#probably because my life sounds too ridiculous to be true
novadreii · 28 days
My therapist is so bomb? She texts me articles/books/podcasts/general prompts for introspection throughout the week outside of sessions and I just complete my assignments like the good little studentclient that I am.
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maikaartwork · 1 year
Artists, let’s talk about Instagram commission scammers
There’s been a huge rise in commission scammers recently, mostly on Instagram. A lot of new artists don’t know what to look out for, so I figured this might help people.
How they begin
Usually the scammer will write to you asking about a commission. Something deceptively cute - mostly I encounter asks about pet portraits, with one or two photos sent. They’ll probably try to sell you a sweet little story, like “It’s for my son’s birthday”. They will insist that they love your artwork and style, even though they don’t follow you or never liked a single piece of your art.
What to look out for:
Their profiles will either be private, empty, or filled with very generic stuff, dating at most a few years back.
Their language will be very simple, rushed or downright bad. They might use weird emojis that nobody ever uses. They will probably send impatient “??” when you don’t answer immediately. They’re in a crunch - lots of people to scam, you know. 
They’ll give you absolutely no guidelines. No hints on style, contents aside from (usually) the pet and often a name written on the artwork, no theme. Anything you draw will be perfect. Full artistic freedom. In reality they don’t really care for this part.
They’ll offer you a ridiculous amount of money. Usually 100 or 300 USD (EDIT: I know it might not be a lot for some work. What I mean here - way higher than your asking price, 100 and 300 are standard rates they give). They’ll often put in a phrase like “I am willing to compensate you financially” and “I want the best you can draw”, peppered with vague praise. It will most likely sound way too good to be true. That’s because it is.
Where the scam actually happens
If you agree, they will ask you for a payment method. They’ll try to get to this part as soon as possible. 
Usually, they’ll insist on PayPal. And not just any PayPal. They’ll always insist on sending you a transfer immediately. None of that PayPal Invoice stuff (although some do have methods for that, too). They’ll really, REALLY want to get your PayPal email address and name for the transfer - that’s what they’re after. If you insist on any other method, they’ll just circle back to the transfer “for easiest method”. If you do provide them with the info, most likely you’ll soon get a scam email. It most likely be a message with a link that will ultimately lead to bleeding you dry. Never, and I mean NEVER click on any emails or links you get from them. It’s like with any other scam emails you can ever get.
A few things can happen here:
They overpay you and ask for the difference to be wired back. Usually it will go to a different account and you’ll never see that money again. 
They’ll overpay you “for shipping costs” and ask you to forward the difference to their shipping company. Just like before, you’ll never see that money again.
The actual owner of the account (yes, they most likely use stolen accounts to wire from) will realize there’s been something sketchy going on and request a refund via official channels. Your account will be charged with fees and/or you get in trouble for fraudulent transactions. 
You will transfer the money from your PayPal credit to your bank account and they will make a shitstorm when they want their money back, making your life a living hell. They will call you a scammer, a thief, make wild claims, wearing you down and forcing you into wiring money “back” - aka to their final destination account. 
Never, EVER wire money to anyone. This is not how it’s supposed to go. Use PayPal Invoice for secure exchanges where the client needs to provide you with their email, not the other way around.
You can find more info on that method HERE.
What to do when you encounter a scammer:
Ask the right questions: inquire about the style, which artwork of yours they like, as much details as you can. They won’t supply you with any good answers.
Don’t let the rush of the exchange, their praise and the promise of insanely good money to get to you. That’s how they operate, that’s how they make you lose vigilance. 
Don’t engage them. As soon as you realize it might be a scam, block them. The sense of urgency they create with their rushed exchange, and pressure they put on you will sooner or later get to you and you might do something that you’ll regret later.
Never wire money to anyone. Never give out your personal data. Never provide your email, name, address or credit card info. 
Don’t be deceived by receiving a payment, if you somehow agree to go along with it. Just because it’s there now doesn’t mean it can’t be withdrawn. 
Here is a very standard example of such an exchange. I realized it’s a scam pretty fast and went along with it, because I wanted good screenshots for you guys, so I tried going very “by the book” with it. 
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Please share this post, make it reach as many artists as possible. Let young or inexperienced artists know that this is going on. So many people have no idea that this is a thing. Let’s help each other out. If you think I missed any relevant info, do add it as an rb!
Also, if you know other scam methods that you think should be shared, consider rb-ing this post with them below. Having a master post of scam protection would AWESOME to have in the art community.
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sidekick-hero · 7 months
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(steddie | mature | 2k | tags: established relationship, post-s4, Valentine's Day, Robin is the best, fluff | summary: Steve loves Eddie, he really, really does. He just can't say it. | @steddielovemonth prompt Love is just a four-letter word by @sal-si-puedes | AO3)
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"He probably thinks I don't love him, Robin. Which is... ridiculous. I do! I really, really do. I just can't say it." Steve is pacing around the blissfully empty Family Video Store, his hands making a mess of his hair as they run through it in frustration.
"This is so stupid. I* am* so stupid, it's just four stupid letters, even a preschooler can say it," he rambles, his eyes wild as they look at Robin. "Why am I like this, Robbie?" His voice breaks, along with his heart, at the thought of Eddie doubting Steve's feelings for him for even a second.
Robin walks over to him and grips his shoulders tightly, her blue eyes boring into his as she says in her firmest you-listen-to-me-now voice. "You're not stupid. This is my best friend you're talking about, so watch it." That earns her at least a half-smile, which counts as a victory considering Steve was already pinching his nose to hold back tears.
"I know you love him, Steve. Everyone knows it. One look at you when he's in the room, or even when you're just talking about him, is enough to know you love him. And I'm sure Eddie knows it too. He has to."
Robin's words soothe some of the fear in Steve's heart, knowing that she would tell him if she really thought he had messed up. But even though it's okay now, Eddie won't wait forever for Steve to say those three little words. No one would. Steve knows that his heart couldn't take being with Eddie, loving Eddie and telling him that, only to never hear it back from him.
"I don't know. Even if you're right, I feel like I'm losing him. That something in me is broken, and one day he'll realize that too, and then he'll leave." With an even smaller voice Steve adds: "I can't lose him, Robbie".
They don't hug very often. Robin shows her affection in many ways, but most of them aren't overly physical. That's Eddie's job, clinging to Steve like a koala most days, always touching Steve in some way, even if it's just his shoulder nudging Steve's. Robin pulling him into a tight hug now means a lot to him, but it's also a testament to the gravity of the situation.
With their arms around each other between the horror and action movie sections, Steve takes a moment to just soak in the comfort she offers. What happened at Starcourt messed them both up, caused them both more trauma than any teenager should have to deal with, but on a very selfish level, Steve can't help but be grateful that it happened. A life without Robin Buckley sounds like the greater horror to him.
After a few minutes, Robin gently pulls away from Steve to look at him. He's reluctant to let her go, even though he knows this is an even longer hug than the one she gave him when Nancy told him they weren't getting back together after defeating Vecna. She wanted to go to Boston, make a career, see the world. And Steve? Steve wanted a home, a place to belong, and someone to share that home with. They wanted different things, he realizes now.
That doesn't mean it didn't open old wounds, memories of how it felt to be rejected by her, his love for her thrown in his face like it was worthless. Bullshit.
As attuned to him and his thoughts as ever, a true testament to the fact that they share a brain cell, Robin says, "I think it's understandable that you can't say it. The last time you told someone you loved them, you were hurt, badly. Your heart is probably just trying to protect itself. Like a kid who touched a hot stove and got burned wouldn't touch another stove, you know?"
Steve nods, because in a way it makes sense. It just doesn't help him to know.
"But what am I supposed to do, Robin? It's not Eddie's fault that I'm broken."
"You, Steve Harrington, are not broken. Just a little bruised. There is nothing wrong with you just because you got hurt and have the scars to show for it. Like Max, because of the injuries to her leg, she cannot walk like she used to before Vecna, so she uses her crutch. She's not broken. Is she?"
"No, of course not. If anything, she's even stronger now, I saw her hit Lucas with the crutch and tell him to hurry up on the way to the movies," Steve says, smiling at the memory.
"See!" Robin waves her hand at him in excitement, almost bouncing with it. "All you need is a crutch!"
They look at each other wide-eyed before matching smiles break out on their faces, Robin's giddy at having found a solution, Steve's reflecting the tentative hope blossoming in his chest.
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His talk with Robin certainly helped, but as Valentine's Day approaches, the fears and insecurities start to creep back in. It's not even like Eddie is giving him any indication that he's not happy with Steve or their relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Eddie tells him he loves him almost every time they see each other, at the most random moments. Some days he whispers it in Steve's ear to wake him up, other days it's his way of saying good night to him with his arm around Steve's waist and his hand over Steve's heart in a protective grip. He says it casually when Steve brings him breakfast in bed or lunch to the record store where he now works. Just yesterday he said it while Steve was buried deep inside him, their hands intertwined beside Eddie's head and brown eyes looking softly up at Steve.
It's not meant to make him feel bad about himself, he knows that.
He still does.
So when he opens his front door to the sight of Eddie standing on his doorstep in his nicest jeans and a forest green button-down Steve has never seen before, clearly having put some real effort into his appearance, Steve almost crumbles.
He's a shitty boyfriend, isn't he? There's this amazing guy who goes out of his way to look nice for Steve, even though he doesn't even like Valentine's Day, just because he knows it's important to Steve. And he can't even tell him he loves him.
Some of what he's feeling must be showing on his face, because Eddie's cheerful smile falls and he hurries into the house to pull Steve into his arms, slamming the door shut with his foot.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I told Dustin green wasn't my color, but he insisted. I look hideous, don't I?"
That makes Steve snort wetly into Eddie's neck before muttering a fond "Idiot" into it.
Eddie just hums, obviously pleased with himself for making Steve laugh. "You can tell me. You know I don't mind getting naked for you."
"You're getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you?"
Eddie grinned wolfishly at him. "I don't know, the tear in my Hellfire shirt from when you ripped it off me begs to differ."
Steve blushes at the memory, even as he laughs at Eddie's words. Instead of saying anything else, Steve pulls him back into his arms and Eddie goes willingly.
"Hi, baby," he says, his nose brushing behind Steve's ear.
"Hi." Steve breathes him in, the smell of cigarette smoke and his shampoo strong where his nose is buried in Eddie's hair.
They don't let go for a long time.
It's Eddie who pulls back first, and Steve does his best not to read into it. "You want to tell me what's going on?"
The Steve from before the Upside Down would have just shaken his head and told Eddie that everything was fine before pulling him into the bedroom to reassure them both that it was. Not talking about his feelings, fears, and needs might have worked for hookups, but he learned the hard way that it doesn't work when you want to be in a relationship.
So Steve takes Eddie's hand and leads him over to the couch where they both sit facing each other. They don't let go of each other's hands.
"I know you're probably wondering why I haven't told you... why I haven't said it yet."
Eddie's eyebrows disappear behind his fringe. "It?"
Sighing, Steve watches his fingers run over Eddie's knuckles. "You know. That I love you."
It's hard to place Eddie's tone, and even harder to place the silence that follows, but it makes his knee jiggle with nerves and his stomach churn. Usually it's Eddie who tends to fill the silence between them when it feels too big, too heavy, but today it's Steve.
"It's not because I don't want to, I swear. It's just," another frustrated sigh, the hand currently not held by Eddie's rubbing over his face, "I just can't say it. And I am so, so sorry, because you deserve to hear it. Every day. But I can't... I can't. So I understand if you don't want to do this anymore. You deserve better, Eddie. You really, really do."
Eddie lets Steve's words settle between them, aching and raw, but he never lets go of Steve's hand.
"You're right," he finally says, and the sound of Steve's heart breaking is deafening to his own ears. Pinching his nose, he tries to take his hand back from Eddie, but his boyfriend (if he can still call him that) won't budge. "You're right about me wondering, Steve. But that was before."
Looking up, a frown forming between his eyebrows, Steve asks, "Before?"
"Before I realized that you do tell me that you love me, every day. You say it when you tiptoe around the trailer in the morning to make breakfast without waking me. You tell me every time you pack an extra blanket or sweater when we go to the quarry because you know I always get cold. I hear it loud and clear every time you bring me lunch, even though it means you waste most of your own lunch break driving around town. It's in the way you try so hard to make Wayne like you because you know how much that means to me, and in the way you hold me after another nightmare, and in the way you kiss me sometimes like there's nothing in the world you'd rather be doing, without it having to lead anywhere, just because you like kissing me."
Eddie scooted forward and bridged the gap between them by taking Steve's face in his hands.
"Steve, you've been telling me you love me for months with everything except words. I don't really need them. It's just a four-letter word."
And, fuck, now Steve is crying. Eddie wipes away his tears with his thumbs, and when that's not enough, he kisses them away with his lips.
Steve is so in love with him that he has no idea how the feeling even fits in his body.
"Damn," he chuckles wetly, "that means I didn't even have to find a crutch?"
Now it's Eddie's turn to look at Steve in confusion, clearly worried that his boyfriend might have lost his mind. "What crutch? Is this a sex thing?"
Laughing and shaking his head fondly, Steve raises his free hand to his head, palm facing Eddie. Then he brings his thumb, index finger, and little finger up, keeping his ring and middle fingers down, before moving his hand back and forth slightly.
"Robin came up with this. She said if I couldn't say the words with my mouth, maybe I could say them in a different way. I thought of trying sign language," Steve adds sheepishly.
Before he knows what's happening, Eddie is on top of him, pressing him into the couch with his body weight and showering his face with kisses.
"You're so smart," kiss, "and beautiful," kiss, "and wonderful," kiss, "and I love you so much." The last part is accompanied by a lingering kiss on his lips and Steve melts under it.
Even though he obviously didn't have to tell Eddie this way, Steve is glad that he did.
He also thinks it won't be long before he can say those words, too. If anyone can help him walk without a crutch, it's Eddie.
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romanticintheory · 5 months
on my knees BEGGING for more price and civilian!reader. i just read it and i can’t stop thinking about all the cute itty bitty interactions- their date, their convos, maybe him meeting her surprisingly scary dog (currently in love thinking about COD men and K9s yknow?).
Like if there’s not a single supporter for this, i’m dead in a ditch somewhere
what it's like dating john price as a civilian.
john price x gn!reader
part 1
more fluff, more domesticity, me being down bad
a/n: KSAHDASDKJ im so glad u love them as much as i do!! hope this does them justice for u <3
the date went really well, thankfully. he showed up at your place ready to pick you up with the bouquet of flowers he knew you deserved. call him old-fashioned, but he was adamant on making sure you didn't have to lift a finger for anything.
hell, he even asked you why you were standing out there in the cold by yourself, saying, "i could have come to your door so you didn't have to freeze all the way out here, sweetheart!"
he held out his hand for you to take as he guided you down the stairs, opened your side of the door for the car, and always walked with you on the side closest to the street.
the movie was a cute action comedy. it was even funnier with john because he'd sometimes pipe up at the action sequences talking about how unrealistic some scenes were.
when you told john that the main character's actor, a built, older-looking man, was used to be your celebrity crush in high school, he couldn't help but let a chuckle rumble in his throat and ask, "got a type then, love?"
"yeah, probably do," you admitted shamelessly.
the dinner was just as nice as the movie: he took you out to a nice restaurant and hung onto every word you spoke. likewise, you couldn't take your eyes off him whenever he told you stories about him and his boys.
he wouldn't tell you stories about him doing his job, mostly because he didn't want to disturb you with what he's had to do. he did, however, happily tell you stories about the ridiculous things he's seen his task force get up to.
"they sound like a handful," you said warmly, "you sure they're not your kids?"
"no, but they certainly sound like it," he leaned just a little bit closer to hear you better over the chatter of the restaurant.
"i get that. i've got a handful at home, too." you paused to take a sip of your drink. "a little puppy."
"really? what's its name?"
when he takes you back home, he wordlessly walks you back to your door.
"would you like to meet beau, john?" you ask, hand hovering over the door you unlocked.
he opens his mouth to speak but gets interrupted by the sound of scratching and a dog panting on the other side of the door.
"well, only if he's okay with meeting me."
when you open the door, john is surprised to see a full-grown rottweiler launching at him at full speed. for a second, he saw his life flashing before his eyes before he realized the wagging of beau's tail.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry!" you call out immediately, "he's usually more polite around strangers. beau- beau get down!"
john only laughs at your panic and took your dog's friendliness as a sign to pet him. "'s alright, love. i trust you enough to know you wouldn't put me in harm's way."
he takes in beau's stature. from the looks of his larger-than-average size, he might be a guard dog for you. or maybe you just wanted company and decided to hone in on his scariness and bulk by adding that spiked collar.
"so, a puppy, huh?" he points outed humorously, locking eyes with you after realizing that your canine was, in fact, fully grown.
"hey, he's still a puppy to me!" you interject, kneeling down beside john's crouched figure to also show the rottweiler some affection.
"i see," he nods thoughtfully, turning his attention back to beau. "you're just as gorgeous as your owner, huh?"
your face is on fire again. "you flatter me, john."
"how does the saying go? it's not flattery if it's true?" he stands up much to the disappointment of beau and to take a step closer to you.
"you're too kind."
"jus' trying to treat you like how you deserve."
it's like he's trying to light you aflame on purpose. your embarrassment grows so much you have to cover the smile on your face with your hand. once your face has cooled down, you take a deep breath and let your hand fall down back to your side.
"thank you for tonight," you say quietly. "i had a really good time."
"glad to hear," he replies. "'m also happy to see beau likes me, too."
"well, we both have that in common, i guess."
"oh, who's doing the flattery, now?" john says playfully, his hands on his hips as you laugh softly at him.
"still you!" you insist.
"hm. maybe next time we can figure it out, yeah?" he proposes, a hopeful glint in his eye.
"next time? you already ready for a second date, price?"
oh, he was ready for more, but he didn't think you were ready to hear that.
"unless you're not," he tells you slowly, afraid of pressuring you into saying yes already.
sensing his worry, you reassure him with, "how could i not be?"
he relaxes at your admission and leans forward to give you a kiss on the cheek. "i've got your number. next week sound fine to you?"
"of course. whatever you like, soldier," you nodded, the lingering feeling of his lips on your cheek leaving a tingling sensation. if you were just a bit more confident, you would have kissed him then and there.
"i'll see you then, love."
he bends down to give beau a well-deserved goodbye pet before turning to leave, looking you in the eyes one last time before leaving for home.
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grains-of-granola · 4 months
Hii!!! This is one of my first posts so I hope you like it!!!
Summary: You never were that amazing, and you thought that it was a miracle that Theodore Nott could even tolerate you, much less love you. So when you hear another girl talking about your boyfriend, you think that your worst nightmares are true. What does Theo have to say??
a/n: I wrote this while listening to 16 by Sadie Jean. Also, if I spelled anything wrong, sorry. I can be a little clueless and stupid at times.
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Theodore Nott. One of the hottest boys in all of Hogwarts, was dating a shy, insecure, hufflepuff. No one could believe it. Even you were having a hard time believing that he truly loved you with no strings attached.
Theo was known for being a playboy. Setting bets on pretty much every girl he set eyes on. So it wasn't so hard to believe that you were no exception.
You would often find yourself wondering when he would end it, or when you would accidentally walk in on him snogging another girl. But it never happened.
After a month long of hugs, kisses, cuddles, and pretty much just Theo melting under your touch and falling deeper in love every time you spoke, you finally believed that he did in fact truly care about you.
That was until one day, on your way to the Great Hall for breakfast, when you overheard two girls talking.
"I'm telling you, he likes you!" One girl stated, in a failed attempt to be quiet. You recognised her. It was none other than your best friend, Arielle.
"No way, he's dating that one girl. What's her name again?" The other responded.
"Y/N." Arielle stated simply.
"Aren't you friends with her or something?"
"That would be an overstatement, Thalia. I only started hanging out with her because she hangs out with the slytherin boys a lot. Even before she started dating Nott. It's only so I can get with Berkshire." You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"How did she even manage to pull Nott? She's so weird. And I heard she used to cut herself. Who would want to be with her? She's not even that pretty. I see no future between them. Her name doesn't fit with Theo's last name. Y/N Nott. Sounds ridiculous. You know what sounds amazing? Thalia Nott. Perfect fit." Thalia. Her name sounded so familiar.
That's when it hit you. Thalia. Thalia Burton. Theo's ex. He broke up with her last year when she beat him at his own game and cheated on him. She was the first girl he had ever fallen for and she knew it. She was by far the rudest person you had ever met. And a Ravenclaw. Intelligent, and she easily manipulated Theo into staying with her for as long as he did.
You 'friend' giggled.
"She's probably just another one of his bets. Waste of money in my opinion." More giggling.
You brushed past the two girls, unable to listen to another second of their conversation. Your eyes on the brink of releasing a tsunami of tears.
Arielle stopped laughing, immediately recognising you.
"Y/N!! Wait!!"
The pain you were feeling right now was too much. You just wanted to be in the warm embrace of your boyfriend's arms. To feel the rise and fall of his chest as you held onto him for dear life, fearing that if you let go you'd lose him forever.
But did he even want to be near you? Was everything you had experienced with him a lie? Were you just another one of his bets?
Your head started spiraling you just needed to sit down. Eat something. Laugh at a few stupid jokes that Cedric would blurt out during every meal.
That's when you felt two hands creep around your waist, pulling you into a hug.
"Hey baby." You couldn't help but let a few tears fall.
"Hey" You reply, the crack in your voice quite obvious.
Theo looked down at you with a worried expression. He placed a few quick kisses on your forehead and cheeks while slowly swaying side to side.
"Are you okay, Principessa? Get all eight hours?" He knew you.
He knew that if you didn't get a full night's sleep that you would be a little off in the morning. He knew that you needed something to hold onto at night while you slept to feel safe. He knew where to kiss you. How to hold your hand. How to calm you down. He just knew everything about you.
You started to sob. Theo wasted no time in pulling you out of the Great Hall and into an empty hallway.
"Amore mio. What's wrong? Is it that time? I can get you some food? We can go to your dorm and watch movies all day. Whatever you want baby." He waited for you to answer, but you couldn't stop sobbing.
God, maybe those girls were right. Who would want to be with someone like you? You were a sobbing mess. And just because of a rumor that might not even be true.
"Tesoro, per favore. What's wrong?" The worry in his voice was evident.
You shake your head, "I can't. I just can't right now." And with that, you run off to your dorm.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You had skipped out on lessons all day and, despite being starving, you hadn't eaten all day just to avoid any interaction with anyone.
Especially with your boyfriend.
You had just finished reading another chapter of your book, when you heard a knock at the door. You hesitantly unlocked the door, scared of who it might be.
Your breath stopped when you realized that it was none other than the king of heartbreak himself. Theodore Nott.
He peeked his head around the door. Providing a small smile to you.
"Hey baby. You feeling better? You really scared me earlier. Do you wanna talk about it?" All of the questions. Questions that made it seem like he cared. Like he truly wanted to know the answers to them.
He walked over to your bed, his arms full of food, mostly candy, and a singular rose. He placed all the food on a plate and set it next to you on your bed while watching attentively for your next move.
You sat up and picked up a roll from the plate, taking small bites as Theo starts to touch you. Your hands, your face, your legs. He just misses you and being near you.
He eventually pulls you up onto his lap and starts placing gentle kisses on your face and neck.
You flinch at the feeling of him kissing you, and he pulls away, still holding onto you, arms wrapped around your waist.
"Princesspa, please, I'm begging you, what's wrong?" Tears start to slowly and silently run down your cheek, and Theo is quick to wipe them away. He turns you around so you're facing him, and he cups your face with both hands.
"Who is making you feel like this, baby? I'll gladly beat them up. Your tears are too precious to be wasted like this." His words alone are enough to make you feel safe and secure, but you know these feelings will come back the second he leaves.
You have to tell him, even if you don't want to.
"It's just.. I heard these two girls this morning. They were talking about me.. and you."
"Who, Princesspa? Give me names."
"Arielle and Thalia."
"Your best friend and my ex? What about us, exactly?"
"Well... Arielle was talking about how someone definitely liked Thalia. That someone turned out to be you. They went on about how I wasn't pretty. And about how I was a shy, insecure, loser who cuts herself."
You could see the rage filling up in your boyfriends eyes.
"And Arielle said that she was just pretending to be my friend so she could get closer with Enzo."
A wide smirk spread across Theo's face, he was already planning his revenge.
"And when Thalia asked how me and you even ended up together, Arielle said that I was probably just another one of your bets. And well...I guess I kind of believed it. I mean..why would you want to date me? I am a nobody. I am a loser. I'm shy. I'm insecure. And yes, I used to cut myself." Tears started filling up your eyes again. The smirk on Theo's face was now replaced with a look of worry. A look of sadness.
"Oh baby. Amore mio. Tu sei molto più di questo. Sei tutto per me. You were never a bet. And if you were, then I broke the most important rule. Never fall for them. " You blushed. Your face turning a bright crimson color.
Theo grabbed you and held you close to his chest and swayed you back and forth in his embrace.
"I would never leave you for a girl like Thalia. I promise to always be there for you. Even for the small things. A walk through the park? I'll be right there, holding your hand. Getting drunk at a backyard party? I've already had two more drinks than you."
You chuckle.
"I'm serious. I'm crazy for you, Bella. I love you so much I would do anything for you. Even if it's talking about your boy drama. Cause you already know the Blaise, Draco, Enzo, and Mattheo cause way more drama than you." You simply looked up at your boyfriend, face bright red. A wide smile on his face quickly fading when you don't laugh.
"Y/N.." You cut him off.
"You love me?" The look on his face says it all. He hadn't even realised he had said it. It had simply slipped out. Which, to you, made it even more true. He didn't even have to think to say it. He was stating how he felt about you, and had said he loved you. The first time those words had ever been used in your relationship.
"Always have, Amore mio."
You found it hard to breath again as you realised that, you too, love him.
"I love you too Theo. More than anything."
He wasted no time in pulling you in for a deep kiss. In that moment it seemed as if the whole world had faded away, leaving just you and the love of your life to enjoy this moment together.
When he pulled away he started leaving quick pecks all over your neck and face.
You smiled and let out a chuckle.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your boyfriend had fallen asleep with you resting your head on his chest while finishing the book you had been reading before Theo had walked in.
You moved your body so that your head was still resting on his chest, but you were now facing him.
You started running your hands through his hair as his eyes fluttered open.
"Ciao Principessa."
You smile at the name.
You continue running your hands through his hair while he stares at you with so much love and admiration.
Without looking him in the eyes, you simply state, "You know that you'll have to give me the notes from all the lessons today."
Theo chuckles and you look at him in his eyes.
"I know, baby."
It was then that you knew that you had found the one person that you would love for the rest of your life.
And Theo had found his.
You had found each other, and you were going to love each other always, no matter what.
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Content – intimate whumper, hero x villain, villain with magical powers, fantasy whump, psychological whump, memory alteration, forced submission, dub-con kissing
"I'll probably have to erase your memories. Just as a precaution" Villain's calm voice rang out in the small room as he paced back and forth, not even looking at Hero.
"You're joking right?!"
Hero didn't want his voice to sound so hysterical. He also didn't want to endure Villain's serious look any longer, which only made him more aware of what a terrible situation he was in.
His eyes lingered on random objects, desperately searching for a way out. But he didn't find it. The Villain was blocking his path to the door and Hero realized painfully that there was no chance of getting past him and escaping through the narrow corridor. Not when he's like this. Not now. The only exit was the window he was standing next to. His heart skipped a beat as he thought about what this meant for him, but still, against all reason, his hand slowly moved towards the window handle.
"I don't advise it. You'll break your legs. And then I will come down to you and erase your memories anyway. You will only suffer unnecessarily" Villain said in an almost completely indifferent tone of voice, but there was a hint of concern in it.
Hero snorted, even though he knew Villain was right. And he hated him for it. He also hated the concern in his voice. As if he ever cared about his life and happiness.
"So I should just let you do it, right? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?!" Hero didn't want to scream, not again. But he couldn't help but be overcomed with emotions.
Villain stopped and looked at him for the first time since the incident.
"Yes. That will be better. For you. For me. I don't want to fight."
Villain continued to maintain his mask of indifference, and Hero hated the fact that he couldn't read his true emotions. He would have preferred anger because it was predictable, but now he had no idea what to expect.
"There must be another way. Anything else. I can stay silent and pretend I didn't see anything, I can..."
Villain interrupted him with a joyless laugh.
"We both know it won't work. You'll open your dirty mouth and blurt everything out at the end. Or worse, you'll try to help me. I won't let you do this." With each word, Villain got closer to Hero, who could no longer move back, pressed against the wall. He glanced out the window again, but quickly shook his head. The consequences would be too great.
So he risked looking into Villain's eyes and saw no uncertainty in them. He swallowed.
"I could at least try..." his voice was quieter this time, more shaky due to Villain's proximity. Great.
"Would you like to continue pretending to be a hero? It didn't work out last time."
Hero grimaced at the reference to recent events, but did not comment on his words, refusing to be provoked.
There was a sudden tension in the air, full of heavy memories that each of them preferred to keep silent for now.
“So you can see that I have no other choice, my dear,” Villain said after a long moment, breaking the silence.
Something about the way he said that endearment made Hero's heart skip a beat, but he quickly came to his senses, remembering his threat.
"You're an escapist, you know? You would do anything to avoid the consequences, to start over..."
Instead of the expected anger, Hero saw only calmness in Villain, with a hint of amusement at his feeble attempts to distract him to escape.
"What's wrong with escapism, hmm?" he replied, tucking a strand of hair behind Hero's ear.
Hero shuddered, his thoughts made no sense, and for a moment he focused only on the touch on his cheek, on the warmth of Villain's hand, on the knowledge that if only the situation was different, he could kiss him here and now.
"Don't try to avoid it," Villain whispered tenderly into his ear, aware of the effect it was having on him. "Just give up. Submit. It'll hurt you less than if I had to force you to do it."
But I don't want to have my memories deleted, Hero wanted to say, but the prepared words disappeared from his head as soon as Villain ran his hand through his hair. Hero sighed.
Villain suddenly pulled away to look into his eyes. Hero closed it in a sudden panic.
"What exactly do you want to delete? How many days?" he managed to say in a trembling voice.
"Just today," Villain assured him, smiling. "Removing more memories would affect you too much. And we don't want that, right?"
Hero just nodded, not noticing the strange gleam in Villain's eyes.
"And if you're going to forget anyway..." Villain approached him again and kissed him gently on the lips.
Hero had no idea what had just happened. His heart was racing and he felt that his cheeks were completely red. He kept repeating the question in his mind: why, why, why, why, why? But he received no answer.
Villain placed his hand on his blushed cheek again and stared into his eyes as if he wanted to remember the sight. And then he kissed him again, this time on the forehead.
"Sorry." Hero heard a quiet whisper and didn't know how to react. And if any of his reactions would have changed Villain's mind at all. Probably not.
That's why when Villain looked at him again, Hero didn't close his eyes.
A sharp, stabbing pain immediately shot through his head, and Hero couldn't help but hiss and crouch down as if it would protect him.
But Villain then moved his hand to his chin and forced him to straighten up and look him in the eye.
"You're unconsciously resisting, that's why it hurts. Stop it, Hero. Give up, enough of this fighting. It will be better for you this way" his sweet, calm voice made Hero start to calm down involuntarily. The feeling that he was going to cry disappeared. The pain subsided.
And then, as soon as he felt someone infiltrating his mind, searching through his memories, Hero submitted and everything went dark.
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𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 (Fujin x Reader)
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Official Masterlist - Part 2
Summary: As confusion and desire intertwine, you embark on a journey to discover that sometimes, the person we seek is closer than we realize, and the true source of warmth and affection may have been by our side all along.
Word Count: 5.5k
Based off the song 'Stupid for you' by Waterparks. Enjoy! :)
Hey, tell me what you want me to say,
You know I'm stupid for you.
You swore on your mother's life that you'd do anything for him.
Hey, can you come and come out and play,
You know I'm stupid for you.
But why would your love and devotion be of any use to him?
A wind god? Returning feelings for his reckless human friend?
He was way out of your league and that fact had been taunting you since the second you realised you had the biggest crush on him.
You're a symphony, I'm just a sour note.
Not to mention his ridiculously over protective brother, who, of course, was another god. If he found out that you had a crush on Fujin, then he'd do anything in his power to prevent the two of you forming a romantic relationship. Oh, and god forbid - no pun intended - if you and Fujin on the off chance did become an item. That was a death wish, the man would smite you.
But, a girl could dream.
So there you sat, on a pretty, grassy, cute little hill just outside the Shaolin temples, where you'd grown up and trained. At first, you were hiding from your good friends Liu Kang and Kung Lao after pulling a horrifying prank that involved water, flour and feathers. But when they never found you, you found yourself still out on the hill as the sun was setting. You hated being alone because that meant you had to think - be in your own head.
Now, Raiden didn't particularly like you for your reputation of not always thinking things through, and when you were intentionally doing something, it was usually a prank. You were an idiot, you knew that. That also meant that you'd never make any breathless impression on your dear Fujin, and that would eat you up inside til the end of time.
"You're not usually out here on your own."
You were startled at the sound of a voice, whipping your head around to see who spoke. You didn't have to turn around to know it was Fujin, but of course out of instinct you did anyways.
God, you'd never get tired of looking at him. He was such a beautiful man, with his pretty, long snowy white hair and his pretty, glowing eyes matching his pretty body. You always had to physically stop yourself from gasping or sighing whenever you saw him.
"Y-yeah, I..." you fumbled over your words, scratching the back of your head sheepishly, "...just needed to catch some air and a second to think." "So, you're okay?" he asked, approaching you before crouching down beside you on the grass. "Course I am..." you sighed, looking down, "...sorta." "What's on your mind, feather?"
That name he called you, of all things, would be the blissful death of you.
“I don’t know…” you sighed, letting your shoulders sag as you laced your fingers into the grass, “…it’s just, I hate being alone, because when I'm alone it makes me think, and when I think, there’s usually only one thing I think of.”
“and that would be?” Fujin further pried, your face flushing red as you looked away from him.
“a someone. a someone who makes me feel all weird and fuzzy inside, a someone who can make me smile even on the worst of my days,” you explained, feeling your heart beat harshly against your own ribcage, “someone who I want more than anything.”
“What’s stopping you from obtaining them, (Y/n)?” he asked, tilting his head at you curiously.
“Well, that’s my dilemma,” you huffed hopelessly, still too afraid to look him in the eyes, “he’s not someone I can obtain. He’s way out of my league - probably doesn’t even experience emotions like I do. But that’s okay, this silly little school-girl crush of mine will fade away one day. But for now, it’ll eat me up inside til it does go away.”
“Have you ever even asked this someone if he reciprocated these feelings?”
You felt your insides turn when Fujin brushed against your side, properly sitting on the grass next to you but also much closer to you than he was before. Your face was radiating a harsh heat, and you were certain you were bright red. To avoid allowing him to see this, you simply cleared your throat and continued to look away from him.
“I’m certain he would never feel the same, it’s impossible,” you assured him, looking out into the distance as to allow the cold breeze to cool your face.
“But how do you know that?”
You felt him lean in closer, pressing the side of his body to yours, and his hand behind you as he leaned back. You felt as though you were about to go into cardiac arrest with how fast your little heart was beating.
Your voice was barely above a whisper as you struggled to find the words to respond.
"I... I've never had the courage to ask. Besides, it's not like he would be interested in someone like me. I'm just an ordinary mortal, and he's a...a literal god."
Fujin's presence beside you felt both comforting and electrifying. You could sense his genuine concern as he spoke softly, his breath tickling your ear.
"You underestimate yourself, (Y/n). Love doesn't discriminate based on mortal or godly status. It's a force that transcends such boundaries."
His words sent a shiver down your spine, and you turned to face him, finally meeting his intense gaze. His eyes held a mixture of sincerity and longing, and it took your breath away.
"But what if I get rejected? What if I ruin our friendship? I don't want to lose him."
Fujin's hand reached out, his fingers gently brushing against your cheek.
"I understand your fears, but sometimes, taking a chance is worth the risk. Regret is a heavier burden to carry than the fear of rejection. And true friendship can weather any storm."
His touch sent a surge of warmth through you, and you couldn't deny the growing desire within your heart.
"Fujin, what are you trying to say?"
He smiled softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I'm saying that sometimes, the person we seek is closer than we realize. And sometimes, the one who has been there all along is the one who can make you feel those fuzzy, warm emotions you long for."
Confusion and bewilderment warred within you as you tried to process his words. You had never been so close to Fujin, so close that you could literally feel his body pressed against yours, though you didn't dare turn your head to look at him, for you were afraid that if you tried, you'd explode from nerve.
"There she is!!"
Before you could say anything more, this tender moment was interrupted by the likes of your two friends who had been searching for you for quite a while. Panic set in as you remembered what you did, and you got up to try and run away from them. However, they were quick to catch up to you, Lao quick to grab onto you and throw you over his shoulder.
"You thought we'd forgotten about you?" Liu teased, yourself scoffing as you shook your head. "Sure took you guys a while," she taunted, trying to wriggle free from her friend's grip, "have fun getting all those feathers off?" "Oh, we're gonna have some fun alright," Lao snickered, effortlessly holding you still enough with only one of his arms, "how does a nice, long soak in the nearby lake sound? Feathered and all?"
Your face paled in realization, and you looked toward Fujin as they began taking you away.
"Come on guys, you know I was only joking, right?" you tried reasoning with them, though they weren't taking any of it. "Fujin! Save me!" you begged him, though your pleading was in vain as he simply laughed at your misfortune.
"This sounds like a battle I shouldn't interfere with," Fujin chuckled, throwing you a playful salute, "good luck, my feather."
He winked at you, and that little action shot straight through you like one of cupid's stupid little love arrows.
Oh dear...you really were...what was the word? Oh,
down tremendously bad.
Once you reached the lake, you resigned yourself to the fate that awaited you, accepting the inevitable dunking and subsequent laughter that would follow.
As they prepared to toss you into the water, you closed your eyes and braced yourself, trying to push away the lingering thoughts of Fujin.
At least the dunking took your mind off of it all...
Watching with affection, Fujin stayed sat on that little hill as you were carried away from him by your two vengeful friends who were ready to exact that sweet revenge on you. Consequences are a good thing, and an entertaining thing as well. Perhaps next time you wouldn't get so flustered in his presence.
Though, Fujin couldn't deny the way your presence made his own being feel, like he could hardly control himself. His heart was still beating hard in his chest from how close he had managed to get himself to you. Your touch was like no other, and your status of mere mortal meant nothing to him.
He wanted you, but naturally, someone was in the way.
Fujin didn't even turn around when he heard the voice of his brother call his name. Even though he said nothing, Raiden knew he had acknowledged his presence.
"A word?" Raiden requested, stern as ever as Fujin simply gave a single nod and waited for him to continue.
"You should know better than this, Fujin," Raiden warned him. "Better than what?" Fujin asked in response, playing dumb though he already knew what he was getting at. "Falling in love with a mortal," Raiden clarified, the anger in his voice raising ever so slightly, "What did I tell you about getting attached to humans?? Especially her of any." "I know what you've told me, brother," Fujin replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of defiance and vulnerability, "but love cannot be controlled or dictated by our divine status. It chooses its own path, and it has chosen her." "You have become weak, Fujin. For letting something as insignificant as a human girl interfere with your duties," Raiden scoffed.
Fujin's gaze hardened as he faced his brother, his voice laced with determination.
"Love may be unpredictable, Raiden, but it is not a weakness. It brings strength and purpose to our existence. She is not just any mortal girl; she is extraordinary in her own way. And I refuse to stand idle while you belittle her significance."
"You are treading on dangerous ground, brother. Mortals are fleeting, and their emotions can cloud judgment."
Standing suddenly, Fujin refused to face his brother any longer.
"I have made my decision," he stated firmly, his voice carrying a sense of resolve. "I will not let fear dictate my actions or dampen the potential for happiness that she brings into my life. If you cannot understand that, then perhaps you have forgotten the value of compassion and connection."
He didn't bother listen for a response, or even look back to see if his words had meant anything to his brother. Instead, Fujin went elsewhere, anywhere to be away from the daunting aura that was his overprotective brother.
Fujin found solace in the tranquillity of the Shaolin temples, seeking refuge in the familiar surroundings. As he walked through the hallowed halls, memories of his past flooded his mind. He had always been dutiful, dedicated to upholding the balance and protecting Earthrealm. But now, his heart was torn between his responsibilities and his growing affection for you.
As he contemplated his next move, a soft voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Lost in contemplation, Fujin?"
He turned to see Master Bo' Rai Cho, one of the wise elders of the Shaolin Order. Rai Cho had always been a source of guidance and wisdom for Fujin, he knew much about human matters, like feelings and desires, and he knew he could confide in him.
"Master Rai Cho," Fujin greeted respectfully, "I find myself facing a dilemma. My duty as a god and my feelings for someone."
Rai Cho's eyes twinkled with understanding as he motioned for Fujin to join him in the temple's courtyard. They sat beneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree, the delicate petals falling around them like whispers of the wind.
"Love is a complex path, my young friend," Rai Cho began, his voice carrying the weight of his years of wisdom though it was ironic considering Fujin had been around much longer than he had. "It often leads us to unexpected places, challenging our perceptions and teaching us valuable lessons."
Fujin listened intently, his gaze fixed on the falling petals.
"You have been blessed with a divine nature, Fujin, but that doesn't mean you are immune to the joys and sorrows of mortal emotions," Rai Cho continued. "Love knows no boundaries, and sometimes it defies logic and expectations. It's a force that can move mountains and transform lives."
Fujin sighed, a mixture of frustration and longing in his voice.
"But what if my feelings jeopardize my role as a protector? What if my attachment to her compromises the safety of Earthrealm?"
Rai Cho smiled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on Fujin's shoulder.
"Balance is not found by denying our emotions, but by embracing them and channelling them in harmony with our purpose. Love can strengthen your resolve, reminding you of the importance of safeguarding not just realms, but also the hearts of those you care about."
Fujin pondered Rai Cho's words, the weight of his responsibilities gradually finding equilibrium with his desire for love and connection.
"I understand, Master Rai Cho," Fujin replied, determination lacing his voice. "I will find a way to balance my duty and my feelings, for her and for Earthrealm."
Rai Cho nodded approvingly, his aged smile endearing.
"Remember, Fujin, the path you choose may not be easy, but true love is worth the trials it brings. Trust in your own strength and the bond you share with her."
With newfound resolve, Fujin rose from beneath the cherry blossom tree. His heart felt lighter, and a sense of purpose infused his every step.
"Thank you, Master Rai Cho. Your guidance has cleared my path."
This was certainly not the first time you laid wide awake in your room, on your cosy little bed. You were someone who found it very difficult to sleep, but once you did get to sleep, you were out for a long while.
The events of the day replayed in your mind like a broken record, and you couldn't help but wonder what on earth it was all about. What on earth Fujin was about. The feeling of his touch, the intensity of his gaze, and the way his words lingered in the air had left an indelible mark on your heart.
You were confused, and because of that, obviously unable to sleep.
The moonlight spilled through your window, casting a gentle glow on your restless form. Thoughts swirled in your mind like a tempestuous storm, and you found yourself yearning for clarity.
In the midst of your contemplation, a soft breeze brushed against your skin, carrying a delicate fragrance that stirred a sense of familiarity. You turned your gaze towards the open window, and there, sitting on the outer part of your window sill, was Fujin.
You were visibly a little startled and surprised by his sudden presence, especially considering you had only been thinking of him moments ago. But naturally, his presence would never be unwelcome to you.
He seemed ethereal, his features illuminated by the moon's gentle rays. His eyes, so full of warmth and understanding, met yours, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of comfort wash over you. With a silent invitation, he entered your room and closed the window behind him.
"Fujin, what are you doing here?" you whispered, a mix of surprise and anticipation lacing your voice.
He approached your bed and took a seat beside you, his presence radiating a sense of calm. His voice was soft as he spoke, carrying a hint of vulnerability.
"I can sense when you are stirring, feather," he admitted, looking down at you, "I came to see what was wrong." "I stir all the time, Fujin," you sighed, smiling at him as you shuffled in your bed, "nothing's wrong." "You're a terrible liar, (Y/n)," Fujin chuckled, causing your face to flush red as you avoided eye contact, "mind if I lay down beside you?"
You were surprised by his request, and almost too flustered to say anything in response. Though, how silly would you be to pass up such an opportunity to be close to him once again?
"B-be my guest..." you stammered, shuffling over and making room for him.
His smile was gentle as he laid his back down against your bed, his presence radiating a sense of serenity. You couldn't help but feel a wave of comfort wash over you as you settled closer to him, your sides pressed together in comfortable familiarity.
As you both lay there in the moonlit room, a comfortable silence enveloped you. The weight of the world seemed to fade away, and it was just the two of you, sharing a moment of quiet intimacy.
"Fujin," you finally broke the silence, your voice barely a whisper, "I can't stop thinking about you."
Fujin turned his head to meet your gaze, his eyes shimmering with tenderness and longing. The vulnerability in his expression mirrored your own, and you could sense the depth of his emotions.
He reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"I can't stop thinking about you either, (Y/n)," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of yearning and sincerity.
His admission filled the air with an electric tension, drawing you closer to him both physically and emotionally. The world around you seemed to fade into the background as your focus narrowed on the intensity of your connection.
The distant shout of the wind god's name tore the two of you out of your intimate trance. You both recognised that voice, it was his brother, and he obviously needed his assistance.
With a sigh, Fujin got up from off of your bed, and you sat up as you watched him brush himself off.
"I'm sorry, feather, this shouldn't take too long," he apologised, yourself shaking your head. "I understand, it's alright," you assured him, your smile sweet.
With that, he bid you a hasty farewell and made his way toward where he was called to, somewhere you could only guess as you laid back down with an exasperated sigh.
His promise that it wouldn't take long would be false, as he wouldn't return for the rest of the night.
This was ridiculous, it was as if the universe itself conspired to keep you on the edge, never allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the depth of your feelings for him.
You were so confused, aching with longing.
You needed guidance, someone to confide in who could offer an outside perspective. With a determined resolve, you made up your mind to seek counsel from an unlikely source - Liu Kang and Kung Lao.
Despite the fact that they were mischievous troublemakers themselves, they had a bond with you that ran deep. They were your closest friends, and their opinions mattered to you. Perhaps they could provide some much-needed clarity or at least lend a sympathetic ear.
The next morning, you found yourself sitting in the courtyard of the Shaolin temples, waiting for Liu and Lao to arrive. The sun was shining brightly, and the peaceful ambiance of the temple grounds brought a sense of calmness to your anxious mind. The cherry blossom trees swayed gently in the breeze, their petals falling like soft whispers of encouragement.
Before long, the two boys appeared, their faces lit up with mischievous grins as they spotted you.
"There she is! The feathered prankster herself!" Lao exclaimed, his voice filled with playful enthusiasm.
The two boys sat either side of you, and you greeted them with a meek smile.
Taking a deep breath, you stared at the ground for a moment, gathering your thoughts.
"I... I need to talk to you guys about something," you finally said, your voice filled with vulnerability.
The mischievous grins on their faces faded, replaced by concern and genuine curiosity.
"Of course, (Y/n). You know we're here for you," Liu reassured, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Before I tell either of you anything, you gotta promise not to laugh at me," you told them, pointing a finger between them, "I already know how ridiculous this situation is, I don't need any reminders." "You have our word," Liu assured you, giving Lao a warning eye as he was known to be quite a smart-ass.
You took a moment to gather your thoughts before opening up about your feelings for Fujin, the turmoil they caused within you, and your fears of rejection and losing your friendship. You spoke from the heart, baring your soul to your friends, hoping that they would understand.
As you finished sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings, a heavy silence hung in the air. The boys exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from surprise to contemplation.
Lao spoke up first, his voice laced with empathy.
"You've really got it bad, don't you?"
You nodded, unable to hide the truth any longer.
"Bad is an understatement," you sighed, rubbing your forehead in frustration. "I'm just so...confused. I mean, I can't even tell if he likes me or if he's just being really extra nice." "Oh, come on!" Kung Lao exasperated, "isn't it obvious?? Even we saw the way he was cosied up to you yesterday! Even if he's way out of your league."
You slapped Lao on the shoulder at his teasing, an annoyed yet somewhat amused grimace on your face which could also reflect a knowing smile.
"What happened to 'no one's good enough for you (Y/n). We'll protect you from all the yucky boys (Y/n)'," you asked him, referring to how he and Liu used to treat you when you were all kids. "Well, what am I supposed to say when a literal god is your love interest? 'No, (Y/n), I forbid you from dating an all mighty wind god! The literal deity isn't good enough for you! Now go to your room and think about what you've done'."
You all laughed at Kung Lao's little bit, revelling in the atmosphere which was lightened by his humour. Though, ever the more thought friend, Liu chimed in with a more benevolent perspective.
"I understand your concerns, (Y/n), but I've seen the way Fujin looks at you. There's a depth of emotion in his eyes that is hard to ignore," Liu Kang said, his voice filled with sincerity.
"He's right," Lao added, his mischievous grin replaced by a genuine smile. "Fujin may be a god, but that doesn't mean he's immune to love. And if anyone can capture his heart, it's you, even if you're a hand full." "Oh, I'll show you a hand full, Kung Poa," you provoked him in a playful way, pushing him over where he sat.
Lao was quick to retaliate as he got up and engaged in some light hearted roughhousing with you. While you were skilled in kombat, Lao was definitely stronger than you, and such a slow paced and unsophisticated form of kombat had you in a chokehold in mere minutes. Liu much preferred watching the two of you engaged in these childish activities, so he simply sat and watched with a sweet smile, though shaking his head.
"I rest my case," Lao grinned, ruffling your hair as you struggled to remove yourself from his armpit. "I'm not finished with you yet," you groaned, biting his arm like a rabid chihuahua.
He yelped at the feeling and let go of you, rubbing his arm.
"Hey, you little turd! That's dirty!" he exclaimed, yourself shrugging with a mischievous smirk on your face. "I didn't know we were playing by rules," you said, playing dumb. "You're gonna regret that," he declared, running at you and tackling you to the ground.
The two of you toppled over, and before you could even comprehend what was happening, Lao had his hands at your sides and was tickling you like there was no tomorrow.
You shrieked, squirming and trying to escape his grip though ultimately he had found your weak spot. You were screaming and laughing, and screaming and laughing, trying to pry his arms away from you.
"Ah!!! Ah...mercy! Mercyyyyyy!!!" you begged, your face bright red from how hard you were laughing. "Not for you!" he snickered, tickling you harder at this to which you only screamed more.
He tickled you until there were tears falling down your face. Kung Lao backed off to take you in, watching as your body twitched from the assault, and as you tried to regain your breath.
"From all this screaming, I thought someone was being mercilessly killed."
The three of you turned your heads toward the familiar voice who spoke, finding Fujin standing a few feet away from you and Lao. You had no idea how long he had been standing there, and you hoped to god he hadn't witnessed you go into sensory overload with all that tickling funny business just before.
Kung Lao held a hand out for you, and you took it, the boy pulling you up onto your feet as he habitually brushed you off a little like a parent ensuring that their child was presentable.
"Lord Fujin," Liu greeted the wind god, his words formal though his demeanour was casual, "how are you?" "I am well, Liu Kang," Fujin nodded, looking between all of you, "I assume you all are as well from the laughter." "Always," Liu smiled.
Lao nudged you,
"Go on, talk to him!" he whisper yelled, obviously trying to conceal your conversation though everyone around could easily hear. "Lao! Quit it!" you whisper yelled back, back handing his arm in a scolding way. "C'mon, he's right here, talk to him about it!"
"Oh? Talk to me about what?"
You and Lao paused your little squabble to look at Fujin again, his white brow cocked in amusement. The way he was looking at you caught you off guard, and your face flushed bright red.
"Oh, uh...it's nothing...nothing important," you spluttered, laughing nervously as you scratched the back of your neck in a sheepish way. "Nothing important my ass," Lao muttered.
You went to hit your friend again, but Fujin spoke up.
"Oh, come now, my feather," he said to you, tilting his head ever so slightly, "why don't you come walk with me? I have something I'd like to talk to you about as well."
By this point, you were all boiling and flustered, from the heat which emanated off your pretty little - though very bright red - face. You didn't say anything, you only nodded and joined him.
As you walked away, you looked back at your two friends. Liu gave you a thumbs up, while Kung Lao made a motion with his hands which simulated two people kissing. You were done with his antics, so you simply stuck your tongue out at him and continued on.
The gardens of the Shaolin temples were always a sight for sore eyes around this time of the year, as the flame trees and the cherry blossoms bloomed in unison and created a beautifully juxtaposed clash in colour as their petals fell around the two of you.
The atmosphere was filled with a gentle breeze, carrying with it the faint scent of flowers and a sense of anticipation.
As you walked side by side, you stole glances at Fujin, unsure of what to expect from this conversation. The nervousness inside you was almost palpable, but you were determined to address just what on earth was going on between the two of you.
"Fujin, I... I wanted to talk to you about something that's been on my mind," you began, your voice carrying a hint of hesitation.
He turned to you, his glowing eyes locking with yours. There was a softness in his gaze that put you somewhat at ease.
"I just...I want to address what...w-what..."
You stammered, lost for words as you tried to search for something, anything to say, thankful for Fujin's patient nature. You realised that there was no easy way to say any of this to him, and you figured you may as well rip the band aid off.
You stopped in front of him abruptly, shaking a little though your eyes screamed determination.
"Fujin, what am I to you?"
Fujin paused for a moment, his eyes studying your face intently. His expression softened, and he stepped closer to you, tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear as he twirled one around his finger. You took a moment to enjoy the closeness, revelling in his all and everything, your eyes fixated on his.
You felt him drawing nearer to you, his face only mere inches away, so close that you could feel his warm breath on your face. You were frozen, stuck in place with shock, unable to react as you remained focused on his keen eyes.
"To me, my feather," he whispered, his eyes looking between your own and your lips, "you are everything. You are the soft whisper of the wind that brings calmness to my chaotic existence. You are the warmth of the sun that brightens my days. You are the strength and resilience that inspires me to fight for what is right..."
His fingers found your jawline, tracing it delicately as he brought his fingers down to your chin and drew your face upward a little. He gently brushed his thumb over your lips.
"...and most importantly, you are the beating of my eternal heart."
His eyes flickered between your own and your lips, as though he were asking permission to take a step further.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, matching the rhythm of his words. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, and your mind raced with a mixture of anticipation, fear, and desire.
Without uttering a single word, you leaned in, closing the remaining distance between you. The world around you seemed to fade away as your lips met in a gentle and tender kiss. It was a moment of pure connection, a fusion of emotions and longing that had been building between you for so long.
You felt his hands caress either side of your waste, and your own found themselves reaching for his body as well, one grabbing his tattooed bicep and the other laced itself in his soft hair.
As the kiss deepened, time seemed to stand still. Every touch, every sensation sent electric currents through your body, igniting a fire within you. It was as if the universe itself had aligned to bring the two of you together, erasing any doubts or uncertainties that once plagued your mind.
Lost in the moment, you allowed yourself to surrender to the passion that consumed you. Your lips moved in perfect harmony, expressing a language of desire and affection that words could never capture. Each kiss spoke volumes, conveying the depth of your emotions and the unspoken promises of a love yet to fully bloom.
Fujin held you close, his touch both gentle and possessive, as if he never wanted to let you go. The warmth of his embrace enveloped you, providing a sense of security and belonging that you had yearned for. In his arms, you felt cherished and protected, a feeling that washed away any remaining doubts and fears.
When you finally pulled apart, breathless and with hearts racing, you gazed into each other's eyes. You didn't say anything - you couldn't say anything. Fujin chuckled, breathily and quietly.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," Fujin admitted, light hearted and giggly though his voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability.
You laughed quietly in disbelief.
"I'm dreaming...I must be," you chuckled, your brows furrowed in confusion.
Fujin shook his head, a soft smile playing on his lips as he reached out to cup your cheek.
"I can pinch you if you'd like," he teased, "though I assure you, this is very real." "I don't know about a pinch, but..." you began, eyeing him mischievously, "...maybe another kiss might convince me?"
Fujin's eyes sparkled with amusement, and he leaned in once again, capturing your lips in a sweet and lingering kiss.
As your lips danced together, you felt a sense of completeness wash over you. The doubts and uncertainties that once clouded your mind seemed to fade away, replaced by a newfound confidence and clarity. In this moment, you realized that you had taken the first step towards a beautiful journey with Fujin, a journey filled with love, growth, and shared experiences.
Hopefully his brother wouldn't be too much of an issue...
I'm kinda tempted to write a part 2?? but idk, we'll see if y'all agree w me.
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ot7stan4life · 18 days
I Missed You
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Handong (Dreamcatcher) x Female Reader
(1 part - completed ✅)
Word Count: 2500
Summary: With you and Handong both being members of different girl groups, you find it hard to make time for each other. After lengthy international schedules, you’re finally able to reunite and, in a moment of vulnerability, you begin to truly understand the full extent of your feelings for each other.
Warnings: no warnings
Idol cameo: Rosé from Blackpink
"Are you sure it sounds good?" the younger blonde member asked, still unsure of the final product of her solo bside even after the endless reassuring compliments I’d given her in just the past few minutes. "I feel like it's missing something,” she stated and turned in her chair to mess with the sound board. "Maybe I should add-"
"Rosie,” I exclaimed with a laugh. "You're gonna be adding stuff all day if you keep overthinking."
Her hands slowly retreated from the massive panel of buttons and she looked up at me, pouting.
"I promise you it sounds perfect. There’s no need to worry.” I sent her an encouraging smile. “Now is the part of the process where you sit back and appreciate it."
She just nodded with a sigh of resignation and stood up.
"You're right, unnie."
Her feet lead her towards me and she outstretched her arms for a hug.
"Thank you for helping,” she mumbled into my shoulder.
I smiled when she backed away and looked into her eyes to see nothing but sincereity.
"Seriously, I couldn't have finished it without you."
Rolling my eyes, I playfully shoved my best friend. "Now you're just getting all sappy. I did nothing."
The Aussie giggled cutely and grabbed hold of my hands so she didn't stumble backwards.
"Whatever, you know I suck at producing on my own,” she stated a little too easily and I frowned at her degrading comment.
"I'm gonna let that slide because we both know it's not true, but next time I hear you talk about yourself like you're not the most ridiculously talented human being ever, I will beat you up."
My eyes squinted threateningly but she only laughed again.
"Right, like you would hurt a single living thing in your life... you big teddy bear,” she mocked, jabbing her fingers into my stomach.
I swatted her hand away which prompted another laugh from her and I grumbled, "I don't know who's worse... you or Dongie."
The mention of my girlfriend seemed to jog her memory because she suddenly exclaimed, "Oh! Are you going to see her tonight?"
She now had her phone in her hands, busy looking something up.
I took a step closer and replied, "Yeah, why?"
"If you see Yoohyeon, will you tell her to respond to my texts?" Her eyes moved from the nearly empty text thread on the screen of her phone back up to my face. A hint of a frown pulled down the corners of her lips at the mention of the Dreamcatcher member she had been making an effort to befriend.
"You know she's terrified of you, right?" I chucked a little.
“Why?” she exclaimed, seemingly both confused and upset all at once while I continued laughing at her dilemma. "I'm like the least intimidating person alive!"
My laughter grew in volume at that and I had to bite back a remark about how true that statement was.
"Because you're an attractive woman, that’s why,” I smirked, remembering how shy the tallest member of my girlfriend's group was around me when I first started hanging out with them.
Handong had warned me about how panicky Yoohyeon got over pretty girls and said that's likely why she hadn't texted Rosé back, too afraid she would say the wrong thing and make a bad impression.
Rosé just sighed in defeat, probably relating to the girl she wanted to get close to. Really, Yoohyeon reminded me a lot of my best friend. They had tons of similarities, so much so that they could very well be the same person in a different body. I mean, they were even born in the same year... that couldn't be a coincidence.
"I'll tell her you don't bite,” I reassured her, only slightly joking. Still, it seemed to make Rosé happy.
"Good,” she smiled. "Now go have fun with your girlfriend. I know you've been dying to see her."
My smile mirrored hers thinking about how much I've been missing Handong since we've both been overseas and I leaned down to hug my best friend once again.
"Tell her I said hi."
My heart warmed at how supportive she was of my relationship and how she went out of her way to even befriend Dongie. Although Rosé was Korean unlike Handong and I, she was still a foreigner having lived in Australia for most of her life and could relate to us in that sense. Plus Rosie was a friendly person by nature so the friendship between her and Handong grew quickly and smoothly.
"I will."
When the hug was over I gave her one last stern glance.
"You better not spend all night working on that song of yours, you hear me?" I pointed my finger at her to emphasize my words.
"Yeah, yeah." She slowly shook her head with a smile. "And you better not have too much fun with that girlfriend of yours,” she gave her best mom voice.
I saluted her, making her wave me off with a laugh.
"Bye. I'll be back later tonight,” I waved, walking to the door of the studio.
"Alright, byeee-” she dragged out, waving back.
"... as long as I don't get kidnapped,” I added just as I slipped through the door.
I could just faintly hear a 'that's not funny' from the younger girl before I was out of earshot. The reply made me chuckle to myself, thinking about how much she worried over me even when it wasn't necessary.
Once I left the company, I went back to my apartment to get dressed. The outfit I chose was nice but not too flashy with the addition of a ball cap, face mask, and sunglasses. Being a member of the most well known girl group in the world came with its perks, but also its downfalls: one of those being the inability to go out in public without getting recognized. Even with the 'disguise,’ it was likely that someone would still notice me. I wouldn't mind it so much if I wasn't afraid of how people would react to me having one on one dinners with Handong.
At this point the general public assumed we were just good friends that bonded over our shared home country and the struggles that came with leaving home and adapting to Korean culture. But I feared the longer we saw each other the more people would start to suspect something deeper between us.
The idea itself didn't bother me, but the inevitable hate that my so called 'fans' would throw at Handong and her members just over the potential rumors was really what worried me. It was something we talked about early on in our friendship, yet Handong always reassured me that she could handle it and that I was worth it. As much as I wanted to argue with her, her clear dedication to our relationship warmed my heart. Plus, maybe I was a little selfish and wanted to keep her in spite of the risks. Either way I'd stand up to my fans and stick up for her if it came down to that and I knew she would do the same for me.
That in mind, I started my drive to Dreamcatcher's dorm, feeling excited about seeing Handong after the month we had been apart. When I arrived, I quickly made my way inside and up to the right level.
After knocking, Minji was the first to greet me with a friendly smile. She asked how I was doing and offered to get me anything from the kitchen, but I politely refused after responding to her greeting.
A couple other members came to see what the commotion was about and Minji left me with them to go fetch Handong.
Yoohyeon had excitedly bounded towards me when she realized it was me (having previously removed my sunglasses and mask) and gave me a hug, telling me how much she missed me.
"I missed you, too," I replied honestly before asking, "Have you been well? How was the tour?" My question was also directed to the maknae who had appeared at Yoohyeon's side to greet me as well.
They both briefly said how much they enjoyed it but how tiring it was before pelting me with compliments about my group's comeback and our VMA performance, saying how cool it was that we got to perform at an American award show and asking about the celebrities we met.
I was overwhelmed by how kind the two were and did my best to answer their questions as I waited for Handong.
As the topic started to shift, I took my opportunity to fulfill my best friend's request.
"You know, Rosé met Taylor Swift while we were there. You should ask her about it some time, Yoohyeon.” I nudged her shoulder with my elbow, raising my eyebrows at her.
She seemed to get what I was hinting at and blushed. "Oh okay- yeah. M-maybe I will." The idea of my member clearly made her flustered and I smiled.
"You should. She's been dying to talk to you," I winked at her which only made the panic worsen.
Just then a familiar voice that made my heart flutter spoke from the distance, "Sorry I kept you waiting, we got finished with practice later than I anticipated."
My eyes finally met those kind, soft brown ones and I felt my cheeks heat up at her appearance. She somehow always looked so elegant and expensive and the black blazer she had on with the necklace I bought her for her birthday earlier this year only further proved that. Her hair was also different than the last time I saw her, now cut into a black shoulder-length two-tone bob with blonde underneath. It somehow made her look older and more mature and I felt my heart rate rise through the roof as I stared at her.
Realizing I probably looked ridiculous in that moment, I closed my mouth and replied, "No, no it's fine. I wasn't waiting that long." My mouth shut with a smile that grew when she looked at me skeptically and chuckled.
"Acting so formal because my members are around," she questioned, "or has it really been that long since we've talked in person?" Her expression was still amused but I could sense that she was also saddened by the last part as much as I was.
"No, I think my brain couldn't believe that the beautiful woman standing in front of me was somehow also my girlfriend,” I said in total honestly, not even trying to be flirtatious.
My words made Yoohyeon squeal beside me even though they weren't directed at her and Gahyun mumbled some exclamation about how she ‘can never seem to get away from it.’
Handong had a different yet predictable reaction, shoving my shoulder and scrunching her nose in mock disgust, yet I could see the pink seep into her cheeks. She liked to pretend that she hated when I said cheesy stuff like that, but I knew she loved it. It always got to her anyways.
"Okay, let's get out of here and away from these pabos." Handong leaned into me but said the last part loud enough to elicit annoyed responses from the two younger members.
I giggled at how their playful behavior resembled the way my members and I joked with one another before bidding them a final farewell. Linking my hand with Handong's, I let her pull me through the doorway and out of their dorm.
When we got into the hallway, she led me to the elevators and pressed the button.
As we waited, she turned to me and put her arms around my neck.
"I missed you,” she finally admitted now that we were alone and looked into my eyes sadly.
My heart sped up and I grabbed her waist to pull her closer.
"I missed you, too." I frowned at her voice and impatiently tilted my head so that my hat didn't hit her forehead before kissing her.
When our lips met, I sighed in relief: her kiss like the first drink of water after a month-long drought. Promotions were especially tiring this time around, but knowing that I would be going back to Handong at the end was the only thing that got me through it.
She started to pull back, but I kissed her again, showing her how much I had really missed her. Her hands grabbed the back of my neck gently and the exhale she let out against my cheek was slightly staggered. Something wet landed on my shirt and it was only then that I realized she was crying.
Alarmed, I pulled back suddenly and examined her face to see fresh tears sliding down her cheeks. By now the elevator had arrived, but I didn't pay it any mind, more concerned about the woman in front of me.
"What's wrong, DongDong?" I asked lightly, but the nickname seemed to make it worse when she whimpered and buried her head in my neck. I held her tighter around her waist and rubbed her back soothingly.
"I'm sorry,” she mumbled into my neck and my heart broke.
"You don't need to apologize, jagi," I whispered and turned to kiss the side of her head.
"I don't mean to cry,” she sniffled, clutching the back of my shirt. "I guess I just didn't realize how much I really missed you."
I felt my own tears starting to form and could only let out a small laugh in response, thinking about how ridiculous we probably looked hugging each other while sobbing in the middle of an empty hallway.
Still, I sucked the tears back in, trying my best to stay strong and comfort her instead.
"Being away from home is never easy either... if you can even really call this home,” I said softly.
She sniffled again and leaned back.
I instantly used my sleeves to wipe the fresh tear stains off her face and she just watched me with a pitiful smile. Once I rid all the stray tears from underneath her chin, she pulled me forward and gently slid my hat off to rest her forehead on mine.
"You are my home,” she told me simply, yet nothing about that statement was simple.
Nothing in the meaning or the way it made me feel. It was better than 'I love you,’ because it meant I was the one she felt safe and comfortable with. Even more than her family back in China. It meant that I was her forever. And that made me feel the most love I had ever felt in my life. From her and for her. Because I knew she was mine too. She was the only one I ever wanted to go back to. The one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
So, I said the same back to her and I kissed her knowing that, though it was the first after a long time, it certainly would not be the last.
**This imagine was transferred over from my Wattpad acc OT5Stan4Life**
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unmanageable-day · 2 months
Time with you
inspo : Kyuhyun - Time with you
pairing: best friend!Scoups x female reader
genre: angsty almost friends to lovers, unrequited love aka friendzoned :(
word count: 2k-ish
warning(s): drinking alcohol (and maybe none other than that)
a/n: not really grammatically checked. i’m just emptying my drafts lmao this has been in my draft for a very long time. would greatly appreciate your feedback and thoughts! :-) also, the gif credit to the rightful owner (@ scoupsy)
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It was another night when you and your best friend, Choi Seungcheol drank your lives away while going through the so-called quarter-life crisis. You with the story of ‘almost’ for the nth time. Almost getting promotion in your job, almost dating with guy A, almost being match-made with guy B, almost picking up a fight with a coworker (which means almost losing your job), and the most recent ‘almost’ was you almost getting back together with an ex who you didn’t like that much. Seungcheol and his much higher alcohol tolerance had drank more bottles than you. He just broke up after five years of relationship, and he couldn’t even cry his eyes out. Not to mention, he just lost a sponsorship for his new project. Isn’t it a perfect night for these best friends to abuse their livers?
“I say let’s just get married if by 30 years old we don’t have a significant other,” he said, his eyes were looking anywhere but you.
You chuckled. “You’re drunk, honey.” He didn’t sound serious or sincere to you, at least now after he sipped three shots in a row.
Both of you were turning 26. Old enough to get married, some people would say. You never gave it a deep thought, especially since most of your friends hadn’t gotten married either. They were either too enjoying their lives, too busy with their jobs, not wanting to be in a committed relationship yet, or they just want to go solo. Let’s be honest, having that one person to spend with for the rest of your life doesn’t always mean a happily ever after ending. On the other hand, you know being married and raising a small family with children is one of Choi Seungcheol’s dreams. You would absolutely be happy for him if it came true any sooner.
He chuckled while pouring beer and soju mix. “I know, but I think I’m sober enough to discuss this thing. What do you say?”
“Even if I agree and say yes right now, you will probably not remember anything tomorrow.”
“Hey, I said I’m sober enough,“ he scoffed as he raised his glass. “Y/N let me tell you, I might look unserious like this, but you have no idea I have tons of husband material.”
“Well, okay I guess, if you want to be my husband that much..” you shrugged, still laughing lightly at the nonsense you two were having that night. And finally Seungcheol knocked himself out that you had to call Jeonghan and Mingyu to pick him up.
The next day, Seungcheol insisted he did remember almost everything he said last night. You still didn’t think of it seriously, so you just responded with a quick ‘yeah’, ‘right’, and ‘okay’. Meanwhile he wanted to have proper documentation about your “agreement”. As you thought it was ridiculous, you just gave him a pinky swear and you excused yourself to go to a company dinner.
27th birthday
There was nothing special. Both you and your dear friend were single, and in fact, enjoyed going solo. Your circle of friends tried again to make you go to blind dates. You did, just for a little appreciation to your friends, although you knew it’s just not going to happen. Same thing with Seungcheol’s friend who always offered him to introduce some juniors from their college or school. This time, Seungcheol always refused. Not ready to build rapport and start a new relationship would be his number one excuse, which would always be understood by others.
28th birthday
Your friends started to cheer that you and Seungcheol should end your friendship and begin a real romantic relationship because you two were always seen together.
“Are you nuts?” You chuckled and pretended to give a disgusted expression to him.
“Don’t come to me when it’s apocalypse and I’m the only man left,” he hissed.
29th birthday --- Seungcheol’s POV
Lately I had been feeling anxious and I can’t comprehend what was wrong. But isn’t it normal for people to be anxious when they’re about to end their 20s? Or is it just me who had been denial about this real, like real, adulting phase?
Without realizing it, I often found myself imagining what the future would be like if it is with you; what would it be like to spend the rest of my life with you. I remember the times we walked together. Well, many times. But when did you become such a precious person to me?
The picture of us being together for a lifetime was getting clearer. Somehow I became so sure about it. That’s when I know, I want to live as your significant other. I want to live with you who never stop nagging but I won’t complain. Even when you’re a worse picky-eater than me, more suck at doing house chores and cooking, disorganized, and sometimes talk in your sleep, but I think I can live with that.
I had never so anxious and thrilled at the same time on my birthday in the past 3 years. I didn’t know why I had to wait until it was our 30th birthday.
A few days to 30th birthday
Seungcheol had been walking around back and forth in his studio for minutes. Once in a while, he looked at the calendar and a ring with flower diamond accent sitting on a personalized leather ring box he put on his desk. He just turned 30 last month and Jeonghan, without being asked, held a birthday party for him. This month you would be turning 30 and he already marked it in his calendar with a lot of drawing.
It was counting days until your birthday. As far as he could remember, not even once you or anybody else had said a word about you seeing someone. He was certain of it. This is it.
He quickly went through a list of restaurants to make a reservation on that Friday night. Let’s not go overboard, he thought to himself as he passed some fine dining restaurants from the list. His final choice was a new sushi restaurant. Okay, it’s not anything fancy, he reassured himself. He didn’t want to make it obvious although he couldn’t hide his excitement and his racing heart.
Just as the sun had set, Seungcheol dialed your number. Unusually, you picked up in less than five seconds.
“Y/n, hi! I’ve got something to tell you!”
“Me too!”
“Great! Let’s meet up?”
After hanging up the phone call, with his dreamy eyes, Seungcheol stared at the ring he chose carefully. Right, I’m gonna do it today! In front of a big mirror, he spent a good amount of time just to pick an outfit that he usually wears.
He arrived first at the restaurant and took his time to practice breathing slowly. As soon as he received your text that you were coming soon, he became restless. The lines he had been practicing in his head now started to blur. Please don't ruin it, he begged to himself.
“Hey. You sound very excited on the phone. Did something good happen?” Trying to manage his cool, he welcomed you and poured a glass of water.
Smiling ear to ear, you nodded vigorously. Seungcheol softly smiled looking at you.
Without words, you lifted your hand, exposing the back of your hand, all your fingers lightly wriggling. For a second, Seungcheol didn’t notice what you were trying to say. Until he remembered that you didn’t like to wear accessories and jewelry with too much accents standing out, including a diamond or even gemstone with bright colors. Yet a silver ring with a cat’s eye gemstone now was stuck prettily around your left ring finger.
Seungcheol forced an innocent smile at you. He shook his head a few times, pretending not to understand anything. Deep down inside, he wished it was not what he was thinking. He wished it was just another piece of jewelry you bought for yourself.
“I’m getting married! Jisoo proposed to me last night!” you squealed as quietly as possible.
“Jisoo.. which Jisoo?” he asked weakly after clearing his throat several times.
“It’s Hong Jisoo! You didn't forget him already, did you?” Your eyes widened and blinked twice. “It’s Jeonghan’s friend. He even came to your birthday party. You even hung out together, the three of you.”
He groggily faked a laugh. “Oh, we did?” He stole a glance at you who were staring lovingly at the new ring. “... am I too late?” he whispered to himself, his hand clenching the suede box hidden in his pocket.
“Hm? What is it that’s too late?” you asked, completely oblivious.
A fake cough slipped out of his mouth. He wore his famous sulky expression. “No, I mean... isn’t it too late that you just told me now? You should have called me last night.” Seungcheol knew sulking was one of his famous traits. And this time, it helped so much to hide his true feelings.
“Wait. But… how did you… since when did you and he…” Seungcheol found himself unable to finish his sentence. It’s not like he really wanted to know or anything. He was too dumbfounded to figure out that after all this time, it was only him who had been thinking about the future of you both. Apparently it was just a one-sided excitement that only he felt.
“Sorry,” you muttered slowly. “You must have thought that this doesn’t make any sense.” You tried to read his expression. Seeing him gulping his water, you did the same before telling your story.
You carefully told him that it started last year, specifically on the new years’ eve when Jeonghan held a party in his house. Seungcheol was there too. What he didn’t know was that you and Jisoo spent some time together after losing a game, which led to going to a convenience mart just to buy candies because Jeonghan suddenly wanted it. You found him very easy going despite his serious and quiet look. Not to mention when he lost it in games with Jeonghan, he became somebody else–and you liked it. He didn’t seem pretentious. He was even never trying hard to look good despite he had that gentleman image. It was interesting to see such different personalities in one person.
You didn’t want to think about him seriously as a romantic relationship was not your priority that time. Jisoo probably thought alike, since he never really made a bold move. Yet you two would always find time, or rather time (and Jeonghan) was in favor of getting you together. Nonetheless, both of you still never declared anything. It started like a situationship, you would say.
Until one day, he wanted to make sure that you both shared the same feelings. Since then, Jisoo and you started to discuss your plan for the future. But again, your relationship hadn’t gone public.
“We didn’t tell anyone until we were sure of ourselves and our plans,” you concluded. “I’m really sorry, Seungcheol. I never meant to keep a secret from you, especially when it comes to something big like this.”
Another forced smile was curved on Seungcheol’s lips. “It’s okay. I understand,” he said, trying as hard as he could so his voice wasn’t trembling. “I’m happy for you, Y/n.”
You wore a big smile and looked relieved. “Thank you. Sincerely, Seungcheol, thank you.”
He flashed a smile before pretending to be busy looking at the menu. “Since today is a happy day, we should celebrate it,” he cheered.
“You’re right. It’s on me.”
In the end, he let you choose all the dishes from appetizer until desserts. It was difficult for him to stay focused. The ring in his pocket felt as heavy as his heart, but he knew he shouldn’t show it to you. He didn’t want to ruin the precious friendship you’d had for only God knows. He didn’t want to be remembered as someone petty who couldn’t support his best friend’s choice. He didn’t want you to hate him, and possibly leave him if he started to act out crazy.
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socheckitout-mikey · 1 year
Hi! I requested the Dal in a bsf relationship. I meant like where they are dating but also act like best friends (v comfortable and kinda goofy kind of relationship) it can include nsfw if you want
heeey, lost the original ask for this one, but thanks for sending this one in! i loved writing this, altho it turned out sappier than i usually write my hc's for dally. hopefully you like them tho! - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Dallas Winston Dating His Best Friend Hc's:
° Being best friends with Dallas and dating him is probably your best bet. You both know each other really well, which brings about understanding and trust.
° That’s right, Dallas Winston trusts someone besides himself and that’s you. You’ve proved time and time again to him that you’re a loyal friend, and with that loyalty birthed the deep feelings he has for you. He may bury them underneath being a menace with annoying teasing sessions or a powerful temper, but they’re there. It takes a trained eye to see it, but you know how he feels about you when there’s that fire in his eyes as he calls you slightly mean little nicknames to rile you up as you’re in the midst of causing trouble; or in the times where you’re going at it, saying the worst things to each other. Those brown eyes say more than most would think and you’re a master at reading them.
° But you don’t admit that you know. You know it wouldn’t do any good, and it would make you feel uncomfortable as well. You understand the score with Dally: He’s not changing for anybody and that includes you too. Somehow you like his untameable wildness — it’s raw and true.
° Not much has changed in your relationship in the way you treat each other. You still engage in your prank wars and get up to no good — the list is entirely endless. The only thing that’s changed is the couple stuff like going on dates, extra PDA and so on. It doesn’t feel strange, but completely natural. Like you both fit together somehow. He’s like a drug that gives you a rush and you’re hooked! You think that even if he broke your heart that it would be worth it all, because at least you lived life on the edge.
° You’re wild like him and probably just as unapologetic. Maybe you have a better head on your shoulders than him so you’re picky with the types of trouble you get invested in, and honestly, Dally respects that — for the most part. He wants you to be courageous alongside him, but the thought of you sitting in a jail cell just doesn’t suit you one bit. So he’s oddly protective of you and keeps the heavy crime completely on the down low around you.
° You guys are always joking around, and sometimes it gets mean as hell. Even Two is left whistling in awe at how you both dig at each other, but then the two of you are grinning and the gang can’t help but shake their heads, declaring you both are insane.
° You guys sing and dance to your favourite Elvis and The Animals hits! You use your mum’s rolling pin as a microphone as you’re meant to be making pie crust whilst Dally is swigging down one of your dad’s beers he promised not to touch. You’d usually get mad at him for it, but he’s got flour in his hair and your heart is galloping as Dally gets silly, pulling you close to dance with him. It’s a soft moment, but you never bring it up again unless it’s just you two. He’s got a reputation to uphold and a fearsome hood dancing about with flour in his hair wouldn’t do his notorious image any justice.
° He likes to drive you places, but you hate his driving. You’re holding on for dear life as he zooms through traffic. You’re so uptight that it leads to you both bursting into a fit of laughter at the traffic lights because you sounded and looked so ridiculous! I think that’s what Dally likes the most about you, you’re always laughing at yourself and finding ways to make him laugh at himself too. You cut through some of that anger and sometimes it scares him a little.
° You guys play fight all of the time. Wrestling and putting each other into headlocks are your favourite pastimes! You’re always messing with each other in public, sneaking up on each other — the list is so long! It’s a lot of fun and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
° You’ll never forget the time you managed to spook Dallas out of his skin when he returned from the bathroom one night. You never let him live it down.
° “Jesus fuckin’ Christ!” Dallas screamed as you popped out from the closet. His fists were clenched, like he was about to swing out and knock you on your ass, but he was holding back. He was pale as a ghost, having stumbled back into the opposite wall. All you could do was laugh, tears streaming down your cheeks as he recovered, “You little shithead! I coulda hit you you know?! Fuckin’ givin’ me a heart attack! What you laughin’ for? It ain’t funny!”
° Boy was he grouchy with you after that. But he did get you back worse in true Dally fashion.
° Dallas likes to take you to parties and he’ll dance with you, but it takes some coaxing. He likes to dip and flip you, even likes to throw you up in the air! It’s exhilarating and he’s enjoying it just as much as you do because of that goofy grin you’ve got on your face. 
° Fights are often passionate and fueled with a lot of hurt. One thing can set it off and I think it hurts more with how close you guys are. You both hate fighting but it happens to every couple. Dally may be in one of his moods and although you’re good at reading him you sometimes make mistakes and talk to him when he needs space. Other times it can be you that causes them. Either way they hurt and depending on how big they are will determine how long it lasts. But you guys surprisingly don’t fight very often because of how chill specifically you are.
° Dally hates it when he gets locked up because he hates disappointing you. There was one time where he got arrested right in front of you and the way you were crying as the cops cuffed him up was the worst. He sucks at comforting people and when you went to step forward, Dally looked cold as hell as he told you to get back. It hurt you, but you realised he was just trying to protect you. These cops were dirty and he didn’t want you getting arrested because they perceived your actions as trying to prevent his arrest.
° When you visit him in the cooler, he does love it. However on the other hand he also feels a little uncomfortable that you're seeing him there again. He's prepared for a speech and sometimes you do have one prepared, but mostly you're just relieved to see that he's okay. You tease him for that horrible buzz cut he has.
° He’s more tense and reserved, but he’s happy to see you. Dally is really aware of the other inmates around, but he likes seeing you. You make jail much better to endure.
° You guys get up to a lot considering Dally is very social, and you are too. You’ll go to parties, drive-ins, concerts, diners, beer blasts, rodeos, carnivals and a whole host of other things! Dally takes you to Bucks if you wanna go and there isn’t such a rowdy crowd in there. He enjoys spending time with you and getting up to no good. He likes to show off a lot to impress you, which can sometimes go wrong.
° Like that time after he’d rode bull in a rodeo and he went to hop over the top of the fence but his feet got caught in the metal which resulted in him practically face planting on the ground. He’d thought he was so cool, grinning at you impishly. It ruined the moment fast and he just had to laugh at himself as he dusted himself off.
° “Whatchu laughin’ at, eh?” he laughed as he trotted towards you.
° You barely got the word, “you,” out of your mouth. You were a mess with tears streaming down your cheeks.
° “This is how you greet your man, eh?” He grins down at you, hands on your hips.
° He didn’t help the matter but he did get a kiss out of it.
° If your playful flirting before was anything to showcase your fondness for each other, dating has made that so much worse. Sometimes Steve over hears it and starts yacking, but it's only because you guys amp it up due to the fact you know he's listening in.
° But Dally is a huge flirt! He loves to make you embarrassed – if he's capable of doing that any more. Flirting is one of his main love languages besides physical touch. He's sort of lame though because sometimes he pretends to do that whole thing where he doesn't know you, which is always a great laugh when you go along with it.
° He’s certainly protective of you and shows he cares about you in the subtle ways you’ve learnt to pick up. He doesn’t always tell you he loves you, but his actions show that he does. He shows it through walking or driving you places, standing up for you, giving you his jacket and telling you to keep it, taking you to bed when you fall asleep on him when you’re both watching a movie on the couch and so on.
° 100/10 y’all are genuinely so cute and funny together!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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sadcatinapartyhat · 4 days
In which Peter is not having a good night
An excerpt from the third chapter of my second-year Marauders fic, on ao3 :)
This was not how Peter had been picturing his first day back at Hogwarts. 
He should’ve known he was doomed the second he’d tasted that blasted pastry. Half the train ride stuck in the loo, all because his mother hadn’t remembered to check the expiry date on the eggs. Then Sirius’s brother went and got himself sorted into Slytherin, which meant Peter would never be allowed to be friends with him, which sucked, because he actually liked him quite a bit (far more than the original, anyway). Then he kept losing at that stupid Muggle game, even though he was the only one following the rules, and then—
Well. And then that happened.
And now Peter was downstairs on the sofa, staring at the ceiling under a scratchy red afghan, instead of upstairs in his bed with his nice soft quilt, wondering how it could possibly be true that his second-best friend in the world had been a man-eating monster all along. 
Half of him wasn’t sure it was true. Remus, a werewolf? Tiny, pale, exhausted Remus Lupin, who couldn’t even fly a lap around the school without trembling—a ferocious, hairy beast? It was ridiculous! Mad! Laughable! Remus didn’t have fangs, or claws, or glowing eyes. He didn’t growl, or walk on his toes, or any of the other things Peter remembered from the stories his dad used to tell. He didn’t even like bacon! (And who didn’t like bacon?) 
No. It simply couldn’t be. 
With a sigh, Peter rolled over to face the other sofa. In the dim reddish glow cast by the dying fire, he could just make out a long, thin form, staring corpse-like at the ceiling.
“James?” he whispered.
James sounded wrong. Like he’d swallowed molasses, and now it was clogging his throat.
“Do you think…” Peter hesitated. “Do you think maybe they were…I dunno, just having a laugh?”
“I mean,” Peter continued. “Surely…surely Remus can’t actually be—”
“He is.”
At the ice in James’s voice, Peter shrank back into the cushions, pulling his blanket tighter. James was never angry—and that made it all the more terrifying when he was.
“He is,” James repeated, propping himself up on his elbow to glare in Peter’s direction with unfocused eyes. “Didn’t you see his face? He’s not that good an actor. Not even close. And besides, nobody has a laugh about—about that.” He drew in a deep, shuddering breath. “Think about all the times he’s gone missing, and all the other weird shit he does—it all adds up. Lupin is a werewolf, Pete. And Sirius knew. They’ve both been lying to us for ages.”
Well, if James was so sure it was true, it probably was. 
Remus was a werewolf. 
Peter tried to let it sink in. He rolled the words around in his mind, and conjured up an image of a werewolf and an image of Remus and held them side by side, and tried to see the resemblance. He thought back over every interaction they’d ever had, every time Remus had ever helped him with his homework, every sad smile he’d seen on his face, and he tried to reconcile those memories with the fact that Remus had never actually been his friend at all. He’d just been a monster. 
And then, the most ludicrous thought Peter had ever had in his entire life popped into his mind. 
What if both of those things can be true? 
Peter was so surprised he nearly fell off his sofa. 
Nobody says Remus can’t be both a werewolf AND your friend, the tiny voice in the back of his mind persisted. He was your friend yesterday, and he was already a werewolf then—why can’t he be your friend tomorrow?
Hush, Peter told the voice sternly. That’s absurd. Everyone knows werewolves can’t have friends. 
But why not? said the voice. Aren’t they only dangerous on full moons? Why can’t he be your friend the rest of the time?
Because! Peter thought furiously, mind too clouded by sleep to come up with proper reasoning. Because—because he just can’t! I can’t be friends with a werewolf, because NOBODY is friends with werewolves, and I don’t have to know why to know it’s not done. And that’s final.
Still, as he lay there in the darkness, the voice whispered: but what if they’re wrong?
Thanks for reading! If you liked it, you can keep reading from the start of the chapter, the start of second year, or the start of first year :)
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cookiesupplier · 2 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Forty-Eight
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Back to my unbeta warning lol, also, bit of a time skip, few weeks after after the big date night!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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Talia was staring down at her phone, she had to bite the bullet on this sooner or later. In the weeks gone by so much had happened, so much had changed, and yes, also settled. While on one hand, she still had her room here, at Vinny’s, she was spending more and more time at both Chris and Ricky’s houses. Ricky had moved back to his house, just in the last week in fact, last night, they’d had a movie night at his place. Where they’d been all curled up in his living room watching horror movies, eating popcorn, junk food, and just enjoying their time together. The idea was for them to try to help him make a new memory for him to have there, that he didn’t have to worry about anything else. She had been over one of their houses almost every night for the past week.
The fact that she was here, at Vinny’s today, and had every intention to stay, was probably a shock and a half. She just, she needed to finally do this. She’d already talked to Chris, and Ricky, considering her options. Both her soulmates were here, they were here, and Ava, Ava was clearly glued to Vinny’s side with no intention of returning. Talia was only planning on returning because her life with Ricky, had seemed completely non-existent, and now, now that was a completely different circumstance. She didn’t just have Ricky to consider, but Chris too.
Talking to Jordan, and Kyle, they had laughed about how silly she sounded when she was worried about their feelings if she wasn’t to come back. Kyle turning around and asking her how long has she been living for everyone else, and it was about damn time she started living for herself for once! So damn well, girl, go do it. Do make him fly out there and slap some sense into her! She’d just been about to cry at that, laughing a little at the same time, telling him she had a laugh to make him do just that. Especially if it meant they’d visit her and Ava at least once, yes, she might be considering moving here, but the thought of leaving her friends behind like they were nothing? It hurt her heart. She wanted them to visit, or she’d drag Ava to visit them, use the band's tour schedule even as an excuse if she had to. Talia didn’t think she would have to, but you never sometimes know what life would throw at you. 
Next came the question on how she’d move here. Chris and Ricky both had their own houses, and Ava was already living with Vinny. So living in an apartment with Ava now would be off the table, she could get her own apartment, a space for herself, so it wouldn’t put pressure on their new relationship. It also wouldn’t have either Chris or Ricky feel the other got more time with her, she had considered that, she didn’t want to risk it. When she’d mentioned that worry they’d told her not to be ridiculous, and she had frowned, that it wasn’t ridiculous, Chris had taken her hands and told her straight, it was. She was their soulmate, they would make it work, after everything they had been through, they weren’t going to let something like, who slept where, or who got more time with whom, get in the way with that. 
They all knew what it felt like to have this slap them so hard in the fact, they all knew what this felt like to hurt them so deep in their soul that their tattoos had literally burned. None of them were going to just give up on making this work, so whatever she chose to do, they could make this work.
Ava had talked to Vinny and told her that until she figured what she intended to do, she was still welcome to the guest room. Talia had started to say she’d already been here almost two months, she didn’t want to be a freeloader. In the end, after some arguments, when everything settled down, Talia insisted, once she found a job here, and she would, soon, she was going to start contributing, at least until she figured out her living situation. Either way, the job was a must, her savings were dwindling, it was either job, or home, the choice had been coming any day.
So, now she had one more person to talk to about this.
Well, one more person other than her landlord to arrange breaking her lease back home, Kyle and Jordan were helping her and Ava pack up the rest of their apartment. No one in the world had better friends. It wasn’t even just her friends she had to count on, she knew that, 
Bea, her boss. It was time for her to let her know she wasn’t coming back to her job. She had told her when she left that she could take all the time that she needed, knowing that her soulmate situation was complicated, at best, and her job would be waiting for her when she came home. Now she felt awful that she was going to be telling her that she wasn’t going to be coming home at all. Talia had never intended for this to happen. When she’d left, not coming home had never been a question in her mind, whether Ava would come back. She knew Vinny travelled a lot with the band considering their tours as it were, and not all the members of the band were based in the same place, so who knows where they would have ended up settling. Maybe Vinny would have chosen to move to her, but it was obvious now that wasn’t going to happen. 
Sure, Talia could tell Ricky and Chris she didn't want to move, but they were both based here. Asking them to pick up their lives, when Ricky had already moved from Seattle, it felt like it would be a selfish move. Yes, they spent a large part of their lives on the road, but they deserved a stable home life as much as anyone. Talia understood the importance of having a stable home life, intensely, and she didn’t want to pull that out from under their feet. 
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She wanted to make this phone call alone, so she stayed in at Vinny’s and was in her room. Setting her phone to speaker, her hands shaking, she was nervous, she always got nervous giving bad news even over phone calls, especially over phone calls. She couldn’t see the other person to know if the way they sounded was genuine or not. 
Hearing the phone ringing, and then when the click, 
“Hello, this is Inkfinity Tattoos, this is Mandy, how may I help you?”
Talia smiled, Mandy was one of the apprentices when she left, obviously she was helping at reception since Ava left, and she knew Ava had already told Bea weeks ago she wouldn’t be coming back… Bea had probably been waiting for this call. Dammit. Talia had just been so unsure, especially with the conspiracy theory.. They still hadn’t told anyone, just enjoying their time together. Talking about being soulmates when the others just knew no one could destroy what they had, didn’t seem important, just, that what they had, was special to them, and it was.
“Hey Mandy, it’s Talia, is Bea in?”
Her phone was on her bed as she fiddled with her fingers, hoping beyond hope that Bea understood. It was one thing to lose a receptionist, another thing to lose an artist that had been working there for years, and she was holding a station for. Not to mention, she’d known Bea since before she’d started work at Inkfinity. Bea had been the reason she’d been able to get the apprenticeship in the first place that had led to her job there, this was going to feel like she was letting her down on so many levels.
“Chicka! It’s been awhile since I’ve heard from you, I need all the juicy gos, what's going on with those boys?”
Right, she’d told her about Chris, and Ricky, back when everything had hit the fan, and she’d had to set her account to private, because a lot of business sometimes came through her personal page despite her best efforts. Clients tagging her personally along with the store, she supposed now it would be good to have an artist page now, strictly as an artist, no matter what store she was working at, separate from her personal account. If she wanted to keep a personal account at all, after this debacle with Grace. 
“Okay, I’ll give you all the gossip, I swear!” 
Laughing slightly, it felt nice to start on a light-hearted note, but she still felt a bit nervous.
“Safe to say, that it’s heating up, and ah, it’s hot enough that I’ve decided to stay, so um..”
She held her breath then, Talia was really not good at this part, it terrified her. She tried, she really tried to be better at being assertive, but those she cared drove her nuts, and Bea had done so much for her, more than most knew, and-
“And you want to see just how HOT it’s going to get, huh? I get you, girl..”
Oh, she did not know, Talia knew just how hot it was going, and had already gotten. It certainly wasn’t all about the sex though, what was between them was so much more than that, there was a far stronger connection than just sex. It showed when Talia couldn’t handle people and ended up curled against one or both of them on the couch of one of the houses. When they went back on tour it was going to make it so much harder, she was going to have to ask Laura and Ryan’s partner how they dealt with the absence.
“Darling, it’s about time. You deserve this.. After everything that happened to you in that damn place, everything that you went through, you deserve all the happiness you can get after the way they treated you, the way your family treated you. You know what, I think I might even have some friends over that way, not sure if they’re still working, they might be, if they aren’t, they might know some people in shops that are.. I’ll put some feelers out that you. See who might be looking, at the very least, put in a good word, give you a glowing reference, and don’t worry, I’ll pack up all your gear, you just tell me where to send it.. OH! And don't you dare forget to visit when you come by to see those boys.. Bringing those hotties.. I wanna meet them, someone's got to judge how good they are for you, other than Ava of course. She can be won over by chocolate and flowers, I know her.”
Hearing a laugh from the other end of the line.
“I know you, you don’t want to judge them for me, you just want to judge their tattoos.”
That just made Talia laugh, of course. With the promise of calling back later with more of the hot goss as it were, Talia finished the call, Bea made her feel so much better about this.. Of course, she had, she hadn’t needed to say a thing, and she’d.. She’d been terrified.. But then.. She jumped when she heard another voice in her doorway.
“I thought you said you hadn’t told anyone about what happened in the institute? About, what they did to you?”
Ava. Looking over at her, Talia felt like a deer caught in headlights, while she knew how Bea knew about what had happened to her, and it had nothing to do with Talia saying a single word to her about it. In fact, she had pointedly gone out of her way not to say anything to her about what had happened, on purpose, because every time she even thought about doing so, she’d almost had a mental breakdown. Just knowing, she’d known, had been almost too much, until she realised, until Bea had let her know, without actually saying a word, she’d never tell a soul, Talia knew she was okay. She was safe. 
“I never told her anything, Ava, let me explain, I-”
The way her face contorted in almost disgust then, it just made Talia’s heart hurt, and it made her feel sick as she just wanted to crumple into nothing.
“God, Talia, how could you, you’ve been lying to people for so long, you don’t even know how to tell the truth anymore? Maybe you should leave? I’ll talk to Vinny.. You should talk to Ricky or Chris, see if you can stay with one of them, because this, is just.. I can’t believe that I actually thought you’d-”
Talia yelled as she stood up from the bed, gasping a little, 
“I didn’t tell her shit, she was there! Bea worked as a volunteer helping at the institute because she had family admitted for treatment, I won’t say more than that, because it’s not my place.. But she saw what happened to me first hand.. She saw how they treated me. She knew, and you have no right to accuse me of anything without even listening. I always listened to you, about everything.” Talia’s eyes prickled with tears.. This, this was what she’d been afraid of when she’d first told Ava about not telling her from the start, that she’d think she’d betrayed her. Seemed, she’d had a tipping point after all…
“When I got out, she got me my apprenticeship because she knew how much I loved art, you joked for years about how I never ever even considered being a tattoo artist before Europe, well, thank Bea for that. I wasn’t going to turn down the only opportunity I had for a real life when I had nothing before.. In the end, not only was I good at it, I love it. Ava, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I didn’t tell Bea anything, I couldn’t. Even just the thought of talking to her when she offered me the apprenticeship, or offered to rent me my space at the shop, I spiralled both times.. I couldn’t handle it.. You want to kick me out, go for it, but I did not tell Bea anything. Period.”
She couldn’t, however, say, she hadn’t been keeping something from her.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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ghoulishtomato · 2 months
Under the "keep reading" tab, you will see a bullet list of my reaction to a movie I found at Half-Priced Books called Night at the Magic Museum. It'll be me pointing out things about the movie and what I enjoy and whatnot. I do my best to describe what happens in the movie but, again, it's mostly reactions, so not a reliable play by play of the movie's events.
First, the basic plot synopsis of the movie that they have in the back of the DVD case (which is completely true and accurate to the events of the film):
⚡ During a fierce electrical storm, lightning hits a museum creating a magical passageway between our world and the world within the museum's paintings. Ben and Kim (brother and sister) find themselves transported to a 17th century village under siege by Falco, an evil sorcerer learned in the ways of black magic. The kids learn that the evil Falco is in search of the village's most prizes possession: The Jewel of Polaris. With the Jewel, Falco will be unstoppable. Ben and Kim must save the village and return to our world before it's too late.⚡
Now, onto my actual (a little bit disjointed) commentary:
before the actual movie, there was a trailer that had some lovely 90s Fantasy Whimsy, and the scenes/compositions scratched my brain just right that now my hopes for NAT(M)M are probably way too high now. Also, the trailer was for something called The Tiny Kingdom, so ofc my NATM brain thought of Jed and Oct
LOVE the orchestra music that plays over a black screen as they list the credits. If they really wanted to rip off NATM tho, they coulda shown us B Roll of the magic museum. But it serves it's purpose and I love orchestra music so I'm not bothered.
We are now in 1632. A Sharp tongued British man named Falco is sneering at his subordinates (?) and my Red Dwarf brainrot has immediately projected Arnold Rimmer onto him.
Falco is kind of cunty actually. And also sounds EXACTLY like Rimmer.
Very obvious ADR for this one side character, but otherwise, not the worst production! I enjoy this!
This would fuck as an old anime, that's what the dialogue feels like.
It's probably impertinent that I tell y'all right now that I fuck with older shit and actively enjoy what people nowadays would likely call major flaws and "ruining the immersion".
Some... Editing discrepancies... They say it is raining outside... No it's not 💀 And not enough for there to be flashes of blue lightning visible from inside. But luckily I possess a strong will for suspension of disbelief. And the blue lightning is just sort of a running motif through the movie as a reminder of the real world while they're in the painting.
Ben and Kim are mentioned in the plot synopsis, but they leave out the fact they have a little sister named Casey, who I argue is pretty important to the movie. Kim works at the museum and she has to bring Ben and Casey along with her.
Omg, Armour in a museum. Like Lancelot.
Okay VERY obvious ADR line that was supposed to be said by young teen Ben, but the ADR'd voice sounds like a grown ass man 💀? Quite a few noticable ADR moments that don't quite match up with what's on screen throughout the movie actually.
Alright, paintings can come to life because of lightning. No Egyptian magic here.
God, Ben is such a 90s teen boy.
Very clearly the draw of this movie is not the museum- like at all. It's this ONE painting functioning as a portal and the legit world it leads to. Not in any art style a la the black and white painting in Smithsonian, or the Escher painting in Secret of the Tomb. Just a straight up other world. Painting just sucks Ben and Kim in after lightning strike and spits them out into a hay pile in fantasy land.
There's a menacing guy who fell out of a painting and is now up and about in the museum (not important).
Older sister Kim is coming to ridiculous conclusions to blame Ben for the situation they're in (a la annoying big sister stereotype) but Ben's responses are so calm, candid, and reasonable that it's not annoying to me HAHA
Ben's so fucking funny actually HAHA. Everyone has had at least one surprisingly funny line actually
This Fantasy world low-key reminds me of The Legend of Zelda and I fuck with it. Just a little bit. (But everyone is basically human here; no fish people, or even fairies or hell, not even elves).
Falco is such a cunty asshole. Excellent villain so far oh my gAWD. He's so evil.
People keep mocking each other in this movie it's so funny.
HAHA, OKAY SO- They gave us a magician guy (M) who indirectly is responsible for Lincoln's assassination. This movie is so delightful. M is my new favorite.
M is there, btw, because Casey likes to draw, and he's basic her OC that they manage to get into the painting (in order to help Ben and Kim get home and whatnot) by sticking here drawing to the painting they're in. Yeah, Casey's just hanging in the museum with a security guard named Monty (who also play the magician M. The actor actually has some nice range in this movie!).
If you're like crazy about world building, I hate to tell you that s o m e of the stuff about this isn't real clear to me (like, it's implied the fantasy characters also existed in the real world or something but like??? That doesn't make sense here) so like 💀💀
Fun and creative puzzle moment near the climax :D Just one though. Also, Ben likes to roller skate, and that's helpful for this cave he's in to find some magic jewel to help him and Kim get home (and that he's gotta find before Falco).
Also there was a cave in this movie that Istg I saw in a dream...
There's this voiceover narration for some "Tests of bravery and intelligence" Ben has to do, and the narrator sounds like Crispin Freeman to me, heehee (it's def not him tho).
Btw, sister Kim has been delegated to prisoner waiting to be rescued but this is a late 90s fantasy movie so like... what do I expect.
The acting is kind of 1 Note, all on the same level for the most part. It's not bad by any means, of course, they've all been funny at least.
...... This movie had an extremely lackluster and borderline disappointing climax with all the fantasy land magic jewel shit... 💀 Falco deserved something more grand...
Btw, remember how I said there was a guy from a painting wondering around? Well he seemed to be after Casey for unknown reasons. But he was hardly in the movie 💀 He seemed to pose a threat near the end, but dispatching him was "super easy. Barely an inconvenience!" (A sword shot out of fantasy land painting for some reason and killed him before meeting him back into his painting).
So that's it. Literally NOTHING like Night at the Museum save for magic painting portal. Again, as mentioned in my previous post about the movie (and based on how the movie just looks and functions) it was made in like '99.
So what the fuck is the deal with the EXTREMELY NOTICEABLE Night at the Museum coattail riding???
Well, the company that released the movie (from what I can tell) is Moonbeam films, which wasn't founded until 2012- bUT it's parent company is Full Moon features, which was founded in 1988. So if I were to guess, perhaps Full Moon features made the movie, but Moonbeam released it on DVD.
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NOW, THE ORIGINAL TITLE FOR THIS FILM WAS ACTUALLY Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum. But when it was released on DVD in August of 2012, it was renamed to Night at the Magic Museum (it looks like it had a few other different names it could've been called as well, including just The Magic Museum or Mysterious Museum).
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Both these production companies or whatever don't make like... The best films, I guess. Or at the very least, very tongue-in-cheek goofy ass movies that aren't trying to be cinema or anything (which is so valid of them). In fact, Full Moon features is known for shit like Evil Bong, Gingerdead Man, and Gingerdead Man vs. Evil Bong.
The point is- they're not particularly high quality or serious about their movies and productions if I were to take a lucky guess (cause I'm not gonna search THAT deep into this; I'm not a YouTuber who can get paid for it 💀).
Moonbeam Films changed the movie title AND specifically designed the DVD case to match Night at the Museum as close as they possibly could (from the composition down to the font) YEARS after the movie was originally made/released, and a few years after Night at the Museum released it's sequel, Battle of the Smithsonian. Hell, the kid on the DVD cover doesn't even look like the movie's MC, Ben (left) 💀 They just grabbed some random white boy to pose SPECIFICALLY for this.
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NATM had proven itself to be- like- EXTREMELY fucking popular among kids, families, and a bunch of gay people who want to see that tiny cowboy and Roman kiss. Like we see with lots of bootlegs, they were likely banking on riding the coattails of NATM's success in order to make money on their low budget crummy movie...
Except like.... Search for the Jewel of Polaris isn't bad? It's nowhere near the level Night at the Museum is production wise, of course. But it's got a homey feel to it. It's got an actual story it's telling, and the actor's do quite a good job! (Especially in the beginning of the movie). It is it's own, quaint little movie that I would like to watch a second time.
To ride on the coattails of another movie kind of shows insecurity about the movie's actual contents I think. I mean, that dinosaur, knight, pirate ship, and weird alien thing we see on the cover?? Not in the damn movie 💀 This attempt to be dishonest about what the movie has to offer while also maybe hoping people confuse it with another, successful movie in order to milk money out of it just looks bad on Moonbeam Films' behalf.
In conclusion: Search for the Jewel of Polaris is NOT a Night at the Museum ripoff, and could never have been, what with being made 6-7 years before the first NATM actually came out. It was rebranded in 2012 as Night at the Magic Museum for DVD releases by Moonbeam Films. It's a cute, simple little movie with it's own charming characters and concept, and you can feel the human touch/heart all throughout it 💛💛
Thank You for reading. ☺️✨ Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be thinking about Falco for forever til eternity.
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cosmicjoke · 5 months
Do you maybe dislike Erwin, maybe even a bit? I see a lot of hostility towards Erwin of recent and I know it's because of an annoying minority. But it is kind of sad to see the hostility towards Erwin's character because of it, not even you specifically. People now take countless jabs at his character and some even claim he had no one who cared about him. And even some have takes that Levi hated him, which to me sounds crazy.
No, I don't dislike Erwin at all. If you've read any of my posts about Levi's and Erwin's relationship, you would see I constantly talk about Erwin being a good man, about his amazing leadership qualities, about his importance to Levi, how he had more influence on Levi than probably any, other person in his life, etc... I just won't say Levi was in love with him, because he wasn't. And for that, I get accused of all kinds of ridiculous things, like being homophobic, being an anti-shipper, being a blight on the eruri community. There's nothing to support the notion that Levi was in love with Erwin, or vice versa, and I think it does a massive disservice to their actual relationship, and to them as individual characters, when people insist on that being the reason Levi was loyal to Erwin, or why Levi let Erwin die in Shinganshina. It's a complete dumbing down of the actual complexity and nuance of their relationship and what they meant to each other, and of Levi's actions with regard to Erwin in particular, and it skews ones ability to actually understand either of their motives within the broader narrative of the story.
Levi cared immensely about Erwin. But people that insist he was in love with him want to make it seem as if he cared only about Erwin, or that he cared about him more than anyone else. That's just simply not true. Levi cared about everybody. Every, single one of his comrades. He saw all of their lives as equally valuable. Erwin's, too. He let Erwin die because he didn't think it was right to let him keep suffering. But when people try to say, for example, that Levi's vow to Erwin to kill Zeke was only for Erwin, they completely dismiss how much Levi cared about the lives of every soldier that died that day in Shinganshina. How much it affected him, that they all rode to their death to give him the chance to kill the Beast Titan. There's a reason Levi thinks of all of them when he thinks of his vow. There's a reason Levi says, "Finally, I can prove your deaths had meaning". It completely undercuts the compassion Levi holds for every life, when people try to make it all about Erwin, and no one else. It denies Levi his actual heroism and goodness, by making it seem as if he didn't feel anything, or particularly care, about the 100 other soldiers that gave their lives for humanity that day.
And that's pure bullshit.
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themoonsbride · 2 years
She's Mine, You Stay Away From Her .
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pairing; Peter Ballard x Fem!Reader
summary; Reader is basically in Elevens spot like in the episodes leading up to 7; The Massacre at Hawkins Lab in season 4
warnings; swearing, descriptions of - Murder, insanity, hatred, being shocked, anxiety, isolation. Peter himself is considered a warning for this fic.
a/n; I've spent forever working on this agh!!! it's been taking up my time of working on other requests </3 but I got the inspiration of this fic based of an edit I saw of Peter to this song! I also just really wanted to write him to a Pierce The Veil song because they're my favorite band :) (HOPING THIS DOESNT FLOP HHJ)
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word count; 5.1k
The lingering quietness was always off putting inside of Hawkins Labrotory. It always made you feel uneasy. The fact that you were forced to live and work here everyday for most likely the rest of your life was uneasy.
But there was nothing that could be done, Martin Brenner was a dangerously powerful man who ruled over everybody that was within the walls of his facility.
And it was clear to you that he had not a single silver of an amount for care for the humans inside of his building either. If he did, he wouldn't be scientifically experimenting on children to give them different forms of physiological powers. It was inhuman to do this to undeveloped brains of practically toddlers.
And you having to watch and document it happen every single day was picking away at your sanity piece by piece. What you would do if you could've had the power the children withheld.
You would take matters into your own hands and put an end to all of this insanity that went on, put an end to the man behind the madness.
You weren't sure if you were losing your sanity, or if it was already lost. But you would do anything to break free of this hell, Martin seemed to be Satan himself when someone did something he didn't like, if they even breathed the wrong way, his wrath would come their way and would last for longer than you'd prefer to admit.
But you weren't the only one who seemed to grow this type of hatred for a place like this, no. There was another, And though you'd never been directly told you weren't the only one, you could tell. It was obvious in your eyes.
He seemed to be Brenners favorite, and also his most hated worker, And his name is Peter Ballard. A man with the facial features made of pure beauty like a God.
He isolated from others, as they were uninterested in him and often spat shit at him, infront of him and behind his back and you'd heard it all. Some of the pesky rumors that went around about that gorgeous man seemed so ridiculous a fucking 4th grader could've came up with better.
You were both just looking at eachother, the tension wasn't awkward between the two of you, she was nervous to be standing before you, you towered over her.
She probably would have started to sweat thick bullets if it weren't constantly fucking cold. Which surprisingly didn't constantly get the children sick, maybe them having humanly impossible powers strengthened their immune system to the point they don't get sick anymore.
It wouldn't suprise you if that were true, nothing was surprising anymore unless Brenner left you off with a warning and not 3 hours of you getting shocked to the point your nerves went numb and you felt like you were about to take your last fucking breathe.
"play." Eleven mumbled out and lightly tugged on the hem of your skirt. you raised a brow at her, your face felt blank, and numb, you felt numb inside too.
"play what." your voice was clear and ferm, your remember how your mother used to tell you when you were a teenager that she loved the femininity in your voice, it made you sound more professional.
The image of your mother's face in your head made you feel a certain way, a feeling that had felt lost for a long time, like it was hidden deep and burrowed inside you.
"puzzle." Eleven spoke, bringing you back to the reality you lived in today. the dreadful reality you lived in.
"okay." her small fingers wrapped around your index one, guiding you towards a small table, leaving you next to one of the chairs, you sat down feeling somewhat hesitant. You didn't understand, why now? why would Eleven now be talking to you?
Maybe it was something under the control of Peter, or Brenner, maybe either of them convinced her to talk to you, to get you to like her and use her as a weakness towards you. You didn't trust anyone anymore, the first look you took inside this building, you knew you were fucked.
Eleven sat across from you and placed a tiger children's puzzle onto the table, opening the box carefully. Everything felt off, You'd never spoken to Peter before, but you didn't need too, you already knew he hated this facility as much if not more than you did.
But you did supervise the rainbow room together, You were never a fan of the room, infact you seemed to have a weird sense of hatred for it, the way the room was displayed.
Maybe it was those muted rainbows on the wall and flooring. Or all the toys that surrounded them to make it seem like they were cared for, when in reality it was most likely to keep them distracted from the mortifying reality around them.
The somewhat nice part about that room was the children mostly placed nicely with one another, the youngest would play with wooden building blocks or solve animal puzzles. There were only around 4 of the children that were in their tweens..
It was 002 and his gang, God you fucking hated 002 and his devious little followers. All they did was bother one of the subjects, and specifically one, her name was Eleven.
She never caused trouble, because she was too afraid. She feared everybody, and she was only a little bit older than the youngest ones. She was 8 years old, the younger ones were more around 5-6.
She was especially scared of the workers, but she liked to play around with the puzzles and challenge herself to see if she could solve them, she also seemed to be observant.
She seemed to take interest in you, often you would catch her looking over at you, but you'd never thought anything of it, mainly because you couldn't care enough.
But today was different, because this time instead of the small girl just eagerly staring at you, she ended up walking her walk over towards you. You tried not to show the suprise on your face, you saw Peter watching her as if he were a hawk and she was a meek prey from the corner of your eye.
Her shaved head looked up at your eyes, You assumed she wanted to talk to you, but since she was 8, and no one cared to teach these beings anything else other than how to enhance their powers, they most likely didn't understand how to form full sentences from what you've seen and heard.
You looked around the room carefully without trying to move your head much, you started inspecting the rest of the ominously quiet room. The children were usual to minding their business.
You brought your gaze to the blonde man who kept to himself, and noticed he couldn't seem to keep his own gaze off of you.
You looked back over at Eleven and found her struggling to fit a puzzle piece to connect with another, though it was the wrong piece. You carefully took the small cardboard photo from her tiny fingers and placed it in the spot, she just stared at you, like she were embarrassed.
You weren't really sure what you were supposed to do or say now, you sort of just awkwardly smiled, it was too quiet for you to speak, your sanity didn't want you to crack somehow by simply speaking to an 8 year old.
She sort of just awkwardly looked away from you like she felt shy or wanted to speak, but obviously as noted before, she doesn't really understand how. Which is expected.
She instead just went back to figuring out how to member the tiger into a normal photo once more. You observed her movements closely, usually when she would think very critically of her next move she'd place her small index finger onto her chin or lower lip.
Every now and again she had to look up in your direction, as her way of saying "help" or "can't figure it out" and you wordlessly helped her and pieced the correct parts together. She'd finished her puzzle just as Brenner had entered the room.
"Goodmorning Children." And there she was to get quick on her feet and in her spot where she always stood in union with the rest of her "siblings."
You were meant to stand as well and did so, you watched all of them follow out behind Brenner and were fast to break the puzzle and place it back inside its box and onto the shelf where it was kept.
When you turned again, Peter was still stood in that spot next to the door, you knew he was watching you, and as much as it would've put anyone else on edge, it didn't for you. You were constantly being watched by your every move in your life now, so it seemed like nothing new.
It was now your break, taking your time into the breakroom, it was like any other room. Only with a fridge and a counter top inside of it with a coffee machine. The coffee was rancid, tasted horrid.
The taste of the dirt water reminded you of when your father forced you into summer camp, when he first told you he had signed you up, you were extremely pissed.
"I'm am not going daddy! I do not want to go to summer camp! I'd rather be home!"
You would whine and complain to him, but there was nothing to be done, he already signed the paperwork and handed over the cash.
And when you had gone, it was more fun than you had expected. You went inside of a swamp and a creek, and went fishing, did tie die and collected rocks and small insects. You'd even found a snapping turtle once.
Remembering the times of your early teenage years and how you'd been happy made you feel a sense of grief, and also anger. With yourself and the world around you.
You pushed through the double doors of the breakroom, grabbing water from the half broken refrigerator and sat down by yourself, alone.
You were always alone, even when there were others around you, you were alone. No one seemed to take interest in you, not like you'd wanted them to anymore at this point.
Even if you could see through that perfectly physical man with those deep blue eyes, you were still alone. you always were since birth. Barely ever had many friends, always the targeted girl when it came to kids who had troubles in their own lives and had the shit audacity to take it out on you.
What you would've given to get your revenge on those little fucks at the time you were dealing with them.
What you would give to get your revenge on Brenner and all the shit he's dumped onto you and the rest of the people who were imprisoned here.
Your train of thought about you getting your pay back was interrupted by the sound of the doors opening again. You didn't want to make it noticeable that you were checking who was entering, But you weren't too shocked to see it was Peter.
You stared at the bottle of water that was held in your hands, small beads of sweat forming on the plastic and making your hands moist.
The sound of coffee pouring from the dispenser of the machine filled the room, no matter how similar you could tell you were to others, you never understood the trouble they would put themselves through of drinking the mud water that was labeled as "coffee" in this building.
what's something that was a shock to you about the man was that he'd sat across from you, he never interacted with you before and now he's suddenly across from you, you could feel him staring again.
It was like Lazer beams burning through metal. You'd felt that same feeling with Brenner multiple times before, it was an anxiety inducing feeling.
It reminded you of how he'd lecture and yell at you for the littlest of actions, like giving one of the children candy or something else that doesn't even matter.
And then when you would refuse to look at him because you didn't want to see that familiar cold glare that would send shrieks of fear throughout your entire being he'd send you to the punishment room.
Your skin began to form goosebumps at the memory of your entire body going numb and not being able to feel anything and your throat constantly hoarse and sore from that fucking collar he'd put on you like you were some dog.
Your skin felt itself getting warmer like your blood was boiling with rage from all your mistreatment and how you could do absolutely nothing about what you've gone through.
You shook your thoughts away, not wanting to physically remember what it felt like to wear that collar or feel those metal rods connect with your skin.
"Eleven seemed to take an interest in you today." His voice broke the imagery of your memories and your eyes automatically looked into his, they weren't cold like Brenners, they were light, and reminded you of clear skies during the summer that you used to take in while you'd make castles at the beach when you were a child, or would learn to ride your bike as your mother helped guide you in the spring, how you'd ride around your neighborhood as a teenager and would embrace the warm air and beautiful sky.
"Yeah, I suppose she did." Your voice was flat, but it wasn't cold, or mean, but it also didn't sound normal, but what would he know anyway? he's never even spoken to you before.
"She usually doesn't do that with the orderly." He clearly wanted to talk to you about something and it wasn't Eleven, but you weren't sure if you should just go along with it, or tell him to get on with the point already.
"She usually isn't like that with anyone." you remarked, there was a slight snark in your tone, you didn't really want to come off as snarky, but who wouldn't after all the shit that goes on in this place?
"So I've noticed" He didn't sound mad, and he still hadn't taken his eyes off you the entire time, it was a little uncomfortable how good he was at holding eye contact, but maybe that's what the point of making it so strong, was to make the other uncomfortable.
Or maybe it could've been unintentional, it was clear why it was one of the reasons your coworkers commented it on it and called him 'weird' or 'creepy.'
It didn't make you as uncomfortable as it would've others, it was normal to feel that way in Hawkins Labrotory. But when it was Peter who was making this strong of eye contact, it didn't seem that uncomfortable anymore. His eyes were so angelic and his hair seemed perfect in the horrible light, almost like there was a halo around his head.
It felt almost like you were losing yourself in him, like the way you'd lose yourself in the pages of a book, or a masterpiece of a drawing that someone would spend day and night on.
Maybe because in your eyes, he was like a masterpiece drawing, he was beautiful.
The both of you were just glaring at eachother now. It wasn't awkward, it only would've been if you told yourself it was. You learned a long time ago about how it worked that way, your mother had told you.
"That was so awkward.." You spoke quietly, walking out of the doctors office with your mother.
"It was only awkward because you had told yourself it was." She replied, walking to the car that your father was waiting in.
"What do you mean?" You looked up at her as she suddenly stopped in her movements and looked down at your 13 year old self.
"It was only awkward, because you told yourself the tension and the interaction was awkward." You were still confused.
"If you don't tell yourself when something is awkward, you won't feel so anxious or uncomfortable anymore." And then she continued back in her tracks.
you were only 13, so you still didn't understand what the hell she was talking about, and even now you didn't really understand. She'd worded it in a way were it sounded like she thought awkwardness was just an illusion of the human mind.
Sometimes your mother would be very smart with her words or explanations, and others it seemed like she just didn't care enough to hear you talk about how you felt, or she just wasn't sure how to explain something to you.
It was now that you realized that you still didn't respond, assuming that's what he was waiting for, there weren't any words that were forming out of your throat, and lunch was about to end anyways so you just stood to your feet.
"Lunch is about to end, maybe I'll see you tomorrow." You spoke quickly before exiting, he was watching you the entire time, of course.
It was now Training of the next day, the children were lined up against the wall whilst they waited for their turn to use their powers on a ring a bulbs that was implanted in the floor infront of a metal chair.
It was currently 002's turn to attempt to light the glass bulbs, You walked up and placed the headset onto his buzzed scalp.
You felt your skin grow warm with how close in contact you were with him as a visous anger grew deeper in you for him. And for a split second, you were thinking of what it would've looked like if you killed him right then infront of everyone.
When you finished placing the wiring on his head you quickly walked away back in your spot at the corner of the room, clamping your hands behind yourself as usual.
You glanced over at Peter, and he was quick to look back over at you, but it wasn't like he darted his head over at you, it was slow and calm. Maybe that's what was off-putting about him that people didn't seem to like.
It was sort of assuring to see him be slow and calm, almost like he was tired, or maybe just burnt out, whether it was mentally or physically you didn't know, but it was sticking out to you.
He was good at masking how tense he was and how much he hated everyone here, as were you. Maybe he could see through you too and that's why he had spoken to you yesterday.
He seemed to take a liking in Eleven though, he was sitting next to her and talking to her a few days before she'd spoken to you, which is why you were curious as to whether if it were his doing or not.
Brenner had forced Eleven to go next by brainwashing her with a piece of fucking candy. A piece of candy she clearly could've cares less for, she was so obviously scared and uncomfortable. Her powers weren't as strong as the rest of her siblings.
Peter had went up and placed a headset on her stubble hair, unnecessarily fixing the front of her headset. He'd whispered something to her, why would he have done so right infront of everyone in the room? infront of Brenner? He was practically asking for the punishment room, but why would you care? it wasn't you who would be tortured later on.
It was her who had you do that stupid puzzle with her, you weren't the one who came up to her asking to solve a puzzle, she just up and decided randomly to ask you to solve one with her. after almost 2 weeks of her just eye-balling you.
It was now a week later, and todays training was different from anything else they've done before, Peter's been interacting with Eleven more, and it's quite strange.
Regardless of all the rumors of how strange he is, this was one of things you did find weird, why has he started randomly started interacting with her? What was he telling her?
Brenner proceeded to draw 2 circles with white chalk onto the lominum floor as he spoke.
"For today's lesson, we are going to play a game." His voice was mutated to sound kind with a plastic smile on his face. It was a relief that these children didn't understand how powerful and cruel he truly was, but it was also so fucked in the head that he would do this to any of them and act like some big teddy bear and like this was okay.
It wasn't, obviously. But it just pissed you off so much, and it only made things worse when you'd remind yourself there was nothing you could do about it. It started to feel like every passing day it felt more and more like you were living in an insane asylum.
You used to think about escaping from time to time, but now you full on fucking fantazied it. you truly were starting to go insane, who wouldn't though.
002 was beating all of his opponents, and then it was Elevens turn, and when Peter finished tying on her blindfold, he wasn't very quiet to whisper "Good Luck" in her ear.
This started to seem tedious to you, what the fuck is he telling her? what if he's attempting to brainwash her just like Brenner? Though you told yourself multiple times you could've given less of a shit about these kids, there was a part of you that felt protective over Eleven.
Almost maybe like a motherly kind of protection? Though it wouldn't matter, there's nothing you can protect her from because both of you live in danger. She just isn't aware of it.
To your suprise, Eleven beat 2, she had slammed his body against the mirror behind him, leaving it cracked, he was shaking and looked at her with fear But he'd get his revenge soon, and you were sure of it, whether or not he'd be successful in getting away with it was yet a mystery. Because he's gotten away with it before, you've seen it yourself.
You could still remember it like it were yesterday, when you had to monitor the cameras.
"You're weak, and useless. You don't deserve to have the place as papa's favorite.." His voice was hushed and filled with rage.
"I-im sorry.." Eleven was so young at the time, her lip was trembling and tears were forming in her waterline.
"I'm gonna hurt you, for having what I dont.."
"please d-don-" But before she could even beg him further to spare her, she was already being pushed around the room, into tables and on the floor.
And then they left her there, crying.
Why they were all in there? was never answered, but she shouldn't have been in there by herself with 002 in the same building as her.
But the small amount of guilt you felt for her on that day still lingers. 002 stumbled to his feet and sat with the other children.
"It looks like we have a new winner." Brenner spoke, Eleven seemed shocked and nervous at the same time, but at this point it seemed like nervous was just a normal feeling and vibe to get from her.
You were back inside the breakroom now. Holding a bottle of water you most likely weren't going to drink. And Peter entered the room too, but this time was different.
"Miss L/n, may I speak to you, alone?" His tone sounded pleadful and curious.
"We are alone." You answered firmly, but he didn't respond he just continued to stare at you, and then that's when you glared at the camera in the corner of the room and sighed to yourself.
Standing to your feet and walking over to him, you didn't trust him or his motives regardless of seeing his feelings. it was how everyone felt about this place.
He took you inside of a small broom closet that seemed like it was never entered anymore, he closed the door behind himself and you just stood there.
He faced you and smiled lightly at you, but you were careful go examine him.
Your grandmother always told you to keep your head up and seem serious, men would take you seriously, especially if you'd show you didn't have a care for them.
And throughout your life, it mostly worked, but Peter was already here when you came here 2 years ago, so he probably would be smarter than that.
"How would you like to escape with Eleven and i?" His tone was excited but quiet.
"What?" You were in pure shock and weren't even sure if you heard him correctly, but you did your best to keep a straight face.
"I've been speaking with Eleven"
"I've noticed that." You kept your voice ferm and serious, you didn't want to agree with him, maybe if you kept this conversation with him, you'd be able to seek through his true intentions.
"And I've told her about how she deserves to escape this horrible place."
"Are you fucking insane?" You blurted out, you didn't mean too, it was just the first thing that came to mind.
Was he fucking insane? what the hell was he doing tell an 8 year old to escape the place she's lived in and only knows as good? what else has he told her?
He completely disregarded the question, which was appreciated on your end.
"I've got a plan set out for her and I, and I know you hate it here, Y/n."
"You don't know shit." So maybe he could see through you too, but this couldve still be a trap regardless, a trap to get you into trouble or become his little minion and do whatever he wants you too.
"Don't I? I've seen the way you've glared at Brenner and 002."
"You look at them the same way, It's not just them either, don't think I didn't know you couldn't keep your eyes off me either Ballard." You felt someone outraged that he would just randomly propose this to you, he didn't even know you. Maybe he didn't have too, though.
"The same goes for you, are you going to join us, or no." His voice sounded serious now, and after a few moments of just staring at him, you could sense this man was infact serious.
"..When is this happening exactly?"
"Tomorrow?" You looked at him like he had actually lost his mind, and maybe he did, but whats so wrong with that?
It's not like you had your sanity in tact with you anymore either, so if he's crazy then you can be crazy together surely.
"Are you joining us, yes. or no?"
Part of you was mentally cursing yourself out for agreeing, you still didn't trust him, fuck no. But at least you just got a free get out of jail ticket so.
You felt anxious in the rainbow room, Peter was nowhere to be seen all day, and you felt hazy, your vision felt blurry and eyes sore, but from crying.
Your breathing was shaking and so where your hands, you hadn't gotten anxiety since your freshmen year of collage.
You remembered the uncontrollable fear that was tensing throughout your veins, you used to get that same feeling when Brenner would have his gaurds shock you until he felt as though you'd had enough.
When you were barely breathing and laying on the floor like an injured kitten inside of a box that no one cared for.
Eleven was at a coloring station, she checked the clock and then stood to her feet, making her way towards an orderly and leaving with him.
You soon exited the room aswell, going down into the basement where Peter had instructed you to meet him.
'I'm going to be free, I'm going to be free. I want to get revenge, I want my revenge. I want Brenner to feel the pain he caused me.' Your mind raced as you walked down those steps and soon saw Peter waiting for you.
'I want him dead.'
"Hey." You spoke, walking up to him
"Hello, Eleven will be here soon." You didn't respond after that, instead just leaned against the wall next to him, picking at your fingers.
Soon Elevens small body was heading down the stairs, you stood up straight as she looked for the both of you, bumping into Peter.
"Shh, follow me." And then the both of you were following after him as he took the both of you over to a small drain, atleast, that's what it had looked like anyways.
He was able to convince the small girl to escape through the pipes, explaining how they worked.
"They lead out into the woods, when you get out of here you need to run, do you understand me?" She seemed extremely scared and shook her head no.
"What about you.. and Miss L/n?" Her voice was shakey, like she didn't want to leave him, gosh what kind of things did they have going on? what was he telling her before?
"Well be following you shortly after you escape, I promise. we promise."
Eleven looked over at you to confirm his promise, and you simply nodded your head, and she was quick to squeeze herself into that tunnel.
The both of you rose to your normal height, and he smiled at you.
"How are we getting out of here now?" You asked him. there was boredom in your voice, but that was just natural now, when in reality your anxiety was bolting throughout you.
"I'll show you, it'll be fun." He smirked and grabbed your hand, running out of the basement with you, and once you two exited, the alarms were already blarring, they must've discovered that Eleven was gone by now.
Everything was happening so quickly your brain didn't have much time to process what was going on, but the next thing you knew, Peter was slaughtering everyone in sight.
There was blood splattered all over the walls and floors, this answered your question.
"Are you fucking insane?"
Yes. this is his way of saying yes, Part of you felt absolutely terrified of him and wanted to run away, but there was another, stronger half of you that felt raged and viewed this as the both of you getting your revenge.
You didn't freak out, or runaway, or feel scared of him, because he let you do the honors of killing 002, and you made sure it was agonizingly slow and painful.
And then off you two went, escaping, running as fast as possible, feeling relief, and free. Feeling a smile that was stretched on your lips as you ran, feeling the wind all around your bodies and fresh air in your nostrils.
You were finally free at last.
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sarnai4 · 6 months
This is going to sound a little odd given how some of my previous posts mentioned Viggo being very dismissive of Dagur...BUT I'm going to throw this idea out there. Imagine Viggo and Dagur as actual business partners/crime buddies. (Spoilers ahead)
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Now, just hear me out. They are extremely different, yes, but I think their strengths balance the other's weaknesses. Let's consider Viggo. His biggest flaw is what I like to somewhat affectionately call his Viggo ego. The man is cocky to a new level. He couldn't even imagine someone betraying him, not him because he's the genius Viggo Grimborn. He can tell Dagur to follow orders and that he's dumb and he'll do nothing. Oops, okay, he did something. Viggo can ridicule his brother time and time again and Ryker will obviously do nothing to him because who can, right? Well, Ryker apparently can turn on him. Hmm, weird. Okay, for real this time, no one else can try to touch him. Dang it, Krogan and Johann! Just had to try to kill the guy. Don't you know that no one can go against Viggo? He's amazing. Well, that's the thing, he is, but he's so aware of that fact that he sets himself up for failure by not even considering real dangers as threats. It's really Viggo's only weak area. Besides that, he's incredibly strategic, level-headed, cool, charismatic, etc. He just needs to balance out that arrogance of his. I think Dagur could help him with this.
Despite Dagur definitely being a cocky guy too, he's nowhere near Viggo's level. To put it in perspective, the guy didn't even fight back after getting choked out because he didn't want to mess up his plan. He never said anything when the Grimborns mocked him and he also let Alvin think he was in charge back in DoB. This is the type of influence Viggo needs in his life. If he's willing to listen, Dagur could help open his eyes to the people around him and how they aren't all on his side. Honestly, once Viggo doesn't have to worry about his "allies" trying to kill or betray him, he's pretty much good. That removes about 70% of his problems. Even just in the two interacting, Dagur could probably help Viggo gain some humility and learn to not underestimate people. It would be difficult for the crime boss to accept that someone like Dagur is actually smart, so it would be an important first step for him to take. Afterwards, he could probably start opening his mind more to different forms of intelligence and not just assuming, "I'm better than you and you'll never stand a chance against me," when meeting someone.
Considering Dagur, I think his biggest weakness is his temper. No, not his mind. That's not fair and honestly not true. Him being deranged has led to him being unpredictable, a valuable trait when going up against people. He's also still very capable, so it's never held him back. His temper on the other hand. Woo. Yeah, that causes some issues. He gets angry over tiny things and just cannot function anymore. Dagur, if you stayed calm, you probably would've expected the tail to the face when Heather and the Riders left. Probably would've also not retreated in fury when the A Team showed up. This is how he had his first real loss against Hiccup back when they were kids because he was so angry at the provocation that he didn't pay attention and took him on with the Skrill, electrocuting himself. He had the advantage before that because of the numbers, but he reacted too hastily. Just have to get that temper under control.
Viggo is so calm and reasonable that I could see him helping with this. Even in times when he's lost, he can respect a game well played. There are times when he's lost his temper, but it's very rare and he generally keeps a cool head. Now, he'd need to not be condescending towards Dagur since that would make it worse, but I think he could be beneficial. Viggo getting through to Dagur, finding out why he actually gets so furious about things and helping him calm down/think things through when he's in one of those states would really help him out.
So, this friendship would definitely take time to work. It also might take some situations where they're forced to rely on each other first, but I think there's potential. Unfortunately, this would ultimately be to the detriment of the world because a Viggo who doesn't underestimate his foes and a Dagur who doesn't let his anger get the better of him are a deadly duo.
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