#r. george / writing.
My hottest hot take is that George R R Martin has no obligation to finish the Song of Ice and Fire series.
Bro let his whole adult life be consumed by SEVEN thousand-page semi-historical-fiction books with a cast of near thirty well-developed, well set-up, well-characterized characters, and a complex and realistic geopolitical enviroment just because he thought a specific historical event should be better known. He deserves to enjoy the money he made in peace, and a lot of people (hell, a lot of WRITERS) whose only knowledge of writing is barely thought-out fanfiction populated by characters whose whole personality is to be horny for the character the author thirsts over, will jump at his throat and scream about how selfish he is just because he is taking time to develop HIS OWN GODDAMN NOVEL????????????
I know its frustrating. Believe me, I have no life, my only reason to wake up in the morning is that George MIGHT finish the series. But it's HIS intellectual property. HIS book. HIS characters. It came from HIS mind. If he wants to chill and just maladaptive daydream about it for the next decade than that is his right and he doesn't deserve the hate he gets just because ya'll can't accept the fact your favorite fictional war criminal who already has seven novels worth of content isn't getting an end? Well, welcome the plights of fiction fandoms. Sometimes, it's good enough just to not fix what isn't broken.
I'm sure plenty of writers here in tumblr can sympathise with the hope to not be harassed over when the next chapter for your story is coming. Sometimes we don't know. People have lives. Struggles. Health issues. Other interests. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FAITHFUL AI SERVANT. THEY DON’T PULL STORIES OUT OF THEIR ARSES. THEY HAVE TO THINK IT, THEN MAKE IT, THE EDIT IT, THEN SEE IF THEY LIKE IT. ITS A WHOLE PROCESS.
We are so used to immediate consuption that we cannot concieve of people taking time to perfect a craft that's meant to be enjoyable to them. And if we're honest, Martin has weathered a lot of fucking bullshit in silence. From fans, to editors, to bosses, to showmakers, he has had his fair share. Much more than its ok to take in silence. Please realize that just because something is out for the public to consume it doesn’t mean that it belongs to you.
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bootleg-nessie · 7 months
The moment Curious George becomes public domain I’m publishing a children’s book called “Curiosity Killed the Cat” which is a story where George finds a cat and then fucking beats it to death
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lady-disdain221b · 13 days
Shannon Messenger is the George R.R. Martin of children’s lit, in the sense that she will do anything other than write the last book
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bright-and-burning · 25 days
omg these words are delicious, "shimmer" or "something about them"?
i picked shimmer!! enjoy ~670 words of halloween party landoscar + background goofy ass roommate hijinks :)
send me a number and i’ll write a micro story
“Where’s Lando?”
“In the kitchen, I believe,” George says, not even looking at Oscar. “Charles! Put the glitter down!”
Oscar ducks under where Alex is teetering on a dining chair hanging strands of paper bats. Oscar’s job comes later: he gets to deep clean the house tomorrow morning, after everyone’s left.
“Charles! Glitter down now!”
Given the muffled shouting coming from the living room, he lucked out.
The kitchen is quieter. Lit mostly with fairy lights, music playing quietly from Lando’s phone as he dances around the room, pulling a tray of jello shots out of the fridge.
“Nice costume.”
Lando spins, hand clutched to his chest.
“Fucking hell, Oscar.”
It is a nice costume. Eye catching, certainly, with the bunny ears rising half a foot out of his curls.
“Couldn’t commit to the full look?” Like Oscar can talk. He’s wearing a Patty Mills jersey and jeans.
“Had to put on shorts, the leotard was gonna get me arrested,” Lando explains, smile more than a little mischievous. He turns back around. Oscar leans back against the counter, pretending not to watch Lando’s ass in his tiny adidas shorts.
Lando’s close; Oscar must’ve spaced out, listening to him sing as he made whatever concoction they’ll be drinking tonight.
“Shots, Oscar. Bit of liquor in a little glass? Taken in one go?”
Lando’s eyes are dancing. Oscar mock-scowls at him.
“I know what a shot is, Lando.”
“Good! Then you can take one with me.”
He’s smiling, lime wedges and salt shaker in hand. Already knew he’d convince him, the fucker.
Oscar sighs and shrugs. Tequila can’t make things worse.
Lando takes his hand. Oscar’s not prepared for him to lean down and lick it for him. Not even a little. His breath catches.
There’s some kind of shimmer on Lando’s eyelids, more than normal. Entrancing in the warm kitchen light. He adds salt before straightening, bunny ears brushing Oscar’s face on his way up.
Lando lets go of his hand, making quick work of his own.
Oscar’s still feeling a little out of breath when Lando hands him a shot glass.
“To a good party,” he says. There’s a crash from the living room, followed by a shriek.
“To nobody breaking our shit,” Oscar adds.
They clink glasses; Lando holds eye contact as they lick up their lines of salt.
Oscar’s gonna choke on his shot if he’s not careful. He tips his head back to take it, already reaching blindly for the lime wedge.
Lando shudders next to him, lime between his teeth. “Jesus Christ, we have got to up our tequila budget. That’s horrific.”
Oscar laughs, folding a little with the force of it. When he straightens back up, Lando’s got an odd look on his face. Oscar makes a questioning noise.
Lando seems to make a decision, lips thinning for a moment. He crowds Oscar against the counter, hands planted on either side of his body, body heat searing through the jersey where his arms brush against Oscar’s ribs. Oscar’s heart rate has skyrocketed.
“Happy Halloween, Osc,” Lando says, leaning close.
Oscar leans in, slow.
“Happy Halloween.”
The door slams open. Oscar jumps, hip slamming into the lip of the counter. That’s going to bruise. Lando’s arms tighten, wrapping around Oscar’s waist.
It’s Charles, bottle of glitter clutched tight to his chest. He holds a finger up to his lips, and darts down the hall.
Oscar turns back to Lando, lips twitching with the effort not to laugh. They make eye contact, and immediately burst into giggles.
Lando leans in, pressing a kiss to Oscar’s cheek, before disentangling from him.
“Well,” Lando sighs. “Duty calls.”
“I thought you were on drinks?”
“I am.”
Oscar squints at him.
“Forcing George to taste-test the jello shots until he forgets about his war against glitter is a very important part of drinks duty, I’ll have you know.”
Lando grabs the tray.
“Find me later?” He asks over his shoulder, already half out of the kitchen.
Oscar nods.
“I’ll find you.”
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Fire & Blood is literally a history book about a fictional magical family with dragons and it is meant to be read that way. If I wrote a history book for the lore of my world and HBO decided to mess that up in the worst ways possible I’d be pissed too. I’ve only seen excerpts from this book and it is very clear that it is not a normal fantasy book so stop treating it like one. “But it has unreliable narratives.” Yeah. From the court jester, and other than that GRRM is very clear about what’s true and what isn’t. Like you show fans really somehow think that HOTD replaces actual canon and I truly cannot fathom being that delusional.
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tjxtron · 3 months
My Love Letter to Dunk and Egg
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From the very first moment I encountered the tales of Dunk and Egg, I felt an immediate connection, as if the narrative was a reflection of my own life’s journey. In a series where brotherhood is seen everywhere and used in many ways, i find it poetic that the best representation of brotherhood is between and a low born knight and outcasted prince.
Dunk’s story starts with him standing over the grave of his mentor, Ser Arlan of Pennytree, the only father figure he ever had. In a way, I’ve been in Dunk’s shoes, finding myself alone and trying to make something of myself without much guidance. Dunk decides to carry on Ser Arlan’s legacy, living by the values of a true knight despite his humble beginnings.
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As Dunk travels and faces countless challenges, he meets Egg, a young boy who becomes his squire. Dunk doesn’t know that Egg is actually Aegon Targaryen, a prince. This twist is profound because Dunk finds in Egg not just a helper, but a brother. Their relationship, built on mutual respect and loyalty, is the heart of their adventures and the heart of the narrative.
In my own life, I found my “Egg” too—a friend who turned into family. This person, like Egg, showed up unexpectedly and became a rock for me. Together, we’ve faced life’s storms, tackling challenges that seemed impossible. I miss him everyday and this post is as much about him as it is about a series I hold dear to my heart.
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I can attest to this claim I will put forth: With such a deep bond comes an equally deep fear—the fear of losing each other. For Dunk, the thought of losing Egg was unbearable. Egg wasn’t just his squire; he was the little brother he never had, the family he always longed for. Every time they faced danger, Dunk’s heart ached with the fear that something might happen to Egg. The world they lived in was treacherous, filled with wars, treachery, and unforeseen threats. The stakes were always high, and the risks were real.
I tell you right now that pain, it's unbearable. That lost of a brother, of that companion you see as family. There were moments when Dunk’s fear for Egg’s safety overshadowed everything else. The idea of failing to protect him, of seeing harm come to the one person who meant the world to him, was a constant, gnawing worry. I must envy this, cause Dunk would no matter what, always found a way to save his brother. Dunk knew that losing Egg would shatter him. It would be like losing a part of himself, a part he could never replace.
Egg, on the other hand, had his own fears. Despite his royal blood and the destiny that awaited him, Egg feared losing Dunk, the one person who saw him for who he truly was—not just a prince, but a boy seeking his place in the world. Dunk’s straightforward honesty and genuine care were a sanctuary for Egg. The thought of Dunk not being there, of facing the world without his brother by his side, was a fear that lurked in the back of his mind.
Their brotherhood was their greatest strength and their greatest vulnerability. It made them brave, but it also made them vulnerable to the deepest kind of pain—the pain of loss. Yet, it was this very fear that made their bond all the more precious. It reminded them of the value of what they had, of how rare and beautiful true brotherhood is.
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This art above by Hazem Ameen is truly an expression of what the story is about, to lift others up, especially your brothers. When Dunk kneels before Egg, now King Aegon V Targaryen, and is appointed the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, it’s an emotional moment. It’s the culmination of their journey, the fulfillment of their shared dreams. In my own life, I’ve had moments of triumph that felt just as significant, where the support and love of my closest friend made all the difference.
Dunk’s life before meeting Egg was one of solitude and struggle. He had no family, no true friends, only the dream of becoming a knight like his mentor, Ser Arlan. When Egg came into his life, everything changed. Egg wasn’t just a squire; he was a companion, a confidant, and soon, a brother. In the end, the story of Dunk and Egg is a testament to the power of friendship and the courage it takes to care deeply for someone. Their brotherhood taught me that true companionship is worth every risk and that the fear of loss is a part of loving someone deeply. Dunk and Egg’s journey is a poignant reminder that while the fear of losing a brother can be overwhelming, the strength gained from such a bond is what makes life truly meaningful.
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franzkafkagf · 3 months
grrm is a confirmed tgc, aegon ii and sunfyre dickrider…. i just cannot lose.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
Have you seen that post on how Cersei pushing Jaime into forcing sex on her is an abuse technique on her end?
no, but i checked his tag now lol. while i know that george explicitly expressed that the sept scene was intended as consensual by him, i still believe that jaime’s pattern of pushing to have sex with cersei, and how, speaks of an unhealthy relationship with consent in this relationship on his part too, a lack of respect for boundaries on his part, as well as objectification on his part that cannot be removed from the context of this society’s gender dynamics, especially when it concerns cersei’s themes and her character (to contextualize and expand on what i mean, heres a very quick collection of quotes regarding how jaime’s relationship to cersei, sex, swordplay, and even violence blend or function similarly in relation to very heavy dissociative tendencies):
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i understand the jc dynamic’s set up:
“She has never come to me, he thought. She has always waited, letting me come to her. She gives, but I must ask.”
“She wanted to draw his face to hers for a kiss. Later, she told herself, later he will come to me, for comfort. “We are his heirs, Jaime,” she whispered. “It will be up to us to finish his work. You must take Father’s place as Hand. You see that now, surely. Tommen will need you . . .”
i also understand how george seems to establish communication and patterns within this dynamic that reinforce his expressed intention, which is also apparent in a scene that a third party witnesses and how that mirrors the sept, and i obviously also do not think these two would do all of this healthily and establish things akin to safe words (lmao) (though i take issue with a lot of things here still when it comes to grrm and how consent is framed):
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and i understand george framing cersei utilising sex, or even love and affection, as a means to have power, and that being a big factor in this relationship’s dynamic and how she takes control (see instances when cersei does initiate— jaime’s narration is not entirely correct, we know of the inn, which is unique but important, so it is interesting that he chooses not to connect this until feast, that would mean confronting something he doesn’t want to— and what motives she has: “She smiled for him, so sweetly. “Do you remember the first time I came to you like this? It was some dismal inn off Weasel Alley, and I put on servant’s garb to get past Father’s guards.” “I remember. It was Eel Alley.” She wants something of me. “Why are you here, at this hour? What would you have of me?” His last word echoed up and down the sept, mememememememememememe, fading to a whisper. For a moment he dared to hope that all she wanted was the comfort of his arms.”
but i do not think that changes much about the issues on jaime’s part, or how patriarchal hegemony works, or how a lot of fandom frames cersei. we know cersei only enjoys sex with jaime (it is sex that is categorized as different from lancel, osney, taena, and robert — all of these also cannot be conflated for obvious reasons — by her), she says so, but that doesn’t change that she still believes that it is her only source of power and means through which she can reach equal ground within her society. we can understand why cersei thinks and functions this way: we understand how she was reared and how she was viewed as a sexual object and a tool for political transactions with no autonomy since childhood by every adult around her. we see how and why jaime is needed by her to feel “whole”, and how he is her “sword.” it is also not difficult to acknowledge that while the abusive dynamic is not what i would consider equal: jaime does not verbally berate her to the degree she does him, does not physically hit her and throw things at her, does not use her or emotionally abuse her the way that she does him (and no, i personally do not agree with people that say they are equally terrible to each other or they equally benefit from this relationship), jaime still ultimately has some power over her due to his gender (the physical is obvious, but on top of that this is a medieval society with extreme levels of gender inequality), and nothing will really erase that because this relationship does not exist in a vacuum. this is not diminished by how this relationship functions, her status as queen and jaime’s status as her kg, and other variables that play into the unequal power dynamic. it will always have to be acknowledged that cersei is a woman + everything that comes with that being the case in a medieval society with complete patriarchal domination. i also think the unhealthy belief system of “we are one. you are me. i am you. we are two halves of a whole” will have effects on the understanding of consent and how both parties function in the relationship. i think this extreme delusion would lead to a plethora of issues when it comes to consent and boundaries. with cersei too, the moment she (including her offering sex) is rejected by her “other half” she emphasizes and says things like “you swore that you would always love me.” and “i was a fool to ever love you” or starts verbally berating him, emasculating him, being ableist etc. this relationship operates on some absurd conditions and ultimatums, it is not healthy, hence things like “the things I do for love” too. in reality, it really is the opposite of “unconditional destined lovers.” both of them have things that they end up prioritizing over the other, and both have an incorrect idea of the other that fits their specific needs and wants. i just despise this whole “cersei groomed and manipulated jaime since they were children” bullshit. a child is not capable of this. teenaged cersei was navigating the strict and dehumanising boxes that her father and society forced her into since she was 7 years old. she looked to her brother for comfort and escape as much, if not in many ways more at this point, as he did. i also think cersei escapes into the relationship to subvert those societal patterns in many ways (i have seen people discuss that jaime views her as an equal and a person more so than others: “If I were a woman I’d be Cersei.”) but this still does not change the flaws that jaime has. he is not only a man in westeros, he was also reared by tywin lannister lmao. he is a misogynist with a skewed understanding and view of a lot of things. no point in denying this.
and all this aside, i also understand “mutual abuse is not real”, and understand the damage ignoring that can do to narratives revolving around victims of abuse, and the issue with framing ‘retaliation’ or ‘bad victims’ as mutual abuse (see discussions regarding robert and cersei for example and some of the putrid narratives that come out of that), but we are talking about fiction and its themes, discussing an author’s known intention and execution of that intention (that we can also criticize), as well as what is written in a text, and i do not think we should be ignoring the nuances when it comes to applying a modern lens to a medieval society with some very different and more severe and strict paradigms when it comes to gender inequality and the oppression of women.
here are george’s actual comments that i do not believe contradict the bulk of my perspective either tbh:
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russellius · 1 year
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something about george russell and his dedication to looking like an absolute dreamboat with his fluffy curls and linen shirts while he's on holiday
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athetos · 1 month
People who whine about books or video games getting delayed piss me off. Yeah I get being disappointed and I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with meme-ing about it or whatever but remember that these are made by people with lives. They don’t exist just to make content for you. Wouldn’t you rather wait an extra year or two for a great video game instead of a rushed, sloppy one made in reprehensible crunch conditions? Wouldn’t you be happier knowing the creators of your favorite things were compensated well and were able to rest and spend time with their families or just straight up chill? There are so many good books and games dropping every month to read or play while you wait. Silksong and Alecto the Ninth and yes, even Winds of Winter, and every other awesome thing you’re waiting for will be more than worth the wait, I promise. Relax.
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fortunelowtier · 1 month
idk a lot about George R R Martin but every time I hear something about him he gives off the vibes of the 75 year old equivalent of AO3 fanfic authors who take months to years to update their fic and keep saying stuff like "sorry guys!! new ch up soon! just gotta finish some stuff irl first" because i feel like this guy has been talking about how his finale book is "almost done" for the past 15 years
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bignawsh · 4 months
once elden ring stops getting DLC or updates, i really hope George R. R. Martin drops the lore document. its so funny to see interviews with Miyazaki where he just goes “dude… i literally have to make this DLC.. i asked george to write the story for the game and the next day he came back with like 900 pages.. we couldn’t fit like half of it into the game. elden ring was supposed to release in like 2018 but george gave me another document.. what the fuck do i do with that????” and then immediately follows up with “trust me guys the dlc is only like 2 hours of content totally”
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theweirdgoodbyes · 4 months
luztoye amvs save me....... luztoye amvs...... save me luztoye amvs....
sooo beautiful i'm dying 10/10 im gonna go lay down on the FLOOR bestie this is insaneeeeee i barely even have any words
your tags on the amvs literally mean the world to me I read them and kick my feet and giggle but for real bro idk what it is but I cannot stop editing them they. Just. GET ME. Two minutes of screen time together and I’m milking that shit for all its worth
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abushelandablog · 1 year
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withpeopleinperson · 4 months
What is your next fic about?
do I ever have a cohesive plot?
basically regina cady & the whole gang is in college and cady and regina pretend they do NOT know each other anymore because regina is stubborn and won’t apologize and cady is dumb, basically, and hanging out with janis damian and aaron (dating aaron).
so cady is part of the genders & sexualities alliance network at their college and she goes every other week to this gay bar where her & regina regularly hook up in the bathroom and regina gives her a fake name every. fucking. week. like clockwork. regina is gay as hell but she pretends she’s NOT, it’s her first time hooking up with a girl, etc.
school lets out for the summer and so do the clubs ofc and they don’t see each other in the bar and regina is like, truthfully a little hurt by it? bc ofc she was giving a fake name but they both KNEW it was her.
anyways. where im at now is they’re at the activities fair at their college and cady hands her a rainbow flyer to join the GSAN and regina fucking panics because no, she isn’t gay, she just likes hooking up with cady and her chest flutters when she smiles at her and she’s not into girls like that. so who knows what direction this’ll ultimately go in but for right now… pain :)
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