#rêve de vie
l-eclosion · 9 months
Comment obtenir tes rêves de vie
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asofterepilogue · 3 months
"macron démission" c'est soft en vrai hein, si ça tenait qu'à moi et ma baguette magique on serait plutôt sur un truc type écartèlement ou voyage spatial sans vaisseau ni combinaison
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neiyuu · 4 months
Pour la première fois je comprends vraiment le terme de "s'épanouir" dans un contexte de travail.
J'adore mon stage. Je veux bosser là bas. Je veux y aller tous les jours. Svp gardez moi plus longtemps, rajoutez moi des heures.
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sloubs · 1 year
cette nuit j'ai rêvé que j'avais rencontré l'homme de ma vie?? bon le type s'appelait johnny et il avait 31 ans mais il avait écrit un bouquin, il m'a proposé de le lire, je l'ai lu d'une traite et j'ai tellement aimé le livre que j'suis tombée love du mec aussi mdrrrr tout ça en 3 minutes chrono ça a aucun sens
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amazingmastery · 2 months
Comment Financer Ses Rêves et Changer de Vie Grâce à Amazon FBA 💸🤩
Imagine une vie où tu es ton propre patron, où tu as la liberté de travailler de n’importe où, et où tu peux financer tes rêves. Grâce à Amazon FBA, ce rêve peut devenir réalité. 👉 Dans cet article, découvre comment devenir vendeur sur Amazon peut financer la vie de tes rêves, transformer ton quotidien et t’offrir la liberté financière et la vie que tu mérites. Sommaireℹ️ Qu’est-ce qu’Amazon…
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runecneht · 2 months
Nothing has been the same, nothing will ever be the same. Agony's distorted verbal attacks from the near but very present past, the calmness of the wind as it frisk the forest with its delict hands spreading an abundant amount of pollen as spring grows near and near. I ask the question of what will bring me back to clarity and normality but its not as simple as moving on or letting go you have to forget every last drop of blood that was ever shed the countless mistakes and hardships you've cost people. In this scope of matter and forms there is no longer a soul that knows me, now I'm just wondering to leave soon and be put to rest by decay of natural process. That's truly alone now I'm just a shell of who I once was my potential has fallen there is no other word that suites me more then regret. I regret staying a live for those I loved and I regret living, nothing will ever feel normal again not love not any relationships. My heart is nonexistent.
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hcdahlem · 4 months
Et, refleurir
En choisissant de romancer la vie de sa grand-mère pour son premier roman, Kiyémis nous raconte le destin d’une femme camerounaise du village de Nyokon en 1954 jusqu’à Paris aujourd’hui. L’occasion d’étudier le statut de la femme dans les deux pays.
En deux mots Andoun va quitter son village de Nyokon pour habiter Douala où elle pourra aller à l’école. Mais elle va se heurter à l’incompréhension de sa famille, surtout quand elle devient fille-mère sans pour autant vouloir renier son désir d’émancipation. Elle va réussir à partir pour Paris avec sa fille et devenir Anne-Marie. Mais là encore, le fossé entre ses aspirations et la réalité va se…
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moonsworndandelion · 4 months
et bah je savais pas qu'on pouvait rêver de faire un rêve lucide
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maraboutdjemey · 5 months
Découvrez les Secrets des Jeux de Hasard : Les Mots Magiques du Grand Professeur Djemey Sur la toile, on trouve de nombreuses promesses de pouvoir prédire les numéros gagnants au jeu, mais la vérité est souvent plus nuancée. Certains prétendent pouvoir voir les numéros dans leurs rêves, mais il est rare que ces visions se réalisent au réveil. Cependant, il existe une autre voie : les mots…
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maviebuissonniere · 8 months
Oser changer de vie et donner vie à ses rêves : un carnaval d'inspirations ✨
Cet article est le résumé de notre événement carnaval d’articles “Oser Changer de Vie et Donner Vie à tes Rêves”. Merci à tous nos participants d’avoir partagé avec nous leurs témoignages, des conseils, et des histoires inspirantes de ceux qui ont franchi le pas vers un changement de vie significatif. Découvre à travers cet article, les multiples façons d’embrasser le changement et de réaliser…
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positifman · 1 year
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Se libérer du stress et sortir de l'anxiété.
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rhtaoufik · 2 years
7 étapes pour avoir la vie de ses rêves
7 étapes pour avoir la vie de ses rêves
Je vous présente dans cet article la stratégie à mettre en place, et les étapes à suivre pour avoir une vie idéale, heureuse, et pleine de succès, Ecrit sur ta définition de la vie idéale, du succès On admire souvent la vie des influenceurs mais est-ce vraiment la vie que l’on veut ? Pour moi, la vie idéale n’a rien de celle des influenceurs qui exposent chaque détail de leurs vies. Pourtant j’ai…
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boobo13cambridge · 1 year
Send That Picture Promise I'm A Keep It | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x f.Reader
Warnings: Fluff, sexting, masturbation (m.)
Summary: What’s it like texting when your husband is a really busy athlete? 
A/N: Hello, everyone! I’ve been trying to finish up all my old requests before I get to the new ones. I was actually supposed to post this May 5th, and its now June, oops. I’ve seen all your prompts for the new Kylian smut, and I love all your ideas. I’ll try my best to get them done because for once I have nothing to this summer except find a job, lmao. I swear having a job ready for when you graduate is not easy at all. Uni should’ve prepared us better for the post-grad life. Anyways, as always don’t forget to like, comment, and repost! Enjoy, lovelies ❣️
Kylian: bébé 
Kylian: bébééé
Kylian: bééébééé
Kylian: béééébéééééééééé
Kylian: Arrête de m’ignorer 😢 (stop ignoring me)
Kylian: jte veux  (i want you)
Kylian: j besoins de toi (i need you)
Kylian: envoie t seins (send your tits)
The incessant buzzing of your phone that was conveniently located in your back pocket was proving to bea major distraction as you were trying your best to follow what your boss was trying to say. You knew who it was without even having to look, the culprit - a certain brown-eyed professional athlete who was called away on international duty. 
While you wished you could be there to cheer him on as France played against Gibraltar in Faro, you were unfortunately tied up at work as you had to deal with an important client. As a divorce lawyer, you were constantly surprised to learn just how selfish and idiotic some people could be. You’d think a firefighter would be too busy trying to save people to have two mistress with three children each. Alas, humanity never failed to disappoint. To add fuel to the fire, this particular client absolutely refused to comprise on anything and insisted that he still loved his wife despite being a piece of shit.
Seeing all these cases, you were grateful that Kylian wasn't like that. To be honest, in the beginning of your relationship, you were very self-conscious as footballers were known to be cheaters. A few people (who were no longer in your life) warned you that your husband would inevitably turn out like most people in his profession and leave you for a model. Kylian, on the other hand,  turned out to be nothing like that. He was consistently loving, truthful, and patient with you. The media's attempts to tear your relationship apart still pained you deeply, especially the heartbroken look in Kylian's eyes as you shouted at him, accusing him without even giving him a chance to explain.
But returning to the present, your boss finally released you from the conversation as her secretary reminded her that her husband was waiting on the line. Your boss, an intimidating woman whom you respected greatly, was the only one who hired you straight after graduation, despite most law firms turning you away. You suspected they viewed you as nothing more than a trophy wife destined to retire after having a few kids. Céleste Beauregard was the only one who gave you a chance, and for that you would be eternally grateful.
Walking back to your desk, you pull out your phone and look at the messages Kylian send you. Letting out a snort at his antics, you reply.
You: t’a pas un match à jouer toi?  (don’t you have a match to play?)
Kylian: c koi le rapport bb??    (what’s the correlation baby??)
You: tu c ke chui au travail kyky  (you know I’m at work kyky)
Kylian: allez bb juste une photo 🥺 (cmon baby its just one picture)
You: ds t rêve (in your dreams)
Kylian: fais pas ca (don’t do this)
Kylian: arrête de faire ta difficile (stop being so difficult)
You: t un gros pervert Mbappé 🤢 (you’re a big pervert Mbappé)
You: j d’autres choses à faire ds la vie ke de t’envoyer d pics de mes seins              franchement  (I have better things to do than send you pics of my tits seriously)
You: t’a pas déjà d pics? (don’t you already have some?)
Kylian: j’en veux d fresh svp (I need new ones pls)
You: tu m’énerve (you’re annoying)
In moments like these, you couldn't help but appreciate having a private office with tinted glass. Glancing around cautiously to ensure no one was present, you carefully unbuttoned your dress shirt, unveiling a seductive, lacy red push-up bra. With one hand, you delicately squeezed your breasts together, your cheeks flushed crimson as you quickly snap a picture and send it to him. 
Buttoning your shirt, you feel a mixture of excitement and anticipation, as you nervously bit your lip, holding your breath as you observed the three blinking dots in your message thread. You couldn't help but giggle at doing something so risky at your workplace.
Kylian: putain bb chui bandé 🤤 (fuck bb i’m hard) 
Kylian: si tt là ça serait parti en branlette espagnole 😏 (if you were here I would’ve fucked your tits)
You: t dégeulasse 🙄 (youre disgusting)
Kylian: tu m’aimes pareille ❤️ (you love me tho)
You: vrm pas  (not really)
You: envoie moi t seins toi (you send me your tits)
Kylian: jpeux tenvoyer qq chose de mieux 😘 (i’ll send you something better)
Your heart raced with anticipation, a symphony of palpitations echoing in your chest, as you waited impatiently for your husband to send you a picture of himself.
As the picture popped up, you felt liquid heat pool in your panties as your breathing deepened looking at the nude Kylian had sent you. 
The dim lights showed his hand wrapped firmly around his throbbing cock. Your gaze was fixated on the engorged head of his member, a vibrant hue of crimson, as a drop of precum bubbled on top. You could feel yourself throbbing as you feasted on the photo. Waves of pleasure surged through your core, causing your body to pulse with an insatiable hunger.
You: merde kyky ta pas le droit de m’envoyer sa quand tu c ke jpeux rien   faire (shit kyky you can’t just send me this when you know i cant do anything about it)
Kylian: enjoy bb 😘
You: ??
You looked at his message confused, not really sure what he meant. A few minutes later, he sends you a video that ignited a blush so intense it flushed the very roots of your hair.
In the video, he moved with tantalizing slowness, his strong, veiny arms caressing his length with deliberate, seductive strokes. Each movement of his arm drove your senses ablaze. The air around you thickened with the sound of his sinful moans, weaving a symphony of pleasure that sent shivers down your spine.
Your eyes were fixated on the mesmerizing sight, unable to tear themselves away from the erotic scene playing on your small screen. Your breath hitched as he swiped a bead of precum, his fingers glistening with the essence of his desire. 
It was when a primal groan escaped his soft, pink lips with the sound of your name on the tip of his tongue that sent a blast of ecstasy through your body, electrifying every nerve ending with longing.
Unable to contain the building heat within you, you instinctively pressed your thighs together, seeking relief from the persistent throbbing that radiated from your slick core. 
The video was two minutes long, and you were burning up so fast. As you continued to watch the captivating video, your senses became heightened, every nuance and detail etching itself into your memory. The sheer eroticism of the scene, the raw sensuality exuding from his every movement, unleashed a whirlwind of desire within you.
With every gasp and moan that escaped his lips, you felt the reverberations deep within your core. His sinful utterance of your name was like a symphony of passion, intertwining with the symphony of your racing heart. 
As his fingers swept across his velvety skin, spreading the intoxicating precum, the ache between your thighs intensified. The throbbing in your core demanded attention, aching for release. The tension built, and with every second, you grew closer to the precipice of ecstasy.
It was almost a bittersweet torment, because as much as the video set aflame your desire for him, it also intensified the ache of longing for his physical presence. With a final, lingering stroke, the video came to an end, leaving you breathless and craving more. 
You: t vrm cruel kyky (you’re so cruel kyky)
Kylian: 😘😘 mmmhhh jte vois samedi? (mmmhhh see you saturday?)
You: non, viens mtn 🥺  (no, come now)
You: jte veux trop (i need you too much)
Kylian: hahah, tu c ke jpp princesse (hahah you know i can't princess)
Kylian: mais jvai marquer un but pour toi bb (but i’ll score a goal for you bb)
You: t mieux ❤️ 🙄 (you better)
You: jtm booboo ❤️ (ily booboo)
Kylian: jtm fort mon coeur ❤️ (ily so much my heart)
You: tu veux que je t’amène qq chose bb? Je c ke tu vas rester à l'hôtel avant le match au stade (do you want me to bring you something bb? I know you’re staying at a hotel before game at the stadium?)
Kylian: ouii, t seins 🤤 (yess, your boobs)
You: ugh bye 🙄
Your playful exasperation was evident as you bid farewell to the teasing suggestion. The exchange left a lingering sense of anticipation and passion in the air, as you both were eagerly waiting to see each other again. The thought of being in his arms, of holding him and kissing him, made you long for him so bad. Looking at the time, you quickly packed your stuff and rushed home, excited to be with him.
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vhscorp · 5 months
Parfois, la vie te fait si mal que tu n’as plus qu’une envie, t’asseoir et ne plus bouger, en attendant je ne sais quoi, un rêve, un miracle, quelqu’un qui viendrait te chercher pour t’emmener enfin loin de tout ça…
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hcdahlem · 6 months
Le rire des autres
C’est vers le fantastique que penche le premier roman d’Emma Tholozan. En imaginant un jeune homme crachant des euros, elle nous offre un conte saisissant sur le statut social, la soif de réussir, le pouvoir de l’argent.
  En deux mots Trouver un emploi avec diplôme de philo est quasi impossible. Sa conseillère pôle-emploi offre à Anna un poste de «chauffeuse de salle» pour une émission de télévision. Elle et son copain Lulu doivent faire avec leur situation précaire jusqu’au jour o�� il se met à cracher des euros. Ma note ★★★ (bien aimé) Ma chronique L’homme qui vomissait des euros C’est vers le fantastique que…
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