#reference to that one twitter post. if you know then YOU KNOW.
towncritte · 2 days
Red Destiny AU Lore Dump
I'm deciding to compile all the lore dumps I did so far on Twitter, into this post.
Stuff is subjected to change in the future, but this post is just to help you guys get bits of the story.
It's still a work in progress AU, and nothing is entirely set in stone but regardless, I do hope this helps.
Here's Dogday's reference sheet and info:
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Here is a quick summary of what's going on in this Dimension: The Smiling Critters live in another dimension, which the portal was located in a Toy Factory. The humans entered and started ruling over the place, along with ruling several different towns to have control over the creatures within said dimension.
The story for now mostly focuses on Smiling Valley where the Smiling Critters live.
Due to the humans mostly seeing the Smiling Valley citizens as if they are Zoo Animals or an attraction of sorts, the small town finds it difficult to have supplies and have a tendency to get a shortage.
Most humans visiting aren't aware of the abuse going on done by Scientists that want to study the Critter Citizens as if they are Lab Rats, or the abuse of Soldiers/Guards hungry for a power trip.
That's the summary of the condition of the town so far.
For the most part the story for now will be pretty focused on Dogday and his perspective, as well as the other critters.
Catnap's whereabouts and what he is doing will be a mystery.
I want this AU to feel like an ominous mystery of what's going on.
Here's more lore drop of the pooch:
Declawing Trauma:
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Dogday was declawed. Bubba, during Dogday receiving therapy, tried to get as much supplies and knowledge as he can to fix Dogday's hands/paws.
During those 3 years, Dogday couldn't hold things due to how bad the condition of his hands were.
Dogday had to constantly wear bandages and deal with pain for the past 3 years, making his mental recovery difficult, and feeling like a burden to his friends for helping him.
Catnap CONSTANTLY had to reassure Dogday nothing was his fault and would constantly comfort him.
Dogday, despite everything, held onto hope Bubba would restore his claws.
Bubba had to eventually settle for reshaping Dogday's hands to paws so Dogday wouldn't feel so much pain anymore. (He had to use extra bones from Dogday's hands to do this.)
Dogday was depressed about this but overtime did manage to get through therapy without being in so much pain anymore and had to learn to hold things with his newly reshaped paws. (Tho he still has some trauma)
Catnap held a HEAVY grudge against the scientists that hurt Dogday.
These traumatizing events will show how it's affected Day as the story goes.
Dogday does know about The Prototype and what Catnap's been doing. Not fully aware, the Moon is in a cult of sorts hidden outside of town.
Catnap at one point, gave Dogday hope about his claws before he left Smiling Valley as he was called upon by The Prototype:
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Catnap wasn't being malicious when he showed them off, he just wanted to give Dogday a reason to support his beliefs. Catnap wasn't declawed, but he was given much deadlier claws.
Speaking of Catnap, here's his beta ref sheet:
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In the future, I'll make him a colored reference sheet once I have this AU organized.
Dogday's eyes:
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When Day's eyes would be fading back to white, Mini Moon immediately tells Day to go home and sleep. He then administers the red smoke again.
Dogday developing violent tendencies:
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At some point, Dogday starts to develop violent urges due to the Plush's manipulation and mind warping.
(Since I DO NOT plan to rip off Dogday's legs EVER! I'm going with this route as a nod to what happened in the game, but its in reverse)
This is so far the lore dump of the AU. I'll look back at this in the future as I continue the story to see how I can tie things together, or what to change or what I like or don't like.
If you don't understand this, it's okay.
Again, this is just a lore dump post to understand the AU so far in it's Work In Progress stage.
And to help me read over stuff and see what I can do with it.
Again, stuff is subjected to change, including designs. So nothing is entirely permanent.
I made the Plush Delivery comic back on Twitter originally as a one off in it's old version. But over time, I liked the concept so much I started forming it into a story and redid Plush Delivery.
I do hope you'll enjoy wherever Red Destiny's story will go.
Who knows what lies ahead for the red path the pooch is following.
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" A red destiny awaits you Sunshine….are you ready?" -Catnap
Thank goodness, I'm done writing this all down. xnx
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skunkes · 21 hours
I've talked about this before I think but I think "art theft culture" is actually what makes scenarios like this worse... and I Know because I've mentioned that it happened to me before, where a few years ago I was heavily inspired by an artist for a couple of style study drawings without acknowledging them as inspiration, they contacted me after their friends notifed the similarities, and it was resolved as I explained that I had no "plans" for long term theft or passing off as my own, I was just passing by and figuring out what I liked about the style. But I should have just mentioned them!
And that's the point I'm trying to get at here, I feel for a lot of people there's still either shame in using references (I took the upper half of a pose for a recent comm from one of the first memorable google image results for it... How embarrassing!), and there's similar in openly admitting that somebody is currently directly inspiring you, or that you liked something someone made so much you're making your own spin on it.
This is probably because you don't know how people (your audience or the original creator, or THEIR audience) are going to react with regards to """theft""" (which I also feel varies. Like everyone I've seen trying to emulate my style has never gotten close. Which is how it works! Its a good thing! Absorb it into your own! Thats what I do!
But I've also had someone lift every aspect of my art identity and basically try to replicate exact pieces, poses, and dialogue of mine with their characters like oh ok nvm this is kinda weird.) so I get it, because it's scary! It happened to Me, I was a perpetrator LOL and that's that it was style inspiration and not direct copying so I get it... I feel it all the time too, but I wish it wasn't like this in General ykwim. Wish it didn't feel so humiliating to admit influence
EDIT: THIS IS ALSO NOT ME SAYING "you need to list off all your inspirations every single time you post a drawing"
Its more like oh this person is using my exact brushes and exact colors and exact half traced poses and my handwriting and exact dialogue and personal symbols to the point where they're pretending my autobiographic doodles happened to them while pretending they've never seen my stuff in their life, or even shit talking me. Some of these individual aspects are okay (I've literally shared all my brushes with everyone, for example, who cares. My colors are awesome...who cares. 4 petal flower shapes don't belong to anyone, I don't care.) But all of them in combination is what's weird. Ykwim. Like that level of "hey man what the fuck"
I'm about to answer an ask going more into depth about this but I also need to explain that it's hard being on the other end of this too because it really isn't that serious ykwim... I see ppl on twitter get clowned on every day because "you can't steal a style" and that's mostly true. Me and some mutuals "steal" aspects from each other all the time without "crediting" because it's obvious, or we know each other, as well as the "stolen" stuff being something we already made our own thing, so I promise this isn't about that. Art is meant to be shared and inspire and influence.
I'd never point fingers unless it got severe over a long period of time (not adapting it into your own style), with someone who wouldn't talk it out with me but sometimes I wish I could show some of these specific examples, like I promise I'm not blowing up because someone """stole""" uhhhh the little squiggles I add to my commissions. I myself "stole" that from deco sticker sheets. Who gives a shit.
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defectzim · 2 years
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You ever have those moments where an idea just... won't leave your head?
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misslisamiray · 4 months
Gonna write a longer post about this when I have more time, but I just need to put this out there: I love my Rick and Morty Tumblr mutuals/people I interact with regularly so much. ❤️
I am not joking or exaggerating when I say I didn't know it was possible to be this active in a fandom and also this happy. I've only really been active in the fandom for the past 6 months, and it's been SUCH an overwhelmingly positive experience.
I've been meaning to make a post like this for a while, but two recent things really drove home how much I appreciate you folks: First, I had A Week That Felt Like a Year of Sailor Moon Twitter making me miss being 12 & not knowing anyone else who watches the show. Then, yesterday I opened Tumblr to be greeted by a post that brought up one of the reasons why, after 20+ years, Cowboy Bebop is still my number 1 "I love this show and it means so much to me, but this fandom frequently makes me want to hit my head on walls" series.
Obviously I know there's no shortage of issues in this fandom, too. I mean, there's typically an assortment of them on display in the comments of any post on the official RaM accounts. 😅 And I'm not saying I haven't met some really nice, cool people in my fandoms I've been in forever - I definitely have!!!!!
But this feeling of... Community? Home? This is new territory for me. And it took me longer than it should have to get here, but I'm so glad I did.
I have already rambled longer than I intended to, so now I'm going to attempt to wrap this up by tagging some of the folks who inspired this post.
@rickteacakes @thesoftboiledegg @hazelnut-u-out @dimensionduo @ajaynetic @fandomwe1rd0 @joycew-blog
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fishshit · 1 year
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very quick victuuri skecthes made in my notes <3 (please check the tags for the explanation of the text)
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pippuns · 1 year
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calwasfound · 2 years
h e y, so i've been watching a lot of mcc clips lately and have been really enjoying all the illumina ones. are there any videos/streams of his that you'd recommend?
OOH! yes!! time to take up the mantle!
first of all, i'd like to direct you to @oceantail-oceantail's fruitninja guide (and honestly the rest of celia's blog) because she'll always be the master of compiling illumina & fruitninja moments! her clips tag also has a lot of fun moments from streams.
BUT, if you want my personal recommendations...
so, for starters, getting into illumina's content. namely, he's got a youtube channel (illuminaHD), which mostly features stream highlights (speedrunning), mcc highlights, and other miscellaneous minecraft gamplay. (oh, and a few world records!) he has a vods channel too, but it's run by his mods.
oh yeah, his twitch: illumina1337. could trick the fae multiple times over with the number of names we have to tag him by
here's my personal favorite youtube videos of his - or videos that feature him:
this is my Dream SMP application [Stream Highlights] / Probably my most watched highlights video of his, though they're all hilarious. General speedrunning fails and clutches, crafting shenanigans, funny commentary. All his highlight videos give a good sense as to what his streams are like!
the minecraft bingo/lockout series with SmallAnt - I challenged Minecraft's Best Speedrunner to a test of skill and Minecraft Lockouts Are Surprisingly Brutal.. / GREAT series. had me on the edge of my seat. the first video was uploaded to ant's channel, the second on illumina's, but illumina has the vods for both streams saved on a separate channel. i won't get into the twists, but... it was a ride.
Minecraft: fruitberries VS Illumina / Minecraft manhunts... everybody's heard of them. Well, this one was done with fruitninja over two years ago (wow!) Imagine being hunted across multiple dimensions but your assassin is really, really chill. Oh, and also with the expected cracked gameplay from a manhunt as well.
and as for my favorite streams...
Speedrun Showdown w/ Fruitberries VS Dani & Fireworkss (then 1.16 RSG) / So, speedrun showdown! This was the first time the tournament was hosted, which was almost two years ago. Currently, season two (?) of speedrun showdown is taking place, with the finals happening tomorrow! Charity event, super cool, two duos race to the end to kill the dragon. (Both Fruit and Illumina are participating in the 2022 run, but on opposite teams. Fruitninja aren't allowed to team very often. If you watch this vod, you'll find out why.)
Minecraft Championship 13! w/ Punz, Krinios, & Eret! / Classic. All-time favorite. There would be something wrong if this video didn't show up on my list. Illumina's first MCC win! Team vibes were great, they absolutely dominated (with one of the most nerve-wracking dodgebolts I've ever watched. Live!)
MC Championship 17 w/ fruitberries, Vixella, & Zeuz / Another staple. I think we crashed twitter when the fruitninja MCC team was finally announced. The "Unpopular opinion, but I don't think the Simmers are going to win MCC. They've been paired with Fruitninja, which is going to be difficult no matter how good they're going to be (/c)" copypasta was going around a lot. Another team with great vibes and another very close dodgebolt!
1 on Mouse, 1 on Keyboard w/ Illumina / Warning, I think you're going to notice fruitninja being a consistent trend with my recommendations! (This is all part of the fruitninja conspiracy, in which I try to get everyone to watch their content with my art. So far, my success rate is pretty high!) Fruit & Illumina are roommates and they did a stream where one person controlled the movement via mouse and the other person controlled the movement via keyboard. (Un)surprisingly, they actually did extremely well! Great fun, one of my favorites, bonus IRL content.
Diversity 3 Playthrough! / Illumina plays through a minecraft adventure map for almost ten hours straight. He parkours, he kills mobs, he participates in a space mystery adventure. It's all here. He even speedruns (kind of.)
Okay, onto miscellaneous! As I've mentioned before, celia has a youtube channel with fruitninja & illumina clips. Also, this video from Illumina's MCC 28 parkour warrior run made me laugh. And also this video on Fruitninja interacting in MCC 24. Uh, what else.. Illumina's latest MCC highlights video was really good (though I really also liked the full stream, which is up on his twitch but not his vods channel. Watch it while it's up, I guess!) And also the fruitninja Tubnet Craftmaster Showdown vod had its great moments (also on twitch. Fruit's POV of this event is also really funny, too.)
And a small self-plug - I post a bunch of fruitninja stuff on my sideblog @calwasntfound. Mainly WIPs, though all my finished art is up here! There should be enough to provide a fun scroll. And check out the other artists in the illumina tag, they're all incredible!
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hl-obsessed · 11 months
Hi! No hate, just curious what you think Louis meant with that reply. I’m feeling kind of hurt and would love a different interpretation. Thanks!
Ok so this is long one, anon.
An this is my letter of complain to the fandom. I'm disappointed in you guys.
(this might be a little chaotic but bare with me)
Louis isn't stupid - that's first of all. He knows damn good what he's doing.
Second - we actually know shit. We have no idea what he was actually talking about.
But if we taking this as Larry and Parma ham thing and clearly denying this, then here we go:
You talking about how weird it was that he told us day before that he's going to be on for a chat.
Especially when he spent time on social medias yesterday liking and commenting on posts. He could have just start replying to the questions on tt because there are hundreds everyday just waiting for him, and fandom would catch on him being online in seconds and would start asking things immediately. There wasn't actually reason for this unless... it been step up.
Set up that someone form above could monitor things, his every step, every move.
There probably was sheet ready with questions he had to answer. Babygate, denying Larry, usual shit.
Maybe there was one answer for one song he pulled out on tour.
One for 505, one for 7, one for HIM in Back To You. Or one for songs and another ones for lights, one for blue and green, other for rainbow ones.
We think he just did that because he could and wanted to. What if he went for an agreement, that he can do this but he will have to make some comments denying all this in the future.
1 for us and 1 for antis and all the aprrences that they are keeping of him for years.
And you're treating him like he isn't the first victim in all of this. He was put in the closet, he had to sign off contract for kid to protect everything what's important to him and hid it even deeper.
You all getting pissed like he killed your mothers, and you fucking forget that's it's not about you. Larry is him, it's them. It thier lives. He can say whatever shit he wants because it is about him.
And break up with ealnor? You thought this wouldn't have consequences? Third question is maybe exactly for that.
He can do so much that is screaming Larry over and over again, for weeks on tour, and you hanging him for one comment.
True that people only see you mistakes, no matter how much good you do.
You all thinking he's stupid and he get mad to the point he didn't even saw he answered to the wrong tweet.
No one fucking thinks he did it on purpose?
Chicken in parma ham is so important, it always was. What if they made him answer Larry question and he answered wrong one on purpose, because he knew it will get enough or even more attention that way. The Above will check it out on thier list and move on, but he known real fans will know the truth.
That he didn't actually write it under right question on purpose, that he didn't actually mess with original meaning of this.
Great to see that you all are turing against him instead of thinking what he could mean by that.
I was searching for this quote when he said the fans can listen to what he's truly saying between the lines.
He doing so much cryptic shit and you are getting hung up on one fucking thing he said. Thing he probably HAD TO say.
I'll be up for the chat was a warning. I'll be up under supervision. I might say things you don't like but i had to say it. You know me, i know you, and i know you lot know how to read between the lines.
And you're giving him what for that?
There is that saying that there's no difference how they're talking about you, what's important is that they are talking.
Another box checked, Louis is trending on twitter.
You often say how brilliant his mind is and how you love the way he's thinking.
And now what, you think he just straight away get pissed, went stupid with it, and shoot rude comment at one of his fans because of what?
He's public person. He has to keep appearances. He's forced to keep an image they where building for years.
He often says how important we are to him. He wouldn't just lasched out like that on the fan, to silence stupid theories. Especially when this never works.
From time to time there is some comment that seems to be harsh. But you don't just hate him for that, especially when he does so much loud things that says otherwise.
He's tying to protect this. Them. Us. With keeping both sides happy. Can't you see that?
I'm so pissed at you guys right now.
And i'm going to protect this boy to the grave, at all costs.
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Hello Everyone,
In regards to my last post, I am pleased to announce my full return to Tumblr. Thank you all for being so patient and understanding. It means a lot to me.
To make a long story short, I’ve been dealing with an account that has been an… unpleasant experience since late2020/early 2021. This has been an account that has displayed behavior in impersonating more than one individual, creating sensitive comment (both suggestive and gory), sending violent and gory asks (all on anon), and created a platform with ambitions of trying to provide justice on a falsely fabricated belief to Rescue Sonic 3(?). A couple of his accounts (he takes on a different alias for each one) have been removed from Tumblr as of last night.
For the longest time it was just me and my closest friends attempting to resolve the problem with civil conversation. However, confrontation only went so far. No words can describe how sorry I am for taking a hiatus. I have felt unsafe with the account active and hoped to return when I felt safe again. I did not mean to disappear completely. At the time, it felt like the best solution to do. After dealing with him for years… for providing explanations on why I felt the need to block, why I did not accept his replies, all of it, it just felt safer for me to avoid my blog until he was bored or deactivated his account.
To those that stood up for me, listened to my and my friends’ story, and helped me feel safe while on my hiatus, I am forever in your debt. Thank you. You have… no idea how much you mean to me. Seriously, thank you.
And with that, I will be activating the “anon” feature once more and making my return today.
Thank you. Seriously, thank you.
Stay safe for me, everyone.
You matter❤️✨
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cutielatias · 2 years
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
what is steel wool doing i'm scared
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tariah23 · 2 years
I have no clue as to why I’m constantly getting supernatural incest yaoi accounts recommended to me on Twitter man
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U think Aoki's glasses are fr or did he try to Clark Kent his way thru life
Alternatively, it starts as a Clark Kent thing but it fucks his eyesight so now he needs it unironically
i think aoki's glasses are just as legit as kanji tatsumi's glasses in that Where The Fuck Did You Get These From
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catdammitjackie · 2 years
i personally would rather die than relive scriptgate especially through twitter
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micamone · 2 years
hey how unraveled do you think i’d become if i tried to embroider that dramatic-ass screenshot of howl laying in his bedroom so that i could hang it in my bedroom as #goals
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