#psychotherapy east and west
anne-bsd-bibliophile · 5 months
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Originally published in 1960.
"It is rather that even a theoretical knowledge of other cultures helps up to understand our own, because we can attain some clarity and objectivity about our own social institutions by comparing them with others."
"When a psychiatrist asked a Zen master how he dealt with neurotic people he replied, 'I trap them!' 'And just how do you trap them?' 'I get them where they can't ask any more questions!'"
"The individual no more acts upon the world than the world upon the individual. The cause and effect turn out to be integral parts of the same event."
"Would it really do to find out that our game is not serious, that enemies are friends, and that the good thrives on the evil? Society as we know it seems to be a tacit conspiracy to keep this hushed up for fear that the contest will otherwise cease. ... Imagine how the Christian conscience would react to the idea that, behind the scenes, God and the Devil were the closest friends but had taken opposite sides in order to stage a great cosmic game."
"Opposites and differences have something between them, like the two faces of a coin; they do not meet as total strangers. When this relativity of things is seen very strongly, its appropriate affect is love rather than hate or fear."
"...in Buddhism liberation is called awakening (bodhi) just because it is release from social hypnosis."
"The philosophy of wu-wei or noninterference implies ... that people must accept themselves as they are. This will disturb the social order far less than splitting themselves apart to strive after impossible ideals."
"It is, however, possible to see that his comparative [societal] 'rat race' need not be taken seriously, or rather, that if we are to persist in it at all it must not be taken seriously unless 'nervous breakdowns' are to become as common as colds."
"The difficulty of Zen is the almost overwhelming problem of getting anyone to see that life-and-death is not a problem."
"The disturbed individual is not so much the historical throwback in whom sufficient ego strength somehow failed to develop; he is the victim of too much ego, too much individual isolation."
"The Eastern ways direct their students to 'look within,' to find out the self, only to dispel the illusion that it is inside as distinct from outside."
"Not caring is the parody of serenity, just as worrying is the parody of concern."
"This is the loneliness of liberation, of no longer finding security by taking sides with the crowd, of no longer believing that the rules of the game are the laws of nature. It is thus that transcending the ego leads to great individuality."
"But to say, 'You must be spontaneous' is the flat contradiction at the root of every double-bind."
"At this point the patient simply stops pretending. He does not learn to 'be himself' as if that were something which one can do; he learns rather that there is nothing he can do not to be himself. But this is just another way of saying that he has ceased to identify himself with his ego, with the image of himself which society has forced upon him."
"The ways of liberation make it very clear that life is not going anywhere, because it is already there. In other words, it is playing, and those who do not play with it have simply missed the point."
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entheognosis · 2 years
Nature or Tao is not pursuing any purpose, and therefore is not meeting any difficulties. This is not because the Tao is inherently mysterious but because the problems of human society are artificial.
Alan Watts
Psychotherapy East and West
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Tianhua Xu
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astramthetaprime · 1 year
IceMav Landmarks
For the curious, here’s a few real-world points of interest with regards to the Shooting Star series:  
Ice and Mav’s first little house that they buy in “The Night Road” is located just to the west of Oxnard College in Oxnard, CA.  There is no specific neighborhood to pinpoint.  It’s within a quarter-mile of the college, with a natural foods co-op market within a mile west or southwest of it.  
Their second house is located in Simi Valley, in a relatively new and actually quite wealthy subdivision.  It’s within 2 miles of the Simi Dog Park, so that when Mav goes out for his daily run he runs to the dog park and back for the full 4 miles as he intends to do in “Hiding and Hunted”.  Ice and Mav mostly designed the new house (with the help of an architect) and had it built in 2018, so it’s still very new.  
Sarah’s psychotherapy practice is in Pasadena, CA.  Look up the Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA and the picture that comes up on Google Maps is the model I had for her office as used in “The Devil You Know”.  
NAS Point Mugu and Point Mugu State Park are as in the real world, though of course with my own inventions as to their layouts and contents.  They’re quite a ways west of the city, on the coast.  Oxnard is north and west of the base so it’s an easy drive in to work for Ice and Mav, and not too much longer later once they build the Simi Valley house.  
Slider went home to New York after he left the Navy but once Avex Aeronautics became a real going concern they relocated their operations to Phoenix, AZ and he relocated there himself.  I don’t have a specific location for where he lives though, but I imagine it’s near Sky Ranch at Carefree in the northeast part of the city where he keeps the little red jet.  When he comes up to see Ice and Mav he flies out of there and lands at Camarillo Airport which is near their Simi Valley house.
Sayyad, Kholm, the AH-76 and FOB Robatak in "The Night Road” are real places, as is the narrow valley where Mav was shot down.  Look up Sayyad, Afghanistan and you’ll see the AH-76, then just west of that you’ll see the mountains that constitute the narrow valley.  The south end of those mountains are the narrow part where Mav flies sideways on one wingtip, and what told Ice he’d been bored with the patrol pattern and was playing when he was shot down.  The place where Mav was found by Bowcott and his squad is Saighanchi between Sayyad and Kholm.  I used the pictures on that entry quite a lot as to what the terrain was like in the area, the caves, etc.
Dryden Flight Research Center is a real place, though these days it’s been renamed to NASA Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research Center.  If you look it up on Google Maps and switch to the terrain view, look at the dry lake bed to the east of the center.  They’ve got a very convenient compass and several landing strips carved into the dry lake bed.  Almost directly east from the center, at the edge of the lake bed, you’ll see a small mountain with no name that looks like it’s been split down the middle from east to west.  This is Turnaround Hill, where Slider and Sarah went to watch Mav on his Mach 10 flight in “The Shooting Star” and where the disturbance and Alan appeared in “Windfall”.  
Hope you enjoy!  
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"Released!“ Songwriters Showcase-Acoustic Country Covers Playlist-Concer...
     Science has revealed that the very impetus & source of human brain function & all motivation is to EVOLVE!  
     At our very source,  emanating subconsciously & autonomically from our Ancient Reptilian brain we are trying to EVOLVE!  
     We are trying to EVOLVE:  Our SELVES, Our BRAINS & thus Our DNA which includes:  FAMILY, TRIBE & SPECIES in that order of priority.
     The Components of The Human Evolution Process are:  1.  SURVIVAL.  2.  PROCREATION. 3.  EVOLVING.
     Without the successful accomplishment of these components there would be no EVOLUTION and in fact NO EXISTENCE for our species!  
     We Evolve via the Creative Growth & Development we employ SOLVING all the PUZZLES, PLAYING all the GAMES & TELLING all the STORIES necessary & involved in completing our Evolution Process which is synergistic & harmonious with Mother Nature & Spirituality!  
     Our personal state of health is a result of our cooperation or noncooperation with this intent & obsession of our BRAIN TO EVOLVE!  
     Empirical Evidence of this, in actuality, the “First Law Of Nature” is all around us & everywhere Human Behaviour Exists.  Try to find it, there is no behaviour that does not fall under the umbrella of “The Law Of Evolution In All Living Things” which includes us & our Brain Function! 
     Pass It On and Pay It Forward as this is the Science & Truth of our Species Common “Purpose & Meaning Of Life” on this Earth which also divulges  the “The Secret To Happiness” & HEALTH for all humans, in the Biggest  Picture & with the Broadest Strokes synergistic & harmonious with Mother Nature & Spirituality!  
“3 Chords & The Truth!” 
  The Evolution Connection! 
   Griffinheart @ Patreon  
“All Questions Answered!”
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chearful · 2 years
How to Find the Best Clinical Psychologist in Dubai
People who contemplate consulting a clinical psychologist feel anxious whether they can trust and rely upon their psychologist and to what extent will the psychological treatment benefit them. For some this anxiety is so intense that they suffer in silence and never dare to seek help. People having a psychological problem often ponder over the question that how to find best clinical psychologist? No matter what you do, it is unlikely that these anxieties would vanish completely but a well-informed decision can go a long way in helping you find the best clinical doctors. This question does not have a simple answer but following criteria if kept in mind can help you to find the clinical psychologist who is best for you:
1) Relationship: Just like any other relationship, psychological work also requires that both the client and clinical psychologist feel a certain bond, warmth and comfort with each other. If you find your psychologist to be warm, caring, sensitive there is a greater chance that you would make progress than if you find him or her to be cold, distant and critical.
2) Training and Experience: Rigorous training and experience are must for becoming the best clinical. This is especially true in Dubai where many people practice clinical psychology, counseling and psychotherapy without adequate training and experience. Therefore, feel free to inquire whether your clinical psychologist is adequately trained, experienced and holds a license to practice.
3) Balance between Professional Rules and Humane Touch: Someone who would follow and adhere to a professional code of conduct; he or she would never become a friend or a real person in your life. However, at the same time he or she will be extremely sensitive in case you experience such feelings.
4) Information: The best clinical psychologist will listen to and answer all your queries related to the treatment no matter how silly or absurd they may sound. Often, clinical psychologists follow different approaches in understanding and treating the concerns of their clients. These include psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavior therapy, hypnotherapy,
gestalt therapy, behavior therapy, family therapy, couples and marital therapy and counseling. Some practitioners also tend to use a combination of one or more approaches. The best clinical psychologist will be upfront in telling you the perspective and approach he or she follows. He or she would also feel comfortable in giving you information about alternative treatments and practitioners.
5) Reliability: Someone who is reliable, if he or she sets up a time to see you, under normal circumstances they will be present and available to attend to you in that time.
Chearful is an online mental health platform based in the Middle East, a central hub for individuals and credentialed practitioners from the East and the West. We provide a safe space for people to connect and get support in their time of need.
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themindmovement · 6 years
One of our greatest assets for survival is our sense of time, our marvellously sensitive memory, which enables us to predict the future from the pattern of the past. Yet awareness of time ceases to be an asset when concern for the future makes it almost impossible to live fully in the present, or when increasing knowledge of the future makes it increasingly certain that beyond a brief span we have no future.
Alan Watts
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nicksmith9599 · 4 years
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If you are finding for Relationship Counselling in Newcastle East, then you must Martina Magnery Counselling and Psychotherapy. They are committed to providing a safe environment that is welcoming and nonjudgmental for our LGBTI clients.
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howieabel · 7 years
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“Buddhism ... is not a culture but a critique of culture, an enduring nonviolent revolution or “loyal opposition” to the culture in which it is involved.” - Alan Watts, Psychotherapy, East and West (1961), p. 7
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sonerajhaveri · 3 years
About Sonera Jhaveri
Sonera’s practice emphasizes the unity of the body, mind and consciousness. She specialises in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Existential and Somatic psychotherapy. She is trained in several body-oriented modalities such as Hakomi, Bodynamic therapy, Somatic Experiencing and Integral Somatic Psychology. Sonera integrates her therapeutic approach with  Yoga, Jyotiṣa and Āyurveda to give clients a more nuanced map of their subtle bioenergetic structures. Her therapeutic approach weaves in diet and lifestyle guidelines and combines east and west, body and mind, digestive health and mental health.
Sonera engages clients on how to unravel blocks to their personal growth and enhance their wellbeing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She works with individuals and couples and also facilitates therapeutic groups. Sonera has conducted workshops and trainings for corporations, private organisations and institutes. She lives between Mumbai and Copenhagen and undertakes online, telephone and in-person sessions. Sonera is a consultant psychologist at the Nanavati Hospital, a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society and is a Counselling Affiliate to CiC- EAP, UK.
About Sonera:
Sonera, a psychotherapist in Mumbai likes to refer to her practice as Psyche-Therapy, thereby removing any stigma associated with psychiatrists. We help people with mental disorders using cognitive behaviour therapy.
Online Pyschotherapy
Relationship & Depression Counselling
Therapy for Anger & Stress Management
Online Jyotisa & Vedic Astrology
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Mental Health Treatment in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Health Counselling
Read more at http://www.sonerajhaveri.com/about
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dharc16 · 4 years
Shadow work has become a hot topic in witchy circles lately. What is "shadow work" and is it something we should be doing?
In Jungian psychology, Carl Jung theorized that the shadow (also known as id, shadow aspect, or shadow archetype) is either an unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious ego does not identify in itself; or the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. In short, the shadow is the unknown side.
From one perspective, the shadow "is roughly equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious;"[1] and Carl Jung himself asserted that "the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man's shadow-side unexampled in any previous age."[2] Contrary to a Freudian definition of shadow, however, the Jungian shadow can include everything outside the light of consciousness and may be positive or negative. Because one tends to reject or remain ignorant of the least desirable aspects of one's personality, the shadow is largely negative. There are, however, believed by some, positive aspects that may also remain hidden in one's shadow (especially in people with low self-esteem, anxieties, and false beliefs).[3] "Everyone carries a shadow," Jung wrote, "and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is."[4] Jung theorized that it may be, in part, one's link to more primitive animal instincts,[5] which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognized as a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Jung writes that if these projections remain hidden, "the projection making factor (the Shadow archetype) then has a free hand and can realize its object—if it has one—or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power."[6] These projections insulate and harm individuals by acting as a constantly thickening veil of illusion between the ego and the real world.
Despite the current popularity with the topic, Freud himself has been largely debunked by modern psychology and serious scholars and psychologists and other medical professionals do not take his work seriously. Jung has a larger following and many good theories which we do still appreciate today. But was he right about the supposed need for us to to delve into our "shadow?"
"God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all" 1 John 1:5.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows" James 1:17.
"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life'" John 8:12.
"I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness" John 12:46.
"For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light" Ephesians 5:8.
"For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness" 1 Thessalonians 5:5.
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" John 1:5.
It is a common misconception among witches, and among people in general, that light and dark are opposites, just like left and right, up and down, empty and full, yin and yang. It's a concept that was popularized with things like the movie Star Wars where the good guys use the "light" side of the force and the bad guys use the "dark" side. But the truth that Jung and most people today fail to realize is that light and dark are actually NOT scientifically opposites at all, like the other pairs. You see, darkness cannot exist in the light, but light CAN exist without darkness. They are not "opposite" sides of the same coin. And that is scientific fact. So all that stuff that you read about how you can't be a light witch and be balanced, that you must embrace your dark side, and all that, is poppycock.
There is no darkness in God, and there is no darkness in heaven. Heaven is a perfect place, without sorrow, sickness, pain, or death. A place without selfishness, lying, hatred or fear. This is our ultimate goal.
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid" Matthew 5:14.
I believe in and practice positive psychology (and positive and love-based parenting) in my counseling. Positive psychology's focus is on what is going right with an individual. A love based approach reacts to negative behaviors or negative occurrences in positive, kind and loving ways. I do not believe that there is benefit in going back into the darkness (revisiting traumatic experiences, shadow work, etc). We can't change the past and there is great benefit in looking forward to a positive future. The light dispels the darkness and the shadows and we should always search for the light. It is well known that there is power in thoughts and words and actions and we should always follow God's example and think and speak and act positively.
Just as there can be no healing when a person is still in an abusive or traumatic situation, there can be no healing if a person is looking backwards to or is stuck in that experience mentally and emotionally, even if they have removed themselves from the situation physically. Staying in or returning to the situation - physically, mentally and/or emotionally - results in a cessation of healing and often even a reversal of healing. In fact, this is pretty much the definition of PTSD.
We cannot find healing in the shadows and darkness. We must move into the light.
So the question was, do we need to do shadow work. My answer is NO. Fly towards the light, my witches. Let the past go. Let the darkness go. Let the light of our God of love illuminate you and heal you.
1. Anthony Stevens, "On Jung." (London 1990) p. 43
2. Jung, C. G. "The Practice of Psychotherapy." (London, 1993).
3. Young-Eisendrath, P. and T. Dawson. "The Cambridge Companion to Jung." (Cambridge University Press, 1996) p. 319.
4. Jung, C.G. "Psychology and Religion." In Psychology and Religion: West and East, (Collected Works of C.G. Jung 11, 1938) p. 131.
5. Jung, C.G. "Answer to Job." In Psychology and Religion: West and East, (Collected Works of C.G. Jung 11, 1952) p. 12.
6. Jung, C.G. "Phenomenology of the Self." In The Portable Jung, 1957) p. 147.
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modernmonkeymind · 3 years
In the West, especially the US, there seems to be an equivalence between Buddhism & psychotherapy, to the point that I've encountered dhamma talks by western teachers that spend more time on psychology than the dhamma. Its wonderful that psychotherapists have found meditation to be a wonderful transformative and helpful tool, but you don't need to overlay western psychology onto it, or anything else for that matter. Buddhism is a complete system unto itself, evidenced by the threefold training and Noble Eightfold Path. Shamanism, the Hero's Journey, you truly don't need anything else added onto it. The Dhamma, to my mind, will not flourish in the West until we stop trying to combine it with other things and focus on teaching it. This is why monastic communities were so important in the East: a group of people who's sole job was to study, practice, and teach. No need to graft extraneous material onto or distort the teachings in order to make an income, an understanding of the dhamma, not just meditation, which means that, when someone struggles with their practice, there can be a discussion that discovers that perhaps its something going on in their life that needs to change instead of saying "well, meditation is hard by definition, just keep going" which can be incredibly disheartening and is unnecessary.
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entheognosis · 2 years
Pure religions are as rare as pure cultures, and it is mentally crippling to suppose that there must be a number of fixed bodies of doctrine among which one must choose, where choice means accepting the system entirely or not at all.
Alan Watts
Psychotherapy East and West
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"Released!“ Songwriters Showcase-Acoustic Country Covers Playlist-Concer...
     Science has revealed that the very impetus & source of human brain function & all motivation is to EVOLVE!  
     At our very source,  emanating subconsciously & autonomically from our Ancient Reptilian brain we are trying to EVOLVE!  
     We are trying to EVOLVE:  Our SELVES, Our BRAINS & thus Our DNA which includes:  FAMILY, TRIBE & SPECIES in that order of priority.
     The Components of The Human Evolution Process are:  1.  SURVIVAL.  2.  PROCREATION. 3.  EVOLVING.
     Without the successful accomplishment of these components there would be no EVOLUTION and in fact NO EXISTENCE for our species!  
     We Evolve via the Creative Growth & Development we employ SOLVING all the PUZZLES, PLAYING all the GAMES & TELLING all the STORIES necessary & involved in completing our Evolution Process which is synergistic & harmonious with Mother Nature & Spirituality!  
     Our personal state of health is a result of our cooperation or noncooperation with this intent & obsession of our BRAIN TO EVOLVE!  
     Empirical Evidence of this, in actuality, the “First Law Of Nature” is all around us & everywhere Human Behaviour Exists.  Try to find it, there is no behaviour that does not fall under the umbrella of “The Law Of Evolution In All Living Things” which includes us & our Brain Function! 
     Pass It On and Pay It Forward as this is the Science & Truth of our Species Common “Purpose & Meaning Of Life” on this Earth which also divulges  the “The Secret To Happiness” & HEALTH for all humans, in the Biggest  Picture & with the Broadest Strokes synergistic & harmonious with Mother Nature & Spirituality!  
“3 Chords & The Truth!” 
  The Evolution Connection! 
   Griffinheart @ Patreon  
“All Questions Answered!”
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themindmovement · 6 years
The psychotherapist has, for the most part, been interested in changing the consciousness of peculiarly disturbed individuals. The disciplines of Buddhism and Taoism are, however, concerned with changing the consciousness of normal, socially adjusted people.
Alan Watts
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hemipteran · 5 years
Ego is a social institution with no physical reality. The ego is simply your symbol of yourself. Just as the word water is a noise that symbolizes a certain liquid without being it, so too the idea of ego symbolizes the role you play, who you are, but it is not the same as your living organism.
Alan Watts, ‘Psychotherapy, East & West’
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