#rape mention tw
blvntfxrce · 7 months
switching from missionary to mating press while raping her so she goes from "no no no i'll be good pls stop" to "fuck it's so deep pls rape me pls pls pls"
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greensaplinggrace · 2 months
unfortunately a large portion of the issue with spike's soul is that the decision was forced into the narrative for a number of shitty reasons, and i firmly believe that one of those reasons was angel. angel set a precedent of excusing one's actions if there's a soul tied to them. he set a precedent of separating the soulless personality from the souled one. the way he's idolized throughout the show leads to the writers attempting to keep forcing that black and white false dichotomy into future scenes where they are no longer applicable.
the reason spike was pushed over the moral event horizon to obtain his soul is because his existence without one put everything about angel's character into question - especially the way his soulless actions were excused. spike's very existence as a soulless creature that performed better than angel and who was developing positively in the story made people question our beloved star crossed angel's motives, and subsequently every theme surrounding soullessness and real love in a way that the writing team didn't want. because bringing that into question unfortunately brings the truth of buffy's romance with angel into stark clarity.
i think this is one of the biggest reasons for the sloppy and cheap way seeing red was handled. i think this is one of the biggest reasons for the way the show treats spike's soul and excuses his actions afterward (in the way that happens with angel). and i think it's the worst proponent for the way season seven goes down the fucking shitter.
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fatetainted · 2 months
Clearing the air here though I'm genuinely afraid for my own safety to.
I didn't block @whitexdove "for no reason" and if they had an ounce of self awareness they would know they were an abusive, manipulative person who drove me to attempt suicide because "it's been a week now" and I "need to stop being so negative all the time." If I didn't respond to their messages they would ask me if I hated them or tell me I was ignoring them or I was making their paranoia worse so I would update them that I wasn't in a headspace because I was having a breakdown or a meltdown and would look later. Because of this they accused me of making their anxiety worse and I needed to get over it because I was having a very bad week with my life falling apart. I nearly killed myself because of years of manipulative abuse and them telling me to just get over it when I was suicidal.
But they've been suicidal for years and I was meant to comfort them every time and several times now they have threatened to cut me off multiple times over the most minor, insane little things. Instead of actually communicating what was wrong and how they felt they made essentially a break up playlist blaming me entirely and told me to listen to it to see what I did wrong and the only fault they would ever take was that they didn't say anything sooner. But suddenly when everything was fine again they would ask when I would send them a gift I bought them. However they had essentially convinced me we were over to the point where I grieved the friendship and returned the gift because I had no use for it anymore.
They hide behind mental illness and autism as if that excuses them being abusive to me and the things they've said to my friends. They blame my BPD for blocking them when it's their own actions and I'm sick of your annoying pity parties.
For years they have emotionally abused me and for years my therapist has been telling me they're not a good influence on my life and she was correct. I developed a THC and xanax dependency because they caused me so much anxiety with their abuse that I could not speak to them without using both daily (and of course, if I didn't speak to them or tell them why I wasn't going to be, they would tell me how paranoid I was making them, but if I DO tell them then I'm being too negative and ignoring their boundaries)
They were ALWAYS setting unreasonable boundaries and I bent over backwards to accommodate. Blocking them is my boundary. And now they're fishing for attention and sympathy for a situation they caused themselves and to drag me back into their abusive cycle.
In addition to this they would say very shitty things about my other friends that actually treated me well and tried to manipulate them into not only making them a LOT of free art but making the character details and backstory (which is a very similar thing they got mad at another artist for!). Most of my friends didn't even like them and were being cordial because I was their friend.
They are now refusing to remove characters based on my original work and flipping out on my friends for no reason other than jealousy and pettiness. Stop plagarizing me, stop claiming you just added to my lore when you added NOTHING and nearly everything is based on my ideas, including Dreameater who is literally the twin of my oc in my original work. And Caelum who is the brother of another oc of mine in my universe. You said you "won't throw away characters you worked hard on" but you have no lore that isn't mine and barely ever spoke of these characters or developed them. You added nothing to this universe or these characters. Don't you EVER use the design I made for the alien species (that is my lore and not yours!) again. It's no longer yours and you can have back that mime design you gave me, I truly do not care. But if you don't listen to me now then by your own logic I can bring back those ocs I made in your universe and I will use them because I worked "so hard" on them.
Before you pull the "I'm younger than you, how can I be manipulative?" Like you did before when you had a major fall out JUST like this (and yes! You also force shipped with me and guilt tripped just like you did with her!) Anyone of any age can manipulate someone else of any age. Just because you're younger doesn't make you the victim.
Stumpy. You are a toxic person the refuses to seek out ANY form of help and expected me to play therapist for you all the time but God forbid I need someone to listen and you expected me to accept how terribly you treated me forever. That's why I left.
You identify with and project heavily onto a character who has canonically killed her entire school and drugged her crush to get him to like her and you ship them despite the clear sexual assault and how canonically abusive and terrifying her obsession with him is. She's a genocidal white savior and that's fucking terrifying. Even more so terrifying is the way you joked about how you kill your rats and feed the dead rats to raccoons. And the fact you fetishize trans men being pregnant, it's a very clear very gross fetish you cannot let go of and forced on me constantly. The fact you seem to fetishize sexual assault and rape and ship people like that with their victims is vile. The way you talked about sleeping next to me in the same bed was disturbing as I look back on these things and I truly don't trust you to have not done things while I was unconscious. I have that little faith in you because of how you act and fetishize things.
You also told me you were going to whitewash a canon poc character and it's okay because it's you doing it. Genesis is Asian. He isn't white. You drew my Japanese character with yellow skin. You white knight in public but you're shitty to any race that isn't Korean or Native American.
For the record, I don't hate you. But I'm happier without you in my life and I don't feel anything for you anymore because of your own actions that broke our relationship irreparably. You're a toxic, vile person and completely self centered and extremely possessive.
Get help. And stop playing the fucking victim.
Allow me to return the favor. I take accountability for not saying anything sooner even though with your unreasonable boundaries and constantly telling me you're suicidal that I could never bring it up with you or any bad thing you were doing to me because you would probably kill yourself if I upset you.
Now you take accountability for your actions and deal with the consequences of abusing me.
You literally never loved me, you just miss having someone love you so much you didn't have to love them back (which you pretty much told me several times you were incapable of even with your own family).
Good riddance. Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great. I truly will not be returning to this blog so don't bother trying to contact me here or anywhere else. I'm done.
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elumish · 10 months
There's a thought I keep struggling to articulate that basically boils down to "it's not logistically inconsistent to say both 'rape fantasy stories are fine' and 'there should be less sexual assault and domestic abuse between love interests in romance novels'."
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laniusbignaturals · 4 months
There’s nothing inherently wrong with those FNV narratives that implant a courier who indiscriminately slaughters the common Legion soldiery. With that said, I do think that the steady popularity of this specific kind of fancontent reads like Sound Of Freedom-esque white guilt. By which I mean orientalist thinking that is defined by the inability of people living in first world cultures to process human trafficking as an issue conducted upon people whose lives are every bit as complicated as theirs - people who often end up being complicit in their own subjugation, and have inalienable human rights nonetheless, even if they don’t respect the rights of others themselves while being held in bondage. FNV almost stumbled into commenting on that very phenomena in the Powder Gangers storyline, with that throwaway line about how the inmates would “buy and sell” men like Arcade while being used for captive labor themselves, participating in the trafficking system as they were being exploited by it.
But I know that wasn’t done on purpose, because the Powder Ganders weren’t designed with nearly that much care. That line was not written as a profound statement on how systems of enslavement function - how they perpetuate themselves by preying upon the desperation and moral decay they create - it was a shallow reference to prison rape made at the expense of a queer character. Similarly, I get the sense a lot of that “cathartic” fancontent about committing war crimes on the Legion’s own captive labor force isn’t engaging with human trafficking in a fully nuanced way, where precedence is given to the experiences of the victims over the opinions and emotional reactions of the western outsider.
Legion soldiers are slaves. Your OC is murdering slaves, who were enslaved specifically because their owners needed a lot of expendable bodies who could be sacrificed en mass while wearing down enemy soldiers, in conflicts conducted for the purpose of acquiring more slaves. So when you write about them, consider how you do it, and who it’s for. Because it’s very easy to approach this topic in an unhelpful way, even with the best of intentions.
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librastrai · 10 months
it is so maudlin to see a very conscious leftist mutual, someone who was so very open about their own experiences with sa & rape which was why i had connected with their posts, engage in open rape apologia to talk about how "inappropriate" it is to "validate" any of the atrocities on oct 7 because "even if they did happen, it still did not justify the ongoing genocide" which is just. i can't even put it into words.
it really is believe all women until it's jewish women.
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mrdyketator · 9 months
im sick of people who say that afghani/iranian women are so beautiful, im sick and tired of it. even the ''ugliest'' woman doesn't deserve to be beaten for not covering her face, even the ''ugliest'' girl doesn't deserve to be barred from education, even the ''ugliest'' woman doesn't deserve to be put in prison ''for her own protection''. because beauty isn't a measure of value and yet even the most progressive people keep falling into that trap. i see people reblogging pictures of women without headscarves in traditional attire and talking about how pretty they look without a hijab, i hear people around me talk about ''their women'' are so beautiful and that it's such a shame to hide that beauty, i see people talking about martyred women and the very first sentence of their eulogy will be about how beautiful she was. 
it's crazy how oppressed women are always remembered as beautiful first and all else second, while the men that we describe as handsome tend to be serial killers and rapists. ''she was so beautiful, it's awful that she died'' in contrast to ''he's so handsome, u would never have thought he was a killer'' make it stoppppppp.
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duchessofferia · 10 months
Someone needs to make a full list of all that cowardly, namby-pamby language ASOIAF bitches use to describe Mirri Maz Duur’s specific form of death - “executing,” “disposing of,” “sacrificing,” etc - so they can avoid ruining their carefully maintained facade of progressivism by saying “I believe that sometimes it is morally acceptable for gangrape survivors to be publicly tortured to death” with their whole chests
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snaxle · 7 months
it's extremely telling how staff is completely comfortable destroying trans women's entire blogs and presence on this website but when i was sent a graphic rape and harassment threat AND another ask fully sending me someone's entire address (and harassment again) and reported both of these they just sent me two emails going "Whoopsie :P neither of these are against tumblr tos! sorry youre experiencing these things but maybe just shut off your asks forever <33 with loves and kisses xoxo"
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
To parents of trans kids who are scared of their kids facing transphobia:
Don't force your child out of being trans. Don't force them to detransition. This is not how your child from facing transphobia. Realistically, you are pushing them toward more dangerous situations because they will be desperate to find acceptance from anywhere they can.
I can't imagine how it feels to be a parent and worry about your child's safety or life because they are trans in this world. You have my full sympathy. While I can't speak from the experiences of a parent, I can speak from the experiences of a trans person who was once a child and why the above line of thinking is dangerous.
When I came out as trans, there was a huge proportion of time where my dad was very resistant to my transness. I couldn't understand why, but I believe part of why he was so resistant was because he was afraid somebody would assault or kill me because I am trans. That is a huge burden for him to think about. However, he went about this (valid) fear in a very destructive way.
He threatened my transition, he threatened to force me to detransition, and he threatened a lot of things. I retreated away from him, I couldn't talk to him about anything. I felt confined, unaccepted. I am lucky my friends and school were accepting, because I was vulnerable. Others haven't been lucky - so many people in that position have been taken advantage of by truly evil people.
You might think that you are protecting your child by making them appear cis, but that isn't how that plays out. Your child won't feel accepted, and chances are that if something horrific happened to them, gd-forbid, they won't come to you about that. This isn't protection, and I am sorry to say that. I am sorry that this isn't simple.
Here is how you can protect your trans child:
Make it clear you support them
Teach them self-respect, and how to listen to their gut feeling
Teach them appropriate versus inappropriate ways people can interact with them. Make sure they understand what harassment and abuse can look like - verbal, physical, and sexual
If you are still concerned for their physical safety, sign them up for self-defense classes
Leave the floor open for them to express how they are feeling and what they are thinking. Be non-judgmental when they are upset or worried
Please remember that trans people are painfully aware of the consequences of being trans in a transphobic world. Hell, one of the first trans people I learned about as a kid was killed as a result of a hate crime. We are aware of the world we live in. We have to live with that knowledge, and that is why it is imperative that you allow your trans child to express who they are and how they feel. You very well could save them by doing so.
We protect trans youth by empowering trans youth.
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greensaplinggrace · 2 months
i cannot believe people are so hesitant to call willow's s6 relationship with tara what it is. i'm sick of all the toeing the line fiddling with pedantics bullshit. as a full time number one willow fan that adores her character more than life itself, what she did to tara was abusive. not only that, but it was rape. willow was the abusive partner in an abusive relationship with her girlfriend. how is this so hard to acknowledge? especially in the season where the actual heroine of the show enters her own mutually abusive and absolutely debilitating relationship with spike. grow up.
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dragonofeternal · 1 year
Hot take/unpopular opinion time?
While I understand the urge to give Legato something nice by having him be rescued by Vash instead of Knives and think there's some very cute art and thoughts out there...
That would not fix him and it would not make him happy.
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Knives's "salvation" for Legato wasn't just an end to Legato's present suffering, it was the fact that he completed the work Legato could not, even left a sliver of life enough for Legato to take some vengeance of his own. He would NOT be content or happy just to be taken away from his suffering in a nonviolent way. Vash would saunter in, shoot to disable the people actively raping Legato, and whisk Legato away, forcing him to watch those bastards as they pick themselves up to keep living their lives. Their survival would needle at the back of his brain, bristle any time he saw something that reminded him of that time in his life.
And for all that I love Vash the Stampede, I don't think he could give Legato the kind of help he needed to survive and thrive again. Vash is kind of like a wildlife rehabilitator- he takes people out of crisis situations, helps the to soothe the hurt, but he doesn't try to get attached and he tends to quietly slip out once he feels like they've reached a space where they're stable and the danger is gone.
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Vash doesn't give people answers, he asks people to look within and find them for themselves.
Except Legato had reached a point where he felt he *had* nothing left within. We see his eyes go dull, watch all hope leave them. And when he and Vash fight at the end of TriMax, we see Legato recognize that dull flatness in Vash's eyes too.
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Vash cannot give Legato something he doesn't have.
Knives, on the other hand is FULL of GLORIOUS PURPOSE. Is it good purpose? Is it smart purpose? Is he doing anything other than flailing around like a muppet made of sharp objects and fear and anger most days? No! But it's a purpose and it MATTERS.
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And it's a purpose he can share with Legato, who needs something to believe in, something to fill himself with again because he feels so fucking empty. With Knives, there's a ready answer for the yawning emptiness in Legato's soul.
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I'm not sitting here going "becoming the number one Kool-aide drinker in the Cult of Knives was a good life choice for Legato Bluesummers" or anything like that, but I WILL say it's a choice that gave him the ability to keep going. It's a choice that makes him Legato Bluesummers and not someone else.
Because my other concern with Vash's attempts to impress morality on Legato is what I said at the very top: Legato is never going to forget or forgive the people who wronged him. He's not going to let go of wanting to kill and destroy and hurt. There is a trolley problem of one thousand three hundred and one lives versus Legato's singular personhood, and if he is monstrous to want vengeance, if he cannot be allowed to take vengeance, then the only answer is to flip the track from his persecutors to himself. It's a rather simple solution, when you don't feel like there's a reason to be alive.
(all manga caps are taken from @trigun-manga-overhaul)
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baelonthebrave · 2 months
What you describe for aemond and Alys was beautiful but she was a prisoner of war I don’t think that they will make it into a romance but who knows
Thanks for the ask, I hope you don't mind me typing up a long-ass reply to this. I won't lie, I don't understand this idea in the fandom that alys was definitely a prisoner and therefore could not consent to the relationship with aemond at all. It's ONE possibility, yes, but it's one of many. I just don't think that F&B is reliable enough or gives us enough detail to make ANY decisions about the nature of their relationship. It is an in-universe historical account and is very biased against the Greens and Aemond in particular, due to when and for whom it was written, but even this heavily biased, unreliable source never accuses Aemond of forcing anything on Alys.
The things people usually point towards to back up this argument is 1) House Strong, Alys's family, is put to the sword by Aemond when he arrives at Harrenhal and 2) women in these situations (in ASOIAF and irl) are generally NOT consenting. That would make total sense if Alys was a run-of-the-mill highborn lady and any suggestion of romance between them would be repulsive, but she's not a run-of-the-mill highborn lady.
1) Alys is a bastard and we have absolutely no idea how she feels about House Strong. I think for show-only people there's this misconception that every highborn bastard is treated as part of the family like Jon Snow was by Ned and the Starklings, but this is very much the exception to the rule. The way Westeros generally treats its bastards is much more like how Cat treats Jon, not how Ned treats him. Bastards are a walking reminder to noble families that their honourable patriarch is fallible and sinful and human - they are generally not treated warmly. For all we know, Alys could despise House Strong, only living at Harrenhal for the relative security of her position or whatever nexus of magical power lies there, and she views Aemond's coming as her saving grace. It's also hinted at in s2 that Alys's magic is the reason Larys has clubfoot, it really doesn't seem like she has a cosy relationship with them and would particularly care if they died. Maybe she's glad when Aemond puts House Strong to the sword? Maybe she hates them, because they always regarded her with derision and fear? Or maybe she doesn't even take notice of them, they're so unimportant to her? We just don't know, we can't make any assumptions about how she feels about their deaths.
2) Alys has power that we can't even begin to understand. The magic of ASOIAF is very undefined and Alys is one of the only characters we see to have any control over it in any ASOIAF story - this automatically makes her one of the most powerful people we've seen in this world, on the level of Melisandre or Bloodraven. What we DO see of her power shows us that Alys is very capable of manipulating important men to her own ends. She did not want Daemon to challenge Rhaenyra for the throne, so she manipulated him by showing him visions of the people in his life he has mistreated and what needs to happen for the PTWP prophecy to come true. This doesn't seem like a woman that Aemond could make do something she didn't want to do. Daemon walks around Harrenhal in a stupor, not being able to draw the obvious line between the weird visions he's having and the creepy witch who's hanging around him - she has weapons that neither Daemon nor Aemond has any defence against. She bends men like them to her will, not the other way around.
In fact, I think for whatever argument there is to be made that Alys is the unwilling party in this relationship, there's an equal and opposite argument to be made that Aemond is the unwilling/manipulated one. This isn't my personal opinion but there IS an argument here. Aemond seems to all but ditch the war effort and undergo a major personality shift when he meets Alys in F&B, he's so under her thrall. A character that has up until now been described as basically sociopathic falls head over heels for a powerful witch to the point of abandoning his life's ambition - there is an argument to be made that THIS is Alys's magic, again interfering with the Dance to bring it to as swift a close as possible. Aemond & Vhagar are the backbone of the entire Green cause - wiping him off the board at the God's Eye is the major turning point in the war that causes things to start to wind down.
I personally don't think their relationship is purely one party forcing or manipulating the other - I think there could be genuine feeling between them. I don't think the love between them is uncomplicated or unproblematic, but I do think it is genuine. A kind of 'it didn't change anything, but it was there' love. I think it would make sense thematically for Aemond and start to tie up his arc.
This is all a very long-winded way of saying that I think drawing any conclusions about the nature of Alys & Aemond's relationship from F&B alone is premature - there just isn't enough canon information about it. And that's why I'm excited to see where they go with it, wherever they go with it. That's why I'm enjoying HotD so much. The main ASOIAF novels are so detailed that it set the path clearly for GoT every step of the way, but F&B is only a skeleton and it's up to the writers to give any and all context. We know that 1) Alys & Aemond were in a sexual relationship, 2) Aemond voiced feelings of love for Alys, and 3) there was a child. Beyond that, we know next to nothing. So I look forward to seeing what path they choose.
NB: I'm doing my best to talk about these possible consent issues as sensitively as I can, but please let me know if you think I haven't done that very well and/or overlooked something.
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floof-ghostie · 5 months
I feel bad for Lil Wayne, imagine signing some up and coming artists to your label, and then like a decade down the line the two most prominent ones are both proven to be in association with predators (one is married to/has a baby by one, and the other one has several on payroll AND is alleged to be one), AND one of the two artists had sex with your girl while you were out of the country. And the other one went on a coke fueled rant on every single social media platform out there after being threatened by one bar that pertained to the rapist she married.
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no-passaran · 11 months
Hi, it's Asexuality Awareness Week and I would like to share one of the reasons why it's important to raise awareness: including asexuality in legal protection.
One of the reasons why legal protections are necessary is the case of asylum seekers. Asexual asylum seekers, who are endangered in their home country, are routinely not accepted as asylum seekers because the legislation protects LGBT people but doesn't include asexuality in the acronym.
Let's see a couple of examples:
In 2018, an Algerian man applied for asylum in the Netherlands, explaining that he feared being persecuted in his country of origin for being asexual and for refusing to marry his niece.
The Netherlands, a country that accepts LGBTI asylum seekers, did not accept this man's asylum request because asexuality is not mentioned as being in the LGBTI. The court also said that asexuality is not punishable in Algeria. But not being legally called by its name and explicitly punished does not mean asexual people don't face discrimination, forced marriages, and threats of violence and rape. (Marriage itself, by the laws in most of the world, must include "consummation", whether the people involved want to or not).
This is the case of a 26-year-old woman living in Senegal, using the pseudonym Jade. Her family, across the border in Guinea, demanded that she find a man to marry. Her sister told her that if she didn’t, their parents would force her to wed a man who would rape her.
In Guinea and Senegal, forced marriages are common – the same sister who threatened Jade was in one herself. Divorce is also heavily stigmatised – when one of Jade’s cousins told her abusive husband she wanted a divorce, he said he would shoot her, her mother and himself.
Jade is a sex-repulsed asexual woman. She feared being married to someone she didn’t love and being subjected to so-called “corrective rape” until she bore children.
She considered suicide.
Her mother suggested sending her to therapy to fix her "aversion to marriage", when Jade refused, the mother said she'd "fix" her herself. She had Jade lay on the floor while she put her hand on her chest and prayed over her, asking afterwards whether she felt any different.
For a while, Jade’s last resort was escaping West Africa permanently. After she began studying in the US, it became her first choice. When researching what her options were, she found the case from the Netherlands that we've talked about before this one. She also found that legislations that aim to protect LGBTQI around the world don't include asexuality.
At present, the only piece of legislation which explicitly mentions asexuality is New York’s Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act of 2003. However, that didn’t help Jade. A New York lawyer told Jade that there was no information as to whether asexuality was grounds for asylum in the US. After a long process of trying in the USA, she couldn't make it but after a year and a half she found an opportunity to do an internship in Ireland, where she lives now.
Since leaving West Africa, Jade has learned that her parents had chosen a husband for her without her knowledge, not long before she managed to escape. She says that, had she not been able to escape, she wouldn't be alive today.
This is what people mean when they say "asexuals aren't LGBTI!", "We can't have asexuals stealing our resources!". These are the kind of resources they mean: the ones that could save the life of a person being discriminated against for not being heterosexual heteroromantic and not conforming to the normative ideas of what their love and sex life should be like. An issue that is deeply shared with the rest of the LGBTQIA+ community.
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Linkin Park replacing Chester with a person who's both a scientologist and a rape apologist that supported Danny Masters is both absolutely disgusting and not at all surprising. I have no words anymore at this point, it's unbelievable.
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