#racing mars
randanopterix · 7 months
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Kim let’s him ride in the sidecar if he’s good
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Current Jak and Daxter genderswaps/genderbends!
Kei Hagai, Jak Mar, and Ash Praxis. Time lapses and abridged time lapses are on my Instagram!
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I’ll finish this one day, I swear.
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knockoff-conlon · 5 months
race drops onto spot's couch with a sigh. spot is already home, cooking something in the kitchen. "race, ya didn't tell me you were coming over!" he calls.
"i didn't plan on it. i was too tired to walk all the way back to my place." race settles into the couch a bit more, waiting for spot to join him. eventually, spot does, with an extra bowl of pasta for him.
"why ya so tired?" spot asks. race drops his legs into spot's lap.
"i was up late working on an assignment."
"you're dead on your feet, race. eat and then we can lay down and watch something, okay?"
"i'll get outta ya hair in a second, spot, promise."
"sweetheart, you're my boyfriend and you're half asleep as it is. relax. you can stay as long as you want." race nods as he starts to eat. spot turns something on the tv. he's too tired to focus very much on it.
he sets his empty bowl on the coffee table. spot will take it out to the kitchen. he quickly loses track of time and finds himself falling asleep on spot's couch. "race," spot nudges him. "sweetie, c'mon, it's your bedtime."
"super funny," race mumbles, not opening his eyes.
"seriously, i have a bed for a reason."
"tryna get me into bed, spottie?" race snorts at his own joke and then stops as spot grabs him. he always forgets how strong spot is. "put me down," he says as spot throws him over his shoulder. "this is so embarrassing." spot sets him on the edge of the bed.
"i've got some pajamas you've left here if you wanna change." race nods, smiling at spot. he changes and goes back to spot's room, finding him already laid down and reading some sort of book. there's a tea on his night stand. race takes a sip of it as he walks by.
"god, i forgot that your tea is practically just sugar." he pretty much climbs on top of spot, putting his head on spot's chest. he feels whatever book he's reading settle between his shoulders. "that's a sharp book."
"so get off of me and it won't be on you anymore."
"no." he smiles, listening to spot's heartbeat against his chest. spot's hand runs through his hair as he falls asleep.
he should be tired around spot more.
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ladiemars · 1 year
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(everyone is posting their baldur’s gate characters but i have no pc, no playstation, no money. just the oldest xbox known to man and my weekly pen and paper d&d campaign)
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jackass-democrats · 11 days
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The democrat party always helps America's enemies.
As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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jackassdemocrats · 11 days
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The democrat party always helps America's enemies.
As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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horseracingweekly · 28 days
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“Whitney winner ARTHUR'S RIDE will try for another Grade 1 victory up next in the Jockey Club Gold Cup at Saratoga Race Course.
The race is a Breeders Cup "Win and You're In" for the Longines Classic.
📸 @/scottseriophotos on IG”
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dethkrypt · 8 months
⟡ mötley crüe × motley.com (2001) . ( old low-res visual pack, png & gif )
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orionsstory · 2 months
girl from mars | cassiopeia (01)
amandawn alien au is here baby !!! i hope you guys enjoy it, I'm really happy with how it turned out! ---
Amanda chucked her broken umbrella into the trash as she approached the steps to her townhouse, it seemed everything that could go wrong for her today was. First, her alarm hadn't gone off this morning which made her have to rush through her morning routine just to catch the bus into work. She barely made it on time, however, her relief was short-lived as one of her co-workers ran into her, spilling their coffee all over her. It hurt like hell, and it had ruined her favorite shirt- what once was a soft, silky cream shirt now had a large brown stain down the front.
As if that wasn't enough, the raise she had been working so hard towards for the past quarter went to Jane. Fucking Jane. Amanda's work rival who seemed to always have a problem with her- despite the fact that Amanda hadn't done anything to her. Having to deal with her as a desk neighbor was bad enough, but she refused to stop gloating about her raise for the rest of the day. She knew it pissed Amanda off, yet she did it anyway. She was practically seething as she walked home when her umbrella decided to break during a torrential downpour, further adding to her bad luck.
Completely soaked, Amanda stepped into the building's hallway to see her door left slightly ajar. Her eyes widened as she assumed the worst, however when she entered the building none of her items seemed to be missing- her TV, laptop, everything of value was still there, so she hadn't been robbed. She thought back to earlier in the morning- had she forgotten to close the door in her rush? It seemed to be the most likely option, she didn't remember locking the door like she usually did. She chided herself for being so careless as she dried her hair with a towel and changed into clean, dry clothes.
She made her way back to the kitchen, shaking the container of cat food as she poured it into Violet's bowl. Oddly, Violet did not come running into the room at the sound, which was very unlike her. "Violet?" Amanda called out, searching around the room for her beloved cat. She wasn't in any of her normal sleeping spots, which caused Amanda to start to panic. She was turning over couch cushions, peeking under the bed, and looking through every nook and cranny to find her. Finally, she hesitantly looked towards the door, the realization dawning upon her.
"Oh my god, please don't tell me she got out." She gulped, quickly pulling on a raincoat and rushing out the door.
"Violet?!" She called out, shielding her eyes from the torrential downpour as she peered into the alley. 'She wouldn't have gone far...not with all this rain' she reasoned to herself. But then again, she hadn't known how long Violet had been gone. She wasn't a super active cat, so Amanda was hoping and praying that she would be close by. Violet wasn't in this alley, so Amanda quickly ducked into the next one to continue searching. She had been looking for almost half an hour and was starting to become more nervous when she heard the faintest sound of a bell.
She rushed towards the noise, rounding the corner to an alley. She couldn't see anything from the outside, so she crept further into the dark alleyway. Once again, she heard the faint sound of a bell- one that sounded exactly like the one on Violet's collar. She clicked on her flashlight, illuminating the figure of a person and a grey cat in front of her.
"Violet! Oh my god!" Amanda cried out with joy, causing the figure to turn to face her. The person had black hair tied up into two high ponytails and was wearing a brightly colored outfit, they also had...blue skin? Amanda would've thought it was just a cosplay if it wasn't for the long elf ears and blank white eyes. The creature's eyes widened as Amanda approached, which caused her to slow down.
"Sorry, uh...I'm not going to hurt you," she calmly spoke, "My name is Amanda, and I just want my cat back. Uh, her name is Violet." She gestured towards herself and then towards the grey cat in their arms.
She hoped the creature could understand what she was trying to get across. She didn't know if they could understand English. She slowly approached the two, trying her best not to startle them. As she got closer, she could see the creature was covered in cuts and scrapes, dark blue blood pouring out of them. Amanda quickly bent down, examining the cuts as the creature flinched back.
"You're bleeding..."
Amanda sighed, against her better judgment she slung her raincoat off of her and covered the blue figure with it. They looked surprised, shrinking backward.
"Come with me, I'll help you."
She offered her hand out to them, the creature hesitating for a moment before taking her hand.
Amanda quickly ushered them inside her apartment, shutting (and locking, she learned her lesson this time) the door, leading the creature to the couch. Violet hopped out of the alien's arms and returned to her cat tree as Amanda rooted around her cabinets for the first aid kit. She finally found it and brought it back to the couch, gently sitting beside them so as to not disturb them. She gestured towards them to give her their arm. The creature obliged, and Amanda quickly began to treat their cuts muttering 'sorry' as the creature flinched.
She finished as fast as she could, leaning back once she was done.
"...Thank you."
Amanda's eyes widened and her jaw fell open.
"Y-you can speak English?"
"Of course. It's a common language to learn on my planet. I've known it since I was young."
She let out a soft 'oh'. She sat in silence for a moment, not sure what to do. To be honest, she wasn't completely sure if this experience was real. An alien was in her house- but aliens weren't supposed to be real. Maybe she was dreaming? But they felt so real. Their blood stained Amanda's fingers, and their skin was soft when she had been cleaning their wounds. She was at a loss for words, struggling to wrap her mind around what was happening to her.
"...I know this must be weird, huh?" 
Amanda could only nod in response.
"I...I could tell you what happened, I mean, you took me in and everything. It's only fair."
Her eyes flicked up towards them, "Are you sure? It's okay if you don't want to. I get it."
"I don't mind."
She nodded at them, encouraging them to continue.
"My name is Dawn, I'm what you would call an anthropologist- I'm studying human culture. I was traveling on my ship toward the area where I was going to study when I crash-landed not too far from here. God, my boss is going to be such a bitch about this. He doesn't think a girl should be in this field." She explained, rolling her eyes. "But anyways, the crash also shortcircuited my bracelet which lets me disguise as a human," Dawn raised her arm to show off a dangling silver bracelet, "so I can't even conduct research until it's fixed." She sighed, leaning back into the couch.
"Wow...that sounds like a lot, I'm sorry that happened."
Dawn waved her off, "Oh don't worry, I'll be okay. I just need to fix my bracelet and my ship. No big deal."
"Is...is that going to take long?"
"Months at least for the ship, but I'll manage."
Amanda's brows creased, she felt uneasy about the idea of Dawn being homeless for the foreseeable future. She shouldn't care this much- Dawn was essentially a stranger, and an extraterrestrial being at that, but for some reason, she did care. She couldn't help but speak before she could think.
"You could stay. Here, I mean. While you fix your ship."
Dawn's eyebrows raised, "Really? A-are you sure?"
Amanda nodded, "Yeah. I mean, it's no big deal."
The other girl's face lit up and pulled Amanda into a hug as she thanked her over and over. Amanda laughed, grateful the other girl couldn't see the blush spreading across her face.
"Oh shit, sorry I'm soaking wet from the rain." She realized, pulling back and looking down at her soaked clothes. "Uhm, give me a second to shower and change, I'll be right back."
She hesitated at her bedroom doorframe, "I have a spare t-shirt if you want it. So you're not in wet clothes."
Dawn smiled softly, "Thanks, I'd appreciate that."
And so, Amanda was rustling through her wardrobe for a shirt she deemed 'good enough'. What good enough meant, she didn't quite know. But it seemed that none of her shirts fit the bill. She eventually landed on a t-shirt with an image of Violet on it, grabbing a pair of matching pajama pants she made her way back out to the living room.
Dawn looked over the shirt, giggling to herself.
"What? Do you not like it?" She worried, her eyes scanning Dawn's face for a reaction.
"No, no- I think it's cute! You're such a cat mom." Dawn giggled. 
Amanda felt her face go red again, "Well, she is my pride and joy." She joked, feeling herself relax a bit.
She quickly retreated to the bathroom, letting the hot water wash over her skin. She stood there, thinking back on her insane day. From having what might be considered the worst day of her life to meeting an alien- she appreciated the chance to finally relax. She didn't know how long exactly she was in the shower, but by the time she reemerged into the living room, she found Dawn tinkering with her bracelet.
"Hope you don't mind I borrowed some of your tools."
Amanda took a seat beside her, watching her work.
"I don't mind. I never use 'em anyway. Do you think you'll be able to fix it?"
"Oh yeah, in fact..." she held the bracelet up to the light, examining it, "I think it might just be fixed."
She slipped the bracelet on, giving it a quick tap. Suddenly, the bracelet flashed a bright white. Amanda shut her eyes, only to find someone there when she opened them again.
Dawn's skin was now peachy, her black hair remained but it was shaven on the sides. Her blank white eyes had turned to light blue iris' and her elf ears had become rounded. She looked beautiful.
"Impressive, right?"
Amanda nodded as Dawn beamed, clearly very proud of herself.
Her stomach rumbled, and Amanda realized it had probably been hours since either of them had eaten.
Dawn nodded.
"Let's test out your new disguise then- I know this great diner a few minutes away, c'mon!"
She pulled the other girl off of the couch, and after making sure she had actually locked the door this time, the two took off into the late night.
The diner was quaint, with blue leather booths and checkered floors. There were photos strewn about the walls, showcasing the different generations of a family. She caught Dawn staring at one that featured Amanda.
"This," she motioned, "is Megami's."
Suddenly, a woman popped out from the kitchen, squealing when she saw the two.
"Mandy! It's been so long, baby, how are you?"
Megami, one of Amanda's childhood friends and owner of the diner, enveloped her in a tight hug. "I know, I know! I'm sorry, I've been so caught up at work!" Megami pulled back, "And who is this?" She motioned to Dawn.
"This is Dawn, she's a friend from out of town. She's here doing some research, thought I'd take her to the best restaurant in town."
Megami eagerly shook Dawn's hand. "It's nice to meet you, any friend of Amanda's is any friend of mine! You guys just sit anywhere, I'll be right out to take your order!"
Amanda led Dawn to her favorite corner booth, beaming with pride.
"This place is neat," Dawn murmured, looking around her surroundings, "how long have you known Megami?"
"We're childhood friends- she used to hang out here when it was her parent's diner, and I preferred to hang out here instead of my grandma's after school. We clicked and we've been friends ever since!"
Dawn hummed, looking over the menu in her hands. "That's really sweet, I had a friend like that back on my home planet." Her eyes flicked back up to Amanda's. "Different dynamic though, Jay and I would always bully each other."
"Megami's being sweet to me because you're here. Trust me, she can be brutal." Amanda chuckled, earning a fake gasp from Megami who had just approached her table.
"Don't listen to her, I'm an angel." Megami chuckled, "So, what can I get for you two?"
The two ordered, Amanda ordering a burger and Dawn getting a plate of fries. Megami noted it down before walking back to the kitchen to get started. Amanda looked back at Dawn, a question forming in her mind.
"Uh, I have a stupid question..." she began, Dawn nodding for her to continue. "Do...do you guys have like...Earth food? In space?"
Dawn nodded. "'Course! It's like how you guys have Italian or Thai food, we have that with Earth food. Granted, Earth food on my planet is pretty small, usually some popular stuff from around the globe. We have sushi, pasta, fries, that kind of stuff."
"Is it any good?"
Dawn chuckled. "Well, my professors who had been to Earth always said it's shit compared to actual Earth food, but I think it's pretty good."
"Well..." Amanda said, her eye catching Megami coming out with their food, "I guess we'll have to see!"
Megami places the food down, and Amanda carefully watches as Dawn takes a bite of a fry.
She scrunched her face, appearing deep in thought as she munched on the fry.
"My professors were right, this is so much better."
Amanda cackled, Dawn smiling at her reaction. Suddenly, an idea popped into Amanda's brain. She quickly shot Megami a text before returning her attention to Dawn.
An hour had passed, but it felt like it had been no time at all. Despite meeting hours ago, Amanda felt like she had known Dawn all her life. The two got along like a house on fire, Amanda knew just how to make her laugh and she found herself enamored with Dawn's stories. Their banter was briefly interrupted by Megami bringing out a milkshake. She winked at Amanda before walking away.
"But we didn't order this?" Dawn says to her, confused.
"I did. As a surprise." Amanda explained, handing her a straw. "Have you ever had a milkshake before?"
Dawn shook her head no.
"Good, you're going to love it! I got vanilla, it's a pretty basic flavor." Amanda explained, unwrapping her straw and sliding it into the shake. Dawn mimicked her, watching Amanda take a sip from it. Dawn took hold of her own straw and followed her lead. Amanda watched with bated breath for her reaction.
She could've sworn Dawn had stars in her eyes.
"You like it?"
She nodded enthusiastically, "It's the best thing I've ever had."
Amanda broke out into a grin, "I knew it. Oh my god, this is great. I can't wait to take you to all my favorite places!"
"I'd like that, it sounds fun." Dawn smiled, taking another sip from her milkshake.
The two finished the shake shortly after that, Amanda paying and then leading them back to the apartment.
They soon returned to the apartment, Dawn coming out of her disguise as soon as Amanda clicked the door close. Amanda tried to stifle a yawn as she glanced at the time, it was late. She should've been in bed two hours ago, she had work tomorrow, but she didn't care.
"Are you tired? You should go to bed." Dawn spoke up, drawing Amanda's attention.
"Yeah, you're probably right...uh, the couch pulls out into a bed, I can set you up on that, if that's cool?"
Dawn nodded, "Yeah, of course!"
So Amanda got to work, fighting against the bed to get it into place. She had to get some help from Dawn, but eventually, it was all out. She quickly gathered the sheets and some spare blankets and pillows, setting them out for her.
"I figured we could go shopping tomorrow and get some clothes for you, you can just wear that for tonight."
Dawn nodded, getting into the bed and fluffing up the pillow. Amanda went to open her bedroom door before Dawn called out for her.
She turned around.
Dawn paused for a moment before speaking up again. "Thank you, for everything. You've been very kind to me. I know most people aren't like that."
Amanda softly smiled, leaning in the doorframe.
"It's no problem. Now I have my own little ET." She chuckled.
Dawn rolled her eyes, flipping off Amanda who cackled in response.
"Goodnight, Dawn."
"Goodnight, Amanda."
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tomoleary · 11 days
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Sergio Aragonés “T. C. Mars, Very Private Eye” Sojourn Magazine Portfolio (1979) Source
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Stephen Bissette “Kingdom of the Maggot”
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Lee Elias “Kronos”
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Dick Giordano “The Smooth”
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Joe Kubert “Tor”
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John Severin “Eagle”
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Doug Wildey “E. V. Race, Private Investigator”
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umseb · 11 months
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for years there has been no romance that has matched the very specific vibes of the night circus. until now. I just. did not expect it to be in my obscure sci-fi alternate universe space race tv show
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knockoff-conlon · 6 months
he didn't think anyone would be using the music room. but there is somd kid just wailing on the drums, completely oblivious to the world around him. he's almost violent with it.
he's waiting for the other guy to be done when he hears the loudest, most obnoxious cursing ever. he climbs to his feet and looks in. "what did ya do?" he asks.
"nothing, fuck off!" the other guy bites back. race ignores him and walks over anyway.
"break your drumstick?"
"no, fuck off!" he repeats, looking up. he's pretty, race thinks. his freckles. even the bruise around his eye is pretty.
"let me see. i'll clean it for you."
"what the- i told you to fuck off already!"
"and i didn't listen. you just split your hand open. let me see. or i can go get the school nurse?" race smiles triumphantly as the other guy holds out his hand. "you literally have wood splinters in your hand."
"i broke a fucking drumstick, of course i got wood in my hand!" he bites his lip to keep from making a terrible joke. "gonna get it out?" race nods, still suppressing a laugh.
"if i had tweezers or something, for sure." the guy sighs. "gimme a couple second, i think there's a first aid kit in the back." he finds the kit and comes back to the guy. he sits on the floor by the drummer guy's seat. he's gotta find out his name. "i'm race, by the way." after a moment of silence, he gets a response.
"spot." race nods.
"get that from all the freckles?"
"no. the bruises." that's much sadder. race pulls the small splinters out of spot's hand, smiling when he doesn't flinch even slightly.
"i gotta clean it now. if it hurts, no, it doesn't." he's quiet as he cleans spot's hand and then bandages it. he can feel spot staring at him, checking him out, eyes landing on his lips for a very long time. "good?" he asks as he finishes wrapping his hand. spot flexes his hand.
"fine." race looks up at him, still seated on the ground. "so, um, where's race from?"
"i'm fast," he replies, smiling a little. spot nods back, still flexing his hand. he has his other drumstick in his other hand, twirling it around his fingers.
"and where'd you learn this?" he raises his bandaged hand.
"i get in fights a lot and i learned pretty quick how to fix myself up." he runs a hand through his hair, pushing his curls back from his face. he doesn't miss spot's eyes tracking every move he makes.
"yeah, i get into fights too. that's where all the bruises and cuts come from."
"bruises are hot though," race tells him, pointedly looking at the bruise around his eye. he grins slightly as spot flushes. he's pretty when he blushes.
"are they?"
"i think so." spot nods and looks down, away from him. he feels a little proud of himself. spot is clearly a tough guy and he's proud he can make spot blush like that. "especially on you." he shuffles closer. he wants to kiss him so bad. spot looks back, finding race sitting practically right in front of him. spot leans in closer, their faces only a few inches apart.
"are you going to..."
"can i?" he asks, leaning forward too, so they're speaking into each other's lips.
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omarrudbergarchive · 2 months
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I know the poll doesn't get everyone, so if anyone wants a second poll for those who didn't make it onto this one, let me know!
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