#rai isn't easy to fluster but you're welcome to try
chaoticspacefam · 4 years
3, 4 and 13 for Saarai, asking for a friend owo -- darth-bagel sends their regards ❤️✨
from the numbered headcanons asks, here: [x]
thank you for the asks, @elvhenyoung as always! For a friend, huh? Rai would like to know said friends name ;3 jk jk, here you go, picking all the interesting/spicy ones I see 👀
3. Scars or painful spots
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(art is by @varjopihlaja ofc ^^)
So, she has a decent amount of them! Saarai’s not littered in scars like say, Kas, but she has a fair few. The most immediately obvious ones are the two on her face, she has a long, diagonal scar cutting across her lip and chin, which came from struggling with Tsâhis during The Incident Which We Shall Not Name. The one cutting across her nose came from her mother, D’leah lashed out during an argument after finding out about Tsâhis (and Ty) and left both the girls with marks as a result. The scar on her lip can sometimes be quite painful and is easily liable to split back open again if she gets smacked in the face (or gets too overzealous with her kissing 👀) just because of where it is, but usually it doesn’t bother her too much.
Don’t cancel me tumblr this is an informative diagram there’s no anatomical parts showing k thanks
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The rest are on her torso and are usually pretty well hidden under her clothes, but she has quite a few almost claw-like marks across her throat/chest and collarbone (also from Tsâhis and yes you should go beat his ass he deserves it), she also has a slightly “fresher” (saber) burn above/across her heart (through and through out the other end of her back) and one on her right shoulder. In the Zephyrverse AU RP, these come from Tsâhis’ brother, Naalush (who I will be talking about in another ask comin’ up - possibly in the morning bc it’s kinda late oops - so hang tight ;) ) but in Subterfugeverse the scar on her heart comes from Vaylin’s lightning (Vano fights Arcann, Saarai fights Vaylin ;3) and then the shoulder scar comes from Senya, during the confrontation on Voss where Arcann dies. Vano kills Arcann, Senya tries to go for Vano to “protect” him, Saarai intercepts and gets a saber in her shoulder for her troubles, but beats Senya in the end and they yeet her out of the Alliance and tell her to “GTFO and never come back” :’ ))
The heart scar can bother her at times and usually she doesn’t like people touching it unless they have to, and while the scars on her throat don’t hurt anymore, she’s very uncomfortable letting anybody touch them (even Lana won’t. Sash can, but at this point she and Sash have been together for a good couple decades so she’s gotten to build up a lot more trust with her, she might get there with Lana one day too, we’ll see <3)
4. Best places to kiss on their body
The spurs on her jaw or the ridges on her throat and chest are particularly sensitive (but she has to trust you enough to let you touch them, though if you’re kissing them then presumably you meet that requirement XD), be careful tho, the ends of those spurs are kinda sharp and pointy!
13. What gets them flustered?
cause I’m not 100% sure which version of “flustered” this is referring to I’ll cover both! :D
In the embarrassed sort of way: funnily enough, for Saarai, not an awful lot, actually! She’s a very open sort of person, she’ll say what’s on her mind (including any innuendos, yes. Sash and Lana both sometimes wish she would not XD) without a second thought of being “embarrassed” about it, you asked after all! hahaha
In a frustrated or overwhealmed sort of way: A lot easier. Saarai’s not particularly intellectual. I make a lot of “she only has three braincells and none of them are for critical thinking” jokes, but that’s because for Rai it’s very much true. She just doesn’t have the ability to intelligently plan and think things through, she’s very instinctual and emotional and if you give her any sort of complex puzzle (or a battle with too much tactics and a lot less “steamroll these guys into the fucking ground”) and she’ll very quickly start to feel overwhealmed and get flustered.
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