#recruitment outsourcing Thailand
talentintellectsblog · 11 months
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cloudforcehr · 7 months
The Future of Payroll and HR Consulting Services: Trends to Watch in 2024
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The landscape of payroll and HR consulting services is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements, changing regulations, and shifting employee expectations. As we move into 2024, several key trends are set to redefine how businesses manage payroll and HR functions, offering both challenges and opportunities for growth and efficiency. CloudForce HR, a leader in HR payroll outsourcing and consulting services in Thailand, is at the forefront of adopting these innovations to provide comprehensive solutions to its clients.
Earned Wage Access (EWA): A New Era of Financial Wellness
One of the most significant shifts in payroll services is the rise of Earned Wage Access (EWA), a facility that allows employees to access their earned wages before the scheduled payday. This trend, expected to grow by 14.9% from 2023 to 2033, underscores a move towards supporting employees’ financial well-being, thereby enhancing their productivity and engagement at work​​.
The Rise of AI in HR and Payroll
Artificial intelligence (AI) is another transformative force, with 92% of HR leaders planning to increase its use in 2024. AI’s applications range from recruitment and onboarding to payroll processing, offering unprecedented efficiency and strategic insights. This digital evolution enables HR professionals to focus on more value-added activities, fostering a more strategic HR function​​.
Navigating Pay Transparency
The push towards pay transparency reflects a broader demand for equity and openness in the workplace. As companies provide more access to salary information, they promote fairness and can more effectively address pay inequities. This trend not only attracts talent but also builds a culture of trust and inclusivity​​.
Compliance with Global Regulations
As businesses expand globally, compliance with diverse regulatory environments becomes more complex. In 2024, the need for platforms and services that integrate local legislation and regulatory changes is critical. This ensures businesses remain compliant and avoid penalties, particularly in managing payroll across different jurisdictions​​.
Fostering Employee Wellness
Employee wellness, encompassing mental health and overall well-being, continues to be a priority. Integrating wellness programs into HR services not only benefits employees but also reduces healthcare costs for employers. A focus on mental health resources, stress management, and work-life balance is essential for attracting and retaining talent​​.
Innovative HR and Payroll Integrations
The integration of HR and payroll systems is becoming increasingly vital for businesses seeking efficiency and accuracy in their operations. With 52% of survey respondents highlighting the importance of this integration, it’s clear that streamlined processes, minimized errors, and improved data management capabilities are essential benefits that businesses can no longer afford to overlook. Such integrations not only facilitate better decision-making but also enhance compliance and reporting capabilities​​.
The Importance of Skills Training
Another crucial trend for 2024 is the emphasis on skills training. In an era where the need for new skills is ever-growing, companies investing in training programs for their employees are not just enhancing their workforce’s capabilities but also significantly boosting retention. With the majority of the workforce, especially Millennials and Gen Z, expecting learning opportunities from their employers, having a robust plan for skills development is imperative​​.
The Shift to People, Culture, and White Glove Service
The rebranding of organizations to focus more on people and culture reflects a broader understanding that the success of a business is intrinsically linked to the well-being and engagement of its workforce. As companies move into 2024, providing exceptional customer service and fostering a positive workplace culture are becoming key differentiators. This trend towards valuing people and culture not only improves employee satisfaction but also enhances client and partner relationships​​.
On-Demand Pay and Financial Wellness
The growing popularity of on-demand pay services highlights a significant shift towards addressing the immediate financial needs of employees. This payroll service enables workers to access their earned wages ahead of the traditional payday, offering a solution to financial stress and improving overall employee satisfaction and productivity. By adopting such services, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to the financial wellness of their employees, which is becoming a crucial factor in attracting and retaining top talent​​.
Pay Transparency and Equity
With the increasing enactment of pay transparency laws, businesses are moving towards more open discussions about compensation. This not only helps in addressing pay inequity but also fosters a culture of trust and transparency within the organization. Clear communication about compensation policies and practices can significantly mitigate perceptions of bias and contribute to a more equitable work environment​​.
Preparing for the Future
As businesses gear up for 2024, staying abreast of these trends and integrating them into their HR and payroll strategies will be key to navigating the future successfully. CloudForce HR, through its payroll outsourcing services and HR consulting expertise, is poised to assist businesses in leveraging these trends for enhanced efficiency, compliance, and employee satisfaction.
Conclusion The trends in payroll and HR consulting services for 2024 emphasize the importance of adaptability, technological integration, and a focus on employee well-being. CloudForce HR, through its payroll outsourcing and HR consulting services, is well-positioned to help businesses navigate these changes, ensuring they remain competitive and compliant in a dynamic global landscape. As these trends evolve, partnering with an expert like CloudForce HR can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and efficiency.
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findjobsineurope · 1 year
Top agentii de recrutare Nepal, Sri Lanka, Filipine, Vietnam, Thailanda and Asiatic
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Recrutarea poate fi o provocare pentru companiile din întreaga lume, dar în unele țări poate fi mai dificilă decât în altele. În aceste cazuri, companiile se pot baza pe agențiile de recrutare pentru a găsi cei mai buni candidați pentru pozițiile lor vacante. În acest articol, vom examina unele dintre cele mai bune agenții de recrutare din Nepal, Sri Lanka, Filipine, Vietnam și Thailanda.
Nepal este o destinație populară pentru recrutare în anumite domenii precum serviciile domestice, turismul și industria de construcții. Aici, majoritatea agențiilor de recrutare se concentrează pe găsirea de angajați pentru servicii domestice și pentru sectorul hotelier. Printre cele mai bune agenții de recrutare din Nepal se numără Nepal Manpower, SG Global Solution și Recruitment Agency Nepal.
Sri Lanka este o destinație populară pentru recrutarea în domeniul IT și al ingineriei. Printre cele mai bune agenții de recrutare din Sri Lanka se numără Manpower Sri Lanka, A&J Global Solutions și Lanka Quality Jobs.
Filipine este o destinație populară pentru recrutarea în industria de outsourcing și în domeniul serviciilor. Aici, agențiile de recrutare se concentrează pe găsirea de angajați pentru servicii domestice, sectorul hotelier, industria alimentară și sectorul bancar. Printre cele mai bune agenții de recrutare din Filipine se numără J-K Network Services, BPO Career Hub și Manila Recruitment.
Vietnam este o destinație populară pentru recrutarea în domeniile IT, inginerie și industria de producție. Aici, agențiile de recrutare se concentrează pe găsirea de angajați pentru poziții de la nivel de începători până la manageri de nivel superior. Printre cele mai bune agenții de recrutare din Vietnam se numără HR Vietnam, Navigos Search și Faro Recruitment.
Thailanda este o destinație populară pentru recrutarea în domeniul turismului, dar și pentru industria de IT și inginerie. Aici, agențiile de recrutare se concentrează pe găsirea de angajați pentru poziții de la nivel de începători până la manageri de nivel superior. Printre cele mai bune agenții de recrutare din Thailanda se numără Adecco, Manpower Thailand și Nadao Bangkok.
În concluzie, agențiile de recrutare pot fi foarte utile în găsirea celor mai buni candidați pentru pozițiile vacante. În Nepal, Sri Lanka, Filipine, Vietnam și Thailanda există o varietate de agenții de recrutare care se concentrează pe diferite industrii și niveluri de experiență. Înainte de a decide cu cine să lucrați, asigurați-vă că examinați cu atenție opți unile disponibile și că alegeți o agenție de recrutare de încredere, cu o reputație solidă în domeniul său. În plus, companiile ar trebui să aibă în vedere și platformele de recrutare online, precum LinkedIn și Indeed, care pot fi utile pentru găsirea de candidați în întreaga lume.
De asemenea, este important să se țină cont de cultura și de mediul de afaceri specific al fiecărei țări în care se caută să se recruteze. Agențiile de recrutare locale pot avea expertiză mai mare în aceste domenii și pot fi mai eficiente în găsirea candidaților potriviți.
În general, găsirea celor mai buni candidați pentru pozițiile vacante poate fi o provocare în multe țări, dar agențiile de recrutare pot oferi expertiză și rețele extinse de candidați pentru a ajuta companiile să găsească candidații potriviți. Dacă sunteți în căutarea unor astfel de servicii, ar trebui să examinați cu atenție opțiunile disponibile și să alegeți o agenție de recrutare de încredere și specializată în domeniul dvs. de interes.
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writerworld · 2 years
Why Is Human Resource Management So Important For Small Businesses?
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No matter how small or big a company, you need Human Resource management. Most business organizations have an HR team to handle their work. In this blog, we will discuss the basics of human resource management and the benefits of having them. Read the full write-up carefully to learn more about them.
Human resource management in Thailand is already hugely popular. If you can’t afford an HR team, you can easily hire a professional HR team that can deliver all the services you want. You can consult with an expert to learn more about their services. Here, we will discuss the basics first and then focus on the benefits of having an HR service.
What Is Human Resource Management?
As the name suggests, the main job of a Human Resource Manager is to manage employees in the workplace. Although every company is different and needs some special quality, the job is almost identical. When you have an HR team, they can manage your recruitment and hiring, analyze performance, and track all other important aspects of your business.
Benefits Of Getting HR Management
As we have discussed the basics of Human Resource Management, now we should look at the benefits of having professional HR service.
Hire Top Professionals
To run your company, you need new talented employees. Hiring is essential for this. Professional hiring is not an easy job. If you have a separate Human Resource team, they can take care of your hiring. Those without a specific HR team can look for an online HR service company that will get you all the services you need and more.
Training For New Employees
Only hiring is not enough. If you don’t arrange proper training for your employees, you can’t make them ready for work. The professional HR team will organize seminars and training sessions for your new employees so that they can learn things from the very best in the industry.
Save Your Energy, Time And Money
An efficient Human Resource team can save energy, time and money by providing valuable services to your organization. For payroll outsourcing in Thailand, you can look for a professional HR team.
Think like an employee. When you are in trouble, what should you do? One possible option is speaking to the HR team about your issue. If they can, they will solve your problem right there. If they can’t help you, they can at least help you with contacts.  
Improve Job Satisfaction
As a business organization, you need to offer job satisfaction to your employees for better retention. Your Human Resource team will do an analysis and come up with solutions that will eventually help you.
There are many more benefits of having a professional HR team and their services. We have discussed a few of them. You need to consult with an expert to learn more about them.
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krapalm · 2 years
ManpowerGroup Thailand Reinforces 3 Expert Brand Solutions amid COVID Distruption
ManpowerGroup Thailand, established since 1998, a leading provider of solutions and insights for a wide range of industries, is reinforcing its three major brand solutions: Manpower, Experis and Talent Solutions Services to provide a 360 degree service in recruiting permanent, temporary or contract basis talents; delivering impactful outsourcing solutions for all staff levels; visa and work…
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remote-hiring · 3 years
How to Manage Payroll for Remote Workers
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For big, established businesses hiring workers from different regions is not difficult. Many will have legal entities in each nation they plan to employ and are able to legally employ and pay remote employees. For new businesses and small to medium enterprises this is a greater an issue.
This article will look at the different options available to legally hire remote workers in another country and pay those workers, while still adhering to local laws.
1. Use a alternative
There are many ways employers can recruit and pay workers in countries where they're not legal entities:
Add the employee to the payroll in the home country.
Based on local laws, an employee who is remote is able to be paid through your company's payroll in the home country. However, this method has traditionally been utilized to pay employees who travel for several months and is intended to handle issues with immagration and tax compliance issues - not to run a complete company remotely.
Create "payroll solely" registrations
There's a workaround called the employer's compliance with the law on payroll option. This permits companies which do not have local premises to create "payroll solely" applications with social security or the in-country tax agencies of the employee's home country.
However, this is only feasible in select countries like France, Estonia and Sri Lanka.
Make use of "foreign employee exemptions"
In certain countries, there's a thing known as foreign employee exemption,which effectively puts the responsibility on the employee. Workers are self-employed and are responsible for their own taxes and filings for security. It can also reduce costs since you do not have to pay withholdings.
This is only true to certain countries - such as those in the U.K. and Thailand - and also makes employees feel disenchanted and vulnerable.
Find a local partner to make payments to your employees
There is a way to ask an local partner to put your employee on their benefits, payroll, and withholding systems. The partner will handle their compensation and will legally be their employer, however you'll remain the one in charge of your employee.
If you have workers across multiple countries it can quickly become an extremely complex and time-consuming system to setup and keep up.
2. Use an outsourced payroll service
There are many outsourcing payroll providers who can compute the withholding, withholding, and compensating as well as the issue of checks to remote employees. They are highly sought-after by startups who don't have experience with hiring remote workers, since they can take on the majority of the job making the entire process simpler.
However, there are some serious disadvantages. The majority of providers don't guarantee compliance with immigration, taxation or labor law in the nation of the employee, that could mean you will be held accountable for not complying.
3. Use an Employer-of-Record (EOR)
An EOR is responsible for not only the processing of the payment but also local laws and regulations to ensure that you're completely compliant. They offer payroll as well as HR solutions that cover benefits and insurances, visa applications and much more. Therefore, the burden of remote hire is taken away - and you can concentrate on finding the best candidates.
Simply put Simply put, An EOR is the perfect solution for companies that wish to employ full-time remote workers. While smaller companies with limited resources might be tempted to use alternatives but one of the best ways to establish an enterprise that is truly remote-first will be investing in an EOR that can ensure that your remote hiring procedures are dependable and efficient for the long run.
Click Here To Download the full Ebook for Free
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jon-purizhansky · 3 years
Joblio Partners With HR Agencies
HR agencies across the world have ample access to qualified workers but not enough lead generation to ensure they’re hired. By partnering up with the Joblio platform, HR agencies can easily connect domestic job-seekers with countries recruiting foreign workers, turning a tidy profit all the while.
Looking for workers? Want to pair job-seekers up with the best possible opportunities? The Joblio Global Ambassador Program allows HR agencies looking for clients in Europe to provide better outcomes than ever before.
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Joblio Explains: The Benefits of Labour Import
There’s no denying that outsourcing and labour importation is a critical part of the modern economy. Everything from data entry work and virtual assistants to hiring truck drivers or finding bus drivers can be expedited by outsourcing employees or importing them from overseas. That’s easier said than done, however, especially without the help of experts at Joblio.
“By joining Joblio’s Global Ambassador Program, HR agencies can provide us with vetted employees to help us fill critical labour shortages around the world. In return, they can create a new revenue stream through contracts with Joblio,” notes CEO Jon Purizhansky.
European enterprises recruiting foreign workers want to ensure that migrant labourers are vetted before they arrive. By partnering up with local HR agencies across the globe, Joblio ensures a thorough vetting process. Shipyards, construction companies, food processing plants, and transportation companies looking for workers abroad  can thus rest assured that they’re welcoming qualified workers who can seriously contribute to global economic growth.
As business process outsourcing (BPO) becomes more common, the Joblio Global Ambassador Program will allow HR agencies in countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines to achieve new levels of staff outsourcing at scale. Companies in Poland, Romania, Germany and the UK, that are looking for workers fill in their labour shortages, ensuring a win-win scenario for everyone involved.
Looking For Clients? Join The Joblio Global Ambassador Program
HR experts that have to focus efforts on lead generation of prospects can now concentrate their efforts on what they do best: talent acquisition, while dramatically improving their bottom lines by partnering with Joblio. This is achieved through the Joblio revenue sharing model; every time that Joblio ensures a migrant labourer is successfully hired abroad, the platform receives a fee that’s paid by the employer during the whole employment lifespan of the worker.
HR partners that join the Global Ambassador Program gain access to these lucrative fees whenever they fill a position. Joblio’s revenue sharing model ensures that HR agencies which fill the most positions end up reaping the largest profits.
“The HR agencies which join our Global Ambassador Program enjoy the potential to stand out in the competitive market of talent acquisition by filling in critical labour shortages around the world,” says CEO Jon Purizhansky. “By fostering a more prosperous global economy, we all win.”
For too long, globalisation and labour exploitation have gone hand-in-hand. With the help of the Joblio platform, that’s starting to change with an unprecedented focus on the wellbeing of migrant labourers. HR firms already know the benefits of outsourcing, but by partnering with Joblio they can spread the good news to countless companies and consumers across the globe, all while expanding their business.
Supplying Vetted Workers Leads To Greater Profits
The simple equation for HR agencies to understand is that supplying qualified, vetted workers through the Joblio Global Ambassador Program leads to great profits. For every qualified candidate that a GAP partner provides, they’ll receive a hefty fee to facilitate future hirings. All the while, the GAP program serves the global economy by avoiding painful labour shortages that lea to supply crises.
Contact Joblio today to become part of an exciting future where the well being of migrant workers is always prioritised.
Originally Posted: https://joblio.co/en/blog/joblio-partners-with-hr-agencies-to-bridge-the-gap-during-global-labour-crisis/
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Tips to manage your workforce and improve efficiency
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, managing a workforce is essential for organizations seeking to maintain a competitive edge and achieve sustainable growth. With the dynamic nature of the modern workforce, many companies in Thailand are turning to HR outsourcing as a strategic solution to streamline operations, optimize resources, and improve overall efficiency.
By leveraging the expertise of HR outsourcing in Thailand or elsewhere, businesses can focus on their core competencies while ensuring their HR functions are handled precisely. In this article, we will explore valuable tips to manage your workforce and boost efficiency with HR outsourcing in Thailand.
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Identify Core HR Functions for Outsourcing
To effectively manage your workforce through HR outsourcing, identify core HR functions that can be outsourced. Functions such as payroll processing, benefits administration, recruitment, and compliance are commonly outsourced by organizations seeking to streamline operations and reduce administrative burdens.
By outsourcing these non-core tasks to specialized HR outsourcing companies in Thailand, your internal HR team can concentrate on strategic initiatives that align with your organization's growth objectives.
Leverage Expertise and Best Practices
Staff outsourcing companies in Thailand bring years of experience and expertise handling diverse HR functions for various industries. They possess an in-depth understanding of the local labour laws, regulations, and industry-specific best practices.
Partnering with such firms allows you to benefit from their knowledge, ensuring your HR processes comply with legal requirements and industry standards. This access to specialized expertise empowers your organization to make well-informed decisions and adopt best practices to enhance workforce management.
Streamline Recruitment and Onboarding
Recruiting top talent and ensuring a seamless onboarding process is critical to success. Staffing outsourcing services can streamline recruitment by utilizing extensive networks and proven methodologies to efficiently source, screen, and present qualified candidates. They can also facilitate a well-structured onboarding program, ensuring new hires feel welcomed and prepared for their roles, increasing employee engagement and retention.
Improve Employee Benefits and Compensation Management
Managing employee benefits and compensation is essential to maintaining a motivated and satisfied workforce. HR outsourcing in Thailand can provide valuable insights into industry-standard benefit packages, helping you design attractive and competitive offerings.
Additionally, outsourcing benefits administration ensures accurate and timely processing, leaving your HR team more time to focus on employee engagement and other strategic initiatives.
Foster Employee Training and Development
Investing in employee training and development is essential for fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. HR outsourcing in Thailand can assist in creating comprehensive training programs tailored to your organization's needs and industry requirements. These programs empower employees to enhance their skills and knowledge, creating a more skilled and adaptable workforce.
Implement HR Technology Solutions
Incorporating advanced HR technology solutions is crucial for automating manual HR processes and streamlining operations. Staff outsourcing companies in Thailand can introduce and integrate HR software and systems that enhance efficiency, improve data accuracy, and provide valuable insights for informed decision-making.
Regularly Monitor and Evaluate Performance
Monitoring and evaluating HR outsourcing services is essential to continually improve workforce management and efficiency. Regularly review key performance indicators (KPIs) related to workforce productivity, employee satisfaction, turnover rates, and the effectiveness of outsourced HR functions. Use the insights to make data-driven decisions and optimize workforce management strategies.
Partnering with staff outsourcing companies in Thailand or elsewhere allows businesses to concentrate on their core competencies while ensuring HR functions are handled efficiently. By continuously monitoring and evaluating performance, organizations can make informed decisions to enhance their workforce management strategies and create a thriving, engaged, high-performing workforce.
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market-researcher · 3 years
Global and Southeast Asia Recruitment Process Outsourcing Market 2021 Current Trends, Segmentation, Key Players and Analysis 2028
Research Nester has released a report titled “Recruitment Process Outsourcing Market– Global and Southeast Asia Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2028”which also includes some of the prominent market analyzing parameters such as industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, year-on-year (Y-O-Y) growth comparisons, market share comparisons, BPS analysis, SWOT analysis and Porter’s five force model.
 The IPUMS, in one of its statistics, stated that in the year 2018, 24% of the millennial population or almost 1/4th of millennial around the globe had a graduation certification.
The statistics portray the growing demand for RPO solutions, which has increased significantly over the years. Factors such as the increasing number of graduates and post-graduates across the globe along with the increasing industrialization globally, which is addressing the need for the employment, are known to drive the demand for RPO solutions. The RPO service provider can simultaneously be beneficial for both the organization and the candidate to align an appropriate job for the suitable candidate. Additionally, modernization of tools coupled with improved diversity and compliance, along with the rapid globalization on account of increasing industrialization are some of the factors that are anticipated to drive the growth of the global and Southeast Asia recruitment process outsourcing market.
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 The global and Southeast Asia recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) market is anticipated to achieve a CAGR of 20.80% during the forecast period, i.e. 2020-2028. The market is thriving on account of factors such as the increasing opportunities generated by the integration of artificial intelligence with recruitment process outsourcing, followed by the shift from the traditional recruitment process of face to face interviews to digitalized practice with the use of algorithms and analytics to identify the candidate before contacting with them and the increasing number of small and medium sized business. The market is anticipated to reach USD 32059.5 million by the end of 2028 from USD 6092.4 million in the year 2019 and further expected to grow by 4.53x and gain an absolute $ opportunity of USD 24989.9 million during the forecast period. The market is also further anticipated to gain an absolute $ opportunity of USD 977.2 million in the year 2020 as compared to the previous year.
The global and Southeast Asia recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) market is segmented by type of outsourcing into on-demand RPO, function-based RPO and full RPO. Among these segments, the full RPO segment registered the largest market share of 67.32% in the year 2019 and is anticipated to cross a value of USD 21651.8 million by the end of 2028. Additionally, the segment is also anticipated to grow by 4.54x and gain an absolute $ opportunity of USD 16890.9 million during the forecast period and further achieve a CAGR of 20.84% during the forecast period.
Geographically, the global and Southeast Asia recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) market is segmented by five major regions into North America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America region, out of which, the market of North America registered a market share of 43.79% in the year 2019 and is anticipated to achieve a CAGR of 20.29% during the forecast period and further cross a value of USD 13516.3 million by the end of 2028. Moreover, the market in the region is also anticipated to gain an incremental $ opportunity of USD 415.1 million in the year 2020 as compared to the previous year and grow by 4.38x and attain an absolute $ opportunity of USD 10433.3 million during the forecast period.
However, concerns for the period of time that the recruitment process takes to hire the right applicant is one of the major factors anticipated to limit the growth of the global and Southeast Asia recruitment process outsourcing market.
This report also studies existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global and Southeast Asia recruitment process outsourcing market, which includes profiling of Hueman, LevelUP HCS, Advanced RPO, Y Scouts, Alexander Mann Solutions, PeopleScout – A TrueBlue Company, ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), Hudson Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HSON), EPS Recruitment Thailand and Wizmatrix.
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 The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which comprises of business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. Conclusively, the report titled “Recruitment Process Outsourcing – Global and Southeast Asia Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2028”, analyses the overall global and Southeast Asia recruitment process outsourcing industry to help new entrants to understand the details of the market. In addition to that, this report also guides existing players looking for expansion and major investors looking for investment in the global and Southeast Asia recruitment process outsourcing market in the near future.
About Research Nester:
Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment, etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision so as to avoid future uncertainties.
Contact Us:
AJ Daniel
U.S. Phone: +1 646 586 9123        U.K. Phone: +44 203 608 5919
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cloudforcehr · 8 months
The Drive Towards Outsourcing HR Admin
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In the realm of human resources, efficiency and precision are paramount. For businesses operating in the fast-paced environment of Thailand, juggling HR admin and payroll tasks can be a cumbersome process that detracts from strategic goals. This is where HR admin outsourcing and payroll outsourcing services in Thailand offer a transformative solution.
The landscape of HR management has significantly shifted towards outsourcing. Companies are increasingly recognizing the value of external expertise in handling complex HR tasks. HR admin outsourcing is not just about delegating responsibilities; it's about enhancing HR functions with professional acumen and technological prowess. By opting for a specialized HR administration service, organizations can ensure their HR operations are managed with utmost proficiency.
Payroll Outsourcing Service: A Game Changer
Payroll management is a critical component that demands accuracy and timely execution. The consequences of payroll errors can be significant, affecting everything from employee morale to legal compliance. A robust payroll outsourcing service becomes a game-changer for businesses, ensuring that employees are paid correctly and on time, while also managing tax filings and other statutory requirements.
Leveraging Payroll Software for Optimal Performance
In the digital age, payroll software stands as a cornerstone of efficient payroll management. Advanced payroll software systems offer a myriad of features that automate and streamline payroll processes. From tax calculations to leave management, these systems are designed to handle the intricacies of payroll with ease, reducing the likelihood of human error and saving valuable time.
Strategic Advantage Through HR Outsourcing
The strategic impetus for outsourcing HR tasks is clear. It allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while experts handle the complexities of HR administration. This reallocation of focus and resources can lead to greater innovation and competitiveness in the market. With executive coaching and HR consulting services, companies can not only manage their HR tasks but also refine their overall HR strategy.
The Role of Insurance in HR Services
An often overlooked aspect of HR services is the provision and management of employee insurance. Comprehensive insurance services play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining top talent, as well as in safeguarding the well-being of employees. Outsourcing this component can ensure that businesses offer competitive packages while also staying compliant with legal requirements.
Technology: The Backbone of Modern Payroll
Technological integration is not limited to software. It encompasses a range of tools designed to optimize HR and payroll functions. From e-leave systems that automate leave tracking to e-time software for accurate timekeeping, technology is the backbone that supports efficient and error-free payroll operations.
The Human Element in HR Tech
Even as we embrace technology, the human element remains irreplaceable. Tools like online assessment tools, aptitude assessments, and personality assessments help in understanding the workforce better, ensuring that the human aspect of HR is not lost amidst digital transformation.
Enhancing the Employment Lifecycle
From the moment a candidate is considered for a position to their eventual exit or retirement, HR plays a crucial role. By integrating services like recruitment and executive search, businesses can streamline the acquisition and retention of top talent. A comprehensive employment service that includes onboarding, development, and exit management can significantly enhance the employee experience.
Payroll Services and Employee Benefits
Payroll services extend beyond salary disbursement. They include the administration of various employee benefits, which are a critical factor in job satisfaction and loyalty. Outsourcing this facet means businesses can provide a competitive benefits package without the administrative burden that comes with it.
Synthesizing HR and Payroll Outsourcing for Business Success
Outsourcing HR administration and payroll services can lead to a transformation in how businesses operate. By partnering with the right service providers, companies can achieve a high level of efficiency, compliance, and employee satisfaction. Moreover, integrating advanced payroll software can further enhance these processes, leading to seamless payroll operations.
Final Thoughts on Strategic Implementation
For businesses in Thailand, the strategic implementation of these services means choosing partners that understand the local business landscape, regulations, and cultural nuances. It's not only about finding a vendor but establishing a partnership that aligns with the business's strategic vision and growth trajectory.
Contacting CloudForce HR for Your Outsourcing Needs
For those interested in exploring these services further, CloudForce HR provides comprehensive solutions tailored to your business needs. Whether it's for HR admin outsourcing, payroll services, or cutting-edge payroll software, they offer the expertise and technology to elevate your HR functions. Feel free to reach out and contact CloudForce HR for a consultation on how they can assist your business.
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xtruss · 3 years
Revolutionary Drugs
Cuba May Become the Smallest Country to Make Covid-19 Vaccines
Whether they will be approved elsewhere remains to be seen
— The New Yorker | April 10, 2021
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By 7am a long queue stretches around the medical centre near the Plaza de la Revolución in Havana. Some of those waiting have been there for hours; all are hoping to be volunteers to test Soberana-2 (Sovereign-2), Cuba’s most advanced covid-19 vaccine candidate, which is in phase-three clinical trials. At 8am sharp, the first 40 are admitted into two large rooms, given rapid lateral-flow tests and told what to expect if they are recruited as volunteers. Yosvany Rodríguez Muñoz, a 37-year-old doorman, is one of the lucky ones. Staff at the clinic measure his height, weight and blood pressure before giving him an appointment for the next day. After 28 days he will get a second dose.
Cuba is small, with just 11m people, and is short of basic goods such as rice and paracetamol. But its long history of medical research has stood it in relatively good stead during the pandemic. After the Communist revolution in 1959, half the island’s doctors fled abroad. In response Fidel Castro, the cigar-puffing dictator, pumped money into health care; he hoped pharma could be exportable, like sugar. Even during the economic collapse that followed the end of the Soviet Union and its subsidies in the early 1990s, in which gdp shrank by a third in three years, the Centre of Molecular Immunology (cim) opened in Havana. “There was no money for food, but there was a brand-new cancer-research facility that was expected to be worth the sacrifice,” recalls Ricardo Torres, a Cuban economist. Cuba produces 5m doses of simple or combined vaccines for various diseases for domestic use alone each year.
Now the country is developing five potential covid-19 vaccines. Soberana-2 is developed by BioCubaFarma, a state-owned biotechnology company; cim produces a key ingredient. More than 44,000 participants in the phase-three trials have been vaccinated so far, and 100,000 doses of the vaccine have been shipped to Iran for further trials. The Cuban government hopes that, if these are successful, it can produce 100m doses by the end of the year. Any vaccines not used domestically may be sold to allies, such as Venezuela. Officials have also pondered offering jabs to tourists to earn hard currency, too.
But just as the governments of several big countries have indulged in vaccine diplomacy, the Communist Party in Havana—which is expected to see Castro’s brother Raúl step down as first secretary on April 16th—has played up the propaganda value of its health-care system. The other vaccines in development have similarly grandiose names: Mambisa, a nasal spray, is named after the guerrillas who fought against Spanish colonial rule; Abdala, a vaccine that is also in phase three trials, is named after a play by Jose Martí, a revolutionary hero. State-run newspapers are full of headlines such as “Capitalism results in superfluous health care and socialism delivers it in just the right dose”.
Behind the bombast, however, a more complex picture emerges. Reported covid-19 cases are on the rise—although the absolute numbers are small compared with most countries. There are now about 1,000 cases a day, 20 times higher than at the end of 2020. Some of that uptick is due to an influx of Cuban-American visitors from the United States after airports reopened in November.
And even if one of these vaccines proves effective, the government is unlikely to make much money from it. Modern drug development is a high-risk, capital-intensive business; it requires far more capital than Cuba’s constrained economy can supply. “To date, not a single drug developed in Cuba has been approved for use in a highly-regulated market,” says David Allan, a former chief executive of ym Biosciences, a drug-development company that worked with the government between 1993 and 2013. Manufacturing costs are high because Cuba makes few components locally, instead relying on expensive imports. A lack of vials, for instance, might be an impediment to the speedy inoculation of its population against covid-19, in the same way that a lack of plastic bottles often makes drinks such as mineral water impossible to find.
The result is that despite the possibility of becoming the first country in Latin America to develop a covid-19 vaccine, Cuba has got off to a late start at jabbing its own citizens. Clinical trials will take several more months, though more people may be offered the vaccine before all the results are in. It is still unclear if manufacturing will be done locally or partially outsourced to Iran, China or Thailand.
Mr Muñoz says he could sense the hope of the others in the queue as he waited for a jab. Such optimism is in short supply. Despite the end, in January, of its economy-distorting dual-currency system, the island faces its deepest recession since the 1990s, because of sanctions and the lockdown-related drop in tourists. The potential vaccines are a “much-needed good-news story”, thinks Emily Morris, an economist at University College London. But ordinary Cubans, who also face the uncertainty of being governed by a non-Castro for the first time in six decades, cannot live off that good news alone.
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krapalm · 2 years
ManpowerGroup Thailand Reinforces 3 Expert Brand Solutions amid COVID Disruption
ManpowerGroup Thailand Reinforces 3 Expert Brand Solutions amid COVID Disruption
ManpowerGroup Thailand, established since 1998, a leading provider of solutions and insights for a wide range of industries, is reinforcing its three major brand solutions: Manpower, Experis and Talent Solutions Services to provide a 360 degree service in recruiting permanent, temporary or contract basis talents; delivering impactful outsourcing solutions for all staff levels; visa and work…
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rsmrecruitment · 4 years
Are you worried about How to achieve the right quality levels from your payroll outsourcing provider? To ensure accurate and secure payroll services today and into the future, you can contact RSM, we help your HR to focus on the core, keeping your employees motivation high. Our payroll and HR solutions to fit the needs of any size business, from start up to enterprise RSM help you take your business where it needs to go.
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lisalowefanclub · 4 years
Heterogeneity 2/2
As a first-generation college student, I have long sought to find objective, academic explanations for my brainless interests; in sum, K-POP, but Make it Deep. However, the fast-track fleeting nature of K-pop makes it a difficult subject of academic inquiry. As soon as a study is published, the concept has changed: fans have moved on, and artists have either survived the cut or been left behind. Earlier in the semester, we examined Lisa Lowe’s conceptualization of heterogeneity as “the existence of differences and differential relationships within a bounded category”. The simultaneously fluid and bounded nature of Asian-American identities exemplifies the complexity of heterogeneity, and the impossibility of even trying to confine it to a clarifying definition. Although K-pop as an unfolding phenomenon, and as culture in constant motion / making / and remaking, cannot be pinned down to ever yield a timely, satisfying academic study, it is still worth inquiring how K-pop interacts with the processes of racialization and cultural production. Why do I, as a Vietnamese-American woman, try so hard and yet find it so easy to identify with the Korean, Japanese, Thai, and Chinese women of K-pop? What unspoken affinity explains my ability to see myself more clearly from their visibility?
The Material Contradictions of K-Pop
K-Pop is expensive. Budgets are not spared in the recruitment, training, creation and distribution of the industry’s releases. Yet, despite the size and grandeur of K-pop performances, most of its artists are poor. Because Youtube (an American online video-streaming platform owned by Google) is the main distributive platform for popular music, ease of consumer access is traded off with little to no profits from the royalties earned by international artists. The profits that are made go mostly to management, and there is little degree of personal, financial, and artistic freedom. Though highly influential in terms of culture, the five billion dollar industry of K-pop does not hold significant economic power internally. Exclusively economic models for K-pop as a global export do not account for the dimensions of the music and the identification that fans hold for the artists. Viewing K-pop consumption through the lens of heterogeneity may help to alleviate the pressures of looking for an overly rational explanation to a cultural phenomenon that has gone global.
Despite the heavy appropriation of African American culture, there are no black people in the role of idols in K-pop, and Black K-pop fans are often met with large-scale backlash when speaking out against idols’ repeated behavior of cultural misappropriation
Mass Coordination of Fandoms - Potential and Abuse Racism within Fandoms
BLACKPINK often releases their songs originally in Korean and then re-releases them in Japanese. Japan’s imperial history in Korea is implicit in the fact that the support of Japanese fans play such a large role in the economic success of K-pop that most groups must learn the language in order to successfully tour and perform for Japanese-speaking audiences.
With K-pop’s global exportation and rising popularity, members are expected to speak English, and their popularity in America is over-represented as the measure of success (BLACKPINK solidified their reputation in the global music industry by performing at Coachella).
Line Distribution in BLACKPINK’s first pre-dom. English song
Idols are prohibited from speaking on controversial topics in order to appeal to the maximum number of fans, but fans are increasingly holding them to a degree of political responsive-ness and responsibility
Youth-led, pro-democracy protests in Thailand
"The student-led protest movement is demonstrably horizontal, not easy to extinguish from the top. So the protesters will likely continue with their pent-up frustration at Thailand's outdated political system that has led the country towards economic stagnation"
The K-pop industry actively recruits its trainees from outside of South Korea in order to secure a fanbase from that country, economically capitalizing on consumer’s ethnic identifications with group members.
As a Southeast Asian woman in the K-pop industry, BLACKPINK’s Lalisa Manoban’s ethnic identity as a Thai woman is made hypervisible through its heavy marketing to Thai fans, yet is simultaneously denigrated within Korea. In this way, idols groups’ ethnic diversity is flattened in order to make them appear more cohesive and palatable to specific audiences.
The sexual and romantic availability is crucial to the marketing of fans’ identification with, and desire to access these members, but idols are strictly forbidden from actually living out these relationships.
Because most K-pop fans are female-identifying, male K-pop groups fare better economically, and are held to a much more lenient standard with regards to their behavior.
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In a journal article titled “Mass Media Technologies and Popular Music Genres: K-pop and Youtube”(2013), Lee and Oh offer a sociological thesis on the Korean popular music industry. Following a brief introduction on the history of K-pop in America and the Youtube revolution, they explore the business structure of a rising digital economy, with Youtube serving as the platform for a global marketplace and K-pop being one of the exported commodities. With a distinct focus on the entrepreneurial dimensions of the music industry, the authors build off the gatekeeper theory by Hirsch (1971) and the demand-side perspective of technological evolution by Funk (2007), in order to bring into this analysis the role of distributional technologies (p.40). Looking at the combined influence of these three factors, they proceed to argue that Youtube’s success, as well as the relationship between “media technologies and the birth of new music genres is epiphenomenal rather than causal”(p.39). Lee and Oh contrast K-pop to its Asian counterparts in China and Japan, arguing that the K-pop industry is characterized by a unique value chain based off of a “broadcasting model” (p.45). The article provides a close study on the bilateral influence of music digitization and creativity in the particular case of K-pop as a global music genre. The argument that Youtube, as a new global marketplace, is “characterized by a new ecology of supply and distribution networks” (p.38) is effectively advanced by their venture capitalist-broadcasting model, which illustrates the cycle of production beginning at MNEs, moving to artists/writers/producers, placed onto Youtube and/or Facebook, and finally, reaching fans (MNE customers) (p.45). The concept Globalization-Localization-Globalization concept, applied to the manufacturing of “artistic and music creativity” as an international business model utilized by SM Entertainment and parallel to Toyotism; emphasizes the processes of Localization as the necessary trajectory for K-pop if it is to effectively outsource creativity in the long run.
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startupjobsasia · 7 years
Office Admin & Culture Officer for an International Team @ Damansara Heights job at Comfort Works Malaysia
 About Us
Comfort Works aims to breathe new life into living rooms across the globe, and we do this by creating beautiful handmade slipcovers for your old, tired sofas. Every aspect of our operations is done in-house, from web development to online marketing and content creation. To product design and product manufacturing. Nothing is outsourced. We design with the belief that we can live simple and beautiful by trying to revive the hidden potential of our old furniture and doing our part for the planet. Before we knew it, Comfort Works expanded into a huge range of products specializing in IKEA sofa covers, custom furniture slipcovers and other complementary accessories.
  We believe that a company is truly only as great as the people who embody its mission & goals. We work hard to shape the workday experience of each employee and we believe that success is a team sport. It requires dedication, inspiration, and passion; and one can never get that without cultivating the culture of trust, mutual respect, empowerment and a dose of awesomeness. 
As a culture officer, you will work within the HR function, while directly reporting to the CEO. You'll be wearing a lot of hats and you'll be exposed to all functions of the business. You are a culture keeper. An event planner. A brand builder.  
Your core duty involves helping management execute strategies to ensure that HR initiatives and programs—such as recruitment, onboarding, team-building, and recognition—reinforce the company’s culture and values across the employment lifecycle.
We are a close-knit team, from all over the world (Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, Poland, Japan, China, Taiwan, Tunisia, Germany etc.) and we are growing rapidly. You'll be the bridge and communicator of values, norms, and believes that we hold, to every new recruit that joins the organization. You'll be exposed to all areas of HR as well as Marketing, International Relationship Management, Design and Development. 
This is a career path for connectors. For those who love people. If you're open-minded, creative, enjoy working with people, and motivated to empower others, this is where you can flourish.
 Duties & Responsibilities:
Work with the HR team with recruitment, onboarding,  team-building, recognition and other HR functions.
Carry out community initiatives designed to create connections between employees.
Responsible for on-boarding new employees, overseeing accommodation, assimilating them into the company's culture.
Acting as the first point of contact for all Expat queries and support.
Assist in planning and organizing company events, training & development and company trips.
Suggest, design and implement local culture change initiatives where required.
Understand our work-hard-play-hard-learn-always culture, review and propose new approaches to ensure consistent execution of the employer brand across internal and external communications channels
Prepare and maintain our workspaces, restrooms (including the restock of toilet paper, toilet seat covers, paper towels, hand soap, and air freshener)
Prepare and maintain kitchens throughout building (including the restock of dish soap, hand soap, and paper towels)
Prepare and organize refrigerators, coffee, tea and beer supply
Prepare and reset studio & meeting rooms (including the restock of dry erase markers, water pitchers, glasses, prepare tables, re-set chairs etc.)
Prepare and re-set furniture after photography sessions
Prepare and maintain printing stations (including the restock of: pens, copy paper, staplers, staples, paper clips, tape and tape dispensers)
Attend service related emergencies & On-call for building staff during work hours
And other administrative functions.
The IDEAL Candidate: You are a helpful person who likes research and you generally will not be able to rest until you have found a solution to your problems or an answer to a question. You have a stubborn streak to you which makes you independent and persistent, having the dedication to carry on even when others have given up. You achieve your goals by practical, purposeful and systematic means. You love step-by-step instructions.
You have heard yourself being described as positive, dependable, friendly, patient, loyal, easy-going and resourceful.  At work, your colleagues like you because you are honest, task orientated and well respected. You believe in tradition, family values and that people are generally all good at heart. You love organizing information, files, stationery, and the sugar packets in the pantry.  Some people call you OCD but you hate mess and inefficiency. Jumbled wires behind the computer drive you crazy.
Must Haves:
Excellent command of the English language (bonus points if you are multi-lingual)
Excellent communication skills, administration & work planning skills
Charismatic and engaging
Excellent problem-solving skills and resourcefulness
Innovative mind and a self-starter mindset
Competent and comfortable with technology
Passion for personal development 
Ability to grow and learn in a challenging and fast-paced environment
Motivated by communicating with people and helping others all day, every day
Background and/or interest in HR, psychology, coaching, social media, communication, or technology is an asset.
StartUp Jobs Asia - Startup Jobs in Singapore , Malaysia , HongKong ,Thailand from http://www.startupjobs.asia/job/36859-office-admin-amp-culture-officer-for-an-international-team-damansara-heights-corporate-support-job-at-comfort-works-malaysia
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navigossearch · 5 years
Navigo Search -the foundation for rewarding careers!!!
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Meet one of the leading job search firms -Navigos Search that is specializing in search and senior level faculty achievement for clients across a broad variety of businesses for a long time.
To realize a right solution for hiring the right talent, companies are using recruitment process outsourcing recently. Taking help from Headhunter agency can offer the following benefits: For job seekers, Total Talent Engagement offers assistance in crafting a long-term career strategy, an exceptionally broad range of employment opportunities, and continuing support after employment to help make the new relationship a success.
Being the leading recruitment agency in Vietnam, Navigos Search expert recruitment has major strengths and veteran, competent consultants and all-inclusive database to for sure become the best of Vietnamese job search firms for overseas who looking for brilliant Vietnam personnel. We are part of en Japan – A Japanese listed company and operated in the network of en Word – a brand for executive search services that en Japan offers in Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, and India.
Why choose us?
Proficient: As experts across many industries and functions, our consultants are the most trusted recruitment and career partners in the Asia-Pacific region.
Database: We have a comprehensive database of hundreds of thousand active candidates, including middle and senior level, across our expanding network.
Dedication: We follow well defined procedures with transparency of efforts to enhance efficiencies and ensure the highest quality of candidates.
Total Talent Engagement is smarter about understanding that can do a job, where those people are to be found and what will motivate them to move. It reaches untouched sources of talent, including people who are not actively on the market. And it takes better care of people after hiring, reducing turnover and the need for future hiring.
Now, if you are seeking recruitment agency that can as well offer a gainful solution for the same, your search may be completed here at Navigos Search. Here, we offer a new approach to building an effective workforce. We call it Total Talent Engagement and it is designed to work before, during and after the recruiting process to make talent acquisition more efficient, systematic and effective.
Call us today, if you want to know more about the Headhunter agency- Navigos Search!
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