave a big thumbs up.
“Yep! Not going to mess up the chance you got me anytime soon,” Doug smiled warmly at the news reporter. Carley instantly knew what he was talking about. Her news station wasn’t the most forward-thinking when it came to monsters so when Carley pushed hard to make sure Doug got a job at that station they took pause. It wasn’t unexpected for Carley to want to cover monster-related stories but to push for a monster to have a job here was unexpected. Still Doug had proven himself to be a smart and capable member of the station. Today he just happened to be nervous because the certain monster Carley was interviewing today was dating him. Carley watched her friend for a moment, wondering if she should offer to help out when suddenly arms wrapped around her waist.
“Hey there, Car,” Lee’s soothing voice tickled her ear and she spun around to see her boyfriend. He smiled at Carley then proceeded to capture her lips in a warm kiss. Carley felt her heart flutter at the sudden romantic gesture as she returned the kiss.
“That was a nice surprise. What are you doing here? I thought you had a lot of papers to grade,” Carley wrapped her arms around Lee’s neck while his hands moved to her hips.
“I want to wish you luck before this interview,” Lee gave his girlfriend another kiss then another.
“Well, I really appreciate it, but you should get the grading done. I think you need to take a nap,” Carley poked at the bags under Lee’s eyes. Lee laughed at that and gave her one more hug before slipping his arms away from her waist.
“Alright, I’ll see you tonight for dinner?” he asked as he backstepped onto the freshly cut grass in front of Ericson High.
“Of course, I can’t wait,” Carley smiled lovingly at Lee who mirrored the smile until he lost his footing and ended up slipping on the grass. With a loud thud Lee fell to the ground.
“Lee! Are you okay?” Carley ran forward and began to laugh as she helped her boyfriend up. As Lee slipped and skidded across the grass, struggling to stand while Carley chuckled, a voice appeared nearby.
“Sorry I’m late!”
The warm voice made Carley and Lee glance back to see a kitsune with nine sleek, soft white tails. The wind blew sharply their way, causing their black hair to grow messy and get stuck against their white fox ears with black tips. The monster model had a soft smile on their lips as they strolled forward and the movement made the overshirt sway slightly. The kois of white, red and black stood prominently on the back of the shirt and complemented the artistic background of rolling red and black waves and a red shrine. Underneath that shirt was a simple white tee which went well with the casual jeans the kitsune was wearing. Their black heels with thick bases clicked against the concrete as they stopped beside the pair.
“Hey there, Dougie,” The kitsune smiled, causing their fangs to poke out as they leaned forward and kissed the werebeast hybrid. Doug’s heart did a backflip at that and he stuttered on his words for a second before speaking clearly.
“Hi, Sisi!” Doug’s hand reached out and instantly took Sisi’s.
“You must be Sisiratoka Yamaguchi,” Carley walked forward with a smile after making sure Lee was okay. The news reporter held out her hand which seemed to make Sisi happy. “Nice to meet you, I’m Carley Porter.”
The kitsune’s fangs poked out as they grasped Carley’s hand, shaking it firmly. “Nice to meet you too! And please, call me Sisi. That's what most people call me.”
“Alright, Sisi, ready to start up the interview?” Carley asked as she walked over towards the spot she had set up for them. Sisi’s nine tails swayed for a moment before wrapping around each other due to excitement.
“Of course!” Sisi leaned over and pressed a kiss to Doug’s cheek then strolled over to the spot marker that Carley had set. It took a few minutes for Doug and Carley to be fully set up but soon they were ready and the cameras were rolling.
“Hello, Richmond, Carley Porter here once more reporting live in front of Ericson High. Today I am meeting with a very special monster, Sisiratoka Yamaguchi, known as Sisi to their fans and passerby alike. Sisi is a kitsune who has made a name for themselves in the hypercompetitive modeling industry. Tell me, Sisi, how was that accomplished?” Carley moved the microphone towards Sisi who brushed some stray hair back behind their fox ears that twitched this way and that.
“It wasn’t easy, lots of struggles and tons of hard work went into getting me to the place I am today. But one thing that I can say without a shadow of a doubt is that staying true to myself, while difficult, was definitely the key,” Sisi’s answer intrigued Carley who was about to ask another question when suddenly a loud yelling sound made Carley and Sisi looked behind them. There, standing underneath the shade of a nearby tree was Prisha who was clutching her hand and acting rather dramatic.
“Violet! Help me! A splinter is practically like a stake! A mini stake is in my finger!” The vampire pointed to the small splinter in her pointer finger.
The werewolf walked forward and silently pulled out the splinter. Clearly this had happened before.
The vampire’s eyes shone with awe and she pulled the werewolf into a hug. “I have the bravest and coolest girlfriend ever!” Prisha declared and nuzzled her face against Violet’s.
“Prish, it's no big deal,” Violet smiled shyly as her tail wagged ecstatically. The werewolf continued to smile at her girlfriend until she spotted Sisi. Immediately her eyes grew large as she looked at the kitsune. She must’ve recognized them because her tail wagged excitedly at the sight of them and her eyes danced with admiration.
“Sorry about that. The monsters here at Ericson High are anything but ordinary,” Carley brought Sisi’s attention back to the interview.
“No need, I find it refreshing to be around monsters who are so open with being themselves,” Sisi’s tails swayed slowly then twisted around each other.
“Speaking about monsters, you’re a kitsune. Why don’t you share a bit about what that means,”
“Of course. Kitsunes are Japanese fox creatures known for two things: bringing luck and being mischievous,” Sisi’s ears flickered as they continued their answers while taking in the sounds of other students recognizing them.
“No way,” Brody mumbled as her tuna sandwich fell onto the picnic table, the contents of which shot out and hit Mitch.
“Aaah, what the shit!” The minotaur's tail flicked as he tried to get the tuna particles off of him.
“Oh fuck, sorry,” Brody grabbed a napkin and began to help her boyfriend clean up but her eyes seemed focused elsewhere.
“What’s got your attention?” Renata’s tail curled into the shape of a question mark as she happily sat on Minnie’s lap. “I sit in Minnie’s lap all the time and you’re not looking at us which means…” Renata’s eyes followed the selkie’s and she made an excited fox sound when she spotted who Brody was looking at. “Is that the Sisi!?! She’s here!”
“Holy shit, really!” Minnie wrapped her arms around Renata and spun around so both of them could see the kitsune. Excited chirps and tweets left the harpy’s lips. “No fucking way. I can’t believe this! Sisi is here!” Minnie hugged Renata tightly and swayed her back and forth, barely able to contain her excitement. Renata smiled up at her girlfriend, causing her fangs to poke out as she kissed Minnie’s jaw a few times. That made the harpy’s face turn bright red, new twitters and chirps escaping her lips.
“Sisi is a huge inspiration, the way she can be herself even when people said she couldn’t make it. They’re amazing,” Brody’s eyes shimmered with pure awe, her hands pulling her sealskin close to her.
Mitch looked over in confusion; he had never heard of that name before. “Who’s Sisi?”
The minotaur’s question made the rest at the table look over at him with shock. “What? Don’t look at me like I’m a fucking idiot. It was just a question,” Mitch flicked his tail with annoyance until he felt a familiar warmth take his hand. Looking down, he saw that Brody was holding his hand. Leaning over, she planted a kiss on his cheek that made his heart feel like it could explode.
“It's okay, Mitch. Sisi is one of the only monsters in the world that’s in the spotlight. He’s a model that made it big despite the obstacles.”
“They’re an icon!” Renata hopped up and did a little spin. “And he’s a canine monster just like me! We can totally be fox buddies!” Renata looked back at Sisi who seemed to feel all the eyes on them. With a small smile they waved over at the monsters who completely lost it at the acknowledgement.
“I gotta get closer. Maybe I can get an autograph!” Renata reached for her notebook and ripped out some paper.
“Wait, if anyone is getting an autograph it's Brodes!” Mitch stood up with a huff.
“Everyone, relax, I’m sure Sisi would sign more than one autograph. She’s cool like that,” Brody placed a hand on Mitch’s arm and he sat back down.
“Reeeeeeeeeeen!!!” Sophie’s voice appeared in the sky above before she landed by Renata. “Did you see, it's Sisi! Like THE Sisi!” Sophie chirped and dug her talons into the dirt.
“Yeah! We gotta fly by and be in the interview! Like that one that happened with Brody!” Renata and Sophie shared an excited smile and began their plan before anyone could stop them.
“Bye, Minaroni, I’ll be back!” Renata cupped Minnie’s face and peppered her face with tons of kisses then sprinted off with a torn scrap of notebook paper in her hands. Sophie flew forward and wrapped her talons around her best friend’s arms. Soon the pair were in the air and on their way towards the interviewer.
Sisi had found the interview both pleasant and entertaining. Carley had been kind and thoughtful and the monsters here were a joy. Sisi had spotted a harpy flying back and forth carrying a huldra who seemed beyond happy that the kitsune was here, going as far as holding up a sign that said I love Sisi on it and mouthing the words “fox bros” at him.
Sisi found it very touching. A place like this that was so accepting of monsters and letting them be their true selves was special. Now that the interview was done though, they coils have a moment with Doug. Sisi strolled forward towards Doug and surprised him with a hug from behind. The kitsune’s nine tails wrapped all around Doug which made him laugh.
“That tickles,” Doug held onto Sisi’s arm then tilted his head back to share a quick kiss with the kitsune. The two enjoyed the moment for as long as they could until Sisi’s ears twitched, making him glance back to see the vampire who had been dramatic about a splinter. Standing beside her was the werewolf who held onto her hand tightly.
“Hello, my name is Prisha Chakyar. I apologize for interrupting but my girlfriend would like your autograph!” Prisha looked up at Sisi. Sisi let go of Doug and walked forward, his nine tails swaying and twisting together before slipping apart. A warm, friendly smile pulled on the corners of his lips, causing his fangs to poke out.
“I don’t mind at all,” Sisi accepted the pen and paper and began to sign it. The pen danced across the paper as Sisi gave a small signature flair at the end. “There you go!”
Violet took the signature and stared at it in disbelief. Her tail wagged wildly as she looked at the words To my canine friend that stood above the model’s signature.
Soon more monsters moved forward. Mitch tried to use the same tactic as Prisha but Sisi was already signing Brody’s notebook before the minotaur had a chance to finish his sentence. The harpy twins quickly got signatures as well and then it was Renata’s turn. The huldra gushed about how amazing Sisi was and how it was beyond awesome that they were both fox monsters while the kitsune signed her crumpled scrap of paper.
After a few more signatures Sisi let out a sharp yawn, causing her ears to fold down from the force of it. “Well, I’d love to stay but I have a shoot I need to get to.” Sisi could see how sad the students were at that information. “Don’t worry, you may find me back on this campus again soon enough,” Sisi smiled brightly then gave one final wave before walking off with Doug who offered to escort Sisi to the parking lot where a car was waiting.
The monsters watched the model walk off for a moment before the words of the kitsune fully registered with them. Sisi was going to come back to Ericson High in the future? That fact made all of them excited. They couldn’t wait!
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Would Minnie and James compete against each other in something?
Most of the time they don’t get that competitive but sometimes when they are on the same wavelength suddenly they are.
One time in Monsters AU when they were playing hackysack they noticed that Jesse and Renata were watching. So they both decided to show off. Things quickly went south from there as a hard hit sent the hackysack flying and whacking bat Prisha right in the face. Luckily Violet was there to catch her in her mouth, but she definitely wasn’t happy.
From then one Minnie and James tried their best not to get caught up in competition.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
The Best Intentions
Summary: Louis gathers all the employees of Ericson's Diner to issue a buddy system for the next few days.
Read on AO3:
“Alright, is this everyone?” Louis glanced around the room, looking at all his employees.
“Should be,” Clementine leaned against one of the walls. “Brody has the day off. So does Prisha.”
“Okay, that’s good.” Louis took a deep breath.
“Why?” Aasim sniffled and looked up from his spot at the table before a small cough caused him to pause.
“You alright?” Ruby placed a hand on her boyfriend’s shoulder.
“I’m fine,” He placed his hand over hers and gave a reassuring smile. “Just a bit under the weather.”
“Well, to answer Aasim’s question, there’s been news about a flasher roaming the area. So I wanted to gather everyone here to decree that for the next few days a buddy system will be in place.” Louis’ eyes wandered around the room, making sure everyone was listening. “I wanted to take this short break to let everyone know and to make sure everybody has a buddy for the day to go home with.”
“Min can probably pick me up after my shift today.” Renata kicked her legs playfully under the table.
“I’ll text Marlon and see if he can pick me up. I’ll be stuck here for the rest of the day though so if anyone needs a ride too, I’m sure we could fit one more in Marlon’s truck.” Sophie offered with a smile.
“I can take Aasim and anyone else who needs a ride.” Ruby’s voice drew the others’ attention.
“Could I get a ride?” Violet looked up at Ruby.
“Awesome!” Louis had a relieved smile on his face. “I can take Clem home and Mitch brought his car. So Omar, you can pick whichever ride you want out of the three.”
“I’ll go with Marlon and Sophie if that’s alright.” Omar spoke up from his spot next to Ruby.
“Okay, seems like everything will work out then. Alrighty! That was all I needed to say. Now we can get back to our exciting lives!”
The rest of the day went by with a slow, casual pace. Louis had run out during his free hour and bought pepper spray for everyone. He wasn’t going to let some creep hurt any of his friends. Each person accepted the gift right away when Louis pulled them aside for a moment then resumed their work.
Two hours after the impromptu meeting, Renata and Clementine’s shifts were done. Minnie had arrived right on the dot, waiting outside her car, leaning against it and waiting for her girlfriend. It was clear from the look in her eyes she was a bit worried about the news but as soon as Renata jogged outside her eyes became brighter. Giving Minnie a quick kiss and waving goodbye to Sophie who had snuck out for a minute to say goodbye, Renata hopped in the car and they were off.
That was two safely away. Now it was Louis’ turn to make sure he kept Clem safe. Double checking to make sure he had everything including the pepper spray in his pocket, Louis went over to check on Violet.
“Hey, Vi,” Louis poked his head into the break room where Violet was taking five minutes to get away from all the noise. “I’m gonna head out with Clem. You sure you’re okay with staying for the rest of the day and locking up?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Violet glanced up from her spot at her best friend.
“Because I can totally-”
“Louis, just go with Clem and enjoy the rest of the day off.”
“Alright. You can always text me or call me if anything changes!” Louis gave a casual salute and turned dramatically, allowing the door to slowly close behind him.
“You ready?” Clementine smiled back at her boyfriend who strolled over to join her at the front door.
“Yep!” Louis took Clem’s hand, intertwining his fingers with hers and gave a bright smile. “Wanna just stay at my place for a few hours and watch a movie?”
“I’d love that,” Clementine pushed open the front door and held it for Louis. “Just gotta text Lee and let him know.” With that the couple was gone, both excited for a chill afternoon.
The day continued on from there the same as before, slow and boring. Everyone just continued their work, enjoying the small breaks they had together here and there before the next customers came in to dine. That was until Aasim’s cold took a turn for the worse and he started coughing and sneezing up a storm.
“Pookie, I think you should go home,” Ruby walked out of the kitchen to check on her boyfriend whose face was against the break room table.
“I’m fine, my dove. I just-” Aasim’s sentence was cut off, his face contorting as he tried to hold back a sneeze. But it failed and a flurry of five sneezes escaped his nose, causing his head to hit the table. After that he agreed to head home.
“I’m heading out early, y’all.” Ruby announced to the others. “I can swing by later and pick you up if you still need a ride, Violet.”
Violet waved a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. Just get Aasim home. He looks like shit.”
“Thanb yob,” Aasim’s words were muffled by his stuffy nose. After a few more words of reassurance from Violet that everything would be fine, Ruby walked out, offering Aasim a tissue as she gently guided him to her car.
As the day continued on and the sky turned from its warm orange to a deep blue, the customers started to dwindle until it was time to close up shop. Violet waited for Sophie, Omar and Mitch to grab their stuff before locking the front door. The group of four waited until Marlon showed up. Rosie trotted happily by his side and immediately barked when she saw the others. A bright smile was on Marlon’s face when he noticed Sophie, giving her a warm hug before Rosie started to paw at Sophie’s leg.
“Hey there, Rosie,” Sophie showered the pitbull with tons of pats. “How’s my favorite pupper doing?”
Rosie barked, panting excitedly and then proceeded to start licking Sophie’s face.
Sophie devolved into a fit of giggles until Marlon whistled for Rosie to stop. The pitbull returned to his side, getting another plethora of affections from Marlon who knelt down beside Rosie.
“Ready to head out, babe?” Marlon smiled over at Sophie.
“Yep! We’re giving Omar a ride home too.” She pointed back at her friend with her thumb.
Omar gave a small wave of acknowledgement. “I appreciate it.”
“Sure thing,” Marlon rose to his usual height. “It’ll be a tight fit but it should work out.
“Bye, Vi. Bye, Mitch. See ya tomorrow!” Sophie gave a final wave back at her friends with a bright smile before running up and intertwining her fingers with Marlon’s. When they reached the truck, Marlon got into the driver’s seat while Omar slid into the middle spot. Lastly Sophie took the spot by Omar and patted her lap for Rosie who happily jumped up into her lap. After making sure their seatbelts were on they headed out, leaving Violet and Mitch as the only two left behind.
“My car is just by the dumpsters,” Mitch mumbled, his eyes focused on his pocket as his hand rummaged around for the keys.
“I’ll be fine. I don’t need a ride.” Violet’s words made Mitch stop in his tracks, a small frown on his face as he looked back at her.
“Don’t be a dumbass and just accept my ride. Yours fell through with Ruby and you didn’t bring your bike.”
“Yeah but it’s just a twenty minute walk. I’ll be fine.” Violet shrugged.
Mitch studied his friend’s face carefully before turning away. “Fine, whatever.” Mitch started to slowly make his way towards his car. He had no intention of leaving Violet alone at night time when some fucking creep was out there. But he knew that if she wouldn’t let him walk her home, he would just do the next best thing. When Violet turned around and started to make her way towards the street Mitch turned around as well, waiting for a minute or two before tossing up the hood of his jacket and following her. He didn’t want Violet to know that he would be following her so he would keep a safe distance. His footsteps were quiet and muffled as he crept a fair distance behind her. Violet could be a real dumbass sometimes and Mitch wasn’t going to let her get hurt, not when he had a chance to protect her.
Violet could feel the hairs on her arms stand up. She didn’t need to look behind her to know that someone was following her. With how late it was and the news that Louis shared today it was probably the flasher. Violet’s hands were tucked away in her hoodie’s front pocket. Her right hand grasped onto the pepper spray that Louis had bought for her today. All she had to do was keep calm and if that creep even thought about getting closer, she would strike. Her heartbeat was pounding in her ears. She hated this feeling but she knew that her best chance was to keep walking forward. Suddenly, she felt her anxiety rise when the person behind her picked up their speed, moving closer to her. Gritting her teeth she turned around, her left hand curled up into a fist. Centering herself on her back foot, Violet sent her fist flying towards a target that would definitely incapacitate the creep: his crotch. Her punch landed, a direct hit on the man's groin. He bent over with a pained groan.
“Take this, you fucking creep!” Violet hissed as she held out the pepper spray, pressing down hard on the nozzle and hitting the hooded man right in the eyes.
“Fucking shit!” The man covered his face before falling to the ground, the impact of which caused his hood to fall revealing who it really was.
“What the fuck… Mitch?!?!” Violet’s eyes widened in confusion. “Why the hell were you following me?”
“I was protecting you from that fucking creep! I wanted to make sure you got home alright.” Mitch replied, his hands covering his eyes. A deep pained sound emitted from his lips, from the crotch punch or pepper spray Violet wasn’t sure. Probably both.
“I said I was fine, you dumbass! Louis gave all of us pepper spray.” Violet huffed but immediately moved to help her friend up to his feet. “Come on, we didn’t get far from Ericson’s Diner.” Violet guided Mitch back to the diner, leaning him against the wall while she worked to open the door. As soon as they got in Violet made a beeline to the kitchen and grabbed a gallon of milk. Pulling out her phone, she dialed up Louis while she started to pour the milk over Mitch’s eyes, his head tilted forward into the sink.
Louis was just getting the water started for his favorite fruity tea when he heard his phone buzzing against the kitchen counter. It buzzed frantically, sliding across the counter until Louis picked it up. His eyes widened when he saw it was Violet. “Violet, is everything okay?” He tried to sound calm but his worry was clear in his voice.
“I’m fine. I need you to pick me and Mitch up at the diner.”
“Okay. Did something happen?” Louis leaned his back against the kitchen counter.
“Yeah, Mitch was being a dumbass,” Violet’s voice was muffled by what sounded like running water.
“I was just trying to-” Mitch’s annoyed tone was cut off by something. A loud sputtering noise came from Violet’s side of the call. “Hurry up, Louis! She’s fucking waterboarding me!” Mitch yelled.
“Take your time.” Violet stated simply.
“I’m on my way right now!’ Louis dashed over to the front door, snatching up his keys before hanging up the phone. He struggled to get his shoes on, hopping on one foot then the other. After explaining the situation to Clementine as best he could he shut the door, locking it behind him.
“What the hell, Vi!” Mitch snapped. “Were you trying to drown me?”
“I was just getting the pepper spray out of your eyes.” Violet shot a look over at Mitch who had a dish towel draped over his shoulders while his damp hair dripped on the kitchen floor. “Milk is supposed to help.”
“I’m going to smell like shit if I don’t wash this out soon,” Mitch groaned, tilting his head to the side to whack the excess milk out of his ears. A soft buzzing sound came from Violet’s hoodie. Pulling out her phone, she saw a text from Louis. “Louis is here.”
“Finally,” Mitch winced, his eyes still puffy and red from the pepper spray. “I’ll have to find a ride for me and Brody tomorrow and just get my car later.”
Violet and Mitch walked towards the front entrance in silence until Violet broke it.
“Thanks,” Violet’s voice was soft. “Y’know for looking out for me.”
“Heh, it’s nothing. We’re friends. Besides, us trailer kids gotta stick together. “ Mitch reached up and ruffled Violet’s hair, a smug smile on his face that only grew when he saw the annoyance on Violet’s face. He always knew that that annoyed her.
She jabbed his side with her elbow, a small smile on her face. “Always.”
Mitch moved forward and held open the door to reveal Louis who looked happy to see his two friends. After locking the door the trio of friends made their way over to Louis’ car, both Mitch and Violet already filling Louis in on the events that played out that day.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Staircase of Shame
Summary: Prisha tries to get her homework done when something catches her eye.
Word Count: 1564
Read on AO3:
Prisha gave a happy sigh as she felt the cool breeze brushing past her. It was a lovely afternoon to get some homework done after classes. In fact, she had nearly finished everything she needed to except for her history reading. If she got this done, then she would have all the time in the world this weekend. Dates with Violet, flying with Sophie, going to this new juice shop Clem swore was the best in all of Richmond. All of this she could do and more if she could finish this chapter in her history book.
The vampire flipped through the book and landed on page 82 where the chapter began. Her fangs poked out as she hummed lightly at the thought of the fun weekend but that diversion soon faded away as she continued to read the book. Her fangs disappeared as she frowned and her brow furrowed. She could feel her frustration grow with each page. How Mr. Everett thought this is what truly happened in history the vampire had no idea. She could have sworn that when she lived through those years that were not history the tales she had heard and the sights she had seen had been different.
After a few more pages Prisha slammed the book shut and used her free hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. She needed a break. Learning her head against the tree trunk, the vampire took a minute to enjoy the gentle, cooling breeze before a sound from across the yard drew her attention.
Louis’ laughter was contagious as the frankenstein took off his left arm and tossed it high in the air. Sophie let out an excited twitter as she dove through the air and caught the limb. Flying forward, the harpy dropped the limb before boasting to her twin who looked a bit peeved. Prisha guessed because she was losing. Minnie let out a competitive chirp, swirling through the air and caught the limb this time.
Louis clapped happily, his dreadlocks bouncing as he went to retrieve his limb. When he had reached it, he paused at the sight of Renata. The huldra had a pout of her lips as she begged the frankenstein for something. Louis gave a smile and a nod before backstepping. Planting his left foot in the ground, he gave a mighty kick, causing his right leg to pop off and go flying through the air. Renata’s teeth poked out as she scurried to nab the limb. With a mighty leap the huldra caught it, a proud smile on her face as she blew a kiss towards Minnie who gave a flustered tweet and twirled in the air. A soft thud made Prisha look over and give a small chuckle as Louis sat on his butt, laughing. He had fallen over after losing his limb and his balance.
The vampire glanced over to the left to see what else the monsters of Ericson high were up to. Brody looked deep in thought as she hunched over her mathematics book. Aasim sat a few paces away on his fireproof blanket, a gentle smile on his lips as he helped the selkie with a problem. Brody gave a happy bark and was about to high five Aasim when both of their hands froze midair as they remembered that would end poorly.
Prisha took a deep breath and was about to resume reading the last few pages she needed to when she noticed out of the corner of her eye Violet walking out of the school. A small, warm smile was on the werewolf’s lips as she exited the building. The sight made Prisha’s heart skip a beat - at least it would if it was still beating. Violet looked happy to be done with her meeting with Coach Garcia and was about to go down the stairs when she became intrigued by her own tail.
Her eyes shone with excitement as her tail darted this way and that. Violet’s ears moved back and forth before she began to chase her tail in a circle. Prisha watched in amusement as her girlfriend became fully invested in catching her own tail. The werewolf spun round and round; each time Prisha noticed a glint of determination and fun shining in Violet’s eyes. The werewolf seemed to get so excited at the prospect of catching her tail that she failed to notice that she was getting dangerously close to the steps.
As she spun around again and again, her foot slipped and with a small thud Violet fell butt first onto the steps. She let out a small yelp before growling in frustration. Her pale green eyes darted around left and right when they locked with the vampire’s. Violet’s eyes grew large and her ears fell flat against her head. Her tail went limp, falling useless between her legs as she scampered up the steps and disappeared.
“Violet,” Prisha got up to her feet and began to walk forward. She was worried that her girlfriend had gotten her leg hurt in the fall. Then she heard footsteps and the flapping of wings from behind her.
“Have no fear, Prisha!” Louis’ cheery voice appeared beside her. “The dynamic best friend duo is on the case. Right, Soph?” The frankenstein looked over at the harpy who had landed beside him.
“Yep, we’ll talk to Vi,” Sophie gave a bright smile and before Prisha could say otherwise the two were off, hopping up the school stairs and into the building that the werewolf was hiding inside.
“Vi, Vi! You here?” Louis cupped his hands around his mouth and called out for his best friend.
“Go away,” Violet mumbled from a corner behind some lockers.
“Violet,” Sophie chirped happily and moved forward. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?” “No,” Violet’s face was hidden behind her knees. “I wish I was. It would be better than this.”
“Aww, you don’t mean that, Violet,” Louis plopped down across from his friend while Sophie perched up on the lockers. It wasn’t allowed but she didn’t care; her best friend was sad and it wasn’t like she’d get caught.
“Prisha saw me fall on my ass like the world’s dumbest mutt,” Violet didn’t bother to look at her best friends.
“That’s okay. Clem has seen me do a bunch of stupid stuff and she still loves me tons!” Louis smiled wildly. “One time I was trying to kick a soccer ball during P.E. but instead my leg popped off and kicked Clem’s butt,” Louis’ smile faded at that, clearly still embarrassed by it but that embarrassment soon dissipated and he gave another big smile for the werewolf. “I’m sure Prisha doesn’t think you’re bad or stupid or anything for what happened.”
“Lou is right,” Sophie chimed in. “Prisha isn't that kind of vampire. She’s super cool. Besides, I’ve done a bunch of stuff I was sure Marlon would freak out about or that he’d tease me for. Like that one time he caught me chowing down on a tree trunk full of bugs or that time Renata was juggling bugs and how wrong that went.” The harpy twittered and chirped at that memory before continuing. “Point is that I’m sure Prisha is just worried about you, that's all.”
“Yep, Soph is right!” Louis exclaimed. “We monsters have our quirks but that's what makes us lovable, not walking jokes!”
Violet remained quiet for a minute, her face still hidden until she gave a small sigh. “Okay, maybe you’re right,” Her pale eyes peeked up to see Louis practically beaming at the success. He high fived Sophie who soared down to stand beside him.
“That’s the spirit,” Sophie swung her arm and smiled warmly at her best friend.
The werewolf got up to her feet and was surprised when Louis and Sophie tackled her with a hug. Violet gave a groan but her small smile and her wagging tail betrayed her true feelings. The three friends walked side by side outside. When they got back to the steps, Louis and Sophie rejoined Minnie and Renata who were patiently waiting to resume fetch and to see if Violet was okay. After they were reassured that she was, the four monsters continued their game.
Violet walked down the steps, her tail nervously twitching this way and that as she walked over to Prisha. The vampire jogged over to her girlfriend with a concerned expression.
“Violet, are you alright?” Prisha’s eyes searched Violet’s before glancing down at her legs. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“No,” Violet’s eyes glanced down. “Nothing hurt but my pride,” Her ears perked up when she felt Prisha’s cold hands grab hers.
“I’m glad that you’re okay,” Prisha’s gentle smile made Violet’s heart pitter patter as her tail began to wildly sway this way and that. “Now that your talk with Coach Garcia is done, would you care to accompany me on a walk?”
“I’d love to,” Violet’s fingers intertwined with Prisha’s and the couple ambled down the walkway.
“I heard there’s this great new burger place. I believe it's called Reggie’s. Care to grab a bite?”
Violet’s ears perked and her tail wagged even faster. “Sounds good.”
Prisha smiled and gave a small kiss on Violet’s cheek before the pair continued to walk on, ready to enjoy the weekend off with tasty food and each other’s company.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Flying High
Summary: James and Minnie enjoy a friendly game of hacky sack when things become competitive
Word Count: 1055
Read on AO3:
“Sorry,” James’ soft voice called out as he watched the colorful hacky sack fly through the air.
“I got it,” Minnie reassured her best friend as she jogged back a few paces, her talons tapping lightly against the concrete. The harpy caught the hacky sack with ease and after bouncing it back and forth a few times she sent it back to James. The cyclops let out a small sigh of relief as he caught the knitted hacky sack. This had been a gift handmade by Nurgul and he would feel incredibly guilty if he ever damaged it. He kicked the hacky sack and the harpy let out a happy twitter as she bounced it back.
It was always nice to hang out with Minnie. It seemed that both monsters enjoyed a more calming, laidback approach to hanging out. The fact that they could enjoy a simple game of hacky sack after classes made James’ heart warm as he tossed over the hacky sack again. The two continued to play their game for a few minutes, completely focused on the fun it brought them when they heard Brody and Ruby in disagreement. Minnie snatched up the hacky sack and glanced over, her head tilted in confusion. It was rare to hear those two fighting.
“All I’m saying is that the beach is the prettiest location,” Brody leaned back against the tree and smiled over at her best friend.
“The beach sure is pretty, but nothing on God’s green earth beats walking through a flower garden. The sight of all the flowers, the buds poking out of the earth, the trees,” the dryad argued as she looked over at Brody.
“But the smell of the sea-” The selkie was cut off when a new voice entered the mix.
“Someone say something about tea?” Renata’s eyes danced with excitement as she plopped down next to the pair.
“Oh no, we were talking about what we think the prettiest locations are. Ruby was arguing that a flower garden is the prettiest.”
“Because it is,” Ruby crossed her arms, still maintaining a warm smile.
“And I chose the beach.” Brody pulled her sealskin closer around her shoulders and gave a soft smile over at the huldra.
“Oh?” Renata’s tail curled into the shape of a question mark. “Well, I have a totally different answer than those two.”
Minnie’s ears perked up at that. What was the location that her girlfriend thought was the prettiest? Before Renata could continue her sentence though, an annoyed voice appeared behind the huldra.
“Renata, you owe me five bucks,” Jesse's snakes hissed and moved around this way and that as Renata gave a nervous laugh.
“Come on, Jess.”
“Jesse,” the gorgon replied with a deadpan expression.
“What’s five bucks between friends, chums… monster pals?” The huldra’s teeth poked out as she gave a smile towards Jesse.
“You said the money was to get something for James but you didn’t,” The gorgon’s black snakes hissed, their small tongues nearly tickling the huldra’s nose.
“Yeesh, alright. I’m a monster of my word,” Renata pulled out a crumpled five dollar bill and handed it over to Jesse who gave a short smile.
Minnie gave a sigh. “Let’s keep playing.”
James’ eye was completely focused on Jesse for a moment before he blinked and looked back at his friend. “Yeah.”
With that the two monsters continued to play until they both noticed out of the corner of their eyes that Jesse and Renata had settled down and were watching the hacky sack game. The cyclops and harpy shared a quick look and in an instant knew that they were on the same wavelength. They both wanted to show off and impress their person.
With a competitive glint appearing in their eyes, they began a heated game. Both were playing for keeps. Minnie did a bunch of wild tricks, balancing the hacky sack with ease and giving hard tosses over to her best friend. James returned her competitive edge with his own. Even with one eye he was still a force to be reckoned with as he tossed the hacky sack between his legs and with a mighty kick sent it over towards Minnie. The harpy gave a determined chirp as she flew up and received the attack. Landing down on her feet, she tossed the hacky sack with her talon a few times with a proud smirk then sent it over the cyclop’s way.
James caught it and with a hard kick sent it flying fast, strong and further than he had intended. It was only when the colorful hacky sack was in the air that both monsters noticed something they hadn’t before: that Prisha had been flying around in her bat form. The small black bat was happily gliding through the sky without a care in the world when the hacky sack collided with her face with such force that it spun her off course and she began to fall down.
“Shit!” Minnie twittered worriedly.
“Prisha!” James moved forward but both monsters paused when they heard hard footsteps hit the pavement as Violet ran forward. WIth a small leap the werewolf closed the gap between her and her girlfriend. Parting her lips, Violet gently caught the vampire bat in her mouth before landing hard on the ground. Her warm grey converse skidded on the ground before she gingerly let Prisha drop into her hands. Violet’s pale green eyes glared over at the two monsters while her fur puffed up slightly.
“We’re so sorry,” James ran over with Minnie. They both looked deeply repentant for their actions.
“Whatever. Just be more careful,” Violet huffed and brushed past them as she cradled Prisha in her arms. The bat looked more dazed than anything as her head poked out and glanced over at the harpy and cyclops.
James and Minnie shared a look before the harpy silently went over to get the hacky sack. “Let’s call it a day,”
James nodded in agreement to his friend’s statement. “I agree,” Both of them glanced over one more time at the werewolf who was going inside to see if Ms. Martin was still around. They had learned their lesson: next time they would make sure no one was flying around while they played hacky sack and they would tone down their competitiveness.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
Bat Fever
Summary: Violet finds Prisha in her bat form and finds out that she has bat fever.
Read on A03:
Violet walked towards the Ericson High dorms, her tail wagging back and forth lazily as she ascended the stairs. Usually Prisha would be waiting outside the dorms for her on the days they decided to walk to school together. But today she wasn’t outside so Violet figured she’d just go up to her dorm. The werewolf’s eyes scanned the different dorm numbers until she spotted Prisha’s room: 203. Violet’s tail shot back and forth faster when she knocked on the door. She stood there for a minute but Prisha didn’t open the door. Violet knocked on the door again. “Prisha?”
No response. Violet looked at the door, unsure what to do. A small inkling of fear was appearing in her mind. There would be no harm in checking to see if the door was locked or not. She tried the door which turned easily in her hand. “I’m coming in.”Violet opened the door and shut it behind her before looking at Prisha’s room. It was neat and tidy except for a pile of clothes that were on the floor. But where was Prisha? Suddenly the clothes started to squirm, a small noise emitting from their depths. It only took a moment for Violet to put it together. Moving forward, the werewolf pushed aside the clothes to reveal Prisha in her bat form.
Prisha looked up at Violet with her dark brown eyes and gave a happy squeak.
“Prisha, what-” Before Violet could finish the sentence Prisha let out a long sequence of sneezes, shaking her little bat body with such force that she toppled over. Violet’s eyes widened. “Shit, are you sick?”Prisha’s ears twitched and she let out a small squeak in response. That’s right, Prisha couldn’t speak in her bat form. Violet stared at her girlfriend for a second then gently cupped her in her hands. She wasn’t going to risk anything. Violet looked up at the clock on the wall. There was still time before classes started; she could visit the school nurse and not show up late for class. With that thought in mind, the werewolf held Prisha in her arms and ran towards the school. Prisha bounced slightly here and there on the way to school. She studied Violet’s face and saw the worry in her eyes.
Luckily the dorms weren’t that far from the school building so it only took a few minutes to get there. Violet entered the building and started to speed walk down the hall, her eyes searching for the nurse’s office. Fuck, she couldn’t remember where it was. The werewolf continued down one hall after another, her annoyance bubbling within her as well as her worry for Prisha when she spotted the right door. Swinging it open, Violet walked in to see the kentauride humming to herself happily. Her hooves clicked against the tile floor as she checked to make sure she had everything that she would need for the day.
“Ms. Martin.” Violet’s voice caused the kentauride to look up with a warm smile.
“Well hello there, Violet, it’s unusual to see you in here. What can I help you with?”
Violet held out her hands that carefully cradled Prisha’s bat form. “I found Prisha like this and she’s been sneezing a lot. I don’t know shit about vampires so I just thought… Is she sick?”
Ms. Martin saw the worry in Violet’s eyes and gently set down the clipboard in her hand. “There’s no need to worry. She must be dealing with bat fever.”
“Bat fever?” Violet tilted her head to the side, her ears flopping over.
“It’s a sickness that only affects vampires. All it seems to do is force them to stay in their bat form and cause them to sneeze here and there.”
Violet let out a sigh of relief, her tail wagging happily back and forth at the news. “That’s good.” Violet moved Prisha closer to her.
Ms. Martin looked up at the clock. “It’s nearly time for classes. I can make sure Prisha gets back to her dorm so she can rest if you like.” Ms. Martin held out her hands.
“Yeah, I’d appreciate that,” Violet took a step forward and tried to hand over Prisha but she seemed opposed to the idea. The bat clung desperately onto Violet’s hand, giving small warning sounds towards the nurse then looking up at Violet’s with big, sad eyes. “Prisha, I have to go. I have class.” Violet tried once again to pass Prisha over but she refused to budge, moving closer towards the werewolf and clinging onto her clothes.
“It looks like she’s being quite the stubborn bat,” Ms. Martin chuckled at the sight. She turned around and began to rummage through one of the cupboards. “Although I don’t find it odd. Bat fever tends to make vampires act more in line with their animal instincts. They usually feel safer with the person they trust most.” The kentauride held out a small grey pet sling. “I use it sometimes when one of the monsters is in their animal form and is injured. As long as you return it you’re free to use it. I don’t want you to miss class.”
“Thanks, Ms. Martin,” Violet grabbed the sling and with a few arrangements got it in place. Prisha immediately scurried into the protection of the sling and let out a happy squeak. Violet scratched the top of Prisha’s head who gave another appreciative sound as she nuzzled her head against the werewolf’s hand. “I better get going.”
“Alright, have a good day of classes.” Ms. Martin’s voice called out to the werewolf who started to make her way down the hall. She still needed to get her books. Sprinting down the hall to get to her locker, Violet held onto the pet sling to make sure she wasn’t tossing around Prisha in there. With a few twisted rights then left then right again she opened her locker and grabbed her books. Luckily she had been able to get in her seat just as class was starting.
Classes were a bit awkward at first; she had to tell each teacher why she was carrying around her girlfriend in a pet sling. But after hearing the explanation, each teacher was understanding. Her fellow classmates, however, kept looking at Violet with odd expressions before turning back to their notes when a teacher noticed them. Through the first half of the day, Prisha had been fairly quiet. She seemed perfectly content in her little bat sling.
Lunch time arrived and Violet was standing in line at the cafeteria and had gotten her share of chicken nuggets when a realization hit her. Prisha hadn’t eaten all day. She didn’t know where Prisha’s blood pouches were or if she even cared for them in her bat form. Violet’s tail fell flat, her brow furrowed in concentration when suddenly she heard a familiar, friendly voice.
“Hey, Vi,” Brody walked up beside her holding a lunch tray.
“Oh hey, Brody,” Violet mumbled, her mind clearly still focused on the question of Prisha’s food. Brody leaned forward and looked at the pet sling to see what Violet was carrying. Her eyes grew large when she saw Prisha in her bat form giving a small yawn before smacking her mouth. “Is that Prisha?”
“What?” Violet looked over at the selkie then down at her girlfriend. “Oh yeah, she has bat fever. It’s not a big deal, she just stuck in her bat form.” Prisha let out a small faint sneeze. “And she sneezes here and there.”
Brody stared at the bat, her eyes dancing with excitement. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen Prisha in her bat form. She’s so cute.” Brody reached out a finger and brushed the top of the bat’s head. Prisha seemed happy with the gesture, her mouth slightly ajar until she broke out of it and started to scratch against the sling. She must be hungry.
“I’m trying to figure out what the fuck I can feed her,” Violet looked at the different assortments of food. Nothing was really striking her as something a bat could eat.
“Well, I don’t know much about bats but maybe Clem does. She’s over at the table with Louis and Ruby.” Brody motioned over to the table where Louis was retelling a story in the usual overdramatic way he did while the other two listened to his tale.
“Sure, why not,” Violet shrugged and made her way to the table and sat down next to Ruby who gave a warm smile at the werewolf’s presence.
“Hey, Violet,”
“Hey.” Violet mumbled before proceeding to toss some chicken nuggets in her mouth.
“Whatcha got there?” Louis bounced in his seat and leaned over to catch a glimpse.
“Prisha?” Clementine raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, she’s stuck in her bat form.” Violet leaned back in her chair and opened up the pet sling more for her friends to see Prisha who looked up at them with a squeak.
“Vampires can get stuck in their bat form?” Clementine looked up at Violet with shocked eyes.
“Apparently,” Violet gave the bat a few more head scratches. “So, Clem, you wouldn't happen to know what bats can eat, do you?”
“Don’t vampires drink blood though?” Louis looked over at the werewolf.
“Yeah, but I don’t know how I can get any for her.”
“Some bats eat fruit, so you can try feeding her that,” Clementine suggested. “Sorry, that’s all I’ve got.”
“It’s worth a shot,” Violet sighed.
“Well then, I’ll go grab some for ya,” Ruby stood up abruptly and made her way over to Brody. The dryad and selkie gathered some fruit slices in a small bowl and brought it over.
“Hey, we got some fruit for Prisha,” Brody set down the bowl in front of the werewolf who took a blueberry and offered it to Prisha. Prisha sniffed it thoroughly, her ears twitching and her eyes studying the fruit before she let out an excited squeak and started to nibble on it. Soon the whole blueberry was in the bat’s mouth. Her tongue shot out every couple of seconds as she struggled to consume the blueberry. When the blueberry was gone, Prisha reached out her arms to receive more. Violet’s tail swayed back and forth energetically, her ears perking up at the fact that fruit seemed to work.
“If it’s alright, can I give Prisha some fruit?” Ruby asked.
“Sure,” Violet took off the sling and wrapped it comfortably around Prisha then placed it on the table. Each person at the table got a turn. The two pieces of fruit that seemed to be the most entertaining to watch Prisha eat in her bat form were banana slices and watermelon. The piece of banana was a tough one to demolish with the bat's limited strength, but after a few attempts the banana had been consumed. The watermelon made Prisha let a happy cry as she bit down. Whenever the watermelon was moved away from her, her nose began to twitch. She would lean her head forward, her mouth desperately trying to capture the sweet and juicy fruit. Lunch flew by in no time and before the young monsters knew it they only had a few minutes left.
“Oh yeah! I forgot to ask why you’re carrying Prisha around,” Louis’ question made everyone look towards the werewolf who was busy readjusting the sling.
“Ms. Martin says that vampires act more on their animal instinct when they have bat fever, but I don’t know. Part of me wonders whether Prsiha wanted me to carry her so she wouldn’t miss classes or whether she really wanted to spend time with me.” Violet looked down at Prisha who gave a small yawn and nuzzled against Violet’s chest before falling asleep.
“Guess there’s only one way to find out. I can carry Prisha for the last class and see whether she’s happy or not.” The frankenstein’s suggestion was met with skeptical looks. “What? Vi has P.E. anyway.” Shit. Louis wasn’t wrong.
“Fine, you can carry Prisha for the last class but you have to be careful.”
“I promise,’ Louis held a hand to his heart which fell off due to the force of his movement. He chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head with his remaining hand then working to reattach his appendage.
“I’ll be in class with him too so it will be fine,” Clementine added. Her words seemed to calm down the werewolf who gave a short nod and got up to go to her next class.
“Be extra careful, Louis,” Violet warned as she helped attach the sling onto the frankenstein’s chest.
Louis gave a confident grin her way. “Have no fear, everything will be fine.”
Violet nodded, her tail slowly wagging back and forth. With one final head scratch for Prisha she left to get ready for P.E.
“You think she’ll stay in the sling?” Clementine asked her boyfriend who seemed overly excited about carrying the pouch.
“Please, I got this. Prisha will totally enjoy History class and before she knows it she’ll be back with Vi.”
Clementine nodded, still not totally convinced by his words but she was too curious to see how things would turn out.
For the majority of the class time everything was going smoothly. Prisha had fallen asleep in the pouch and seemed content. Her ears twitched a bit here and there while her wings wrapped around her body. It was only in the last five minutes when she woke up that things started to go wrong. Prisha had woken up with a happy squeak only for her eyes to widen when she saw Louis was the one carrying her. She began to struggle, trying to get out and fly away to find Violet.
“Prisha, no,” Louis whispered softly down at the sling.
“Louis,” The teacher looked over at the frankenstein with a questioning expression. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, sir,” Louis’ voice cracked while he struggled to keep bat Prisha in the sling. “I just really have to pee.”
“Can it wait?” Lee asked to which Louis shook his head violently.
“Nope, it’s an emergency.”
“Alright then, you can go.” Lee motioned to the door. The frankenstein gave a quick thanks, awkwardly running out of the room. Prisha started to squirm even more, making small screeching sounds.
“Prisha, it's fine. Violet’s just down the-” Louis paused and let out a pained noise. Prisha had bitten on his finger. “Ouch! Now that isn’t nice.” Louis raised up the sling to lock eyes with Prisha who seemed more annoyed than anything. Before he could say anything more the bell rang and soon Louis could see the werewolf running forward, her tail wagging excitedly when she reached him.
“Hey, everything went okay?”
“It did until she bit me.’ Louis held out the finger that had a tiny bite mark.
“She bit you?” Violet’s eyes grew wide. Snatching the sling and taking a moment to secure it around her, she held up Prisha. “That’s not okay, Prisha.”
The bat looked into the werewolf’s eyes and looked sad as it curled up back in the sling.
“Well, I’m guessing that answers the question,” Clementine appeared beside her boyfriend.
“Yeah, I guess it does.” Louis agreed. “Don’t take Prisha away from Violet while in bat form. Lesson learned.”
The trio walked together for a while, the only sound interrupting their conversation the small sneezes that Prisha made. It was quickly decided that it would be best to put Prisha back in her dorm and pick her up for class the next day. With that idea set in stone, Violet said her goodbyes then ran off to drop off her girlfriend. Prisha was especially stubborn and clingy when Violet had gotten to the dorm. But Violet wouldn’t budge on it.“I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” Violet looked into the bat’s tiny eyes. Prisha squeaked reluctantly and with a few more pats the werewolf left the vampire for the day, unsure how many days bat fever would last.
The next day ran more smoothly besides the occasional sneeze or two during a class. Prisha seemed to be behaving better. Lunch was just as entertaining as yesterday. Ruby and Brody especially seemed to enjoy feeding Prisha fruit. Watching her struggle to dominate and consume the fruit in her mouth was always so cute and fun to watch. It felt like such a short day. The final bell rang and after grabbing her bag, Violet started to make her way out. She wondered if she had time to hang out with Prisha after school. Suddenly her eyes widened.
“Shit,” Violet mumbled to herself. She had totally forgotten that she promised to meet Coach Garcia after class. She looked down at Prisha who looked up at her with a happy expression. Maybe she could take Prisha with her but Coach Garcia was going to talk her through some more techniques that could help her during the full moon. Usually when they spoke they got into some more serious topics. She didn’t want Prisha to have to worry about her and her transformation during the full moon more than she already did.
The werewolf scanned the area, hoping to find someone to look after Prisha for a few minutes when she noticed Sophie busy playing catch with Renata. Renata flung the stick in the air which made the harpy dash upwards, quickly catching it with her talons. Sophie then proceeded to toss the stick for Renata to catch. Violet’s tail whacked against her own legs excitedly. It looked like so much fun, a part of her wanted to join in. Violet shook her head, snapping herself out of that thought, and made her way over to the harpy.“Hey Soph, can you watch Prisha for a bit? There’s somewhere I need to be.”
“Sure!” The harpy took the sling and attached it around her. Prisha looked confused, her eyes darting between the harpy and werewolf.
“Thanks, I’ll be back in a bit,” Violet patted the top of Prisha’s head before dashing off towards the building.
“So Prisha, care to fly for a bit?” Sophie walked forward and looked up at the sky. “It’s a really pretty day today.”
Prisha’s ears twitched and she let out a happy squeak. She seemed into the idea. Sophie smiled down at the bat when all of the sudden her expression changed.
“Oh shit. I totally forgot. I have a date with Marlon today. Renata, can you watch Prisha for a bit?” Sophie looked over at her best friend who gave a thumbs up.
“You can count on me.”
“Thanks,” Sophie handed over Prisha and the sling then made her way down the street towards the meet up spot for her date with her boyfriend.
Renata looked down at Prisha with a mischievous smile. “Wanna chill in my back?”
The bat looked uninterested but that didn’t stop the huldra from tucking Prisha back there. Prisha began to screech and attack the inside of the hole in Renata’s back. Renata laughed as she began to walk around. “Ha ha, that tickles, Prisha.” The bat continued to scratch and bite the huldra’s back but it didn’t seem to make Renata change her mind. “Come on, it seems you don’t A-Prisha-ate this.” The huldra’s tail curled up in the shape of a question mark as she sat down. “Relax, Prisha. Violet just needs some time to herself. So let her enjoy her break. She’s probably worn out from batby-sitting duty.”
Those words affected Prisha. She gave a halfhearted attack before falling over with a small thunk.
After a few minutes Violet reappeared, her ears flopping while she ran. She looked surprised when she only noticed Renata there.
“Renata? Where’s Sophie and Prisha?”
“Oh yeah, Sophie had a date so she let me watch Prisha. She’s in my back,” The huldra’s pointed teeth poked out as she gestured to her back.
The werewolf immediately put the sling back on and gently picked up Prisha who seemed to be in a sad mood. “What the fuck happened to Prisha?” Violet looked over at the huldra.
“I was just talking with her and then she went silent. I didn't know I made her sad. I guess my words backfired. Or you could say batfired.” Renata wiggled her eyebrows playfully, waiting for praise for what she considered a pretty great pun.
“You’re batfired,” Violet snapped back and turned sharply on her heel, leaving the huldra confused by her strong reaction. Violet tried to cheer up Prisha but it seemed like nothing was working. The sky was a warm orange hue, meaning that evening would soon be upon them. The werewolf racked her brain about what to do when an idea popped up in her head. Sneaking into the school, Violet made her way up to the roof just in time for the stars to come out. She pushed open the pet sling and carefully held Prisha in her hands as the two watched the stars for a while.
“Whatever Renata said she’s wrong. You know that, right?” Violet looked down at Prisha who gave a happy squeal as she moved closer to Violet. Violet smiled down at her, her tail wagging slow and steady while she watched the stars with Prisha. A small, cute sneeze escaped Prisha's nose, causing the vampire to shake her head back and forth.
“Bless you,” Violet mumbled and started to scratch the top of the bat’s head. Carefully she placed Prisha on her shoulder which made Prisha happy. She nuzzled gently against the werewolf’s neck. After a while Violet decided it was time to head out and get Prisha back to her room.
Several days passed that tended to be much the same with bat Prisha. It wasn’t a bad thing to be carrying around Prisha and seeing her in her bat form. Violet did think she was pretty cute, but she was missing her talks with Prisha. The small, quiet moments they shared as they walked hand in hand.
As Violet made her way back up to dorm 203, she gave a stifled yawn. She then proceeded to open the door only to be surprised to see Prisha standing there with a warm smile on her face. Violet stared at her girlfriend for a moment before running and wrapping her arms around her. Prisha’s arms slowly returned the gesture and the two stood there enveloped in each other’s embrace.
Happy to be free of bat fever.
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