rr-sheep · 10 months
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-[the fear of religion or god]- MC.Paint
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Kinda freaking out.
I was on Rosalie Hijabs and I saw free Qu’rans. I thought this meant like a download and such, but no. It is a physical book that is now coming to my house where I live with a religiophobia mother.
On one hand, I’m excited to have a copy of the Qu’ran to read and learn from. (It’s in English for non-Muslims) On the other, she is going to lose her mind.
0 notes
spider-sideblog · 11 months
Human Nature is being just a little bit hypocritical even if you stick to your morals incredibly well
Human Nature is confirmation bias
Human Nature is acknowledging that things different from you are hard to understand and oftentimes scary
Human Nature is NOT advocating for the death, displacement, and/or general non existence of a group of people simply because you don't like the actions of a small group within the larger group of people you've decided to take issue with
0 notes
stellae-de-baphometis · 8 months
The Bastardised Interpretations Of Daemons (And Other Spirits) Within The Dictionnaire Infernal
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So I got the idea for this post from my best friend @sortiarus-de--naturas--daemonum, and we both agreed that this was something that needed addressing; Especially in regards to Daemonolatry.
The Dictionnaire Infernal is one of the most widely known grimoires on demonology and all things occult. But what a lot of practitioners might not know is that it's actually quite a problematic resource for Daemonolatry and occult practices, and for several reasons. In fact, I personally don't think it's a reputable source in general, and this post is going to be detailing exactly why that is.
So without further ado, here's why the Dictionnaire Infernal might not be the greatest resource for Daemonolatrists, and why it's much more problematic than you think!
Full post under the cut. ↓
So, why is the Dictionnaire Infernal a bad resource for Daemonolatry and daemons in general? Well...
For starters, the book was written by someone who had very, very problematic views on other religions and belief systems... As in, racism, xenophobia, and religiophobia kind of problematic.
On top of that, Jacques Collin De Plancy (the author) had converted to Catholicism by the time he had started writing the Dictionnaire Infernal. So at this point, he was already going to have a biased interpretation of the Daemonic Divine, as he was interpreting them through a Christian-tainted lens; That is, in comparison to someone who seeks to learn about and venerate them. As a result, the entries on the daemons within his book were evidently written to play into the vilifying and denigration of daemons in general.
And to add insult to injury, a later edition was published with added illustrations, likely commissioned by De Plancy and drawn by Louis Le Breton, showcasing bastardised interpretations of daemons and demonised deities, interpreting them to look as monstrous and hideous as possible.
All around, it seems that both the spirits' entries and their illustrations were made with the main intent to mock and degrade them, as well as to portray them as being mere dirt beneath the feet of the Christian God. Obviously, a book portraying daemons in such a way is not going to be very helpful to a Daemonolatrist. If one wants to honour and work with daemons, what use is such a book that primarily mocks their very existence going to be?
Don't get me wrong; I think it's okay to go to the Dictionnaire Infernal for research, but only with the foreknowledge and understanding that the lore and mythology of the daemons and other spirits listed therein runs much deeper than the mere entries within the book, and that you shouldn't rely on it as your sole source of information on the Daemonic Divine.
But aside from these glaring issues, the Dictionnaire Infernal is just iniquitous and amoral in general; Which is no surprise, given that it was written in the 19th century and people back then held some very problematic beliefs... But that doesn't make any of it okay.
So, what other issues lie within the pages of the Dictionnaire Infernal? Let's delve into them...
◦──⋆ I ⋆──◦
~ Demonising Deities Of Other Religions ~
Something I noticed from the get-go was the fact that De Plancy is very quick to declare deities from other belief systems as Christian demons who oppose God, when they're historically not documented as such. He did this with several Hindu deities such as Bhairava, Ganga, Kali, Durga (a.k.a. Deumus), Kateri, and Garuda. The illustrations of these deities drawn by Le Breton seem to be quite shocking and possibly kind of racist as well.
I mean, take these depictions of Bhairava (left) and Kali (right) for example, and they seem to speak for themselves. I don't know for sure if these depictions are racist or not, but they definitely feel like they might be...
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At the very least, they seem to be extremely bastardised and monstrously grotesque misrepresentations of these deities. See these more historically accurate depictions below for comparison:
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De Plancy also included entries on deities and entities such as Abraxas, Adrammelech, Alastor, Astarte, Chemosh (Chamos), Dagon, Dumuzid (Tammuz), Flaga, Guayota, Hadad (Rimmon), Milcom, Moloch, Nergal, Nibhaz (Nybbas), Nisroch, Pan, Peckols (Picollus), Pluton, Proserpina, Pucks, Rubezahl (Ribesal), Succoth-benoth, Torngarsuk, and many others that were criminally misrepresented and twisted into something they weren't.
It likely only reinforced the idea of deities such as Moloch, Chemosh, Dagan, Adrammelech, and Abraxas being considered Christianised "demons" rather than simply just deities pertaining to other religions and belief systems. Even mere underworld deities tasked with watching over the dead in the afterlife (e.g. Peckols, Pluton, Proserpina, Nergal, Dumuzid) were tainted with the stereotypical Christian idea of Hell; Fire, brimstone, pain, torment, and suffering for all of eternity.
And while some forgotten gods of dying religions might take a liking to being embraced as daemons or daemonic deities worthy of veneration in the context of Daemonolatry (as long as it's done in a respectful manner of course), these deities have still been obscenely misrepresented through the distorted perception of De Plancy's problematic views on other religions.
And that leads us into his similarly skewed views on the Daemonic Divine themselves, which isn't any better...
◦──⋆ II ⋆──◦
~ The Monstrous Misrepresentation Of Spirits ~
So not only was De Plancy a racist religiophobe (which was already rather obvious lol), but he was also quite uneducated on daemons as a whole; That is my personal opinion as both a Daemonolatrist and a Daemonologist. Having converted to Catholicism, this likely made his perception and interpretation of daemons extremely biased, because it's quite commonplace for Christianity to depict daemons in a grossly negative light.
They're basically viewed and treated like they're evil incarnate and are frequently scapegoated for most of the world's problems by religious extremists, even in the modern day. As someone who has a lot of love and respect for the Daemonic Divine, these ideas criminally misrepresent the daemons I know and love; And that goes for how they're portrayed in the Dictionnaire Infernal as well.
On top of De Plancy having a warped perception of daemons, he also seemed to have limited knowledge of the Daemonic Divine beyond their grimoire appearances; He didn't seem to have much of a UPG on them (other than the fact that he believed they were literal fallen angels who disobeyed god and were cast out of Heaven as a result), which is probably because he was biased, and didn't care to see daemons in a different perception beyond the Christian interpretation of them being the "villains".
From the thorough research I've done, it seems much more likely that daemons originate from deities pertaining to pantheons of other religions and belief systems, rather than being literal fallen angels. But that's for a whole other post in and of itself.
Aside from deities such as Baal and Astarte already being bastardised into the daemons Bael and Astaroth, as well as being depicted as such in the Dictionnaire Infernal, De Plancy himself also misinterpreted and misrepresented several deities and spirits of other folkloric backgrounds. This is very evident in his "hellish hierarchy" of spirits he considers demons included within his book. He also assigns absurdly inaccurate roles to them too. Here are just a few examples:
Kobal - This is likely a demonisation of both the Kobold sprites of Germanic mythology and the Kobaloi sprites of Greek mythology. Kobolds were commonly considered household spirits who stirred up mischief around the home. In some accounts, they were also known to do chores at night that humans neglected to finish during the day. Kobaloi were said to be impudent and mischievous spirits that were fond of tricking and frightening mortals. They were companions of Dionysus and also had the ability to shape-shift. De Plancy represented these sprites as a singular demon and assigned him with directing theatres and being somewhat of a "stage manager" in Hell.
Nybbas - This is a demonisation of a supposed deity of the Avim called Nibhaz, worshipped during the reigning of Shalmaneser I, mentioned in 2 Kings 17:31 of the Bible. Nibhaz is a rather obscure Mesopotamian deity mentioned in the Bible who was either 1) A deity whose history and mythos has been lost to time, or 2) A deity that likely never even existed in the first place. Thus, there's barely any information on Nibhaz, other than the fact that they apparently appeared in the form of a dog. De Plancy portrayed this deity as a demon under the name of Nybbas, who was in charge of managing the visions and dreams of mortals. He was said to be treated with little respect, and was regarded a "buffoon" and "charlatan".
Nergal - Here's another Mesopotamian deity that was mentioned in 2 Kings 17:31 and later demonised by De Plancy, though, Nergal seems to have a much more pronounced mythos. Nergal was a chthonic god associated with plagues, war, pestilence, death, and devastation. However, he was also said to be a benefactor to mortals; Hearing their prayers, reviving the dead, and protecting agriculture and flocks. He was equated with Irra, a god of war and scorched earth. This is probably why Nergal was later regarded as a "destroying flame" and described as "scorching". De Plancy assigned him with the role of being chief of Hell's "secret police". He is also listed as the first spy under Beelzebub's command who, in turn, is under the surveillance of "the great vigilante" Lucifer. I have absolutely no idea why Hell would even need secret police or where he even got that idea in the first place, but go figure lol. That's De Plancy for ya.
Proserpina - As far as I know, I don't think Proserpina was actually demonised prior to her appearance in the Dictionnaire Infernal. It seems that her entry within the book is the first time she was ever demonised. Proserpina is a Roman goddess (Greek equivalent: Persephone) of fertility, nature, agriculture, vegetative growth, the underworld, and the season of Spring. She is best-known for the myth of her abduction to the Underworld by the chthonic god Hades (Roman equivalent: Pluto). De Plancy includes her in his "hellish hierarchy" where he regards her as an archdiablesse (French for "archdemoness" or "arch-she-devil") and princess of evil spirits. In her grimoire entry within the Dictionnaire Infernal, she is described as being queen of the infernal empire and is associated with serpents and snakes.
Hutgin - This is another case of De Plancy demonising sprites and faeries. Hutgin is likely a demonisation of Hodekin, a kobold or sprite of Germanic folklore. Hodekin was said to be a helpful sprite and somewhat of a familiar spirit who lived with the Bishop Of Hildesheim. Hodekin was said to mainly be a nocturnal spirit and only active at night. He could see into the future and could warn one of problems to come. One of the myths surrounding Hodekin is that he was tasked with watching over the bishop's wife to make sure she remained faithful while he was away. Whenever she tried to cheat on the bishop, Hodekin would step in and assume frightening shapes, scaring the paramours away before the wife could be unfaithful. De Plancy assigns Hutgin with the role of being Hell's ambassador to the country of Turkey (for whatever reason lmao).
I don't really know how De Plancy came to such conclusions regarding daemons, deities, and other spirits; But clearly, a lot of these depictions are not very historically accurate lol. And that leads us into the next section of this post, where the depictions of the Daemonic Divine in particular weren't exactly without error in comparison to their other grimoire appearances.
◦──⋆ III ⋆──◦
~ The Inaccurate Depictions Of Daemons ~
A lot of people in occult spaces are likely familiar with Le Breton's illustrations within the Dictionnaire Infernal. However, what a lot of people don't know is that the illustrations and grimoire entries aren't very historically accurate depictions of the Daemonic Divine; That is, when you compare them to the daemons' original grimoire appearances in books such as the Livre Des Esperitz, Fasciculus Rerum Geomanticarum, Liber Officiorum Spirituum, and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. From the disparaging illustrated depictions to the bastardised lore, the Daemonic Divine aren't exactly documented so accurately within the Dictionnaire Infernal. Let's delve into some examples:
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Pruflas (also called Bufas, Suffales, Bulfas, Pruslas, and Busas) is a daemon that appears in the Livre Des Esperitz, Liber Officiorum Spirituum, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, and the Dictionnaire Infernal.
In the Dictionnaire Infernal, Pruflas is depicted as a man with the head of an owl. But for some reason, his illustration depicts Purson rather than Pruflas (Purson is described as a lion-headed man riding a bear, also being associated with trumpets). Perhaps this was either some sort of error, or De Plancy and/or Le Breton considered Pruflas and Purson to be the same daemon, even though this is not stated anywhere in the Dictionnaire Infernal.
In the Livre Des Esperitz, Pruflas's appearance is not described. In the Liber Officiorum Spirituum, he is said to appear as a spark of fire. In the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, he is said to appear with the body of a fiery flame and the head of a nighthawk or nightjar (described as "nycticoraci" in the original Latin version).
The term "nycticoraci" or "nycticorax" is translated to "night raven" in English. This term likely originates from Leviticus 11:16 of the Bible, which regards the "night raven" as any bird of ill omen. The specific birds regarded as night ravens mentioned in Leviticus 11 are; Eagles, vultures, black vultures, red kites, black kites, ravens, horned owls, screech owls, gulls, hawks, little owls, cormorants, great owls, white owls, desert owls, ospreys, storks, herons, hoopoes, and bats (even though bats aren't birds lol).
Later, the term "nycticorax" was used to name a specific genus of night herons. It was specifically also used to refer to the best known species, the black-crowned night heron. Given that the term "night raven" can refer to any bird of ill omen in Christianity, this may explain why daemons such as Stolas, Andras, and Aamon are depicted as either being owl-headed or taking on the appearance of an owl.
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Buer (also called Gemer) is a daemon that appears in the Livre Des Esperitz, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Ars Goetia, and the Dictionnaire Infernal.
In the Dictionnaire Infernal, Buer is depicted as appearing in the form of a star or five-pointed wheel. Le Breton's illustration depicts him as a disembodied lion's head with five goat legs, giving him the ability to "walk" or roll in all directions. This is a historically inaccurate depiction of how Buer appears, because he isn't depicted as a quintuple-goat-legged lion head in any of his grimoire appearances whatsoever.
In the Livre Des Esperitz, Buer's appearance is not described. In the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, he is said to appear in the form of a star. In the Ars Goetia, he is said to appear in the form of a "sagittary" or centaur, specifically when the Sun is in Sagittarius.
Buer is likely a demonisation of Chiron, a superlative centaur from Greek mythology who specialised in healing, medicine, and astrology; Which explains Buer's similar functions and the account of him appearing in the form of a "sagittary" in the Ars Goetia.
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Barbatos (also called Barbates, Barbares, Barbais, Barbas, and Barbarus) is a daemon that appears in the Livre Des Esperitz, Munich Manual Of Demonic Magic, Liber Officiorum Spirituum, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Ars Goetia, and the Dictionnaire Infernal.
In his Dictionnaire Infernal illustration, Barbatos is depicted as a bearded hunter wielding a hunting rifle, and he is said to inhabit the forests. In his grimoire entry, he is alternatively said to appear as an archer. He is also compared to Robin Of The Woods (a.k.a. Robin Hood) and Jack In The Green.
In the Livre Des Esperitz, Barbatos's appearance is not described. In the Munich Manual Of Demonic Magic, he is said to appear as a forest archer who is accompanied by four kings carrying trumpets. In the Liber Officiorum Spirituum, he is said to appear in the form of a shouter, forest man, or wild archer. Alternatively, he is also said to appear as a centaur or "sagittary" that is described as being "half-man and half-beast". In the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, he is said to appear in the form of a woodland archer. In the Ars Goetia, he is said to appear in the form of a "sagittary" or centaur, specifically when the Sun is in Sagittarius; Similarly to Buer.
While his form described in the Ars Goetia is said to be a mistranslation, it's not technically an inaccurate depiction. He appears as a centaur in the Liber Officiorum Spirituum, after all. His depiction as a forest man isn't too inaccurate either, given that Barbatos is possibly tied to the mythical figure Woodwose originating in medieval Europe, and functions similarly.
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Gaap (also called Tap, Goap, Coap, Taob, Ducay, and Balath) is a daemon that appears in the Livre Des Esperitz, Munich Manual Of Demonic Magic, Liber Officiorum Spirituum, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Ars Goetia, and the Dictionnaire Infernal.
In the Dictionnaire Infernal, Gaap is said to appear at noon in human form. But in his illustration, he is depicted as a devil-like figure, or more plausibly, as a man riding upon the shoulders of a devil-like figure. Many people have interpreted this illustration as the demon figure being Gaap himself. But given his Dictionnaire Infernal entry, it's probably more likely that Gaap is the human mounted on the shoulders of the demon-like figure.
In the Livre Des Esperitz, Gaap's appearance is said to appear "very benignly". In the Munich Manual Of Demonic Magic, he is said to appear as a healer that assumes human form, and is also regarded as a doctor. In the Liber Officiorum Spirituum, he is said to appear as a misshapen image. In the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, he is said to appear in a "meridional sign". In the Ars Goetia, he is said to appear in human form when the Sun is in the Southern signs.
As previously stated, it's likely that many people have interpreted Gaap's illustration as him being depicted as the devil-like figure, instead of the man that is mounted on him. Looking at his other grimoire appearances, it's likely that the illustration was meant to depict Gaap as taking the form of a human mounted on the shoulders of a devil-like being.
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Beleth (also called Bileth, Bilet, and Byleth) is a daemon that appears in the Liber Officiorum Spirituum, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Ars Goetia, and the Dictionnaire Infernal.
In the Dictionnaire Infernal, she is said to appear as a "terrible" king riding a white horse, preceded by cats blowing horns and trumpets. However, her illustration seems to depict her as cat-headed person playing a horn, surrounded by dancing mice. Perhaps this illustration was meant to depict one of the horn-blowing cats that precede Beleth? I'm not sure.
In the Liber Officiorum Spirituum, Beleth's appearance is not described. In the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, she is said to appear furiously, riding upon a pale horse; The sounding of trumpets and the playing of all sorts of other musical instruments are heard before her. In the Ars Goetia, she appears pretty much in the same way as described within the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.
It's also just my personal UPG that Beleth is a girl lol, as I believe she likely originated from the Mesopotamian goddess Belet-ili. As far as I know, I don't think Beleth is depicted as a woman in any of her grimoire appearances. Her Dictionnaire Infernal entry and illustration don't seem to align either, so it's likely that the trumpet-blowing cat drawing was meant to depict the cats that precede Beleth, rather than Beleth herself.
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These are just a handful of the inaccurate depictions of the Daemonic Divine and other spirits within the Dictionnaire Infernal. If I were to delve into all of them in great detail, this post would be far too long... So I'm gonna end it there lol.
In conclusion, I personally don't advise going to the Dictionnaire Infernal as your sole source of research on daemons; Especially if you're a daemonolatrist. I'd instead recommend looking at their other grimoire appearances, especially the earlier ones. The grimoires I recommend looking into are:
Livre Des Esperitz
Fasciculus Rerum Geomanticarum
Liber Officiorum Spirituum
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
Ars Goetia
I hope you find this post helpful! And as always, I wish you well on your spiritual path. Also, a big thanks to my friend @sortiarus-de--naturas--daemonum for helping me out with this post! I could not have written this without her. 💜
❀༻ Ave Satanas ༺❀
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utterentropy · 1 month
Have you ever wanted to join a Discord server where the entire premise is just that you pretend you're a chronically online adolescent version of your favourite characters?
A server where there is no you, no anyone, no actual people talking about real sad people things in our sad people world, but rather just fictional characters during the prime angst age just chatting and posting about their lives in their respective worlds?
Where there is virtually no limit on what character you can play, so long as the media isn't like saying something bad is okay or one extremely niche fandom or one almost as niche character, where you can just act like you've always been that character (or well, as many as you'd like) in a Discord server, conversing about their life in a dystopia, or a world of anthropomorphic animals, or a magical school, or the apocalypse, or the empyrean ranges of a world of Gods, or a medieval wasteland, or something that makes absolutely no sense to have Discord and be obsessively on the internet but you don't care and we don't care and you make it work anyway?
Where all sensitive real life subjects are not to be discussed, and all server members remain mysterious and pretty much all of what you know of them is their silly little blorbos…
Oh yeah, also like everyone in the server so far are MASSIVE Rain World fans so Rain World characters are hugely encouraged.
But I should probably say what's not allowed first.
-Racism, sexism, transphobia, xenophobia, homophobia, religiophobia, ableism, sanism, all of this regardless of your reasoning.
-Com-shipping, people just generally aren't comfortable with it and I request you leave us be.
-TERFs, "MAP"/"NOMAP"s, Xenosatanism, right-wing
-Real life-venting (projecting through your character is allowed!) and discussion of serious real world topics (politics, mental illness, discourse, real world events, etc.)
-Cringe culture, we're all just havin' fun and there's no need to get onto us for being strange
What is allowed:
-Angst, fluff, comfort RPs, in-character arguments, and just casual, Discord-style chatting
-Sensitive topics for roleplay purposes (we'll tell you what needs to be spoiled) in a non-romanticised manner
-Any and all characters with very few exceptions (this means generally controversial fandoms, such as Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Dream SMP, Countryhumans, Eddsworld etc. are allowed, so if you're uncomfy interacting with those people I advise you steer clear)
-Those who identify as/with a fictional character roleplaying as the character they identify as (I find it might be very therapeutic for you)
-AUs of canon characters (I love AUs sm pls pls pls pls pls)
-Characters that are absolutely horrible people (which the exception of sexually violent characters)
-Characters that don't really make sense to be on Discord but they are anyway, regardless on if there's a good reason or not
-Beginners of character-making/roleplaying
-Neurodivergent, queer, trans, alterhuman, etc. folks
Just remember, this is NOT a place to chit-chat and get to know people. This is a place to pretend you're a character on Discord and be very firm on that being who you are. It is EXTREMELY encouraged to only use the OOC channels if you wanna ask a question or for permission, or to DM someone in-character.
If you do decide to come, we'll be happy to have you!
We intend to have a very casual atmosphere so if like…… you argue a lot, or are a very blunt/mean/serious person then pls don't stop by
Please reblog this and spread this as much as you can!!! I wanna have a good time and have an escape for people through this little server :)
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horror-oberon-3 · 11 months
Hey for that one person who was going to cry
I have more phobias
Trigger warning for: Death
Dementophobia (the clinical term for an excessive or irrational fear of going insane)
Athazagoraphobia (an intense or irrational fear of being forgotten, or of forgetting someone or something. It may also include a fear of being ignored or replaced)
Xenophobia (a persistent, marked fear of strangers. People with xenophobia experience anxiety symptoms, distress, and/or panic attacks when they are around strangers.)
Theophobia - Symptoms of Fear of God or religion
religiophobia (A fear or hatred of religion, religious faith, religious people or religious organisations.)
Ataxophobia (Fear of Untidiness or Disorder) Ataxophobia is an extreme, irrational fear of disorder or untidiness.
Leukophobia (an intense fear of the color white. In many people, the phobia stems from worries about what the color represents. You may associate white with death, purity or commitment) (in seths case, HOSPITALS)
Scopophobia (an excessive fear of being watched.)
Atelophobia (an extreme fear of imperfection) (Intense or persistent fears about doing something wrong may be a sign of OCD, falling under the OCD subtype of Responsibility OCD.)
Phonophobia (a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of sound.)
Thanatophobia (The fear of losing someone or the phobia of losing someone or death anxiety) (I have this :])
Nosophobia (an uncontrollable and persistent fear of having a serious medical condition) (This disorder was also once known as hypochondriasis )
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goredaddy1633 · 7 months
Were you religiophobia???
When I was 8 I started to have a fear of Christianity even though I was following it (I was born into Christianity). When I turned 9 I hated reilgon. Then at ten I was just uncomfortable. Then the rest is history. (I didn't care when I turned 11.)
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boopizumi · 7 months
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Hello! My name is Izumi! You can call me whatever you want ^_^! My pronouns are she/her! I'm a minor! So please DO NOT do anything weird ^w^
Dni :
Nsfw, proship, religiophobia, racist, gr00mer, p3d0s, toxic, racist.
I'm an anti-romantic, I hate it when my friends or siblings got a partner, I do feel romantic attraction, but I have a mixed feelings about romantic, I sometimes feel hatred towards it.
My favorite color is lavender, black, white and pink. I like Britney Manson, 6arelyhuman, Lumi Athena, Odetari and Marluxiam! They make a good songs!
My favorite anime is kny, the anime that I love the most, the anime I'm obsessed with, and my favorite kny characters is firstly Shinobu, nezuko, muichiro and zenitsu! (I mainly kin shinobu and shes my comfort character! ^^)
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I make pov, you can request me what pov should I make such as canon x canon, oc x canon, canon x reader, and oc x oc. And you also can request me to make a platonic or angst pov/story! Just ask and request! And I love make a hc ( headcanon) and I will write it on my blog if I want :3! I guess that's all, bye!!
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ga1atsu · 1 year
this used to be called tsutsujireblogsthings but obviously i changed the name cuz it’s obvious sherlock👌✨Anyways go check out my other blogs
main blog: @n0vatsu
other blogs: @tsutsuji-picrew @xxamacha-tsukixx @tsukisnights @dosei-slays @haruna-tsutsuji (archived) @tsutsujiroblox (archived)
Things I will reblog
The owl house
Demon slayer
Genshin Impact
lgbt related stuff
Pokémon (occasionally)
amphibia (occasionally)
aesthetics (occasionally)
random videos
or just random sh1t
Things I will not reblog
gacha heat
Homophobia related stuff
religiophobia related stuff
r*pe (it’s personally disgusting to me excluded if the blog creator is spreading awareness abt it and telling ppl to stop or smth)
illegal ships(help me i keep seeing them😭💀)
once in a while I may make random posts here
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blogcowboyron · 6 months
Civil rights org says Rob Reiner's film panicking about Christian nationalism warrants Oscar for religiophobia
Actor Rob Reiner’s documentary warning about Christian nationalism, “God and Country,” did poorly at the box office, but it is being called one of the year’s best examples of “religiophobia” on the silver screen. The description for the documentary states that the film “looks at the implications of Christian Nationalism and how it distorts not only our constitutional republic, but Christianity…
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deepnerdbearllama · 6 months
Civil rights org says Rob Reiner's film panicking about Christian nationalism warrants Oscar for religiophobia https://www.foxnews.com/media/civil-rights-org-says-rob-reiners-film-panicking-christian-nationalism-warrants-oscar-religiophobia Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at http://www.foxnews.com/apps-products/index.html.
0 notes
deblala · 6 months
Civil rights org says Rob Reiner's film panicking about Christian nationalism warrants Oscar for religiophobia | Fox News
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Precious Moments
One of the things that I find confusing and surreal about growing up in a household where religion isn’t encouraged and most references to it (unless used to slander religion) is avoided, is Precious Moments. 
I grew up being called a Precious Moments doll, I had holiday dolls that were from the Precious Moments brand, and even regular, hard plastic dolls. Precious Moments is religious, something that my parents knew and mentioned. If they knew it was religious and they don’t like religiousness, then why would they affectionately refer to me as a Precious Moments doll? 
In addition to the dolls, the true purpose of this post, I owned this Golden Board Book from Precious Moments called Love is... 
At some point, I ended up losing the book. I didn’t own it anymore. And soon, it began to become only a faded memory. That is until I found a copy of it on Amazon by sheer mistake. And the book and the memories of reading it came flooding back. While the book would be used, I purchased it. And it was exactly as I remembered. 
I know that it is for children, but there is something truly special about this book.
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cavenewstimes · 6 months
‘Religiophobia against Hinduism…’: India on UNGA resolution against Islamophobia
Mar 16, 2024 01:01 PM IST A total of 115 nations voted in favour of Pakistan’s resolution titled ‘Measures to combat Islamophobia’. None of them voted against the resolution India has abstained in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on a draft resolution introduced by Pakistan and co-sponsored by China on Islamobhopia. New Delhi asserted that the prevalance of ‘religiophobia’ against…
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loulou1943 · 7 months
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555swag · 10 months
i find theology pretty interesting actually, as an atheist, for me it’s like studying myths.
i also have religiophobia. if i find one religion too interesting i stop studying it bc of fear
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