#rape and murder of women
burningtheroots · 1 year
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No no no no no no no I‘m DONE.
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forzafinally · 1 month
I feel numb. The nirbhaya case happened 12 years back and nothing has changed since then. There's not a single mention of the RG Kar case in the newspapers. The doctors of that college were carrying out a peaceful protest last night. They were attacked by a mob who destroyed the evidence at the crime scene and vandalised the hospital premises. She was a resident doctor on duty who was raped and murdered. The Dean of the college gave an initial statement saying "what was she doing there in the first place?" She was sleeping in the seminar room because government hospitals don't have adequate infrastructure to provide on-call rooms for their residents. Do you know what the initial statement given to her family was? That she was psychotic and has committed suicide. It was only half a day later that the authorities admitted it was gang rape. And we are expected to remain silent regarding this?
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aratrikauwu · 1 month
"I did it!" She whispers, "I am a Doctor now." She wonders. Her family is elated, "Our daughter is a doctor." They say. She donned the white coat, Took the Hippocratic oath, To serve the hypocrites. She worked in the hospital, day and night. She told her father, "Don't worry, I'm safe here." One lie, among the many that are being told. She worked, served, for 36 hours. The old, the sick, the wounded, the hurt. She cared, she loved. Only to get hurt. She yearned some rest, only to get killed. She sat in the bench, and closed her eyes, Wanting some rest. Then came the devils, they held her down. They broke her bones, hit her, hurt her, raped her. She bled, from her eyes, from her mouth, from her vagina. Her glasses were shattered, into tiny pieces, The shards entered her eyes, left her bleeding. Her screams were muffled, the CCTV broken. The evidence removed, the culprits hidden. Her family cried, over her dead body. Wondering why they let her work so late. Wondering why they allowed her to become a doctor. Her mother wanted to wipe the blood off her face. Her father wanted to kill the devils. They wanted their daughter back. Had they known, saving lives, Would cost her life. They would have never allowed such plight upon her. The worst of all, the devils who raped her, Worship the Mother Goddess, have wives and daughters at home. They hoisted the flag today, celebrated Independence. While the doctor looks at her corpse and wonders, Was the white coat so arousing? While the 2-year old wonders, Was the onesie so arousing? While the 89-year old wonders, Was the saree so arousing? Happy Independence Day, to the men only. For the women will never be free, In a world, where a "no" will end me in a concrete-box. In a world, where serving people will kill me. In a world, where going out at night will kill me. I will never be independent, I will never be free.
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lostinsidelostoutside · 5 months
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jewishbarbies · 2 months
the idf is filled with rapists
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lucreziagiovane · 6 months
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unpopular opinion: i know most of the show fans find ursula bonadeo annoying and dislike her character because cesare projected lucrezia onto her and used her as a substitute. but after many rewatches, i grew to like her. she's very pretty, and she was very sweet to lucrezia while helping her with giving birth. i feel sorry for her because she's a noble young woman who spent her life trapped with an abusive husband who beats her. and when she thought she finally found this handsome, honorable savior who could free her (even though she was indecisive about him, which i don't blame her because women back in that era didn't have many choices, and her husband would probably kill her if he found out about her and cesare), he turned out to be unhinged, as he seduces her, and manipulates her while being lustfully obsessive over her. so, she was rightfully terrified and frustrated by cesare because he eventually assaulted her and dragged her around while forcing himself on her because she didn't exactly look like the perfect image (mirror of his sister) in his head after she cut her hair. then she got a very brutal end at the hands of the french army, raping her and mutilating her. she lived most of her life being tormented by cruel men. her character makes me so sad thinking about the women who were mistreated and killed by their abusive partners and were lost and forgotten to time because of the patriarchal system since it is beyond horrible towards women.
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favroitecrime · 1 year
Anyway, I reinstate my point that no 18+ settler in israel is innocent. They have all picked up guns and fired them at innocent Palestinians. To look at the apartheid and constant attempted genocide that israel has been committing against Palestine and yet have the fucking audacity to argue a bullshit “two innocent” sides narrative is a joke. israel since the beginning of its colony like establishment in 1948 has always been a terrorist state.* Backed by two other major colonial powers who still continue to oppress the people they’ve colonized to this day. Who backed the South African apartheid and were not in favor of pressuring the SA government to stop the apartheid. The colony state sentenced to be merely an influential Western placement in the Middle East has never, and never will be, an innocent bystander in matters of oppression, apartheid, or ethnic cleansing.
In the same breath I would support Native Americans attempting to do the same thing in the US. I would support Natives of Canada doing the same thing. I would support Natives of Australia, Natives of New Zealand, Puerto Rico, the Polynesian islands, and every other occupied people should they decide to rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs. **You and I in our privileged world should not have the fucking audacity to police people’s resistance & liberation**. Especially when some of us have had nothing to say when they were facing the brutalities of occupation.
Keep you two sides narrative to yourselves. It’s a liberation. Down with modern colonizers. Down with modern colonies.
For the notes:
*A post listing some of the crimes israel has committed against Palestinians. I will not trouble myself with finding sources for this very, very long list. Eye.on.palestine // paliroots // letstalkpalestine all have great videos, pictures, and broken down explanations of these crimes. Can be found on instagram or twitter. A majority of these crimes can also be looked up, but heed falling into traps of western/israeli (is there really a difference?) propaganda.
**Yes fucking obviously rape and child murder are bad and harming actual innocent civilians is bad do not try that stupid card here. You know exactly what I’m referring to when I say policing revolution and any attempt to misunderstand that is a deflection.
***And yes fucking obviously anyone using this genuine tragedy as a prop for nazism/antisemitism needs to die immediately like no fucking duh bozo.
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balkanradfem · 1 month
Hi, i wanted to bring radblr's attention to what's happening in india and you seem like a popular blog on radblr so please post this. Our country is burning. 13 heinous rape cases in the span of a week. A doctor working in a top medical college in the country was brutally raped and murdered. There are widespread protests in the country and amid the protests goons broke into the hospital and thrashed everything to destroy evidence. We don't feel safe in this country. We dont trust our government. Law enforcement is a joke. Please we need international help. Women of india need your help. Please spread this message as much as you can. We want to make this protest international. This protest is a turning point in our history. We need all the support you can give us right now
That is horrifying, I am so sorry. I hope you manage to spread the news everywhere.
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waltz-of-letters · 1 month
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It's a shame! It's a shame! It's a shame!
Even the one who saves lives is not safe in my country?
WHAT WAS HER FAULT?! that she wanted to rest??! That she went in there alone??!!
OR that she was a woman?
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coochiequeens · 8 months
Another demonstration against Femicide and barely any media attention
Activists denounce 900 femicides under Macron presidency in Paris protest
Mared Gwyn Jones Fri, February 9, 2024
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French feminist group #NousToutes took to the streets of Paris on Thursday evening to honour the 900 women murdered in France since Emmanuel Macron came to power.
Holding signs saying "guilty state, justice accomplice," they denounced Macron for failing to protect women and girls from violence.
Some 900 candles representing every woman killed were lit near the city's iconic Eiffel tour, and a 15-metre-long banner with the names and ages of the women was displayed.
It included the names of the 20 women, aged between 16 and 75, the group say have been killed since the beginning of this year.
#NousToutes say the frighteningly high numbers highlight an "absence of real political will" from the French government to tackle gender-based violence.
"Since President Emmanuel Macron took office, more than 900 femicides have been recorded and more than 1,000 children have been orphaned," they said in a statement.
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They also say that the "great cause" of Macron's five-year term is conspicuous in its absence.
In November 2017, months after taking office at the Élysée Palace, Macron declared that equality between men and women would become the "grand cause" of his term, vowing to prioritise the crackdown on violence against women.
But Macron sparked fierce condemnation in 2020, when he appointed Gérald Darmanin to the post of Minister of the Interior.
Darmanin at the time faced allegations of rape.
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Macron came under further fire earlier this year when he defended French actor Gérard Depardieu's right to be presumed innocent after he was accused of sexual assault.
In a further blow to his "grand cause", Macron has been blasted for blocking the inclusion of rape as an EU-wide crime in new EU laws to fight violence against women.
"Nothing has changed since 2016 and the start of our count, we have been at the same rate for eight years, with a woman killed every three days by her partner or ex-partner," Julia, not her real name, told the AFP news agency on Thursday.
The group say their femicide count helps raise public awareness of the gravity of the problem and put pressure on Macron's government to take action.
Macron became France's President in May 2017 and is currently serving his second term.
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I'm very, very, *very* tired of straight people going to gay bars, then getting mad that there's gay people there.
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ovaruling · 1 year
i’m so fucking tired of them finding this out (surprising NO ONE btw) about every single fuckjng mass shooter and still we can’t get anyone to take the concept of femicide seriously like what is it going to fucking take to get a single major news outlet to have the guts to SAY ITTTTTT im going insane im honestly going insane at this point women are dying women are being mass murdered and they’re still tiptoeing around the connection
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ms-hells-bells · 11 months
no one is normal on the internet
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bunnihearted · 3 months
wish i could be happy but i cant because my brain is wired to constantly think about all of the immense suffering in the world and cruelty of humanity
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undedkat · 7 months
I feel like we don’t talk about some of the more messy elements of aphobia. Like aro and ace women experience high rates of corrective rape because they’re women who don’t want to marry or have sex. Aro and ace people can and will get sent to conversion therapy because not wanting to date is not acceptable to aphobes. Yes, aphobia is exclusionary but aphobia can also be horrific and violent. Especially when aphobia intersects with misogyny.
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based-and-rinpilled · 8 months
Where was all this outrage when Stephanie Hsu got snubbed?
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