#read 6 7 8 yesterday during lucky time too so i'm behind
edgarbright · 5 years
Kyle’s Route part 5
Initial ramblings!
Spoilers mentioned from Loki and Lancelot’s routes
This part is STELLAR and the man of the hour only made his appearance at the eleventh hour! Red Army Soldiers vs the Gentle Demon LMAO All of those patients. All of those patients just lining up with their injuries and wounds and aches -- caused by Edgar running the training session lmfao I’m crying I love it I love him.
This is also one of the FUNNIEST exchanges I have read in this entire game
Red Solider 1: “I forgot to block and got hit really hard on the shoulder.”
Kyle: “You got hit in the same place not too long ago. And before that you [got a] cut on your right shin, and got a big lump on your forehead--”
Kyle: “And I seem to remember you spraining your left wrist and freaking out because you thought it was broken, too.”
Red Soldier 1: “You have a good memory. But please stop bringing up all those embarrassing things.”
Kyle, smiling: “I never forget anything about my patients. I know every last inch of your body.”
Red Soldier 1: “Please-- Please stop.”
I’M CRYING LOL (Can I make a image set for this scene now or is too soon!?) Just imagining the solider pleading... please... please no more... And Kyle is smiling like a goof. It’s so perfect. This is the quality content I crave!
But Kyle has a very good bedside manner! And Alice is doing good work as his assistant. It’s important to tell the patient exactly what you’re doing before you do it, and she does, so A+!
I also really appreciated that Alice’s first patient told her no. Another reason I love the Red Army is because those soldiers are just as suspicious of Alice as she is of them. She might be just a young woman but she comes from another world and has a power to stop magic that simply does not exist in Cradle. Why did she come to Cradle? Why now? Did you see how quickly she joined up with the enemy? She isn’t just a young woman. She’s dangerous. We see so much of Alice mistrusting the RA soldiers that it’s refreshing to see a RA soldier be so open about mistrusting her. She had a public showing of trying to escape, which made sure ALL the soldiers know she is not their guest but their captured enemy.
So the soldier telling her no when she goes to clean his wound was 10/10 for me. And that the soldier relents because the doctor told him to is also 10/10. The soldier TRUSTS Kyle more than he mistrusts Alice, and that says a lot about how good Kyle is.
My science brain is also buzzing about the magical crystals and medicine. I know this game won’t get too technical, but it’s fun to nerd about the connotations and possibilities of all this world building. I actually wrote several paragraphs on this topic that I cut out just now because damn, u a nerd, Irene! Maybe I’ll post it separately in the future.
Although I will say that while Kyle says magic can’t be used to heal, we have seen those who possess innate magic (Lancelot and Loki) heal others. Lancelot used his magic to heal Alice from a magical (internal?) injury that could have killed her. Loki used his magic to heal a small cut on a knee with no issue but he also used magic to heal multiple wounds all over Harr. However, the wounds on Harr reopened not long after and it took Kyle’s doing to save Harr in the end. So magic might be able to cure magical injuries, but it can’t cure extensive physical ones? I’ll be keeping an eye out on this! I love hurt/comfort fics and I need this for important research lmao
Kyle is such a professional and so into his work and the future scientific developments I’m all heart eyes! Kyle is already dreaming up the x-ray! I would love to see Kyle and Oliver collaborate over all these ideas for magically-based tools!
Also watch Alice falling in love with Kyle and not realizing it yet. She’s resisting it ala “I don’t hate the feeling of his fingers combing through my hair,” but we are on our way to romancing this doctor~
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