imrllyheccingtrying · 5 years
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My recovery is absolute chaos.
Don’t expect to only have little blips or minor set backs whilst you’re trying to get better, because it’ll really get you down when things start to go sour. MAJOR mistakes and relapses SUCK but they’re OKAY.
It’s OKAY to feel depressed for no reason,
To have anxious weeks,
To want to return to unhelpful coping mechanisms or crave certain substances,
It doesn’t mean you’re ‘losing’ at recovery. What goes up must come down, but it’s also true the other way around. Often, the greatest progress can be made during a really bad patch.
I’m doing really bad with my anxiety at the moment, but I’m still pushing, because I believe that, yes, bad times signal good things are in the works. Improvement takes elbow grease, so naturally you’re going to stumble throughout the job.
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imrllyheccingtrying · 6 years
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We always imagine how negatively people might be/have been judging us, but try imagining what that person is up to- bills, work, school, relationships, friendships, pets, drama- they don’t have the time or the will to judge you. And those who DO judge you are far and few between and it says something about their character, not yours: if they are petty enough to talk badly of you, others will see this as a poor quality in THEM and not you. And besides from all that, if you do hear your name mentioned, just imagine all the nice things that could be being spoken about you! ‘Wow that person is really softly spoken and made me feel really comfortable’ ‘I loved their sense of humour’ ‘They seem really cool I wish I was their friend’ -Or even!!- ‘Oh man, I wonder if they noticed I was nervous, I feel really stupid now.’ Although anxiety exaggerates these worries, everyone still gets them on some scale. You’re not alone :) you’re doing okay, fellow person ❤️ try picking up a hobby to take your mind off things!
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imrllyheccingtrying · 6 years
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This is something I like to remember when I’m scared I might not recover, or if I feel like my anxiety is getting worse. First of all, it’s always temporary, secondly, it shows that you’re pushing your boundaries and growing!
There’s a lot of fear that comes with recovery, which I’m experiencing now, but it’s a necessary part of growing.
Whenever you move to a new place, for better or for worse, you will always have that aprehension to start with, but once you work through that, you’ll come out better and stronger than before. Don’t give up. ❤️
Fear doesn’t mean you are failing.
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imrllyheccingtrying · 6 years
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Something I drew last night to keep myself feeling better :) I always find drawing any negative feelings or urges helps lessen them..
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imrllyheccingtrying · 6 years
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Something that is always important to remember. Whenever you feel your will faltering, look to the past for inspiration.
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imrllyheccingtrying · 6 years
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Although it’s great to be the best at something, you don’t have to be the best in order to give worth to yourself as a person ❤️whether you come 1st, 2nd, 3rd or last, you’re still cool 👏👏👏
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imrllyheccingtrying · 6 years
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imrllyheccingtrying · 6 years
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imrllyheccingtrying · 6 years
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Sillies but also relevant Sorry I haven’t been postin’ much, got my A-level Hope y’all are doing well Sending you hug vibes ❤️
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