#reas castillo
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boomgers · 5 months ago
¡Entre nosotras nos cuidaremos!… “Fugitivas: En Busca De La Libertad”
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Tras la muerte de sus padres, Lorena Martínez, una mujer trabajadora, se hace cargo de su hermana Gabriela, quien está a punto de cumplir la mayoría de edad. En su afán por superarse, Lorena consigue ser contratada en una constructora como asistente de Florencia Márquez.
En su primer día de trabajo, Lorena, al intentar tomar un taxi, conoce a Ismael Domínguez, un importante fiscal del poder judicial, flechándose el uno al otro a primera vista. Tras varios encuentros fortuitos, Ismael y Lorena comienzan a forjar un romance, situación que pone a Ismael en una posición delicada, ya que él, aunque está separado, sigue casado con Florencia, quien a su vez lo engaña con su mejor amigo Juan Pablo Correa.
Lorena se relaciona con Juan Pablo, pero él la utiliza para encubrir sus constantes infidelidades. Su novia Verónica Linares sospecha que existe entre ellos una relación. Lorena, empujada por la necesidad de conservar su empleo, accede a encubrir estas pequeñas actitudes de Juan Pablo, sin sospechar que son las mismas que cambiarán el rumbo de su vida.
Durante una celebración de la Constructora Márquez, Lorena y Juan Pablo discuten, pues Lorena ya no está dispuesta a seguir encubriendo sus infidelidades para que no tenga problemas con Verónica; algunos presentes atestiguan a la distancia la interacción entre ellos.
Esa misma noche, Lorena, se entera de que Ismael está casado con Florencia y decide renunciar a la empresa, ya que sus principios éticos no le permiten seguir laborando para la esposa del hombre al que ama. De repente, en medio de la celebración, aparece el cadáver de Juan Pablo, conmocionando a todos los asistentes. Su muerte ha sido producto de un asesinato. Lorena es arrestada por considerar la sospechosa del asesinato, dejando así desprotegida a su hermana Gabriela.
Alex Castillo, un abogado bastante empático, se ofrece a defender a Lorena, pues está convencido de su inocencia. Sin embargo, durante el juicio, se presentan pruebas falsas que incriminan a Lorena, por lo que el juez dicta en su contra una sentencia de cuarenta y cinco años de prisión.
Al ingresar al reclusorio, Lorena se enfrenta al ambiente carcelario, en el que algunas compañeras como Frida o Martha la reciben cálidamente, pero otras, como Lisset, la molestan e intentan hacerle la vida imposible.
Sin embargo, un día Lorena descubre que Lisset está urdiendo un plan para escapar del reclusorio, por lo que decide enfrentarla y advertirle que si no la incluye en el plan de escape, le avisará a las autoridades.
El día del escape todo va sucediendo conforme a lo establecido, pero provoca un caos en la cárcel, dando oportunidad a que un gran número de reas huyan junto con las que armaron el plan.
Ya en el exterior se conforma un grupo de fugitivas y juntas descubrirán el verdadero poder de la amistad al enfrentarse a las vicisitudes que implica estar escapando constantemente de la policía.
Estreno: 1 de julio de 2024 a las 8:30 pm por Las Estrellas y en ViX.
Producida por Lucero Suárez, la novela cuenta con las actuaciones de Daniela Álvarez, Sachi Tamashiro, Rocío de Santiago, Marlene Kalb, Arap Bethke, Erika Buenfil, César Évora, Gema Garoa, Juan Martín Jáuregui, María Alicia Delgado, Guillermo Quintanilla, Paulette Hernández, Edsa Ramírez, Alex Carabias, Flor Martino, Luz Edith Rojas, Arturo Carmona, Chris Pazcal, Aldo Guerra, Edward Castillo, Michelle Pellicer, entre otros.
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edgessunflower · 1 year ago
Masterlist 64
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123009123009123 · 2 years ago
¿Donde estaban?
Luego de caer y caer se dieron cuenta de que estaban en un mundo en donde había cucarachas gigantes y murciélagos enormes dorados y lo más sorprendente era que había seres humanos pero eran diferentes. Tenían la piel casi transparente, los ojos morados y el pelo plateado. La mayoría de ellos vivían en una ciudad llamada ´´Ciudad Regalía´´, donde los edificios eran de un gris brumoso, parecían ser parte de una roca y algunos tenían hasta 30 pisos. Además, había casi un millar de antorchas colocadas de tal forma que podían iluminar toda la ciudad. En este mundo no se veía el cielo porque estaban debajo de la tierra y la ciudad estaba situada en una especie de cueva gigante
¿Cómo eran las tierras bajas? las tierras bajas eran unas tierras en donde las criaturas tenían sus propias tierras los tejedores (arañas) me las imaginó como unas cuevas gigantes donde habían muchas arañas grandes o las tierras de las cucarachas rea como lo mismo pero con cucarachas la tierra de las ratas me la imagino con una especie de castillo con un montón de ratas y con celdas abajo del castillo.
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manusegurag · 2 years ago
Un verano especial
Gregor era un niño de 11 años, como cualquier otro, que soñaba con tener una vida normal: ir a un campamento de verano, compartir con sus amigos, ser un niño más. Sin embargo, la desaparición de su padre desde hacía dos años y una madre que tenía que trabajar, lo obligaba a asumir el cuidado de su hermana pequeña y su abuela que estaba enferma de Alzheimer.
Aunque Gregor no pudo ir al campamento su vida iba a cambiar porque le iba a tocar vivir una aventura increíble: un día, cuando fue a la lavandería a lavar su ropa, se cayó junto con su hermana a un hoyo que lo trasladó a un mundo completamente desconocido. Era un lugar que estaba debajo de la tierra, muy profundo.
¿Dónde estaban?
Luego de caer y caer se dieron cuenta de que estaban en un mundo en donde había cucarachas gigantes y murciélagos enormes dorados y lo más sorprendente era que había seres humanos pero eran diferentes. Tenían la piel casi transparente, los ojos morados y el pelo plateado. La mayoría de ellos vivían en una ciudad llamada ´´Ciudad Regalía´´, donde los edificios eran de un gris brumoso, parecían ser parte de una roca y algunos tenían hasta 30 pisos. Además, había casi un millar de antorchas colocadas de tal forma que podían iluminar toda la ciudad. En este mundo no se veía el cielo porque estaban debajo de la tierra y la ciudad estaba situada en una especie de cueva gigante.
¿Cómo eran las tierras bajas? las tierras bajas eran unas tierras en donde las criaturas tenían sus propias tierras los tejedores (arañas) me las imaginó como unas cuevas gigantes donde habían muchas arañas grandes o las tierras de las cucarachas rea como lo mismo pero con cucarachas la tierra de las ratas me la imagino con una especie de castillo con un montón de ratas y con celdas abajo del castillo.
preguntas que me hice sobre el libro
¿como las ratas construyeron el castillo si no podían usar bien sus manos? y Gregor describió perfectamente el castillo preguntándose lo mismo. o ¿como tanta gente le creyo a Sandwich para bajar a las tierras bajas? o ¿como Sandwich pudo tener tantas visiones y que la gente le crea crea?
¿de que trata la profesia del gris?
La profesia del gris trata de que un gerrero de tierras altas ira a las tierras bajas para poder salvar a regalia (ciudad de las tierras bajas) y que en la profecia decia que iban a ir 12 vivos y que iban a bolver 8 los 12 vivos eran 2 humanos de tierras altas 2 murcielagos 2 de la realesa 2 cucarachas 2 arañas una rata y un perdido decia que el ultimo en morir su bando iba a decidir. eso es lo que yo entendi de la profecia
que iba a a hacer Gregor ahy
al principio gregor iba a escapar pero lo detubieron justo antes de que las ratas lo mataran y despues le explicaron que su padre estaba vivo y que lo abian secuestrado las ratas Gregor se emociono al saber que su padre estaba vivo y tambien le explicaron que probablemente el era el gerrero de la profecia del gris entonces el y Luxa, Henry Vikus, Boots, Ares, aurora y Dulcet partieron y en el camino se les unio dos cucarachas Temp y Tilk que se hicieron muy amigos de Boots dos arañas gox y su compañero que murio rapidamente y ripred una rata que les servia como guia todo esto para salvar a su padre y volver a su cas para vivir una vida normal.
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acapulcopress · 2 years ago
Congreso aprueba propuestas de autoridades para municipios recién creados
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CHILPANCINGO * 16 de febrero de 2023. ) Congreso de Guerrero La Comisión Permanente del Congreso del Estado aprobó un acuerdo por el que se declaran personas elegibles y, por ende, propuestas para la designación de integrantes de los ayuntamientos de los municipios de Ñuu Savi, San Nicolás, Santa Cruz del Rincón y Las Vigas, Guerrero. De acuerdo con el dictamen emitido por la Comisión de Asuntos Políticos y Gobernación, se realizó el correspondiente estudio, análisis y dictaminación de las propuestas para la integración de estos nuevos ayuntamientos, considerando los escritos y propuestas enviadas a esta Soberanía por ciudadanas y ciudadanos en lo individual y colectivamente. Durante la lectura del documento, a cargo del primer secretario de la Mesa Directiva, diputado Masedonio Mendoza Basurto, la designación de las y los integrantes se basa en el cumplimiento del artículo 13, párrafo segundo de la Ley Orgánica del Municipio Libre del Estado de Guerrero, el cual establece que para concretar la creación de un nuevo municipio, el Congreso del Estado designará un ayuntamiento instituyente conformado por una presidencia, una sindicatura y seis regidurías. Las propuestas de personas para ostentar dichos cargos provendrán de entre los vecinos, cuidando que las mismas no hayan fungido como directivos de partidos políticos, desempeñado cargos de elección popular, ni sean miembros del comité gestor vigente. Asimismo, se establece que las autoridades instituyentes fungirán por un periodo no menor de un año, ni mayor de tres años, y deberán ser sustituidos por aquellas que sean electas en los comicios ordinarios inmediatos a la fecha de creación del nuevo municipio. De esta manera, el Ayuntamiento de Ñuu Savi quedará integrado por Donaciano Morales Porfirio como presidente y Serafín Morales López como suplente; Eusebia de los Santos Hermelinda como síndica y Elvira Silverio García como suplente; Víctor Bernabé Porfirio en la primera regiduría y Ausencio Villanueva Benítez como suplente; Hermelinda Campos Leyva, segunda regiduría y Virgen Hernández Guadalupe como suplente; Inocente Morales Álvarez, tercera regiduría; Maribel García Maximino, cuarta regiduría y Lorena de Jesús Ramírez como suplente); Rodrigo Silverio Guadalupe en la quinta regiduría e Inocencio Zúñiga Saturnino como suplente, y Divina Oropeza de la Luz en la sexta regiduría. Para el Municipio de San Nicolás las propuestas para la presidencia son: Felipe de la Cruz Sandoval, Tanía Ávila Magadan, Omar Román Mariche y Teresa Hernández Herrera; para la sindicatura, Josefina Silva Noyola y Carlos Alejandro Silva Mariche, como suplente; para regidurías Josué Villarreal Silva, María Eduarda Noyola Morga, Ciriaco Mesa García, Leonarda Marín Flores, Magdalena Bernal Clemente, Alejandro Castillo Marín, Raúl Cruz Moreno, Paula De la Cruz Mariche Domínguez, María lsabel Bruno García, Félix Baloy Figueroa Hernández, Jonás Saúl Giral Salas, Julia Esther Ruiz Rojas, Abel Adán Anico Flores, Humberto Felicito Magadan Neri y Agripino Neftalí Melo Salinas. En el municipio de Santa Cruz del Rincón se proponen como presidente a Godofredo Avilés Mendoza, Ángel Rodríguez Flores, Concepción Sánchez Néstor, lnocencio Juárez Lucas, Roberto Santana Lara, Sidronia Díaz Navarrete, Iraís Jinetet Mendoza y Apolonio Quiñónez García, y como suplente a Josefina Martínez Aurelio; como síndico o síndica a Erasto de Jesús Ignacio y Fabiola Oropeza Calderón, y como suplentes Ismael Jinete Ponce y Genny Lauro Jinete. Mientras que para regidores se propone a Lázaro Rea Basurto, Alberto Basurto Rea, Valeriana Tiburcio Melquiades, Norma Olguín Rea, Abad Oropeza Bernardino, Nazario Moisés de los Santos, Angelina Jesús García, Josefina Latín Vicente, Jesús Manzanares Oropeza, Godofredo Arnulfo Cantú, María Manzanares Castro, Antonia Castro Espinobarros, Carmen Castro Rojas, Roberto Santana Rea, lrinea Mendoza Rodríguez, Vidulfo Filemón Rodríguez, Maximino Latín Olivera, Felícitas Medel Agustín, Juliana Bartolomé Castro, Nabor Jinete Piza y Sinforosa Agustín Ignacio. Para el municipio de Las Vigas, las propuestas a la Presidencia son: Francisco Mendoza Ramírez, Gilberto Méndez Vázquez, Yolanda Ruiz Carmona, Isaac Ignacio Blanco, Nicolás Torres Salado, Ruvicel del Valle Cuevas, Urbano García Javier y María Encarnación Ramírez Gallardo. Para la sindicatura van ldolina Bibiano lgnacio, Adriana Elizabeth Garnica Ventura, Perla Ruby Mesa, Marilú Reynoso Ignacio y Urbano García Javier, y para las regidurías Crispín Tornez Valencia, Federico Díaz Cruz, María de Jesús Albite Sánchez, Laura Hernández Ruiz, Cruz Liquidano Venancio, Raymundo Gerardo Soto, Adilene Cano Ocampo, Yoana Tavares Rendón, Régulo Bibiano Mendoza, Apolinar Tornez Jiménez, Georgina Sandoval Baltazar, Alfredo Meza Cruz, Marina Cuevas Calderón, Jaime Ramírez Pacheco y Araceli Vargas Hernández. También se están considerando para ocupar algún cargo en dicho ayuntamiento a las y los ciudadanos Antonio Guinto Martínez, Ma. Silva Gallardo Rodríguez, José Feliciano Molina Cruzalta, Lendi Maribel Gómez Ventura, J. Socorro Torres Hermenegildo, Violeta Coral Arcos Salado, Carlos Octavio Solís Bibiano, Rosario Guinto Blanco, Fernando Cortés Tornez, Herlinda Guzmán Ríos, Ángel Rendón Carmona, Soledad Hermenegildo Arizmendi, Renato Cruz Lorenzo, Luz Marina Mayo Navidad, Erika Salado Luna, Gerardo Ramírez Moreno, Aleccis Tabares Cruz, Alda Rosa Genchi Villal, Alejandro Gerardo García, Luz María Villanueva García, Gregorio García Trujillo y Brenda Romualdo Vilial. Acuerdo El Pleno de la Comisión Permanente aprobó el Orden del Día al que se sujetará la sesión solemne en Ayutla de los Libres, Guerrero, el día miércoles 01 de marzo de 2023, con motivo del 169 aniversario de la proclamación del Plan de Ayutla. Intervenciones La diputada Jessica Alejo Rayo intervino en relación con el Día de la Mujer Mexicana. Consideró indispensable que en los organismos públicos descentralizados se garantice la paridad de género de arriba hacia abajo, a partir de los titulares, direcciones, jefaturas o análogos, según sea el caso, y que la mitad de estos cargos sea para las mujeres y la otra mitad para los hombres. Sobre el mismo tema, la diputada Angélica Espinoza García manifestó su compromiso como legisladora para impulsar la agenda de las mujeres, con la visión de que las efemérides se vuelvan acción y praxis legislativa, y para que la igualdad sea un derecho palpable con base en la dignidad humana, y no en la discriminación. En su intervención, la diputada Claudia Sierra Pérez celebró que la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda haya dado preponderancia a las mujeres en su gabinete. Mientras que la diputada Gaby Bernal Reséndiz condenó desde la tribuna el asesinato a golpes de una mujer, este día en la ciudad de Chilpancingo. Manifestó que no hay “nada que celebrar”, al tiempo en que llamó a la reflexión, para que gobiernos, poderes Legislativo y Judicial, ayuntamientos y otras instancias unan esfuerzos para que ninguna mujer más sea asesinada. » Visítanos en ) acapulcopress.com y 'síguenos' y/o regálanos un 'like' en nuestra página ) facebook.com/acapulcopress.news https://www.facebook.com/acapulcopress.news www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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negativedemon · 2 years ago
Oh corazón admiro tu coraje, eres valiente por amar aun sabiendo que eso te podía matar.
Abriste las puertas y dejaste entrar a un amigo al castillo, cerraste las puertas y un puñal por la espalda has recibido. Y aquel forastero se fue sin remordimiento dejandote a tu suerte a garras de la muerte. Oh corazón que fuerte eres por soportar tal traición. Oh corazón que valiente eres por dejar entrar, sin espada ni escudo, al enemigo al castillo.
- Rea the NegativeDemon
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bloodredruby · 4 years ago
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Its so perfect
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edensania · 4 years ago
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Manhwa : Lady Baby (108) Colored By Me
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soyunpato · 4 years ago
Estos ojos que solo tú sabes mirar
Hace mucho no te visitaba, mi querida soledad, verás, me aterra mirarte a los ojos y verme reflejada en tu inmensa fragilidad. Saber que cuando lloras no estoy ahí para abrazarte, sino fingiendo la sonrisa, con alguien más en otra parte. No es que no te quiera, soledad, la verdad es que te amo, me gusta que sigues sin tenerle miedo al terror que se vive en los días banales; que te asomas en tu abismo y te revuelcas en cristales; que de todas las cosas, a ti te nutren las fatales, porque al jugar con ellas las vuelves origamis y les salen alas, y vuelan por los aires. Verás amiga, no es que no quiera buscarte, es que me da pavor encontrarte y que veas que soy la misma; la misma que teme que seamos tú y yo para toda la vida. La misma que llora en la tormenta porque en la calma no sabe hablar, la que pretende que nada la hace temblar, la que busca la señal de emergencia en cuanto entra a algún lugar; sean edificios, personas, o ganas de amar. Verás, mi querida pequeña, no sé ni cómo decirte que a mí todo me aterra, que en lo que tú eres valiente yo soy una rea, que solita se crea su propia condena. Que se construye castillos que no son ni de arena, sino de manos que se entregan cálidas y después aprietan. Verás soledad, tú al menos tienes algo seguro, a ti no te da miedo perder a alguien que nunca estuvo; en cambio yo me sigo inventando historias en ojos que no conozco, en risas que no son mías, por besos que van a irse, con mentiras que me creo, a través sueños en en los que me sueño teniendo la vida que me digo que tengo. Verás, soledad, tú eres lista, porque sabes que por más que insistas, solo te tienes a ti misma, tú eres lista. Me aterra visitarte, soledad, y que cuando me mires a los ojos, sean los míos los que ya no tengan nada que reflejar.
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cliftonsteen · 5 years ago
What Is a Cortado?
A customer walks into your coffee shop and orders a cortado. Depending on your perspective or where you are in the world, you could give them many drinks. For some, a cortado is a certain ratio of coffee to steamed milk. For others, it’s a small flat white or latte. Some even say it’s up to the customer.
With so many opinions on what a cortado is, there’s plenty of room for miscommunication – whether you want to order one, or serve it to customers. Despite this, it remains a coffee menu staple – but due to a variety of factors, it might not be for long.
Keep reading to explore the many existing variations of the cortado, and what the future could hold for them all.
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Many serving sizes, ratios, and presentation styles exist for the Cortado.
Not much is known about the cortado’s origins, apart from the fact that it comes from Spain’s Basque Country. The term cortado, or cut, refers to the milk cutting through the intensity of the espresso, toning down its acidity while retaining the coffee’s flavour.
Traditionally it’s served with little froth and a 1:1 milk to espresso ratio. The milk is steamed until a very light foam is created before being added to the espresso, and is served in a small glass with a metal ring base and a metal wire handle. Based on its appearance, it’s often confused with an Australian/New Zealand flat white, macchiato, or piccolo latte.
Nino Tusell is the Owner of Tusell Tostadores, a roastery in Barcelona, Spain. He says, “In Spain, a cortado is one shot of espresso plus a little milk. [It] could be a ratio of 1:1 or 1:0.5, [with] less milk than coffee most of the time.” Visit Spain and you’re likely to be presented with this traditional form and ratio. However, venture further abroad, and you’ll encounter other versions of the drink.
The recipe for a cortado always starts with fresh shots of espresso. Credit: Rea Café
The Cortado Around the World 
A Specialty Coffee Association article on milk-based drinks admits that “While the idea of standardisation is attractive­ – we all want a standard to work from – it’s important to understand that [drinks] are a product of culture.” For the cortado, this is especially applicable.
Often, its ingredients depend on what the customer requests. Camilo Cárdenas is a barista at Brew92, a café and roastery in Saudi Arabia. He says, “Traditionally [the cortado] was just black coffee and a small dash of milk, hot or cold. Then, when people asked for it in coffee shops, it got adapted as an espresso with a small quantity of steamed milk. In my workplace, we serve it with a double shot and steamed milk. [It’s] a bit smaller than a flat white”. 
Adrian Valentine Yong is a roaster at Malaysia’s Mountain Coffee Roasters and says, “I’ve met a few people who order cortados, and each of them interprets it differently… It’s how we make an espresso macchiato (double espresso with a dash of milk). Another type… would be similar to a flat white (double espresso and warm milk). I’ve also experienced people who request half-and-half (equal parts heavy cream and milk) with a double espresso, [and] some ask for ristretto shots.”
For others, it’s all about the ratio. Paula Chaverri Echandi, the owner of Café Sikëwa in Costa Rica, says “[The] cortado as I know it is one espresso plus one ounce of hot milk.” Bruno Danese is the owner of Japan’s Hoccino Coffees, and says it’s “1:1 espresso and steamed milk… a cortado can be as small as three ounces or as big as 16 ounces, as long the coffee to milk ratio remains the same.”
Other baristas and coffee professionals have different ideas. Frederik Westborg Schiøtz, an Educator at True Intent Coffee in Denmark, says it’s a “Double-shot [with a] minimal amount of foam, preferably with no latte art.” Lanz Castillo, owner of Candid Coffee in the Philippines, says it’s a one-ounce double ristretto with two and a half ounces of steamed milk, while Melaleuca Head Barista Johnsy La Jessica Sartiani says that in Italy, it’s called a macchiatone and consists of a single espresso shot with milk, served in a 50 ml cup.
Many recipes for a cortado consists of a 1:1 espresso to milk ratio. Credit: Neil Soque
Significant Variations 
As the cortado spread from Spain to cafés around the world, its recipe evolved to meet the needs of local consumers. A significant change it underwent occurred when it reached the USA. Here, serving sizes for coffee beverages have steadily crept up over the past half-century, and it’s not uncommon to find 20-ounce beverages on offer at US coffee shops. 
A famous variation of the cortado is the Gibraltar, which Time Out USA says was invented by the Blue Bottle Coffee Company in San Francisco in 2005. This variation is served in a four and a half ounce Libbey Gibraltar glass tumbler, and features two shots of espresso and two shots of steamed milk. For this reason, many third-wave coffee shops find the Cortado synonymous with this glass.
Rodolfo Ruffatti Batlle is Managing Director of a green coffee import business in Berlin, and says that many popular versions of the Cortado exist, including the Cuban cortadito. This version is popular in Cuba and Cuban immigrant communities. Translated as “little cut”, it starts with Cuban espresso, which is a dark roast espresso whipped with spoonfuls of sugar to create a caramel coloured shot with a thick foam. To this, frothed milk is added, with the option to thicken the drink by replacing the milk with evaporated milk for a treat or in place of dessert. 
An important component of the cortado is steamed milk. Credit: Red Band Academy
Mainstream Adoption of The Cortado & Its Future
As the cortado made its way to major coffee chains such as Starbucks, Costa Coffee, and Café each one developed their own take on it. The Starbucks cortado is made with two ristretto shots topped with milk, while Costa Coffee (the world’s second-largest coffee chain) describes their cortado as “small and luxurious”. Café Nero, the fourth largest chain in Europe, prepares theirs with 1:2 parts espresso to milk and 0.5 cm of micro-foam.
Increasing prices may be why the relatively smaller Cortado remains on menus today, as some businesses move to cut costs by hiking prices and shrinking sizes. Costa Coffee recently reworked its serving sizes and prices in certain stores, based on industry trends and consumer feedback – possibly indicating a move towards smaller drink sizes with a premium price tag.
Mike Chapman owns the 1914 Coffee Company in Canada, and acknowledges that inconsistency over serving sizes, ratios, and volumes can get frustrating for coffee shop owners. He says, “Some days I want to rename my café The Metric Café where it would be up to [the customer] to detail specifically what [they] want… and be charged accordingly.” Talor Brown, the Owner of Talormade Oslo in Norway, says that “[A cortado] can be anything from a macchiato to a latte, and it’s maddening to cost.” 
If dairy consumption continues to plummet as it’s been doing for the past few years, it may fall out of favour with customers and coffee shops alike. Cargill, an international company in the food, agriculture, nutrition, and risk management sector, released a White Paper in 2018 stating, “Consumer attitudes about dairy are changing around the world… usage… has been in decline over the past two decades as consumers – particularly in dairy’s most prominent markets – act in response to worries over allergens, hormone usage and perceived unhealthfulness of some dairy products.” Steamed dairy milk gives the cortado its silky texture, low viscosity, and creamy mouthfeel, which means that cortados made with alternative milk could fall short.
With so much confusion surrounding what a cortado is, coffee shops might decide to remove titles altogether. Research indicates that many customers are confused over the number and complexity of coffee drink options presented to them. To simplify orders and pricing, coffee shops might move towards asking customers to describe their desired drink instead.
Two cortados served in Libbey Gibraltar glasses.
It’s apparent that the Cortado has many distinct variations, and that what you order (or serve customers) will depend on where you are in the world. Use this exploration of what the Cortado is to create a personal recipe that suits your unique tastes – or that of your customers.
Enjoyed this? Then Read Barista Basics: How to Texture Milk in 14 Steps
Written by Janice Kanniah. Feature photo caption: A cortado, served on a saucer with a teaspoon. Feature photo credit: Jos Dielis under CC BY 2.0
Perfect Daily Grind
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The post What Is a Cortado? appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
What Is a Cortado? published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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ravens-rambling · 6 years ago
Snow equals Pain
A/N: Hheeyyy back at it again with these gay bois!! And of course, we’ve had too much fluff with these two why not add some little angst in it? No? Nobody asked for that? Welp...you guys got it anyways.
Again I’m not too sure with their personalities yet (curse these two why are you guys so frickin hard to write) but I hope I’m somewhat getting close to pinning them down??? Properly not.
Also, I’m properly not accurate at all when it comes to Photophobia but I do headcanon that Remy is REALLY sensitive to light even more so than normal cases of this so...idk yeah. Poor boi needs a rest. And hey more autistic Picani!! 
summary: What happens when you mix snow and a gay boi who’s very sensitive to bright lights? And even more so a very hyperactive gay boyfriend of this gay boi? Not a very good thing that’s what. 
WC: 2,407
ships: Romantic Remile
warnings: Photophobia, Migraines, anxiety, panic, headaches, cursing 
Tag List: @punsterterry @frostedlover @mycatshuman  @mutechild @panicattheeverywhere15 @thewinterbookqueen @riley-castillo  @stormcrawler75 @patchworkofstars @awkwardangie410
“Oh no don’t you even dare it girl.”
Emile stood not too far away with a snowball ready in one hand a bright smirking grin on his face. He raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah why not?”
“Because! Snow does not look pretty on this jacket and you do not want to see me angry now do you love?”
Emile smiled even more, “Hmm… I don’t know I might just want to see what you're like. And what if that jacket doesn’t look good you’ll look good in snow and that’s all that matters so think fast!!!”
Without more of a warning, before Remy could even think of moving out of the way, he was hit face first by a snowball. Laughter echoed it’s way to him as he shook his head and wiped his sunglasses. He had to squint to see that Emile was running away now sighing deeply at his childlike boyfriend.
“Alright Em! You asked for this!”
Placing his phone in his pocket he left his coffee on the wood bench hoping it’ll still be here in okay condition when he returns and chased after him. It wasn’t that hard to find his boyfriend as he was still laughing hard.
He grabbed a bit of snow and stuffed it into a snowball smirking as he got closer to the laughter, “Come out babe and I won’t punish you too hard.”
“Mhm, I think nah! Try to catch me if you can!”
As he turned a corner he yelped as a large snowball hit him on the back of the head knocking his sunglasses off his head entirely. He heard more giggles from behind but just as he was about to turn back to throw his snowball he heard a loud crack.
With squinting eyes, he looked down to see he had stepped on his sunglasses.
Fuck welp he’s screwed now.
As he looked at his sunglasses against the harsh brightness of the snow he could already feel the pain building up behind his eyes. Hissing he leaned down and picked up his shattered glasses. He really fucked it up now, hasn’t he?
He turned around hoping Emile will be there but all he could see was bright painful snow. Squinting his eyes more he tried to scan the whiteness for the pastel pink jacket of the other. All the while the pain was only building and building.
Hissing he brought his hands to his eyes trying to block out the brightness, “Em! Em, I think I might need some help!”
“Nah, I think you're just trying to trick me. Nice one Rem!”
He heard from…somewhere. It was properly the wind carrying his voice but the second he opened his eyes the pain increased.
“No Em I’m serious. I broke my glasses!” He yelled out hoping Emile can hear him. Curse his blasted eyes.
His head was starting to kill him now. Fuck these blasted snow and winter. Why does it have to be so bright???
“Rem? Rem you okay?”
“Does it look like it, queen? No, I don’t think I am where are you?”
He tried to open his eyes yet again but yelped at the brightness whimpering as he crouched down into the snow. Where was Emile? He sounded close but he couldn’t tell. Was he gonna leave him here? Nah Em won’t do that…right?
Just as he thought that he heard loud crunches of boots on snow and a worried voice followed by a hand on his shoulder.
“Oh, Jesus Rem I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. Here I got you. Let’s go home now does that sound?”
His teeth gritted together as he managed to hiss out, “W-Wonderful girl…”
Even though pain he has to be sassy that’s what he lived for honestly. One thing he noticed was the slight lack of concern from the other's voice, well most people would hear that lack of emotion, but Remy, on the other hand, has been with Emile long enough to hear it. Emile just has a hard time expressing his emotions under pressure often not showing them at all until he breaks, something Remy has had to get used to he has to admit. But it wasn't that hard considering his condition.
That hand was replaced by another as he felt another on his shoulder. He was leaning against something warm, a chest, as he was directed towards some direction. He couldn’t move his hands away from his eyes but he leaned as much as he could into the chest. Slowly he tried to open his eyes to see Em but he cried out in pain as soon as he did. Great now he was shaking fuck.
“No, no Rem don’t open your eyes. Don’t hurt yourself. Here.”
He felt a soft fabric around his neck then his eyes. Just as he wondered what the hell his boyfriend was doing he opened his eyes slightly to see…something had covered his eyes?
Softly he touched it to realize it was Emile's scarf.
“There you go. You want to grab my hand now Rem?”
Despite knowing the fact that he might seem desperate he nodded his head. He hated this. He hated being blind like this. He hated the massive headaches and the constant harshness of the light. He just wanted to see normally. To see his boyfriend normally. But feeling him there helped somewhat at least.
Before his hand could search for the others he felt a warmth in his hand. Gripping it hard he smiled, “Thanks Em.”
“Of course no problem Rem. Just hang on we’re almost home. You have a spare glasses right?”
“Uh…. I’m not sure honestly babes…”
“That’s fine no worries. Is your head okay?”
He tried to shake his head but nope that only resulted in more pain, “Yep just wonderful…” He popped the ‘p’ there.
There was something in his hair but before he could pull away he realized it was lips. His hand tightened around the others as Emile whispered back.
“Don’t worry I’ll take care of you. Just wait until we get back home. I really am sorry I should have been more careful.”
Remy laughed, “How is it your fault? It’s my fucked up eyes fault, not yours. Don’t feel bad about this that’ll only make me feel worse baby.”
“I’m sorry… I just wish I could do something to help you-”
Remy tried to lean upwards to kiss the taller man though he was struggling a bit he managed to kiss his chin, “You're already helping me now let’s stop this before it gets any cheesier. Where are we?”
“Right around the corner from home.”
“Well thank fuck for that. I’m tired already of not seeing your beautiful face.”
Remy smirked as Emile laughed, it was way too easy to make Emile blush. If only he could see it.
“Would you stop that. You're sounding like Roman for Diamond sake.”
“Oh don’t bring my brother into this, please. But hey he does have some great pick up lines even you have to admit.”
“Yeah… Whatever you say, Rem.” Though even Remy could hear the smile in his voice.
Just as Remy was about to say something else they came to a stop causing Remy to almost crash into Emile.
“Oh sorry sorry, we’re here remember the steps.”
“Yeah yeah I’m not a kid I know.”
“Well I know you know I just wanted to make sure!” He could hear the pout in his voice as they made it up the slippery steps.
Once they made it to the door he heard Emile fiddle with something, his keys by the sound of it and opened the door quickly. His hand grabbed his once again as he was gently pulled inside. As soon as he did he took off the scarf from his eyes but winched at the lights that were on hissing a bit.
“Wait! I didn’t tell you to take it off! Hang on a moment curse me for turning on the lights before we left.”
Remy groaned as he rubbed his eyes his entire head was throbbing by this point. It felt like a battlefield was going on in his head. He couldn’t even place a single thought down as he felt hands taking off his jacket and bag.
All he could do was breathe as he was pulled towards…somewhere he didn’t even care where at this point. He heard a voice but it sounded like speakers were placed right by his ears and we’re turned up full blasts.
“Stop stop stop!!!”
He couldn’t even tell where the voice was coming from nor what it was saying. But just as soon as he said that it stopped to his pleasure.
Taking a shaky breath he was pulled down onto something comfy. Something soft. The couch? It must be.
His knees were brought to his chest and he placed his head between his knees as he tried to get the ringing to stop. As he tried to get something to stop. Everything to stop he wasn’t even sure what. All he knew was that his head felt like it was going to explode.
He felt gentle hands guiding him to lay down on the comfy surface. He whimpered at that not wanting to move but the hands were insistent.
When he did he felt his head be placed on something not nearly as soft as the couch but it was definitely warmer. Before he could even relish in the warmth the pain hit him again tenfold causing him to curl into a ball and cry out.
Fuck this. Fuck all this pain. Fuck his life. Why him? Why did this have to happen to him? Is there any way to end this pain? Make it stop-
Just as he thought that he felt gentle softness on his forehead applying some sort of pressure and…scent? What was that smell?
He tried to focus on that tried to focus on anything but this harsh pain engulfing his entire head.
Soon his whimpers and cries slowly died down as the pressure seemed to take away the pain. The pleasuring scent was making him able to focus and slowly able to bring him away from his painful world to the real one.
Once the pain became a dull one he slowly opened his eyes to a very deeply concerned Emile staring down at him. He looked almost in tears.
“O-Oh would you look at my dear handsome prince…” And even as he spoke that pain seemed to creep back into his brain and his body shuttered at it.
“Sh. Don’t talk yet Remy. Just lay there please.”
As Remy blinked up at him he could definitely see there were tears in his eyes now. He squinted up at him opening and closing his mouth a few times then huffing moving his head so Emile can get to his head better.
Then he looked away unable to see the tears anymore. He caused those tears. Cause of his stupid condition he caused his babe to cry.
What great of a boyfriend he turned out to be huh?
Tears were building in his own eyes before he could stop them and he hiccuped violently. “I-I’m sorry… I-”
“No, I said don’t talk.” As if on cue that pain surged back again, “Please try to relax you know that will help. And just…don't blame yourself, Rem. I knew about this before dating you I’m okay with it it’s just….seeing you in so much pain like that always brings me to tears. I hate seeing you like that.”
“You and me both sister.”
Emile huffed, “I said no more talking.” With a sigh, he grew quiet, as they both did. But what brought Remy out of his trance was a tear suddenly landing on his cheek.
With wide eyes, he looked up to see Emile crying again this time worse as those tears leaked down his cheeks. And there's that breaking point.
“Em Em don’t cry. I’m sorry for making you cry, babe. I’m so sorry. Please don’t cry.” Even though with every movement and word sent the pain flooding back little by little he couldn’t handle seeing his partner like this no matter the cost to him. He tried to sit up so he could kiss Emile but that only resulted in the world titling.
He felt hands on his chest now as he was pulled back down.
“Remy don’t move! I’m just... I’m sorry. I'm making this about myself while your hurting and I shouldn’t but I did this to you and now I feel bad and I-”
“Em. Em. Look at me.” He winced as one side of his face throbbed in pain but he smiled gently despite it.
“I said don’t worry about it. Stop apologizing this isn’t your fault. Please stop blaming yourself. It hurts me more knowing you do. And it’s okay that you knocked those stupid glasses off of me it was my fault for stepping on them. So if you want it’s both of our faults. How…-” He gasped in pain as now both of his sides hurt again and the world titled on its axis. It shouldn’t be doing that right?
“Rem. Rem please stop talking. Okay okay let’s blame both of us just please stop talking. Your only hurting yourself. Here take this.”
Remy looked up to the ceiling as he tried to get the world to stop turning around when he was given something small. He looked down to see a white tablet. He didn’t care if it was poison at this point as long as it’ll get the pain to stop and the world to stop turning he’ll take it. Swallowing it easily he closed his eyes as the gentle pressure started back up again.
Slowly it started to calm the world again, and his head that seems to be having a massive battlefield going on at the moment. He groaned loudly as he wanted the pain to just go away. It was taking forever to leave.
Till finally after what felt like forever either the pain stopped or the medicine worked he wasn’t sure which happened first. But before he knew it his eyes slowly closed again. He was unable to keep them open. With one more glance at Picani he hummed lightly as he pulled closer to him.
And like that he was out like a light.
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viajeroslistos · 6 years ago
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La ciudad histórica que hechiza con más de 400 años de historia; fue fundada en 1533 por Pedro de Heredia conserva la arquitectura colonial de sus construcciones y el conjunto de fortificaciones más completo de Suramérica.
Cartagena Colombia, se esta convirtiendo en uno de los destinos preferidos para extranjeros y panameños que viven en Panama, ahora con la Aerolinea de Air Panama, tiene promociones que incluyen boleto aéreo y hotel, para facilitar la comodidad de los viajeros.
La ciudad histórica que hechiza con más de 400 años fue fundada en 1533 por Pedro de Heredia  y conserva la arquitectura colonial de sus construcciones y el conjunto de fortificaciones más completo de Suramérica.
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Dar un paseo en carruaje por la Ciudad Amurallada es un tour que debe hacerse 
Cartagena Colombia, suma a los encantos de su arquitectura colonial, republicana y moderna, los atractivos de una intensa vida nocturna, festivales culturales, paisajes exuberantes, magníficas playas, excelente oferta gastronómica y una importante infraestructura hotelera y turística. Es una ciudad fantástica que guarda los secretos de la historia en sus murallas y balcones, en sus construcciones y en sus angostos caminos de piedra.
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Hay 11 Kilómetros de Muralla para recorrerla
El centro histórico que encierran las murallas de Cartagena  es el alma de esta ciudad, que le sirvió de inspiración a  Gabriel Garcia Marquez , ganador del premio Nobel de Literatura en 1982. Aquí, además de palpar la historia de siglos en calles empedradas, se puede explorar el  Castillo de San Felipe, asombrarse con un recorrido por iglesias antiguas y, cerca, hasta nadar y flotar en un volcán de lodo.
Es placentero recorrer las calles y observar los tesoros coloniales  el Palacio de la Inquisición y la Torre del Reloj son un ejemplo de estas, además de disfrutar la brisa cálida y tranquila desde sus parques y plazas.
La gastronomía es también una fiesta en la ciudad. Las alternativas se multiplican para los viajeros que buscan experimentar sabores nuevos y exóticos de la cocina local e internacional.
Las opciones de alojamiento son diversas. Es posible escoger tradicionales hoteles coloniales o exclusivos boutique que proporcionan una experiencia única por sus detalles y servicios personalizados.
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Reconocida por los 11 km de murallas que en ella erigieron los españoles, Cartagena  tiene un centro histórico que es preciso caminar sin afanes y observar tranquilamente los tesoros coloniales. En esta ciudad, declarada Patrimonio Histórico de la Humanidad por la  UNESCO  en 1984, tienen lugar festivales dedicados al cine y a la música clásica. Cartagena, Colombia es ideal para pasar lunas de miel, para bucear y para llegar en cruceros, entre otras cosas.
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  En días de sol, Cartagena de Indias vibra como el color de sus fachadas y la brisa del mar llega para refrescar un intenso recorrido por los callejones de la ciudad antigua.
Esta ciudad es un museo al aire libre con sus tesoros coloniales , pero tiene mucho más que cultura e historia, Cartagena también es destino de sol y playa, deportes náuticos y artesanías, entre otras opciones para los viajeros.
La magia de Cartagena, Colombia, reposa en los cimientos de sus fortificaciones, la calidez de su gente, la riqueza material de su arquitectura y las infinitas expresiones culturales de un pueblo aguerrido y valiente.
Los monumentos se levantan solemnes, antiguos claustros, iglesias, baluartes y vestigios de cruentas batallas son el testimonio de hombres y mujeres invencibles que concedieron libertad a la “ciudad heroica”.
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Al caer la noche , Cartagena,  es cálida, irradia luz propia, cobra vida y se transforma. Crea una atmósfera única que enamora a sus huéspedes y los transporta a tiempos olvidados sobre un carruaje guiado por caballos.
Así es Cartagena de Indias,  Una ciudad que relata su pasado, entrega historias fascinantes y renace en el tiempo.
Cerca de la ciudad amurallada se encuentra un moderno sector turístico, Bocagrande, con amplias playas, hoteles, restaurantes y discotecas.
Las mejores playas en el área de Cartagena se encuentran en las islas del Rosario, Barú y San Bernardo.
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Cartagena le sirvió de inspiración a  Gabriel Garcia Marquez , ganador del premio Nobel de Literatura en 1982.
Fuente Colombia Travel
  Viajar a Cartagena de Indias, la ciudad con más de 4 siglos de historia. Cartagena Colombia, se esta convirtiendo en uno de los destinos preferidos para extranjeros y panameños que viven en Panama, ahora con la Aerolinea de Air Panama, tiene promociones que incluyen boleto aéreo y hotel, para facilitar la comodidad de los viajeros.
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bloodredruby · 4 years ago
Hmmm yea i really think that reas castillo got isekaid to the past too with this chap
And im getting this close to shipping him with lippe damn arent they cute together
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phgq · 4 years ago
DOJ forms prosecutors panel in 'tapioca' case
#PHnews: DOJ forms prosecutors panel in 'tapioca' case
MANILA – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has designated a panel of prosecutors to handle the criminal cases recommended by investigators arising from the 2019 shipment into the country of PHP1.8 billion worth of shabu concealed in tapioca starch.
The office of Prosecutor General Benedicto Malcontento, in a message to newsmen, said the case has been assigned to Senior Assistant State Prosecutor Rassendell Rex Gingoyon and Assistant State Prosecutors Mary Jane Sytat and Ethel Rea Suril.
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) earlier recommended the filing of graft and criminal charges against various officials.
NBI Officer-in-Charge Eric Distor recommended charges for violation of Republic Act (RA) 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Employees), RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act), serious dishonesty, grave misconduct, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service, and RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002) against former Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) chief Aaron Aquino.
Also recommended for inclusion in the charge sheets are officials of the Bureau of Customs (BOC), broker Jane Abello Castillo, and other individuals allegedly involved in the importation of 60 bags of tapioca starch with 171 kg. of shabu inside 30 aluminum pallets that eluded inspectors at the Manila International Container Port on Jan. 27, 2019.
The PDEA said Chinese national Zhijian Xu (alias Jacky Co) managed to slip into the country despite his inclusion in the Interpol watch list.
Aside from Xu and Castillo, 15 others are facing a complaint filed by PDEA for violation of Section 4 (Importation of Dangerous Drugs) in relation to Section 31 (Additional Penalty if Offender is an Alien) of RA 9165.
Named as co-respondents were Dong An Dong, Julie Hao Gamboa, Fe Tamayosa, Alvin Bautista, Carlo Dale T. Zueta, Abraham G. Torrecampo, Arwin P. Caparros, Leonardo S. Sucaldito, Mark Leo D. Magpayo, Brian Pabilona, Meldy Sayson, Rhea Tolosa, Edgardo Dominado, Jerry Siguenza, and Debbie Joy Aceron, whom PDEA accused of conspiring to bring the contraband into the country.
The BOC and PDEA first found an abandoned shipment with illegal drugs on March 5, 2019.
An estimated PHP1 billion worth of shabu was hidden in 114 bags of aluminum pallets from Cambodia.
The case was connected to an exposé made by Senator Panfilo Lacson in May, denouncing the decision of the BOC to auction off a shipment of tapioca starch consigned to Goroyam Trading.
The PDEA alleged the shipment was intended to hide a shipment of shabu. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "DOJ forms prosecutors panel in 'tapioca' case." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1132703 (accessed March 06, 2021 at 02:44AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "DOJ forms prosecutors panel in 'tapioca' case." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1132703 (archived).
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hotlineamy · 4 years ago
First Bullet, First Crush
Characters: Babby Dell Conagher/Engineer, OC
Word Count: 692
Warning(s): N/A
Summary: Minor continuation of Dead Little Jackrabbit.
“Let me see it.”
15-year-old Dell blinked up at Catalina from under the hood of his father’s car. Catalina, a girl with Ingrid Bergman curls, set her hands on her hips and looked back at him with a frown.
“Your wound,” she said. Her eyes narrowed. “Let me see it.”
Dell felt his heart drop in his stomach. How the HELL did she find out? Slowly, he grabbed a pair of crutches and slipped them under his arms. He then circled around the hood with several practiced hops and leaned against the door of the Hudson. First, he peeked at the garage door. She’d come alone plenty of times – the Castillo farm was a three-minute walk from the Conagher Ranch – but there was always a chance Mr. Castillo came with, either to ask Dell a mechanical favor or shoot the shit with his old man.
“Papa’s not here,” Catalina said as she looked to his shirt and lifted her chin. “Go on.”
Dell felt his cheeks burn, but those pretty brown eyes burning holes through his scared him more than the embarrassment. So, he untucked the corner of his shirt with a free hand and lifted it, just enough to show the bandage on his hip where the bullet hole had been stitched.
Catalina brushed her dark hair away from her face and leaned down look it. Her stern expression softened somewhat.
“A burglar did this?”
“Yeah. I, uh… fought him off. Heh.”
Not really. Dell clocked his shoulder with a baseball bat, then took a bullet, then his father came downstairs with a shotgun. Close enough, though.
“Poor thing,” She said suddenly. He jolted as she ran a light finger over the bandaging, right over the week-old stitches. Maybe... she WASN’T mad?
“Ah, it’s gravy,” He said. He let out a nervous laugh and fumbled for his confidence. “Bullet went clean through.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Nah, not rea—”
Catalina flicked a finger into his stitches. Hard.
Dell yelped and dropped a crutch. Nope, nevermind – she was mad.
“Who are you, Hopalong Cassidy?!” She straightened up. “You think you’re a cowboy? Huh?!”
He stumbled into the Hudson behind him and grabbed his hip. Catalina rounded on him with a heavy slap to the arm and a flurry of insults in Spanish. He knew most of them. They weren’t pretty.
“Hey, hey, HEY—”
“You almost get yourself killed and you don’t even tell me?!” She yelled with another slap. Dell put his free arm up over his face. “You don’t show up to school for days! I call and find out from your little sister that you were in the damned hospital last – week!”
The words punctuate one last slap. Dell winces.
“I’m...” He swallows. “I’m sorry, I’m… I didn’t want you to know. I’m sorry.”
“Because I didn’t want to worry you, dammit!”
“I’m worried!” She shouts between a breath. “You disappear for days and don’t tell me and you don’t think I’ll worry? You act like you’re so smart and you—”
Her voice cracks. Then her hands fly to her own face in an attempt to cover up the beginnings of tears.
“Hey, heyheyhey…” Dell stops. Hesitates. Then he swallows and reaches out to gently touch her arm - and is thankful that she doesn’t pull away. “You ain’t gotta be. It’s handled. It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Catalina sobs quietly. Suddenly, she buries her head in his shoulder. He feels himself go bright red. It takes him a second to find the courage to hold her, slipping his free arm behind her back and pulling her close. God, he REALLY hoped Mr. Castillo wouldn’t show up now.
“Papa was right,” She says into his shoulder. “You’re a reckless idiot… and your Spanish is terrible.”
“I’m sorry,” He repeated. “You’re right. He’s right. He never liked me anyway, but he’s right.”
“You’re lucky I do,” she said quietly.
She looked up. Ingrid Bergman curls and the prettiest damn eyes he’d ever seen.
“I LIKE you, you idiot. And I want you to stay alive.”
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ovc-bulletin · 5 years ago
Congratulations to the 2020 OVC Graduate Student Award recipients
The OVC Graduate Student Awards celebrate the hard work and dedication of graduate students in research, academic excellence, clinical skills and community service.
Congratulations to the 2020 Graduate Student Award winners.
Barbara Kell Gonsalves Memorial Scholarship - Carrie McMullen, Population Medicine
Betty Goldhart Scholarship (Biomed) - Kaitlyn Simpson, Biomedical Sciences
Betty Goldhart Scholarship (OVC) - Tess Altvater, Pathobiology
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Scholarship - Bryan Jenkins, Biomedical Sciences
Blythe James Chase Scholarship - Arata Matsuyama, Biomedical Sciences
Boehringer Ingelheim Graduate Scholarship for Distinction in Parasitology - Cyril Akwo, Population Medicine
Caledon Kennel Association Graduate Scholarship - Ananda Pires, Clinical Studies
Canadian Parrot Symposium's Award in Avian Studies - Trinita Barboza, Clinical Studies
Care-a-thon Animal Welfare Research Scholarship - Julie Saraceni, Population Medicine
Col. Benjamin F. Leach Scholarship - Carolyn Murray, Population Medicine
D. G. Ingram Memorial Scholarship - Ayumi Matsuyama, Pathobiology
Don Davis Memorial Scholarship - Luiza Stachewski Zakia, Clinical Studies
Dr. Don Willitts Memorial Graduate Scholarship - Laura Tucker, Clinical Studies
Dr. Donald R. MacDonald Memorial Book Prize - Cyril Akwo, Population Medicine
Dr. Gerbrand Wietze Bredero Memorial Scholarship - Alexandra Beaulieu, Clinical Studies
Dr. McSherry and Dr.Valli Scholarship for General Proficiency in Clinical Pathology - Gary Lee, Pathobiology
Dr. R.A. McIntosh Graduate Award (OVC 45) - Carrie McMullen, Population Medicine
Elizabeth Holdsworth Scholarship - Latasha Ludwig, Pathobiology
Ethel Rose Charney Scholarship in the Human/Animal Bond - Jessica Minott, Pathobiology
Harry and Lorna Robbins Memorial Scholarship - Allison Collier, Clinical Studies
J.J. (Jack) Andrich Graduate Prize in Large Animal Infectious Disease - Jamie Imada, Population Medicine
Joy Lindvik Memorial Scholarship - Heng Kan, Pathobiology
Kenneth & June Bone Memorial Graduate Scholarship - Jacob van Vloten, Pathobiology
Kon-Tiki Atkins Award - Arata Matsuyama, Biomedical Sciences
Korean-Canadian Dr. F. Schofield Memorial Scholarship (Pathobiology) - Karen Carlton, Pathobiology
Korean-Canadian Dr. F. Schofield Memorial Scholarship (Pathobiology) - Amira Rghei, Pathobiology
Korean-Canadian Dr. F. Schofield Memorial Scholarship (Pathobiology) - Ashley Ross, Pathobiology
Lyle and Louise Rea Graduate Entrance Scholarship in Pharmacology - Hayley Thorpe, Biomedical Sciences
Malcolm Scholarship - Alexandra Beaulieu, Clinical Studies
Margaret A. B. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship - Shannon French, Pathobiology
Michael & Nancy Goldberg Graduate Equine Scholarship - Heng Kang, Pathobiology
OVC 1962 Graduate Award for Clinical Research - Tony Carreira Bruinje, Population Medicine
OVC Graduate Student Recognition Award Biomedical Sciences - Kathy Jacyniak, Biomedical Sciences
OVC Graduate Student Recognition Award Clinical Studies - Gibrann Enrique Castillo Escotto, Clinical Studies
OVC Graduate Student Recognition Award Pathobiology - Karen Carlton, Pathobiology
OVC Graduate Student Recognition Award Population Medicine - Melissa MacKinnon, Population Medicine
Pathobiology Award for Academic Excellence - Christine Yanta, Pathobiology
Peter and Christina Robertson Memorial Award - Jolene Giacinti, Pathobiology
Population Medicine Award for Academic Excellence - Sydney Pearce, Population Medicine
Population Medicine Award for Academic Excellence -  MPH - Alexandria Vincent, Population Medicine
Professor Jeanne L. Burton Animal Health Scholarship - Bruna Mion, Animal Biosciences
Roland A. W. Scott Memorial Scholarship - Trinita Barboza, Clinical Studies
Sharon Dunsmore Scholarship in Feline Studies - Alexandra Rankovic, Biomedical Sciences
Small Animal Graduate Research Scholarship - Allison Collier, Clinical Studies
Soren Rosendal Memorial Research Prize - Gary Lee, Pathobiology
Tamara Denberg Memorial Scholarship - Melanie Dickinson, Clinical Studies
Tippy Atkins Scholarship - Ashley Ross, Pathobiology
Zoetis Faculty Award for Research Excellence - Byram Bridle, Pathobiology
Zoetis Graduate Student Research Prize - Melissa MacKinnon, Population Medicine
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