#rahim malik
shinyhappysims · 2 months
Sunday, 2:14 PM, Saelim household, Tomarang
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Aaliyah: Thank you for the milk tea, Jamilah. It’s delicious.
Jamilah: Of course, sis. Oh, and congratulations on losing weight! You were starting to look a little stout. Glad you got that under control.
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Aaliyah: I’ve lost weight? Er… thanks… I guess?
Jamilah: You’re welcome! You know, you’re the first in the family to come see the church down here, other than Mom, Dad and Aunt Nnadi.
Aaliyah: Oh really? I’ll be sure to bring Imani with me next time. I’m not sure if Cousin Ebenezer’s style of preaching is Rahim or Malik’s speed.
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Jamilah: *scoffs* Not everyone can handle the true word of God.
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Aaliyah: Um, yeah! Anyways, Cousin Ebenezer sure did preach a good word today. Trusting in God’s timing. I really needed to hear that. I haven’t really told many people but I’ve been struggling with secondary infertility and had a miscarriage recently. I’d love for God to bless Colby and I with more children but I guess God will let us know when we’re ready.
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Jamilah: Wow Aaliyah, that… sucks. Like, really sucks. I guess I’m lucky that I haven’t gone through anything like that.
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Aaliyah: It’s been hard, but it’ll be okay. I trust God. Just keep me in your prayers.
Jamilah: You always are, sister. Out of respect for your situation, I won’t tell you that I’m pregnant with number 3 right now.
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Aaliyah: You… you just did.
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Jamilah: Huh? *gasps* Oops! I totally didn’t realize. But yeah, I’ll be praying for you sister.
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fogsofthoughts · 2 months
Belajar Ikhlas.
Pertama kali belajar untuk ikhlas itu sekitar 6 tahun yang lalu. Ketika gagal masuk jurusan dan kampus tujuanku saat SMA. Padahal udah berusaha semaksimal mungkin, ngerasa udah memperbanyak ibadah juga, tapi kok ga dikabulin ya sama Allah?
Kedua orangtuaku saat itu bilang, "Allah Maha Tahu yang terbaik untuk mbak ifa."
Dulu ga paham apa maksudnya. Kenapa doa2ku gabisa di realisasiin aja sama Allah, padahal kan udah sholat, puasa, ngaji, bahkan sholat malam? Pokoknya aku maunya itu, masa gaboleh sih?
Kalau dipikir2, ifa yang dulu keras kepala banget ya wkwk. Heh, kamu kan cuman manusia fa. Kamu dihadapan Al Malik emang bisa dibandingin? Jelas-jelas ilmu yang dititipkan ke kita aja ibarat setetes air di lautan. Kita tuh emang gatau apa2!
Butuh waktu sekitar satu tahun untuk aku sadar. Setelah menjalankan kuliah di jurusan dan univ yang bukan sesuai keinginanku, aku jadi paham kenapa Allah ga mengabulkan doa2ku saat SMA. Emang bener, kalau aja aku kuliah di jurusan yang aku inginkan saat itu, aku bakal ngerasa sangat sendirian. Padahal aku ga suka sendiri.
Setelah hari itu sebenarnya hampir tiap hari aku belajar untuk ikhlas. Belajar untuk melihat sesuatu tidak dari pandanganku saja, tetapi dari pandangan Allah. Kadang bisa paham kenapa sesuatu yang kuinginkan malah dijauhkan. Tetapi kadang juga gabisa langsung paham. Butuh waktu.
Semakin bertambah umur, ga semakin mudah juga sih untuk ikhlas. Tetapi karena udah tau ilmunya, dan meyakini Allah sebagai Ar Rahman dan Ar Rahim, I think I got a little better at being Ikhlas.
Tapi ya hal tersebut perlu di ingat2 terus. Perlu di ulang2 ayatnya. Karena aku cuman manusia. Suka lupa dan kebawa suasana ketika sedang berada di titik terendah.
QS. Al-Baqarah: Ayat 216 (Juz 2)
كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُ��ُ الْقِتَالُ وَهُوَ كُرْهٌ لَّكُمْۚ وَعَسٰٓى اَنْ تَكْرَهُوْا شَيْـًٔا وَّهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْۚ وَعَسٰٓى اَنْ تُحِبُّوْا شَيْـًٔا وَّهُوَ شَرٌّ لَّكُمْۗ وَاللّٰهُ يَعْلَمُ وَاَنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُوْنَ
Diwajibkan atasmu berperang, padahal itu kamu benci. Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal itu baik bagimu dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal itu buruk bagimu. Allah mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.
Sekian pengingat malam ini 🧚‍♂️✨️
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Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim (In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate)
(بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم)
…………….. do not make them runaway (from Islam) ~ Imam Bukhari 69.
From our July 2020 archives.
Chapter 3 from THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE :~
Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet ‎(ﷺ) said, Facilitate things to people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them and give them good tidings and do not make them run away (from Islam).
Islam is simple, don’t make it complicated.
God intends for you ease.
The religion Islam is easy, beautiful and simply perfect. Why make things hard? The Qur’an reads: “Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship.” (Qur’an, 2:185)
This verse explains that Islam is easy to follow and rather encourages us to create ease in religion. Unfortunately some Muslims, including some reverts, are under the misconception that the more stringent they are in following religion, the more pious they become. This is totally in contradiction to what our religion teaches us. The misconception is a result of lack of understanding of religion and at times drives some people away from religion, mainly because of the way it is presented to them.
Some people have aimed at causing religion to deviate from its essence, preventing religion from being practiced by attempting to add on many difficult practices and superstitions to it. Such practices have sadly resulted in people deviating from Islam. However from the information set forth in the verses in the Qur’an and the replete stories and Hadiths by the Prophet (peace be upon him), we can ascertain that it is easy for sincere Muslims to be good Muslims.
Some groups of people in attempting to distinguish the reality of Islam ~ the genuine beauty, simplicity and practicality have tried a simple forum of reasoning but only have managed to get themselves labelled as deviants and sects, sadly.
Here at LEARNING ISLAM we try our utmost to keep it uncomplicated and easy as Prophet Muhammad ‎(ﷺ) did per his valued Sunnah. Sometimes a trapezoidal act but Alhumdulillah we seem to have been blessed and we are enamored to pass this blessing of dawah to each and everyone of you.
In this life we are tested and according to the morals and faith we show in this world and God determines where our real life will be lived, that being Hell or Heaven. The test is quite easy; God wishes for us to simply to live the life that brings happiness and peace in this world within the tenets of Islam. in short to live our life in moderation.
Don’t go to extremes dearest sisters & brothers 🙏
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catdotjpeg · 11 months
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the al-Kahlot family, are:
Jihad Muhammad Hussein (73) and his daughter, Khawlah Jihad Muhammad (41);
Suhail Hassan Ahmed (65) and his children Hassan Suhail Hassan (34), Haya Suhail Hassan (31), Ahmed Suhail Hassan (28), Mahmud Suhail Hassan (26), Hadi Suhail Hassan (25), and Abdul Rahman Suhail Hassan (19);
Ghada Abdel Rahman Younis (55);
Shakir Marzouk Shakir (48), his wife, and their children Raghad Shakir Marzouk (10), Malik Shakir Marzouk (9), Abdullah Shakir Marzouk (8), and Adam Shakir Marzouk (4);
Wail Hassan Mahmoud (46), his wife Amna, and their twin daughters, Rahaf and Rafif Wail Hassan;
Hind Abdelkarim Abdel Rahim (42);
Fatima Khamis Abid (42);
Iffat Zein Rabah (39);
Muhammad Mahir Abdel Rahman (39) and his son Zayn al-Din Muhammad Mahir (2);
‘Isam Mahmoud Muhammad (38), his wife, and their children Nur 'Isam Mahmoud (11), Muhammad 'Isam Mahmoud (5), and Amal 'Isam Mahmoud (13);
Wafaa Yusuf Ali (38);
Abdelfattah Ezzo Abdelfattah (33), a banker and father, remembered as an "ambitious young man since his childhood, loving, courteous, and generous, always willing to serve friends, relatives, and anyone he could;"
Ahmed Maher Abdel Rahman (29);
Rawan Sami Yusuf (29);
Yusuf Rami Abdel Rahim (11);
Sarah Hassan Marzouk (11) and her siblings Hazim Hassan Marzouk (8) and Sally Hassan Marzouk (2);
Omar Bilal Bashir (6);
Yusuf Nael Ismail (6);
Muhammad Bahaa el-Din Awad (4);
Siham Ibrahim Abdelkarim (2);
Muhammad Ahmed Suhail (2);
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Halima Abdelkarim, an artist and facilitator with the Palestinian Ministry of Culture, described as having a "unique perspective on life reflected in her artwork";
Majed Abdel Wahab Bakr (6);
Safiyyah Ibrahim Abdelkader (58);
Malik Hamdi Abdullah (19);
and Jana Mahmoud Ahmed (8).
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and on my blog.
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uma1ra · 1 year
The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Hajah)
According to a traditional report, transmitted by Abu Hashim al-Ayyili on the authority of Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be well pleased with him), the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone has a seriously pressing need, requiring Allah’s help, he should perform the ritual ablution [wudu’] with proper care. He should then perform two cycles of ritual prayer [rak’atain]. In the first cycle he should recite the Opening Sura of the Book [Fatihat al-Kitab] and the Verse of the Throne [Ayat al-Kursi], and in the second cycle, the Opening Sura of the Book [Fatihat al-Kitab] and “Amana ‘r-Rasulu… [The Messenger believes…]” to the end of that passage. Then, having pronounced the testimony [tashahhud] and the salutation [taslima], he should make his plea by offering this prayer of supplication [du’a’], for his need will then be satisfied. The words of the prayer of supplication [du’a’] are as follows:
O Allah! O Intimate Friend of every lonely individual! O Companion of every solitary individual! O You who are Near, not distant! O You who are Present, not absent! O You who are Invisible, but not vanquished!
Allahumma : ya Mu’nisa kulli wahid : wa ya Sahiba kulli farid : wa ya Qariban ghaira ba’id: wa ya Shahidan ghaira gha’ib : wa ya Gha’iban ghaira maghlub :
I beseech you by invoking Your Name: In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate, the Ever-Living, the Eternally Self-Sustaining the One whom neither slumber nor sleep can overtake.
as’alu-ka bi’smi-ka bi’smi’llahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Rahim: al-Hayyi ‘l-Qayyum: alladhi la ta’khudhu-hu sinatun wa la nawm.
Again I beseech you by invoking Your Name: In the Name of Allah the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate, the Ever-Living, the Eternally Self-Sustaining, the One before whom faces are humbled, voices subdued and hearts quake and tremble.
wa as’alu-ka bi’smi-ka bi’smi’llahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Rahim: al-Hayyi ‘l-Qayyum: alladhi ‘anat la-hu ‘l-wujuh: wa khasha’at la-hu ‘l-aswat: wa wajilat min-hu ‘l-qulub :
[I beseech You] to bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and to grant me relief from my problem, and a way out of it, and to fulfil my need.
an yusalliya ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammad wa an taj’ala li min amri farajan wa makhrajan wa taqdiya hajati.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Since Hopes couldn't be assed to give Khalid a last name (referring to Claude like that because of, well, the lack-of-a-last-name issue I have lol), or give his father a name at all, do you have any headcanons as to what Khalid's full name/his father's name is?
I wouldn't say I have anything concrete, but I can list off some names I've considered with their basic name meaning (obviously the name meaning can vary a bit depending on the source so I tried to use more than one for some). :o
For Claude:
Rahal (person who embarks on a journey)
Hussain (handsome/beautiful)
Irfan (knowledgeable person, constant learner and/or awareness)
Rashid (truth, person who points others to the truth or in the right direction)
Rahim (forgiving/merciful)
Harith (bc it means lion and I'm gonna ship at unstoppable levels)
For Claude's dad:
Malik (king)
Qadir (almighty, powerful)
Nasser (victory)
Jalal (is similar to Qadir. can mean mighty, glory, power, superiority )
I actually had the idea of Rahim because of Claude's conversations with Rhea near the end of VW. I felt like he was very forgiving, understanding and sympathetic to her, but also merciful in that he used to think she wasn't fit to lead and once considered what the world would look like if she had died. When he heard her story, I think he would have understood her fears and realized they weren't that different - that she hid her identity and lied just to stay alive. She and her kin were seen as monsters for not being human, and I think he would understand that. The mercy from him would be hearing her story without judgement and not treating her as a monster despite knowing the truth. I think at that moment she expected to be judged and looked at with disgust, but he would understand what she went through. In a way, he is the mercy by being the person she had to tell her story to, because most other people might not have understood or looked at her as just another person after that.
Really, I think Rashid is my favorite because it aligns so perfectly with his character and goals. He's a truth seeker and wants to show that truth to others, leading them in the right direction and trying to help others from being left out. He wants everyone to be together like it's nothing special, in his own words, and the only way to do that is to show everyone the truth - that Fodlan's people are not cowards and that Almyra's people are not just horrible brutes. He aims to lead them down the right path and to stop the pointless hatred and warring.
For his father, I picked out Malik because it's a simple one with a very obvious meaning and I'm slightly bias because it reminds me of Tales of Graces because it has a Malik.
I've always considered that his name would mean something strong sounding considering what we know about him and what we know about Claude and Shahid. I think of all of them, Qadir is probably my favorite for him. I think in a way "almighty" would fit him because he's not just the king of Almyra, but he used to be able to get into Fodlan multiple times and get back out alive. To be able to go get into enemy lands as a kid, because like, you know how little kids can be, thinking it's so cool to do something the adults won't even do, I think would eventually seen by others as something to respect since he didn't just go to Fodlan and get killed. He repeatedly got back home and for a kid, that's pretty impressive.
Since I've never had reason to actually use these names like in fics or anything, I haven't really settled on anything for certain. Maybe someday I'll use them though!
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metaphysakilbuild · 2 years
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I give to you the blessings of Sab’un Taqi! (Créeme dela créeme!)
“La E-la-ha El Allah Mohammad Dar Rasual Allah. “ -(God-Allah is indeed the greatest, and Mohammad is his prophet.)
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim
Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem (Oh Beneficent, Oh Merciful)
Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem (In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)
1. Rab–Be–Be–Ma–Yash–Ra–Hul, __Ahs–Ha–Na–Qad–Fa–Ja–Ah
Be – Ja – He – Af – Da – Lee – Man, __Lil – La – He – Qad – Fa – Ja – Ah
The Lord surprised me by the illumination of the intellect, by the grace of the best of those who seek refuge with Him.
2. Ham–Dee–Lee–Ra–Bin–Kareem, Een–La–Sha–Reek–Allah–Hu __Wa – Sahd – Re – Yal – Yo – Ma – Nu, Rahn – Sa – Te – Ahn – Ma – La – Ah
My praise is to the generous Lord who has no associate. Today my chest is full of radiant light.
3. Muhammad–Dun–Sa–La–Wa, To–La–He–Fee–A–Ba–Deen __A – Lay – He – Fee – His – Be – He, Ku – Le – Be – He – Ka – La – Ah
Prayers of Allah be upon Muhammed forever, and upon his companions. My totality is focused on Him.
4. Ad–Hu–Ee–La–Hill–La–Thee, Ah–Mot–Ma–Wa–He–Bu–Hu __ Lee – Juum – La – Till – Kal – Kee – Ma, Yak – Ta – Ru – Man – Ba – Ra – Ah
I call on Allah, whose gifts are all embracing, to absolve all creatures.
5. Na–Jay–To–Hu–Jal–La–Ah, Wa–Man–Wa–Kar–Rahman–Nee __Tak – Ree – Ma – Ha – Deen – Wa – Kul, Lee – Meen – La – Geen – Ba – Ree – Ah
I conversed with Allah in my intimacy for several years. He honored me by his magnanimity and preserved me from futility.
6. Rahmanu –Hab–Lee–Ja–Mee–Al Kal–Kee–Rah–Ma–Ta–Man __Yug – Nee – A – Nee – Sha – Ree – Man, Quran – Na – Hu – Ka – Ra – Ah
Oh Merciful One, grant your mercy to all creatures. Avoid evil from all those who read the Holy Quran.
7. Huut–Uh–Ma–Tal–Mustapha, An–Koo–Lee–Maf–Sa–Da–Teen __Wal – Tar – Ha – Mil – Kal – Ka – Ya, Man – Ja – Da – Uum – Ba – Da - Ah
Forgive all the sins of the community of the Chosen One. Give your mercy to all beings that you created.
8. Ya–Malik–Al–Mulk–Kee–Ya, Man–Ja–La–An–Ka–Wa–Deen __ Ear – Ham – Ja – Me – Al – War – Ra, Ya – Hadi – Yan – Ra – Da – Ah
Oh Owner of the Universe, You are above all retaliation. Grant your mercy to all beings. You are the Guide and Sustainer of all.
9. Ma–How–Ta–Ma–Kahd–Na–Ha, Hool–Qal–Bu–Meen–Da–Ra–Reen __Be – Ja – He – Af – Da – Lee – Man, Lil – La – He – Kahd – La – Ja – Ah
Erase the attraction to sin from my Heart, by the grace of those who seek refuge in You.
Oh ALLAH, turn our hearts and minds in submissive obedience to You by bestowing upon us the truth with humility, science with sincerity and the secrets of love with eternal gratitude...
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skleftist · 2 years
Liste der Menschen, die bei den Protesten im Iran seit 16. September 2022 getötet wurden (bis 6.11):
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Mohammad Ghaemi Far Asterki, Dezful
Oveis Shekarze’i, Sarbaz
Nasrin Ghaderi, 35, Marivan
Mohammad Hossein Salari, Mahshahr
4.11. Massaker von Khash
Mohammad Shah Bakhsh
Yunus Shah Bakhsh
Shahli Bar
Sohn von Haj Khoda Murad Brahoi
Sadegh Brahui
Mohammad Amin Heshmatian
Ali Kurd Kalahori
Mobin Mirkazehi
Nima Nouri
Kambiz Regi
Rahim Dad Shahli
Sohn von Anwar Salahshuran
Mohammad Selahshuran
Abdul Malik Shahnawazi
Azim Mahmoud Zahi
Murad Zahi
Saeed Sohrab Zehi
Yasir Bahadur Zehi
Shoaib Darghale, Chabahar
Mehdi Hazrati, Karaj
Mohammadreza Bali Lashak, Nowshahr
Prasto Mouradkhani, Karaj
Yaser Naroi, Zahedan
Mohammad Reza Sarvi, Shahr-e Rey
Mehran Shekari, Karaj
Irfan Zamani, Lahijan
Momen Zand-Karimi, 18, Sanandaj
Komar Daroftadeh, 16, Piranshahr
Aref Gholampour, Zahedan
Dastan Rasul Mohammad Agha, Baneh
Masoud Ahmadzadeh, Mahabad
Kabdani, 12, Zahedan
Adel Kochakzaei, Zahedan
Farid Koravand, Asaluyeh
Omid Narouie, Zahedan
Amir Shahnavazi, Zahedan
Ermita Abbasi, 20, Karaj
Zaniar Abu Bakri, Mahabad
Fereshteh Ahmadi, 32, Mahabad
Keyvan Darvishi, 18, Sanandaj
Fereydon Faraji, Baneh
Shahou Khezri, Mahabad
Motalleb Saeed Peyro, Baneh
Kobra Sheikh Saqqa, Mahabad
Mehrshad Shahidi, 19, Arak
Behnaz Afshari, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Afshin Asham, 28, Qasr-e Shirin
Hadi Haqshenas, Isfahan
Mohammad Lotfollahi, Sanandaj
Hamid Reza Malmir, Karaj
Ismail Muludi, 35, Mahabad
Sarina Saedi, 16, Sanandaj
Seyed Ali Seiedi, Teheran
Mohammad Shariati, Sanandaj
Parisa Bahmani, Teheran
Parmis Hamnava, 14, Iranshahr
Ebrahim Mirzaei, 42, Sanandaj
Sadaf Movahedi, 17, Teheran
Ramin Fatehi, Sanandaj
Mona Naghib, 8, Saravan
Abolfazl Bahu, Qaimshahr
Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, Saqqez
Rahim Kalij, Qaimshahr
Poriya Kayani, Shushtar
Farid Maleki, Teheran
Arnica Kaem Maqami, 17, Teheran
Messam Moghadasi, Teheran
Sina Malayeri, Arak
Ezzatollah Shahbazi, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Ali Jalili, Teheran
Ramin Karami, Kermanshah
Ali Bani Asadi, 20, Ahvaz
Mohammad Abdollahi, Ilam
Hamed Baji Zehi, Zahedan
Hossein Akbarzadeh, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Atika Gaem Magham, 17, Teheran
Hossein Jezi, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Seyyed Farhad Hosseini, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Hamid Saeed Mozafari, Evin-Gefängnis Teheran
Parisa Asgari, Teheran
Reza Esmailzadeh, Teheran
Kamal Fegghi, Bukan
Asra Panahi Jangah, 15, Ardabil
Aziz Moradi, Sanandaj
Sina Naderi, 22, Kermanshah
Armin Sayyadi, 18, Kermanshah
Mehrgan Zahmatkesh, Rasht
Negin Abdolmaleki, 21, Hamedan
Abolfazl Adinezadeh, Mashhad
Farzin Farrokhi, Saqqez
Omid Mahdavi, Teheran
Elaheh Sa’idi, Saqqez
Nadia Arefani, Karaj
Arian Moridi, Salas-e Babajani
Esmail Dezvar, Saqqez
Seyyed Ahmad Shokrollahi, Isfahan
Abolfazi Adinezadeh, 16, Maschhad
Daryoush Alizadeh, Sanandaj
Mohammad Amini, Sanandaj
Peyman Manbari, 29, Sanandaj
Mohsen Mousavi, 30, Teheran
Nagin Salehi, Teheran
Yahya Rahimi Sarab Shahraki, Sanandaj
Sopher Sharifi, Teheran
Emad Heydari, 31, Ahvaz
Reza Bonyadi, Teheran
Nima Shafagh Doust, 16, Urmia
Mostafa Beriji, Zahedan
Arman Hassanzani, Zahedan
Mahmoud Hassanzani, Zahedan
Morteza Hassanzani, Zahedan
Zolfaghar Jan Hassanzani, Zahedan
Mohammad Mehrdadi, Teheran
Jamal Abdol Naser Mohammad Hasani Barahui, Zahedan
Khodanur Lajai, Zahedan
Salman Maleki, 25, Zahedan
Saamer Hashemzehie, Zahedan
Ali Akbar Rabi’i, Isfahan
Mahuddin Shirouzehi, Zahedan
Arman Hassanzani, Zahedan
Mahmoud Hassanzani, Zahedan
Morteza Hassanzani, Zahedan
Zolfaghar Jan Hassanzani, Zahedan
Ali Bani Assad, Ahvaz
Mokhtar Ahmadi, Marivan
Khodanour Laje’i
Ehsan Khan Mohammadi, Teheran
Pouya Rajab Nia, Babol
Mehrab Dolat Panah, Talesh
30.9.: Massaker von Zahedan
Esmail Abil
Mukhtar Ahmadi, Marivan
Abu Bakr Ali-Zehei
Lal Mohammad Alizehi
Ahmad Sarani Alizehi
Balal Anshini
Lal Mohammad Anshini
Mehdi Anshini
Musa Anshini
Suleiman Arab
Amin Goleh Bacheh
Amin Badr
Riassat Badel Balouch
Abdorrahman Balouchi
Abdolrahman Baluchikhah
Ali Barahouie, 14
Ali Akbar Barahui
Mohammad Barahui
Mahmoud Barahui
Abdulghafoor Noor Barahui
Zacharie Barahui
Abdol Samad Barahui-Aidouzehi
Mustafa Barichi, 24
Lal Mohammad Brahoui , 18
Abdul Ghafoor Dehmardeh
Mansour Dehmardeh
Musa Doveira
Mohammad Farough-Rakhsh
Mohammad Ali Gamshad-Zehei, 18
Mohammad Amin Gamshad-Zehei, 17
Mohsen Gamshad-Zehei
Salahuddin Gamshad-Zehei
Vahed Gamshad-Zehei
Saeed Gergige
Matin Ghanbarzehi, 13
Mohammad Ghaljei
Aminollah Ghaljaei
Ibrahim Gorgij
Matine Qanbar Zehi Gorgij
Amir Mohammad Gumshadzehi
Ali Akbar Halgheh-Begoush
Omran Hassanzehei
Vahid Hovat
Azizollah Kabdani
Sedis Keshani, 14
Azizullah Kubdani
Nematollah Kubdani
Abubakr Nahtani
Musa Nahtani
Mohammad Eqbal Naib-Zehi
Hamid Narouei
Hamzeh Narouei
Mohammad Sediq Narouei
Younes Narouei
Abdollah Naroui
Ali Aqli Naroui
Rafi Naroui
Abdollah Naroui
Abdol Majid Naroui
Musa Dovira Narui, 18
Hasti Narui
Rafe Naroui, 23
Ali Agheli Narui,28
Abdol Vahid Tohid Nia
Javad Pousheh, 12
Aminullah Qoljai
Mohammad Qoljaei
Abdolmanan Rakhshani
Balal Rakhshani
Jalil Rakhshani
Mansour Rakhshani
Mohammad Rakhshani, 12
Heydar Narui Rashid
Abdol Majid Rigi
Behzad Rigi, 30
Mohammad Rigi
Gungo Zehi Rigi
Amir Hossein Mir Kazehi Riggi, 19
Hamid Reza Saneipour
Omid Safarzehi, 17
Omid Sarani, 12
Ahmad Sargolzaei
Abdolmalek Shahbakhsh
Abdullah Shahbakhsh
Ahmad Shahbakhsh
Danial Shahbakhsh
Daniel Shahbakhsh, 11
Farzad Shahbakhsh
Imran Shahbakhsh
Majid Shahbakhsh
Mohiuddin Shahbakhsh
Omran Shahbakhsh
Yaser Shahbakhsh
Abdol Khaleq Shahnavazi
Amir Hamzeh Shahnavazi
Mahmoud Shahnavazi
Mohammad Eghbal Shahnavazi, 16
Omar Shahnavazi
Omid Shahnavazi
Thamer Shahnavazi
Yaser Shahouzehi, 16
Jaber Shiroozehi, 12
Najm al-Din Tajik
Najmuddin Tajik
Abdol Samad Thabitizadeh
Abdul Wahid Tohidnia
Mohammad Reza Adib Toutazehi
Esmail Hossein Zahi
Hamid Isa Zehei
Jalil Mohammad Zehei
Majid Baloch Zehi
Mohammad Ali Esmail Zehi
Samer Hashem Zehie, 16
Gholam Nabi Noti Zehi
Abdol Jalil Qanbar Zehi
Khalil Qanbar Zehi
Erfan Nazarbeigi, Teheran
Samad Barginia, Piranshahr
Amir Mehdi Farrokhipour, 17, Teheran
Amir Reza Naderzadeh, Nowschahr
Abdolsalam Ghader Galvani, 32, Oshnavieh
Mohammad Jameh Bozorg, Karaj
Hamin Foulavand, Varamin
Nader Kokar, Rudsar
Milad Ostad-Hashem, 37, Teheran
Siavash Mahmoudi, 16, Teheran
Mehdi Asgari, Garmsar
Mehrzad Avazpour, Nowschahr
Mohammad Hosseinikhah, Sari
Hossein Ali Kia Kanjouri, 23, Nowschahr
Mahmoud Keshvari, Karaj
Lina Namour, Teheran
Morteza Nowroozi, Langaroud
Mohammad Hossein Sarvari-Rad, Garmsar
Ehsan Alibazi, 16, Shahr-e-Qods
Sarina Esmailzadeh, 16, Karaj
Hamid Fouladvand, Pakdasht
Alireza Hosseini, 26, Teheran
Seyyedeh Ameneh Vahdat Hosseini, Karaj
Javad Khansari, 36, Teheran
Hossein Morovati, Qarchak Varamin
Hediyeh Naeimani, Nowschahr
Pouya Ahmadpour Pasikhani, 17, Rasht
Ahmad Reza Qoliji, Hamedan
Parsa Rezadoust, 17, Hashtgerd
Mohammad Javad Zahedi, 16, Sari
Kanaan Aghaei, 18, Karaj
Mehrdad Avazpour, Nowschahr
Pedram Azarnoush, 16, Dehdasht
Mehrdad Behnam-Asl, Dehdasht
Mohammad Reza Eskandari, 25, Pakdasht
Sasan Ghorbani, 32, Rezvan Shahr
Arvin Malamali Golzari, Fuladshahr
Esmail Heydari, Ardabil
Javad Heydari, 36, Qazvin
Mohammad Hossein-Khah, Mazandaran
Yaser Jafari, Ilam
Rouzbeh Khademi, 32, Karaj
Shirin Alizadeh Khansari, 35, Tschalus
Mehdi Leylazi, Karaj
Mohammad Rasoul Momenizadeh, Rasht
Mohsen Pazouki, Pakdasht Varamin
Maziar Salmanian, Rasht
Mohammad Reza Sarvari, 14, Shahr-e Ray
Setareh Tajik, 17, Teheran
Mohammad Amin Takoli, Teheran
Matin Abdollahpour, 16, Urmia
Fereydoun Ahmadi, Saqqez
Roshana Ahmadi, Bukan
Mehdi Babr-Nejad, Gouchan
Amir Hossein Basati, 15, Kermanschah
Amir Bastami, Kermanschah
Ghazaleh Chalavi, 33, Amol
Abdolfazl Akbari Doust, Langarud
Mehdi Mohammad Fallah, 33, Amol
Mohammad Farmani, Shahr-e-Ray
Alireza Fathi, Sanfar
Amir Ali Fouladi, 16, Islamabad-e Gharb
Mohsen Geysari, 32, Ilam
Mehrdad Ghorbani, Zanjan
Milan Haghighi, 21, Oshnavieh
Saeed Iranmensh, Kerman
Yasin Jamalzadeh, 28, Rezvan Shahr
Erfan Khazaee, Shahriar
Hannaneh Kia, 22, Nowshahr
Mohsen Mohammadi Kochsaraei, Qaemchahr
Behnam Layeghpour, 37, Rascht
Sadreddin Litani, 27, Oshnavieh
Amir Hossein Mahdavi, Rasht
Mino Majidi, Qasr-e Schirin
Mohsen Mal Mir, Nowschahr
Amin M’arefat, 16, Oshnavieh
Abdolfazl Mehdipour, Babol
Mahsa Mogouei, 18, Fulad Shahr
Amir Mehdi Malak Mohammadi, Teheran
Iman Mohammadi, Islamabad-e Gharb
Saeid Mohammadi, 21, Islamabad-e Gharb
Abdollah Mohammadpour, 17, Urmia
Seyed Mehdi Mousavi, 15, Zanjan
Seyyed Sina Mousavi, Amol
Seyyed Abbas Mir-Mousavi, Langarud
Mahdi Mousavi Nikou, 16, Zanjan
Hadis Najafi, 22, Karaj
Mehrab Najafi, Zarinchahr
Amir Nowroz, 16, Bandar-e Anzali
Arash Pahlavan, 27, Machad
Danesh Rahnema, 25, Urmia
Parza Rezadoust, 17, Karaj
Erfan Rezaei, 21, Amol
Ali Mozaffari Salanghouch, 17, Gouchan
Mohammad Mam Saleh, Sardasht
Mohammed Reza Savari, 14, Haschtgerd
Amir Hossein Shams, Nowschahr
Pouya Sheida, Urmia
Morteza Soltanian, Esfahan
Mohammad Hassan Torkaman, 27, Babol
Mohammad Zamani, 16, Teheran
Mohammad Zarei, Qrachak
Sasan Bagheri, Rezvanshahr
Farjad Darvishi, 23, Urmia
Zakaria Khayal, 16, Piranshahr
Erfan Khazaei, Zahedan
Farzin Lotfi, 35, Rezvan Shahr
Minoo Majidi, 62, Kermanschah
Diako Mehrnavaei, Bukan
Nika Shakarami, 17, Teheran
Reza Shahparnia, 20, Kermanschah
Abdolsamad Sabeti Zadeh , Zahedan
Milad Zare, 25, Babol
Hajar Abbasi, ca. 70, Mahabad
Fardin Bakhtiari, Sanandaj
Iman Behzadpour, Sanandaj
Reza Lotfi, 25, Dehgolan
Aysan Madanpasand, Tabriz
Fereydoun Mahmoudi, 32, Saqqez
Mohsen Mohammadi, 28, Divandarreh
Fouad Ghadimi, etwa 40, Divandarreh
Mahsa Jina Amini, 22, Teheran
Unbekannter Todestag:
Saeid Iranmanesh, Kerman
Omid Safarzahi, 17
Afshin Shahamat, 16, Teheran
Jabir Shirouzahi, 12
Die Namen sind zusammengetragen v.a. aus folgenden Quellen:
https://english.mojahedin.org/news/iran-pmoi-mek-publishes-names-of-martyrs-of-the-iranian-peoples-nationwide-uprising/ externer Link
https://iranwire.com/en/politics/108299-remembering-victims-iran-protests-2022/ externer Link
https://www.en-hrana.org/woman-life-freedom-comprehensive-report-of-20-days-of-protest-across-iran/?hilite=244+killed externer Link
https://www.amnesty.de/sites/default/files/2022-10/Amnesty-Bericht-Recherche-Iran-Proteste-getoetete-Kinder-Jugendliche-Polizeigewalt-Oktober-2022.pdf externer Link
https://iran-hrm.com/2022/10/13/26-names-of-killed-children/ externer Link
https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/wie-iran-den-protest-bekaempft-die-blutspur-des-regimes-a-da6d644d-a42f-4271-8331-58cd291b460a externer Link
https://hengaw.net/en/news/16-kurdish-citizens-killed-in-the-protests-on-the-40th-day-death-anniversary-of-zhina-mahsa-amini externer Link
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luiz-henrique · 2 years
=”[ A GRANDE CLAVÍCULA -: Livro Terceiro , a Obra Magistral ]”=
-:”{ Abertura }”-:
“ Em Memória de Howard Philips Lovecraft ào Rei do Terror Al Dajjal (...) !!! “
-:”( Dedicação)”-:
“ Dedico esta Obra para o Grande Escritor e Amigo Michael W.Ford..., como também para a Ordem dos Illuminati e aos Outros e Específicos que Buscam Contato com o Ultra Co - Incógnito e Grande Desconhecido...,
Esta Obra composta de Quatro Secções -: Alpha , Delta , Sigma , e Ômega..., que Constituem uma Única Integração, Rito e Chamada..., que todo aquele ou aquela que se atrever a Bater nas Portas do Desconhecido..., deve Efetivar esta Chamada , as Quatro Partes..., sem Interrupção, em Local: Lugar e Condições Adequados , com o Incrementar Ritual, Sem Círculo Mágico como chamam , pois quem nada deve a Deus , nada tem a temer , Entretanto se pode nada dever para Deus e Sucumbir , pelo Presente dado em desde a Malevolência, onde não basta nada dever , Precisa da Assistência e Presença Divina..., E no Bater a Porta , Ela poderá ou não ser aberta desde Quem está do Outro Lado...,começe traçando com a Mão Esquerda ou Sinistra a chamada “ Marca de Caim...,” Símbolo da Primeira Espada e da Chave das Portas da Obscuridade..., que dentro de algumas tradições se Assemelha ao Número Sete : 7 (...). “
="[ Esta Obra Não é Ditada pelos Seres Contatantes , pois , Eu Luiz Henrique: Henrich : Chyren..., a escrevi por mim mesmo ]"=
=”[ SECÇÃO -: ALPHA]”=
“ ( Pronuncie Três vezes )”-:
“ Não está Morto , Aquele que em Mais que Eterno Jaz...,
e o Além do Tempo, até mesmo o Morrer Desfaz...,
em seu Refúgio e Morada Oculta...,
o INOMINÁVEL -: Espreita , Vislumbra e Espera...,
como que à Sonhar (...)!!! “
-:”( Segue pronunciando uma só vez )”-:
“Em Nome...,
Pelo Poder...,
E pela Majestade...,
Que é ALLAHU AKBAR (...)!!!-:
EHEIEH (...)!!!-:
IOD- HÉ- VAU- HÉ...,
DEUS (...)!!!-:
Que sois Vós , o próprio ALLAH...,
Com seus Noventa e Nove Nomes Sagrados...,
Com Vosso Nome Sagrado (...)-:
Allah (الله) Deus(...)-: Al Rahman : Al Rahim : Al Malik : Al Quddus : Al Salam : Al Um’min : Al Muhaymin : Al ‘Aziz : Al Jabbar : Al Mutakabbir : Al Khaliq : Al Bari’ : Al Musawwir : Al Ghaffar : Al Qahhar : Al Wahhab : Al Razzaq : Al Fattah : Al Alim : Al Qabid : Al Basit : Al Khafid : Al Rafi’ : Al Um’izz : Al Mudhill : Al Sami’ : Al Basir : Al Hakam : Al ‘Adl : Al Latif : Al Khabir : Al Halim : Al ‘Azim : Al Ghafur : Al Shakur : Al ‘Ali : Al Kabir : Al Hafiz : Al Muqit : Al Hasib : Al Jalil : Al Karim : Al Raqib : Al Mujib : Al Wasi’ : Al Hakim : Al Wadud : Al Majid : Al Ba’ith : Al Shahid : Al Haqq : Al Wakil : Al Qawiyy : Al Matin : Al Wali : Al Hamid : Al Muhsi : Al Mubdi’ : Al Um’id : Al Muhyi : Al Mumit : Al Hayy : Al Qayyum : Al Wajid : Al Majid : Al Wahid : Al Samad : Al Qadir : Al Muqtadir : Al Muqaddim : Al Um’akhkhir : Al Awwal : Al Akhir : Al Zahir : Al Batin : Al Wali : Al Muta’al : Al Barr : Al Tawwab : Al Muntaqim : Al ‘Afuww : Al Ra’uf : Malik al Mulk : Dhu al Jalal wa al Ikram : Al Muqsit : Al Jami’ : Al Ghani : Al Mughni : Al Mani’ : Al Darr : Al Nafi’ : Al Nur : Al Hadi : Al Badi : Al Baqi : Al Warith : Al Rashid : Al Sabur (...)-:
ALLAHU AKBAR (...)!!!-:
pelo qual Noventa e Nove : 99 são Nove e Nove , e Assim Dezoito : 18 , que por sua vez é 6 6 6...,
Logo , ante sua Glória Divina Maior...
A Besta -: Chioa...,
Zhyon ...,
Deve Servir ao mesmo DEUS...,
Este..., DEUS (...)-:
“ que Cria Monstros e Terríveis Guardiões , como a Leviathan ( Leviatã) na Porta do Éden..., para Proteger seus Reinos, Impérios e o Mais..., como a Espada Terrível que Guarda a Árvore da Vida , desde sua Sombra...,
A Nomeada Morte ...,”
onde (...)-:
“ o Reino de DEUS se encontra Sob a Sombra de Espadas (...)!!!”...,
Ante Vos : DEUS...,
O próprio Demônio , que de DEUS Conhece seus Segredos Mais Preciosos...,
Deve Honrar e Servir aos Sagrados e Divinos Mistérios...,
À Glória Divina Maior...,
Como na Lenda de Salomão -: Sal- om- on..., que Edificou seu Templo com as Colunas Jakin e Bohaz (...)-: Kadosh...,
Edul- Pen- Gagú...,
Sheckinah (...) -: Phe Vimns Dasah : o Ôlho que Tudo Vê...,
IHVH (...)!!!-:
Se Valendo de “ Mais que as Mil e uma Noites...,”
Do Serviço dos “ Mais que Mil e um Demônios...,”
daí o Rememorar do Lemegeton ,
ante o mesmo SHEMMANPHORASH...,
onde das Atribuídas Ruínas do Templo de Salomão...,
Nunca encontraram o “ Vaso de Latão...,”
Do mesmo módo que os Três Espíritos Malignos que Surgem de Satan , o Dragão...,
e os Três Espíritos Malignos que Surgem do Trono da Besta -: Chioa , Zhyon (Zhyon)...,
e os Três Espíritos Malignos que Surgem do Falso Profeta , de fato...,
Al Dajjal...,
Dariam também a Ênfase dos Nove...,
E Cinco Letras tem NEKAM , a Justa Vingança...,
E Cinco Letras tem SATAN...,
E Cinco Letras tem ALLAH...,
está o Simbolismo da Primeira Palavra , Nesta Versão -:
Chéremitarouere , com seus Cinco Tons...,
Ante Moritolyf , e mesma Gimela , Nahash , a Serpente do Éden, Lilith...,
A Grande Rainha da 🌃...,
Ante o Arcano que Abre as Portas , com suas Notas Secretas da Escala Musical (...)-:
“ EFE - ESM - PER - TIR – SAR - FIL – LAU...,”
Plus Ultra(...)-:
A Canção Feérica dos Jinas Cantada pelas Variantes – , Fadas e Outras nas Notas Secretas...,
IBEDEVI , o Nome da Barca Metafórica que Através das Brumas Leva até Avallon (...)-:
Is- Sidhes , a Grande Senhora...,
Ante a Palavra Perdida...,
Que na Ênfase da Oculta Versão , se Escreve de Forma Diferente , com sua Pronúncia Velada , e Assim Entoada nas Notas Secretas...,
Gravada no Interior do Sheckinah , em Letras Douradas , na Grafia Hebraica , em Sobre o Negro Ônix...,
I- HIH - G(GUI)- Ô- HOH...,
Quem é (...)?-:
É o Hieros Theos , o Verbo Divino (...)-:
ante Este (...)-:
Kumapári et Sekárika...,
Estas Facetas do mesmo Demônio (...)-:
HVHI , OAI , UOEI : UÉJ , HOH- Z- HIH , CHAVAH – JOT (...)-:
Chavajoth , o Cavaleiro Negro Terrível...,
HWH - HÉ - VAU- Z – HÉ - IOD - HWH...,
Com suas Sete Notas Musicais Secretas...,
HOH - Ô - G(GUI) - HIH - I...,
WOI , ENUOYO ( Oposto de -: OIW -: OYOUNE )...,
DRAKÚL , Dragão...,
E seu Verbo DRAKULAH...,
NAMAHARB ( Oposto a BRAHAMAN )...,
RA - TH (Pronúncia Sibilante) - MA...,
MO(Oposto a OM)...,
MUA ( Oposto a AUM )...,
Que Deve Honrar e Servir ao GLORIOSO DEUS INDIZÍVEL que è ALLAHU AKBAR...,
Ante sua Glória Maior...,
o Serve a seu módo...,
Tamemdonare , e mesmo Caim : Qayin...,
O próprio Adamu , o Vermelho (...)-:
Baphometh (...)!!! “
Este Rito e Obra Interrupta na Secção Delta )-:
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kurung-kuring-aing · 2 months
rincian secara hakekatna Sifat Alloh anu RAHMAN sareng RAHIM
- Kieu penjelasannana mah
- SIFAT RAHMAN (Welas / Kamurahan Alloh anu tumiba ka :
1. WUJUD, kapan buktosna masihan anggota kayaning : Panangan, Sampean, Paninggal, Pangdangu, Pangucap, Pangangseu, Budi sinareng Akal.
2. ALAM, kapan buktos masihan Seneu, Angin, Cai, Taneuh, Panon Poe, Bentang, Bulan, istuning sakitu kumplitna.
- Tah eta pokona kamurahan Alloh teh, papak ka sadayana. - Poma murahna Gusti teh sanes osok maparin rizeki lain kitu. - Da perkawis rizeki mah, gumantung jalmina, gumantung tiasa sareng henteuna ngagolangkeun “ Modal ti Alloh” nyaeta anggota tea, oge gumantung kana “ Elmuna” anu baris nyampurnakeun modal ti Alloh tadi.
- Ti payun parantos di kapayunkeun kieu “ Manusa tanpa Elmu, hirupna bakal kasasar “ teras upami “ Manusa tanpa Agama, hirupna bakal kasasar”, atuh upama “ Manusa tanpa seni, hirupna bakal kasar”.
- Modal ti Alloh (Anggota Badan) di euyeubkeun ku Elmu, terus soson-soson daek ripuh heula, tawakal metakeun anggota sageuy teu aya hasilna. - ningan saur para sepuh oge sok ngawadian kieu :
- Lamun Hayang Ngakeul (Sangu), kudu daek Ngakal.
- Lamun Hayang Nyokol (Kana Sambel), kudu daek Macul.
- Lamun Hayang Kaya (Beunghar), kudu perceka.
- Urang kudu ngareret ka bangsa deungeun naha widang rijkina arunggul. Nyakitu tea, maranehna mah parantos mampuh ngagolangkeun modal ti Alloh di sarengan ku Elmuna cukup, uteukna, akalna dipake mikir, nya ngalahirkeun ( Cipta, Rasa, Karsa ), atuh anggotana ngopepang, sukuna dipake ngalengkah, dipuserkeun kana ciptaan Alloh dina Alam Semesta nya bukti hasil karyana, mangfaat pikeun sakumna umat sadunya. - pan sanggeum hadist oge : “ WAMAN TOLABA SAEUN JIDHAN FA WA JIDAHU “. Anu hartosna : Saha-saha anu temen pamentana ka Nu Maha Kawasa, menta bari jeung paksa.
- SIFAT RAHIM ALLOH, nyaeta “ Asih di Akherat”,
- Ari Asihna di Akherat teh piraku teu karaos pek papay heula atuh ari Akherat teh naon ? nyatana di Badan urang ?
- ari “ Akherat “ teh, nyaeta ALAM RASA, buktina di Badan urang teh. Piraku henteu kapikir sareng henteu ka rasa yen ieu kaayaan di Alam Dohir, boh anu di Cai, boh anu di Darat, anu amis, anu asin, anu pait, anu lada, cing kamana eta surupna ?
- eta sadayana surupna teh nya kana RASA, pangna aya Rasa sadumeh aya HIRUP.
- naon-naon anu arasup kana badan nu nampi teh anging Rasa (Rasululloh). - Ari Rasa pan teu pisah jg Hirup. - Eta bakating ku asih-asihna kana saniskara anu bisa usik malik.
Supados gampil kahartosna urang cobi nganggo ibarat atawa upama. - Upamana maneh teh dina hiji waktu nuju didamel di sawah, ti isuk-isuk keneh. Parantos tengh poe karaos hanaang sareng lapar, atuh enggal- enggal maneh teh mulih ka bumi. - Ari pek di bumi teh kasampak suwung, di konci nuju nyaraba. - Ti dinya maneb teh mikir teras bae ngabujeng ka bumi saderek.
- Barang sumping ka bumi saderek, kasampak araya. Tah di dinya dina manah maneh tangtu nyebat “ Aduh Aing Hidayah “, kaleresan nyampak araya. - Ari pek teh deui parantos tatahar bade taruang, katinggal rencangna lumayan. Ningali kitu dina manah maneh tangtu nyebatkeun “ Aing Darajat “ - keur hanaang bari lapar ieu geus sadia. Atuh habeuk bae cacamuilan tuang ponyo pisan. - Tah dina manah maneh tangtu nyebatkeun “ duh ieu dahar ku Ni’mat-ni’mat teuing.
- Tapi biasana upami parantos neda ni’mat, sok karaos rada leuleus, lesu, haroream obah-obah acan, kuduna mah jagjag ari di asupan teh. Cing kira-kira naon margina ?
- Kitu anu disebat “ Teluh Kejo” mah
- Ari sadayana katuangan teh pada aya “ ROH-na”, - dina kakara asup mah, eta Roh-na teh teu misah tina katuangannana, lantaran teu acan bubuk pisan, sasat teu acan bijil “ Aci-acina”. - Tah lami-lami saparantos bubuk, hampas sareng acina misah. - Hampasna kaluar deui, - ari acina mah ngajadi “ Getih”, saterusna surup sinurupan. - Tah ROH tina kadaharan tepung sareng ROH tina Jasmani, - nya ngajadikeun ROHMAT. Tah tina Rohmat anu ngajadikeun Tanaga teh, murakabah ka sakujur awak, jelas dangu, bengras tingali, harus sowara, - da teu barang tuang mah, sowarana oge haroshos, tingalina ruam, dengena sok rajen torek. - Jadi mun kurang barang tuang, bakal kurang Getihna, lamun kurang Getih bakal kurang Rohmat, lamun kurang Rohmat bakal kurang tanaga. Kitu tah
- eta ROH tina katuangan teh asalna tina 4 (opat) perkara, tina SENEU, ANGIN, CAI, TANEUH tea, - nya kajadian diri urang jadi : DAGING, TULANG, SUMSUM, KULIT. - Upami kieu jalan-jalanna mah jadi seu’eur kasieun naon-naon anu bade diteda teh paur malindes kana diri.
- atuh kantenan ka hiji eta katuangan teh kedah di sampurnakeun heula lamun henteu kitu bakal ngagorogotan kana sakujur awak urang. - Margi ti dinya pisan anu baris jadi Panyakit sareng Nafsu teh. - Kantenan upami artosna kenging ngarampas tina Hak anu sanes mah, atawa barang kadaharan kenging maling pasti anu bogana ngado’akeun ka Nu Maha Kawasa, supaya malindes kanu malingna. - Omat kedah ati-ati, ulah jangji bres bae anu di asupkeun kana patuangan teh.
0 notes
shinyhappysims · 4 months
Hello and happy Harvest fest! All of my children and grandchildren came in. We had a pot luck so everyone bought a different dish! I also invited my parents to come over.
Lucy got a new camera and wanted to take some pictures of all the family. She got some great shots!
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(l to r) Aaliyah (24), Jamilah (14), Khalil (7), Isioma (49), Anwar (51), Rahim (19), Malik (22), Layla (19), Imani (26)
28 years of marriage, 7 children and 6 grandchildren—I’m so grateful to God for this beautiful life of mine!
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My oldest Imani and her husband Raphaël (27) just welcomed their first children, twin girls Manon and Mireille (0). Their home is in Windenburg but they tour all across Simerica with their music ministry. They’re already excited for the girls and other future children to learn violin so they can make a small family orchestra!
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Aaliyah and Colby (23) have been married for 4 years and have 3 kids: Aaron (3), Bethany (1), and Christian (0). Colby is still a youth pastor at my brother’s church in Brindleton Bay.
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Malik and his wife Lucy (22) are both enjoying life together in Willow Creek. The two of them are extremely business savvy. Malik left the plumbing company he used to work at and opened his own and also offers electrical services. Lucy has expanded her photography business from just weddings to artistic photo shoots as well. She recently got an opportunity to do a shoot for a home décor magazine!
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Layla is back home for the holidays with her new beau Asher (19). They haven’t been dating for very long but it’s obvious that they care deeply about each other. Asher is a fine young man; he’s studying education, a member of the debate team and the vice president of his fraternity! He’s just as much of a high achieving student as our girl! Speaking of which, Layla is one of the top students at Foxbury and has a perfect 4.0 GPA. I’m so proud of her!
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Layla’s twin Rahim (19) lives in Copperdale with his wife Rina (19) and their daughter Rose (2). Rahim attends veterinary school and Rina is studying to be a paralegal online. Having Rose derailed a lot of plans for Rina but I admire her for getting back on her feet and having a backup plan in place.
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Lucy also got this shot of my beautiful parents. Everyday they continue to be with us is such a blessing. They are 87 and 83 now, so I’m not taking this time with them for granted.
Harvestfest was a huge success! Little Khalil was a huge help after dinner! And I didn’t even have to ask him!
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Yours, Isioma <3
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aiwithhamza · 4 months
Meaning Of Allah SWT’s Names
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Let’s explore the beautiful names of Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, in Islam. In just a few minutes, we’ll learn about ten of these names and what they mean, helping us understand Allah’s attributes and His significance in the lives of Muslims.
1. الرحمن (Ar-Rahman) – The Most Merciful:
Allah is Ar-Rahman, which means He is full of mercy and compassion. He showers His kindness and blessings upon all of creation, regardless of their faith or actions.
2. الرحيم (Ar-Rahim) – The Most Compassionate:
Ar-Rahim describes Allah’s specific and continuous mercy towards His believers. He is always ready to forgive and guide those who seek His mercy.
3. الملك (Al-Malik) – The Sovereign:
As Al-Malik, Allah is the absolute Ruler and King of everything in the universe. He owns everything, and His authority is supreme.
4. القدوس (Al-Quddus) – The Holy:
Al-Quddus signifies Allah’s absolute purity and perfection. He is free from any imperfections or flaws, and His essence is beyond human comprehension.
5. السلام (As-Salam) – The Source of Peace:
Allah is As-Salam, the ultimate source of peace and tranquility. He brings inner peace to the hearts of believers and promises eternal peace in the Hereafter.
6. القوي (Al-Qawiyy) – The Almighty:
Al-Qawiyy represents Allah’s immense strength and power. He is capable of overcoming any obstacle and protecting His believers from harm.
7. الوكيل (Al-Wakil) – The Trustee:
Allah is Al-Wakil, the one who takes care of all affairs. Believers trust in Him to guide them and fulfill their needs, both in this world and the Hereafter.
8. الحكيم (Al-Hakim) – The Wise:
As Al-Hakim, Allah possesses perfect wisdom and knowledge. He decrees with wisdom and justice, guiding humanity towards what is best for them.
9. الودود (Al-Wadud) – The Loving:
Al-Wadud reflects Allah’s boundless love and affection towards His creation. His love is unconditional and everlasting, comforting believers in times of need.
10. الغفور (Al-Ghafur) – The Forgiving:
Al-Ghafur highlights Allah’s abundant forgiveness and mercy towards His servants. He forgives sins and overlooks shortcomings, granting believers the opportunity to repent and seek His forgiveness.
The names of Allah encompass His divine attributes and qualities, providing believers with a deeper understanding of His nature and significance in their lives. Reflecting on these names fosters a stronger connection to Allah and inspires gratitude, reverence, and devotion in the hearts of Muslims.
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
235 Personnalités Françaises 💜 en soutien à Gaza
Reconnaissance de l'État Palestinien :
ne soyons pas à rebours de l'Histoire
Depuis la terrible attaque du Hamas du 7 octobre 2023 causant la mort de plus de 1 100 israéliens, majoritairement civils, et la prise d’otage de 252 personnes, dont 121 sont encore détenues par le Hamas, les habitants de Gaza subissent des bombardements quotidiens. Il y a quelques jours, deux camps de réfugiés ont été ciblés à Rafah et nous avons en tête des images qui nous empêchent de dormir la nuit. Pourtant, malgré le tollé international, Israël continue le massacre.
Plus de 35 000 morts sont dénombrés, ces chiffres sont sous-évalués selon plusieurs sources. Deux millions de personnes sont menacées de famine.
L'escalade de la violence ne semble ne jamais devoir s’arrêter. 
Nous assistons à un génocide en temps réel, filmé, documenté, se déroulant sur nos écrans quotidiennement et devant lequel nous sommes nombreux à nous sentir impuissants.
Le temps n’est plus au débat, il est à l’action. 
Combien de morts faudra-t-il pour que la France prenne une position claire et humaniste ? Combien de crimes contre l’humanité ?
L'Espagne, l'Irlande et la Norvège, ont pris le chemin de la dignité humaine en reconnaissant officiellement l’État de Palestine, rejoignant les 143 pays qui reconnaissent officiellement l'existence d'un État palestinien. Mais la France, pays des Droits de l'Homme, pays des Lumières, ne se prononce toujours pas.
Nous, artistes, créateurs de contenu, personnalités publiques et citoyens, avec nos différences mais aussi ces liens qui nous unissent, nous joignons nos voix pour dire au monde que nous reconnaissons l’existence de l’État de Palestine, non seulement en réponse au massacre actuel, mais au nom du droit de ce peuple à exister.
Aujourd'hui, nous faisons appel au Président de la République pour lui demander cette reconnaissance. Ne soyons pas à rebours de l'Histoire. Ne soyons pas dans le camp de la honte.
Notre voix, notre solidarité, peuvent faire la différence.
Vive la justice, vive la paix, vive la Palestine libre.
Signataires : 
DJ Snake, Dj et musicien 
Leïla Bekhti, actrice 
Mister V, créateur vidéo
Angèle, chanteuse 
Léna Situations, créatrice de vidéo
Adèle Exarchopoulos, actrice 
Natoo, créatrice vidéo
JoeyStarr, rappeur 
Tahar Rahim, acteur
Usul, vidéaste
Malik Bentalha, humoriste et acteur
Camélia Jordana, chanteuse et actrice
Dali Benssalah, acteur
Léa Seydoux, actrice
Médine, auteur et rappeur
Renaud, chanteur
Nawell Madani, humoriste
François Civil, acteur
Fianso, acteur et chanteur 
Guillaume Meurice, humoriste
Rima Hassan, Juriste en droit international et activiste franco-palestinienne
Melha Bedia, actrice et humoriste
Hugo Tout Seul, humoriste et vidéaste 
Sneazzy, rappeur
Reda Kateb, acteur
Ludivine Sagnier, actrice
Niels Schneider, acteur
Thomas La Hess @Thomaslahess, créateur vidéo
Aloïse Sauvage, chanteuse
Gaël Faye, auteur 
Émilie Gomis, sportive
Anne Marivin, actrice
Rilès, artiste
Matthieu Longatte, humoriste, réalisateur, acteur 
Blanche Gardin, humoriste
Lolaclr @Lolaclrvm, créatrice vidéo
Béatrice Dalle, actrice 
Radouan Leflahi, acteur
Oulaya Amara, actrice
Swann Arlaud, acteur
Kim Chapiron, réalisateur
Pomme, chanteuse 
Florence Mendez, comédienne et humoriste
Nora Hamzawi, humoriste
Lola Dewaere, actrice 
Catherine Baba, artiste 
Lauren Bastide, journaliste 
Natasha Andrews, actrice
Manon Azem, actrice
Solann, chanteuse
Yvan Le Bolloc'h, artiste
Céline Sallette, actrice
Ouidad Elma, actrice
Damien Ounouri, Réalisateur
Adila Bendimerad, Actrice et Réalisatrice
Ichon, chanteur 
Maud Wyler, actrice 
Charaf Tajer, designer 
Bastien Bouillon, acteur
David Ayala, acteur
Rokhaya Diallo, journaliste et réalisatrice 
Ramdane Touhami, designer, entrepreneur 
Hakim Jemili , humoriste, comédien 
Patrick Pelloux, urgentiste 
Gauvain Sers, chanteur
Sayyid El Alami, acteur
Nahuel Perez Biscayart, acteur
Olivier Rabourdin, acteur
Roland Timsit, acteur
Assaâd Bouab, acteur
Moussa Mansaly,acteur 
Sami Bouajila, acteur
Alice Diop, réalisatrice
Younes Bendjima - Creative, Entrepreneur
Nordine Benotmane, creative director 
Vivremoinscon, créateur vidéo
Dany et Raz - streamers 
Rosa Attab, productrice
Louisa Yousfi, autrice
Fiona Godivier, réalisatrice
Thaïs Klapish 
Raphaël Pitti, humanitaire
Alice de Lencquesaing, actrice 
Clémentine Poidatz, actrice 
Imane Maarifi, humanitaire 
Nicolas Framont, Essayiste 
Ariane Labed, actrice
Claude-Emmanuelle, artiste
Habibitch, artiste
Raphaël et Théo Herrerias du groupe Terrenoire, musiciens
Sophie de la Rochefoucauld, comédienne 
Arkunir @arkunirzeno, streamer
Lulu Van Trapp, groupe de musique
Tomasi, rappeur 
Bruno Gaccio, auteur scénariste 
Xavier Mathieu, Comédien 
Abdourahman Waberi, écrivain
Pierre Nehemy Dahomey, écrivain
Hajibah Fahmy, danseuse
Anne-Laure Bonnet, journaliste
Felix Maritaud, acteur
Jenna Thiam, actrice
Louise Chevillotte, actrice
Louise Orry Diquero, actrice
Lyna Zerrouki, productrice et réalisatrice 
Chafik Laribia, producteur 
Youssef Swatts, Rappeur
Fanny Minvielle, agent artistique
Eduardo Teddy Williams, réalisateur
Mehdi Idir , réalisateur 
Jessim, créateur video
Antoine Chevrollier, réalisateur 
Tif, rappeur 
Redouane Bougheraba , humoriste, comédien 
Younes Boucif, acteur et rappeur 
Nabil Aitakkaouali, réalisateur et producteur
Rabah Nait Oufella, acteur 
Maboula Soumahoro, écrivaine
Achraf Ajraoui, réalisateur
Assouan Buugherara @JimmyDeuxFois__
Rachid Benzine, politologue et écrivain 
Noée Abita, actrice
Alma Jodorowsky, actrice
Sara Verhagen, actrice
Clotilde Hesme, actrice
Marie Lemarchand, actrice
Fatima Daas, autrice 
Marion Slitine, anthropologue, historienne 
Janane Boudili, Entrepreneuse
Eva Doumbia, metteuse en scène et autrice
Penda Diouf, autrice, comédienne et metteuse en scène 
Lalla Rami, chanteuse
The Psychotic Monks, groupe de musique
Erwan Kepoa Falé, acteur
Fatim-Zahra Alami, artiste interprète 
Yassine Belattar, humoriste
Caroline Poggi, réalisatrice
Jonathan Vinel, réalisateur
Simon Johannin, auteur
Lynn S.K, photographe 
Camille Charrière, créatrice de contenu
Sofiene Carter, créateur de contenu
Felhur X Andro, Rappeur et beatmaker
Saif Mahdhi, agent d’image
Laucarré @Laucarré, rappeur
Siham Bengoua, animatrice et journaliste
Jason Brokerss, humoriste
Fadela Mecheri, créatrice de Contenu 
Manon Delcourt @dairing.tia, créatrice vidéo
Roman Frayssinet, humoriste, acteur 
@yeney, créateur vidéo
Lodo | Niri @Lodoniri, créateur vidéo
Pas Dühring, vidéaste
Alena @Emohokage, créatrice de contenu
Hermione @hermione__rbl, créatrice vidéo
Maboula Soumahoro, écrivaine 
Émilie Kareh, styliste
Omaima Salem, styliste
Politicogauche @Politicogauche, créateur vidéo
Glupatate @Glupatate, créateur vidéo
Aksil @aksylle, vulgarisateur politique, créateur vidéo
@Diana.cycn,  créatrice vidéo
@unedivasurtiktok, créatrice vidéo
@Adelaidezoulikha, artiste, créatrice vidéo
@lydroppedthemic, Rappeur
@martinlegilet, créateur vidéo
@saralaskaa, créatrice vidéo
@balance_tonbeauf, créateur vidéo
@stonemarten89, créatrice vidéo
MC danse pour le climat @MCdanspourleclimat, activiste pour l'écologie et la justice sociale 
Chloé Gervais, créatrice vidéo
Fanny Maurer @fannymaurer, maquilleuse et créatrice vidéo
Hugo Mazouz @Mazouz, créateur vidéo
@GuizMaths, professeur de mathématiques, créateur vidéo 
Marie Chureau @mariechureau, activiste pour l'écologie et la justice sociale
Hortyunderscore, streameuse
Moustafa Benaibout - Mininours, dessinateur
La Carologie, créatrice vidéo
Mekdavinci, artiste photographe
KickSama, dessinateur
Mamapaprika, streameuse
Tatadrapi, streameuse
AliceRage, streameuse
Kamil Abderrahman, Journaliste 
Lepetitmondedalya, streameuse
Faldrekh, créateur vidéo
Pedristi, créateur vidéo
Demenis, streameuse
Sabine, créatrice vidéo
Imlauranus, comédienne
Sirenessence, créatrice vidéo
sa_me_di, créatrice de contenu
Sabrina Erin Gib, écrivaine
Cht.am, auteurice 
Maggies.planet, créatrice vidéo 
Zazem, créatrice vidéo
Sarahmako, créatrice vidéo
Yukaino, streameuse
GlitteryGlitch, streameuse
Mathieu Burgalassi,  écrivain et créateur vidéo
Antipatriarcame, streameureuse et créateurice vidéo
Travata, créateur vidéo
Thiguane, créatrice vidéo
Raph, créatrice vidéo
Passionmedievistes, historienne
Eth.ann.hol, créatrice vidéo
Cheynese, écrivaine
Laialdarwich, créatrice vidéo
Mehdi Raizi journaliste et écrivain
Ocean, comédien et réalisateur
Vassaldiego, créateur vidéo
Ryo, créateur vidéo
un.arabe.dalgerie, créateur vidéo
Charlesbaldia, photographe  
@mauve2_de_tiktok, créatrice vidéo
Alea+, créatrice vidéo
Macho.boulot.dodo, créatrice vidéo
Tal Madesta, journaliste et auteur
Lavegz, créatrice vidéo
Niemesia, créatrice vidéo
Gaetandagir, créateur vidéo
Bettina Zourli, créatrice vidéo
Élé Lou Boyer, illustratrice
Lumi, créateur vidéo
Climarx, créateur vidéo
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everythingkashmir · 5 months
Ishq, Inshallah
Is Kashmir getting on the South Asia’s music map?
By Faisul Yaseen
Faheem Abdullah and Rauhan Malik’s recent song ‘Ishq’ from ‘Lost; Found’ album has immortalised the work of Amir Ameer, a poet from Rahim Yar Khan, a city in the Punjab province of Pakistan.
It is breaking the internet and becoming a trending meme song. The song is also bringing closer music lovers across India and Pakistan, who are raving about Ameer’s mesmerising poetry and soothing voice of Abdullah and Malik. ‘Ishq’ may not be the best thing to have happened to the Kashmir music industry but it certainly has attracted traction and could play its part in putting Kashmir on South Asia’s music map.
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Though boasting of rich musical instrumentals, magical voices, and insightful poetry, Kashmir’s music industry has suffered over the decades due to the Kashmiri language’s limited reach as only 6.8 million people speak Kashmiri. However, the experimentation of composing Urdu songs by young Kashmiri singers like Abdullah and Malik and a crop of new-generation Kashmiri singers is making the canvas bigger for them as Urdu boasts 71.29 million native speakers while the language is also understood by 571.3 million native Hindi speakers.
Like Abdullah and Malik, someone who took this experimentation to new heights in Kashmir was Yawar Abdal, a new-age Kashmiri singer who, in 2017, experimented with his single, ‘Tamana’, a multilingual song in Kashmiri, Urdu, and Persian languages based on the poetry of three legendary poets: Mehjoor (Kashmiri), Mirza Ghalib (Urdu), and Amir Khusru (Persian). The song became an instant hit on the internet. Abdal’s best work to date though might not be ‘Tamama’ but a lesser hit ‘Inshallah’. It is an artistic genius: multilayered and ambiguous and shakes a listener out of placid.
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Abdal may not have the best voice among the new-age Kashmiri singers but he is heads and shoulders above others when it comes to crafting his work. Like his unconventional music, the visualisation in his music videos touches raw nerves and asks questions that only great art can.
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Canadian pop artist Grimes says, “Only art ever saved me, everything else has betrayed me.” And Abdal’s music and music videos never betray your trust.
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Jyotsna Bharti in ‘Mixing Old Melody with New Melancholy: Meet Kashmir’s Fresh Folksingers’ writes, “At a time when youngsters elsewhere are de-rooting themselves and trying westerns, many new-age Kashmiri musicians and singers are popularising their roots. Following the footsteps of their forefathers, they’re finding solace in Rabab, pleasures in poetries and life in mountains…”
These new-age Kashmiri singers like Ali Saifuddin, Mohammad Muneem Nazir, Saim Bhat, Ishfaq Kawa, Rasiq Khan, Waqar Khan, Kabul Bukhari, Arsalan Nizami, Ubair Taj Beigh, Baabarr, Mudacer, Shazia Bashir, Aabha Hanjura, Vibha Saraf, and Rahul Wanchoo wear Kashmir on their sleeves, sport Kashmiri shawls and Pherans, use traditional musical instruments, and shoot music videos in the picturesque locales.
They have taken a leaf out of the book of their ancestors like Raja Begum, Shamima Dev Azad, Ghulam Hassan Sofi, Abdul Rashid Hafiz, Kailash Mehra Sadhu, and Neeraja Pandit and popularised it among the new generations of Kashmir offering them music from their roots and educating them that Kashmiri music might be as rich as the Bollywood and western music and much like the Punjabi music could carve out an identity of its own.
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Kashmiri music represents its rich melodic heritage. It has played a significant role in shaping and expressing its cultural identity. Kashmiri music has served as a powerful tool to preserve Kashmiri traditions, values, and stories.
Kalhana in his magnum opus ‘Rajatarangini’ wrote in the 12th Century CE that Kashmiri musical instruments have extremely aged roots. A 4th-century CE tile found during excavation from Harwan shows the impression of a female musician playing a drum. The other person is shown playing a veena. King Bhiksacara (1120-21 CE), who himself played these instruments was fond of ‘Chhakri’ (folk choral singing) which continues to be popular in Kashmir.
According to Kalhana, folk musical instruments like earthen pots and brass vessels were used by Kashmiri people from very early times. Prominent musical instruments played in Kashmir include Surnai, Santoor, Saitar, Nai, Tumbaknari, Noot, and Rabab.
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Tumkanari (goblet drum) is usually used by womenfolk on occasions like engagement and marriage functions. In Central Asia Tumkanari called Tumbakh or Tunbak is now made of wood while Kashmir maintains its originality and the musical instrument is still made of baked clay. Similarly, the use of Noet (earthen pot) in Kashmiri music is mentioned in Nilmata Purana as well as Kalhana’s Rajtarangini.
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Kashmiri music also has influences from the Central Asian music.
“We even borrowed their music and instruments,” historian Prof Fida Muhammad Hassnain wrote in ‘Common Cultural Links between Kashmir and Central Asia’.
According to B C Deva, the string instruments, Rabab and Sarangi, came to Kashmir with the influence of Muslims.
While some historians state that the most popular instrument used in folk music in Kashmir is the Rabab borrowed from Persia, others suggest it was adopted from Afghanistan centuries ago and has been an integral part of Kashmiri music culture ever since.
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These musical instruments have also played a key role in the evolution of Kashmiri Sufiana music.
The instruments used by the Sufiana musicians are quite different from those used in Indian classical music and Kashmiri folk music. The prominent instruments include Santoor, Kashmiri Saitar, Saaz-e-Kashmir, and Tabla.
Shabir Ahmad Mir in his paper ‘Mystical Music: Safeguarding Sufiana Mausiqi – a Vanishing Art Form of Kashmir’ for the International Journal of Intangible Heritage writes, “Sufiana mausiqi (music) continued to flourish during the reign of Sultan Yusuf Shah Chak (1579-1586). His queen, Habba Khatun, is often credited with introducing a maqam ‘Rast-Kashmiri’ by making a little structural variation on maqam Rast-Farsi. Chak and his queen were great patrons of music as well as musicians themselves, and they devoted their time to embellishing Kashmiri classical music. Rast-Kashmiri still forms the most popular maqam of the Sufiana repertory.”
In Kashmir, marriage and engagement functions, Eid festivals, Radio Kashmir Srinagar, and Doordarshan Kendra Srinagar played a key role in keeping the Kashmiri music alive.
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Music often has a massive cultural impact as is illustrated by the influence of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. The Beatles is considered as the most influential band in the history of popular music and for defining the countercultural movement of the 1960s. Similarly, The Rolling Stones, considered one of the greatest Rock n Roll bands of all time with their raw energy and rebellious image defined the cultural landscape of the 1960s and beyond.
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Abdullah, Malik, and Abdal may just have begun their musical journeys but the route they are taking to their stardom might shape Kashmir’s musical heritage for future generations. Who knows next ‘Coke Studio’ shift in South Asia could come from the Valley! Ishq and Inshallah might be the shape of things to come from Kashmir.
Greater Kashmir
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 6 months
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🍃🕊🍃 The 99 Names of Allah
The Quran states,
“And to Allah belong the most beautiful names, so call on Him by them.”
Islamic tradition states that God has many different names representing different aspects of His being; ninety-nine are known commonly among Muslims.
The Greatest Name Allah
The Beneficent Ar-Rahman
The Merciful Ar-Rahim
The Sovereign Al-Malik
The Holy Al-Quddus
The Peace As-Salam
The Protector Al-Muhaymin
The Mighty Al-Aziz
The Compeller Al-Jabbar
The Majestic Al-Mutakabbir
The Creator Al-Khaliq
The Evolver Al-Bari’
The Fashioner Al-Musawwir
The Forgiver Al-Ghaffar
The Subduer Al-Qahhar
The Bestower Al-Wahhab
The Provider Ar-Razzaq
The Opener Al-Fattah
The Knowing Al-Alim
The Constrictor Al-Qabid
The Expander Al-Basit
The Abaser Al-Khafid
The Wise Al-Hakim
The Glorious Al-Majid
The Exalter Ar-Rafi
The Honorer Al-Mu’izz
The Dishonorer Al-Mudhill
The Hearing As-Sami
The Seeing Al-Basir
The Judge Al-Hakam
The Able Al-Qadir
The Great Al-Azim
The All-Forgiving Al-Ghafur
The Appreciative Ash-Shakur
The High Al-Ali
The Immense Al-Kabir
The Preserver Al-Hafiz
The Maintainer Al-Muqit
The Reckoner Al-Hasib
The Majestic Al-Jalil
The Generous Al-Karim
The Watchful Ar-Raqib
The Responsive Al-Mujib
The Loving Al-Wadud
The Strong Al-Qawi
The Firm Al-Matin
The Truth Al-Haqq
The Trustee Al-Wakil
The Guardian Al-Wali
The Praiseworthy Al-Hamid
The Enumerator Al-Muhsi
The Originator Al-Mubdi
The Restorer Al-Mu’id
The Giver of Life Al-Muhyi
The Living Al-Hayy
The Finder Al-Wajid
The Noble Al-Majid
The Unique Al-Wahid
The One Al-Ahad
The Eternal As-Samad
The Guide Al-Hadi
The Powerful Al-Muqtadir
The Expediter Al-Muqaddim
The Delayer Al-Mu`akhir
The Manifest Az-Zahir
The Equitable Al-Muqsit
The Exalted Al-Muta’ali
The Avenger Al-Muntaqim
The Pardoner Al-‘Afuw
The Compassionate Ar-Ra’uf
The Patient As-Sabur
The Gatherer Al-Jami’
The Self-Sufficient Al-Ghani
The Enricher Al-Mughni
The Preventer Al-Mani
The Distresser Ad-Darr
The Incomparable Al-Badi
The Everlasting Al-Baqi
The Inheritor Al-Warith
The First Al-Awwal
The Last Al-Akhir
The Hidden Al-Batin
The Governor Al-Wali
The Resurrector Al-Ba’ith
The Witness Ash-Shahid
The Aware Al-Khabir
The Kind Al-Halim
The Benefiter An-Nafi
The Light An-Nur
The Just Al-Adl
The Subtle Al-Latif
The Lord of Majesty and Bounty Dhul Jalali wal Ikram
The Acceptor of Repentance Al-Tawwab
The Guide to the Right Path Ar-Rashid
The Owner of Sovereignty Malik al-Mulk
The Source of Goodness Al-Barr
The Creator of Death Al-Mumit
The All-Surrounding Al-Wasi
The Source of Goodness Al-Barr
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kennilamsari · 9 months
Dulu salah seorang guru terbaik pernah berpesan
Mbaa coba deh dzikir "Yaa Rahman Yaa Rahim, Yaa Malik Yaa Kudus"
Nanti rasain deh, nikmat menjalani hidup.
Merasa tenang dan yakin kalau Allah akan ngaturin semuanya.
Dan bener apa yang dikatakan beliau.
Hidupku berjalan dengan perasaan tenang, maksudnya tuh bukan berarti ada masalah terus tenang-tenang aja tanpa cari solusi.
Cuman waktu proses mencari solusi dan ikhtiar menyelesaikan masalah tuh dalam hati ada perasaan bergantung kepada Allah.
Kayak membuat aku yakin, kalau setiap ujian pasti ada solusinya.
Dan apabila ada keinginan yang belum terwujud, dalam hati kayak diyakinkan.
"yaudah ken, mungkin emang bukan rezekinya disini. Yaudah ken blm berhasil hari ini gapapa nanti pasti ada saatnya yang kamu inginkan terwujud"
Aku tidak bilang, hidup ku lantas mudah, tanpa masalah, hambatan dan rintangan yaaa
Tapi setidaknya aku menyakini bahwa semua hal terjadi atas kehendakNya
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