#public puke
livwritesstuff · 11 months
dedicated to my absolute storm of a day today
Today was one of those days where nothing stopped.
For the first time ever, all three of Steve and Eddie’s daughters are in different schools - Moe a freshman in high school, Robbie a sixth-grader at the middle school, and Hazel still at the elementary school in fourth grade, so their morning is non-stop from when Moe has to be up if she’s gonna get out the door in time to make the school bus (which is 5:30, meaning that Steve and Ed need to be up at 5:30 to make sure that she’s up at 5:30) all the way to when Hazel gets on her own bus at 7:45.
Most of the time, Hazel’s bus pulling away leads to a brief moment of respite for Steve and Eddie before their own days have to continue, just enough time for them to take a breather and spend a second together just the two of them and maybe make out against the kitchen counter like they’re twenty-six and had just started dating instead of nearly fifty and married for over a decade.
That day, though, Steve has a client for a therapy session at 8am (the first for a day of back-to-back-to-back sessions), so he’s out the door even before Robbie is on her bus, and then Eddie has to drive into Boston for a meeting about his book that he’s trying to get made into a movie (an animation of some kind, he’s thinking, stop-motion ideally like Coraline or Nightmare Before Christmas), and while he’s on his way back home, he gets a call from the elementary school that Hazel is sick and needs to be picked up (goddamn flu season), and by the time he picks her up and brings her home, Moe is out of school needing a ride to her club basketball practice, and Steve’s work day wraps up just in time to get Robbie to her violin lesson (he picks Moe up from basketball on their way back), and even once they’re all home again, it’s still a whirlwind of getting dinner on the table while making sure all the girls get their homework done and instruments practiced, and keeping an eye on Hazel who is either “sick” or “not sick” when it serves her to be so (she’s sick when homework time begins, not so sick anymore when the baskets of Halloween candy are brought out of their hiding spot as a treat after dinner), before they’re getting Hazel and Robbie corralled upstairs for bedtime and making sure Moe is making her own progress in that regard, and then once the girls are all tucked soundly into bed for the night, Steve and Eddie still have to clean up the kitchen and prep for the next day’s mayhem and get themselves ready for bed, and in the end, it’s not until Eddie is sliding into bed beside Steve that they’re to exchange anything more than a glance.
“Thought about you all day today, Stevie,” Eddie says with a grin as he tugs him in close.
Steve hums his agreement, shuffling until he’s sitting in the space between Eddie’s legs, his back against his husband’s chest.
“How was the meeting?” he asks him.
“Doesn’t matter,” Ed shakes his head, “Ask me tomorrow. Just hold me.”
“You’re holding me.”
“Shut up.”
Ed wraps his arms around Steve’s middle, slipping a hand underneath his t-shirt to splay over his stomach.
Steve tips his head back against Eddie’s shoulder, relishing in the way Eddie is holding him – his grip just firm enough to feel secure and safe, tight in a covetous way, a way that says that Steve is his.
Steve likes being Eddie’s. Something about it has his heart swooping even all these years later.
The love between him and Eddie is the old kind of love now. Not old as in old news, but old as in worn-in and reliable and familiar and comfortable. It’s the kind of love he’d been aching for when he was younger, the kind of love that has him knowing exactly why it didn’t work out with all the other people he’d dated before.
“I love you so damn much, Stevie,” Eddie tells him, ”I’m just as obsessed with you today as I was twenty years ago.”
“I know – crazy, right?”
Eddie shakes his head again, “Inevitable. Just wanted to say it before it slipped through the cracks.”
Steve nods, but doesn’t say anything more, content to bask in a rare moment of peace and quiet with Eddie – his husband, his person, the love of his life.
Eddie presses a kiss to the side of his neck, blunt nails idling dragging back and forth over Steve’s soft stomach. 
The moment is fleeting, as they tend to be these days, because Hazel calls for them from her bedroom saying that her tummy hurts.
Steve groans and moves to get up, but Eddie tightens his arms around Steve.
“She’ll be fine. Nine is definitely old enough to learn how to puke and rally.”
“Definitely,” Steve agrees as he pulls himself out of Eddie’s hold.
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statementlou · 2 years
What did he say about the south africa show 😭 i am at work i cannot watch it now 😭
yes it's very long I was lucky it was just the right time for me to watch! Okay so Louis was asked about his best and worst shows ever and for best show he said the LA show because Freddie was there, whatever. Moving on! For worst show he talked about playing South Africa with 1D and drinking way too much onstage. He said that usually he drank before the show but not onstage which, I will say, maaaaaaybe up until that point? Definitely it wasn't the only time ever whatever he's trying to sell here is all I'm saying. But ANYWAY he said at this show he was just drinking vodka red bull straight through, doesn't really remember the show or the night cause he was wasted, but that they came straight offstage and went into cars and that he guesses his body just knew the show was over and relaxed and he just puked all over himself the minute he got in the car. I got the feeling it really freaked him out as a memory because of the horror of the realization of how bad it would have been if that had happened onstage, like he seemed shook by it still, saying that they had just been onstage a couple minutes before, enough to think of it immediately for worst show. Obviously I'm very glad that all took place in private so maybe I'm a dick for it but I am kinda curious about footage from the performance now...
It's worth noting though that there is another reason why that night might stand out for him as the worst show ever: it was either the first or second show ever without Zayn :(
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killerwithknife · 6 months
sorry for not blogging that much i've been battling possible outcomes, psychosexual tendencies and various forms of life ruining anxiety
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slumbering-shadows · 5 months
Hi everyone I'm finally fully caught up judt in time for tonight's (?) fucking episode so.
Adaine's Furious Fists on Oision yeah? This motherfucker? Like forget everyone else he specifically is the problem in this moment methinks
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jurassicsickfics · 1 year
Little something that came to me in the middle of the night so pardon if it's a little out there, but I found it adorable.
A sick celebrity having a public event that they know they can't get out of, so they ask their assistant if they know a way to get through it without puking everywhere and embarrassing themselves. Assistant tells them not to worry, that they've got a trick up their sleeve.
Later, during the event, sick celeb realizes they have to throw up so as soon as they can get away from the cameras and paparazzi, they rush to assistant. Assistant gives them a wink and hugs them tight to their chest. Celeb wonders what they're doing but when they look down they see that assistant has attached a barf bag to the inside of their shirt/dress.
"Genius!" Celeb thinks, as they lean in and puke into the bag, passing it off as a casual hug and then act like nothing happened.
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darthhopereblogs · 2 years
Public emeto/sickfic prompts
I just thought I’d make this list. Enjoy! (Hope you like commentary along with your Whump prompts)
You don’t need to credit me if you use these prompts, but I’d love to read whatever you write!
Warnings! Mentions of emeto/vomiting and likely a lot of embarrassment. (These are non-kink)
Character A has to give a presentation/speech/whatever your imagination can think up but they wake up with laryngitis or a sore throat and can’t speak. So, they take some meds for it. However, they neglected to read the label which states that side effects can include nausea and vomiting. It doesn’t hit them until they are standing in front of a whole crowd of people. Use your imagination as to whether they make it through or not.
Character A goes to work/school feeling bad. As the day goes on they start to feel worse. Then, during a quite session (silent reading/work time, etc) their stomach starts to make all sorts of sick noises. Bonus points if the character is normally really introverted and never makes much noise.
Character A and B are doing something for B’s birthday. Character A woke up feeling ill but doesn’t want to miss B’s birthday, they also don’t want their other friends to worry. So, when the friends start to eat, A forces themself to eat as well. This only makes them feel worse.
Character A has an office job where they have to work long hours, maybe something really important is going on or maybe they have a deadline to reach, I don’t know, it’s you’re story. They have been overworking themselves for days (or weeks) and have definitely caught something. Or maybe it’s just from eating and drinking nothing but coffee. But they come to work anyway because they don’t have time to call in sick (why did Ian just suddenly pop into my mind?) However, that probably wasn’t the best call. Use your imagination as to whether they get sick in front of someone else (hence the name “Public”) or somewhere else.
Going off of the last one: maybe A is preparing for a presentation which they can’t call in sick from. This leads to the presentation getting interrupted by the great puking show of 2023.
(Idol AU) Character A is a singer/actor who has to put on a live show. They wake up feeling terrible but go to work (or rehearsal, whatever you do before a show) however… I think you can deduce what happens next. A starts the show. A gets sick in front of an entire live crowd.
Character A has a rather important job, but, unlike our previous characters, they decide to take the day off. Unfortunately for them, it seems that their team cannot function without them! They get called in by their boss halfway though the day, saying that they absolutely must come into work that day. Maybe the team underestimated how sick A was, or maybe they just didn’t care, or just really needed their help. Either way, they realize their mistake when A can’t make it through the day without being sick.
Character A and their friends are going to an amusement park. From here I have multiple prompts:
A reluctantly goes on a ride with their friends but gets extremely motion sick. Unfortunately, due to a malfunction (or some other reason), they are stuck at the top of the ride. Maybe the ride is rocking slightly in the wind, or maybe the height is just to much, either way, A proceeds to get sick all over either themselves or their friends. Much to their shock.
A eats a bit to much junk food before going on a ride. No farther explanation required.
A desides to sit out a ride, maybe they’re already feeling a little sick or maybe they just don’t want to go one it. Either way, their friends go on the ride, leaving them sitting on a bench (or wherever) when they suddenly start feeling sick. Perhaps they got food poisoning from the ridiculous amount of junk food we eat on vacation or perhaps they caught a stomach bug from the ridiculous amount of people who neglect to was their hands! Either way, (I really need to find synonyms for “either way”) A is sick so suddenly they don’t have time to find a restroom, much to their friend’s surprise.
Okay, last one for amusement parks. Maybe the group is a group of kids or maybe they’re just younger adults, either way, *cough cough* AT ANY RATE, they are off running around the amusement park on their own, no parents in sight (or older adults, but I see this one more for kids) when A starts of feel sick. Either they decide against telling their friends or, you know, they decide to. AT ANY RATE, (so sorry) the friends have no idea what to do, they look for their parents but can’t find them. The situation gets even worse when A gets sick before they can find a restroom.
Character A is going on a vacation with a friend and their family. Unfortunately, they end up getting extremely motion sick (maybe their driving through the mountains or something). However, they don’t want to bother their friend and so decide to just try and sit it out. This doesn’t work and they end up being sick all over their friend’s car. Bonus points if A doesn’t really know their friend’s parents and isn’t that comfortable around them. Bonus, bonus points if A remains sick even after getting out of the car and has to deal with being sick in an unfamiliar environment with adults they barely know. (Also makes for a good fluff prompt between the friends.)
Thank you for staying with me to the end!
If you want me to write one of these send me a number (or multiple) and I’ll write it for one of my OCs!
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cat-soap-opera · 1 year
i think the contro oh versy that surrounded cloudsnap is ironically one of the reasons they mean so much to me. like as time passes, the more obvious it becomes to me that all that bullshit was little more than ppl starting shit for the sake of starting shit. it was them seeking the feeling of power over others by fear and threats, all the while acting like a hero for doing so. and that can be oh so personal for a bitch like me.
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pdrrook · 2 years
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shmothman · 1 year
well. today was harrowing.
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minakoaiinos · 8 months
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beta-adjacent · 1 year
You know shit’s going down when all you want to do is nest.
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boyswanna-be-her · 2 years
Ahhh I slept through the night without insane nightmares. Without waking up drenched in sweat. I didn't puke or gag at all when I woke up... Or when I drank some water... I actually am attempting to eat breakfast within an hour of waking up, which I haven't WANTED to do in several years. If I don't barf up breakfast, this is about to be the most remarkably normal morning I've had in over a year 😭🙏
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witchothewest · 1 year
I truly don’t understand how people are just…normal about driving. Like. You are in control of a metal death machine, responsible for its movement as if it is an extension of yourself, but you just have to like know how far out from your own body it extends. You’re going 60 mph along with everyone else, they can’t be trusted to be any good at what they’re doing so you have to monitor and be aware of their movements. You’re having to pay attention to 360 degrees around you at all times via multiple mirrors while navigating other drivers, pedestrians, fucking BIKES, the road, know where you’re going and how to get there and turn at the right time and change lanes all while following a complex set of rules and not killing anyone or dying. Just…excuse me? You all just…do this? Every day ??? I feel like you’re all lying to me honestly. Like cool invention you got there but what the FUCK
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squaregoals · 1 year
Finally, I am on the last editing stage of the chapter 6 for Mercy. Phone is still looking like a kaleidescope, but I can at least sort of post. My computer screen is fixed now, still can't access internet because of how it got fried when the power went out (that villain AU the power outage inspired is coming along lol) but one of the people at work's computer's I steal is gone tomorrow so hopefully!!! It!! Will!!! Be!!! Posted!!!
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redrosecarnage · 1 year
not my friend leaving me alone on this field trip 🤡
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going to a bookstore will fix me
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