#prophecy must be fulfilled by any means possible
One of the fascinating trope subversions in Alchemy of Souls is that Jang Uk is a Chosen OneTM, but instead of the usual paths, where he's specially trained, or hidden away for safety, or famous or something, everyone who knows Uk is special is actively trying to hinder his progress.
And not just the bad guys! The good guys too. It's like if every single teacher in Harry Potter was Snape.
His father cripples and abandons him, Park Jin will not let him be trained and actively encourages him to be lazy, and Jin Mu writes him off as useless but also refuses to train him. All the other important mages dislike and refuse to train him (though they don't know the whole truth). Master Lee is the only person in the entire series who knows Jang Uk is the Prophecy King Star Baby and actually helps him.
Now of course, if you try to mess with destiny, destiny messes back. So obviously Jang Uk would find the most terrifying possible trainer, a soul-shifting murderer, who is willing to help him. Which is just perfect because that's tootally what happens narritively when you try to prevent a prophecy, it just finds another way to come to fruition. Everyone is acting like the king and queen in Sleeping Beauty, thinking they can just destroy all the spindles and nothing bad will happen. She will always find a spindle, you fools!
What's just great karma is that they end up with a Chosen One who doesn't believe in their morals at all. Seo Yul is more like what they would want, a person who will sacrifice themselves to save the world, but instead they have Jang Uk, who will burn the world down to save one person. And it's their fault! They made him that way.
Also, how picky to be like, "Well the Prophecy Baby wasn't born in a way that I like so I don't think he should be the Chosen One." Do you people realize you could have all died? And again, Master Lee is there being like, "I don't care how he was born, if you guys got a King Star baby it's because you need one. Ya idiots."
Edit: I meant Sleeping Beauty not Rapunzel 🤦🏼‍♀️
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sugar-grigri · 1 year
Correction: Fake! CSM is the God Devil
WAIT WAIT WAIT and if, going back over this analysis, Fake!CSM or even the famous demon that Yuko and the others had contracted with wasn't an identity or memory demon
This entity would be the demon representing the fear of God? I CAN EXPLAIN! That would explain why this demon has the appearance of Chainsaw Man
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As Angel explained, Chainsaw Man is the being who draws the line between death and birth for demons, the sound of chainsaws being what they hear when they are born or die.
As a result, Chainsaw Man had a natural superiority over the other demons, to the point of being feared as a divine power.
Whether it's Beam, who considered himself a follower of Chainsaw Man, or Makima, who was fascinated by him, it's an abnormal relationship between demons and CSM, tinged with veneration and fear.
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Chainsaw Man is a divine figure who has also become enshrined among mortals, who see him as a means of fighting against their injustices.
You see where I'm going with this, the demon resulting from the fear of God has ended up taking on the appearance of the saviour and punisher projected by both demons and humans.
This would explain why this demon didn't lie when he called himself a demon of justice, just as it explains Barem's reaction, whom he sees as his saviour, just as it explains Fake!CSM's appearance, and finally, it explains the biblical references made by the impostor.
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Which confirms my theory that Fake!CSM is NOT an enemy of Denji - quite the opposite, in fact. He wants the real Chainsaw Man to act, to be feared by demons and worshipped by humans, to once again reinforce the divine aspect of his image.
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Denji is the source of Fake!CSM's power, which is why Fami has built a church around his figure to further reinforce this aspect, and why the impostor prefers to speak in Denji's name to make a more religious statement than the real CSM, who couldn't care less about such considerations.
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If we were to get to know Denji as he really is, the very nature of a simple teenager would destroy his reputation for being invincible.
That's why Barem and Fami want Denji to join their cause anyway, because Chainsaw Man has to do exactly what they think will strengthen his reputation as a divine being.
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If Nostradamus's apocalypse is fulfilled, people will not only fear divine wrath, they'll start praying to Chainsaw Man too!
Fake!CSM is Fami's champion for countering the apocalypse, and she's only interested in making it as powerful as possible.
This also explains why the public hunters want to paralyse Chainsaw Man and prevent him from showing his face, to avoid confirming this growing reputation and veneration. I repeat, when Yoshida said those words it wasn't to help Denji but to express the will of the hunters in any case. The fact that one of them said that it would be simpler if he were a weapon doesn't detract from this. It's simpler for CSM to be a unanimous being who's easy to hide and control than an unpredictable teenager.
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The public hunters don't know exactly what's going on, as evidenced by their natural suspicion of Fami, whom they thought was behind this apocalypse, or by their response to the church's intentions in the last chapter. However, they do have their doubts about Fami, the knight of the apocalypse, whom they must know to be the founder of the church, and since the church relies on Chainsaw Man as the guardian of public order, it was safer for him to stop acting and not to go along with the church.
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Chainsaw Man is the symbol of the demons' death, which erases their names and dictates their existence, so here's a theory on what will trigger the apocalypse...
It won't be caused by one demon in particular, but by a general revolt of demons such as has already taken place in the underworld to put an end to Chainsaw Man, to this supreme demon.
When the natural death of demons no longer exists, of course, this will mean the victory of demons over humans, as foretold by prophecy.
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If this war breaks out, this explains why Fami Yoru believes that the demon of war is the one who will be able to counter this attack of demons.
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Let's go back to this prophecy :
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The simplest
Mars as god of war is none other than Yoru
But you know what's interesting is that according to all the thinkers analysing Nostradamus, what Nostradamus was actually predicting was not an apocalypse but an eclipse of the sun.
So this allows us to identify the other protagonists: the great King of Terror is none other than the moon that hides the sun, which will soon reappear.
The Great King of Angoulmois is none other than Denji
Overshadowed by Fake!CSM
Now you know why it only works before the sun comes out.
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bird-inacage · 2 years
Love in the Air: Sky’s Denial of Prapai’s True Intentions
So for the last two episodes now, Sky and Prapai’s conversations have repeatedly revolved around Sky insistence that Prapai is only interested in sex, to Prapai’s attempts to reason there’s more to it than that.
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Sky is so adamant in believing Prapai’s intentions are purely superficial because of his own history, which is colouring his judgement. This is incredibly understandable, as Sky has been massively affected by that experience and is still dealing with PTSD. Prapai also arguably poses a high risk prospect because of his own respective history as a playboy and all round flirt. If you were going to hedge your bets on boyfriend material, Prapai would not be the obvious or most secure choice. But these interactions are also a stark reminder that both Sky and Prapai’s assumptions are based on very little at all. Neither of these two people know each well enough to make any sweeping presumptions about one another.
Beyond Sky’s reasoning, there's evident denial too. It’s always easier to remain stubborn to your point of view, because to even consider the alternative is frightening - its a classic case of the unknown. You anticipate what will happen based on your own experiences, even if you understand that nothing is ever guaranteed nor set in stone. There is always the possibility that situations may play out differently to how you would expect, but can you bring yourself to find out?
So what if Prapai is serious? What if Sky admits that he wants Prapai to be serious about him? What does that mean then? There would be more at stake and far more to lose. Sky just cannot afford for that to happen again. 
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As much as Prapai puts in a tremendous effort to get Sky to notice him, the irony is that he doesn’t actually need to do much convincing at all, because Sky is already interested. It’s because Sky’s already interested that he’s in constant denial. He’s not ready or comfortable accepting that fact. The more Sky spirals around these thoughts, the more he admonishes himself, because he sees himself falling prey to the same trap. Why has he seemingly learnt nothing? Why is his instinct still to be hopeful and wanting?
On the other hand, Prapai is also starting to turn a corner. His pursuit of Sky was initially driven mostly by curiosity and obsession. Seeking to solve why he had an inability to get Sky off his mind, but with no real conclusions drawn as to why that is. We now start to see the realisation creeping in for Prapai when he poses those questions to Sky “What if I’m serious?” He’s also addressing them to himself. Why does he care so much? Why does he worry? Why does he want this person to know as much about him as he wants to know about them?
Prapai even comments on how he has surprised himself with the strength of his feelings and the lengths he is willing to go to for Sky. It’s caught him off guard as equally as it has for Sky, just for completely different reasons. Whereas Prapai is somewhat perplexed or bemused by the growing revelation around his developing feelings, Sky is fearful and dubious.
I think its very natural to surprise yourself with the capacity you can possess to love someone. After all, it’s only once you do love someone, that you realise how far those depths can stretch.
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It is through the act of nursing Sky that Prapai is now showing rather than telling him that he’s interested in more than sex. This act can also be seen as Prapai’s declaration to himself. ‘I do care about you beyond just the one night stand we had together’. I believe this has a considerable bearing on Prapai’s own growth and maturity. For someone who is so used to being written off as an ‘asshole’, it must be nice to prove (even to yourself) that you are genuinely capable of selflessness, and that you’re not such a bad person after all. I think there’s also something to be said about self-fulfilling prophecies. The more you are told that you are an ‘asshole’ or a bad person, the more likely you are to play into that stereotype that others have assigned for you.
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At the moment the ball will be in Sky’s court. Whether Sky chooses to confront his and Prapai’s mounting feelings for each other, will take an enormous amount of courage. We obviously know they do, but it will be incredibly validating for Prapai to watch Sky slowly allow himself to reciprocate.
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hellsbellschime · 6 months
Do you think they have any chance at all of making Jace interesting if they basically eliminate the only plot her has in the books that is about himself? I'm so confused by what I read about the Northern plot being cut or severely pared down, especially with their own insertion of Aegon's prophecy about the Northern threat. How can that make sense?
I mean I think it's possible, I just don't know that this is a priority for the writers and showrunners. Thus far, it doesn't seem like they see the Strong boys as much more than plot devices in Rhaenyra's story, so cutting out one of Jace's few relevant plot points seems on-brand there. It's unfortunate, but they've obviously made more radical changes to F&B already, and it's not hard to imagine that they just want to focus on other things.
As for the prophecy, maybe I'm being too hopeful, but in my ideal scenario it was introduced as a bit of an ironic twist and demonstration of what fuck-ups all of these people are rather than a genuine issue. The idea of the Targaryens passing down this apocalyptic message, only for it to get utterly fucked because Viserys and then Rhaenyra are under the impression that they alone are meant to fulfill this prophecy and therefore no matter what their goals will succeed, is what fascinates me the most about Aegon's prophecy, even though I don't even know if that was the intention.
To me, what makes it seem important within HotD is that first it "infects" Viserys because he tortures and murders his wife based on his belief that he must have a son to pass the prophecy on to, and then he decides Rhaenyra is the chosen one and then changes the line of succession for her based on this belief, despite the fact that it's obviously going to go wrong. Then it similarly affects Rhaenyra, because she now believes that she really is the chosen one, which means that she both has to fight for the throne but will also inevitably win it because her interpretation of the prophecy means she's destined to. And of course, Targaryen hubris and the belief in their own specialness ultimately results in the prophecy dying with Rhaenyra, because it never occurred to her or to Viserys that their beliefs could be wrong. But honestly, I have no clue if that's where they're going with this, it could legit just be an Easter egg for GoT that they intend to do nothing with.
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 5 months
hihi! I have a question that I was hoping you could answer! Tarot allows you to pierce the veil of the future, so we get to know things that could possibly happen in advance right? There are opinions suggesting that peering into the future too frequently might disrupt fate or defy the universe, potentially resulting in negative consequences down the line. What are your thoughts on this?
Sorry to wait SO MUCH to answer you. I tried to find a simple way to convey my thoughts and I think I finally did it.
Look in YouTube for Griffin the Archanian's scenes from Men in Black 3. I know it's fucking odd but do it. That's the way I understand Destiny, not just a simple line that goes from A to B, but a massive and incomprehensible web of causes and reactions.
I don't remember the author but there's a quote I ADORE about this topic: "Destiny shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who must play the game". Every time you cross the street you trust the driver inside the car in front of you to not kill you. Every day you take the active decision to keep living and not kill yourself.
The major arcana cards stand for the forces that we cannot control or scape. Death, Love, Time... The day my grandmother died was a sunny day. The Sun doesn't care about our crimes or our innocence, it rises and shines for everybody, every day. And it's easy to fall into inevitability. "FATE IS WRITTEN!"
But again, that's not true. We can't space the massive powers in play, but we are the ones that play the cards. Destiny is not a line, it's web, a tangle, an infinite amount of strings knitted together. And like a spiderwave, the touch on one of them will have echoes in all of it.
When we ask to divinatory systems about our future we are gambling (from my perspective). We bring to the table the only thing we actually have: Uncertany, and we bet in on the cards. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but even if you don't believe in divination, once you know a possible outcome your mind will never forget it. I think you can see the connection with self fulfilled prophecies.
Like Schrödinger's cat. While the box is closed, everything is possible. We gamble with our hope, fear and uncertany.
Tarot (from my POV) allows you to see the big forces taking action above yourself and your sorroundings. To see what cannot be changed and that's NOT equal to some kind of fate written in stone. We don't have a choice on which cards are dealt to use, but we are the ones that play.
Back with Men in Black (ahsjasahsa) I like Griffin's line:
"A Miracle is what seems impossible but happens anyway."
That's the mystery of Tarot, cartomancy, divination and magic. It shouldn't be by any means, but sometimes it is.
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w-ht-w · 11 months
MBTI & fantasies of ruling the world
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In approximate order of importance... the factors that make you more likely to fantasize about world domination are:
1) Intuitive (high Ni or Ne). Driven by vision or possibilities.
2) Rational (high Ti or Te). Driven by logic or efficiency.
If you're high Si or Se (Sentinels + Explorers), your bias for upholding the status quo or enjoying the present moment make you less likely to fantasize about world domination.
Strategies = style of engaging, differs by social style (introvert/extrovert) & resistance to stress (turbulent/assertive)
Ranges from 40-50%. I.e. Strategies doesn't seem to be a significant predictor for whether a person has fantasies of omniscience / omnipotence.
Confident Individualism: Introvert, Assertive (x)
83% say they’re comfortable breaking rules they disagree with.
Only 29% say they usually mirror the behavior of other people around them.
63% describe themselves as very independent.
56% say that control over their mindset is the most important factor in determining their happiness.
Constant Improvement: Introvert, Turbulent (x)
79% of Constant Improvers say they often dwell on their regrets.
96% of Constant Improvers say they often feel misunderstood.
Constant Improvers’ longing for “something more” extends to their professional lives. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Constant Improvers are in the wrong careers for them – although they might wonder if they are. This restlessness doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, restlessness can be an incredible motivator to do great things. The trouble comes when Constant Improvers feel trapped: wanting to make a change, but suspecting they’re unable or helpless to do so. This feeling can have a number of roots, such as self-doubt or a general worry that other people don’t “get” them.
These personalities are often curious about and sensitive to others’ feelings. This can make them excellent listeners, friends, confidants, and partners.
These personality types often exemplify how sensitivity and vulnerability can be hidden strengths. Their attunement to their own struggles and insecurities can help them to bond deeply with others. It can also motivate them to act with kindness and compassion.
People Mastery: Extroverted, Assertive (x)
75% say they’re good at executing their ideas – more than any other Strategy.
Only 35% of People Masters say they often feel regret.
26% of People Masters say they’re good at attracting new partners – far more than any other Strategy.
91% of People Masters are comfortable challenging their boss’s direction if necessary.
79% of People Masters say they see problems as opportunities. These personality types trust themselves to tackle hard problems – and to gain insight and experience from the process. Ideally, this conviction becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, with People Masters taking on ever harder challenges and learning important lessons along the way.
Social Engagement: Extroverted, Turbulent. (x)
95% agree: helping others boosts self-esteem.
75% prefer love over respect
56% admire their bosses.
45% view fear as something they must overcome. This puts them on par with their Assertive counterparts.
Assertive don't feel they have something to prove (by daydreaming about world domination). Introverts probably feel they would stretch themselves thin.
I'm in my Constant Improvement era right now, striving for People Mastery (Extroverted, Assertive): a state of resting in motion, borne of conviction in my own values and place in the world.
I would say my brother is Social Engagement and Constant Improvement. He waffles between introvert and extrovert, but Turbulence is the common theme, unfortunately.
Assertive vs Turbulent (x)
Assertive personalities dwell less on regrets, feel more confident facing day-to-day difficulties, believe they have a healthy ego, less likely to feel negative emotions when comparing themselves to others. Though, they can also be overconfident/over-optimistic.
Turbulent personalities are more sensitive/focused on negatives (both past, present, and future). Focus on doing things to stave off self-doubt, fear of stagnation. Progress/change may depend on these restless/discontent individuals.
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luobingmeis · 1 year
warning 4. i am going off abt a jgy post from 2020 bc it's basically "tell me u didnt understand the character without saying that u didnt understand the character" and ik it's from 2020 i am just flabbergasted. i dont usually do this but it's almost midnight and i saw red for a little while
first things first, obligatory "i love jgy and he is one of my faves" tagline. bc im abt to tear a fraction of a take apart bc it talks abt jgy as the villain in an incredibly incorrect way
second things second:
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[id: a text post saying, "some facts: nobody likes jgy unless they're fucking him. he's not charming! he's a sycophantic lil snot whole platitudes and niceties are transparently hollow. the really skilled act comes out when he appears to put down the nervous hostess schtick and turns into someone vulnerable and wronged." /end]
not 2 be that person who screenshots posts from 2020 but this is driving me up a wall. this is quite literally not even in the way of "the novel literally states that jgy was overall well-liked bc even if someone didn't love them, they didn't hate him" but also like. a lot of the people basically pre-parlor-room-reveal who didn't like jgy, didn't like him bc he was the son of a prostitute. it was classism. they only "accepted" him bc he made himself palatable so he would not be scorned. bc he was the son of a prostitute. that's it. and if u pull the "well wang/xian knew he was the villain" im going to remind u that wang/xian had a fucking corpse arm (or sabre, depending on the adaptation) literally leading them to jgy. that was their fucking red flag, not wwx in his first life being like "hm i dont think jgy is genuine :("
im not even gonna comment on the "he isnt charming" bc that's just quite literally not true. like im sorry, i will look past my own personal favorable thoughts on jgy and tell u this: u literally cannot manipulate that many people without charm. that is kinda how manipulation works. this should not be news.
also why is it so hard for some of u to get through ur skulls that "victim" and "person who does harm" are not mutually exclusive like jgy can be--and is--both. if u stop seeing these two things as The Binary That Cannot Intersect then ur media analysis will be so much better i promise
there is a post that goes around occasionally that talks abt how sc/um vi/llain is mx/tx's self-fulfilling prophecy based on how people treat md/zs and honestly sqh was so right for saying that no one knows how to treat villains normally. the moment someone is like "hey the villain had pitiful things happen to them" y'all start shitting urselves. bc obviously, good things can only happen to good people, and bad things can only happen to bad people, so if a bad thing happens to a character, it must be bc they are a bad person who deserved it and should never receive any sympathy ever for anything that has happened in their life.
i swear 2 god some of this just feels like mx/tx is the one writing cool, nuanced, multi-faceted characters and then u guys are like "i knew this character was going 2 be evil bc they are so obviously gross and bad and everyone has always hated them for good reason. no i am not at all affected by knowing that the protags are tailing this character. wait what do u mean the protags found out this character was the villain through Tangible Evidence and didn't just go based off of vibes alone?"
like im all for loving ur villains and saying "hey they did stuff that was fucked up" but jgy is a narrative villain who had shitty stuff done to him that made him the way he is. things that, honestly, are very pitiful. and i, for one, love him! i feel bad for things that happen to him, i say "hey jgy what the fuck," and most of all, i just love the character, vices and virtues and all! it is possible to feel bad for a character and love said character and also not be like "so thus everything he did is fine and should have no narrative consequence." i am begging u guys like please these stories are for adults can we move past analysis we would do in high school
(also "nobody likes jgy unless they're fucking him" like okay yeah just throw out the whole nuances of 3/zun as a whole and do ur analysis through shipping. i would write this off as a joke that isn't funny if it didn't precede. everything else here. this is why people say that viewing everything in media through shipping leads to flat, one-dimensional analysis. <3)
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writer-sedai · 1 year
(major spoilers through book 4 of Wheel of Time and the latest episode)
My only problem with Suian's stance in 2x07 is that it's now the one the Tower has always believed, and the reason that why what Moiraine and Siuan were doing would be considered treasonous - the Tower wanted to keep Rand under lock and key until the Last Battle while they believed that he had to be allowed to roam free and fulfill the Prophecies in order to actually be READY for the last battle.
It makes a ton of sense that Siuan is panicking about the likelihood of their plan succeeding in the light of the news she's just received - two of the strongest Forsaken are walking again (she doesn't even know yet that one had struck up a relationship with Rand!), Rand has been left to wander on his own, and Moiraine no longer has access to the One Power and any way to reasonably control him. They do need to recoup and come up with a new plan of attack (something Moiraine has been staunchly pretending is not necessary) or else they could end up being responsible for losing the Last Battle. That's a lot of pressure!
HOWEVER - her now believing that the Tower's way is the right way feels like too much of a swing in the other direction, especially given that Suian's knowledge of the Dragon Reborn and her approach to containing him is a large part (I'm pretty sure, anyway) of why she later ends up deposed. With this twist in Suian's beliefs now, how are they going to pull off the coup in season 3?
Anyway, instead of immediately crying "character assassination!" here are some thoughts about how this could still work:
1) Suian's been Compelled - I've seen this theory raised and think it holds merit, despite some people thinking it would weaken the appearance of the Aes Sedai's competence (spoiler alert: they're not competent). Most people seem to think Liandrin's the one who's done it which makes sense given her past with Compulsion, but I propose someone else: there's at least one other Black Sister in the Aes Sedai contingent who was shown on screen several times. It's possible that Liandrin was told (by Lanfear) to deal with Moiraine while Joiya was told to work on Suian.
2) Suian has just spent some time in Caemlyn with a sister who a) holds the belief that Rand should be caged, b) has the Talent of Foretelling, and c) will be raised Amyrlin in her place. What if Siuan witnessed the Foretelling Elaida has that convinces her she must keep Rand close? Or knowledge of one of Elaida's Foretellings (misinterpreted, of course) combined with Moiraine's mishandling of Rand could convince Siuan to try another way.
Since their life's work started because of a Foretelling they overheard, it would be interesting if a different Foretelling puts them at odds.
3) Suian is just purely convinced (either by a Black Sister or one of the many others who end up on Elaida's side of schism without being Dark) that a different approach is needed and bringing Rand to the Tower would give her the time she needs to think of a different solution (though planning to have Rand announce himself in Cairhien means she seems to think the Prophecies can be circumvented - or perhaps she just hopes they can?) We saw in the latest ep that Suian believes her grasp on the Tower and the sisters is much stronger than it actually is.
Regardless of reason, I think it's possible that after Rand does declare himself in Falme, both fulfilling the prophecy, showing off his power, driving the Seanchan into the sea, and hopefully allowing some captured sisters to return to Tar Valon that Suian realises that she was wrong and proclaims it to the Hall.
At this point (since we know it serves the Dark to have an Amyrlin who wants Rand caged) the machinations for her deposition could be put into place and the coup proceeds as it does in the books.
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seahgreenhorn · 6 days
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(via Last 'King of the North' Actions as Foreseen by Daniel)
Last 'King of the North' Actions as Foreseen by Daniel "His power will become great, but not through his own power. He will bring ruin in an extraordinary way,* (Or “bring terrible destruction.”) and he will be successful and act effectively. He will bring mighty ones to ruin, also the people made up of the holy ones." Dan. 8:24. *** (??? For example: Russia’s Supreme Court Confirms Earlier Ruling to Criminalize Jehovah’s Witnesses https://www.jw.org/en/news/region/russia/supreme-court-confirms-earlier-ruling-to-criminalize-jehovahs-witnesses/ https://www.jw.org/en/news/region/russia/authorities-raid-peaceful-religious-meeting-jehovahs-witnesses/???) *** "In the first year of Da·riʹus the Mede, the prophet of Jehovah, Daniel performed his divine commission: "I stood up to strengthen and fortify him.*" (Or “and as a fortress to him.”) Be regarding his authoritative position: "What I will tell you now is the truth: “Look! Three more kings will stand up* (Or “arise.”) for Persia, and the fourth one will amass greater riches than all others. And when he becomes strong by means of his riches, he will rouse up everything against the kingdom of Greece." Alexander the Great, “a mighty king will stand up and rule with extensive dominion and do as he pleases. But when he has stood up, his kingdom will be broken and be divided toward the four winds of the heavens, but not to his descendants* (Or “posterity.”) and not like the dominion with which he ruled; for his kingdom will be uprooted and go to others besides these." Dan. 11:1-4. Does not history confirm the accuracy of Daniel's word retained for us in these troubling seasons? Gives us hope because of 'truth' propounded to aid us to 'reason' that prophecy fulfilled then will occur again. For: "A king’s heart is like streams of water in Jehovah’s hand. He directs it wherever He pleases." Prov. 21:1. To accomplish His 'purpose' against "the god of this system of things" who "has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination* (Or “light.”) of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through." 2 Cor. 4:4. Wickedly done. Regarded as treacherous; 'treason'... Daniel continued his prophetic speech which ends today in many honest 'hearts'. 'Falsehoods' to breach: "The king of the north will return and muster a crowd larger than the first; and at the end of the times, after some years, he will surely come with a large army and with many resources. In those times many will stand up against the king of the south. “And the violent ones* (Or “the sons of the robbers.”) among your people" still to Darius speaking; "will be carried along to try making a vision come true; but they will stumble." Dan. 11:13, 14. "“As regards these two kings," The 'king of the south' and the 'king of the north', "their heart will be inclined to do what is bad, and they will sit at one table speaking lies to each other. But nothing will succeed, because the end is yet for the time appointed." Dan. 11:27. In which the 'Ancient of Days' will then wondrously intercede. The king of the north "will do as he pleases, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak astonishing things. And he will prove successful until the denunciation comes to a finish; because what is determined must take place. He will show no regard for the God of his fathers; nor will he show regard for the desire of women or for any other god, but he will magnify himself over everyone. But instead*" (Or “in his place.”) "he will give glory to the god of fortresses; to a god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and silver and precious stones and desirable* (Or “precious.”) things. He will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with* (Or “helped by.”) a foreign god. He will give great glory to those who give him recognition,* (Or possibly, “to whomever he recognizes.”) and he will make them rule among many; and the ground he will apportion out* (Or “distribute.”) for a price. In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing,* (Or “will lock horns with him.”) and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and he will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood. He will also enter into the land of the Decoration,* (Or “Beauty.”) and many lands will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand: Eʹdom and Moʹab and the main part of the Amʹmon·ites. And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not escape. And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable* things of Egypt. And the Libʹy·ans and the E·thi·oʹpi·ans will be at his steps.*"Dan. 11:36-43. (Or “will follow him.”) Does this not give us much on which to reflect? How does this information our future protect? Notice what follows then introspect: "“But reports out of the east* (Or “sunrise.”) and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his royal* (Or “palatial.”) tents between the grand sea and the holy of Decoration;*+"(Or “Beauty.”) +"Beautiful in its loftiness, the joy of the whole earth, Is Mount Zion in the far north, The city of the Grand King." "And he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him." Dan. 11:40-45. *** "Those having insight will shine as brightly as the expanse of heaven, and those bringing the many to righteousness like the stars, forever and ever. “As for you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rove about,* (Or “examine it that is, the book thoroughly.”) and the true knowledge will become abundant.” Then I, Daniel, looked and saw two others standing there, one on this bank of the stream and one on the other bank of the stream. Then one said to the man clothed in linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: “How long will it be to the end of these marvelous things?” Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he raised his right hand and his left hand to the heavens and swore by the One who is alive forever: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times, and half a time.* (That is, three and a half times.) As soon as the dashing to pieces of the power of the holy people comes to an end, all these things will come to their finish.” Dan. 12:3-7. *** "“And from the time that the constant feature* (Or “the continual sacrifice.”) has been removed and the disgusting thing that causes desolation has been put in place, there will be 1, 290 days. “Happy is the one who keeps in expectation* (Or “who is waiting eagerly.”) and who arrives at the 1, 335 days!" Dan. 12:11, 12. *** "Jehovah did not want to bring Judah to ruin for the sake of David his servant, since he had promised him to give a lamp to him and to his sons always." 2 Kings 8:19. *** "God has become King over the nations. God sits on his holy throne." Ps. 47:8 "May Jehovah be praised from Zion, The One residing in Jerusalem. Praise Jah!" Ps. 135:21. *** "Do not swear at all, neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne; nor by earth, for it is the footstool of his feet; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King." Matt. 5:34, 35. *** "At that time they will call Jerusalem the throne of Jehovah; and all the nations will be brought together to the name of Jehovah at Jerusalem, and they will no longer stubbornly follow their own wicked heart.” Jer. 3:17.SPECIAL CAMPAIGN What Is Our Free Bible Course Like? Get answers to frequently asked questions. Jehovah’s Witnesses offer a practical way for you to learn what the Bible teaches. Our Bible study program can help you to: Have a happy life Become God’s friend Learn what the Bible promises for the future On this page What happens at a Bible study? Do I have to pay for the study? How long is the course? How do I start? Can I try out a study session first? If I accept a Bible study, will I be pressured to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? May I use my own Bible? May I invite others to join the study? What if I studied the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses in the past? May I study again? Do you offer options for Bible study without a personal instructor? What happens at a Bible study? A personal instructor will help you get acquainted with the Bible, topic by topic. Using the interactive Bible course Enjoy Life Forever! you will progressively learn the Bible’s message as well as how it can help you. To learn more, watch this video. https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-bible-study-course/ Photo credit: © 3 hours ago, Lucretia McCloud   society • sad • teen • spiritual • hope • love
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princeofgod-2021 · 11 months
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John 1:4
Sarah’s Impatience and subsequent error was not unfounded really.
You’d notice that in all the Prophetic declarations that God made to Abraham before Gen 16, their was neither specific nor direct mention of Sarah by God.
It turns out that if you need to make someone wait patiently for something, that person must see his/her relevance or essence in the whole picture.
Gen 17:15-16 And God said unto Abraham, AS FOR SARAI THY WIFE, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I WILL BLESS HER, AND SHE SHALL BE A MOTHER OF NATIONS; KINGS OF PEOPLE SHALL BE OF HER. KJV
You now notice that after errors committed by the man and wife, God now BEGAN to mention SARAH in the COVENANT PROPHETIC MANDATE.
I don’t have the “liver” to say that this must have been an oversight by God.
Let’s just say that God was alleviating the oversight by Abraham; he should have been carrying his wife along all the way.
Gen 16:2-3 and Sarai said to Abram, "The LORD has not given me any children. Sleep with my slave, and if she has a child, it will be mine." ABRAM AGREED, AND SARAI GAVE HIM HAGAR TO BE HIS WIFE. This happened after Abram had lived in the land of Canaan for ten years. CEV
When Abraham should have been the one explaining to, and convincing Sarah, it is shocking how easily Sarah convinced him instead.
Does it not mean that despite his conviction in Gen 15:6, he lost faith again after waiting for a while?
Anyways, from Gen 17 onwards, God won’t stop mentioning Sarah in all His conversations.
It almost seemed now to be all about Sarah.
Gen 17:18-19,21 Abraham said to God, “O that Ishmael might live before you!” God said, “NO, SARAH YOUR WIFE is going to bear you a son, and you will name him Isaac. I will confirm my covenant with him as a perpetual covenant for his descendants after him… But I will establish my covenant with Isaac, WHOM SARAH WILL BEAR TO YOU at this set time next year.” NET
When God came to visit Abraham, it was Sarah He asked for before He started talking about the covenant seed.
Even God acknowledged the complexities of the woman and her emotions.
Well, He should, shouldn’t He?
He created us all and understands us better than we understand ourselves.
Gen 18:9-10 Then the men said to Abraham, "Where is your wife Sarah?" Abraham said, "She is there, in the tent." Then one of them said, "I will come again in the spring. At that time your wife Sarah will have a son." Sarah was listening in the tent and heard these things. ERV
Lastly, God even took time to “play” with Sarah in the manner of directly familiarizing with her.
God saw that it was now important that Sarah will personally testify that: “God spoke to me too”.
Gen 18:12-13,15 So Sarah laughed to herself and said, "Now that I am old and worn out, can I still enjoy sex? And besides, my husband is old too." Then the LORD asked Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Can I really have a child when I am so old?'…Because Sarah was afraid, she denied it. "I didn't laugh," she said. "Yes, you did," he replied. "You laughed." GNB
Would it surprise us, the possibility that God may actually have come down in the form of a man, all because of Sarah, and just to help her believe in Him easily?
Think about it beloved.
It’s important that a Couple should be single-minded in understanding of, and waiting for the Promise of the Father.
Many men of God commonly stand alone in pursuance of God’s purpose.
God called Abraham ALONE but the Two are ONE.
That’s why God said “Look” to Father, and then to Mother.
Both Father & Mother must be able to clearly hand down sound info about God’s plans and intents. Then they will both have the same temperament in waiting for God’s Time.
Gen 12:1 The LORD said to Abram: Leave your country, your family, and your relatives and go to the land that I will show you. CEV
The call of Abraham is automatically the call of Sarah because…
Mat 19:6 So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Then let not that which has been joined by God be parted by man. BBE
Every Vision, prophetic or plain, that I receive from God, I always explain to my wife and even ask her thoughts of what it might mean.
As soon as something is fulfilled, even I sometimes forget the Vision; it is my wife that will remind me because she understands the meaning exactly.
May prophecies unite our Families and never cause divide, in concept or will, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Friday, for more of this insightful and enlightening Sub-Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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god-whispers · 1 year
jul 17
an appointed time
"for the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.  though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." hab 2:3
when someone has an appointment they usually keep close watch so as not to miss it.  well that's exactly what we are doing.  we are not "predicting" the day and hour but we are watching with anticipation it's arrival.  yes i believe the rapture of the church is going to be this year and already i can hear some saying, "what if it isn't?  won't it disappoint many, wounding their faith?"
i am here to proclaim that i am already disappointed everyday when i don't hear my Lord's call.  we can not be like the world which scoffs and says, "where is the promise of His coming?  for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." 2 pet 3:4  God has made an appointment with us and He will keep it.  i, along with many others, believe that time is imminent.  we are commanded to watch and be prepared - with extra oil.
even now i can also hear many of you saying, "linda has finally gone off the deep end."  if that means i have dove into waters over my head, then i have to agree.  i believe our Lord wants us to venture into the deep.  rapture, this year, yes i really believe it's not only possible, but VERY likely.  all i can say is, "swim with me if you will."
it is the end times.  seals are being opened to understanding here-to-for hidden.  full understanding has not been given to one, but scattered among the many, when gathered together unseals a truth.  understanding like true pentecost not being what tradition says it is, but a full fifty days later.  the feast shavuot was not pentecost but ascension day, making true pentecost the 9th of av (our july 26 sundown) around the feast of wine (a day or so preceding).  this was when the israelites were meant to enter the promised land, but instead came back with a bad report resulting in their forty years of wilderness wandering.  "therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it." heb 4:1
tradition has taught Jesus walked here only 40 days, not enough to fulfill a set feast, so they decided the needed days to shavuot would be pentecost.  that leaves ascension day on a solitary, undesignated feast day when the whole life and death of Jesus was to fulfill the scriptures.  they do not add the 40 days mentioned to the appearance to mary, the eight days in john 20:26, or those on the road to emmaus in mark 16.  that would have brought them to shavuot, making it ascension day; thus true pentecost fifty days hence on the feast of new wine.  once you see it you just can't unsee it.
yes, rapture is imminent.  look at the convergence of signs that have never happened before.  i.e, rebirth of israel, digital currency, artificial intelligence, UFO's, apostasy, the "pride" of sin and lawlessness, mark of beast technology, essentially meeting all the fulfillment of last days prophecy.  let us not forget the wars and rumored wars or how the creation itself (earth) is violently groaning.  then we have the seven year treaty the UN is making with many in late september; around the feast of trumpets.  "then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week." dan 9:27  no, we cannot definitely say this is the treaty the antichrist will also confirm, essentially kicking off the tribulation, but it certainly fits the bill.  have i not peaked your "watch" alarm yet?
none of us are claiming that God appeared to us and revealed this, but searching the scriptures has revealed truths sealed long ago; there all along.  ask yourself if you truly believe Jesus is coming again, and if you do, then why could this time "not" be a possibility?  if it doesn't happen i will continue to look excitedly at the next "high watch" time... and the next and the next thereafter.  let our expectant heart never fail to expect for the church must be as a woman in labor, waiting for the delivery - the appointed time.  someday it will be the day and if we're not watching, it will take us unaware.  "but you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this DAY should overtake you as a thief." 1 thes 5:4
this is the time to lay aside all that separates us and look to the uniting of His church; forgetting that one is superior or inferior.  i have one dear to me who is even now laying in a sickbed.  i asked how she was spiritually and if she was staying in the word.  she said, "i say my rosary everyday."  people, denominations and traditions of men will not save us.  we must keep our eyes on Jesus.
i would honestly ask, how much longer do you think this turmoil could continue without mankind destroying their self.  either that or the seed of mankind becoming unrecognizable as God's creation - perhaps as in the days of noah.  then there's lot's time; even now "pride" month becomes pride summer, preceding the fall and possible destruction (possibly when the UN seven year treaty is confirmed).
i am here to herald the call to all those the Lord has put within my reach.  each of you know a multitude of souls i will never know.  if you have believed our report. i urge you to encourage their hearts with this message.  who knows what persecution us or our brethren may face in the remaining days and how they might become disheartened and lose hope.  don't give up now.  the vision will come at the appointed time and it will not tarry.
even now i can hear many of you saying, "if all this is so, why aren't the great pastors of the day revealing it?"  firstly, because we have not utilized all the offices of the Holy Spirit, our pastors are buried beneath a multitude of tasks and needs, often even to the extent of burning out.
secondly, scripture says, "for it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise." 1 cor 1:19  our Lord delights in revealing to the simple and humble of heart.  not kings and great leaders were chosen to herald His birth, but simple shepherds busy tending their flock.  "for My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord." isa 55:8
Jesus said, "what!  could you not watch with Me one hour?  watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.  the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." matt 26:40-41  "what I say to you, I say to all: watch!" mark 13:37
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bookoformon · 1 year
The Book of Jacob, the Brother of Nephi. Chapter 1. "Wickedness Prevails" as Parsha 'Ecclesiastes' begins.
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Jacob and Joseph seek to persuade men to believe in Christ and keep His commandments—Nephi dies—Wickedness prevails among the Nephites. About 544–421 B.C.
The Gematria changes from Tanakh to Ecclesiastes. This is confirmed in verse 1 which states the Book is dedicated to the "small plates" or "sacred things."
There are some very interesting comments in the first few Chapters about the priesthood, politics and racism that prove the Book of Mormon is an indispensible addition to the world's Spiritual Canon.
1 For behold, it came to pass that fifty and five years had passed away from the time that Lehi left Jerusalem; wherefore, Nephi gave me, Jacob, a acommandment concerning the small plates, upon which these things are engraven.
The Gematria for 55 years and the name of Jacob are tied. 55 years means "The Second Star, the Changing of the Guard" which is what is happening here in the Book of Mormon, and this also happened when Jacob became Israel in the Torah.
2 And he gave me, Jacob, a commandment that I should awrite upon these plates a few of the things which I considered to be most precious; that I should not touch, save it were lightly, concerning the history of this people which are called the people of Nephi.
3 For he said that the history of his people should be engraven upon his other plates, and that I should preserve these plates and hand them down unto my seed, from generation to generation.
4 And if there were preaching which was sacred, or revelation which was great, or prophesying, that I should engraven the heads of them upon these plates, and touch upon them as much as it were possible, for Christ’s sake, and for the sake of our people.
5 For because of faith and great anxiety, it truly had been made manifest unto us concerning our people, what things should happen unto them.
6 And we also had many revelations, and the spirit of much prophecy; wherefore, we knew of Christ and his kingdom, which should come.
7 Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to acome unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into his brest, lest by any means he should swear in his wrath they should not center in, as in the dprovocation in the days of temptation while the children of Israel were in the ewilderness.
8 Wherefore, we would to God that we could persuade all men anot to rebel against God, to bprovoke him to anger, but that all men would believe in Christ, and view his death, and suffer his ccross and bear the shame of the world; wherefore, I, Jacob, take it upon me to fulfil the commandment of my brother Nephi.
9 Now Nephi began to be old, and he saw that he must soon adie; wherefore, he banointed a man to be a king and a ruler over his people now, according to the reigns of the ckings.
10 The people having loved Nephi exceedingly, he having been a great protector for them, having wielded the asword of Laban in their defence, and having labored in all his days for their welfare—
11 Wherefore, the people were desirous to retain in remembrance his name. And whoso should reign in his stead were called by the people, second Nephi, third Nephi, and so forth, according to the reigns of the kings; and thus they were called by the people, let them be of whatever name they would.
12 And it came to pass that Nephi died.
13 Now the people which were not Lamanites were Nephites; nevertheless, they were called Nephites, Jacobites, Josephites, Zoramites, Lamanites, Lemuelites, and Ishmaelites.
These are the contents of the Small Plates, but they are grouped together as "Merits" and "Demerits" see verse 14:
Nephites: "The Merits" or "Qualities of Kings"
Jacobites: "The Disciples"
Josephites: "The Prosperities"
Zoramites: "The Hornets"
Lamanites: "The Demerits"
Lemuelites: "The Dreamers"
Ishmaelites: "The Listeners"
As with all writing contained in the Torah Tantra System, AKA Kabbalah, the Gematria continues and there are 7 Days or stages the Sacred Plates will explain.
The goal as stated above and in the Gematria of the "Second Star" is to turn indoctrinated men into disciples.
14 But I, Jacob, shall not hereafter distinguish them by these names, but I shall call them Lamanites that seek to destroy the people of Nephi, and those who are friendly to Nephi I shall call Nephites, or the people of Nephi, according to the reigns of the kings.
15 And now it came to pass that the people of Nephi, under the reign of the second king, began to grow hard in their hearts, and indulge themselves somewhat in wicked practices, such as like unto David of old desiring many wives and concubines, and also Solomon, his son.
16 Yea, and they also began to search much gold and silver, and began to be lifted up somewhat in pride.
17 Wherefore I, Jacob, gave unto them these words as I taught them in the temple, having first obtained mine berrand from the Lord.
18 For I, Jacob, and my brother Joseph had been aconsecrated priests and bteachers of this people, by the hand of Nephi.
19 And we did magnify our office unto the Lord, taking upon us the bresponsibility, answering the sins of the people upon our own heads if we did not cteach them the word of God with all diligence; wherefore, by laboring with our might their blood might not come upon our garments; otherwise their blood would come upon our garments, and we would not be found spotless at the last day.
So I was right, the Book of Jacob explains the Office and the importance of using the scripture to prevent violence and save lives, including discouragement in the belief that "washing in blood" is a means to God's Ultimate Grace.
Chapter 1 also mentions a harsh criticism of greed at the level of the flesh and also of the wallet.
To concubine is to divide one's soul between the wife and the fife, and this is analagous to the destruction of the faith of Judaism through the sharing of our lifetimes with whoremongers:
If you were to stare evil in the eye, what would you see? What would be its character traits?
Of the many malevolent characters recorded in the Bible, Amalek, the grandson of Esau, stands out as the greatest villain. He is the archetypal enemy of our people. He is the father of the nation that first waged war against the Jewish people upon their miraculous emergence from their Egyptian bondage.
Throughout our long history, Amalek's murderous intentions have had many anti-Semitic heirs. One of these was Haman, in the Purim miracle, who sought to annihilate every Jew from the face of civilized society. Traditionally, any mortal threat to the Jewish people is referred to as an Amalekite design.
What are the origins of such a character, who has proven to be the nemesis of the Jewish people and their G‑dly quest throughout all time?
In Genesis 36:12, we are introduced to Amalek's parents. "Timna was a concubine to Elifaz, son of Esau, and she bore Amalek to Elifaz."
Some verses later, we are told more about Timna's background. "And the children of Lotan were Hori and Hemam and Lotan's sister was Timna."1
We are also given information about the status of Lotan, Timna's brother. "These are the chiefs who came of the Horites: the chief Lotan, the chief Shobal, the child Ziboen, etc."2
Elifaz's concubine, Timna, was no common woman, but was the product of a royal family, her brother claiming the position of one of the Horite chiefs.
The Talmud (Sanhedrin 99b) fills in some missing details by explaining that Timna sought to convert to Judaism and came to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob but they refused to accept her. The Talmud asks why Timna gave birth to Amalek and concludes that it was because they rejected her.
Timna became a concubine to Elifaz instead, insisting, "It is better to be a maidservant to this nation than to be a princess in any other nation."
Remember how 2 Nephi concluded...Judaism is always first. In a world where slavery, violence, apartheid, weapons and corruption are rife, it is obvious the Torah is not being given creedence. Without it, wickedness will prevail.
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wolint · 1 year
Galatians 4:4-5
Do you ever feel like you're in the right place but the wrong time or it's the wrong place at the right time? Not with God though.
When the fullness of time had come, God!
When the time was just right, God!
Almost all the prophecies in the old testament focus on time for the fulfilment of the new testament and the total scriptures and God established a set time for everything in the universe according to Psalm 102:13, there’s indeed a set time God appointed for things to happen.
God’s promises of a right time of favour didn’t come inclusive of a right or wrong place, since God is omnipresent and omniscient in character, there are no wrong places with and in Him.
Since Isaiah 46:10 says God knows and sees the end from the beginning, it means that only God knows where we’re meant to be per time and the right time for everything as stated in Ecclesiastics 3:1, so the right time doesn’t depend on us, our situation and condition or our needs and desires.
Unfortunately, we delude ourselves into thinking that somehow, if we do things right, i.e. pray more, give more, fast longer and more frequently and try to be “good”, we could just get the Lord to move the time in our favour. Wrong!
We worry whether we are in the wrong place at the wrong time when things don’t seem to fall in line with our desires. Then we wonder if we’re at the right place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time or even the right place but at the wrong time.
We all want the right place at the right time. God also is interested in time and place.
God’s timing for the fulfilment of His promises and His word will always be perfect, so, we must wait for it according to Habakkuk 2:3.
Changing location may not necessarily alter or hasten the timing of any event because according to Isaiah 25:1, God’s plans and timing for us is a well-thought-out plan and never last-minute attempt to solve our ever-evolving and consuming problems.
God is always on time!
God is precise in His dealings with us, there are no lucky breaks because we were at the right place at the right time, no consequences because we were at the wrong place at the wrong time and certainly no accidents because we were at the right place at the wrong time.
We can see from the emphasis on Psalm 119:89 that the eternal origin and duration of God’s word and promises are firmly established by God with no inclusion and influence from us.
And if all things are possible with God as stated in Matthew 19:26, then even being in the right place at the wrong time will not deter God from fulfilling His word and using such situations for His glory and for our good as promised in Romans 8:28.
The right or wrong place may not necessarily be a geographical location, it could very well be a season in life.
Our place as children of God, is in a relationship with Christ, living our life's purpose in every area, including (but not limited to) occupation, and daily work.
God’s timing is perfect and He is faithful and true to His word regardless of where we are, His appointed time will manifest in His time to favour us.
PRAYER: Father, thank you for being the best timekeeper that can meet me anywhere at the right time, help me to hold on to that truth in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Women of light international prayer ministries
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carolap53 · 2 years
December 16, 2022
Bethlehem Awaits KAREN WINGATE
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“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” Psalm 27:14 (NIV)
It hurt. My husband’s employers fired him without a word of warning. The next job required selling our beautiful home and moving several states away just as our daughters were entering high school and junior high.
How could God possibly be in this?
Only in hindsight did we realize God’s reasons for the move. Our new location was in a rural setting, which suited our family’s personality much better. Both girls thrived at their new schools, and all of us discovered long, enduring friendships. Then we understood how God had used my husband’s termination to bring us to a place where He had wonderful blessings waiting for us.
I wonder if Mary the mother of Jesus understood that her son had to be born in Bethlehem to fulfill the prophecies about the Messiah. When Joseph told her of the upcoming census that would require them to travel to his hometown, did her eyes light up with comprehension? But of course! The child I bear is the Messiah and He must be born in Bethlehem. And here God is using a Roman census to relocate us from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Isn’t God good?
Or was she clueless? She could have met Joseph’s announcement with this rebuttal:
“Are you serious? Dear heart, I am eight months pregnant. Bethlehem is 80 miles away. I am so NOT riding a donkey OR walking 80 miles in my condition.”
The Bible doesn’t specifically tell us whether Mary connected the dots between her baby’s identity as the Messiah and the location of His prophesied birth. But though Mary didn’t have specific details of the plan, her attitude of calm acceptance and hopeful assurance hints that she knew God was up to something amazing.
Her wide-eyed wonder and hope are expressed in the song of praise she shared with her cousin Elizabeth: “From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name” (Luke 1:48b-49, NIV).
Today, as we count down the days until Christmas, we may not always feel like singing about “great things.” The month of December may hold all kinds of snags and detours that can complicate our plans. Have any of these happened to you right before Christmas?
The serious illness of a family member.
A canceled flight to visit family.
A children’s Christmas program gone awry.
Extra household expenses.
Mary’s trek to Bethlehem and my family’s move remind me that God can use what I consider aggravations and heartaches to reposition me so He can bless and use me more effectively.
“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD,” says Psalm 27:14. The Hebrew word for “wait” is closely related to the word for “hope,” and to hope means to look forward to the future with certainty and eager anticipation. Mary expressed this attitude when, after hearing the angel Gabriel’s message about Jesus, she responded, “I am the Lord’s servant … May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38, NIV).
As I approach each Christmas complication this year, I’d like to take on Mary’s attitude. I’d like to look at each change with anticipation spiced with a touch of hope-filled eagerness as I ask, OK, Lord, what do You have waiting for me?
Want to join me? Just think: Bethlehem awaits.
Lord, I invite You to show up in each difficulty I face over the next few weeks. Use these challenges to redirect me into Your glorious plan. Give me ideas of how I can make the most of change to honor and magnify You to those around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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learncyberium · 2 years
Why did the value of cryptocurrencies keep rising despite all leading economists' and experts' warnings that it is a bubble?
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Cryptocurrencies have been on a tear lately, with prices rising across the board. This has led to renewed interest in the asset class, and even some mainstream investors are starting to notice. However, not everyone is convinced that this rally is sustainable. In fact, many leading economists and market experts have warned that cryptocurrencies are in a bubble that is bound to burst. 
In this article, we will look at why the value of cryptocurrencies has continued to rise despite these warnings. 
1. Increased demand from investors 
One of the main reasons why the value of cryptocurrencies has kept rising is increased demand from investors. This is particularly true for institutional investors, who are starting to see the potential of these assets as an investment class. As more institutional money flows into the space, the prices of cryptocurrencies will likely continue to increase. 
2. Widespread adoption 
Another reason cryptocurrencies have been on a tear lately is increasing adoption by businesses and consumers. More and more companies are accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment, and this is helping to drive up demand.
At the same time, more consumers are becoming aware of cryptocurrencies and are starting to use them for everyday purchases. This is helping to increase the overall value of the market. 
3. Improving technology 
One of the main reasons why cryptocurrencies have become so popular is because they are built on top of cutting-edge blockchain technology. This technology is constantly improving, making cryptocurrencies more efficient and user-friendly. As cryptocurrency technology improves, prices will likely continue to rise. 
So, why did the value of cryptocurrencies keep rising despite all these warnings? There are a few possible explanations. 
1) FOMO: One of the main reasons why prices have continued to rise is FOMO (fear of missing out). With prices increasing rapidly, many people feel they must get in on the action before it's too late. 
2) Limited supply: Another reason for the price increases is the limited supply of many cryptocurrencies. For example, there will only ever be 21 million bitcoins in existence. As demand increases, prices are bound to go up.
3) Speculation: A lot of people are buying cryptocurrencies simply because they think they will be worth more in the future. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, as prices continue to rise as more people speculate. 
4) Positive news: There has been a lot of positive information recently about the adoption of cryptocurrencies. For example, more and more businesses are starting to accept them as payment. This increasing mainstream adoption is helping to drive up prices. 
5) Investor interest: Finally, institutional investors have a growing interest in cryptocurrencies. While they have been cautious, the recent price increases are likely to attract even more attention from these deep-pocketed investors. 
6) manipulated: last but not least, it is also possible that the prices are being manipulated. There have been allegations of price manipulation in the past, and it is certainly something that could be happening again. So, there are a few possible explanations for why the value of cryptocurrencies has kept rising despite experts' warnings. While there is no guarantee that prices will continue to go up, it does seem like there is still a lot of interest in this asset class. 
Despite warnings from economists and market experts, the value of cryptocurrencies has kept rising. There are a few possible explanations for this, including FOMO, speculation, and positive news about adoption. It's also worth noting that there is growing interest from institutional investors, which could help to drive prices even higher in the future. 
It's important to remember that just because prices rise doesn't mean that cryptocurrencies are not in a bubble. It's still possible that prices could come crashing down at any time. However, for now, the rally appears to be intact. 
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mordigen · 3 years
Unpopular opinion: Christians are not witches
I said it. Fight me.
There has been a trend that has been growing ever more problematic recently: overbearing, hyper-zealous, hyper-vigilant "acceptance" This means the pagan community is an absolute free-for all, and you are not allowed to so much as even feign the possibility that you do not agree with absolutely 100% of everything, lest you be named a gatekeeping, ignorant bigot.
Whether you like it or not - there ARE paths out there that have specific rules...regulations...stipulations...tenets - whatever the hell you want to call or classify them. End. Period. There's no other colour that comes in - that's it. Sorry for you, but they DO exist. In fact, there are many of them.
If you do not follow those rules, tenets, etc..., then you are not of that path. Point. Blank. And there is nothing wrong with that - it simply means that you are of some other path. That's it! That's all that means! It may be *nearly* identical to the path in question - but it is not, hence the 'nearly'.
If you happen to be a part of one of these paths, there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying so. If someone claims to be a part of one of these paths, but are absolutely, blatantly not - there is nothing wrong with saying that, and explaining why that is. Some people just honestly don't know there is a difference, or that these certain prerequisites are indeed a definitive factor - so they learn something, they broaden their horizons. Everyone seems to be all about educating themselves about being sensitive to other cultures and customs - except the pagan community, apparently, because this mentality does not translate across that pagan/witch line. Instead of taking it as a learning experience, you are immediately pounced on with notions of 'there are no rules!' 'you can't tell someone what to do on their own path!' Or, simply, the name calling. Well yes, while all of that is true - it still remains that how ever you want to practice or whatever you personally decide to do, may just simply not be what you are claiming, or calling it. It may just be semantics - but semantics matter when dealing with nuance. And paganism is extremely nuanced.
You can call a tomato an orange all you want to - but that thing will never be an orange, no matter how much you believe in it. And people are not wrong for informing you that you may have the wrong name, that is in fact, a tomato. If you go on deciding to call it an orange, you can do that - but that is willful ignorance. So, in your fight to be unapologetically accepting of every ridiculous notion, you are perpetuating willful ignorance - whilst being directly in opposition of your goal and being, *GASP*, unaccepting to those who follow a path where distinction and definition matters. You are completely invalidating those people's paths and beliefs while trying to defend another's (another who may, in fact, actually be wrong) and actively using their path & beliefs as the very reason to berate and ostracize them. Pretty fantastically hypocritical of you. Now...on to the second problem. I do not, at all, in any form, believe in "ritual magick" - as perpetuated by Aleister Crowley hardons. And no, that is not a knock on Crowley, just the idiot followers that don't understand half of what he taught and latch onto the superficial.
When you look at the origins and make up of magical beliefs, and magic itself as a separate entity - no matter which particular branch - they were all created by religion. They all have roots in highly spiritual cultures and customs. So, I absolutely do not believe for one second that you can believe in magic without SOME form of religion - whatever one you adhere to is your choice, but you cannot have the first without the latter. You cannot. Even if you claim that you have no religion, or spiritual faith, your practices absolutely do. You are calling on elements and agencies that absolutely have divine ties and connections one way or another. Oh, how many atheists I see calling on the seals of Arch Angels.... are you fucking shittin me? Really?? So let's bring it all together now - with the fact that many faiths DO have prerequisites, AND the fact that magic is religious/spiritual -- Christians are not, and cannot be witches or pagans. They are mutually exclusive. Not only because so many various paths have such prerequisites, and very define religious/spiritual beliefs that are contradictory to others - but simply because Christianity DOES, very much, have very clear and stringently defined Do's & Don'ts, and obviously the religious aspect itself clashes with the religious beliefs of others. Their religious beliefs clash with people who believe in their same god - so how could they not with those who believe in other gods?? Considering this, no other path would even need such stipulations themselves for them to be mutually exclusive, as Christianity already covers that issue so completely, but the fact that so many pagan paths do only exacerbates an already existing problem. That being said - that does not mean you cannot believe in the Christian 'god', by whatever name you know him by - or that you cannot believe in Jesus, and also be a witch or pagan. In fact the latter has an even bigger argument for believing in both, as paganism, generically, in itself is polytheistic, so it is very fitting to simply have the Christian god and Jesus amongst the many deities being worshipped. But those two things alone is not what makes Christianity. A good start, yes, but that is not all it takes - in fact, there are many that are shunned, excommunicated, banned, condemned and moreso whilst having those very two qualifying factors. You can find this in *every single* sect of Christianity, so...the proof is in the pudding, as they say, that it is much more than simply believing in 'God' and Jesus that makes a 'Christian'. And if you take that to heart and follow all those rules - you cannot be a witch or pagan, many times over, as you would be in direct opposition, or violation, of a number of their teachings - both on the aspect of simple 'rules', but also on a much deeper spiritual level of the entire foundation of their faith. Cannot serve two masters, and all that... If you do not follow those rules, then sure, you could be a witch or a pagan - but then you cannot be a Christian. That is just the facts.
Many people like to argue the use of magic and mysticism in the bible - but the issue is what parts of the bible they are found, and all the amendments of the further books. Again, what really carves out being a Christian vs. any of the other sects of Abrahamic beliefs. As, news flash - there is far more than just Christianity. And some of them, do, in fact, do hand in hand with magic. The Kabbalah is an astounding example of that - and, in fact, where a lot of the so called *ahem* 'non'-religious 'ritual magick' comes from. In this same vein, I would like to note that I have never had any issue or seen conflict with the Hebrew or Jewish take on shamans, mystics and witches, as they really do go hand in hand - They have their own very in depth, detailed, spiritual and sentimental form of mysticism that was a natural progression from pre-Abrahamic religions and culture, and grew into their teachings and belief system, so it does not go against their core beliefs the same way it very stringently does in Christian theology. Considering their ethnical histories and cultural heritage - this is a brilliant example of the natural evolution and progression of faiths - not simply ripped from the hands of the brutally oppressed and rewritten as a mockery to wipe out the preexisting notion of faiths -- as the Church has a history of doing. The Book of Enoch is another shining example of Biblical magic, or Angelic magic. But, this also also turns my point into a self fulfilling prophecy, as in the fact that it is accepted amongst all denominations as heresy, and it is taught that these magics - though they do, in fact, exist, were for the angels and completely forbidden from mankind. So, thusly, if you are a follower of Enoch, you are not a 'Christian', by name and membership, as you are outright going against it's teachings. You are a heretic, a blasphemer. Perhaps you may be one of the many other forms of the Christian god's followers - but not a Christian, as being Christian denotes a very specific set of beliefs and tenets - end of story. Magic, and paganism, is in direct conflict with those teachings, and therefore, cannot coexist.
On top of the logic - there is also the emotional issue. Christianity has a long history of abuse towards various pagan, tribal and indigenous faiths, while stealing our beliefs as their own, and demonizing those they couldn't successfully acclimate into theirs. To now be expected to be OK with this faith, yet again, latching on to *our* sacred rites and practices as being a part of their own is a hard pill to swallow at best, a slap in the face to most, and flat out perpetuating trauma at worst. Once upon a time, people sought out these very same communities and groups within their pagan circles as an escape, a safe space, and a shield and guardian against the Christian onslaught, torment, oppression, or just exhaustion - and now, we must not only tolerate them invading our private spaces, but must now welcome them with open arms and expected to be happy about it? Forgive me if I don't sympathize....
If we are going to now be forced into being shoulder to shoulder with them, the very least you can offer us is neutrality. You can be accepting of all and still be neutral grounds - not taking any one side anywhere, all you have to do is be respectful to each other. Disagreement is not disrespectful. Could someone who disagrees with a certain viewpoint *become* disrespectful? Sure, of course they could. But simply the act of disagreement is nothing hateful or hurtful in any way shape or form - in fact, good discourse is how progress is made. So we need to remain neutral grounds and normalize the acceptance of different viewpoints - we need to recognize and accept that, yes, there are paths out there that do have specific requirements, expectations and limits - there are paths that are going to disagree, or just flat out not believe in something. Instead of name calling, when someone of those paths decides to speak up and enlighten and elaborate on information that may be inaccurately described or depicted, you need to LISTEN and learn, and not just bludgeon them with presumptive judgement. You also need to accept that there are many, various different closed practices out there - beyond Native American & Voodoo practices (as those seem to be the only ones the pagan community recognizes) and if someone of those closed faiths tell you - no, you are not xy or z, that is also not being judgmental or hateful or hurtful - that simply is. ....a very important side note here is that acknowledging closed practices is also not a carte blanche for screaming about cultural appropriation. Please shut the fuck up about cultural appropriation. Not being of a specific faith is not equivalent to cultural appropriation - Telling someone "no, you're not xyz" is very different from telling someone "no, you can't practice xyz" (looking at you smudge-Nazis) You can enjoy, practice, learn or celebrate anything you want of any faith you want while not actually being apart of it - that's the beauty of sharing and learning. And I think that is where all the trouble boils down from:
Yes, you can do whatever you want and can create whatever path you want for yourself...just don't misrepresent it, don't call it something it is not, and don't deny those who are more educated & experienced in that particular department. We get enough of that from outsiders to start doing it to each other.
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