boredmezzosoprano · 2 years
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I 💖 you Caelan!!
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mugglebrn · 11 months
it reminded me of you. - from draco
FOR ONCE IN HER LIFE, SHE'S RENDERED SPEECHLESS. Completely taken aback by the thought that Malfoy could have been going about his life, saw something, and thought of her. The notion is honestly so foreign to her that she's struck dumb, silently reaching for the offered book.
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It's beautiful - weighty in her hands, covered in a deep, forest green book cloth with gold floral embellishments lining the spine. Her eyes tear from him to look down at the embossed lettering; the same shining, yellow hue displaying the title in huge, capitlised font.
HAIRY MACBOON - the complete guide to Scotland's bushy monster. The Quintaped.
Below the writing is a picture of a hideous beast: snarling as it crawls on it's five clubbed-feet, the entirety of it covered in thick, wild hair. Her expression quickly forms into a scowl of offence and her head whips back upwards to set her angry sights on @ofvalor. "Hey!"
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celestial--sapphic · 4 months
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I thought it would be fun to create graphic versions of all the signs, letters, notes, newspaper clippings and other documents which feature in my Poppy Sweeting x f!MC fic Kiss me (like you wanna be loved) 🎨
This letter appears in the fourth chapter and is opened by Poppy during breakfast.
You can read a snippet of the scene where it features below the cut ⬇️
“I think it’s her latest recipe.” Poppy says before she has even unfolded the note, obviously recognising the handwriting. She scans the parchment quickly and then unexpectedly offers it to Evelyn, who takes it gingerly. The Hufflepuff opens up the feed bag to inspect the treats, as the Slytherin reads.
My dearest granddaughter, Poppy’s grandmother’s writing curves elegantly against the parchment.
I am very excited to inform you that my rhubarb has finally come into season and I have been treated to a bumper crop. There was more than enough for the beasts and for me to make several tartlets (they are frozen and await your return). 
Please do let me know the reaction to my latest infusion, as the holly one was such a hit. 
In other news: 
I recently discovered our resident fairy population has laid a fresh clutch of eggs, they are likely to hatch before you are home.  
The Winthropes are still suffering with their gnome infestation, I daresay they do not make it easy for themselves. 
When Mr Chopra’s son delivered my shrivelfigs on Wednesday he was quite insistent that he saw a quintaped on one of his deliveries. I attempted to explain to him – as you well know – that firstly, such beasts are not native to Sussex and secondly, that if he saw such a beast he would not have lived to tell the tale. I am not sure I changed his mind though, he was quite convinced. 
I hope Highwing is well and you are both staying out of trouble. I am pleased to hear you are spending more time with friends at Hogwarts though, both in your house and otherwise. I might be a biased old hag but they are very lucky to have you. 
Do make sure you are looking after yourself and focus on your studies, even if that means spending less time near the pens, your O.W.Ls are important.  
All my love and affection,  
It feels odd to read a letter directly from Poppy’s gran, almost like an invasion of privacy despite the Hufflepuff willingly handing it over. It doesn’t escape Evelyn how easily, how absolutely unconsciously, Poppy did pass the parchment over to her. At one time, Poppy’s family was a secret which she clung close to her chest, hardly revealing anything to anyone – not that there was anyone she was close enough with anyway. For a long while her gran was, in many ways, the only real person in her life and her parents a source of sadness, shame and unresolved anger – emotions which Evelyn had been privy to on only a couple of occasions; Horntail Hall being one. 
No doubt letters from her gran would be read and closed with no second set of eyes seeing them; no one to discuss the content with. But Poppy has opened up more and more since they entered this strange more-than-friends space they find themselves in. She has shared a menagerie of details, stories and funny little facts. Everything from her gran’s research (past and present), to places they have gone on holiday (Whitby, Llandudno), and what it's like at their house at Christmas (cinnamon cider warming on the stove in the morning and games in the evening). The simple act of her handing Evelyn a letter from the most important person in her life is perhaps the most significant thing to date in their burgeoning courtship; more than the private, intense kisses, more than the murmured confirmation of feelings, more than the increasingly courageous touches over their respective uniforms. 
It feels personal – deeply intimate, even. 
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rairolin · 1 year
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🏆 Quintaped strikes again! 💥
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usagirln12003 · 5 months
Hunter: Hogwarts AU
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Hunter is a Half-Blood wizard that was born on the 25th of October 1982 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1994, being sorted into Hufflepuff house.
He has a Apple wand with a Unicorn Hair Core.
His Patronus is a Northern Cardinal.
His favorite subject is Muggle Studies and his least favorite subject is History of Magic.
He was the Hufflepuff Keeper in his sixth and seventh year.
During his time while living with his uncle, Hunter acted authoritative and confident in the persona, while praising and advocating for the cause of the minister, his uncle Belos. He was, however, more laid-back and easygoing than him, being sometimes comedic and snarky in his dialogue. Despite his upper-class status, he never takes advantage of his power for personal gain, only using his authority when ordered by Belos himself. He showed deep respect and love towards Belos, yet quite a bit of hubris and egotism towards anyone else, which earned him the dislike of many of his compatriots. Lilith describes Hunter as a brat who is well renowned within Hogwarts and would always receive special treatment for being a "genius teen prodigy", though it's possible that Lilith exaggerated this out of jealousy.
He was, however, an opportunist who was willing to use blackmail or extortion to manipulate others, offering to let Eda and Luz go in exchange for slaying a group of quintapes, and then threatening to kill King when they refuse to do so. Whether this is due to pragmatism or simply laziness is hard to say, but having said that, he does give Luz advice and does indeed let them go after he believes the job is done. Seeing as it was not done (and Eda is well-known as a con artist) might suggest some naivety on his part. After seeing his uncle's necklace (while unaware that it was an Horcrux) around Amity's neck, he attempted to steal it from her and threatened both her and Luz when the two were caught in a deadlock. Despite this, he was genuinely appreciative when Amity complied, showing that it was done out of desperation rather than malice.
Despite his laid-back persona, Hunter was easily annoyed when things didn't go his way, as seen with his early interactions with Luz. He also seemed to have a fascination with magic, and despite his loyalty to Belos and his cause, he still expressed his interest in it towards Luz. In addition, he also possessed a hidden softer side, as he was sickened by the apparent slaying of the Quintapes, as well as being visibly affected by Luz's words when he tried to double-cross her. His softer side grew more prominent later on after bonding to his first pet, Flapjack, not only starting sympathize for him, but all the other creatures who had to die for Belos.
He was very loyal to Belos at first, even worrying about the condition of his "uncle" whenever Belos got sick due to his curse. He occasionally offered alternatives to help Belos with dark magic, but also feared his reaction to the mere mention of it. However, his loyalty was not absolute; he continually wondered why Belos had such a strong hatred for all sorts of magic, but was always discouraged or even threatened by Belos whenever he brought up the thought. In addition, Hunter did not want to hand over Flapjack to Belos after the bird chose him as his owner.
Even though he was committed to Belos and his supposed purpose as his heir, Hunter appears to be very insecure about himself. Ever since his failed mission to find magical creatures for Belos, Hunter showed signs of anxiety towards the idea that Belos would replace him and was desperate to get back in his good graces. When he failed to find any more Unicorn Blood, Hunter began to suffer a mental breakdown and chose to lie in a grave rather than return empty-handed, showing that deep down, he fears Belos and the idea of what he'd do to him if he were to fail a second time.
Due to being sheltered all his life by Belos, Hunter's social skills were extremely poor when interacting with others outside of his families' mansion, having no comprehension on how to associate with others his own age. This made it difficult for him to socialize with students at Hogwarts while attempting to gather recruits for the ministry, with him being dumbfounded and horrified by both their independent thinking and disinterest in working for the ministry. This social ineptness also gave him a very limited grasp on how to have fun and understanding others' feelings, as he initially associated fun activities with Belos' brutal training methods for aurors and was unable to comprehend why others his age would object to working for the ministry despite having to be separated from their families and essentially become prisoners.
After befriending a few Quidditch players, however, particularly Willow and Gus, Hunter's character and beliefs gradually began to change. When he became Hufflepuff's new Keeper, his time amongst them allowed him to experience his first genuine instances of having fun and connecting with other witches and wizards his age, causing him to better understand and appreciate the notions of friendship and camaraderie. This was emphasized when, after coming to recognize the danger he placed his teammates in by handing them over to the ministry, Hunter risked his life to help them escape from Darius, despite doing so technically going against Belos' will and placing his status as his heir in jeopardy. Since then, Hunter's social skills gradually improved, as he slowly became more independent and open towards others, despite remaining loyal to Belos.
During his and Luz's time in Belos' memories, however, Hunter's beliefs would be completely shattered after learning the terrible truth of his families' lineage, Belos' evil nature and goals and that the life he was raised in was all a lie. This sent Hunter into a period of trauma and depression, in which he lost much of his previous confidence and became increasingly paranoid and sullen as he struggled to come to terms with the awful truths he learned. Additionally, Hunter's fear of Belos dramatically increased to the point where he would suffer severe panic attacks at the mere thought of being brought to him after learning the minister had been looking to capture and terminate him. Additionally, after learning that he is a horcrux, Hunter became deeply insecure about his true nature and began suffering an existential crisis over his identity and place in the world. This left him questioning whether he was truly a wizard or really human, and deeply uncertain of his individuality; whether he was his own person or simply a copy of someone else.
Despite this, Hunter's kinder, selfless traits gradually came out more following his ordeal in Belos' memories. After accepting his life was a lie, Hunter promptly abandoned his loyalty to Belos, to the point where he risked being captured to protect his friends at Hogwarts from being forcibly sent to work for the ministry, before officially joining the fight against the minister and his genocidal plans for Hogwarts' anniversary. After joining the resistance, however, Hunter became much more humble, caring, and supportive as he regained his former confidence and determination, though no longer to the point of arrogance. Additionally, as his bond with his friends grew stronger, Hunter became deeply devoted to and protective of them, showing that he maintained his strong sense of loyalty though not in the same blindly devoted manner as his previous allegiance to Belos. Despite this, he remained deeply secretive regarding his insecurities, particularly about being a horcrux, out of shame and fear that his friends would reject him for having a bit of Belos' soul inside of him.
In spite of these lingering emotional insecurities, Hunter's personality tremendously improved during his and his friends' time stranded in the muggle neighborhood where Luz lives, becoming much more cheerful, enthusiastic and somewhat geeky, as he came to enjoy his newfound freedom from Belos' control. Additionally, Hunter also possessed a deep fascination and fondness for many customs and features of the Muggle world, including sewing, wolves and especially the Star Wars science-fiction series, of which he became a fan of.
Sadly, this newfound happiness ended when Flapjack sacrificed himself to save Hunter after he was possessed by Belos, leaving him grief-stricken over the loss of his beloved pet and first friend. His struggle to process his grief made him increasingly bitter and short tempered, much like how he was when he lived with Belos. This resulted in him becoming cold and distant towards his friends, to the point of furiously snapping at them whenever irritated or reminded of Flapjack. In addition, after returning to Hogwarts, Hunter completely abandoned his traumatic fears of Belos, replacing them with a deep-seated hatred and strong determination to destroy Belos to avenge Flapjack's death.
Fortunately, over the course of their return to Hogwarts, Hunter was slowly able to recover from Flapjack's loss through the support of his friends. A major catalyst of his healing was when they revealed their awareness of him being a horcrux and voiced their acceptance of him regardless. This not only allowed Hunter to finally make peace with his origins, but also recognize how his anger had distanced himself from his friends, allowing him to finally open himself up to them and make amends. In doing so, he was able to overcome his bitterness and hatred for Belos, coming to prioritize the safety of both his friends and innocent lives more than getting revenge.
In the four years after Belos' defeat, Hunter has become increasingly mature, patient and happy, now being able to enjoy the life of a wand maker, forever freed from Belos' toxic control and influence. Since then, Hunter has shown himself to be much more temperate and open towards others, no longer being afraid of receiving affectionate physical contact and finally entering into a relationship with Willow. In addition, he has also come to terms with and moved on from Flapjack's death, exemplified by how he has affectionately bonded to Waffle as his new pet, while also continuing to honor Flapjack's memory in reverence for his first true friend.
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lazuli-writes · 1 year
Outtakes - 25 quotes from the Silver Quartet
summary: 25 random quotes from each member of the Silver Quartet.
genre: angst / fluff / humor
estimated word count: 1400 words
a/n: Just trying to get back into writing more. I have so much stuff for this series, but I’m struggling to refine it. Here’s a droplet fic for Slytherin’s resident four horsemen. Remember folks, copying other people’s works is plagiarism and that’s illegal. Don’t be that kind of person. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it :)
©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, or translate without permission
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“It must be the galleons talking.”
“We’re like a failed Monty Python.”
“If having half the prat-blood you have makes me less than, than I’ll happily be less than.”
“So the beast wouldn’t attack any of us, right… just asking.”
“You filthy barbarian, fish and chips are a DELICACY! What are you, AMERICAN?!”
“What would your mum do if we were to break the uncooked pasta noodles?”
“Fun fact: I don’t care.”
“There’s enough oil in Snape’s hair to satisfy the needs of English fish frying for at least a decade.”
“I’m a witch, not a prophet.”
“I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furio- not a single one of you know which film I’m quoting right now.”
“Banoffee pie was a gift from the heavens.”
“Oh please, by the time we reach your age Professor, I’m sure at least one of us will have made a name for ourselves other than being stuck in a castle teaching delinquents the refined arts of magical cooking.”
“Run Theo! Run” *cue the laughter as she watches Theo run from being disciplined by Bartholomew Greengrass.
“I want the skeletons. Oh and the jewelry please!!”
“It’s almost as if I don’t care.”
“Daph, you’re forgetting the fact that Ron and Theo share the same braincell… Wait… I forgot you don’t know what a brain cell is.”
“Mutually assured destruction. Truce?”
“What crawled up her butt and died?”
“Oui oui” “Tracey I am Italian, NOT FRENCH!” “Yeah yeah whatever.”
“That’s a lot of deathies. They would probably need multiple Potters going separate ways to possibly make an escape.”
“Ron you’d be Ginger Spice, Daphne you’d be Posh Spice, Theo is Baby Spice and of course I’d be Scary Spice-“ “why can’t I be sporty spicy” “because you can’t even say their name correctly Theo.”
“Do you think you’ll find something as perfect as they did?”
“Over the hills and a long way off…”
“Theo… I’ll be with you soon…”
“So the first place you choose to hide is in a room with dead bodies?”
“She looks like the love child of a troll and a fairy.”
“Stupid mirror.”
“Ronald, why is our potion pink?”
“Father is gonna kill you two for going into the chamber you know…”
“You. Ate. My. Cauldron. Cakes.”
“You tell Ron anything and I WILL tell Tracey how you find her lips very interesting lately.”
“For a dirty stray, he does kind of look like Falkor.”
“You won’t look like that when you get old, right Ron?”
“So blue is out of the question. I guess the typical silver would look nice.”
“Do you think he found u-AHHHHHHH!”
“All I know is that I lay claim to any and all dresses, cloaks, shawls and the likes. Any clothes in this room is MINE.”
“A quintaped has five limbs.”
“Harpy, veela, vulture… same thing.”
“He’s more of a man than you will ever be.”
“It was Theo and Ron’s idea.”
“He had the breath of a damn merling!”
“You gave my parents the greatest gift they could have ever gotten in that moment… hope that their daughters… their family will survive this war. You gave them hope.”
“Not even death can dispute my love for you, Ronald Bilius Weasley. I would be blessed to be able to call you my love, my partner, my friend and my husband for eternity. By these vows… I declare, I do.”
“I think insanity is a social construct. We may think he’s unhinged beyond compare… but he’s definitely the hero in her world.”
“I killed a child Ron! How can you still look me in the eye and say you love me! HOW?”
“I’ve never killed a mutt before.”
“He asked to take my name. He felt that he had no right to give a name he was deemed unworthy of.”
“It is hard to play a game when you don’t know the rules.”
“Say hello to mother and father for me sis. I’m gonna miss you… so much.”
“Why do you look like that?”
“Sectersuper?” “Sectum—sempra” “shut up Weasley.”
“Auntie!! Daphne and Tracey are breaking the pasta noodles!”
“You have troll breath.”
“You didn’t have to do that. You’re not bad Weasley. Not bad at all.”
“I would have called him a filthy spawn of inbreeding but then… that would have also… applied… to-“ “SHUT UP THEO!” “What, it’s the truth Daph!”
“Oh yes, because the lion is the most amazing creature in the world. *eye roll* When a lion talks and starts killing witches and wizards, talk to me then Weasel.”
“I didn’t mean for Malfoy to call you Weasel. Accident, truly it was!”
“Why are you always staring at Ron?”
“Why would he think he even had a chance with Trace?! He looks like the love child of a hag and a house elf.”
“I’m telling you my dear cousin, that Malfoy has been staring at Ronald’s bottom almost as much as he was staring at yours.”
“I’m gonna be a rich man!!” “You already are a rich man Theo.” “Then I’m gonna be an even richer man!! I call dibs on all weapons!!”
“I don’t know why!! I was too busy saving your sister to think ‘oh how much money is this worth’.”
“It’s not my fault you failed to save mother.”
“God save the witches and wizards.”
“I’m not staring at Tracey you imbecile!”
“You cannot be both annoying and lacking magical prowess. Please pick one failure to endure.”
“If you must know, banoffee pie is actually scrumptious. If you are going to advertise your lack of taste, please do so away from my presence.”
“Why do we have to go back to Ron’s old bat of an aunt? She’s so mean.”
“If you wanna be my friend… you gotta get with my… other friends.” “Horrible rendition sporty spicy.” “Shut up Ron!!”
“I wanna live in a small cottage when I choose to settle down. I want a place surrounded and engulfed by all of my favorite plants.”
“Still got troll breath I see.”
“I wish I could see what is it you see every time you look at me Trace.”
“I love her. So damn much.”
“Do you have an eye problem?”
“Theo has a bag of bezoars for a brain.”
“Daphne will kill us if she knows what we’re doing and Tracey will laugh at us if we get hurt. I already know.”
“Stupid mirror.”
“You hear that Tracey, us peasants mustn’t talk anymore.”
“Do you think Snape has a pet under that robe? He always smells.”
“Potter, Granger and Longbottom seem to have this obsession with all things ‘not their business’ that it’s actually quite funny at times.”
“Me and you remember Valentine’s Day very differently.”
“Bill and Charlie ran away the first chance they got. Percy has a superiority complex, Fred is sadistic. George just thinks Fred’s farts smell amazing, and Ginny has this weird habit of hero worshipping people who aren’t heroes.”
“Theo… could you think of anything else other than… her.” “Shove off and stay out of my head Ron.”
“Bloody bint… that thing is worse than Snape…” “Ron that was a quintaped.” “An ugly one at that!”
“Some of my family has this… belief that I’ve been ingenuous about my character. When really, they just don’t seem to understand me all that much.”
“I.. don’t know… I can’t find the words to tell you how I’m feeling Daph.”
“Muggles do have the big boom booms. What are they called again? Nookies?” “Nukes Ron.” “Oh.”
“How do you think she’ll kill us for leaving? Do you think she’ll really castrate me?”
“You want to… marry me? Why?”
“Auntie, if you turn me away now, I’m literally gonna slap you with my hand.” *proceeds to wave his amputated arm, much to the silent horror of Muriel Prewett*
“There will never be a second in this lifetime or the next, that I will ever stop loving you Daphne. You bless me with the honor of being able to call you mine and I yours. By these vows I declare, I do.”
“Still sour about the Manor Lady Lestrange? If it’s any consolation, your husband’s wand works wonderfully.”
“I mean I could… but why would I want to do that Daph?”
“All I ever wanted was to be a real Weasley, dad. And I fucked that up the moment that hat screamed Slytherin.”
“And now we are both here. Rotting in Azkaban. Yet only one of us has any chance of leaving.”
“You what?” “I gave birth Ron.” “. . .You were pregnant?”
“This is your grandma and grandpa. That’s your aunties Tracey and Tori, and your funny uncle Theo.”
“Daphne did you hear!! Albus is a Slytherin HAHAHAHAHAH I can’t wait to shove that in Ginny and Harry’s face.”
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that-scouse-wizard · 11 months
For the crackship ask, Matthew x Amelia? They've got a few similarities after all, like being Magizoologists and having AUs with Chiara lmaooo - @hphmmatthewluther
True indeed 😂
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Now for some headcanons:
-Instead of Barnaby finding Amelia's cat Sooty after he goes missing, Matt does instead.
-Being two years older, Matt takes Amelia under his wing for a brief time.
-Both do of course grow more confident over the years, though Matt is probably a bit surprised at just how much more confident Amelia gets, usually resulting in skyrocketing nervousness on Matt's part.
-Like the time Amelia helped tame a Quintaped, numerous small explosions from experimenting with potions and the ever famous doing gymnastics on her broom.
-Hinted feelings in their school years but nothing really developed until the war and Matt heard that Amelia's potion shop had been blown up in a death eater attack. Later relieved when Amelia contacted him and told that she did that.
-After this, they have a catch up, an even more confident Amy probably confesses a crush and things go from there.
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redhairedgryffindor · 2 years
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Roast Merula; show her what you've got.
Edit: Mine is, "Your highlighted hair doesn't look like dead starfish but Quintaped instead."
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theheadgirl · 2 years
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31 Days of Fear, hosted by @hp-fearfest
Day 27: Intruder (read on AO3 here)
"Attention, Ministry employees," a cool female voice announces, her voice projecting from the ceilings. "Please be advised that we have a Code Quintaped in process. Repeat, a Code Quintaped is in process. Lockdown operations will begin immediately. Please remain where you are. Attention, Ministry employees…"
Audrey's stomach clenches in on itself. A Code Quintaped? That means an actively hostile intruder who's caused at least one casualty already. She stands from her desk, reaching to grab her purse and, after a moment of thought, her Thermos of tea.
“Where d’you think you’re going, Weasley?” Brooks, her boss, asks. “Stay put. Did you not just hear what they said?”
“I don’t know how long this lockdown is going to last and, given the option of spending several hours here with you lot, or several hours with my husband, I’m choosing him,” she replies, tucking the mug into her bag so she has her hands free. “If I move quickly, and take the stairs, I can be there before the lockdown spells are in place.” 
“This is a stupid idea. You know who’s gonna have to sweep you up if something happens to you, right?”
“Please give Martin and Euphemia my sincerest apologies, then,” Audrey retorts. “It’ll be fine, Fletcher. Thank you for your concern.” Without another backwards glance, she hurries out of the Auror offices and takes off towards the stairs at a quick clip. Her high heels sound like gunshots against the green marble floors, and every click makes her wince. She doesn’t dare risk even the thirty seconds it would take to take her shoes off, though - every second counts, and though she was certain she could make it, it would be extremely tight. 
She pushes open the door to the stairs up to the first floor and pulls her wand from its holster. Leading with it, Audrey sweeps the landing, and up and down the stairs, then takes them as quickly as she can. She tries to stay in shape, but she’s still breathing harder than she’d like when she makes it to the landing on the first floor. Reaching out slowly, she pushes the door open with her fingertips, ready to slam it shut at the first sign of a spell. 
“Percy?! What are you doing out here?” This was not the plan. She came to him; he didn’t come to her. She grabs his arm, hauls him back towards his office. “We need to get going.”
“I panicked when the announcement started for the third time and you hadn’t arrived yet, I thought maybe … “ He trails off, clearly realizing with each word that this wasn’t the brightest move. “It doesn’t matter. You’re here now.”
“Why is this corridor so bloody long?” Audrey wonders. 
“Warning,” the cool female voice announces. “Lockdown spells in thirty seconds.” 
Percy speeds up, and Audrey finds herself taking four steps for every one of his. Click click click click click click click - 
A door opens and shuts behind them. 
“Ah, Weasley,” a man says from behind them. “Just who I was looking for.”
Percy whirls, putting himself between Audrey and the newcomer. His brow furrows in confusion. “Who are you?”
“Not you,” the man says with a sneer. “The other Weasley. Recognize me, sweetheart?”
Audrey gasps, curling her fingers around Percy’s wrist. “Love, we need to go, now -” 
And all around them, the lockdown charms click into place.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Diego: Ah, this Quintaped you speak of... reminds me of my beloved novia. *sighs* Tiny, Scottish, hairy, and angry.
Aspen, just around the corner: 😡🔪 Excuse me??
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
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Love the way this makes me look like the person I truly am: A fierce guardian of bloodthirsty dangerous creatures.
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speakbeastypodcast · 4 years
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This week’s Beast of The Week is Quintaped! Fortunately, only found on the Isle of Drear. Not somewhere we would recommend you go on holiday 🤣
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0marzipan · 7 years
Marauder Era Head Canons
I think it would be fun to work on posting things regularly, apparently that makes a good blog or something. To do that, I wish to share marauder head canons I have. I’ll start out with characters and their religions and basic background. I will likely have contradictory ones because I have several versions of the timeline in my head (ex. trans-boy Snape vs. cis-Snape).
For this, I will accept asks and questions on marauder era things at Hogwarts and I should expand into the world and Voldemort and ministry of magic politics...but let’s start with Hogwarts. If I run out of ideas I will create original characters and tell you all about them as classmates to the characters we know.
That being said, I love Snape and I love the Marauders and I love Lily. They will each be human with positive and negative traits. I don’t want to deal with hate for any of them or be told that I hate them. I will try and be as canon as possible, but things happen. Also something about the Quintaped moment.
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rairolin · 2 years
I feel that with how Chaotic Leo is, she'd be friends with Lilian (and by extension Lilian's tiny Golems)
Yep yep yepp, Leo totally agrees to indulge in a great chaotic friendship! What a sweet idea 👏🌟✨👀💕
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Now let's go and brew some calming draught to throw at the Whomping Willow hehehehe.. To celebrate friendship!
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spaceseawitch-art · 7 years
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