un-enfant-immature · 4 years
Portobel turns food producers into direct-to-consumer businesses
A startup called Portobel is working to help food producers shift their businesses so they can support direct-to-consumer deliveries.
Portobel is backed by Heroic Ventures and led by Ranjith Kumaran, founder or co-founder of file-sharing company Hightail (acquired by OpenText) and loyalty startup PunchTab (acquired by Walmart Labs).
Kumaran told me that he and his co-founders Ted Everson and Itai Maron started out with the goal of improving the delivery process by using low-cost, internet-connected devices to track each order. As they began testing this out — primarily with dairy companies and other producers of perishable goods — customers started to ask them, “Hey, you can monitor these things, can you actually deliver these things, too?”
So last year, the company started making deliveries of its own, which involved managing its own warehouses and hiring its own drivers. Kumaran said the resulting process is “a machine that turns wholesale pallets into direct-to-consumer deliveries.”
He also emphasized that the company is taking safety precautions during the pandemic, ensuring that all of its warehouse workers and drivers have masks and other protective equipment, and that the drivers use hand sanitizer between deliveries.
Image Credits: Portobel
Portobel currently operates in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles/Orange County. Kumaran said the COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the demand for the startup’s services, with the number of households it serves tripling since April.
That might sound a little surprising, since supermarkets were basically the one store that customers are still visiting regularly. Plus, there are a range of grocery delivery options.
However, Kumaran suggested that the D2C model is better for both producers and consumers. Producers get recurring orders for larger packages of food. And for consumers, “If you buy straight from the wholesale producer … everything’s in stock.”
As for delivery, he said that when you buy your groceries online, things are being packed and dispatched at your local store.”
“All those things about selection and availability, put those aside — the modern grocery store is not set up for efficient e-commerce delivery,” he added. “They need to block the aisles to pick up product, there’s no dedicated place to dispatch deliveries. That’s kind of why, if you’ve tried [grocery delivery], there are unpredictable delivery windows. It’s a challenge for these guys to scale online.”
Portobel’s customers include San Francisco-based grocery company Moo Cow Market. In a statement, Moo Cow founder Alexandra Mysoor said, “The pandemic has propelled retail as we knew it into a new wave, blending and merging all past and current forms of commerce. That’s where companies like Moo Cow Market enter and can scale and grow thanks to services like Portobel.”
Where top VCs are investing in D2C
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demianblog · 4 years
Portobel convierte a los productores de alimentos en negocios directos al consumidor -
Portobel convierte a los productores de alimentos en negocios directos al consumidor –
Una startup llamada Portobel está trabajando para ayudar a los productores de alimentos a cambiar sus negocios para que puedan apoyar las entregas directas al consumidor.
Portobel está respaldado por Heroic Ventures y dirigido por Ranjith Kumaran, fundador o cofundador de la compañía de intercambio de archivos Hightail (adquirido por OpenText) y la startup de fidelización PunchTab (adq…
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ajayuikey · 4 years
Portobel turns food producers into direct-to-consumer businesses – TechCrunch
Portobel turns food producers into direct-to-consumer businesses – TechCrunch
A startup called Portobel is working to help food producers shift their businesses so they can support direct-to-consumer deliveries.
Portobel is backed by Heroic Ventures and led by Ranjith Kumaran, founder or co-founder of file-sharing company Hightail (acquired by OpenText) and loyalty startup PunchTab (acquired by Walmart Labs).
Kumaran told me that he and his co-founders Ted Everson and…
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itmanco · 4 years
Portobel turns food producers into direct-to-consumer businesses A startup called Portobel is working to help food producers shift their businesses so that they can support direct-to-consumer deliveries. Portobel is backed by Heroic Ventures and led by Ranjith Kumaran, founder or co-founder of file-sharing company Hightail (acquired by OpenText) and loyalty startup PunchTab (acquired by Walmart Labs). Kumaran told me that he and his co-founders Ted Everson and Itai Maron started out with the goal of improving the delivery process by using low-cost, internet-connected devices to track each order. https://ift.tt/2MyWZp3 By Samy Morsy
from I.T MAN https://ift.tt/1cjthd7 via IFTTTBy Samy Morsy
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tachtutor · 4 years
Portobel turns food producers into direct-to-consumer businesses – TechCrunch
Portobel turns food producers into direct-to-consumer businesses – TechCrunch
A startup called Portobel is working to help food producers shift their businesses so that they can support direct-to-consumer deliveries.
Portobel is backed by Heroic Ventures and led by Ranjith Kumaran, founder or co-founder of file-sharing company Hightail (acquired by OpenText) and loyalty startup PunchTab (acquired by Walmart Labs).
Kumaran told me that he and his co-founders Ted…
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fatpidgey · 10 years
ATTN Arda Punchtab Reward Users!
PSA to all my friends and followers who use Arda- specifically their rewards program! Arda is switching off of Punchtab very shortly- they just posted a news article on it. They're switching off any new point gathering THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, meaning if you were planning on getting a wig soon to boost up your points a little higher for a certificate or % off coupon, now would be a good time!
Also keep in mind that you have to get all your coupons/certificates by May 31st! That's when Punchtab is officially closing its doors. I know a lot of cosplayers follow me so I figured it'd be good to spread the news a bit. I'd hate to see friends who are close to getting that $50/75 cert or another cert not be able to get it because of this. D:
Here's the news article, if you all wish to read more on the specifics.
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officialfancorps · 12 years
Brand Advocacy Tech Review #07: PunchTab
[This blog is one in a series of reviews on technologies that support brand advocacy and word-of-mouth marketing concepts. Our goal is to research a specific technology, application, or company and inform ourselves, our clients, and user base about it. We often get asked how Fancorps compares to different companies in the space. This is our way of answering those questions, while educating ourselves and our audience as a whole.]
PunchTab is a great tool for companies and brands looking to gamify their websites, blogs and eCommerce stores. Put simply, Punchtab allows content creators to engage users to return to their site(s) by incentivizing them each time they do so.
They provide a very simple solution (via snippet of code) that just about anyone can embed on the back end of a site to track and reward return visitors for their interactions. Actions such as clicking to a new page of a site, commenting on a blog, or sharing a story all generate points for a user and are applied to a Leaderboard and Catalog of prizes.
Virtual badges are also triggered for specific engagements and sporadically pop up while browsing the site. These interactions are a great start at motivating fans to get more involved and amplify a brand's message and content.
Once implemented, a floating "Rewards" banner appears to users on side of the site. With one click, and a Facebook sign on, anyone can participate in seconds. There is also a blog specific widget of sorts that displays nicely alongside recent posts and contains a user's icon and current points with a "Earn More" call to action.
We're actually looking at implementing Punchtab on our own blog (yes, the one you're currently reading) to encourage readers to get more involved in exchange for some Fancorps swag and/or give aways. One recent launch from Punchtab is the addition of Crush Score, which is an analytics tools that gives you data on how your Punchtab environment stacks up against others utilizing it. We're looking forward to trying it as well to see how our blog stacks up against others.
In the end, Punchtab is an excellent step towards creating advocacy on a brand's website or blog. It does a great job of incentivizing for actions that would typically go unnoticed, that in itself can be enough to spark more engagement and word of mouth on behalf of a brand or product.
Check back next week as @tonyfancorps chimes in with his thoughts on SCVNGR
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digitalsocialnetwork · 12 years
Social Loyalty Platform PunchTab Heads To Mobile: Debuts Giveaways App For iPhone
PunchTab, a social loyalty and rewards platform now backed by $5.25 million in venture funding, is expanding its platform to mobile. Until now, the company had focused on allowing businesses and agencies to run campaigns across the social web – something that made it stand out from similar platforms, which often only target Facebook and Twitter. PunchTab, meanwhile, supports Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare, and SoundCloud, for example. Today, the startup is launching an iPhone app called “PunchCard Giveaways,” which will allow consumers to engage with publishers’ contests on their phone.
When we first covered the PunchTab agency platform launch in May, it was working with Arby’s and eBay on select campaigns. Since then, the company has ramped up to powering over 1,000 giveaways per month for brands, including Nokia, AT&T, and the band Green Day, among others. For that last one, fans were encouraged to take actions like listening to new tracks on SoundCloud, checking in at Foursquare venues, uploading photos and more, all in the hopes of winning tickets and merchandise.
But PunchTab founder Ranjith Kumaran said that one bit of early feedback he heard from brands and publishers is that they wanted more ways to connect with users on mobile (well, who doesn’t?). This was especially true when running Facebook contests, because it’s difficult to interact with Facebook tabs from Facebook’s mobile app. To address this concern, PunchTab is today launching a giveaways app on iPhone. The Android version is coming soon.
In the new app, consumers will be able to access all the giveaways and campaigns running on the PunchTab platform. That means it supports following, liking, +1′ing, inviting friends and more. At launch, the app includes 100 active giveaways, some of which even have high-end prizes like Lytro cameras and Android tablets.
The app itself is fairly barebones, but it does make contest entry easier with one-click buttons for various actions. This is the kind of thing that should appeal to the freebies crowd – like those who surf Swagbucks, perhaps. But being a separate solution outside of Facebook feels a bit like a workaround to the challenges of using Facebook on mobile. And there’s now the challenge of directing interested participants to download another app. The app is live now, here in iTunes.
via Substance Digital http://bit.ly/RRqzU9
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suryaray-blog · 12 years
Social Loyalty Platform PunchTab Launches Agency Platform; Touts Customers Like eBay & Arby’s
Social loyalty platform PunchTab, which raised its $4.4 million Series A in November, is rolling out its new platform for agencies, allowing them to run customized incentives campaigns to promote customers' brands on any social network. That's a differentiating factor between PunchTab and some other social loyalty plays which often only focus Facebook and Twitter. With PunchTab, agencies can also target popular networks like Instagram and Foursquare, for example. The fully branded programs are available both as standalone experiences or embedded in Facebook. The company has already signed up some notable customers in Q1 of this year, including Arby's, eBay, and the Toy Industry Association. http://dlvr.it/1XHW8D
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samrijver · 13 years
Welcome back Punchtab
While I feel my move from WP to Tumblr is quite successful (I do still miss the searchers visiting of course) the 'only' thing really missing was my loyalty program. Today I figured out I could also add it here, so I did.
For those who don't know Punchtab yet. You can gain points -which can be returned for things like Groupon credits or Amazon gift cards- by visiting and social media actions. You can learn more at punchtab.com
Edit: Still some problems with the +1 button. But you shouldn't 'do it for the money' anyway so that will be fixed when it's fixed.
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kidsmartcity · 13 years
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ponara · 13 years
PunchTab offers websites, blogs an "instant loyalty rewards program"
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